
Download CategoryBooks-1-20090708

CategoryBooks 20090708




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/Abstract Algebra/

Artin M. Algebra.djvu

4.5 MB

Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. Abstract algebra.djvu

15.3 MB

Картан, Эйленберг. ГомологическаАлгебра.djvu

4.2 MB

/Abstract Algebra/Groups/

Baker A.J. Finite Groups and their Representations.pdf

461.7 KB

Bechtell. The Theory of Groups.djvu

6.8 MB

Milne J.S. Group Theory.pdf

637.1 KB

Polites. An Introduction to the Group Theory.djvu

4.1 MB

Богопольский. Введение в теорию групп.djvu

621.9 KB

Дужин, Чеботаревский. От орнаментов до дифференциальных уравнений.djvu

2.0 MB

Холл. Теоригрупп.djvu

5.7 MB

/Abstract Algebra/Groups/Representations/

Barcelo H., Ram A. Combinatorial Representation Theory.pdf

947.1 KB

Finite Groups.pdf

510.6 KB

Fulton W., Harris J. Representation theory. A first course .djvu

10.6 MB

Fulton. Young tableau, representation theory and geometry (.djvu

2.4 MB

Goldschmidt D.M. Group Characters, Symmetric Functions, and.djvu

1.8 MB

Kostrikin A.I. Vvedenie v algebru. Chast' 3. Osnovnye struk.djvu

2.3 MB

Виленкин. Специальные функции и теорипредставлений групп.djvu

6.0 MB

Кириллов. Лекции по методу орбит.djvu

3.2 MB

Кириллов. Элементы теории представлений.djvu

4.2 MB

Ленг. SL2(R).djvu

4.7 MB

Серр. Линейные представлениконечных групп.djvu

1.3 MB

Фейт. Теорипредставлениконечных групп.pdf

41.3 MB

Хеннан. Представленигрупп и прикладнатеоривероностей.djvu

1.3 MB

/Abstract Algebra/Modules/

Anderson F.W., Fuller K.R. Rings and categories of modules.djvu

5.1 MB

Lam T.Y. A First Course in Noncommutative Rings.djvu

5.6 MB

Пирс. Ассоциативные алгебры.pdf

25.6 MB

/Categorical Logic/

Awoday, Bauer. Introduction to Categorical Logic 1.pdf

474.0 KB

Awoday, Bauer. Introduction to Categorical Logic 2.pdf

475.1 KB

Awoday, Bauer. Introduction to Categorical Logic 3.pdf

440.3 KB

Bell J.L. Development of Categorical Logic.pdf

733.7 KB

Gambino N. Presheaf Models for Constructive Set Theories.pdf

207.9 KB

Gambino N., Hyland M. Wellfounded Trees and Dependent Polynomial Functors.pdf

224.2 KB

Huet G., Saibi A. Constructive Category Theory.pdf

236.1 KB

Jacobs B. Categorical Logic and Type Theory.pdf

33.0 MB

Jay C.B. Functorial Lambda-Calculus.pdf

345.9 KB

Jay C.B. Functorial ML.pdf

514.6 KB

Lambek J., Scott P.J. Introduction to Higher Order Categorical Logic.pdf

34.3 MB

Lawvere F.W. Metric Spaces, Generalized Logic and Closed Categories.pdf

2.9 MB

Moerdjik I., Palmgren E. Type Theories, Toposes and Constructive Set Theory. Predecative Aspect of AST.pdf

391.7 KB

Moggi E. Notions of computation and monads.pdf

275.9 KB

Palmgren E. Locally Cartesian Closed Categories without chosen Constructions.pdf

320.2 KB

Pitts A.M. Categorical Logic.pdf

715.0 KB

Ranalter K. Two-sequent K and simple fibrations.pdf

185.2 KB

Rydeheard, Burstall. Computational Category Theory.pdf

943.0 KB

/Categorical Logic/CAM/

Hakjoo Oh. The CAM.pdf

156.3 KB

Hinze. CAM Basic and Enhancements.pdf

396.1 KB

Wolfengagen V.E. Combinatory Logic in Programming.djvu

714.1 KB

Wolfengagen. Frame Theory and Computations.pdf

1.3 MB

Вольфенгаген. Аппликативные вычислениpdf

565.6 KB

Вольфенгаген. Аппликативный комптютинг.pdf

379.9 KB

Вольфенгаген. Категориальнаабстрактнамашина.pdf

469.4 KB

Вольфенгаген. Комбинаторналогика в программировании.pdf

2.0 MB

/Categorical Logic/Toposes/

Awoday S. Logic in Topoi. Functorial Semantics for Higher-Order Logic.pdf

852.2 KB

Barr, Wells. Category Theory for Computing Science.pdf

546.3 KB

Berg B. Non-well-founded trees in categories.pdf

291.4 KB

Berg B. Predicative topos theory and models for constructive set theory.pdf

816.3 KB

Berg B. Sheaves for predicative toposes.pdf

213.3 KB

Blass A. Topoi and Computation.pdf

128.2 KB

Caramello O. Atomic Toposes and countable categoricity.pdf

219.3 KB

Goldblatt R. A Kripke-Joyal Semantics for Noncommutative Logic in Quantales.pdf

209.0 KB

Johnstone P.T. Sketches of an Elephant A Topos Theory Compendium.djvu

9.2 MB

Johnstone P.T. Topos Theory.djvu

23.4 MB

Lambek J., Scott P.J. Algebraic Aspects of Topos Theory.djvu

404.2 KB

Malcom G. Observational Truth as Categorical Modality.pdf

187.8 KB

Oosten. The Modified Realizability Topos.pdf

281.5 KB

Pitts A.M. On product and change of base for toposes.pdf

1.1 MB

Power J. 2-Categories.pdf

111.8 KB

Saunders Mac Lane. Sheaves in Geometry and Logic.djvu

4.8 MB

Seely R.A.G. Polymorphic Linear Logic and Topos Models.pdf

190.3 KB

Streicher T. Fibred Categories.pdf

540.6 KB

Streicher T. Universes in Toposes.pdf

276.8 KB

Vickers S. Locales and Toposes as Spaces.pdf

528.7 KB

Голдблатт. Топосы, категорийный анализ логики.djvu

6.0 MB

Джонстон. ТеориТопосов.djvu

4.3 MB

/Categorical Logic/Type Theory/

Altenkirch T. Imredicative Representations of Categorical Datatypes.pdf

363.0 KB

Asperti A., Longo G. Categories Types and Structures.pdf

1.7 MB

Butz C. Bernays-Godel Type-Theory.pdf

315.0 KB

Cattani G.L., Winskel G. Presheaf Models for Concurrency.pdf

294.8 KB

Erwig M. Random Access to Abstract Data Types.pdf

278.3 KB

Goubault-Larrecq J., Lasota S., Nowak D. Logical Relations for Monadic Types.pdf

969.4 KB

Hagino T. A Categorical Programming Language.pdf

543.1 KB

Hagino T. A Typed Lambda Calculus with Categorical Type Constructors.pdf

124.7 KB

Kock J. Notes on Polynomial Functors.pdf

1.4 MB

Michelbrink M. Interfaces as Functors, Programs as Coalgebras - a Final Coalgebra Theorem in Intensional Type Theory.pdf

278.8 KB

Nogueira P. When Abstract Data Type a functor.pdf

86.9 KB

Santocanale L. Logical Contruction of Final Coalgebras.pdf

323.7 KB

Seely R.A.G. Locally cartesian closed categories and type theory.pdf

5.8 MB

Vene V. Categorical Programming with Inductive and Coinductive Types.pdf

433.9 KB

Vene V. Coding Recursion a la Mendler.pdf

248.2 KB

Vene V. Comonadic Iteration.pdf

341.4 KB

Vene V. Recursive Coalgebras from Comonads.pdf

249.4 KB

/Category Theory/

Adamek, Herrlich, Strecker. The Joy of Cats.pdf

4.3 MB

Barr, Wells. Category Theory.pdf

1.2 MB

Barr, Wells. Toposes, Triples and Theories.pdf

1.3 MB

Barr. Models of sketches.pdf

1.2 MB

Fokkinga. Gentle introduction to category theory.pdf

395.9 KB

Goguen. A Categorical Manifesto.pdf

278.6 KB

Leinster T. The Yoneda Lemma.pdf

164.8 KB

Pierce B.C. Basic category theory for computer scientists.djvu

5.7 MB

Saunders Mac Lane. Categories for Working Mathematician.djvu

4.0 MB

Schalk A., Simmons H. An Introduction to Category Theory in four easy movements.pdf

1.2 MB

Turi D. Category Theory Lecture Notes.pdf

548.6 KB

М.Ш. Цаленко, Е.Г. Шульгейфер. Основы теории категорий.djvu

2.2 MB

Маклейн. Категории длработающего математика.djvu

2.9 MB

ТеориКатегорий. Слайды.pdf

152.7 KB

/Lambda Calculus/

Barendregt H. Lambda Calculi with Types.pdf

878.5 KB

Introduction to Functional Programming. John Harrison.pdf

950.1 KB

Vasconcelos V.T. The call-by-value lambda-calculus, the SECD machine, and the pi-calculus.pdf

327.9 KB

Wright A.K., Felleisen M. A Syntactic Approach to Type Soundness.pdf

459.9 KB

Функциональное программирование.pdf

311.7 KB

/.../МГУ 2003 ФЯП/

1 Классификациыков программированиpdf

247.4 KB

10 Абстрактные машины и категоральнакомбинаторналогика.pdf

252.1 KB

11 Категориальнаабстрактнамашина.pdf

250.5 KB

12 Оптимизацивычислений и расширениабстрактных машин.pdf

267.8 KB

2 Концепции возможности подхода .NET.pdf

246.1 KB

3 Функциональный подход к программированию.pdf

295.9 KB

4 Ламбда-исчисление как формализациЯФП.pdf

295.2 KB

5 Комбинаторналогика как формальнасистема.pdf

253.9 KB

6 Теоритипов и комбинаторналогика.pdf

283.5 KB

7 Синтаксис ыков программированиpdf

301.3 KB

8 Семантика ыков программированиpdf

289.7 KB

9 Рекурсивные функции и множества.pdf

288.9 KB

/Meta Languages/CAML/

Bettenburg N. JoCaml. A Language for Concurrent Distributed and Mobile Programming.pdf

208.1 KB

Fournet C., Maranget L. JoCaml. A Language for Concurrent Distributed and Mobile Programming.pdf

268.4 KB

Hickey J. Introduction to Objective Caml.pdf

2.3 MB

Leroy X. The Caml Light System 0.74.pdf

737.3 KB

Leroy X. The Objective Caml System 3.11.pdf

1.9 MB

Mandel L., Maranget L. The JoCaml Language 3.11.pdf

338.0 KB

Remy D. Using, Understanding and Unraveling The Ocaml Language.pdf

1.2 MB

/Meta Languages/Erlang/


859.2 KB


488.0 KB


178.0 KB


2.8 MB


124.2 KB

/Meta Languages/F#/

Syme D., Granicz A., Cisternino A. Expret F#.pdf

576.0 KB

/Meta Languages/ML/

Gilmore S. Programming in Standard ML.pdf

569.4 KB

Harper R. Introduction to Standart ML.pdf

458.7 KB

Harper R. Programming in Standard ML.pdf

970.1 KB

Tofte M. Tips for CS on Standard ML.pdf

217.3 KB

Харпер Р. Введение в Стандартный ML.pdf

627.0 KB


Total files 140

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