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Kenneth Arrow Suvarnacollection


Kenneth J. Arrow - Suvarnacollection


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58.2 MB


58.2 MB


16.9 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow, A.K. Sen, Kotaro Suzumura-Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 1 (Handbooks in Economics). 1-North Holland (2002).pdf

11.8 MB

(Handbooks in Economics 1) Kenneth J. Arrow, A.K. Sen, Kotaro Suzumura (eds.)-Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 1 (Handbooks in Economics) -North-Holland (2002).pdf

11.8 MB


11.7 MB

Burton A. Weisbrod, Kenneth J. Arrow-To Profit or Not to Profit_ The Commercial Transformation of the Nonprofit Sector (1998).pdf

11.4 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow, A.K. Sen, Kotaro Suzumura-Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 1 (Handbooks in Economics). 10.8MB.pdf

11.4 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow, A.K. Sen, Kotaro Suzumura-Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 2 (Handbooks in Economics). (2011).pdf

9.5 MB

M.D. Intriligator, Kenneth J. Arrow-Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Volume 2 (Handbooks in Economics)-North Holland (1987).pdf

9.4 MB


9.4 MB

(Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow 4) Kenneth J. Arrow-The Economics of Information (Collected Papers of Kenneth J. Arrow, Volume Four) -Blackwell (1984).djvu

8.4 MB


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7.0 MB

Herve Raynaud, Kenneth J. Arrow(auth.)-Managerial Logic-Wiley-ISTE (2011).pdf

7.0 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow-Social Choice and Individual Values, Second edition (Cowles Foundation Monographs Series) -Yale University Press (1970).pdf

6.6 MB


6.3 MB


6.3 MB

(Handbooks in Economics) M.D. Intriligator, Kenneth J. Arrow-Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Volume 2 . Volume 2-North Holland (1987).djvu

6.0 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow, M.D. Intriligator-Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Volume 1 (Handbooks in Economics)-North Holland (1987).pdf

5.3 MB


5.1 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow-Social Choice and Individual Values, Second edition (Cowles Foundation Monographs Series) (1970).pdf

4.9 MB

Kenneth Joseph Arrow-Social choice and individual values (2nd edition)-Yale University Press (1963).pdf

4.5 MB

(Handbooks in Economics) Michael D. Intriligator, Michael D. Intriligator, Kenneth J. Arrow, Kenneth J. Arrow-Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Volume 3 . Volume 3-North Holland (1986).djvu

4.5 MB

Frank Ackerman, David Kiron, Neva R. Goodwin, Jonathan Harris, Kevin Gallagher, Kenneth Arrow-Human Well-Being and Economic Goals (Frontier Issues in Economic Thought)-Island Press (1997).pdf

3.9 MB

(Handbooks in Economics) Kenneth J. Arrow, M.D. Intriligator-Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Volume 1 . Volume 1-North Holland (1987).djvu

3.7 MB


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789.1 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow-Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation-Aei Press,Nbn (1996).pdf

71.9 KB


Arrow, Kenneth & Debreu, Gerard - The Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy.pdf

8.8 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - General Economic Equilibrium Purpose, Analytic Techniques, Collective Choice.pdf

3.9 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - General Economic Equilibrium Purpose, Analytic Techniques, Collective Choice - 3.71MB.pdf

3.9 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf

3.6 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Are We Consuming Too Much.pdf

3.2 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare.pdf

2.8 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Some Developments in Economic Theory Since 1940 An Eyewitness Account.pdf

2.7 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Partha S. Dasgupta - Conspicuous Consumption, Inconspicuous Leisure.pdf

2.7 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Work of Ragnar Frisch, Econometrician.pdf

2.1 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Uncertainty and Welfare Economics in Medical Care (1963).pdf

1.9 MB

Author(s) Robert Solow, Kenneth Arrow and Amartya Sen - Three Nobel Laureates on the State of Economics.pdf

1.9 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Control in Large Organizations.pdf

1.8 MB

Author(s) J. S. Kelly and Kenneth J. Arrow - An Interview with Kenneth J. Arrow.pdf

1.7 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Exposition of the Theory of Choice under Uncertainty.pdf

1.7 MB

Author(s) J. Doyne Farmer, Paolo Patelli, Ilija I. Zovko and Kenneth J. Arrow - The Predictive Power of Zero Intelligence in Financial Markets.pdf

1.7 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Alain Bensoussan, Qi Feng and Suresh P. Sethi - Optimal Savings and the Value of Population.pdf

1.5 MB

Author(s) Arrow, Kenneth and Debreu, Gerard-The existence of an equilibrium for a competitive economy.pdf

1.5 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Leon Pesotchinsky and Milton Sobel - On Partitioning a Sample With Binary-Type Questions in Lieu of Collecting Observations.pdf

1.4 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Invaluable Goods.pdf

1.4 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Transition from Socialism.pdf

1.4 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and William M. Capron - Dynamic Shortages and Price Rises The Engineer-Scientist Case.pdf

1.4 MB


1.4 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow and Gerard Debreu - Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy.pdf

1.3 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow - Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf

1.3 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Robert O. Keohane and Simon A. Levin - Elinor Ostrom An uncommon woman for the commons.pdf

1.3 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Samuelson Collected.pdf

1.3 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Mordecai Kurz - Optimal Growth with Irreversible Investment in a Ramsey Model.pdf

1.3 MB

Kenneth J. Arrow - Invaluable Goods - JEL 1997.pdf

1.3 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Gerard Debreu - Existence of an Equilibrium for a Competitive Economy.pdf

1.2 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Tinbergen on Economic Policy.pdf

1.2 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Current Developments in the Theory of Social Choice.pdf

1.1 MB


1.1 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - Stability of the Gradient Process in n-Person Games.pdf

1.1 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Amartya K. Sen's Contributions to the Study of Social Welfare.pdf

1.1 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Choice in Risk-Taking Situations.pdf

1.0 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Vertical Integration and Communication.pdf

1.0 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Rawls's Principle of Just Saving.pdf

1.0 MB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, H. D. Block and Leonid Hurwicz - On the Stability of the Competitive Equilibrium, II.pdf

987.2 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Dennis W. Carlton and Hal S. Sider - The Competitive Effects of Line-of-Business Restrictions in Telecommunications.pdf

975.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth Arrow - GÉRARD DEBREU 4 JULY 1921 · 31 DECEMBER 2004.pdf

953.6 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Real and Nominal Magnitudes in Economics.pdf

943.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Partha Dasgupta and Karl-Göran Mäler - The Genuine Savings Criterion and the Value of Population.pdf

892.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Limitations of the Profit Motive.pdf

888.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, David Levhari and Eytan Sheshinski - A Production Function for the Repairman Problem.pdf

876.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - On the Stability of the Competitive Equilibrium, I.pdf

872.6 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - John R. Commons Award Paper Thorstein Veblen as an Economic Theorist.pdf

849.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - 100 Years of the American Economic Review The Top 20 Articles.pdf

844.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - Competitive Stability under Weak Gross Substitutability Nonlinear Price Adjustment and.pdf

834.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Limited Knowledge and Economic Analysis.pdf

832.3 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Economic Transition Speed and Scope.pdf

831.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - John C. Harsanyi 1920-2000.pdf

803.9 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Theory of Risk-Bearing Small and Great Risks.pdf

788.9 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow and Anthony C. Fisher - Environmental Preservation, Uncertainty and Irreversibility.pdf

767.9 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Scale Returns in Communication and Elite Control of Organizations.pdf

767.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Walter Galenson, Harvey Leibenstein, Roy Radner and Henry - STUDENTS, POLITICIANS, PROFESSORS AND OFFICERS.pdf

760.6 KB

Author(s) Kenneth Arrow et al. - Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment - Science, New Series, Vol. 268, No. 5210 (Apr. 28, 1995).pdf

680.2 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Theodore Harris and Jacob Marschak - Optimal Inventory Policy.pdf

679.3 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing.pdf

656.3 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Utilities, Attitudes, Choices A Review Note.pdf

639.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Robert C. Lind - Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions.pdf

638.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - Competitive Stability under Weak Gross Substitutability The Euclidean Distance Approach.pdf

638.5 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Optimal Inventory Policy.pdf

635.3 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Is There a Role for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation.pdf

634.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - A note on uncertainty and discounting in models of economic growth.pdf

597.3 KB

Author(s) KENNETH J. ARROW - PORTRAIT Jacob Marschak.pdf

596.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Alain C. Enthoven - Quasi-Concave Programming.pdf

590.9 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Timothy J. Kehoe - Distinguished Fellow Herbert Scarf's Contributions to Economics.pdf

578.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Little's Critique of Welfare Economics.pdf

572.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Alain C. Enthoven - Quasi-Concave Programming -556KB.pdf

569.5 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow - Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care - 553KB.pdf

566.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Alain C. Enthoven - Quasi-Concave Programming.pdf

566.4 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Are We Consuming Too Much - Journal of Economic Perspectives 2004.pdf

564.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Permanent and Transitory Substitution Effects in Health Insurance Experiments.pdf

560.6 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Is There a Role for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation.pdf

558.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth Arrow et al. - Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment - Ecological Applications, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Feb., 1996).pdf

554.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Additive Logarithmic Demand Functions and the Slutsky Relations.pdf

542.9 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Economics of Moral Hazard Further Comment.pdf

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490.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - The Value of Nature and the Nature of Value.pdf

467.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Comment I.pdf

440.0 KB

Author(s) Charalambos D. Aliprantis, Kenneth J. Arrow, Peter J. Hammond, Felix Kubler, Ho-Mou Wu and Nicholas C. Yannelis - Foreword to the Symposium in Honor of Mordecai Kurz.pdf

437.5 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow - The Economic Implications of Learning by Doing.pdf

409.8 KB

George A. Akerlof - The Market for Lemons Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf

409.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care Reply (The Implications of Transaction Costs and Adjustment Lags).pdf

404.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - A Comment on Cooper.pdf

388.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Import Substitution in Leontief Models.pdf

382.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - Gradient Methods for Constrained Maxima.pdf

382.0 KB

Kenneth Arrow - Methodological Individualism and Social Knowledge.pdf

380.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - The Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization.pdf

373.7 KB

Author(s) Robert P. Lanza, Kenneth J. Arrow et al. - Science Over Politics.pdf

358.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and David S. Landes - The United States and Unesco A Comment.pdf

349.3 KB

KENNETH J. ARROW - Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention.pdf

338.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Statistics and Economic Policy.pdf

333.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Rationality of Self and Others in an Economic System.pdf

320.3 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Decision Theory and Operations Research.pdf

315.2 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Rational Choice Functions and Orderings.pdf

304.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Methodological Individualism and Social Knowledge.pdf

290.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Classificatory Notes on the Production and Transmission of Technological Knowledge.pdf

286.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Use of Unbounded Utility Functions in Expected-Utility Maximization Response.pdf

286.4 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow - What Has Economics to Say about Racial Discrimination.pdf

281.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow, Phillip Cagan and Irwin Friend - Comments on Duesenberry's The Portfolio Approach to the Demand for Money and Other Assets.pdf

280.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Extended Sympathy and the Possibility of Social Choice.pdf

280.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - What Has Economics to Say about Racial Discrimination.pdf

265.3 KB

Author(s) Ruth P. Mack, Kenneth J. Arrow and Trout Rader - Discussion.pdf

257.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Marc Nerlove - A Note on Expectations and Stability.pdf

254.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Sherman M. Mellinkoff - Report of the Western Center Executive Council - No. 1991 1992 (1991-1992), pp. 16-19.pdf

231.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - On a Theorem of Arrow Comment.pdf

231.0 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Anthony C. Fisher - Environmental Preservation, Uncertainty, and Irreversibility.pdf

230.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - A Utilitarian Approach to the Concept of Equality in Public Expenditures.pdf

227.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Timothy Bresnahan - Preface.pdf

210.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Informational Structure of the Firm.pdf

210.3 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow - Informational Structure of The Firm.pdf

209.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Sherman M. Mellinkoff - Report of the Western Center Executive Council - No. 1990 1991 (1990- 1991), pp. 18-22.pdf

209.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Sherman M. Mellinkoff - Report of the Western Center Executive Council - No. 1992 1993 (1992- 1993), pp. 16-19.pdf

203.4 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Leonid Hurwicz - Some Remarks on the Equilibria of Economic Systems.pdf

202.7 KB

Author(s) Kenneth O. May - A Set of Independent Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Simple Majority Decision.pdf

200.1 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Maine and Texas.pdf

170.8 KB

Author(s) Kenneth Arrow, Jean-Michel Grandmont and Daniel McFadden - A Report on Econometric Society Fellows' Election Procedures.pdf

156.6 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - The Genesis of Optimal Inventory Policy.pdf

154.2 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow and Robert C. Lind - Uncertainty and the Evaluation of Public Investment Decisions Reply.pdf

151.9 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - Homogeneous Systems in Mathematical Economics A Comment.pdf

140.5 KB

Author(s) Kenneth J. Arrow - [From Reform to Relativism A History of Economists and Health Care] Commentary.pdf

119.9 KB

Kenneth J. Arrow - The Organization of Economic Activity Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market versus Non-market Allocation”.pdf

52.2 KB

John B. Shoven - Kenneth Arrow Contributions to Economics.pdf

28.9 KB


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