
Showing results 0 to 19 of about 422 for gpio

Fairhead H., James M. Raspberry Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero 2ed 2024


25.9 MB

/Fairhead H., James M. Raspberry Pi IoT In Python Using GPIO Zero 2ed 2024.pdf

25.9 MB


1 matched files

Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course


671.6 MB

/[] - Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course/8. Python Programming & GPIO's/3. Controlling GPIO's with Python.mp4

52.1 MB

/[] - Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course/8. Python Programming & GPIO's/3. Controlling GPIO's with

8.8 KB

/[] - Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course/8. Python Programming & GPIO's/4. Project 2 Distance Measurement through UItrasonic

4.7 KB

/[] - Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course/8. Python Programming & GPIO's/2. Basic Python

1.3 KB

/[] - Internet of Things (IoT) - The Mega Course/8. Python Programming & GPIO's/1. Intro to Section

3.4 KB


Showing first 5 matched files of 210 total files

Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development


11.1 GB

/[] - Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development/29 - Exercise GPIO interrupts/001 Exercise External button interrupt

26.6 KB

/[] - Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development/15 - GPIO Programming structure and Registers/004 Input configuration of a Microcontroller's GPIO

16.2 KB

/[] - Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development/28 - GPIO pin Interrupt configuration/004 GPIO pin Interrupt configuration coding Part

16.1 KB

/[] - Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development/28 - GPIO pin Interrupt configuration/007 GPIO pin Interrupt configuration coding Part

13.6 KB

/[] - Mastering Microcontroller and Embedded Driver Development/23 - GPIO driver API requirements and handle structure/004 Driver API input parameters and return

11.7 KB


Showing first 5 matched files of 850 total files



2.9 GB


5.5 KB


16.3 MB


13.7 KB


23.8 MB


3.4 KB


Showing first 5 matched files of 225 total files

Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems


4.6 GB

/[] - Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems/3. Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Embedded-C and Assembly Programming with CubeIDE/1. Coding Gpio Drivers From Scratch Using Datasheet Information (Part I).mp4

202.9 MB

/[] - Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems/3. Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Embedded-C and Assembly Programming with CubeIDE/1. Coding Gpio Drivers From Scratch Using Datasheet Information (Part I).srt

47.8 KB

/[] - Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems/3. Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Embedded-C and Assembly Programming with CubeIDE/2. Coding Gpio Drivers From Scratch Using Datasheet Information (Part II).mp4

125.1 MB

/[] - Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems/3. Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Embedded-C and Assembly Programming with CubeIDE/2. Coding Gpio Drivers From Scratch Using Datasheet Information (Part II).srt

25.7 KB

/[] - Mastering STM32CubeMX 5 and CubeIDE - Embedded Systems/3. Embedded Systems Bare-Metal Embedded-C and Assembly Programming with CubeIDE/4. Coding Gpio Drivers From Scratch In Assembly Language (Part I).mp4

136.0 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 89 total files

[Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Mastering RTOS Hands on FreeRTOS and STM32Fx with Debugging


7.9 GB

/15. Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding/4. Exercise GPIO configuration code.mp4

102.1 MB

/15. Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding/4. Exercise GPIO configuration code.vtt

9.9 KB

/15. Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding/5. Exercise GPIO configuration code cntd..mp4

31.6 MB

/15. Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding/5. Exercise GPIO configuration code cntd..vtt

3.5 KB

/15. Exercise Button and LED Task and Interrupt Coding/8. Understanding GPIO Interrupts delivery in STM32 MCUs.mp4

206.8 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 328 total files

Automação Residencial com Arduino e Android - Luan Bispo


6.1 GB

/12. + Bônus/10. IoT com Arduino, Raspberry e ESP/apostilas/arduino-nightly-windows/arduino-nightly/hardware/arduino/avr/firmwares/wifishield/wifi_dnld/src/SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK/DRIVERS/GPIO/gpio.c

13.1 KB

/12. + Bônus/10. IoT com Arduino, Raspberry e ESP/apostilas/arduino-nightly-windows/arduino-nightly/hardware/arduino/avr/firmwares/wifishield/wifi_dnld/src/SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK/DRIVERS/GPIO/gpio.h

18.1 KB

/12. + Bônus/10. IoT com Arduino, Raspberry e ESP/apostilas/arduino-nightly-windows/arduino-nightly/hardware/arduino/avr/firmwares/wifishield/wifiHD/src/SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK/DRIVERS/GPIO/gpio.c

13.1 KB

/12. + Bônus/10. IoT com Arduino, Raspberry e ESP/apostilas/arduino-nightly-windows/arduino-nightly/hardware/arduino/avr/firmwares/wifishield/wifiHD/src/SOFTWARE_FRAMEWORK/DRIVERS/GPIO/gpio.h

18.1 KB

/12. + Bônus/10. IoT com Arduino, Raspberry e ESP/apostilas/arduino-nightly-windows/arduino-nightly/libraries/Temboo/src/utility/TembooGPIO.c

3.5 KB


Showing first 5 matched files of 4646 total files

Udemy - Realizzare Progetti Elettronici connessi con ESP32 [Ita]


9.8 GB

/2 - Funzioni di base/5 -

516.9 KB

/2 - Funzioni di base/5 - Pin GPIO Uscite.mp4

157.5 MB

/2 - Funzioni di base/6 -

585.1 KB

/2 - Funzioni di base/6 - Pin GPIO Ingressi pullup e pulldown.mp4

300.2 MB


Showing first 4 matched files of 59 total files

[ ] Udemy - Communication Protocols - UART, USART, I2C, I3C, SPI, GPIO


618.7 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. GPIO/1. Introduction.mp4

3.2 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. GPIO/2. GPIO.mp4

9.2 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. GPIO/3. GPIO functions.mp4

12.4 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. GPIO/4. GPIO Applications.mp4

8.9 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. GPIO/5. Drive Strength.mp4

9.4 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 69 total files



300.1 GB


378.8 MB


Showing first 1 matched files of 640 total files

[ ] Udemy - Home Automation with ESP32 and Google Home 2023


1.8 GB

/~Get Your Files Here !/1. Introduction/3. Mastering GPIO Pins.mp4

63.5 MB


Showing first 1 matched files of 67 total files

[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] PacktPub - Raspberry Pi for Beginners - 2022 Complete Course


3.7 GB

/Chapter 13 Create a Web Application on Your Raspberry Pi with Flask and Python/003. Add a New URL and Connect Flask with GPIOs.mp4

31.1 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/001. How GPIOs Work.mp4

17.2 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/002. Create a Python Program to Make an LED Blink.mp4

44.1 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/003. Activity 04 - Set the LED's State from User Input.mp4

4.2 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/004. Activity 04 - Solution.mp4

36.5 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 101 total files

[ ] Udemy - Embedded Fun with RISC-V, Part 2 - Embedded Applications


2.0 GB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. General Purpose InputOutput (GPIO)/1. GPIO Intro.mp4

3.1 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. General Purpose InputOutput (GPIO)/1. GPIO

1.3 KB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. General Purpose InputOutput (GPIO)/2. How to use bidirectional IO Pins.mp4

14.3 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. General Purpose InputOutput (GPIO)/2. How to use bidirectional IO

4.7 KB

/~Get Your Files Here !/5. General Purpose InputOutput (GPIO)/3. How it is possible to set a pin as output or input on demand.mp4

26.1 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 191 total files

[UdemyCourseDownloader] IoT (Internet of Things) Automation using Raspberry Pi


6.1 GB

/24. Twython and Gpiozero APP/1. Performing Automation on Bredboard.mp4

45.7 MB

/24. Twython and Gpiozero APP/1. Performing Automation on Bredboard.vtt

4.9 KB

/24. Twython and Gpiozero APP/2. Pin Configuration for Twython and gpiozero App.mp4

181.0 MB

/24. Twython and Gpiozero APP/2. Pin Configuration for Twython and gpiozero App.vtt

9.8 KB

/24. Twython and Gpiozero APP/3. Modifying the Led Buttons.mp4

51.3 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 182 total files

[FreeCoursesOnline.Me] [Skillshare] AWS IoT The Hobbyists Guide to Home Automation [FCO]


2.4 GB

/19-NodeRED Raspberry Pi GPIO.mp4

88.1 MB

/5-Raspberry Pi GPIO.mp4

125.1 MB


Showing first 2 matched files of 32 total files



6.2 GB


15.4 KB


7.5 KB


141.0 KB


12.0 KB


6.8 KB


Showing first 5 matched files of 195 total files

[CourseClub.Me] PacktPub - Raspberry Pi for Beginners - 2022 Complete Course


3.7 GB

/Chapter 13 Create a Web Application on Your Raspberry Pi with Flask and Python/003. Add a New URL and Connect Flask with GPIOs.mp4

31.1 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/001. How GPIOs Work.mp4

17.2 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/002. Create a Python Program to Make an LED Blink.mp4

44.1 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/003. Activity 04 - Set the LED's State from User Input.mp4

4.2 MB

/Chapter 6 Control Raspberry Pi's GPIOs with Python/004. Activity 04 - Solution.mp4

36.5 MB


Showing first 5 matched files of 105 total files

[ ] Udemy - PYNQ FPGA Development with Python Programming and VIVADO


2.0 GB

/~Get Your Files Here !/3. Section 3 PYNQ with Python_OpenCV for Image Processing & Video_processing/2. Section3_1 Python Programming, Conditional Statements and Loops with PYNQ GPIO.mp4

124.8 MB

/~Get Your Files Here !/3. Section 3 PYNQ with Python_OpenCV for Image Processing & Video_processing/2. Section3_1 Python Programming, Conditional Statements and Loops with PYNQ

23.0 KB

/~Get Your Files Here !/3. Section 3 PYNQ with Python_OpenCV for Image Processing & Video_processing/Section3_0_Lab_30_2_GPIO.ipynb

2.0 KB

/~Get Your Files Here !/3. Section 3 PYNQ with Python_OpenCV for Image Processing & Video_processing/Section_3_1_Lab_31_2_GPIO_Controlling.ipynb

4.1 KB


Showing first 4 matched files of 145 total files



282.8 MB

/Flipper Zero Missing Manual English/Manual Animation Videos/Flipper_5v_GPIO_compressed.mp4

93.7 KB


Showing first 1 matched files of 128 total files

MicroPython Programming Hardware in MicroPython


1.6 GB

/[] - MicroPython Programming Hardware in MicroPython/14. Pins and GPIO/1. Pins and GPIO.mp4

37.3 MB

/[] - MicroPython Programming Hardware in MicroPython/14. Pins and GPIO/1. Pins and

7.5 KB

/[] - MicroPython Programming Hardware in MicroPython/14. Pins and GPIO/2. Pins and GPIO.html

1.4 KB


Showing first 3 matched files of 123 total files

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