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!Теория гравитации Эйнштейна и теория чёрных дыр


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Abdil#din M.M. Mehanika teorii gravitacii E#jnshtejna(Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1988)(ISBN 5628000272)(ru).djv

5.1 MB

Al-Khalili J. Black holes wormholes and time machines (281s)_PGr_.pdf

1.1 MB

Arifov L.JA. Obshchaja teorija otnositel#nosti i tjagotenie(2e izd., Tashkent, Fan, 1983)(600dpi).djv

4.7 MB

Baranov A.A., Kolpashchikov V.L. Relyativistskaya termomehanika sploshnyh sred(1974)(600dpi)(K)(T.djv

1.7 MB

Baulieu L. Cours de relativite generale (Jussieu lectures)(53s)

131.9 KB

Belinski V., Verdaguer E. Gravitational Solitons(CUP, 2001)(ISBN 0511041705)(274s)_PGr_.pdf

1.3 MB

Bichak I., Rudenko V.N. Gravitacionnye volny v OTO i problema ih obnaruzhenija(MGU, 1987)(ru)(600.djv

3.5 MB

Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge fields (1999)(T)(386s).djvu

2.3 MB

Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries (1999).tar.bz2

1.5 MB

Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries (2002, final)(534s).pdf

4.4 MB

Blagojevic M. Gravitation and gauge symmetries (2002, final)(ISBN 0750307676)(T)(534s).djvu

3.2 MB

Bogorodskij A.F. Uravnenija polja E#jnshtejna i ih primenenie v astronomii(Kiev, KGU, 1962)(ru)(6.djv

3.0 MB

Bogorodskij A.F. Vsemirnoe tjagotenie(Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1971)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(354s)_PGr_.djvu

5.7 MB

Bona C., Palenzuela-Luque C. Elements of numerical relativity (LNP0673, Springer, 2005)(157s)_PGr.pdf

2.6 MB

Breuer R.A. (ed.) Gravitational perturbation theory and synchrotron radiation(LNP0044, Springer, .djv

1.4 MB

Brumberg V.A. Reljativistskaja nebesnaja mehanika(Nauka, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(385s)_PGr_.djvu

4.5 MB

Byorke U. (_W.L.Burke_) Prostranstvo-vremya, geometrija, kosmologija (Mir, 1985)(ru)(T)(413s).djvu

3.8 MB

Carmeli M. Classical Fields.. General Relativityy and Gauge Theory (Wiley, 1982)(T)(670s)_PGr_.djvu

4.8 MB

Carroll S. Lectures on general relativity (, 1997)(238s).pdf

1.4 MB

Chandrasekar S. Matematicheskaja teorija chernyh dyr, tom 1 (Mir, 1986)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(279s).djvu

4.8 MB

Chandrasekar S. Matematicheskaya teoriya chernyh dyr, tom 2 (Mir 1986)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(354s).djvu

5.9 MB

Chernyj L.T. Relyativistskie modeli sploshnyh sred(Nauka, 1983)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(289s)_PGr_.djvu

3.8 MB

Ciufolini (ed.). Gravitational waves (IOP, 2001)(422s).pdf

2.9 MB

Colpi M., et al. (eds.) Joint evolution of black holes and galaxies (ISBN 0750309997)(Taylor and .pdf

9.0 MB

Cotsakis S., Gibbons G.W. (eds.) Global structure and evolution in general relativity. Proc. Samo.djv

939.5 KB

Darnsworth et al. (eds.) Methods of local and global diff. geometry in general relativity (Proc. .djv

1.3 MB

De Sabbata V., Gasperini M. Introduction to gravitation (WS, 1985)(ISBN 9971500493)(KA)(T)(354s)_.djv

3.0 MB

DeWitt B.S., DeWitt C. (eds.) Black Holes (Les Houches, 1972, Gordon-Breach, 1973)(ISBN 067715610.djv

6.7 MB

DeWitt C.M., Wheeler J.A. (eds.) Battelle Rencontres.. 1967 lectures in mathematics and physics (.djv

4.8 MB

Dikke R. (_R.Dicke_) Gravitacija i vselennaja (Mir, 1972)(ru)(T)(102s).djvu

1.2 MB

Dzhemmer M. (_Max Jammer_) Ponyatie massy v klassicheskoj i sovremennoj fizike (Progress, 1967)(r.djv

2.8 MB

E#ddington A. Teoriya otnositel#nosti (ONTI, 1934)(ru)(T)(508s)_PGr_.djvu

6.5 MB

Ehlers J. (ed.) Isolated gravitating systems in general relativity (Proc. Varenna, 1976, NH, 1979.djv

6.8 MB

Ehlers J. (ed.) Relativity theory and astrophysics. 1. Relativity and cosmology (Proc. summer sem.djv

2.5 MB

Einstein A. Grundzuege der Relativitaetstheorie (Vieweg, 1990)(de)(600dpi)(T)(C)(169s)_PGr_.djvu

2.4 MB

Flaherty E.J. Hermitian and Kaehlerian geometry in relativity(LNP0046, Springer, 1976)(T)(372s)_P.djv

2.4 MB

Frauendiener J., Giulini D.J.W., Perlick V. (eds.) Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathema.pdf

2.1 MB

Fre P. Course in general relativity (free version, lecture notes, web draft, 2003)(600dpi)(T)(141.djv

2.3 MB

Futterman J.A.H., F.A.Handler, R.A.Matzner. Scattering from Black Holes (CUP 1988)(KA)(T)(197s)_P.djv

2.0 MB

Fyodorov F.I. (red.) Astrofizika, kvanty i teoriya otnositel#nosti (Mir, 1982)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(.djv

8.2 MB

Geroch R. General relativity from A to B (U.Chicago, 1978)(ISBN 0226288633)(KA)(T)(235s)_PGr_.djvu

1.4 MB

Gorbacevich A.K. Kvantovaya mehanika v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti.. Osnovnye principy i e#le.djv

1.8 MB

Groah J., Smoller J., Temple B. Shock Wave Interactions in General Relativity (Springer, 2007)(15.pdf

1.6 MB

Hall G.S. Symmetries and curvature structure in general relativity (World Scientific, 2004)(ISBN .djv

3.2 MB

Hall G.S., Pulham J.R. (eds.) General Relativity. Proc. Aberdeen 1995 (IOP, 1996)(ISBN 0750303956.djv

3.5 MB

Hawking S. Nature of space and time (contributions to book with R. Penrose, hep-th_9409195, 1995).pdf

370.2 KB

Hawking S.W. Papers on the Big Bang and Black Holes (WS,1993)(ISBN 9810210787)(T)(317s).djvu

4.9 MB

Hawking S.W., Israel W. (eds.) General relativity.. an Einstein centenary survey (CUP, 1979)(KA)(.djv

9.3 MB

Hehl F., et al. (eds.) Black holes.. theory and observation(LNP0514, Springer, 1998)(200dpi)(K)(I.djv

3.4 MB

Held A. (ed.) Vol.1. General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Eins.djv

5.3 MB

Held A. (ed.) Vol.2. General relativity and gravitation. 100 years after the birth of Albert Eins.djv

4.9 MB

Heusler M. Black hole uniqueness theorems (CUP, 1996)(ISBN 0521567351)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(263s)_PGr_.djvu

2.4 MB

Hobson M., Efstathiou G., Lasenby A. General relativity.. an introduction for physicists (CUP, 20.pdf

2.7 MB

Hoking S., Izrae#l V. (red.) (_Hawking,Israel_) Obshchaja teorija otnositel#nosti (Mir, 1983)(ru).djv

5.6 MB

Hoking, Penrouz. (_Hawking,Penrose_) Priroda prostranstva-vremeni (RXD, 2000)(ru)(T)(161s).djvu

964.8 KB

Hriplovich. Obshchaja teorija otnositelnosti (ru)(T)(120s).djvu

608.9 KB

Hughston L.P., Tod K.P. Introduction to general relativity (LMS student texts 5,CUP, 1990)(ISBN 0.djv

2.3 MB

Infel#d L., Pleban#skij E. Dvizhenie i relyativizm.. dvizhenie tel v OTO (IL, 1962)(ru)(L)(T)(105.djv

1.8 MB

Isenberg J. (ed.) Mathematics and General Relativity (Proc., AMS, 1986)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(381s)_PGr.djv

3.9 MB

Israel W. (ed.) Relativity, astrophysics and cosmology (Proc. Banff, D.Reidel, 1973)(KA)(T)(342s).djv

2.7 MB

Ivanickaya O.C. Obobshchennye preobrazovaniya Lorenca i ih primenenie (Minsk, Nauka i tehnika, 19.djv

4.5 MB

Ivanickaya O.S. Lorencev bazis i gravitacionnye e#ffekty v e#jnshtejnovoj teorii (Minsk, 1979)(ru.djv

3.7 MB

Kuranskij E., i dr. (red.) Al#bert E#jnshtejn i teorija gravitacii. Sbornik statej (Mir, 1979)(ru.djv

11.9 MB

Lawden D.F. Introduction to tensor calculus, relativity and cosmology (3ed., Wiley, 1982)(KA)(T)(.djv

1.7 MB

Levy M., Deser S. (eds.) Recent developments in gravitation (Cargese 1978 lectures)(Plenum, 1979).djv

2.2 MB

Lightman A.P., et al. Problem book in relativity and gravitation(2ed., Princeton, 1979)(ISBN 0691.djv

2.9 MB

Linet B. Cours de Relativite generale (fr)(600dpi)(T)(168s)_PGr_.djvu

1.2 MB

Ludvigsen M. General Relativity - a geometric approach (CUP, 1999)(ISBN 0521630193)(231s)_PGr_.pdf

949.2 KB

Macias A., et al. Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity.. Recent Developments (ISBN 030646.djv

2.9 MB

Martel K. Signal detection of gravitational waves from binaries (PhD Thesis, Guelph, 1999)(KA)(T).djv

1.4 MB

McMahon D. Relativity Demystified - A Self-Teaching Guide (MGH, 2006)(ISBN 0071455450)(370s)_PGr_.pdf

1.7 MB

Mickevich N.V., Efremov A.P., Nesterov A.I. Dinamika polej v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti(E#ne.djv

2.7 MB

Misner C.W., Thorne K.S., Wheeler J.A. Gravitation (Freeman, 1973)(K)(T)(1304s)_PGr_.djvu

14.2 MB

Mizner, Torn, Uiler. Gravitacija, tom 1 (Mir, 1977)(ru)(T)(480s).djvu

6.9 MB

Mizner, Torn, Uiler. Gravitacija, tom 2 (Mir, 1977)(ru)(T)(527s).djvu

8.0 MB

Mizner, Torn, Uiler. Gravitacija, tom 3 (Mir, 1977)(ru)(T)(512s).djvu

7.9 MB

Norbury. General relativity and cosmology for undergraduates (Wisconsin lecture notes, 1997)(116s.pdf

528.0 KB

O#Raifeartaigh L. (ed.) General Relativity.. papers in honour of J.L. Synge (Oxford, 1972)(KA)(60.djv

3.8 MB

Oloff R. Geometrie der Raumzeit (2ed., Vieweg, 2002)(ISBN 3528169176)(KA)(de)(T)(254s)_PGr_.djvu

1.6 MB

Penrose R., Rindler W. Spinors and space-time. Vol.1(CUP, 1986)(600dpi)(ISBN 0521245273)(K)(466s).djv

4.5 MB

Penrose R., Rindler W. Spinors and space-time. Vol.2(CUP, 1986)(600dpi)(ISBN 05212526719)(K)(T)(5.djv

4.7 MB

Petrov A.Z. Novye metody v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti (Nauka, 1966)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(500s)_.djv

9.6 MB

Petrov A.Z. Prostranstva E#jnshtejna (Fizmatlit, 1961)(ru)(T)(464s)_PGr_.djvu

6.7 MB

Poisson E. An advanced course in general relativity (draft, 2002)(600dpi)(T)(190s)_PGr_.djvu

1.6 MB

Pope C.N. Geometry and topology in physics 2.. Applications (Lecture notes, 1999)(600dpi)(T)(145s.djv

991.5 KB

Rodichev V.I. Teorija tjagotenija v ortogonal#nom repere(Novokuzneck, IO NFMI, 1998)(ISBN 5803232.djv

5.2 MB

Ruffini R., Sigismondi C. Nonlinear gravitodynamics.. The Lense-Thirring Effect(WS, 2003)(ISBN 98.djv

5.5 MB

Russell B. ABC of relativity (4ed.)(KA)(T)(151s)_PGr_.djvu

716.8 KB

Ryabushko A.P. Dvizhenie tel v obshchej teorii otnositel#nosti(VSh, 1979)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(241s).djv

3.2 MB

Sagitov M.U. Postojannaja tjagotenija i massa Zemli (Nauka, 1969)(ru)(T)(188s)_PGr_.djvu

2.2 MB

Sedov L.I., Cypkin A.G. Osnovy makroskopicheskih teorij gravitacii i e#lektromagnetizma(Nauka, 19.djv

4.0 MB

Shmutcer. Tochnye reshenija uravnenij E#jnshtejna (ru)(T)(416s).djvu

6.3 MB

Sidharth B.G. The universe of fluctuations.. The architecture of spacetime and the universe (Spri.pdf

2.3 MB

Stephani H., et al. Exact solutions of Einstein#s field equations(ISBN 0521461367)(2ed., CUP, 200.pdf

3.0 MB

Sternberg S. Semi-Riemann geometry and general relativity (lecture notes, free web draft, 2003)(2.pdf

995.0 KB

Torretti R. Relativity and Geometry (Pergamon, 1983)(130dpi)(T)(406s)(KA)_PGr_.djvu

4.4 MB

Townsend P.K. Black Holes (gr-qc_9707012)(145s).pdf

769.2 KB

Treder G.-JU. Teorija gravitacii i princip e#kvivalentnosti(M., Atomizdat, 1973)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T.djv

1.5 MB

Uill K. (_C.M.Will_) Teoriya i e#ksperiment v gravitacionnoj fizike (E#nergoatomizdat, 1985)(ru)(.djv

4.2 MB

Ungar A.A. Beyond the Einstein addition law and its gyroscopic Thomas precession (Kluwer,2001)(IS.pdf

5.3 MB

Ushakov E.A. Osnovy teorii otnositel#nosti (BGU 2003)(ru)(ISBN 9854850331)(K)(T)(113s)_PGr_.djvu

2.1 MB

Vladimirov Yu.S. Sistemy otscheta v teorii gravitacii (E#nergoizdat, 1982)(600dpi)(ru)(K)(T)(257s.djv

3.8 MB

Waner S. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity(T)(128s).djvu

825.7 KB

Weinberg S. Gravitation and cosmology.. principles and applications of GR (Wiley, 1972)(ISBN 0471.djv

5.7 MB

Woodhouse N. General Relativity (Springer, 2006)(217s)_PGr_.pdf

1.2 MB

Woodhouse N. Lecture notes on general relativity (free web version, 2003)(87s)_PGr_.pdf

1.2 MB

Zaharov A.V. Makroskopicheskaya gravitaciya(JAnus-K, 2000)(ru)(ISBN 5803700533)(600dpi)(K)(T)(286.djv

2.3 MB

Zaharov V.D. Gravitacionnye volny v teorii tjagotenija E#jnshtejna(M., Nauka, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K.djv

2.3 MB

Zakharov V.D. Gravitational waves in Einstein#s theory (Wiley, 1973)(KA)(T)(201s)_PGr_.djvu

1.4 MB

Zaxarov A.F. Gravitacionnye linzy i mikrolinzy(1997)(ru)(KA)(T)(330s)_PGr_.djvu

2.9 MB

Zel#manov A.L. Hronometricheskie invarianty(A.R.P., 2006)(ru)(ISBN 159973012X)(230s)_PGr_.pdf

2.9 MB

Zelmanov A. Chronometric invariants(American Research Press, 2006)(en)(ISBN 1599730111)(236s)_PGr.pdf

2.9 MB

t#Hooft G. Introduction to General Relativity (Caput College lectures, web draft, 1998)(68s).pdf

422.7 KB


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