
Download Socialism 2012 audio

Socialism 2012 audio


Socialism 2012 audio


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4.3 GB

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S2012 - 001 - Violence In Pro Sports How Much Is Too Much - Dave Zirin.mp3

29.3 MB

S2012 - 002 - Karl Marx and the US Civil War - Brian Jones.mp3

36.3 MB

S2012 - 003 - Maple Spring The Québec Student Strike - Panel.mp3

35.5 MB

S2012 - 004 - Understanding Marx’s Method - Anthony Arnove.mp3

38.9 MB

S2012 - 005 - The 'New' India Myth and Reality - Pranav Jani.mp3

38.5 MB

S2012 - 006 - They Fought Back American Indian Resistance Leaders from Popé to Geronimo - Ragina Johnson - missing ending.mp3

32.3 MB

S2012 - 007 - Stax The Sound of Civil Rights - Nicole Colson.mp3

54.2 MB

S2012 - 009 - The Strange Career of Jim Crow - Alan Maass.mp3

42.7 MB

S2012 - 010 - The Use and Abuse of Gramsci's Prison Notebooks - Paul D'Amato.mp3

34.0 MB

S2012 - 012 - Lenin's Theory of the Party - Todd Chretien.mp3

36.0 MB

S2012 - 013 - The World Economy A Return to Crisis - Lee Sustar.mp3

39.2 MB

S2012 - 014 - Is Marxism Reductionist - Lichi D'Amelio.mp3

34.6 MB

S2012 - 016 - Vygotsky’s Theory of Language and Education - Jeremy Sawyer.mp3

44.0 MB

S2012 - 017 - The Rise and Fall of Maoism - Tithi Bhattacharya.mp3

44.6 MB

S2012 - 018 - Chile 1973 State and Revolution - Orlando Sepúlveda Maria Pizarro.mp3

62.2 MB

S2012 - 019 - From Black Power to the New Jim Crow - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor.mp3

45.6 MB

S2012 - 020 - Toward the United Front The Comintern Fourth Congress - John Riddell.mp3

40.7 MB

S2012 - 022 - Music Rebellion and Revolution - Alex Billet.mp3

52.9 MB

S2012 - 023 - Against the Market The Case for Socialist Planning - Eric Ruder.mp3

36.2 MB

S2012 - 024 - The Rise of the Women’s Movement - Elizabeth Schulte.mp3

33.1 MB

S2012 - 025 - We Shall Be All A History of the Wobblies - Joe Richard.mp3

39.1 MB

S2012 - 026 - American Indian Resistance and Environmental Justice - Brian Ward.mp3

26.4 MB

S2012 - 027 - Marx's Theory of History - Phil Gasper.mp3

32.3 MB

S2012 - 028 - The US Class Structure and the Working Class - Doug Singsen.mp3

43.1 MB

S2012 - 029 - Trotsky on the Struggle Against Fascism in Germany - Bill Roberts.mp3

38.6 MB

S2012 - 030 - Marxism and Women's Liberation - Sharon Smith.mp3

32.6 MB

S2012 - 031 - Israel’s Apartheid State - Sherry Wolf - MIDDLE PORTION MISSING.mp3

41.7 MB

S2012 - 033 - The Struggle for Aboriginal Rights in Australia - Mick Armstrong.mp3

43.5 MB

S2012 - 034 - What is Trotskyism - Jim Plank.mp3

31.9 MB

S2012 - 036 - The Role of the Revolutionary Newspaper - Shaun Harkin.mp3

41.7 MB

S2012 - 037 - When Workers Occupied the Rise of the CIO - Joe Allen.mp3

42.0 MB

S2012 - 038 - Anarchy vs Authority The Debate Between Marx and Bakunin - Jonah Birch.mp3

48.3 MB

S2012 - 039 - Mexico the US and the War on Drugs - Helen Redmond.mp3

38.1 MB

S2012 - 040 - Tweeting the Revolution Technology and Prefigurative Politics - Brian Lenzo.mp3

39.6 MB

S2012 - 041 - The New War on Women - Sam Jordan.mp3

25.1 MB

S2012 - 042 - A History of the ISO - Ahmed Shawki.mp3

45.8 MB

S2012 - 043 - Luxemburg's Reform or Revolution - Paul Le Blanc.mp3

40.5 MB

S2012 - 045 - Revolutionaries and the Rank and File Upsurge of the 60s and 70s - Joel Geier.mp3

47.9 MB

S2012 - 046 - Trotsky's Theory of Permanent Revolution - Sid Patel.mp3

40.1 MB

S2012 - 047 - The Origins of the Police - David Whitehouse.mp3

41.7 MB

S2012 - 048 - Revolution and Imperialism in Syria - Yusef Khalil.mp3

40.7 MB

S2012 - 049 - The ABC’s of Marxist Economics - Petrino DiLeo.mp3

40.3 MB

S2012 - 050 - Capitalism and Mental Health - Jon Kurinsky.mp3

39.4 MB

S2012 - 051 - Becoming Fit to Rule The Russian Working Class in 1917 - Jason Yanowitz.mp3

41.9 MB

S2012 - 054 - Guilty Pleasures Art and Politics - China Mieville.mp3

39.2 MB

S2012 - 055 - Challenging the U.S. Surveillance State - Glenn Greenwald.mp3

46.8 MB

S2012 - 056 - Breaking the Chains Black Self Emancipation and the US Civil War - James Illingworth.mp3

22.2 MB

S2012 - 057 - Health Care Reform Two Years On - Hannah Wolfe Sean Petty.mp3

47.8 MB

S2012 - 058 - Rebuilding the Labor Movement from Below - Darrin Hoop Sal Rosselli Dan Coffman Amy Muldoon.mp3

62.1 MB

S2012 - 059 - Marxism and Queer theory - Dana Cloud.mp3

37.3 MB

S2012 - 060 - Evening Plenary Greece After the Elections - Antonis Davanellos.mp3

27.6 MB

S2012 - 061 - Too Many People The Return of the Population Bombers - Ian Angus.mp3

36.3 MB

S2012 - 062 - Detroit I Do Mind Dying - Dan Georgakas Marvin Surkin.mp3

47.2 MB

S2012 - 063 - Monsters of the Market Zombies Vampires and Global Capitalism - David McNally.mp3

41.5 MB

S2012 - 064 - The Battle for the Soul of Teacher Unionism - Jesse Hagopian.mp3

37.5 MB

S2012 - 065 - Labor Migration and Capitalism - Avery Wear Dennis Kosuth.mp3

47.0 MB

S2012 - 066 - The American Socialist Party 1901-1919 - Jason Netek.mp3

41.1 MB

S2012 - 068 - Darfur to Kony Imperialism in Africa - Lee Wengraf.mp3

45.8 MB

S2012 - 070 - The Student Movement of the 1960s - Becca Bor, Caitlin Sheehan.mp3

47.5 MB

S2012 - 072 - After Wisconsin The Battle for Public Sector Unions.mp3

52.4 MB

S2012 - 073 - The Jewish Question in the 21st Century - Abbie Bakan.mp3

30.8 MB

S2012 - 074 - The Black Revolution on Campus - Martha Biondi.mp3

36.0 MB

S2012 - 075 - Introduction to the Politics of the ISO - Todd Chretien.mp3

22.9 MB

S2012 - 076 - Obama From Hope to Hopeless - Lance Selfa.mp3

42.7 MB

S2012 - 077 - Brown Power the Rise of the Chicano Movement - Victor Fernandez.mp3

44.4 MB

S2012 - 079 - Gandhi and the Politics of Nonviolence - Adaner Usmani.mp3

50.7 MB

S2012 - 081 - Puerto Rico the Struggle for Liberation - Hector Tarrido-Picart.mp3

54.3 MB

S2012 - 082 - One Country Ending the Israel-Palestinian Impasse - Ali Abunimah.mp3

41.5 MB

S2012 - 083 - Voices From Prison - Liliana Segura, Mumia Abu Jamal.mp3

44.0 MB

S2012 - 084 - Occupy - Arun Gupta, Jennifer Roesch.mp3

35.6 MB

S2012 - 085 - Cuba Since the Revolution of 1959 A Critical Assessment - Sam Farber.mp3

39.3 MB

S2012 - 086 - How the 1 Percent Rules - Dana Blanchard.mp3

40.1 MB

S2012 - 087 - Precariat Proletariat Working Class - Kyle Brown.mp3

33.9 MB

S2012 - 088 - Lost In Translation Explaining the Tragedy of Germany's 1921 March Action - Paul Kellogg.mp3

43.0 MB

S2012 - 090 - The Communist Party and the Struggle Against Racism in the 1930s - Anton Ford.mp3

39.1 MB

S2012 - 091 - Marx’s Theory of Crisis - Hadas Thier.mp3

43.3 MB

S2012 - 092 - Education and Revolution - Megan Behrent.mp3

38.6 MB

S2012 - 093 - What Kind of Party Do We Need to Build - Shaun Harkin.mp3

48.5 MB

S2012 - 094 - BDS and the Struggle for Justice in Palestine - panel.mp3

44.6 MB

S2012 - 095 - Crisis and Class Struggle in Greece - Antonis Davanellos Sotiris Martalis.mp3

37.3 MB

S2012 - 096 - Music and Struggle - Boots Riley, Kevin Coval - MISSING CHUNKS.mp3

37.8 MB

S2012 - 097 - Alternatives to Capitalism - Rick Wolff.mp3

43.2 MB

S2012 - 098 - Eisenstein reconsidered Marxism and Film - Geoff Bailey.mp3

48.5 MB

S2012 - 099 - Education and Capitalism - Sarah Knopp Jeff Bale.mp3

34.5 MB

S2012 - 101 - Why the Working Class - Emily Giles.mp3

43.2 MB

S2012 - 102 - Communists and Chicano Politics in the 1930s - Justin Akers Chacon.mp3

40.9 MB

S2012 - 103 - Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and its Rivals - Ashley Smith.mp3

46.4 MB

S2012 - 104 - The World Turned Upside Down Radicalism in the English Revolution - Scott McLemee.mp3

41.2 MB

S2012 - 105 - Russia How the Revolution was Lost - Phil Aliff.mp3

38.9 MB

S2012 - 107 - The American Road to Capitalism - Charlie Post.mp3

39.4 MB

S2012 - 108 - Ways of Seeing The Art Criticism of John Berger - Ben Davis.mp3

30.8 MB

S2012 - 109 - Horizontalism Changing The World Without Taking Power - Tom Lewis - INCOMPLETE.mp3

35.2 MB

S2012 - 111 - W.E.B. Dubois From the Talented Tenth to Socialism - Bill Mullen.mp3

34.2 MB

S2012 - 112 - In Defense of Engels The Marx Against Engels Myth - John McDonald.mp3

42.5 MB

S2012 - 113 - Islamophobia and Empire - Deepa Kumar.mp3

40.4 MB

S2012 - 114 - Why We can't Wait MLK Jr. and the Struggle for Justice in the 1960s - Marlene Martin.mp3

43.8 MB

S2012 - 115 - The Origins of Women's Oppression - Rachel Cohen.mp3

37.6 MB

S2012 - 116 - Anarchism and Revolution Barcelona 1936 - Gillian Russom.mp3

40.3 MB

S2012 - 117 - Bread and Roses The Lawrence Strike of 1912 - Randi Hensley.mp3

34.5 MB

S2012 - 119 - The Egyptian Revolution Which Way Forward - Skype panel.mp3

21.6 MB

S2012 - 120 - Sex at Dawn The Origins of Human Sexuality - Leia Petty.mp3

41.0 MB

S2012 - 121 - Europe Austerity Resistance and Reaction - Alex Callinicos INCOMPLETE.mp3

16.5 MB

S2012 - 123 - Marxism and the Trade Union Struggle - Lucy Herschel.mp3

39.5 MB

S2012 - 124 - The Revolution Will Not be Funded Beyond the NGO Industrial Complex - Jason Farbman.mp3

44.1 MB

S2012 - 125 - Building Strong Branches - Ashley Smith.mp3

36.7 MB

S2012 - 126 - Prison Reform or Prison Abolition - Nithya Meenakshi Jazz Hayden.mp3

54.5 MB

S2012 - 127 - Iran and US Imperialism - Shaun Joseph.mp3

38.8 MB

S2012 - 128 - Lenin and the Right of Nations to Self Determination - Snehal Shingavi.mp3

38.4 MB


Total files 108

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