
Download Nano Letters 2007-2008

Nano Letters 2007 2008


Nano Letters 2007-2008


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Semiconductor Quantum Rods as Single Molecule Fluorescent Biological Labels.pdf

2.8 MB

Enhanced Charge-Collection Efficiencies and Light Scattering in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Oriented TiO2 Nanotubes Arrays.pdf

1.9 MB

Nanoscopically Flat Open-Ended Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Substrates for Continued Growth.pdf

1.1 MB

Optical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cell Death and Platelet Activation Using Annexin A5-Functionalized Quantum Dots.pdf

984.3 KB

Effects of Mechanical Flexion on the Penetration of Fullerene Amino Acid-Derivatized Peptide Nanoparticles through Skin.pdf

919.3 KB

Morphology- and Orientation-Controlled Gallium Arsenide Nanowires on Silicon Substrates.pdf

739.3 KB

Ordered Binary Arrays of Au Nanoparticles Derived from Colloidal Lithography.pdf

680.9 KB

Factors Controlling the Electrodeposition of Metal Nanoparticles on Pristine Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

670.3 KB

Bifunctional Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Human Stem Cell Labeling.pdf

654.0 KB

Nanorobotic Spot Welding Controlled Metal Deposition with Attogram Precision from Copper-Filled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

650.0 KB

Excitons and Peierls Distortion in Conjugated Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

639.5 KB

4 Resonance of an Optical Monopole Antenna Probed by Single Molecule Fluorescence.pdf

609.2 KB

Nanoblossoms Light-Induced Conformational Changes of Cationic Polyelectrolyte Stars in the Presence of Multivalent Counterions.pdf

520.4 KB

Using Gold Nanorods to Probe Cell-Induced Collagen Deformation.pdf

491.6 KB

The SERS and TERS Effects Obtained by Gold Droplets on Top of Si Nanowires.pdf

468.8 KB

Active Alignment of Microtubules with Electric Fields.pdf

459.8 KB

Tip Cooling Effect and Failure Mechanism of Field-Emitting Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

453.2 KB

Morphology Control of Layer-Structured Gallium Selenide Nanowires.pdf

426.1 KB

Instabilities in Nanoporous Media.pdf

414.4 KB

Effect of Quantum and Dielectric Confinement on the Exciton-Exciton Interaction Energy in Type II Core_Shell Semiconductor Nanocrystals.pdf

364.0 KB

Efficient and Sensitive Capacitive Readout of Nanomechanical Resonator Arrays.pdf

361.9 KB

Two Distinct Buckling Modes in Carbon Nanotube Bending.pdf

351.9 KB

Onset of Plasticity in Gold Nanopillar Compression.pdf

289.0 KB

High-Performance Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors with a Thin Gate Dielectric Based on a Self-Assembled Monolayer.pdf

275.7 KB

Molecular Beam Deposition of DNA Nanometer Films.pdf

263.9 KB

Cationic Comb-Type Copolymers for Boosting DNA-Fueled Nanomachines.pdf

260.0 KB

Nanoscale Cell Adhesion Ligand Presentation Regulates Nonviral Gene Delivery and Expression.pdf

238.5 KB

DNA Nucleoside Interaction and Identification with Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

233.5 KB

Probing Spin Accumulation in Ni_Au_Ni Single-Electrton Transistors with Efficient Spin Injection and Detection Electrodes.pdf

216.6 KB

Silicon Nanowire Band Gap Modification.pdf

203.6 KB

Hydrogen Sieving and Storage in Fullerene Intercalated Graphite.pdf

199.0 KB

Enhancement of the Luminescence Intensity of InAs_GaAs Quantum Dots Induced by an External Electric Field.pdf

179.0 KB

Nanocrystalline Nanowires I. Structure.pdf

162.8 KB

Ballistic Transport in Graphene Nanostrips in the Presence of Disorder Importance of Edge Effects.pdf

158.9 KB

Intermediate-Band Solar Cells Employing Quantum Dots Embedded in an Energy Fence Barrier.pdf

140.1 KB

Coherent Acoustic Vibration of Metal Nanoshells.pdf

110.5 KB

Nanocrystalline Nanowires 2. Phonons.pdf

107.9 KB

Low-Frequency Noise in Nanoscale Ballistic Transistors.pdf

55.5 KB


Labeling of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Bioconjugated Quantum Dots.pdf

6.4 MB

Synthesis and Micrometer-Scale Assembly of Colloidal CdSe_CdS Nanorods Prepared by a Seeded Growth Approach.pdf

3.9 MB

Rectified Ion Transport through Concentration Gradient in Homogeneous Silica Nanochannels.pdf

2.1 MB

Strain Tuning of the Photocurrent Spectrum in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.1 MB

Cytosolic Delivery of Membrane-Impermeable Molecules in Dendritic Cells Using pH-Responsive Core-Shell Nanoparticles.pdf

851.5 KB

Gallium Phosphide Nanowires as a Substrate for Cultured Neurons.pdf

841.5 KB

Material-Specific Infrared Recognition of Single Sub-10 nm Particles by Substrate-Enhanced Scattering-Type Near-Field Microscopy.pdf

807.1 KB

Seeded Growth of Highly Luminescent CdSe_CdS Nanoheterostructures with Rod and Tetrapod Morphologies.pdf

756.3 KB

Все 137 российских спортсменов, завоевавших медали летней Олимпиады 2008 года, получили по автомобилю марки BMW. Мужчинам вручили автомобили модели Х5, а женщинам - Х3.pdf

677.6 KB

Influence of the Sensitizer Adsorption Mode on the Open-Circuit Potential of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.pdf

611.9 KB

A Gradient Microarray Electronic Nose Based on Percolating SnO2 Nanowire Sensing Elements.pdf

550.0 KB

Local Surface Charges Direct the Deposition of Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerenes into Nanoscale Patterns.pdf

546.0 KB

Platinum Nanoparticle Shape Effects on Benzene Hydrogenation Selectivity.pdf

543.9 KB

Layer-in-Layer Hierarchical Nanostructures Fabricated by Combining Holographic Polymerization and Block Copolymer Self-Assembly.pdf

506.3 KB

The Effect of Plasmon Field on the Coherent Lattice Phonon Oscillation in Electron-Beam Fabricated Gold Nanoparticle Pairs.pdf

502.5 KB

Selective Surface Functionalization of Silicon Nanowires via Nanoscale Joule Heating.pdf

477.9 KB

Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes by Rolling up Patterned Graphene Nanoribbons Using Selective Atomic Adsorption.pdf

471.7 KB

InAs_InP Radial Nanowire Heterostructures as High Electron Mobility Devices.pdf

457.4 KB

Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes for Detecting Viral Proteins.pdf

454.3 KB

Single-Walled MoTe2 Nanotubes.pdf

450.7 KB

Highly Conductive Coaxial SnO2-In2O3 Heterostructured Nanowires for Li Ion Battery Electrodes.pdf

435.0 KB

Control of Curvature in Highly Compliant Probe Cantilevers during Carbon Nanotube Growth.pdf

427.6 KB

Electrodeposited Submicron Thermocouples with Microsecond Response Times.pdf

421.4 KB

Chemical Force Microscopy of Single Live Cells.pdf

407.2 KB

Polarization-Sensitive Nanowire Photodetectors Based on Solution-Synthesized CdSe Quantum-Wire Solids.pdf

404.7 KB

Toward the Extraction of Single Species of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Fluorene-Based Polymers.pdf

380.1 KB

Diameter-Dependent Composition of Vapor-Liquid-Solid Grown Si1-xGex Nanowires.pdf

378.6 KB

Quantum Dot-Aptamer Conjugates for Synchronous Cancer Imaging, Therapy, and Sensing of Drug Delivery Based on Bi-Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer.pdf

358.8 KB

Nanomechanical Characterization of One-Step Combustion-Synthesized Al4B2O9 and Al18B4O33 Nanowires.pdf

358.4 KB

Three-Dimensional Si_Ge Quantum Dot Crystals.pdf

343.2 KB

Simultaneous Electrical Transport and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

328.1 KB

Excitonic Effects in the Optical Spectra of Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

302.9 KB

Single Quantum Dots as Local Temperature Markers.pdf

290.8 KB

On the Quenching of Semiconductor Quantum Dot Photoluminescence by Proximal Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

262.0 KB

Color-Changeable Optical Transport through Se-Doped CdS 1D Nanostructures.pdf

255.5 KB

Hydrogen Storage in Pd Nanodisks Characterized with a Novel Nanoplasmonic Sensing Scheme.pdf

253.9 KB

Three-Dimensional Morphology of GaP-GaAs Nanowires Revealed by Transmission Electron Microscopy Tomography.pdf

251.6 KB

Close-Packed Noncircular Nanodevice Pattern Generation by Self-Limiting Ion-Mill Process.pdf

247.6 KB

Intracellular Delivery of Quantum Dots Tagged Antisense Oligodeoxynucleotides by Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

244.9 KB

Exploring the Performance of Molecular Rectifiers Limitations and Factors Affecting Molecular Rectification.pdf

235.7 KB

Direct Synthesis of Shaped Carbon Nanoparticles with Ordered Cubic Mesostructure.pdf

223.0 KB

Toward Full Spatiotemporal Control on the Nanoscale.pdf

199.9 KB

Localized Electron States near a Metal_Semiconductor Nanocontact.pdf

192.1 KB

Persistence Length Measurements from Stochastic Single-Microtubule Trajectories.pdf

190.0 KB

Dynamically Configurable Biomolecular Nanoarrays.pdf

184.9 KB

How Strain Controls Electronic Linewidth in Single -Phase Polyfluorene Nanowires.pdf

173.9 KB

In Aqua Structuralization of a Three-Dimensional Configuration Using Biomolecules.pdf

165.4 KB

Structure-Dependent Fluorescence Efficiencies of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

164.4 KB

Fluorescence Probes for Membrane Potentials Based on Mesoscopic Electron Transfer.pdf

154.4 KB

Strength Weakening by Nanocrystals in Ceramic Materials.pdf

146.8 KB

Optical Bonding Using Silica Nanoparticle Sol-Gel Chemistry.pdf

128.9 KB

Voltage Generation from Individual BaTiO3 Nanowires under Periodic Tensile Mechanical Loadpdf.pdf

117.5 KB

Tailoring Nanoparticle Surface Chemistry to Enhance Laser Desorption Ionization of Peptides and Proteins.pdf

97.8 KB

A Molecular Spectroscopic Description of Optical Spectra of J-Aggregated Dyes on Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

94.4 KB

s-Electron Ferromagnetism in Gold and Silver Nanoclusters.pdf

78.7 KB


Synthesis of Metal Chalcogenide Nanodot Arrays Using Block Copolymer-Derived Nanoreactors.pdf

2.6 MB

Nonfunctionalized Nanocrystals Can Exploit a Cell's Active Transport Machinery Delivering Them to Specific Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Compartments.pdf

2.1 MB

Nanostructured Thin Films Made by Dewetting Method of Layer-By-Layer Assembly.pdf

1.6 MB

Active Nanodiamond Hydrogels for Chemotherapeutic Delivery.pdf

1.2 MB

Printed Multilayer Superstructures of Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Electronic Applications.pdf

1.1 MB

Photocurrent Imaging of p-n Junctions in Ambipolar Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

990.8 KB

Direct Observation of Brownian Dynamics of Hard Colloidal Nanorods.pdf

634.7 KB

Correlating Dynamics and Selectivity in Adsorption of Semiconductor Nanocrystals onto a Self-Organized Pattern.pdf

633.1 KB

Increased Water Retention in Polymer Electrolyte Membranes at Elevated Temperatures Assisted by Capillary Condensation.pdf

611.8 KB

Synthesis, Characterization, and Optical Properties of Ordered Arrays of III-Nitride Nanocrystals.pdf

603.4 KB

Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Cu Doped GaN Nanowires.pdf

577.1 KB

Fusion of Enveloped Virus Nanoparticles with Polyelectrolyte-Supported Lipid Membranes for the Design of Bio_Nonbio Interfaces.pdf

555.3 KB

Application of Supramolecular Nanostamping to the Replication of DNA Nanoarrays.pdf

527.7 KB

Hierarchical Silicon Etched Structures for Controlled Hydrophobicity_Superhydrophobicity.pdf

506.9 KB

Formation, Stability, and Mobility of One-Dimensional Lipid Bilayers on Polysilicon Nanowires.pdf

481.9 KB

Fabrication of Multiplex Quasi-Three-Dimensional Grids of One-Dimensional Nanostructures via Stepwise Colloidal Lithography.pdf

449.8 KB

Shape Dependence of Band-Edge Exciton Fine Structure in CdSe Nanocrystals.pdf

442.3 KB

Building Blocks for Integrated Graphene Circuits.pdf

420.6 KB

Oscillatory Band Gap Behavior in Small Diameter Si-Clathrate Nanowires.pdf

418.9 KB

Wiring-Up Hydrogenase with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

404.2 KB

Formation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube via the Interaction of Graphene Nanoribbons Ab Initio Density Functional Calculations.pdf

402.1 KB

Electronic Excitations of a Single Molecule Contacted in a Three-Terminal Configuration.pdf

400.9 KB

Integration of Individual Nanoscale Structures into Devices Using Dynamic Nanostenciling.pdf

383.2 KB

Tunability of the Refractive Index of Gold Nanoparticle Dispersions.pdf

362.4 KB

Nonradiative Resonant Excitation Transfer from Nanocrystal Quantum Dots to Adjacent Quantum Channels.pdf

352.0 KB

Efficient Emission from Core_(Doped) Shell Nanoparticles Applications for Chemical Sensing.pdf

336.0 KB

Plasmon-Assisted Local Temperature Control to Pattern Individual Semiconductor Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

331.5 KB

Nanoscale -AlO(OH) Hollow Spheres Synthesis and Container-Type Functionality.pdf

317.6 KB

Electronic Transport Properties of Individual Chemically Reduced Graphene Oxide Sheets.pdf

316.6 KB

Manipulating Biopolymer Dynamics by Anisotropic Nanoconfinement.pdf

310.5 KB

Supported Lipid Bilayer Formation and Lipid-Membrane-Mediated Biorecognition Reactions Studied with a New Nanoplasmonic Sensor Template.pdf

309.1 KB

A Chemical Route to Graphene for Device Applications.pdf

295.4 KB

Two-Dimensional Imaging by Far-Field Superlens at Visible Wavelengths.pdf

288.6 KB

Single Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Chemical Vapor Deposited Diamond Nanocrystals.pdf

284.3 KB

Amine-Gold Linked Single-Molecule Circuits Experiment and Theory.pdf

279.6 KB

Temperature-Driven Pumping of Fluid through Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

271.2 KB

Tribological Properties of Densely Packed Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Film on SiC Formed by Surface Decomposition.pdf

250.1 KB

Carrier Multiplication in InAs Nanocrystal Quantum Dots with an Onset Defined by the Energy Conservation Limit.pdf

245.5 KB

Dynamics of Strongly Degenerate Electron-Hole Plasmas and Excitons in Single InP Nanowires.pdf

228.4 KB

Quantum Dot Photon Statistics Measured by Three-Dimensional Particle Tracking.pdf

227.1 KB

Spin-Orbit Coupling Induced Interference in Quantum Corrals.pdf

224.5 KB

Efficiency Enhancements in Solid-State Hybrid Solar Cells via Reduced Charge Recombination and Increased Light Capture.pdf

214.0 KB

High-Performance Logic Circuits Constructed on Single CdS Nanowires.pdf

207.0 KB

Carbon Nanotube Radio.pdf

191.6 KB

Importance of the Debye Screening Length on Nanowire Field Effect Transistor Sensors.pdf

180.9 KB

Synchronous Photoluminescence Intermittency (Blinking) along Whole Semiconductor Quantum Wires.pdf

180.5 KB

Electric Field Effects on Spin Transport in Defective Metallic Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

163.7 KB

Ab Initio Study of Vibrational Dephasing of Electronic Excitations in Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

160.8 KB

Directed Growth of Horizontally Aligned Gallium Nitride Nanowires for Nanoelectromechanical Resonator Arrays.pdf

159.7 KB

Nanotube Radio.pdf

151.1 KB

Template-Grown Metal Nanowires as Resonators Performance and Characterization of Dissipative and Elastic Properties.pdf

112.6 KB

Analysis of Optical Absorption in Silicon Nanowire Arrays for Photovoltaic Applications.pdf

106.0 KB

Generation of Terahertz Radiation by Hot Electrons in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

62.7 KB


Two-Dimensional Confinement of Nanorods in Block Copolymer Domains.pdf

5.1 MB

All Optical Interface for Parallel, Remote, and Spatiotemporal Control of Neuronal Activity.pdf

3.0 MB

Triplex Addressability as a Basis for Functional DNA Nanostructures.pdf

2.8 MB

Metal-Organic Honeycomb Nanomeshes with Tunable Cavity Size.pdf

2.1 MB

Removing Structural Disorder from Oriented TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Reducing the Dimensionality of Transport and Recombination in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.pdf

1.6 MB

Diameter-Dependent Radial and Tangential Elastic Moduli of ZnO Nanowires.pdf

1.0 MB

Correlating Luminescence from Individual ZnO Nanostructures with Electronic Transport Characteristics.pdf

845.7 KB

A Cellular Trojan Horse for Delivery of Therapeutic Nanoparticles into Tumors.pdf

843.4 KB

Structures of D5d-C80 and Ih-Er3N@C80 Fullerenes and Their Rotation Inside Carbon Nanotubes Demonstrated by Aberration-Corrected Electron Microscopy.pdf

838.6 KB

Ordered Vacancy Compounds and Nanotube Formation in CuInSe2-CdS Core-Shell Nanowires.pdf

784.9 KB

Fullerene Coalescence into Metallic Heterostructures in Boron Nitride Nanotubes A Molecular Dynamics Study.pdf

762.7 KB

Mesoporous Silica Particles Induce Size Dependent Effects on Human Dendritic Cells.pdf

751.3 KB

Modeling the Thermodynamics of the Interaction of Nanoparticles with Cell Membranes.pdf

737.6 KB

Plasma within Templates Molding Flexible Nanocrystal Solids into Multifunctional Architectures.pdf

686.8 KB

DNA Nanopositioning and Alignment by Electron-Beam-Induced Surface Chemical Patterning.pdf

674.5 KB

Controllable Fabrication and Electrical Performance of Single Crystalline Cu2O Nanowires with High Aspect Ratios.pdf

644.8 KB

Single Sub-20 nm Wide, Centimeter-Long Nanofluidic Channel Fabricated by Novel Nanoimprint Mold Fabrication and Direct Imprinting.pdf

641.1 KB

Synthesis of Platinum Nanowire Networks Using a Soft Template.pdf

635.8 KB

Biological Templated Synthesis of Water-Soluble Conductive Polymeric Nanowires.pdf

628.3 KB

Simple Approach for High-Contrast Optical Imaging and Characterization of Graphene-Based Sheets.pdf

624.7 KB

Preparation of Radial and Longitudinal Nanosized Heterostructures of In2O3 and SnO2.pdf

559.7 KB

Plasmonic Modes of Annular Nanoresonators Imaged by Spectrally Resolved Cathodoluminescence.pdf

549.8 KB

Quantum Dot Attachment and Morphology Control by Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

543.7 KB

High-Throughput Fabrication of Organic Nanowire Devices with Preferential Internal Alignment and Improved Performance.pdf

522.6 KB

Moire Patterns in Superimposed Nanoporous Thin Films Derived from Block-Copolymer Assemblies.pdf

473.6 KB

Sizing up the Exciton in Complex-Shaped Semiconductor Nanocrystals.pdf

462.8 KB

Generation of Molecular-Scale Compositional Gradients in Self-Assembled Monolayers.pdf

417.0 KB

Patterned When Wet Environment-Dependent Multifunctional Patterns within Amphiphilic Colloidal Crystals.pdf

413.9 KB

Vacuum-Breakdown-Induced Needle-Shaped Ends of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Yarns and Their Field Emission Applications.pdf

405.1 KB

Localized Current Injection and Submicron Organic Light-Emitting Device on a Pyramidal Atomic Force Microscopy Tip.pdf

392.8 KB

Identification of DNA Basepairing via Tunnel-Current Decay.pdf

386.8 KB

Nanodisk Codes.pdf

358.4 KB

DNA Damage Induced by Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells.pdf

358.0 KB

Periodic Organic Nanodot Patterns for Optical Memory.pdf

356.7 KB

Reversible Defect Engineering of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

337.3 KB

Micrometer and Nanometer Scale Photopatterning of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Phosphonic Acids on Aluminum Oxide.pdf

324.6 KB

Bias-Induced Photoluminescence Quenching of Single Colloidal Quantum Dots Embedded in Organic Semiconductors.pdf

322.9 KB

Quantitative Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Catalyst Particles for Bamboo-like Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

320.7 KB

Graphene Transistors Fabricated via Transfer-Printing In Device Active-Areas on Large Wafer.pdf

289.6 KB

Fluorescence Efficiency of Individual Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

283.0 KB

Physical Mechanism of Blue-Shift of UV Luminescence of a Single Pencil-Like ZnO Nanowire.pdf

282.1 KB

Photoacoustic Tomography of a Rat Cerebral Cortex in vivo with Au Nanocages as an Optical Contrast Agent.pdf

274.9 KB

Doping-Free Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Based Ballistic CMOS Devices and Circuits.pdf

263.6 KB

An Electrothermal Carbon Nanotube Gas Sensor.pdf

261.8 KB

Electrical Detection of Fast Reaction Kinetics in Nanochannels with an Induced Flow.pdf

259.2 KB

Optical and Electrical Performance of SnO2 Capped ZnO Nanowire Arrays.pdf

241.2 KB

High-Order Waveguide Modes in ZnO Nanowires.pdf

229.4 KB

Dynamics of Diamond Nanoparticles in Solution and Cells.pdf

228.7 KB

Three-Dimensional Imaging of Carbon Nanotubes Deformed by Metal Islands.pdf

224.7 KB

Detecting Individual Electrons Using a Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistor.pdf

212.1 KB

Enhanced Stability and Fluidity in Droplet on Hydrogel Bilayers for Measuring Membrane Protein Diffusion.pdf

211.9 KB

Direct Observation of Mode Selective Electron-Phonon Coupling in Suspended Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

190.4 KB

Observation of Microcavity Modes and Waveguides in InP Nanowires Fabricated by Selective-Area Metalorganic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy.pdf

182.2 KB

A Golden Bullet Selective Targeting of Toxoplasma gondii Tachyzoites Using Antibody-Functionalized Gold Nanorods.pdf

176.5 KB

A Dielectrophoretic Method for High Yield Deposition of Suspended, Individual Carbon Nanotubes with Four-Point Electrode Contact.pdf

175.7 KB

Bright and Color-Saturated Emission from Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Solution-Processed Colloidal Nanocrystal Quantum Dots.pdf

164.2 KB

Graphene Nanostrip Digital Memory Device.pdf

157.8 KB

Variation of Radial Elasticity in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

156.1 KB

Control and Detection of Organosilane Polarization on Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors.pdf

153.8 KB

Morphological Control of Polar Orientation in Single-Crystal Ferroelectric Nanowires.pdf

129.7 KB

Uncovering Forbidden Optical Transitions in PbSe Nanocrystals.pdf

116.5 KB

Excitation Wavelength Dependence of Fluorescence Intermittency in CdSe_ZnS Core_Shell Quantum Dots.pdf

109.0 KB

Oligonucleotide Loading Determines Cellular Uptake of DNA-Modified Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

74.9 KB

Electrodeposited Submicron Thermocouples with Microsecond Response Times.pdf

4.8 KB


Early Keratinocyte Differentiation on Micropillar Interfaces.pdf

1.9 MB

A Parallel Approach for Subwavelength Molecular Surgery Using Gene-Specific Positioned Metal Nanoparticles as Laser Light Antennas.pdf

1.4 MB

Few Electron Double Quantum Dots in InAs_InP Nanowire Heterostructures.pdf

1.4 MB

Electronics and Chemistry Varying Single-Molecule Junction Conductance Using Chemical Substituents.pdf

1.1 MB

Block Copolymer Templated Etching on Silicon.pdf

937.1 KB

Low-Temperature in Situ Large Strain Plasticity of Ceramic SiC Nanowires and Its Atomic-Scale Mechanism.pdf

869.6 KB

Structural and Morphological Characterization of Cerium Oxide Nanocrystals Prepared by Hydrothermal Synthesis.pdf

833.4 KB

Wrinkle-Free Nanomechanical Film Control and Prevention of Polymer Film Buckling.pdf

805.8 KB

Chemical Control of Photoexcited States in Titanate Nanostructures.pdf

681.9 KB

Microcapsules of PEGylated Gold Nanoparticles Prepared by Fluid-Fluid Interfacial Assembly.pdf

674.1 KB

Micromachined Fabry-Perot Interferometer with Embedded Nanochannels for Nanoscale Fluid Dynamics.pdf

565.4 KB

Micromachined Fabry-Pérot Interferometer with Embedded Nanochannels for Nanoscale Fluid Dynamics.pdf

565.4 KB

Rational Synthesis of p-Type Zinc Oxide Nanowire Arrays Using Simple Chemical Vapor Deposition.pdf

564.0 KB

Nanoscale Current Imaging of the Conducting Channels in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.pdf

561.8 KB

Charge-Induced Rayleigh Instabilities In Small Gold Rods.pdf

551.2 KB

Rings of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Molecular-Template Directed Assembly and Monte Carlo Modeling.pdf

549.5 KB

Hybrid Solar Cells with Prescribed Nanoscale Morphologies Based on Hyperbranched Semiconductor Nanocrystals.pdf

542.8 KB

Single-Crystalline Branched Zinc Phosphide Nanostructures Synthesis, Properties, and Optoelectronic Devices.pdf

521.0 KB

Room Temperature Mechanical Thinning and Imprinting of Solid Films.pdf

519.6 KB

Femtosecond Microscopy of Surface Plasmon Polariton Wave Packet Evolution at the Silver_Vacuum Interface.pdf

505.8 KB

Nanostructure Fabrication by Ultra-High-Resolution Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy.pdf

487.1 KB

Incorporation of Homogeneous, Nanoscale MnO2 within Ultraporous Carbon Structures via Self-Limiting Electroless Deposition Implications for Electrochemical Capacitors.pdf

480.7 KB

Deciphering the Kinetic Mechanism of Spontaneous Self-Assembly of Icosahedral Capsids.pdf

467.4 KB

Fast, Completely Reversible Li Insertion in Vanadium Pentoxide Nanoribbons.pdf

461.9 KB

Electrochemical Nanoimprinting with Solid-State Superionic Stamps.pdf

432.4 KB

Electrostatic Funneling for Precise Nanoparticle Placement A Route to Wafer-Scale Integration.pdf

425.4 KB

Nanoscale Engineering of a Cellular Interface with Semiconductor Nanoparticle Films for Photoelectric Stimulation of Neurons.pdf

423.1 KB

Electrospun Light-Emitting Nanofibers.pdf

413.2 KB

Self-Assembly of Small Gold Colloids with Functionalized Gold Nanorods.pdf

397.1 KB

Self-Assembled Combinatorial Encoding Nanoarrays for Multiplexed Biosensing.pdf

387.2 KB

Composite Organic-Inorganic Nanoparticles as Raman Labels for Tissue Analysis.pdf

387.0 KB

Self-Assembled Multilayers of Nanocomponents.pdf

373.3 KB

Far-Field Optical Superlens.pdf

337.6 KB

Effect of C60 on Solid Supported Lipid Bilayers.pdf

335.5 KB

Synthesis and Structural Characterization of Single-Crystalline Branched Nanowire Heterostructures.pdf

331.5 KB

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Effects on the Excited-State Kinetics of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

304.5 KB

Spatially Resolved Raman Spectroscopy of Single- and Few-Layer Graphene.pdf

290.8 KB

Confined Optical Phonon Modes in Aligned Nanorod Arrays Detected by Resonant Inelastic Light Scattering.pdf

286.8 KB

Using Polarization-Shaped Optical Vortex Traps for Single-Cell Nanosurgery.pdf

281.0 KB

Single Quantum Dot Nanowire LEDs.pdf

278.5 KB

Thermomechanics of Nanocrystalline Nickel under High Pressure-Temperature Conditions.pdf

276.8 KB

Electron Emission from Individual Indium Arsenide Semiconductor Nanowires.pdf

260.7 KB

Current-Driven Phase Oscillation and Domain-Wall Propagation in WxV1-xO2 Nanobeams.pdf

253.2 KB

Submicrometer Dimple Array Based Interference Color Field Displays and Sensors.pdf

247.5 KB

A Simple DNA-Based Translation System.pdf

240.2 KB

Photon-Assisted Tunneling in a Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dot.pdf

238.0 KB

Plasmon-Enhanced Second-Harmonic Generation from Ionic Self-Assembled Multilayer Films.pdf

236.1 KB

Plasmonic Enhancement of Molecular Fluorescence.pdf

221.0 KB

Efficient, Stable, Small, and Water-Soluble Doped ZnSe Nanocrystal Emitters as Non-Cadmium Biomedical Labels.pdf

201.3 KB

Mesoscopic Concentration Fluctuations in a Fluidic Nanocavity Detected by Redox Cycling.pdf

192.7 KB

Effects of Modulus and Surface Chemistry of Thiol-Ene Photopolymers in Nanoimprinting.pdf

181.1 KB

Radiation Damping in Metal Nanoparticle Pairs.pdf

159.9 KB

Fast, Ultrasensitive Virus Detection Using a Young Interferometer Sensor.pdf

157.0 KB

Thermodynamics of Coherently-Strained GexSi1-x Nanocrystals on Si(001) Alloy Composition and Island Formation.pdf

151.4 KB

Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Effects with a Tapered Plasmonic Waveguide.pdf

129.9 KB

Distribution of Bubble Lengths in DNA.pdf

112.7 KB

Temperature Dependence of Exciton Recombination in Semiconducting Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

107.9 KB

One-Step, Nanoparticle-Mediated Bacterial Detection with Magnetic Relaxation.pdf

86.3 KB

Columnar Self-Assembly of Colloidal Nanodisks.pdf

5.2 KB


In situ Observations of Catalyst Dynamics during Surface-Bound Carbon Nanotube Nucleation.pdf

3.0 MB

Growth, Structural, and Optical Properties of Self-Assembled (In,Ga)As Quantum Posts on GaAs.pdf

2.0 MB

Local Electrical Detection of Single Nanoparticle Plasmon Resonance.pdf

1.7 MB

Resonant Excitation and Imaging of Nonequilibrium Exciton Spins in Single Core-Shell GaAs-AlGaAs Nanowires.pdf

1.5 MB

Optical Transduction of Chemical Forces.pdf

1.1 MB

How Evaporating Carbon Nanotubes Retain Their Perfection.pdf

1.0 MB

Fabrication of Field-Effect Transistors from Hexathiapentacene Single-Crystal Nanowires.pdf

894.4 KB

Nanoscale Jet Collision and Mixing Dynamics.pdf

820.5 KB

Mapping Local Photocurrents in Polymer_Fullerene Solar Cells with Photoconductive Atomic Force Microscopy.pdf

798.4 KB

Silicidation of Silicon Nanowires by Platinum.pdf

768.5 KB

Mechanically Responding Nanovalves Based on Polyelectrolyte Multilayers.pdf

754.5 KB

Covalent 2D and 3D Networks from 1D Nanostructures Designing New Materials.pdf

694.4 KB

Optical Field Enhancement at Cusps between Adjacent Nanoapertures.pdf

691.2 KB

Quantum Rod Bioconjugates as Targeted Probes for Confocal and Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging of Cancer Cells.pdf

658.6 KB

Rhodium Nanoparticles from Cluster Seeds Control of Size and Shape by Precursor Addition Rate.pdf

564.4 KB

Supramolecular Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Nanopatterns at Electrified Interfaces.pdf

562.1 KB

Shape Control of Multivalent 3D Colloidal Particles via Interference Lithography.pdf

544.6 KB

In-Situ Growth of Copper Sulfide Nanocrystals on Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Their Application as Novel Solar Cell and Amperometric Glucose Sensor Materials.pdf

527.3 KB

Synthesis of Colloidal Upconverting NaYF4 Er3+_Yb3+ and Tm3+_Yb3+ Monodisperse Nanocrystals.pdf

480.2 KB

Intracellular Distribution of TiO2-DNA Oligonucleotide Nanoconjugates Directed to Nucleolus and Mitochondria Indicates Sequence Specificity.pdf

470.2 KB

Charge-Associated Effects of Fullerene Derivatives on Microbial Structural Integrity and Central Metabolism.pdf

435.7 KB

Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Nanowires for Three-Dimensional, Multifunctional Electronics.pdf

423.6 KB

Atomistic Modeling of Multilayered Ceria Nanotubes.pdf

397.5 KB

Size-Dependent Magnetic Properties of Single-Crystalline Multiferroic BiFeO3 Nanoparticles.pdf

393.4 KB

Highly Efficient Avalanche Multiphoton Luminescence from Coupled Au Nanowires in the Visible Region.pdf

371.2 KB

Cell-Free Co-synthesis of Protein Nanoassemblies Tubes, Rings, and Doughnuts.pdf

370.0 KB

Polarity-Dependent Electrochemically Controlled Transport of Water through Carbon Nanotube Membranes.pdf

362.5 KB

Translocation of C60 and Its Derivatives Across a Lipid Bilayer.pdf

333.7 KB

Chirality Changes in Carbon Nanotubes Studied with Near-Field Raman Spectroscopy.pdf

330.0 KB

Photoluminescence of GaN Nanowires of Different Crystallographic Orientations.pdf

317.9 KB

Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds for Photoelectrochemical Solar Cells. Capture and Transport of Photogenerated Electrons.pdf

310.4 KB

Metal-Diboride Nanotubes as High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage Media.pdf

300.0 KB

Dependence of Fluorescence Intensity on the Spectral Overlap between Fluorophores and Plasmon Resonant Single Silver Nanoparticles.pdf

297.8 KB

Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy and Imaging of the Vancomycin_D-Ala-D-Ala Interaction.pdf

292.8 KB

Nanoscaling of Microdomain Spacings in Thin Films of Cylinder-Forming Block Copolymers.pdf

288.4 KB

Reversible Electrowetting on Superhydrophobic Silicon Nanowires.pdf

282.7 KB

Hybrid Structures Composed of Photosynthetic System and Metal Nanoparticles Plasmon Enhancement Effect.pdf

280.3 KB

Far-field Imaging of Optical Second-Harmonic Generation in Single GaN Nanowires.pdf

257.5 KB

Effect of Spatial Confinement on the Glass-Transition Temperature of Patterned Polymer Nanostructures.pdf

255.4 KB

Deformation-Driven Electrical Transport of Individual Boron Nitride Nanotubes.pdf

248.2 KB

Atomic Layer Deposition on Electrospun Polymer Fibers as a Direct Route to Al2O3 Microtubes with Precise Wall Thickness Control.pdf

242.3 KB

Plasmon Resonances of a Gold Nanostar.pdf

230.2 KB

Observing Catalysis through the Agency of the Participating Electrons Surface-Chemistry-Induced Current Changes in a Tin Oxide Nanowire Decorated with Silver.pdf

222.4 KB

Raman Spectral Probing of Electronic Transition Energy Eii Variation of Individual SWNTs under Torsional Strain.pdf

219.7 KB

Effect of Nanoscale Curvature of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons.pdf

219.4 KB

Hidden One-Electron Interactions in Carbon Nanotubes Revealed in Graphene Nanostrips.pdf

186.1 KB

Nanoparticle-Induced Fluorescence Lifetime Modification as Nanoscopic Ruler Demonstration at the Single Molecule Level.pdf

181.2 KB

Exciton Ionization, Franz-Keldysh, and Stark Effects in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

177.8 KB

Programmable Nanolithography with Plasmon Nanoparticle Arrays.pdf

152.0 KB

Mesoscale Engines by Nonlinear Friction.pdf

151.8 KB

Molecular Sieving Using Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

145.6 KB

Rectification of Ionic Current in a Nanofluidic Diode.pdf

139.1 KB

Performance Analysis of a Ge_Si Core_Shell Nanowire Field-Effect Transistor.pdf

134.8 KB

Imaging Electromigration during the Formation of Break Junctions.pdf

131.6 KB

Nanofluidic Diode.pdf

102.0 KB

Chain-Length-Dependent Vibrational Resonances in Alkanethiol Self-Assembled Monolayers Observed on Plasmonic Nanoparticle Substrates.pdf

39.0 KB


High-Speed, Sub-15 nm Feature Size Thermochemical Nanolithography.pdf

7.0 MB

Breakdown Enhancement in Silicon Nanowire p-n Junctions.pdf

1.6 MB

Charge Transport in Cellular Nanoparticle Networks Meandering through Nanoscale Mazes.pdf

1.5 MB

Influence of Surface Diffusion on the Formation of Hollow Nanostructures Induced by the Kirkendall Effect The Basic Concept.pdf

869.6 KB

Ligand-Conjugated Quantum Dots Monitor Antigen Uptake and Processing by Dendritic Cells.pdf

739.0 KB

Suspended Mechanical Structures Based on Elastic Silicon Nanowire Arrays.pdf

712.4 KB

Hyperbranched Lead Selenide Nanowire Networks.pdf

659.5 KB

Uniaxial Alignment of Liquid-Crystalline Conjugated Polymers by Nanoconfinement.pdf

579.9 KB

Two-Photon Luminescence Imaging of Cancer Cells Using Molecularly Targeted Gold Nanorods.pdf

511.9 KB

Growth of High-Density Titanium Silicide Nanowires in a Single Direction on a Silicon Surface.pdf

442.1 KB

Polarizability of G4-DNA Observed by Electrostatic Force Microscopy Measurements.pdf

436.5 KB

Toward Control of the Metal-Organic Interfacial Electronic Structure in Molecular Electronics A First-Principles Study on Self-Assembled Monolayers of -Conjugated Molecules

435.6 KB

Ultralong Single-Crystal Metallic Ni2Si Nanowires with Low Resistivity.pdf

425.1 KB

Four-Point Probe Resistance Measurements Using PtIr-Coated Carbon Nanotube Tips.pdf

388.5 KB

Wavelength Selective Nanophotonic Components Utilizing Channel Plasmon Polaritons.pdf

374.6 KB

Synthesis and Optical Properties of Silver Nanobars and Nanorice.pdf

366.2 KB

Structural Phase Contrast in Polycrystalline Organic Semiconductor Films Observed by Broadband Near-Field Optical Spectroscopy.pdf

362.1 KB

Controlling the Growth of Ionic Nanoparticle Supracrystals.pdf

350.0 KB

High-Performance Nano-Schottky Diodes and Nano-MESFETs Made on Single CdS Nanobelts.pdf

329.6 KB

ZnO Nanowire UV Photodetectors with High Internal Gain.pdf

324.9 KB

Effects of a Shell on the Electronic Properties of Nanowire Superlattices.pdf

316.1 KB

Peptide-Assembled Optically Responsive Nanoparticle Complexes.pdf

314.4 KB

Broadband Electrical Characterization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes and Contacts.pdf

312.1 KB

Multimodal Biomedical Imaging with Asymmetric Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube_Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Complexes.pdf

310.5 KB

Direct Observation of the Deformation and the Band Gap Change from an Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube under Uniaxial Strain.pdf

307.8 KB

Systematic Investigation of the Thermodynamics of HSA Adsorption to N-iso-Propylacrylamide_N-tert-Butylacrylamide Copolymer Nanoparticles. Effects of Particle Size and Hydro

270.9 KB

The SERS Activity of a Supported Ag Nanocube Strongly Depends on Its Orientation Relative to Laser Polarization.pdf

266.9 KB

Nanopin Plasmonic Resonator Array and Its Optical Properties.pdf

264.9 KB

Surface Spin-Valve Effect.pdf

247.6 KB

Twin-Free Uniform Epitaxial GaAs Nanowires Grown by a Two-Temperature Process.pdf

245.2 KB

Direct Observation of sp-d Exchange Interactions in Colloidal Mn2+- and Co2+-Doped CdSe Quantum Dots.pdf

237.9 KB

Electrostatic Ligand Coatings of Nanoparticles Enable Ligand-Specific Gene Delivery to Human Primary Cells.pdf

233.2 KB

Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Semitransparent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films by a Bolometric Technique.pdf

229.6 KB

A Surface Phase Transition of Supported Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

215.5 KB

Low-Frequency Electrophoretic Actuation of Nanoscale Optoentropic Transduction Mechanisms.pdf

212.2 KB

Random-Telegraph-Signal Noise and Device Variability in Ballistic Nanotube Transistors.pdf

206.9 KB

Synergetic Effects of Nanoporous Support and Urea on Enzyme Activity.pdf

206.2 KB

Magnetically Induced Field Effect in Carbon Nanotube Devices.pdf

193.2 KB

Probing the Local Coordination Environment for Transition Metal Dopants in Zinc Oxide Nanowires.pdf

187.1 KB

Power Generation by Pressure-Driven Transport of Ions in Nanofluidic Channels.pdf

183.9 KB

Tunable Quantum Dots in Bilayer Graphene.pdf

173.6 KB

Unexpected Adsorption of Oxygen on TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Influence of Crystal Structure.pdf

170.6 KB

Identification of Quantum Dot Bioconjugates and Cellular Protein Co-localization by Hybrid Gel Blotting.pdf

169.6 KB

An Efficient Bicomponent TiO2_SnO2 Nanofiber Photocatalyst Fabricated by Electrospinning with a Side-by-Side Dual Spinneret Method.pdf

164.6 KB

Vibrational Response of Au-Ag Nanoboxes and Nanocages to Ultrafast Laser-Induced Heating.pdf

164.3 KB

Directional Movement of Dendritic Macromolecules on Gradient Surfaces.pdf

150.6 KB

Voltage Regulation of Fluorescence Emission of Single Dyes Bound to Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

136.2 KB

Reply to Comment on Direct and Real-Time Visualization of the Disassembly of a Single RecA-DNA-ATPS Complex Using AFM Imaging in Fluid.pdf

130.7 KB

Orientations of Overdamped Magnetic Nanorod-Gyroscopes.pdf

97.4 KB

AFM Tip-Induced Dissociation of RecA-dsDNA Filaments.pdf

10.3 KB


Remote p-Doping of InAs Nanowires.pdf

2.5 MB

Thermal Conductivity in Thin Silicon Nanowires Phonon Confinement Effect.pdf

2.3 MB

Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Nanoparticle Superlattices.pdf

2.1 MB

Absorption Spectroscopy of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.7 MB

Topologically Controlled Growth of Magnetic-Metal-Functionalized Semiconductor Oxide Nanorods.pdf

1.6 MB

Sub-10 nm Device Fabrication in a Transmission Electron Microscope.pdf

1.5 MB

A Paramagnetic Nanoprobe To Detect Tumor Cell Death Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.pdf

1.3 MB

Plasmonic Nanosensors for Imaging Intracellular Biomarkers in Live Cells.pdf

1.2 MB

Simultaneous Self-Assembly, Orientation, and Patterning of Peptide-Amphiphile Nanofibers by Soft Lithography.pdf

1.1 MB

Counterintuitive Effect of Molecular Strength and Role of Molecular Rigidity on Mechanical Properties of Layer-by-Layer Assembled Nanocomposites.pdf

1.1 MB

Variables Influencing Interactions of Untargeted Quantum Dot Nanoparticles with Skin Cells and Identification of Biochemical Modulators.pdf

951.1 KB

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Transport through Large Scale, Partially Aligned Arrays of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Thin Film Type Transistors.pdf

890.2 KB

Successful Differentiation of Mouse Neural Stem Cells on Layer-by-Layer Assembled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composite.pdf

728.3 KB

Metallic State in a Lime-Alumina Compound with Nanoporous Structure.pdf

674.3 KB

Mimicking Cellular Environments by Nanostructured Soft Interfaces.pdf

642.5 KB

Solution-Liquid-Solid (SLS) Growth of ZnSe-ZnTe Quantum Wires having Axial Heterojunctions.pdf

626.4 KB

Dynamics of Size-Selected Gold Nanoparticles Studied by Ultrafast Electron Nanocrystallography.pdf

615.7 KB

Immuno Gold Nanocages with Tailored Optical Properties for Targeted Photothermal Destruction of Cancer Cells.pdf

557.7 KB

Magnetically Actuated Nanorod Arrays as Biomimetic Cilia.pdf

528.4 KB

Designing Catalytic Nanomotors by Dynamic Shadowing Growth.pdf

518.1 KB

Si Nanowires as Sensors Choosing the Right Surface.pdf

515.1 KB

Facile Electrochemical Characterization of Core_Shell Nanoparticles. Ag Core_Ag2O Shell Structures.pdf

511.5 KB

Spontaneous Stretching of DNA in a Two-Dimensional Nanoslit.pdf

465.7 KB

Self-Organized, Free-Standing TiO2 Nanotube Membrane for Flow-through Photocatalytic Applications.pdf

458.5 KB

Long-Range Surface Plasmons on Ultrathin Membranes.pdf

437.9 KB

Mechanisms of Quantum Dot Energy Engineering by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy on Patterned Nonplanar Substrates.pdf

417.4 KB

Tuning the Mechanical Properties of SWNT_Nylon 6,10 Composites with Flexible Spacers at the Interface.pdf

408.6 KB

Nanoscale Roughness on Metal Surfaces Can Increase Tip-Enhanced Raman Scattering by an Order of Magnitude.pdf

346.1 KB

Submicrometer In-Plane Integrated Surface Plasmon Cavities.pdf

325.6 KB

Magnetic Properties of Single-Crystalline CoSi Nanowires.pdf

322.9 KB

Quantum Coaxial Cables for Solar Energy Harvesting.pdf

320.1 KB

Where, and How, Does a Nanowire Break.pdf

316.2 KB

Enhancing the Electrical and Optoelectronic Performance of Nanobelt Devices by Molecular Surface Functionalization.pdf

299.5 KB

Inner-Tube Chirality Determination for Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

281.8 KB

Voltage-Induced Dependence of Raman-Active Modes in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Thin Films.pdf

276.8 KB

Molecular Plasmonics with Tunable Exciton-Plasmon Coupling Strength in J-Aggregate Hybridized Au Nanorod Assemblies.pdf

276.0 KB

Sensing Characteristics of NIR Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances in Gold Nanorings for Application as Ultrasensitive Biosensors.pdf

260.1 KB

Electron Dephasing and Weak Localization in Sn Doped In2O3 Nanowires.pdf

257.6 KB

Aspect Ratio Dependence of the Elastic Properties of ZnO Nanobelts.pdf

246.6 KB

Breakdown of the Continuum Stokes-Einstein Relation for Nanoparticle Diffusion.pdf

246.2 KB

Toward Self-Assembled Ferroelectric Random Access Memories Hard-Wired Switching Capacitor Arrays with Almost Tb_in.2 Densities.pdf

238.8 KB

Mechanical Instabilities of Individual Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes under Cyclic Axial Compression.pdf

233.8 KB

3-D X-ray Diffraction Imaging with Nanoscale Resolution Using Incoherent Radiation.pdf

233.2 KB

Electromigrated Nanoscale Gaps for Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.pdf

232.8 KB

Band-to-Band Tunneling in a Carbon Nanotube Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Is Dominated by Phonon-Assisted Tunneling.pdf

228.8 KB

Buckling of Lipid Tubules in Shrinking Liquid Droplets.pdf

220.2 KB

Manipulating the Crystalline State of Pharmaceuticals by Nanoconfinement.pdf

220.1 KB

Direct Observation of Nanomechanical Properties of Chromatin in Living Cells.pdf

214.5 KB

Electronic and Structural Characteristics of Zinc-Blende Wurtzite Biphasic Homostructure GaN Nanowires.pdf

208.9 KB

Single-Molecule Devices as Scaffolding for Multicomponent Nanostructure Assembly.pdf

186.9 KB

Highly Tunable Infrared Extinction Properties of Gold Nanocrescents.pdf

155.7 KB

Effects of Quantum Confinement on the Doping Limit of Semiconductor Nanowires.pdf

143.1 KB

Vibronic Coupling in Semifluorinated Alkanethiol Junctions Implications for Selection Rules in Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy.pdf

134.1 KB

Optical Absorption of DNA-Carbon Nanotube Structures.pdf

130.5 KB

Local Field Asymmetry Drives Second-Harmonic Generation in Noncentrosymmetric Nanodimers.pdf

123.8 KB

Nanocrystalline Nanowires III. Electrons.pdf

104.3 KB

Friction Dependence on a-Relaxations in a Tethered Polymer Monolayer.pdf

72.1 KB

Photon Storage with Nanosecond Switching in Coupled Quantum Well Nanostructures.pdf

48.0 KB

All-Nanoparticle Thin-Film Coatings.pdf

14.6 KB


Molecular-Scale Soft Imprint Lithography for Alignment Layers in Liquid Crystal Devices.pdf

8.0 MB

Gold Nanoparticle Growth Monitored in situ Using a Novel Fast Optical Single-Particle Spectroscopy Method.pdf

3.3 MB

Optical Switching of Porphyrin-Coated Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors.pdf

3.0 MB

Biaxially Stretchable Wavy Silicon Nanomembranes.pdf

2.1 MB

Ultra-Large-Scale Directed Assembly of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Devices.pdf

1.8 MB

Electrically Assisted Magnetic Recording in Multiferroic Nanostructures.pdf

1.3 MB

Detecting SNPs Using a Synthetic Nanopore.pdf

1.3 MB

Elucidating the Mechanism of Cellular Uptake and Removal of Protein-Coated Gold Nanoparticles of Different Sizes and Shapes.pdf

1.0 MB

Aligned Arrays of Biodegradable Poly(-caprolactone) Nanowires and Nanofibers by Template Synthesis.pdf

975.6 KB

Chemically Modified Solid-State Nanopores.pdf

963.5 KB

Near-Field Evidence for Ferromagnetic Nanoneedles in Nd1_2Sr1_2MnO3.pdf

892.0 KB

Six-Helix and Eight-Helix DNA Nanotubes Assembled from Half-Tubes.pdf

854.7 KB

SP1 as a Novel Scaffold Building Block for Self-Assembly Nanofabrication of Submicron Enzymatic Structures.pdf

791.8 KB

Wetting Driven Self-Assembly as a New Approach to Template-Guided Fabrication of Metal Nanopatterns.pdf

688.6 KB

Ultrathin, Responsive Polymer Click Capsules.pdf

673.5 KB

Bound Excitons in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

649.3 KB

Simultaneous Multicolor Imaging of Five Different Lymphatic Basins Using Quantum Dots.pdf

625.3 KB

Atomic Structure of Graphene on SiO2.pdf

611.1 KB

Nanosize and Vitality TiO2 Nanotube Diameter Directs Cell Fate.pdf

552.0 KB

Simulations and Analysis of Self-Assembly of CdTe Nanoparticles into Wires and Sheets.pdf

544.9 KB

Lateral Self-Aligned p-Type In2O3 Nanowire Arrays Epitaxially Grown on Si Substrates.pdf

529.5 KB

Polymorphic Structures of Iodine and Their Phase Transition in Confined Nanospace.pdf

518.4 KB

Temperature and pH-Responsive Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersions.pdf

514.5 KB

Cancer Cells Assemble and Align Gold Nanorods Conjugated to Antibodies to Produce Highly Enhanced, Sharp, and Polarized Surface Raman Spectra A Potential Cancer Diagnostic M

508.6 KB

Ordered Arrays of 100-Oriented Silicon Nanorods by CMOS-Compatible Block Copolymer Lithography.pdf

508.3 KB

Vertically Oriented Germanium Nanowires Grown from Gold Colloids on Silicon Substrates and Subsequent Gold Removal.pdf

508.1 KB

Three-Layer Core_Shell Structure in Au-Pd Bimetallic Nanoparticles.pdf

490.1 KB

Bifunctional Nanotube Scaffolds for Diverse Ligands Are Purified Simply from Escherichia coli Strains Coexpressing Two Functionalized Flagellar Genes.pdf

472.5 KB

Disassembly of Nanodiscs with Cholate.pdf

466.2 KB

Fabrication of Cubic Nanocages and Nanoframes by Dealloying Au_Ag Alloy Nanoboxes with an Aqueous Etchant Based on Fe(NO3)3 or NH4OH.pdf

441.5 KB

Pulsed-Interleaved Excitation FRET Measurements on Single Duplex DNA Molecules Inside C-Shaped Nanoapertures.pdf

439.1 KB

Solid-Phase Direct Write (SPDW) of Carbon via Scanning Force Microscopy.pdf

426.8 KB

Band Gap and Density of States of the Hydrated C60 Fullerene System at Finite Temperature.pdf

422.2 KB

Hydrogenase-Coated Carbon Nanotubes for Efficient H2 Oxidation.pdf

420.4 KB

A Self-Templated Approach to TiO2 Microcapsules.pdf

374.7 KB

A Reactive Peptidic Linker for Self-Assembling Hybrid Quantum Dot-DNA Bioconjugates.pdf

369.0 KB

Determination of Transport Properties in Chromium Disilicide Nanowires via Combined Thermoelectric and Structural Characterizations.pdf

345.5 KB

Direct Observation of the Structural Component of the Metal-Insulator Phase Transition and Growth Habits of Epitaxially Grown VO2 Nanowires.pdf

331.2 KB

Organic Nanowire-Templated Fabrication of Alumina Nanotubes by Atomic Layer Deposition.pdf

309.2 KB

Magnetic Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles.pdf

308.4 KB

Photosensitization of ZnO Nanowires with CdSe Quantum Dots for Photovoltaic Devices.pdf

307.3 KB

Diameter-Dependent Elastic Modulus Supports the Metastable-Catalyst Growth of Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

303.8 KB

Optical Properties of a Wrinkled Nanomembrane with Embedded Quantum Well.pdf

301.8 KB

Measuring the Capacitance of Individual Semiconductor Nanowires for Carrier Mobility Assessment.pdf

300.9 KB

The Morphology of Axial and Branched Nanowire Heterostructures.pdf

289.2 KB

Electron Turbulence at Nanoscale Junctions.pdf

288.0 KB

Nanoscale Analysis of Defect Shedding from Liquid Crystal Interfaces.pdf

284.6 KB

Hybrid Confocal Raman Fluorescence Microscopy on Single Cells Using Semiconductor Quantum Dots.pdf

278.6 KB

Growth and Characterization of InP Nanowires with InAsP Insertions.pdf

278.4 KB

p-n Semiconductor Membrane for Electrically Tunable Ion Current Rectification and Filtering.pdf

273.8 KB

Formation and Rupture of Schottky Nanocontacts on ZnO Nanocolumns.pdf

273.4 KB

Hybridization-Modulated Ion Fluxes through Peptide-Nucleic-Acid- Functionalized Gold Nanotubes. A New Approach to Quantitative Label-Free DNA Analysis.pdf

270.5 KB

Diffusion-Based Electron Thermometry Using a Three-Junction Single-Electron Transistor.pdf

267.5 KB

Multiple Exciton Generation in Films of Electronically Coupled PbSe Quantum Dots.pdf

256.1 KB

Plasmonic Crystal Demultiplexer and Multiports.pdf

255.1 KB

Intrinsic Current-Voltage Characteristics of Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors and Effect of Edge Doping.pdf

247.4 KB

Probing in situ the Nucleation and Growth of Gold Nanoparticles by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering.pdf

244.2 KB

Getting to the Core of the Problem Origin of the Luminescence from (Mg,Zn)O Heterostructured Nanowires.pdf

209.1 KB

Soft Lithographic Fabrication of High Q Polymer Microcavity Arrays.pdf

208.9 KB

Transition of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes from Metallic to Semiconducting in Field-Effect Transistors by Hydrogen Plasma Treatment.pdf

184.1 KB

Mo6S9-xIx Nanowire Recognitive Molecular-Scale Connectivity.pdf

182.6 KB

Ultra-Low Contact Resistance of Epitaxially Interfaced Bridged Silicon Nanowires.pdf

182.5 KB

Two Particle Enhanced Nano Raman Microscopy and Spectroscopy.pdf

178.7 KB

Metal-Molecule Interface Fluctuations.pdf

177.2 KB

Synthesis, Two-Dimensional Assembly, and Surface Pressure-Induced Coalescence of Ultranarrow PbS Nanowires.pdf

173.6 KB

Macroscopic Tuning of Nanomechanics Substrate Bending for Reversible Control of Frequency and Quality Factor of Nanostring Resonators.pdf

170.0 KB

Screening of Excitons in Single, Suspended Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

164.9 KB

Predictive Study of Charge Transport in Disordered Semiconducting Polymers.pdf

137.2 KB

Local Magnetic Properties of a Monolayer of Mn12 Single Molecule Magnets.pdf

125.3 KB

Fluorescent Ion-Selective Nanosensors for Intracellular Analysis with Improved Lifetime and Size.pdf

107.4 KB

Comment on Molecular Beam Deposition of DNA Nanometer Films.pdf

12.1 KB


Strengthening in Gold Nanopillars with Nanoscale Twins.pdf

4.2 MB

Chemically Induced Potential Barriers at the Carbon Nanotube-Metal Nanoparticle Interface.pdf

2.5 MB

Nanostructured Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrodes.pdf

2.4 MB

Influence of Structural and Dielectric Anisotropy on the Dielectrophoresis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

2.1 MB

Charge State Control and Relaxation in an Atomically Doped Silicon Device.pdf

1.2 MB

Microcontact Printing of Living Bacteria Arrays with Cellular Resolution.pdf

1.2 MB

Chemical Nanomachining of Silicon by Gold-Catalyzed Oxidation.pdf

1.1 MB

Controlled Formation and Mixing of Two-Dimensional Fluids.pdf

1.1 MB

Radiative and Nonradiative Rates of Phosphors Attached to Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

882.1 KB

Ultralow Feeding Gas Flow Guiding Growth of Large-Scale Horizontally Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays.pdf

874.7 KB

Direct Nanoimprinting of Metal Nanoparticles for Nanoscale Electronics Fabrication.pdf

849.2 KB

A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Probing the Evolution of Self-Organized Nanostructured Systems.pdf

842.9 KB

3D Electron Microscopy Study of Metal Particles Inside Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

768.3 KB

Tunable Nanoscale Localization of Energy on Plasmon Particle Arrays.pdf

764.2 KB

Orientation-Controlled Self-Assembled Nanolithography Using a Polystyrene-Polydimethylsiloxane Block Copolymer.pdf

749.9 KB

Near-Infrared Resonant Nanoshells for Combined Optical Imaging and Photothermal Cancer Therapy.pdf

728.0 KB

Hierarchical Placement and Associated Optoelectronic Impact of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer-Fullerene Solar Cells.pdf

704.2 KB

Bioactive Nanofibers Synergistic Effects of Nanotopography and Chemical Signaling on Cell Guidance.pdf

676.7 KB

Patterning Polymeric Structures with 2 nm Resolution at 3 nm Half Pitch in Ambient Conditions.pdf

653.0 KB

C-BN Patterned Single-Walled Nanotubes Synthesized by Laser Vaporization.pdf

587.1 KB

Gate-Defined Quantum Dots in Intrinsic Silicon.pdf

532.0 KB

Multiterminal Nanowire Junctions of Silicon A Theoretical Prediction of Atomic Structure and Electronic Properties.pdf

525.1 KB

Carbon Nanotube_Detergent Interactions via Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics.pdf

498.7 KB

Understanding Plasmons in Nanoscale Voids.pdf

485.3 KB

Ultra-Large Room-Temperature Compressive Plasticity of a Nanocrystalline Metal.pdf

471.6 KB

Controlled Deposition of Gold Nanowires on Semiconducting and Nonconducting Surfaces.pdf

462.3 KB

Insights on Interfacial Charge Transfer Across P3HT_Fullerene Photovoltaic Heterojunction from Ab Initio Calculations.pdf

434.5 KB

Carbon Nanoscrolls A Promising Material for Hydrogen Storage.pdf

387.7 KB

Characterization of the Functional Binding Properties of Antibody Conjugated Quantum Dots.pdf

380.1 KB

Very High Frequency Silicon Nanowire Electromechanical Resonators.pdf

364.5 KB

On the Universal Scaling Behavior of the Distance Decay of Plasmon Coupling in Metal Nanoparticle Pairs A Plasmon Ruler Equation.pdf

352.6 KB

Graphene-Silica Composite Thin Films as Transparent Conductors.pdf

348.4 KB

Nanoscale Mapping of Strain and Composition in Quantum Dots Using Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy.pdf

340.6 KB

Plasmonic Properties of Copper Nanoparticles Fabricated by Nanosphere Lithography.pdf

331.7 KB

Monitoring the Activity of Tyrosinase on a Tyramine_Dopamine-Functionalized Surface by Force Microscopy.pdf

329.3 KB

Scrolled Sheet Precursor Route to Niobium and Tantalum Oxide Nanotubes.pdf

315.2 KB

Unfolding of Ribonuclease A on Silica Nanoparticle Surfaces.pdf

287.3 KB

Resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Individual Strained Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

281.0 KB

Direct Force Measurements and Kinking under Elastic Deformation of Individual Multiwalled Boron Nitride Nanotubes.pdf

280.9 KB

Imaging of the Schottky Barriers and Charge Depletion in Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

280.8 KB

Single Lamella Nanoparticles of Polyethylene.pdf

267.2 KB

CdS Nanorods Imbedded in Liquid Crystal Cells for Smart Optoelectronic Devices.pdf

263.5 KB

Transient Terahertz Conductivity of GaAs Nanowires.pdf

251.0 KB

Metal-Enhanced Single-Molecule Fluorescence on Silver Particle Monomer and Dimer Coupling Effect between Metal Particles.pdf

249.4 KB

Magnetic Brightening of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence through Symmetry Breaking.pdf

228.0 KB

Size-Dependent Angular Distributions of Low-Energy Photoelectrons Emitted from NaCl Nanoparticles.pdf

219.5 KB

Franz-Keldysh Effect in GaN Nanowires.pdf

218.9 KB

NanoSQUIDs Based on Niobium Constrictions.pdf

214.8 KB

High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Mapping of Semiconductor Dopant Potentials.pdf

196.6 KB

Electronic Structure of Cobalt Nanocrystals Suspended in Liquid.pdf

186.6 KB

The Role of Quantum Confinement in p-Type Doped Indium Phosphide Nanowires.pdf

184.0 KB

The Excitonic Exchange Splitting and Radiative Lifetime in PbSe Quantum Dots.pdf

172.9 KB

High Sensitivity of In Vivo Detection of Gold Nanorods Using a Laser Optoacoustic Imaging System.pdf

172.0 KB

Asymmetric Transmission of Light and Enantiomerically Sensitive Plasmon Resonance in Planar Chiral Nanostructures.pdf

155.7 KB

Nanoscale Additives Tailor Energetic Materials.pdf

155.0 KB

Silver Nanoparticle-Oligonucleotide Conjugates Based on DNA with Triple Cyclic Disulfide Moieties.pdf

154.9 KB

Gate Electrostatics and Quantum Capacitance of Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

124.0 KB

Three-Dimensional Particle Tracking via Bifocal Imaging.pdf

123.7 KB


Production and Characterization of Coaxial Nanotube Junctions and Networks of CNx_CNT.pdf

7.6 MB

Carbon Nanotube Growth from Semiconductor Nanoparticles.pdf

3.5 MB

Critical Current 0- Transition in Designed Josephson Quantum Dot Junctions.pdf

2.2 MB

In Situ Observation of Quasimelting of Diamond and Reversible Graphite-Diamond Phase Transformations.pdf

2.0 MB

Templating Water Stains for Nanolithography.pdf

1.6 MB

Self-Assembly of Vertically Aligned Nanorod Supercrystals Using Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite.pdf

1.3 MB

Label-Free Optical Detection and Tracking of Single Virions Bound to Their Receptors in Supported Membrane Bilayers.pdf

1.2 MB

Vertically Oriented Ti-Fe-O Nanotube Array Films Toward a Useful Material Architecture for Solar Spectrum Water Photoelectrolysis.pdf

1.0 MB

Optical Detection of Ion-Channel-Induced Proton Transport in Supported Phospholipid Bilayers.pdf

944.9 KB

Self-Assembled Virus-like Particles with Magnetic Cores.pdf

941.3 KB

Real-Time Imaging of Astrocyte Response to Quantum Dots In Vivo Screening Model System for Biocompatibility of Nanoparticles.pdf

880.7 KB

Size and Surface Effects on the MRI Relaxivity of Manganese Ferrite Nanoparticle Contrast Agents.pdf

713.0 KB

Core-like Particles of an Enveloped Animal Virus Can Self-Assemble Efficiently on Artificial Templates.pdf

697.2 KB

Comparative Pulmonary Toxicity Assessments of C60 Water Suspensions in Rats Few Differences in Fullerene.pdf

668.7 KB

Computational Design of an RNA Hexagonal Nanoring and an RNA Nanotube.pdf

658.7 KB

Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanofiber Arrays Record Electrophysiological Signals from Hippocampal Slices.pdf

656.8 KB

Direct Observation of Field Emission in a Single TaSi2 Nanowire.pdf

639.5 KB

Direct Observation of Surface Mode Excitation and Slow Light Coupling in Photonic Crystal Waveguides.pdf

621.4 KB

Fully Transparent Thin-Film Transistor Devices Based on SnO2 Nanowires.pdf

621.2 KB

High-Performance Dual-Action Polymer-TiO2 Nanocomposite Films via Melting Processing.pdf

611.3 KB

Individual Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Spectroscopy by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy.pdf

602.8 KB

In situ Control of Atomic-Scale Si Layer with Huge Strain in the Nanoheterostructure NiSi_Si_NiSi through Point Contact Reaction.pdf

595.5 KB

Nanoscale Ion Mediated Networks in Bone Osteopontin Can Repeatedly Dissipate Large Amounts of Energy.pdf

566.4 KB

Directly Synthesized Strong, Highly Conducting, Transparent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Films.pdf

538.2 KB

Selective Vibrational Detachment of Microspheres Using Optically Excited In-Plane Motion of Nanomechanical Beams.pdf

530.0 KB

Electrodeposited Bismuth Telluride Nanowire Arrays with Uniform Growth Fronts.pdf

519.1 KB

Nanoscale Oxide Patterning with Electron-Solid-Gas Reactions.pdf

479.6 KB

Triplet State Absorption in Carbon Nanotubes A TD-DFT Study.pdf

458.5 KB

Dynamical Observation of Bamboo-like Carbon Nanotube Growth.pdf

434.0 KB

Identity Profiling of Cell Surface Markers by Multiplex Gold Nanorod Probes.pdf

429.4 KB

Divacancies in Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

425.8 KB

III-V Nanowire Growth Mechanism V_III Ratio and Temperature Effects.pdf

417.9 KB

Synthesis of Uniform Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Using Iron Disilicide as Catalyst.pdf

406.4 KB

Nanometer-Scale Dielectric Imaging of Semiconductor Nanoparticles Size-Dependent Dipolar Coupling and Contrast Reversal.pdf

406.1 KB

Integrated Nanogenerators in Biofluid.pdf

400.1 KB

Assembling Nanowires from Mo-S Clusters and Effects of Iodine Doping on Electronic Structure.pdf

398.9 KB

Magnetic Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheet Films.pdf

385.7 KB

Nanocrystal-Encoded Fluorescent Microbeads for Proteomics Antibody Profiling and Diagnostics of Autoimmune Diseases.pdf

380.2 KB

Nonlocal Exchange Interaction Removes Half-Metallicity in Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

377.5 KB

Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Solar Cells.pdf

365.3 KB

Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Zn Metal Nanowires Utilizing Cold-Wall Physical Vapor Deposition.pdf

354.5 KB

Electroactive Superelongation of Carbon Nanotube Aggregates in Liquid Crystal Medium.pdf

353.5 KB

Wire versus Tube Stability of Small One-Dimensional ZnO Nanostructures.pdf

325.9 KB

Dynamics of Carbon Nanotube Growth from Fullerenes.pdf

323.9 KB

Optical Properties of ZnO_ZnS and ZnO_ZnTe Heterostructures for Photovoltaic Applications.pdf

321.8 KB

Nucleation and Growth of GaN Nanowires on Si(111) Performed by Molecular Beam Epitaxy.pdf

316.8 KB

ZnO Nanotube Based Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.pdf

315.2 KB

Self-Oscillations in Field Emission Nanowire Mechanical Resonators A Nanometric dc-ac Conversion.pdf

312.6 KB


290.8 KB

Nanoparticle-Mediated Coupling of Light into a Nanowire.pdf

283.6 KB

Controlling Nonequilibrium Phonon Populations in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

282.8 KB

Magnetic Resonance Contrast Agents from Viral Capsid Shells A Comparison of Exterior and Interior Cargo Strategies.pdf

278.4 KB

Carbon Nanotubes by Electrospinning with a Polyelectrolyte and Vapor Deposition Polymerization.pdf

260.7 KB

Transition from Two-Dimensional to Three-Dimensional Quantum Confinement in Semiconductor Quantum Wires_Quantum Dots.pdf

260.3 KB

Plasmon-Phonon Coupling in Charged n-Type CdSe Quantum Dots A THz Time-Domain Spectroscopic Study.pdf

234.5 KB

Selective Tuning of the Electronic Properties of Coaxial Nanocables through Exohedral Doping.pdf

232.7 KB

Enhanced Half-Metallicity in Edge-Oxidized Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

226.7 KB

Electroluminescence from a Mixed Red-Green-Blue Colloidal Quantum Dot Monolayer.pdf

224.2 KB

Electrically Excited Infrared Emission from InN Nanowire Transistors.pdf

220.7 KB

Electrostatic Potential in a Bent Piezoelectric Nanowire. The Fundamental Theory of Nanogenerator and Nanopiezotronics.pdf

202.9 KB

Bulk vs Nanoscale WS2 Finite Size Effects and Solid-State Lubrication.pdf

195.1 KB

Determination of DNA-Base Orientation on Carbon Nanotubes through Directional Optical Absorbance.pdf

190.3 KB

Pinned Low-Energy Electronic Excitation in Metal-Exchanged Vanadium Oxide Nanoscrolls.pdf

176.0 KB

A Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor with a Suspended Nanotube Gate.pdf

107.8 KB


Direct Observation of Plasmonic Modes in Au Nanowires Using High-Resolution Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy.pdf

3.2 MB

Novel Bioinorganic Nanostructures Based on Mesolamellar Intercalation or Single-Molecule Wrapping of DNA Using Organoclay Building Blocks.pdf

1.8 MB

Ultrafast Electron Microscopy (UEM) Four-Dimensional Imaging and Diffraction of Nanostructures during Phase Transitions.pdf

1.7 MB

Atomic-Scale Imaging in Real and Energy Space Developed in Ultrafast Electron Microscopy.pdf

1.3 MB

Strong Enhancement of the Radiative Decay Rate of Emitters by Single Plasmonic Nanoantennas.pdf

1.2 MB

Nanometer Positioning, Parallel Alignment, and Placement of Single Anisotropic Nanoparticles Using Hydrodynamic Forces in Cylindrical Droplets.pdf

1.1 MB

An Organic Donor_Acceptor Lateral Superlattice at the Nanoscale.pdf

1.1 MB

Robust Inorganic Membranes from Detachable Ultrathin Tantalum Oxide Films.pdf

1.0 MB

Moving Nanoparticles with Raman Scattering.pdf

962.0 KB

Separation of Nanoparticles by Gel Electrophoresis According to Size and Shape.pdf

941.3 KB

Scalable Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube_Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for High Flux Gas Transport.pdf

914.4 KB

Fabrication of Large-Area Patterned Nanostructures for Optical Applications by Nanoskiving.pdf

897.8 KB

The Optical Visibility of Graphene Interference Colors of Ultrathin Graphite on SiO2.pdf

841.6 KB

Perylenediimide Nanowires and Their Use in Fabricating Field-Effect Transistors and Complementary Inverters.pdf

827.8 KB

A Complete Scheme for Creating Predefined Networks of Individual Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

793.6 KB

Correlation Effects in Wave Function Mapping of Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Quantum Dots.pdf

739.8 KB

Reducing Facet Nucleation during Algorithmic Self-Assembly.pdf

670.4 KB

Uniaxial Alignment of Nanoconfined Columnar Mesophases.pdf

645.5 KB

Cholera Toxin B Conjugated Quantum Dots for Live Cell Labeling.pdf

643.1 KB

GaAs_AlGaAs Nanowire Heterostructures Studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

627.9 KB

Dipolar Structures in Colloidal Dispersions of PbSe and CdSe Quantum Dots.pdf

618.0 KB

Hyperbranched PbS and PbSe Nanowires and the Effect of Hydrogen Gas on Their Synthesis.pdf

604.0 KB

Convergence of Quantum Dot Barcodes with Microfluidics and Signal Processing for Multiplexed High-Throughput Infectious Disease Diagnostics.pdf

592.2 KB

Iron Phosphide Nanostructures Produced from a Single-Source Organometallic Precursor Nanorods, Bundles, Crosses, and Spherulites.pdf

586.5 KB

Rayleigh Imaging of Graphene and Graphene Layers.pdf

543.0 KB

From Designer Clusters to Synthetic Crystalline Nanoassemblies.pdf

535.5 KB

Generic Nanomaterial Positioning by Carrier and Stationary Phase Design.pdf

508.2 KB

Strain and Shape of Epitaxial InAs_InP Nanowire Superlattice Measured by Grazing Incidence X-ray Techniques.pdf

479.7 KB

Organically Modified Silica Nanoparticles with Covalently Incorporated Photosensitizer for Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer.pdf

438.5 KB

Colloidal Assembly Route for Responsive Colloidosomes with Tunable Permeability.pdf

435.8 KB

Optical Transmission through Hexagonal Arrays of Subwavelength Holes in Thin Metal Films.pdf

427.7 KB

Orientational Order in Block Copolymer Films Zone Annealed below the Order-Disorder Transition Temperature.pdf

426.7 KB

Nanowire-Based Delivery of Escherichia coli O157 Shiga Toxin 1 A Subunit into Human and Bovine Cells.pdf

423.7 KB

Biodistribution of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles in Perfused Skin Evidence of Coating Dependency and Periodicity in Arterial Extraction.pdf

421.0 KB

Sn78Ge22@Carbon Core-Shell Nanowires as Fast and High-Capacity Lithium Storage Media.pdf

417.9 KB

Spherical, Monodisperse, Functional Bridged Polysilsesquioxane Nanoparticles.pdf

397.0 KB

Scanned Probe Imaging of Quantum Dots inside InAs Nanowires.pdf

396.4 KB

Universal Scaling of Plasmon Coupling in Metal Nanostructures Extension from Particle Pairs to Nanoshells.pdf

379.8 KB

Graphene Thickness Determination Using Reflection and Contrast Spectroscopy.pdf

356.5 KB

Biomimetic Superhydrophobic Surfaces Multiscale Approach.pdf

351.1 KB

Voltage and Length-Dependent Phase Diagram of the Electronic Transport in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

346.5 KB

In situ Raman Measurements of Suspended Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Strain.pdf

340.9 KB

Controlling DNA Capture and Propagation through Artificial Nanopores.pdf

320.1 KB

Colloidal Quantum Dots in All-Dielectric High-Q Pillar Microcavities.pdf

312.5 KB

GaAs_Mn Nanowires Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy of (Ga,Mn)As at MnAs Segregation Conditions.pdf

309.6 KB

A Biological Porin Engineered into a Molecular, Nanofluidic Diode.pdf

306.0 KB

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in the Intact Organism Near-IR Imaging and Biocompatibility Studies in Drosophila.pdf

305.4 KB

Gold-Catalyzed Oxide Nanopatterns for the Directed Assembly of Ge Island Arrays on Si.pdf

281.5 KB

Gate Coupling and Charge Distribution in Nanowire Field Effect Transistors.pdf

279.2 KB

Electron Shuttle Instability for Nano Electromechanical Mass Sensing.pdf

255.0 KB

Temperature Dependence of the Raman Spectra of Graphene and Graphene Multilayers.pdf

250.7 KB

Single-Molecule Spectroscopy Using Nanoporous Membranes.pdf

250.0 KB

Parallel Fabrication of Nanogap Electrodes.pdf

249.2 KB

Fluorescence Lifetimes and Correlated Photon Statistics from Single CdSe_Oligo(phenylene vinylene) Composite Nanostructures.pdf

246.2 KB

Hierarchical Nanostructure Control in Rod-Coil Block Copolymers with Magnetic Fields.pdf

245.4 KB

Near-Static Dielectric Polarization of Individual Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

236.8 KB

Nonequilibrium Quantum Transport Properties of a Silver Atomic Switch.pdf

222.9 KB

Self-Directed Growth of AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires for Visible Light Applications.pdf

215.9 KB

Charged Fullerenes as High-Capacity Hydrogen Storage Media.pdf

210.2 KB

Surface Charge Sensitivity of Silicon Nanowires Size Dependence.pdf

198.7 KB

Strong Extinction of a Far-Field Laser Beam by a Single Quantum Dot.pdf

197.7 KB

An Improved Autonomous DNA Nanomotor.pdf

183.1 KB

Grating-Coupling of Surface Plasmons onto Metallic Tips A Nanoconfined Light Source.pdf

178.7 KB

One- and Two-Photon Excited Optical pH Probing for Cells Using Surface-Enhanced Raman and Hyper-Raman Nanosensors.pdf

171.4 KB

Transcending Binary Logic by Gating Three Coupled Quantum Dots.pdf

159.8 KB

RF Response of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

148.6 KB

Selective Plating for Junction Delineation in Silicon Nanowires.pdf

144.8 KB

Template-Grown NiFe_Cu_NiFe Nanowires for Spin Transfer Devices.pdf

131.5 KB

An Electrochemical Sensor Based on the Human Estrogen Receptor Ligand Binding Domain.pdf

117.3 KB

Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer-Coated Quantum Dots with Integrated Acceptor Dyes as FRET-Based Nanoprobes.pdf

96.5 KB


Control of Surface Migration of Gold Particles on Si Nanowires.pdf

4.1 MB

Supramolecular Porphyrin Polymers in Solution and at the Solid-Liquid Interface.pdf

2.7 MB

Hierarchical Assembly of Nanostructured Organosilicate Networks via Stereocomplexation of Block Copolymers.pdf

1.0 MB

Wafer-Scale Assembly of Highly Ordered Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays by Contact Printing.pdf

986.7 KB

Hydrogen Storage in Carbon Nanotubes through the Formation of Stable C-H Bonds.pdf

961.5 KB

Mobile Iron Nanoparticle and Its Role in the Formation of SiO2 Nanotrench via Carbon Nanotube-Guided Carbothermal Reduction.pdf

911.4 KB

WS2 Nanobuds as a New Hybrid Nanomaterial.pdf

785.2 KB

Synthesis and Isolation of Molybdenum Atomic Wires.pdf

744.4 KB

Normal and Shear Forces Generated during the Ordering (Directed Assembly) of Confined Straight and Curved Nanowires.pdf

743.1 KB

Mesoporous Co3O4 Nanowire Arrays for Lithium Ion Batteries with High Capacity and Rate Capability.pdf

649.7 KB

PX DNA Triangle Oligomerized Using a Novel Three-Domain Motif.pdf

633.7 KB

Molecular Scale Buckling Mechanics in Individual Aligned Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes on Elastomeric Substrates.pdf

630.1 KB

CO Oxidation Catalyzed by Single-Walled Helical Gold Nanotube.pdf

541.7 KB

Transparent, Conductive Graphene Electrodes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.pdf

527.3 KB

Controlled Release of Chol-TEG-DNA from Nano- and Micropatterned SU-8 Surfaces by a Spreading Lipid Film.pdf

524.2 KB

Highly Responsive Hydrogel Scaffolds Formed by Three-Dimensional Organization of Microgel Nanoparticles.pdf

521.6 KB

Detection of DNA Sequences Using an Alternating Electric Field in a Nanopore Capacitor.pdf

506.1 KB

Electronically Controlled Surface Plasmon Dispersion and Optical Transmission through Metallic Hole Arrays Using Liquid Crystal.pdf

502.1 KB

Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Resist Membrane Nanocavity Embedding Colloidal Dot-in-a-Rod Nanocrystals.pdf

502.0 KB

Smart Hydrogel Particles Biomarker Harvesting One-Step Affinity Purification, Size Exclusion, and Protection against Degradation.pdf

469.3 KB

Raman Spectra of Graphite Oxide and Functionalized Graphene Sheets.pdf

467.3 KB

Growth of Straight, Atomically Perfect, Highly Metallic Silicon Nanowires with Chiral Asymmetry.pdf

413.3 KB

Boron-Based Organometallic Nanostructures Hydrogen Storage Properties and Structure Stability.pdf

407.8 KB

Fabrication and Characterization of Patterned Single-Crystal Silicon Nanolines.pdf

404.5 KB

Controlled Fabrication and Electrical Properties of Long Quasi-One-Dimensional Superconducting Nanowire Arrays.pdf

392.3 KB

Probing the Structure of DNA-Carbon Nanotube Hybrids with Molecular Dynamics.pdf

389.1 KB

Electronic Structure Tailoring and Selective Adsorption Mechanism of Metal-coated Nanotubes.pdf

381.6 KB

Targeted Photothermal Lysis of the Pathogenic Bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with Gold Nanorods.pdf

377.8 KB

Single-Molecule Charge Transfer and Bonding at an Organic_Inorganic Interface Tetracyanoethylene on Noble Metals.pdf

376.9 KB

Spermidine Modulated Ribonuclease Activity Probed by RNA Plasmon Rulers.pdf

363.4 KB

Carrier Density and Schottky Barrier on the Performance of DC Nanogenerator.pdf

341.3 KB

The Effect of Molecular Orientation on the Potential of Porphyrin-Metal Contacts.pdf

332.4 KB

Single Particle X-ray Diffractive Imaging.pdf

328.6 KB

Rayleigh-Instability-Induced Metal Nanoparticle Chains Encapsulated in Nanotubes Produced by Atomic Layer Deposition.pdf

322.8 KB

Monitoring Single-Molecule Reactivity on a Carbon Nanotube.pdf

316.8 KB

Single-Step Coating of Mesoporous Silica on Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide-Capped Nanoparticles.pdf

314.6 KB

Role of Molecular Surface Passivation in Electrical Transport Properties of InAs Nanowires.pdf

297.9 KB

Inherently Tunable Electrostatic Assembly of Membrane Proteins.pdf

296.1 KB

Unique Carbon-Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors with Asymmetric Source and Drain Contacts.pdf

292.5 KB

Alkali-Metal-Induced Enhancement of Hydrogen Adsorption in C60 Fullerene An ab Initio Study.pdf

290.2 KB

Direct Electrical Measurements on Single-Molecule Genomic DNA Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

282.3 KB

Herding Nanotransporters Localized Activation via Release and Sequestration of Control Molecules.pdf

276.2 KB

Electroosmotic Flow in Nanotubes with High Surface Charge Densities.pdf

275.6 KB

Correlated Random Telegraph Signal and Low-Frequency Noise in Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

270.3 KB

Single-Molecule Detection and Mismatch Discrimination of Unlabeled DNA Targets.pdf

260.8 KB

Microwave Impedance Spectroscopy of Dense Carbon Nanotube Bundles.pdf

253.3 KB

Crossover from Kondo-Assisted Suppression to Co-Tunneling Enhancement of Tunneling Magnetoresistance via Ferromagnetic Nanodots in MgO Tunnel Barriers.pdf

247.9 KB

Reversible Switching among Three Adsorbate Configurations in a Single [2.2]Paracyclophane-Based Molecule.pdf

240.8 KB

Systematic Study on Quantum Confinement and Waveguide Effects for Elastic and Inelastic Currents in Atomic Gold Wire Importance of the Phase Factor for Modeling Electrodes.p

240.0 KB

Surface Plasmon Mediated Interference Phenomena in Low-Q Silver Nanowire Cavities.pdf

239.6 KB

Nature of Sub-Band Gap Luminescent Eigenmodes in a ZnO Nanowire.pdf

213.4 KB

Silicon Nanowires-Based Fluorescence Sensor for Cu(II).pdf

210.2 KB

Exciton Dissociation and Stark Effect in the Carbon Nanotube Photocurrent Spectrum.pdf

207.9 KB

Approximate Analytical Models for Phonon Specific Heat and Ballistic Thermal Conductance of Nanowires.pdf

206.1 KB

Graphene NanoFlakes with Large Spin.pdf

204.0 KB

Noncovalent Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes with Amphiphilic Gd3+ Chelates Toward Powerful T1 and T2 MRI Contrast Agents.pdf

188.1 KB

Electronic Transport in Single Molecule Junctions Control of the Molecule-Electrode Coupling through Intramolecular Tunneling Barriers.pdf

178.1 KB

High Capacity Li Ion Battery Anodes Using Ge Nanowires.pdf

165.8 KB

Intersubband Decay of 1-D Exciton Resonances in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

158.3 KB

Piezoelectric Potential Output from ZnO Nanowire Functionalized with p-Type Oligomer.pdf

157.1 KB

Ultralow Thermal Conductivity of Isotope-Doped Silicon Nanowires.pdf

153.8 KB

Formation and Self-Breaking Mechanism of Stable Atom-Sized Junctions.pdf

135.2 KB

Solution Control of Radiative and Nonradiative Lifetimes A Novel Contribution to Quantum Dot Blinking Suppression.pdf

132.9 KB

Molecular Doping of Graphene.pdf

129.0 KB

Nanotube Radio.pdf

3.5 KB


Electrospinning of Three-Dimensional Nanofibrous Tubes with Controllable Architectures.pdf

3.0 MB

Intrinsically Fluorescent Carbon Nanospheres as a Nuclear Targeting Vector Delivery of Membrane-Impermeable Molecule to Modulate Gene Expression In Vivo.pdf

2.9 MB

Carrier Multiplication in Semiconductor Nanocrystals Theoretical Screening of Candidate Materials Based on Band-Structure Effects.pdf

2.8 MB

Size-Dependent Surface-Induced Heterogeneous Nucleation Driven Phase-Change in Ge2Sb2Te5 Nanowires.pdf

2.7 MB

Pillared Graphene A New 3-D Network Nanostructure for Enhanced Hydrogen Storage.pdf

2.1 MB

Stepwise Current-Driven Release of Attogram Quantities of Copper Iodide Encapsulated in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

2.1 MB

Self-Assembled Shape- and Orientation-Controlled Synthesis of Nanoscale Cu3Si Triangles, Squares, and Wires.pdf

2.0 MB

Photothermal Optical Coherence Tomography of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Live Cells Using Immunotargeted Gold Nanospheres.pdf

2.0 MB

Resolving Sub-Diffraction Limit Encounters in Nanoparticle Tracking Using Live Cell Plasmon Coupling Microscopy.pdf

1.9 MB

Mesoporous Block Copolymer Nanorods by Swelling-Induced Morphology Reconstruction.pdf

1.9 MB

Optical Near-Field Mapping of Plasmonic Nanoprisms.pdf

1.8 MB

Efficient Low-Temperature Thermophotovoltaic Emitters from Metallic Photonic Crystals.pdf

1.7 MB

Graphene-Based Ultracapacitors.pdf

1.7 MB

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of Alkane Derivatives on Graphite Role of Electronic Effects.pdf

1.7 MB

Wafer-scale Reduced Graphene Oxide Films for Nanomechanical Devices.pdf

1.6 MB

Natural Dyes Adsorbed on TiO2 Nanowire for Photovoltaic Applications Enhanced Light Absorption and Ultrafast Electron Injection.pdf

1.6 MB

Formation of Dopant-Pair Defects and Doping Efficiency in B- and P-Doped Silicon Nanowires.pdf

1.5 MB

A Synthetic Surface that Undergoes Spatiotemporal Remodeling.pdf

1.5 MB

Double-Walled Boron Nitride Nanotubes Grown by Floating Catalyst Chemical Vapor Deposition.pdf

1.5 MB

Encapsulation of Semiconducting Polymers in Vault Protein Cages.pdf

1.5 MB

Protein-Protein Interactions in Reversibly Assembled Nanopatterns.pdf

1.4 MB

Nanophotonic Switch Gold-in-Ga2O3 Peapod Nanowires.pdf

1.4 MB

Coaxial Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) Au_Ga2O3_GaN Nanowires.pdf

1.4 MB

Field Dependent Transport Properties in InAs Nanowire Field Effect Transistors.pdf

1.4 MB

In situ Sensing of Single Binding Events by Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance.pdf

1.4 MB

Growth of Silicon Nanowires of Controlled Diameters by Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquid at Room Temperature.pdf

1.4 MB

Quantum-Interference-Controlled Molecular Electronics.pdf

1.4 MB

General Assembly Method for Linear Metal Nanoparticle Chains Embedded in Nanotubes.pdf

1.4 MB

Control of InAs Nanowire Growth Directions on Si.pdf

1.3 MB

Plasmon Resonance in Silver Nanoparticles Arrays Grown by Atomic Terrace Low-Angle Shadowing.pdf

1.3 MB

Pulse-Loaded Ferroelectric Nanowire as an Alternating Current Source.pdf

1.3 MB

Nanoparticles for Gene Transfer to Human Embryonic Stem Cell Colonies.pdf

1.3 MB

Self-Assembled Molecular Nanowires of 6,13-Bis(methylthio)pentacene Growth, Electrical Properties, and Applications.pdf

1.3 MB

Structure-Mechanical Property of Individual Cobalt Oxide Nanowires.pdf

1.2 MB

Spatial Carrier Confinement in Core-Shell and Multishell Nanowire Heterostructures.pdf

1.2 MB

The Assembly of Single-Layer Graphene Oxide and Graphene Using Molecular Templates.pdf

1.2 MB

The “Music” of Core-Shell Spheres and Hollow Capsules Influence of the Architecture on the Mechanical Properties at the Nanoscale.pdf

1.2 MB

Controlling the Morphology of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Block Copolymer Thin Films through Variations in Liquid Crystalline Content.pdf

1.2 MB

Numerical Characterization and Optimization of the Microfluidics for Nanowire Biosensors.pdf

1.1 MB

Label-free Electronic Detection of the Antigen-Specific T-Cell Immune Response.pdf

1.1 MB

Laser Directed Growth of Carbon-Based Nanostructures by Plasmon Resonant Chemical Vapor Deposition.pdf

1.1 MB

Minimum Voltage for Threshold Switching in Nanoscale Phase-Change Memory.pdf

1.1 MB

Coherent Phonon Anisotropy in Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.1 MB

Acoustic Oscillations and Elastic Moduli of Single Gold Nanorods.pdf

1.0 MB

Quantum Interference in Radial Heterostructure Nanowires.pdf

1.0 MB

Light-Harvesting Action Spectroscopy of Single Conjugated Polymer Nanowires.pdf

1.0 MB

The Impact of Nanocontact on Nanowire Based Nanoelectronics.pdf

1.0 MB

Chiral-Angle Distribution for Separated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.0 MB

Three Dimensional Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

985.9 KB

The Trouble with TOPO; Identification of Adventitious Impurities Beneficial to the Growth of Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots, Rods, and Wires.pdf

954.8 KB

Robust Microstructures Using UV Photopatternable Semiconductor Nanocrystals.pdf

954.0 KB

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Vapor-Liquid-Solid Grown, Au-Catalyzed, Si Wires.pdf

942.9 KB

Ionic Ligand Mediated Electrochemical Charging of Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies.pdf

891.3 KB

Direct Near-Field Optical Imaging of Higher Order Plasmonic Resonances.pdf

873.1 KB

Electromechanical Unzipping of Individual DNA Molecules Using Synthetic Sub-2 nm Pores.pdf

872.4 KB

Schottky Solar Cells Based on Colloidal Nanocrystal Films.pdf

866.3 KB

Femtonewton Force Sensing with Optically Trapped Nanotubes.pdf

865.1 KB

Graphene-Based Atomic-Scale Switches.pdf

858.8 KB

Reduced Graphene Oxide Molecular Sensors.pdf

858.8 KB

Self-Organized Regular Arrays of Anodic TiO2 Nanotubes.pdf

843.7 KB

Influence of Gas Adsorption on Optical Transition Energies of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

792.1 KB

Bioeliminable Nanohydrogels for Drug Delivery.pdf

782.8 KB

Anomalous Conductance Response of DNA Wires under Stretching.pdf

782.3 KB

Electronic Structure of Surface-supported Bis(phthalocyaninato) terbium(III) Single Molecular Magnets.pdf

769.1 KB

The Effect of Gold Nanorods on Cell-Mediated Collagen Remodeling.pdf

754.1 KB

Three-Dimensional Optical Control of Individual Quantum Dots.pdf

749.8 KB

Evidence for Metal-Semiconductor Transitions in Twisted and Collapsed Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

744.9 KB

Polarization-Dependent Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from a Silver-Nanoparticle-Decorated Single Silver Nanowire.pdf

742.5 KB

Reversible pH Lability of Cross-linked Vault Nanocapsules.pdf

740.8 KB

A Two-State Electronic Antigen and An Antibody Selected to Discriminate Between These States.pdf

736.9 KB

Local Heating in Metal-Molecule-Metal Junctions.pdf

730.5 KB

Plexcitonic Nanoparticles Plasmon-Exciton Coupling in Nanoshell-J-Aggregate Complexes.pdf

728.1 KB

Si-CdSSe Core_Shell Nanowires with Continuously Tunable Light Emission.pdf

698.3 KB

Tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles for Direct and Sensitive Detection of Biomolecules in Biological Samples.pdf

691.7 KB

Single and Tandem Axial p-i-n Nanowire Photovoltaic Devices.pdf

656.0 KB

Single Particle Plasmon Spectroscopy of Silver Nanowires and Gold Nanorods.pdf

651.2 KB

Water Soluble Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Inhibit Stimulated Endocytosis in Neurons.pdf

439.6 KB

Stabilizing Single Atom Contacts by Molecular Bridge Formation.pdf

436.4 KB

Electric Property Evolution of Structurally Defected Multilayer Graphene.pdf

361.1 KB

Surface Plasmon-Mediated Energy Transfer in Heterogap Au-Ag Nanowires.pdf

354.7 KB

Thermal Stability of Graphene and Nanotube Covalent Functionalization.pdf

338.5 KB

Nanochemical Equilibrium Involving a Small Number of Molecules A Prediction of a Distinct Confinement Effect.pdf

328.0 KB

Competition between the Spring Force Constant and the Phonon Energy Renormalization in Electrochemically Doped Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

315.7 KB

Microwave Induced In-Situ Active Ion Etching of Growing InP Nanocrystals.pdf

298.2 KB

p-Type Cu-Ti-O Nanotube Arrays and Their Use in Self-Biased Heterojunction Photoelectrochemical Diodes for Hydrogen Generation.pdf

141.6 KB

Reappraisal of Variable-Range Hopping in Quantum-Dot Solids.pdf

133.6 KB

Cotunneling Model for Current-Induced Events in Molecular Wires.pdf

109.6 KB

Toward Reliable Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA Tiles A Fixed-Width Cellular Automaton Pattern.pdf

17.2 KB


The Role of NiOx Overlayers on Spontaneous Growth of NiSix Nanowires from Ni Seed Layers.pdf

6.0 MB

Structural Coherency of Graphene on Ir(111).pdf

4.0 MB

A 1 GHz Integrated Circuit with Carbon Nanotube Interconnects and Silicon Transistors.pdf

2.4 MB

Selective Probing and Imaging of Cells with Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Near-Infrared Fluorescent Molecules.pdf

2.2 MB

Fluorescence Enhancement in Hot Spots of AFM-Designed Gold Nanoparticle Sandwiches.pdf

1.5 MB

Arrays of Iso-Oriented Gold Nanobelts.pdf

1.4 MB

Highly Aligned Epitaxial Nanorods with a Checkerboard Pattern in Oxide Films.pdf

1.2 MB

Fabrication of Metal Nanowires in Carbon Nanotubes via Versatile Nano-Template Reaction.pdf

1.1 MB

Soft Patchy Nanoparticles from Solution-Phase Self-Assembly of Binary Diblock Copolymers.pdf

1.0 MB

Three-Dimensional Structure of Helical and Zigzagged Nanowires Using Electron Tomography.pdf

906.7 KB

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Can Induce Pulmonary Injury in Mouse Model.pdf

766.6 KB

SP1 Protein-Based Nanostructures and Arrays.pdf

761.5 KB

Functionalization of Electrospun TiO2 Nanofibers with Pt Nanoparticles and Nanowires for Catalytic Applications.pdf

716.8 KB

Smallest Carbon Nanotube Assigned with Atomic Resolution Accuracy.pdf

700.6 KB

Measuring the Work Function of Carbon Nanotubes with Thermionic Method.pdf

650.9 KB

Catalyst-Free Synthesis, Structural, and Mechanical Characterization of Twinned Mg2B2O5 Nanowires.pdf

642.6 KB

Asymmetrically Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles Organized in One-Dimensional Chains.pdf

557.0 KB

Nanoparticle-Induced Enhancement and Suppression of Photocurrent in a Silicon Photodiode.pdf

518.8 KB

Controlled Growth of Super-Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays for Spinning Continuous Unidirectional Sheets with Tunable Physical Properties.pdf

510.5 KB

Mesoscale Dynamics and Cooperativity of Networking Dendronized Nonlinear Optical Molecular Glasses.pdf

465.4 KB

Tuning of Catalytic CO Oxidation by Changing Composition of Rh-Pt Bimetallic Nanoparticles.pdf

462.1 KB

Antenna-Based Optical Imaging of Single Ca2+ Transmembrane Proteins in Liquids.pdf

429.8 KB

Chemically Induced Permanent Magnetism in Au, Ag, and Cu Nanoparticles Localization of the Magnetism by Element Selective Techniques.pdf

422.7 KB

Peeling Force Spectroscopy Exposing the Adhesive Nanomechanics of One-Dimensional Nanostructures.pdf

409.3 KB

Wide Varieties of Cationic Nanoparticles Induce Defects in Supported Lipid Bilayers.pdf

400.7 KB

Directed Three-Dimensional Patterning of Self-Assembled Peptide Fibrils.pdf

396.7 KB

Multisegment Nanowire Sensors for the Detection of DNA Molecules.pdf

394.4 KB

Height Independent Compressive Modulus of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays.pdf

389.6 KB

Why Are Carbon Nanotubes Fast Transporters of Water.pdf

372.6 KB

The Importance of Strong Carbon-Metal Adhesion for Catalytic Nucleation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

335.4 KB

Flexible Inorganic Nanowire Light-Emitting Diode.pdf

331.4 KB

Electron Thermal Microscopy.pdf

329.9 KB

Dissymmetric Carbon Nanotubes by Bipolar Electrochemistry.pdf

328.5 KB

Excitation of Local Field Enhancement on Silicon Nanowires.pdf

317.3 KB

A DNA-Gold Nanoparticle-Based Colorimetric Competition Assay for the Detection of Cysteine.pdf

302.8 KB

Label-Free Protein Recognition Two-Dimensional Array Using Nanomechanical Sensors.pdf

293.5 KB

Experimental Observation of an Extremely Dark Material Made By a Low-Density Nanotube Array.pdf

293.4 KB

Optical Control of Energy-Level Structure of Few Electrons in AlGaAs_GaAs Quantum Dots.pdf

288.9 KB

Metallic Glass Nanowire.pdf

273.2 KB

Photovoltaic Measurements in Single-Nanowire Silicon Solar Cells.pdf

267.6 KB

Solution-Processed Metal Nanowire Mesh Transparent Electrodes.pdf

263.8 KB

Phase Diagram of Nanoscale Alloy Particles Used for Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Semiconductor Nanowires.pdf

260.8 KB

Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence of Chlorophylls in Single Light-Harvesting Complexes.pdf

260.7 KB

Geometric Confinement Governs the Rupture Strength of H-bond Assemblies at a Critical Length Scale.pdf

259.4 KB

Non-Brownian Diffusion of Membrane Molecules in Nanopatterned Supported Lipid Bilayers.pdf

257.6 KB

Multiple Quantum Well AlGaAs Nanowires.pdf

254.4 KB

Reversible Polarization Control of Single Photon Emission.pdf

253.5 KB

Self-Aligned Charge Read-Out for InAs Nanowire Quantum Dots.pdf

251.1 KB

Size Limits on Doping Phosphorus into Silicon Nanocrystals.pdf

250.5 KB

Si_a-Si Core_Shell Nanowires as Nonvolatile Crossbar Switches.pdf

249.1 KB

CMOS Compatible Nanoscale Nonvolatile Resistance Switching Memory.pdf

243.6 KB

Visible Light-Induced Charge Retention and Photocatalysis with Hybrid CdSe-Au Nanodumbbells.pdf

243.2 KB

Mapping the Plasmon Resonances of Metallic Nanoantennas.pdf

235.2 KB

Tuning Energetic Levels in Nanocrystal Quantum Dots through Surface Manipulations.pdf

232.7 KB

Probing the Chemistry of Molecular Heterojunctions Using Thermoelectricity.pdf

224.4 KB

On Total Internal Reflection Investigation of Nanoparticles by Integrated Micro-Fluidic System.pdf

202.5 KB

Subdiffraction Far-Field Imaging of Luminescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

202.1 KB

Identifying the Mechanism of Biosensing with Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

199.8 KB

Novel Strategy for Diameter-Selective Separation and Functionalization of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

198.2 KB

Probing Molecules in Integrated Silicon-Molecule-Metal Junctions by Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy.pdf

194.6 KB

Isotope Effect on Band Gap and Radiative Transitions Properties of Boron Nitride Nanotubes.pdf

185.3 KB

Polyelectrolyte Brush Amplified Electroactuation of Microcantilevers.pdf

184.7 KB

Gold NanoStoves for Microsecond DNA Melting Analysis.pdf

176.3 KB

Size-Dependent Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics in Iron Oxide (Fe3O4) Nanocrystals.pdf

170.9 KB

Significant Enhancement of Hole Mobility in [110] Silicon Nanowires Compared to Electrons and Bulk Silicon.pdf

155.1 KB

ZnO Tetrapods Designed as Multiterminal Sensors to Distinguish False Responses and Increase Sensitivity.pdf

146.7 KB

Single Carbon Nanotube Transistor at GHz Frequency.pdf

142.2 KB

Use of Negative Capacitance to Provide Voltage Amplification for Low Power Nanoscale Devices.pdf

127.8 KB

Charge Noise in Liquid-Gated Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

123.8 KB

Gadonanotubes as Ultrasensitive pH-Smart Probes for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.pdf

117.4 KB

Electron-Phonon Coupling and Localization of Excitons in Single Silicon Nanocrystals.pdf

106.6 KB

Comment on Graphene Nanoflakes with Large Spin Broken-Symmetry States.pdf

73.0 KB


Enhanced Cellular Mobility Guided by TiO2 Nanotube Surfaces.pdf

3.0 MB

A Nano-Combinatorial Library Strategy for the Discovery of Nanotubes with Reduced Protein-Binding, Cytotoxicity, and Immune Response.pdf

2.4 MB

Quantum Dot Ex Vivo Labeling of Neuromuscular Synapses.pdf

2.1 MB

Toward Atomic-Scale Bright-Field Electron Tomography for the Study of Fullerene-Like Nanostructures.pdf

1.9 MB

Light Propagation within Colloidal Crystal Wire Fabricated by a Dewetting Process.pdf

1.8 MB

Mechanism Analysis of Interrupted Growth of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Arrays.pdf

1.6 MB

Fullerene Nanocage Capacity for Hydrogen Storage.pdf

1.6 MB

Chemical Synthesis and Magnetotransport of Magnetic Semiconducting Fe1_xCoxSi Alloy Nanowires.pdf

1.4 MB

Simultaneous Measurements of Electronic Conduction and Raman Response in Molecular Junctions.pdf

1.4 MB

Sub-100 Nanometer Channel Length Ge_Si Nanowire Transistors with Potential for 2 THz Switching Speed.pdf

1.4 MB

Measuring the Redox Activity of Individual Catalytic Nanoparticles in Cerium-Based Oxides.pdf

1.3 MB

Short Range Plasmon Resonators Probed by Photoemission Electron Microscopy.pdf

1.3 MB

Bending Membranes on Demand Fluid Phospholipid Bilayers on Topographically Deformable Substrates.pdf

1.2 MB

Single Crystalline PtSi Nanowires, PtSi_Si_PtSi Nanowire Heterostructures, and Nanodevices.pdf

1.2 MB

Tunable Electronic Transport Characteristics of Surface-Architecture-Controlled ZnO Nanowire Field Effect Transistors.pdf

1.2 MB

Optical Properties of Rotationally Twinned InP Nanowire Heterostructures.pdf

1.2 MB

Mechanism of Gold-Catalyzed Carbon Material Growth.pdf

1.2 MB

Intraparticle Surface Plasmon Coupling in Quasi-One-Dimensional Nanostructures.pdf

1.1 MB

A Radio Frequency Single-Electron Transistor Based on an InAs_InP Heterostructure Nanowire.pdf

1.1 MB

Interaction of Nanoparticles with Lipid Membrane.pdf

1.1 MB

Controllable Formation of Ionic Liquid Micro- and Nanoparticles via a Melt-Emulsion-Quench Approach.pdf

1.0 MB

Controllable Formation of Ionic Liquid Micro- and Nanoparticles via a Melt–Emulsion–Quench Approach.pdf

1.0 MB

Spin Diode Based on Fe_MgO Double Tunnel Junction.pdf

997.5 KB

Gecko-Inspired Carbon Nanotube-Based Self-Cleaning Adhesives.pdf

981.0 KB

An Organic_Si Nanowire Hybrid Field Configurable Transistor.pdf

935.3 KB

Silicon Nanoribbons for Electrical Detection of Biomolecules.pdf

934.9 KB

Superior Thermal Conductivity of Single-Layer Graphene.pdf

921.8 KB

Carbon Nanotubes as Reinforcement Elements of Composite Nanotools.pdf

916.3 KB

Hierarchical Magnetite_Silica Nanoassemblies as Magnetically Recoverable Catalyst–Supports.pdf

865.7 KB

Hierarchical Magnetite_Silica Nanoassemblies as Magnetically Recoverable Catalyst-Supports.pdf

865.7 KB

Layered Li0.88[Li0.18Co0.33Mn0.49]O2 Nanowires for Fast and High Capacity Li-Ion Storage Material.pdf

843.4 KB

Tunneling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Co_AlOx_Au Tunnel Junctions.pdf

831.4 KB

Strain Measurements on Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in a Polymer Host Structure-Dependent Spectral Shifts and Load Transfer.pdf

789.7 KB

InP Nanowire_Polymer Hybrid Photodiode.pdf

774.5 KB

Role of Semiconducting and Metallic Tubes in P3HT_Carbon-Nanotube Photovoltaic Heterojunctions Density Functional Theory Calculations.pdf

696.1 KB

Sensitive Molecular Diagnostics Using Volume-Amplified Magnetic Nanobeads.pdf

670.1 KB

Direct Deposition of Trivalent Rhodium Hydroxide Nanoparticles onto a Semiconducting Layered Calcium Niobate for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution.pdf

650.3 KB

Cubic to Tetragonal Phase Transformation in Cold-Compressed Pd Nanocubes.pdf

451.9 KB

Intraband Carrier Photoexcitation in Quantum Dot Lasers.pdf

291.3 KB

Photoconductivity of Packed Homotype Bundles Formed by Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

279.7 KB


Transparent Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode Displays Driven by Nanowire Transistor Circuitry.pdf

2.7 MB

Directing the Assembly of Charged Organic Molecules by a Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Nanostructured Monolayer at Electrified Interfaces.pdf

2.6 MB

Microstructural Investigation of Magnetic CoFe2O4 Nanowires inside Carbon Nanotubes by Electron Tomography.pdf

2.3 MB

Experimental and Theoretical Studies Suggesting the Possibility of Metallic Boron Nitride Edges in Porous Nanourchins.pdf

2.2 MB

Solvent-Assisted Patterning of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers and Selective Deposition of Virus Assemblies.pdf

2.2 MB

Lotus Effect in Engineered Zirconia.pdf

2.0 MB

Single-Cell Fluorescence Imaging Using Metal Plasmon-Coupled Probe 2 Single-Molecule Counting on Lifetime Image.pdf

1.9 MB

Protonation Effects on the Branching Ratio in Photoexcited Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersions.pdf

1.7 MB

A ZnO Nanorod Inorganic_Organic Heterostructure Light-Emitting Diode Emitting at 342 nm.pdf

1.6 MB

Ni_Ni3C Core-Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature.pdf

1.5 MB

Ni_Ni3C Core–Shell Nanochains and Its Magnetic Properties One-Step Synthesis at Low Temperature.pdf

1.5 MB

Close Encounters between Two Nanoshells.pdf

1.5 MB

Dynamics of Paramagnetic Metallofullerenes in Carbon Nanotube Peapods.pdf

1.5 MB

Stochastic Modulation in Molecular Electronic Transport Junctions Molecular Dynamics Coupled with Charge Transport Calculations.pdf

1.5 MB

Polymer Nanofibers via Nozzle-Free Centrifugal Spinning.pdf

1.4 MB

Highly Dense and Perfectly Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Fabricated by Diamond Wire Drawing Dies.pdf

1.4 MB

One-Step Nanoscale Assembly of Complex Structures via Harnessing of an Elastic Instability.pdf

1.3 MB

Self-Contained, Biomolecular Motor-Driven Protein Sorting and Concentrating in an Ultrasensitive Microfluidic Chip.pdf

1.3 MB

A Triple Quantum Dot in a Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube.pdf

1.3 MB

Examination of Nanoparticles via Single Large Cluster Impacts.pdf

1.3 MB

Spin-Polarizable Excitonic Luminescence in Colloidal Mn2+-Doped CdSe Quantum Dots.pdf

1.3 MB

Super-Resolution Imaging by Random Adsorbed Molecule Probes.pdf

1.2 MB

Point Defect Configurations of Supersaturated Au Atoms Inside Si Nanowires.pdf

1.2 MB

The Function of a TiO2 Compact Layer in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Incorporating “Planar” Organic Dyes.pdf

1.1 MB

DNA Sensing by Silicon Nanowire Charge Layer Distance Dependence.pdf

1.1 MB

Vacancy Migrations in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.0 MB

Nanomechanical Control of Cell Rolling in Two Dimensions through Surface Patterning of Receptors.pdf

1.0 MB

Immobilizing a Drop of Water Fabricating Highly Hydrophobic Surfaces that Pin Water Droplets.pdf

987.0 KB

Biofunctionalized Lipid-Polymer Hybrid Nanocontainers with Controlled Permeability.pdf

975.0 KB

Electrical Properties of Self-Assembled Branched InAs Nanowire Junctions.pdf

921.4 KB

Synthesis and Characterization of Stable Fluorocarbon Nanostructures as Drug Delivery Vehicles for Cytolytic Peptides.pdf

852.3 KB

Linear Electrooptic Coefficient of InP Nanowires.pdf

842.6 KB

Quantized Current Blockade and Hydrodynamic Correlations in Biopolymer Translocation through Nanopores Evidence from Multiscale Simulations.pdf

823.1 KB

Fabrication of Very High Aspect Ratio Metal Nanowires by a Self-Propulsion Mechanism.pdf

810.3 KB

Diameter Dependent Growth Rate and Interfacial Abruptness in Vapor-Liquid-Solid Si_Si1-xGex Heterostructure Nanowires.pdf

672.8 KB

Diameter Dependent Growth Rate and Interfacial Abruptness in Vapor–Liquid–Solid Si_Si1-xGex Heterostructure Nanowires.pdf

672.8 KB

On the Absence of Detectable Carrier Multiplication in a Transient Absorption Study of InAs_CdSe_ZnSe Core_Shell1_Shell2 Quantum Dots.pdf

668.2 KB

Direct Transmission Detection of Tunable Mechanical Resonance in an Individual Carbon Nanofiber Relay.pdf

662.2 KB

Isolation of Discrete Nanoparticle-DNA Conjugates for Plasmonic Applications.pdf

648.7 KB

MspA Porin-Gold Nanoparticle Assemblies Enhanced Binding through a Controlled Cysteine Mutation.pdf

563.2 KB

Photoinduced Removal of the Franck-Condon Blockade in Single-Electron Inelastic Charge Transmission.pdf

517.8 KB

Distance Dependent Spectral Tuning of Two Coupled Metal Nanoparticles.pdf

497.7 KB

Local Polymer Dynamics in Polymer-C60 Mixtures.pdf

473.9 KB

Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposite Infrared Sensor.pdf

440.4 KB

Hyperfine Interactions in Graphene and Related Carbon Nanostructures.pdf

395.7 KB

Single-Electron Counting Spectroscopy Simulation Study of Porphyrin in a Molecular Junction.pdf

386.1 KB

Transparent and Catalytic Carbon Nanotube Films.pdf

308.5 KB

Development of the Tangential Mode in the Raman Spectra of SWCNT Bundles during Electrochemical Charging.pdf

246.4 KB

Electrical Conductance of Oligothiophene Molecular Wires.pdf

227.0 KB

Atomistic Design of Thermoelectric Properties of Silicon Nanowires.pdf

117.3 KB

Ab Initio Explanation of Tunneling Line Shapes for the Kondo Impurity State.pdf

94.6 KB

Effect of Negative Differential Conductance in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

70.9 KB

Structure-Dependent Fluorescence Efficiencies of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

19.6 KB


Modulation of in Vivo Tumor Radiation Response via Gold Nanoshell-Mediated Vascular-Focused Hyperthermia Characterizing an Integrated Antihypoxic and Localized Vascular Disr

2.7 MB

Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances in Aluminum Nanodisks.pdf

2.5 MB

Three-Dimensional Nanoscopy of Colloidal Crystals.pdf

2.1 MB

Electrically Biased Nanolithography with KOH-Coated AFM Tips.pdf

1.9 MB

Large Anisotropy of Electrical Properties in Layer-Structured In2Se3 Nanowires.pdf

1.8 MB

A Generic Approach for Embedded Catalyst-Supported Vertically Aligned Nanowire Growth.pdf

1.8 MB

Strain-Driven Electronic Band Structure Modulation of Si Nanowires.pdf

1.8 MB

Controlled Growth of Ternary Alloy Nanowires Using Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition.pdf

1.8 MB

Biomimetic Interfaces for High-Performance Optics in the Deep-UV Light Range.pdf

1.7 MB

Quantum Dot-Fluorescent Protein Pairs as Novel Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Probes.pdf

1.6 MB

Nanowire Lithography on Silicon.pdf

1.4 MB

Extracting Superconducting Single-Crystal Nb Mesowires Out of NbSe2 by a Crystal-Lattice Collapse Method.pdf

1.4 MB

UV-Light Induced Fabrication of CdCl2 Nanotubes through CdSe_Te Nanocrystals Based on Dimension and Configuration Control.pdf

1.4 MB

Electroluminescence from Nanocrystals in an Electromigrated Gap Composed of Two Different Metals.pdf

1.3 MB

Exciton Energy Transfer in Pairs of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.3 MB

Increased Hot-Plate Ignition Probability for Nanoparticle-Laden Diesel Fuel.pdf

1.3 MB

Three-Dimensional Composition Profiles of Single Quantum Dots Determined by Scanning-Probe-Microscopy-Based Nanotomography.pdf

1.3 MB

Integration of ZnO Microcrystals with Tailored Dimensions Forming Light Emitting Diodes and UV Photovoltaic Cells.pdf

1.3 MB

Cell-Specific Integration of Artificial Organelles Based on Functionalized Polymer Vesicles.pdf

1.3 MB

Colored Semitransparent Conductive Coatings Consisting of Monodisperse Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.2 MB

Photocurrent Polarization Anisotropy of Randomly Oriented Nanowire Networks.pdf

1.2 MB

ZnO Nanostructures as Efficient Antireflection Layers in Solar Cells.pdf

1.2 MB

Kinetic versus Thermodynamic Control over Growth Process of Electrodeposited Bi_BiSb Superlattice Nanowires.pdf

1.2 MB

Three-Dimensional Architecture of Inorganic Nanoarrays Electrodeposited through a Surface-Layer Protein Mask.pdf

1.2 MB

Conductance of Oriented C60 Molecules.pdf

1.1 MB

Optical Antenna Effect in Semiconducting Nanowires.pdf

1.1 MB

A Nonvolatile Plasmonic Switch Employing Photochromic Molecules.pdf

1.1 MB

Ultrafast Exciton Fine Structure Relaxation Dynamics in Lead Chalcogenide Nanocrystals.pdf

1.1 MB

Nanoparticles Secreted from Ivy Rootlets for Surface Climbing.pdf

1.0 MB

Hierarchical Agglomerates of Carbon Nanotubes as High-Pressure Cushions.pdf

1.0 MB

Spatiotemporal Response of Living Cell Structures in Dictyostelium discoideum with Semiconductor Quantum Dots.pdf

966.1 KB

Imaging Mechanical Vibrations in Suspended Graphene Sheets.pdf

958.7 KB

Nanogap Detector Inside Nanofluidic Channel for Fast Real-Time Label-Free DNA Analysis.pdf

926.6 KB

Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles Inhibit Cellular Respiration.pdf

913.7 KB

Phonon Dispersion and Nanomechanical Properties of Periodic 1D Multilayer Polymer Films.pdf

879.3 KB

Acoustic Vibration Modes and Electron–Lattice Coupling in Self-Assembled Silver Nanocolumns.pdf

866.6 KB

Acoustic Vibration Modes and Electron-Lattice Coupling in Self-Assembled Silver Nanocolumns.pdf

866.6 KB

Screening-Limited Response of NanoBiosensors.pdf

835.2 KB

Control of Gold Surface Diffusion on Si Nanowires.pdf

774.7 KB

A Unified Description of Current–Voltage Characteristics in Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics under Low Light Intensity.pdf

757.6 KB

A Unified Description of Current-Voltage Characteristics in Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics under Low Light Intensity.pdf

757.6 KB

Probing Properties of Boron a-Tubes by Ab Initio Calculations.pdf

724.0 KB

Engineering the Temporal Response of Photoconductive Photodetectors via Selective Introduction of Surface Trap States.pdf

716.6 KB

Efficient Optical Trapping and Visualization of Silver Nanoparticles.pdf

710.9 KB

Charge Separation in Type II Tunneling Structures of Close-packed CdTe and CdSe Nanocrystals.pdf

579.1 KB

Three-Dimensionally-Patterned Submicrometer-Scale Hydrogel_Air Networks That Offer a New Platform for Biomedical Applications.pdf

427.8 KB

Catalytic Motors for Transport of Colloidal Cargo.pdf

427.1 KB

Antibacterial Activity of Fullerene Water Suspensions (nC60) Is Not Due to ROS-Mediated Damage.pdf

369.9 KB

Analysis of the Vapor-Liquid-Solid Mechanism for Nanowire Growth and a Model for this Mechanism.pdf

299.6 KB

Analysis of the Vapor–Liquid–Solid Mechanism for Nanowire Growth and a Model for this Mechanism.pdf

299.6 KB

Electric Field Quenching of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence.pdf

168.5 KB

A Lossless Negative Dielectric Constant from Quantum Dot Exciton Polaritons.pdf

122.0 KB

Temperature-Programmed Assembly of DNA_Au Nanoparticle Bioconjugates.pdf

19.8 KB


DNA Transport in Hierarchically-Structured Colloidal-Nanoparticle Porous-Wall Nanochannels.pdf

2.7 MB

Single-Particle Tracking of Endocytosis and Exocytosis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in NIH-3T3 Cells.pdf

2.5 MB

Exponential Growth of LBL Films with Incorporated Inorganic Sheets.pdf

1.9 MB

Consecutive Conformational Transitions and Deaggregation of Multiple-Helical Poly(diacetylene)s.pdf

1.8 MB

From Nanorings to Nanodots by Patterning with Block Copolymers.pdf

1.7 MB

Electrochemical Devices Made from Conducting Nanowire Networks Self-Assembled from Amyloid Fibrils and Alkoxysulfonate PEDOT.pdf

1.7 MB

Space Charge Limited Current Measurements on Conjugated Polymer Films using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy.pdf

1.6 MB

Magnetic Behavior in Zinc Oxide Zigzag Nanoribbons.pdf

1.4 MB

Wurtzite to Zinc Blende Phase Transition in GaAs Nanowires Induced by Epitaxial Burying.pdf

1.4 MB

Plasmonic Focusing Reduces Ensemble Linewidth of Silver-Coated Gold Nanorods.pdf

1.3 MB

Computational Study of Exciton Generation in Suspended Carbon Nanotube Transistors.pdf

1.2 MB

Highly Efficient Solar Cells using TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized with a Donor-Antenna Dye.pdf

1.2 MB

Self-Transducing Silicon Nanowire Electromechanical Systems at Room Temperature.pdf

1.2 MB

Study of Electron-Phonon Interactions in a Single Molecule Covalently Connected to Two Electrodes.pdf

1.2 MB

Tunneling Conductance of Amine-Linked Alkyl Chains.pdf

1.1 MB

Protein–Membrane Interaction Probed by Single Plasmonic Nanoparticles.pdf

1.1 MB

Protein-Membrane Interaction Probed by Single Plasmonic Nanoparticles.pdf

1.1 MB

Improving Hydrogen Storage Capacity of MOF by Functionalization of the Organic Linker with Lithium Atoms.pdf

1.1 MB

Templated Synthesis of Single-Component Polymer Capsules and Their Application in Drug Delivery.pdf

1.1 MB

Graphene-Based Liquid Crystal Device.pdf

1.0 MB

Functional Characterization and Atomic Force Microscopy of a DNA Repair Protein Conjugated to a Quantum Dot.pdf

1.0 MB

Real Time and in Situ Control of the Gap Size of Nanoelectrodes for Molecular Devices.pdf

998.8 KB

A Semiconductor Exciton Memory Cell Based on a Single Quantum Nanostructure.pdf

998.6 KB

Disorder Dominated Microwave Conductance Spectra of Doped Silicon Nanowire Arrays.pdf

957.9 KB

Ultrafast Electron and Hole Dynamics in Germanium Nanowires.pdf

956.8 KB

Ionic Effects on the Equilibrium Dynamics of DNA Confined in Nanoslits.pdf

917.3 KB

Nonlinear and Nonplanar Dynamics of Suspended Nanotube and Nanowire Resonators.pdf

908.3 KB

Quantum Dot Microdrop Laser.pdf

907.1 KB

Nanofluidic Biosensing for B-Amyloid Detection Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy.pdf

877.0 KB

Scalable Fabrication of Nanowire Photonic and Electronic Circuits Using Spin-on Glass.pdf

870.3 KB

Synthesis of Water Soluble Graphene.pdf

858.0 KB

Study of Single Silicon Quantum Dots' Band Gap and Single-Electron Charging Energies by Room Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

833.3 KB

Study of Single Silicon Quantum Dots’ Band Gap and Single-Electron Charging Energies by Room Temperature Scanning Tunneling Microscopy.pdf

833.3 KB

Observing Single Nanoparticle Collisions by Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Amplification.pdf

769.3 KB

Coherently Controlled Ballistic Charge Currents Injected in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Graphite.pdf

733.9 KB

Measurement of Carrier Mobility in Silicon Nanowires.pdf

537.8 KB

Solution-Processed Ultraviolet Photodetectors Based on Colloidal ZnO Nanoparticles.pdf

500.9 KB

Reversible Photo-Switching of Single Azobenzene Molecules in Controlled Nanoscale Environments.pdf

489.2 KB

Graphene-Metal Interface Two-Terminal Resistance of Low-Mobility Graphene in High Magnetic Fields.pdf

382.3 KB

Magnetic Field Control of Exchange and Noise Immunity in Double Quantum Dots.pdf

328.6 KB

In Spite of Recent Doubts Carrier Multiplication Does Occur in PbSe Nanocrystals.pdf

121.5 KB

Wiring-Up Hydrogenase with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

22.5 KB


Individualized Silica Nanohelices and Nanotubes Tuning Inorganic Nanostructures Using Lipidic Self-Assemblies.pdf

3.4 MB

Atomic-Scale In-situ Observation of Carbon Nanotube Growth from Solid State Iron Carbide Nanoparticles.pdf

3.0 MB

Cellular Trafficking of Quantum Dot-Ligand Bioconjugates and Their Induction of Changes in Normal Routing of Unconjugated Ligands.pdf

3.0 MB

Electric Driven Molecular Switching of Asymmetric Tris(phthalocyaninato) Lutetium Triple-Decker Complex at the Liquid_Solid Interface.pdf

3.0 MB

Ferroelectricity in Highly Ordered Arrays of Ultra-Thin-Walled Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Nanotubes Composed of Nanometer-Sized Perovskite Crystallites.pdf

3.0 MB

Nondestructive Replication of Self-Ordered Nanoporous Alumina Membranes via Cross-Linked Polyacrylate Nanofiber Arrays.pdf

2.6 MB

Fundamental Design Principles That Guide Induction of Helix upon Formation of Stable Peptide-Nanoparticle Complexes.pdf

2.4 MB

Floating Tip Nanolithography.pdf

2.3 MB

Strong Antimicrobial Coatings Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Armored with Biopolymers.pdf

2.2 MB

Direct Observation of Atomic Scale Graphitic Layer Growth.pdf

2.1 MB

Elucidating the Role of Surface Hydrolysis in Preparing Organosilane Nanostructures via Particle Lithography.pdf

2.1 MB

Induction of Cell Polarization and Migration by a Gradient of Nanoscale Variations in Adhesive Ligand Spacing.pdf

2.0 MB

Dendrimer Templated Synthesis of One Nanometer Rh and Pt Particles Supported on Mesoporous Silica Catalytic Activity for Ethylene and Pyrrole Hydrogenation.pdf

1.8 MB

Supramolecular Discrimination of Carbon Nanotubes According to Their Helicity.pdf

1.8 MB

Fast Switching Electrochromic Display Using a Viologen-Modified ZnO Nanowire Array Electrode.pdf

1.8 MB

Layer-by-Layer Assembly of a Conformal Nanothin PEG Coating for Intraportal Islet Transplantation.pdf

1.7 MB

Controlled Manipulation of Giant Hybrid Inorganic Nanowire Assemblies.pdf

1.6 MB

Nanoscale Control of Exchange Bias with BiFeO3 Thin Films.pdf

1.4 MB

Fabrication of a Well-Ordered Nanohole Array Stable at Room Temperature.pdf

1.4 MB

Assembly Pathway Analysis of DNA Nanostructures and the Construction of Parallel Motifs.pdf

1.4 MB

High-Density Regular Arrays of Nanometer-Scale Rods Formed on Silicon Surfaces via Femtosecond Laser Irradiation in Water.pdf

1.4 MB

Field-Dependent DNA Mobility in 20 nm High Nanoslits.pdf

1.3 MB

Temperature-Tuning of Near-Infrared Monodisperse Quantum Dot Solids at 1,5 um for Controllable Forster Energy Transfer.pdf

1.3 MB

Core-Shell Heterostructured Phase Change Nanowire Multistate Memory.pdf

1.2 MB

Inverted Size-Dependence of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Gold Nanohole and Nanodisk Arrays.pdf

1.2 MB

Enhanced Cellular Activation with Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles Presenting Antibody Stimuli.pdf

1.2 MB

Synthesis of High Aspect-Ratio Carbon Nanotube “Flying Carpets” from Nanostructured Flake Substrates.pdf

1.2 MB

Elastic Properties of Chemically Derived Single Graphene Sheets.pdf

1.1 MB

p-Type Cu-Ti-O Nanotube Arrays and Their Use in Self-Biased Heterojunction Photoelectrochemical Diodes for Hydrogen Generation.pdf

1.1 MB

Graphene Oxidation Thickness-Dependent Etching and Strong Chemical Doping.pdf

1.1 MB

Sub-Two Nanometer Single Crystal Au Nanowires.pdf

1.1 MB

Electron Transport in Single Molecules Measured by a Distance-Modulation Assisted Break Junction Method.pdf

1.0 MB

Fabrication of Conjugated Polymer Nanowires by Edge Lithography.pdf

978.3 KB

Reconfigurable Core-Satellite Nanoassemblies as Molecularly-Driven Plasmonic Switches.pdf

976.1 KB

Sub-10-nm Wide Trench, Line, and Hole Fabrication Using Pressed Self-Perfection.pdf

966.1 KB

Tuning of Solid Phase in Supracrystals Made of Silver Nanocrystals.pdf

924.4 KB

Enhanced Ferromagnetic Stability in Cu Doped Passivated GaN Nanowires.pdf

922.1 KB

Crystallographic Etching of Few-Layer Graphene.pdf

921.8 KB

Contact Effects in Graphene Nanoribbon Transistors.pdf

911.0 KB

Toward Reliable Algorithmic Self-Assembly of DNA Tiles A Fixed-Width Cellular Automaton Pattern.pdf

906.3 KB

Substrate-Free Gas-Phase Synthesis of Graphene Sheets.pdf

841.0 KB

Excited Excitonic States in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

785.7 KB

Confinement and Surface Effects in B and P Doping of Silicon Nanowires.pdf

774.9 KB

Imaging Dielectric Properties of Si Nanowire Oxide with Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Complemented with Femtosecond Laser Illumination.pdf

758.6 KB

Electrical and Optical Transport of GaAs_Carbon Nanotube Heterojunctions.pdf

754.0 KB

Identification of Endohedral Water in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by 1H NMR.pdf

747.5 KB

Electrical Contacts to Individual Colloidal Semiconductor Nanorods.pdf

676.0 KB

Surface Effect on the Elastic Behavior of Static Bending Nanowires.pdf

642.9 KB

Nanoparticles with Tunable Internal Structure from Triblock Copolymers of PAA-b-PMA-b-PS.pdf

608.2 KB

On the Polyol Synthesis of Silver Nanostructures Glycolaldehyde as a Reducing Agent.pdf

574.7 KB

Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots.pdf

530.9 KB

Conductance of p-n-p Graphene Structures with “Air-Bridge” Top Gates.pdf

403.3 KB

Reducing Thermal Conductivity of Crystalline Solids at High Temperature Using Embedded Nanostructures.pdf

402.2 KB

Ionic Selectivity of Single Nanochannels.pdf

360.9 KB

Optical Response of Strongly Coupled Quantum Dot-Metal Nanoparticle Systems Double Peaked Fano Structure and Bistability.pdf

291.9 KB

Exciton and Biexciton Luminescence from Single GaN_AlN Quantum Dots in Nanowires.pdf

145.7 KB

Nature of the Second Optical Transition in PbSe Nanocrystals.pdf

140.3 KB


Improved Biocompatibility and Pharmacokinetics of Silica Nanoparticles by Means of a Lipid Coating A Multimodality Investigation.pdf

3.5 MB

Polarization Driven Covalently-Bonded Octahedral-Twinning and Backbone-Peripheral-Helical Nanoarchitectures.pdf

3.3 MB

Three-Dimensional Nanostructures Formed by Single Step, Two-Photon Exposures through Elastomeric Penrose Quasicrystal Phase Masks.pdf

3.0 MB

Carbon Nanotubes and Mesenchymal Stem Cells Biocompatibility, Proliferation and Differentiation.pdf

2.8 MB

Photonic-Plasmonic Scattering Resonances in Deterministic Aperiodic Structures.pdf

2.6 MB

Programmable Hierarchical Three-Component 2D Assembly at a Liquid-Solid Interface Recognition, Selection, and Transformation.pdf

2.6 MB

Superaligned Carbon Nanotube Grid for High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Nanomaterials.pdf

2.5 MB

Cracks in Magnetic Nanocrystal Films Do Directional and Isotropic Crack Patterns Follow the Same Scaling Law.pdf

2.4 MB

Coalescence and Interface Diffusion in Linear CdTe_CdSe_CdTe Heterojunction Nanorods.pdf

2.2 MB

Chiral Shells and Achiral Cores in CdS Quantum Dots.pdf

2.1 MB

Nanomechanical Assay to Investigate the Selectivity of Binding Interactions between Volatile Benzene Derivatives.pdf

2.1 MB

Rotating Fullerene Chains in Carbon Nanopeapods.pdf

2.0 MB

Mapping the Polarization Pattern of Plasmon Modes Reveals Nanoparticle Symmetry.pdf

2.0 MB

Synthesis of PbTe Nanowire Arrays using Lithographically Patterned Nanowire Electrodeposition.pdf

2.0 MB

A Hybrid Plasmonic-Photonic Nanodevice for Label-Free Detection of a Few Molecules.pdf

2.0 MB

Plasmon Field Effects on the Nonradiative Relaxation of Hot Electrons in an Electronically Quantized System CdTe-Au Core-Shell Nanowires.pdf

2.0 MB

Symmetry Breaking in a Plasmonic Metamaterial at Optical Wavelength.pdf

1.9 MB

Tunable Graphene Single Electron Transistor.pdf

1.8 MB

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Corrugated Thin Film Electrolyte.pdf

1.8 MB

Spin-Dependent Tunneling Transport into CrO2 Nanorod Devices with Nonmagnetic Contacts.pdf

1.7 MB

Large Reversible Li Storage of Graphene Nanosheet Families for Use in Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries.pdf

1.7 MB

Distance-Dependent Plasmon Resonant Coupling between a Gold Nanoparticle and Gold Film.pdf

1.7 MB

Highly Aligned Ultrahigh Density Arrays of Conducting Polymer Nanorods using Block Copolymer Templates.pdf

1.6 MB

Ab Initio Study of Phonon-Induced Dephasing of Electronic Excitations in Narrow Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

1.6 MB

Ion Beam Doping of Silicon Nanowires.pdf

1.5 MB

In-situ TEM Observation of Repeating Events of Nucleation in Epitaxial Growth of Nano CoSi2 in Nanowires of Si.pdf

1.5 MB

Method for Analysis of Nanoparticle Hemolytic Properties in Vitro.pdf

1.5 MB

Polarization Dependence of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering in Gold Nanoparticle-Nanowire Systems.pdf

1.5 MB

Multiple Surface Plasmon Modes for a Colloidal Solution of Nanoporous Gold Nanorods and Their Comparison to Smooth Gold Nanorods.pdf

1.5 MB

б- and п-Defects at Graphene Nanoribbon Edges Building Spin Filters.pdf

1.5 MB

Compatibility Assessment of CVD Growth of Carbon Nanofibers on Bulk CMOS Devices.pdf

1.4 MB

Facile Synthesis of Bimetallic Nanoplates Consisting of Pd Cores and Pt Shells through Seeded Epitaxial Growth.pdf

1.4 MB

Horizontally Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube on Quartz from a Large Variety of Metal Catalysts.pdf

1.3 MB

Expedient Vapor Probing of Organic Amines Using Fluorescent Nanofibers Fabricated from an n-Type Organic Semiconductor.pdf

1.3 MB

Nanohole Array as a Lens.pdf

1.3 MB

Transverse Tunneling through DNA Hydrogen Bonded to an Electrode.pdf

1.3 MB

Multicolor Far-Field Fluorescence Nanoscopy through Isolated Detection of Distinct Molecular Species.pdf

1.2 MB

Enhanced Thermoelectric Figure-of-Merit in p-Type Nanostructured Bismuth Antimony Tellurium Alloys Made from Elemental Chunks.pdf

1.2 MB

Ultralow Loading Pt Nanocatalysts Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition on Carbon Aerogels.pdf

1.2 MB

Energy Gaps and Stark Effect in Boron Nitride Nanoribbons.pdf

1.2 MB

Spatial Control of Coherent Anti-Stokes Emission with Height-Modulated Gold Zig-Zag Nanowires.pdf

1.2 MB

Uniform Diffusion of Acetonitrile inside Carbon Nanotubes Favors Supercapacitor Performance.pdf

1.2 MB

Cellular Uptake and Cytotoxicity of Silica Nanotubes.pdf

1.1 MB

Atomistic Mechanisms of ZnO Aggregation from Ethanolic Solution Ion Association, Proton Transfer, and Self-Organization.pdf

1.1 MB

A Continuous Process for Structurally Well-Defined Al2O3 Nanotubes Based on Pulse Anodization of Aluminum.pdf

1.1 MB

FIB_TEM Characterization of the Composition and Structure of Core_Shell Cu-Ni Nanowires.pdf

1.1 MB

Theory and Application of Chain Formation in Break Junctions.pdf

1.1 MB

Enhanced Thermopower in PbSe Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Superlattices.pdf

1.1 MB

Near-Field Optical Phase Antennas for Long-Range Plasmon Coupling.pdf

1.1 MB

Nanoelectromechanical Switch Operating by Tunneling of an Entire C60 Molecule.pdf

1.1 MB

Magnetic Boron Nitride Nanoribbons with Tunable Electronic Properties.pdf

1.0 MB

Burning Match Oxidation Process of Silicon Nanowires Screened at the Atomic Scale.pdf

1.0 MB

Single-Electron Force Readout of Nanoparticle Electrometers Attached to Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.0 MB

Probing Hot Electron Flow Generated on Pt Nanoparticles with Au_TiO2 Schottky Diodes during Catalytic CO Oxidation.pdf

1.0 MB

Ordered Arrays of ZnO Nanorods Grown on Periodically Polarity-Inverted Surfaces.pdf

981.0 KB

Strong Suppression of Electrical Noise in Bilayer Graphene Nanodevices.pdf

978.3 KB

Pressure-Induced Orientation Control of the Growth of Epitaxial Silicon Nanowires.pdf

963.9 KB

Time-Resolved Detection of Single-Electron Interference.pdf

962.3 KB

Synthesis and Photovoltaic Application of Copper(I) Sulfide Nanocrystals.pdf

952.9 KB

Photoluminescence Quenching of Single CdSe Nanocrystals by Ligand Adsorption.pdf

949.8 KB

Transfection Ability and Intracellular DNA Pathway of Nanostructured Gene-Delivery Systems.pdf

935.7 KB

Micro- and Nanocubes of Carbon with C8-like and Blue Luminescence.pdf

873.7 KB

Tip-Modulation Scanned Gate Microscopy.pdf

869.4 KB

Ligand-Induced Structural Changes in Maltose Binding Proteins Measured by Atomic Force Microscopy.pdf

868.8 KB

Iodide Ions Control Seed-Mediated Growth of Anisotropic Gold Nanoparticles.pdf

836.3 KB

Electronic Transport through Ruthenium-Based Redox-Active Molecules in Metal-Molecule-Metal Nanogap Junctions.pdf

824.9 KB

Electroluminescence from Single-Wall Carbon Nanotube Network Transistors.pdf

811.3 KB

Glass Transition of Polymer-Nanocrystal Thin Film Mixtures Role of Entropically Directed Forces on Nanocrystal Distribution.pdf

797.2 KB

p-Type ZnO Nanowire Arrays.pdf

792.6 KB

Impermeable Atomic Membranes from Graphene Sheets.pdf

787.5 KB

Capillary Absorption of Metal Nanodroplets by Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

779.5 KB

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Thin Film Emitter-Detector Integrated Optoelectronic Device.pdf

772.9 KB

Assembly of Polypeptide-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles through a Heteroassociation- and Folding-Dependent Bridging.pdf

752.0 KB

Frequency-Controlled Localization of Optical Signals in Graded Plasmonic Chains.pdf

673.9 KB

Using Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances to Probe the Nanoscopic Origins of Adsorbate-Driven Ordering Transitions of Liquid Crystals in Contact with Chemically Functionali

657.5 KB

Macroscopic Graphene Membranes and Their Extraordinary Stiffness.pdf

630.0 KB

Large Blue Shift of the Biexciton State in Tellurium Doped CdSe Colloidal Quantum Dots.pdf

603.6 KB

Correlated Piezoelectric and Electrical Properties in Individual ZnO Nanorods.pdf

595.4 KB

Optical Anisotropy in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Thin Films Implications for Transparent and Conducting Electrodes in Organic Photovoltaics.pdf

583.4 KB

Organelle-Targeted Nanocarriers Specific Delivery of Liposomal Ceramide to Mitochondria Enhances Its Cytotoxicity in Vitro and in Vivo.pdf

515.4 KB

Controlling the Lattice Parameters of Gold Nanoparticle FCC Crystals with Duplex DNA Linkers.pdf

508.8 KB

Raman Spectra of Double-Wall Carbon Nanotubes under Extreme Uniaxial Stress.pdf

468.2 KB

Comparing Guiding Track Requirements for Myosin- and Kinesin-Powered Molecular Shuttles.pdf

392.5 KB

Networks of Quantum Nanorings Programmable Spintronic Devices.pdf

260.5 KB


Ultracompact Photonic Coupling Splitters Twisted by PTT Nanowires.pdf

3.3 MB

Prediction of Ultra-High Aspect Ratio Nanowires from Self-Assembly.pdf

3.1 MB

Targeted Tumor Cell Internalization and Imaging of Multifunctional Quantum Dot-Conjugated Immunoliposomes in Vitro and in Vivo.pdf

2.4 MB

Enhanced Fluid Flow through Nanoscale Carbon Pipes.pdf

2.4 MB

Bulk Production of a New Form of sp2 Carbon Crystalline Graphene Nanoribbons.pdf

2.2 MB

Individual Fe-Co Alloy Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes Structural and Catalytic Properties.pdf

2.2 MB

Structure and Cathodoluminescence of Individual ZnS_ZnO Biaxial Nanobelt Heterostructures.pdf

2.2 MB

Atomic-Resolution Imaging of the Nanoscale Origin of Toughness in Rare-Earth Doped SiC.pdf

2.1 MB

Continuous Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Composites.pdf

2.0 MB

Band-Selective Optical Polarizer Based on Gold-Nanowire Plasmonic Diffraction Gratings.pdf

2.0 MB

Development of CuInSe2 Nanocrystal and Nanoring Inks for Low-Cost Solar Cells.pdf

1.9 MB

In Vivo Skin Penetration of Quantum Dot Nanoparticles in the Murine Model The Effect of UVR.pdf

1.9 MB

Nanofabricated Concentric Ring Structures by Templated Self-Assembly of a Diblock Copolymer.pdf

1.9 MB

Real-Time Intravital Imaging of RGD-Quantum Dot Binding to Luminal Endothelium in Mouse Tumor Neovasculature.pdf

1.8 MB

General Control of Transition-Metal-Doped GaN Nanowire Growth Toward Understanding the Mechanism of Dopant Incorporation.pdf

1.8 MB

Growth of Manganese Oxide Nanoflowers on Vertically-Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays for High-Rate Electrochemical Capacitive Energy Storage.pdf

1.8 MB

Autophobicity-Driven Surface Segregation and Patterning of Core-Shell Microgel Nanoparticles.pdf

1.8 MB

Preferential Syntheses of Semiconducting Vertically Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Direct Use in FETs.pdf

1.7 MB

Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Cadmium Telluride Quantum Wires.pdf

1.7 MB

Visualizing the Local Optical Response of Semiconducting Carbon Nanotubes to DNA-Wrapping.pdf

1.7 MB

Microfluidic Platform for Controlled Synthesis of Polymeric Nanoparticles.pdf

1.6 MB

Direct Measurement of the Wetting Behavior of Individual Carbon Nanotubes by Polymer Melts The Key to Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites.pdf

1.6 MB

Coupled Electrooxidation and Electrical Conduction in a Single Gold Nanowire.pdf

1.6 MB

Reversible Metal-Insulator Transitions in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.5 MB

Printing Highly Efficient Organic Solar Cells.pdf

1.5 MB

Metallic Nanohole Arrays on Fluoropolymer Substrates as Small Label-Free Real-Time Bioprobes.pdf

1.4 MB

Mechanical-Electrical Triggers and Sensors Using Piezoelectric Micowires_Nanowires.pdf

1.4 MB

Quantitative and Label-Free Technique for Measuring Protease Activity and Inhibition using a Microfluidic Cantilever Array.pdf

1.4 MB

Controlled Synthesis of Millimeter-Long Silicon Nanowires with Uniform Electronic Properties.pdf

1.4 MB

Experimental Determination of Quantum Dot Size Distributions, Ligand Packing Densities, and Bioconjugation Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation.pdf

1.3 MB

Carbon Nanotubes in Macrophages Imaging and Chemical Analysis by X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy.pdf

1.3 MB

Two- and Three-Photon Absorption and Frequency Upconverted Emission of Silicon Quantum Dots.pdf

1.3 MB

Flexible Piezotronic Strain Sensor.pdf

1.3 MB

Phase Transition and Compressibility in Silicon Nanowires.pdf

1.2 MB

Negative Differential Resistance in Carbon Atomic Wire-Carbon Nanotube Junctions.pdf

1.2 MB

Extended Arrays of Vertically Aligned Sub-10 nm Diameter [100] Si Nanowires by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching.pdf

1.2 MB

Electron Beam Supercollimation in Graphene Superlattices.pdf

1.2 MB

Trapped-Dopant Model of Doping in Semiconductor Nanocrystals.pdf

1.2 MB

Polymer Single-Nanowire Optical Sensors.pdf

1.1 MB

Reassessing Fast Water Transport Through Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.1 MB

Permeable Silica Shell through Surface-Protected Etching.pdf

1.1 MB

Ferroelectric Ordering in Ice Nanotubes Confined in Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

1.1 MB

“Chemical Transformers” from Nanoparticle Ensembles Operated with Logic.pdf

1.1 MB

Vibrational Excitation in Single-Molecule Transistors Deviation from the Simple Franck-Condon Prediction.pdf

1.1 MB

Fabrication of Surface Plasmon Resonators by Nanoskiving Single-Crystalline Gold Microplates.pdf

1.1 MB

Near-Field Visualization of Strongly Confined Surface Plasmon Polaritons in Metal-Insulator-Metal Waveguides.pdf

1.0 MB

Quantitative Optical Trapping of Single Gold Nanorods.pdf

1.0 MB

Electron Propagation along Cu Nanowires Supported on a Cu(111) Surface.pdf

1.0 MB

Strongly Anisotropic Wetting on One-Dimensional Nanopatterned Surfaces.pdf

985.1 KB

Blocking of Carbon Nanotube Based Nanoinjectors by Lipids A Simulation Study.pdf

980.6 KB

Nanostructured Metal Film with Asymmetric Optical Transmission.pdf

953.4 KB

Exciton Storage by Mn2+ in Colloidal Mn2+-Doped CdSe Quantum Dots.pdf

937.9 KB

A Donor-Nanotube Paradigm for Nonlinear Optical Materials.pdf

928.2 KB

Nanoimprint Lithography for Nanophotonics in Silicon.pdf

905.1 KB

Nanomechanical Resonance Spectroscopy A Novel Route to Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection.pdf

881.3 KB

TiO2 Nanowire Bundle Microelectrode Based Impedance Immunosensor for Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Listeria monocytogenes.pdf

874.4 KB

Distribution of Active Impurities in Single Silicon Nanowires.pdf

836.8 KB

Origin of Self-Limiting Oxidation of Si Nanowires.pdf

836.2 KB

Nanoscale Fluid Transport Size and Rate Effects.pdf

822.2 KB

Classification and Analysis of Excitations in a Coupled Finite Nanoparticle Cylinder-Shell Lattice.pdf

821.1 KB

Facile Synthesis of Ultrathin Au Nanorods by Aging the AuCl(oleylamine) Complex with Amorphous Fe Nanoparticles in Chloroform.pdf

790.5 KB

Plasmonic Nearfield Scanning Probe with High Transmission.pdf

771.3 KB

Radial Electron Collection in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.pdf

745.4 KB

Nucleotide Identification and Orientation Discrimination of DNA Homopolymers Immobilized in a Protein Nanopore.pdf

699.8 KB

Flux Quantization Effects in InN Nanowires.pdf

695.4 KB

Noninvasive Raman Spectroscopy in Living Mice for Evaluation of Tumor Targeting with Carbon Nanotubes.pdf

688.5 KB

Design of Light Scattering in Nanowire Materials for Photovoltaic Applications.pdf

673.0 KB

Polymer-Encapsulated Gold-Nanoparticle Dimers Facile Preparation and Catalytical Application in Guided Growth of Dimeric ZnO-Nanowires.pdf

636.9 KB

Ultrabright PbSe Magic-sized Clusters.pdf

629.8 KB

Determination of Band Offsets in Heterostructured Colloidal Nanorods Using Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy.pdf

628.4 KB

Transparent Boron-Doped Carbon Nanotube Films.pdf

627.7 KB

Ultrasensitive Fluorescence Detection of Single Protein Molecules Manipulated Electrically on Au Nanowire.pdf

622.3 KB

Modeling Transport in Ultrathin Si Nanowires Charged versus Neutral Impurities.pdf

606.3 KB

Reproducible Comet Assay of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles Detects No Genotoxicity.pdf

606.1 KB

Au Stabilization and Coverage of Sawtooth Facets on Si Nanowires Grown by Vapor-Liquid-Solid Epitaxy.pdf

578.1 KB

Magneto-Optical-Trap-Based, High Brightness Ion Source for Use as a Nanoscale Probe.pdf

576.0 KB

Electric Field Induced, Superhydrophobic to Superhydrophilic Switching in Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Papers.pdf

535.5 KB

Enhanced Current Efficiency from Bio-Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Decorated Amyloid Fibrils with Conjugated Polymer.pdf

456.6 KB

Charge Transport in a Single Superconducting Tin Nanowire Encapsulated in a Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube.pdf

455.7 KB

Molecular Simulations of Interacting Nanocrystals.pdf

365.0 KB

Ordered Mesoporous Silicon through Magnesium Reduction of Polymer Templated Silica Thin Films.pdf

309.3 KB

Doping Concentration of GaN Nanowires Determined by Opto-Electrical Measurements.pdf

253.5 KB

Probing Properties of Water under Confinement Infrared Spectra.pdf

220.9 KB


Total files 1334

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