
Download Kolat.Library-College.Wrestling.Instructional.XviD-UPiNSMOKE

Kolat Library College Wrestling Instructional XviD UPiNSMOKE




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2.6 GB

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/.../creating and keeping motion on the bottom (2)/

2. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

1. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/.../defending legs (30)/

29. opponent hips for cross face turn into pressure.avi

4.7 MB

14. going with the pressure of the power half.avi

4.4 MB

18. when taken out of base with two legs knee's.avi

4.2 MB

27. using the mat to clear the leg.avi

4.1 MB

6. ankle capture hip heist to escape.avi

3.8 MB

22. danger of not hip heisting correctly.avi

3.6 MB

12. granby out of cross body ride.avi

3.6 MB

13. granby out of power half.avi

3.5 MB

21. sit to hip foot fight when leg is in.avi

3.2 MB

7. switch out of leg in.avi

2.9 MB

10. tripod up & knee drop out of power half.avi

2.8 MB

1. defending power half with knee drop and switch.avi

2.8 MB

5. defending knee first attack with ankle capture side.avi

2.7 MB

24. sit to hip foot fight jump out to hip heist.avi

2.7 MB

8. tripod up & swim out of power half.avi

2.7 MB

16. cover opponents foot with foot fight.avi

2.6 MB

2. defending a foot first attack with elbow.avi

2.5 MB

20. standing mule kick and clear.avi

2.5 MB

30. stand for the stalemate.avi

2.5 MB

3. defending a foot first attack grab instep.avi

2.4 MB

26. explanation of making yourself heavy.avi

2.4 MB

11. tripod up & knee drop push away and clear.avi

2.4 MB

4. defending knee first attack with elbow.avi

2.2 MB

25. sit to hip foot fight to peterson.avi

2.2 MB

19. mule kick and clear.avi

2.1 MB

9. tripod up and sheke if opponent does not fall.avi

2.0 MB

17. tripod up and foot fight.avi

2.0 MB

28. careful of opponents top leg when using mat.avi

2.0 MB

15. danger of scissors when going with power.avi

1.5 MB

23. danger of sitting with chest exposed.avi

1.4 MB

/.../defending tight waist (5)/

2. hip down drill without partner.avi

3.7 MB

5. hipping down working to hip heist position.avi

3.2 MB

3. hipping down against tight waist.avi

2.1 MB

4. hipping down against tight waist anchor opponent.avi

1.6 MB

1. defending tight waist explanation.avi

1.0 MB

/.../fighting off back (15)/

10. defending nearside cradle from front headlock.avi

4.6 MB

4. defending the headlock running hips away.avi

3.4 MB

8. defending chest to chest run hips away.avi

3.4 MB

14. defending double grapevine fighting off back.avi

3.3 MB

5. defending the headlock with pressure.avi

3.2 MB

15. fighting off back from arm bar stack.avi

2.9 MB

13. fighting off back from turk.avi

2.5 MB

11. defending cradle from sit-out.avi

2.4 MB

6. defending the headlock from feet by rolling.avi

2.4 MB

7. defending the headlock with a leg hook anch.avi

2.4 MB

9. defending chest to chest with brindge.avi

2.3 MB

2. defending cement mixer with press.avi

2.0 MB

1. explanation of free hand & bridging.avi

2.0 MB

12. explanation of hand & leg position.avi

1.5 MB

3. mistake when defending cement mixer.avi

1.1 MB

/.../granby roll (15)/

standup granby to peterson finish.avi

3.4 MB

9. opponent spiral hip bump grandby.avi

3.3 MB

8. standup opponent counters back to grandby.avi

3.1 MB

12. standup to standing grandby.avi

3.0 MB

11. explanation of drilling a standing granby.avi

2.9 MB

10. change over to granby.avi

2.8 MB

15. standup front hook to granby.avi

2.8 MB

13. standup opponent returns you grandby.avi

2.8 MB

5. opponent attacks ankle and comes back.avi

2.7 MB

2. 2 types of granby rolls.avi

2.5 MB

4. basic granby to counter chop breakdown.avi

2.4 MB

6. sit out to granby roll.avi

2.4 MB

7. fake switch to grandby.avi

2.2 MB

3. foot placement on grandby roll.avi

2.1 MB

1. explanation of pressure on grandby.avi

1.1 MB

/.../hips away sit out (18)/

14. stand opponent lifts explanation of knee slide.avi

3.9 MB

15. hips away caught on butt cut.avi

3.4 MB

10. hps away sit and turn in.avi

3.4 MB

16. hips away caught on butt danger of grabbing.avi

3.3 MB

11. hips away sit and turn in opponent follows.avi

3.2 MB

3. countering the foot hook to sit.avi

3.2 MB

13. push back opponent follows to standup.avi

3.0 MB

4. change over explanation.avi

2.6 MB

18. change over to sit out.avi

2.6 MB

12. hips away opponent follows to switch.avi

2.6 MB

6. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

2. standup staggering stance breaking lock.avi

2.0 MB

7. hips sit away.avi

1.8 MB

17. danger of the cradle if caught on butt.avi

1.7 MB

1. explanation of switch pressure.avi

1.4 MB

9. hips away sit hand control.avi

1.1 MB

8. hips away sit explanation of legs bent.avi

1.1 MB

5. referees position bottom skills page.avi

528.7 KB

/Bottom (158)/peterson (12)/

9. releasing the peterson.avi

4.3 MB

5. elbow jamming.avi

3.4 MB

11. standing peterson.avi

3.1 MB

4. blockng opponent with tripod.avi

2.5 MB

12. using the hand post vs not using.avi

2.5 MB

2. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

10. knowing when to give up and take the escape.avi

2.3 MB

6. controlling opponent once he is on back.avi

2.3 MB

7. dangers of wrapping the leg.avi

2.2 MB

3. explanation of when to hit peterson.avi

1.9 MB

8. sit out turn in peterson.avi

1.7 MB

1. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/.../push back sit out (18)/

12. push back stand opponent lifts sit again hips.avi

3.9 MB

6. push back sit and turn in.avi

3.5 MB

13. push back caught on butt cut.avi

3.3 MB

16. countering the foot hook to a push back sit.avi

3.2 MB

7. push back sit and turn in opponent follows.avi

3.0 MB

14. push back caught on butt danger of gragging.avi

3.0 MB

18. change over to sit out.avi

2.9 MB

17. change over explanation.avi

2.6 MB

8. push back sit opponent follows to switch.avi

2.5 MB

10. push back opponent follows to standup.avi

2.4 MB

3. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

15. danger of the cradle if caught on butt.avi

2.1 MB

11. stand up staggering stance breaking lock.avi

2.0 MB

4. push back sit explanation of legs bent position.avi

1.7 MB

1. push back sit.avi

1.7 MB

5. push back sit hand control.avi

1.5 MB

9. explanation of switch pressure.avi

1.4 MB

2. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/Bottom (158)/referees position (4)/

4. referees position half sit position.avi

1.9 MB

2. referees position exposed base stance.avi

1.8 MB

1. referees position toes in the mat.avi

1.7 MB

3. referees position exposed base stance.avi

1.7 MB

/.../sit and switch (10)/

3. clearing hand and inside leg.avi

4.2 MB

10. opponent lifts, exploding switch.avi

3.7 MB

8. exploding switch.avi

3.3 MB

9. opponent lifts, sit and switch.avi

3.2 MB

7. countering reswitch.avi

3.2 MB

5. switch and digging with hand control.avi

2.7 MB

2. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

6. be ready for reswitch.avi

2.2 MB

4. switch and digging for crotch.avi

2.0 MB

1. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/.../stand up (20)/

7. standup opponent lifts stand again cut.avi

3.6 MB

9. explanation of hip heisting after lift.avi

3.1 MB

18. standing grandby.avi

2.9 MB

14. stand blocking opponent from cornering.avi

2.8 MB

15. stand foot hook to stop lift.avi

2.8 MB

4. pressure back into opponent with staggered.avi

2.7 MB

12. fake switch attack wizzer.avi

2.7 MB

16. standing peterson.avi

2.6 MB

8. explanation of sitting after lift.avi

2.5 MB

5. fighting hands explanation.avi

2.5 MB

13. stand attack wizzer.avi

2.4 MB

2. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

10. standing switch.avi

2.3 MB

19. standing grandby to peterson.avi

2.3 MB

11. standing switch with wrist.avi

1.9 MB

3. inside and outside leg standup explanation.avi

1.9 MB

6. standup and cut to stance.avi

1.7 MB

20. opponent makes drop for the ankle cut and sprawl.avi

1.7 MB

17. standing peterson with hand post.avi

1.7 MB

1. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/Bottom (158)/standing switch (6)/

6. opponent lifts sit and switch.avi

3.2 MB

4. standing switch chase.avi

2.9 MB

5. standing switch w hand control.avi

2.7 MB

2. explanation of creating and keeping motion.avi

2.4 MB

3. standup outside leg.avi

2.1 MB

1. referees position bottom drills page.avi

528.7 KB

/Drills (98)/bottom (51)/base building (4)/

4. build off back with partner build up.avi

1.7 MB

1. without partner build up.avi

1.6 MB

2. with partner build up.avi

1.6 MB

3. bridge off back without partner build up.avi

1.3 MB

/Drills (98)/bottom (51)/defending legs (6)/

5. switch out of leg in.avi

3.3 MB

6. hip down use mat to clean.avi

3.3 MB

2. foot first attack grab instep.avi

2.2 MB

4. defending knee by capturing ankle grab slide.avi

1.9 MB

1. foot first attack.avi

1.6 MB

3. defending knee with elbow.avi

1.4 MB

/.../first move drills (12)/

8. grandby without partner.avi

2.0 MB

3. sitout and tripod peterson.avi

1.6 MB

1. sit-out.avi

1.5 MB

2. sitout with partner.avi

1.4 MB

5. standup on mat drill.avi

1.4 MB

4. sitout and tripod peterson with partner.avi

1.4 MB

9. grandby with partner.avi

1.4 MB

12. hip heist on the wall.avi

1.3 MB

7. standup on the wall drill.avi

1.2 MB

10. hip heist on the mat.avi

1.2 MB

6. standup pop drill.avi

1.1 MB

11. hip heist with partner.avi

1.0 MB

/Drills (98)/bottom (51)/granby drills (8)/

1. should roll granby.avi

2.5 MB

5. from ankle breakdown to granby.avi

2.3 MB

8. standing granby with partner.avi

2.0 MB

4. should roll granby over and over with partner.avi

2.0 MB

2 & 3. should roll granby with parnter.avi

1.7 MB

6. half stanup granby roll.avi

1.5 MB

7. standing granby by yourself.avi

1.5 MB

/Drills (98)/bottom (51)/hip heist (4)/

4. hip heist cut drill with partner holding head.avi

2.4 MB

3. hip heist cut drill with partner.avi

1.9 MB

2. hip heist on wall.avi

1.5 MB

1. hip heist.avi

1.3 MB

/.../holding your base (6)/

1. partner chops elbow out.avi

2.0 MB

3. holding base partner drill.avi

1.6 MB

5. legs in base holding.avi

1.6 MB

6. legs in standing for stalemate.avi

1.6 MB

2. partner jumps sides knee walking.avi

1.4 MB

4. sealing off holes.avi

1.4 MB

/Drills (98)/bottom (51)/stand up (6)/

2. standup pop drill.avi

2.2 MB

6. sandbag drill.avi

1.9 MB

5. partner explosions drill.avi

1.7 MB

4. partner on back standup drill.avi

1.5 MB

3. standup on the wall drill.avi

1.3 MB

1. standup on mat drill.avi

1.0 MB

/.../tight waist defense (4)/

2. hip down drill position without a partner.avi

2.1 MB

4. transferring opponent over to hip heist.avi

1.7 MB

3. hipping down against tight waist with partner drill.avi

1.5 MB

1. reference technique associated with drill.avi

584.6 KB

/Drills (98)/feet (35)/back arch (5)/

3. arch with partner hand hold.avi

3.3 MB

2. arch on wall.avi

3.0 MB

5. arch without partner.avi

2.5 MB

4. arch over partner on knees.avi

2.4 MB

1. arch explanation of arching.avi

1.9 MB

/Drills (98)/feet (35)/back step (4)/

2. back stop on wall.avi

3.4 MB

1. back step explanation.avi

2.6 MB

3. back step load up headlock.avi

1.9 MB

4. back step load up arm throw.avi

1.9 MB

/.../defending front headlock (3)/

1. partner chase.avi

4.6 MB

2. partner spins hip heist.avi

3.2 MB

3. partner spins grandby.avi

2.4 MB

/.../position drills stance (4)/

1. head position no hands.avi

4.4 MB

3. reshot drill no hands.avi

3.3 MB

4. reshot drill with hands.avi

2.9 MB

2. head position with hands.avi

2.2 MB

/.../proper penetration (10)/

1. forward step across the room.avi

4.5 MB

6. build up against the wall.avi

3.9 MB

7. partner between the legs leap frog drill.avi

3.6 MB

3. split step penetration.avi

3.4 MB

8. sprawl reshot penetration drill.avi

3.0 MB

2. forward step across room with angle change.avi

2.9 MB

4. split step penetration drill.avi

2.6 MB

5. split step penetration lateral.avi

2.4 MB

9. fake sprawl reshot penetration.avi

2.2 MB

10. single leg sweep penestration.avi

1.7 MB

/.../shadow wrestling motion drills (3)/

2. small circle drill.avi

3.5 MB

1. why you should shadow wrestle.avi

2.9 MB

3. partner circle drill.avi

2.7 MB

/.../shot build up drills (6)/

1. extended on double leg whistle start.avi

2.7 MB

6. high crotch extended build and change on whistle.avi

2.3 MB

2. extended on double second penetration whistle start.avi

2.2 MB

5. single leg build up on whistle.avi

2.0 MB

4. standing double leg change your head position lift drill.avi

1.6 MB

3. pulling the double leg in conditioning drill.avi

1.4 MB

/Drills (98)/top (11)/

11. legs ni from breakdown.avi

4.3 MB

8. lifting drill.avi

2.3 MB

9. greco lift.avi

2.2 MB

1. whistle drill.avi

2.1 MB

3. breakdown drill.avi

2.0 MB

4. sit and follow through drill.avi

2.0 MB

10. weight on and circle drill.avi

1.9 MB

2. whistle drill breakdown starts.avi

1.9 MB

7. sit and follow under arms.avi

1.6 MB

6. sit and follow near and far side.avi

1.5 MB

5. explanation of following far side.avi

1.4 MB

/.../clearing the collar tie (12)/

4. slipping the collar.avi

3.8 MB

6. under elbow throw by.avi

3.7 MB

12. tie the clears to a drill.avi

3.6 MB

9. jam into underhook.avi

3.6 MB

5. ripping the collar.avi

3.4 MB

8. missing throw by to single.avi

3.0 MB

3. inside clear and capture.avi

2.8 MB

7. inside elbow throw by.avi

2.6 MB

2. bringing shoulders up.avi

2.4 MB

1. importance of keeping the opponent off head.avi

2.2 MB

11. danger of backing away from the collar.avi

2.1 MB

10. danger of hook opponent hits firemens.avi

1.3 MB

/.../clearing ties (13)/

9. clear underhook with elbow circle.avi

5.7 MB

8. clear wrist with capture.avi

4.7 MB

12. clear front headlock with wrist control.avi

4.6 MB

10. clear underhook with palm up circle.avi

4.5 MB

1. snapping 2 handed post.avi

4.5 MB

11. clear underhok with wrist capture wizzer.avi

4.3 MB

6. slip collar tie clear.avi

4.2 MB

3. snapping 1 hand post with collar tie.avi

4.0 MB

5. circle into collar tie clear.avi

3.9 MB

7. snap collar tie clear.avi

3.6 MB

4. fake snap post clear.avi

3.6 MB

2. circling under post.avi

3.0 MB

13. hitting the basic takedowns from clearing ties.avi

2.6 MB

/.../defending cement job or cowboy (6)/

3. defending cement job by swimming out.avi

4.6 MB

4. defending gator roll from the cement job.avi

4.1 MB

2. defending cement job by controlling chin.avi

3.7 MB

6. opponent hits cement job bench press.avi

3.7 MB

5. defending the spin from my opponents gator.avi

3.1 MB

1. explanation of drilling to defend cement job.avi

1.9 MB

/.../defending crack down position (4)/

4. blocking and spinning both sides.avi

2.4 MB

1. dangers of not arching the sprawl.avi

1.8 MB

2. head hands hips defense.avi

1.8 MB

3. arching the sprawl.avi

1.5 MB

/.../defending high crotch on mat (17)/

9. absorb shot drop to funk near leg.avi

4.4 MB

14. shoving kicking out from far leg step over.avi

4.3 MB

5. absorb shot dig for switch step over.avi

3.3 MB

17. shoving stepping to far leg funk.avi

3.3 MB

13. shoving and digging for switch.avi

3.2 MB

10. absorb shot drop to funk far leg.avi

3.0 MB

11. shoving head below knee keeping height (kolat mistake).avi

3.0 MB

16. far leg step over oppnoent squares capture.avi

3.0 MB

8. absorb shot dig for switch chase turk.avi

2.8 MB

7. absorb shot dig for switch near leg hook.avi

2.5 MB

4. blocking and spinning both sides.avi

2.4 MB

6. absorb shot dig for switch near leg cradle.avi

2.4 MB

12. shoving head below knee keeping height.avi

1.8 MB

3. dangers of not arching the sprawl.avi

1.8 MB

1. head hands hips defense.avi

1.8 MB

2. arching the sprawl.avi

1.5 MB

15. danger of not keeping feet away.avi

1.2 MB

/.../defending high crotch standing (32)/

32. capture ankle get through the hole.avi

5.6 MB

22. near ankle front flip head outside.avi

5.2 MB

25. far ankle roll under.avi

4.5 MB

28. opponent sets slowly capture funk and roll.avi

4.4 MB

20. near ankle pick.avi

4.4 MB

30. capturing ankle and get height.avi

4.3 MB

17. capture chin ankle pick cradle.avi

4.1 MB

18. behind the knee block.avi

4.0 MB

21. near ankle pick miss pull opponent to mat.avi

3.8 MB

10. opponent attempts to run the pipe from head.avi

3.7 MB

10. opponent runs pipe capture under hook.avi

3.6 MB

14. cement job elevator.avi

3.5 MB

13. bottom wrist and lat elevator.avi

3.3 MB

11. danger of cradle from standing.avi

3.3 MB

8. capturing the hand and breaking the lock.avi

3.0 MB

15. cement job elevator dig for leg.avi

2.9 MB

31. capture ankle funk.avi

2.6 MB

4. blocking and spinning both sides.avi

2.4 MB

29. explanation of loking for what's available when driven.avi

2.4 MB

26. explanation of how to wrestle if opponent has foot in air.avi

2.3 MB

27. explanation of control when lifted from mat.avi

2.2 MB

5. best to defend the high crotch on the mat.avi

2.2 MB

16. cement job elevator mat scramble.avi

2.0 MB

19. behind the knee mat scramble.avi

2.0 MB

12. baiting cradle foot back to the mat.avi

2.0 MB

6. explanation of changing opponent to single.avi

1.9 MB

3. dangers of not arching the sprawl.avi

1.8 MB

1. head hands hips defense.avi

1.8 MB

2. arching the sprawl.avi

1.5 MB

7. blocking the change off.avi

1.5 MB

24. near ankle front flip opponent gets heavy (duplicate).avi

1.3 MB

23. near ankle front flip opponent gets heavy.avi

1.3 MB

/.../defending single on mat (30)/

19. opponent runs hips behind ankle block pickup.avi

6.1 MB

11. opponent locks hands block ankle walk around.avi

6.0 MB

1. using the hip not the knee.avi

5.9 MB

26. using the hip not the knee explanation (repeat).avi

5.9 MB

21. hands below knee step over body cradle.avi

5.8 MB

14. opponent steps over back leg wizzer kick.avi

5.6 MB

13. pull up opponent with wizzer square and spin.avi

5.2 MB

12. opponent locks hands high leg over.avi

4.9 MB

27. funk same side as single.avi

4.4 MB

16. kick start to 2nd step out.avi

4.1 MB

17. wizzer pull up back to step over.avi

4.1 MB

15. opponent steps over wizzer kick start.avi

4.0 MB

8. squaring the sweep blocking crotch and spin.avi

3.8 MB

28. funk far side.avi

3.5 MB

9. opponent sweeps and drives up stuff and spin.avi

3.4 MB

29. step out on sweep to cradle.avi

3.4 MB

22. hands below knee step over ankle grab.avi

3.2 MB

24. knee down kick and run.avi

3.1 MB

6. squaring and facing the single leg sweep.avi

3.1 MB

18. danger of not hooking on step over.avi

2.8 MB

30. step out on sweep cradle kick and run.avi

2.5 MB

7. stuffing the head on single.avi

2.5 MB

5. blocking and spinning both sides.avi

2.4 MB

20. get hands below knee.avi

2.1 MB

10. danger of not covering the head on drive up.avi

2.1 MB

23. danger of stepping over to butt.avi

2.0 MB

4. dangers of not arching the sprawl.avi

1.8 MB

2. head hands hips defense.avi

1.8 MB

3. arching the sprawl.avi

1.5 MB

25. dangers of kick and run.avi

1.2 MB

/.../defense front headlock standing (11)/

2. shoulders up attack hand circle.avi

4.1 MB

8. opponent sprawls on high c drag out.avi

3.5 MB

10. opponent hits elevator off double.avi

3.5 MB

4. opponent counters single knee block.avi

3.4 MB

7. opponent counters high c with elevator.avi

3.4 MB

11. drilling opponents release to shot.avi

3.0 MB

5. can also attempt to circle to feet again.avi

2.7 MB

3. attack elbow circle single leg.avi

2.5 MB

9. circle elbow to double.avi

2.3 MB

6. attack elbow circle high crotch.avi

2.3 MB

1. importance of staying out of front headlock.avi

1.7 MB

/.../hand fighting (13)/

12. hand fighting drill.avi

8.2 MB

13. defending the push.avi

4.3 MB

8. controlling the mat.avi

4.0 MB

7. defending the snap.avi

3.8 MB

9. benefit of pulling the head down.avi

3.8 MB

3. pushing with bent vs long arms.avi

3.7 MB

6. push pull tactics.avi

3.5 MB

5. head level position.avi

3.2 MB

1. circling off the edge.avi

3.1 MB

10. using the fake to bring head down.avi

3.1 MB

4. pushing with head contact.avi

2.8 MB

2. hand fight battle.avi

2.5 MB

11. using the basic ties.avi

2.5 MB

/angles (2)/

2. explanation of angles involving takedowns.avi

2.9 MB

1. demo angles involving basic shots.avi

2.0 MB

/.../clearing ties (13)/

9. clear underhook with elbow circle.avi

5.7 MB

8. clear wrist with capture.avi

4.7 MB

12. clear front headlock with wrist control.avi

4.6 MB

10. clear underhook with palm up circle.avi

4.5 MB

1. snapping 2 handed post.avi

4.5 MB

11. clear underhok with wrist capture wizzer.avi

4.3 MB

6. slip collar tie clear.avi

4.2 MB

3. snapping 1 hand post with collar tie.avi

4.0 MB

5. circle into collar tie clear.avi

3.9 MB

7. snap collar tie clear.avi

3.6 MB

4. fake snap post clear.avi

3.6 MB

2. circling under post.avi

3.0 MB

13. hitting the basic takedowns from clearing ties.avi

2.6 MB

/.../double leg (55)/

15. re-shot inside control circle.avi

3.9 MB

10. snap front headlock.avi

3.6 MB

20. russian 2 on 1 post.avi

3.5 MB

54. low level double opponent fights off hip chase single to back door.avi

3.2 MB

18. under hook sweep.avi

3.2 MB

5. collar tie fake high crotch.avi

3.0 MB

25. driving double to knee up control.avi

2.9 MB

29. changing to the single leg.avi

2.9 MB

17. timing the reach.avi

2.9 MB

41. explanation of dumping over the head.avi

2.8 MB

12. crowd post.avi

2.8 MB

33. driving double fake peek out peek other side.avi

2.8 MB

2. two types of doubles high & low.avi

2.7 MB

19. russian 2 on 1 arm up.avi

2.7 MB

50. low level double opponent fights off hip peek out.avi

2.7 MB

38. double leg lift to standing inside trip.avi

2.7 MB

46. double leg lift elbow capture toss.avi

2.5 MB

51. low level double opponent fights off hip bear hug.avi

2.5 MB

55. stand-up inside leg.avi

2.5 MB

53. low level double opponent fights off hip chase single to limp arm.avi

2.4 MB

21. hand placement.avi

2.4 MB

3. collar tie circle.avi

2.3 MB

42. explanation of dumping over the head.avi

2.3 MB

35. driving double elbow capture turk.avi

2.3 MB

31. changing to the single leg limp arm.avi

2.3 MB

6. triceps circle.avi

2.3 MB

26. driving double with lift.avi

2.3 MB

48. low level double cut across.avi

2.3 MB

36. double leg lift proper rotation of opponent.avi

2.3 MB

40. double leg lift rotate to turk.avi

2.2 MB

52. low level double opponent fights off hip chase single.avi

2.2 MB

34. driving double elbow capture roll.avi

2.2 MB

7. triceps fake high crotch.avi

2.1 MB

16. re-shot post.avi

2.1 MB

32. driving double peek out high-c.avi

2.1 MB

1. head on penetration.avi

2.1 MB

47. double leg lift elbow capture toss to turk.avi

2.1 MB

13. fake to post.avi

2.1 MB

22. explanation of pushing with your head.avi

2.0 MB

11. danger of deep front headlock.avi

2.0 MB

30. proper limp arm motion and knee placement.avi

2.0 MB

14. snap to post.avi

2.0 MB

27. head up not butt up on drives.avi

1.9 MB

24. danger of not having head opposite hips.avi

1.9 MB

43. driving double lift over the head dump turk.avi

1.9 MB

49. low level double cut across turk.avi

1.9 MB

9. triceps inside snag.avi

1.8 MB

28. driving double building up against the sprawl.avi

1.8 MB

4. wrist collar tie circle.avi

1.7 MB

8. triceps hard pull on elbows forward motion.avi

1.7 MB

44. double leg with foot hook finish.avi

1.7 MB

23. driving double head opposite the hips.avi

1.6 MB

39. double leg lift rotate opponent to knee up control.avi

1.4 MB

45. danger of foot hook finish.avi

1.2 MB

37. double leg lift to back.avi

1.0 MB

/.../duck under (51)/

5. finishing duck under with lift.avi

4.5 MB

39. triceps low level duck to high crotch navy.avi

4.1 MB

43. triceps miss direction duck under to pull down.avi

3.4 MB

10. collar tie duck under finish with claw tilt.avi

3.3 MB

12. collar tie duck under lift to turk.avi

3.3 MB

42. low level duck under opponent sprawls build up to peek out.avi

3.3 MB

40. triceps low level duck under high crotch to bottom leg cradle.avi

3.2 MB

13 & 14. collar tie duck under lift to claw tilt.avi

3.1 MB

27. triceps duck under finish with 2 on 1 tilt.avi

3.0 MB

18. collar tie wrist duck under finish with claw tilt.avi

3.0 MB

21. collar tie wrist duck under lift to claw tilt.avi

3.0 MB

31. triceps duck under lift finish with 2 on 1 tilt.avi

2.9 MB

25. triceps duck under finish with pull down.avi

2.8 MB

46. double miss direction duck under.avi

2.8 MB

26. triceps duck under finish with turk.avi

2.8 MB

44. triceps miss direction duck under to left handed high crotch.avi

2.6 MB

11. collar tie duck under finish with lift.avi

2.5 MB

20. collar tie wrist duck under lift to turk.avi

2.5 MB

49. underhook to inside tie duck under double to turk.avi

2.4 MB

36. triceps low level duck under double to turk.avi

2.4 MB

50. underhook to boot scoot duck under.avi

2.4 MB

47. underhook to inside tie duck under pull down.avi

2.4 MB

6. finishing duck under with pull down.avi

2.3 MB

23. using the front headlock to get to collar tie wrist.avi

2.3 MB

33. explanation of pressure on both triceps low level duck under.avi

2.2 MB

22. using the front headlock to get to collar tie.avi

2.1 MB

41. triceps low level duck under leg block.avi

2.1 MB

34. using the front headlock to set a low level duck unde.avi

2.1 MB

7 & 8. using collar tie for reaction.avi

2.1 MB

32. using front headlock to attack triceps.avi

2.1 MB

30. triceps duck under lift finish with turk.avi

2.1 MB

15. using the wrist for reaction.avi

2.1 MB

9. collar tie duck under finish with pull down.avi

2.0 MB

35. triceps low level duck under to double.avi

2.0 MB

4. hitting the duck under using miss direction.avi

1.9 MB

17. collar tie wrist duck under finish with pull down.avi

1.9 MB

29. triceps duck under finish with lift.avi

1.9 MB

45. explanation of a left handed high crotch.avi

1.9 MB

37 & 38. triceps low level duck under to high crotch.avi

1.8 MB

16. properly releasing the wrist during duck under.avi

1.8 MB

24. using both triceps for reaction.avi

1.8 MB

51. underhook to leg block duck under.avi

1.7 MB

19. collar tie wrist duck under finish with lift.avi

1.6 MB

28. hip & knee placement on 2 on 1 tilt.avi

1.6 MB

48. underhook to inside tie duck under to double.avi

1.6 MB

3. hitting the duck under from opponent pressuring.avi

1.5 MB

2. hitting the duck under from reaction of opponent.avi

1.2 MB

1. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../fireman's carry (38)/

26. fireman's carry to navy finish.avi

3.4 MB

28. opponents stretch punch to high crotch.avi

3.2 MB

29. opponents stretch fall to back dive.avi

3.0 MB

22. miss direction collar tie.avi

3.0 MB

30. far leg firemen's penetration.avi

2.9 MB

20. snap front head lock.avi

2.6 MB

21. reshot inside control circle.avi

2.5 MB

12 & 13. collar tie circle.avi

2.5 MB

17. triceps circle.avi

2.4 MB

10. fireman's carry back position.avi

2.4 MB

14. wrist tie circle.avi

2.4 MB

24. russian 2 on 1.avi

2.4 MB

27. fireman's carry to navy to bottom leg cradle.avi

2.4 MB

37. re-shot inside control circle to far leg firemen's.avi

2.3 MB

15. collar tie fake high crotch.avi

2.3 MB

36. snap front headlock to far leg firemen's.avi

2.3 MB

19. triceps fake single.avi

2.2 MB

18. triceps fake high crotch.avi

2.2 MB

16. collar tie fake single.avi

2.1 MB

11. chest to chest finish explanation.avi

2.1 MB

38. using the underhook for reaction.avi

2.1 MB

25. russian 2 on 1 without leg.avi

2.1 MB

8. fireman's wrap hand explanation.avi

2.0 MB

23. miss direction triceps.avi

2.0 MB

35. triceps fake high crotch to far leg firemen's (missing kolat mistake).avi

2.0 MB

34. collar tie fake high crotch to far leg firemen's.avi

2.0 MB

33. triceps circle to far leg firemen's.avi

1.9 MB

32. collar tie to far leg firemen's.avi

1.8 MB

4. cross step penetration.avi

1.7 MB

9. fireman's hand on arm explanation.avi

1.7 MB

7. danger of sitting to your butt penetration.avi

1.5 MB

31. far leg firemen's rotation.avi

1.4 MB

2. head on penetration.avi

1.4 MB

6. sit to your butt.avi

1.2 MB

5. low level both knees penetration.avi

1.2 MB

3. sweep penetration.avi

1.0 MB

1. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../front headlock on the mat (40)/

31. sit-out to foot hook.avi

5.7 MB

32. 3 quarters lock and spin.avi

4.2 MB

22. roll under spin.avi

3.4 MB

34. knee block dump and spin.avi

3.3 MB

9. clear your wrist capture.avi

3.3 MB

23. roll under far side & spin.avi

3.2 MB

33. 3 quarters leg lock.avi

3.1 MB

28. pull to nearside cradle.avi

3.1 MB

25. shuck opponent with chin hand.avi

3.0 MB

30. lock hands under armpit to nearside cradle.avi

2.9 MB

35. cement job.avi

2.9 MB

11. russian 2 on 1 capture.avi

2.7 MB

20. pull block & spin.avi

2.7 MB

36. cement job to gator roll.avi

2.6 MB

12. miss shot capture.avi

2.5 MB

39. clearing wrist.avi

2.5 MB

21. attempt block & spin change hands to far side.avi

2.4 MB

10. underhook capture.avi

2.2 MB

37. shoulder bounce clear arm.avi

2.1 MB

15. leap and capture.avi

2.0 MB

8. collar tie wrist capture.avi

1.9 MB

13. block shot capture.avi

1.9 MB

18. hand changing to create motion.avi

1.9 MB

4. pulling opponent to the mat rotation.avi

1.9 MB

38. forearm smash spin.avi

1.8 MB

40. stepping to the corner.avi

1.7 MB

27. hand fake to shuck.avi

1.7 MB

3. hand placement.avi

1.7 MB

6. collar tie fake capture.avi

1.6 MB

16. motion rule once we hit mat.avi

1.6 MB

14. clear your wrist capture.avi

1.6 MB

29. mistake of jumping to cradle early.avi

1.6 MB

7. fake shot capture.avi

1.4 MB

17. hip position on mat.avi

1.3 MB

2. benefit of capturing a front headlock.avi

1.2 MB

5. collar tie capture.avi

1.2 MB

24. danger of roll under spin.avi

1.1 MB

26. mistakes of shuck.avi

1.0 MB

1. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

19. using the setups with series explanations.avi

963.3 KB

/.../hand fighting (13)/

12. hand fighting drill.avi

8.2 MB

13. defending the push.avi

4.3 MB

8. controlling the mat.avi

4.0 MB

7. defending the snap.avi

3.8 MB

9. benefit of pulling the head down.avi

3.8 MB

3. pushing with bent vs long arms.avi

3.7 MB

6. push pull tactics.avi

3.5 MB

5. head level position.avi

3.2 MB

1. circling off the edge.avi

3.1 MB

10. using the fake to bring head down.avi

3.1 MB

4. pushing with head contact.avi

2.8 MB

2. hand fight battle.avi

2.5 MB

11. using the basic ties.avi

2.5 MB

/.../High Crotch Crack Down Finish on Mat (15)/

15. back out get head under leg.avi

5.1 MB

8. foot hook elevator change to double.avi

4.2 MB

9. elbow hook tripod roll-up.avi

3.9 MB

6. splitting double with help from bottom knee.avi

3.8 MB

3. explanation of shoulder and arm position.avi

3.6 MB

7. lift near leg run over.avi

3.5 MB

5. running and splitting for double.avi

3.5 MB

11. elbow hook tripod hop across body turn to head (dupe, kolat error).avi

3.4 MB

10. elbow hook tripod hop across body turn down.avi

3.4 MB

12. opponent post hand back out.avi

3.0 MB

13. opponent post hand swim for head.avi

2.7 MB

2. explanation of when to attack crackdown position.avi

2.5 MB

4. explanation of hip position dangers of high.avi

2.5 MB

14. what my opponent might do.avi

2.1 MB

1. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../high crotch finishing high (51)/

16. 1 leg lift dump over head from standing.avi

5.0 MB

17. collar tie circle opponent sprawls chase hips build up.avi

3.3 MB

18. opponent attempts head winch put him in trip.avi

3.3 MB

22. one leg lift dump over head from standing.avi

3.1 MB

13. collar tie circle running the pipe.avi

3.0 MB

15. look for navy from pipe finish.avi

3.0 MB

19. wrist collar tie circle set-up.avi

2.6 MB

12. collar tie circle change to turk.avi

2.6 MB

29. one leg lift dump over head from standing.avi

2.6 MB

36. triceps circle one leg lift dump over head from standing.avi

2.5 MB

1. low level double opponent fights off hip bear hug.avi

2.5 MB

45. elbows snap setup.avi

2.3 MB

9. properly making the change with hands.avi

2.2 MB

10. collar tie circle change off with lift & finish.avi

2.2 MB

8. collar tie circle change off.avi

2.1 MB

32. opponent attempts head winch put him in trip.avi

2.1 MB

21. collar tie circle change off with a lift and finish.avi

2.0 MB

23. wrist collar tie circle running the pipe.avi

2.0 MB

37. Triceps Circle Running The Pipe.avi

2.0 MB

26. collar tie fake single high crotch set-up.avi

2.0 MB

4. dangers of shoot across the body.avi

2.0 MB

30. fake single running the pipe.avi

2.0 MB

39. opponent attempts head winch put him in tripod.avi

1.9 MB

48. elbows snap one leg lift dump over head from standing.avi

1.9 MB

24. wrist collar tie circle opponent sprawls chase hips build up.avi

1.9 MB

25. opponent attempts head winch put him in tripod.avi

1.9 MB

14. rules of dumping from pipe position.avi

1.9 MB

44. opponent attempts head winch put him in tripod.avi

1.9 MB

11. properly returning opponent to mat from air.avi

1.9 MB

27. fake single change off.avi

1.9 MB

49. elbows snap running the pipe.avi

1.8 MB

40. triceps fake single setup.avi

1.8 MB

47. elbows snap change off with lift & finish.avi

1.8 MB

38. Triceps Circle Opponent Sprawls Chase Hips Build Up.avi

1.8 MB

51. opponent attempts head winch put him in tripod.avi

1.8 MB

3. head on penetration step.avi

1.8 MB

5. keeping elbow in when penetrating.avi

1.8 MB

50. elbows snap opponent sprawls chase hips build up.avi

1.7 MB

7. collar tie circle set-up.avi

1.7 MB

6. 6 or 7 steps when driving.avi

1.7 MB

42. triceps fake single change off with lift & finish.avi

1.7 MB

31. fake single opponent sprawls chase hips build up.avi

1.6 MB

33. triceps circle set-up.avi

1.6 MB

35. triceps circle change off with lift & finish.avi

1.6 MB

20. wrist collar tie circle change off.avi

1.6 MB

34. triceps circle change off.avi

1.5 MB

41. triceps fake single change off.avi

1.5 MB

46. elbows snap change off.avi

1.5 MB

43. triceps fake single running the pipe.avi

1.3 MB

28. fake single change off with lift & finish.avi

1.2 MB

2. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../offense tie up positions (17)/

15. how to make contact with opponent without getting in trouble.avi

5.3 MB

13. capturing russian 2 on 1 from post.avi

4.4 MB

9. snap to underhook.avi

4.3 MB

8. standing front headlock circle.avi

4.1 MB

14. capturing russian 2 on 1 from collar tie.avi

3.7 MB

16. fake to ties.avi

3.6 MB

4. collar tie and wrist circle.avi

3.6 MB

1. collar tie circle with arm.avi

3.5 MB

3. changing collar tie hand in the tie up.avi

3.4 MB

5. wrist control circle.avi

3.4 MB

6. inside triceps triceps tie circle.avi

3.4 MB

12. capture underhook from front headlock.avi

3.3 MB

7. using the collar and triceps tie together.avi

2.8 MB

10. under hook strong side head push.avi

2.8 MB

2. collar tie circle with the head.avi

2.4 MB

17. making contact immediately circle.avi

2.0 MB

11. under hook circle explanation.avi

1.8 MB

/penetration step (4)/

4. bump with shoulder penetration.avi

3.2 MB

1. chest to knee explanation.avi

2.8 MB

2. power from the back leg.avi

2.6 MB

3. forward step penetration.avi

2.1 MB

/.../russian 2 on 1 (30)/

1. triceps miss direction duck under to pull down.avi

3.4 MB

16. russian low level knee pick with foot block.avi

3.4 MB

9. russian push across to high crotch.avi

3.2 MB

3. russian pull down and spin.avi

3.0 MB

12. russian push across to inside trip near side.avi

2.9 MB

30. russian opponent attacks elbow lateral spin.avi

2.9 MB

8. russian snag high single.avi

2.9 MB

24. russian opponent attacks elbow firemen's.avi

2.7 MB

15. high level foot sweep.avi

2.7 MB

7. above elbow pulldown from standing.avi

2.7 MB

25. russian firemen's near side.avi

2.6 MB

29. russian opponent attacks elbow arm drag waste.avi

2.6 MB

18. russian far ankle pick.avi

2.6 MB

28. russian opponent attacks elbow arm drag.avi

2.6 MB

10. russian push across to low level near side finish.avi

2.6 MB

11. russian push across to low level far leg foot.avi

2.6 MB

13. russian opponent attacks elbor far side inside trip.avi

2.6 MB

6. russian climb up the elbow pull down.avi

2.5 MB

27. russian opponent attacks elbow duck under.avi

2.5 MB

5. russian pull down opponent circles up inside.avi

2.5 MB

14. russian cut off opponent snap and spin.avi

2.5 MB

4. russian pull down opponent circles and back up.avi

2.2 MB

22 russian opponent post on high slap double.avi

2.2 MB

26. russian firemen's near side without leg.avi

2.1 MB

23 russian opponent post on high slap high crotch.avi

2.0 MB

21 russian opponent post on high head crotch.avi

2.0 MB

19. russian near ankle pick.avi

2.0 MB

20 russian opponent post on head double.avi

2.0 MB

17. russian low level foot block without knee.avi

1.9 MB

2. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../single leg (75)/

69. under opponent head to the hole backdoor.avi

4.9 MB

48. trapped inside ankle swing finish to navy.avi

4.4 MB

56. run the corner drive across.avi

4.4 MB

59. caught below the knee foot lift pick.avi

4.3 MB

73. funk counter near side.avi

4.2 MB

70. waist roll single leg side.avi

4.0 MB

43. trapped inside capture cradle.avi

3.9 MB

44. trapped inside capture wrist to standing cradle.avi

3.9 MB

74. funk counter far side heavy foot.avi

3.9 MB

24. foot sweep knee lift.avi

3.8 MB

23. foot sweep to lazy man cradle.avi

3.8 MB

47. trapped inside ankle swing finish.avi

3.8 MB

38. trapped inside turk.avi

3.6 MB

75. funk counter far side step over.avi

3.6 MB

35. trapped inside head smash foot sweep.avi

3.5 MB

37. trapped inside head smash opponent steps over to wizzer.avi

3.5 MB

50. running the pipe.avi

3.4 MB

15. re-shot inside control circle.avi

3.4 MB

34. under the knee toss.avi

3.3 MB

11. snap front head lock.avi

3.3 MB

60. caught below the knee lift.avi

3.3 MB

71. under opponent peek out from double overs.avi

3.2 MB

46. trapped inside capture wrist to turk.avi

3.2 MB

52. running the pipe navy to bottom leg cradle.avi

3.2 MB

29. shoulder roll to near side cradle.avi

3.2 MB

54. single leg on mat hand placement.avi

3.1 MB

39. trapped inside transfer behind leg.avi

3.0 MB

33. capture wrist sweep.avi

3.0 MB

66. under opponent cut across double.avi

3.0 MB

53. running the pipe change off double.avi

3.0 MB

63. under opponent drive up to outside head dump.avi

3.0 MB

26. shoulder roll outside step.avi

2.9 MB

22. foot sweep.avi

2.9 MB

62. under your opponent single leg positioning.avi

2.9 MB

14. fake to post.avi

2.9 MB

16. re-shot post.avi

2.8 MB

18. under hook snag.avi

2.8 MB

8. triceps circle.avi

2.8 MB

72. funk counter explanation.avi

2.8 MB

58. shoot to the corner limp arm.avi

2.8 MB

13. crowd post.avi

2.8 MB

21. how to lift a single properly.avi

2.7 MB

17. timing the reach.avi

2.7 MB

68. under opponent peek to left opposite side high crotch.avi

2.7 MB

57. run the corner limp arm.avi

2.7 MB

31. front trip knee block.avi

2.7 MB

10. triceps hard pull on elbows.avi

2.6 MB

45. trapped inside capture wrist to standing cradle.avi

2.5 MB

65. drive up foot hook.avi

2.5 MB

5. collar tie circle.avi

2.5 MB

28. shoulder roll outside step foot sweep.avi

2.4 MB

55. single leg wrapping hand placement.avi

2.3 MB

51. running the pipe navy.avi

2.3 MB

67. under opponent cut across double to turk.avi

2.3 MB

9. triceps fake high crotch.avi

2.3 MB

30. danger of jumping to near side cradle.avi

2.2 MB

27. shoulder roll attack below hips.avi

2.2 MB

1. sweep penetration.avi

2.2 MB

25. foot sweep knee lift to lazy man cradle.avi

2.1 MB

41. danger of being over aggressive when releasing ankle.avi

2.0 MB

36. trapped inside head smash opponent steps over to wizzer.avi

2.0 MB

6. wrist collar tie circle.avi

2.0 MB

7. collar tie fake high crotch.avi

1.9 MB

40. trapped inside transfer leg while standing.avi

1.8 MB

4. two types of singles snag & hitting the knee.avi

1.7 MB

61. danger of lifting single from the mat.avi

1.6 MB

19. under hook sweep.avi

1.6 MB

20. russian 2 on 1 post.avi

1.6 MB

32. front trip knee block mistake.avi

1.5 MB

42. danger of being over aggressive attacking above the waist.avi

1.4 MB

12. danger of deep front headlock.avi

1.4 MB

64. under opponent drive up to explanation of finishes .avi

1.3 MB

49. trapped inside ankle swing finish to navy to bottom leg cradle.avi

1.1 MB

2. stance, motion, penetration reference drills page.avi

1.0 MB

3. head on penetration.avi

913.2 KB

/.../stance and motion (7)/

1. square stance.avi

5.1 MB

3. explanation of square stance use.avi

3.5 MB

6. sugar foot vs square.avi

3.3 MB

2. explanation of motion in square stance.avi

3.0 MB

7. sugar foot shadow wrestling.avi

2.8 MB

4. sugar foot stance.avi

2.5 MB

5. explanation of motion in sugar foot.avi

2.0 MB

/.../2 on 1 tilt (30)/

15. 2 on 1 tilt to wrist and bar.avi

6.0 MB

26. 2 on 1 far leg in cross face tilt.avi

5.6 MB

18. 2 on 1 tilt to pump handle tilt.avi

5.5 MB

14. 2 on 1 tilt to turk.avi

5.1 MB

24. 2 on 1 leg in half chest to chest finish.avi

5.0 MB

19. 2 on 1 tilt pump handle tilt jump around head.avi

4.8 MB

13. 2 on 1 tilt to half.avi

4.6 MB

25. 2 on 1 leg in half double grapes finish.avi

4.4 MB

16. 2 on 1 foot hook head stuff.avi

4.3 MB

17. 2 on 1 tilt step through the crotch tilt.avi

3.9 MB

22. 2 on 1 tilt roll under to wrist and bar.avi

3.8 MB

20. 2 on 1 tilt behind thigh tilt.avi

3.4 MB

27. opponent stands 2 on 1 tilt.avi

3.1 MB

23. 2 on 1 tilt bicep elbow inside tilt.avi

3.0 MB

10. 2 on 1 tilt drive knees to ceiling elevate far leg.avi

2.6 MB

21. 2 on 1 tilt inside crotch tilt.avi

2.5 MB

3. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

12. 2 on 1 tilt.avi

2.4 MB

9. 2 on 1 tilt gluing hips punching front knee.avi

2.3 MB

5. capturing 2 on 1 from returning opponent.avi

2.3 MB

6. capturing 2 on 1 from claw ride.avi

2.3 MB

1. capturing 2 on 1 from chop breakdown.avi

2.1 MB

11. 2 on 1 tilt controlling opponents motions.avi

2.1 MB

7. capturing 2 on 1 from opponent sit out.avi

2.0 MB

30. back step load up arm throw.avi

1.9 MB

4. capturing 2 on 1 from spiral breakdown.avi

1.9 MB

28. opponent stands bicep tilt.avi

1.7 MB

29. proper dropping of standing tilt.avi

1.6 MB

8. capturing 2 on 1 from opponent hand control.avi

1.5 MB

2. breakdowns riding skills on drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/breakdowns (18)/

12. spiral breakdown proper drive.avi

3.9 MB

18. claw breakdown to legs.avi

3.8 MB

4. tight waist breakdown.avi

3.1 MB

6. chop breakdown proper pressure on finish.avi

2.9 MB

11. ankle proper pressure on finish.avi

2.7 MB

5. jumping sides chop breakdown.avi

2.6 MB

15. claw breakdown far side.avi

2.6 MB

7. chopping to hop opponent switches as counter.avi

2.6 MB

2. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

8. ankle breakdown proper drive.avi

2.3 MB

3. riding explanation.avi

2.3 MB

9. ankle breakdown tight waist side.avi

2.2 MB

13. spiral breakdown looking for wrist control.avi

2.1 MB

16. claw breakdown nearside.avi

2.1 MB

17. claw breakdown controlling hips on the mat.avi

2.0 MB

10. ankle breakdown near side.avi

1.9 MB

14. tight waist controlling hip on the mat.avi

1.9 MB

1. breakdowns riding skills ref drils page.avi

1.8 MB

/.../cross wrist (22)/

9. cross wrist opponent defends cradle cross.avi

4.7 MB

16. cross wrist to turk finish.avi

4.6 MB

17. cross wrist bow & arrow to over the top turk finish.avi

4.6 MB

5. cross wrist to nearside cradle.avi

4.6 MB

8. cross wrist opponent defends cradle cross.avi

4.5 MB

15. cross wrist freestyle finish to pump handle tilt.avi

4.1 MB

20. cross wrist threading the needle tilt.avi

3.8 MB

19. cross wrist elbow inside tilt.avi

3.7 MB

14. cross wrist use cradle to setup pump handle.avi

3.7 MB

12. cross wrist dig for pump handle tilt.avi

3.6 MB

7. cross wrist opponent builds to knees nearside.avi

3.6 MB

10. cross wrist allow opponent to free wrist.avi

3.4 MB

11. cross wrist allow opponent to build for half.avi

3.3 MB

4. getting opponent out of base using ankle.avi

3.2 MB

2. chop breakdown to cross wrist capture.avi

1.6 MB

21. cross wrist bow _ arrow to get leg in.avi

1.4 MB

3. stay heavy after the breakdown.avi

1.3 MB

13. proper pressure and finish on pump handle.avi

1.2 MB

22. cross wrist to get arm bar in.avi

1.2 MB

6. figure four finish on nearside cradle.avi

1.1 MB

18. cross wrist setting up roll through tilts.avi

960.8 KB

1. explanation of cross wrist riding.avi

648.1 KB

/.../half series (16)/

8. 2 on 1 chest to chest finish.avi

5.9 MB

4. 2 on 1 half.avi

5.8 MB

7. 2 on 1 arm to the back half.avi

5.0 MB

5. 2 on 1 drag over knee half.avi

4.8 MB

14. 2 on 1 crab leg block half.avi

4.6 MB

9. capturing half from chicken wing.avi

4.5 MB

13. 2 on 1 pull to crab half.avi

3.7 MB

6. 2 on 1 arm to back explanation.avi

3.6 MB

15. 2 on 1 crab leg block to arm on the back half.avi

3.5 MB

11. 2 on 1 pull to crab far hip.avi

3.4 MB

12. 2 on 1 pull to crab near side.avi

3.4 MB

3. proper driving of half.avi

3.2 MB

10. proper riding in crab ride position.avi

3.1 MB

2. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

16. 2 on 1 crab tight waist half.avi

2.1 MB

1. breakdowns riding skills ref drils page.avi

1.8 MB

/legriding (19)/

16. opponent builds base guillotine finish.avi

5.8 MB

9. figured four to power half chest to chest finish.avi

5.6 MB

11. figured four to power half double grapevine.avi

5.4 MB

7. position once leg is in.avi

5.2 MB

10. figured four to power half wrist and half finish.avi

5.1 MB

14. figure four big hip to enforced bar tilt.avi

5.1 MB

13. figure four big hip to cross face finish.avi

4.5 MB

17. opponent builds base miss guillotine to a ball.avi

4.2 MB

19. opponent has wide base split legs for split.avi

3.9 MB

18. opponent steps up split attack.avi

3.9 MB

15. miss hip cross face to elbow grab.avi

3.7 MB

12. opponent hips down power half pull in tilt.avi

3.7 MB

2. taking my opponent out of his base with legs.avi

3.1 MB

4. chop breakdown leg in.avi

2.9 MB

3. step in from opposite start side.avi

2.8 MB

6. claw ride leg in.avi

2.7 MB

5. spiral ride leg in.avi

2.7 MB

8. opponent rolls to stomach how to ride.avi

1.8 MB

1. riding legs explanation.avi

1.8 MB

/.../Returning opponent to the mat (21)/

11. under the arms belly bump.avi

4.7 MB

4. locked hands lift at the corner.avi

4.0 MB

13. drop in the crotch lift to turk.avi

3.9 MB

3. explanation of first lift and what not to do.avi

3.7 MB

12. drop in the crotch lift.avi

3.7 MB

6. corner lift opponent attacks wizzer foot hook.avi

3.6 MB

15. drop in the crotch opponent square high crotch.avi

3.4 MB

8. opponent blocks corner lift from behind.avi

3.4 MB

20. behind the heels trip.avi

3.3 MB

7. corner lift opponent attacks wizzer navy.avi

3.2 MB

14. drop in the crotch opponent squares high crotch.avi

3.1 MB

9. tight waist lift at the corner.avi

3.1 MB

21. opponent makes cut drop and build up double.avi

3.0 MB

5. locked hands lift at the corner foot hook.avi

2.8 MB

10. tight waist opponent attacks wizzer foot hook.avi

2.6 MB

2. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

19. behind the heels trip mistakes.avi

2.5 MB

16. drop in the crotch opponent squares double.avi

2.4 MB

17. beat on whistle drop down behind knees double.avi

2.4 MB

18. one leg pick up with ramp arm.avi

2.3 MB

1. breakdowns riding skills on drills page.avi

1.0 MB

/.../short arm bar (12)/

8. wrist block short arm bar.avi

5.0 MB

11. opponent hip down counter jump to half.avi

4.4 MB

3. threading the arm bar.avi

3.8 MB

10. shoulder block reverse headlock finish.avi

3.7 MB

7. proper driving shoulder to ear.avi

3.6 MB

12. breakdown to arm bar half turn.avi

3.5 MB

9. shoulder block arm bar.avi

3.3 MB

2. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

6. improper driving of the arm bar.avi

2.3 MB

1. breakdowns riding skills ref drils page.avi

1.8 MB

5. blocking far side capturing shoulder.avi

1.7 MB

4. blocking far side capturing wrist.avi

1.7 MB

/.../wrist and short arm bar (27)/

15. releasing the wrist, jump to half.avi

6.8 MB

14. releasing the wrist when opponent hips down.avi

6.4 MB

16. releasing the wrist, jump to half back to arm bar.avi

5.6 MB

22. nearside cradle finish with bottom foot hook.avi

5.5 MB

19. double chicken wing arm bar jumping sides.avi

5.0 MB

26. knee under tilt leg in explanations.avi

4.9 MB

17. double chicken wing arm bar walk around head.avi

4.8 MB

18. double chicken wing arm bar stack.avi

4.6 MB

20. opponent knees change to nearside cradle.avi

4.5 MB

21. nearside cradle finish with top foot hook.avi

3.8 MB

25. knee under tilt.avi

3.7 MB

11. walk around the head to figure four.avi

3.7 MB

10. walk around head.avi

3.6 MB

8. threading the arm bar with wrist.avi

3.5 MB

12. arm bar stack up.avi

3.4 MB

24. roll under tilt to arm bar.avi

3.1 MB

7. capturing the wrist arm bar from stand-up.avi

3.1 MB

23. roll under tilt explanation.avi

2.5 MB

2. winning the whistle.avi

2.5 MB

13. releaseing the wrist for turn explanation.avi

2.5 MB

4. capturing the wrist arm bar from 2 on 1.avi

2.3 MB

27. leg in to work arm bars explanation.avi

2.2 MB

9. imprroper driving of the arm bar.avi

2.1 MB

3. capturing the wrist arm bar from chop.avi

2.0 MB

6. capturing the wrist arm bar from claw ride.avi

1.5 MB

5. capturing the wrist arm bar from spiral.avi

1.1 MB

1. breakdowns riding skills on drills page.avi

1.0 MB


Total files 960

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