
Download Латински ръкописи - 197 книги - Пакет 7

Латински ръкописи 197 книги Пакет


Латински ръкописи - 197 книги - Пакет 7


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18.5 GB

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688 Codex Amiatinus.pdf

824.6 MB

1499 Seven-Part Code.pdf

394.6 MB

1502 Breviary According to the Roman Curia.pdf

369.5 MB

1455 Bible of Borso d’Este.pdf

366.1 MB

1280 Gratians Decretum.pdf

354.9 MB

1450 Bible Old Testament of the Ratisbon Dominican Order.pdf

337.9 MB

1450 Latin Legends of Czech Saints Vitus Prokop and Wenceslas.pdf

318.9 MB

1280 Hebrew Bible.pdf

301.0 MB

1450 Bible of the Ratisbon Dominican Order.pdf

288.3 MB

1300 Ratisbon Missal.pdf

286.6 MB

1470 The Treasury of Wisdom. Creation to 138 AD.pdf

281.5 MB

950 The Seville Bible.pdf

268.0 MB

1526 Bible in Old Swedish with Commentaries.pdf

260.0 MB

1233 Commentary on the Hebrew Bible by Rashi_2.pdf

254.3 MB

750 Codex Aureus.pdf

233.9 MB

1463 German Old Testament_2--.pdf

232.7 MB

1233 Commentary on the Hebrew Bible by Rashi_1.pdf

231.5 MB

1472 The Overseas Expeditions by the French against the Turks and Other Saracens and Moors Overseas.pdf

230.2 MB

1395 On Plants.pdf

227.4 MB

1475 Mirror of Government.pdf

221.2 MB

1414 Paupers Bible--.pdf

219.2 MB

1400 City of God.pdf

217.2 MB

1370 Compilation of World Chronicles in Verse.pdf

206.5 MB

1025 Eberhard Psalter--.pdf

202.0 MB

1300 Collection of Laws.pdf

199.2 MB

1491 History of Rome.pdf

188.4 MB

1796 Priest Puncho Miscellany of 1796.pdf

178.8 MB

1500 Five Books of the Sentences.pdf

178.1 MB

1463 German Old Testament_1.pdf

174.6 MB

1406 Petrus Krügers Missal.pdf

170.1 MB

1280 Arthurian and Other Romances of the 13th Century.pdf

166.8 MB

1400 Book of Prayers---.pdf

164.4 MB

1489 The Bible. First Volume of the Bible.pdf

161.3 MB

1420 Book of Hours of Daniel Rym.pdf

159.7 MB

1555 De Materia Medica by Dioscorides.pdf

147.8 MB

1299 Cervera Bible.pdf

146.5 MB

1265 Psalter.pdf

144.4 MB

1236 Psalter from Polling--.pdf

143.7 MB

1299 History of Byzantium--.pdf

143.1 MB

1425 History Bible.pdf

143.0 MB

1250 Psalter from the Nonnberg Convent, Salzburg--.pdf

135.4 MB

1488 Commentaries by Domizio Calderini on Works by Juvenal, Statius, Ovid, and Propertius.pdf

133.9 MB

1350 The Flower of Nature.pdf

132.3 MB

1489 Concerning Virgins and Other Works.pdf

130.8 MB

1235 Psalter of Frederick II.pdf

130.5 MB

1483 Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary -Flora.pdf

128.6 MB

1450 Bucolics, Georgics, and the Aeneid.pdf

127.0 MB

1300 Psalter of Queen Isabella of England.pdf

127.0 MB

1545 The Secret Book of Honors of the Fugger Family---.pdf

122.8 MB

1470 Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart.pdf

121.6 MB

1300 Book of Hour--s.pdf

118.3 MB

1400 Book of Hours.pdf

117.5 MB

1127 On the Divine Services.pdf

116.2 MB

1215 Tristan and Isolde--.pdf

113.7 MB

850 Gospel Book.pdf

111.6 MB

1489 The Mirror of the World.pdf

111.3 MB

1825 The Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes.pdf

110.7 MB

1465 The Furtmeyr Bible.pdf

108.7 MB

1170 Gratians Decree.pdf

106.5 MB

1435 Book of Hours for Use in Paris The Hours of Ren of Anjou.pdf

105.0 MB

1700 The Haftarah.pdf

102.4 MB

1275 Banitsa Gospel.pdf

101.8 MB

1489 Psalms of David. Third Volume of the Bible.pdf

99.5 MB

1414 The Rule of Saint Benedict, from the Abbey of Metten.pdf

95.0 MB

1099 Gospel Book.pdf

91.3 MB

1100 Psalter of Leopold III, Margrave of Austria.pdf

90.0 MB

1450 Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary.pdf

89.4 MB

1470 Hours of Notre Dame---.pdf

89.3 MB

1489 Three Books on Life.pdf

89.0 MB

1370 The Pilgrimage of Human Life.pdf

88.1 MB

1014 Sacramentary of Henry II--.pdf

87.3 MB

1480 The Life and Miracles of Saint Francis of Assisi.pdf

86.6 MB

1165 Etymology, Books 1-9--.pdf

85.8 MB

1450 Book of Hours.pdf

85.3 MB

1320 Homilary--.pdf

85.3 MB

1524 Book of Hours--.pdf

84.8 MB

1250 Carrow Psalter.pdf

84.6 MB

1215 The Scheyern Book of Matins.pdf

84.4 MB

1300 Treatises by the Venerable Bede and Catalog of Constellations.pdf

82.7 MB

1510 Almugavar Hours.pdf

81.5 MB

1500 Flemish Psalte---r.pdf

80.5 MB

1400 15th-century Missal, with Notes and Initials--.pdf

79.9 MB

1442 Antiphonary.pdf

79.7 MB

1425 Missal of Eberhard von Greiffenklau--.pdf

79.6 MB

1400 Seven Books of the Saturnalia.pdf

79.5 MB

1175 Melk Missal.pdf

76.9 MB

1300 Provencal Songbook.pdf

75.5 MB

1799 The Apocalypse (Revelation of Saint John the Divine).pdf

74.0 MB

860 Freising Gospel Book.pdf

74.0 MB

748 Fragment of Moralia in Job Part Six.pdf

73.3 MB

1142 Horologium Olomoucense.pdf

71.5 MB

1470 Trivulzio Book of Hours.pdf

71.4 MB

994 Sacramentary of Bishop Abraham.pdf

70.9 MB

1300 Mishneh Torah---.pdf

70.9 MB

1499 Bible New Testament without Gospels.pdf

69.3 MB

1475 The Book of the Love-Smitten Heart.pdf

69.1 MB

1012 Pericopes (Sections) Book of Henry II.pdf

68.8 MB

1295 Mirror of the Saxons.pdf

66.8 MB

1275 Book of Hours Images of the Life of Christ and the Saints.pdf

65.6 MB

1301 Reynard Cycle.pdf

65.2 MB

1502 Book of Armaments of Emperor Maximilian I.pdf

65.1 MB

1200 Golden Munich Psalter.pdf

63.4 MB

1450 Canonical Book of Hours.pdf

60.8 MB

825 Gospel Book--.pdf

60.8 MB

1033 Gospel Lectionary.pdf

60.0 MB

1200 Dobreisho Gospel.pdf

59.7 MB

1404 Duke Albrechts Table of Christian Faith Winter Part.pdf

59.5 MB

1554 A Compilation of Works by Pseudo-Oppian, Xenophon, and Manuel Philes.pdf

59.5 MB

1100 The Six Books of the Hexaemeron (The Six Days) by Ambrose--.pdf

59.4 MB

1150 Gospel Book.pdf

57.5 MB

960 Fulda Sacramentary.pdf

57.2 MB

1400 Illustrated Readings on the Saints--.pdf

53.4 MB

1175 Claricia Psalter.pdf

53.2 MB

1000 Gospel Book from the Bamberg Cathedral Reichenau Gospel--.pdf

52.3 MB

1515 Prayer Book of Emperor Maximilian I.pdf

51.8 MB

1170 Dialogue in Praise of the Holy Cross.pdf

50.7 MB

1400 The Salzburg Missal_2.pdf

50.5 MB

1040 Evangeliary of Michaelbeuern, Four Gospels with Illuminations of the Evangelists--.pdf

49.1 MB

1623 Music for the Feast of Saint George.pdf

48.0 MB

1035 Sacramentary of Augsburg--.pdf

47.9 MB

1050 Reichenau Gospels--.pdf

47.7 MB

1250 The Lectionary Orsha Gospel.pdf

47.3 MB

1165 Gospel.pdf

46.4 MB

825 Purple Gospel.pdf

46.3 MB

1401 Roman de la Rose--.pdf

45.1 MB

1458 Chronicle of the World--.pdf

43.6 MB

818 Collection of Texts on Mathematical Astronomy and the Natural Sciences--.pdf

43.4 MB

1035 Gospe--l.pdf

43.1 MB

1525 Stein Quadriptych.pdf

42.4 MB

850 Veneration of the Holy Cross.pdf

42.3 MB

850 Gospels.pdf

42.2 MB

1465 Eight Books Concerning Medicine.pdf

40.2 MB

1170 Gospel.pdf

40.0 MB

799 Rule of Saint Benedict--.pdf

39.6 MB

1100 Gospel.pdf

39.4 MB

1100 Gospels for the Year.pdf

39.4 MB

1450 Loftie Hours--.pdf

38.2 MB

1494 Excerpts from the Decades by Flavius Blondus.pdf

38.1 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_6.pdf

37.9 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_1.pdf

37.7 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_8.pdf

37.0 MB

1150 Exegetical Works.pdf

37.0 MB

1400 The Salzburg Missal_3==.pdf

36.3 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_7.pdf

35.8 MB

1400 The Salzburg Missal_4.pdf

34.9 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_5.pdf

34.8 MB

1598 Description of the Christening of Lady Elisabeth of Hesse.pdf

34.5 MB

1460 Cosmography.pdf

33.9 MB

845 The Drogo Sacramentary.pdf

33.9 MB

1200 Book of the Passion of Saint Margaret the Virgin.pdf

33.8 MB

1200 Book of Hours.pdf

32.9 MB

1300 Siddur.pdf

32.5 MB

1455 Book of Hours of Simon de Varie. Part 2.pdf

30.2 MB

1405 The Book of the City of Ladies.pdf

30.1 MB

1450 Minor Works of Dante Alighieri.pdf

29.2 MB

1275 Treatise of the Worlds Creation.pdf

28.4 MB

1455 Book of Hours of Simon de Varie. Part 1.pdf

27.8 MB

700 Theological Miscellany, Circa 764-83.pdf

24.9 MB

1451 Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden.pdf

24.2 MB

1180 Gospel of Passau.pdf

24.0 MB

1771 Passional of the Venerable Lord for the Convent of Zilina (The Passional of Zilina).pdf

23.5 MB

1025 Four Gospels The Evangeliary of Uta Codex of Uta.pdf

23.3 MB

1050 Pericope (Sections) from Saint Erentrud. Gospels for the Mass According to the Usual Rite, Preceding the Capitular Gospels.pdf

23.2 MB

1270 Parzival--.pdf

22.5 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_4.pdf

21.4 MB

1400 The Salzburg Missal_5--.pdf

20.3 MB

1400 The Salzburg Missal_1-.pdf

20.0 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_2.pdf

20.0 MB

925 Gospels of Luke and John--.pdf

19.4 MB

1430 Ottheinrich Bible_3.pdf

19.0 MB

1130 Gospel Lectionary.pdf

18.7 MB

1483 Books 1–5 of the Histories--.pdf

18.7 MB

1199 Gospel of Lorsch (Evangeliary of Udalrich).pdf

18.3 MB

1465 Speeches--.pdf

17.9 MB

1490 A Book Concerning the Nature of Things. Natural Questions in Seven Books.pdf

17.3 MB

1763 Protocol of the Convent of Bratislava Heraldic Codex.pdf

16.6 MB

1450 Collection of Speeches and Latin Epistles by Renaissance Humanists.pdf

16.3 MB

1522 Journal of Magellans Voyage--.pdf

15.7 MB

1464 The Twelve Ladies of Rhetoric--.pdf

14.6 MB

1500 Spectacula Lucretiana.pdf

14.5 MB

1250 Bible Pictures by William de Brailes.pdf

14.2 MB

1442 The Defeat of Montaperti.pdf

14.0 MB

984 Prayerbook of Otto III.pdf

12.0 MB

1460 The History of Bologna in Four Books. Poems to Galeatius Marescottus.pdf

11.2 MB

1518 Dialogues of the Gods.pdf

11.0 MB

1270 Wolfram of Eschenbach- Willehalm (Fragments).pdf

9.8 MB

1425 Abridged Version of De arte phisicali de cirurgia Fistula in ano Including an Obstetrical Treatise.pdf

6.4 MB

1490 The Sibyls and Prophets Foretelling Christ the Savio--r.pdf

6.3 MB

1190 Cosmography.pdf

6.1 MB

1460 Poem Concerning the Departure of the Magi.pdf

5.6 MB

1200 Metamorphoses-.pdf

5.4 MB

1873 Pinkas of the Talmud Torah Religious School from Kopychintsy.pdf

5.4 MB

1480 Letter to Philocrates.pdf

4.4 MB

900 Corvey Gospel Fragment.pdf

3.2 MB

1465 Jewish Antiquities.pdf

1.1 MB

1160 Antiphonary.pdf

850.8 KB

1487 Antiphonarium Bratislaviense.pdf

688.8 KB


Total files 197

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