
Download 聽力練習-短文178篇

聽力練習 短文178篇




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248.9 MB

Total Files





A Blind Woman's Vision 海倫•凱勒─奮鬥的人.doc

27.6 KB

A Blind Woman's Vision 海倫•凱勒─奮鬥的人.mp3

842.3 KB

A Celestial Ambience 劫後餘生:巴黎聖母院.doc

26.6 KB

A Celestial Ambience 劫後餘生:巴黎聖母院.mp3

704.5 KB

A Healing Cuisine食補─中國吃的藝術.doc

29.2 KB

A Healing Cuisine食補─中國吃的藝術.mp3

1.6 MB

A Health Club with A Twist 快樂.希望.亞歷山大.doc

26.1 KB

A Health Club with A Twist 快樂.希望.亞歷山大.mp3

533.5 KB

A Treasure Ship Captain 鄭和下西洋──三保太監的不朽航程.doc

31.2 KB

A Treasure Ship Captain 鄭和下西洋──三保太監的不朽航程.mp3

1.8 MB

A.I. 《人工智慧》.doc

30.2 KB

A.I. 《人工智慧》.mp3

1.4 MB


28.7 KB


1.3 MB

Acing the Computer Business “宏”鵠之志.doc

26.1 KB

Acing the Computer Business “宏”鵠之志.mp3

586.4 KB

Advantage Unfair 不公平的優勢.doc

32.3 KB

Advantage Unfair 不公平的優勢.mp3

4.6 MB

Advertising 登廣告.doc

27.1 KB

Advertising 登廣告.mp3

633.5 KB

Aging in European Countries 歐洲國家的老齡化.doc

29.2 KB

Aging in European Countries 歐洲國家的老齡化.mp3

2.2 MB

Ahead of the Game 冬季奧運蓄勢待發.doc

26.6 KB

Ahead of the Game 冬季奧運蓄勢待發.mp3

653.3 KB

All That Jazz“ 爵”代風華.doc

29.7 KB

All That Jazz“ 爵”代風華.mp3

1.2 MB

All for One and One for All 共同基金大不同.doc

27.1 KB

All for One and One for All 共同基金大不同.mp3

481.8 KB

American Men Don't Cry 美國男子漢不哭泣.doc

29.2 KB

American Men Don't Cry 美國男子漢不哭泣.mp3

1.0 MB

American Superstitions 笑談美國迷信.doc

27.6 KB

American Superstitions 笑談美國迷信.mp3

805.8 KB

American stores 美國各種類型的商店.doc

30.2 KB

American stores 美國各種類型的商店.mp3

1.0 MB

Animals at Risk Who Cares 種種動物都瀕臨滅絕的危險境地,有誰關心.doc

29.7 KB

Animals at Risk Who Cares 種種動物都瀕臨滅絕的危險境地,有誰關心.mp3

985.2 KB

Appreciating Armani 魅力無限亞曼尼.doc

29.2 KB

Appreciating Armani 魅力無限亞曼尼.mp3

1.6 MB

Bad Things Come in Small Packages拆信小心!.doc

27.1 KB

Bad Things Come in Small Packages拆信小心!.mp3

732.5 KB

Basking in the Land of Smiles “泰”好玩!.doc

30.2 KB

Basking in the Land of Smiles “泰”好玩!.mp3

1.6 MB

Black Holes 黑洞.doc

30.7 KB

Black Holes 黑洞.mp3

1.5 MB

Body Talk 身體語言.doc

31.2 KB

Body Talk 身體語言.mp3

1.2 MB

Can Your Belly Tell You If It Is a Boy or Girl 生男生女──肚皮露玄機.doc

25.6 KB

Can Your Belly Tell You If It Is a Boy or Girl 生男生女──肚皮露玄機.mp3

538.7 KB

Can a Full Moon Really Affect Our Behavior 月光光,心慌慌.doc

27.6 KB

Can a Full Moon Really Affect Our Behavior 月光光,心慌慌.mp3

855.2 KB

Celebrating Christmas A Visit With Nicholas 聖誕老人,報上名來.doc

29.2 KB

Celebrating Christmas A Visit With Nicholas 聖誕老人,報上名來.mp3

1.3 MB

Changes to Come in U. S. Education 美國教育將要發生的變化.doc

37.4 KB

Changes to Come in U. S. Education 美國教育將要發生的變化.mp3

3.7 MB

Children's Self-esteem 孩子們的自尊心.doc

31.7 KB

Children's Self-esteem 孩子們的自尊心.mp3

2.3 MB

Cloze Stingers of the Sea 海中“刺”客──水母.doc

26.1 KB

Cloze Stingers of the Sea 海中“刺”客──水母.mp3

675.6 KB

Coming to Grips with Gay Marriage 同性戀行不行.doc

26.6 KB

Coming to Grips with Gay Marriage 同性戀行不行.mp3

646.4 KB

Controlling Your Concentration 控制你的注意力.doc

32.8 KB

Controlling Your Concentration 控制你的注意力.mp3

2.8 MB

Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness 現時人們對待健康的種種態度.doc

29.7 KB

Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness 現時人們對待健康的種種態度.mp3

952.1 KB

Destination JAPAN! 去日本.doc

28.2 KB

Destination JAPAN! 去日本.mp3

1.1 MB

Diamonds 鑽石.doc

28.2 KB

Diamonds 鑽石.mp3

782.6 KB

Dieting Your Way to Health 節食是通往健康之路.doc

31.2 KB

Dieting Your Way to Health 節食是通往健康之路.mp3

1.2 MB

Different Types of Composers 不同類型的音樂家.doc

29.7 KB

Different Types of Composers 不同類型的音樂家.mp3

3.8 MB

Do animals Think 動物也會思考嗎.doc

30.2 KB

Do animals Think 動物也會思考嗎.mp3

1.1 MB

Do as the Romans Did 巨蛋始祖:羅馬競技場.doc

26.6 KB

Do as the Romans Did 巨蛋始祖:羅馬競技場.mp3

742.7 KB

Don't Be an April Fool! 整人有理,只在愚人節!.doc

25.6 KB

Don't Be an April Fool! 整人有理,只在愚人節!.mp3

521.0 KB

Down with Depressio性命“憂”關.doc

29.2 KB

Down with Depressio性命“憂”關.mp3

1.4 MB

Drink to Your Health 沒事多喝水.doc

25.6 KB

Drink to Your Health 沒事多喝水.mp3

504.7 KB

Eddie Gets a Job—Almost 埃迪碰釘子.doc

28.7 KB

Eddie Gets a Job—Almost 埃迪碰釘子.mp3

1.1 MB

Eurasians in the Sportlight “混”出名堂.doc

29.7 KB

Eurasians in the Sportlight “混”出名堂.mp3

1.5 MB

Euthanasia For and Against安樂死 贊同還是反對.doc

30.7 KB

Euthanasia For and Against安樂死 贊同還是反對.mp3

4.9 MB

Fallacies about Food 關於飲食的幾種錯誤觀點.doc

28.7 KB

Fallacies about Food 關於飲食的幾種錯誤觀點.mp3

930.1 KB

Following un Ancient Footsteps 長相“絲”守:絲綢之路話從頭.doc

29.7 KB

Following un Ancient Footsteps 長相“絲”守:絲綢之路話從頭.mp3

1.5 MB

For the Love of Chocolate! 濃情巧克力.doc

26.6 KB

For the Love of Chocolate! 濃情巧克力.mp3

764.9 KB

From Hell (I) 地獄追魂帖.doc

29.2 KB

From Hell (I) 地獄追魂帖.mp3

856.8 KB

Full of Beans飄香“老咖啡”.doc

26.6 KB

Full of Beans飄香“老咖啡”.mp3

735.8 KB

Fun With English 英文萬花筒2.doc

28.2 KB

Fun With English 英文萬花筒2.mp3

1.5 MB

Fun with English 英文萬花筒.doc

29.2 KB

Fun with English 英文萬花筒.mp3

1.1 MB

Gay Youth The Straight Facts 少年“同志”:成長荊棘路.doc

27.1 KB

Gay Youth The Straight Facts 少年“同志”:成長荊棘路.mp3

436.1 KB

Getting Married in Morocco 情定摩洛哥.doc

26.1 KB

Getting Married in Morocco 情定摩洛哥.mp3

647.8 KB

Getting the Most From Online Shopping 大家e起來上網購物.doc

29.2 KB

Getting the Most From Online Shopping 大家e起來上網購物.mp3

1.2 MB

Golf There's nothing like it! 高爾夫——沒有比它更好的運動了!.doc

27.6 KB

Golf There's nothing like it! 高爾夫——沒有比它更好的運動了!.mp3

1.2 MB

Gossip Have You Heard 流言流言莫牽掛.doc

25.6 KB

Gossip Have You Heard 流言流言莫牽掛.mp3

365.8 KB

Happy Fourth of July! 美國,生日快樂!.doc

26.6 KB

Happy Fourth of July! 美國,生日快樂!.mp3

676.7 KB

Heart Disease Treat or Prevent.doc

29.7 KB

Heart Disease Treat or Prevent.mp3

1.2 MB

Holiday Eating--Food for Thought 大飽口福,莫忘健康.doc

27.6 KB

Holiday Eating--Food for Thought 大飽口福,莫忘健康.mp3

1.2 MB

How Dictionaries Are Made 各類詞書都是怎樣編成的.doc

30.7 KB

How Dictionaries Are Made 各類詞書都是怎樣編成的.mp3

1.3 MB

How Self-Acceptance Leads to Happiness Within 天生我材必有用.doc

27.6 KB

How Self-Acceptance Leads to Happiness Within 天生我材必有用.mp3

1.2 MB

How TV violence Affects Kids 電視中的暴力內容是怎樣影響孩子們的.doc

29.7 KB

How TV violence Affects Kids 電視中的暴力內容是怎樣影響孩子們的.mp3

1.1 MB

How to Be a Successful Language Learner 怎樣才能學好一種語言.doc

29.2 KB

How to Be a Successful Language Learner 怎樣才能學好一種語言.mp3

754.9 KB

I Think, Therefore I Am Here冥想──邁向身心合一的空靈境界.doc

26.6 KB

I Think, Therefore I Am Here冥想──邁向身心合一的空靈境界.mp3

980.3 KB

Ichiro Shining out of Japan 引“郎”入室,一棒定江山.doc

30.2 KB

Ichiro Shining out of Japan 引“郎”入室,一棒定江山.mp3

1.3 MB

Improving Industrial efficiency through Robotics 利用機器人技術提高工業效率.doc

29.7 KB

Improving Industrial efficiency through Robotics 利用機器人技術提高工業效率.mp3

4.5 MB

Improving your Memory 增強記憶力的方法.doc

28.7 KB

Improving your Memory 增強記憶力的方法.mp3

958.3 KB

Insurance 美國的保險業務.doc

30.2 KB

Insurance 美國的保險業務.mp3

1.3 MB

Is Cloning the Future 克隆一個你.doc

27.6 KB

Is Cloning the Future 克隆一個你.mp3

1.3 MB

It Never Rains but It Pours! 諺語趣談:不雨則已,一雨傾盆.doc

33.3 KB

It Never Rains but It Pours! 諺語趣談:不雨則已,一雨傾盆.mp3

1.0 MB

It's Such a Gas! 是那種“臭屁”啦!.doc

27.6 KB

It's Such a Gas! 是那種“臭屁”啦!.mp3

1.3 MB

Jet Lag Prevention and Cure 時差綜合症的預防和治療.doc

30.7 KB

Jet Lag Prevention and Cure 時差綜合症的預防和治療.mp3

2.3 MB

Keeping up With Science 喝咖啡打擊瞌睡蟲落伍了!.doc

25.6 KB

Keeping up With Science 喝咖啡打擊瞌睡蟲落伍了!.mp3

523.9 KB

Kicking up Some Dust 大地的怒吼──沙塵暴.doc

27.1 KB

Kicking up Some Dust 大地的怒吼──沙塵暴.mp3

867.1 KB

La Sagrada FamiliaThe Unfinished Dream 聖家堂:未完的綺夢.doc

26.6 KB

La Sagrada FamiliaThe Unfinished Dream 聖家堂:未完的綺夢.mp3

663.9 KB

Land of the Midnight Sun 芬蘭——聖誕老人的家鄉.doc

32.3 KB

Land of the Midnight Sun 芬蘭——聖誕老人的家鄉.mp3

1.8 MB

Language 語言.doc

28.2 KB

Language 語言.mp3

777.6 KB

Larry's Lawn Chair Ride 夢想起飛,別一飛沖天…….doc

27.1 KB

Larry's Lawn Chair Ride 夢想起飛,別一飛沖天…….mp3

792.9 KB

Laugh for the Health of It 笑能治百病.doc

28.2 KB

Laugh for the Health of It 笑能治百病.mp3

1.3 MB

Leisure and Leadership 休閒與引導.doc

30.2 KB

Leisure and Leadership 休閒與引導.mp3

2.6 MB

Let Your Mind Wander 讓頭腦暢想.doc

34.3 KB

Let Your Mind Wander 讓頭腦暢想.mp3

4.6 MB

Let's Hear It for Mom! 聽聽媽媽的故事.doc

26.1 KB

Let's Hear It for Mom! 聽聽媽媽的故事.mp3

526.8 KB

Let's Stop Keeping Pets 讓我們停止養寵物.doc

31.2 KB

Let's Stop Keeping Pets 讓我們停止養寵物.mp3

2.3 MB

Life on the Tundra 接近北冰洋的凍土帶上的生活情景.doc

33.3 KB

Life on the Tundra 接近北冰洋的凍土帶上的生活情景.mp3

1.1 MB

Love is All We Need愛情大補帖.doc

27.1 KB

Love is All We Need愛情大補帖.mp3

1.0 MB

Love or Money 錢可以買到幸福嗎.doc

27.6 KB

Love or Money 錢可以買到幸福嗎.mp3

1.2 MB

Marriage in Iran and America A Study in Contrasts 伊朗和美國的婚俗:一項對比研究.doc

30.7 KB

Marriage in Iran and America A Study in Contrasts 伊朗和美國的婚俗:一項對比研究.mp3

1.1 MB

Modern-Day Pirates 仿你千遍也不“贗”倦.doc

26.6 KB

Modern-Day Pirates 仿你千遍也不“贗”倦.mp3

776.8 KB

Moulin Rouge 紅磨坊.doc

29.2 KB

Moulin Rouge 紅磨坊.mp3

1.5 MB

Munich The Festival City 歡慶之城──慕尼克.doc

30.2 KB

Munich The Festival City 歡慶之城──慕尼克.mp3

1.3 MB

Non-verbal Communication 非語言的文字的交際.doc

30.7 KB

Non-verbal Communication 非語言的文字的交際.mp3

1.3 MB

Not Merely Music The Phenomenon of Hip-Hop 所向披靡嘻哈風.doc

29.2 KB

Not Merely Music The Phenomenon of Hip-Hop 所向披靡嘻哈風.mp3

905.7 KB

Once Upon a Time in Denmark 安徒生童話─無心插柳柳成蔭.doc

29.7 KB

Once Upon a Time in Denmark 安徒生童話─無心插柳柳成蔭.mp3

1.1 MB

Original Sin In the Thriller Tradition 《原罪》,恐怖影片的傳統.doc

29.7 KB

Original Sin In the Thriller Tradition 《原罪》,恐怖影片的傳統.mp3

1.4 MB

Pair Skating and Ice Dancing 雙人花式滑冰與冰上舞蹈.doc

27.6 KB

Pair Skating and Ice Dancing 雙人花式滑冰與冰上舞蹈.mp3

867.0 KB

Panic and Its Effects 恐怖症及其對各方面的影響.doc

29.7 KB

Panic and Its Effects 恐怖症及其對各方面的影響.mp3

1.2 MB

People and Colors 不同的人與不同的顏色.doc

35.3 KB

People and Colors 不同的人與不同的顏色.mp3

1.7 MB

Perusing the Parthenon 走訪帕得嫩神廟.doc

26.6 KB

Perusing the Parthenon 走訪帕得嫩神廟.mp3

777.4 KB

Plant of the Apes 決戰猩球.doc

29.2 KB

Plant of the Apes 決戰猩球.mp3

1.3 MB

Plucking Sounds From the Past 撥弦弄樂話“泰雅”.doc

26.1 KB

Plucking Sounds From the Past 撥弦弄樂話“泰雅”.mp3

580.5 KB

Predicting Earthquakes 預測地震.doc

30.7 KB

Predicting Earthquakes 預測地震.mp3

4.1 MB

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見.doc

30.7 KB

Pride and Prejudice 傲慢與偏見.mp3

1.4 MB

Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills 博覽群書能給你提供種種必要的生存技能.doc

31.2 KB

Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills 博覽群書能給你提供種種必要的生存技能.mp3

1.1 MB

Remembering the Lady of the Lamp 感謝白衣天使.doc

26.6 KB

Remembering the Lady of the Lamp 感謝白衣天使.mp3

597.6 KB

Return of The Chain Gang 又把犯人串在一起了.doc

30.7 KB

Return of The Chain Gang 又把犯人串在一起了.mp3

3.7 MB

Rich Dad, Poor Dad富爸爸,窮爸爸.doc

26.6 KB

Rich Dad, Poor Dad富爸爸,窮爸爸.mp3

662.7 KB

Sacrificed to Science 為科學而獻身.doc

33.8 KB

Sacrificed to Science 為科學而獻身.mp3

3.3 MB

Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations 拯救熱帶雨林,造福子孫萬代.doc

31.7 KB

Saving the Rainforests for Future Generations 拯救熱帶雨林,造福子孫萬代.mp3

1.4 MB

Secrets of Success at an Interview 面試成功的訣竅.doc

31.7 KB

Secrets of Success at an Interview 面試成功的訣竅.mp3

1.1 MB

Shallow Hal 庸人哈爾.doc

29.2 KB

Shallow Hal 庸人哈爾.mp3

1.4 MB

Short-term Memory 短時記憶.doc

29.7 KB

Short-term Memory 短時記憶.mp3

1.1 MB

Sight for Sore Eyes 鐳射手術,大飽“眼福”.doc

26.6 KB

Sight for Sore Eyes 鐳射手術,大飽“眼福”.mp3

653.9 KB

Slavery on Our Doorstep 我們身邊的奴役.doc

29.7 KB

Slavery on Our Doorstep 我們身邊的奴役.mp3

4.5 MB

Sleepwalking - Fact or Fancy 夢遊,是真有其事還是虛構出來的.doc

30.7 KB

Sleepwalking - Fact or Fancy 夢遊,是真有其事還是虛構出來的.mp3

1.0 MB

Slippery When Wet 滑溜溜的鰻魚.doc

25.6 KB

Slippery When Wet 滑溜溜的鰻魚.mp3

579.9 KB

Stars, Bulbs, and Light Pollution 都是光“害”的!.doc

27.1 KB

Stars, Bulbs, and Light Pollution 都是光“害”的!.mp3

1.1 MB

Stories of the Windy City 風城巨燭──西爾斯.doc

26.1 KB

Stories of the Windy City 風城巨燭──西爾斯.mp3

505.8 KB

Take Me Out to the Ball Game 歷史上最激烈的戰爭──美國大聯盟.doc

30.2 KB

Take Me Out to the Ball Game 歷史上最激烈的戰爭──美國大聯盟.mp3

1.3 MB

Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes 萬稅,萬稅,萬萬稅.doc

28.2 KB

Taxes, Taxes, and More Taxes 萬稅,萬稅,萬萬稅.mp3

857.0 KB

Tennis, Anyone 網球網羅你的心.doc

28.7 KB

Tennis, Anyone 網球網羅你的心.mp3

1.1 MB

The American Two-party System 美國的兩黨制.doc

31.2 KB

The American Two-party System 美國的兩黨制.mp3

2.3 MB

The Atlantic Ocean 大西洋.doc

29.2 KB

The Atlantic Ocean 大西洋.mp3

987.4 KB

The Campaign for Election 競選活動.doc

31.2 KB

The Campaign for Election 競選活動.mp3

2.6 MB

The Carton King of Japan 動畫大師宮崎駿.doc

30.7 KB

The Carton King of Japan 動畫大師宮崎駿.mp3

1.3 MB

The Catcher in the Rye 麥田守望者.doc

29.2 KB

The Catcher in the Rye 麥田守望者.mp3

844.0 KB

The Color of Love 愛到最高點,心中無國界.doc

26.6 KB

The Color of Love 愛到最高點,心中無國界.mp3

640.1 KB

The Colorful History of Billiards 檯球的沿革.doc

29.2 KB

The Colorful History of Billiards 檯球的沿革.mp3

1.3 MB

The Computer and The Poet 電腦與詩人.doc

31.7 KB

The Computer and The Poet 電腦與詩人.mp3

3.4 MB

The Dance of Kings 芭蕾─舞之女王.doc

25.6 KB

The Dance of Kings 芭蕾─舞之女王.mp3

351.2 KB

The Deep End 暗夜搖籃曲.doc

29.2 KB

The Deep End 暗夜搖籃曲.mp3

1.4 MB

The Edison Effect 大發明家──愛迪生.doc

29.7 KB

The Edison Effect 大發明家──愛迪生.mp3

1.3 MB

The Facts on Faminism 柳暗花明女權路.doc

29.2 KB

The Facts on Faminism 柳暗花明女權路.mp3

1.4 MB

The Fairy-Tale Castle of Mad King Ludwig 令國王癡迷的童話城堡.doc

27.1 KB

The Fairy-Tale Castle of Mad King Ludwig 令國王癡迷的童話城堡.mp3

797.3 KB

The Gentleman Thief怪盜亞森•羅蘋.doc

29.2 KB

The Gentleman Thief怪盜亞森•羅蘋.mp3

1.6 MB

The History of Beer 細說啤酒.doc

27.6 KB

The History of Beer 細說啤酒.mp3

977.7 KB

The Killer Smogs 歷次重大的煙霧殺人事件.doc

30.7 KB

The Killer Smogs 歷次重大的煙霧殺人事件.mp3

1.1 MB

The Language of Uncertainty 模糊語言.doc

30.2 KB

The Language of Uncertainty 模糊語言.mp3

1.2 MB

The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling 《哈利波特》─ J. K. 羅琳的神來之筆.doc

27.6 KB

The Magic Pen of J. K. Rowling 《哈利波特》─ J. K. 羅琳的神來之筆.mp3

1.2 MB

The Making of Isaac Newton 牛頓+蘋果=萬有引力.doc

31.2 KB

The Making of Isaac Newton 牛頓+蘋果=萬有引力.mp3

1.8 MB

The Man on the Moon 帶我去月球.doc

27.1 KB

The Man on the Moon 帶我去月球.mp3

989.5 KB

The Moon 月球.doc

28.7 KB

The Moon 月球.mp3

915.2 KB

The Nature of Nokia 諾基亞獨領風騷.doc

26.6 KB

The Nature of Nokia 諾基亞獨領風騷.mp3

710.7 KB

The New Music 新音樂.doc

29.2 KB

The New Music 新音樂.mp3

4.2 MB

The Rough,Tough World Of Rugby 敢衝敢搶橄欖球.doc

29.2 KB

The Rough,Tough World Of Rugby 敢衝敢搶橄欖球.mp3

1.3 MB

The Seeds of Wrath 憤怒的種子.doc

32.8 KB

The Seeds of Wrath 憤怒的種子.mp3

2.6 MB

The Teacher's Last Shocking Lesson 女教師撼人心魄的最後一課.doc

30.7 KB

The Teacher's Last Shocking Lesson 女教師撼人心魄的最後一課.mp3

2.3 MB

The Time Message 時間資訊.doc

34.3 KB

The Time Message 時間資訊.mp3

2.9 MB

The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham 奮鬥與堅持:報業女巨人的一生.doc

28.7 KB

The Ups and Downs of Katherine Graham 奮鬥與堅持:報業女巨人的一生.mp3

1.2 MB

The Workman's Compensation工作者的補償.doc

32.3 KB

The Workman's Compensation工作者的補償.mp3

2.5 MB

Time to Call the Doctor “愛你”愛到毒死你!.doc

28.2 KB

Time to Call the Doctor “愛你”愛到毒死你!.mp3

869.6 KB

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream 睡覺,偶爾做做夢.doc

38.4 KB

To Sleep, Perchance to Dream 睡覺,偶爾做做夢.mp3

3.8 MB

Tradition Facing Forward 國油雙峰塔:亞洲出頭天!.doc

26.6 KB

Tradition Facing Forward 國油雙峰塔:亞洲出頭天!.mp3

459.5 KB

Transvaluing Transsexuality 江山易改,本性能移.doc

29.2 KB

Transvaluing Transsexuality江山易改,本性能移.mp3

1.5 MB

Tuesdays with Morris 相約星期二.doc

26.6 KB

Tuesdays with Morris 相約星期二.mp3

667.5 KB

Understanding Anxiety Disorders “躁”化弄人.doc

26.6 KB

Understanding Anxiety Disorders “躁”化弄人.mp3

772.0 KB

Using the Force of Yoga 接觸瑜珈的神奇力量.doc

27.1 KB

Using the Force of Yoga 接觸瑜珈的神奇力量.mp3

663.0 KB

Venetian Vacation 浪漫水都─威尼斯.doc

27.1 KB

Venetian Vacation 浪漫水都─威尼斯.mp3

1.1 MB

Wake up and Smell the Coffee 飲咖啡也要思源.doc

26.1 KB

Wake up and Smell the Coffee 飲咖啡也要思源.mp3

652.6 KB

Welcome Back Oscar 奧斯卡旋風再現.doc

29.2 KB

Welcome Back Oscar 奧斯卡旋風再現.mp3

1.5 MB

Welcome to the Bottom of the World 南極大陸─世界最後的淨土.doc

29.2 KB

Welcome to the Bottom of the World 南極大陸─世界最後的淨土.mp3

1.8 MB

What Is Money and What Are Its Functions 金錢及金錢的功用是什麼.doc

29.7 KB

What Is Money and What Are Its Functions 金錢及金錢的功用是什麼.mp3

1.0 MB

What Is a Decision 什麼是決策.doc

30.7 KB

What Is a Decision 什麼是決策.mp3

1.4 MB

What Is the Truth behind the Mummy's Curse 都是法老王詛咒搞的鬼.doc

27.1 KB

What Is the Truth behind the Mummy's Curse 都是法老王詛咒搞的鬼.mp3

1.2 MB

Wheels Around the World 自行車環球夢.doc

30.2 KB

Wheels Around the World 自行車環球夢.mp3

1.2 MB

Where Do Rainbows Come From 彩虹來自何方.doc

27.1 KB

Where Do Rainbows Come From 彩虹來自何方.mp3

952.7 KB

Who Was the Real Genghis Khan大漠英豪─成吉思汗.doc

29.7 KB

Who Was the Real Genghis Khan大漠英豪─成吉思汗.mp3

1.7 MB

Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top 為什麼把地圖畫成北方朝上.doc

28.7 KB

Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top 為什麼把地圖畫成北方朝上.mp3

886.0 KB

Why Can We Hear the Sound of the Ocean in a Shell 貝殼傳來海洋之音.doc

27.1 KB

Why Can We Hear the Sound of the Ocean in a Shell 貝殼傳來海洋之音.mp3

1.1 MB

Why Can't You Tickle Yourself 為什麼自己哈癢不覺癢.doc

27.6 KB

Why Can't You Tickle Yourself 為什麼自己哈癢不覺癢.mp3

945.6 KB

Why Does Alcohol Affect Women More 為什麼酒精對女性的影響更大.doc

26.1 KB

Why Does Alcohol Affect Women More 為什麼酒精對女性的影響更大.mp3

496.5 KB

Why Don't Girls Think Like Boys.doc

33.3 KB

Why Don't Girls Think Like Boys.mp3

1.5 MB

Why Stay in Bed 早起的蟲兒被鳥吃.doc

25.6 KB

Why Stay in Bed 早起的蟲兒被鳥吃.mp3

468.7 KB

Why We Walk in Circles 為什麼我們會走成兩個大圓圈.doc

30.7 KB

Why We Walk in Circles 為什麼我們會走成兩個大圓圈.mp3

1.2 MB

Work, Labor, and Play工作,勞作和娛樂.doc

30.2 KB

Work, Labor, and Play工作,勞作和娛樂.mp3

2.5 MB

World Cup Fever Hits Asia 世足熱蔓延全亞.doc

29.2 KB

World Cup Fever Hits Asia 世足熱蔓延全亞.mp3

1.1 MB

Worlds within Worlds 世界中的世界.doc

30.2 KB

Worlds within Worlds 世界中的世界.mp3

1.1 MB

You Can't Do It Because It Hurts Nobody並不能因為沒有傷害到任何人,你就可以幹壞事.doc

30.7 KB

You Can't Do It Because It Hurts Nobody並不能因為沒有傷害到任何人,你就可以幹壞事.mp3

1.3 MB

You Have a Choice 你可以選定一種解釋.doc

32.3 KB

You Have a Choice 你可以選定一種解釋.mp3

1.3 MB


Total files 356

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