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Aarabi, Parham - The Art of Lecturing - A Practical Guide to Successful University Lectures and Business Presentations.pdf

1.9 MB

Abbey, Ruth - Charles Taylor (Contemporary Philosophy in Focus).pdf

1.5 MB

Abbott, Barbara - A Note on the Nature of 'Water'.pdf

208.1 KB

Abbott, Barbara - Fodor and Lepore on Meaning Similarity and Compositionality.pdf

71.6 KB

Abbott, Barbara - Realism, Model Theory, and Linguistic Semantics.pdf

37.3 KB

Abbott, Barbara - Water = H2O.pdf

110.5 KB

Ackerman, James - Worldmaking and Practical Criticism.pdf

208.3 KB

Ackerman, Robert - Context Dependent Knowledge.pdf

153.6 KB

Adams, Robert - A Theory of Virtue - Excellence and Being for the Good.pdf

3.0 MB

Adams, Robert - An Anti-Molinist Argument.pdf

186.6 KB

Adams, Robert - Anti-Consequentialism and the Transcendence of the Good.pdf

163.6 KB

Adams, Robert - Divine Command Metaethics Modified Again - Journal of Religious Ethics 7.01 Pp. 66-79.pdf

1.0 MB

Adams, Robert - Divine Necessity.pdf

1.2 MB

Adams, Robert - Existence, Self-Interest, and the Problem of Evil.pdf

1.5 MB

Adams, Robert - Involuntary Sins.pdf

459.2 KB

Adams, Robert - Middle Knowledge.pdf

108.1 KB

Adams, Robert - Moral Faith.pdf

2.4 MB

Adams, Robert - Moral Horror and the Sacred.pdf

915.9 KB

Adams, Robert - Motive Utilitarianism.pdf

1.8 MB

Adams, Robert - Must God Create the Best.pdf

331.8 KB

Adams, Robert - On Parfit's Reaons and Persons.pdf

4.2 MB

Adams, Robert - Presumption and the Necessary Existence of God.pdf

1.9 MB

Adams, Robert - Primitive Thisness and Primitive Identity.pdf

2.6 MB

Adams, Robert - Reply to Kvanvig.pdf

264.6 KB

Adams, Robert - Saints.pdf

205.6 KB

Adams, Robert - Scanlon's Contractualism.pdf

2.3 MB

Adams, Robert - Should Ethics be More Impersonal.pdf

4.2 MB

Adams, Robert - The Logical Structure of Anselm's Arguments.pdf

545.3 KB

Adams, Robert - The Nature of Necessity (A. Plantinga).pdf

1.5 MB

Adams, Robert - Theories of Actuality.pdf

2.0 MB

Adams, Robert - Things in Themselves.pdf

2.7 MB

Adams, Robert - Thisness and Time Travel.pdf

2.3 MB

Adorno - The Culture Industry.pdf

1.8 MB

Agamben, Giorgio - Language and Death - The Place of Negativity (Theory and History of Literature).pdf

4.2 MB

Akhavan, Omid - Some Novel Thought Experiments Involving Foundations of QM and Quantum Information.pdf

1.2 MB

Akhavan, Omid - The Advantages of Theft Over Honest Toil - Comments of David Atkinson.pdf

155.0 KB

Aladjem, Terry - The Culture of Vengeance and the Fate of American Justice.pdf

1.9 MB

Albertazzi, Liliana - Immanent Realism.pdf

1.3 MB

Alcoff, Linda - Epistemology - The Big Questions.pdf

27.6 MB

Aldrich and Feigl - Spatial Location and the Psycho-Physical Problem.pdf

167.0 KB

Aliseda, Atocha - Abductive Reasoning.pdf

1.5 MB

Allard, James - The Logical Foundations of Bradley's Metaphysics - Judgment, Inference, and Truth.pdf

1.9 MB

Allen and Hand - Logic Primer (2nd ed).pdf

3.2 MB

Allen, Pickering, and Miller - On Durkheim's Elementary Forms of Religious Life.pdf

960.4 KB

Allison, Henry - Locke's Pyrrhic Victory.pdf

78.3 KB

Almeder, Robert - Truth and Evidence.pdf

581.8 KB

Almeida, Michael - The Metaphysics of Perfect Beings.pdf

1.4 MB

Almog - Naming Without Necessity.pdf

754.8 KB

Almog, Joseph - The Plenitude of Possible Structures and Scarcity of Possibilities.pdf

113.1 KB

Alston, William - Are Positivists Metaphysicians.pdf

300.9 KB

Alston, William - Aune on Thought and Language.pdf

339.0 KB

Alston, William - Back to the Theory of Appearing.pdf

395.5 KB

Alston, William - Epistemic Circularity.pdf

581.6 KB

Alston, William - Epistemic Desiderata.pdf

828.9 KB

Alston, William - Externalist Theories of Perception.pdf

439.3 KB

Alston, William - Feelings.pdf

690.1 KB

Alston, William - Identity and Cardinality.pdf

260.4 KB

Alston, William - Ineffability.pdf

319.4 KB

Alston, William - Is a Sense-Datum Language Necessary.pdf

229.1 KB

Alston, William - Locke on People and Substances.pdf

394.9 KB

Alston, William - Meaning and Use.pdf

429.2 KB

Alston, William - Moral Attitudes and Moral Judgments.pdf

540.0 KB

Alston, William - Ontological Commitments.pdf

1.5 MB

Alston, William - Particulars--Bare and Qualified.pdf

233.3 KB

Alston, William - Philosophical Analysis and Structural Linguistics.pdf

337.5 KB

Alston, William - Pragmatism and the Theory of Signs in Peirce.pdf

220.9 KB

Alston, William - Religious Experience and Religious Belief.pdf

189.7 KB

Alston, William - Reply to Daniels.pdf

109.0 KB

Alston, William - Some Remarks on Chisholm's Epistemology.pdf

389.0 KB

Alston, William - The Deontological Conception of Epistemic Justification.pdf

695.2 KB

Alston, William - The Inductive Argument From Evil and the Human Cognitive Condition.pdf

604.1 KB

Alston, William - The Ontological Argument Revisited.pdf

455.2 KB

Alston, William - The Place of the Explanation of Particular Facts in Science.pdf

842.3 KB

Alston, William - The Quest for Meanings.pdf

209.7 KB

Alston, William - Two Types of Foundationalism.pdf

823.2 KB

Alston, William - Whitehead's Denial of Simple Location.pdf

268.5 KB

Alston, William - Ziff's Semantic Analysis.pdf

419.3 KB

Alter & Walter - Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge.pdf

1.3 MB

Alter and Walter - Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge - New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism.pdf

1.4 MB

Altieri, Charles - Wittgenstein on Consciousness and Language.pdf

2.6 MB

Alweiss, Lilian - Heidegger On Time.pdf

288.9 KB

Anderson, David - Frege, Boolos, and Logical Objects.pdf

194.6 KB

Anderson, James - In Defense of Mystery - A Reply to Dale Tuggy.pdf

137.3 KB

Anderson, Lanier - The Wolffian Paradigm and its Discontents.pdf

411.7 KB

Andreassen, Lars - An Introduction to Cognitive Models.pdf

154.5 KB

Angelin - Mathematics - A Concise History and Philosophy.djvu

1.5 MB

Angle, Stephen - Human Rights in Chinese Thought - A Cross-Cultural Inquiry.pdf

2.6 MB

Ann, Jennifer - Hegel's Theory of Imagination (Suny Series in Hegelian Studies).pdf

1.3 MB

Annas, Julia - Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind.pdf

509.7 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Aristotle and the Sea Battle.pdf

422.3 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Before and After.pdf

379.2 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Causality and Extensionality.pdf

215.5 KB

Anscombe, G E M - From Parmenides to Wittgenstein.pdf

7.3 MB

Anscombe, G E M - Methaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind.pdf

10.6 MB

Anscombe, G E M - Mr. Copi on Objects, Properties and Relations in the Tractatus.pdf

38.3 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Note on the English Version of Wittgenstein's Philosophiche Untersuchungen.pdf

76.4 KB

Anscombe, G E M - On the Grammar of 'Enjoy'.pdf

240.1 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Russelm or Anselm.pdf

122.3 KB

Anscombe, G E M - The Collected Philosophical Papers, Vol.2 - Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Mind.pdf

10.6 MB

Anscombe, G E M - The First Person.htm

61.5 KB

Anscombe, G E M - The Two Kinds of Error in Action.pdf

232.8 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Under a Description.pdf

268.0 KB

Anscombe, G E M - Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language by Saul Kripke.pdf

251.5 KB

Ansell-Pearson, Keith - Nietzsche and Modern German Thought.pdf

1.0 MB

Anstey, Peter - The Philosophy of John Locke - New Perspectives.pdf

2.6 MB

Antonaccio, Maria - The Virtues of Metaphysics - A Review of Iris Murdoch's Philosophical Writings.pdf

121.1 KB

Antonelli, Aldo - Grounded Consequence for Defeasible Logic.pdf

853.9 KB

Apel, Karl-Otto - From a Transcendental-Semiotic Point of View.pdf

11.6 MB

Apel, Karl-Otto - Selected Essays, Vol. 1 - Towards a Transcendental Semiotics.pdf

16.3 MB

Apel, Karl-Otto - Selected Essays, Vol. 2 - Ethics and the Theory of Rationality.pdf

21.5 MB

Appiah, Kwame - Thinking It Through - An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy.pdf

5.3 MB

Aquila, Richard - Brentano, Descartes, and Hume on Awareness.pdf

1.7 MB

Aquinas - Disputed Questions on Spiritual Creatures.pdf

293.5 KB

Aquinas - Disputed Questions on the Virtues.pdf

1.9 MB

Aquinas - Of God & His Creatures.pdf

2.9 MB

Aquinas - On Being and Essence.pdf

51.1 KB

Aquinas - Summa Theologica.pdf

18.4 MB

Aquinas - That God Knows Individual Contingent Events.docx

19.0 KB

Ariew and Grene - Ideas, in and before Descartes.pdf

2.2 MB

Aristotle - Metaphysics Book Theta.pdf

1.4 MB

Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.pdf

1.5 MB

Arluke, Arnold - Just a Dog - Understanding Animal Cruelty and Ourselves.pdf

679.4 KB

Armstrong, D M - A Materialist Theory of Mind.pdf

3.9 MB

Armstrong, D M - A World of States of Affairs.pdf

3.2 MB

Armstrong, D M - Berkeley's New Theory of Vision.pdf

146.1 KB

Armstrong, D M - In Defence of the Cognitivist Theory of Perception.html

32.0 KB

Armstrong, D M - Particulars Have Their Properties of Necessity.html

36.8 KB

Armstrong, D M - Property Disputes - Four Disputes about Properties.html

42.7 KB

Armstrong, D M - The Scope and Limits of Human Knowledge.html

35.2 KB

Armstrong, D M - Truth and Truthmakers.pdf

932.0 KB

Armstrong, D M - Truthmakers for Modal Truths.pdf

89.6 KB

Armstrong, D M - Universals as Attributes.pdf

11.3 MB

Armstrong, Karen - A History of God.pdf

2.7 MB

Armstrong, Martin, and Place - Dispositions - A Debate.pdf

578.4 KB

Arrell, Douglas - What Goodman Should Have Said about Representation.pdf

271.1 KB

Arrington, Robert - The World's Great Philosophers.pdf

1.4 MB

Arrington, Robert - Wittgenstein and Quine.pdf

988.9 KB

Arthur, Richard - On Thought Experiments as A Priori Science.pdf

1.0 MB

Asiedu, F B A - Illocutionary Acts and the Uncanny - On Nicholas Wolterstroff's Idea of Divine Discourse.pdf

154.3 KB

Athanasius - Select Works and Letters.pdf

6.5 MB

Atighetchi, Dariusch - Islamic Bioethics - Problems and Perspectives.pdf

2.0 MB

Atkins, Kim - Self and Subjectivity (Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy).pdf

1.4 MB

Atkinson and Peijnenburg - Galileo and Prior Philosophy.pdf

182.7 KB

Atkinson, David - Experiments and Thought Experiments in Natural Science.pdf

244.0 KB

Atocha, Aliseda - Computing Natural Language.pdf

8.4 MB

Audi, Robert - Epistemology - A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.pdf

1.3 MB

Audi, Robert - Foundationalism, Coherentism, and Epistemological Dogmatism.pdf

3.4 MB

Audi, Robert - Justification, Truth, and Reliability.pdf

3.0 MB

Audi, Robert - Moral Value and Human Diversity.pdf

1.2 MB

Audi, Robert - Practical Reasoning and Ethical Decision.pdf

1.7 MB

Audi, Robert - The Causal Structure of Indirect Justification.pdf

1.8 MB

Aune, Bruce - Abilities, Modalities, and Free Will.pdf

659.5 KB

Aune, Bruce - Action, Inference, Belief, and Intention.pdf

393.2 KB

Aune, Bruce - An Empiricist Theory of Knowledge.pdf

4.4 MB

Aune, Bruce - Conceptual Relativism.pdf

335.2 KB

Aune, Bruce - Fatalism and Professor Taylor.pdf

187.4 KB

Aune, Bruce - Feelings, Moods, and Introspection.pdf

505.1 KB

Aune, Bruce - Fisk on Capacities and Natures.pdf

123.6 KB

Aune, Bruce - Hall on Intention and Decision.pdf

41.4 KB

Aune, Bruce - Herbert Feigl.pdf

37.6 KB

Aune, Bruce - Intention and Foresight.pdf

113.6 KB

Aune, Bruce - Is There an Analytic a Priori.pdf

274.7 KB

Aune, Bruce - Knowledge of the External World.pdf

1.9 MB

Aune, Bruce - On Thought and Feeling.pdf

294.6 KB

Aune, Bruce - Rorty on Language and the World.pdf

112.4 KB

Aune, Bruce - Speaking of Selves.pdf

350.8 KB

Aune, Bruce - Statements and Propositions.pdf

396.1 KB

Aune, Bruce - The Problem of Other Minds.pdf

480.7 KB

Austin, John - A Plea for Excuses.htm

68.5 KB

Austin, John - How to Do Things with Words.djvu

649.5 KB

Austin, John - How to Do Things with Words.pdf

11.0 MB

Austin, John - Ifs and Cans.pdf

1.4 MB

Austin, John - Philosophical Papers.pdf

40.8 MB

Austin, John - Sense and Sensibilia.pdf

4.7 MB

Austin, John - Three Ways of Spilling Ink.pdf

798.2 KB

Averill, Edward - Essence and Scientific Discovery in Kripke and Putnam.pdf

136.6 KB

Avigad, Jeremy - Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century.pdf

157.4 KB

Avram, Wes - On the Priority of 'Ethics' in the Work of Levinas.pdf

1.4 MB

Ayer, A J - Language, Truth and Logic.pdf

7.7 MB

Ayer, A J - Russell.pdf

6.1 MB

Ayer, A J - The Terminology of Sense-Data.pdf

2.5 MB

Azzouni, Jody - Knowledge and Reference in Empirical Science (International Library of Philosophy).pdf

1.6 MB

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0.0 KB


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