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20190730,033539,459829252,''It's feelin' like a miney, crafty night.'',Minecraft,000013,56,1280x720.mp4

6.9 MB

20190708,040050,449712739,''o face me, Templar_ Tassadar_ So long as you continue to be so predictable, O Queen, I need not face you at al....mp4

33.1 MB

20190802,003841,461200124,''Feeling mostly better now. Thank you to everyone for your support. Tonight would ha....mp4

45.6 MB

20190718,050655,454317697,''carnation and give pause to the Overmind itself! Kerrigan_ So, Tassadar's plan was merely a d....mp4

56.5 MB

20190722,034601,456173925,''so. Daggoth_ Without its master, Zasz's Brood has run amok and even now threa....mp4

1.7 GB

20190718,035239,454284687,''carnation and give pause to the Overmind itself! Kerrigan_ So, Tassadar's plan was merely a diversion.....mp4

2.0 GB

20190715,051623,452935421,''will reincarnate him soon. Daggoth_ No. He will not! The Protoss have devised some new attack....mp4

2.8 GB

20190708,040202,449713259,''y. Primary Hive Cluster, Planet Char, One hour later. Kerrigan_ Insufferable Protoss coward! Tassadar cannot evade m....mp4

4.0 GB

20190627,040125,444739546,''are you, Tassadar_ Do your underlings always do your fighting for you_ Tassadar_ (as pointing to the central island) This ....mp4

4.3 GB

20190711,040603,451076494,''find him and--Daggoth_ Kerrigan, Zasz is dead! Kerrigan_ Oh_ It is a pity that Cerebrates cannot truly be killed....mp4

4.6 GB

20190701,035639,446591235,''eground, O Queen. Face me here, and I will defeat you myself._(after eliminating Tassadar's illsion) Kerrigan_ An illusion_ Are.....mp4

5.2 GB

20190624,041244,443379355,''you question my motives and authority at your own peril. Zasz_ You dare threaten a Cerebrate_ You'll be the doom of us all....mp4

5.4 GB

20190731,153044,460497477,''Exhausted. Can't sleep. Come keep me company.'',Escape From Tarkov,024436,60,1280x720.mp4

5.4 GB

20190621,040215,441972387,''Zasz_ Kerrigan, I sense something strange about this Templar. Perhaps you should reconsider your attack._Kerrigan_ ...''.mp4

5.4 GB

20190704,040059,447954012,''o face me, Templar_ Tassadar_ So long as you continue to be so predictable, O Queen, I need not face you at all. You are ....mp4

5.9 GB

20190729,035801,459382782,''It's feelin' like a miney, crafty night.'',Minecraft,040646,60,1280x720.mp4

8.1 GB

20190803,014604,461692525,''Very little sleep. My mind is NOT in the right place right now. But Tarkov sounded like fun. So here we are!'',Escape From Tarkov,041336,60,1280x720.mp4

8.4 GB

20190731,042259,460329394,''Why do coffee and Tarkov go so well together_'',Escape From Tarkov,041716,60,1280x720.mp4

8.5 GB

20190730,033607,459829434,''Really felt like just chilling out with some Tarkov.'',Escape From Tarkov,042144,60,1280x720.mp4

8.6 GB

20190802,004018,461200732,''Still struggling with heartache, so that's why I sound the way I do today. BUT let's not dwell on that. KIBA runs!'',Escape From Tarkov,052730,60,1280x720.mp4

10.8 GB

20190727,200420,458740560,''UNSCHEDULED STREAM WHAAAAAAAAT'',Escape From Tarkov,052804,60,1280x720.mp4

10.8 GB


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