
Download /Spamboots Loops - Vintage Radio Vocals Vol.2/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - wouldyoupickupthatphoneandcallthepolice.wav

Spamboots Loops Vintage Radio Vocals Vol

The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall Male Vocal Samples Leonidas Witherall wouldyoupickupthatphoneandcallthepolice wav


Spamboots Loops - Vintage Radio Vocals Vol.2

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/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - wouldyoupickupthatphoneandcallthepolice.wav

268.5 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - anythingthatmightbeaclue.wav

342.2 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - policeheadquarters.wav

97.6 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - itsmightyspookydownthere.wav

158.7 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Female Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - couldwegoovertooneofemandgetacloserlook.wav

199.0 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - hellohellohehungup.wav

488.3 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - ontheradioheisintroducedlikethis.wav

198.3 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - dontyouseeshedidntjustgetupandwalkoff.wav

370.0 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - inthedarkiduckedandranupstairs.wav

220.5 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - iliketheman.wav

110.9 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - proudtopresent.wav

88.0 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Female Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - nooohhhowexciting.wav

205.0 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Female Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - wellitsabouttime.wav

164.7 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - weinviteyoutomeet.wav

106.3 KB

/4. The Adventures of Leonidas Witherall/Male Vocal Samples/Leonidas Witherall - ithinkiunderstand.wav

105.9 KB


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