
Download 3D Computer Graphics Programming

3D Computer Graphics Programming


3D Computer Graphics Programming


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8.8 GB

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Last Seen

2024-09-06 00:44



/21 Perspective Correct Textures/

21.01 Perspective Correct Interpolation.mp4

183.0 MB

04 What Does Affine Mean.html

1.4 KB

05 A Deeper Look into Perspective Correct Theory.html

0.6 KB

21.02 PS1 Games and Affine Texture Mapping.mp4

7.2 MB

21.03 Perspective Correct Interpolation Code.mp4

107.3 MB

21.06 Inverted Cube UV Coordinates.mp4

17.7 MB

/01 Introduction/

1.02 How to Take this Course.mp4

4.5 MB

1.03 Words of Encouragement.mp4

16.9 MB

1.01 Introduction and Learning Outcomes.mp4

96.1 MB

/02 Compiling our Project/

2.01 Project Dependencies.mp4

67.4 MB

2.02 A Quick Note for Windows Users.mp4

9.6 MB

2.03 Project Folder Structure.mp4

11.1 MB

2.04 The Compilation Flow.mp4

14.4 MB

2.05 Working with Makefiles.mp4

12.0 MB

2.06 Configuring Visual Studio on Windows.mp4

31.3 MB

2.07 Can I use WSL on Windows.html

0.5 KB

/03 SDL Setup and Color Buffer/

3.01 Creating an SDL Window.mp4

32.2 MB

3.02 Rendering an SDL Window.mp4

60.5 MB

3.03 Declaring a Color Buffer.mp4

162.8 MB

3.04 Allocating Memory and Freeing Resources.mp4

20.8 MB

3.08 SDL Texture.mp4

65.5 MB

3.09 Fullscreen Window.mp4

24.9 MB

3.10 Exercise. Drawing a Background Grid.mp4

24.7 MB

3.11 Drawing a Background Grid.mp4

40.0 MB

3.12 Background Color Patterns.html

18.9 KB

3.13 Exercise. Drawing Rectangles.mp4

22.4 MB

3.14 Creating a Function to Draw Rectangles.mp4

46.9 MB

05 Checking for Errors in Memory Allocation.html

83.7 KB

06 1 Quiz Memory Allocation.txt

0.7 KB

06 2 Quiz Memory Allocation.txt

0.6 KB

07 The Operator Sizeof.html

9.8 KB

15 1 Quiz Color Buffer.txt

0.6 KB

15 2 Quiz Color Buffer.txt

0.3 KB


1.4 KB

1.8 KB

1.9 KB

1.9 KB

1.9 KB

2.0 KB

/04 Multiple Header Files/

4.01 Defining Header Files.mp4

70.3 MB

4.02 Coding New Header Files.mp4

39.5 MB


2.8 KB

/05 Vectors and Points/

5.01 The Draw Pixel Function.mp4

27.2 MB

5.02 Vectors.mp4

60.1 MB

5.03 Declaring a Vector Type.mp4

5.2 MB

5.04 Review of C Structs.mp4

24.9 MB

5.05 Array of Points.mp4

23.8 MB

06 Constant Array Size Declaration.html

0.6 KB

/06 Projecting Points/

02 Isometric Projection.html

1.7 MB

6.01 Orthographic Projection.mp4

38.4 MB

6.03 Perspective Projection.mp4

56.1 MB

6.04 Implementing the Perspective Divide.mp4

10.8 MB

6.05 Coordinate System Handedness.mp4

11.7 MB


3.9 KB

4.0 KB

/07 Linear Transformations/

03 1 Trigonometric Functions Quiz.txt

0.7 KB

03 2 Trigonometric Functions Quiz.txt

0.5 KB

07 Exercise Proving the Angle Cosine Addition.html

118.6 KB

7.01 Vector Transformations.mp4

37.8 MB

7.02 Review of Sine Cosine and Tangent.mp4

33.1 MB

7.04 Rotating Vectors.mp4

77.2 MB

7.05 Vector Rotation Function.mp4

29.0 MB

7.06 Proof of Angle Sine Addition.mp4

52.3 MB

7.08 Proof of Angle Cosine Addition.mp4

22.6 MB


4.1 KB

/08 Fixed Time Step/

03 Constant Timestep & Delta-time.html

1.0 KB

8.01 Fixing our Game Loop Time Step.mp4

64.7 MB

8.02 Using a Delay Function.mp4

26.7 MB


4.2 KB

4.3 KB

/09 Triangles and Vertices/

9.01 Triangles and Meshes.mp4

42.6 MB

9.02 Vertices and Triangle Faces.mp4

44.3 MB

9.03 Triangle Edges.mp4

8.9 MB


5.8 KB

/10 Line Drawing/

10.01 Line Equation.mp4

55.7 MB

10.02 DDA Line Drawing Algorithm.mp4

85.7 MB

10.03 Coding a Function to Draw Lines.mp4

45.9 MB


6.1 KB

/11 Dynamic Arrays/

02 Downloading array.h.html

0.7 KB

04 Separation of Vertex and Faces.html

318.7 KB

11.01 Dynamic Arrays.mp4

41.4 MB

11.03 Dynamic Mesh Vertices and Faces.mp4

38.7 MB


7.4 KB

7.8 KB

/12 OBJ Files/

04 OBJ Files as Quads or Triangles.html

0.7 KB

12.01 OBJ Files.mp4

56.0 MB

12.02 Exercise. Loading OBJ File Content.mp4

24.7 MB

12.03 Loading OBJ File Content.mp4

61.6 MB


14.3 KB

/13 Vector Operations/

02 Back-face Culling in Games.html

2.4 MB

09 Dot Product & Vector Length.html

37.3 KB

12 Back-face Culling in OpenGL.html

1.2 KB

13.01 Back-face Culling Motivation.mp4

30.7 MB

13.03 Vector Magnitude.mp4

40.9 MB

13.04 Vector Addition and Subtraction.mp4

25.4 MB

13.05 Vector Scalar Multiplication and Division.mp4

7.7 MB

13.06 Vector Cross Product.mp4

40.3 MB

13.07 Finding the Normal Vector.mp4

38.8 MB

13.08 Dot Product.mp4

61.8 MB

13.10 Back-face Culling Algorithm.mp4

25.4 MB

13.11 Back-face Culling Code.mp4

62.2 MB

13.13 Vector Normalization.mp4

60.9 MB

14 Normalization & Direction.html

163.2 KB


14.8 KB

15.7 KB

15.8 KB

131.0 KB

/14 Triangle Rasterization/

11 Exercise Selecting Different Rendering Modes.html

1.4 KB

13 Compiler Error & Enum Declaration.html

61.1 KB

14 Typedef for Color Values.html

101.9 KB

14.01 Triangle Fill.mp4

38.6 MB

14.02 Flat-Bottom & Flat-Top Technique.mp4

28.1 MB

14.03 Activity. Find Triangle Midpoint.mp4

24.9 MB

14.04 Solution to the Triangle Midpoint.mp4

46.0 MB

14.05 Coding the Triangle Midpoint Computation.mp4

27.4 MB

14.06 Flat-Bottom Triangle Algorithm.mp4

52.3 MB

14.07 Flat-Bottom Triangle Code.mp4

41.0 MB

14.08 Flat-Top Triangle Algorithm.mp4

29.2 MB

14.09 Flat-Top Triangle Code.mp4

24.6 MB

14.10 Avoiding Division by Zero.mp4

18.3 MB

14.12 Different Rendering Options Solution.mp4

44.4 MB

14.15 Colored Triangle Faces.mp4

42.0 MB

16 Number of Triangles vs. Performance.html

7.3 MB


16.5 KB

16.0 KB

28.9 KB

16.3 KB

/15 Sorting Faces by Depth/

02 Exercise Sorting Faces.html

81.2 KB

04 Triangles, Polygons, and More....html

17.5 MB

15.01 Painter's Algorithm.mp4

44.9 MB

15.03 Coding a Sorting Function.mp4

57.4 MB


16.6 KB

/16 Matrices/

05 Exercise Matrix Multiplication.html

22.8 KB

16.01 Matrices Overview.mp4

69.7 MB

16.02 Matrix Operations.mp4

63.8 MB

16.03 Properties of Matrix Multiplication.mp4

47.9 MB

16.04 Examples of Matrix Multiplication.mp4

39.7 MB

16.06 2D Rotation Matrix.mp4

38.8 MB

/16 Matrices/attachments/


31.0 KB

/17 3D Matrix Transformations/

09 3D Rotation Direction & Handedness.html

156.9 KB

17.01 3D Matrix Transformations.mp4

50.4 MB

17.02 3D Scale Matrix.mp4

54.3 MB

17.03 Matrix Typedef.mp4

18.1 MB

17.04 Scale Matrix Code.mp4

45.2 MB

17.05 3D Translation Matrix.mp4

50.0 MB

17.06 Translation Matrix Code.mp4

15.3 MB

17.07 3D Rotation Matrices.mp4

52.5 MB

17.08 Rotation Matrix Code.mp4

25.9 MB

17.10 The World Matrix.mp4

60.5 MB

17.11 Order of Transformations.mp4

10.0 MB

17.12 Translation is Not a Linear Transformation.mp4

56.7 MB


17.7 KB

17.8 KB

18.1 KB

18.2 KB

0.5 KB

/18 Projection Matrix/

06 Projection in OpenGL & DirectX.html

1.3 KB

08 Order of Transformations for Row-major and Column-major.html

1.5 KB

18.01 Defining a Projection Matrix.mp4

81.1 MB

18.02 Populating our Perspective Projection Matrix.mp4

56.0 MB

18.03 Coding the Perspective Projection Matrix.mp4

71.6 MB

18.04 Exercise. Projecting Negative Values.mp4

15.7 MB

18.05 Projecting Negative Values.mp4

37.3 MB

18.07 Row-major and Column-major Orders.mp4

47.2 MB


18.6 KB

/19 Light and Shading/

03 A Note on Vector Normalization.html

20.5 KB

05 Gouraud Shading in Games.html

3.0 MB

19.01 Flat Shading.mp4

90.8 MB

19.02 Coding Flat Shading & Light.mp4

74.1 MB

19.04 Smooth Shading Techniques.mp4

51.7 MB

19.06 Inverted Vertical Screen Values.mp4

23.8 MB


29.6 KB

29.6 KB

/20 Texture Mapping/

20.01 Texture Mapping.mp4

80.6 MB

20.02 Representing Textures in Memory.mp4

76.7 MB

20.03 Texture Typedef.mp4

70.7 MB

20.04 Textured Triangles.mp4

25.1 MB

20.05 Textured Flat-Bottom Triangle.mp4

91.0 MB

20.06 Textured Flat-Top Triangle.mp4

25.3 MB

20.07 Barycentric Coordinates.mp4

110.4 MB

20.08 Barycentric Weights (α, β, γ).mp4

97.1 MB

20.09 Function to Compute (α, β, γ).mp4

38.9 MB

20.10 Visualizing Textured Triangles.mp4

78.1 MB


25.4 KB

26.4 KB

48.6 KB


27.3 KB

26.5 KB


79.1 KB

/22 Decoding PNG Files/

02 Downloading upng.h.html

0.9 KB

22.01 Decoding PNG Files.mp4

59.7 MB

22.03 Loading PNG File Content.mp4

61.5 MB

22.04 Freeing PNG Textures.mp4

3.7 MB


36.1 KB

36.1 KB

/23 Textured OBJ Files/

03 A Small Note on Rasterization Rules.html

283.6 KB

05 Color Bytes (RGBA vs. ABGR).html

18.1 KB

23.01 Loading OBJ Texture Attributes.mp4

89.0 MB

23.02 Preventing Texture Buffer Overflow.mp4

38.0 MB

23.04 Visualizing Textured OBJ Models.mp4

25.9 MB


36.3 KB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

/24 Z-Buffer/

06 Revisiting the PS1 Look.html

20.5 MB

24.01 Z-Buffer.mp4

66.3 MB

24.02 Z-Buffer Code.mp4

60.6 MB

24.03 Exercise. Z-Buffer for Filled Triangles.mp4

22.6 MB

24.04 Implementing a Z-Buffer for Filled Triangles.mp4

29.1 MB

24.05 A Discussion on Dynamic Memory Allocation.mp4

93.0 MB

/24 Z-Buffer/attachments/

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

/25 Camera/

06 So, What Actually Gets Transformed.html

1.2 MB

25.01 Camera Space.mp4

98.6 MB

25.02 Look At Camera Model.mp4

61.6 MB

25.03 Look At Transformations.mp4

91.3 MB

25.04 The LookAt Function.mp4

44.1 MB

25.05 Coding the LookAt Function.mp4

65.3 MB

25.07 Variable Delta-time.mp4

27.9 MB

25.08 A Simple FPS Camera Movement.mp4

46.2 MB

25.09 Coding a Simple FPS Camera Movement.mp4

78.8 MB

/25 Camera/attachments/

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

/26 Clipping/

17 Deciding What Not to Render.html

870.3 KB

26.01 Frustum Clipping.mp4

64.0 MB

26.02 Planes.mp4

28.7 MB

26.03 Exercise. Right Frustum Plane Point & Normal.mp4

23.4 MB

26.04 Defining Frustum Planes Points & Normals.mp4

138.2 MB

26.05 Initializing an Array of Frustum Planes.mp4

28.9 MB

26.06 Defining Points Inside and Outside Planes.mp4

44.9 MB

26.07 Intersection Between Line & Plane.mp4

123.7 MB

26.08 Clipping a Polygon Against a Plane.mp4

104.9 MB

26.09 Polygon Typedef.mp4

87.9 MB

26.10 A Function to Clip Polygon Against Planes.mp4

103.8 MB

26.11 Coding the Function to Clip Polygons Against Planes.mp4

92.3 MB

26.12 Converting Polygons Back Into Triangles.mp4

32.0 MB

26.13 Visualizing Clipped Triangles.mp4

64.3 MB

26.14 Horizontal & Vertical FOV Angles.mp4

46.6 MB

26.15 Clipping Texture UV Coordinates.mp4

98.4 MB

26.16 Clipping Space.mp4

109.7 MB

/26 Clipping/attachments/

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB


202.6 KB

/27 Code Polishing & Refactoring/

27.01 Working with Static Variables.mp4

17.0 MB

27.02 Refactoring SDL Globals.mp4

103.8 MB

27.03 Simulating Low-Resolution Displays.mp4

31.2 MB

27.04 Refactoring Light Globals.mp4

18.9 MB

27.05 Exercise. Camera Pitch Rotation.mp4

33.6 MB

27.06 Implementing the Camera Pitch Rotation.mp4

38.2 MB


1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

1.4 MB

/28 Multiple Meshes/

28.01 Declaring Multiple Meshes.mp4

51.3 MB

28.02 Implementing Multiple Meshes.mp4

101.6 MB

28.03 Implementing Multiple Textures.mp4

59.1 MB

28.04 Finishing our Implementation.mp4

80.1 MB

28.05 Handedness & Orientation.mp4

62.0 MB


1.4 MB

1.4 MB

/29 CPU vs. GPU Rasterization/

09 A Fixed-Point Rasterizer.txt

2.5 KB

29.01 Dedicated Graphics Cards.mp4

70.0 MB

29.02 Modern Graphics APIs & Shaders.mp4

96.0 MB

29.03 A Parallel Rasterization Algorithm.mp4

89.3 MB

29.04 Determining Point Inside Triangle.mp4

67.3 MB

29.05 Top-Left Rasterization Rule.mp4

67.7 MB

29.06 Edge Function & Barycentric Weights.mp4

57.9 MB

29.07 Edge Function & Constant Increments.mp4

78.2 MB

29.08 Subpixel Rasterization.mp4

97.7 MB


7.8 KB

7.5 KB

7.7 KB

7.1 KB

8.0 KB

7.4 KB

/30 Conclusion and Next Steps/

01 Modern Hardware 3D Techniques.html

150.2 KB

02 Older Hardware 3D Techniques.html

3.7 MB

30.03 Next Steps.mp4

54.1 MB


Total files 284

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