
Download A View from Space 2007

View from Space 2007


A View from Space 2007


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20070106 - Chemtrails, environment, QEII and Prince William.mp3

22.9 MB

20070113 - The Economy, Debt, Gold, Manhattan, NWO & WWIII.mp3

22.4 MB

20070120 - Bible Prophecies about The New Babylon (i.e. New York City) - faulty.mp3

10.7 MB

20070127 - The European Union, Angela Merkl and The Vatican.mp3

23.4 MB

20070203 - Opium trade in China & Afghanistan, The Royals, British East India Co.mp3

21.7 MB

20070210 - Barack Obama, numerology, Vedic Astrology & Past US Presidents (faulty).mp3

7.9 MB

20070217 - Kabbalah, Project Monarch & Hollywood (faulty).mp3

8.2 MB

20070224 - British Royal Family History, Cain & Abel (faulty).mp3

13.5 MB

20070303 - Discovery of Jesus' Tomb, Prince Charles, The Stock Market Crash.mp3

27.7 MB

20070310 - Chemtrails, Freemasons, Al Gore, The Royals.mp3

8.6 MB

20070317 - Global warming, Freemasons, The lunar landings, NASA occultism.mp3

20.2 MB

20070324 - Government Lies, Dis&Misinformation, Gulf of Tonkin, Hollywood Movies, Iran, Capture of 15 Marines.mp3

27.2 MB

20070331 - March & Mars, NASA, War in Middle East, historical accounts, British Captives, Movies 300 & 23, the Alien Agenda.mp3

22.7 MB

20070407 - Capture & Release of British sailors by Iran, Easter, Middle East mythology, US interference & current developments.mp3

21.6 MB

20070414 - Vimy Ridge, the real story of the Titanic, the Federal Reserve.mp3

21.6 MB

20070421 - Commonwealth, school shootings (VTech), Illuminati MK slaves & ritual.mp3

56.4 MB

20070428 - The Religion of Climate Change, Al Gore & The Cult of Gaia.mp3

60.7 MB

20070505 - Queen, William and Mary university, Phi Beta Kappa, Bloodlines and assassinations in US.mp3

23.1 MB

20070512 - The Queen, Recent Events, The Pilgrim Society (faulty).mp3

10.3 MB

20070519 - Car Wars, The Nazis, The North Pole, Global Warming (faulty).mp3

21.7 MB

20070526 - UFOs, The Illuminati & the Alien Agenda.mp3

59.3 MB

20070602 - Sir Francis Bacon, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenazi, Aleister Crowley, Atlantis, The Beatles & Sgt. Peppers LHCB, Freemasonry.mp3

46.5 MB

20070609 - G8 Meeting, Illuminati, Numerology with 333 & 355, Gaia, Bees and Britney Spears.mp3

80.6 MB

20070616 - Silver (Ag), The Underground, Agito, NASA & Occultism, Osiris & the Underworld.mp3

58.8 MB

20070623 - The Sangraal, Elf Maidens, The Order of The Garter Members, El Shaddai, The Holy Grail.mp3

58.4 MB

20070630 - Rebroadcast. Original Date Unknown

0.0 KB

20070707 - Rebroadcast. See 20070414

0.0 KB

20070714 - Rebroadcast. See 20070428

0.0 KB

20070721 - JK Rowling, Harry Potter, Magic, Alchemy, Spear of Destiny & The Elite Agenda.mp3

62.9 MB

20070728 - NWO, Population Control, Eugenics, MK Ultra, Brainwashing, the banksters, Aldous Huxley, CIA.mp3

79.2 MB

20070804 - 35W bridge collapse & Mars Lander, 911 signature, Angelina Jolie, Robert Zemekis.mp3

53.7 MB

20070811 - Lucifer, Harry Potter, Knights Templar, Merovingian Bloodline, King Arthur and the Bear.mp3

61.9 MB

20070818 - Stockmarket & US dollar, Montebello Meeting, Atlantis, Mu, Sirius, Pole Shift, Hopi, Space Travel & Aliens.mp3

89.6 MB

20070825 - Princess Diana the untold story.mp3

93.9 MB

20070901 - Katrina and weather modification.mp3

53.8 MB

20070908 - 911, Six Years On, NORAD & how the truth was hidden.mp3

81.8 MB

20070915 - 911, Pakistani ISI, Afghanistan, foreknowledge.mp3

43.7 MB

20070922 - Illuminati Music Through Agents Ahmet Ertegun, Led Zeppelin and Other Musicians. Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons.mp3

56.3 MB

20070929 - NASA, Jamestown, fraternities, Perceptions and mass control of populations, Ion propulsion engines, history & numbers.mp3

67.3 MB

20071006 - The Merovingian Bloodline, Knights Templar, British Royal lineage, Music, Moby Dick & Ishmael, Starbucks.mp3

42.0 MB

20071013 - Vatican exonerates the Knights Templar after 700 years, Merovingians.mp3

51.2 MB

20071020 - Numerology & the Illuminati, Bill Haley & The Comets, Rock Around the Clock, Meteor Showers, The Shift, The Olympics.mp3

51.4 MB

20071027 - Weather modification & the economy, JK Rowling, Shuttle landing, Knights Templar, Star Wars, Apple OS, California fires, Halloween.mp3

43.7 MB

20071103 - The Great Game (destroy borders & monotheism), Dali Lamas, Hyperborians, Helena Blavatsky, Borat, Khazakstan. Hitler, the Dalai Lama, the New Age, time and calendars.mp3

63.8 MB

20071110 - Illuminati & the cultural climate, Remembrance Day, 11-11-11, Poppies, Meaning of 11, Beowulof & Angelina Jolie, King Tut, WTC, Canada, Trudeau, the Order of the Rose, Bush family.mp3

39.8 MB

20071117 - Illuminati, RCMP tasering at Vancouver airport, psyops, mind control & movies, predictive programming & the alien invasion.mp3

46.0 MB

20071124 - Annapolis Maryland Summit, Led Zeppelin, Joseph Stalin, North American Union, the Amero, Global Government.mp3

46.2 MB

20071201 - Cain, Jesus, Annapolis Summit, Solomons' Temple, the Anti-Christ & Tribulation, Balfour Declaration, the Phoenicians.mp3

42.2 MB

20071208 - Omaha Nebraska shooting (Robert A Hawkins), Pearl Harbor conspiracy, WWII, The Space Shuttles.mp3

49.4 MB

20071215 - Medicine, vaccines, drugs in sport, Numerology #23, Jim Carey, the EU, Bali climate summit.mp3

44.1 MB

20071222 - Origins of Christmas & Christ's Real Birthday.mp3

46.5 MB

20071229 - Bhutto assassination, Pakistani history and Illuminati rule.mp3

47.0 MB


Total files 52

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