
Download [] Udemy - The Complete Finance Manager Course 2018

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[] Udemy - The Complete Finance Manager Course 2018

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/1. Welcome! Course introduction/

1. What does the course cover.mp4

26.3 MB

1. What does the course cover.vtt

2.3 KB

/10. Advanced Accounting - Trade payables/

1. Accounting for trade payables.mp4

5.5 MB

1. Accounting for trade payables.vtt

3.2 KB

2. Accounts payable vs notes payable.mp4

2.8 MB

2. Accounts payable vs notes payable.vtt

1.7 KB

3. The advantages of e-invoicing.mp4

6.0 MB

3. The advantages of e-invoicing.vtt

3.3 KB

/11. Advanced Accounting - Financial liabilities/

1. Distinguishing between debt and equity.mp4

5.9 MB

1. Distinguishing between debt and equity.vtt

2.7 KB

2. Loan amortization.mp4

5.4 MB

2. Loan amortization.vtt

3.2 KB

3. Debt covenants.mp4

9.9 MB

3. Debt covenants.vtt

3.9 KB

4. Debt covenants - Case study.mp4

5.4 MB

4. Debt covenants - Case study.vtt

2.0 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/12. Advanced Accounting - Leasing liabilities/

1. Why companies lease assets.mp4

2.6 MB

1. Why companies lease assets.vtt

1.5 KB

2. Leasing exercise.mp4

8.7 MB

2. Leasing exercise.vtt

5.1 KB

3. Cost flow methods, Leasing, Revaluation - Course Challenge #3.html

0.1 KB

/13. Sources of financing - Debt financing/

1. Why use leverage.mp4

60.2 MB

1. Why use leverage.vtt

5.0 KB

2. The relationship between leverage and cost of debt.mp4

36.2 MB

2. The relationship between leverage and cost of debt.vtt

3.8 KB

/14. Sources of financing - Equity financing/

1. Types of equity.mp4

57.9 MB

1. Types of equity.vtt

4.5 KB

2. Raising equity in different stages of a company's lifecycle.mp4

75.5 MB

2. Raising equity in different stages of a company's lifecycle.vtt

7.1 KB

3. What type of dividends are distributed to shareholders.mp4

47.1 MB

3. What type of dividends are distributed to shareholders.vtt

4.1 KB

4. Timing mechanics of dividend payments.mp4

37.9 MB

4. Timing mechanics of dividend payments.vtt

3.5 KB

5. Share repurchases.mp4

46.1 MB

5. Share repurchases.vtt

3.7 KB

6. Stock splits.mp4

37.8 MB

6. Stock splits.vtt

3.5 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/15. Financial statement analysis/

1. Introduction to financial statement analysis.mp4

3.0 MB

1. Introduction to financial statement analysis.vtt

3.0 MB

1.1 Financial Statement Analysis - Notes.pdf.pdf

791.4 KB

2. Performing financial statement analysis.mp4

8.5 MB

2. Performing financial statement analysis.vtt

3.5 KB

3. Ratio analysis.mp4

14.8 MB

3. Ratio analysis.vtt

7.1 KB

4. Practical example Analyzing P&G's financial report (12).mp4

18.6 MB

4. Practical example Analyzing P&G's financial report (12).vtt

6.3 KB

4.1 P-G-Financial-Report.pdf.pdf

4.6 MB

4.2 P-G-Financials-Before.xlsx.xlsx

13.1 KB

4.3 P-G-Financials-With-Ratios.xlsx.xlsx

14.3 KB

5. Practical example Analyzing P&G's financial report (22).mp4

12.9 MB

5. Practical example Analyzing P&G's financial report (22).vtt

4.3 KB

5.1 P-G-Financial-Report.pdf.pdf

4.6 MB

5.2 P-G-Financials-With-Ratios.xlsx.xlsx

14.3 KB

5.3 P-G-Financials-Before.xlsx.xlsx

13.1 KB

6. Financial statement analysis of Tesla Inc. - Course Challenge #5.html

0.1 KB

/16. Working capital management/

1. Introduction.mp4

13.0 MB

1. Introduction.vtt

4.4 KB

10. Symptoms of inefficient working capital - Trade payables.mp4

4.2 MB

10. Symptoms of inefficient working capital - Trade payables.vtt

2.5 KB

11. Symptoms of inefficient working capital - Trade receivables.mp4

3.6 MB

11. Symptoms of inefficient working capital - Trade receivables.vtt

2.2 KB

12. Working capital optimization - Course Challenge #5.html

0.1 KB

2. The importance of working capital optimization case study.mp4

19.2 MB

2. The importance of working capital optimization case study.vtt

10.1 KB

3. Overtrading vs. excessive investment.mp4

7.9 MB

3. Overtrading vs. excessive investment.vtt

3.8 KB

4. Trade receivables management.mp4

17.1 MB

4. Trade receivables management.vtt

9.4 KB

5. Re-order level.mp4

7.3 MB

5. Re-order level.vtt

3.6 KB

6. Economic order quantity (EOQ).mp4

7.7 MB

6. Economic order quantity (EOQ).vtt

4.7 KB

7. Inventory optimization techniques.mp4

11.1 MB

7. Inventory optimization techniques.vtt

5.8 KB

8. Trade payables management.mp4

4.6 MB

8. Trade payables management.vtt

2.3 KB

9. Working capital optimization - a roadmap.mp4

11.8 MB

9. Working capital optimization - a roadmap.vtt

5.9 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/17. Capital budgeting - The theory behind capital budgeting/

1. An introduction to capital budgeting.mp4

5.7 MB

1. An introduction to capital budgeting.vtt

1.7 KB

10. Forecasting future cash flows.mp4

19.7 MB

10. Forecasting future cash flows.vtt

6.5 KB

2. Why companies need capital budgeting.mp4

7.2 MB

2. Why companies need capital budgeting.vtt

2.5 KB

3. The time value of money in a capital budgeting exercise.mp4

7.0 MB

3. The time value of money in a capital budgeting exercise.vtt

2.5 KB

4. Working with present and future cash flows.mp4

13.7 MB

4. Working with present and future cash flows.vtt

6.0 KB

5. Calculating cost of debt and cost of equity.mp4

20.1 MB

5. Calculating cost of debt and cost of equity.vtt

7.2 KB

6. An important subtlety - project-specific beta.mp4

9.4 MB

6. An important subtlety - project-specific beta.vtt

3.4 KB

7. Completing 33% of the course.html

1.0 KB

8. Calculating WACC.mp4

5.8 MB

8. Calculating WACC.vtt

2.2 KB

9. How to treat the value of residual assets at the end of the project.mp4

9.8 MB

9. How to treat the value of residual assets at the end of the project.vtt

3.7 KB

/18. Capital budgeting - A complete case study/

1. An introduction to the case study.mp4

9.1 MB

1. An introduction to the case study.vtt

3.1 KB

10. Calculating cost of equity.mp4

14.6 MB

10. Calculating cost of equity.vtt

6.9 KB

10.1 8.WACC-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

36.8 KB

10.2 8.WACC.xlsx.xlsx

38.9 KB

11. Discounting cash flows.mp4

23.7 MB

11. Discounting cash flows.vtt

3.1 KB

11.1 9. Discounted cash flow.xlsx.xlsx

40.6 KB

11.2 9. Discounted cash flow_unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

39.6 KB

12. Performing sensitivity analysis.mp4

35.8 MB

12. Performing sensitivity analysis.vtt

4.5 KB

12.1 10. Sensitivity analysis.xlsx.xlsx

41.7 KB

12.2 10. Sensitivity analysis_unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

40.6 KB

13. Power plant capital budgeting - Course Challenge #6.html

0.1 KB

2. Going through the 'Drivers' sheet.mp4

11.6 MB

2. Going through the 'Drivers' sheet.vtt

5.9 KB

2.1 1.Drivers.xlsx.xlsx

11.8 KB

3. Forecasting the savings that will be generated by the project.mp4

9.7 MB

3. Forecasting the savings that will be generated by the project.vtt

3.9 KB

3.1 2.Savings-Forecast-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

15.1 KB

3.2 2.Savings-Forecast.xlsx.xlsx

17.0 KB

4. Performing a fixed asset roll forward.mp4

12.8 MB

4. Performing a fixed asset roll forward.vtt

5.0 KB

4.1 3.Fixed-Asset-Rollforward.xlsx.xlsx

20.1 KB

4.2 3.Fixed-Asset-Rollforward-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

19.0 KB

5. Forecasting working capital needs.mp4

5.6 MB

5. Forecasting working capital needs.vtt

2.7 KB

5.1 4.Working-Capital-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

21.7 KB

6. Modeling the project's financing.mp4

6.5 MB

6. Modeling the project's financing.vtt

3.1 KB

6.1 5.Financing.xlsx.xlsx

31.7 KB

6.2 5.Financing-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

30.7 KB

7. Creating a P&L sheet.mp4

5.1 MB

7. Creating a P&L sheet.vtt

2.0 KB

7.1 6.P-L.xlsx.xlsx

31.8 KB

7.2 6.P-L-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

30.4 KB

8. Cash flow calculation.mp4

10.6 MB

8. Cash flow calculation.vtt

3.6 KB

8.1 7.Cash-flow.xlsx.xlsx

32.1 KB

8.2 7.Cash-flow-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

30.4 KB

9. Calculating the discount rate we will use - WACC.mp4

10.8 MB

9. Calculating the discount rate we will use - WACC.vtt

5.4 KB

9.1 8.WACC.xlsx.xlsx

38.9 KB

9.2 8.WACC-unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

36.8 KB

/19. Financial reporting in Excel - Introduction to Pivot tables/

1. Introduction to Pivot tables.mp4

5.1 MB

1. Introduction to Pivot tables.vtt

1.7 KB

2. Setting up the structure of a Pivot table.mp4

12.7 MB

2. Setting up the structure of a Pivot table.vtt

3.8 KB

2.1 2.Creating-a-Pivot-Table.xlsx.xlsx

1.5 MB

3. Pivot table formatting.mp4

8.1 MB

3. Pivot table formatting.vtt

2.0 KB

3.1 3.Formatting-a-Pivot-Table.xlsx.xlsx

1.5 MB

4. Modifying a Pivot table's content.mp4

14.5 MB

4. Modifying a Pivot table's content.vtt

4.2 KB

4.1 4.Working-with-Pivot-Tables.xlsx.xlsx

2.0 MB


10.7 MB


3.7 KB

5.1 5.GetPivotData.xlsx.xlsx

2.0 MB

6. Learn how to work with slicers.mp4

14.9 MB

6. Learn how to work with slicers.vtt

3.9 KB

6.1 6.Slicers.xlsx.xlsx

2.0 MB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/2. What does it mean to be a finance manager/

1. How we measure financial performance.mp4

11.1 MB

1. How we measure financial performance.vtt

3.2 KB

2. Improving performance measurement and collecting data.mp4

16.7 MB

2. Improving performance measurement and collecting data.vtt

5.5 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/20. Financial reporting in Excel - World-class reporting (Slicers and Pivot Table)/

1. Introduction to the Case Study.mp4

8.3 MB

1. Introduction to the Case Study.vtt

2.3 KB

1.1 0.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-before.xlsx.xlsx

13.9 MB

10. Improving the layout of the slicers we added.mp4

11.0 MB

10. Improving the layout of the slicers we added.vtt

3.2 KB

10.1 10.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Complete.xlsx.xlsx

23.9 MB

11. How the dashboard can be used in practice.mp4

12.0 MB

11. How the dashboard can be used in practice.vtt

4.2 KB

11.1 10.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Complete.xlsx.xlsx

23.9 MB

12. Pivot table dashboards with slicers - Course Challenge #7.html

0.1 KB

2. Understanding the source data.mp4

11.8 MB

2. Understanding the source data.vtt

3.5 KB

2.1 1.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Mapping.xlsx.xlsx

15.6 MB

3. Mapping of the source data.mp4

12.5 MB

3. Mapping of the source data.vtt

2.2 KB

4. Setting up a structure for the dashboard we will create.mp4

8.4 MB

4. Setting up a structure for the dashboard we will create.vtt

2.4 KB

4.1 2.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Structure.xlsx.xlsx

15.6 MB

5. Working on the dashboard's layout.mp4

10.1 MB

5. Working on the dashboard's layout.vtt

3.8 KB

5.1 2.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Layout.xlsx.xlsx

15.6 MB

6. Inserting calculation formulas.mp4

7.0 MB

6. Inserting calculation formulas.vtt

2.3 KB

6.1 4.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Adding-Calculations.xlsx.xlsx

15.6 MB

7. Creating the source Pivot table.mp4

8.7 MB

7. Creating the source Pivot table.vtt

1.9 KB

7.1 5.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Creating-a-Pivot-Table (1).xlsx.xlsx

21.8 MB

8. Using GETPIVOTDATA to connect the Pivot table and the dashboard.mp4

20.0 MB

8. Using GETPIVOTDATA to connect the Pivot table and the dashboard.vtt

6.2 KB

8.1 6.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-GETPIVOTDATA.xlsx.xlsx

21.8 MB

9. Adding slicers and making our dashboard interactive.mp4

11.2 MB

9. Adding slicers and making our dashboard interactive.vtt

3.1 KB

9.1 8.Exercise-Build-an-FMCG-Model-Inserting-Slicers.xlsx.xlsx

21.8 MB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/21. Creating effective presentations - Introduction/

1. Introduction to creating effective presentations.mp4

8.9 MB

1. Introduction to creating effective presentations.vtt

2.5 KB

2. Types of corporate presentations.mp4

12.7 MB

2. Types of corporate presentations.vtt

5.4 KB

3. What you will see next.mp4

5.0 MB

3. What you will see next.vtt

1.7 KB

/22. Creating effective presentations - Key principles/

1. Principle #1 - Deliver maximum information in limited space.mp4

7.8 MB

1. Principle #1 - Deliver maximum information in limited space.vtt

2.0 KB

2. Principle #2 - Develop logical slide flow.mp4

5.9 MB

2. Principle #2 - Develop logical slide flow.vtt

1.7 KB

3. Principle #3 - Key messages start from the title.mp4

12.4 MB

3. Principle #3 - Key messages start from the title.vtt

3.7 KB

4. Principle #4 - Tailor the presentation to the intended audience.mp4

7.4 MB

4. Principle #4 - Tailor the presentation to the intended audience.vtt

2.5 KB

5. Completing 50% of the course.html

1.2 KB

6. Principle #5 - Keep text messages short.mp4

4.7 MB

6. Principle #5 - Keep text messages short.vtt

1.6 KB

7. Principle #6 - Use key words.mp4

9.6 MB

7. Principle #6 - Use key words.vtt

3.0 KB

/23. Creating effective presentations - Key principles/

1. Principle #7 - A picture is worth a thousand words.mp4

6.5 MB

1. Principle #7 - A picture is worth a thousand words.vtt

1.8 KB

2. Principle #8 - Have the big picture in mind.mp4

6.5 MB

2. Principle #8 - Have the big picture in mind.vtt

1.9 KB

3. Principle #9 - Plan well ahead.mp4

7.3 MB

3. Principle #9 - Plan well ahead.vtt

2.3 KB

4. Principle #10 - Deciding what information should be included in slides.mp4

5.2 MB

4. Principle #10 - Deciding what information should be included in slides.vtt

1.4 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/24. Creating effective presentations - Technical skills/

1. Adding text boxes with instructions.mp4

6.4 MB

1. Adding text boxes with instructions.vtt

3.0 KB

2. Populating slide content.mp4

4.5 MB

2. Populating slide content.vtt

1.8 KB

3. Formatting and polishing slides.mp4

5.7 MB

3. Formatting and polishing slides.vtt

2.6 KB

/25. Creating effective presentations - The importance of consistency/

1. Ensuring consistency across the entire presentation.mp4

7.5 MB

1. Ensuring consistency across the entire presentation.vtt

2.0 KB

2. Consistent font and font size.mp4

4.0 MB

2. Consistent font and font size.vtt

1.6 KB

3. Aligning objects.mp4

4.8 MB

3. Aligning objects.vtt

2.0 KB

4. Working in a team.mp4

5.9 MB

4. Working in a team.vtt

2.4 KB

5. Adding watermarks.mp4

7.2 MB

5. Adding watermarks.vtt

2.8 KB

/26. Creating effective presentations - Company profile/

1. Introduction.mp4

2.1 MB

1. Introduction.vtt

0.7 KB

2. What is a company profile.mp4

6.0 MB

2. What is a company profile.vtt

2.5 KB

2.1 Nestle - Complete Presentation.pptx.pptx

1.0 MB

3. Content going in company profile slides.mp4

14.8 MB

3. Content going in company profile slides.vtt

4.8 KB

3.1 Nestle - Complete Presentation.pptx.pptx

1.0 MB

4. Creating a company profile.mp4

11.3 MB

4. Creating a company profile.vtt

3.8 KB

4.1 Nestle - Complete Presentation.pptx.pptx

1.0 MB

5. Key financials.mp4

15.4 MB

5. Key financials.vtt

5.5 KB

5.1 Key Financials.pptx.pptx

57.0 KB

5.2 Share Price Performance.pptx.pptx

301.7 KB

6. Company profiles - research.mp4

5.6 MB

6. Company profiles - research.vtt

1.9 KB

6.1 Nestle - Investor relations.html

0.1 KB

6.2 Analysis report - Nestle.html

0.6 KB

7. One-page company profile layout.mp4

4.6 MB

7. One-page company profile layout.vtt

4.6 MB

7.1 Company Overview.pptx.pptx

236.9 KB

/27. Creating effective presentations - Share price slide/

1. Why create share price slides.mp4

6.4 MB

1. Why create share price slides.vtt

2.7 KB

1.1 Share Price Performance.pptx.pptx

301.7 KB

2. What content goes into a share price chart.mp4

11.2 MB

2. What content goes into a share price chart.vtt

4.5 KB

2.1 Share Price Performance.pptx.pptx

301.7 KB

3. Designing a share price chart.mp4

5.5 MB

3. Designing a share price chart.vtt

2.9 KB

3.1 Share Price Performance.pptx.pptx

301.7 KB

/28. Creating effective presentations - Other slides in a company presentation/

1. Group structure.mp4

12.2 MB

1. Group structure.vtt

8.1 KB

1.1 Group Structure.pptx.pptx

67.2 KB

2. The management team slide.mp4

4.3 MB

2. The management team slide.vtt

2.3 KB

2.1 Management team.pptx.pptx

81.3 KB

3. Waterfall charts.mp4

14.3 MB

3. Waterfall charts.vtt

10.1 KB

3.1 Sales Evolution.pptx.pptx

73.7 KB

4. Financial information overview.mp4

22.7 MB

4. Financial information overview.vtt

9.8 KB

4.1 Key Financials.pptx.pptx

57.0 KB

5. Geographical presence.mp4

4.5 MB

5. Geographical presence.vtt

2.7 KB

5.1 Geographical Presence.pptx.pptx

185.4 KB

6. KPI evolution overview.mp4

5.3 MB

6. KPI evolution overview.vtt

3.2 KB

6.1 Key Financials Evolution.pptx.pptx

100.0 KB

7. Prepare a company presentation - Course Challenge #8.html

0.1 KB

/29. Company valuation - The fundamentals you need to learn/

1. The reason we want to value a business.mp4

4.4 MB

1. The reason we want to value a business.vtt

1.9 KB

1.1 Company valuation.pdf.pdf

783.5 KB

1.2 Introduction to M&A.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

2. The investor perspective to company valuation.mp4

8.6 MB

2. The investor perspective to company valuation.vtt

3.9 KB

3. The two variables determining a company's valuation.mp4

4.0 MB

3. The two variables determining a company's valuation.vtt

2.2 KB

4. Calculating Unlevered Cash Flow.mp4

7.8 MB

4. Calculating Unlevered Cash Flow.vtt

5.2 KB

5. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) - the discount factor we will use.mp4

8.1 MB

5. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC) - the discount factor we will use.vtt

4.8 KB

6. Forecasting the firm's future cash flows.mp4

4.7 MB

6. Forecasting the firm's future cash flows.vtt

2.9 KB

7. Two stages of valuation - explicit forecast period and terminal value.mp4

4.5 MB

7. Two stages of valuation - explicit forecast period and terminal value.vtt

2.7 KB

8. Discounting cash flows.mp4

3.8 MB

8. Discounting cash flows.vtt

1.9 KB

9. Coming up with Enterprise and Equity value.mp4

2.0 MB

9. Coming up with Enterprise and Equity value.vtt

1.3 KB

/3. The importance of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems/

1. What is an ERP system.mp4

21.4 MB

1. What is an ERP system.vtt

7.6 KB

2. Strongest advantages of ERP systems.mp4

11.3 MB

2. Strongest advantages of ERP systems.vtt

3.4 KB

3. Quiz ERP systems (12).html

0.1 KB

4. Difficulties when implementing an ERP system.mp4

78.5 MB

4. Difficulties when implementing an ERP system.vtt

6.8 KB

5. Best practices when implementing a new ERP system.mp4

21.3 MB

5. Best practices when implementing a new ERP system.vtt

21.3 MB

6. A finance manager's leadership is crucial when implementing a new system.mp4

22.2 MB

6. A finance manager's leadership is crucial when implementing a new system.vtt

7.4 KB

7. Case study Hershey's.mp4

22.0 MB

7. Case study Hershey's.vtt

5.4 KB

8. Quiz ERP systems (22).html

0.1 KB

9. ERP Systems - Course Challenge #1.html

0.1 KB

/30. Company valuation - A practical exercise/

1. Introduction to the case study.mp4

3.7 MB

1. Introduction to the case study.vtt

1.1 KB

10. Forecasting Balance sheet figures.mp4

1.8 MB

10. Forecasting Balance sheet figures.vtt

0.7 KB

10.1 10.Project-BS-items-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

54.0 KB

10.2 10.Project-BS-items-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

54.0 KB

11. The Days technique.mp4

3.5 MB

11. The Days technique.vtt

1.7 KB

11.1 Working Capital Days.pdf.pdf

349.0 KB

12. Calculating Days.mp4

5.1 MB

12. Calculating Days.vtt

1.5 KB

12.1 12.Calculating-DSO-DPO-and-DIO-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

51.1 KB

12.2 12.Calculating-DSO-DPO-and-DIO-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

53.6 KB

13. Using Days to forecast trade receivables, inventory, and trade payables.mp4

7.2 MB

13. Using Days to forecast trade receivables, inventory, and trade payables.vtt

2.4 KB

13.1 13.Forecasting-DSO-DPO-and-DIO-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

51.3 KB

13.2 13.Forecasting-DSO-DPO-and-DIO-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

54.9 KB

14. Forecasting PP&E, Other assets, and Other liabilities.mp4

8.8 MB

14. Forecasting PP&E, Other assets, and Other liabilities.vtt

2.6 KB

14.1 14.Forecasting-PP-E-Other-assets-and-Other-liabilities-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

52.3 KB

14.2 14.Forecasting-PP-E-Other-assets-and-Other-liabilities-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

52.3 KB

15. Creating an output P&L sheet.mp4

7.5 MB

15. Creating an output P&L sheet.vtt

2.1 KB

15.1 15.P-L-structure-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

56.7 KB

15.2 15.P-L-structure-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

51.6 KB

16. Filling in the P&L sheet.mp4

7.6 MB

16. Filling in the P&L sheet.vtt

2.2 KB

16.1 16.Populating-the-P-L-sheet-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

54.0 KB

16.2 16.Populating-the-P-L-sheet-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

58.5 KB

17. Adding an output Balance sheet.mp4

6.9 MB

17. Adding an output Balance sheet.vtt

1.8 KB

17.1 17.Populating-the-BS-sheet-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

60.2 KB

17.2 17.Populating-the-Balance-sheet-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

56.1 KB

18. Filling in the output Balance sheet.mp4

8.9 MB

18. Filling in the output Balance sheet.vtt

3.8 KB

18.1 18.Completing-the-BS-items-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

61.5 KB

18.2 18.Completing-the-BS-items-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

57.0 KB

19. Structuring unlevered cash flow.mp4

3.8 MB

19. Structuring unlevered cash flow.vtt

3.0 KB

19.1 19.Building-a-Cash-Flow-Format-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

58.6 KB

19.2 19.Building-a-Cash-Flow-Format-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

57.5 KB

2. How we build a complete DCF model.mp4

12.1 MB

2. How we build a complete DCF model.vtt

6.5 KB

2.1 Stages of complete Valuation-exercise.pdf.pdf

421.6 KB

20. Reconciling Unlevered cash flow and net cash flow.mp4

4.5 MB

20. Reconciling Unlevered cash flow and net cash flow.vtt

1.9 KB

20.1 20.From-UFCF-to-Net-Cash-Flow-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

61.8 KB

20.2 20.From-UFCF-to-Net-Cash-Flow-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

58.2 KB

21. Cash flow calculation.mp4

20.0 MB

21. Cash flow calculation.vtt

5.8 KB

21.1 21.Calculating-UFCF-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

60.9 KB

21.2 21.Calculating-UFCF-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

59.3 KB

22. Obtaining net cash flow figures.mp4

13.7 MB

22. Obtaining net cash flow figures.vtt

3.9 KB

22.1 22.From-UFCF-to-Net-Cash-Flow-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

62.8 KB

22.2 22.From-UFCF-to-Net-Cash-Flow-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

59.3 KB

23. Editing multiple cell references at the same time.mp4

19.8 MB

23. Editing multiple cell references at the same time.vtt

3.9 KB

23.1 23.Use-Find-and-Replace-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

62.8 KB

23.2 23.Use-Find-and-Replace-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

66.0 KB

24. Adding WACC to the model.mp4

4.7 MB

24. Adding WACC to the model.vtt

2.1 KB

24.1 24.Introducing-WACC-and-g-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

62.4 KB

24.2 24.Introducing-WACC-and-g-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

62.5 KB

25. Using WACC to obtain the present value of future cash flows.mp4

6.9 MB

25. Using WACC to obtain the present value of future cash flows.vtt

2.7 KB

25.1 25.Calculating-PV-of-Cash-Flows-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

59.6 KB

25.2 25.Calculating-PV-of-Cash-Flows-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

63.5 KB

26. Calculating Terminal value and Enterprise value.mp4

3.3 MB

26. Calculating Terminal value and Enterprise value.vtt

2.2 KB

26.1 26.Calculating-CV-of-the-business-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

63.5 KB

26.2 26.Calculating-CV-of-the-business-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

63.8 KB

27. Obtaining Equity value.mp4

4.9 MB

27. Obtaining Equity value.vtt

1.5 KB

27.1 27.Calculating-Equity-Value-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

63.8 KB

27.2 27.Calculating-Equity-Value-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

64.1 KB

28. Performing sensitivity analysis for improved decision-making.mp4

15.5 MB

28. Performing sensitivity analysis for improved decision-making.vtt

4.1 KB

28.1 28.Sensitivity-analysis-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

65.4 KB

28.2 28.Sensitivity-analysis-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

64.1 KB

29. Applying Goal seek.mp4

5.9 MB

29. Applying Goal seek.vtt

1.8 KB

29.1 29.Goal-Seek-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

65.4 KB

29.2 29.Goal-seek-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

65.4 KB

3. The structure of the model we will build.mp4

7.8 MB

3. The structure of the model we will build.vtt

3.0 KB

3.1 3.Beginning-of-exercise.xlsm.xlsm

50.0 KB

3.2 DCF-Model-structure.pdf.pdf

246.6 KB

30. Recap of the model + charts we can build.mp4

14.2 MB

30. Recap of the model + charts we can build.vtt

5.0 KB

30.1 30.Charts-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

65.4 KB

30.2 30.Charts-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

99.4 KB

31. Company valuation Tesla Inc. - Course Challenge #9.html

0.1 KB

32. Tesla Inc. company valuation - detailed walkthrough and solutions.html

0.2 KB

32.1 Tesla Company Valuation - Detailed walkthrough.pdf.pdf

3.6 MB

32.2 Tesla Inc. Course Challenge_solved.xlsx.xlsx

110.2 KB

4. The company we are valuing.mp4

2.6 MB

4. The company we are valuing.vtt

1.3 KB

5. Modeling revenues.mp4

9.4 MB

5. Modeling revenues.vtt

3.5 KB

5.1 5.Modeling-revenues-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

49.8 KB

5.2 5.Modeling-revenues-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

50.5 KB

6. Using the CHOOSE function to create flexible financial models.mp4

5.8 MB

6. Using the CHOOSE function to create flexible financial models.vtt

2.3 KB

6.1 6.Choose-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

47.6 KB

6.2 6.Choose-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

50.7 KB

7. Modeling other items (13).mp4

15.1 MB

7. Modeling other items (13).vtt

4.1 KB

7.1 7.Modeling-Cogs-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

53.1 KB

7.2 7.Modeling-Cogs-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

49.9 KB

8. Modeling other items (23).mp4

10.2 MB

8. Modeling other items (23).vtt

2.4 KB

8.1 8.Opex-and-D-A-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

50.1 KB

8.2 8.Opex-and-D-A-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

53.6 KB

9. Modeling other items (33).mp4

10.3 MB

9. Modeling other items (33).vtt

2.6 KB

9.1 9.Interest-expenses-Extraordinary-items-and-Taxes-Solved.xlsm.xlsm

54.0 KB

9.2 9.Interest-expenses-Extraordinary-items-and-Taxes-Unsolved.xlsm.xlsm

52.9 KB

/31. Becoming a manager - An Introduction/

1. What are we going to see next.mp4

3.8 MB

1. What are we going to see next.vtt

1.8 KB

1.1 Management Course Notes.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

2. Why companies need managers.mp4

10.4 MB

2. Why companies need managers.vtt

4.4 KB

3. How to distinguish good managers.mp4

20.4 MB

3. How to distinguish good managers.vtt

5.9 KB

4. Managerial positions in an organization.mp4

11.8 MB

4. Managerial positions in an organization.vtt

4.7 KB

5. Managerial functions.mp4

21.0 MB

5. Managerial functions.vtt

5.5 KB

6. Introduction quiz.html

0.1 KB

/32. Becoming a manager - how to approach planning/

1. Why companies need planning.mp4

6.3 MB

1. Why companies need planning.vtt

1.5 KB

2. The objectives pyramid.mp4

7.4 MB

2. The objectives pyramid.vtt

2.9 KB

3. Applying the SMART framework.mp4

12.9 MB

3. Applying the SMART framework.vtt

3.8 KB

4. Environmental scanning - competitor research.mp4

20.5 MB

4. Environmental scanning - competitor research.vtt

6.6 KB

5. Financial analysis and calculating break-even.mp4

9.5 MB

5. Financial analysis and calculating break-even.vtt

4.1 KB

6. The importance of budgeting.mp4

15.1 MB

6. The importance of budgeting.vtt

6.5 KB

7. Using project management to boost productivity.mp4

12.3 MB

7. Using project management to boost productivity.vtt

4.9 KB

8. How to approach planning.html

0.1 KB

/33. Becoming a manager - Organizing human resources/

1. How do we organize human resources in a company.mp4

7.2 MB

1. How do we organize human resources in a company.vtt

1.1 KB

2. Why human resources are considered the most important asset of companies.mp4

10.2 MB

2. Why human resources are considered the most important asset of companies.vtt

4.0 KB

3. Planning the firm's HR needs.mp4

7.4 MB

3. Planning the firm's HR needs.vtt

3.1 KB

4. Organizing human resources.html

0.1 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/34. Becoming a manager - Pre-hire activities/

1. How to find the right people for the job.mp4

14.8 MB

1. How to find the right people for the job.vtt

4.6 KB

2. Meeting candidates.mp4

7.5 MB

2. Meeting candidates.vtt

2.9 KB

3. Selecting among candidates.mp4

13.4 MB

3. Selecting among candidates.vtt

5.3 KB

4. Pre-hire activities.html

0.1 KB

/35. Becoming a manager - Post-hire activities/

1. Onboarding successful candidates.mp4

5.2 MB

1. Onboarding successful candidates.vtt

2.0 KB

2. Learning and development - the key to employee engagement.mp4

7.8 MB

2. Learning and development - the key to employee engagement.vtt

3.6 KB

3. Giving constructive feedback.mp4

13.3 MB

3. Giving constructive feedback.vtt

6.1 KB

4. Performance appraisal.mp4

4.2 MB

4. Performance appraisal.vtt

1.9 KB

5. Aligning compensation and performance.mp4

15.3 MB

5. Aligning compensation and performance.vtt

4.0 KB

6. Post-hire activities.html

0.1 KB

/36. Becoming a manager - The leading function/

1. The core principles of employee motivation.mp4

9.6 MB

1. The core principles of employee motivation.vtt

3.5 KB

2. Proven employee motivation tips.mp4

10.5 MB

2. Proven employee motivation tips.vtt

3.8 KB

3. Stress management tips.mp4

12.4 MB

3. Stress management tips.vtt

4.5 KB

4. A measure of last resort - terminating employee contracts.mp4

11.3 MB

4. A measure of last resort - terminating employee contracts.vtt

5.1 KB

5. The leading function.html

0.1 KB

/37. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - An introduction/

1. What are we going to see next.mp4

7.7 MB

1. What are we going to see next.vtt

2.2 KB

1.1 Negotiation Course Notes.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

2. Why a finance manager need to be good negotiators.mp4

9.0 MB

2. Why a finance manager need to be good negotiators.vtt

4.4 KB

3. The reason people are not good at negotiations.mp4

12.7 MB

3. The reason people are not good at negotiations.vtt

5.3 KB

4. Introduction.html

0.1 KB

/38. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - The negotiation toolbox/

1. You need to know what is BATNA.mp4

9.8 MB

1. You need to know what is BATNA.vtt

5.7 KB

2. Reservation point and the Bargaining range.mp4

6.7 MB

2. Reservation point and the Bargaining range.vtt

3.9 KB

/39. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - Preparation is key/

1. Self assessment.mp4

10.0 MB

1. Self assessment.vtt

5.9 KB

2. Counterpart assessment.mp4

13.1 MB

2. Counterpart assessment.vtt

4.6 KB

3. Situational assessment.mp4

20.1 MB

3. Situational assessment.vtt

6.5 KB

3.1 8. MBA in a Box - Preparation - Assessing the situation.mp4.mp4

13.0 MB

4. Preparation is key.html

0.1 KB

/4. Accounting Basics - Types of revenues, costs, assets, and liabilities/

1. Introduction to the section.mp4

4.1 MB

1. Introduction to the section.vtt

1.6 KB

1.1 The Finance Manager - Course notes - Part 2.pdf.pdf

697.4 KB

1.2 Accounting Basics - Notes.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

10. Asset categories - practical example.mp4

9.5 MB

10. Asset categories - practical example.vtt

4.2 KB

10.1 2017-PG-Annual-Report.pdf.pdf

5.6 MB

11. Types of liabilities.mp4

6.4 MB

11. Types of liabilities.vtt

4.5 KB

12. Liability categories - practical example.mp4

8.0 MB

12. Liability categories - practical example.vtt

3.0 KB

12.1 2017-PG-Annual-Report.pdf.pdf

5.6 MB

13. Equity.mp4

5.4 MB

13. Equity.vtt

2.4 KB

2. The different types of accounting standards.mp4

9.1 MB

2. The different types of accounting standards.vtt

3.2 KB

3. The three financial statements.mp4

5.1 MB

3. The three financial statements.vtt

2.4 KB

4. Types of revenues.mp4

5.7 MB

4. Types of revenues.vtt

2.7 KB

5. Types of revenues - exercise.mp4

6.2 MB

5. Types of revenues - exercise.vtt

2.3 KB

6. Types of expenses.mp4

17.9 MB

6. Types of expenses.vtt

6.4 KB

7. Income taxes.mp4

5.9 MB

7. Income taxes.vtt

2.2 KB

8. Depreciation & Amortization.mp4

11.6 MB

8. Depreciation & Amortization.vtt

5.2 KB

9. Types of assets.mp4

7.1 MB

9. Types of assets.vtt

4.2 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/40. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - Types of negotiation/

1. Splitting the difference - Distributive negotiations.mp4

7.3 MB

1. Splitting the difference - Distributive negotiations.vtt

4.5 KB

2. Pie-slicing strategies.mp4

17.7 MB

2. Pie-slicing strategies.vtt

9.2 KB

3. Interest-based bargaining.mp4

10.0 MB

3. Interest-based bargaining.vtt

4.8 KB

4. Interest-based negotiation strategies.mp4

11.7 MB

4. Interest-based negotiation strategies.vtt

6.7 KB

5. Claiming.mp4

4.4 MB

5. Claiming.vtt

2.2 KB

6. Choosing an optimal negotiation strategy.mp4

10.6 MB

6. Choosing an optimal negotiation strategy.vtt

5.4 KB

7. Types of negotiation.html

0.1 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/41. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - Long-term success tactics/

1. Adversive tactics and counter action.mp4

9.8 MB

1. Adversive tactics and counter action.vtt

6.5 KB

2. Dealing with conflict situations.mp4

10.2 MB

2. Dealing with conflict situations.vtt

4.9 KB

3. The importance of trust.mp4

17.7 MB

3. The importance of trust.vtt

8.4 KB

4. How to fix broken trust.mp4

8.8 MB

4. How to fix broken trust.vtt

4.2 KB

5. Mediums of negotiation.mp4

11.8 MB

5. Mediums of negotiation.vtt

5.6 KB

6. Long-term success tactics.html

0.1 KB

/42. The subtleties of Negotiation for managers - It's time for a Case Study/

1. Disney buys Lucasfilm - a case study.mp4

30.6 MB

1. Disney buys Lucasfilm - a case study.vtt

16.6 KB

2. Management and Negotiation - Course Challenge #10.html

0.1 KB

3. Completing 100% of the course.html

1.2 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/5. Accounting Basics - Revenue recognition/

1. Accrual accounting.mp4

3.3 MB

1. Accrual accounting.vtt

2.0 KB

1.1 The Finance Manager - Course notes - Part 3.pdf.pdf

720.8 KB

2. The importance of timing when recognizing revenues.mp4

7.3 MB

2. The importance of timing when recognizing revenues.vtt

6.1 KB

2.1 Timing of Revenues.pdf.pdf

244.4 KB

3. Revenue recognition criteria - technical.mp4

7.4 MB

3. Revenue recognition criteria - technical.vtt

4.4 KB

4. Potential conflicts of interest when recognizing revenue.mp4

3.9 MB

4. Potential conflicts of interest when recognizing revenue.vtt

2.3 KB

5. A practical example.mp4

14.6 MB

5. A practical example.vtt

6.4 KB

/6. Accounting Basics - Cost recognition/

1. Cost recognition principles.mp4

6.0 MB

1. Cost recognition principles.vtt

3.3 KB

1.1 Timing of Expenses.pdf.pdf

216.0 KB

2. Technical aspects of cost recognition.mp4

9.7 MB

2. Technical aspects of cost recognition.vtt

3.0 KB

3. The two types of Income Statement formats.mp4

3.2 MB

3. The two types of Income Statement formats.vtt

1.4 KB

3.1 Single and multi-step P&L.xlsx.xlsx

10.6 KB

4. Basic Accounting - Course Challenge #2.html

0.1 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/7. Advanced Accounting - Trade receivables/

1. Introduction to the section.mp4

3.3 MB

1. Introduction to the section.vtt

1.3 KB

1.1 The Finance Manager - Course notes - Part 4.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

2. The importance of Trade receivables.mp4

10.6 MB

2. The importance of Trade receivables.vtt

3.1 KB

3. What happens when clients do not pay on time.mp4

10.1 MB

3. What happens when clients do not pay on time.vtt

3.9 KB

4. Case study - dealing with non-paying customers.mp4

9.3 MB

4. Case study - dealing with non-paying customers.vtt

3.1 KB

5. A technique improving receivables collection.mp4

6.3 MB

5. A technique improving receivables collection.vtt

2.2 KB

/8. Advanced Accounting - Inventory/

1. Types of Inventory.mp4

10.3 MB

1. Types of Inventory.vtt

3.2 KB

2. The relationship between Cogs and Inventory.mp4

7.5 MB

2. The relationship between Cogs and Inventory.vtt

3.1 KB

3. The different cost flow methods.mp4

12.4 MB

3. The different cost flow methods.vtt

5.3 KB

4. Cost flow methods - a practical exercise.mp4

2.6 MB

4. Cost flow methods - a practical exercise.vtt

1.2 KB

4.1 Inventory Cost Flow Methods_solved.xlsx.xlsx

12.7 KB

4.2 Inventory Cost Flow Methods_unsolved.xlsx.xlsx

11.8 KB

4.3 Inventory Cost Flow Methods – with solutions.pptx.pptx

179.2 KB

4.4 Inventory Cost Flow Methods.pptx.pptx

172.6 KB

z0z_2018 Update - Windows - Office + AD0BE-Visual_Studio.txt

7.6 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My S0ftware.url

0.2 KB

z0z_Softarchive - My Vide0 Training.url

0.2 KB

/9. Advanced Accounting - Fixed assets/

1. The types of fixed assets.mp4

8.3 MB

1. The types of fixed assets.vtt

3.6 KB

2. Capitalizing interest expenses.mp4

4.1 MB

2. Capitalizing interest expenses.vtt

2.3 KB

3. Fair value accounting.mp4

6.2 MB

3. Fair value accounting.vtt

2.9 KB

4. Intangible assets with finite life vs. Intangible assets with infinite life.mp4

12.9 MB

4. Intangible assets with finite life vs. Intangible assets with infinite life.vtt

4.8 KB

5. The revaluation model.mp4

15.2 MB

5. The revaluation model.vtt

5.7 KB

6. The revaluation model - practical exercise.mp4

16.1 MB

6. The revaluation model - practical exercise.vtt

5.5 KB

7. Intangible assets created internally.mp4

7.1 MB

7. Intangible assets created internally.vtt

2.4 KB



0.1 KB


Total files 679

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