
Download State-Sponsored Terrorism, Crimes, and Lies - Collection 103 (Israel 24)

State Sponsored Terrorism Crimes and Lies Collection 103 Israel 24


State-Sponsored Terrorism, Crimes, and Lies - Collection 103 (Israel 24)


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481.0 MB

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2024-07-23 00:07




Pappé, Ilan - Fantasies of Israel — NLR Sidecar, 19 April 2023.pdf

84.4 KB

Shatz, Adam · Vengeful Pathologies — LRB, 20 October 2023.pdf

87.5 KB

Gould - Erasing Palestine. Free Speech and Palestinian Freedom (2023).epub

307.3 KB

Ashuri - The Arab-Israeli Conflict in the Media (2010).epub

492.3 KB

Norman - The Palestinian Prisoners Movement. Resistance and Disobedience (2021).epub

951.6 KB

Who Profits - Insuring Dispossession. The Complicity of Five Israeli Insurance and Pension Companies in the Violation of Palestinian Rights (2022).pdf

1.2 MB

Shalev - The Intifada. Causes and Effects (1991).epub

1.3 MB

Medoff - Militant Zionism in America. The Rise and Impact of the Jabotinsky Movement in the United States, 1926-1948 (2006).pdf

1.7 MB

Elgindy - Blind Spot. America and the Palestinians, From Balfour to Trump - Brookings Institution Press (2019).epub

2.2 MB

Baker & Matar (Eds.) - Threat. Palestinian Political Prisoners in Israel (2011).pdf

2.2 MB

Goldman - God's Country. Christian Zionism in America (2018).pdf

2.4 MB

Aburish - Cry Palestine. Inside The West Bank (1993).pdf

3.1 MB

Kanfani & Najib (Tr.) - On Zionist Literature (2022).pdf

3.4 MB

Hajj - Networked Refugees. Palestinian Reciprocity and Remittances in the Digital Age (2021).pdf

4.2 MB

Sasson - The New American Zionism (2014).pdf

4.5 MB

Bakkour - The End of the Middle East Peace Process. The Failure of US Diplomacy (2022).pdf

4.5 MB

Waxman - The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. What Everyone Needs to Know (2019).pdf

5.4 MB

Ricarte - The Impact of Protracted Peace Processes on Identities in Conflict. The Case of Israel and Palestine (2022).pdf

6.6 MB

Farsakh (Ed.) - Rethinking Statehood in Palestine. Self-Determination and Decolonization Beyond Partition (2021).pdf

6.9 MB

Farmer et al (Eds.) - A Land With a People. Palestinians and Jews Confront Zionism (2021).epub

8.5 MB

Williams - It`s easier to reach heaven than the end of the street. A Jerusalem Memoir (2010).epub

8.9 MB

Shaindlinger - Displacement and Erasure in Palestine. The Politics of Hope (2023).pdf

9.3 MB

Irfan - Refuge and Resistance. Palestinians and the International Refugee System (2023).pdf

10.3 MB

Scott-Baumann - The Shortest History of Israel and Palestine. From Zionism to Intifadas and the Struggle for Peace (2021).pdf

10.8 MB

Danjoux - Political Cartoons and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (2012).pdf

11.5 MB

Abboud - Invisible Enemy. Israel, Politics, Media, and American Culture (2003).pdf

12.0 MB

Shehadeh - We Could Have Been Friends, My Father and I. A Palestinian Memoir (2023).epub

12.6 MB

Thrall - A Day in the Life of Abed Salams. Anatomy of a Jerusalem Tragedy (2023).epub

13.8 MB

Rabie - Palestine Is Throwing a Party and the Whole World Is Invited. Capital and State Building in the West Bank (2021).pdf

17.1 MB

Sabbagh-Khoury - Colonizing Palestine. The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba (2023).pdf

30.0 MB

Thomson & Olsen (Eds.) - Palestine in the World. International Solidarity with the Palestinian Liberation Movement (2023).pdf

35.2 MB

Bartov - Genocide, the Holocaust, and Israel-Palestine. First-Person History in Times of Crisis (2023).pdf

40.2 MB

Shaw & Goodman - Hollywood and Israel. A History (2022).epub

63.3 MB

Marqusee - If I Am Not for Myself. Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew (2008).pdf

146.2 MB


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