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AAVV (Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia. Dossier Spinoza) [SP].pdf

173.0 KB

AVILA CRESPO (Finalidad, Deseo y Virtud. Spinoza y Nietzsche) [SP].pdf

1.8 MB

AYALA ROMAN (Conocimiento y etica en Descartes y Spinoza) [SP].pdf

171.3 KB

BALZ (Cartesian Refutations of Spinoza).pdf

565.8 KB

BARRERO (Spinoza y el naturalismo. El problema del mundo exterior) [SP].pdf

123.3 KB

BAUGH (Temps, duree et mort chez Spinoza).pdf

517.4 KB

BAYLE (Enciclopedia. Spinoza).pdf

11.0 MB

BAYLE (Spinoza. 4.253).rar

11.9 MB

BELTRAN & BEGON (La reflexion sobre el mal en las cartas a Van Blijenbergh) [SP].pdf

174.1 KB

BELTRAN (Affectus y servitudo en la Ethica de Spinoza) [SP] [p].pdf

197.9 KB

BELTRAN (Spinoza o la anomalia) [SP].pdf

134.9 KB

BELTRAN (Spinoza y la intolerancia en la Holanda del XVII) [SP].pdf

1.0 MB

BELTRAN (Spinoza. Del elogio de Amsterdam a la epistola a Burgh) [SP].pdf

1.2 MB

BENEJAN (Ontologia y razon. El racionalismo radical de Spinoza en la 1ra parte de la Etica) [SP].pdf

464.5 KB

BENNETT (A Note on Descartes and Spinoza).pdf

59.2 KB

BENNETT (Spinoza's Mind-Body Identity Thesis) [p] [R112].pdf

209.8 KB

BIDNEY (The Problem of Substance in Spinoza and Whitehead).pdf

351.0 KB

BIDNEY (Value and Reality in the Metaphysics of Spinoza).pdf

1.7 MB

BOLTON (Spinoza on Cartesian Doubt).pdf

327.6 KB

BOUTROUX (La doctrine de Spinoza sur la liberte).pdf

908.0 KB

BOVE (De l'etude de l'Etat hebreu a la democratie. La strategie politique du conatus spinoziste).pdf

415.2 KB

BOVE (Le corps sujet des contraires et la dynamique prudente des Dispositiones corporis) [p].pdf

890.8 KB

BRANDOM (Adequacy and the Individuation of Ideas in Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

3.2 MB

BRANDT BOLTON (Spinoza on Cartesian Doubt).pdf

1.7 MB

BROCHARD (Le Dieu de Spinoza) [BT].pdf

268.5 KB

BROWN (Philosophy and Prophecy. Spinoza's Hermeneutics).pdf

355.2 KB

BRUNSCHVICG (Spinoza et ses contemporains).pdf

1.7 MB

BUSH (Sub Specie Aeternitatis).pdf

213.9 KB

CAMPBELL (Spinoza's Theory of Perfection and Goodness).pdf

2.3 MB

CAPORALI (Spinoza e la tolleranza) [BE].pdf

85.1 KB

CAPORALI (The Individual and the Multitude in Spinoza) [BE].pdf

12.0 KB

CARDENAS (La investigacion cientifica y el problema de su justificacion en la discusion Boyle-Spinoza) [SP].pdf

197.7 KB

CARR (Spinoza's Distinction Between Rational and Intuitive Knowledge) [p].pdf

211.4 KB

CARRIERO (On the Relationship between Mode and Substance in Spinoza's Metaphysics).pdf

4.0 MB

CARRIERO (Spinoza on Final Causality).pdf

188.1 KB

CARRIERO (Spinoza's Views on Necessity in Historical Perspective) [p].pdf

6.7 MB

CHARLTON (Spinoza's Monism).pdf

345.8 KB

CHAUI (Spinoza. Poder y libertad) [SP] [p].pdf

179.1 KB

COLERUS (Biographies de Spinoza).pdf

619.9 KB

COPLESTON (Pantheism in Spinoza and the German Idealists).pdf

473.3 KB

COPPENS (Spinoza et la conception scolastique de dieu dans le contexte hollandais) [p].pdf

183.6 KB

COPPENS (Spinozas Renati des Cartes Principiorum Philosophiae).pdf

214.6 KB

CORTISSOZ (Interpretacion de la doctrina del paralelismo en Spinoza) [SP] [p].pdf

109.4 KB

COTTINGHAM (The Intellect, the Will and the Passions. Spinoza's Critique of Descartes).pdf

2.8 MB

CRANE & SANDLER (Identity and distinction in Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

102.7 KB

CRISTOFOLINI (Spinoza, l'individuo e la concordia).pdf

58.2 KB

CURLEY (The Immortality of the Soul in Descartes and Spinoza).pdf

136.3 KB

CURLEY (The state of nature and its law in Hobbes and Spinoza).pdf

2.8 MB

CUZZANI (Une anthropologie de l'homme decentre) [p].pdf

463.4 KB

DA SILVA PINTO (Tiene sentido la violencia en un sistema etico donde no existe el mal. Una mirada sobre la posicion etica de Baruch de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

222.6 KB

DANIELS (Spinoza on the Mind-Body Problem. Two Questions).pdf

378.2 KB

DAWKINS (Thoughts of Deleuze, Spinoza and the Cinema).pdf

32.5 KB

DE LUCAS (Nota sobre la libertad de expresion y la democracia en Spinoza) [SP].pdf

140.9 KB

DEL CANTO NIETO (Natura naturans y natura naturata en Spinoza y en David Nieto. Haham de la comunidad sefardita de Londres a principios del siglo XVIII) [SP].pdf

172.7 KB

DELBOS (La notion de substance et la notion de Dieu dans la philosophie de Spinoza).pdf

112.5 KB

DELBOS (Le probleme moral dans la philosophie de Spinoza) [p].pdf

738.6 KB

DELLA ROCCA (Spinoza and the Metaphysics of Scepticism).pdf

180.0 KB

DELLA ROCCA (Spinoza's Argument for the Identity Theory).pdf

2.8 MB

DELLA ROCCA (The power of an idea. Spinoza's critique of pure will) [p].pdf

252.2 KB

DEMOS (Spinoza's Doctrine of Privation).pdf

1.7 MB

DIJN (Conceptions of Philosophical Method in Spinoza).pdf

3.6 MB

DOMINGUEZ (La idea del hombre en Baruch Spinoza) [SP].pdf

226.6 KB

DOMINGUEZ (Libertad y democracia en la filosofia politica de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

795.4 KB

EARLE (The Ontological Argument in Spinoza).pdf

745.6 KB

ELWES (Introduction to Spinoza's translations).pdf

407.6 KB

ESPINOSA RUBIO (Contra el miedo. Spinoza y Fromm) [SP].pdf

218.9 KB

EZQUERRA GOMEZ (La Laetitia en Spinoza) [SP] [p].pdf

125.7 KB

FALLAS VARGAS (El conatus como categoría radical en la teoría política de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

570.1 KB

FEBVRE (Leibniz, Spinoza et le probleme de l'incroyance au XVIIe siecle).pdf

8.2 MB

FEIBLEMAN (Was Spinoza a Nominalist).pdf

136.7 KB

FERNANDEZ GARCIA (Elementos para una teoria del sujeto en Spinoza) [SP].pdf

3.3 MB

FERNANDEZ GARCIA (Kant contra Spinoza. Dos eticas de la autonomia) [SP].pdf

2.3 MB

FERNANDEZ GARCIA (Spinoza en discusion) [SP].pdf

5.0 MB

FLOISTAD (Mind and Body in Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

1.5 MB

FORSYTH (Spinoza's Doctrine of God in Relation to His Conception of Causality) [1948].pdf

1.4 MB

FOSS (Hegel, Spinoza, and a Theory of Experience as Closed).pdf

1.4 MB

FRANKEL (Spinoza's Dual Teachings of Scripture. His Solution to the Quarrel between Reason and Revelation).pdf

105.3 KB

FREUDENTHAL (On the History of Spinozism).pdf

2.5 MB

FRIEDMAN (An Overview of Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

4.7 MB

FRIEDMAN (How the Finite Follows from the Infinite in Spinoza's Metaphysical System).pdf

4.3 MB

FRIEDMAN (Spinoza's Problem of Other Minds).pdf

3.6 MB

GAGNON (Spinoza et le probleme de l'akrasia) [p].pdf

465.9 KB

GARCIA DEL CAMPO (Spinoza y el libertinismo politico).pdf

2.4 MB

GARRETT (Representation and consciousness in Spinoza's naturalistic theory of imagination).pdf

343.9 KB

GARRETT (Spinoza's Ontological Argument).pdf

330.9 KB

GATENS (Feminism as Password. Re-Thinking the Possible with Spinoza and Deleuze).pdf

624.5 KB

GAY (Spinoza et le marxisme).pdf

209.0 KB

GEISMANN (Spinoza. Beyond Hobbes and Rousseau).pdf

55.6 KB

GOETZ (La place de l'eviction et de la fuite dans le perfectionnement ethique) [p].pdf

329.5 KB

GRAY (The problem of free will in a scientific universe. Rene Descartes to John Tyndall) [lxn].pdf

1.8 MB

GRUNER (El estado. Pasion de multitudes. Spinoza versus Hobbes) [SP] [p].pdf

155.7 KB

GUEROULT (Spinoza's Letter on the Infinite).pdf

4.1 MB

HALLETT (On a Reputed Equivoque in the Philosophy of Spinoza).pdf

2.6 MB

HALLETT (Some Recent Criticisms of Spinoza. 1).pdf

730.7 KB

HALLETT (Some Recent Criticisms of Spinoza. 2).pdf

526.9 KB

HALLETT (Some Recent Criticisms of Spinoza. 3).pdf

789.6 KB

HALLETT (Some Recent Criticisms of Spinoza. 4).pdf

650.9 KB

HALLETT (Spinoza's Conception of Eternity).pdf

2.8 MB

HAMLAOUI (Corps et esprit. L'identite humaine selon Spinoza).pdf

2.4 MB

HAMPSHIRE (Spinoza's theory of human freedom) [lxn] [p].pdf

1.6 MB

HASEROT (Spinoza and the Status of Universals).pdf

497.8 KB

HASEROT (Spinoza's Definition of Attribute).pdf

344.1 KB

HENLE (A Psychological Concept of Freedom. Footnotes to Spinoza) [lxn] [p].pdf

980.4 KB

HOYOS (Spinoza contra la extirpación estoica de las pasiones) [R121] [SP] [p].pdf

126.0 KB

ISRAEL (Failed Enlightenment. Spinozas Legacy and the Netherlands).pdf

813.0 KB

ISRAEL (Locke, Spinoza and the Philosophical Debate Toleration).pdf

60.0 KB

JAMES & LLOYD & GATENS (Interview. The Power of Spinoza. Feminist Conjunctions).pdf

522.9 KB

JAMES, SUSAN (Spinoza on Democracy and the Good Life).pdf

250.4 KB

JARRETT (On the Rejection of Spinozistic Dualism in the Ethics).pdf

2.9 MB

JOUSSE (The idea of God in Spinozas philosophy) [BE].pdf

156.7 KB

KAUFMANN (Spinoza's System as Theory of Expression).pdf

1.8 MB

KLEIN (Nature's metabolism. On Eating in Derrida, Agamben, and Spinoza).pdf

240.4 KB

KLEVER (A New Source of Spinozism. Franciscus Van den Enden).pdf

2.0 MB

KLEVER (Mandeville and his spinozistic appraisal of vices) [BE].pdf

55.2 KB

KLINE (Spinoza East and West. Six Recent Studies in Spinozist Philosophy).pdf

262.1 KB

LAERKE (Spinoza in the Badioudian Critique of Deleuze).pdf

209.7 KB

LAGREE (Sens et verite chez Clauberg et Spinoza).pdf

557.4 KB

LATTA (On the Relation Between the Philosophy of Spinoza and That of Leibniz).pdf

721.1 KB

LAURSEN (Spinoza in Denmark and the Fall of Struensee, 1770-1772).pdf

1.8 MB

LE BUFFE (Spinoza's normative ethics) [p].pdf

1.3 MB

LE BUFFE (Spinoza's summum bonum).pdf

160.3 KB

LE BUFFE (Why Spinoza tells people to try to preserve their being) [p].pdf

127.7 KB

LESLIE (A Spinozistic Vision of God).pdf

1.2 MB

LEVENE (Ethics and interpretation. Or how to study Spinoza's TTP without Strauss).pdf

2.6 MB

LIN (Memory and Personal Identity in Spinoza).pdf

221.2 KB

LIN (Spinoza's Arguments for the Existence of God).pdf

216.3 KB

LIN (Spinoza's metaphysics of desire. The demostration of IIIP6).pdf

183.7 KB

LIN (Spinozas Account of Akrasia).pdf

168.4 KB

LIN (Teleology and Human Action in Spinoza).pdf

115.9 KB

LINARES (Baruch Spinoza. La vida filosofica como suprema virtud) [SP].pdf

168.9 KB

LOMBA (La presencia del pensamiento judio-hispanico en la etica de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

142.8 KB

LORDON (Revenir a Spinoza) [p].pdf

184.0 KB

LUCAS (La idea de la paz en la filosofia de Spinoza como critica a la filosofia del estado de Thomas Hobbes) [SP].pdf

403.3 KB

LUCASH (On the Finite and Infinite in Spinoza).pdf

1.8 MB

MACKINNON (The Treatment of Universals in Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

348.1 KB

MALINOWSKI-CHARLES (Introduction a Dossier Spinoza).pdf

137.3 KB

MALINOWSKI-CHARLES (Le salut par les affects. La joie comme ressort du progres ethique chez Spinoza) [p].pdf

466.4 KB

MALINOWSKI-CHARLES (The circle of adequate knowledge. Notes on reason and intuition in Spinoza) [p].pdf

113.1 KB

MARGOT (A proposito del more geometrico en Descartes y Spinoza) [SP].pdf

666.7 KB

MARK (Spinoza's Concept of Mind).pdf

2.7 MB

MARTINEZ (Virtualidades y limitaciones de la nocion de democracia en Espinosa) [SP].pdf

189.0 KB

MARTINEZ MARTINEZ (Autoconstitución y libertad. Ontología y política en Espinosa. 3. Ontología y política en Espinosa. Respuesta a la crísis del Barroco) [SP].pdf

721.4 KB

MASON (Spinoza on Modality).pdf

3.1 MB

MASON (Spinoza on Religious Choice).pdf

1.8 MB

MCKEON (Causation and the Geometric Method in the Philosophy of Spinoza. 1).pdf

345.1 KB

MCKEON (Causation and the Geometric Method in the Philosophy of Spinoza. 2).pdf

2.2 MB

MEIJER (A sistematical presentation of the emotions) [p].pdf

151.6 KB

MIGNINI (Spinoza e i Sociniani).pdf

1.1 MB

MIINTZ-WOO (On Referential Opacity in Spinoza’s Ethics).pdf

170.1 KB

MILLER (Spinoza and the a priori).pdf

263.3 KB

MILLER (Spinoza and the concept of a law of nature) [p].pdf

295.5 KB

MILLER (Spinoza and the Stoics).pdf

88.6 KB

MILLER (Spinoza's axiology) [p].pdf

120.3 KB

MILLER (Spinoza's Possibilities).pdf

3.3 MB

MILLER (Stoics and Spinoza on suicide) [p].pdf

339.3 KB

MIRANDA (La etica deductiva de Spinoza como arte de amar) [SP].pdf

196.0 KB

MIRANDA (Seleccion de escritos politicos de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

166.0 KB

MONTAG (Who's Afraid of the Multitude. Between the Individual and the State).pdf

171.4 KB

MOREAU & BOVE (A propos de Spinoza).pdf

7.4 MB

MOREAU (Spinoza. Lire la correspondance).pdf

115.9 KB

MORFINO (Il terzo genere di conoscenza in Spinoza).pdf

202.5 KB

MORRISON (Why Spinoza Had No Aesthetics).pdf

263.7 KB

MORRISON RAVVEN (Spinozistic Approaches to Evolutionary Naturalism. Spinoza's Anticipation of Contemporary Affective Neuroscience).pdf

624.4 KB

MURRAY (The Idealism of Spinoza).pdf

315.1 KB

NADLER (Eternity and immortality in Spinoza's Ethics).pdf

106.9 KB

NADLER (Spinoza and Consciousness).pdf

220.8 KB

NADLER (Spinoza et le probleme juif de la theodicee) [p].pdf

484.4 KB

NUSSBAUM (The Ascent of Love. Plato, Spinoza, Proust).pdf

545.1 KB

OKSENBERG RORTY (The Two Faces of Spinoza).pdf

2.6 MB

PARKINSON (Hegel, pantheism and Spinoza).pdf

274.7 KB

PARKINSON (Spinoza on the power and freedom of man) [lxn].pdf

3.4 MB

PEARSON (Maimonides and Spinoza).pdf

502.2 KB

PEREBOOM (Stoic Psychotherapy in Descartes and Spinoza) [p].pdf

231.9 KB

PIERCEY (The Spinoza-intoxicated man. Deleuze on expression).pdf

72.1 KB

PIIRIMAE (Spinoza on freedom) [lxn] [p].pdf

87.4 KB

POLLOCK (Notes on the Philosophy of Spinoza) [1878].pdf

568.1 KB

POPKIN (Hume and Spinoza).pdf

1.3 MB

PROKHOVNIK (Does Spinoza have a conception of sovereignity).pdf

81.3 KB

QUINN (Divine Conservation and Spinozistic Pantheism).pdf

1.9 MB

RADNER (Spinoza's Theory of Ideas).pdf

1.9 MB

RATNER (Spinoza on God. 1).pdf

1.7 MB

RATNER (Spinoza on God. 2).pdf

636.2 KB

READ (The Order and Connection of Ideas. Theoretical Practice in Macherey's Turn to Spinoza) [p].pdf

159.7 KB

REVAH (La religion d'Uriel da Costa. Marrane de Porto).pdf

24.5 MB

REVAH (Spinoza et les heretiques de la communaute judeo-portugaise d'Amsterdam).pdf

36.8 MB

RICE (Reflexive Ideas in Spinoza).pdf

1.7 MB

RITCHIE (Notes on Spinoza's Conception of God).pdf

1.4 MB

RITCHIE (The Reality of the Finite in Spinoza's System).pdf

1.3 MB

ROCCO LOZANO (Sustancia, atributos y modos en la ontología de Spinoza) [SP].pdf

91.6 KB

RODRIGUEZ CAMARERO (Aproximacion a la idea de naturaleza en Spinoza) [SP].pdf

5.7 MB

RODRIGUEZ GUTIERREZ (Spinoza. De cuerpos y mentes) [SP].pdf

815.0 KB

ROQUE (Acercamiento a un buen vivir desde Baruch Spinoza. Dios como ser) [SP].pdf

78.7 KB

ROSENTHAL (Persuasive Passions. Rhetoric and the Interpretation of Spinozas TTP).pdf

112.2 KB

ROSENTHAL (Spinoza's Republican Argument for Toleration).pdf

92.9 KB

ROTH (Spinoza and Cartesianism. 1).pdf

1.1 MB

ROTH (Spinoza and Cartesianism. 2).pdf

896.9 KB

SAADA GENDRON (L'analyse des passions dans la dissolution du corps politique. Spinoza et Hobbes).pdf

8.4 MB

SAARINEN - Weakness of Will in Renaissance and Reformation Thought [akrasia descartes spinoza leibniz].pdf

1.3 MB

SACKSTEDER (Simple Wholes and Complex Parts. Limiting Principles in Spinoza).pdf

247.1 KB

SANDLER (Intuitus and ratio in Spinoza's ethical thought).pdf

134.2 KB

SANZ (Spinoza y Oldenburg acerca de la religion) [SP].pdf

4.2 MB

SANZ SANTACRUZ (Dos conversos frente a Spinoza. Stensen y Burgh ante el Tratado teológico-político) [SP].pdf

85.0 KB

SANZ SANTACRUZ (La religion en la correspondencia de Spinoza. 2) [SP].pdf

752.3 KB

SAVAN (Spinoza and Language).pdf

270.0 KB

SAVILE (Spinoza, Medea and Irrationality in Action).pdf

165.5 KB

SCHARFSTEIN (The Unconscious Sources of Spinoza's Philosophy).pdf

1.8 MB

SCHWARTZ (Liberalism and the Jewish Connection. A Study of Spinoza and the Young Marx).pdf

576.3 KB

SEGAL (Beyond subjectivity. Spinoza's cognitivism of the emotions).pdf

145.4 KB

SEVERAC (Le devenir actif du corps affectif).pdf

1.9 MB

SHMUELI (Hegel's Interpretation of Spinoza's Concept of Substance).pdf

2.1 MB

SHMUELI (Some Similarities between Spinoza and Hegel on Substance).pdf

1.6 MB

SMITH (What Kind of Democrat Was Spinoza).pdf

2.4 MB

SORLEY (Jewish Mediaeval Philosophy and Spinoza).pdf

789.8 KB

STEINBERG (Method and the structure of knowledge in Spinoza).pdf

89.7 KB

STEINBERG (Spinoza's Ethical Doctrine and the Unity of Human Nature).pdf

3.2 MB

TARADEL (Critica al miracolo in spinoza).pdf

78.0 KB

TATIAN (Filosofía como meditación de la vida) [SP].pdf

202.6 KB

TAYLOR (A Further Word on Spinoza).pdf

1.9 MB

TAYLOR (Some Incoherencies in Spinozism. 1).pdf

2.5 MB

TAYLOR (Some Incoherencies in Spinozism. 2).pdf

446.0 KB

TAYLOR (The Conception of Immortality in Spinoza's Ethics) [1896].pdf

732.7 KB

THOMAS (Philosophical Strategies. Althusser and Spinoza).pdf

307.2 KB

TIEBOUT (Deus Sive Natura).pdf

274.3 KB

UYL (Autonomous autonomy. Spinoza on autonomy, perfectionism and politics).pdf

228.3 KB

VAMBOULIS (Le principe d'inercie et le conatus du corps).pdf

557.7 KB

VILJANEN (Field Metaphysics. Power and individuation in Spinoza).pdf

1.5 MB

WALKER (Spinoza and the Coherence Theory of Truth).pdf

411.0 KB

WEST (Spinoza on positive freedom).pdf

856.7 KB

WHITTAKER (Transcendence in Spinoza).pdf

535.2 KB

WILSON (Notes on Modes and Attributes).pdf

74.5 KB

WOLF (Spinoza's Conception of the Attributes of Substance).pdf

545.9 KB

WOLFSON (Some Guiding Principles in Determining Spinoza's Mediaeval Sources).pdf

304.1 KB

WOLFSON (Spinoza's Mechanism, attributes, and panpsychism).pdf

909.6 KB

WOLFSON (Towards an Accurate Understanding of Spinoza).pdf

245.9 KB

YAKIRA (Spinoza et le probleme de l'intentionnalite).pdf

269.6 KB

ZANINETTI (L'importance du mecanisme de projection imaginatif au sein de la demarche ethique spinoziste).pdf

242.7 KB

ZAOUI (Spinoza. Un autre salut par le corps).pdf

1.0 MB

ZARAGOZA (La desmitificacion de la escritura en Spinoza) [SP].pdf

963.4 KB

ZURRO (Metodo y sistema en Spinoza) [SP].pdf

4.3 MB

ZZ...RV...Aleph. 159. 2011 [Spinoza].pdf

3.9 MB

ZZ...RV...Cadernos Espinozanos. 15. 2006.pdf

801.2 KB

ZZ...RV...Cadernos Espinozanos. 16. 2007.pdf

742.6 KB

ZZ...RV...Cadernos Espinozanos. 17. 2007.pdf

769.5 KB

ZZ...RV...Cadernos Espinozanos. 18. 2008.pdf

656.4 KB

ZZ...RV...Magazine Litteraire. Vol. 370. 1998. Dossier Spinoza.pdf

12.0 MB

ZZ...RV...Studia Spinozana. 1999. v. 15 [Spinoza and Dutch Cartesianism].djvu

5.8 MB


SPINOZA - Adnotationes ad Tractatum theologico-politicum [LAT].pdf

2.7 MB

SPINOZA - CM [LAT] [v. Amsterdam. 1666].pdf

7.3 MB

SPINOZA - ET [LAT] [v. Ginsberg. Leipzig. 1875].pdf

13.6 MB

SPINOZA - ET [LAT] indizado.doc

2.0 MB


986.1 KB


160.2 KB


755.9 KB

SPINOZA - Renati Des Cartes principiorum philosophiae [LAT] [v. Amsterdam. 1666].pdf

7.3 MB


350.7 KB


231.1 KB


180.9 KB

SPINOZA - TRE [LAT] indizado.doc

534.0 KB


182.8 KB


211.3 KB


91.5 KB

SPINOZA - TTP [LAT] [v. Ginsberg. Heidelberg. 1882].pdf

19.0 MB

SPINOZA - TTP [LAT] [v. Kunrath. amsterdam. 1663].pdf

14.6 MB

SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Opera [LAT] [v. Bruder. Leipzig. 1843] [t1].pdf

15.3 MB

SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Opera [LAT] [v. Bruder. Leipzig. 1844] [t2].pdf

8.8 MB

SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Opera [LAT] [v. Bruder. Leipzig. 1846] [t3].pdf

11.2 MB

SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Opera [LAT] [v. Muller. Amsterdam. 1862] [Supplementum].pdf

7.5 MB

SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Opera [v. Gebhardt. 1925] [t1].pdf

25.6 MB

SPINOZA - ZZZ...Meijer

486.4 KB

SPINOZA - ZZZ...Opera Omnia [Tapa].jpg

69.3 KB


ANONIMO - De tribus impostoribus [ES] [v. Garcia del Campo & Carmena Martinez. Madrid. 2006].pdf

2.4 MB

SPINOZA - Epistulae [FR] [v. Pratt. Paris. 1885].pdf

5.5 MB

SPINOZA - Epistulae [IN] [v. Elwes. Washington. 1901].pdf

36.8 MB

SPINOZA - Epistulae [IT] [v. Droetto. Einaudi. 1951].pdf

6.2 MB

SPINOZA - ET [ES] VV [v. Vidal Pena] [Filtrada].doc

1.2 MB

SPINOZA - ET [ES] VV [v. Vidal Pena] [Filtrada].pdf

1.0 MB

SPINOZA - ET [ES] VV [v. Vidal Pena].doc

836.6 KB

SPINOZA - ET [ES] VV [v. Vidal Pena].pdf

1.2 MB

SPINOZA - ET [IN] [v. Elwes. Tudor. 1936].djvu

20.5 MB

SPINOZA - ET [IN] [v. Elwes. Washington. 1901].pdf

36.8 MB

SPINOZA - ET [IN] [v. Parkinson. Londres. Everyman's Library. 1989].pdf

12.7 MB

SPINOZA - KV [FR] [v. Janet. 1878].pdf

501.0 KB

SPINOZA - Renati Des Cartes principiorum philosophiae [IT] [v. De Angelis].pdf

4.3 MB

SPINOZA - TP [FR] [vv] [v. Saisset. Paris. 1842].pdf

296.3 KB

SPINOZA - TRE [FR] [vv] [v. Appuhn. Garnier. 1928].pdf

326.0 KB

SPINOZA - TRE [FR] [vv] [v. Saisset. Paris. 1842].pdf

231.1 KB

SPINOZA - TRE [IN] [v. Elwes. Tudor. 1936].djvu

20.5 MB

SPINOZA - TRE [IN] [v. Elwes. Washington. 1901].pdf

36.8 MB

SPINOZA - TRE [IT] [v. De Angelis].pdf

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SPINOZA - TRE [IT] [v. Mignini. 1986].pdf

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SPINOZA - TTP [FR] VV [v. Appuhn. Garnier. 1928].pdf

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SPINOZA - TTP [FR] VV [v. Saisset. Paris. 1842].pdf

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SPINOZA - TTP [IN] [V. Silverthorne & Israel. Cambridge. 2007].pdf

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SPINOZA - ZZ...OC. Complete Works [IN] [v. Shirley. Hackett. 2002].djvu

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SPINOZA - ZZ...OV. The chief works of Baruch Spinoza [IN] [v. Elwes. Londres. 1891-1901] [t1].pdf

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SPINOZA - ZZ...OV. The chief works of Baruch Spinoza [IN] [v. Elwes. Londres. 1891-1901] [t2].pdf

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SPINOZA - ZZZ...BIL...1...LAT.odt

162.6 KB

SPINOZA - ZZZ...BIL...2...ESP.odt

294.0 KB


ALEXANDER - Spinoza and time [1921].pdf

2.2 MB

ALLISON - Benedict de Spinoza. An Introduction [ed. rev.].djvu

2.9 MB

BAGLEY - Philosophy, theology, and politics. A reading of Benedict Spinoza’s Tractatus theologico-politicus.pdf

860.5 KB

BALIBAR - Spinoza and Politics [pp].pdf

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BALZ - Idea and Essence in the Philosophies of Hobbes and Spinoza [1918].pdf

12.7 MB

BODEI - Geometria de las pasiones [VV].doc

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BORRELL - Benoit Spinoza [1911].pdf

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BOULAD-AYOUB & TORERO-IBAD [eds] - Materialismes des modernes. Nature et moeurs [spinoza rousseau].pdf

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BRUNSCHVICG - Spinoza [1906].pdf

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CAIRD - Spinoza [1889].pdf

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CURLEY - Behind the Geometrical Method. A Reading of Spinoza's Ethics.djvu

1.8 MB

DAMASIO - Looking for Spinoza [x1].pdf

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DAMASIO - Looking for Spinoza [x2] [BT].pdf

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DAMASIO - Looking for Spinoza [x3].pdf

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DE BRABANDER - Spinoza and the Stoics. Power, Politics and the Passions.pdf

702.6 KB

DELAHUNTY - Spinoza.pdf

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DELEUZE - Expressionism in Philosophy. Spinoza.pdf

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DELEUZE - Spinoza et le probleme de l'expression [v. Minuit. 1968].pdf

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DELEUZE - Spinoza. Philosophie Practique [v. Minuit. 2003].pdf

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DELLA ROCCA - Representation and the Mind-Body Problem in Spinoza.pdf

30.3 MB

DELLA ROCCA - Spinoza.pdf

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DEVEAUX - The Role of God in Spinoza's Metaphysics.pdf

5.8 MB

FRAENKEL & PERINETTI & SMITH [eds] - The Rationalists. Between Tradition and Innovation [descartes spinoza leibniz bourgeut].pdf

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FRANCKS - Modern Philosophy. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.pdf

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GARRETT - Meaning in Spinoza's method.pdf

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GARRETT [ed] - The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza [x1] [pp 8].pdf

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GARRETT [ed] - The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza [x2] [pp 8].pdf

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GATENS & LLOYD [eds] - Collective Imaginings. Spinoza, past and present [pp].pdf

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GENNARO & HUENEMANN [eds] - New Essays on the Rationalists [pp].pdf

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GOETSCHEL - Spinoza's Modernity. Mendelssohn, Lessing, and Heine.pdf

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HAMPE & RENZ & SCHNEPF [eds] - Spinoza’s Ethics. A Collective Commentary.pdf

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HOWIE - Deleuze and Spinoza. Aura of Expressionism.pdf

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HUENEMANN [ed] - Interpreting Spinoza. Critical Essays [pp 3].pdf

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ISRAEL - Enlightenment Contested. Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man. 1670-1752 [pp].pdf

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ISRAEL - Radical Enlightenment. Philosophy and the Making of Modernity. 1650-1750.pdf

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JAMES - Passion and Action. The Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy [BT].doc

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JARRETT & KING-FARLOW & PELLETIER [eds] - New Essays on Rationalism and Empiricism [descartes spinoza leibniz locke berkeley reid].pdf

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JARRETT - Spinoza. A Guide for the Perplexed.pdf

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KASHAP - Spinoza and Moral Freedom.rar

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KISNER - Spinoza on Human Freedom. Reason, autonomy and the good life [lxn].pdf

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KOISTINEN & BIRO [eds] - Spinoza. Metaphysical Themes.doc

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KOISTINEN & BIRO [eds] - Spinoza. Metaphysical Themes.pdf

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KOISTINEN [ed] - The Cambridge Companion to Spinoza’s Ethics.pdf

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KORDELA - Surplus. Spinoza, Lacan.pdf

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LE BUFFE - From bondage to freedom. Spinoza on human excellence.pdf

1.5 MB

LEON - Les elements cartesiens de la doctrine spinoziste [1907].pdf

15.1 MB

LERMOND - The form of man. Human essence in Spinoza's Ethic.djvu

1.4 MB

LEVENE - Spinoza's Revelation. Religion, Democracy and Reason.pdf

4.2 MB

LLOYD GENEVIEVE - Part of Nature. Self-Knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.djvu

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LLOYD GENEVIEVE - Part of Nature. Self-knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.pdf

25.8 MB

LLOYD GENEVIEVE - Providence Lost [euripides stoicism spinoza descartes].pdf

1.1 MB

LLOYD GENEVIEVE - Routledge Philosophy Guidebook to Spinoza and the Ethics [pp] [R111].pdf

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LORD - Kant and Spinozism. Transcendental Idealism and Immanence from Jacobi to Deleuze [herder maimon].pdf

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MACHEREY - Hegel ou Spinoza.pdf

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MACHEREY - Introduction a l'Ethique de Spinoza. 3e. partie.pdf

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MACHEREY [Z] OV. In a Materialist Way. Selected Essays.pdf

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MARSHALL - Akrasia in Spinoza's Ethics [TS].pdf

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MARTINEAU - A Study of Spinoza [1883].pdf

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MASON - The god of Spinoza. A Philosophical Study.djvu

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MATHERON - Individu et communaute chez Spinoza [NOCR].pdf

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MERCER & O'NEILL [eds] - Early Modern Philosophy. Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics [BH].rar

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MIGNINI - Introduzione a Spinoza.pdf

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MILLER [ed] - Topics in Early Modern Philosophy of Mind.pdf

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NADLER - Spinoza. A Life.pdf

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NADLER - Spinoza's Ethics. An Introduction.pdf

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NADLER - Spinoza's Heresy. Immortality and the jewish mind.pdf

1.1 MB

NEGRI - Subversive Spinoza. Uncontemporary variations [v. Murphy. Manchester. 2004].pdf

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NEGRI - The Savage Anomaly.pdf

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NOURRISSON - Spinoza et le naturalisme contemporaine [1866].pdf

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OWH - Trascendent immanece. Jehova in Spinoza's concept of God [TS].pdf

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POLKA - Between Philosophy and Religion. Spinoza, the Bible, and modernity.pdf

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POLLOCK - Spinoza. His Life And Philosophy [1899].pdf

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PROKHOVNIK - Spinoza and Dutch Republicanism.pdf

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RAVVEN [ed] - Jewish Themes in Spinoza's Philosophy.pdf

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ROTHKAMM - Institutio Oratoria. Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza.pdf

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SMITH - Spinozas book of life. Freedom and redemption in the Ethics [pp].pdf

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SPRUIT & TOTARO - The Vatican Manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica [pp].pdf

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STEENBAKKERS - Spinoza's Ethica from manuscript to print. Studies on text, form and related topics.pdf

3.3 MB

STEINBERG - On Spinoza.pdf

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THOMASS - Etre heureux avec Spinoza.pdf

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VAN BUNGE et al [eds] - The Continuum Companion to Spinoza.pdf

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VARDOULAKIS [ed] - Spinoza Now.pdf

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VILJANEN - Spinoza’s Dynamics of Being. The Concept of Power and Its Role in Spinoza’s Metaphysics [pp 14].djvu

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WILLIAMS & WALDRON [eds] - Toleration and its limits.pdf

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WOLFSON - The Phiolosophy of Spinoza [1948].djvu

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WOOLHOUSE - Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. The concept of substance in seventeenth-century metaphysics.pdf

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YOVEL [ed] - Desire and Affect. Spinoza as a psychologist.djvu

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YOVEL [ed] - Spinoza by 2000. The Jerusalem Conferences. 1. God and Nature. Spinoza's Metaphysics.pdf

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YOVEL [ed] - Spinoza by 2000. The Jerusalem Conferences. 2. Spinoza on Knowledge and the Human Mind.djvu

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ZOURABICHVILI - Spinoza. Une physique de la pensee.pdf

101.9 MB


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