
Download BYUTV Discussions, Lectures, and Conference Series mp3s

BYUTV Discussions Lectures and Conference Series mp3s


BYUTV Discussions, Lectures, and Conference Series mp3s


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4.1 GB

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/Book of Mormon Roundtable Discussions/

101 Introduction.mp3

6.6 MB

102 Historical Background.mp3

6.7 MB

103 The Brass Plates.mp3

6.9 MB

104 Lehi's Dream and Nephi's Interpr.mp3

6.1 MB

105 Christ's Ministry.mp3

6.4 MB

106 Led by the Lord.mp3

6.7 MB

107 Heed the Counsel of God.mp3

6.7 MB

108 Lehi's Blessing.mp3

6.4 MB

109 Lehi Blesses His Son Joseph.mp3

6.3 MB

110 Jacob's Sermon to the Nephites.mp3

6.1 MB

111 Nephi Quotes Isaiah.mp3

5.9 MB

112 Prophecies of Christ's Mission.mp3

6.6 MB

113 A Sealed Book.mp3

6.4 MB

114 Prophecies of the Coming of Chri.mp3

6.7 MB

115 Teachings of the Prophets.mp3

6.6 MB

116 Sacrifice and the Gathering.mp3

6.7 MB

117 The Prayer of Enos.mp3

6.3 MB

118 From Jarom to King Benjamin.mp3

6.0 MB

119 King Benjamin Addresses His Peop.mp3

6.7 MB

120 The People of Limhi.mp3

6.3 MB

121 Abinadi and King Noah.mp3

6.3 MB

122 The Teachings of Alma.mp3

6.5 MB

123 The Lord Will Deliver His People.mp3

6.3 MB

124 Alma and Alma the Younger.mp3

6.7 MB

125 Nehor's False Doctrines.mp3

6.2 MB

126 Alma the Younger's Discourse.mp3

6.3 MB

127 Alma Prophesies of Christ.mp3

13.0 MB

128 Alma and Amulek.mp3

6.0 MB

129 Alma Contends with Zeezrom.mp3

6.3 MB

130 The Missionary Journeys of Ammon.mp3

6.1 MB

131 The Missionary Journeys of Aaron.mp3

6.3 MB

132 Alma Teaches the Zoramites.mp3

11.3 MB

133 Korihor the Anti-Christ.mp3

11.9 MB

134 Alma Preaches to the Zoramites.mp3

6.1 MB

135 Alma Counsels Helaman.mp3

6.1 MB

136 Alma's Counsel to His Sons.mp3

6.2 MB

137 Alma's Counsel to Corianton.mp3

6.0 MB

138 The Resurrection.mp3

6.1 MB

139 The Plan of Salvation.mp3

6.3 MB

140 The War Years.mp3

6.2 MB

141 The Gadianton Robbers Part 1.mp3

6.1 MB

142 The Gadianton Robbers Part 2.mp3

6.5 MB

143 Samuel the Lamanite.mp3

6.3 MB

144 Prophecy and Birth of the Savior.mp3

6.2 MB

145 The Savior Visits the Nephites.mp3

6.1 MB

146 The Doctrine of Christ.mp3

6.4 MB

147 Christ's Sermon to the Nephites.mp3

6.2 MB

148 Christ's Sermon to the Nephites.mp3

6.2 MB

149 Words of the Savior.mp3

6.2 MB

150 The Sacrament.mp3

6.4 MB

151 A Book Will Come Forth.mp3

6.2 MB

152 The Savior's Ministry to the Nep.mp3

5.9 MB

153 Christ Expounds on All Things.mp3

6.5 MB

154 The Saints After Christ's Visit.mp3

6.3 MB

155 Mormon Leads the People.mp3

6.3 MB

156 The Destruction of the Nephites.mp3

6.0 MB

157 Continuing the Record.mp3

6.4 MB

158 The Writings of Moroni.mp3

6.4 MB

159 Gospel Principles.mp3

6.4 MB

160 The Order of the Church.mp3

6.8 MB

161 Faith, Hope, and Charity.mp3

6.4 MB

162 Baptism.mp3

6.2 MB

163 Moroni's Final Farewell.mp3

6.4 MB

/Conference On salvation in Christ/

000 Description of Series.rtf

0.5 KB

A Calvinist's View of Salvation.mp3

30.8 MB

Bodily Redemption_ A Reformed Perspe.mp3

32.0 MB

Confessions of an Armenian Evangelic.mp3

24.8 MB

Incarnation, Worship and Service_ An.mp3

28.4 MB

Jesus Christ_ Prophet, Priest and Ki.mp3

41.4 MB

Jesus the Savior_ Soteriology and th.mp3

29.7 MB

Jesus, Sacrament of God_ A Contempor.mp3

28.1 MB

Mission of the Holy Ghost_ From Beli.mp3

36.1 MB

Rebirth In Christ_ A LDS Perspective.mp3

48.6 MB

Salvation in Christ.mp3

37.9 MB

Salvation_ Orthodox Christian Perspe.mp3

44.8 MB

The New Testament Concept of Salvati.mp3

30.0 MB

The Redemption of the Dead_ A Latter.mp3

42.6 MB

The Role of Ordinances in The Church.mp3

40.8 MB

Those Who've Never Heard_ A Survey o.mp3

41.2 MB

/Discussions on the Old Testament/

101 The Old Testament_ an Introducti.mp3

15.9 MB

102 The Creation.mp3

15.4 MB

103 Adam and Eve in the Garden of Ed.mp3

15.6 MB

104 The Fall, The Patriarchs.mp3

16.0 MB

105 Noah_ Abraham and the Covenant.mp3

16.2 MB

106 Abraham_ a Man of Faith and Righ.mp3

15.8 MB

107 The Birthright.mp3

15.8 MB

108 Jacob and His Family.mp3

15.9 MB

109 Joseph.mp3

16.0 MB

110 The Death of Jacob_ Moses.mp3

15.8 MB

111 The Passover and the Exodus.mp3

15.9 MB

113 The Law of Moses.mp3

15.8 MB

114 The House of the Lord in the Wil.mp3

16.2 MB

115 The Book of Leviticus.mp3

16.0 MB

116 Lessons in the Wilderness, Part.mp3

15.8 MB

117 Lessons in the Wilderness, Part.mp3

16.6 MB

118 Lessons in the Wilderness, Part.mp3

15.6 MB

119 Final Sermons of Moses, Part 1.mp3

15.8 MB

120 Final Sermons of Moses, Part 2.mp3

16.0 MB

121 Entry into the Promised Land.mp3

15.3 MB

122 Judges, Part 1.mp3

15.9 MB

123 Judges, Part 2.mp3

13.6 MB

124 Samuel and Saul.mp3

12.8 MB

125 Saul and David.mp3

13.1 MB

126 The Fall of King David.mp3

13.2 MB

127 David's Kingship and Decline.mp3

12.9 MB

129 Solomon.mp3

13.2 MB

130 The Psalms, Part 1.mp3

13.0 MB

131 The Psalms, Part 2_ Messianic Ps.mp3

13.0 MB

132 Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.mp3

12.7 MB

133 The Book of Job.mp3

13.0 MB

134 A Kingdom Divided Against Itself.mp3

13.1 MB

135 The Ministry of Elijah.mp3

13.4 MB

136 The Ministry of Elisha.mp3

13.0 MB

137 The Ministry of Elisha.mp3

13.1 MB

138 The Book of Amos.mp3

12.7 MB

139 The Book of Jonah.mp3

13.2 MB

140 The Book of Hosea.mp3

12.1 MB

141 The Book of Micah and Joel.mp3

12.9 MB

142 The Fall of the Northern Kingdom.mp3

12.5 MB

143 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

12.7 MB

144 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

13.0 MB

145 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

12.9 MB

146 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

12.5 MB

147 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

13.0 MB

148 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

12.8 MB

149 _Great are the Words of Isaiah_.mp3

12.7 MB

150 Judah's Return to Wickedness.mp3

13.1 MB

151 The Books of Nahum, Zephaniah an.mp3

12.8 MB

152 The Prophet Jeremiah, Part 1.mp3

12.3 MB

153 The Prophet Jeremiah, Part 2.mp3

12.6 MB

154 The Prophet Jeremiah, Part 3.mp3

12.6 MB

155 The Prophet Ezekiel, Part 1.mp3

12.9 MB

156 The Prophet Ezekiel, Part 2.mp3

13.1 MB

157 The Prophet Ezekiel, Part 3.mp3

12.9 MB

158 The Book of Daniel.mp3

12.8 MB

159 The Return of the Exiles.mp3

12.9 MB

160 The Book of Haggai.mp3

12.7 MB

161 The Visions of Zechariah.mp3

12.7 MB

162 The Prophet Zechariah.mp3

13.0 MB

163 The Book of Esther.mp3

12.9 MB

164 The Book of Malachi.mp3

13.1 MB

165 Renewing the Covenant.mp3

12.8 MB

166 The Book of Nehemiah.mp3

12.9 MB

167 Between the Testaments_ Period b.mp3

13.1 MB

/Doctrine and Covenants Discussions/

101 Introduction and Historic Overvi.mp3

6.3 MB

102 A Voice of Warning.mp3

6.3 MB

103 Promises Made to the Fathers.mp3

6.2 MB

104 The Lost Manuscript.mp3

6.2 MB

105 Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.mp3

6.4 MB

106 The Spirit of Revelation.mp3

6.3 MB

107 John the Revelator & John the Ba.mp3

6.3 MB

108 Qualifications for Service.mp3

6.3 MB

109 The Worth of Souls.mp3

6.4 MB

110 The Organization of the Church.mp3

6.1 MB

111 The Cause of Zion.mp3

6.2 MB

112 An Elect Lady.mp3

6.2 MB

113 Take Upon You My Whole Armor.mp3

6.2 MB

114 Prepare for the Days to Come.mp3

6.2 MB

115 Calls to Preach the Gospel.mp3

6.3 MB

116 Heeding the Lord's Call.mp3

6.5 MB

117 The Law of the Church.mp3

6.3 MB

118 The Great Day of the Lord.mp3

6.4 MB

119 To Every Man is Given a Gift.mp3

6.3 MB

120 Called to Forsake the World.mp3

6.2 MB

121 Laying the Foundation of Zion.mp3

6.2 MB

122 A Commission to Testify.mp3

6.5 MB

123 The Lord Requireth the Heart.mp3

6.3 MB

124 The Everlasting Covenant.mp3

6.4 MB

125 An Account of Their Stewardship.mp3

6.1 MB

126 The Vision, Part 1.mp3

6.4 MB

127 The Vision, Part 2.mp3

6.4 MB

128 A Covenant That Cannot Be Broken.mp3

12.7 MB

129 Keys of the Kingdom.mp3

12.7 MB

130 Oath and Covenant of the Priesth.mp3

6.4 MB

131 Prepare and Sanctify Yourselves.mp3

12.5 MB

132 Light and Truth.mp3

12.8 MB

133 A House of God.mp3

12.7 MB

134 I Will Prove You in All Things.mp3

6.3 MB

135 Chastened and Tried.mp3

6.3 MB

136 Inasmuch as They Are Faithful.mp3

12.8 MB

137 Quorums and the Priesthood.mp3

12.6 MB

138 Let Every Man Learn His Duty.mp3

6.3 MB

140 More Treasures Than One.mp3

6.4 MB

141 The Stakes of Zion.mp3

6.3 MB

142 I Will Provide.mp3

12.8 MB

143 Peace Be Unto Thy Soul.mp3

6.3 MB

144 Art Thou Greater Than He_.mp3

6.3 MB

145 The City of Nauvoo.mp3

6.2 MB

146 Baptisms for the Dead.mp3

6.3 MB

147 The Order of Heaven.mp3

5.9 MB

148 A New and Everlasting Covenant.mp3

6.3 MB

149 Governments Were Instituted Of G.mp3

6.2 MB

150 The Martyrdom.mp3

6.4 MB

151 Heirs of the Kingdom.mp3

6.4 MB

152 Continuing Revelation.mp3

6.4 MB

/From Bethlehem to the sermon on the mount/

01 The Birth of Jesus the Christ.mp3

6.0 MB

02 The Wilderness Experience_ Baptis.mp3

5.6 MB

03 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman.mp3

5.8 MB

04 The Calling of the Twelve.mp3

4.3 MB

05 The Sermon on the Mount_ A Restor.mp3

5.8 MB

06 The Early Galilean and Judean Min.mp3

4.6 MB

07 The Atonement and Resurrection of.mp3

8.9 MB

/From the Last Supper through the Resurrection/

01 The Arrest.mp3

8.2 MB

02 The Last Supper According to Matt.mp3

8.2 MB

03 Early Accounts of Jesus' Last Hou.mp3

13.4 MB

04 Jesus Before Roman Authorities.mp3

6.7 MB

05 The Crucifixion.mp3

7.0 MB

06 Jesus Before Jewish Authorities.mp3

9.4 MB

07 The Last Supper According to John.mp3

6.7 MB

08 A Time That Matters Most.mp3

8.1 MB

09 The Conspiracy Begins.mp3

6.0 MB

10 Responsibility for the Death of J.mp3

8.5 MB

/Healthy Relationships/


49.8 MB


55.6 MB


56.9 MB


47.4 MB

/.../Joseph Smith Lecture Series/

Determined Disciples_ The Women who Sustained Joseph Smith - Jill derr.mp3

17.3 MB

Joseph Smith and John C. Calhoun_ Presidential Politics and the States' Rights Controversy - James B. Allen.mp3

20.7 MB

Joseph Smith and the Records of His Life - Whittaker.mp3

52.3 MB

Joseph Smith's Core Visions_ Resolving a Family's Religious Quest - anderson.mp3

84.6 MB

/Insights Into Isaiah/

01 The Man, The Mission, The Message.mp3

24.6 MB

02 The Mountain of the Lord's House.mp3

26.5 MB

03 A Song of My Beloved.mp3

26.7 MB

04 A Stone of Stumbling, A Rock of O.mp3

26.1 MB

05 The Prince of Peace.mp3

26.4 MB

07 The Burden of Moab.mp3

27.2 MB

08 The Burden of Egypt.mp3

27.3 MB

09 A Day of Trouble.mp3

26.8 MB

10 We Have Waited For Him.mp3

26.7 MB

11 Line Upon Line.mp3

26.7 MB

12 A Marvelous Work.mp3

26.4 MB

13 Go Down Into Egypt.mp3

26.5 MB

14 Clean Hands and a Pure Heart.mp3

27.2 MB

15 His Sword is Bathed in Heaven.mp3

27.0 MB

16 On Whom Dost Thou Trust_.mp3

26.2 MB

17 The Song of Redeeming Love.mp3

26.6 MB

18 With Wings as Eagles.mp3

26.3 MB

19 I Will Not Remember Thy Sins.mp3

26.4 MB

20 Every Knee Shall Bow.mp3

26.3 MB

21 Come Ye Near Unto Me.mp3

26.5 MB

22 A Light to the Gentiles.mp3

26.4 MB

23 With His Stripes We Are Healed.mp3

26.4 MB

24 Seek Ye the Lord.mp3

26.5 MB

25 I Will Heal Him.mp3

26.3 MB

26 Wherefore Have We Fasted.mp3

26.7 MB

27 Thy Light is Come.mp3

27.0 MB

28 Fear Not.mp3

26.5 MB

29 We are the Clay.mp3

26.7 MB

30 My Soul Delighteth in His Words.mp3

27.2 MB

/Our Savior in the Gospels_ New Testament/

01 The Gospels and Their Significanc.mp3

6.2 MB

02 The Foreordained Redeemer.mp3

6.2 MB

03 The Jewish Messianic Expectation.mp3

6.2 MB

04 The Birth of Jesus.mp3

6.3 MB

05 The Childhood of Jesus.mp3

6.4 MB

06 The Baptism of Jesus.mp3

6.5 MB

07 Christ's Early Ministry.mp3

6.4 MB

08 Woman at the Well.mp3

6.2 MB

09 Rejection at Nazareth.mp3

6.2 MB

10 The Calling of the Twelve.mp3

6.1 MB

11 The Beatitudes.mp3

6.3 MB

12 Sermon on the Mount.mp3

6.4 MB

13 Why Parables_.mp3

6.2 MB

14 Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole.mp3

6.3 MB

15 Feeding the Multitude.mp3

6.4 MB

16 The Bread of Life.mp3

6.3 MB

17 The Rock of Our Salvation.mp3

6.3 MB

18 The Mount of Transfiguration.mp3

6.2 MB

19 The Feast of the Tabernacles.mp3

6.2 MB

20 Light of the World.mp3

6.4 MB

21 The Good Shepherd.mp3

6.2 MB

22 The Cost of Discipleship.mp3

6.1 MB

23 Lazarus, Come Forth.mp3

6.2 MB

24 The Triumphal Entry.mp3

6.3 MB

25 The Long Day of Debate.mp3

6.4 MB

26 The Olivet Discourse.mp3

6.2 MB

27 Preparations for the Last Supper.mp3

6.2 MB

28 The Last Supper.mp3

6.2 MB

29 That They All May Be One.mp3

6.1 MB

31 Gethsemane.mp3

6.2 MB

31 The Arrest and Trial.mp3

6.2 MB

32 The Crucifixion.mp3

6.2 MB

33 The Resurrection.mp3

6.2 MB

34 What Think Ye of Christ_.mp3

6.1 MB

/Pearl of Great Price Discussions/

01 Introduction.mp3

14.2 MB

02 The Facsimilies.mp3

13.6 MB

03 The Premortal Life.mp3

12.8 MB

04 Atonement and Rebirth.mp3

13.7 MB

05 Obedience and Sacrifice.mp3

13.9 MB

06 The Ministry of Enoch.mp3

13.2 MB

07 The Abrahamic Covenant.mp3

13.8 MB

08 The First Vision.mp3

13.7 MB

09 The Calling of Prophets.mp3

12.9 MB

11 Signs of the Times.mp3

13.6 MB

12 The Articles of Faith.mp3

6.3 MB

/The Acts to Revelation_ New Testament Di/

01 Behold My Hands and My Feet.mp3

6.1 MB

02 Ordained to Be a Witness.mp3

6.1 MB

03 There is None Other Name.mp3

6.2 MB

04 I See the Heavens Opened.mp3

6.2 MB

05 Why Persecutest Thou Me_.mp3

5.9 MB

06 God is No Respecter of Persons.mp3

6.1 MB

07 Continue in the Faith.mp3

6.1 MB

08 Him Declare I Unto You.mp3

6.2 MB

09 In the Power of God.mp3

6.1 MB

10 O Death, Where is Thy Sting_.mp3

6.1 MB

11 But By the Revelation of Jesus Ch.mp3

6.0 MB

12 Ye are All One in Christ Jesus.mp3

6.1 MB

13 Only By His Grace.mp3

6.2 MB

14 Justified of Faith and Works.mp3

6.1 MB

15 Joint-Heirs With Christ.mp3

6.1 MB

16 A Minister and a Witness.mp3

6.1 MB

17 Ye Are Risen with Him.mp3

6.1 MB

18 The Whole Armour of God.mp3

6.2 MB

19 An Example of the Believers.mp3

6.1 MB

20 Render Due Benevolence.mp3

6.2 MB

21 Crowned with Glory and Honour.mp3

6.1 MB

22 The Order of Melchizedek.mp3

6.0 MB

23 A More Excellent Ministry.mp3

6.1 MB

24 Be Ye Doers of the Word.mp3

6.0 MB

25 Faith Without Works.mp3

6.0 MB

26 The Trial of Your Faith.mp3

6.1 MB

27 Partakers of the Divine Nature.mp3

6.1 MB

28 What Manner of Love.mp3

6.0 MB

29 Remember Ye The Words.mp3

6.2 MB

30 The Words of This Prophecy.mp3

6.1 MB

31 Alpha and Omega.mp3

6.2 MB

32 A Sea of Glass.mp3

6.1 MB

33 Before The Throne of God.mp3

6.0 MB

34 King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.mp3

6.2 MB


Total files 328

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