
Download 英语





Total Size

1.3 GB

Total Files





16-Increasing Confidence.mp3

3.7 MB

11-Time for Sunshine.mp3

3.3 MB

14-Are You Ignoring That Little Thought.mp3

3.0 MB

17-Success Is on the Other Side.mp3

2.8 MB

01-The DNA of Success.mp3

2.8 MB

09-Good Mistakes.mp3

2.6 MB

19-The Cobbler and the Banker.mp3

2.6 MB

25-Don't Just Stand There.mp3

2.5 MB

02-On Achieving Success.mp3

2.3 MB

22-The Gift of Insults.mp3

2.0 MB

06-A Better Tomorrow.mp3

2.0 MB

15-A Time to Awake.mp3

1.7 MB

24-You're a Beautiful Person.mp3

1.7 MB

07-You Are What You Do.mp3

1.7 MB


1.7 MB


1.7 MB


1.5 MB

20-Catch the Star That Will Take You to Your Dreams.mp3

1.5 MB

13-Choosing Words to Create Success.mp3

1.5 MB

23-A Morning Wish.mp3

1.5 MB

18-For Success in Life.mp3

1.5 MB

10-The Beauty of Nature.mp3

1.4 MB


1.4 MB

30-The Road Not Taken.mp3

1.2 MB

27-A Wayfaring Song.mp3

1.2 MB

29-A March Snow.mp3

1.1 MB

03-The More Loving One.mp3

1.0 MB

12-Let Us Smile.mp3

926.7 KB

26-Your World.mp3

885.3 KB

04-Empty Your Cup.mp3

760.3 KB


Crossing the Rubicon.mp3

2.4 MB

Gettysburg Address.mp3

2.1 MB

The Road to Happiness.mp3

2.0 MB

The Delights of Books.mp3

2.0 MB

Choosing an Occupation.mp3

1.9 MB

Happy Life at a Tavern.mp3

1.9 MB

My Shooting Experience.mp3

1.9 MB

How to Learn with Success.mp3

1.8 MB

Towards the Teaching Profession.mp3

1.8 MB

Is Tevevision a Blessing or a Curse.mp3

1.8 MB

Is Television a Blessing or a Curse.mp3

1.8 MB


1.8 MB

I Have a Dream.mp3

1.8 MB

A Great Friend.mp3

1.8 MB

Love Your Life.mp3

1.8 MB

The Importance of Scientific Experiments.mp3

1.7 MB

Significance of Wildife Protection.mp3

1.7 MB

Why Is a Sence of Humor Important.mp3

1.6 MB

Inaugural Address.mp3

1.6 MB

Information in the Modern World.mp3

1.6 MB

Computers Concern You.mp3

1.6 MB

Two-day Weekends.mp3

1.6 MB


1.6 MB

An Important Aspect of College Life.mp3

1.6 MB


1.5 MB

The Internet.mp3

1.5 MB

The Little Match Girl.mp3

1.5 MB

Appointment In Samarra.mp3

1.5 MB

Night in the Open World.mp3

1.5 MB

Born to Win.mp3

1.5 MB

Truth is for Everyone.mp3

1.5 MB

Choice of Companions.mp3

1.5 MB

What a Foreign Student Should Do in the U.S.mp3

1.4 MB

Protection of Environment.mp3

1.4 MB

Bill Clinton`s Remarks at Peking University.mp3

1.3 MB

Letter to Mrs.Bixby.mp3

1.3 MB

On Etiquette.mp3

1.3 MB

My Father.mp3

1.3 MB


1.3 MB

On the Mobile Office.mp3

1.3 MB

Jane Eyre.mp3

1.3 MB

Reading Good Books.mp3

1.3 MB

My Life.mp3

1.2 MB

Expecting Beijing 2008.mp3

1.2 MB

The Old Man and the Sea.mp3

1.2 MB

Changes in People`s Diet.mp3

1.2 MB

Forests Fires.mp3

1.1 MB

The First Snow.mp3

1.1 MB

The Female Role in Today`s China.mp3

1.1 MB

The Perils of TV Violence.mp3

899.5 KB

My Hometown.mp3

846.0 KB

The Joy of Jogging.mp3

836.0 KB

The World.mp3

737.3 KB


03.01.02.汉语谐音 巧学音标.mp3

43.6 MB


40.6 MB


40.4 MB


33.5 MB


31.8 MB


27.7 MB

03.01.03.音标有别 英美各异.mp3

23.3 MB

03.02.01.极短妙句 现学现用.mp3

22.6 MB


20.2 MB


19.2 MB

04.02.06.练习翻译 增强功底.mp3

18.7 MB

03.02.02.万用句型 实用精练.mp3

16.5 MB

03.05.07.话题篇章 集中训练.mp3

14.0 MB


13.2 MB

03.01.04.发音技巧 逐个揭密.mp3

13.2 MB

03.05.06.名人名言 加分晋级.mp3

12.8 MB

04.02.10.名人名士 与你对话.mp3

11.5 MB

04.02.01.面红耳赤 憋一口气.mp3

11.0 MB


10.7 MB

04.02.07.听音复述 强化记忆.mp3

10.5 MB


10.2 MB


9.6 MB


9.2 MB

03.02.05.社交口语 句句精通.mp3

8.9 MB

04.02.09.语音电邮 想练就练.mp3

8.3 MB


8.1 MB

03.02.06.求职面试 有备无患.mp3

8.0 MB

03.02.03.俚语必备 混熟老外.mp3

8.0 MB


7.9 MB

04.02.03.极度自恋 自创语境.mp3

7.8 MB


7.6 MB


7.3 MB

03.02.04.精通习语 我胜老外.mp3

6.7 MB

03.01.05.洋腔洋调 以假乱真.mp3

6.0 MB

04.02.08.模仿演讲 提升底气.mp3

5.8 MB

03.05.05.擅用谚语 说服有力.mp3

5.5 MB

04.02.05.便宜外教 鼎力相助.mp3

5.2 MB

03.05.03.抓住中心 提纲挈领.mp3

4.8 MB

04.02.04.解说漫画 思路清晰.mp3

4.7 MB


4.7 MB


4.5 MB

04.02.02.三最训练 通顺口舌.mp3

4.5 MB


4.4 MB


2.6 MB


1.9 MB

03.01.01.读准字母 打好路基.mp3

1.8 MB


25 A Conversation Between a Child and God.mp3

2.6 MB

13 Stars in the Sky(Excerpt).mp3

1.7 MB

14 The Crying Prince(Excerpt).mp3

1.6 MB

22 My Fragile Treasure(Excerpt).mp3

1.6 MB

30 Read for Life.mp3

1.6 MB

18 Winter Is Coming(Excerpt).mp3

1.5 MB

02 Follow Your Dreams .mp3

1.5 MB

17 Things My Mother Taught Me.mp3

1.5 MB

10 Chase Your Dreams.mp3

1.3 MB

01 Be the Best lf Whotever You Are .mp3

1.2 MB

19 The First Snow.mp3

1.2 MB

21 Nature.mp3

1.0 MB

20 To Daffodils.mp3

992.7 KB

11 Over the Rainbow.wav.mp3

976.8 KB

07 Above the Bright Blue Sky.mp3

975.1 KB

04 My Dad`s a Secrel Agent.mp3

953.0 KB

28 There mountain and the Squirrel.mp3

914.5 KB

08 the stars(Excerpt).mp3

864.4 KB

06 Windflowers.mp3

862.3 KB

16 Mary Had a Little Lamb.mp3

858.1 KB

12 Inside Your Dreams.mp3

782.5 KB

24 Hope Is the Thing with Feathers.mp3

762.0 KB

03 My One True Friend.mp3

726.5 KB

09 Bed in Summer.mp3

696.8 KB

05 Do You Fear the Wind.mp3

653.3 KB

27 How Happy Is the Little Stone.mp3

645.4 KB

26 I`ll Try.mp3

564.3 KB

29 There Is No Frigate Like a Book.mp3

561.8 KB

15 Little Boy Blue.mp3

557.2 KB

23 Dreams.mp3

496.2 KB


Track 19-P72.mp3

5.9 MB

Track 42-P171.mp3

5.8 MB

Track 20-P78.mp3

5.8 MB

Track 36-P144.mp3

5.3 MB

Track 33-P131.mp3

5.2 MB

Track 41-P166.mp3

5.1 MB

Track 38-P152.mp3

5.1 MB

Track 32-P127.mp3

4.7 MB

Track 03-P10.mp3

4.6 MB

Track 23-P90.mp3

4.6 MB

Track 43-P176.mp3

4.4 MB

Track 10-P39.mp3

4.3 MB

Track 22-P86.mp3

4.3 MB

Track 39-P157.mp3

4.2 MB

Track 30-P119.mp3

4.2 MB

Track 06-P22.mp3

4.2 MB

Track 48-P197.mp3

4.2 MB

Track 26-P103.mp3

4.2 MB

Track 21-P81.mp3

4.1 MB

Track 24-P96.mp3

4.1 MB

Track 15-P58.mp3

4.1 MB

Track 14-P54.mp3

3.9 MB

Track 02-P5.mp3

3.8 MB

Track 01-P2.mp3

3.6 MB

Track 27-P108.mp3

3.3 MB

Track 34-P137.mp3

3.2 MB

Track 47-P194.mp3

3.1 MB

Track 09-P34.mp3

3.1 MB

Track 13-P48.mp3

3.0 MB

Track 25-P100.mp3

3.0 MB

Track 49-P202.mp3

2.9 MB

Track 04-P15.mp3

2.9 MB

Track 18-P69.mp3

2.9 MB

Track 40-P162.mp3

2.9 MB

Track 45-P185.mp3

2.8 MB

Track 28-P111.mp3

2.8 MB

Track 46-P189.mp3

2.7 MB

Track 35-P141.mp3

2.6 MB

Track 11-P43.mp3

2.6 MB

Track 29-P115.mp3

2.6 MB

Track 16-P63.mp3

2.5 MB

Track 07-P27.mp3

2.4 MB

Track 12-P47.mp3

2.3 MB

Track 44-P182.mp3

2.2 MB

Track 37-P149.mp3

2.2 MB

Track 17-P65.mp3

2.1 MB

Track 08-P31.mp3

2.1 MB

Track 05-P19.mp3

2.1 MB

Track 31-P123.mp3

2.0 MB


370.7 KB


3.7 KB



77.5 MB


62.5 MB


54.9 MB


48.3 MB


36.6 MB


Track 01-P2.mp3

3.6 MB


32.3 KB


Track01 VOA Chapter1—P2.mp3

5.1 MB


40.4 KB


Track 01.mp3

2.7 MB


42.0 KB


41.0 KB


Unit 01 Talking on the Telephone.mp3

6.6 MB


45.6 KB


Chapter 1 Unit 01 Introduction and Greetings.mp3

6.5 MB


44.5 KB


15 Pirates of the Caribbean.mp3

3.4 MB


54.3 KB



2.4 MB


0.5 KB


Total files 230

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