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Ageev E.P. Neravnovesnaja termodinamika v voprosah i otvetah (E#ditorial URSS, 2001)(ru)(T)(133s).djv

1.2 MB

Alifanov O.M. Obratnye zadachi teploobmena (Mashinostroenie, 1988)(ru)(T)(K)(281s)_PT_.djvu

3.4 MB

Anderson G.M. Thermodynamics of Natural Systems (CUP 2005)(657s)_PT_.pdf

2.9 MB

Anisimov S., Khokhlov V. Instabilities in laser-matter interaction (CRC, 1995)(T)(K)(600dpi)(141s.djv

1.3 MB

Axiezer A.I., Peletminskij S.V. Metody statisticheskoj fiziki (Nauka, 1977)(ru)(K)(T)(367s)_PT_.djvu

3.9 MB

Axmanov, D#jakov, Chirkin. Vvedenie v statisticheskuju radiofiziku i optiku (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(L)(T)(320s.djv

7.7 MB

Bazarov I.P. Termodinamika (4e izd., Vysshaya shkola, 1991)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(377s)_PT_.djvu

4.4 MB

Bazarov I.P., Gevorkyan E#.V., Nikolaev P.N. Neravnovesnaya termodinamika i fizicheskaya kinetika.djv

3.5 MB

Bazarov. Termodinamika (ru)(T)(378s).djvu

5.3 MB

Benayoun L. Methodes geometriques pour systemes thermodynamiques (fr)(Grenoble these, 1999)(240s).pdf

893.9 KB

Biot. Variacionnye principy v teorii teploobmena (ru)(T)(210s).djvu

2.2 MB

Bird R.B., Stewart W.E., Lightfoot E.N. Transport phenomena (2ed., Wiley, 2002)(600dpi)(ISBN 0471.djv

19.2 MB

Bloch F. Fundamentals of statistical mechanics (WS, 2000)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 9810244193)(312s).djvu

2.5 MB

Bogolyubov N.N. Izbrannye trudy po statisticheskoj fizike (MGU, 1979)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(344s)_PT_.djv

4.2 MB

Bolgarskij A.V., Muhachev G.A., Shchukin V.K. Termodinamika i teploperedacha (Vysshaja shkola, 19.djv

4.9 MB

Boon, Yip. Molecular hydrodynamics (Dover, 1991)(T)(ISBN 0486669491)(429s)_PT_.djvu

4.7 MB

Bricmont J., et al. Probabilities in physics (LNP0574, Springer, 2001)(265s)_PT_.pdf

1.6 MB

Brilliantov N.V., Poschel T. Kinetic Theory of Granular Gases (2004)(T)(339s)(KA)_PT_.djvu

3.2 MB

Callen H.B. Thermodynamics And An Introduction To Thermostatistics (2ed., Wiley, 1985)(T)(K)(600d.djv

7.5 MB

Capek V., Sheehan D. Challenges to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.. Theory and Experiment (ISBN.pdf

3.2 MB

Cengel, Boles. Solutions manual for.. Thermodynamics.. an engineering approach (5ed.)(T)(C)(1733s.djv

12.9 MB

Cengel, Boles. Thermodynamics.. an engineering approach (5ed.)(963s)_PT_.pdf

22.4 MB

Chandler D. Introduction to modern statistical mechanics (Oxford, 1987)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 019504276.djv

2.2 MB

Chandrasekhar S. Stochastic problems in Physics and Astronomy (Rev.Mod.Phys., 1943)(T)(89s).djvu

1.0 MB

Chepmen S., Kauling T. (_S.Chapman,T.G.Cowling_) Matematicheskaya teoriya neodnorodnyx gazov (IL,.djv

6.2 MB

Colinet P., J.C.Legros, M.G.Velarde. Nonlinear Dynamics of Surface Tension-Driven Instabilities (.djv

7.8 MB

Cunningham R.E., Williams R.J.J. Diffusion in gases and porous media (ISBN 0306405377) (Plenum Pr.djv

4.0 MB

D#yarmati I. Neravnovesnaja termodinamika (1974)(KA)(ru)(T)(303s)_PT_.djvu

2.1 MB

Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. Problems on statistical mechanics (IOP, 1999)(K)(T)(ISBN 0.djv

2.3 MB

Dement#ev Yu.A. Raspredelenie luchistoj e#nergii tochechnogo istochnika. Novaya forma integral#no.djv

864.7 KB

Dorfman J.R. Introduction to Chaos in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics (CUP, 1999)(400dpi)(T).djv

2.5 MB

Dorlas. Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions (1999)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0750305398.djv

2.2 MB

Dotsenko V. Introduction to the Replica Theory of Disordered Statistical Systems (CUP, 2001)(ISBN.djv

2.0 MB

Dugdale J.S. Entropy and its Physical Meaning (Taylor, 1996)(K)(ISBN 0748405682)(T)(193s).djvu

4.0 MB

Escobedo M., Mischler S., Valle M.A. Homogeneous Boltzmann equation in quantum relativistic kinet.pdf

572.8 KB

Escobedo M., Mischler S., Valle M.A. Homogeneous Boltzmann equation in quantum relativistic kineti.gz

133.7 KB

Fejnman R. Statisticheskaja mehanika (lekcii) (ru)(T)(412s).djvu

4.5 MB

Ferciger Dzh., Kaper G. (_J.H. Ferziger, H.G. Kaper_) Matematicheskaya teoriya processov perenosa.djv

9.5 MB

Fermi E#. Termodinamika (ru)(T)(162s).djvu

817.4 KB

Fermi E. Thermodynamics (PH, 1937)(300dpi)(T)(188s).djvu

4.6 MB

Fermi E. Thermodynamics (PH, 1937)(600dpi)(T)(190s).djvu

14.0 MB

Ferziger J.H., Kaper H.G. Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases (NH, 1972)(T)(568s).djv

5.3 MB

Frenkel D. Notes on Statistical Thermodynamics (web draft, 2001)(64s).pdf

737.3 KB

Gallavotti. Statistical mechanics (1999)(359s).pdf

2.6 MB

Gallavotti. Statistical mechanics (1999)(600dpi)(T)(359s).djvu

2.6 MB

Galperin Y., Feder J. Statistical physics (2004)(187s)_PT_.pdf

1.1 MB

Galperin Y.M. Statistical Physics (lecture notes)(T)(191s).djvu

1.3 MB

Gel#fer Ya.M. Istoriya i metodologiya termodinamiki i statisticheskoj fiziki (2e izd., VSh, 1981).djv

9.2 MB

Gibbs Dzh.V. Termodinamika. Statisticheskaya mexanika (Nauka, 1982)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(584s)_PT_.djvu

10.1 MB

Girshfel#der, Kertiss, Berd. (_J.O.Hirschfelder,Ch.F.Curtiss,R.B.Bird_) Molekulyarnaya teoriya ga.djv

16.7 MB

Glensdorff P., Prigozhin I. Termodinamicheskaja teorija struktury, ustojchivosti i fluktuacij (Mi.djv

2.9 MB

Gorban A.N., Karlin I.V. Invariant manifolds for physical and chemical kinetics (LNP0660, Springe.pdf

4.3 MB

Gould H., Tobochnik J. Thermal and statistical physics (2006)(411s)_PT_.pdf

2.7 MB

Guggenheim E.A. Thermodynamics (NH, 1967)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0444869514)(412s).djvu

3.6 MB

Gurevich L.E#. Osnovy fizicheskoj kinetiki (GITTL, 1940)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(245s)_PT_.djvu

5.4 MB

Hinchin A. Matematicheskie osnovanija statisticheskoj mehaniki (1941)(ru)(101s).ps.gz

523.6 KB

Hinchin A. Matematicheskie osnovanija statisticheskoj mehaniki (1941)(ru)(117s).pdf

898.1 KB

Hoeflich P. Wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretische Begruendung der Ergodenhypothese (Dissertation, Berli.djv

498.5 KB

Isihara A. Statisticheskaja fizika (Mir, 1973)(ru)(L)(T)(161s).djvu

3.7 MB

Izjumov Ju.A., Skrjabin Ju.N. Statisticheskaja mehanika magnitouporyadochennyh sistem (Nauka, 198.djv

3.9 MB

Jaynes E.T. Probability - the logic of science (draft book)(108s).ps.gz

1.8 MB

Jaynes E.T. Probability theory - the logic of science (book draft, 1998)(592s).pdf

2.6 MB

Jaynes E.T. Probability theory with applications in science and engineering (informal lectures, 1.djv

2.3 MB

Jaynes E.T. Tutorial introduction to Bayesian methods (1996)(19s).pdf

229.9 KB

Jaynes E.T. Tutorial introduction to Bayesian methods (1996)(600dpi)(T)(19s).djvu

180.6 KB

Jaynes. Probability as logic(16s).pdf

168.8 KB

Kac M. Neskol#ko verojatnostnyh zadach fiziki i matematiki (Nauka, 1967)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(177s)_PT_.djv

1.6 MB

Kac M. Veroyatnost# i smezhnye voprosy v fizike (Mir, 1965)(ru)(600dpi)(KA)(T)(409s)_PT_.djvu

3.8 MB

Kadanoff L. From Order to Chaos II.. Essays, Critical, Chaotic, and Otherwise (ISBN 9810234333)(W.djv

13.0 MB

Kaufman M. Principles of thermodynamics (M.Dekker, 2002)(ISBN 0824706927)(405s)_PT_.pdf

2.0 MB

Kessler D.P., Greenkorn R.A. Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer Fundamentals (CRC,1999)(ISBN 08247.djv

7.7 MB

Kirichenko N.A. Termodinamika, statisticheskaya i molekulyarnaya fizika (3e izd., Fizmatkniga, 20.djv

2.9 MB

Kittel C. Thermal physics (Freeman, 1980)(150dpi)(KA)(T)(502s)_PT_.djvu

5.5 MB

Kittel# Ch. E#lementarnaja statisticheskaja fizika (IL, 1960)(ru)(L)(T)(144s).djvu

2.5 MB

Kittel# Ch. Statisticheskaja termodinamika (1977)(ru)(T)(337s).djvu

4.9 MB

Korotkov P.F. Molekulyarnaya fizika i termodinamika (2e izd., MFTI, 2004)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(169s).djv

2.5 MB

Krichevskij I.R. Ponyatiya i osnovy termodinamiki (2e izd., Ximiya, 1970)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(441s).djv

7.7 MB

Kubo R. Statisticheskaja mehanika (ru)(T)(458s).djvu

5.1 MB

Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. Statistical physics II.. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics (Sp.djv

2.3 MB

Kutateladze S.S. Osnovy teorii teploobmena (Atomizdat, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(417s)_PT_.djvu

9.2 MB

Kutateladze S.S. Teploperedacha pri kondensacii i kipenii (Mashgiz, 1952)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(236s)_PT.djv

5.3 MB

Kvasnikov I.A. Termodinamika i statisticheskaya fizika, Tom 3. Teoriya neravnovesnyh sistem (2e i.djv

5.0 MB

Kvasnikov I.A. Tom 1. Teorija ravnovesnyh sistem.. termodinamika (URSS, 2002)(ru)(T)(238s)_PT_.djvu

4.5 MB

Kvasnikov I.A. Tom 2. Teorija ravnovesnyh sistem.. statisticheskaja fizika (URSS, 2002)(ru)(T)(43.djv

6.6 MB

Kvasnikov I.A. Tom 3. Teorija neravnovesnyh sistem (URSS, 2003)(ru)(T)(447s)_PT_.djvu

6.6 MB

Kvasnikov I.A. Tom 4. Kvantovaja statistika (ru)(600dpi)(T)(354s)_PT_.djvu

4.0 MB

Le Bellac M., Mortessagne F., Batrouni G.G. Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistical Thermodyn.pdf

6.2 MB

Lectures in Statistical Physics (LNP0007, Springer, 1971)(T)(186s)_PT_.djvu

838.6 KB

Leff H.S., Rex A.F. (eds.) Maxwell#s demon 2.. entropy, classical and quantum information computi.djv

5.8 MB

Leontovich M.A. Vvedenie v termodinamiku. Statisticheskaya fizika (Nauka, 1983)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T).djv

11.2 MB

Leontovich M.A. Vvedenie v termodinamiku.. Statisticheskaja fizika (Nauka, 1983)(ru)(T)(416s).djvu

5.8 MB

Levich V.G. Vvedenie v statisticheskuyu fiziku (2e izd., GITTL, 1954)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(529s)_PT_.djv

8.5 MB

Liboff R. Kinetic Theory.. Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Descriptions (ISBN 0387955518)(Sp.djv

4.0 MB

Liboff R. Kinetic Theory.. Classical, Quantum, and Relativistic Descriptions (ISBN 0387955518)(Sp.pdf

2.5 MB

Lieb E. Models in statistical mechanics(T)(44s).djvu

457.8 KB

Lieb, Yngvason. Physics and mathematics of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (PR310, 1999)(96s).pdf

724.1 KB

Lienhardt, Lienhardt. A heat transfer textbook (v1.12, 2003)(762s).pdf

6.2 MB

Lienhardt, Lienhardt. A heat transfer textbook (v1.12, 2003)(762s)_2version.pdf

7.6 MB

Lifshic I.M., S.A.Gredeskul, L.A.Pastur. Vvedenie v teoriju neuporyadochennyh sistem (Nauka, 1982.djv

9.6 MB

Linder B. Thermodynamics and Introductory Statistical Mechanics (Wiley,2004)(ISBN 0471474592)(219.pdf

856.4 KB

Lykov A.V. Teoriya teploprovodnosti (Vysshaya shkola, 1967)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(600s)_PT_.djvu

21.5 MB

Mackey M.C. Time#s arrow.. the origins of thermodynamic behavior (Springer, 1991)(600dpi)(T)(186s.djv

2.9 MB

Majer Dz., Geppert-Majer M. (_Mayer J.E., Goeppert Mayer M._) Statisticheskaja mehanika (Mir,1980.djv

6.7 MB

Mallett M., Blumler P. Thermal and Statistical Physics (lecture notes, Web draft 2001)(L)(T)(C)(2.djv

452.5 KB

Mayer D.H. The Ruelle-Araki transfer operator in classical statistical mechanics(LNP0123, Springe.djv

1.0 MB

Mecke K. Integralgeometrie in der statistischen Physik (1994)(de)(ISBN 3817113803)(KA)(600dpi)(T).djv

2.9 MB

Minlos R.A. (red.) Gibbsovskie sostojanija v statisticheskoj fizike (NZN Matematika, 11, Mir, 197.djv

2.1 MB

Mirlin. Statistics of energy levels and eigenfunctions in disordered systems (PR326, p259, 2000)(.pdf

897.4 KB

Muxachev G.A., Shchukin V.K. Termodinamika i teploperedacha (3e izd., Vysshaya shkola, 1991)(ru)(.djv

7.2 MB

Nattermann. Statistische Physik Skriptum (1999)(de)(255s).ps.gz

3.0 MB

Nayak C. Many-Body Physics (lecture notes, UCLA, 1999)(358s).pdf

1.5 MB

Nelson E. Dynamical theories of Brownian motion (2ed, Princeton, 2001)(120s).pdf

476.0 KB

Novikov I.I. (red.) Termodinamika. Sbornik opredelenij, vypusk 103 (Nauka, 1984)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi.djv

488.8 KB

O#Connell J.P., Haile J.M. Thermodynamics Fundamentals for Applications (CUP 2005)(664s)_PT_.pdf

2.9 MB

Pathria R.K. Statistical mechanics (2ed., 1996)(ISBN 0750624698)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(542s)_PT_.djvu

4.7 MB

Pitts D., Sissom L. Schaum#s Outline of Heat Transfer (Schaum,1998)(ISBN 0070502072)(T)(C)(371s)_.djv

4.8 MB

Planck M. Treatise on thermodynamics (3ed., Dover, 1945)(400dpi)(T)(320s).djvu

9.4 MB

Pottier N. Physique statistique hors d#equilibre.. Equation de Boltzmann, reponse lineaire (fr)(J.pdf

2.8 MB

Rau J. Statistical mechanics in a nutshell (draft 1998)(23s).ps.gz

133.2 KB

Reshetnyak S.A., Shelepin L.A. Kvazistacionarnye raspredelenija v kinetike (1996)(ru)(T)(299s)_PT.djv

2.4 MB

Reshetnyak S.A., Shelepin L.A. Kvazistacionarnye raspredeleniya v kinetike (ISBN 5852120790) (Avt.djv

2.5 MB

Rumer Yu.B., M.V.Ryvkin. Termodinamika, stat. fizika, kinetika (Nauka, 1972)(ru)(T)(400s).djvu

5.5 MB

Ryopke G. (_G.Roepke_) Neravnovesnaja statisticheskaja mehanika (Mir, 1990)(ru)(600)(600dpi)(T)(3.djv

3.0 MB

Ryue#l# D. Statisticheskaja mehanika.. strogie rezul#taty (Mir, 1971)(ru)(K)(T)(368s).djvu

3.4 MB

Ryue#l# D. Termodinamicheskij formalizm (ru)(T)(281s).djvu

1.7 MB

Sadovskij M.V. Lekcii po statisticheskoj fizike (1999)(ru)(T)(265s).djvu

1.7 MB

Sadovskij. Lekcii po statisticheskoj fizike (1999)(ru)(265s).ps.gz

1.6 MB

Schieve W.C., Turner J.S. (eds.) Lectures in statistical physics(LNP0028, Springer, 1974)(T)(351s.djv

2.6 MB

Serova F.G., Yankina A.A. Sbornik zadach po termodinamike (Prosveshchenie, 1976)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi.djv

2.8 MB

Skripov V.P., i dr. Teplofizicheskie svojstva zhidkostej v metastabil#nom sostoyanii (Atomizdat, .djv

4.0 MB

Stowe K. Introduction to thermodynamics and statistical mechanics (book draft, 2ed., CUP, 2007)(6.djv

6.1 MB

Straumann N. Thermodynamik (de)(LNP0265, Springer, 1986)(T)(146s)_PT_.djvu

1.2 MB

Termodinamicheskie i termoximicheskie konstanty (Nauka, 1970)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(265s)_PT_.djvu

7.5 MB

Truesdell C. Rational Thermodynamics (MGH, 1969)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(205s)_PT_.djvu

2.2 MB

Truesdell C. Tragicomedy of classical thermodynamics (Udine, 1971)(600dpi)(T)(41s)_PT_.djvu

423.2 KB

Truesdell C. Tragicomical history of thermodynamics (Springer, 1980)(KA)(T)(380s)_PT_.djvu

3.0 MB

Tuckerman M. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics (free web version, NYU lecture notes, 2003).djv

3.1 MB

US DOE Fundamentals Handbook. Vol.1. Thermodynamics (1992)(138s).pdf

3.1 MB

US DOE Fundamentals Handbook. Vol.2. Heat transfer (1992)(80s).pdf

1.2 MB

US DOE Fundamentals Handbook. Vol.3. Fluid flow (1992)(82s).pdf

1.2 MB

Vasil#ev A.M. Vvedenie v statisticheskuyu fiziku (Vysshaya shkola, 1980)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(272s)_.djv

4.7 MB

Vejnik A.I. Termodinamika real#nyh processov (lazha, lzhenauka) (Navuka i tehnika, 1991)(T)(576s).djv

17.7 MB

Wassmuth A. Grundlagen und Anwendungen der statistischen Mechanik (Braunschweig, 1922)(600dpi)(KA.djv

1.9 MB

Wolf-Gladrow D.A. Lattice-gas cellular automata and lattice Boltzmann models (LNM1725)(T)(315s).djvu

2.2 MB

Wolfram S. Statistical mechanics of cellular automata (RMP 1983)(T)(44s).djvu

805.8 KB

Xinchin A. Matematicheskie osnovanija statisticheskoj mehaniki (1943)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(O)(117s).djvu

923.2 KB

Yantovskij E.I. Potoki e#nergii i e#ksergii (1988)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(144s)_PT_.djvu

1.7 MB

Yoshioka D. Statistical physics. An introduction (Springer, 2007)(206s)_PT_.pdf

1.4 MB

Zajcev R.O. Statisticheskaya fizika (MFTI,2004)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(396s)_PT_.djvu

2.4 MB

Zommerfel#d A. (_A.Sommerfeld_) Termodinamika i statisticheskaya fizika (IL, 1955)(ru)(K)(600dpi).djv

5.7 MB

ter Xaar D., Vergeland G. (_D.ter Haar,H.Wergeland_) E#lementarnaya termodinamika (Mir, 1968)(ru).djv

3.9 MB

van Ness H.C. Understanding thermodynamics (10ed., Dover, 1983)(T)(K)(107s)_PT_.djvu

649.7 KB

van Ness H.C. Understanding thermodynamics (Dover, 1983)(KA)(T)(107s)_PT_.djvu

562.2 KB


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