
Download The Water files - Les dossiers de l'Eau

The Water files Les dossiers de Eau


The Water files - Les dossiers de l'Eau


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An Examination of IR and UV techniques to test for changes in water following the laying-on of hands - Douglas Dean (1983).pdf

4.5 MB

Coherent frequencies, consciousness and the laws of life Cyril W. Smith - CASYS'09 paper.pdf

820.8 KB

Diamond water - Joel Ducatillon.pdf

344.4 KB

Electrolyzed water -

431.1 KB

Holst - Purifier et Dynamiser votre Eau.pdf

5.5 MB

Investigation of coherent signals in water - Pantelis A. Tsouris (1995).pdf

15.4 MB

L'eau dans la cellule - Une interface hétérogène et dynamique des macromolécules - Pascale Mentré.pdf

63.8 MB

L'EAU Volume I - Trames, boucles et turbulences.pdf

44.1 MB

L'EAU Volume II - Flux, souffles et vibrations.pdf

38.6 MB

La Qualite - Méthodes, objets et mesures.pdf

41.1 MB

Light water - Deuterium Depleted Water - Rexresearch.pdf

259.5 KB

Médecine Quantique - Dr. Nadine Schüster.pdf

28.9 MB

Ozone Water Plans.pdf

959.5 KB

P.Tompkins and C. Bird - The Secret life of plants.pdf

22.6 MB

Sacred Wells (2009) - Gary R. Varner.pdf

4.0 MB

Schöpfung aus dem Wassetropfen - Gustav Schenk.pdf

14.4 MB

The Secret Life of Nature - Peter Tompkins.pdf

3.5 MB

Your Body's Many Cries for Water - Fereydoon Batmanghelidj.pdf

1.2 MB


As mensagens de água - Portuguese - Masaru Emoto.pdf

20.0 MB

Hado Mensagens Ocultas na Água - Portuguese - masaru emoto.pdf

24.1 MB

Messages from water - For Children - Masaru Emoto.pdf

9.1 MB

Messages from water - Japanese and English - Masaru Emoto.pdf

7.7 MB

/Jacques Benveniste/

Jacques Benveniste - Ma Verite Sur La Memoire de L'Eau.pdf

639.3 KB

/Jacques Ravatin/

L'Emmergence de l'Enel ou l'immergence des reperes Tome I - Vladimir Rosgnilk.pdf

157.9 MB

L'Emmergence de l'Enel ou l'immergence des reperes Tome II - Vladimir Rosgnilk.pdf

10.3 MB

L'Emmergence de l'Enel ou l'immergence des reperes Tome III - Vladimir Rosgnilk.pdf

15.7 MB

/L'Eau, le miracle oublié - Jacques Collin/

L'Eau, le miracle oublié - Jacques Collin.pdf

110.8 MB

/Litterature - Scientific papers/

A proposal for the structuring of water - Chaplin 1999.pdf

1.9 MB

A Random, Contr. Trial of the Effects of Remote, Prayer on Outcomes in Coronary Care Unit - Harris 1999.pdf

304.1 KB

A telekinetic effect on plant growth - Grad 1963.pdf

994.2 KB

A telekinetic effect on plant growth 2 - Grad 1964.pdf

1.0 MB

Activated water - Smirnov 2003.pdf

3.0 MB

Additional Evidence of Stable EMF-Induced Changes in Water Revealed by fungal spore germination - Rai 1994.pdf

314.8 KB

Biological Effects of TV Set Electromagnetic Fields on the Growth of Spruce seedlings - Jerman 1998.pdf

598.4 KB

Can an Aspect of Consciousness be Imprinted into an Electronic Device - Tiller 2000.pdf

1.9 MB

Causes and Mechanism(s) of Ner Bioeffects - Rai 1997.pdf

569.4 KB

Changes in the state of water, induced by radiofrequency EMF - Fesenko 1995.pdf

301.7 KB

Debate homeopathy quackery or a Key to the Future of Medicine - Novella 2008.pdf

110.3 KB

Do we underestimate the importance of water in cell biology - Chaplin 2006.pdf

763.3 KB

Double-blind test of the effects of distant intention on water crystal formation - Radin 2007.pdf

115.2 KB

Effect of 50-Hz Powerline Exposed Magnetized Water on rat kidney - Singh 2004.pdf

450.0 KB

Effect of 50-Hz-Powerline-Exposed Water on Hematological Parameters in Rats - Singh 2003.pdf

305.5 KB

Effect of holy water on the growth of radish plant - Lenington 1979.pdf

45.2 KB

Effects of 60 Hz Electromagnetic Fields on Early Growth inThree Plant Species - Davies 1996.pdf

685.4 KB

Effects of distant intention on water crystal formation triple blind replication - Radin 2008.pdf

1.2 MB

Effects of Healing Intention on Cultured Cells and truly random events - Radin 2004.pdf

230.2 KB

Effects of musical sound on the germination of seeds - Creath.pdf

6.0 MB

Effects of potentization - Demangeat 2000.pdf

111.3 KB

Electric conductivity changes in water samples - Faussurier 1976.pdf

248.2 KB

Electrical Transfer of Molecule Information into Water, Its Storage, and Bioeffects on plants - Jerman 2005.pdf

372.0 KB

Energized Bio-Green Water Supply Stimulated the Growth and Development of Green Peppers - Kim 2006.pdf

1.3 MB

Enhancement of biological wastewater treatment by magnetic field exposure - Tomska 2008.pdf

573.8 KB

Erratum structured water - Daviss 2004.pdf

247.9 KB

Estim. of Naturally Modified Mineral Water Protection Activity against experimental infections - Krizhanovsky 2008.pdf

130.6 KB

Evidence for non-chemical, non-electrical intercellular signaling in intestinal epithelial cells - Farhadi 2007.pdf

726.3 KB

Expanding thermodynamic perspective for materials part1 - Tiller 2008.pdf

959.2 KB

Expanding thermodynamic perspective for materials part2 - Tiller 2008.pdf

829.9 KB

Field Study of an Enhancement Effect on Lettuce seeds - replication study - Roney Dougal 2003.pdf

97.4 KB

Field study of an enhancement effect on lettuce seeds working in adverse conditions - Roney Dougal 2005.pdf

345.0 KB

Field study of enhancement effects lettuce seeds - Roney Dougal 2002.pdf

2.8 MB

Germination Responses of Fungal Spores to Magnetically Restructured Water - Rai 1994.pdf

394.1 KB

Growth stimula of peas through homeopatic potencies of plant growth substances - Baumgartner 2004.pdf

195.1 KB

Healing with water - Emoto 2004.pdf

114.6 KB

High-field T1 and T2 NMR relax time measurements of H2O in homeo - Baumgartner 2009.pdf

427.9 KB

Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation - Baumgartner 2005.pdf

83.8 KB

Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation - Belon 2004.pdf

248.6 KB

Homeopathic Treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana Plants Infected with Pseudomonas syringae - Shah-Rossi 2009.pdf

3.0 MB

Homeopathic treatment of plants - Shah-Rossi 2009.pdf

3.0 MB

Homöopathie und Wasserstruktur - kratky 2004.pdf

270.5 KB

HR & HRV response to the Transpiration of Vortex-Water by plants - Johansson 2008.pdf

222.5 KB

Human Psychophysiology, Macroscopic Information Entanglement, and the Placebo Effect - Tiller 2006.pdf

463.6 KB

Influence of aluminium in biologic effects of ELF MF stimulation- Ruzic 2000.pdf

149.2 KB

Influence of Ca2 in Biological Effects of Direct and Indirect ELF MF stimulation - Ruzic 1998.pdf

674.9 KB

Inhibition of human basophil degranulation by successive histamine dilutions - Belon 1999.pdf

81.9 KB

Life depends upon two kinds of water - Wiggins.pdf

669.1 KB

Low Field NMR water proton longitudinal relaxation - Demangeat 2004.pdf

907.8 KB

Low resonant frequency storage and transfer in structured water cluster - Pan 2003.pdf

559.0 KB

Magn fields alter elec properties of solutions and their physio effects - Ayrapetyan 1994.pdf

624.4 KB

Magnetic field enhancement of water vaporization - Nakagawa 1999.pdf

62.4 KB

Magnetic restructuring of water - Rai 1995.pdf

489.4 KB

Magnetically restructured water induces changes in rat brain - Singh 2002.pdf

714.6 KB

Measurements of the EMF generated by biological systems - Cyril W. Smith.PDF

957.4 KB

Measuring Eff. of Music, Noise, and Healing Energy using a seed germin. bioassay - Creath 2004.pdf

461.6 KB

Modif of 4MHz NMR water proton relaxation times in HD aqueous solutions - Demangeat 1995.pdf

183.1 KB

Modification des temps de relaxation RMN à 4MHZ des protons du solvant - Demangeat 1992.pdf

1.3 MB

MRET Activated Water and its Succesful Application for Prevention Treatment and Enhanced Tumor Resistance - Smirnov 2007.pdf

2.4 MB

Neutron scattering of a floating heavy water bridge - Fuchs 2009.pdf

325.7 KB

New experimental data revealing an unexpected dimension to materials science - Tiller 2001.pdf

537.0 KB

New Theoretical Treatment of Ion resonance phenomena - Vincze 2008.pdf

307.9 KB

NMR water proton relaxation in unheated and heated ultrahigh aqueous dilutions - Demangeat 2009.pdf

879.5 KB

Nonmolecular information - transfer from thyroxine - Endler 1995.pdf

404.0 KB

Nuclear magnetic resonance - let's consolidate the ground before getting excited - Demangeat 2001.pdf

58.2 KB

Old and new views on the structure of matter and the special case of living matter - Del Giudice 2007.pdf

234.2 KB

On Chemical Medicine, Thermodynamics, and Homeopathy - Tiller 2006.pdf

346.2 KB

Physiological Response of the Cyanobacterium Anacystzs Nzdulans to a magnetic field - Rai 1998.pdf

632.5 KB

Possible Effect of Magnetically Induced Water Structures on Photosynthetic Electron Transport Chains of a Green Alga - Rai 1996.pdf

572.6 KB

Pre-Sowing MagneticTreatments of Tomato Seeds Increase the Growth and Yield of Plants - Souza 2006.pdf

194.6 KB

Quality Assessment of Physical Research in Homeopathy - Becker-Witt 2003.pdf

215.5 KB

Quanta and Coherence Effects in Water and Living Systems - Smith 2004.pdf

203.9 KB

Regular oscillatory behavior of aqueous solutions of CuII salts - Morre 2008.pdf

1.2 MB

Reply to comment on the memory of water - Chaplin 2008.pdf

74.6 KB

Reproducibility of dwarf pea shoot growth stimulation by homeopathic potencies - Baumgartner2008.pdf

250.2 KB

Response of the regulatory oscillatory behavior of copperII - Morre 2008.pdf

1.0 MB

Role of Water in Some Biological Processes - Wiggins 1990.pdf

4.3 MB

Significant structure theory applied water - Jhon 1966.pdf

616.3 KB

Simple and fast method for in-vivo demonstration of EMS via high dilution - Benveniste 1999.pdf

186.7 KB

Structure and dynamics of water - Klose 1985.pdf

464.1 KB

Structure de l'eau et relation avec le mécanisme d'action du médicament homéopathique - Boiron 1981.pdf

1.8 MB

Structured water is changing models - Daviss 2004.pdf

322.2 KB

Synergestic application of chemical and EM Water Treatment in Corrosion prevent. - Colic 1998.pdf

87.5 KB

The anomalous electrodynamic char. and polarized oriented multilayer molecular structure of water - Smirnov 2008.pdf

508.4 KB

The changes of macroscopic features and microscopic structures of water under influ. of EMF - Pang 2008.pdf

330.2 KB

The conductivity properties of protons in ice and mechanism of magnetization in liquid water - Pang 2006.pdf

599.1 KB

The Cytomatrix as a Cooperative System of macromocular and water networks - Shepherd 2006.pdf

449.4 KB

The effect of magnetic field on wastewater treatment with activated sludge method - Tomska 2004.pdf

353.7 KB

The effect of MRET activated water on enhanced tumor resistance in oncology - Smirnov 2008.pdf

388.3 KB

The role of structured water in the calibration and interpretation of theoretical IR spectra - Wander 2006.pdf

476.7 KB

The structure and dynamics of water near membrane surfaces - Klose 1985.pdf

626.8 KB

The Structure Of Liquid Water; Novel Insights From Materials Research; Potential Relevance To Homeopathy - Roy - Tiller 2004.pdf

1.7 MB

Time-dependent changes of zeta pot and other param of in situ calcium carb due to magnetic- Holysz 2001.pdf

234.2 KB

Toward Gen Exp and Disc. in Conditioned lab spaces Part IV. Macros Info Entanglement Between Sites 6000 Mls apart - Tiller 2005.pdf

110.6 KB

Toward Gen. Exp. and Disc. in Conditioned Part V. Data on 10 Diff. Sites Using a Robust Subtle Energy Detector- Tiller 2007.pdf

489.9 KB

Toward Gen. Exp. and Discovery in Conditioned Laboratory Spaces Part I. Exp. pH Change Findings at remote site - Tiller 2004.pdf

436.6 KB

Toward Gen. Exp. and Discovery in Conditioned Laboratory Spaces Part II. pH-Change Exp. at Four sites 1 year after - Tiller 2004.pdf

184.0 KB

ULF yeast cells electric acitivity - Cifra 2008.pdf

465.5 KB

Ultradilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties role of the system - Ag - O - H2O - Roy 2007.pdf

2.2 MB

Vibrationally and diffusionally spectroscopical investigations of the structure of water - Klose 1985.pdf

294.0 KB

Water as a free dipole laser - Del Giudice 1988.pdf

532.9 KB

Water as information carrier Part 1 - Ludwig 2002.pdf

1.1 MB

Water as information carrier Part 2 - Ludwig 2002.pdf

1.3 MB

Water Stress Reveals Effects of Elf Magnetic Fields on the Growth of Seedlings - Ruzic 1998.pdf

774.2 KB

Water structure giant heterophase clusters of water - Smirnov 2005.pdf

2.7 MB

Water, its importance to life - Chaplin 2001.pdf

314.3 KB

Weak magnetic fields decrease heat stress in cress seedlings - Ruzic 2002.pdf

1.2 MB

X-Ray Determination of Magnetically Treated Liquid Water Structures - Rai 1995.pdf

341.3 KB

/Marcel Violet/

le secret des patriarches.pdf

3.7 MB

Marcel violet.nrg

845.3 MB

/Pongratz - Wheat experiments/

1994 Pongratz et al. (UHD 1) wheat and silver 1.pdf

5.5 MB

1996 Pongratz (HB) Weizenmodell.doc

69.6 KB

1998 Pongratz et al. (UHD 2) wheat and silver 2.pdf

6.6 MB

/The Faculty of Homeopathy - 2007/

Can low-temperature thermoluminescence cast light on the nature of ultra-high dilutions - Rey - Homeo 2007.pdf

273.7 KB

Can water possibly have a memory A sceptical view - Texeira - Homeo 2007.pdf

375.8 KB

Long term structural effects in water autothixotropy of water and its hysteresis - Vybiral - Homeo 2007.pdf

286.3 KB

Memory of Water, macro-entanglement, and the possibility of homepathy - Milgrom - Homeo 2007.pdf

753.8 KB

The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy - Rao - Homeo 2007.pdf

793.6 KB

The history of the Memory of Water - Thomas - Homeo 2007.pdf

410.3 KB

The Memory of Water a scientific heresy question mark - Fisher - Homeo 2007.pdf

71.2 KB

The Memory of Water an overview - Chaplin - Homeo 2007.pdf

229.8 KB

The nature of the active ingredient in ultramolecular dilutions - Weingartner - Homeo 2007.pdf

161.3 KB

The octave potencies convention - a mathematical model of dilution and succussion - 2007 Anick - Homeo 2007.pdf

191.9 KB

The possible role of active oxygen in the memory of water - Voeikov - Homeo 2007.pdf

139.5 KB

The silica hypothesis for homeopathy physical chemistry - Anick - Homeo 2007.pdf

248.0 KB

The ‘Memory of Water’ an almost deciphered enigma - Elia - Homeo 2007.pdf

346.9 KB

/Viktor Schauberger/

Alexandersson - Living Water - Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy (1990).pdf

2.6 MB

Bartholomew - Hidden Nature - The Startling Insights of Viktor Schauberger (2003).pdf

10.8 MB

Coats & Schauberger - Living Energies - Viktor Schauberger's Brilliant Work With Natural Energy Explained (2001).pdf

12.8 MB

Coats & Schauberger - Nature as teacher - New principles in the working of nature (1998).pdf

1.5 MB

Coats & Schauberger - The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature (2000).pdf

10.6 MB

Coats & Schauberger - The fertile earth - Nature's energies in agriculture, soil fertilisation and forestry (2000).pdf

1.9 MB

Coats & Schauberger - The water wizard - The extraordinary properties of natural water (1997).pdf

2.7 MB

Implosion - Viktor Schauberger and the Path of Natural Energy (1985).pdf

4.1 MB

Johansson et al. - Self-organizing Flow Technology - In Viktor Schauberger's Footsteps (2002).pdf

3.0 MB

Radlberger - Der hyperbolische Kegel nach Walter Schauberger (2002).pdf

3.8 MB

/Viktor Schauberger/Schauberger patents/


120.8 KB


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668.2 KB


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458.7 KB


121.7 KB


271.6 KB


419.1 KB


299.4 KB

/Viktor Schauberger/Schauberger patents/Schematics - Pictures/


39.0 KB


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5.4 KB

/Volume 1/

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Abhirosh.pdf

1.2 MB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Chaplin.pdf

1.9 MB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Eberhart.pdf

698.1 KB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Shimokawa.pdf

748.0 KB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Sugihara.pdf

840.1 KB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Voeikov.pdf

879.4 KB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Wiggins1.pdf

732.7 KB

Water - A Multidisciplinary Research Journal vol1Wiggins2.pdf

849.8 KB

/Volume 2/

A new Hydrogen Bond Angle - Distance in Potential Energy Surface of the Quantum Water Dimer - Vanderkooi.pdf

1.8 MB

Analysis of stimulated electrophotonic glow of liquids - Korotkov.pdf

1.9 MB

Domains of water molecules provide mechanisms of potentization in Homeopathy - Czerlinski.pdf

1.3 MB

Fourth Annual conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water - Oct. 2009 Vermont.pdf

2.4 MB

Seasonal Distribution of Enteric Opportunistic Cryptosporidium Spp. Oocysts and Giardia Spp. Cysts in a Tropical Water Basin, Cameroon.pdf

1.8 MB


Total files 231

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