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Теория упругих сред


!Теория упругих сред


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Alber H.-D. Materials with memory.. Initial boundary value problems for constitutive equations wi.djv

1.1 MB

Aleksandrov V.M., Smetanin B.I., Sobol# B.V. Tonkie koncentratory napryazhenij v uprugix telax (N.djv

3.0 MB

Ambarcumjan S.A. Raznomodul#naja teorija uprugosti (Nauka, 1982)(ru)(L)(T)(159s)_PCem_.djvu

5.0 MB

Antman S. Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity (2ed., Springer, 2005)(844s)_PCem_.pdf

6.2 MB

Antman S.S. Nonlinear problems of elasticity (Springer, 1995)(ISBN 0387941991)(L)(T)(393s)_PCem_.djvu

12.1 MB

Arutyunyan N.X., Manzhirov A.V., Naumov V.E#. Kontaktnye zadachi mexaniki rastushchix tel (Nauka,.djv

4.9 MB

Barber J. Elasticity (ISBN 1402009666)(Springer, 2002)(T)(431s).djvu

2.8 MB

Berdichevskij V.L. Variacionnye principy mehaniki sploshnoj sredy (Nauka, 1983)(ru)(T)(448s).djvu

4.9 MB

Bermudez de Castro A. Continuum thermomechanics (Birkhauser, 2005)(202s)_PCem_.pdf

1.0 MB

Betten J. Creep Mechanics (2ed., Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540232044 )(T)(K)(600dpi)(365s)_PCem_.djvu

2.1 MB

Bezuhov N.I. Sbornik zadach po teorii uprugosti i plastichnosti (GITTL,1957)(ru)(T)(287s)_PCem_.djvu

2.7 MB

Bonet J., Wood R.D. Nonlinear continuum mechanics for finite element analysis (CUP, 1997)(283s)_PCem_.pdf

2.0 MB

Bowen R.M., Wang C.-C. Introduction to continuum mechanics for engineers (revised edition, 2004)(.pdf

1.3 MB

Ciarlet P.G. An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity (Springer, .djv

1.7 MB

Ciarlet P.G. An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity (lecture no.pdf

1.3 MB

Cigler F. (_F.Ziegler_) Mexanika tverdyh tel i zhidkostej (RXD, 2002)(ru)(K)(T)(912s)_PCem_.djvu

6.9 MB

De Hoop A.T. Representation theorems for displacement in elastic solid (phd thesis, 1958)(L)(T)(43s)_PCe.djv

707.6 KB

Eliseev V.V. Mexanika uprugix tel (SPbGTU, 1999)(ru)(K)(T)(341s)_PCem_.djvu

4.3 MB

Eringen A. Nonlocal Continuum Field Theories (ISBN 0387952756)(Springer, 2002)(393s).pdf

1.7 MB

Eringen A.C. (ed.) Continuum physics, vol.4 (AP, 1976)(ISBN 0122408047)(K)(T)(287s)_PCem_.djvu

3.6 MB

Eringen A.C. Microcontinuum field theories.. foundations and solids (Springer, 1999, no pp. 48-49.djv

2.8 MB

Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. Elastodynamics, vol.1. Finite motions (AP, 1974)(ISBN 012240601X)(K)(T)(355s)_.djv

2.9 MB

Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. Elastodynamics, vol.2. Linear theory (AP, 1975)(ISBN 0122406028)(K)(T)(673s)_P.djv

5.6 MB

Erofeev V.I., Kazhaev V.V., Semerikova N.P. Volny v sterzhnyax. Dispersiya. Dissipaciya. Nelinejn.djv

2.6 MB

Filin A.P. Prikladnaja mehanika tverdogo deformirovannogo tela. Tom.3 (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(600dpi)(T.djv

10.9 MB

Freund L.B. Dynamic fracture mechanics (CUP, 1998)(ISBN 0521629225)(K)(T)(585s)_PCem_.djvu

5.0 MB

Galiev Sh.U. Nelinejnye volny v ogranichennyh sploshnyh sredah (ru)(Kiev, 1988)(600dpi)(L)(T)(133s)_PCem.djv

15.2 MB

Galin L.A., i dr. (red.) Razvitie teorii kontaktnyx zadach v SSSR (Nauka, 1976)(ru)(K)(T)(493s)_PCem_.djvu

7.3 MB

Gdoutos E.E. Fracture mechanics.. an introduction (2ed., Springer, 2005)(ISBN 140203153X)(K)(T)(3.djv

2.3 MB

Georgievskij D.V. Ustojchivost# processov deformirovaniya vyazkoplasticheskix tel (URSS, 1998)(ru.djv

2.3 MB

Gorshkov A.G., Tarlakovskij D.V. Dinamicheskie kontaktnye zadachi s podvizhnymi granicami (Nauka, 1995).djv

5.0 MB

Gorshkov, Starovojtov, Tarlakovskij. Teorija uprugosti i plastichnosti (URSS,2002)(ru)(T)(416s)_PCem_.djvu

3.7 MB

Gurtin M.E. Thermomechanics of evolving phase boundaries in the plane (Oxford, 1993)(ISBN 0198536941)(K).djv

2.1 MB

Hill R. Mathematical theory of plasticity (Oxford, 1998)(ISBN 0198503679)(KA)(T)(362s).djvu

3.8 MB

Hirth J., Lothe J. Theory of dislocations (KA)(2ed., 1982)(600dpi)(T)(862s)_PCem_.djvu

16.5 MB

Il#yushin A.A., Pobedrya B.E. Osnovy matematicheskoj teorii termovyazko-uprugosti (Nauka, 1970)(r.djv

4.2 MB

Ishlinskij A.Yu., Chyornyj G.G. (red.) Mexanika. Novoe v zarubezhnoj nauke. Atomistika razrusheni.djv

6.1 MB

Ishlinskij A.Yu., Chyornyj G.G. (red.) Mexanika. Novoe v zarubezhnoj nauke. Nestacionarnye proces.djv

4.3 MB

Ivlev D.D., Morozov N.F. (red.) Problemy mexaniki deformiruemyx tverdyx tel i gornyx porod. Sborn.djv

14.6 MB

Iyengar N.G.R. Structural stability of columns and plates (Wiley, 1988)(ISBN 0745805396)(600dpi)(.djv

3.6 MB

Johnson K.L. Contact mechanics (CUP, 1985)(T)(C)(460s)_PCem_.djvu

5.4 MB

Kadic A., Edelen D.G.B. A gauge theory of dislocations and disclinations(LNP0174, Springer, 1983).djv

983.7 KB

Kalinchuk V.V., Belyankova T.I. Dinamicheskie kontaktnye zadachi dlya predvaritel#no napryazhenny.djv

2.1 MB

Kaplunov J.D., L.Yu.Kossovitch, E.V.Nolde. Dynamics of Thin Walled Elastic Bodies (AP,1997)(ISBN .djv

1.3 MB

Kaplunov. Nestacionarnaja dinamika uprugoj poluploskosti pri dejstvii podvizhnoj nagruzki (preprint)(ru).djv

749.0 KB

Kienzler R., Herrmann G. Mechanics of material space, with applications to defect and fracture mechanics.djv

3.6 MB

Kojter V.T. (_Koiter W.T._) Obshchie teoremy teorii uprugoplasticheskih sred (IL, 1961)(ru)(T)(80s)_PCem.djv

784.4 KB

Kupradze V.D. Metody potenciala v teorii uprugosti (1963)(ru)(T)(472s).djvu

4.3 MB

Lehnickij S.G. Teorija uprugosti anizotropnogo tela (Nauka, 1977)(ru)(600)(600dpi)(T)(417s)_PCem_.djvu

7.4 MB

Lekhnitskii S.G. Anisotropic plates (Gordon-Breach, 1968)(ISBN 0677206704)(600dpi)(T)(546s)_PCem_.djv

7.7 MB

Lur#e A.I. Nelinejnaya teoriya uprugosti (Nauka, 1980)(ru)(K)(T)(513s)_PCem_.djvu

4.9 MB

Lur#e A.I. Teoriya uprugosti (Nauka, 1970)(ru)(K)(T)(940s)_PCem_.djvu

8.9 MB

Man C.-S., Fosdick R.L. (eds.) The Rational Spirit in Modern Continuum Mechanics (Springer, 2005).pdf

4.9 MB

Mase, Mase. Continuum mechanics for engineers (CRC, 1999)(380s).pdf

4.8 MB

Maslov. Teorija uprugosti dlja raznomodul#noj sredy (1985)(ru)(L)(T)(51s)_PCem_.djvu

1.6 MB

Maugin G.A. Material inhomogeneities in elasticity (Chapman and Hall, 1993)(ISBN 0412495201)(K)(T)(287s).djv

3.0 MB

Maugin G.A. Nonlinear waves in elastic crystals (Oxford, 1999)(K)(T)(323s)_PCem_.djvu

3.3 MB

Miklowitz J. The theory of elastic waves and waveguides (NH, 1978)(L)(T)(317s)_PCem_.djvu

8.1 MB

Milton G.W. The Theory of Composites (CUP, 2004)(ISBN 051104092X)(C)(749s)_PCem_.pdf

4.1 MB

Mosolov P.P., Myasnikov V.P. Mexanika zhestkoplasticheskix sred (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(L)(T)(105s)_PCem_.djvu

3.5 MB

Mura T. Micromechanics of defects in solids (Kluwer, 1987)(T)(K)(601s).djvu

3.9 MB

Novackij V.K. (_Nowacki W.K._) Volnovye zadachi teorii plastichnosti (Mir, 1978)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(312s)_PC.djv

6.2 MB

Novozhilov V.V. Teorija uprugosti (Sudpromgiz, 1958)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(374s)_PCem_.djvu

3.6 MB

Ovsyannikov L.V. Vvedenie v mehaniku sploshnyh sred. Chast# 1.. obshchee vvedenie (NGU, 1976)(ru)(T)(75s.djv

3.5 MB

Ovsyannikov L.V. Vvedenie v mehaniku sploshnyh sred. Chast# 2.. klassicheskie modeli (NGU, 1977)(ru)(T)(.djv

3.7 MB

Parton V.Z., Perlin P.I. Metody matematicheskoj teorii uprugosti (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(T)(688s).djvu

6.9 MB

Phan Thien N. Understanding Viscoelasticity (Springer 2002)(T)(158s)(KA)_PCem_.djvu

1.2 MB

Pobedrya B.E., Georgievskij D.V. Osnovy mexaniki sploshnoj sredy. Kurs lekcij (FML, 2006)(ru)(T)(.djv

1.8 MB

Rabotnov Ju.N. Mehanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela (2e izd., Nauka, 1988)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(713s)_PCem_.djvu

13.4 MB

Rejner M. (_Reiner M._) Reologiya (Nauka, 1965)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(226s)_PCem_.djvu

3.3 MB

Romano A., Lancelotta R., Marasco A. Continuum Mechanics using Mathematica (Birkhauser, 2004)(ISB.pdf

1.9 MB

Sadd M.H. Elasticity.. Theory, applications, and numerics (Elsevier, 2005)(473s).pdf

4.6 MB

Sadd M.H. Elasticity.. Theory, applications, and numerics (Elsevier, 2005)(473s)_PCem_.pdf

5.2 MB

Salenc,on J. Elasto-plasticite (fr)(web draft, 2002)(600dpi)(T)(257s).djvu

2.6 MB

Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Schema (fr)(web draft, 2002)(600dpi)(T)(C)(62s).djvu

497.8 KB

Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Tome 1 - Concepts generaux (web draft, 2002)(fr)(600.djv

3.5 MB

Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Tome 2 - Thermo-elasticite (web draft, 2002)(fr)(600.djv

3.2 MB

Salenc,on J. Mecanique des milieux continus. Tome 3 - Milieux curvilignes (web draft, 2002)(fr)(6.djv

1.2 MB

Sedov L.I. Mexanika sploshnoj sredy. Tom 1 (5e izd., ispr., Nauka, 1994)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(530s)_.djv

8.4 MB

Sejmov V.N. Dinamicheskie kontaktnye zadachi (Kiev,1976)(ru)(L)(T)(143s)_PCem_.djvu

3.3 MB

Shillor M., Sofonea M., Telega J.J. Models and Analysis of Quasistatic Contact. Variational Metho.pdf

1.1 MB

Spivakov Ju.L. Special#nye klassy reshenij linejnyh differencial#nyh uravnenij i ih prilozhenija k anizo.djv

3.7 MB

Stanyukovich K.P. Neustanovivshiesya dvizheniya sploshnoj sredy (2e izd., Nauka, 1971)(ru)(T)(K)(.djv

10.0 MB

Temam R. Matematicheskie zadachi teorii plastichnosti(Mir, 1991)(ru)(T)(288s)_PCem_.djvu

3.5 MB

Timoshenko S.P., Goodier J.N. Theory of elasticity (MGH, 1951)(K)(T)(519s)_PCem_.djvu

4.9 MB

Trusdell K. (_C.Truesdell_) Pervonachal#nyj kurs racional#noj mehaniki sploshnyh sred (Mir, 1975)(ru)(T).djv

6.9 MB

Vorovich I.I., Aleksandrov V.M. (red.) Mehanika kontaktnyh vzaimodejstvij (FML, 2001)(ru)(K)(T)(671s)_PC.djv

8.7 MB

Xristianovich S.A. Mexanika sploshnoj sredy (Nauka, 1981)(ru)(K)(T)(485s)_PCem_.djvu

4.9 MB

Zommerfel#d A. (_Sommerfeld_) Mehanika deformiruemyh zred (IL, 1954)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(C)(491s)_PCem_.djvu

6.2 MB


Total files 89

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