
Download Poetry Books Collection - Vol 2 (Art Ebooks)

Poetry Books Collection Vol Art Ebooks


Poetry Books Collection - Vol 2 (Art Ebooks)


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2024-09-06 23:42




Guillaume Apollinaire - Calligrammes.pdf

125.1 MB

Verlaine, Paul - One Hundred and One Poems (trans Shapiro).pdf

9.8 MB

Broome & Chesters (eds) - Anthology of Modern French Poetry 1850 to 1950, An.pdf

4.7 MB

Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space 1994.pdf

4.6 MB

Francis Ponge The Voice of Things 1974.pdf

3.4 MB

Jacqueline Pascal A Rule for Children and Other Writings The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2003.pdf

3.2 MB

Gabrielle de Coignard Spiritual Sonnets A Bilingual Edition The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2003.pdf

2.2 MB

Leaving Parnassus- The Lyric Subject in Verlaine and Rimbaud.pdf

2.0 MB

Madeleine Roches, Catherine Roches From Mother and Daughter Poems, Dialogues, and Letters of Les Dames des Roches The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2006.pdf

965.1 KB

LAubespine, Madeleine de - Selected Poems and Translations.pdf

818.5 KB

Darnton, Robert - Poetry and the Police Communication Networks in Eighteenth-Century Paris.pdf

704.9 KB

Gorode, Dewe - Sharing As Custom Provides Selected Poems.pdf

480.7 KB

Albiach, Anne Marie - Two Poems Flammigere and the Line the Loss.pdf

113.0 KB

Royet-Journoud, Claude - Theory of Prepositions.pdf

111.0 KB

Valery, Paul - Monsieur Teste.epub

58.0 KB


As Through A Veil - Mystical Poetry in Islam.pdf

83.0 MB

Ugaritic Narrative Poetry - Writings from the Ancient World.pdf

5.8 MB

Bronner, Yigal - Extreme Poetry Simultaneous Narration in South Asian Poetry.pdf

4.5 MB

A Secret Sky.pdf

1.9 MB


1.6 MB

Sayed, Afzal Ahmed - Rococo and Other Worlds.pdf

495.6 KB

The Prophet.pdf

179.8 KB

Holmstrom, Lakshmi trans - Contemporary Tamil Poetry.pdf

109.9 KB


China - 3000 Years of Art and Literature (Art Ebook).pdf

67.4 MB

The Birth of China Seen Through Poetry.pdf

15.1 MB

The Art of Chinese Poetry.pdf

7.3 MB

Cai, Zong-Qi - How to Read Chinese Poetry A Guided Anthology.pdf

2.5 MB


1.7 MB


A V. Williams Jackson - From Constantinople to the home of Omar Khayyam.pdf

65.5 MB

Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images - Persian Painting of the 1330s and 1340s.pdf

17.7 MB

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Blooms Modern Critical Interpretations.pdf

1.1 MB

The Sufi Path of Love - The Spiritual Teachings of Rumi.epub

836.6 KB

/.../Thoreau Henry David/


61.8 MB

The Writings of Henry David Thoreau in 20 Volumes Vol.5.pdf

61.3 MB

A Historical Guide to Henry David Thoreau.pdf

15.6 MB

Henry David Thoreau Blooms Modern Critical Views, Updated Edition 2007.pdf

1.6 MB

Thoreau Henry David A Week .pdf

1.4 MB

Henry David Thoreau Blooms Classic Critical Views.pdf

1.3 MB

Thoreau Henry David Poems of Nature .epub

352.3 KB

/Europe/Ancient Greece/Callimachus/

[Callimachus,_Lycophron,_Aratus] Callimachus Hymn.pdf

55.4 MB

/.../Percy Bysshe Shelley/

Shelley's Prometheus Unbound.pdf

54.5 MB

Shelley's Process - Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works.pdf

46.6 MB

Shelley's Goddess - Maternity, Language, Subjectivity.pdf

20.9 MB

Shelleys Music.pdf

2.9 MB

Percy Bysshe Shelley - The Critical Heritage.pdf

1.2 MB

Shelley and Vitality.pdf

748.4 KB

Coleridge and Shelley.pdf

711.8 KB

Cliffs Notes on Keats and Shelley.epub

201.6 KB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/

Contemporary Irish Poetry An Anthology.pdf

50.2 MB

English Verse with Russian Translation XX Century.pdf

47.5 MB

English Verse with Russian Translation XIV-XIX Century.pdf

39.6 MB

Rural Life in Eighteenth-Century English Poetry.pdf

12.9 MB

Lanyer - A Renaissance Woman Poet 1999.pdf

10.8 MB

Raffel, Burton & Alexandra Olsen - Poems and Prose from Old English.pdf

8.3 MB

Maxwell, Glyn - Boys at Twilight Poems 1990 to 1995.pdf

3.4 MB

British poetry before 1600.pdf

3.2 MB

Graves, Robert - Poems 1938 to 1945.pdf

2.5 MB

The Ulster Renaissance - Poetry in Belfast 1962-1972.pdf

2.4 MB

Charles Lamb, Coleridge and Wordsworth Reading Friendship in the 1790s 2008.pdf

2.2 MB

Anna Seward - A Constructed Life.pdf

2.1 MB

Poetry and Paternity in Renaissance England Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne and Jonson.pdf

1.9 MB

Dante Gabriel Rossetti - The House of Life, Sonnet-Sequence A Variorum Edition with Introduction and Notes.pdf

1.9 MB

Sonnet Sequences and Social Distinction in Renaissance England.pdf

1.7 MB

Armitage, Simon - Euripides' Mister Heracles.pdf

1.7 MB

Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage.pdf

1.5 MB

George Crabbe The Critical Heritage The Collected Critical Heritage 18th Century Literature.pdf

1.4 MB

Arthur Hugh Clough - The Critical Heritage .pdf

1.1 MB

Andrew Marvell, The Critical Heritage.pdf

1.1 MB

Higgins, Dick - Horizons.pdf

1.1 MB

Joyce, James - Chamber Music.pdf

984.7 KB

Routledge Anthology of Poets on Poets Poetic Responses to English Poetry from Chaucer to Yeats.pdf

944.3 KB

Moore, Nicholas - Spleen.pdf

828.1 KB

Lewis, Gwyneth - Sunbathing in the Rain, A Cheerful Book on Depression.pdf

749.0 KB

Rosalind Smith Sonnets and the English Woman Writer, 1560-1621 The Politics of Absence Early Modern Literature in History 2005.pdf

676.0 KB

Ali, Kazim - Bright Felon.pdf

652.1 KB

Caddel & Quartermain (eds) - Other British and Irish poetry since 1970.epub

627.1 KB

John Gardner The alliterative Morte Arthure- The owl and the nightingale, and five other Middle English poems in a modernized version 1973.epub

548.0 KB

Dublin in the Age of William Butler Yeats and James Joyce.epub

424.5 KB

O Donaghue, John - Conamara Blues.pdf

415.4 KB

Byron, Lord - Byron Selection by Paul Muldoon, A.epub

147.6 KB

Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Poems.epub

112.6 KB


60.6 KB

Paterson, Don - Best Thought Worst Thought.epub

57.5 KB

/Europe/Ancient Rome/Horace/

Horace - the Epistles.pdf

48.2 MB

Horace (Eduard Fraenkel).pdf

20.1 MB

A Companion to Horace.pdf

3.7 MB

A Commentary on Horace Odes Book III.pdf

3.5 MB

Horace’s Iambic Criticism Casting Blame Iambikē Poiēsis.pdf

2.8 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Horace.pdf

1.8 MB

A Symposion of Praise Horace Returns to Lyric in Odes IV.pdf

1.5 MB

Horace Epodes and Odes.epub

1.5 MB

Horaces Carmen Saeculare - Ritual Magic and the Poets Art.pdf

883.0 KB

Horace for students of literature the Ars poetica and its tradition.epub

767.0 KB

Horace (trans Kaimowitz) - Odes of Horace, The.pdf

481.3 KB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Browning/

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 13.pdf

46.6 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 08.pdf

30.3 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 06.pdf

25.6 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 02.pdf

24.8 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 07.pdf

21.2 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 04.pdf

18.0 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 09.pdf

17.5 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 16.pdf

16.8 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 05.pdf

16.7 MB

Complete Works of Robert Browning Vol 03.pdf

15.5 MB

Robert Browning Blooms Classic Critical Views.pdf

1.4 MB

Robert Browning Comprehensive Research and Study Guide Blooms Major Poets.pdf

899.7 KB

The poet Robert Browning and his kinsfolk.epub

794.2 KB

Robert Browning - Christmas eve.epub

53.1 KB

Robert Browning - Childe Roland to the dark tower came.epub

19.0 KB

/Europe/Ancient Rome/Virgil/

Virgil's Aeneid - Cosmos and Imperium.pdf

45.9 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Virgil.pdf

26.3 MB

Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Allen Mandelbaum.pdf

14.9 MB

Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Edward McCrorie.pdf

14.4 MB

Virgil, Volume II - Aeneid Books 7-12, Appendix Vergiliana.pdf

11.1 MB

Virgils Augustan Epic.pdf

7.7 MB

Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Frederic Ahl.pdf

4.6 MB

A Commentary on Virgil Eclogues.pdf

4.3 MB

The Virgilian Tradition The First Fifteen Hundred Years.pdf

2.9 MB

The Other Virgil - `Pessimistic Readings of the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture.pdf

2.8 MB

Statius and Virgil - The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid.pdf

2.1 MB

The Decline and Fall of Virgil in Eighteenth-Century Germany The Repressed Muse Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture.pdf

2.0 MB

The Primacy of Vision in Virgils Aeneid.pdf

1.9 MB

Virgil on the Nature of Things - The Georgics, Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition.pdf

1.5 MB

Virgil and the Myth of Venice - Books and Readers in the Italian Renaissance.epub

1.4 MB

Virgil and the Augustan Reception.pdf

1.2 MB

The Poetry of Pathos - Studies in Virgilian Epic.pdf

1.1 MB

Virgil Recomposed The Mythological and Secular Centos in Antiquity.pdf

1.0 MB

King of the Wood - The Sacrificial Victor in Virgils Aeneid.pdf

842.9 KB

Virgil - Georgics.pdf

584.1 KB

Virgil - Georgics (Yale New Classics).pdf

452.4 KB

Fathers and Sons in Virgils Aeneid - Tum Genitor Natum.epub

378.6 KB

/South America/Peru/

Cesar Vallejo - Complete Poetry.epub

45.3 MB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Shakespeare/

The Cambridge Shakespeare Vol 9.pdf

43.1 MB

William Shakespeare - Shakespeares Sonnets, Arden Shakespeare.pdf

9.2 MB

A Companion to Shakespeares Sonnets.pdf

4.4 MB

A Companion to Shakespeares Works, The Poems, Problem Comedies, Late Plays.pdf

2.5 MB

Shakespeares Sonnets, Oxford Shakespeare Topics.pdf

2.3 MB

Shakespeare Poetry, History, and Culture.pdf

2.0 MB

Shakespeare and the Modern Poet.pdf

1.6 MB

An Introduction to Shakespeares Poems.pdf

1.2 MB

So Long as Men Can Breathe - The Untold Story of Shakespeares Sonnets.pdf

1.1 MB

Cliffs Notes on Shakespeares Sonnets.pdf

887.5 KB

Shakespeares Sonnets Blackwell Introductions to Literature.pdf

759.1 KB

Life in the Sonnets - Shakespeare Now!.pdf

451.0 KB

William Shakespeare Sonnets I-CLIV.pdf

209.3 KB


American Yiddish Poetry - A bilingual anthology.pdf

42.2 MB

Pound, Ezra - Cantos, The.pdf

26.4 MB

Terrell, Carroll - Companion to The Cantos of Ezra Pound, Vol 2 Cantos 74 to 120, A.pdf

16.0 MB

Swenson, May - Centaur Childrens Book.pdf

14.2 MB

The Poets of Tin Pan Alley - A History of America's Great Lyricists.pdf

13.6 MB

Empson, William - Seven Types of Ambiguity.pdf

13.0 MB

Pound, Ezra - Letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, The.pdf

9.1 MB

Ginsberg, Allen - Poetics Practicum.pdf

9.0 MB

Williams, William Carlos - Spring and All (1923).pdf

9.0 MB

Killian, Kevin - Action Kylie.pdf

6.6 MB

Wright, Jay - Guide Signs, Books One and Two, The.pdf

6.3 MB

Young, Stephanie - Picture Palace.pdf

5.8 MB

Vakunta, Peter - Majunga Tok Poems in Pidgin English (Cameroon).pdf

4.6 MB

Spicer, Jack - My Vocabulary Did This To Me Collected Poems.pdf

3.9 MB

Lin, Tan - Seven Controlled Vocabularies and Obituaries 2004 The Joy of Cooking.pdf

3.8 MB

Barnstone, Willis - We Jews and Blacks Memoir With Poems.pdf

3.8 MB

A bird in Lincoln Tomb and other poems.pdf

3.6 MB

Young, Kevin - Jelly Roll.pdf

3.2 MB

Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass First and Death-Bed Editions.epub

2.9 MB

Kuenstler, Frank - 13 and a Half Poems.pdf

2.9 MB

Winters, Anne - Displaced of Capital.pdf

2.8 MB

Pound, Ezra - Cathay.pdf

2.7 MB

Ruefle, Mary - Adamant, The.pdf

2.6 MB

Silences for Love - Poems by David Cope.pdf

2.4 MB


2.3 MB

Hollander, John - Picture Window.pdf

2.3 MB

Mary Oliver-Red Bird.epub

1.8 MB

Hughes, Langston - Selected poems of Langston Hughes.epub

1.8 MB

Singer, Sean - Discography.pdf

1.6 MB

Decadent Culture in the United States Art and Literature Against the American Grain, 1890-1926.pdf

1.6 MB

Marianne Moore Comprehensive Research and Study Guide Blooms Major Poets.pdf

1.6 MB

Burt, Stephen - Randall Jarrell and His Age.pdf

1.4 MB

Waldrop, Keith - Transcendental Studies A Trilogy.pdf

1.4 MB

Matthews, William - Search Party Collected Poems.pdf

1.3 MB

Notley, Alice - Coming After (Essays).pdf

1.3 MB

jason Sturner Selected-Poems-2004-2007.pdf

1.2 MB


1.1 MB

Armantrout, Rae - Versed.pdf

1.1 MB

Lux, Thomas - Cradle Place, The.pdf

1.1 MB

Bly, Robert - Winged Energy of Delight, Selected Translations, The.pdf

1.1 MB

A Fight to a Finish and other Songs of Peace Sung in War Time.pdf

924.0 KB

Hua, Uyen - asl.pdf

906.1 KB

Paglia, Camille - Break Blow Burn.pdf

866.3 KB

Jason Sturner - 10 Love Poems.pdf

837.2 KB

Bernes, Jasper - Starsdown.pdf

811.0 KB

Narayanan, Vivek - Universal Beach.pdf

792.9 KB

Young, Kevin - To Repel Ghosts The Remix.pdf

771.6 KB

Hillman, Brenda - Practical Water.pdf

762.3 KB

Bly, Robert - Eating the Honey of Words.pdf

745.4 KB

Stefans, Brian Kim - Gulf.pdf

736.8 KB

Starbuck, George - Works Poems Selected from Five Decades, The.pdf

634.3 KB

Swensen, Cole - Try.pdf

618.7 KB

Hoover, Paul - Fables of Representation Essays.pdf

617.2 KB

Walt Whitman, Sculley Bradley, Harold W. Blodgett, Arthur Golden, William White Leaves of Grass A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, Volume II 1860-1867 2008.epub

569.2 KB

Wilson, Emily - Micrographia.pdf

546.8 KB

Antin, David - I Never Knew What Time it Was.pdf

481.4 KB

Volkman, Karen - Spar (Iowa Poetry Prize)(2002).pdf

455.4 KB

Share, Don - Harmonia.pdf

451.6 KB

Porco, Alessandro - Augustine in Carthage and Other Poems.pdf

426.5 KB

Polito, Robert - Hollywood and God.pdf

425.8 KB

Spahr, Juliana - This Connection of Everyone With Lungs.pdf

404.7 KB

Paul G. Zolbrod-Reading the voice_ Native American oral poetry on the page-University of Utah Press (1995).epub

389.2 KB

Lerner, Ben - Leaving the Atocha Station.epub

368.0 KB

Guest, Paul - My Index of Slightly Horrifying Knowledge.pdf

357.5 KB

Gilbert, Jack - Refusing Heaven.pdf

298.3 KB

Knott, Bill - Poems for Death.pdf

283.5 KB

Scalapino, Leslie - Public World Syntactically Impermanence, The.epub

278.6 KB

Spahr, Juliana - Response.pdf

273.8 KB

Brock, Broido, Lucie - Trouble in Mind.pdf

247.2 KB

McHugh, Heather - Hinge & Sign poems 1968 1993.epub

240.1 KB

Mary Oliver-The Truro Bear and Other Adventures - Poems and Essays.pdf

233.6 KB

Johnson, Ronald - Book of the Green Man, The.pdf

219.0 KB

Mehigan, Joshua - Optimist, The.pdf

189.1 KB

Komunyakaa, Yusef - Thieves of Paradise.epub

186.7 KB

Rodefer, Stephen - Four Lectures.pdf

184.4 KB

Hillman, Brenda - Loose Sugar.epub

150.0 KB

Bedient, Calvin - Candy Necklace.epub

142.8 KB

Wright, Franz - Walking to Marthas Vineyard.pdf

138.0 KB

Dickey, James - Eagle's Mile, The.epub

117.9 KB

Komunyakaa, Yusef - Magic City.epub

97.9 KB

Frost, Robert - North of Boston.epub

74.6 KB


62.5 KB

Hirshfield, Jane - heart of Haiku, The.epub

59.4 KB


30.8 KB

/Europe/Italian poetry/Dante Alighieri/

Dante Aligheri - Inferno (trans Zapulla).pdf

37.5 MB

Dante Aligheri - Paradiso (trans Mandelbaum).pdf

36.3 MB


4.0 MB

Dante Alighieri.pdf

1.9 MB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/William Blake/

Fearful Symmetry - A Study of William Blake.pdf

37.3 MB

William Blake by Arthur Symons.pdf

10.4 MB

William Blake and the Body.pdf

7.7 MB

A Blake Dictionary - The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake.epub

4.4 MB

William Blakes America A Prophecy and Europe A Prophecy.pdf

3.3 MB

William Blake The Critical Heritage.pdf

3.2 MB

William Blake - A Literary Life.pdf

2.2 MB

William Blake and the Art of Engraving.pdf

1.7 MB

William Blake - Poems .pdf

1.4 MB

William Blake, Blooms Classic Critical Views.pdf

1.4 MB

William Blakes Comic Vision.pdf

1.3 MB

Romantic Consciousness Blake to Mary Shelley.pdf

703.9 KB

William Blake on Self and Soul.pdf

586.3 KB

/Europe/Ancient Rome/Ausonius/

Ausonius, Vol 1 Hugh G. Evelyn-White (Translator).pdf

36.6 MB

Ausonius Vol 2, Hugh G. Evelyn White Translator Ausonius Volume 2, Books 18-20 Loeb Classical Library 1921.pdf

14.0 MB


The Wine Song in Classical Arabic Poetry.pdf

36.3 MB

A Youth's Thoughts -Wael Hussein Bobsait.pdf

3.7 MB

Stetkeyvich, Suzanne Pinckney (trans) - Mantle abic Praise Poems to the Prophet Muhammad, The.pdf

3.3 MB

Adonis - Pages of Day and Night, The.pdf

2.1 MB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Thomas Hardy/

Thomas Hardy - Distance and Desire.pdf

35.7 MB

Palgrave Advances in Thomas Hardy.pdf

16.3 MB

Rosemari Morgan Cancelled Words Rediscovering Thomas Hardy 1992.pdf

4.1 MB

Thomas Hardy The Critical Heritage.pdf

3.0 MB

So You Think You Know Thomas Hardy A Literary Quizbook.pdf

1.9 MB

Thomas Hardy Blooms Modern Critical Views, New Edition.pdf

1.8 MB

Thomas Hardy, Metaphysics and Music.pdf

1.4 MB

Student Companion to Thomas Hardy Student Companions to Classic Writers.pdf

1.3 MB

Thomas Hardy Texts and Contexts.pdf

1.1 MB


The treasure of poetry.pdf

35.5 MB

Surrealist Painters and Poets - An Anthology (Art Ebook).pdf

33.4 MB

Riley, Denise (ed) - Poets on writing, Britain 1970-1991.pdf

32.5 MB

Jones, Emrys (ed) - New Oxford Book of Sixteenth Century Verse, The.pdf

30.0 MB

Bernstein, Charles & others - Close Listening.pdf

28.2 MB

Cultures of Modernism - Marianne Moore, Mina Loy, and Else Lasker-Schuler.pdf

19.3 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Modernism.pdf

18.0 MB

The Poetry Handbook.pdf

16.3 MB

The Poetry Oracle - Ask a Question and Find Your Fate.pdf

15.2 MB

Life – The Play of Life on the Stage of the World in Fine Arts, Stage-Play, and Literature (R.S. Thomas inside).pdf

14.5 MB

Juvenal, Persius Juvenal and Persius Loeb Classical Library.pdf

14.2 MB

Directions in Biblical Hebrew Poetry.pdf

13.4 MB

Dorn, Ed & Joseph Richey (Editor) - Ed Dorn Live Lectures, Interviews, and Outtakes.pdf

8.1 MB

The Poets Companion - A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry.pdf

5.4 MB

McCaffery, Steve - Prior to Meaning, The Protosemantic and Poetics.pdf

5.0 MB

Paula R. Feldman, Daniel Robinson A Century of Sonnets The Romantic-Era Revival 1750-1850 1999.pdf

4.6 MB

A-T. Tymieniecka Sharing Poetic Expressions Beauty, Sublime, Mysticism in Islamic and Occidental Culture 2011.pdf

4.4 MB

Jeremy Black etc (eds) - Literature of Ancient Sumer, The.pdf

3.7 MB

Staying Alive_ Real Poems for Unreal Times - Neil Astley.pdf

3.5 MB

Religious Poetry in Vernacular Syriac from Northern Iraq 17th-20th Centuries. An Anthology 2011.pdf

3.4 MB

SOUS LES PAVES - Sous Les Paves 3.pdf

3.2 MB

Funkhouser, Christopher - Prehistoric Digital Poetry An Archaeology of Forms.pdf

3.2 MB

Stevenson - A childs garden of verses illustrations.epub

2.7 MB

Tony Duff Dusum Khyenpas Songs and Teachings 2011.pdf

2.5 MB

Schmidt, Michael - First Poets Lives of the Ancient Greek Poets.pdf

2.3 MB

Silence, Thomas Merton - Dialogues & - Prayers and Drawings.pdf

2.2 MB

After Every War - Twentieth-Century Women Poets.epub

2.1 MB

Regard for the Other - Autothanatography in Rousseau, De Quincey, Baudelaire, and Wilde.pdf

2.0 MB

A Collection of Poems about Depression.pdf

1.9 MB

Bradley, A. C. - Lectures on Poetry.pdf

1.7 MB

Michael Spiller The Development of the Sonnet An Introduction .pdf

1.7 MB

The Truth About Romanticism, Pragmatism and Idealism in Keats, Shelley, Coleridge Cambridge Studies in Romanticism 2010.pdf

1.6 MB

Lisa Freinkel-Reading Shakespeare's will_ the theology of figure from Augustine to the sonnets-Columbia University Press (2002).pdf

1.4 MB

The Collected Critical Heritage - The Restoration and the Augustans.pdf

1.4 MB

Rita Watson, Wayne Horowitz Writing science before the Greeks a naturalistic analysis of the Babylonian astronomical treatise MUL.APIN 2011.pdf

1.4 MB

Anne Pellowski Drawing Stories from around the World and a Sampling of European Handkerchief Stories 2005.pdf

1.3 MB

A Now Word In Season.pdf

1.3 MB

Reading Modernist Poetry.pdf

1.3 MB

Brian Murdoch Fighting Songs and Warring Words Popular Lyrics of Two World Wars 1990.pdf

1.1 MB

Women Poets in Ancient Greece and Rome.pdf

1.1 MB

Manuscript Verse Collectors and the Politics of Anti-Courtly Love Poetry.pdf

1.1 MB

Quid 20 - April 2010.pdf

790.5 KB

A Chorus Of Complaints.pdf

749.7 KB

Greek Christian poetry in classical forms. The Codex of Visions from the Bodmer Papyrus and the melding of literary traditions.pdf

745.4 KB

A Hope with Despair.pdf

669.3 KB

Scharf, Michael - For Kid Rock.pdf

646.3 KB

Scharf, Michael - Telemachiad.pdf

377.8 KB

Manning, Maurice - Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions.pdf

364.0 KB


358.1 KB

100 Greatest Poems.pdf

349.7 KB

A poets heart.pdf

300.9 KB

Scharf, Michael - Verite.pdf

217.2 KB

Eclogues Through the Ages. The Evolution of Pastoral Poetry.pdf

179.2 KB

/Europe/Ancient Greece/Nonnas/

Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume I, Books 1-15 Loeb Classical Library No. 344.pdf

35.2 MB

Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume II, Books 16-35 Loeb Classical Library No. 354 1940.pdf

24.2 MB

Nonnos Nonnos Dionysiaca, Volume III, Books 36-48 Loeb Classical Library No. 356 1940.pdf

22.6 MB

/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Alexander Pope/

Alexander Pope - The Major Works.pdf

32.3 MB

The Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope.pdf

3.0 MB

Alexander Pope, The Critical Heritage.pdf

2.3 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Alexander Pope.pdf

2.0 MB

Alexander Pope - The Rape of the Lock.pdf

573.3 KB

/Europe/Ancient Greece/Aristotle/

Aristotle Poetics.pdf

30.3 MB

/Europe/Ancient Rome/Catullus/

Catullus - Poems of Catullus trans Peter Wigham, The.pdf

30.1 MB

Gaius Valerius Catullus The Poems of Catullus A Bilingual Edition 2005.pdf

5.1 MB

A Companion to Catullus 2007.pdf

3.3 MB

/Europe/Ancient Greece/

J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume III Corinna, Bacchylides, Timotheus, etc. Loeb Classical Library No. 144 1927.pdf

28.7 MB

Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus Oppian, Colluthus, Tryphiodorus Loeb Classical Library No. 219 1928.pdf

25.1 MB

The Greek Anthology Vol 1, Books I-VI.pdf

22.0 MB

J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume I Terpander, Alcman, Sappho and Alcaeus Loeb Classical Library No. 142.pdf

19.7 MB

The Greek Anthology Vol 2, Books VII-VIII.pdf

19.5 MB

J.M. Edmonds ed. Lyra Graeca, Volume II Stesichorus, Ibycus, Anacreon and Simonides Loeb Classical Library No. 143 1924.pdf

17.0 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric.pdf

16.0 MB

The Greek Anthology Vol 3, Book IX.pdf

15.7 MB

Theocritus, Bion, Moschus, J. M. Edmonds ed. Greek Bucolic Poets Theocritus. Bion. Moschus Loeb Classical Library No. 28 1919.pdf

14.6 MB

The Greek Anthology Vol 4, Book X-XII.pdf

13.4 MB

The Greek Anthology Vol 5, Books XIII-XVI.pdf

13.4 MB

An Historical Study of Athenian Verse Epitaphs from VI through IV BC.pdf

10.5 MB

Sappho (trans Lombardo) - Poems and Fragments.pdf

10.4 MB

Sappho, Alcaeus, David A. Campbell Greek Lyric Sappho and Alcaeus Loeb Classical Library No. 142 1982.pdf

8.1 MB

Barnstone, Willis - Ancient Greek Lyrics.pdf

7.2 MB

Genre in Hellenistic poetry.pdf

5.9 MB

Sophocles - Electra.pdf

3.9 MB

Modes of Viewing in Hellenistic Poetry and Art.pdf

2.0 MB

Carson, Anne & Sappho - If Not, Winter.pdf

1.0 MB

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A Readers Guide to Samuel Beckett Irish Studies.pdf

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Samuel Beckett and the Primacy of Love.pdf

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John Keats (Harold Bloom Modern Critical Views).pdf

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Fernando Pessoa 35 Sonnets.pdf

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Margaret Atwoods - the Handmaids Tale Blooms Guides.pdf

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Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg Meditations on the Incarnation, Passion, and Death of Jesus Christ The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe 2009.pdf

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Peter Handke Don Juan His Own Version 2011.epub

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/George Meredith/

George Meredith, The Critical Heritage.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Geoffrey Chaucer/

Geoffrey Chaucer, The Critical Heritage Volume 2 1837-1933.pdf

1.8 MB

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Logue Christopher/

Logue, Christopher - Kings.pdf

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/.../Sir Walter Scott/

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Sir Walter Scott - Lady of the lake.epub

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Sir Walter Scott and the Border Minstrelsy.epub

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Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott.epub

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/USA/Stephen Crane/

George Monteiro Stephen Crane The Contemporary Reviews American Critical Archives 2009.pdf

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Harold Bloom Editor Stephen Crane Blooms Modern Critical Views, Updated Edition 2007.pdf

1.4 MB

Stephen Crane Stephen Crane Prose and Poetry Maggie, A Girl of the Streets The Red Badge of Courage Stories, Sketches, Journalism The Black Riders War I.epub

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/.../Earl of Rochester/

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1.6 MB

David Farley-Hills Earl of Rochester The Critical Heritage The Collected Critical Heritage the Restoration and the Augustans 1996.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Aphra Behn/

The Cambridge Companion to Aphra Behn.pdf

1.6 MB

Aphra Behns Afterlife.pdf

1.3 MB

/.../Sir Philip Sidney/

Sir Philip Sidney, The Critical Heritage.pdf

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/Europe/Ancient Greece/Plato/

The ancient quarrel unsettled. Plato and the erotics of tragic poetry.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Clare/

John Clare, The Critical Heritage.pdf

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John Clare A Literary Life.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Robert Southey/

Robert Southey, The Critical Heritage.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/J. M. Synge/

The Cambridge Companion to J. M. Synge.pdf

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/USA/Raymond Carver/

The Visual Poetics of Raymond Carver.pdf

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G.P. Lainsbury The Carver Chronotope Contextualizing Raymond Carver Studies in Major Literary Authors 2003.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/Byron/

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Byron - Routledge Guides to Literature.pdf

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The Discourse of Nature in the Poetry of Paul Celan The Unnatural World Parallax Re-visions of Culture and Society.pdf

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/.../England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland/John Skelton/

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Hafiz - Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door Thirty Poems, The.pdf

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/Asia/India/Rabindrath Tagore/

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/South America/Argentina/

Jorge Luis Borges This Craft of Verse Charles Eliot Norton Lectures 1967-1968 2000.pdf

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