
Download Handel Messiah (1988-2005)

Handel Messiah 1988 2005


Handel Messiah (1988-2005)


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33.3 GB

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2024-10-01 00:21




01 - [Messiah, HWV 56] PART I. No.1 Sinfonia (Grave - Allegro Moderato).flac

14.2 MB

02 - No.2 Accompagnato. Comfort Ye My People, Saith Your God (Tenor).flac

11.2 MB

03 - No.3 Air. Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor).flac

13.3 MB

04 - No.4. And the Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed (Chorus).flac

12.2 MB

05 - No.5 Accompagnato. Thus Saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts (Bass).flac

6.1 MB

06 - No.6 Air. But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming (Alto).flac

18.8 MB

07 - Nos.7-8. And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi (Chorus) - Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive (Alto).flac

12.4 MB

08 - No.9 Air. O Thou that Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Mezzo-Soprano) - Arise, Shine, for Thy Light is Come (Chorus).flac

25.0 MB

09 - No.10 Accompagnato. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Bass).flac

7.5 MB

10 - No.11 Air. The People that Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light (Bass).flac

13.2 MB

11 - No.12. For Unto Us a Child is Born (Chorus).flac

18.4 MB

12 - No.13 Pastoral Symphony. Pifa.flac

10.1 MB

13 - Nos.14-15 Accompagnato & Recitative. And Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them (Soprano).flac

3.2 MB

14 - No.16 Accompagnato. And Suddenly there Was with the Angel (Soprano).flac

1.3 MB

15 - No.17. Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace on Earth (Chorus).flac

8.0 MB

16 - Nos.18-19 Air & Recitative. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (Soprano) - […] (Mezzo-Soprano).flac

20.1 MB

17 - No.20 Duet. He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd (Mezzo-Soprano & Soprano).flac

19.9 MB

18 - No.21. His Yoke is Easy, and His Burthen is Light (Chorus).flac

9.8 MB

19 - PART II. No.22. Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus).flac

13.3 MB

20 - No.23 Air. He Was Despised and Rejected of Men (Mezzo-Soprano).flac

36.9 MB

21 - No.24. Surely He Hath Borne our Griefs and Carried our Sorrows (Chorus).flac

9.8 MB

22 - No.25. And with His Stripes We Are Healed (Chorus).flac

8.8 MB

23 - No.26. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (Chorus).flac

18.8 MB


01 - [Messiah, HWV 56] PART II. No.27 Accompagnato. All They that See Him Laugh (Tenor).flac

3.4 MB

02 - No.28. He Trusted in God that He Would Deliver Him (Chorus).flac

11.7 MB

03 - No.29 Accompagnato. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Tenor).flac

7.3 MB

04 - No.30 Arioso. Behold, and See if There Be any Sorrow (Tenor).flac

5.8 MB

05 - No.31 Accompagnato. He Was Cut Off Out of the Land of the Living (Tenor).flac

1.4 MB

06 - No.32 Air. But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (Tenor).flac

8.6 MB

07 - Nos.33-34 Chorus & Recitative. Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates - Unto Which of the Angels Said (Tenor).flac

16.9 MB

08 - No.35. Let All the Angels of God Worship Him (Chorus).flac

6.9 MB

09 - No.36 Air. Thou Art Gone Up On High (Bass).flac

15.3 MB

10 - No.37. The Lord Gave the Word (Chorus).flac

6.0 MB

11 - No.38 Air. How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them (Soprano).flac

8.2 MB

12 - No.39. Their Sound is Gone Out into All Lands (Chorus).flac

7.4 MB

13 - No.40 Air. Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together (Bass).flac

13.8 MB

14 - Nos.41-42 Chorus & Recitative. Let Us Break their Bonds Asunder - He that Dwelleth in Heav'n (Tenor).flac

9.7 MB

15 - No.43 Air. Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod of Iron (Tenor).flac

9.5 MB

16 - No.44. Hallelujah (Chorus).flac

18.3 MB

17 - PART III. No.45 Air. I Know that my Redeemer Liveth (Soprano).flac

20.8 MB

18 - No.46. Since By Man Came Death (Chorus).flac

8.5 MB

19 - No.47 Accompagnato. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery (Bass).flac

2.6 MB

20 - Nos.48-49 Air & Recitative. The Trumpet Shall Sound - Then Shall Be Brought to Pass (Bass & Alto).flac

40.9 MB

21 - No.50 Duet. O Death, Where is Thy Sting (Alto & Tenor).flac

4.4 MB

22 - No.51. But Thanks Be to God (Chorus).flac

11.1 MB

23 - No.52 Air. If God Be for Us (Soprano).flac

17.2 MB

24 - No.53a. Worthy is the Lamb that Was Slain (Chorus).flac

17.5 MB

25 - No.53b. Amen (Chorus).flac

20.2 MB

/100 Budday, Hanoverian Court Orchestra (K&K, 2005)/


2.4 MB


(01) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] MESSIAH (Mesjasz), oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Sinfony-....flac

16.9 MB

(02) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Comfort ye my people.flac

9.8 MB

(03) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Tenor)- Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

17.1 MB

(04) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

19.3 MB

(05) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

6.5 MB

(06) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Alto)- But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

23.4 MB

(07) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- And He shall purify.flac

13.0 MB

(08) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Alto)- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.8 MB

(09) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Alto) and Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

23.9 MB

(10) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

7.3 MB

(11) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness.flac

14.5 MB

(12) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- For unto us a Child is born.flac

22.7 MB

(13) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Pifa (Larghetto e mezzo piano).flac

11.2 MB

(14) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative & Accompagnato (Soprano)- There were shepherds ... And lo, the angel of the Lord.flac

2.4 MB

(15) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Soprano)- And the angel said unto them.flac

2.4 MB

(16) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.5 MB

(17) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

8.8 MB

(18) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

17.7 MB

(19) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd.flac

1.9 MB

(20) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Duet (Alto, Soprano)- He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

20.8 MB

(21) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- His yoke is easy, His burthen is light.flac

12.4 MB

(22) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] PART THE SECOND. Chorus- Behold, the Lamb of God.flac

12.6 MB

(23) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Alto)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

22.5 MB

(24) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Surely, He hath borne our griefs.flac

8.7 MB

(25) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- And with His stripes we are healed.flac

8.0 MB

(26) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

18.7 MB


(01) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Tenor)- All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.2 MB

(02) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- He trusted in God.flac

12.1 MB

(03) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

5.6 MB

(04) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Arioso (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

4.8 MB

(05) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.6 MB

(06) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Tenor)- But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.flac

11.0 MB

(07) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

16.1 MB

(08) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which of the angels.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

7.5 MB

(10) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Alto)- Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.9 MB

(11) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

5.8 MB

(12) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet.flac

12.1 MB

(13) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

7.5 MB

(14) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

13.9 MB

(15) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

9.1 MB

(16) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.2 MB

(17) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them.flac

10.0 MB

(18) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Hallelujah!.flac

22.0 MB

(19) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] PART THE THIRD. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

22.7 MB

(20) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Since by man came death.flac

8.1 MB

(21) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Accompagnato (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.5 MB

(22) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

30.6 MB

(23) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.6 MB

(24) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Duet (Alto, Tenor)- O death, where is thy sting- - Chorus- But thanks be to God.flac

16.9 MB

(25) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Air (Soprano)- If God be for us.flac

22.4 MB

(26) [Capella Cracoviensis, Stanislaw Galonski] Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb that was slain ... Amen.flac

37.0 MB



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1.4 MB


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1.1 MB

/CD 01/

01 - Erster Teil - Symphony.flac

12.2 MB

02 - Erster Teil - Accompagnato_ Trö.flac

10.5 MB

03 - Erster Teil - Air_ Alle Tale ma.flac

14.3 MB

04 - Erster Teil - Chorus_ Denn die.flac

14.3 MB

05 - Erster Teil - Accompagnata_ So.flac

6.9 MB

06 - Erster Teil - Air_ Doch wer wir.flac

12.9 MB

07 - Erster Teil - Recitative_ Denn.flac

1.5 MB

08 - Erster Teil - Air_ O Du, die Wo.flac

17.3 MB

09 - Erster Teil - Chorus_ Denn es i.flac

16.9 MB

10 - Erster Teil - Pifa.flac

12.1 MB

11 - Erster Teil - Recitative_ Es wa.flac

6.2 MB

12 - Erster Teil - Chorus_ Ehre sei.flac

8.3 MB

13 - Erster Teil - Air_ Erwach, froh.flac

18.3 MB

14 - Erster Teil - Recitative_ Dann.flac

2.0 MB

15 - Erster Teil - Duett_ Er weidet.flac

21.2 MB

16 - Erster Teil - Chorus_ Sein Joch.flac

9.8 MB

/CD 02/

01 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Seht an.flac

12.8 MB

02 - Zweiter Teil - Air_ Er ward ver.flac

28.9 MB

03 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Wahrlich.flac

7.5 MB

04 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Durch se.flac

8.1 MB

05 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Der Herd.flac

15.1 MB

06 - Zweiter Teil - Accompagnato_ Di.flac

6.5 MB

07 - Zweiter Teil - Arioso_ Schau hi.flac

3.8 MB

08 - Zweiter Teil - Accompagnato_ er.flac

1.7 MB

09 - Zweiter Teil - Air_ Doch Du lie.flac

9.1 MB

10 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Der Herr.flac

5.2 MB

11 - Zweiter Teil - Air_ Wie lieblic.flac

9.3 MB

12 - Zweiter Teil - Arioso_ Ihr Scha.flac

3.8 MB

13 - Zweiter Teil - Air_ Warum rasen.flac

13.6 MB

14 - Zweiter Teil - Recitative_ Der.flac

1.1 MB

15 - Zweiter Teil - Air_ Du zerschlä.flac

9.2 MB

16 - Zweiter Teil - Chorus_ Halleluj.flac

17.9 MB

17 - Dritter Teil - Air_ ich weiss,.flac

26.3 MB

18 - Dritter Teil - Chorus_ Wie durc.flac

7.6 MB

19 - Dritter Teil - Accompagnato_ Ve.flac

2.7 MB

20 - Dritter Teil - Air_ Sie schallt.flac

37.6 MB

21 - Dritter Teil - Recitative_ Dann.flac

1.3 MB

22 - Dritter Teil - Duett_ O Tod, wo.flac

6.1 MB

23 - Dritter Teil - Chorus_ Würdig i.flac

15.8 MB

24 - Dritter Teil - Chorus_ Amen.flac

16.4 MB

/102 Hackl, Tonkünstlerensemble (Ton 4, 2005)/


145.1 KB



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2.4 MB

/Disc 1/

01 - Part One - Sinfony (Grave - Allegro moderato).flac

17.2 MB

02 - Part One - Accompagnato (Tenor) 'Comfort Ye My People'.flac

13.8 MB

03 - Part One - Air (Tenor) 'Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted'.flac

16.0 MB

04 - Part One - Chorus 'And The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed'.flac

13.6 MB

05 - Part One - Accompagnato (Bass) 'Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts'.flac

7.1 MB

06 - Part One - Air (Alto) 'But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming'.flac

21.3 MB

07 - Part One - Chorus 'And He Shall Purify'.flac

11.1 MB

08 - Part One - Recitative (Contralto) 'Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive'.flac

1.4 MB

09 - Part One - Air (Contralto) 'And Chorus 'O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings'.flac

25.3 MB

10 - Part One - Accompagnato (Bass) 'For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover'.flac

11.2 MB

11 - Part One - Air (Bass) 'The People That Walked In Darkness'.flac

16.9 MB

12 - Part One - Chorus 'For Unto Us A Child Is Born'.flac

19.1 MB

13 - Part One - Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

4.1 MB

14 - Part One - Recitative (Soprano) 'There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field'.flac

5.9 MB

15 - Part One - Chorus 'Glory To God In The Highest'.flac

9.0 MB

16 - Part One - Air (Soprano) 'Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion'.flac

21.8 MB

17 - Part One - Recitative (Contralto) 'Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind'.flac

1.2 MB

18 - Part One - Air (Contralto & Soprano) 'He Shall Feed His Flock'.flac

20.6 MB

19 - Part One - Chorus 'His Yoke Is Easy, His Burthen Is Light'.flac

10.5 MB

20 - Part Two - Chorus 'Behold The Lamb Of God'.flac

14.0 MB

21 - Part Two - Air (Contralto) 'He Was Despised'.flac

44.2 MB

/Disc 2/

01 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 24. Chorus. Surely he hath borne our griefs.flac

12.1 MB

02 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 25. Chorus. And with his stripes we are healed.flac

8.8 MB

03 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 26. Chorus. All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

16.4 MB

04 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 27. Accompagnato. All they that see him.flac

3.5 MB

05 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 28. Chorus. He trusted in God.flac

12.2 MB

06 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 29. Accompagnato. Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

5.9 MB

07 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 30. Arioso. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

6.4 MB

08 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 31. Accompagnato. He was cut off out of the land.flac

992.6 KB

09 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 32. Air. But thou didst not leave his soul.flac

9.5 MB

10 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 33. Chorus. Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

15.2 MB

11 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 34. Recitative. Unto which of the angels.flac

790.1 KB

12 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 35. Chorus. Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

7.3 MB

13 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 36. Air. Thou art gone up on high.flac

13.5 MB

14 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 37. Chorus. The Lord gave the word.flac

5.6 MB

15 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 38. Air. How beautiful are the feet.flac

10.5 MB

16 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 39. Chorus. Their sound is gone out.flac

7.1 MB

17 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 40. Air. Why do the nations so furiously rage.flac

15.5 MB

18 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 41. Chorus. Let us break their bonds asunder..flac

9.0 MB

19 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 42. Recitative. He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

752.6 KB

20 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 43. Air. Thou shalt break them.flac

10.0 MB

21 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 2. 44. Chorus. Hallelujah.flac

21.4 MB

22 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 45. Air. I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

27.2 MB

23 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 46. Chorus. Since by man came death.flac

9.2 MB

24 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 47. Recitative. Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

1.9 MB

25 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 48. Air. The trumpet shall sound.flac

46.8 MB

26 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 49. Recitative. Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.0 MB

27 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 50. Duet. O death, where is thy sting .flac

4.8 MB

28 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 51. Chorus. But thanks be to God.flac

10.8 MB

29 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 52. Air. If God be for us.flac

20.7 MB

30 - Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56- Part 3. 53. Chorus. Worthy is the lamb that was slain - Amen.flac

37.8 MB


01 Overture.flac

7.3 MB

02 Allegro moderato.flac

11.5 MB

03 Recitative- Comfort ye (tenor).flac

13.7 MB

04 Aria- Every Valley (tenor).flac

17.4 MB

05 Chorus- And the Glory of the Lord.flac

16.4 MB

06 Recitative- Thus saith the Lord (bass).flac

7.0 MB

07 Aria- But who may abide (bass).flac

21.8 MB

08 Chorus- And He shall purify.flac

13.6 MB

09 Recitative- Behold! A Virgin (alto).flac

1.7 MB

10 Aria- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (alto).flac

28.1 MB

11 Recitative- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (bass).flac

9.3 MB

12 Aria- The people that walked in darkness (bass).flac

15.5 MB

13 Chorus- For unto us a Child is born.flac

20.1 MB

14 Pastoral Symphony , Recitative- There were shepherds (soprano).flac

14.9 MB

15 Accompagnato- And lo!, the Angel (soprano).flac

1.7 MB

16 Recitative- And the Angel said unto them (soprano).flac

2.5 MB

17 Accompagnato- And suddenly there was with the Angel (soprano).flac

1.5 MB

18 Chorus- Glory to God.flac

9.5 MB

19 Aria- Rejoice greatly (soprano).flac

23.3 MB

20 Recitative- Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto).flac

1.7 MB

21 Aria- He shall feed His flock , Aria- Come unto him (soprano).flac

24.8 MB

22 Chorus- His yoke is easy.flac

13.2 MB


01 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

13.2 MB

02 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - He was despised.flac

52.4 MB

03 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - Surely, He hath borne our griefs.flac

11.2 MB

04 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - And with His stripes.flac

9.5 MB

05 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

20.8 MB

06 Messiah - Part 2 - Recitative - All they that see Him.flac

3.7 MB

07 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - He trusted in God.flac

11.9 MB

08 Messiah - Part 2 - Recitative - Thy rebuke hath broken.flac

6.4 MB

09 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - Behold, and see.flac

5.1 MB

10 Messiah - Part 2 - Recitative - He was cut off.flac

1.1 MB

11 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - But Thou didst not leave.flac

10.3 MB

12 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - Lift up your heads.flac

16.3 MB

13 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - The Lord gave the Word.flac

6.9 MB

14 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - How beautiful are the feet of them.flac

10.4 MB

15 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - Why do the nations.flac

15.1 MB

16 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.2 MB

17 Messiah - Part 2 - Recitative - He that dwelleth in Heaven.flac

1.0 MB

18 Messiah - Part 2 - Aria - Thou shalt break them.flac

10.9 MB

19 Messiah - Part 2 - Chorus - Hallelujah.flac

21.2 MB

20 Messiah - Part 3 - Aria - I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

31.0 MB

21 Messiah - Part 3 - Chorus - Since by man came death.flac

10.6 MB

22 Messiah - Part 3 - Recitative - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.3 MB

23 Messiah - Part 3 - Aria - The trumpet shall sound.flac

19.5 MB

24 Messiah - Part 3 - Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb.flac

20.6 MB

25 Messiah - Part 3 - Chorus - Amen.flac

19.4 MB

/53 Mackerras, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Signum, 1988)/


1.2 MB

/CD 1/

(01) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Sinfony.flac

16.8 MB

(02) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Comfort ye my people.flac

14.2 MB

(03) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

18.1 MB

(04) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

15.4 MB

(05) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

7.0 MB

(06) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

20.6 MB

(07) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] And he shall purify.flac

14.2 MB

(08) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.6 MB

(09) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

28.2 MB

(10) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

9.3 MB

(11) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] The people that walked in darkness.flac

16.4 MB

(12) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] For unto us a child is born.flac

21.8 MB

(13) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Pifa.flac

3.8 MB

(14) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] There were shepherds - And the angel said unto them - And suddenly there was ....flac

6.2 MB

(15) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Glory to God in the highest.flac

9.8 MB

(16) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

19.8 MB

(17) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd.flac

1.5 MB

(18) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

20.5 MB

(19) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] His yoke is easy, his burthen light.flac

12.9 MB

(20) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Behold, the Lamb of God.flac

15.0 MB

(21) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] He was despised.flac

46.9 MB

(22) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] Surely, He hath borne our griefs.flac

13.3 MB

(23) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] And with His stripes we are healed.flac

10.3 MB

(24) [Tavener Choir & Players - Andrew Parrott] All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

20.4 MB

/CD 2/

(01) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

4.0 MB

(02) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] He trusted in God.flac

12.6 MB

(03) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

6.4 MB

(04) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

6.8 MB

(05) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.5 MB

(06) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.flac

12.6 MB

(07) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

17.8 MB

(08) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Unto which of the angels.flac

1.4 MB

(09) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

7.9 MB

(10) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.1 MB

(11) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] The Lord gave the word.flac

6.8 MB

(12) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] How beautiful are the feet.flac

10.2 MB

(13) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

8.8 MB

(14) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

8.0 MB

(15) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.3 MB

(16) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

959.4 KB

(17) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Thou shalt break them.flac

11.0 MB

(18) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Hallelujah!.flac

22.8 MB

(19) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

27.8 MB

(20) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Since by man came death.flac

10.7 MB

(21) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.2 MB

(22) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] The trumpet shall sound.flac

43.4 MB

(23) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Then shall be brought to pass the saying.flac

1.3 MB

(24) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] O death, where is thy sting.flac

6.0 MB

(25) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] But thanks be to God.flac

13.6 MB

(26) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] If God be for us.flac

21.6 MB

(27) [Taverner Choir & Players, Andrew Parrott] Worthy is the Lamb that was slain... Amen.flac

40.5 MB

/Original scans/


368.3 KB


1.1 MB


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716.3 KB


757.9 KB


672.0 KB


745.7 KB


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422.3 KB


447.8 KB


1.2 MB



5.8 MB


933.8 KB


807.6 KB


1.7 MB


1.9 MB


1.3 MB


3.7 MB


3.4 MB

/CD 1/

01 Sinfonia.flac

18.3 MB

02 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.flac

10.2 MB

03 Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

13.7 MB

04 And the glory of the Lord.flac

11.4 MB

05 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

7.0 MB

06 But who may abide the day.flac

16.5 MB

07 And he shall purify.flac

12.1 MB

08 Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

2.2 MB

09 O thou that tellest good tidings.flac

21.2 MB

10 For behold, darkness shall cover.flac

8.3 MB

11 The people that walked.flac

15.6 MB

12 For unto us a Child is born.flac

20.0 MB

13 Pifa.flac

8.3 MB

14 There were shepards.flac

6.0 MB

15 Glory to god in the highest.flac

8.4 MB

16 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

18.8 MB

17 Then shall the eyes.flac

2.2 MB

18 He shall feed his flock.flac

19.9 MB

19 His yoke is easy.flac

11.8 MB

20 Part II - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

11.6 MB

21 He was despised an rejected.flac

39.5 MB

/CD 2/

01 No.24 Chor- Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs.flac

11.0 MB

02 No.25 Chor- And With His Stripes We Are Healed.flac

8.9 MB

03 No.26 Chor- All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray.flac

14.6 MB

04 No.27 Accompagnato- All They That See Him.flac

3.2 MB

05 No.28 Chor- He Trusted In God.flac

11.5 MB

06 No.29 Accompagnato- Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart.flac

4.9 MB

07 No.30 Arioso- Behold, And See If There.flac

3.4 MB

08 No.31 Accompagnato- He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land.flac

1.2 MB

09 No.32 Air- But Thou Didst Not Leave.flac

8.5 MB

10 No.33 Chor- Lift Up Your Heads.flac

15.3 MB

11 No.34 Recitative- Unto Which Of The Angels.flac

1.1 MB

12 No.35 Chor- Let All The Angels Of God.flac

8.5 MB

13 No.36 Air- Thou Art Gone Up On High.flac

12.5 MB

14 No.37 Chor- The Lord Gave The Word.flac

5.7 MB

15 No.38 Air- How Beautiful Are The Feet.flac

8.2 MB

16 No.39 Chor- Their Sound Is Gone Out.flac

8.4 MB

17 No.40 Air- Why Do The Nations So Furiously.flac

7.9 MB

18 No.41 Chor- Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder.flac

10.0 MB

19 No.42 Recitative- He That Dwelleth In Heaven.flac

1.1 MB

20 No.43 Air- Thou Shalt Break Them.flac

8.9 MB

21 No.44 Chor- Hallelujah.flac

19.0 MB

22 No.45 Air- I Know That My Redeemer.flac

21.7 MB

23 No.46 Chor- Since By Man Came Death.flac

8.5 MB

24 No.47 Recitative- Behold, I Tell You A Mystery.flac

2.0 MB

25 No.48 Air- The Trumpet Shall Sound.flac

40.3 MB

26 No.49 Recitative- Then Shall Be Brought To Pass.flac

1.6 MB

27 No.50,No.51 Duet,Chor- O Death, Where Is Thy Sting,But Thanks Be To God.flac

15.3 MB

28 No.52 Air- If God Be For Us.flac

17.4 MB

29 No.53 Chor- Worthy Is The Lamb.flac

33.2 MB

/55 Scimone, I Solisti Veneti (Arts, 1989)/


1.0 MB

/CD 01/

01 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - Sy.flac

20.8 MB

02 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

16.3 MB

03 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

21.7 MB

04 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

20.3 MB

05 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

8.9 MB

06 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

29.0 MB

07 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

17.0 MB

08 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

2.6 MB

09 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

23.1 MB

10 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

11.1 MB

11 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

8.2 MB

12 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

20.4 MB

13 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

27.2 MB

14 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

21.8 MB

15 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

10.4 MB

16 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

13.2 MB

17 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

27.5 MB

18 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie I - No.flac

3.0 MB

19 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

28.7 MB

20 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

16.1 MB

21 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

14.0 MB

22 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

61.0 MB

/CD 02/

01 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

13.1 MB

02 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

12.5 MB

03 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

25.2 MB

04 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

4.8 MB

05 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

15.4 MB

06 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

10.2 MB

07 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

8.1 MB

08 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

2.2 MB

09 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

14.7 MB

10 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

21.9 MB

11 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

2.0 MB

12 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

9.9 MB

13 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

19.9 MB

14 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

7.9 MB

15 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

12.8 MB

16 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

10.0 MB

17 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

19.0 MB

18 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

13.1 MB

19 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

1.7 MB

20 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

13.2 MB

21 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Ii - N.flac

27.6 MB

22 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

31.5 MB

23 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

11.7 MB

24 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

4.1 MB

25 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

57.6 MB

26 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

2.4 MB

27 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

7.4 MB

28 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

15.0 MB

29 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

27.2 MB

30 - Messiah, Hwv 56 _ Partie Iii -.flac

46.5 MB

/56 Kuentz, Orchestre Paul Kuentz (Benoit d'Hau, 1989)/


1.0 MB



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873.7 KB

/CD 1/

01. Sinfony.flac

15.5 MB

02. Comfort Ye.flac

12.0 MB

03. Ev'ry Valley.flac

14.5 MB

04. And The Glory.flac

14.2 MB

05. Thus Saith The Lord.flac

6.6 MB

06. But Who May Abide_.flac

19.5 MB

07. And He Shall Purify.flac

11.3 MB

08. Behold, A Virgin.flac

1.3 MB

09. O Thou That Tellest.flac

26.1 MB

10. For Behold, Darkness.flac

8.2 MB

11. The People That Walked.flac

16.5 MB

12. For Unto Us.flac

19.3 MB

13. Pastoral Symphony.flac

3.4 MB

14. There Were Shepherds.flac

730.9 KB

15. And Lo, The Angel Of The Lord.flac

1.3 MB

16. And The Angel Said Unto Them.flac

2.1 MB

17. And Suddenly.flac

1.4 MB

18. Glory To God.flac

9.0 MB

19. Rejoice Greatly.flac

19.4 MB

20. Then Shall The Eyes.flac

1.5 MB

21. And He Shall Feed His Flock.flac

20.1 MB

22. His Yoke Is Easy.flac

10.2 MB

23. Behold The Lamb Of God.flac

14.8 MB

24. He Was Despised.flac

44.7 MB

25. Surely, He Hath Borne.flac

10.3 MB

26. And With His Stripes.flac

9.3 MB

27. All We Like Sheep.flac

18.2 MB

/CD 2/

01. All They That See Him.flac

3.7 MB

02. He Trusted In God.flac

10.7 MB

03. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart.flac

5.7 MB

04. Behold, And See.flac

5.2 MB

05. He Was Cut Off.flac

1.1 MB

06. But Thou Didst Not Leave.flac

9.8 MB

07. Lift Up Your Heads.flac

16.2 MB

08. Unto Which Of The Angels.flac

884.3 KB

09. Let All The Angels.flac

7.8 MB

10. Thou Art Gone Up On High.flac

14.1 MB

11. The Lord Gave The Word.flac

6.0 MB

12. How Beautiful Are The Feet.flac

9.4 MB

13. Their Sound Is Gone Out.flac

8.1 MB

14. Why Do The Nations.flac

14.7 MB

15. Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder.flac

9.2 MB

16. He That Dwelleth In Heaven.flac

857.4 KB

17. Thou Shalt Break Them.flac

10.2 MB

18. Hallelujah.flac

21.6 MB

19. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth.flac

24.7 MB

20. Since By Man Came Death.flac

9.6 MB

21. Behold, I Tell You A Mystery.flac

2.6 MB

22. The Trumpet Shall Sound.flac

44.7 MB

23. Then Shall Be Brought To Pass.flac

886.8 KB

24. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting.flac

4.6 MB

25. But Thanks Be To God.flac

11.6 MB

26. If God Be For Us.flac

21.2 MB

27. Worthy Is The Lamb.flac

39.1 MB


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(01) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Sinfonia - Comfort ye - Every valley shall be exalted - And ....flac

49.8 MB

(02) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Thus saith the Lord.flac

5.6 MB

(03) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

17.8 MB

(04) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. And he shall purify the sons of Levi.flac

10.8 MB

(05) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Behold, a virgin shall conceive - O thou that tellest good t....flac

24.2 MB

(06) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth - The people that....flac

19.4 MB

(07) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. For unto us a child is born - Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) - The....flac

28.2 MB

(08) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

1.3 MB

(09) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. And the angel said unto them - And suddenly there was with t....flac

10.9 MB

(10) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

19.1 MB

(11) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened.flac

1.6 MB

(12) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. He shall feed His flock.flac

21.8 MB

(13) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. His yoke is easy.flac

9.9 MB

(14) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.5 MB

(15) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. But who may abide the day of His coming (bass).flac

12.9 MB

(16) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. But who may abide the day of His coming (soprano).flac

19.6 MB

(17) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. But who may abide the day of His coming [recitative] (bass).flac

1.4 MB

(18) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. But lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

7.0 MB

(19) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (soprano).flac

24.5 MB

(20) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan] Messiah- Part I. He shall feed his flock (alto).flac

19.7 MB


(01) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Behold the lamb of God.flac

11.8 MB

(02) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. He was despised and rejected of men.flac

35.9 MB

(03) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows - A....flac

64.8 MB

(04) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Lift up your heads - Unto which of the angels said He at an....flac

19.6 MB

(05) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Thou art gone up on high.flac

12.3 MB

(06) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. The Lord gave the word.flac

5.1 MB

(07) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. How beautiful are the feet.flac

8.9 MB

(08) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

6.4 MB

(09) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

13.7 MB

(10) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.0 MB

(11) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. He that dwelleth in heaven - Thou shalt break them with a r....flac

9.9 MB

(12) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Hallelujah!.flac

16.7 MB

(13) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Thou art gone up on high (bass).flac

13.0 MB

(14) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Thou art gone up on high (alto).flac

12.3 MB

(15) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. How beautiful are the feet - Their sound is gone out....flac

21.2 MB

(16) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. How beautiful are the feet - Break forth into joy....flac

16.2 MB

(17) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. How beautiful are the feet (alto).flac

11.5 MB

(18) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Their sound is gone out... (tenor).flac

4.6 MB

(19) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. Why do the nations... (bass).flac

6.5 MB

(20) [George Frideric Handel] Messiah- Part II. He that dwelleth... - Thou shalt break them....flac

1.6 MB


(01) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.9 MB

(02) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. Since by man came death.flac

7.0 MB

(03) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.0 MB

(04) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. The trumpet shall sound.flac

37.7 MB

(05) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. Then shall be brought to pass.flac

987.0 KB

(06) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. O Death, where is thy sting-.flac

7.7 MB

(07) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. But thanks be to God.flac

9.4 MB

(08) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. If God be for us.flac

17.9 MB

(09) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. Worthy is the Lamb.flac

14.5 MB

(10) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. Amen.flac

18.3 MB

(11) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. O Death, where is thy sting- (alto).flac

1.5 MB

(12) [Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra; McGegan] Messiah- Part III. He was despised....flac

40.4 MB


(01) [Brown] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three Parts, HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Overture.flac

18.9 MB

(02) [Brown & James Griffett] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God.flac

13.2 MB

(03) [Brown & James Griffett] Air (Tenor)- Ev’ry valley shall be exalted.flac

18.8 MB

(04) [Brown] Chorus- And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

14.4 MB

(05) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Accompagnato (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

7.4 MB

(06) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Air (Mezzo-soprano)- But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

21.2 MB

(07) [Brown] Chorus- And He shall purify the sons of Levi.flac

13.5 MB

(08) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Recitative (Mezzo-soprano)- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.7 MB

(09) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Air (Mezzo-soprano) and Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

31.6 MB

(10) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Accompagnato (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

10.1 MB

(11) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.flac

19.1 MB

(12) [Brown] Chorus- For unto us a Child is born, unto us a son is given.flac

22.9 MB

(13) [Brown] Pastoral Symphony ; Recitative (Soprano)- There were shepherds ; Accompagnato (Soprano)- And lo, the angel ; Recitative (Soprano)- And the angel.flac

17.4 MB

(14) [Brown & Ruth Holton] Accompagnato (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the angel ; Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

11.4 MB

(15) [Brown & Ruth Holton] Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

21.7 MB

(16) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Recitative (Mezzo-soprano)- Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened.flac

2.1 MB

(17) [Brown & Ruth Holton, Vanessa Williamson] Duet (Soprano & Mezzo-soprano)- He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

25.1 MB

(18) [Brown] Chorus- His yoke is easy, His burthen is light.flac

14.2 MB

(19) [Brown] PART THE SECOND. Chorus- Behold, the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.flac

18.4 MB

(20) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Air (Mezzo-soprano)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

49.3 MB


(01) [Brown] Chorus- Surely, He hath borne our griefs.flac

9.4 MB

(02) [Brown] Chorus- And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.4 MB

(03) [Brown] Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

20.7 MB

(04) [Brown & James Griffett] Accompagnato (Tenor)- All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.1 MB

(05) [Brown & James Griffett] Chorus- He trusted in God that He would deliver Him.flac

14.3 MB

(06) [Brown & James Griffett] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

7.6 MB

(07) [Brown & James Griffett] Air (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow.flac

6.1 MB

(08) [Brown & James Griffett] Accompagnato (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land of the living ; Air (Tenor)- But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.flac

12.6 MB

(09) [Brown] Chorus- Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

18.1 MB

(10) [Brown & James Griffett] Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which of the angels said He at any time ; Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

10.2 MB

(11) [Brown & Vanessa Williamson] Air (Mezzo-soprano)- Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.1 MB

(12) [Brown] Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

7.1 MB

(13) [Brown & Ruth Holton] Air (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace.flac

11.0 MB

(14) [Brown] Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

5.3 MB

(15) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together shall laugh them to scorn.flac

15.0 MB

(16) [Brown] Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.9 MB

(17) [Brown & James Griffett] Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn ; Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

13.1 MB

(18) [Brown] Chorus- Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.flac

21.5 MB

(19) [Brown & Ruth Holton] PART THE THIRD. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

27.9 MB

(20) [Brown] Chorus- Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.flac

9.8 MB

(21) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Accompagnato (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.7 MB

(22) [Brown & Lawrence Albert] Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

45.3 MB

(23) [Brown & Williamson, Griffett] Recitative (Mezzo-soprano)- Then shall be brought ; Duet (Mezzo-soprano & Tenor)- O death ; Chorus- But thanks.flac

20.8 MB

(24) [Brown & Ruth Holton] Air (Soprano)- If God be for us, who can be against us-.flac

22.6 MB

(25) [Brown] Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

19.1 MB

(26) [Brown] Chorus- Amen.flac

18.9 MB

/scans Allegro/


1.4 MB


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2.1 MB

/.../scans Carlton Classics/


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473.5 KB

/CD 1/

(01) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Sinfonia.flac

14.4 MB

(02) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Comfort ye, my people.flac

11.2 MB

(03) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Every valley shall be exalted.flac

15.6 MB

(04) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] And the glory of the Lord.flac

13.7 MB

(05) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.1 MB

(06) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] But who may abide.flac

19.2 MB

(07) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] And He shall purify.flac

10.4 MB

(08) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.4 MB

(09) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

26.5 MB

(10) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

7.2 MB

(11) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] The people that walked in darkness.flac

17.1 MB

(12) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] For unto us a Child is born.flac

17.5 MB

(13) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

11.1 MB

(14) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] There were shepherds, And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

2.3 MB

(15) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] And the angel said unto them.flac

2.5 MB

(16) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] And suddenly there was the angel.flac

1.3 MB

(17) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Glory to God.flac

8.2 MB

(18) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

19.5 MB

(19) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

1.6 MB

(20) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

18.8 MB

(21) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] His yoke is easy.flac

10.5 MB

(22) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Behold the lamb of God.flac

11.8 MB

(23) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] He was despised.flac

32.4 MB

/CD 2/

(01) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Surely he hath borne our griefs - Chorus.flac

9.3 MB

(02) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] And with his stripes we are healed - Chorus.flac

8.5 MB

(03) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] All we like sheep - Chorus.flac

16.5 MB

(04) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] All they that see him - Tenor Recitative.flac

3.4 MB

(05) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] He trusted in God - Chorus.flac

11.0 MB

(06) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Thy rebuke hath broken his heart - Tenor Recitative.flac

5.7 MB

(07) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Behold, and see if there be any sorrow - Tenor Arioso.flac

5.1 MB

(08) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] He was cut off out of the land of the living - Tenor Recitative.flac

1.4 MB

(09) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] But thou didst not leave his soul in Hell - Tenor Air.flac

12.5 MB

(10) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Lift up your heads - Chorus.flac

14.6 MB

(11) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Unto which of the angels - Tenor Recitative.flac

1.1 MB

(12) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Let all the angels of God worship him - Chorus.flac

7.2 MB

(13) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Thou art gone up on high - Alto Air.flac

13.6 MB

(14) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] The Lord gave the word - Chorus.flac

6.5 MB

(15) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] How beautiful are the feet - Soprano Air.flac

9.5 MB

(16) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] The sound is gone out - Chorus.flac

7.3 MB

(17) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Why do the nations- - Bass Air.flac

13.5 MB

(18) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Let us break their bonds asunder - Chorus.flac

9.1 MB

(19) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] He that dwelleth in heaven - Tenor Recitative.flac

966.6 KB

(20) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Thou shall break them - Tenor Air.flac

10.2 MB

(21) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Hallelujah - Chorus.flac

19.4 MB

(22) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] I know that my Redeemer liveth - Soprano Air.flac

20.0 MB

(23) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Since by man came death - Chorus.flac

8.7 MB

(24) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Behold, I tell you a mystery - Bass Recitative.flac

2.4 MB

(25) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] The trumpet shall sound - Bass Air.flac

42.6 MB

(26) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Then shall be brought to pass - Alto Recitative.flac

994.6 KB

(27) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] O death, where is thy sting- - Alto & Tenor Duet.flac

5.5 MB

(28) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] But thanks be to God - Chorus.flac

11.1 MB

(29) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] If God be for us - Soprano Air.flac

18.6 MB

(30) [Boston Baroque Orchestra & Chorus - Martin Pearlman] Worthy is the lamb... Amen - Chorus.flac

37.1 MB



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01 Part I_ Sinfony.flac

14.8 MB

02 Part I_ Recitative_ Comfort ye my people (Tenor).flac

12.6 MB

03 Part I_ Aria_ Every valley shall be exalted (Tenor).flac

16.5 MB

04 Part I_ And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (Chorus).flac

12.0 MB

05 Part I_ Recitative_ Thus saith the Lord (Bass).flac

6.7 MB

06 Part I_ Aria_ But who may abide the day of His coming_ (Counter-tenor).flac

15.2 MB

07 Part I_ And He shall purify the sons of Levi (Chorus).flac

11.1 MB

08 Part I_ Recitative_ Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto).flac

1.7 MB

09 Part I_ Aria_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto).flac

25.9 MB

10 Part I_ Recitative_ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass).flac

10.4 MB

11 Part I_ Aria_ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (Bass).flac

18.2 MB

12 Part I_ For unto a child is born (Chorus).flac

19.8 MB

13 Part I_ Pifa.flac

3.5 MB

14 Part I_ Recitative_ There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano).flac

5.8 MB

15 Part I_ Glory to God in the highest (Chorus).flac

8.4 MB

16 Part I_ Aria_ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano).flac

19.2 MB

17 Part I_ Recitative_ Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (Alto).flac

1.5 MB

18 Part I_ Aria_ He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Alto).flac

21.1 MB

19 Part I_ His yoke is easy, His burthen is light (Chorus).flac

10.3 MB

20 Part II_ Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus).flac

12.2 MB

21 Part II_ Aria_ He was despised and rejected of men (Alto).flac

41.7 MB

22 Part II_ Surely, He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (Chorus).flac

10.5 MB

23 Part II_ And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus).flac

8.8 MB

24 Part II_ All we like sheep have gone astray (Chorus).flac

18.4 MB


01 Part II_ Recitative_ All they that see Him Laugh Him to scorn (Tenor).flac

3.4 MB

02 Part II_ He trusted in God that He would deliver Him (Chorus).flac

10.9 MB

03 Part II_ Recitative_ Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (Tenor).flac

6.2 MB

04 Part II_ Arioso_ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow! (Tenor).flac

6.0 MB

05 Part II_ Recitative_ He was cut off out of the land of the living (Tenor).flac

1.5 MB

06 Part II_ Aria_ But thou didst not leave His soul in Hell (Tenor).flac

12.2 MB

07 Part II_ Lift up your heads (Chorus).flac

14.6 MB

08 Part II_ Recitative_ Unto which of the angels said He at any time (Tenor).flac

1.1 MB

09 Part II_ Let all the angels of God worship Him (Chorus).flac

7.0 MB

10 Part II_ Aria_ Thou art gone up high (Counter-tenor).flac

16.2 MB

11 Part II_ The Lord gave the word (Chorus).flac

6.0 MB

12 Part II_ Duet_ How beautiful are the feet of Him... (Soprano, Counter-tenor).flac

14.9 MB

13 Part II_ Aria_ Why do the nations so furiosly rage together (Bass).flac

16.8 MB

14 Part II_ Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus).flac

9.4 MB

15 Part II_ Recitative_ He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn (Tenor).flac

1.1 MB

16 Part II_ Aria_ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (Tenor).flac

10.8 MB

17 Part II_ Hallelujah! (Chorus).flac

18.6 MB

18 Part III_ Aria_ I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano).flac

23.7 MB

19 Part III_ Since by man came death (Chorus).flac

7.6 MB

20 Part III_ Recitative_ Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass).flac

2.1 MB

21 Part III_ Aria_ The trumpet shall sound (Bass).flac

45.6 MB

22 Part III_ Recitative_ Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written (Counter-tenor).flac

1.2 MB

23 Part III_ Duet_ O Death, where is thy sting (Counter-tenor, Tenor).flac

14.7 MB

24 Part III_ Aria_ If God be for us, who can be against us_ (Soprano).flac

20.4 MB

25 Part III_ Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus).flac

35.0 MB


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(01) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- Symphony.flac

13.7 MB

(02) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 1. Accompagnato (tenor) 'Comfort ye, comfort ye, My people'.flac

11.3 MB

(03) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 2. Air (tenor) 'Ev'ry valley shall be exalted'.flac

14.7 MB

(04) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 3. Chorus 'And the glory of the Lord'.flac

14.1 MB

(05) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 4. Accompagnato (bass) 'Thus saith the Lord'.flac

7.1 MB

(06) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 5. Air (alto) 'But who may abide the day of His coming'.flac

18.7 MB

(07) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 6. Chorus 'And He shall purify the sons of Levi'.flac

11.3 MB

(08) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 7. Recitative (mezzo-soprano) 'Behold, a virgin shall co....flac

1.7 MB

(09) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- Nos. 8-9. Air (mezzo-soprano) and Chorus 'O thou that telles....flac

23.5 MB

(10) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 10. Accompagnato (bass) 'For behold, darkness shall cove....flac

13.5 MB

(11) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 11. Air (bass) 'The people that walked in darkness'.flac

10.5 MB

(12) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 12. Chorus 'For unto us a Child is born'.flac

18.6 MB

(13) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 13. Pifa, Pastoral symphony.flac

4.2 MB

(14) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 14. Recitative (soprano) 'There were shepherds', Accompa....flac

6.6 MB

(15) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 15. Chorus 'Glory to God in the highest'.flac

8.2 MB

(16) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 16. Air (soprano) 'Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion'.flac

18.1 MB

(17) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 17a. Recitative (mezzo-soprano) 'Then shall the eyes of ....flac

1.8 MB

(18) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 18a. Duet (mezzo-soprano, soprano) 'He shall feed His fl....flac

20.0 MB

(19) [Marriner] Messiah- Part I- No. 19. Chorus 'His yoke is easy'.flac

10.4 MB

(20) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 20. Chorus 'Behold the lamb of God'.flac

11.7 MB

(21) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 21. Air (mezzo-soprano) 'He was despised'.flac

34.5 MB

(22) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 22. Chorus 'Surely He hath borne our griefs'.flac

10.3 MB

(23) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 23. Chorus 'And with His stripes we are healed'.flac

7.6 MB

(24) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 24. Chorus 'All we like sheep'.flac

12.6 MB


(01) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 25. Accompagnato (Tenor) 'All they that see Him'.flac

3.3 MB

(02) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 26. Chorus 'He trusted in God'.flac

9.8 MB

(03) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 27. Accompagnato (Tenor) 'Thy rebuke hath broken His he....flac

5.8 MB

(04) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 28. Arioso (Tenor) 'Behold, and see'.flac

4.9 MB

(05) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 29. Accompagnato (Tenor) 'He was cut off'.flac

1.5 MB

(06) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 30. Aria (Soprano) 'But Thou didst not leave'.flac

8.0 MB

(07) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 31. Chorus 'Lift up your heads'.flac

13.6 MB

(08) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 32. Recitative (Tenor) 'Unto which of the angels'.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 33. Chorus 'Let all the angels of God'.flac

6.6 MB

(10) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 34a. Air (Alto) 'Thou art gone up on high'.flac

13.0 MB

(11) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 35. Chorus 'The Lord gave the word'.flac

5.5 MB

(12) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 36. Air (Soprano) 'How beautiful are the feet'.flac

9.1 MB

(13) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 37a. Arioso (Tenor) 'Their sound is gone out'.flac

4.3 MB

(14) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 38. Air (Bass) 'Why do the nations'.flac

14.5 MB

(15) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 39. Chorus 'Let us break their bonds asunder'.flac

8.9 MB

(16) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 40. Recitative (Tenor) 'He that dwelleth in heaven'.flac

1.0 MB

(17) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 41. Air (Tenor) 'Thou shalt break them'.flac

9.5 MB

(18) [Marriner] Messiah- Part II- No. 42. Chorus 'Hallelujah'.flac

19.2 MB

(19) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 43. Air (Soprano) 'I know that my Redeemer liveth'.flac

20.0 MB

(20) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 44. Chorus 'Since by man came death'.flac

7.7 MB

(21) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 45. Accompagnato (Bass) 'Behold, I tell you a mystery'.flac

2.0 MB

(22) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 46. Air (Bass) 'The trumpet shall sound'.flac

40.9 MB

(23) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 47. Recitative (Alto) 'Then shall be brought to pass'.flac

1.2 MB

(24) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 48. Duet (Alto, Tenor) 'O death, where is thy sting-'.flac

5.0 MB

(25) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 49. Chorus 'But thanks be to God'.flac

8.8 MB

(26) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 50. Air (Alto) 'If God be for us'.flac

16.8 MB

(27) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 51. Chorus 'Worthy is the Lamb' - 'Blessing and honour'.flac

14.1 MB

(28) [Marriner] Messiah- Part III- No. 51. Chorus 'Amen'.flac

17.3 MB


01. MESSIAH, oratorio in three parts (1752 Version 1), HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Sinfony.flac

14.4 MB

02. Recitative (Tenor)_ Comfort ye my people.flac

12.2 MB

03. Air (Tenor)_ Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

15.2 MB

04. Chorus_ And the glory of the Lord.flac

15.5 MB

05. Recitative (Bass)_ Thus saith the Lord of hosts.flac

5.9 MB

06. Air (Contralto)_ But who may abide the day of his coming_.flac

18.7 MB

07. Chorus_ And he shall purify the sons of Levi.flac

12.6 MB

08. Recitative (Contralto)_ Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.5 MB

09. Air (Contralto)_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

16.7 MB

10. Chorus_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

8.6 MB

11. Recitative (Bass)_ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

9.0 MB

12. Air (Bass)_ The people that walked in darkness.flac

16.7 MB

13. Chorus_ For unto us a child is born.flac

20.6 MB

14. Pifa.flac

10.8 MB

15. Recitative (Soprano)_ There were shepherds abiding in the field.flac

5.9 MB

16. Chorus_ Glory to God in the highest.flac

9.0 MB

17. Air (Soprano)_ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

19.1 MB

18. Recitative (Soprano)_ Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd.flac

1.9 MB

19. Air (Soprano)_ He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

20.2 MB

20. Chorus_ His yoke is easy, His burthen is light.flac

12.1 MB

21. PART THE SECOND. Chorus_ Behold the Lamb of God.flac

11.4 MB

22. Air (Contralto)_ He was despised and rejected.flac

39.9 MB

23. Chorus_ Surely, He hath borne our griefs.flac

9.9 MB

24. Chorus_ And with His stripes we are healed.flac

8.9 MB

25. Chorus_ All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

18.3 MB


01. Recitative (Tenor)_ All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.6 MB

02. Chorus_ He trusted in God that He would deliver Him.flac

12.0 MB

03. Recitative (Tenor)_ Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

6.8 MB

04. Air (Tenor)_ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

5.4 MB

05. Recitative (Soprano)_ He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.5 MB

06. Air (Soprano)_ But Thou didst not leave His houl in hell.flac

10.6 MB

07. Chorus_ Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

16.5 MB

08. Recitative (Tenor)_ Unto which of the angels said He at any time.flac

1.4 MB

09. Chorus_ Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

8.1 MB

10. Air (Contralto)_ Thou art gone up on high.flac

13.7 MB

11. Chorus_ The Lord gave the word.flac

6.3 MB

12. Air (Soprano)_ How beautiful are the feet of them.flac

10.2 MB

13. Chorus_ Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

8.7 MB

14. Air (Bass)_ Why do the nations so furiously rage.flac

7.0 MB

15. Chorus_ Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

9.5 MB

16. Recitative (Tenor)_ He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

865.3 KB

17. Air (Tenor)_ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

9.9 MB

18. Chorus_ Hallelujah.flac

21.8 MB

19. PART THE THIRD. Air (Soprano)_ I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

23.9 MB

20. Chorus_ Since by man came death.flac

9.3 MB

21. Recitative (Bass)_ Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.4 MB

22. Air (Bass)_ The trumpet shall sound.flac

41.3 MB

23. Recitative (Contralto)_ Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.2 MB

24. Duet (Contralto, Tenor)_ O Death, where is thy sting_.flac

5.4 MB

25. Chorus_ But thanks be to God.flac

11.8 MB

26. Air (Soprano)_ If God be for us.flac

22.6 MB

27. Chorus_ Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

19.1 MB

28. Chorus_ Amen.flac

19.4 MB



1.2 MB


1.3 MB


1.0 MB


739.2 KB


1.1 MB


1.4 MB


944.0 KB


1.5 MB


564.0 KB


934.7 KB


814.0 KB


940.4 KB


945.6 KB


(01) [Georgi Robev] MESSIAH, oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 - PART ONE. Overture - Sinfony.flac

32.3 MB

(02) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Tenor)- “Comfort ye my people”.flac

16.6 MB

(03) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Tenor)- “Ev'ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

19.8 MB

(04) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord”.flac

19.8 MB

(05) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord”.flac

8.8 MB

(06) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Mezzo-soprano)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

27.0 MB

(07) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “And He shall purify”.flac

15.1 MB

(08) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Mezzo-soprano)- “Behold, a Virgin shall conceive”.flac

2.8 MB

(09) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Mezzo-soprano)- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

25.4 MB

(10) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

12.1 MB

(11) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

13.8 MB

(12) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness”.flac

17.8 MB

(13) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born”.flac

25.0 MB

(14) [Georgi Robev] Pastoral Symphony - Pifa.flac

24.5 MB

(15) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the field”.flac

11.1 MB

(16) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest”.flac

8.5 MB

(17) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

25.1 MB

(18) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Mezzo-soprano)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open'd”.flac

2.7 MB

(19) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Mezzo-soprano & Soprano)- “He shall feed His flock”.flac

37.1 MB

(20) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light”.flac

13.6 MB


(01) [Georgi Robev] PART TWO. Chorus- “Behold, the Lamb of God”.flac

21.1 MB

(02) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Mezzo-soprano)- “He was despised and rejected”.flac

23.9 MB

(03) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Surely, He hath borne our griefs”.flac

13.2 MB

(04) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

15.0 MB

(05) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “All we like sheep”.flac

22.4 MB

(06) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Tenor)- “All they that see Him, laugh”.flac

4.5 MB

(07) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “He trusted in God”.flac

13.3 MB

(08) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Tenor)- “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.flac

9.8 MB

(09) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Tenor)- “Behold, and see”.flac

10.4 MB

(10) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Tenor)- “He was cut off out of the land”.flac

2.4 MB

(11) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Tenor)- “But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

12.5 MB

(12) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”.flac

18.5 MB

(13) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet”.flac

15.8 MB

(14) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Their sound is gone out”.flac

8.7 MB

(15) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.flac

17.3 MB

(16) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.3 MB

(17) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in heaven”.flac

1.4 MB

(18) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them”.flac

13.4 MB

(19) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Hallelujah!”.flac

26.6 MB

(20) [Georgi Robev] PART THREE. Aria (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

38.2 MB

(21) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Since by man came death”.flac

11.7 MB

(22) [Georgi Robev] Recitative (Bass)- “Behold I tell you a mystery”.flac

3.2 MB

(23) [Georgi Robev] Aria (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

28.3 MB

(24) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb”.flac

24.2 MB

(25) [Georgi Robev] Chorus- “Amen”.flac

24.8 MB



768.0 KB


466.2 KB


407.3 KB


372.9 KB


1.2 MB


1.4 MB


(01) [Naidenov] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 - PART ONE. Sinfonia.flac

25.3 MB

(02) [Naidenov & Lubomir Diacovski] Accompagnato (Tenore)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God”.flac

17.6 MB

(03) [Naidenov & Lubomir Diacovski] Aria (Tenore)- “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

17.5 MB

(04) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

20.1 MB

(05) [Naidenov & Plamen Hidjov] Accompagnato (Basso)- “Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts”.flac

8.2 MB

(06) [Naidenov] Aria (Alto)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

21.4 MB

(07) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “And He shall purify”.flac

14.2 MB

(08) [Naidenov] Recitativo (Mezzo-soprano)- “Behold, a virgin shall conceive”.flac

2.4 MB

(09) [Naidenov] Aria (Mezzo-soprano)- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

22.8 MB

(10) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

11.7 MB

(11) [Naidenov & Plamen Hidjov] Accompagnato (Basso)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

11.1 MB

(12) [Naidenov & Plamen Hidjov] Aria (Basso)- “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”.flac

16.9 MB

(13) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “For unto us a Child is born”.flac

23.0 MB

(14) [Naidenov] Pifa. Sinfonia pastorale.flac

15.5 MB

(15) [Naidenov & Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Recitativo (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the field”.flac

1.3 MB

(16) [Naidenov & Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And lo, the angel of the Lord”.flac

2.1 MB

(17) [Naidenov & Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Recitativo (Soprano)- “And the angel said unto them”.flac

3.6 MB

(18) [Naidenov & Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And suddenly there was with the angel”.flac

1.6 MB

(19) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “Glory to God in the highest”.flac

11.2 MB

(20) [Naidenov] Recitativo (Mezzo-soprano)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d”.flac

2.4 MB

(21) [Naidenov, Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Duetto (Mezzo-soprano, Soprano)- “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd”.flac

25.3 MB

(22) [Bulgarian Chapel Choir, Naidenov] Coro- “His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light”.flac

13.0 MB


(01) [Naidenov& Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] PART TWO. Aria (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace”.flac

16.6 MB

(02) [Naidenov& Plamen Hidjov] Aria (Basso)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.flac

12.9 MB

(03) [Naidenov] Coro- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.7 MB

(04) [Naidenov& Lubomir Diacovski] Recitativo (Tenore)- “He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

1.6 MB

(05) [Naidenov& Lubomir Diacovski] Aria (Tenore)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

10.4 MB

(06) [Naidenov] Coro- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”.flac

21.8 MB

(07) [Naidenov& Hristina Angelacova] PART THREE. Aria (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

25.7 MB

(08) [Naidenov& Plamen Hidjov] Accompagnato (Basso)- “Behold I tell you a mystery”.flac

3.0 MB

(09) [Naidenov& Plamen Hidjov] Aria (Basso)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

21.8 MB

(10) [Naidenov& Hristina Angelacova] Recitativo (Mezzo-soprano)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written”.flac

1.8 MB

(11) [Naidenov& Hristina Angelacova, Lubomir Diacovski] Duetto (Mezzo-soprano, Tenore)- “O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-”.flac

5.3 MB

(12) [Naidenov] Coro- “But thanks be to God, who gived us the victory”.flac

12.4 MB

(13) [Naidenov& Carmina Tchaio-Columbia] Aria (Soprano)- “If God be for us, who can be against us-”.flac

24.1 MB

(14) [Naidenov] Coro- “Worthy is the Lamb, that was slain … Amen”.flac

42.9 MB



555.8 KB


633.9 KB


915.0 KB


650.5 KB


594.0 KB


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577.9 KB


656.6 KB


218.0 KB


702.7 KB


989.9 KB


590.2 KB


(01) [Stephen Cleobury] MESSIAH, oratorio in three parts (1752 Version), HWV 56 - PART 1. Ouverture. Sinfonia.flac

16.2 MB

(02) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- Comfort ye, my people.flac

13.8 MB

(03) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Tenor)- Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

17.3 MB

(04) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- And the glory, the glory of the Lord.flac

15.4 MB

(05) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Bass)- Thus said the Lord.flac

6.7 MB

(06) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Alto)- But who may abide.flac

21.3 MB

(07) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- And He shall purify.flac

13.2 MB

(08) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Alto)- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.8 MB

(09) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Alto) & Chorus- O thou that tellest.flac

29.0 MB

(10) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall come over the earth.flac

10.0 MB

(11) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Bass)- The people that walked in the darkness.flac

16.9 MB

(12) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- For unto us a Child is born.flac

21.5 MB

(13) [Stephen Cleobury] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

12.2 MB

(14) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Soprano)- There were shepherds.flac

2.4 MB

(15) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Soprano)- And the angels said unto them.flac

2.5 MB

(16) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.6 MB

(17) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Glory the God in the highest.flac

9.5 MB

(18) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

22.0 MB

(19) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

2.0 MB

(20) [Stephen Cleobury] Duet (Alto & Soprano)- And He shall feed His flock.flac

22.6 MB

(21) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- His yoke is easy.flac

12.1 MB

(22) [Stephen Cleobury] PART 2- Chorus- Behold, the Lamb of God.flac

11.9 MB

(23) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Tenor)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

46.4 MB


(01) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Surely He hath borne our grieves.flac

9.6 MB

(02) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.5 MB

(03) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

19.8 MB

(04) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- All they that see Him.flac

3.6 MB

(05) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- He trusted in God.flac

12.5 MB

(06) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

8.1 MB

(07) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

6.5 MB

(08) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land.flac

1.5 MB

(09) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Soprano)- But thou didst not leave.flac

11.8 MB

(10) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Lift up your heads.flac

16.1 MB

(11) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which of the angels.flac

1.5 MB

(12) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

8.1 MB

(13) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Alto)- Thou art gone up on high.flac

16.2 MB

(14) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

6.0 MB

(15) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet.flac

10.4 MB

(16) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Their sound is gone out.flac

8.2 MB

(17) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Bass)- Why do the nations-.flac

7.9 MB

(18) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

9.8 MB

(19) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

990.7 KB

(20) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them.flac

10.5 MB

(21) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Hallelujah!.flac

20.7 MB

(22) [Stephen Cleobury] PART 3. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

27.5 MB

(23) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Since by man came death.flac

9.6 MB

(24) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.7 MB

(25) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

45.8 MB

(26) [Stephen Cleobury] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.3 MB

(27) [Stephen Cleobury] Duet (Alto & Tenor)- O death, where is thy sting-.flac

5.3 MB

(28) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- But thanks be to God.flac

10.9 MB

(29) [Stephen Cleobury] Air (Soprano)- If God be for us.flac

23.9 MB

(30) [Stephen Cleobury] Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb - Amen.flac

36.7 MB



540.6 KB


576.8 KB


586.3 KB


446.8 KB


283.3 KB


904.4 KB


491.1 KB


746.8 KB


563.0 KB


735.5 KB


910.2 KB

/CD 1/

(01) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Sinfonia.ape

12.8 MB

(02) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Comfort ye, my people, saith your God.ape

10.8 MB

(03) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Every valley shall be exalted.ape

13.5 MB

(04) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] And the glory of the Lord.ape

12.2 MB

(05) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.ape

6.6 MB

(06) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] But who may abide the day of His coming-.ape

17.9 MB

(07) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] And He shall purify the sons of Levi.ape

9.6 MB

(08) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Behold, a virgin shall conceive.ape

24.2 MB

(09) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.ape

20.3 MB

(10) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] For unto us a child is born.ape

15.2 MB

(11) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Pastoral Symphony.ape

10.1 MB

(12) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] There were shepherds abiding in the field.ape

12.8 MB

(13) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.ape

17.6 MB

(14) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened.ape

20.7 MB

(15) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] His yoke is easy, and His burthen is light.ape

9.3 MB

(16) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Behold the lamb of God.ape

10.2 MB

(17) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] He was despised and rejected of men.ape

36.6 MB

(18) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] Surely He hath borne out griefs - All we like sheep have gone astray.ape

30.5 MB

/CD 2/

(01) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-19 Recitative (Tenor), Chorus- All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn.ape

12.4 MB

(02) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-20 Recitative (Tenor), Air (Tenor), Recitative (Soprano)- Thy rebuke hath b....ape

11.7 MB

(03) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-21 Air (Soprano)- Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.ape

9.4 MB

(04) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-22 Chorus- Lift up your heads, O ye gates.ape

11.8 MB

(05) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-23 Recitative (Tenor), Chorus- Unto which of the angels He at any time.ape

7.0 MB

(06) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-24 Air (Soprano)- Thou art gone up on high.ape

11.5 MB

(07) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-25 Chorus- The Lord gave the world.ape

5.7 MB

(08) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-26 Air (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet of them.ape

9.1 MB

(09) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-27 Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all lands.ape

5.8 MB

(10) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-28 Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together.ape

12.8 MB

(11) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-29 Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.ape

7.9 MB

(12) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-30 Recitative (Tenor), Air (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh ....ape

9.3 MB

(13) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 2-31 Chorus- Hallelujah!.ape

15.6 MB

(14) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-32 Air (Soprano)- I know that my redeemer liveth.ape

20.5 MB

(15) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-33 Chorus- Since by man came death.ape

7.8 MB

(16) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-34 Recitative (Bass), Air (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.ape

38.5 MB

(17) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-35 Recitative (Alto), Duet (Alto & Tenor), Chorus- Then shall be brought to....ape

15.1 MB

(18) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-36 Air (Soprano)- If God be for us, who can be against us-.ape

18.7 MB

(19) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-37 Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.ape

15.8 MB

(20) [Haendel, Georg Friedrich] 3-38 Chorus- Amen.ape

14.8 MB



8.9 MB


733.8 KB


360.5 KB


303.1 KB


438.8 KB


607.3 KB


887.4 KB


875.1 KB


01 Messiah, Part One - Sinfony.flac

15.9 MB

02 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- Comfort ye my people.flac

12.3 MB

03 Messiah, Part One - Aria- Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.2 MB

04 Messiah, Part One - Koor- And the glory of the Lord.flac

14.5 MB

05 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.8 MB

06 Messiah, Part One - Aria- But who may abide.flac

19.8 MB

07 Messiah, Part One - Koor- And He shall purify.flac

12.7 MB

08 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- Behold a virgin shall.flac

1.3 MB

09 Messiah, Part One - Aria- O thou that tellest.flac

29.3 MB

10 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- For behold, darkness.flac

9.2 MB

11 Messiah, Part One - Aria- The people that walked in the darkness.flac

16.9 MB

12 Messiah, Part One - Koor- For unto us a child is born.flac

20.1 MB

13 Messiah, Part One - Pifa.flac

11.9 MB

14 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- There were shepherds in the field.flac

698.3 KB

15 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- And lo, the angel.flac

1.2 MB

16 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- And the angel said.flac

2.1 MB

17 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- And suddenly there was an angel.flac

1.4 MB

18 Messiah, Part One - Koor- Glory to God.flac

8.9 MB

19 Messiah, Part One - Aria- Rejoice.flac

21.1 MB

20 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- Then shall the eyes.flac

1.6 MB

21 Messiah, Part One - Recitatief- He shall feed His flock.flac

19.6 MB

22 Messiah, Part One - Koor- His yoke is easy and His burthen is light.flac

11.6 MB

23 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Behold the Lamb of God.flac

12.2 MB

24 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- He was despised.flac

41.3 MB


01 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Surely He hath born.flac

9.3 MB

02 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- And with His stripes.flac

9.9 MB

03 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- All we like sheep.flac

19.8 MB

04 Messiah, Part Two - Recitatief- All they that see Him.flac

3.5 MB

05 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- He trusted in God.flac

11.9 MB

06 Messiah, Part Two - Recitatief- Thy rebuke hath broken.flac

7.2 MB

07 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- SBehold, and see.flac

6.6 MB

08 Messiah, Part Two - Recitatief- He was cut off out.flac

1.4 MB

09 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- But Thou didst not leave.flac

9.2 MB

10 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Lift up your heads.flac

16.0 MB

11 Messiah, Part Two - Recitatief- Unto which of the angels.flac

935.9 KB

12 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Let all the angels of God.flac

7.4 MB

13 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- Thou art gone up on high.flac

13.7 MB

14 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- The Lord gave the word.flac

6.5 MB

15 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- How beautiful are the feet.flac

9.4 MB

16 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Their sound is gone out.flac

6.9 MB

17 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- Why do the nations.flac

15.0 MB

18 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Let us break.flac

9.7 MB

19 Messiah, Part Two - Recitatief- He that dwelleth.flac

778.3 KB

20 Messiah, Part Two - Aria- Thou shalt break them.flac

10.0 MB

21 Messiah, Part Two - Koor- Hallelujah.flac

20.4 MB

22 Messiah, Part Three - Aria- I know that my Redeemer.flac

21.2 MB

23 Messiah, Part Three - Koor- Since by man came death.flac

9.8 MB

24 Messiah, Part Three - Recitatief- Behold I tell you a mystery.flac

2.3 MB

25 Messiah, Part Three - Aria- The trumpet shall sound.flac

42.2 MB

26 Messiah, Part Three - Recitatief- Then shall he brought.flac

946.1 KB

27 Messiah, Part Three - Duet- O death, where is thy sting.flac

5.2 MB

28 Messiah, Part Three - Koor- But thanks be to God.flac

12.5 MB

29 Messiah, Part Three - Aria- If God be for us.flac

20.5 MB

30 Messiah, Part Three - Koor- Worthy is the Lamb.flac

6.7 MB

31 Messiah, Part Three - Koor- Blessing and honour.flac

10.2 MB

32 Messiah, Part Three - Koor- Amen.flac

20.1 MB



539.4 KB


973.7 KB


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673.7 KB


1.5 MB


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1.2 MB


984.6 KB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


1.0 MB


1.1 MB


1.0 MB


1.8 MB


1.3 MB


(01) [Valentin Radu] PART ONE - Sinfonia.flac

14.6 MB

(02) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Tenor) - Comfort ye my people.flac

14.6 MB

(03) [Valentin Radu] Air (Tenor) - Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

17.2 MB

(04) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - And the glory of the Lord.flac

14.5 MB

(05) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Bass) - Thus saith the Lord.flac

8.4 MB

(06) [Valentin Radu] Air (Alto) - But who may abide.flac

22.6 MB

(07) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - And He shall purify.flac

13.0 MB

(08) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Alto) - Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

2.0 MB

(09) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

23.9 MB

(10) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Bass) - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

10.1 MB

(11) [Valentin Radu] Air (Bass) - The people that walked in darkness.flac

17.6 MB

(12) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - For unto us a child is born.flac

21.0 MB

(13) [Valentin Radu] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

11.1 MB

(14) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Soprano) - There were shepherds.flac

6.3 MB

(15) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Glory to God in the highest.flac

8.9 MB

(16) [Valentin Radu] Air (Soprano) - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

21.1 MB

(17) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Alto) - Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

2.0 MB

(18) [Valentin Radu] Duet (Alto & Soprano) - He shall feed his flock.flac

21.2 MB

(19) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - His yoke is easy.flac

12.8 MB

(20) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

13.8 MB

(21) [Valentin Radu] PART TWO - Air (Alto) - He was despised.flac

45.7 MB

(22) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Surely He hath borne our griefs.flac

10.3 MB

(23) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - And with his stripes we are healed.flac

9.1 MB


(01) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - All we like sheep.flac

20.5 MB

(02) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Tenor) - All they that see him.flac

4.0 MB

(03) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - He trusted in God.flac

13.1 MB

(04) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Tenor) - Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

6.3 MB

(05) [Valentin Radu] Air (Tenor) - Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

6.7 MB

(06) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Soprano) - He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.7 MB

(07) [Valentin Radu] Air (Soprano) - But thou didst not leave his soul in hell.flac

11.3 MB

(08) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Lift up your heads.flac

15.7 MB

(09) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Tenor) - Unto which of the angels.flac

1.5 MB

(10) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

7.5 MB

(11) [Valentin Radu] Air (Alto) - Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.0 MB

(12) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - The Lord gave the word.flac

8.2 MB

(13) [Valentin Radu] Air (Soprano) - How beautiful are the feet.flac

10.5 MB

(14) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Their sound is gone out.flac

8.0 MB

(15) [Valentin Radu] Air (Bass) - Why do the nations.flac

15.3 MB

(16) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Let us break their bonds.flac

11.0 MB

(17) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Tenor) - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.1 MB

(18) [Valentin Radu] Air (Tenor) - Thou shalt break them.flac

10.7 MB

(19) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Hallelujah.flac

21.2 MB

(20) [Valentin Radu] PART THREE - Air (Soprano) - I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

25.6 MB

(21) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Since by man came death.flac

9.9 MB

(22) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Bass) - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

3.2 MB

(23) [Valentin Radu] Air (Bass) - The trumpet shall sound.flac

48.5 MB

(24) [Valentin Radu] Recitative (Alto) - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.3 MB

(25) [Valentin Radu] Duet (Alto & Tenor) and Chorus - O death, where is thy sting-.flac

17.0 MB

(26) [Valentin Radu] Air (Soprano) - If God be for us.flac

20.4 MB

(27) [Valentin Radu] Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb - Amen.flac

45.0 MB



1.4 MB


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2.3 MB


1.9 MB


1.5 MB


1.3 MB


1.7 MB


1.8 MB


1.6 MB


1.5 MB


01 Overture.flac

21.2 MB

02 Comfort ye my people.flac

13.9 MB

03 Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.3 MB

04 And the glory of the Lord.flac

15.5 MB

05 Thus saith the Lord.flac

7.6 MB

06 But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

22.6 MB

07 And He shall purify.flac

12.0 MB

08 Behold, aq virgin shall conceive.flac

1.7 MB

09 O thou that tellest.flac

26.7 MB

10 For Behold, darkness.flac

10.7 MB

11 The people that walked in darkness.flac

17.5 MB

12 For unto us a Child is born.flac

19.8 MB

13 Pastoral Symphony.flac

14.8 MB

14 There were shepherds.flac

1.1 MB

15 And lo, the angel.flac

2.0 MB

16 And the angel.flac

3.2 MB

17 And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.8 MB

18 Glory to God.flac

10.0 MB

19 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

21.8 MB

20 Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

1.9 MB

21 And He shall feed His Flock.flac

26.0 MB

22 His yolk is easy, and His burden is light.flac

11.9 MB

23 Behold the Lamb of God.flac

19.8 MB

24 He was despised and rejected.flac

49.9 MB


01 Surely He hath borne our griefs.flac

12.6 MB

02 And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.0 MB

03 All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

19.4 MB

04 All they that see Him.flac

4.3 MB

05 He trusted in God.flac

11.1 MB

06 Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

7.6 MB

07 Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

6.4 MB

08 He was cut off out of the land.flac

1.9 MB

09 But thou didst not leave His soul.flac

11.1 MB

10 Lift up your heads O ye gates.flac

17.7 MB

11 Unto which of the angels.flac

1.5 MB

12 Let all the angels.flac

8.4 MB

13 Thou art gone up on high.flac

14.9 MB

14 The Lord gave the word.flac

6.8 MB

15 How beautiful are the feet.flac

12.0 MB

16 Their sound is gone out.flac

9.2 MB

17 Why do the nations.flac

16.2 MB

18 Let us break their bounds asunder.flac

10.1 MB

19 He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.4 MB

20 Thou shalt break them.flac

10.7 MB

21 Hallelujah.flac

22.9 MB

22 I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

31.9 MB

23 Since by man came death.flac

10.1 MB

24 Behold I tell you a mystery.flac

3.0 MB

25 The trumpet shall sound.flac

22.0 MB

26 Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.4 MB

27 O death where is thy sting But thanks be to God.flac

18.2 MB

28 If God be for us.flac

25.9 MB

29 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

20.5 MB

30 Amen.flac

22.4 MB

/70 Hughes, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (IMP, 1994)/


539.9 KB


732.8 KB



793.2 KB


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879.7 KB


1.0 MB


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813.5 KB


794.0 KB


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217.3 KB


364.6 KB


900.4 KB


(01) [Marschik] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 - PART ONE. Sinfonia (Grave - Allegro moderato).flac

16.9 MB

(02) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 1. Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God”.flac

12.1 MB

(03) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 2. Aria (Tenor)- “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

15.3 MB

(04) [Marschik] No. 3. Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

12.1 MB

(05) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 4. Accompagnato (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts”.flac

6.1 MB

(06) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 5. Aria (Countertenor)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

19.9 MB

(07) [Marschik] No. 6. Chorus- “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.flac

13.7 MB

(08) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 7. Recitative (Countertenor)- “Behold, a virgin shall conceive”.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 10. Accompagnato (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

6.7 MB

(10) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 11. Aria (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”.flac

14.1 MB

(11) [Marschik] No. 12. Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”.flac

22.6 MB

(12) [Marschik] No. 13. Pifa - Pastoral Symphony (Larghetto e mezzo piano).flac

3.8 MB

(13) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] No. 14. Recitative (Soprano)- “There were shepheds abiding in the fields”.flac

1.1 MB

(14) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them”.flac

1.8 MB

(15) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] Recitative (Soprano)- “And the angel said unto them”.flac

2.6 MB

(16) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And suddenly there was with the angel”.flac

1.4 MB

(17) [Marschik] No. 15. Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest”.flac

8.8 MB

(18) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] No. 16. Aria (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

17.9 MB

(19) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 17. Recitative (Countertenor)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d”.flac

1.6 MB

(20) [Marschik & Charles Humphries,] No. 18. Duet (Countertenor & Soprano)- “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd”.flac

17.0 MB

(21) [Marschik] No. 19. Chorus- “His yoke is easy, his burthen is light”.flac

12.4 MB

(22) [Marschik] PART TWO. No. 20. Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world”.flac

12.5 MB

(23) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 21. Aria (Countertenor)- “He was despised and rejected of men”.flac

17.9 MB

(24) [Marschik] No. 22. Chorus- “Surely, He hath borne our griefs”.flac

9.6 MB

(25) [Marschik] No. 23. Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

8.9 MB

(26) [Marschik] No. 24. Chorus- “All we like sheep have gone astray”.flac

18.7 MB

(27) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 25. Accompagnato (Tenor)- “All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn”.flac

3.6 MB

(28) [Marschik] No. 26. Chorus- “He trusted in God that He would deliver Him”.flac

11.6 MB

(29) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] No. 29. Accompagnato (Soprano)- “He was cut off out of the land of the living”.flac

2.0 MB

(30) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] No. 30. Aria (Soprano)- “But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

5.2 MB

(31) [Marschik] No. 31. Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”.flac

14.5 MB


(01) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 34. Aria (Countertenor)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

13.5 MB

(02) [Marschik] No. 35. Chorus- “The Lord gave the word”.flac

5.6 MB

(03) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] No. 36. Aria (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace”.flac

9.2 MB

(04) [Marschik] No. 37. Chorus- “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.flac

7.2 MB

(05) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 38. Aria (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

12.9 MB

(06) [Marschik] No. 39. Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.3 MB

(07) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 40. Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

942.6 KB

(08) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 41. Aria (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

8.7 MB

(09) [Marschik] No. 42. Chorus- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”.flac

19.2 MB

(10) [Marschik & Max Emanuel Cencic] PART THREE. No. 43. Aria (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

20.1 MB

(11) [Marschik] No. 44. Chorus- “Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead”.flac

8.1 MB

(12) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 45. Accompagnato (Bass)- “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.flac

2.1 MB

(13) [Marschik & Robert Torday] No. 46. Aria (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised”.flac

17.8 MB

(14) [Marschik & Charles Humphries] No. 47. Recitative (Countertenor)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallow’d up in victory”.flac

1.2 MB

(15) [Marschik & Humphries, Sharpe] No. 48. Duet (Countertenor & Tenor)- “O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-”.flac

4.4 MB

(16) [Marschik] No. 49. Chorus- “But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory”.flac

10.1 MB

(17) [Marschik & Ivan Sharpe] No. 50. Aria (Tenor)- “If God be for us, who can be agains us-”.flac

13.6 MB

(18) [Marschik] No. 51. Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain” ; “Amen”.flac

31.9 MB



1.4 MB


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997.6 KB


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683.9 KB


323.8 KB


1.2 MB


1.3 MB

/72 Willcocks, NightPro Symphony Orchestra (NightPro, 1995)/

01 - Sinfony.flac

6.1 MB

02 - Comfort Ye My People...Accompagnato (Tenor).flac

11.5 MB

03 - Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted...Air (Tenor).flac

28.6 MB

04 - And The Glory Of The Lord...Chorus.flac

15.6 MB

05 - Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts...Accompagnato (Bass).flac

6.4 MB

06 - But Who May Abide...Air (Counter-Tenor).flac

18.0 MB

07 - And He Shall Purify...Chorus.flac

11.5 MB

08 - Behold A Virgin...Recitative (Counter-Tenor), Air (Alto) & Chorus.flac

25.9 MB

09 - For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover...Accompagnato (Bass).flac

6.5 MB

10 - The People That Walked...Air (Bass).flac

14.9 MB

11 - For Unto Us A Child Is Born...Chorus.flac

22.5 MB

12 - Pastoral Symphony.flac

10.7 MB

13 - There Were Shepherds...Recitative & Accompagnato (Soprano).flac

7.3 MB

14 - Glory To God In The Highest...Chorus.flac

8.7 MB

15 - Rejoice greatly...Air (Soprano).flac

19.0 MB

16 - Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind...Recitative (Counter-Tenor).flac

1.8 MB

17 - He Shall Feed His Flock...Air (Alto).flac

23.0 MB

18 - His Yoke Is Easy...Chorus.flac

12.6 MB

19 - Behold The Lamb Of God...Chorus.flac

13.2 MB

20 - He Was Despised...Air (Counter-Tenor).flac

38.5 MB

21 - Surely, He Hath Borne...Chorus.flac

10.4 MB

22 - And With His Stripes...Chorus.flac

9.7 MB

23 - All We Like Sheep...Chorus.flac

18.7 MB

24 - All They That See Him...Accompagnato (Tenor).flac

3.2 MB

25 - He Trusted In God...Chorus.flac

12.2 MB

26 - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart...Accompagnato & Air (Tenor).flac

22.4 MB

27 - Lift Up Your Heads...Chorus.flac

16.6 MB

28 - Unto Which Of The Angels...Recitative (Tenor).flac

1.2 MB

29 - Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him. Chorus.flac

7.5 MB

30 - Thou Art Gone Up On High...Air (Counter-Tenor).flac

13.3 MB

31 - The Lord Gave The World...Chorus.flac

6.7 MB

32 - How Beautiful Are The Feet...Air (Soprano).flac

8.6 MB

33 - Their Sound Is Gone Out...Chorus.flac

8.4 MB

34 - Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage...Air (Bass).flac

12.9 MB

35 - Let Us Break Their Bonds...Chorus.flac

10.5 MB

36 - He That Dwelleth In Heaven...Recitative & Air (Tenor).flac

10.2 MB

37 - Hallelujah...Chorus.flac

23.3 MB

38 - I Know That My Redeemer Liveth...Air (Soprano).flac

23.8 MB

39 - Since By Man Came Death...Chorus.flac

9.2 MB

40 - Behold, I Tell You A Mystery...Accompagnato & Air (Bass).flac

37.2 MB

41 - Then Shall Be Brought To Pass..Air (Counter-Tenor).flac

945.3 KB

42 - O Death, Where Is Thy Sting...Duet (Counter-Tenor, Tenor).flac

4.3 MB

43 - But Thanks Be To God...Chorus.flac

10.7 MB

44 - If God Be For Us Who Can Be Against Us...Air (Soprano).flac

18.7 MB

45 - Worthy Is The Lamb...Chorus.flac

39.2 MB


(01) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell] Messiah, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 56. Part the First - Sinfony.flac

14.5 MB

(02) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Recitative [Tenor] - Comfort ye my people.flac

10.6 MB

(03) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Air [Tenor] - Every valley shall be exalted.flac

14.5 MB

(04) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - And the glory of the Lord.flac

12.8 MB

(05) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Dean Ely] Recitative [Baritone] - Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.8 MB

(06) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Air [Countertenor] - But who may abide.flac

17.9 MB

(07) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - And He shall purify.flac

11.9 MB

(08) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Recitative [Countertenor] - Behold, a virgin.flac

1.6 MB

(09) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Air [Countertenor] & Chorus - O thou that tellest.flac

22.5 MB

(10) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Michael McMurray] Recitative [Bass] - For behold, darkness.flac

7.9 MB

(11) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Michael McMurray] Air [Bass] - The people that walked.flac

14.5 MB

(12) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - For unto us a child is born.flac

18.5 MB

(13) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Pifa.flac

10.4 MB

(14) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Julianne Baird] Recitative [Soprano I] - There were shepherds.flac

5.9 MB

(15) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Glory to God.flac

8.9 MB

(16) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Julianne Baird] Air [Soprano I] - Rejoice greatly.flac

19.4 MB

(17) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Recitative [Countertenor] - Then shall the eyes.flac

2.1 MB

(18) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards, Christine Brandes] Duet [Countertenor & Soprano II] - He shall feed his flock.flac

19.2 MB

(19) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - His yoke is easy.flac

10.6 MB

(20) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Part the Second. Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

10.7 MB

(21) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Air [Countertenor] - He was despised.flac

34.1 MB

(22) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Surely he hath borne our grief.flac

8.4 MB

(23) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - And with his stripes we are healed.flac

8.8 MB

(24) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

17.4 MB


(01) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Part the Second, continued. Recitative [Tenor] - All they that see him.flac

3.1 MB

(02) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - He trusted in God.flac

10.8 MB

(03) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Air [Countertenor] - Thou art gone up on high.flac

10.9 MB

(04) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - The Lord gave the word.flac

5.2 MB

(05) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Julianne Baird] Air [Soprano I] - How beautiful are the feet.flac

9.5 MB

(06) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Dean Ely] Air [Baritone] - Why do the nations rage so furiously-.flac

6.9 MB

(07) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.8 MB

(08) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Recitative [Tenor] - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

956.7 KB

(09) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Quentin Quereau] Air [Tenor] - Thou shalt break them.flac

9.0 MB

(10) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Hallelujah.flac

17.3 MB

(11) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Julianne Baird] Part the Third. Air [Soprano I] - I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

21.1 MB

(12) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Since by man came death.flac

7.9 MB

(13) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Dean Ely] Recitative [Baritone] - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.3 MB

(14) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Dean Ely] Air [Baritone] - The trumpet shall sound.flac

35.2 MB

(15) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Steven Rickards] Recitative [Countertenor] - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.0 MB

(16) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Dean Ely, Quentin Quereau] Duet [Baritone & Tenor] - O death, where is thy sting-.flac

4.4 MB

(17) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - But thanks to God.flac

10.2 MB

(18) [Apollo's Fire, Jeannette Sorrell & Christine Brandes] Air [Soprano II] - If God be for us.flac

17.5 MB

(19) [Apollo's Fire, Apollo's Singers, Jeannette Sorrell] Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb.flac

33.5 MB



1.2 MB


2.2 MB


2.2 MB


472.5 KB


921.6 KB


1.2 MB


855.7 KB


1.8 MB


1.5 MB


1.0 MB


1.5 MB


1.8 MB


1.4 MB


983.8 KB


1.5 MB


1.8 MB


1.6 MB


1.6 MB


1.5 MB


1.9 MB


1.1 MB


1.3 MB


786.1 KB


689.7 KB


671.8 KB


798.2 KB


829.6 KB


629.2 KB


1.1 MB


1.8 MB


799.2 KB


2.3 MB


(01) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] MESSIAH, oratorio, HWV 56 (abridged) - PART 1. Sinfony Overture.flac

24.4 MB

(02) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Tenor)- “Comfort ye”.flac

17.5 MB

(03) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Tenor)- “Every valley”.flac

21.4 MB

(04) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Chorus- “And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

20.0 MB

(05) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord”.flac

8.9 MB

(06) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Bass)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

29.2 MB

(07) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Alto)- “Behold, a virgin shall conceive”.flac

2.3 MB

(08) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Alto & Chorus)- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

35.8 MB

(09) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

13.7 MB

(10) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness”.flac

23.0 MB

(11) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born”.flac

24.9 MB

(12) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

7.6 MB

(13) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the field”.flac

1.5 MB

(14) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Soprano)- “And lo, the angel of the Lord”.flac

2.5 MB

(15) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Soprano)- “And the angel said unto them”.flac

4.3 MB

(16) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Soprano)- “And suddenly there was with an angel” - Chorus- “Glory to God”.flac

13.5 MB


(01) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

28.5 MB

(02) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened”.flac

2.5 MB

(03) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Alto & Soprano)- “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd”.flac

35.3 MB

(04) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] PART 2. Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God”.flac

18.6 MB

(05) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Alto)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

20.1 MB

(06) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in heaven”.flac

1.5 MB

(07) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Aria (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them”.flac

14.4 MB

(08) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Chorus- “Hallelujah”.flac

23.0 MB

(09) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] PART 3. Aria (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

33.6 MB

(10) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Chorus- “Since by man came death”.flac

11.1 MB

(11) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Recitative & Aria (Bass)- “Behold I tell you a mystery” - “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

27.0 MB

(12) [Orlando Pops Orchestra, Andrew Lane] Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb” - “Amen”.flac

42.8 MB



1.4 MB


1.4 MB


507.7 KB


908.2 KB


921.3 KB


387.3 KB

/CD 01/

01 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 1_ Sin.flac

14.2 MB

02 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 2_ _Tr.flac

12.0 MB

03 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 3_ _Al.flac

13.9 MB

04 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 4_ _De.flac

12.8 MB

05 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 5_ _So.flac

5.5 MB

06 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 6_ _Do.flac

18.8 MB

07 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 7_ _Un.flac

11.6 MB

08 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 8_ _De.flac

1.5 MB

09 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 9a__O.flac

17.3 MB

10 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 9b__O.flac

8.2 MB

11 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 10_ _B.flac

6.8 MB

12 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 11_ _D.flac

18.6 MB

13 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 12_ _U.flac

18.2 MB

14 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 13_ Pi.flac

10.3 MB

15 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 14a_ _.flac

1.0 MB

16 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 14b_ _.flac

1.2 MB

17 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 15_ _U.flac

2.4 MB

18 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 16_ _U.flac

1.4 MB

19 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 17_ _E.flac

8.1 MB

20 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 18_ _E.flac

15.9 MB

21 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 19_ _D.flac

2.0 MB

22 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 20_ _E.flac

18.2 MB

23 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 21_ _S.flac

11.9 MB

/CD 02/

01 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 22_ _K.flac

14.8 MB

02 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 23_ _E.flac

35.9 MB

03 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 24_ _W.flac

8.3 MB

04 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 25_ _D.flac

9.9 MB

05 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 26_ _W.flac

16.9 MB

06 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 27_ _U.flac

2.9 MB

07 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 28_ _E.flac

10.5 MB

08 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 29_ _D.flac

6.8 MB

09 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 30_ _S.flac

5.4 MB

10 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 31_ _E.flac

1.9 MB

11 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 32_ _D.flac

10.0 MB

12 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 33_ _M.flac

15.3 MB

13 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 34_ _Z.flac

1.3 MB

14 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 37_ _D.flac

5.5 MB

15 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 38_ _W.flac

9.0 MB

16 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 39_ _I.flac

6.7 MB

17 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 40_ _W.flac

23.4 MB

18 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 41_ _B.flac

9.6 MB

19 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 42_ _D.flac

855.0 KB

20 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 43_ _D.flac

8.4 MB

21 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 44_ _H.flac

17.4 MB

22 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 45_ _I.flac

22.5 MB

23 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 46_ _W.flac

10.4 MB

24 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 47_ _M.flac

2.2 MB

25 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 48__Si.flac

9.4 MB

26 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 49_ _D.flac

1.4 MB

27 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 50_ _O.flac

7.8 MB

28 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 51_ _D.flac

8.6 MB

29 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 52_ _W.flac

5.2 MB

30 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 53_ _W.flac

16.3 MB

31 - Der Messias, HWV 56, No. 54_ _A.flac

17.1 MB

/75 Guttenberg, Kammerphilharmonie des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks (Sony, 1995)/


3.5 MB


(01) [Burdick] MESSIAH, oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 - No. 1. Overture.flac

16.1 MB

(02) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Part ONE- Prophecy and Promise of th Redeemer. Scene One- God’s Comforting Promise. No. 2. Arioso (Tenor)- Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.flac

12.6 MB

(03) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene One- God’s Comforting Promise. No. 3. Air (Tenor)- Every valley shall be exalted.flac

17.5 MB

(04) [Burdick] Scene One- God’s Comforting Promise. No. 4. Chorus- And the glory of the Lord.flac

13.7 MB

(05) [Burdick & James Martin] Scene Two- The Purifying Messiah is Prophesied. No. 5. Recitative (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord of host.flac

6.5 MB

(06) [Burdick & James Martin] Scene Two- The Purifying Messiah is Prophesied. No. 6. Air (Bass)- But who may abide the day of his coming.flac

19.5 MB

(07) [Burdick] Scene Two- The Purifying Messiah is Prophesied. No. 7. Chorus- And he shall purify the sons of Levi.flac

12.1 MB

(08) [Burdick & Andrea Saposnik] Scene Three- God’s Glory is Born of a Virgin. No. 8. Recitative (Alto)- Behold a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.6 MB

(09) [Burdick & Andrea Saposnik] Scene Three- God’s Glory is Born of a Virgin. No. 9. Air (Alto) and Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

26.0 MB

(10) [Burdick & Robert McLoud] Scene Four- From Darkness Comes the Light of the World. No. 10. Arioso (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

8.1 MB

(11) [Burdick & Robert McLoud] Scene Four- From Darkness Comes the Light of the World. No. 11. Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.flac

17.0 MB

(12) [Burdick] Scene Four- From Darkness Comes the Light of the World. No. 12. Chorus- For unto us a child is born.flac

21.1 MB

(13) [Burdick] Scene Four- From Darkness Comes the Light of the World. No. 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

12.5 MB

(14) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] Scene Five- The Christmas Story. No. 14a. Recitative & No. 14b. Arioso (Soprano)- There were shepherds... And Io, the angel.flac

2.6 MB

(15) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] Scene Five- The Christmas Story. No. 15. Recitative (Soprano)- And the angel said unto them.flac

2.8 MB

(16) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] Scene Five- The Christmas Story. No. 16. Arioso (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the angel....flac

1.3 MB

(17) [Burdick] Scene Five- The Christmas Story. No. 17. Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

9.7 MB

(18) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] Scene Six- Christ, the Shepherd - King’s Ministry on Earth. No. 18. Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly.flac

19.2 MB

(19) [Burdick & Sarah Bleasdale] Scene Six- Christ, the Shepherd - King’s Ministry on Earth. No. 19. Recitative (Alto)- Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened.flac

1.9 MB

(20) [Burdick & Sarah Bleasdale, Janine Ullyette] Scene Six- Christ, the Shepherd - King’s Ministry on Earth. No. 20. Air (Alto, Soprano)- He shall feed his flock like a shepherd.flac

23.2 MB

(21) [Burdick] Scene Six- Christ, the Shepherd - King’s Ministry on Earth. No. 21. Chorus- His yoke is easy, and his burden is light.flac

11.1 MB

(22) [Burdick] PART TWO- The Suffering Lamb Who Redeems. Scene One- The Sacrifficial Lamb Heals His Wayward Flock. No. 22. Chorus- Behold, The Lamb of God.flac

14.5 MB

(23) [Burdick & Sarah Bleasdale] Scene One- The Sacrifficial Lamb Heals His Wayward Flock. No. 23. Air (Alto)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

36.8 MB

(24) [Burdick] Scene One- The Sacrifficial Lamb Heals His Wayward Flock. No. 24. Chorus- Surely he hath borne our griefs.flac

9.7 MB

(25) [Burdick] Scene One- The Sacrifficial Lamb Heals His Wayward Flock. No. 25. Chorus- And with his stripes we are healed.flac

10.4 MB

(26) [Burdick] Scene One- The Sacrifficial Lamb Heals His Wayward Flock. No. 26. Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

20.6 MB


(01) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Two- The Abondoned Messiah Suffers Scorn. No. 27. Arioso (Tenor)- All they that see him laugh him to scorn.flac

3.0 MB

(02) [Burdick] Scene Two- The Abondoned Messiah Suffers Scorn. No. 28. Chorus- He trusted in God that he would deliver him.flac

12.7 MB

(03) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Two- The Abondoned Messiah Suffers Scorn. No. 29. Recitative (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

5.9 MB

(04) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Two- The Abondoned Messiah Suffers Scorn. No. 30. Air (Tenor)- Behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto his sorrow.flac

5.1 MB

(05) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Two- The Abondoned Messiah Suffers Scorn. No. 31. Recitative (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.7 MB

(06) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Three- Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. No. 32. Air (Tenor)- But thou didst not leave his soul in hell.flac

10.9 MB

(07) [Burdick] Scene Three- Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. No. 33. Chorus- Lift up your heads.flac

16.3 MB

(08) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Three- Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. No. 34. Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which of the angels said he at any time.flac

1.3 MB

(09) [Burdick] Scene Three- Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. No. 35. Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

8.0 MB

(10) [Burdick & Andrea Saposnik] Scene Three- Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. No. 36. Air (Alto)- Thou art gone up on high.flac

14.4 MB

(11) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Four- Spreading the Gospel. No. 37. Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

6.0 MB

(12) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] Scene Four- Spreading the Gospel. No. 38. Aria (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet of them that preach.flac

10.2 MB

(13) [Burdick] Scene Four- Spreading the Gospel. No. 39. Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

6.8 MB

(14) [Burdick & James Martin] Scene Five- The Heathen Rebel Against God’s Gospel. No. 40. Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

13.4 MB

(15) [Burdick] Scene Five- The Heathen Rebel Against God’s Gospel. No. 41. Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

9.8 MB

(16) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Five- The Heathen Rebel Against God’s Gospel. No. 42. Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn.flac

1.2 MB

(17) [Burdick & Benjamin Brecher] Scene Five- The Heathen Rebel Against God’s Gospel. No. 43. Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

9.7 MB

(18) [Burdick] Scene Five- The Heathen Rebel Against God’s Gospel. No. 44. Chorus- Hallelujah.flac

23.1 MB

(19) [Burdick & Bethany Hodges] PART THREE- Thanksgiving for the Defeat of Death. Scene One- The Redeemer Lives. No. 45. Air (Soprano)- I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

22.5 MB

(20) [Burdick] Scene Two- The Expectation of Our Own Resurrection. No. 46. Chorus- Since by man came death.flac

9.3 MB

(21) [Burdick & James Martin] Scene Two- The Expectation of Our Own Resurrection. No. 47. Recitative (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.6 MB

(22) [Burdick & James Martin] Scene Two- The Expectation of Our Own Resurrection. No. 48. Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

42.8 MB

(23) [Burdick & Robert Crowe] Scene Three- Celebration for the Victory Over Death. No. 49. Recitative (Alto)- Then shall it brought to past the saying.flac

1.2 MB

(24) [Burdick & Robert Crowe, Benjamin Brecher] Scene Three- Celebration for the Victory Over Death. No. 50. Duet (Alto & Tenor)- O death, where is thy sting.flac

4.8 MB

(25) [Burdick] Scene Three- Celebration for the Victory Over Death. No. 51. Chorus- But thanks be to God.flac

11.4 MB

(26) [Burdick & Rebekah Wilshire] Scene Four- The Final Judgement by the Lamb. No. 52. Air (Soprano)- If God be for us who can be against us.flac

19.8 MB

(27) [Burdick] Scene Four- The Final Judgement by the Lamb. No. 53. Chorus- Worthy is the lamb that was slain....flac

18.0 MB

(28) [Burdick] No. 54. Chorus- Amen.flac

25.0 MB

/76 Burdick, Trinity Orchestra (Naxos, 1996)/


188.3 KB


1.2 MB


(01) [Ross Pople] MESSIAH, oratorio, HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Symphony. Grave - Allegro moderato.flac

14.2 MB

(02) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Comfort ye my people.flac

13.0 MB

(03) [Ross Pople] Air (Tenor)- Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.8 MB

(04) [Ross Pople] Chorus- And the glory of the Lord.flac

13.5 MB

(05) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.4 MB

(06) [Ross Pople] Air (Alto)- But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

18.7 MB

(07) [Ross Pople] Chorus- And He shall purify.flac

12.0 MB

(08) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Alto)- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.6 MB

(09) [Ross Pople] Air (Alto) and Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

26.0 MB

(10) [Ross Pople] Acompagnato (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

9.4 MB

(11) [Ross Pople] Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness.flac

14.3 MB

(12) [Ross Pople] Chorus- For unto us a Child is born.flac

19.2 MB

(13) [Ross Pople] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

9.2 MB

(14) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Soprano)- There were shepherds.flac

883.9 KB

(15) [Ross Pople] Acompagnato (Soprano)- And lo, the angel of the Lord.flac

1.3 MB

(16) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Soprano)- And the angel said unto them.flac

2.2 MB

(17) [Ross Pople] Acompagnato (Soprano)- And suddenly.flac

1.4 MB

(18) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

8.7 MB

(19) [Ross Pople] Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

20.4 MB

(20) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

1.6 MB

(21) [Ross Pople] Duet (Alto, Soprano)- He shall feed His flock.flac

18.2 MB

(22) [Ross Pople] Chorus- His yoke is easy, His burden is light.flac

11.4 MB

(23) [Ross Pople] PART THE SECOND. Chorus- Behold the Lamb of God.flac

10.7 MB

(24) [Ross Pople] Air (Alto)- He was despised.flac

23.6 MB

(25) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Surely, Ha hath borne our griefs.flac

10.2 MB

(26) [Ross Pople] Chorus- And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.1 MB

(27) [Ross Pople] Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

17.6 MB


(01) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Tenor)- All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

4.0 MB

(02) [Ross Pople] Chorus- He trusted in God.flac

12.6 MB

(03) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

6.6 MB

(04) [Ross Pople] Arioso (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

5.6 MB

(05) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Soprano)- He was cut off out the land of the living.flac

1.6 MB

(06) [Ross Pople] Air (Tenor)- But Thou didst not leave His soul in Hell.flac

9.2 MB

(07) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Lift up your heads.flac

16.6 MB

(08) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which the angels said He at any time.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

7.6 MB

(10) [Ross Pople] Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

6.4 MB

(11) [Ross Pople] Air (Alto)- How beautiful are the feet of them.flac

12.4 MB

(12) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all lands.flac

8.2 MB

(13) [Ross Pople] Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

13.9 MB

(14) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

9.9 MB

(15) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.1 MB

(16) [Ross Pople] Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

9.8 MB

(17) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Hallelujah!.flac

20.3 MB

(18) [Ross Pople] PART THE THIRD. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.1 MB

(19) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Since by man came death.flac

10.0 MB

(20) [Ross Pople] Accompagnato (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.2 MB

(21) [Ross Pople] Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

30.9 MB

(22) [Ross Pople] Recitative (Alto)- Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.1 MB

(23) [Ross Pople] Duet (Alto, Tenor)- O death, where is thy sting-.flac

8.4 MB

(24) [Ross Pople] Chorus- But thanks be to God.flac

10.3 MB

(25) [Ross Pople] Chorus- Worth is the Lamb that was slain - Amen.flac

34.2 MB



892.4 KB


1.4 MB


1.6 MB


1.6 MB


1.2 MB


1.0 MB


1.0 MB


841.2 KB


978.7 KB


891.7 KB


734.0 KB


966.8 KB


1.7 MB


(01) [Menuhin] George Frideric Handel - Messiah, oratorio for soloists, chorus & orchestra, HWV 56 - PART ONE. Symphony.flac

16.6 MB

(02) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - Comfort Ye.flac

12.1 MB

(03) [Menuhin] Air (Tenor) - Ev'ry valley.flac

15.6 MB

(04) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - And the Glory of the Lord.flac

13.8 MB

(05) [Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Recitative (Bass) - Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.8 MB

(06) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Air (Alto) - But who may abide.flac

17.1 MB

(07) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - And He shall purify.flac

12.6 MB

(08) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Recitative (Alto) - Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.8 MB

(09) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Air (Alto) - Oh Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

16.2 MB

(10) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - Oh Thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

8.3 MB

(11) [Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Recitative (Bass) - For behold, darkness shall cover earth.flac

8.9 MB

(12) [Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Air (Bass) - The people that walked in darkness.flac

12.8 MB

(13) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - For unto us a child is born.flac

20.8 MB

(14) [Menuhin] Pastoral Symphony.flac

11.7 MB

(15) [Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Recitative (Soprano) - There were shepherds abiding in the fields.flac

1.1 MB

(16) [Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Recitative (Soprano) - And so, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

1.4 MB

(17) [Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Recitative (Soprano) - And the angel said unto them.flac

2.9 MB

(18) [Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Recitative (Soprano) - And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.4 MB

(19) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - Glory to God.flac

9.9 MB

(20) [Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Air (Soprano) - Rejoice greatly.flac

20.2 MB

(21) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Recitative (Alto) - Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

1.9 MB

(22) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger, Susan Roberts] Duet (Alto, Soprano) - He shall feed his flock.flac

21.6 MB

(23) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - His yoke is easy.flac

12.2 MB

(24) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] PART TWO. Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

12.1 MB

(25) [Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Air (Alto) - He was despised.flac

34.1 MB

(26) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - Surely He was born our griefs.flac

8.1 MB

(27) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - And with His stripes.flac

10.3 MB

(28) [Kaunas State Choir, Menuhin] Chorus - All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

18.2 MB


(01) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - All they that saw Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.4 MB

(02) [Menuhin] Chorus - He trusted in God.flac

12.4 MB

(03) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - Thy rebuke has broken His heart.flac

7.3 MB

(04) [Menuhin] Arioso (Tenor) - Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

5.1 MB

(05) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.3 MB

(06) [Menuhin] Air (Tenor) - But thou didst not leave his soul in hell.flac

8.8 MB

(07) [Menuhin] Chorus - Lift up your heads O ye gates.flac

15.9 MB

(08) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - Unto which of the angels.flac

1.3 MB

(09) [Menuhin] Chorus - Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

7.7 MB

(10) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Air (Alto) - Thou art gone up on high.flac

14.5 MB

(11) [Menuhin] Chorus - The Lord gave the word.flac

6.4 MB

(12) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Air (Soprano) - How beautiful are the feet.flac

9.7 MB

(13) [Menuhin] Chorus - Their sound is gone out.flac

8.1 MB

(14) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Air (Bass) - Why do the nations.flac

14.7 MB

(15) [Menuhin] Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.2 MB

(16) [Menuhin] Recitative (Tenor) - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

902.4 KB

(17) [Menuhin] Air (Tenor) - Thou shalt break them.flac

9.0 MB

(18) [Menuhin] Chorus - Hallelujah.flac

19.8 MB

(19) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Susan Roberts] PART THREE. Air (Soprano) - I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

23.6 MB

(20) [Menuhin] Chorus - Since by man came came death.flac

9.1 MB

(21) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Recitative (Bass) - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

1.9 MB

(22) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Benno Schollum] Air (Bass) - The trumpet shall sound.flac

30.2 MB

(23) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisinger] Recitative (Alto) - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.1 MB

(24) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Liliana Bizineche-Eisingerá Algirdas Janutas] Duet (Alto, Tenor) - O Death, where is thy sting.flac

4.1 MB

(25) [Menuhin] Chorus - But thanks be to God.flac

9.9 MB

(26) [Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, Yehudi Menuhin & Susan Roberts] Air (Soprano) - If God be for us.flac

21.0 MB

(27) [Menuhin] Chorus - Worthy is the lamb that was slain.flac

18.4 MB

(28) [Menuhin] Chorus - Amen.flac

19.9 MB



666.4 KB


1.0 MB


525.4 KB


1.2 MB


1.6 MB


903.3 KB


897.0 KB


896.7 KB


808.4 KB


854.5 KB


830.9 KB


862.4 KB


1.0 MB


746.6 KB

/BIS scans/


2.4 MB


499.8 KB


598.6 KB


817.2 KB


813.2 KB


686.1 KB


840.0 KB


801.6 KB


838.3 KB


799.8 KB


686.6 KB


540.0 KB


493.7 KB


330.8 KB


321.1 KB


374.0 KB


356.5 KB

/79 Suzuki, Bach Collegium Japan (Warner, 1996)/

01 - Part the First_ Majora Canamus.flac

2.1 MB

02 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

15.7 MB

03 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

12.6 MB

04 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

15.6 MB

05 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

14.9 MB

06 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

7.0 MB

07 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

20.5 MB

08 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

12.9 MB

09 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

1.8 MB

10 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

8.0 MB

11 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

27.6 MB

12 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

16.5 MB

13 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

19.5 MB

14 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

12.8 MB

15 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

1.0 MB

16 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

1.3 MB

17 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

2.2 MB

18 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

1.3 MB

19 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

8.9 MB

20 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

19.9 MB

21 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

2.0 MB

22 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

20.9 MB

23 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 1, _.flac

12.0 MB

24 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

14.9 MB

25 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

42.8 MB

26 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

10.0 MB

27 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

8.3 MB

28 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

19.1 MB

29 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

4.1 MB

30 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

12.0 MB

31 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

7.0 MB

32 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

6.9 MB

33 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

1.4 MB

34 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

10.3 MB

35 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

16.2 MB

36 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

1.4 MB

37 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

7.6 MB

38 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

13.6 MB

39 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

6.3 MB

40 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

10.5 MB

41 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

9.4 MB

42 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

7.4 MB

43 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

9.5 MB

44 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

1.0 MB

45 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

10.9 MB

46 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 2, _.flac

19.8 MB

47 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

24.4 MB

48 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

9.2 MB

49 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

2.6 MB

50 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

44.2 MB

51 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

1.3 MB

52 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

9.1 MB

53 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

11.5 MB

54 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

20.1 MB

55 - The Messiah, HWV 56 - Part 3, _.flac

38.1 MB

56 - Messiah_ For unto us a child is.flac

19.5 MB


314.7 KB


01 - Sinfony.flac

16.3 MB

02 - Comfort ye, my people.flac

15.8 MB

03 - Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.8 MB

04 - And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

15.4 MB

05 - Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

7.5 MB

06 - But who may abide the day of his coming.flac

21.9 MB

07 - And he shall purify.flac

13.4 MB

08 - Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

18.5 MB

09 - O thou that tellest good tidings.flac

8.5 MB

10 - For behold, darkness shall cover.flac

11.2 MB

11 - The people that walked in darkness.flac

17.0 MB

12 - For unto us a child is born.flac

21.8 MB

13 - Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

12.8 MB

14 - There were shepherds abiding in the field.flac

2.2 MB

15 - And the angel said unto them.flac

2.8 MB

16 - And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.5 MB

17 - Glory to God in the highest.flac

10.1 MB

18 - Rejoyce greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

21.5 MB

19 - Then shall the eyes of the blind.flac

1.9 MB

20 - He shall feed his flock.flac

22.1 MB

21 - His yoke is easy and his burthen is light.flac

11.4 MB

22 - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

11.9 MB

23 - He was despised.flac

43.7 MB

24 - Surely, he hath borne our griefs.flac

10.1 MB

25 - And with his stripes we are healed.flac

9.1 MB

26 - All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

20.3 MB


01 - All they that see him.flac

4.0 MB

02 - He trusted in God.flac

13.4 MB

03 - Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

8.0 MB

04 - Behold and see if there be sny sorrow.flac

6.5 MB

05 - He was cut off out of the land.flac

1.5 MB

06 - But thou didst not leave his soul.flac

9.5 MB

07 - Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

17.0 MB

08 - Unto which of the angels.flac

1.6 MB

09 - Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

8.3 MB

10 - Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.5 MB

11 - The Lord gave the word.flac

6.7 MB

12 - How beautiful are the feet.flac

10.2 MB

13 - Their sound is gone out.flac

8.0 MB

14 - Why do the nations so furiously rage.flac

14.6 MB

15 - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.2 MB

16 - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.4 MB

17 - Thou Shalt break them.flac

9.4 MB

18 - Hallelujah.flac

21.0 MB

19 - I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.0 MB

20 - Since by man came death.flac

9.9 MB

21 - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.7 MB

22 - The trumpet shall sound.flac

47.4 MB

23 - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.2 MB

24 - O death, where is thy sting.flac

4.8 MB

25 - But thanks be to God.flac

11.0 MB

26 - If God be for us.flac

22.8 MB

27 - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen.flac

45.8 MB

/80 Johannssen, Oslo Barokkorchester (Quattro, 1996)/


102.2 KB



890.9 KB


1.2 MB


2.1 MB


5.2 MB


849.0 KB


524.0 KB


1.5 MB


1.7 MB


1.7 MB


1.7 MB


1.6 MB


1.7 MB


2.0 MB


1.5 MB


1.5 MB


1.5 MB


1.5 MB


1.4 MB


2.4 MB


950.7 KB


911.8 KB


912.5 KB


973.0 KB


855.4 KB


935.9 KB


814.8 KB


837.0 KB


982.0 KB


1.0 MB


1.7 MB


2.2 MB


536.9 KB


1.0 MB

/Disc 1/

01 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene I. Sinfony.flac

16.0 MB

02 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene I. Recitative _Comfort ye, comfort ye my People_.flac

12.7 MB

03 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene I. Song _Ev'ry Valley shall be exalted_.flac

13.9 MB

04 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene I. Chorus _And the Glory of the Lord shall be revealed_.flac

14.6 MB

05 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene II. Recitative _Thus saith the Lord of Hosts_.flac

6.3 MB

06 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene II. Song _But who may abide the Day of his Coming__.flac

19.1 MB

07 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene II. Chorus _And He shall purify the Sons of Levi_.flac

11.6 MB

08 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene III. Recitative _Behold, a Virgin shall conceive_.flac

1.4 MB

09 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene III. Song & Chorus _O thou that tellest good Tidings to Zion_.flac

22.8 MB

10 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene III. Recitative _For behold, Darkness shall cover the Earth_.flac

8.8 MB

11 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene III. Song _The People that walked in Darkness_.flac

16.8 MB

12 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene III. Chorus _For unto us a Child is born_.flac

17.8 MB

13 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene IV. Pifa.flac

2.1 MB

14 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene IV. Recitative _There were Shepherds abiding in the Field_.flac

4.2 MB

15 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene IV. Chorus _Glory to God in the Highest_.flac

7.7 MB

16 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene V. Song _Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Sion_.flac

16.7 MB

17 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene V. Recitative _Then shall the Eyes of the Blind be open'd_.flac

1.5 MB

18 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene V. Song _He shall feed his Flock_.flac

18.8 MB

19 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part I, Scene V. Chorus _His Yoke is easy, his Burthen is light_.flac

9.7 MB

20 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Chorus _Behold the Lamb of God_.flac

14.1 MB

21 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Song _He was despised_.flac

45.6 MB

22 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Chorus _Surely he hath borne our Griefs_.flac

9.0 MB

23 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Chorus _And with His Stripes we are healed_.flac

7.9 MB

24 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Chorus _All we, like Sheep, have gone astray_.flac

15.1 MB

25 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Recitative _All they that see him laugh him to scorn_.flac

3.1 MB

26 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Chorus _He trusted in God_.flac

10.5 MB

27 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Recitative _Thy Rebuke hath broken his Heart_.flac

6.5 MB

28 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene I. Song _Behold, and see, if there be any Sorrow_.flac

5.5 MB

29 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene II. Recitative _He was cut off out of the Land_.flac

1.2 MB

30 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene II. Song _But Thou didst not leave his Soul in Hell_.flac

8.7 MB

/Disc 2/

01 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene III. Chorus _Lift up your Heads, O ye Gates_.flac

14.2 MB

02 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene IV. Recitative _Unto which of the Angels said He at any Time_.flac

961.9 KB

03 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene IV. Chorus _Let all the Angels of God worship Him_.flac

6.9 MB

04 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene V. Song _Thou art gone up on High_.flac

12.7 MB

05 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene V. Chorus _The Lord gave the Word_.flac

5.6 MB

06 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene V. Song _How beautiful are the Feet_.flac

8.6 MB

07 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene V. Chorus _Their Sound is gone out into all Lands_.flac

6.7 MB

08 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene VI. Song _Why do the Nations so furiously rage together_.flac

7.0 MB

09 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene VI. Chorus _Let us break their Bonds asunder_.flac

8.9 MB

10 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene VII. Recitative _He that dwelleth in Heaven_ - Song _Thou shalt break them with a Rod of Iron_.flac

10.3 MB

11 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part II, Scene VII. Chorus _Hallelujah!_.flac

19.9 MB

12 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene I. Song _I know that my Redeemer liveth_.flac

25.9 MB

13 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene I. Chorus _Since by Man came Death_.flac

7.9 MB

14 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene II. Recitative _Behold, I tell you a Mystery_.flac

2.0 MB

15 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene II. Song _The Trumpet shall sound_.flac

41.9 MB

16 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene III. Recitative _Then shall be brought to pass_.flac

900.6 KB

17 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene III. Duet _O Death, where is thy Sting__.flac

4.3 MB

18 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene III. Chorus _But Thanks be to God_.flac

10.0 MB

19 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene III. Song _If God is for us_.flac

18.1 MB

20 Messiah, HWV 56_ Part III, Scene IV. Chorus _Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen_.flac

38.8 MB



1.3 MB


1.3 MB


508.0 KB


567.0 KB


643.3 KB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


997.1 KB


1.0 MB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


1.1 MB


878.8 KB


1.5 MB


1.5 MB


1.4 MB


1.4 MB


1.2 MB


1.2 MB


1.1 MB


1.5 MB


1.4 MB


1.5 MB


1.3 MB


1.4 MB


1.0 MB


1.2 MB


1.5 MB


1.4 MB


1.4 MB


1.3 MB


1.3 MB


1.1 MB


1.3 MB


1.2 MB


1.3 MB


1.4 MB


1.3 MB


1.3 MB


1.2 MB


1.2 MB


1.1 MB


531.1 KB


1.0 MB


1.4 MB


01 - Sinfonia - Grave - Allegro moderato.flac

13.4 MB

02 - Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People.flac

12.9 MB

03 - Every Valley Shall Be Exalted.flac

15.2 MB

04 - And The Glory Of The Lord.flac

15.6 MB

05 - Thus Saith The Lord Of Hosts.flac

6.6 MB

06 - But Who May Abide The Day Of His Coming.flac

20.7 MB

07 - And He Shall Purify The Sons Of Levi.flac

12.0 MB

08 - Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive.flac

1.8 MB

09 - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion - Air (alto).flac

17.2 MB

10 - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings To Zion - Chorus.flac

7.7 MB

11 - For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth.flac

7.7 MB

12 - The People That Walked In Darkness.flac

18.8 MB

13 - For Unto Us A Child Is Born.flac

18.1 MB

14 - Pifa - Pastoral Symphony.flac

3.2 MB

15 - There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field.flac

6.3 MB

16 - And The Angel Said Unto Them.flac

8.2 MB

17 - Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion.flac

19.7 MB

18 - Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind Be Opened.flac

2.2 MB

19 - He Shall Feed His Flock.flac

18.4 MB

20 - His Yoke Is Easy.flac

11.2 MB

21 - Behold The Lamb Of God.flac

11.0 MB

22 - He Was Despised And Rejected Of Men.flac

40.0 MB


01 - Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs.flac

10.1 MB

02 - And With His Stripes We Are Healed.flac

8.0 MB

03 - All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray.flac

16.1 MB

04 - All They That See Him.flac

3.6 MB

05 - He Trusted In God.flac

11.3 MB

06 - Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart.flac

7.7 MB

07 - Behold, And See.flac

5.5 MB

08 - He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living.flac

2.1 MB

09 - But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell.flac

8.2 MB

10 - Lift Up Your Heads.flac

14.7 MB

11 - Unto Which Of The Angels Said He At Any Time.flac

1.1 MB

12 - Let All The Angels Of God Worship Him.flac

6.8 MB

13 - Thou Art Gone Up On High.flac

13.5 MB

14 - The Lord Gave The Word.flac

4.9 MB

15 - How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them.flac

8.4 MB

16 - Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands.flac

6.8 MB

17 - Why Do The Nations So Furiously Rage Together.flac

14.7 MB

18 - Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder.flac

9.6 MB

19 - He That Dwelleth In Heaven.flac

971.4 KB

20 - Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron.flac

10.0 MB

21 - Hallelujah!.flac

22.0 MB

22 - I Know That My Redeemer Liveth.flac

21.2 MB

23 - Since By Man Came Death.flac

8.2 MB

24 - Behold, I Tell You A Mystery.flac

2.9 MB

25 - The Trumpet Shall Sound.flac

46.1 MB

26 - The Shall Be Brought To Pass.flac

1.1 MB

27 - O Death, Where Is Thy Sting.flac

4.1 MB

28 - But Thanks Be To God.flac

10.2 MB

29 - If God Is For Us.flac

20.3 MB

30 - Worthy Is The Lamb.flac

18.7 MB

31 - Amen.flac

15.5 MB


01 Sinfony.flac

16.0 MB

02 Comfort ye my people.flac

12.4 MB

03 Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

14.3 MB

04 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

11.5 MB

05 Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

5.9 MB

06 But who may abide the day of his coming.flac

18.8 MB

07 And he shall purify the son of Levi.flac

11.7 MB

08 Behold, a vrigin shall conceive.flac

1.3 MB

09 O thou that tellest good tifings.flac

13.6 MB

10 O thou that tellest good tidings.flac

7.2 MB

11 For behold, darkness shall cover.flac

5.9 MB

12 The people that walked in darkness.flac

12.3 MB

13 For unto us a child is born.flac

18.2 MB

14 Pifa.flac

10.0 MB

15 There were shepherds abiding in the fileds.flac

5.2 MB

16 Glory to God in the highest.flac

8.0 MB

17 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

17.0 MB

18 Then shall the eues of th blind be open'd.flac

1.4 MB

19 He shall feed his floke.flac

21.4 MB

20 His yoke is easy, his burthen is light.flac

10.3 MB


01 Behold the Lamb of God.flac

15.6 MB

02 He was despised.flac

39.5 MB

03 Surely, he hath borne our griefs.flac

36.8 MB

04 All they that see him.flac

3.2 MB

05 He trusted in God.flac

9.6 MB

06 Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

6.8 MB

07 Behold and see, if there be any sorrow.flac

5.9 MB

08 He was cut off out of the land.flac

1.3 MB

09 But thou didst not leave his soul.flac

8.3 MB

10 Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

13.3 MB

11 How beautiful are the feet.flac

17.2 MB

12 Why do the nations so furiously rage.flac

13.6 MB

13 Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.3 MB

14 He hath sweleth in heaven.flac

9.7 MB

15 Hallelujah!.flac

17.3 MB

16 I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.0 MB

17 Since by man came death.flac

8.3 MB

18 Behold, I tell you a mistery.flac

1.8 MB

19 The trumpet shall sound.flac

32.0 MB

20 Then shall be brought to pass.flac

5.1 MB

21 But thanks be to God.flac

10.2 MB

22 If God be for us.flac

18.2 MB

23 Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

35.5 MB



1.1 MB


862.2 KB


1.3 MB


719.4 KB


662.7 KB


902.9 KB


1.2 MB


1.1 MB


1.3 MB


2.1 MB


1.0 MB


1.2 MB


1.3 MB


1.1 MB


930.2 KB


1.2 MB


1.0 MB


1.3 MB


786.3 KB


774.7 KB


904.2 KB


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871.2 KB


763.9 KB


693.5 KB


910.3 KB


753.4 KB


741.0 KB


850.9 KB


930.3 KB


1.3 MB


588.0 KB


1.6 MB


1.6 MB


1.8 MB


1.0 MB


(01) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three Parts, HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Symphony.flac

14.8 MB

(02) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God”.flac

11.4 MB

(03) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Air (Tenor)- “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

15.1 MB

(04) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

16.0 MB

(05) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Accompagnato (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts”.flac

6.2 MB

(06) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Air (Bass)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

19.5 MB

(07) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.flac

11.9 MB

(08) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Recitative (Alto)- “Behold, a virgin shall conceive”.flac

1.9 MB

(09) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Air (Alto) and Chorus- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

28.1 MB

(10) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Accompagnato (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

8.0 MB

(11) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Air (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”.flac

16.1 MB

(12) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”.flac

18.7 MB

(13) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

10.4 MB

(14) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Bodil Arnesen] Recitative and accompagnato (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the field”.flac

6.9 MB

(15) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest””.flac

8.9 MB

(16) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Bodil Arnesen] Air (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

18.7 MB

(17) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d”.flac

2.1 MB

(18) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen, Bodil Arnesen] Duet (Alto, Soprano)- “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd”.flac

23.0 MB

(19) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “His yoke is easy, His burthen is light”.flac

11.2 MB

(20) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] PART THE SECOND. Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world”.flac

14.2 MB

(21) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Air (Alto)- “He was despised and rejected of men”.flac

42.8 MB


(01) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Surely, He hath borne our griefs”.flac

10.4 MB

(02) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

10.4 MB

(03) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “All we like sheep have gone astray”.flac

19.1 MB

(04) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn”.flac

3.4 MB

(05) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Chorus- “He trusted in God that He would deliver Him”.flac

12.8 MB

(06) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.flac

5.7 MB

(07) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Arioso (Tenor)- “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow”.flac

4.8 MB

(08) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “He was cut off out of the land of the living”.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Air (Tenor)- “But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

9.6 MB

(10) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”.flac

16.3 MB

(11) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Recitative (Tenor)- “Unto which of the angels said He at any time”.flac

1.1 MB

(12) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Let all the angels of God worship Him”.flac

8.4 MB

(13) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Air (Alto)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

15.2 MB

(14) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “The Lord gave the word”.flac

6.1 MB

(15) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Bodil Arnesen] Air (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace”.flac

10.7 MB

(16) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Chorus- “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.flac

9.0 MB

(17) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Air (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.flac

14.8 MB

(18) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.8 MB

(19) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

963.3 KB

(20) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Michael Kristensen] Air (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

10.0 MB

(21) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”.flac

21.4 MB

(22) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Bodil Arnesen] PART THE THIRD. Air (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

23.7 MB

(23) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead”.flac

9.8 MB

(24) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Accompagnato (Bass)- “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.flac

2.3 MB

(25) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Hans Lawaetz] Air (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

44.8 MB

(26) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen] Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written”.flac

1.1 MB

(27) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp & Ulla Kudsk Jensen, Bodil Arnesen] Duet (Alto, Tenor) and Chorus- “O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-”.flac

17.0 MB

(28) [Akademisk Orkester, Morten Topp & Bodil Arnesen] Air (Soprano)- “If God be for us, who can be against us-”.flac

19.2 MB

(29) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain”.flac

21.8 MB

(30) [Akademisk Kor og Orkester, Morten Topp] Chorus- “Amen”.flac

28.8 MB



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277.0 KB


01 - Part I_ Sinfonia.flac

15.0 MB

02 - Part I_ Recitative_ Comfort ye my people (Tenor).flac

10.7 MB

03 - Part I_ Aria_ Every valley shall be exalted (Tenor).flac

16.8 MB

04 - Part I_ And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (Chorus).flac

15.2 MB

05 - Part I_ Recitative_ Thus saith the Lord (Bass).flac

6.6 MB

06 - Part I_ Aria_ But who may abide the day of His coming (Alto).flac

19.5 MB

07 - Part I_ And He shall purify the sons of Levi (Chorus).flac

13.5 MB

08 - Part I_ Recitative_ Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto).flac

1.7 MB

09 - Part I_ Aria_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto and Chorus).flac

25.7 MB

10 - Part I_ Recitative_ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass).flac

7.3 MB

11 - Part I_ Aria_ The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light (Bass).flac

14.0 MB

12 - Part I_ For unto a child is born (Chorus).flac

20.6 MB

13 - Part I_ Pifa.flac

3.9 MB

14 - Part I_ Recitative_ There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano).flac

7.1 MB

15 - Part I_ Glory to God in the highest (Chorus).flac

9.2 MB

16 - Part I_ Aria_ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano).flac

18.0 MB

17 - Part I_ Recitative_ Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (Alto).flac

2.0 MB

18 - Part I_ Aria_ He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Alto, Soprano).flac

21.4 MB

19 - Part I_ His yoke is easy, His burthen is light (Chorus).flac

12.6 MB


01 - Part II_ Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus).flac

11.4 MB

02 - Part II_ Aria_ He was despised and rejected of men (Alto).flac

21.5 MB

03 - Part II_ Surely, He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (Chorus).flac

9.6 MB

04 - Part II_ And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus).flac

10.0 MB

05 - Part II_ All we like sheep have gone astray (Chorus).flac

16.8 MB

06 - Part II_ Recitative_ All they that see Him Laugh Him to scorn (Tenor).flac

4.1 MB

07 - Part II_ He trusted in God that He would deliver Him (Chorus).flac

6.2 MB

08 - Part II_ Recitative_ Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (Tenor).flac

7.9 MB

09 - Part II_ Arioso_ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow! (Tenor).flac

5.0 MB

10 - Part II_ Recitative_ He was cut off out of the land of the living (Tenor).flac

1.6 MB

11 - Part II_ Aria_ But thou didst not leave His soul in Hell (Tenor).flac

9.3 MB

12 - Part II_ Lift up your heads (Chorus).flac

16.2 MB

13 - Part II_ Aria_ Thou art gone up high (Bass).flac

15.7 MB

14 - Part II_ The Lord gave the word (Chorus).flac

5.9 MB

15 - Part II_ Aria_ How beautiful are the feet of Him that bringeth glad tidings of salvation (Soprano).flac

9.4 MB

16 - Part II_ Their sound is gone out into all lands (Chorus).flac

7.7 MB

17 - Part II_ Aria_ Why do the nations so furiosly rage together (Bass).flac

14.2 MB

18 - Part II_ Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus).flac

9.5 MB

19 - Part II_ Recitative_ He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn (Tenor).flac

1.3 MB

20 - Part II_ Aria_ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (Tenor).flac

10.7 MB

21 - Part II_ Hallelujah! (Chorus).flac

22.3 MB

22 - Part III_ Aria_ I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano).flac

24.7 MB

23 - Part III_ Since by man came death (Chorus).flac

7.9 MB

24 - Part III_ Recitative_ Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass).flac

2.2 MB

25 - Part III_ Aria_ The trumpet shall sound (Bass).flac

21.6 MB

26 - Part III_ Recitative_ Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written (Alto).flac

1.4 MB

27 - Part III_ Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus).flac

34.0 MB

/85 Sjokvist, Swedish Radio Symphony (Nosag, 1997)/


302.0 KB


(01) [Schnetzler] PART THE FIRST. No. 1 Symphony. Grave - Allegro moderato.flac

16.8 MB

(02) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Hermann Oswald] No. 2 Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye, my people”.flac

13.8 MB

(03) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Hermann Oswald] No. 3 Air (Tenor)- “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

16.7 MB

(04) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 4 Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

13.5 MB

(05) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Wolf Matthias Friedrich] No. 5 Accompagnato (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord of Hosts”.flac

7.5 MB

(06) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Elizabeth Bachmann-McQueen] No. 6 Air (Alto)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

20.6 MB

(07) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 7 Chorus- “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.flac

13.6 MB

(08) [Schnetzler] No. 8 - 8.1 Recitative (Alto)- “Behold, a virgin shall vonceive” ; 8.2 & 8.3 Air (Alto) and Chorus- “O thou that telles good tidings to Zion”.flac

28.7 MB

(09) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Wolf Matthias Friedrich] No. 9 Accompagnato (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

9.1 MB

(10) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler &] No. 10 Air (Basso)- “The people that walked in darkness”.flac

16.2 MB

(11) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 11 Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born, uto us a Son is given”.flac

21.6 MB

(12) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 12 Pifa (Pastoral Symphony). Larghetto e mezzo piano.flac

4.3 MB

(13) [Schnetzler] No. 13 - 13.1 Recitative (Soprano)- “There were shepherds” ; 13.2 Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And Io, the angel”.flac

3.2 MB

(14) [Schnetzler] No. 14 - 14.1 Recitative (Soprano)- “And the angel” ; 14.2 Accompagnato (Soprano)- “And suddenly”.flac

5.1 MB

(15) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 15 Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth”.flac

9.6 MB

(16) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] No. 16 Air (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion”.flac

21.1 MB

(17) [Schnetzler] No. 17 - 17.1 Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d” ; 17.2 Duet (Alto, Soprano)- “He shall feed”.flac

24.5 MB

(18) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 18 Chorus- “His yoke is easy, His burthen is light”.flac

11.3 MB

(19) [Schnetzler] PART THE SECOND. No. 19 Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world”.flac

13.2 MB

(20) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Elizabeth Bachmann-McQueen] No. 20 Air (Alto)- “He was despised and rejected of men”.flac

41.5 MB

(21) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 21 Chorus- “Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows”.flac

10.7 MB

(22) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 22 Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

9.4 MB

(23) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 23 Chorus- “All we like sheep have gone astray”.flac

19.0 MB


(24) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Hermann Oswald] No. 24 Accompagnato (Tenor)- “All they that see Him to scorn”.flac

4.1 MB

(25) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler”] No. 25 Chorus- “He trusted in God that he would deliver.flac

11.5 MB

(26) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] No. 26 Accompagnato (Soprano)- “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.flac

8.8 MB

(27) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] No. 27 Arioso (Soprano)- “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow”.flac

6.5 MB

(28) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Hermann Oswald] No. 28 Accompagnato (Tenor)- “He was cut off out of the land of the living”.flac

1.6 MB

(29) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Hermann Oswald] No. 29 Air (Tenor)- “But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

9.8 MB

(30) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 30 Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up”.flac

15.9 MB

(31) [Schnetzler] No. 31 - 31.1 Recitative (Tenor)- “Unto which of the angels” ; 31.2 Chorus- “Let all the angels”.flac

8.7 MB

(32) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Elizabeth Bachmann-McQueen] No. 32 Air (Alto)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

14.1 MB

(33) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 33 Chorus- “The Lord gave the word”.flac

6.4 MB

(34) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] No. 34 Air (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them”.flac

9.3 MB

(35) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 35 Chorus- “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.flac

7.4 MB

(36) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Wolf Matthias Friedrich] No. 36 Air (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.flac

15.1 MB

(37) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 37 Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.2 MB

(38) [Schnetzler] No. 38 - 38.1 Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth” ; 38.2 Air (Tenore)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

10.5 MB

(39) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 39 Chorus- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omniponent reigneth, Hallelujah!”.flac

20.9 MB

(40) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] PART THE THIRD. No. 40 Air (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

25.0 MB

(41) [Bach-Kantorei Appenzeller Mitelland, Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler] No. 41 Chorus- “Since by man came death”.flac

8.6 MB

(42) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Wolf Matthias Friedrich] No. 42 Accompagnato (Bass)- “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.flac

3.3 MB

(43) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Wolf Matthias Friedrich] No. 43 Air (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

46.1 MB

(44) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Elizabeth Bachmann-McQueen] No. 44 Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written”.flac

6.3 MB

(45) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Elizabeth Bachmann-McQueen, Hermann Oswald] No. 45 Duet (Alto, Tenor)- “O death, where is thy sting”.flac

12.0 MB

(46) [Ensemble ad fontes, Wilfried Schnetzler & Ruth Amsler] No. 46 Air (Soprano)- “If God be for us, who can be against us-”.flac

23.7 MB

(47) [Schnetzler] No. 47 - 47.1 Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain” ; Chorus- “Amen, amen, amen”.flac

38.0 MB



1.5 MB


1.4 MB


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1.1 MB


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1.4 MB


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463.6 KB


01. Part I - Sinfony.flac

14.9 MB

02. Part I - Accompagnato (Tenor) - Comfort ye, comfort ye my people.flac

12.2 MB

03. Part I - Air (Tenor) - Ev'ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.1 MB

04. Part I - Chorus - And the glory of the Lord.flac

13.6 MB

05. Part I - Accompagnato (Bass) - Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

6.4 MB

06. Part I - Air (Alto) - But who may abide.flac

19.9 MB

07. Part I - Chorus - And he shall purify.flac

13.2 MB

08. Part I - Recitative (Alto) - Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.3 MB

09. Part I - Air (Alto) & Chorus - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

28.4 MB

10. Part I - Accompagnato (Bass) - For behold, darkness shall cover.flac

8.9 MB

11. Part I - Air (Bass) - The people that walked.flac

14.8 MB

12. Part I - Chorus - For unto us a Child is born.flac

20.4 MB

13. Part I - Pifa (Pastoral symphony).flac

10.2 MB

14. Part I - Recitative & Accompagnato (Soprano) - There were shepherds - And lo,....flac

2.2 MB

15. Part I - Recitative (Soprano) - And the angel said unto them.flac

2.1 MB

16. Part I - Accompagnato (Soprano) - And suddenly there was.flac

1.3 MB

17. Part I - Chorus - Glory to God in the highest.flac

9.0 MB

18. Part I - Air (Soprano) - Rejoice greatly.flac

20.0 MB

19. Part I - Recitative (Alto) - Then shall the eyes.flac

1.7 MB

20. Part I - Air (Soprano) - He shall feed his flock.flac

21.7 MB

21. Part I - Chorus - His yoke is easy.flac

12.0 MB

22. Part II - Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

11.8 MB

23. Part II - Air (Alto) - He was despised.flac

36.5 MB

24. Part II - Chorus - Surely he hath borne our griefs.flac

9.5 MB

25. Part II - Chorus - And with his stripes we are healed.flac

8.6 MB

26. Part II - Chorus - All we like sheep.flac

19.4 MB


01. Part II - Accompagnato (Tenor) - All they that see him.flac

3.2 MB

02. Part II - Chorus - He trusted in God.flac

11.5 MB

03. Part II - Accompagnato (Tenor) - Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

6.7 MB

04. Part II - Arioso (Tenor) - Behold, and see.flac

5.5 MB

05. Part II - Accompagnato (Soprano) - He was cut off.flac

1.4 MB

06. Part II - Air (Soprano) - But thou didst not leave.flac

9.8 MB

07. Part II - Chorus - Lift up your heads.flac

16.2 MB

08. Part II - Recitative (Tenor) - Unto which of the angels.flac

1.2 MB

09. Part II - Chorus - Let all the angels of God.flac

7.1 MB

10. Part II - Air (Alto) - Thou art gone up on high.flac

13.4 MB

11. Part II - Chorus - The Lord gave the word.flac

6.5 MB

12. Part II - Air (Soprano) - How beautiful are the feet.flac

9.3 MB

13. Part II - Chorus - Their sound is gone out.flac

7.5 MB

14. Part II - Air (Bass) - Why do the nations.flac

7.1 MB

15. Part II - Chorus - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.9 MB

16. Part II - Recitative (Tenor) - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

839.7 KB

17. Part II - Air (Tenor) - Thou shalt break them.flac

9.0 MB

18. Part II - Chorus - Hallelujah.flac

20.9 MB

19. Part III - Air (Soprano) - I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.7 MB

20. Part III - Chorus - Since by man came death.flac

9.0 MB

21. Part III - Recitative (Bass) - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.2 MB

22. Part III - Air (Bass) - The trumpet shall sound.flac

47.6 MB

23. Part III - Recitative (Alto) - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.0 MB

24. Part III - Duet (Alto, Tenor) - O death, where is thy sting_.flac

4.5 MB

25. Part III - Chorus - But thanks be to God.flac

10.4 MB

26. Part III - Air (Soprano) - If God be for us.flac

20.6 MB

27. Part III - Chorus - Worthy is the Lamb - Amen.flac

36.2 MB



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(01) [Pryce-Jones] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three parts, HWV 56 (transcription for brass band) - PART I. Sinfonia (Overture).flac

13.5 MB

(02) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Tenor)- Comfort ye, Comfort ye, My people, saith your God.flac

10.0 MB

(03) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Air (Tenor)- Ev’ry valley shall be exalted.flac

12.7 MB

(04) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.flac

13.8 MB

(05) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord of Hosts.flac

6.1 MB

(06) [Pryce-Jones & Carole Wilson] Air (Mezzosoprano)- But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

16.5 MB

(07) [Pryce-Jones & Carole Wilson] Recitative (Mezzosoprano)- Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.flac

1.4 MB

(08) [Pryce-Jones & Carole Wilson] Air (Mezzosoprano) and Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

19.2 MB

(09) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

6.4 MB

(10) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness.flac

10.7 MB

(11) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given.flac

16.3 MB

(12) [Pryce-Jones] Pifa (‘Pastoral Symphony’).flac

10.9 MB

(13) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] Recitative (Soprano)- There were shepherds abiding in the field.flac

759.6 KB

(14) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Soprano)- And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

1.2 MB

(15) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] Recitative (Soprano)- And the Angel said unto them.flac

2.5 MB

(16) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God.flac

1.3 MB

(17) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

7.5 MB

(18) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

14.3 MB

(19) [Pryce-Jones & Carole Wilson, Mary Hegarty] [Duet] (Mezzosoprano & Soprano)- He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

16.0 MB


(01) [Pryce-Jones] PART II. Chorus- Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.flac

9.8 MB

(02) [Pryce-Jones & Carole Wilson] Air (Mezzosoprano)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

14.1 MB

(03) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Surely he hath borne our griefs.flac

9.5 MB

(04) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- And with his stripes we are healed.flac

8.3 MB

(05) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

15.6 MB

(06) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Tenor)- All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn.flac

2.6 MB

(07) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- He trusted in God that He would deliver Him.flac

10.7 MB

(08) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

4.7 MB

(09) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Air (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow.flac

4.2 MB

(10) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.0 MB

(11) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Air (Tenor)- But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.flac

7.2 MB

(12) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together-.flac

10.6 MB

(13) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.4 MB

(14) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn.flac

969.6 KB

(15) [Pryce-Jones & Aled Hall] Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

7.2 MB

(16) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Hallelujah- for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.flac

17.4 MB

(17) [Pryce-Jones & Mary Hegarty] PART III. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

18.6 MB

(18) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.flac

7.5 MB

(19) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Recitative [Accompagnato] (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mysteryy, we shall not all sleep.flac

2.0 MB

(20) [Pryce-Jones & Gidon Saks] Air (Bass)- The Tumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible.flac

17.2 MB

(21) [Pryce-Jones] Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

30.7 MB



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967.9 KB


1.5 MB


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652.3 KB


1.2 MB


(01) [Walker] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three parts, HWV 56. Text- complited by Charles Jennens from the Bible and Prayer Book Psalter - PART THE FIRST. No. 1. Sinfony.flac

14.8 MB

(02) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 2. Accompanied Recitative (Tenor)- Comfort ye my people, saith your God.flac

13.3 MB

(03) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 3. Air (Tenor)- Ev’ry valley shall be exalted.flac

15.5 MB

(04) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 4. Chorus- And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

11.9 MB

(05) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 5. Accompanied Recitative (Bass)- Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts.flac

6.7 MB

(06) [Walker & Christopher Field] No. 6. Air (Countertenor)- But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

21.0 MB

(07) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 7. Chorus- He shall purify the sons of Levi.flac

12.0 MB

(08) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman] No. 8. Recitative (Alto)- Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

2.0 MB

(09) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman] No. 9. Air (Alto) & Chorus- O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

25.3 MB

(10) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 10. Accompanied Recitative (Bass)- For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

10.4 MB

(11) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 11. Air (Bass)- The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light.flac

18.6 MB

(12) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 12. Chorus- For unto us a child is born, unto us Son is given.flac

18.2 MB

(13) [Walker] No. 13. Pifa.flac

4.0 MB

(14) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 14 (a). Recitative (Soprano)- There were shepherds abiding in the field.flac

1.4 MB

(15) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 14 (b). Accompanied Recitative (Soprano)- And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

1.5 MB

(16) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 15. Recitative (Soprano)- And the angel said unto them.flac

2.9 MB

(17) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 16. Accompanied Recitative (Soprano)- And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heav'nly host.flac

1.4 MB

(18) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 17. Chorus- Glory to God in the highest.flac

8.9 MB

(19) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 18. Air (Soprano)- Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

20.6 MB

(20) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman] No. 19. Recitative (Alto)- Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d.flac

1.9 MB

(21) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman, Sara Macliver] No. 20. Duet (Alto, Soprano)- He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

22.7 MB

(22) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 21. Chorus- His yoke is easy, His burthen is light.flac

11.1 MB

(23) [Cantillation, Walker] PART THE SECOND. No. 22. Chorus- Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world.flac

15.1 MB

(24) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman] No. 23. Air (Alto)- He was despised and rejected of men.flac

40.0 MB


(01) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 24. Chorus- Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.flac

8.1 MB

(02) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 25. Chorus- And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.0 MB

(03) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 26. Chorus- All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

17.4 MB

(04) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 27. Accompanied Recitative (Tenor)- All they that see Him laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.2 MB

(05) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 28. Chorus- He trusted in God that He would deliver Him.flac

10.2 MB

(06) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 29. Accompanied Recitative (Tenor)- Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

7.7 MB

(07) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 30. Air (Tenor)- Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow!.flac

5.8 MB

(08) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 31. Accompanied Recitative (Tenor)- He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

2.4 MB

(09) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 32. Air (Soprano)- But Thou didst not leave His soul in Hell.flac

10.0 MB

(10) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 33. Chorus- Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

14.8 MB

(11) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 34. Recitative (Tenor)- Unto which of the angels said He at any time.flac

1.2 MB

(12) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 35. Chorus- Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

6.8 MB

(13) [Walker & Christopher Field] No. 36. Air (Countertenor)- Thou art gone up on high.flac

13.4 MB

(14) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 37. Chorus- The Lord gave the word.flac

5.7 MB

(15) [Walker & Sara Macliver] No. 38. Air (Soprano)- How beautiful are the feet of Him that bringeth glad tiding of salvation.flac

9.6 MB

(16) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 39. Chorus- Their sound is gone out into all the lands.flac

7.2 MB

(17) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 40. Air (Bass)- Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

12.6 MB

(18) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 41. Chorus- Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.0 MB

(19) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 42. Recitative (Tenor)- He that dwelleth in heaven shall laught them to scorn.flac

1.0 MB

(20) [Walker & Paul McMahon] No. 43. Air (Tenor)- Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron.flac

9.3 MB

(21) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 44. Chorus- Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth!.flac

18.9 MB

(22) [Walker & Sara Macliver] PART THE THIRD. No. 45. Air (Soprano)- I know that my Redeemer liveth and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth.flac

27.4 MB

(23) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 46. Chorus- Since by man came death.flac

9.2 MB

(24) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 47. Accompanied Recitative (Bass)- Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.9 MB

(25) [Walker & Teddy Tahu Rhodes] No. 48. Air (Bass)- The trumpet shall sound.flac

41.5 MB

(26) [Walker & Christopher Field] No. 49. Recitative (Countertenor)- Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written.flac

1.3 MB

(27) [Walker & Christopher Field, Paul McMahon] No. 50. Duet (Countertenor, Tenor)- O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-.flac

4.7 MB

(28) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 51. Chorus- But thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory.flac

10.7 MB

(29) [Walker & Alexandra Sherman] No. 52. Air (Alto)- If God be for us, who can be against us-.flac

22.7 MB

(30) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 53. Chorus- Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

18.1 MB

(31) [Cantillation, Walker] No. 54. Chorus- Amen.flac

19.7 MB



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(01) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding &] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three Parts, HWV 56 - PART THE FIRST. Symphony.flac

14.9 MB

(02) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God”.flac

11.2 MB

(03) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Aria (Tenor)- “Ev’ry valley shall be exalted”.flac

15.1 MB

(04) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

16.2 MB

(05) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Accompagnato (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts”.flac

6.8 MB

(06) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Aria (Alto)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

19.9 MB

(07) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.flac

15.3 MB

(08) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Recitativo (Alto)- “Behold, a virgin shall conceive”.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Aria (Alto)- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

16.6 MB

(10) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

8.5 MB

(11) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Accompagnato (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

7.4 MB

(12) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Aria (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”.flac

15.9 MB

(13) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”.flac

22.7 MB

(14) [Breiding] Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

10.6 MB

(15) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill] Recitativo (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the field”.flac

5.7 MB

(16) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest”.flac

9.7 MB

(17) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill] Aria (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

19.3 MB

(18) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Recitativo (Alto)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be open’d”.flac

1.6 MB

(19) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill, Martin Wölfel] Duetto (Soprano, Alto)- “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd”.flac

21.1 MB

(20) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “His yoke is easy, His burthen is light”.flac

13.5 MB

(21) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] PART THE SECOND. Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world”.flac

14.6 MB

(22) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Aria (Alto)- “He was despised and rejected of men”.flac

36.6 MB

(23) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Surely, He hath borne our griefs”.flac

9.9 MB

(24) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

8.8 MB

(25) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “All we like sheep have gone astray”.flac

20.4 MB


(01) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn”.flac

3.2 MB

(02) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “He trusted in God that He would deliver Him”.flac

13.0 MB

(03) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.flac

6.7 MB

(04) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Arioso (Tenor)- “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow”.flac

5.4 MB

(05) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Accompagnato (Tenor)- “He was cut off out of the land of the living”.flac

1.4 MB

(06) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Aria (Tenor)- “But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

9.3 MB

(07) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”.flac

17.2 MB

(08) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Recitativo (Tenor)- “Unto which of the angels said He at any time”.flac

1.2 MB

(09) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Let all the angels of God worship Him”.flac

8.0 MB

(10) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Aria (Bass)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

15.4 MB

(11) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “The Lord gave the word”.flac

6.3 MB

(12) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill] Aria (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace”.flac

9.3 MB

(13) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.flac

7.8 MB

(14) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Aria (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

15.2 MB

(15) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

10.0 MB

(16) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Recitativo (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

1.0 MB

(17) [Breiding & Jan Kobow] Aria (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

9.7 MB

(18) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”.flac

20.9 MB

(19) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill] PART THE THIRD. Aria (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

22.0 MB

(20) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead”.flac

9.7 MB

(21) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Accompagnato (Bass)- “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.flac

2.3 MB

(22) [Breiding & Kay Stiefermann] Aria (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

42.7 MB

(23) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel] Recitativo (Alto)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written”.flac

1.0 MB

(24) [Breiding & Martin Wölfel, Jan Kobow] Duetto (Alto & Tenor)- “O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-”.flac

4.9 MB

(25) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “But thanks be to God”.flac

10.9 MB

(26) [Breiding & Siri Karoline Thornhill] Aria (Soprano)- “If God be for us, who can be against us-”.flac

20.6 MB

(27) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain”.flac

18.2 MB

(28) [Knabenchor Hannover, Breiding] Chorus- “Amen”.flac

18.6 MB



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1.3 MB

/91 Zarchi, Ranaana Symphonette (Curtain Call, 2002)/

1. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 1 Sinfony.flac

13.6 MB

10. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 10 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

8.1 MB

11. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 11 The people that walked.flac

13.3 MB

12. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 12 For unto us a Child is born.flac

19.4 MB

13. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 13 Pifa-No. 14 There were shepherds abiding in the fields.flac

6.8 MB

14. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 15 And the angel said unto them.flac

2.4 MB

15. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 16 And suddenly there was with the angel- No. 17 Glory to God.flac

10.1 MB

16. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 18 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

18.1 MB

17. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 19 Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened.flac

2.1 MB

18. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 20 He shall feed His flock like a shepherd.flac

20.6 MB

19. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 21 His yoke is easy.flac

12.0 MB

2. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 2 Comfort ye.flac

11.6 MB

20. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 22 Behold the Lamb of God.flac

12.0 MB

21. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 23 He was despised.flac

20.6 MB

22. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 24 Surely He hath borne our griefs.flac

8.3 MB

23. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 25 And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.4 MB

24. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 26 All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

17.8 MB

25. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 29 Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

5.9 MB

26. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 30 Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

4.6 MB

27. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 31 He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.5 MB

28. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 32 But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell.flac

9.2 MB

29. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 33 Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

14.7 MB

3. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 3 Every valley.flac

14.4 MB

30. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 37 The Lord gave the word.flac

5.8 MB

31. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 41 Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

8.8 MB

32. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 42 He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.2 MB

33. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 43 Thou shalt break them.flac

9.3 MB

34. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 44 Hallelujah!.flac

20.4 MB

35. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 45 I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

21.7 MB

36. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 46 Since by man came death.flac

8.8 MB

37. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 47 Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.4 MB

38. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 48 The trumpet shall sound.flac

19.2 MB

39. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 52 If God be for us.flac

20.1 MB

4. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 4 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed.flac

15.3 MB

40. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 53 Worthy is the Lamb.flac

36.6 MB

5. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 5 Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.3 MB

6. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 6 But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

19.5 MB

7. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 7 And He shall purify.flac

12.2 MB

8. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 8 Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.7 MB

9. The Upper Galilee Choir-The Ranaana Symphonette Orchestra - No. 9 O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

23.1 MB


228.8 KB


(01) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] MESSIAH, Oratorio in three Parts, HWV 56 - Sinfony.flac

12.6 MB

(02) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Tenor)- “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God”.flac

11.0 MB

(03) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Tenor)- “Every valley shall be exalted”.flac

14.0 MB

(04) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed”.flac

14.3 MB

(05) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Bass)- “Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts”.flac

5.6 MB

(06) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “But who may abide the day of His coming”.flac

20.5 MB

(07) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “And He shall purify the sons of Levi”.flac

11.9 MB

(08) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Alto)- “Behold, a Virgin shall conceive”.flac

1.3 MB

(09) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Alto) & Chorus- “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion”.flac

24.9 MB

(10) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Bass)- “For behold, darkness shall cover the earth”.flac

7.6 MB

(11) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Bass)- “The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light”.flac

16.1 MB

(12) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given”.flac

19.7 MB

(13) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Pastoral Symphony.flac

11.1 MB

(14) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitatives (Soprano)- “There were shepherds abiding in the fields” … “And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them”.flac

2.7 MB

(15) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Soprano)- “And the angel said unto them”.flac

2.6 MB

(16) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Soprano)- “And suddenly there was with the angels”.flac

1.4 MB

(17) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Glory to God in the highest”.flac

8.2 MB

(18) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion”.flac

20.4 MB

(19) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened”.flac

1.8 MB

(20) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Alto & Soprano)- “He shall feed His flock like a shepherd”.flac

21.6 MB

(21) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “His yoke is easy, His burthen is light”.flac

10.8 MB

(22) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] PART TWO. Chorus- “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world”.flac

10.9 MB

(23) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Alto)- “He was despised and rejected of men”.flac

40.7 MB


(01) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Surely he hath borne our griefs”.flac

9.0 MB

(02) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “And with His stripes we are healed”.flac

9.1 MB

(03) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “All we like sheep have gone astray”.flac

17.1 MB

(04) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Tenor)- “All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn”.flac

3.1 MB

(05) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “He trusted in God that He would deliver Him”.flac

10.1 MB

(06) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Tenor)- “Thy rebuke hath broken His heart”.flac

5.6 MB

(07) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Tenor)- “Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow”.flac

5.4 MB

(08) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Soprano)- “He was cut off out of the land of the living”.flac

1.6 MB

(09) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “But thou didst not leave His soul in hell”.flac

8.4 MB

(10) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Lift up your heads, O ye gates”.flac

14.7 MB

(11) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Tenor)- “Unto which of the angels said He at any time”.flac

1.0 MB

(12) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Let all the angels of God worship Him”.flac

7.1 MB

(13) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “Thou art gone up on high”.flac

13.6 MB

(14) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “The Lord gave the word”.flac

5.8 MB

(15) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace”.flac

8.5 MB

(16) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Their sound is gone out into all lands”.flac

6.8 MB

(17) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Bass)- “Why do the nations so furiously rage together”.flac

13.3 MB

(18) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Let us break their bonds asunder”.flac

9.3 MB

(19) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Tenor)- “He that dwelleth in Heaven shall laugh them to scorn”.flac

813.2 KB

(20) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Tenor)- “Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron”.flac

8.7 MB

(21) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth”.flac

20.8 MB

(22) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] PART THREE. Air (Soprano)- “I know that my Redeemer liveth”.flac

24.2 MB

(23) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead”.flac

8.2 MB

(24) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Bass)- “Behold, I tell you a mystery”.flac

1.8 MB

(25) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Bass)- “The trumpet shall sound”.flac

39.3 MB

(26) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Recitative (Alto)- “Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written”.flac

967.3 KB

(27) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Duet (Alto & Tenor)- “O death, where is thy sting- O grave, where is thy victory-”.flac

4.4 MB

(28) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “But thanks be to God”.flac

10.9 MB

(29) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Air (Soprano)- “If God be for us, who can be against us-”.flac

19.0 MB

(30) [The London Celebration Choir & Orchestra] Chorus- “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain … Amen”.flac

36.7 MB



1.0 MB


1.1 MB


375.6 KB


436.3 KB


286.3 KB


472.4 KB


1.8 MB


1.1 MB

/93 Büchner, Musica Florea Prag (CFM, 2003)/

01 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 1_ Sinfony.flac

13.8 MB

02 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 2, Comfort Ye My People (Accompagnato Tenor).flac

11.9 MB

03 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 3, Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Arie Tenor).flac

14.9 MB

04 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 4, And the Glory of the Lord (Chor).flac

14.3 MB

05 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 5, Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts (Accompagnato Bass).flac

6.4 MB

06 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 6, But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming_ (Arie Altus).flac

19.4 MB

07 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 7, And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi (Chor).flac

13.1 MB

08 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 8, Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive (Rezitativ Altus).flac

1.6 MB

09 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 9, O thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Arie Altus).flac

17.4 MB

10 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 10, O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Chor).flac

8.5 MB

11 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 11_ For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Accompagnato Bass).flac

7.3 MB

12 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 12, The People That Walked in Darkness (Arie Bass).flac

14.0 MB

13 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 13, For Unto Us a Child Is Born (Chor).flac

20.5 MB

14 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 14, Pifa.flac

4.7 MB

15 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 15, There Were Shepherds, Sbiding in the Field (Rezitativ Sopran).flac

5.7 MB

16 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 16, Glory to God in the Highest (Chor).flac

9.1 MB

17 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 17, Recoice Greatly, o Daughter of Zion (Arie Sopran).flac

19.8 MB

18 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 18, Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind be Opened (Rezitativ Altus).flac

1.6 MB

19 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 19, He Shall Feed His Flock (Duett Sopran, Altus).flac

25.2 MB

20 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1_ No. 20, His Yoke Is Easy, and His Burthen Is Light (Chor).flac

12.3 MB

21 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 1_ Behold the Lamb of God (Chor).flac

13.6 MB

22 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 2, He Was Despised and Rejected (Arie Altus).flac

40.8 MB

23 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 3, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (Chor).flac

7.9 MB

24 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 4, And with His Stripes We Are Healed (Chor).flac

9.3 MB

25 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 5, All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (Chor).flac

19.2 MB

26 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 6, All They That See Him, Laugh Him to Scorn (Accompagnato Tenor).flac

3.1 MB

27 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 7, He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver Him (Chor).flac

12.5 MB

28 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 8, Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Accompagnato Tenor).flac

6.6 MB

29 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 9, Behold, and See if There Be any Sorrow (Arioso Tenor).flac

4.7 MB

30 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 10, He Was Cut off out of the Land of the Living (Accompagnato Sopran).flac

1.4 MB

31 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 11_ But Thou Didst not Leave His Soul in Hell (Arie Sopran).flac

9.9 MB

32 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 12, Lift up Your Heads, o Ye Gates (Chor).flac

15.1 MB

33 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 13, How Beautiful Are the Feet (Arie Sopran).flac

11.4 MB

34 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 14, Their Sound Is Gone out into All Lands (Arioso Tenor).flac

4.6 MB

35 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 15, Why Do the Nations so Furiously Rage_ (Arie Bass).flac

14.9 MB

36 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 16, Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder (Chor).flac

9.7 MB

37 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 17, He That Dwelleth in Heaven (Rezitativ Tenor).flac

1.1 MB

38 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 18, Thou Shalt Break Them With a Rod of Iron (Arie Tenor).flac

9.3 MB

39 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 2, No. 19, Halleluja (Chor).flac

19.1 MB

40 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 1_ I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Arie Sopran).flac

25.2 MB

41 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 2, Since by Man Came Death (Chor).flac

8.3 MB

42 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 3, Behold, I Tell You a Mystery (Accompagnato Bass).flac

2.4 MB

43 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 4, The Trumpet Shall Sound (Arie Bass).flac

47.2 MB

44 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 5, Then Shall Be Brought to Pass (Rezitativ Altus).flac

1.0 MB

45 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 6, O Death, Where is Thy Sting_ (Duett Altus, Tenor).flac

4.6 MB

46 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 7, But Thanks Be to God (Chor).flac

10.8 MB

47 - Roland Buchner - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 8, If God is for Us (Arie Sopran).flac

20.8 MB

48 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 9, Worthy is the Lamb That Was Slain.flac

17.1 MB

49 - Regensburger Domspatzen - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pt. 3, No. 10, Amen (Chor).flac

19.4 MB


66.1 KB


72.4 KB


01 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Overture.flac

14.0 MB

02 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Comfort Ye My People.flac

11.5 MB

03 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Every Valley Shall Be Exalted.flac

17.0 MB

04 - Messiah, HWV 56_ And the Glory of the Lord.flac

14.9 MB

05 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Thus Saith the Lord.flac

6.3 MB

06 - Messiah, HWV 56_ But Who May Abide.flac

18.1 MB

07 - Messiah, HWV 56_ And He Shall Purifiy.flac

12.8 MB

08 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Behold a Virgin Shall Conceive.flac

1.6 MB

09 - Messiah, HWV 56_ O Thou That Tellest.flac

25.0 MB

10 - Messiah, HWV 56_ For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth.flac

7.6 MB

11 - Messiah, HWV 56_ The People That Walked in Darkness.flac

14.3 MB

12 - Messiah, HWV 56_ For Unto Us a Child Is Born.flac

20.3 MB

13 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Pastoral.flac

4.1 MB

14 - Messiah, HWV 56_ There Were Shepherds.flac

2.3 MB

15 - Messiah, HWV 56_ And the Angel Said Unto Them.flac

2.4 MB

16 - Messiah, HWV 56_ And Suddenly There Was With the Angel.flac

1.5 MB

17 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Glory to God.flac

9.3 MB

18 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Rejoice Greatly.flac

20.0 MB

19 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind.flac

2.2 MB

20 - Messiah, HWV 56_ He Shall Feed His Flock.flac

21.2 MB

21 - Messiah, HWV 56_ His Yoke Is Easy.flac

11.3 MB

22 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Behold the Lamb of God.flac

12.7 MB

23 - Messiah, HWV 56_ He Was Despised.flac

41.2 MB

24 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Surely.flac

8.6 MB

25 - Messiah, HWV 56_ And With Stripes.flac

9.7 MB


01 - Messiah, HWV 56_ All We Like Sheep.flac

18.8 MB

02 - Messiah, HWV 56_ All They That See Him.flac

3.3 MB

03 - Messiah, HWV 56_ He Trusted in God.flac

11.6 MB

04 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Thy Rebuke.flac

6.6 MB

05 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Behold and See.flac

6.3 MB

06 - Messiah, HWV 56_ He Was Cut Off.flac

1.4 MB

07 - Messiah, HWV 56_ But Thou Didst Not Leave.flac

9.3 MB

08 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Lift Up Your Heads.flac

15.4 MB

09 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Unto Which of the Angels.flac

1.1 MB

10 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Let All the Angels of God.flac

7.3 MB

11 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Thou Art Gone Up High.flac

13.3 MB

12 - Messiah, HWV 56_ The Lord Gave the Word.flac

6.3 MB

13 - Messiah, HWV 56_ How Beautiful Are the Feet.flac

10.2 MB

14 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Their Sound Is Gone Out.flac

8.0 MB

15 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Why Do the Nations.flac

13.1 MB

16 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Let Us Break the Bonds.flac

9.5 MB

17 - Messiah, HWV 56_ He That Dwelleth in Heaven.flac

1.2 MB

18 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Thou Shalt Break Them.flac

10.5 MB

19 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Hallelujah.flac

19.9 MB

20 - Messiah, HWV 56_ I Know That My Redeemer Liveth.flac

22.1 MB

21 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Since By Man Came Death.flac

9.0 MB

22 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Behold, I Tell You a Mystery.flac

2.4 MB

23 - Messiah, HWV 56_ The Trumpet Shall Sound.flac

42.6 MB

24 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Then Shall Be Brought to Pass.flac

1.4 MB

25 - Messiah, HWV 56_ O Death, Where Is Thy Sting_.flac

5.2 MB

26 - Messiah, HWV 56_ But Thanks Be to God.flac

12.2 MB

27 - Messiah, HWV 56_ If God Be for Us.flac

19.4 MB

28 - Messiah, HWV 56_ Worthy Is the Lamb.flac

41.4 MB

/94 Kvam, Telemann Chamber Orchestra (Fancorps, 2003)/


443.6 KB


01 - Part One - Sinfonia (Ouverture) - Grave.flac

6.2 MB

02 - Part One - Sinfonia (Ouverture) - Allegro moderato.flac

9.9 MB

03 - Comfort ye my people.flac

13.4 MB

04 - Ev´ry valley shall be exalted.flac

16.1 MB

05 - And the glory of the Lord.flac

13.4 MB

06 - Thus saith the Lord.flac

6.3 MB

07 - But who may abide the day of his coming.flac

19.6 MB

08 - And he shall purify.flac

14.2 MB

09 - Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

1.6 MB

10 - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

18.2 MB

11 - O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

8.1 MB

12 - For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

7.4 MB

13 - The people that walked in darknss.flac

15.4 MB

14 - For unto us a child is born.flac

22.2 MB

15 - Pifa.flac

4.0 MB

16 - There were shepards abiding in the field.flac

813.4 KB

17 - And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them.flac

1.5 MB

18 - And the angel said unto them.flac

2.4 MB

19 - And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.4 MB

20 - Glory to God.flac

8.8 MB

21 - Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion.flac

22.7 MB

22 - Recitative - The shall the eyes of the blind.flac

2.2 MB

23 - Aria Counter-Tenor & Soprano - He shal feed his flock.flac

21.5 MB

24 - Chorus - His yoke is easy, and his burthen is light.flac

12.8 MB

25 - Part Two - Chorus - Behold the Lamb of God.flac

15.5 MB

26 - Aria Counter-Tenor - He was despised.flac

39.7 MB


01 - Surely he hath borne our griefs.flac

9.2 MB

02 - And with his stripes we are healed.flac

8.5 MB

03 - And we like sheep have gone astray.flac

18.4 MB

04 - All they that see him laugh him to scorn.flac

3.7 MB

05 - He trusted in God.flac

11.4 MB

06 - Thy rebuke hath broken his heart.flac

7.4 MB

07 - Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

5.3 MB

08 - He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.6 MB

09 - But thou didst not leave his soul in hell.flac

10.8 MB

10 - Lift up your heads, O ye gates.flac

15.6 MB

11 - Unto which of the angels said he at any time.flac

1.3 MB

12 - Let all the angels of God worship him.flac

7.4 MB

13 - Thou art gone up on high.flac

14.8 MB

14 - The Lord gave the word.flac

6.0 MB

15 - How beautiful are the feet.flac

8.9 MB

16 - Their sound is gone out.flac

7.6 MB

17 - Why do the nations so furiously rage together.flac

14.5 MB

18 - Let us break their bonds asunder.flac

10.3 MB

19 - He that dwelleth in heaven.flac

1.2 MB

20 - Thou shalt break them.flac

10.9 MB

21 - Hallelujah.flac

21.0 MB

22 - I know that my redeemer liveth.flac

24.4 MB

23 - Since by man came death.flac

8.2 MB

24 - Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.8 MB

25 - The trumpet shall sound.flac

44.7 MB

26 - Then shall be brought to pass.flac

1.2 MB

27 - O death, where is thy sting.flac

4.3 MB

28 - But thanks be to God.flac

10.2 MB

29 - If God be for us.flac

20.1 MB

30 - Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.flac

18.4 MB

31 - Amen.flac

19.5 MB



1.3 MB


1.6 MB


1.0 MB


1.5 MB


1.8 MB


1.4 MB


985.8 KB


988.6 KB


933.5 KB


882.8 KB


931.1 KB


1.1 MB


1.5 MB


1.5 MB


1.4 MB


350.7 KB


1.7 MB


01. Sinfony_ Grave - Allegro moderato.flac

17.3 MB

02. Accompagnato_ Comfort ye my people.flac

12.8 MB

03. Air_ Ev`ry valley shall be exalted.flac

19.1 MB

04. Chorus_ And the glory of the Lord.flac

14.0 MB

05. Accompagnato_ Thus saith the Lord.flac

7.8 MB

06. Air_ But who may abide the day of His coming.flac

19.3 MB

07. Chorus_ And He shall purify _ Recitative_ Behold, a virgin shall conceive.flac

16.4 MB

08. Air_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion.flac

27.9 MB

09. Accompagnato_ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth.flac

8.1 MB

10. Air_ The people that walked in darkness.flac

15.3 MB

11. Chorus_ For unto us a Child is born.flac

25.2 MB

12. Pifa _ Recitative_ There were shepherds.flac

5.0 MB

13. Accompagnato_ And lo! the angel of the Lord came upon them _ Recitative_ And ....flac

4.4 MB

14. Accompagnato_ And suddenly there was with the angel.flac

1.2 MB

15. Chorus_ Glory to God in the highest.flac

10.2 MB

16. Air_ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion + Recitative_ Then shall the eyes of....flac

25.3 MB

17. Duet_ He shall feed His flock.flac

24.2 MB

18. Chorus_ His yoke is easy.flac

14.3 MB

19. Chorus_ Behold the Lamb of God.flac

13.6 MB

20. Air_ He was despised.flac

42.4 MB


01. Chorus_ Surely He hath borne our griefs.flac

11.4 MB

02. Chorus_ And with His stripes we are healed.flac

9.5 MB

03. Chorus_ All we like sheep have gone astray.flac

18.9 MB

04. Accompagnato_ All they that see Him, laugh Him to scorn.flac

3.7 MB

05. Chorus_ He trusted in God.flac

12.9 MB

06. Accompagnato_ Thy rebuke hath broken His heart.flac

6.3 MB

07. Arioso_ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow.flac

5.1 MB

08. Accompagnato_ He was cut off out of the land of the living.flac

1.7 MB

09. Air_ But Thou didst not leave.flac

11.3 MB

10. Chorus_ Lift up your heads, O ye gates _ Recitative_ Unto which of the angels.flac

17.9 MB

11. Chorus_ Let all the angels of God worship Him.flac

8.6 MB

12. Air_ Thou art gone up on high.flac

15.5 MB

13. Chorus_ The Lord gave the word.flac

6.8 MB

14. Air_ How beautiful are the feet.flac

9.8 MB

15. Chorus_ Their sound is gone out.flac

7.1 MB

16. Air_ Why do the nations so furiously rage together_.flac

16.6 MB

17. Chorus_ Let us break their bonds asunder _ Recitative_ He that dwelleth in He....flac

11.5 MB

18. Air_ Thou shalt break them.flac

10.9 MB

19. Chorus_ Hallelujah!.flac

22.5 MB

20. Air_ I know that my Redeemer liveth.flac

24.4 MB

21. Chorus_ Since by man came death.flac

8.4 MB

22. Accompagnato_ Behold, I tell you a mystery.flac

2.7 MB

23. Air_ The trumpet shall sound _ Recitative_ Then shall be brought to pass.flac

45.6 MB

24. Duet_ O death, where is thy sting_.flac

4.6 MB

25. Chorus_ But thanks be to God.flac

11.7 MB

26. Air_ If God be for us.flac

22.9 MB

27. Chorus_ Worthy is the Lamb.flac

36.4 MB



7.5 MB


2.2 MB


2.6 MB


3.8 MB


2.8 MB


3.6 MB


3.7 MB


3.2 MB


3.4 MB


3.0 MB


2.8 MB


3.3 MB


4.0 MB

/.../(Part 1, Part 2 Beginning)/

01 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 1. Sinfonia.flac

17.5 MB

02 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 2. Comfort Ye (Tenor).flac

15.7 MB

03 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 3. Ev'ry Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor).flac

18.2 MB

04 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 4. And the Glory of the Lord (Chorus).flac

14.2 MB

05 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 5. Thus Saith the Lord (Bass).flac

7.7 MB

06 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 6. But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming (Bass).flac

15.6 MB

07 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 7. And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi (Chorus).flac

13.2 MB

08 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 8. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive... O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Alto).flac

27.5 MB

09 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 9. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Bass).flac

9.0 MB

10 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 10. The People That Walked in Darkness (Bass).flac

17.2 MB

11 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 11. For Unto Us a Child Is Born (Chorus).flac

21.2 MB

12 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 12. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony).flac

4.0 MB

13 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 13. There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field… and Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them (Soprano).flac

3.0 MB

14 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 14. And the Angel Said Unto Them… and Suddenly There Was with the Angel (Soprano).flac

4.7 MB

15 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 15. Glory to God (Chorus).flac

10.0 MB

16 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 16. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (Soprano).flac

38.2 MB

17 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 17. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Open’d… He Shall Feed His Flock (Soprano).flac

27.3 MB

18 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. I_ 18. His Yoke Is Easy (Chorus).flac

11.9 MB

19 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 19. Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus).flac

14.5 MB

20 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 20. He Was Despised and Rejected of Men (Alto).flac

46.0 MB

21 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 21. Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs and Carried Our Sorrows (Chorus).flac

9.3 MB

22 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 22. And with His Stripes We Are Healed (Chorus).flac

9.4 MB

23 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 23. All We, Like Sheep, Have Gone Astray (Chorus).flac

19.6 MB


271.7 KB

/.../(Part 2 Conclusion, Part 3)/

01 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 24. All They That See Him Laugh Him to Scorn (Tenor).flac

3.8 MB

02 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 25. He Trusted in God (Chorus).flac

11.8 MB

03 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 26. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Tenor).flac

8.6 MB

04 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 27. Behold, and See (Tenor).flac

6.6 MB

05 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 28. He Was Cut off out of the Land of the Living (Tenor).flac

1.6 MB

06 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 29. But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (Tenor).flac

12.9 MB

07 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 30. Lift up Your Heads (Chorus).flac

15.8 MB

08 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 31. Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time (Tenor) … Let All the Angels of God Worship Him (Chorus).flac

9.2 MB

09 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 32. Thou Art Gone up on High (Bass).flac

15.9 MB

10 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 33. The Lord Gave the Word (Chorus).flac

5.9 MB

11 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 34. How Beautiful Are the Feet (Soprano).flac

25.0 MB

12 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 35. Why Do the Nations so Furiously Rage Together (Bass).flac

15.2 MB

13 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 36. Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder (Chorus).flac

11.0 MB

14 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 37. He That Dwelleth in Heaven… Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod of Iron (Tenor).flac

12.2 MB

15 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 38. Hallelujah! (Chorus).flac

21.2 MB

16 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 39. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Soprano).flac

30.3 MB

17 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. II_ 40. Since by Man Came Death (Chorus).flac

10.1 MB

18 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 41. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery (Bass).flac

2.8 MB

19 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 42. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass).flac

48.6 MB

20 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 43. Then Shall Be Brought to Pass (Alto) … O Death, Where Is Thy Sting_ (Alto and Tenor).flac

10.1 MB

21 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 44. But Thanks Be to God (Chorus).flac

11.5 MB

22 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 45. If God Be for Us (Soprano).flac

21.9 MB

23 - Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. III_ 46. Worthy Is the Lamb … Amen (Chorus).flac

36.6 MB


272.5 KB


(01) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] DER MESSIAS, Oratorium in drei Teilen HWV 56 (1741). Deutsche Fassung von Johann Gottfried Herder (1780)- ERSTER TEIL. Nr. 1 Sinfonie.flac

15.6 MB

(02) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 2 Rezitativ accompagnato (Tenor)- “Tröstet, tröstet mein Zion! Spricht Eu’r Gott”.flac

16.6 MB

(03) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 3 Arie (Tenor)- “Alle Thale werden erhaben, und alle Höhen und Hügel tief!”.flac

18.4 MB

(04) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 4 Chor- “Denn die Hoheit, die Hoheit des Herrn wird offenbaret!”.flac

14.4 MB

(05) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 5 Rezitativ accompagnato (Bass)- “So spricht der Herr, Gott Zebaoth”.flac

7.3 MB

(06) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 6 Arie (Alt)- “Doch wer mag ertragen den Tag, wenn er kommet-”.flac

23.2 MB

(07) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 7 Chor- “Und er wird reinigen die Söhne Levi, daß sie darbringen Gott”.flac

13.8 MB

(08) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 8 Rezitativ (Alt)- “Sieh da! eine Jungfrau empfängt! Gebiert einen Sohn”.flac

2.1 MB

(09) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Arie (Alt) & Chor- “O du, der bringet Frohlocken in Zion”.flac

32.2 MB

(10) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 9 Rezitativ accompagnato (Bass)- “Schau umher! Dunkel bedecket die Welt”.flac

9.3 MB

(11) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 10 Arie (Bass)- “Die Völker, die wandeln im Dunkel”.flac

19.4 MB

(12) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 11 Chor- “Denn es ist uns ein Kind gebor’n!”.flac

22.9 MB

(13) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 12 Pifa (‚Pfeifer’--Hirten-Musik).flac

12.9 MB

(14) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Nr. 13 Rezitativ (Sopran)- “Es waren Hirten beisammen auf der Flur, hüteten ihre Heerd’ zu Nacht”.flac

1.4 MB

(15) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Rezitativ accompagnato (Sopran)- “Als schnell der Engel des Herrn zu ihnen trat”.flac

1.5 MB

(16) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Nr. 14 Rezitativ (Sopran)- “Alsdann der Engel zu ihnen sprach- Friede! Erschrecket nicht!”.flac

3.3 MB

(17) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Rezitativ accompagnato (Sopran)- “Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel die große Schaar himmlischen Heers”.flac

1.7 MB

(18) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 15 Chor- “Ehre sei Gott! Ehre sei Gott in den Höhen und Fried’ auf Erd’”.flac

10.7 MB

(19) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Nr. 16 Arie (Sopran)- “Erfreu, erfreu, erfreue Dich mächtig, erfreue Dich, Tochter zu Zion!”.flac

24.4 MB

(20) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 17 Rezitativ (Alt)- “Dann wird das Auge des Blinden sehend sein”.flac

2.6 MB

(21) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling, Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Duett (Alt, Sopran)- “Er wird Hirt sein seiner Schafe”.flac

25.9 MB

(22) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 18 Chor- “Sein Joch ist selig, sein Ragen ist leicht”.flac

13.3 MB

(23) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] ZWEITER TAIL. Nr. 19 Chor- “Sieh, da ist Gottes Lamm! Es träget hinweg die Sünde der Welt”.flac

15.3 MB

(24) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 20 Aria (Alt)- “Er war verschmähet, verschmähet und verworfen, verworfen von Menschen”.flac

47.0 MB

(25) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 21 Chor- “Wahrlich, wahrlich! er trug unser Leid und litt unsern Kummer”.flac

11.4 MB

Back CD1.JPG

441.2 KB

Front CD1.JPG

442.9 KB


(01) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 22 Chor- “Durch seine Wunden sind wir geheilet”.flac

9.6 MB

(02) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 23 Chor- “Wir gingen all im Irren umher, wir kehrten alle, jeder seinen Weg”.flac

20.1 MB

(03) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 24 Rezitativ (Tenor)- “Und die ihn sahen, spotteten sein, verhöhneten ihn und warfen das Haupt und sprachen”.flac

4.0 MB

(04) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 25 Er trauete Gott, der könn’ erlösen ihn! Laß den erlösen ihn, wenn er hat Lust zu ihm!”.flac

13.6 MB

(05) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 26 Rezitativ (Tenor)- “Deine Schmach zerbrach sein Herz. Er ist voll von Traurigkeit”.flac

8.2 MB

(06) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 27 Arioso (Tenor)- “Schau an und sieh, ob irgend sei ein Kummer gleich seinem Kummer-”.flac

6.7 MB

(07) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 28 Rezitativ (Tenor)- “Man riß ihn aus, aus dem Lande der Lebenden”.flac

1.7 MB

(08) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 29 Arie (Tenor)- “Doch du ließest nicht seine Seel’ in der Höll’”.flac

11.2 MB

(09) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 30 Chor- “Hebet das Haupt, o Ihr Thore! Öffnet Euch weit, Ihr Pforten der Welt!”.flac

17.5 MB

(10) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 31 Rezitativ (Tenor)- “Denn zu welchem Engel”.flac

1.6 MB

(11) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Chor- “Laßt alle Engel des Herrn feiren ihn!”.flac

8.3 MB

(12) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 32 Arie (Alt)- “Du bist gestiegen hoch! Hast geraubet, die da raubeten”.flac

16.3 MB

(13) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 33 Chor- “Der Herr gab sein Wort. Groß war die Menge der Gottesboten”.flac

6.5 MB

(14) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Nr. 34 Arie (Sopran)- “Wie lieblich ist der Boten Tritt! Sie kündigen Frieden uns an”.flac

10.1 MB

(15) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 35 Arioso (Tenor)- “Ihr Ruf, er erging in alles Land!”.flac

5.9 MB

(16) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 36 Arie (Bass)- “Wie, daß die Völker so wüthend ergrimmen zusammen- Wie, daß die Heiden berathen eiteln Rath-”.flac

17.4 MB

(17) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 37 Chor- “Laßt uns brechen ihre Bande, ihre Band’ entzwei!”.flac

11.2 MB

(18) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Nr. 38 Rezitativ (Tenor)- “Er, der wohnet im Himmel, er lachet der Wuth”.flac

1.4 MB

(19) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Kobie van Rensburg] Arie (Tenor)- “Sie zerbrechen soll Dein Eisenscepter!”.flac

11.6 MB

(20) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 39 Chor- “Hallelujah! Denn der Herr, Gott der Allmächt’ge, herrschet! Hallelujah!”.flac

21.8 MB

(21) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] DRITTER TEIL. Nr. 40 Arie (Sopran)- “Ich weiß, daß mein Erlöser lebet, und daß er erweckt”.flac

29.5 MB

(22) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 41 Chor- “Denn durch Einen kam Tod, durch Einen kommet die Auferstehung von dem Tod”.flac

10.3 MB

(23) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 42 Rezitativ (Bass)- “Vernehmet! ich versprech’ ein Geheimniß!”.flac

3.2 MB

(24) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Raimund Nolte] Nr. 43 Arie (Bass)- “Es schallt die Trommet’, und die Todten erstehn unverweslich”.flac

50.2 MB

(25) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling] Nr. 44 Rezitativ (Alt)- “Dann wird erfüllet sein das Wort des Ewigen”.flac

1.5 MB

(26) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Maria Riccarda Wesseling, Kobie van Rensburg] Duett (Alt, Tenor)- “O Tod, o Tod, wo ist Dein Pfeil- O Grab, wo ist Dein Siegstriumph-”.flac

5.5 MB

(27) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 45 Chor- “Drum Dank sei Gott, der uns den Sieg gegeben hat durch Christum, unsern Herrn!”.flac

11.0 MB

(28) [Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner & Sharon Rostorf-Zamir] Nr. 46 Arie (Sopran)- “Wenn Gott ist mit uns”.flac

22.6 MB

(29) [Dresden Kammerchor, Lautten Compagney, Wolfgang Katschner] Nr. 47 Chor- “Würdig ist das Lamm, das da starb! - Amen”.flac

36.7 MB

Back CD2.JPG

423.0 KB

Front CD2.JPG

486.6 KB

/98 Katschner, Lautten Compagney (DHM, 2004)/


339.5 KB


225.1 KB


243.7 KB


01 - Part I_ Sinfonia.flac

16.1 MB

02 - Part I_ Accompagnato_ Comfort ye my people (Tenor).flac

13.3 MB

03 - Part I_ Aria_ Every valley shall be exalted (Tenor).flac

17.5 MB

04 - Part I_ And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed (Chorus).flac

16.6 MB

05 - Part I_ Accompagnato_ Thus saith the Lord (Bass).flac

7.0 MB

06 - Part I_ Aria_ But who may abide the day of His coming_ (Alto).flac

23.9 MB

07 - Part I_ And He shall purify the sons of Levi (Chorus).flac

13.8 MB

08 - Part I_ Recitative_ Behold, a virgin shall conceive (Alto).flac

1.6 MB

09 - Part I_ Aria_ O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion (Alto, Chorus).flac

28.0 MB

10 - Part I_ Recitative_ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth (Bass).flac

8.3 MB

11 - Part I_ Aria_ The people that walked in darkness (Bass).flac

18.1 MB

12 - Part I_ For unto a child is born (Chorus).flac

22.1 MB

13 - Part I_ Symphony Pastoral_ Pifa.flac

5.0 MB

14 - Part I_ Recitative_ There were shepherds abiding in the field (Soprano) - Accompagnato_ And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon th.flac

2.4 MB

15 - Part I_ Recitative_ And the angel said unto them (Soprano).flac

2.7 MB

16 - Part I_ Accompagnato_ And suddenly there was with the angel (Soprano).flac

1.7 MB

17 - Part I_ Glory to God in the highest (Chorus).flac

9.6 MB

18 - Part I_ Aria_ Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion (Soprano).flac

23.1 MB

19 - Part I_ Recitative_ Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened (Alto).flac

2.3 MB

20 - Part I_ Aria_ He shall feed His flock like a shepherd (Soprano, Alto).flac

23.3 MB

21 - Part I_ His yoke is easy, His burthen is light (Chorus).flac

12.4 MB

22 - Part II_ Behold the Lamb of God (Chorus).flac

15.0 MB

23 - Part II_ Aria_ He was despised and rejected of men (Alto).flac

43.6 MB


01 - Part II_ Surely, He hath borne our griefs (Chorus).flac

10.3 MB

02 - Part II_ And with His stripes we are healed (Chorus).flac

10.9 MB

03 - Part II_ All we like sheep have gone astray (Chorus).flac

21.2 MB

04 - Part II_ Accompagnato_ All they that see Him Laugh Him to scorn (Tenor).flac

3.9 MB

05 - Part II_ He trusted in God that He would deliver Him (Chorus).flac

13.7 MB

06 - Part II_ Accompagnato_ Thy rebuke hath broken His heart (Tenor).flac

7.1 MB

07 - Part II_ Arioso_ Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto His sorrow! (Tenor).flac

6.4 MB

08 - Part II_ Accompagnato_ He was cut off out of the land of the living (Tenor).flac

1.4 MB

09 - Part II_ Arioso_ But Thou didst not leave His soul in Hell (Tenor).flac

12.6 MB

10 - Part II_ Lift up your heads, O ye gates (Chorus).flac

17.1 MB

11 - Part II_ Recitative_ Unto which of the angels said He (Tenor).flac

1.3 MB

12 - Part II_ Let all the angels of God worship Him (Chorus).flac

8.3 MB

13 - Part II_ Aria_ Thou art gone up high (Alto).flac

15.9 MB

14 - Part II_ The Lord gave the word (Chorus).flac

6.3 MB

15 - Part II_ Duet_ How beautiful are the feet of them (Soprano, Alto).flac

10.6 MB

16 - Part II_ Their sound is gone out into all lands (Chorus).flac

8.5 MB

17 - Part II_ Aria_ Why do the nations so furiosly rage together (Bass).flac

14.2 MB

18 - Part II_ Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus).flac

11.1 MB

19 - Part II_ Recitative_ He that dwelleth in heaven (Tenor).flac

1.3 MB

20 - Part II_ Aria_ Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron (Tenor).flac

11.7 MB

21 - Part II_ Hallelujah! (Chorus).flac

22.6 MB

22 - Part III_ Aria_ I know that my Redeemer liveth (Soprano).flac

28.6 MB

23 - Part III_ Since by man came death (Chorus).flac

9.0 MB

24 - Part III_ Accompagnato_ Behold, I tell you a mystery (Bass).flac

2.5 MB

25 - Part III_ Aria_ The trumpet shall sound (Bass).flac

46.7 MB

26 - Part III_ Recitative_ Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written (Alto).flac

1.4 MB

27 - Part III_ Duet_ O Death, where is thy sting_ (Alto, Tenor).flac

6.1 MB

28 - Part III_ But thanks be to God (Chorus).flac

12.6 MB

29 - Part III_ Aria_ If God be for us, who can be against us_ (Soprano).flac

26.0 MB

30 - Part III_ Worthy is the Lamb that was slain (Chorus).flac

44.4 MB

/99 Alltop, The Apollo Chorus Chamber Orchestra (Clarion, 2005)/


414.2 KB


Total files 3280

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