
Download Collection_Walt_Disney_Vol_1-6_RoDubbed_MarGe

Collection Walt Disney Vol RoDubbed MarGe



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6.1 GB

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58.4 KB


0.8 KB

Encod and release by MarGe.txt

7.1 KB


10.5 KB


7.1 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 1/

1. Mickey si vrejul de fasole - Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947).mp4

334.5 MB

1. Mickey si vrejul de fasole - Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947).ogv

133.4 MB

2. Croitorasul cel Viteaz - The Brave Little Tailor (1938).mp4

100.3 MB

2. Croitorasul cel Viteaz - The Brave Little Tailor (1938).ogv

38.8 MB

3. Mickey Gulliver - Gulliver Mickey (1934).mp4

102.8 MB

3. Mickey Gulliver - Gulliver Mickey (1934).ogv

15.6 MB

4. Dincolo de oglinda - Thru the Mirror (1936).mp4

100.0 MB

4. Dincolo de oglinda - Thru the Mirror (1936).ogv

38.0 MB

5. Domnul Soarece face o calatorie - Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940).mp4

84.5 MB

5. Domnul Soarece face o calatorie - Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940).ogv

33.0 MB

Walt Disney - Vol. 1.txt

0.8 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 2/

1. Cei trei purcelusi - Three Little Pigs (1933).mp4

101.7 MB

1. Cei trei purcelusi - Three Little Pigs (1933).ogv

37.5 MB

2. Marele lup rau - The Big Bad Wolf (1934).mp4

112.1 MB

2. Marele lup rau - The Big Bad Wolf (1934).ogv

40.8 MB

3. Trei lupi mici - Three Little Wolves (1936).mp4

110.7 MB

3. Trei lupi mici - Three Little Wolves (1936).ogv

40.8 MB

4. Lambert, leul cel fricos - Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952).mp4

100.1 MB

4. Lambert, leul cel fricos - Lambert the Sheepish Lion (1952).ogv

35.8 MB

5. Puiut mic - Chicken Little (1943).mp4

109.4 MB

5. Puiut mic - Chicken Little (1943).ogv

11.9 MB

6. Cei trei muschetari orbi - Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936).mp4

100.3 MB

6. Cei trei muschetari orbi - Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936).ogv

12.5 MB

7. Elefantul Elmer - Elmer Elephant (1936).mp4

99.7 MB

7. Elefantul Elmer - Elmer Elephant (1936).ogv

37.0 MB

Walt Disney - Vol. 2.txt

1.0 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 3/

1. Print si cersetor - The Prince and the Pauper (1990).mp4

301.9 MB

1. Print si cersetor - The Prince and the Pauper (1990).ogv

114.6 MB

2. Flautistul baltat - The Pied Piper (1933).mp4

85.9 MB

2. Flautistul baltat - The Pied Piper (1933).ogv

11.9 MB

3. Batranul rege Cole - Old King Cole (1933).mp4

85.7 MB

3. Batranul rege Cole - Old King Cole (1933).ogv

11.1 MB

4. Traiasca zilele de altadata - Ye Olden Days (1933).mp4

93.0 MB

4. Traiasca zilele de altadata - Ye Olden Days (1933).ogv

14.3 MB

5. Cavaler pentru o zi - A Knight for a Day (1946).mp4

80.8 MB

5. Cavaler pentru o zi - A Knight for a Day (1946).ogv

11.4 MB

Walt Disney - Vol.3.txt

0.8 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 4/

1. Testoasa si iepurele - The Tortoise and the Hare (1935).mp4

97.9 MB

1. Testoasa si iepurele - The Tortoise and the Hare (1935).ogv

37.2 MB

2. Copiii in padure - Babes in the Woods (1932).mp4

84.4 MB

2. Copiii in padure - Babes in the Woods (1932).ogv

33.1 MB

3. Craiasa primaverii - The Goddess of Spring (1934).mp4

110.9 MB

3. Craiasa primaverii - The Goddess of Spring (1934).ogv

42.4 MB

4. Intoarcerea lui Toby Testosul - Toby Tortoise Returns (1936).mp4

83.9 MB

4. Intoarcerea lui Toby Testosul - Toby Tortoise Returns (1936).ogv

32.3 MB

5. Paul Bunyan - Paul Bunyan (1953).mp4

199.4 MB

5. Paul Bunyan - Paul Bunyan (1953).ogv

75.5 MB

6. Legenda carutei cu vele a lui Smith - The Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961).mp4

166.1 MB

6. Legenda carutei cu vele a lui Smith - The Saga of Windwagon Smith (1961).ogv

59.8 MB

Walt Disney - Vol.4.txt

0.9 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 5/

1. Vant printre salcii - Wind in the Willows (1949).mp4

389.1 MB

1. Vant printre salcii - Wind in the Willows (1949).ogv

147.5 MB

2. Ratusca cea urata - The Ugly Duckling (1931).mp4

107.1 MB

2. Ratusca cea urata - The Ugly Duckling (1931).ogv

38.9 MB

3. Greierele si furnicile - The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934).mp4

91.9 MB

3. Greierele si furnicile - The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934).ogv

36.4 MB

4. Atingerea de aur - The Golden Touch (1935).mp4

111.4 MB

4. Atingerea de aur - The Golden Touch (1935).ogv

43.5 MB

5. Pisicuta talhar - The Robber Kitten (1935).mp4

90.8 MB

5. Pisicuta talhar - The Robber Kitten (1935).ogv

33.5 MB

6. Gainusa inteleapta - The Wise Little Hen (1934).mp4

87.7 MB

6. Gainusa inteleapta - The Wise Little Hen (1934).ogv

33.4 MB

Walt Disney - Vol.5.txt

0.9 KB

/Walt Disney - Vol. 6/

1. Dragonul sovaielnic - The Reluctant Dragon (1941).mp4

238.9 MB

1. Dragonul sovaielnic - The Reluctant Dragon (1941).ogv

92.4 MB

2. Taurasul Ferdinand - Ferdinand the Bull (1938).mp4

92.0 MB

2. Taurasul Ferdinand - Ferdinand the Bull (1938).ogv

34.2 MB

3. Goliat al 2-lea - Goliath II (1960).mp4

174.0 MB

3. Goliat al 2-lea - Goliath II (1960).ogv

64.3 MB

4. Johny Merarul - Johnny Appleseed (1948).mp4

230.1 MB

4. Johny Merarul - Johnny Appleseed (1948).ogv

83.8 MB

Walt Disney - Vol. 6.txt

0.6 KB


Showing first 77 files of 154 total files

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