
Download Darwin's Doubt and Intelligent Design - Collection 12

Darwin Doubt and Intelligent Design Collection 12


Darwin's Doubt and Intelligent Design - Collection 12


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2024-09-19 02:59




Tudge - Why Genes Are Not Selfish, and People are Nice; a Challenge to the Dangerous Ideas that Dominate Our Lives (2013).epub

415.7 KB

O'Connor - Theism and Ultimate Explanation; the Necessary Shape of Contingency (2012).pdf

698.3 KB

Lubenow - Bones of Contention; a Creationist Assessment of Human Fossils (2004).epub

770.6 KB

Davies - The Fifth Miracle; the Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life (1999).epub

1.0 MB

Shapiro - Trying Biology; the Scopes Trial, Textbooks, and the Antievolution Movement in American Schools (2013).pdf

1.1 MB

Berwick & Chomsky - Why Only Us; Language and Evolution (2016).pdf

1.4 MB

Fowler & Kuebler - The Evolution Controversy; a Survey of Competing Theories (2007).epub

1.8 MB

Kiser - Perverted Truth Exposed; How Progressive Philosophy Has Corrupted Science (2016).epub

1.8 MB

Regal - Human Evolution; a Guide to the Debates (2004).pdf

1.8 MB

Davies - The Goldilocks Enigma; Why Is the Universe Just Right for Life (2006).epub

2.4 MB

Gardner - The Intelligent Universe; AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos (2007).epub

2.4 MB

Sweetman - Evolution, Chance, and God; Understanding the Relationship between Evolution and Religion (2015).pdf

2.7 MB

Lewis & Barnes – A Fortunate Universe; Life in a Finely Tuned Cosmos (2016).pdf

2.8 MB

Carr (Ed.) - Universe or Multiverse (2007).pdf

2.9 MB

Carter (Ed.) - Evolution's Achilles' Heels; 9 Ph.D. Scientists Explain Evolution's Fatal Flaws -- in Areas Claimed to be its Greatest Strengths (2014).epub

3.1 MB

Gardner - The New Ambidextrous Universe; Symmetry and Asymmetry from Mirror Reflections to Superstrings, 3e (1990).djvu

3.8 MB

Malone - Censored Science; the Suppressed Evidence (2014).epub

4.2 MB

Mossman - The Complexity Paradox; the More Answers We Find, the More Questions We Have (2014).epub

4.4 MB

Barrow - The Constants of Nature; from Alpha to Omega; the Numbers That Encode the Deepest Secrets of the Universe (2002).epub

4.8 MB

Bejan & Zane - Design in Nature; How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, .. (2012).epub

6.2 MB

Nagel & Chenes (Eds.) - Body by Design, From the Digestive System to the Skeleton; Vol. 1 (2000).pdf

6.8 MB

Nagel & Chenes (Eds.) - Body by Design, From the Digestive System to the Skeleton; Vol. 2 (2000).pdf

7.0 MB

Harrison - Cosmology; the Science of the Universe, 2e (2000).pdf

7.1 MB

Rees - Just Six Numbers; The Deep Forces that Shape the Universe (1999).pdf

8.7 MB

Holder - God, the Multiverse, and Everything; Modern Cosmology and the Argument from Design (2004).pdf

9.8 MB

Newman et al - What's Darwin Got to Do with It; a Friendly Conversation about Evolution (2000).epub

9.9 MB

Barrow et al (Eds.) - Science and Ultimate Reality; Quantum Theory, Cosmology, and Complexity (2004).pdf

10.5 MB

Baggott - Origins; the Scientific Story of Creation (2015).pdf

12.7 MB

Romer - The Textbook of the Universe; The Genetic Ascent to God (2003).pdf

12.9 MB

Haught - Going Ape; Florida's Battles over Evolution in the Classroom (2014).pdf

14.0 MB

Mattheck - Design in Nature; Learning from Trees (1998).pdf

17.4 MB

Lessl - Rhetorical Darwinism; Religion, Evolution, and the Scientific Identity (2012).pdf

18.3 MB

Grasset - How the Zebra Got its Stripes; Darwinian Stories Told Through Evolutionary Biology (2016).epub

23.8 MB


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