
Download T.D.Samples - Enigmatic Phrases

Samples Enigmatic Phrases


T.D.Samples - Enigmatic Phrases


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213.6 MB

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/Enigmatic Words & Phrases II/

Love and Desire.nki

5.5 MB

Journey Phrases.nki

4.6 MB

Asian Phrases.nki

4.0 MB

Latin Phrases.nki

3.1 MB


2.4 MB

Night and Soul.nki

2.3 MB

/Samples/Asiatic phrases/


2.0 MB

ta douleur vient que tu dépends du regard des autres et que tu ne connais rien de ta beauté.wav

922.1 KB

il n'y a point de chelin vers le bonheur. le bonheur est le chemin.wav

744.8 KB

le plus grand conquérant est celui qui sait vaincre sans bataille.wav

669.9 KB

il vaut mieux allumer une chandelle que de maudire l'obscurité.wav

650.2 KB

celui qui vit sans folie n'est pas si sage qu'il croit.wav

602.9 KB

le joie est en tout, il faut savoir l'extraire.wav

512.3 KB

l'homme plus sage apprend des erreurs des autres.wav

484.7 KB

le but n'est pas le but, c'est la voie.wav

457.1 KB

la plus grande révélation est le silence.wav

445.3 KB

l'homme sage apprend de ses erreurs.wav

402.0 KB

/Buddha sayings/

Wisdom is the light by day and rightmindfulness is the protection by night.wav

1.2 MB

Neither fire nor wind birth nor death can erase our good deeds.wav

1.2 MB

When the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.wav

983.0 KB

When words are both true and kind they can change our World.wav

971.7 KB

He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.wav

934.6 KB

You cannot travel the path until you have become the path itself.wav

884.8 KB

Do not overrate what you have received nor envy others.wav

866.2 KB

Hatred does cease by hatred but only by love.wav

841.5 KB

If a man has conquered greed nothing can limit his freedom.wav

839.2 KB

If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him.wav

787.5 KB

Words have the power to both destroy and heal.wav

740.2 KB

All that we are arises with our thoughts.wav

726.2 KB

Peace comes from within do not seek it without.wav

714.3 KB

On life's journey faith is nourishment.wav

672.7 KB

Concentrate the mind on the present moment.wav

597.2 KB

With our thoughts we make our World.wav

580.1 KB

There is no shark like hatred.wav

494.0 KB

Virtuous deeds are a shelter.wav

487.9 KB

There is no torrent like greed.wav

485.4 KB

Fill your mind with compassion.wav

482.4 KB

There is no fire like passion.wav

455.0 KB

Do not dream of the future.wav

419.1 KB

There is no snare like folly.wav

416.4 KB

We are what we think.wav

415.9 KB

What we think we become.wav

403.8 KB

/English and French half-whispered/

72. (F) It is better to suffer an injustice than to commit an injustice.wav

1.1 MB

71. It is better to suffer an injustice than to commit an injustice.wav

950.9 KB

90. (F) The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.wav

753.5 KB

102. (F) We who are about to die salute you.wav

728.8 KB

89. The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.wav

715.7 KB

94. (F) They demanded peace by force of arms.wav

691.8 KB

93. They demanded peace by force of arms.wav

610.3 KB

41. From the cross comes salvation.wav

566.2 KB

34. (F) Fortune favours the bold.wav

531.2 KB

75. Love is the essence of life.wav

519.9 KB

74. (F) Let others wage war.wav

518.8 KB

101. We who are about to die salute you.wav

516.7 KB

77. One misstep leads to another.wav

510.4 KB

01. Art without science is nothing.wav

502.0 KB

97. To infinity without end.wav

497.2 KB

76. (F) Love is the essence of life.wav

494.1 KB

88. (F) The pen is mightier than the sword.wav

494.0 KB

87. The pen is mightier than the sword.wav

488.8 KB

07. Blessed are the poor in spirit.wav

482.5 KB

54. (F) Hell calls Hell.wav

481.8 KB

31. For the greater glory of God.wav

474.7 KB

03. Be present faithful ones.wav

469.4 KB

42. (F) From the cross comes salvation.wav

469.4 KB

06. (F) Blessed are the peacemakers.wav

457.1 KB

78. (F) One misstep leads to another.wav

457.1 KB

05. Blessed are the peacemakers.wav

450.7 KB

24. (F) Do not speak against the sun.wav

444.7 KB

32. (F) For the greater glory of God.wav

444.5 KB

39. From the cradle to the grave.wav

443.7 KB

23. Do not speak against the sun.wav

441.7 KB

73. Let others wage war.wav

424.1 KB

35. From God and the King.wav

423.5 KB

81. Secrets of the Empire.wav

422.9 KB

33. Fortune favours the bold.wav

420.3 KB

62. (F) In the year of the Hegira.wav

420.0 KB

04. (F) Be present faithful ones.wav

419.9 KB

02. (F) Art without science is nothing.wav

415.9 KB

64. (F) In the year of the Lord.wav

407.7 KB

85. The die has been cast.wav

397.7 KB

68. (F) In the year of the World.wav

395.3 KB

80. (F) Prepare for war.wav

395.3 KB

91. The spirit makes noble.wav

389.9 KB

37. From the beginning of time.wav

388.5 KB

67. In the year of the World.wav

386.1 KB

45. God has favoured us.wav

383.6 KB

08. (F) Blessed are the poor in spirit.wav

383.0 KB

36. (F) From God and the King.wav

382.8 KB

65. In the year of the reign.wav

379.8 KB

53. Hell calls Hell.wav

373.3 KB

98. (F) To infinity without end.wav

370.6 KB

92. (F) The spirit makes noble.wav

370.6 KB

46. (F) God has favoured us.wav

370.6 KB

61. In the year of the Hegira.wav

368.5 KB

43. Go towards the light.wav

363.2 KB

63. In the year of the Lord.wav

361.4 KB

27. Either learn or leave.wav

359.7 KB

28. (F) Either learn or leave.wav

358.3 KB

44. (F) Go towards the light.wav

358.3 KB

52. (F) Speak no evil.wav

358.3 KB

26. (F) Either conquer or die.wav

346.7 KB

38. (F) From the beginning of time.wav

345.9 KB

50. (F) See no evil.wav

345.9 KB

48. (F) Hear no evil.wav

345.9 KB

66. (F) In the year of the reign.wav

345.9 KB

25. Either conquer or die.wav

345.0 KB

82. (F) Secrets of the Empire.wav

333.5 KB

96. (F) To dare is to do.wav

333.4 KB

79. Prepare for war.wav

332.9 KB

51. Speak no evil.wav

330.5 KB

70. (F) It is an omen.wav

321.2 KB

21. Deeds of the saints.wav

317.6 KB

95. To dare is to do.wav

316.1 KB

29. Farewell forever.wav

309.4 KB

22. (F) Deeds of the saints.wav

308.8 KB

40. (F) From the cradle to the grave.wav

305.8 KB

12. (F) Dare to believe.wav

296.5 KB

69. It is an omen.wav

287.5 KB

10. (F) Dare to act.wav

284.1 KB

18. (F) Dare to know.wav

284.1 KB

99. Water of life.wav

283.5 KB

86. (F) The die has been cast.wav

281.3 KB

83. The blessed virgin.wav

280.4 KB

47. Hear no evil.wav

276.7 KB

84. (F) The blessed virgin.wav

271.8 KB

30. (F) Farewell forever.wav

271.8 KB

16. (F) Dare to dream.wav

259.4 KB

49. See no evil.wav

245.4 KB

20. (F) Dare to live.wav

244.8 KB

17. Dare to know.wav

237.9 KB

15. Dare to dream.wav

234.0 KB

11. Dare to believe.wav

229.5 KB

13. Dare to die.wav

228.0 KB

14. (F) Dare to die.wav

227.5 KB

09. Dare to act.wav

222.8 KB

19. Dare to live.wav

214.8 KB

100. (F) Water of life.wav

197.7 KB

60. (F) I see.wav

185.3 KB

55. I hear.wav

172.4 KB

59. I see.wav

164.9 KB

56. (F) I hear.wav

163.8 KB

57. I learn.wav

159.0 KB

58. (F) I learn.wav

150.0 KB

/.../Love and Desire/

on te voit que quelques instants mais l'on s'en souvient toute notre existence.wav

1.1 MB

c'est s'aimer bien peu que d'hair quelqu'un, mais c'est haïr tout le monde que de n'aimer que soi.wav

996.9 KB

offrir de l'amitié à qui veux l'amour c'est donner du pain à qui meurt de soif.wav

949.6 KB

heureux qui chaque matin s'augmente de son amour comme le rosier de sa rose.wav

882.7 KB

le désir et le rêve sont à la base de l'accomplissement de toutes choses.wav

796.0 KB

ses baisers laissaient à désirer son corps tout entier.wav

681.7 KB

le seul péchés est de ne pas se risquer pour vivre son désir.wav

673.8 KB

une vie sans amour c'est une vie sans soleil.wav

599.0 KB

une femme qui aime transforme le monde.wav

591.1 KB

l'amour c'est regarder dans la même direction.wav

579.3 KB

les femmes ont autant de façon d'aimer que d'amant.wav

476.8 KB

la vie se passe toute entière à désirer.wav

425.6 KB

chérissons nos rêves inaccessibles.wav

402.0 KB

bénissons nos désirs insatisfaits.wav

370.4 KB

l'envie nous maintient en vie.wav

311.3 KB

tu es semblable à une étoile.wav

303.4 KB

je te désire.wav

268.0 KB

je te veux.wav

264.0 KB

je t'aime.wav

232.5 KB


le vrai voyage c'est d'y aller. une fois arrivé le voyage est fini.wav

1.1 MB

oublié dans son pays, inconnu ailleurs, tel est le destin du voyageur.wav

1.1 MB

ce n'est pas le but du voyage qui est important mais les pas qui y mènent.wav

851.1 KB

on voyage pour changer non seulement de lieu mais d'idées.wav

827.5 KB

le voyageur doit frapper à toutes les portes avant de parvenir à la sienne.wav

811.7 KB

nous rêvons de voyager à travers l'univers mais l'univers est en nous.wav

799.9 KB

le voyage est un retour vers l'essentiel, vers soi même.wav

729.0 KB

j'ai voyagé à pied par simple amour du vent et de la terre.wav

725.1 KB

un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas.wav

662.0 KB

le secret du voyage est dans l'attente et nulle part ailleurs.wav

630.5 KB

le voyage apprend la tolérance.wav

457.1 KB

l'abolu est un voyage sans retour.wav

433.5 KB

un beau voyage est une oeuvre d'art.wav

405.9 KB

bienvenue voyageur.wav

299.5 KB

/Words and phrases/

65. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.wav

905.3 KB

75. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.wav

858.8 KB

71. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.wav

845.2 KB

78. God called the light day and the darkness he called night.wav

815.3 KB

76. And God said let there be light and there was light.wav

805.8 KB

64. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.wav

761.4 KB

52. As we forgive those who trespass against us.wav

678.1 KB

15. A journey to another place another time.wav

647.8 KB

63. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.wav

644.3 KB

14. You are about to be taken on a journey.wav

625.8 KB

66. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.wav

590.0 KB

79. God created man in his own image.wav

578.5 KB

69. Thou shalt not commit adultery.wav

549.0 KB

45. Our Father who art in Heaven.wav

531.4 KB

13. This is your guiding voice.wav

503.0 KB

67. Honour thy Father and thy Mother.wav

501.1 KB

51. And forgive us our trespasses.wav

490.1 KB

53. And lead us not in to temptation.wav

484.9 KB

50. Give us this day our daily bread.wav

480.3 KB

17. Exhale slowly.wav

476.9 KB

49. On Earth as it is in Heaven.wav

459.1 KB

20. Your journey begins.wav

446.5 KB

77. God saw that the light was good.wav

442.5 KB

40. Breath out (quiet).wav

436.8 KB

54. But deliver us from evil.wav

430.0 KB

80. The journey is over.wav

427.7 KB

16. Inhale deeply.wav

425.2 KB

55. For thine is the Kingdom.wav

409.1 KB

72. Thou shalt not covet.wav

408.4 KB

70. Thou shalt not steal.wav

407.1 KB

46. Hallowed be thy name.wav

384.1 KB

56. The power and the glory.wav

372.1 KB

18. And relax.wav

363.6 KB

68. Thou shalt not kill.wav

356.9 KB

19. Relax.wav

348.2 KB

47. Thy Kingdom come.wav

314.1 KB

44. Breath out (loud).wav

312.8 KB

37. Tranquility.wav

311.3 KB

57. For ever and ever.wav

309.0 KB

34. Philosophy.wav

305.2 KB

42. Breath out (medium).wav

296.6 KB

48. Thy will be done.wav

294.3 KB

36. Sanctuary.wav

290.6 KB

35. Religion.wav

281.4 KB

28. Infinity.wav

279.3 KB

24. Devotion.wav

273.3 KB

25. Eternity.wav

268.4 KB

11. Good evening.wav

258.2 KB

73. Moan 1.wav

247.1 KB

29. Karma.wav

244.2 KB

12. Welcome.wav

241.9 KB

02. (F) Two.wav

240.8 KB

10. (F) Ten.wav

235.6 KB

74. Moan 2.wav

234.7 KB

05. (F) Five.wav

225.1 KB

07. (F) Seven.wav

220.9 KB

22. Death.wav

218.8 KB

09. (F) Nine.wav

217.7 KB

04. (F) Four.wav

216.9 KB

01. (F) One.wav

215.8 KB

06. (F) Six.wav

207.5 KB

33. Peace.wav

207.4 KB

32. Money.wav

204.8 KB

39. Breath in (quiet).wav

202.2 KB

03. (F) Three.wav

201.7 KB

27. God.wav

201.5 KB

23. Desire.wav

198.1 KB

31. Lust.wav

194.1 KB

41. Breath in (medium).wav

193.5 KB

26. Evil.wav

190.8 KB

58. Amen.wav

185.3 KB

08. (F) Eight.wav

181.9 KB

43. Breath in (loud).wav

165.7 KB

38. War.wav

163.2 KB

21. Buddha.wav

158.4 KB

60. Gasp 2.wav

156.8 KB

30. Love.wav

156.1 KB

61. Gasp 3.wav

147.8 KB

59. Gasp 1.wav

146.7 KB

62. Gasp 4.wav

144.6 KB

/English and French/

29. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.wav

881.2 KB

80. (F) The reward of faith is to see what you believe.wav

852.3 KB

73. The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned.wav

841.3 KB

74. (F) The man who is constantly in fear is every day condemned.wav

827.6 KB

tapestrea-(Wed Oct 21 12h29m18 2009)_M.wav

753.7 KB

76. (F) The passion of glory is the torch of the mind.wav

753.5 KB

11. Every man is the artisan of his own fortune.wav

734.0 KB

84. (F) While we breath we shall defend.wav

691.8 KB

33. It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country.wav

686.9 KB

34. (F) It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country.wav

667.1 KB

12. (F) Every man is the artisan of his own fortune.wav

642.3 KB

75. The passion of glory is the torch of the mind.wav

630.1 KB

60. (F) The blind are led by the blind.wav

630.0 KB

25. I believe in order that I may understand.wav

620.8 KB

79. The reward of faith is to see what you believe.wav

619.0 KB

24. (F) Honour is the reward of virtue.wav

617.6 KB

16. (F) Faith is to believe what you do not see.wav

605.3 KB

31. It is glorious to forget the injustice.wav

602.1 KB

56. (F) Outside the church there is no salvation.wav

592.9 KB

64. (F) The glory of sons is their Fathers.wav

592.9 KB

30. (F) In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.wav

584.6 KB

55. Outside the church there is no salvation.wav

576.1 KB

63. The glory of sons is their Fathers.wav

569.9 KB

04. (F) By faith not arms.wav

568.2 KB

14. (F) Experience is the best teacher.wav

568.2 KB

65. The Heavens declare the glory of God.wav

563.7 KB

20. (F) Glory is the shadow of virtue.wav

555.9 KB

82. (F) While there is life there is hope.wav

555.9 KB

32. (F) It is glorious to forget the injustice.wav

555.9 KB

07. Common danger brings forth harmony.wav

544.9 KB

08. (F) Common danger brings forth harmony.wav

543.5 KB

54. (F) One who lives well lives unnoticed.wav

543.5 KB

53. One who lives well lives unnoticed.wav

542.4 KB

62. (F) The eyes are the window to the soul.wav

531.2 KB

18. (F) Fortune favours the brave.wav

531.2 KB

67. The law is harsh but it is the law.wav

528.1 KB

77. The people are a many-headed beast.wav

515.9 KB

15. Faith is to believe what you do not see.wav

512.4 KB

66. (F) The Heavens declare the glory of God.wav

510.9 KB

61. The eyes are the window to the soul.wav

510.7 KB

68. (F) The law is harsh but it is the law.wav

506.5 KB

26. (F) I believe in order that I may understand.wav

506.5 KB

19. Glory is the shadow of virtue.wav

498.2 KB

13. Experience is the best teacher.wav

497.8 KB

83. While we breath we shall defend.wav

489.5 KB

59. The blind are led by the blind.wav

488.2 KB

01. A God who is hidden from man.wav

487.2 KB

27. I think therefore I am.wav

486.9 KB

81. While there is life there is hope.wav

475.3 KB

70. (F) The light and the truth.wav

469.4 KB

23. Honour is the reward of virtue.wav

447.5 KB

02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

444.7 KB

72. (F) The Lord is my light.wav

444.7 KB

17. Fortune favours the brave.wav

438.2 KB

28. (F) I think therefore I am.wav

432.4 KB

res2_res1_80. (F) The reward of faith is to see what you believe.wav

426.2 KB

res1_80. (F) The reward of faith is to see what you believe.wav

426.2 KB

42. (F) Let justice be done.wav

395.3 KB

71. The Lord is my light.wav

391.2 KB

44. (F) Let thy will be done.wav

383.0 KB

52. (F) May the Lord be with you.wav

383.0 KB

03. By faith not arms.wav

372.8 KB

40. (F) Let it be for ever.wav

370.6 KB

09. Defender of the faith.wav

364.2 KB

51. May the Lord be with you.wav

363.7 KB

tapestrea-(Wed Oct 21 12h29m16 2009)_2.wav

360.5 KB

10. (F) Defender of the faith.wav

345.9 KB

41. Let justice be done.wav

340.6 KB

39. Let it be for ever.wav

336.4 KB

48. (F) The King is dead.wav

333.5 KB

45. Let us rejoice.wav

328.8 KB

47. The King is dead.wav

321.4 KB

78. (F) The people are a many-headed beast.wav

320.4 KB

05. By the grace of God.wav

310.8 KB

58. (F) Seize the day.wav

310.0 KB

38. (F) Know thy self.wav

308.8 KB

06. (F) By the grace of God.wav

308.8 KB

49. Long live the King.wav

298.5 KB

69. The light and the truth.wav

293.5 KB

21. Glory to the Father.wav

288.9 KB

57. Seize the day.wav

288.6 KB

43. Let thy will be done.wav

275.3 KB

22. (F) Glory to the Father.wav

259.4 KB

35. It shall be so.wav

258.4 KB

37. Know thy self.wav

250.3 KB

46. (F) Let us rejoice.wav

234.7 KB

36. (F) It shall be so.wav

234.7 KB

res1_02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

222.4 KB

res3_02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

222.4 KB

res4_02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

222.4 KB

res5_02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

222.4 KB

res2_02. (F) A God who is hidden from man.wav

222.4 KB

50. (F) Long live the King.wav

210.0 KB

tapestrea-(Wed Oct 21 12h29m18 2009)_2.wav

188.5 KB

674-06. (F) By the grace of God.wdf

24.6 KB


Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas.wav

673.8 KB

Ut ameris, amabilis esto.wav

583.2 KB

Ultra posse nemo obligatur.wav

539.9 KB

Vultus est index animi.wav

488.6 KB

Virtus Unita Fortior.wav

433.5 KB

sol lucet omnibus.wav

429.5 KB

Vox populi vox dei.wav

413.8 KB

Sic itur ad astra.wav

402.0 KB

Viam veritas elegi.wav

402.0 KB

res non verba.wav

350.7 KB

Tempus Fugit.wav

275.9 KB

spes salutis.wav

275.9 KB

quo fata ferunt.wav

244.3 KB

quo vadis.wav

153.7 KB


Nemo propheta in patria sua.wav

658.1 KB

Verbatim et litteratim.wav

535.5 KB

Omnia mea mercum porto.wav

495.4 KB

Gloria in excelsis Deo.wav

492.7 KB

Veni vidi vici.wav

482.7 KB

Mater memento mori.wav

482.1 KB

Maximus in minimus.wav

481.8 KB

optemis parentibus.wav

476.6 KB

Gloria vertutis umbra.wav

461.9 KB

Dominus illuminatio mea.wav

458.6 KB

Veritas odit moras.wav

447.8 KB

Liberum arbitrium.wav

432.4 KB

Bonum commune hominis.wav

426.1 KB

Ego me bene habeo.wav

424.0 KB

Per aspera ad astra.wav

423.1 KB

Ad astra per aspera.wav

418.6 KB

Locus classicus.wav

414.8 KB

Mea maxima culpa.wav

405.4 KB

A verbis ad verbera.wav

399.0 KB

A bene placito.wav

395.3 KB

In libris libertas.wav

393.6 KB

Verba de futuro.wav

388.5 KB

Puris omnia pura.wav

386.6 KB

Justitia omnibus.wav

382.0 KB

Sanctum sanctorum.wav

376.6 KB

Nomen est omen.wav

365.6 KB

Habetis bona deum.wav

365.0 KB

Ceteris paribus.wav

363.4 KB

Via dolorosa.wav

343.5 KB

Multum in parvo.wav

342.2 KB

In nomine domini.wav

327.9 KB

Latine dictum.wav

327.5 KB

Motu proprio.wav

327.2 KB

Natale solum.wav

325.3 KB

In omnia paratus.wav

323.8 KB

Acta sanctorum.wav

311.9 KB

Ex hypothesi.wav

281.4 KB

Esto perpetua.wav

279.3 KB


278.3 KB

Post bellum.wav

270.1 KB

Ante mortem.wav

265.0 KB

Aqua pura.wav

255.8 KB


243.5 KB

Agnus Dei.wav

242.8 KB

Anno domini.wav

217.0 KB

Alma mater.wav

212.9 KB

Carpe diem.wav

210.4 KB


203.2 KB

Per diem.wav

178.9 KB

(L) Amen.wav

154.8 KB


Le silence de la nuit est le lac le plus profond de la terre.wav

571.4 KB

Ce n'est que quand il fait nuit que les étoiles brillent.wav

555.6 KB

La nuit est la muraille immense de la tombe.wav

512.3 KB

La nuit n'est peut-être que la paupière du jour.wav

492.6 KB

La nuit qu'il est beau de croire à la lumière.wav

445.3 KB

/Samples/The soul/

La véritable église est celle qui est construite au fond de l'âme.wav

555.6 KB

Le bonheur et le malheur se trouvent dans l'âme.wav

461.1 KB

Les âmes, sont des libellules de l'ombre...wav

457.1 KB

Les âmes sont les idées de Dieu.wav

441.4 KB

La parole reflète l'âme.wav

425.6 KB


Latin phrases.png

529.0 KB

love and desire.png

480.8 KB


273.8 KB


266.0 KB


158.0 KB

Night and Soul.png

90.2 KB



187.2 KB


169.5 KB


165.5 KB


163.6 KB


163.6 KB


157.7 KB


157.7 KB


149.8 KB


141.9 KB


139.9 KB

voie lactée.wav

139.9 KB


139.9 KB


132.0 KB


74.9 KB


71.0 KB


67.0 KB


65.1 KB


63.1 KB


Total files 450

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