
Download AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics

AIAA Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics


AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics


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/1978 Volume 1/1/

A New Transformation Invariant in the Orbital Boundary-Value Problem.pdf

544.4 KB

A Selection of Theodore N. Edelbaum’s Publications.pdf

128.5 KB

Active Flutter Control Using Generalized Unsteady Aerodynamic Theory.pdf

1.1 MB

Algorithms for Isolating Worst Case Systematic Data Errors.pdf

764.4 KB

Curvilinear Projection Developments.pdf

405.6 KB

Dual-Control Guidance Strategy for Homing Interceptors Taking Angle-Only Measurements.pdf

976.7 KB

Editor-in-Chief, Assoicate Editors and Editor-at-Large.pdf

229.6 KB

Evaluation of Parity Equations for Gyro Failure Detection and Isolation.pdf

916.0 KB

In Memoriam Theodore N. Edelbaum.pdf

263.4 KB

Journal of Guidance and Control Goals, Scope, and Issues.pdf

267.4 KB

Kalman Filter Divergence and Aircraft Motion Estimators.pdf

841.1 KB

Observer Stabilization of Singularly Perturbed Systems.pdf

399.1 KB

Orthogonal Filters for Model Error Compensation in the Control of Nonrigid Spacecraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Prediction of Jump Phenomena in Aircraft Maneuvers, including Nonlinear Aerodynamic Effects.pdf

696.5 KB

Radar Beacon Tracking with Downlinked Heading and Airspeed.pdf

613.3 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance and Control, June 1 - August 31, 1977.pdf

85.9 KB

Seasat-A Attitude Control System.pdf

909.9 KB

Simultaneous design of active vibration control and passive viscous damping.pdf

512.2 KB

Singular Optimal Control Computation.pdf

928.5 KB

Unusual Maneuvers on Nimbus and Landsat Spacecraft.pdf

287.1 KB

/1978 Volume 1/2/

Analysis of a Magnetically Suspended, High-Performance Instrument Pointing System.pdf

1.1 MB

Control Logic to Track Outputs of a Command Generator.pdf

527.6 KB

Control System Design in the Presence of Severe Structural Dynamics Interactions.pdf

1.1 MB

Discrete Maneuver Pilot Models for Flying Qualities Evaluation.pdf

529.4 KB

Identification and Stochastic Control of an Aircraft Flying in Turbulence.pdf

815.3 KB

Influence of Moving Internal Parts on Angular Motion of Spinning Projectiles.pdf

720.4 KB

Multivariable Quadratic Synthesis of an Advanced Turbofan Engine Controller.pdf

887.1 KB

Redundant Integrated Flight-Control Navigation Inertial Sensor Complex.pdf

989.6 KB

Ride Quality Flight Testing.pdf

227.9 KB

Time-Controlled Descent Guidance in Uncertain Winds.pdf

866.8 KB

/1978 Volume 1/3/

A High-speed Integration Method for the Satellite’s Ephemeris Generation.pdf

404.7 KB

Advanced Advanced Advanced Methods of Model Structure Determination from Test Data.pdf

1.0 MB

Comparison of Ground-Based and In-Flight Simulation of VTOL Hover Control Concepts.pdf

706.3 KB

Design and Piloted Simulation of a VTOL Flight-Control System.pdf

1.1 MB

Guidance and Control System Design of the Viking Planetary Lander.pdf

962.4 KB

More about Flight-Path-Angle Transitions in Optimal Airplane Climbs.pdf

389.9 KB

Strapdown Navigation Technology_ A Literature Survey.pdf

2.2 MB

The Structure of Multibody Dynamics Equations.pdf

1.2 MB

Theory and Performance for Position and Gravity Survey with an Inertial System.pdf

817.4 KB

/1978 Volume 1/4/

An Algorithm for Magnetically Dumping GPS Satellite Angular Momentum.pdf

479.6 KB

Analytic Steady-State Accuracy Solutions for Two Common Spacecraft Attitude Estimators.pdf

344.2 KB

COMSTAR Spacecraft Product-of-Inertia Coupled Electronic Nutation Damper.pdf

801.2 KB

Design and Performance Characteristics of the Viking Lander Inertial Reference Unit.pdf

834.0 KB

Dual-Loop Model of the Human Controller.pdf

887.6 KB

Experimental Investigation of Control-Display Requirements for VTOL Instrument Transition.pdf

1.1 MB

Flat Spin Recovery of a Rigid Asymmetric Spacecraft.pdf

274.4 KB

Flexible Spacecraft Control Design Using Pole Allocation Technique.pdf

406.9 KB

Linear Stochastic Control Using the UDUT Matrix Factorization.pdf

545.0 KB

Monte Carlo Analysis of Impulse Requirements for Injection Error Correction.pdf

955.1 KB

Nonlinear Method for Parameter Identification Applied to a Trajectory Estimation Problem.pdf

364.7 KB

Optimal Digital Simulation of Aircraft via Random Search Techniques.pdf

672.2 KB

Optimal Flare in Presence of Wind Shears.pdf

401.5 KB

Testing of the YC-14 Flight Control System Software.pdf

770.1 KB

/1978 Volume 1/5/

Attitude Determination System for a Nadir-Pointing Satellite.pdf

1.0 MB

Constant-Control Rolling Maneuver.pdf

772.0 KB

Control Law for an Intercept System.pdf

658.0 KB

Design and Reconstruction of the Viking Lander Descent Trajectories.pdf

1.1 MB

Digital Control Law Synthesis in the w’ Domain.pdf

901.3 KB

Digital Control of Spinning Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

570.7 KB

Dynamic Design Considerations for an Impulsed-Corrected, Laser-Guided Rocket.pdf

623.5 KB

Effect of Radar Disturbances on Ground-Controlled Precision-Landing Delivery.pdf

546.7 KB

Elements of Solar Sail Navigation with Application to a Halley’s Comet Rendezvous.pdf

918.8 KB

Model Reference Adaptive Identifier Design and Analysis.pdf

435.6 KB

Optimal Updating of INS Using Sighting Devices.pdf

729.0 KB

Performance Tests of Two Precision Attitude Determination Systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Redundant Integrated Flight-Control Navigation Inertial Sensor Complex.pdf

31.3 KB

Resonant Behavior of a Symmetric Missile Having Roll Orientation-Dependent Aerodynamics.pdf

549.1 KB

Stability Augmentation by Eigenvalues Control and Model Matching.pdf

420.1 KB

The Epoch State Navigation Filter.pdf

597.0 KB

Two Synthesis Techniques Applied to Flutter Suppression on a Flight Research Wing.pdf

936.4 KB

/1978 Volume 1/6/

A Method for Design of Feedback Control To Limit Missile Dispersion.pdf

580.9 KB


2.6 MB

Celestial Mechanics During the Two Decades 1957 - 1977.pdf

714.7 KB

Design and Evaluation of Sensor Systems for State and Parameter Estimation.pdf

807.8 KB

Digital Computer Application in the F-15 Engine Air Inlet Control System.pdf

920.7 KB

Extension of Region of Convergence in Orbit Determination Using Function-Minimization Techniques.pdf

316.7 KB

Flight Performance of the Stabilization System of the Communications Technology Satellite.pdf

1.0 MB

In-Flight Gyro Drift Rate Calibration on the Viking Orbiters.pdf

815.4 KB


153.9 KB

Performance Analysis of a Particularly Simple Kalman Filter.pdf

760.9 KB

Schuler Tuned Vertical Indicating System.pdf

844.8 KB

Specifications of Spacecraft Flexible Appendage Rigidity.pdf

688.4 KB

Stability of Spacecraft During Asymmetrical Deployment of Appendages.pdf

304.6 KB

Subject and Author Indexes of Technical Papers Published in the AlAA Journals and in Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Books in 1978.pdf

62.9 KB


696.3 KB


690.3 KB


1.5 MB


697.1 KB


320.1 KB


165.2 KB


499.2 KB


518.2 KB


544.7 KB

Viking Satellite Orbit Determination.pdf

258.6 KB

/1979 Volume 2/1/

Announcement_ 1978 Author and Subject Index.pdf

118.9 KB

Automatic Rollout Control of the 747 Airplane.pdf

793.6 KB

Choice of Method for Discretization of Continuous Systems.pdf

427.9 KB

Complete Statistical Analysis of Nonlinear Missile Guidance Systems - SLAM.pdf

883.4 KB

Design of a Two-Level Adaptive Flight Control System.pdf

798.9 KB

Design of Desirable Handling Qualities for Aircraft Lateral Dynamics.pdf

933.2 KB

Dynamics of Flexible Hybrid Structures.pdf

346.2 KB

Effects of Relative Instrument Orientation upon Gravity Gradiometer System Performance.pdf

740.7 KB

Eigensolution for Large Flexible Spacecraft with Singular Gyroscopic Matrices.pdf

397.7 KB

Generalized Likelihood Test for FDI in Redundant Sensor Configurations.pdf

1.2 MB

Instability of Spinning Projectiles During Terminal Guidance.pdf

718.0 KB

Mixed Observable Estimation of Random Thrust Errors for Solar Electric Propulsion Spacecraft.pdf

825.7 KB

Our Second Year - More Applications_.pdf

323.9 KB

Ram-Air-Spoiler Roll Stabilization Device for Forward-Control Cruciform Missiles.pdf

483.4 KB

Relative Quaternion State Transition Relation.pdf

528.9 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance and Control, September 1,1977-August 31,1978.pdf

135.9 KB

Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Orbit Determination.pdf

990.7 KB

Stationkeeping at Constant Distance.pdf

433.8 KB

Two Decades of Spacecraft Attitude Control.pdf

1.0 MB

Velocity Required for Intercept with Perturbations.pdf

321.3 KB

/1979 Volume 2/2/

A Comparison of Different Forms of Dirigible Equations of Motion.pdf

397.9 KB

Attitude Stability of a Pseudorate Jet-Controlled Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

902.5 KB

Control Technology Challenges for Gravitational Physics Experiments in Space.pdf

747.5 KB

General Expression for a Three-Angle Rotation Matrix.pdf

392.1 KB

Low-Thrust Maneuvers Near the Libration Points.pdf

378.3 KB

Numerical Derivatives for Parameter Optimization.pdf

423.1 KB

Observer Modal Control of Dual-Spin Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Autostabilizer for a Supersonic Fighter Aircraft.pdf

186.8 KB

Phobos Encounter Trajectory and Maneuver Design.pdf

933.2 KB

Selection of the Guidance Variable for a Re-entry Vehicle.pdf

1.2 MB

Shaping Filters for Disturbances with Random Starting Times.pdf

401.4 KB

Some Formal Effects of Nonlinearities in Optimal Perturbation Control.pdf

252.4 KB

System Identification Technology for Estimating Re-entry Vehicle Aerodynamic Coefficients.pdf

1.0 MB

/1979 Volume 2/3/

A Comparison of Classical Analytic Theories for the Motion of Artificial Satellites.pdf

741.5 KB

A Rationale for Human Operator Pulsive Control Behavior.pdf

837.2 KB

An Advanced Spacecraft Autopilot Concept.pdf

1.1 MB

Constrained Impulsive Trajectory Optimization for Orbit-to-Orbit Transfer.pdf

1.3 MB

Direct Velocity Feedback Control of Large Space Structures.pdf

293.2 KB

Dual-Sensor Failure Identification Using Analytic Redundancy.pdf

1.1 MB

Extension of Gauss' Method for the Solution of Kepler's Equation.pdf

685.0 KB

Identification of a STOL Propulsion Plant Model from Flight Data.pdf

686.8 KB

Improved Orbit Estimation by Satellite-Mounted Gravity Gradiometers.pdf

578.0 KB

Load Factor Response of Digitally Controlled Aircraft.pdf

552.9 KB

Mars Gravity Field Derived from Viking-1 and Viking-2_ The Navigation Result.pdf

618.8 KB

Millimeter-Wave Missile Seeker Aimpoint Wander Phenomenon.pdf

1.2 MB

Observations on Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Aerodynamic Characteristics from Flight Data.pdf

841.0 KB

Quaternion Singularity Revisited.pdf

244.9 KB

Stability Analysis of a Flexible Spacecraft with a Sampled-Data Attitude Sensor.pdf

485.3 KB

The Role of the Backside Parameter in Height Control.pdf

626.0 KB

Vector Methods in Homing Guidance.pdf

394.9 KB

/1979 Volume 2/4/

A New Single-Rotation-Axis Autopilot for Rapid Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers.pdf

1.0 MB

Attitude Behavior of a Dual-Spin Spacecraft Composed of Asymmetric Bodies.pdf

553.6 KB

Changing Inclination for Shuttle Payloads.pdf

899.7 KB

Fault Detection Threshold Determination Technique Using Markov Theory.pdf

856.2 KB

Magnetic Attitude Control of a Momentum-Biased Satellite in Near-Equatorial Orbit.pdf

599.6 KB

Method for Designing Approximate Optimal Controllers for Nonlinear Systems.pdf

317.5 KB

Missile Guidance for Low-Altitude Air Defense.pdf

817.2 KB

On Optimal Guidance for Homing Missiles.pdf

411.2 KB

Optimal Flight Control Synthesis via Pilot Modeling.pdf

557.0 KB

Optimal Impulsive Maneuvers to Accomplish Small Plane Changes in an Elliptical Orbit.pdf

579.3 KB

Optimal Thrust for Maximal Rocket Turn.pdf

674.8 KB

Performance of a Ring Laser Strapdown Attitude and Heading Reference for Aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Re-entry Vehicle Dispersion from Entry Angular Misalignment.pdf

734.2 KB

Representation of Realistic Evasive Maneuvers by the Use of Shaping Filters.pdf

699.2 KB

Stability Bounds for the Control of Large Space Structures.pdf

344.3 KB

The Orientation Vector Differential Equation.pdf

230.3 KB

Traveling Between the Lagrange Points and the Moon.pdf

785.6 KB

/1979 Volume 2/5/

Active External Store Flutter Suppression in the YF-17 Flutter Model.pdf

823.3 KB

Analysis of Three-Dimensional Optimal Evasion with Linearized Kinematics.pdf

899.4 KB

Annular Suspension and Pointing System.pdf

1.4 MB

Application of Square-Root Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude Control.pdf

967.4 KB

Atmospheric Flight of a Variable-Bend Body.pdf

596.1 KB

Bounds on the Solution to a Universal Kepler’s Equation.pdf

398.5 KB

Comment on _Active Flutter Control Using Generalized Unsteady Aerodynamic Theory_.pdf

333.0 KB

Control Law Synthesis for Active Flutter Suppression Using Optimal Control Theory.pdf

815.0 KB

Copperhead Semiactive Laser Guidance System Development.pdf

1.0 MB

Distributed Control of Spinning Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Flight Experience with a Near-Optimal Attitude Control System.pdf

467.6 KB

Galileo Dual-Spin Attitude and Articulation Control System.pdf

851.6 KB

Geometrical Interpretation of the Angles CY and B in Lambert’s Problem.pdf

283.5 KB

High-Accuracy Calibration of Electrostatic Gyro Strapdown Navigation Systems.pdf

684.5 KB

Linearization of the Boundary-Layer Equations of the Minimum Time-to-Climb Problem.pdf

388.7 KB

Method for Error Budgeting of Inertial Navigation Systems.pdf

371.5 KB

On Single-Degree-of-Freedom Flutter Induced by Activated Controls.pdf

603.2 KB

Relative Motion of Particles in Coplanar Elliptic Orbits.pdf

519.7 KB

Reply by Authors to R. Vepa.pdf

284.1 KB

Valve Delay Effects on Bending Limit Cycles of a Deadband System.pdf

420.7 KB

/1979 Volume 2/6/

Angular Motion of Spinning Almost-Symmetric Missiles.pdf

750.8 KB

Approach Guidance Logic for a Tilt-Rotor Aircraft.pdf

921.1 KB


2.7 MB

Comment on “A Comparison of Different Forms of Dirigible Equations of Motion”.pdf

137.9 KB

Concept to Enhance Strapdown Navigation on MaRV’s.pdf

284.3 KB

Dispersed Fly-by-Wire Sensor System for Improved Combat Survivability.pdf

1.0 MB

Experimental Investigation of Control-Display Requirements for a Jet-Lift VTOL Aircraft.pdf

955.9 KB

Flight Investigation and Theory of Direct Side-Force Control.pdf

1.0 MB

Interferometric Attitude Determination with the Global Positioning System.pdf

644.3 KB


154.4 KB

Method of Optimizing the Update Intervals in Hybrid Navigation Systems.pdf

285.8 KB

Minimum and Maximum Endurance Trajectories for Gliding Flight in a Horizontal Plane.pdf

642.1 KB

Multistep Guaranteed Cost Control of Linear Systems with Uncertain Parameters.pdf

992.6 KB

Nonlinear Optimal Cue-Shaping Filters for Motion Base Simulators.pdf

490.6 KB

Optimal Open-Loop Maneuver Profiles for Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

750.5 KB

Optimal Trajectories for a Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle Recovery System.pdf

632.0 KB

Optimum Thrust Trajectories in General Central Force Fields.pdf

518.0 KB

Simulation of Skylab Orbit Decay and Attitude Dynamics.pdf

663.2 KB

Stability of Proportional-Plus-Derivative-Plus-Integral Control of Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

660.7 KB

Subject and Author Indexes of Technical Papers Published in the AlAA Journals and in Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Books in 1979.pdf

71.9 KB


892.7 KB


358.2 KB


1.5 MB


738.0 KB


318.0 KB


160.7 KB


713.8 KB


547.2 KB


570.9 KB


447.6 KB

/1980 Volume 3/1/

1980 - Time for Re-examination and Strengthening.pdf

321.3 KB

A Statistical Method Applied to Pilot Behavior Analysis in Multiloop Systems.pdf

879.3 KB

Analysis of Optimal Turning Maneuvers in the Vertical Plane.pdf

1.0 MB

Attitude Control of a Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

591.0 KB

Computerized Algebraic Utilities for the Construction of Nonsingular Satellite Theories.pdf

936.1 KB

Constrained Optimum Trajectories with Specified Range.pdf

1.0 MB

Control System Design of the Annular Suspension and Pointing System.pdf

1.2 MB

Dual-Spin Spacecraft Dynamics During Platform Spinup.pdf

1.0 MB

Dynamics of a Flexible Body in Orbit.pdf

417.3 KB

Local Representation of the Geopotential by Weighted Orthonormal Polynomials.pdf

848.1 KB

Minimal and Subminimal Simplification.pdf

539.6 KB

Modular Strapdown Guidance Unit with Embedded Microprocessors.pdf

1.3 MB

New Solar Attitude Control Approach for Satellites in Elliptic Orbits.pdf

680.8 KB

Nutation Dampers vs Precession Dampers for Asymmetric Spacecraft.pdf

847.2 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance and Control, September 1, 1978-August 31, 1979.pdf

137.0 KB

State-Variable Equivalents to Continuous and Pulse Transfer Functions.pdf

158.9 KB

Thermally Induced Response of Flexible Structures_ A Method for Analysis.pdf

418.6 KB

/1980 Volume 3/2/

A Lesson Learned about Cannon-Launched Guided Projectiles.pdf

748.9 KB

CCD Star Sensor for Fine Pointing Control of Spaceborne Telescopes.pdf

904.2 KB

Controllability and Observability of Large Flexible Spacecraft in Noncircular Orbits.pdf

386.9 KB

Evaluatfon of Mass Properties by Finite Elements.pdf

394.6 KB

Flight Control Design Based on Nonlinear Model with Uncertain Parameters.pdf

685.4 KB

Formulation of Equations of Motion for Complex Spacecraft.pdf

1.6 MB

General Expansion of the Density for Nonlinear Filtering.pdf

640.9 KB

Implicit Model Following and Parameter Identification of Unstable Aircraft.pdf

571.9 KB

Improved Method for Solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation.pdf

308.5 KB

Keplerian Representation of a Non-Keplerian Orbit.pdf

334.3 KB

Method of Modeling, Parameter and State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

347.0 KB

Missile Guidance Laws Based on Singular Perturbation Methodology.pdf

929.3 KB

Modal-Space Control of Distributed Gyroscopic Systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimizing the Gains of the Baro-Inertial Vertical Channel.pdf

885.0 KB

Solar Pressure Three-Axis Attitude Control.pdf

906.6 KB

Some Effects of Parameter Variations on the Lateral-Directional Stability of Aircraft.pdf

948.5 KB

/1980 Volume 3/3/

Active Local Vibration Isolation Applied to a Flexible Space Telescope.pdf

844.2 KB

Comment on _Optimizing the Gains of the Baro-Inertial Vertical Channel_.pdf

355.8 KB

Comment on “Observer Stabilization of Singularly Perturbed Systems”.pdf

109.2 KB

Comments on “Millimeter-Wave Missile Seeker Aimpoint Wander Phenomenon”.pdf

356.5 KB

Energy-Sink Analysis of Systems Containing Driven Rotors.pdf

521.8 KB

Gyro-Based Attitude Reference Systems for Communications Satellites.pdf

788.8 KB

High Pointing Accuracy with a Momentum Bias Attitude Control System.pdf

948.3 KB

Instrument Modeling for Aerodynamic Coefficient Identification from Flight Test Data.pdf

683.2 KB

New Higher-Order Ballistic Wind Compensation Method.pdf

911.8 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Estimation Procedures for Increasing the Efficiency in Monte Carlo Computations.pdf

706.3 KB

Novel Method for Data Compression in Recursive INS Error Estimation.pdf

756.8 KB

On-Orbit Evaluation of the Control System Structural Mode Interactions on OSO-8.pdf

928.5 KB

Optimal Continuous Torque Attitude Maneuvers.pdf

818.6 KB

Optimal Modal-Space Control of Flexible Gyroscopic Systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Pursuit-Evasion of Two Aircraft in a Horizontal Plane.pdf

839.3 KB

Reduced-Order Kalman Filtering with Incomplete Observability.pdf

383.9 KB

Reply by Authors to D.D. Howard.pdf

346.5 KB

Reprisal Strategies in Pursuit Games.pdf

526.1 KB

Satellite Attitude Estimation from Communications Signal Strength.pdf

453.2 KB

Viking Orbit Trim Maneuvers.pdf

295.0 KB

/1980 Volume 3/4/

Active Controls for Flutter Suppression and Gust Alleviation in Supersonic Aircraft.pdf

726.1 KB

Adaptive Modal Control of Large Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

992.7 KB

Azimuth Observability Enhancement During Inertial Navigation System In-Flight Alignment.pdf

849.8 KB

Comment on _Dynamics of a Flexible Body in Orbit_.pdf

121.5 KB

Deadbeat Nutation Controller for Momentum Bias Stabilized Spacecraft.pdf

797.3 KB

Design Criteria for Optimal Flight Control Systems.pdf

428.8 KB

Development of an Active Flutter Margin Augmentation System for a Commerical Transport.pdf

1.2 MB

Errata_ Optimal Continuous Torque Attitude Maneuvers.pdf

115.1 KB

Multivariable Control System Design Algorithm.pdf

867.7 KB

Observability Considerations for an Inertial Gyrocompass.pdf

515.6 KB

Optimal Member Damper Controller Design for Large Space Structures.pdf

452.9 KB

Optimal Thrust Control with Proportional Navigation Guidance.pdf

768.4 KB

Passive Dissipation of Energy in Large Space Structures.pdf

398.5 KB

Reply by Authors to R.H. MacNeal.pdf

222.2 KB

Response of Vibrating Systems with Perturbed Parameters.pdf

607.3 KB

Semianalytic Theory for a Close-Earth Artificial Satellite.pdf

996.0 KB

Sequential Estimation Algorithm Using a Continuous UDU’ Covariance Factorization.pdf

754.0 KB

The Curse of Double-Digit Inflation.pdf

43.3 KB

Theory, Simulation, and Practical Tests of a Counterspun Nutation Damper for Prolate Spinners.pdf

1.2 MB

/1980 Volume 3/5/

Alternative Approach to Multisensor Navigation.pdf

1.1 MB

Call for Papers - Special Issues.pdf

74.1 KB

Co-Apsidal Autonomous Terminal Rendezvous in Mars Orbit.pdf

414.0 KB

Comment on “Method of Optimizing the Update Intervals in Hybrid Navigation Systems”.pdf

157.4 KB

Controllability and Observability for Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Improved Local Linearization Algorithm for Solving the Quaternion Equations.pdf

398.8 KB

Low-Cost Autonomous Navigation Method for Moderate-g Missions.pdf

1.2 MB

Maximum-Endurance Return-to-Target Gliding Trajectories.pdf

477.6 KB

Modal Damping Enhancement in Large Space Structures Using AMCD’s.pdf

373.9 KB

Neighboring Optimum Guidance of a Space-Shuttle-Orbiter-Type Vehicle.pdf

766.4 KB

Numerical Solution of the Constrained Re-entry Vehicle Trajectory Problem via Quasilinearization.pdf

611.0 KB

Parameter Identification of an Antiaircraft Gunner Model.pdf

740.9 KB

Pilot-Optimal Augmentation for the Air-to-Air Tracking Task.pdf

855.2 KB

Reply by Authors to M.B. Callaham.pdf

123.0 KB

Shaped Torque Techniques.pdf

1.0 MB

Structural Model of the Adaptive Human Pilot.pdf

1.1 MB

Theory of the Control of Structures by Low-Authority Controllers.pdf

801.9 KB

Viking Orbiter In-Flight Pointing Calibration of the High-Gain Antenna.pdf

636.4 KB

/1980 Volume 3/6/

1980 Index for Journal of Guidance and Control.pdf

61.2 KB

Author Index.pdf

93.9 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

546.7 KB

Comment on “Improved Method for Solving the Algebraic Riccati Equation”.pdf

128.1 KB

Cruise-missile-carrier navigation requirements.pdf

820.3 KB

Errata_ Controllability and Observability for Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

128.1 KB

Flight Tests of a Microprocessor Control System.pdf

1.0 MB

Frequency-shaped cost functionals - Extension of linear-quadratic-Gaussian design methods.pdf

632.4 KB

Halo Orbit Formulation for the ISEE-3 Mission.pdf

680.4 KB

Lift-Dispersion Control of Spinning Re-entry Vehicles.pdf

708.8 KB

Linear-angle solutions to the optimal rocket steering problem.pdf

380.4 KB

Minimum Expected Cost Control of a Remotely Piloted Vehicle.pdf

863.3 KB

Modal-Space Control of Large Flexible Spacecraft Possessing Ignorable Coordinates.pdf

1.2 MB

Model reduction by Euclidean methods.pdf

810.4 KB

Model-following system with assignable error dynamics and its application to aircraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal Large-Angle Single-Axis Rotational Maneuvers of Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

720.5 KB

Optimal low-thrust maneuvers near the libration points.pdf

269.9 KB

Orbit-averaged behavior of magnetic control laws for momentum unloading.pdf

729.6 KB

Orbital decay due to drag in an exponentially varying atmosphere.pdf

242.2 KB

Output ensemble average of periodically excited linear time-varying systems.pdf

360.4 KB

Performance of an Aided Redundant Navigator in Normal and Failure Modes.pdf

793.6 KB

Recursive Parameter Identification for Nonlinear Stochastic Processes.pdf

437.7 KB

Reply by Author to N.R. Sandell Jr..pdf

128.1 KB

Some Problems Associated with Digital Control of Dynamical Systems.pdf

827.7 KB

Stability of a precision attitude determination scheme.pdf

259.9 KB

Subject Index.pdf

432.3 KB

Time-optimal orbit transfer trajectory for solar sail spacecraft.pdf

862.2 KB

Trajectories and Orbital Maneuvers for the First Libration-Point Satellite.pdf

794.1 KB

/1981 Volume 4/1/

50th Anniversary Observations.pdf

282.4 KB

A New Look at Classical vs Modern Homing Missile Guidance.pdf

807.4 KB

Capturability in a two-target 'game of two cars'.pdf

738.5 KB

Comment on “Formulation of Equations of Motion for Complex Spacecraft’’.pdf

205.9 KB

DC-9-80 Digital Flight Guidance System Monitoring Techniques.pdf

1.2 MB

Deformable Mirror Surface Control Techniques.pdf

941.7 KB

Design of a Verifiable Subset for HAL S.pdf

347.1 KB

Dumping Momentum Magnetically on GPS Satellites.pdf

555.1 KB

Flight Languages_ Ada vs HAL S.pdf

1.0 MB

Geometric dilution of precision in Global Positioning System navigation.pdf

386.9 KB

Instability of controlled projectiles in ascending or descending flight.pdf

435.4 KB

Multivariable Control Altitude Demonstration on the FlOO Turbofan Engine.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal Local Control of Flexible Structures.pdf

564.4 KB

Rendezvous of controlled systems with time-delay.pdf

746.1 KB

Reply by Authors to C. Grubin.pdf

203.4 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance and Control, September 1,1979-August 31,1980_.pdf

159.6 KB

Special Cubic Solution Function.pdf

408.9 KB

Subsonic Free-Flight Data for a Complex Asymmetric Missile.pdf

913.2 KB

The Kalman filter - Its recognition and development for aerospace applications.pdf

734.1 KB

Three-axis attitude determination from vector observations.pdf

918.9 KB

/1981 Volume 4/2/

A new trajectory concept for exploring the earth's geomagnetic tail.pdf

601.6 KB

Adaptive Orthogonal Filters for Compensation of Model Errors in Matrix-Second-Order Systems.pdf

797.8 KB

Comparison of Optimal Control and Differential Game Intercept Missile Guidance Laws.pdf

729.3 KB

Controllers for Aircraft Motion Simulators.pdf

983.6 KB

Design of guidance and control digital autopilots.pdf

954.2 KB

Discrete-time disturbance-accommodating control theory with applications to missile digital control.pdf

1.3 MB

Distributed Fault-Tolerant Switch for Use in Modular Redundancy.pdf

285.9 KB

Effect of Reduced Visibility on VTOL Handling Quality and Display Requirements.pdf

768.8 KB

Guidance and Control of Short-Range Tactical Missiles.pdf

106.7 KB

Guidance Laws for Short-Range Tactical Missiles.pdf

1.6 MB

H-Dot Automatic Carrier Landing System for Approach Control in Turbulence.pdf

747.3 KB

On-Orbit Control System Performance of the HEAO-2 Observatory.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Control of Damped Flexible Gyroscopic Systems.pdf

852.5 KB

Optimization of Earth Sensor Thresholding Techniques.pdf

495.5 KB

Sensing the Position and Vibration of Spacecraft Structures.pdf

714.8 KB

Spacecraft Attitude Acquisition from an Arbitrary Spinning or Tumbling State.pdf

849.7 KB

Stability of a stack of spinning bodies.pdf

334.5 KB

Stability of an Orbiting Ring.pdf

359.7 KB

The Main Problem in the Theory of Artificial Satellites to Order Four.pdf

806.3 KB

Use of Cramer-Rao Bounds on Flight Data with Colored Residuals.pdf

925.5 KB

/1981 Volume 4/3/

'Direct' Wiener-Hopf solution of filter observer and optimal coupler problems.pdf

817.6 KB

A Method for Measuring the Stability of a Full-Scale Rotor Control System.pdf

639.0 KB

Airborne Method to Minimize Fuel with Fixed Time-of-Arrival Constraints.pdf

258.5 KB

Combined Optimal Classical Approach to Robust Missile Autopilot Design.pdf

784.9 KB

Control of Large Flexible Space Structures Using Pole Placement Design Techniques.pdf

565.7 KB

Developments in the field of automatic guidance and control of rockets.pdf

3.3 MB

Expansion of the Third-Body Disturbing Function.pdf

411.3 KB

Four-Dimensional Helical Approach of Aircraft in an Air Traffic Control Environment.pdf

605.3 KB

Fuel-Conservative Guidance System for Powered-Lift Aircraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Instrumented Drop Tests of a Slowly Rolling Parachute Payload.pdf

695.8 KB

Inversion of a class of complex matrices.pdf

268.2 KB

Minimum-Variance Design of Constant-Gain Filters Subject to Stability Constraints.pdf

958.8 KB

Modal Truncation for Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

916.9 KB

Parameter Plane Analysis for Large Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

877.5 KB

Sequential Orbit Determination with Auto-Correlated Gravity Modeling Errors.pdf

715.5 KB

Simultaneous eccentricity and drift rate control.pdf

575.5 KB

Singularities in optimization of deterministic dynamic systems.pdf

1.6 MB

Spin jet damping of rocket-assisted projectiles.pdf

260.0 KB

The variable-speed tail-chase aerial combat problem.pdf

563.9 KB

Uncontrolled Dynamics of the Skylab Vehicle.pdf

933.9 KB

/1981 Volume 4/4/

Automatic Control of a 0.3 m Cryogenic Test Facility.pdf

514.4 KB

Comment on “Sequential Estimation Algorithm Using a Continuous UD UT Covariance Factorization”.pdf

475.3 KB

Control Law Synthesis for Flutter Suppression Using Linear Quadratic Gaussian Theory.pdf

1.1 MB

Digital Estimation and Control of a Seismic Isolation Platform.pdf

1.1 MB

Effect of acceleration switching during INS in-flight alignment.pdf

526.3 KB

Eighty years of flight control - Triumphs and pitfalls of the systems approach.pdf

1.8 MB

Evaluation of the Navigation performance of Shipboa VTOL Landing Guidance Systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Frequency response of digitally controlled systems.pdf

603.2 KB

Navigation Accuracy Analysis for an Ion Drive Flyby of Comet Halley.pdf

1.1 MB

Numerical Computation of Optimal Atmospheric Trajectories.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal control via mathematical programming.pdf

220.6 KB

Pole placement with output feedback.pdf

209.0 KB

Reply by Authors to G.J. Bierman.pdf

493.5 KB

Singular Perturbation Techniques for On-Line Optimal Flight-Path Control.pdf

795.6 KB

Strapdown Attitude Reference Systems_ Preliminary Design and Performance Analysis.pdf

916.3 KB

Time-Optimal Magnetic Attitude Maneuvers.pdf

581.0 KB

/1981 Volume 4/5/

A New Method for Optimizing Multiple-Flyby Trajectories.pdf

835.7 KB

Airplane Perf orrnance Sensitivities to Lateral and Vertical Profiles.pdf

1.1 MB

An improved approach to predicting pilot rating behavior.pdf

702.1 KB

Attitude Stabilization of Large Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

534.0 KB

Author Index.pdf

273.5 KB

Celestial Mechanics_ Never Say No To A Computer.pdf

900.7 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

675.0 KB

Comment on 'Orbital decay due to drag in an exponentially varying atmosphere'.pdf

280.0 KB

Comment on “Orbital Decay Due to Drag in an Exponentially Varying Atmosphere”.pdf

430.1 KB

Control of a Large Flexible Platform in Orbit.pdf

876.9 KB

Error and sensitivity analysis scheme of a new data compression technique in estimation.pdf

903.0 KB

Expanded third-order Markov undulation model.pdf

493.3 KB

Experimental Evaluation of a Perspective Tunnel Display for Three-Dimensional Helicopter Approaches.pdf

1.1 MB

Extensions of Suboptimal Output Feedback Control with Application to Large Space Structures.pdf

663.3 KB

Floquet Reference Solutions for the Lunar Theory and the Jovian Moons.pdf

585.7 KB

Generic Model of a Large Flexible Space Structure for Control Concept Evaluation.pdf

399.5 KB

Identity Between INS Position and Velocity Error Models.pdf

339.2 KB

In-Flight Magnetometer Calibration and Attitude Determination for Near-Earth Spacecraft.pdf

668.2 KB

Investigation of Control, Display, and Crew-Loading Requirements for Helicopter Instrument Approach.pdf

1.3 MB

Linear Optimal Guidance for an AIM-9L Missile.pdf

222.9 KB

Navigation Accuracy Analysis for an Ion Drive Rendezvous with Comet Tempel 2.pdf

616.7 KB

Operational Experience on OTS-2.pdf

933.5 KB

Optimal air-breathing launch vehicle design.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal feedback slewing of flexible spacecraft.pdf

747.7 KB

Origins of inertial navigation.pdf

3.2 MB

Output predictive algorithmic control - Precision tracking with application to terrain following.pdf

849.8 KB

Re-entry Vehi.cle State and Aerodynamic Coefficient Estimation from Dual Accelerometers.pdf

297.3 KB

Reliability and Accuracy Prediction for a Redundant Strapdown Navigator.pdf

911.2 KB

Reply by Author to L.J. Wood.pdf

159.6 KB

Reply by Author to P.Th. L.M. Van Woerkom.pdf

121.1 KB

Robust colocated control for large flexible space structures.pdf

704.3 KB

Robust Flight Control_ A Design Example.pdf

879.6 KB

Roll Resonance Control of Angle of Attack for Re-entry Vehicle Drag Modulation.pdf

472.8 KB

Satellite Attitude Control with Decomposed Controller.pdf

221.4 KB

Semianalytic Theory for a Close-Earth Artificial Satellite.pdf

121.1 KB

Sensitivity of modal-space control to nonideal conditions.pdf

465.4 KB

Stability of Large Space Structure Control Systems Using Positivity Concepts.pdf

909.1 KB

Strapdown Attitude Algorithms from a Geometric Viewpoint.pdf

551.8 KB

Subject Index.pdf

551.0 KB

Symmetric Missile Dynamic Instabilities.pdf

1.0 MB

Three-Dimensional Response Characteristics for Spacecraft with Deploying Flexible Appendages.pdf

875.4 KB

Time-varying weights for optimal control with inequality constraints.pdf

403.5 KB

Wind-Tunnel Investigation of Active Controls Technology Applied to a DC-10 Derivative.pdf

814.8 KB

/1982 Volume 5/1/

A Reflection on Events-Present and Past.pdf

297.1 KB

Analytical Control Law for Desirable Aircraft Lateral Handling Qualities.pdf

761.3 KB

ASPS Performance with Large Payloads Onboard the Shuttle Orbiter.pdf

733.0 KB

Attitude Motion of Asymmetric Dual-Spin Spacecraft.pdf

691.6 KB

Automated Test Set to Measure Star Scanner Accuracy with Arc-Second Resolution.pdf

617.2 KB

Ballistic Re-entry Vehicle Flight Dynamics.pdf

1.9 MB

Computation of Partial Derivatives for Ground Tracking of Space Shuttle Orbits.pdf

663.1 KB

Control of Self -Adj oint Distributed-Parameter Systems.pdf

953.8 KB

Estimating the Probability of Crashing for a Terrain-Following Missile.pdf

720.8 KB

Estimation of Distributed Parameter Systems.pdf

597.1 KB

Frequency-Domain Analysis of Flexible Spacecraft Dynamics.pdf

641.7 KB

Gravity Model Performance in Inertial Navigation.pdf

820.3 KB

Hardware Demonstration of Flexible Beam Control.pdf

661.1 KB

Marginal Optimization of Observation Schedules.pdf

260.7 KB

Optimal Thrust Vector Control for Vertical Launch of Tactical Missiles.pdf

518.4 KB

Pointing Fluctuation of a Despun Antenna Due to Axial Thruster Firing.pdf

560.8 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance and Control--198-1.pdf

66.8 KB

Solution of Linear Gyroscopic Systems.pdf

324.0 KB

/1982 Volume 5/2/

A New Approach for Active Control of Rotorcraft Vibration.pdf

833.3 KB

A Short Efficient Analytical Satellite Theory.pdf

627.2 KB

Airplane Performance Sensitivities to Lateral and Vertical Profiles.pdf

97.4 KB

An adaptive control approach to sensor failure detection and isolation.pdf

634.5 KB

An Adaptive Stick-Gain to Reduce Pilot-Induced Oscillation Tendencies.pdf

578.7 KB

An Interplanetary Targeting and Orbit Insedion Maneuver Design Technique.pdf

1.0 MB

Application of the Statistically Linearized Filter to Re-entry Estimation.pdf

229.1 KB

Comment on “Model-Following System with Assignable Error Dynamics and its Application to Aircraft”.pdf

238.9 KB

Comment on “Time-Optimal Orbit Transfer Trajectory for Solar Sail Spacecraft”.pdf

482.9 KB

Constrained and unconstrained modes - Some modeling aspects of flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Efficient combinations of numerical techniques applied to aircraft turning performance optimization.pdf

993.9 KB

Electrostatic velocity adjustment of payloads launched by lunar mass-driver.pdf

1.1 MB

Flight Instabilities of Spinning Projectiles Having Nonrigid Payloads.pdf

1.1 MB

Geosynchronous Satellite Perturbations Due to Earth's Triaxiality and Luni-Solar Effects.pdf

567.2 KB

Optimization of Tactical Aircraft Maneuvers Utilizing High Angles of Attack.pdf

734.9 KB

Parameter-Plane Analysis for Large-Scale Systems.pdf

712.4 KB

Passive Nutation Damping Using Large Appendages with Application to Galileo.pdf

834.4 KB

Real-Time Gravity Gradiometer Utilization to Improve INS Accuracy.pdf

479.9 KB

Reply by Author to J.R. Broussard and L.E. Mabius.pdf

374.0 KB

Space guidance evolution - A personal narrative.pdf

2.0 MB

Spin-Down and Active Nutation Controller for the Galileo Project.pdf

834.6 KB

/1982 Volume 5/3/

A nongyroscopic inertial measurement unit.pdf

986.4 KB

Analysis of Minimum Noise Landing Approach Trajectory.pdf

844.8 KB

Celestial Referenced Attitude Determination of Galileo Spacecraft.pdf

816.3 KB

Comment on 'Optimal control via mathematical programming'.pdf

123.5 KB

Comment on “Geometric Dilution of Precision in Global Positioning.pdf

104.3 KB

Comment on “Optimal Feedback via Mathematical Programming.pdf

286.0 KB

Deadband Control System Limit Cycles Analyzed by Fourier Series.pdf

385.2 KB

Deployment and Retrieval of Shuttle Supported Tethered Satellites.pdf

904.8 KB

Disturbance Estimation for a STOL Transport During Landing.pdf

609.9 KB

Doppler-Aided Low-Accuracy Strapdown Inertial Navigation System.pdf

949.1 KB

Flight Control Frequency Response Testing of the Shuttle Ascent Vehicle.pdf

1.1 MB

Maneuver Reconstruction Techniques for Open-Loop Spin-Stabilized Spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Minimum Energy Trap States of Dual-Spin Spacecraft.pdf

649.6 KB

Navigation Accuracy Analysis for a Halley Intercept Mission.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal control and estimation for strapdown seeker guidance of tactical missiles.pdf

287.4 KB

Precision release and aim of payloads launched by lunar mass-driver.pdf

1.3 MB

Reply by Author to P. S. Kamat.pdf

104.6 KB

Reply by Authors to L.J. Wood.pdf

173.4 KB

Roll Response Criteria for Transport Aircraft with Advanced Flight Control Systems.pdf

903.5 KB

Space Guidance Evolution-A Personal Narrative.pdf

104.4 KB

The Massively Parallel Processor.pdf

485.9 KB

/1982 Volume 5/4/

A New Technique for Multirate Digital Control Design and Sample Rate Selection.pdf

513.4 KB

Adaptive filtering for an aircraft flying in turbulent atmosphere.pdf

420.2 KB

An Algorithm for Identification and Analysis of Large Space Structures.pdf

383.8 KB

Another Look at Sine-Dwell Mode Testing.pdf

1.0 MB

Application of a Tip-Fin Controller to the Shuttle Orbiter for Improved Yaw Control.pdf

621.4 KB

Control Logic for Parameter Insensitivity and Disturbance Attenuation.pdf

588.3 KB

Flight Performance and Drift Minimization of Magsat in the Lower Atmosphere.pdf

1.2 MB

In-flight estimation of spacecraft attitude sensor accuracies and alignments.pdf

652.4 KB

Low-Thrust Orbit Raising for Shuttle Payloads.pdf

910.0 KB

Minimal order time sharing filters for INS in-flight alignment.pdf

817.6 KB

Order reduction for models of space structures using modal cost analysis.pdf

918.1 KB

Reduced-Order Optimal Feedback Control Law Synthesis for Flutter Suppression.pdf

785.5 KB

Robust Kalman filter design for active flutter suppression systems.pdf

396.1 KB

Space telescope pointing control system.pdf

1.0 MB

Stability of Spinning Spacecraft with Partially Liquid-Filled Tanks.pdf

644.4 KB

Third-Order Solution to the Main Problem in Satellite Theory.pdf

765.0 KB

Variable Node Drag Parameterization for Re-entry Trajectory Estimation.pdf

451.0 KB

/1982 Volume 5/5/

A vectorial form for the conic variational equations.pdf

377.4 KB

Aerodynamic Jump Prediction for Supersonic, High Fineness Ratio, Cruciform Finned Bodies.pdf

1.5 MB

An analytic approach to two-fixed-impulse transfers between Keplerian orbits.pdf

697.3 KB

Attitude Dynamics of a Satellite During Deployment of Large Plate-Type Structures.pdf

669.2 KB

Bifurcation Analysis of Nonlinear Aircraft Dynamics.pdf

1.2 MB

Delta-Rho, A perturbation method for general and astrodynamical trajectories.pdf

1.3 MB

Discrete-Time Stability of Continuous-Time Controller Designs for Large Space Structures.pdf

355.4 KB

Earth’s Magnetic Field Models for Dumping Momentum Magnetically on GPS Satellites.pdf

516.6 KB

Interplanetary Trajectory Optimization with Application to Galileo.pdf

977.0 KB

Kalman Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation.pdf

1.5 MB

Low-Order Approaches to High-Order Systems_ Problems and Promises.pdf

925.4 KB

Low-Order Equivalent Models of Highly Augmented Aircraft Determined from Flight Data.pdf

658.6 KB

Maximum likelihood failure detection of aircraft flight control sensors.pdf

642.8 KB

Minimum fuel horizontal flight paths in the terminal area.pdf

1.0 MB

Minimum-time three-dimensional turn to a point of supersonic aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Modal Analysis of Gyroscopic Flexible Spacecraft_ A Continuum Approach.pdf

1.2 MB

Optical measurements and attitude motion of HERMES after loss of stabilization.pdf

404.3 KB

Single-Axis Spacecraft Attitude Maneuvers Using an Optimal Reaction Wheel Power Criterion.pdf

226.3 KB

Validation of reduced-order models for control systems design.pdf

904.9 KB

/1982 Volume 5/6/

1982 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Author Index.pdf

268.2 KB

1982 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Chronological Index.pdf

559.8 KB

1982 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Subject Index.pdf

560.8 KB

An analytical pilot rating method for highly elastic aircraft.pdf

610.9 KB

Attitude control of a satellite with a rotating solar array.pdf

900.8 KB

Ballistic entry motion, including gravity - Constant drag coefficient case.pdf

530.7 KB

Comment on _Expanded Third-Order Markov Undulation Model_.pdf

341.0 KB

Computation of a degree of controllability via system discretization.pdf

703.9 KB

CPU coverage evaluation using automatic fault injection.pdf

690.4 KB

Factors for cubics and quartics.pdf

948.1 KB

Fixed-trim re-entry guidance analysis.pdf

706.5 KB

Reply by Author to S.L. Baumgartner, W.G. Heller, and G.F. Koehler.pdf

105.0 KB

Stability relationships between gyrostats with free, constant-speed,and speed-controlled rotors.pdf

1.0 MB

/1983 Volume 6/1/

A practical correlation test for cooperative passive optical sensors.pdf

378.4 KB

A radiation-hardened star scanner for spacecraft guidance and control.pdf

1.2 MB

A Review of Our Procedures.pdf

346.8 KB

Design of space structure control systems using on-off thrusters.pdf

839.4 KB

Effective electromagnetic shielding in multilayer printed circuit boards.pdf

321.4 KB

Fuel-optimal aircraft trajectories with fixed arrival times.pdf

655.0 KB

Optimum yaw motion for satellites with a nadir-pointing payload.pdf

706.8 KB

Reviewers for Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics-1982.pdf

376.7 KB

Robustness of the independent modal-space control method.pdf

880.1 KB

Semantic definitions of spacecraft command and control languages using hierarchical graphs.pdf

856.2 KB

Spacecraft computer resource margin management.pdf

962.9 KB

The history of Apollo onboard guidance, navigation, and control.pdf

2.0 MB

/1983 Volume 6/2/

A Unifying Framework for Longitudinal Flying Qualities Criteria.pdf

856.3 KB

Applications of Head-Up Displays in Commercial Transport Aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

ARINC 429 Digital Data Communications for Commercial Aircraft.pdf

596.3 KB

Control Characteristics of a Buoyant Quad-Rotor Research Aircraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Dynamics of a Spacecraft during Extension of Flexible Appendages.pdf

364.8 KB

Fault Isolation Methodology for the L-loll Digital Avionic Flight Control System.pdf

738.8 KB

Generic Faults and Architecture Design Considerations in Flight-Critical Systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Gravitational Three-Body Problem in 120 dee Axial Coordinates.pdf

542.7 KB

Nonlinear Filter for Pilot’s Remnant Attenuation.pdf

365.4 KB

Observers as Noise Filters in an Automatic Aircraft Landing System.pdf

236.1 KB

Recursive attitude determination from vector observations Direction cosine matrix identification.pdf

741.0 KB

Robust Control of Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

/1983 Volume 6/3/

A core software concept for integrated control.pdf

441.3 KB

An onboard navigator for the extremely low-altitude satellite utilizing accelerometers.pdf

791.2 KB

Analysis of in-trail following dynamics of CDTI-equipped aircraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Control techniques to improve Space Shuttle solid rocket booster separation.pdf

790.6 KB

Determination of horizontal tail load and hinge moment characteristics from flight data.pdf

708.7 KB

Development and test of an integrated sensory system for advanced aircraft.pdf

785.6 KB

Efficient square root algorithm for measurement update in Kalman filtering.pdf

637.1 KB

Excessive roll damping can cause roll ratchet.pdf

252.9 KB

Experimental demonstration of static shape control.pdf

545.4 KB

Minuteman inertial guidance assessment - The next best thing to flight tests.pdf

874.8 KB

Missile guidance design tradeoffs for high-altitude air defense.pdf

692.8 KB

PMUX - The interface for engine data to AIDS.pdf

1.0 MB

Roll resonance probability for ballistic missiles with random configurational asymmetry.pdf

399.3 KB

Sensing relative attitudes for automatic docking.pdf

422.3 KB

Space Shuttle primary onboard software - STS-1 to operational use.pdf

1.3 MB

Symbolic representation of translatory motion in multivarying-link mechanisms.pdf

682.2 KB

Test demonstration of digital control of wing store flutter.pdf

748.6 KB

Time-optimized north-south stationkeeping.pdf

378.1 KB

/1983 Volume 6/4/

A comparison of control techniques for large flexible systems.pdf

1.2 MB

A new strapdown attitude algorithm.pdf

602.0 KB

A Position-Modulated Alignment Test Technique in the Presence of Ship’s Flexure.pdf

498.0 KB

Active attitude control of a spinning symmetrical satellite in an elliptic orbit.pdf

499.8 KB

Angular motion of a spinning projectile with a viscous liquid payload.pdf

818.1 KB

Computer performance monitoring during the Centaur launch countdown.pdf

775.9 KB

Covariance analysis of a charge carrier device processing algorithm for stellar sensors.pdf

709.1 KB

Design and analysis of a digitally controlled integrated flight firecontrol system.pdf

902.5 KB

HiMAT onboard flight computer system architecture and qualification.pdf

1.2 MB

Nonstationary shaping filters for simulation of gravity uncertainty effects on missile trajectories.pdf

414.0 KB

Onboard orbit estimation with tracking and data relay satellite system data.pdf

980.1 KB

Piloted simulation of hover and transition of a vertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraft.pdf

824.2 KB

Recursive relationships for body axis rotation rates.pdf

298.7 KB

Relativistic rocket motion via Minkowski's formalism.pdf

399.6 KB

Space Shuttle stability and control derivatives estimated from the first entry.pdf

922.4 KB

Stability of aircraft motion in critical cases.pdf

757.3 KB

/1983 Volume 6/5/

A Kalman filter algorithm for terminal-area navigation with sensors of moderate accuracy.pdf

1.2 MB

A model-based investigation of manipulator characteristics and pilot vehicle performance.pdf

861.1 KB

Adaptive Kalman filter for tracking maneuvering targets.pdf

353.5 KB

An optimal control approach to pilot vehicle analysis and the Neal-Smith criteria.pdf

1.1 MB

Closed-loop control performance sensitivity to parameter variations.pdf

459.9 KB

Core resource management for large real-time computer program development.pdf

578.4 KB

Dislocated actuator sensor positioning and feedback design for flexible structures.pdf

749.5 KB

Effects of energy addition and dissipation on dual-spin spacecraft attitude motion.pdf

681.7 KB

Experience with flight test trajectory guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Ground simulation investigation of helicopter decelerating instrument approaches.pdf

1.4 MB

Identification of structural dynamics systems using least-square lattice filters.pdf

911.5 KB

New nonsingular forms of perturbed satellite equations of motion.pdf

606.8 KB

Organizing Space Shuttle parametric data for maintainability.pdf

1.1 MB

Space Shuttle response to ascent wind profiles.pdf

744.2 KB

Tracking geosynchronous satellites by very-long-baseline interferometry.pdf

724.7 KB

/1983 Volume 6/6/

A Guidance Law for General Surface Targets.pdf

357.7 KB

An error criterion for the pointing of axially symmetric spacecraft payloads.pdf

844.7 KB

Analyses of Shuttle Orbiter approach and landing.pdf

972.3 KB

Author Index 1983.pdf

134.5 KB

Chronological Index 1983.pdf

560.9 KB

Comment on 'Low-order approaches to high-order systems Problems and promises'.pdf

316.7 KB

Digital autopilot for thrust vector control of the Shuttle orbital maneuvering system.pdf

803.9 KB

Dynamic stability testing of the Orbiter flight control system flexible body interaction.pdf

601.5 KB

Dynamics and control of a deformable gyrostat, utilizing continuum vehicle modes.pdf

1.5 MB

Gain indexing schemes for low-thrust perturbation guidance.pdf

906.8 KB

Inertial attitude determination for a dual-spin planetary spacecraft.pdf

999.2 KB

Magnetic desaturation of a momentum bias system.pdf

977.7 KB

Minimum impulse limit cycle design to compensate for measurement uncertainties.pdf

520.0 KB

Postflight evaluation of the Shuttle guidance, navigation, and control during powered-ascent flight phase.pdf

829.5 KB

Reply by Authors to C.R. Chalk.pdf

256.5 KB

Satellite attitude dynamics and control in the presence of environmental torques - A brief survey.pdf

2.0 MB

Satellite selection for the global positioning system.pdf

578.4 KB

Shuttle Orbiter stellar-inertial reference system.pdf

1.2 MB

Some Effects of High-Rate Springs in Elevator Control Systems.pdf

402.5 KB

Space Shuttle as a dynamic test tool for missile guidance systems.pdf

318.2 KB

Space Shuttle entry guidance performance results.pdf

715.7 KB

Space Shuttle Guidance and Control.pdf

115.3 KB

Subject Index.pdf

440.9 KB

Torque from solar radiation pressure gradient during eclipse.pdf

1.0 MB

/1984 Volume 7/1/

A Flexible Structure Controller Design Method Using Mode Residualization and Output Feedback.pdf

353.6 KB

A novel approach for the design of a dry-tuned accelerometer gyro instrument.pdf

1.1 MB

Adaptation of a strapdown formulation for processing inertial platform data.pdf

585.5 KB

Analysis of Aircraft Attitude Control Systems Prone to Pilot-Induced Oscillations.pdf

912.7 KB

Autonomous satellite navigation at five times synchronous altitude.pdf

807.4 KB

Bifurcation analysis of aircraft pitching motions about large mean angles of attack.pdf

1.2 MB

Calculation of trim settings for a helicopter rotor by an optimized automatic controller.pdf

760.1 KB

Comments on 'Dynamics of a spacecraft during extension of flexible appendages'.pdf

152.2 KB

Dynamics and control of a large space antenna.pdf

888.0 KB

In-flight investigation of large airplane flying qualities for approach and landing.pdf

915.1 KB

Influence of roll command augmentation systems on flying qualities of fighter aircraft.pdf

859.1 KB

Optimization of aircraft altitude and flight-path angle dynamics.pdf

304.1 KB

Projecting Guidance and Control Technology to 2000.pdf

204.5 KB

Qualitative Differences Between Shuttle On-Orbit and Transition Control.pdf

769.6 KB

Real-time Pegasus propulsion system model V STOL-piloted simulation evaluation.pdf

1.1 MB

Recursive Attitude Determination from Vector Observations_ Direction Cosine Matrix Identification.pdf

657.2 KB

Reply by Author to M.S. Jankovic.pdf

152.2 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynarnics--1983.pdf

189.3 KB

Science platform and attitude subsystem in-flight calibration for the Galileo spacecraft.pdf

738.8 KB

Semiautonomous stationkeeping of geosynchronous satellites.pdf

694.0 KB

Space Shuttle entry flight control off-nominal design considerations.pdf

609.0 KB

Tests of general relativity using Starprobe radio metric tracking data.pdf

1.4 MB

Tethered satellite retrieval with thruster augmented control.pdf

631.1 KB

/1984 Volume 7/2/

A degree of controllability definition - Fundamental concepts and application to modal systems.pdf

1.2 MB

A model reference adaptive control algorithm applied to terminally controlled systems.pdf

424.3 KB

A new method for data pre-processing.pdf

270.8 KB

Autonomous satellite navigation by stellar refraction.pdf

698.5 KB

Comparative studies of atmospheric density models used for earth satellite orbit estimation.pdf

369.8 KB

Effects of displacement and rate saturation on the control of statically unstable aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Estimation enhancement by trajectory modulation for homing missiles.pdf

935.6 KB

Highly efficient, very low-thrust transfer to geosynchronous orbit -Exact and approximate solutions.pdf

689.0 KB

Identification of large flexible structures mass stiffness and damping from on-orbit experiments.pdf

217.4 KB

Missile deployment module accuracy verification.pdf

483.5 KB

On the Number and Placement of Actuators for Independent Modal Space Control.pdf

924.7 KB

Optimal low-thrust transfers to synchronous orbit.pdf

904.4 KB

Optimal trajectories for maximum endurance gliding in a horizontal plane.pdf

352.3 KB

Parachute-suspended solar pointing control system.pdf

665.5 KB

Properties of conic state transition matrices and associated time partials.pdf

616.8 KB

Quadratic optimal cooperative control synthesis with flight control application.pdf

948.1 KB

Quadratic synthhesis of integrated active controls for an aeroelastic forward-swept-wing aircraft.pdf

731.7 KB

S19 guidance of the Black Brant X sounding rocket.pdf

602.3 KB

Terrain-aided navigation of an unpowered tactical missile using autopilot-grade sensors.pdf

1.2 MB

Titan IIIC preflight and postflight trajectory analyses.pdf

790.2 KB

Use of Differential Pressure Feedback in an Automatic Flight Control System.pdf

289.1 KB

Using integrals of the state transition matrix for efficient transient-response computations.pdf

341.3 KB

V STOL propulsion control technology.pdf

978.6 KB

/1984 Volume 7/3/

A parametric study of the behavior of the angular momentum vector during spin rate changes of rigid-body spacecraft.pdf

592.4 KB

Adaptive noise estimation for homing missiles.pdf

735.6 KB

An Exponentially Fitted Adams Method of Numerical Integration.pdf

475.0 KB

Analytical Design and Assurance of Digital Flight Control System Structure.pdf

1.2 MB

Critical parameter selection in the vibration suppression of large space structures.pdf

632.9 KB

Design and flight test of a lateral-directional command augmentationsystem.pdf

989.9 KB

Electrostatic disturbance forces on a three-axis drag-free sensor.pdf

981.5 KB

Impact of magnetic bearing rotor design on satellite nutational stability.pdf

955.4 KB

Kinematics of rendezvous maneuvers.pdf

789.2 KB

New results on the optimal spacecraft attitude maneuver problem.pdf

310.2 KB

Optimal control applied to aircraft flutter suppression.pdf

842.6 KB

Optimal distributed control of a flexible spacecraft during a large-angle maneuver.pdf

818.4 KB

Performance of differenced range data types in Voyager navigation.pdf

805.4 KB

Piloted simulation of an onboard trajectory optimization algorithm.pdf

745.1 KB

Robust control of self-adjoint distributed-parameter structures.pdf

1.5 MB

Shuttle vehicle configuration impact on ascent guidance and control.pdf

1.1 MB

Target acceleration modeling for tactical missile guidance.pdf

784.4 KB

Tunnel display for four-dimensional fixed-wing aircraft approaches.pdf

1.3 MB

Use of Differential Pressure Feedback in an Automatic Flight Control System.pdf

54.9 KB

/1984 Volume 7/4/

A scheme for target tracking and pointing during small celestial body encounters.pdf

1.0 MB

A transfer function method of modeling systems with frequency-dependent coefficients.pdf

666.5 KB

An exact expression for computing the degree of controllability.pdf

398.9 KB

Attitude stabilization of flexible spacecraft during stationkeeping maneuvers.pdf

856.9 KB

Automatic helical rotorcraft descent and landing using a microwave landing system.pdf

1.2 MB

Design of the Galileo scan platform control.pdf

1.1 MB

Discrete controller design for Gaussian- and waveform-type disturbances.pdf

701.6 KB

Effects of time delays on systems subject to manual control.pdf

647.0 KB

Equivalent deterministic inputs for random processes.pdf

669.9 KB

Globally optimal impulsive transfers via Green's theorem.pdf

956.9 KB

Instabilities of a gyroscope produced by rapidly rotating, highly viscous liquids.pdf

831.8 KB

Magnetometer bias determination and spin-axis attitude estimation for the AMPTE mission.pdf

431.5 KB

Modification of pitching stability by an atmospheric wave.pdf

430.4 KB

Nonlinear natural control of an experimental beam.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal guidance law in the plane.pdf

694.1 KB

Optimal Short-Range Trajectories for Helicopters.pdf

957.7 KB

Optimum two-impulse transfers for preliminary interplanetary trajectory design.pdf

535.5 KB

Prediction and occurrence of pilot-induced oscillations in a flight test aircraft.pdf

668.6 KB

Sensitivity to cross-axis oscillations in a single-axis nuclear gyroscope.pdf

287.4 KB

Stochastic Simulation Using Covariance Techniques_ Modular Program Package for Nonlinear Missile Guidance.pdf

488.3 KB

Suppression of biodynamic disturbances and pilot-induced oscillations by adaptive filtering.pdf

1.1 MB

Why modern controllers can go unstable in practice.pdf

741.2 KB

/1984 Volume 7/5/

A 'current' statistical model and adaptive algorithm for estimating maneuvering targets.pdf

792.2 KB

A ballistic similitude design criterion for artillery projectiles.pdf

423.4 KB

A general formulation for librational dynamics of spacecraft with deploying appendages.pdf

950.9 KB

A multiloop system stability margin study using matrix singular values.pdf

800.1 KB

A variable structure approach to robust control of VTOL aircraft.pdf

786.5 KB

An analytic orbit prediction program generator.pdf

893.3 KB

An Elementary Proof Of the Optimality of Hohmann Transfers.pdf

289.6 KB

An on-orbit experiment for dynamics and control of large structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Comment on “A Comparison of Control Techniques for Large Fleible Systems”.pdf

372.8 KB

Comment on “A Comparison of Control Techniques for Large Flexible Systems”.pdf

508.7 KB

Computation of optimal feedback strategies for interception in a horizontal plane.pdf

443.2 KB

Dual-mode, reaction-jet, thrust-vector controls for small missiles.pdf

736.6 KB

Dynamics and control of large space structures.pdf

2.5 MB

Dynamics of an aircraft in wind shear of arbitrary direction.pdf

536.2 KB

Effects of Time Delays on Systems Subject to Manual Control.pdf

113.3 KB

Experimental demonstration of the control of flexible structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Experiments in control of flexible structures with noncolocated sensors and actuators.pdf

1.1 MB

Friction estimation technique for Galileo scan platform control.pdf

963.9 KB

Large Space Structure Control_ Early Experiments.pdf

175.6 KB

Minimal root sensitivity in linear systems.pdf

605.0 KB

Reply by Authors to M.A. Floyd, R.E. Lindberg, and M.G. Lyons.pdf

670.2 KB

Shiryayev sequential probability ratio test for redundancy management.pdf

1.1 MB

Structural control for a circular plate.pdf

1.4 MB

/1984 Volume 7/6/

An elegant Lambert algorithm.pdf

1.0 MB

Author Index 1984.pdf

129.0 KB

Control of time-periodic systems.pdf

813.9 KB

Fuel-optimal maneuvers of a spacecraft relative to a point in circular orbit.pdf

803.1 KB

Identification of multivariable high-performance turbofan engine dynamics from closed-loop data.pdf

813.6 KB

Modal decoupling conditions for distributed control of flexible structures.pdf

431.7 KB

Multi-input multi-output controller design for longitudinal decoupled aircraft motion.pdf

1.1 MB

Multi-shaker random mode testing.pdf

980.8 KB

Nonlinear model simplification in flight control system design.pdf

692.4 KB

Number and placement of control system components considering possible failures.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal design of a passive vibration absorber for a truss beam.pdf

812.5 KB

Pursuit-evasion between two realistic aircraft.pdf

600.8 KB

Qualitative differences between Shuttle on-orbit and transition control.pdf

716.8 KB

Rapid Poisson series evaluation.pdf

460.8 KB

Reduction of large flexible spacecraft models using internal balancing theory.pdf

954.0 KB

Robust nonlinear least squares estimation using the Chow-Yorke homotopy method.pdf

548.4 KB

Sampled data control of flexible structures using constant gain velocity feedback.pdf

574.9 KB

Some applications of direct adaptive control to large structural systems.pdf

700.3 KB

Subject Index 1984.pdf

616.8 KB

The development of radar homing missiles.pdf

2.4 MB

The role of modern control theory in the design of controls for aircraft turbine engines.pdf

1.7 MB

Vertical ascent to geosynchronous orbit.pdf

302.0 KB

/1985 Volume 8/1/

A fault-tolerant approach to helicopter swashplate control.pdf

1.2 MB

A frequency domain stability analysis of a phase plane control system.pdf

816.0 KB

A second-order solution of the main problem of artificial satellitesusing multiple scales.pdf

851.1 KB

An analytic solution for the state trajectories of a feedback control system.pdf

263.6 KB

Antenna pointing systems for large communications satellites.pdf

849.3 KB

Attitude stability of dual-spin spacecraft with unsymmetrical bodies.pdf

1.3 MB

Closed-form solutions for feedback control with terminal constraints.pdf

601.6 KB

Decoupling of high-gain multivariable tracking systems.pdf

538.6 KB

Dynamic analysis of large-scale mechanical systems and animated graphics.pdf

711.5 KB

Four-dimensional fuel-optimal guidance in the presence of winds.pdf

751.9 KB

High precision active nutation control of a momentum biased spacecraft with flexible appendages.pdf

916.1 KB

Intercept probability of satellites in circular orbits.pdf

862.8 KB

Interception in three dimensions - An energy formulation.pdf

831.7 KB

Isochrones for maximum endurance horizontal gliding flight.pdf

368.2 KB

Line-of-sight reconstruction for faster homing guidance.pdf

654.5 KB

Minimum-fuel aeroassisted coplanar orbit transfer using lift-modulation.pdf

1.0 MB

Model reduction of control systems.pdf

483.0 KB

Modeling of certain strapdown heading-sensitive errors in INS error models.pdf

357.6 KB

Optimal Guidance Law in the Plane.pdf

63.6 KB

Optimal many-revolution orbit transfer.pdf

443.5 KB

Optimal simultaneous structural and control design of maneuvering flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Periodic optical cruise of an atmospheric vehicle.pdf

1.1 MB

Pilot modeling and closed-loop analysis of flexible aircraft in the pitch tracking task.pdf

672.4 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics--1984.pdf

95.9 KB

Stability analysis of gyroscopic systems by matrix methods.pdf

415.7 KB

Stochastic response analysis, order reduction, and output feedback controllers for flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

The general class of optimal proportional navigation.pdf

492.0 KB

The number of multiplications required to chain coordinate transformations.pdf

357.1 KB

Thoughts on the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Application Orientation.pdf

139.0 KB

Zeroth-order feedback strategies for medium-range interception in a horizontal plane.pdf

942.4 KB

/1985 Volume 8/2/

A design methodology for pitch pointing flight control systems.pdf

711.2 KB

A relation between liquid roll moment and liquid side moment.pdf

320.4 KB

A visual cueing model for terrain-following applications.pdf

1.1 MB

Adaptive modal control of structural dynamic systems using recursivelattice filters.pdf

1.2 MB

An investigation of correlation region in maneuvering Multi-Target Tracking.pdf

575.9 KB

Angular motion influence on re-entry vehicle ablation or erosion asymmetry formation.pdf

384.8 KB

Application of the Delta-Rho perturbation method to autonomous orbitcomputation.pdf

946.0 KB

Computerized generation of symbolic equations of motion for spacecraft.pdf

515.5 KB

Design and flight testing of digital direct side-force control laws.pdf

1.4 MB

Digital homing guidance - Stability vs performance tradeoffs.pdf

906.4 KB

Estimation of the time-to-go parameter for air-to-air missiles.pdf

516.8 KB

Flexural vibration of gravity-stabilized, structurally damped, largeflexible satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Formationkeeping for a pair of satellites in a circular orbit.pdf

980.3 KB

Least acceleration motion for given terminal conditions.pdf

230.0 KB

Measurements of despin and yawing moments produced by a viscous liquid.pdf

405.0 KB

Modal analysis of flexible aircraft dynamics with handling qualitiesimplications.pdf

1.5 MB

Nonconservative evaluation of uniform stability margins of multivariable feedback systems.pdf

917.0 KB

Optimal finite horizon approximation of unstable linear systems.pdf

429.7 KB

Poles and transmission zeros of flexible spacecraft control systems.pdf

840.6 KB

Separation of time scales in aircraft trajectory optimization.pdf

540.7 KB

Shuttle-tethered subsatellite system stability with a flexible massive tether.pdf

624.1 KB

Status and concerns for bank-to-turn control of tactical missiles.pdf

944.7 KB

The enigma of false bias detection in a strapdown system during transfer alignment.pdf

711.1 KB

To pursue or to evade - That is the question.pdf

768.6 KB

/1985 Volume 8/3/

A new guidance law for homing missiles.pdf

363.5 KB

A nonlinear pilot model for hover.pdf

966.2 KB

Active flutter suppression using eigenspace and linear quadratic design techniques.pdf

1.1 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

198.5 KB

Development of dynamics and control simulation of large flexible space systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Development of the F A-18A automatic carrier landing system.pdf

933.4 KB

Dynamics and control of a Shuttle-attached antenna experiment.pdf

1.0 MB

Eccentric two-target model for qualitative air combat game analysis.pdf

817.5 KB

Error analyses for the delivery of a spinning probe to Jupiter.pdf

993.0 KB

Flight analysis for a two-stage launch vehicle with a glideback booster.pdf

561.6 KB

Inclination correction for geostationary orbits using ion thrusters.pdf

270.6 KB

Mixing four-dimensional equipped and unequipped aircraft in the terminal area.pdf

1.2 MB

Modal-space active damping of a plane grid - Experiment and theory.pdf

1.3 MB

Moment induced by liquid payload during spin-up without a critical layer.pdf

696.5 KB

Onboard near-optimal climb-dash energy management.pdf

611.5 KB

Optimal controller for homing missile.pdf

665.7 KB

Optimal symmetric flight with an intermediate vehicle model.pdf

934.9 KB

Preliminary orbit determination by a composite multivariate search strategy.pdf

721.0 KB

Quaternion feedback for spacecraft large angle maneuvers.pdf

871.0 KB

Reliability considerations in the placement of control system components.pdf

526.6 KB

Subaliases in the frequency response of digitally controlled systems.pdf

418.1 KB

Trajectory reconstruction during thrusting phase of rockets using differential corrections.pdf

450.2 KB

Use of frequency dependence in linear quadratic control problems to frequency-shape robustness.pdf

562.8 KB

/1985 Volume 8/4/

A missile duel between two aircraft.pdf

739.0 KB

A multiloop robust controller design study using singular value gradients.pdf

698.6 KB

A robust compensator design by frequency-shaped estimation.pdf

526.0 KB

Aerodynamic Requirements at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.pdf

386.7 KB

An analytical approach to geosynchronous station acquisition.pdf

433.4 KB

Analytic Fourier transform for a class of finite-time control problems.pdf

367.3 KB

Applications of nonlinear programming for automated multivariable control system design.pdf

658.5 KB

Attitude dynamics of a rotating chain or rigid bodies in a gravitational field.pdf

854.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

156.7 KB

Equations of attitude motion for an N-body satellite with moving joints.pdf

400.0 KB

Identification of vibrating flexible structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Low earth orbit navigation in the tracking and data acquisition system era.pdf

1.2 MB

Maximum-information guidance for homing missiles.pdf

385.5 KB

Minimum energy-loss guidance for aeroassisted orbital plane change.pdf

850.5 KB

New concepts in control theory, 1959-1984 (Dryden Lectureship in Research).pdf

1.3 MB

Robust missile autopilot design using a generalized singular optimalcontrol technique.pdf

1.1 MB

Roll yaw control of a flexible spacecraft using skewed bias momentumwheels.pdf

999.4 KB

Slow and fast state variables for three-dimensional flight dynamics.pdf

508.1 KB

Space structure control design by variance assignment.pdf

1.2 MB

Strapdown inertial navigation system requirements imposed by synthetic aperture radar.pdf

1.2 MB

Time-domain stability robustness measures for linear regulators.pdf

629.7 KB

Toward a unifying theory for aircraft handling qualities.pdf

1.0 MB

Use of multiple inertial systems to correct for the effects of gravitational anomalies.pdf

944.6 KB

/1985 Volume 8/5/

Absolute stability of symmetric highly maneuverable missiles.pdf

424.6 KB

An eigensystem realization algorithm for modal parameter identification and model reduction.pdf

1.2 MB

Analysis of aircraft control strategies for microburst encounter.pdf

936.7 KB

Application of a new multivariable model-following method to decoupled flight control.pdf

568.1 KB

Attitude stability of an orbiting gyrostat in conical equilibrium.pdf

729.7 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

241.0 KB

Characteristic elastic systems of time-limited optimal maneuvers.pdf

1.2 MB

Controllability and observability of general linear lumped-parameter systems.pdf

538.3 KB

Design of robust digital controllers for gas turbines with explicit actuator and sensor dynamics.pdf

548.6 KB

Distributed piezoelectric-polymer active vibration control of a cantilever beam.pdf

1.1 MB

Dynamics and control of lattice beams using simplified finite element models.pdf

1.0 MB

Dynamics and control of orbiting flexible structures exposed to solar radiation.pdf

764.4 KB

Dynamics of flexible bodies in tree topology - A computer-oriented approach.pdf

915.9 KB

Experimental research on flexible beam modal control.pdf

1.0 MB

Guidance performance analysis with in-flight radome error calibration.pdf

573.2 KB

Minimum-fuel, three-dimensional flight paths for jet transports.pdf

1.1 MB

Miss distance of proportional navigation missile with varying velocity.pdf

592.5 KB

Optimal catapult impulse shaping for ejection seats.pdf

407.8 KB

Predictor laws for pictorial flight displays.pdf

875.6 KB

Stability of multidimensional linear time-varying systems.pdf

578.4 KB

Star-Sensor-Based Satellite Attitude Attitude Rate Estimator.pdf

720.5 KB

Thrust vector control design for a liquid upper stage spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

/1985 Volume 8/6/

A new algorithm for the computation of the geodetic coordinates as a function of earth-centered earth-fixed coordinates.pdf

335.8 KB

Author Index 1985.pdf

125.9 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

123.8 KB

Chronological Index 1985.pdf

715.7 KB

Collaborative techniques in modal analysis.pdf

435.7 KB

Effects of payload motions on the nutational stability of the Galileo spacecraft.pdf

844.2 KB

Eigenvalue optimization algorithms for structure controller design iterations.pdf

981.1 KB

Ground-simulation investigation of VTOL airworthiness criteria for terminal area operations.pdf

1.1 MB

Longitudinal stability of a hovering, tethered rotorcraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Longitudinal vibration of gravity-stabilized, large, damped spacecraft modeled as elastic continua.pdf

1.1 MB

Normalized predictive deconvolution - A time series algorithm for modeling human operator dynamics.pdf

994.2 KB

Optimal magnetic bearing control for high-speed momentum wheels.pdf

744.4 KB

Reducing the effects of model reduction due to parameter variations.pdf

352.3 KB

Robust natural control of distributed systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Selection of an optimal cost index for airline hub operation.pdf

521.0 KB

Sensor failure detection for jet engines using analytical redundancy.pdf

1.6 MB

Stability and control of VTOL capable airships in hovering flight.pdf

975.9 KB

Subject Index 1985.pdf

714.0 KB

The implementation of modal filters for control of structures.pdf

1.3 MB

Three- and four-satellite continuous-coverage constellations.pdf

902.9 KB

Two-time scale stabilization of systems with output feedback.pdf

615.1 KB

/1986 Volume 9/1/

A parallel quasi-linearization algorithm for air vehicle trajectory optimization.pdf

482.4 KB

A simple targeting technique for two-body spacecraft trajectories.pdf

683.6 KB

Advice for Reviewers.pdf

583.3 KB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

163.1 KB

An energy approach for orbital transfers.pdf

496.1 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

156.7 KB

Comment on 'A general formulation for librational dynamics of spacecraft with deploying appendages'.pdf

370.4 KB

Comment on “To Pursue or to Evade-That is the Question”.pdf

317.0 KB

Control of a forward-swept-wing configuration dominated by flight dynamic aeroelastic interactions.pdf

1.1 MB

Design of an active flutter suppression system.pdf

957.2 KB

Dynamics of a subsatellite system supported by two tethers.pdf

575.5 KB

Endurance increase by cyclic control.pdf

657.5 KB

Evolution of an attitude control system for body-stabilized communication spacecraft.pdf

760.3 KB

Extension of the midvalue selection technique for redundancy management of inertial sensors.pdf

1.1 MB

Flight dynamics of a spinning, sequential munition-dispenser.pdf

732.5 KB

Gravity gradient torque for an arbitrary potential function.pdf

403.4 KB

In-flight identification of the Galileo spacecraft flexible mode characteristics.pdf

1.0 MB

Linear-quadratic Gaussian with loop-transfer recovery methodology for the F-100 engine.pdf

975.8 KB

Motor characteristics in the control of a compliant load.pdf

748.2 KB

Necessary conditions for optimal pulse control.pdf

552.9 KB

Optimal multiple-impulse time-fixed rendezvous between circular orbits.pdf

828.6 KB

Optimal nonlinear feedback control for spacecraft attitude maneuvers.pdf

775.2 KB

Perturbation guidance laws for perfect information interceptors withsymmetrical nonlinearities.pdf

584.5 KB

Reply by Author to J.V. Breakwell.pdf

156.7 KB

Reply by Authors to K.W. Lips.pdf

357.2 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics--1985.pdf

94.7 KB

Robustness properties of collocated controllers for flexible spacecraft.pdf

852.2 KB

Simulator evaluation of a remotely piloted vehicle visual landing task.pdf

933.4 KB

The principal minor test for semidefinite matrices.pdf

301.0 KB

/1986 Volume 9/2/

A computational method to solve nonautonomous matrix Riccati equations.pdf

297.1 KB

A performance evaluation of the software-implemented fault-tolerancecomputer.pdf

855.4 KB

Actuator failure detection in the control of distributed systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Advanced midcourse guidance for air-to-air missiles.pdf

1.1 MB

An interpretation of airplane general motion and contol as inverse problem.pdf

944.9 KB

Attitude determination covariance analysis for geostationary transfer orbits.pdf

1.0 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

165.5 KB

Compensating structure and parameter optimization for attitude control of a flexible spacecraft.pdf

297.6 KB

Differential interferometry for precise tracking of a geosynchronoussatellite.pdf

764.3 KB


123.8 KB

Exact nonlinear control of spacecraft slewing maneuvers with internal momentum transfer.pdf

1.0 MB

Flight trajectory simulation of fluid payload projectiles.pdf

1.1 MB

Influence of high-order dynamics on helicopter flight-control systembandwidth.pdf

917.1 KB

Optimal continuous control for remote orbital capture.pdf

857.9 KB

Periodic control for minimum-fuel aircraft trajectories.pdf

633.4 KB

Reduced-order observers applied to state and parameter estimation ofhydromechanical servoactuators.pdf

424.5 KB

Robust beam-pointing and attitude control of a flexible spacecraft.pdf

836.8 KB

Roll motion of a wraparound fin configuration at subsonic and transonic Mach numbers.pdf

363.5 KB

Spacecraft attitude dynamics and control - A personal perspective on early developments.pdf

1.3 MB

Transient motion of a hypersonic wedge, including time history effects.pdf

828.6 KB

Uniform damping control of spacecraft.pdf

924.2 KB

Variable-structure control of spacecraft large-angle maneuvers.pdf

571.2 KB

Wind shear estimation by frequency-shaped optimal estimator.pdf

620.8 KB

/1986 Volume 9/3/

Book Announcements.pdf

139.1 KB

Classical flight dynamics of a variable forward-sweep-wing aircraft.pdf

554.2 KB

Clutter effect on the guidance of a semi-active radar homing missile.pdf

700.9 KB

Computation of optimal controls by Newton's method using a discretized Jacobian.pdf

427.4 KB

Design and simulation of closed-loop ground alignment of inertial platforms with sway motion.pdf

869.4 KB

Design of a flutter mode controller using positive real feedback.pdf

727.5 KB

Effects of noise on modal parameters identified by the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm.pdf

1.3 MB

Error analysis strapdown inertial navigation using quaternions.pdf

293.7 KB

Explicit guidance of drag-modulated aeroassisted transfer between elliptical orbits.pdf

942.8 KB

Frequency domain synthesis of a robust flutter suppression control law.pdf

685.0 KB

Fuel conservative guidance for shipboard landing of powered-lift STOL aircraft.pdf

432.8 KB

Gravity-model errors in mobile inertial-navigation systems.pdf

987.8 KB

Historical perspective on estimation techniques for position and gravity survey with inertial systems.pdf

2.0 MB

Long-term evolution of near-geostationary orbits.pdf

1.0 MB

Multi-input multi-output automatic design synthesis for performance and robustness.pdf

714.1 KB

Near-optimum design of large-scale systems.pdf

334.5 KB

Optimal control of quaternion propagation errors in spacecraft navigation.pdf

348.6 KB

Spacecraft nutational instability prediction by energy-dissipation measurements.pdf

902.3 KB

Spline-based distributed system identification with application to large space antennas.pdf

1.0 MB

The hybrid automated reliability predictor.pdf

2.0 MB

The optimal projection equations for reduced-order, discrete-time modeling, estimation, and control.pdf

769.2 KB

/1986 Volume 9/4/

A discrete-time multivariable model-following method applied to decoupled flight control.pdf

559.5 KB

A simple algorithm for the selection of terminal penalty weighting matrices.pdf

430.1 KB

An asymptotic perturbation method for nonlinear optimal control problems.pdf

653.2 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

161.6 KB

Comment on 'A new algorithm for the computation of the geodetic coordinates as a function of earth-centered earth-fixed coordinates'.pdf

146.9 KB

Comparison of angular and metric guidance laws for tactical missiles.pdf

426.9 KB

Development of control laws for a flight test maneuver autopilot.pdf

542.4 KB

Disturbance attenuation by a frequency-shaped linear-quadratic-regulator method.pdf

626.0 KB

Errata_ Absolute Stability of Symmetric Highly Maneuverable Missiles.pdf

161.6 KB

Estimation of distributed parameter systems - Some closed-form solutions.pdf

663.8 KB

Future payload isolation and pointing system technology.pdf

1.4 MB

Gravity-induced errors in airborne inertial navigation.pdf

997.5 KB

Identification and verification of frequency-domain models for XV-15tilt-rotor aircraft dynamics in cruising flight.pdf

1.3 MB

Identification of pilot-vehicle dynamics from in-flight tracking data.pdf

981.5 KB

Identifying approximate linear models for simple nonlinear systems.pdf

691.2 KB

Integrated design of space structures using lattice plate finite elements.pdf

863.1 KB

Linear guidance laws for space missions.pdf

877.0 KB

On-off attitude control of flexible satellites.pdf

486.4 KB

Orbit determination singularities in the Doppler tracking of a planetary orbiter.pdf

1.2 MB

Practical considerations in optimal flight management computations.pdf

786.0 KB

Predictive momentum management for the Space Station.pdf

978.3 KB

Reply by Author to J.N. Churchyard.pdf

146.9 KB

Traveling wave control for large spacecraft structures.pdf

959.7 KB

Unfolding of degenerate Hopf bifurcation for supersonic flow past a pitching wedge.pdf

635.3 KB

/1986 Volume 9/5/

A perspective on superaugmented flight control - Advantages and problems.pdf

1.6 MB

A slewing control experiment for flexible structures.pdf

1.4 MB

Artificial Intelligence Design Challenge at the 1987 Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.pdf

147.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

172.7 KB

Control law synthesis for an airplane with relaxed static stability.pdf

974.5 KB

Effect of time delay on flying qualities - An update.pdf

1.0 MB

Fault detection, isolation, and reconfiguration in the fault tolerant multiprocessor.pdf

1.1 MB

Flight evaluation of augmented controls for approach and landing of powered-lift aircraft.pdf

1.8 MB

Flying qualities of pitch range command attitude hold control systems for landing.pdf

629.9 KB

Flying Qualities.pdf

112.9 KB

Handling qualities and pilot evaluation.pdf

3.6 MB

In-flight evaluation of incremental time delays in pitch and roll.pdf

714.8 KB

Modeling and simulation of spacecraft solar array deployment.pdf

804.7 KB

Space Shuttle longitudinal landing flying qualities.pdf

1.1 MB

/1986 Volume 9/6/

A flight-path-overshoot flying qualities metric for the landing task.pdf

583.8 KB

A highly accurate feedback approximation for horizontal variable-speed interceptions.pdf

880.0 KB

A sequential linear optimization approach for controller design.pdf

703.5 KB

A unified three-dimensional trajectory simulation methodology.pdf

722.5 KB

Aircraft control design using improved time-domain stability robustness bounds.pdf

661.0 KB

Author Index 1986.pdf

195.1 KB

Auxiliary problem concerning optimal pursuit on Lagrangian orbits.pdf

342.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

151.1 KB

Chronological Index 1986.pdf

1.2 MB

Comment on “Minimum Energy-Loss Guidance for Aeroassisted Orbital Plane Change_.pdf

151.1 KB

Comparison of local pole assignment methods.pdf

543.6 KB

Control of missile dispersion via roll rate modulation.pdf

706.2 KB

Coordinate-transformation-based filter for improved target tracking.pdf

725.6 KB

Cross coupling in pilot-vehicle systems.pdf

824.2 KB

Efficient modal analysis of damped large space structures.pdf

497.5 KB

Nonlinear attitude motion of a dual-spin spacecraft containing spherical dampers.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear feedback control for remote orbital capture.pdf

701.5 KB

Roll divergence of a canard-controlled missile with a freely spinning tail.pdf

514.2 KB

Sensitivity analysis of automatic flight control systems using singular-value concepts.pdf

745.1 KB

Subject Index 1986.pdf

977.2 KB

Subsonic and transonic aerodynamics of a wraparound fin configuration.pdf

699.4 KB

Thruster-augmented active control of a tethered subsatellite system during its retrieval.pdf

1.6 MB

Trilateration and extension to Global Positioning System navigation.pdf

384.7 KB

Wave-absorbing controllers for a flexible beam.pdf

1.1 MB

Wing size vs radome compensation in aerodynamically controlled radar homing missiles.pdf

626.8 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

151.1 KB

An optimal Q-guidance scheme for satellite launch vehicles.pdf

1.0 MB

Analytical solution of optimal trajectory-shaping guidance.pdf

804.5 KB

Application of eigenstructure assignment to flight control design_ Some extensions.pdf

981.9 KB

Avoidance of numerical instabilities in computation of higher-order gravity.pdf

249.5 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

150.6 KB

Charge transfer device star tracker applications.pdf

916.6 KB

Comment on “Stability of Multidimensional Linear Time-Varying Systems”.pdf

131.6 KB

Comparison of theory and experiment for moments induced by loose internal parts.pdf

817.5 KB

Design study for a high-accuracy three-axis test table.pdf

1.3 MB

How to Have Your Paper Returned.pdf

177.5 KB

Investigation of moving-bank multiple model adaptive algorithms.pdf

1.1 MB

Linear-quadratic-Gaussian with loop-transfer recovery methodology for an unmanned aircraft.pdf

962.9 KB

Meter-level orbit determination of geosynchronous satellites by an economical tracking system.pdf

1.0 MB

Modeling clear-air turbulence with vortices using parameter-identification techniques.pdf

660.1 KB

Multivariable control robustness examples - A classical approach.pdf

406.7 KB

Nonlinear flight test trajectory controllers for aircraft.pdf

724.0 KB

Numerical method for rapidly determining satellite-satellite and satellite-ground station in-view periods.pdf

480.6 KB

Optimization of cruise at constant altitude.pdf

406.7 KB

Optimized rotation-axis attitude maneuver controller for the Space Shuttle Orbiter.pdf

1.2 MB

Relationship between Kane's equations and the Gibbs-Appell equations.pdf

465.4 KB

Reply by Authors to P.C. Muller.pdf

268.2 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidcince, Control, and Dynarnics--1986.pdf

94.0 KB

Rotation of a triaxial satellite near the Lagrangian point L4.pdf

512.8 KB

Side moment exerted by a two-component liquid payload on a spinning projectile.pdf

775.7 KB

The minimum for geometric dilution of precision in Global Positioning System navigation.pdf

204.4 KB

Using delta differential one-way range to determine highly elliptical earth orbits.pdf

1.2 MB


A look at handling qualities of canard configurations.pdf

1.8 MB

A new method of computing the state transition matrix for linear systems.pdf

448.6 KB

A track correlation algorithm for multi-sensor integration.pdf

735.4 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

128.6 KB

Closed-loop pilot vehicle analysis of the approach and landing task.pdf

1.0 MB

Comment on _Long-Term Evolution of Near-Geostationary Orbits_.pdf

343.1 KB

Comment on “Gravity Gradient Torque for an Arbitrary Potential Function”.pdf

128.6 KB

Configuration tradeoffs for the space infrared telescope facility pointing control system.pdf

1.0 MB

Development and application of a convolution technique for flying qualities research.pdf

1.1 MB

Dynamics of a cantilever beam attached to a moving base.pdf

1.5 MB

Investigation of limb-side stick dynamic interaction with roll controll.pdf

1.3 MB

Recursive attitude determination from vector observations Euler angle estimation.pdf

780.7 KB

Reply by Author to P. Cefola.pdf

186.3 KB

Robust controller design using frequency domain constraints.pdf

1.0 MB

Robust controller synthesis for a large flexible space antenna.pdf

1.1 MB

Stability robustness improvement using constrained optimization techniques.pdf

796.6 KB

The closed-form solution of generalized proportional navigation.pdf

349.6 KB


A three-mass tethered system for micro-g variable-g applications.pdf

871.0 KB

Accessibility of near-earth asteroids.pdf

1.2 MB

Aircraft automatic flight control system with model inversion.pdf

1.2 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

143.3 KB

Design methodology for robust stabilizing controllers.pdf

593.7 KB

Dynamics of a multibody system with relative translation on curved, flexible tracks.pdf

895.2 KB

Gradient-based combined structural and control optimization.pdf

1.1 MB

Improved method for the initial attitude acquisition maneuver.pdf

437.0 KB

Magnus attenuation on a generic missile configuration using N-vanes.pdf

699.3 KB

New time-domain identification technique.pdf

449.1 KB

On-line aircraft state and stability derivative estimation using themodified-gain extended Kalman filter.pdf

880.8 KB

Onboard spin axis controller for a geostationary spin-stabilized satellite.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal descending, hypersonic turn to heading.pdf

762.5 KB

Orbital modifications using forced tether-length variations.pdf

1.2 MB

Trajectory and attitude determination of a thrusting spin-stabilizedapogee stage.pdf

892.1 KB


A new approach to the space-axis rotation.pdf

253.2 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

149.2 KB

Closed-form solution for a class of guidance laws.pdf

450.4 KB

Direct trajectory optimization using nonlinear programming and collocation.pdf

756.4 KB

Dynamics of gyroelastic spacecraft.pdf

649.2 KB

Effects of atmosphere on slewing control of a flexible structure.pdf

867.3 KB

Error equations of inertial navigation.pdf

766.0 KB

Modern control theory for design of autopilots for bank-to-turn missiles.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal re-entry maneuvers with bounded lift control.pdf

949.8 KB

Optimization and acceleration guidance of flight trajectories in a windshear.pdf

1.2 MB

Parameter-insensitive technique for aircraft sensor fault analysis.pdf

1.0 MB

Perturbation analysis of internal balancing for lightly damped mechanical systems with gyroscopic and circulatory forces.pdf

755.4 KB

Reduced-order pulse-motor ignition control logic.pdf

1.1 MB

Robust multivariable control of large space structures using positivity.pdf

1.0 MB

Time-invariant controllers for target tracking.pdf

896.3 KB


A common-period four-satellite continuous global coverage constellation.pdf

942.8 KB

A homotopy approach to the feedback stabilization of linear systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Accelerometer placement in active flutter suppression systems.pdf

743.9 KB

Analysis of the geometric dilution of precision using the eigenvalue approach.pdf

460.1 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

147.5 KB

Development of a takeoff performance monitoring system.pdf

952.5 KB

Equations of motion for maneuvering flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Identification of large space structures - A factorization approach.pdf

973.4 KB

Interactions between an aircraft structure and active control systems.pdf

887.8 KB

Mass property estimation for control of asymmetrical satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Method for robust design of multivariable feedback systems.pdf

459.1 KB

Model reference adaptive control for large structural systems.pdf

334.7 KB

Sensor-failure detection method for flexible structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Symmetric kinematic transformation pair using Euler parameters.pdf

225.8 KB

Testing matrices for definiteness and application examples that spawn the need.pdf

647.9 KB

Time-scale synthesis of a closed-loop discrete optimal control system.pdf

519.6 KB


Author Index 1987.pdf

101.1 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

134.2 KB

Chronological Index 1987.pdf

591.5 KB

Comment on 'Relationship between Kane's equations and the Gibbs-Appell equations' 1.pdf

153.7 KB

Comment on “Relationship Between Kane’s Equation and the Gibbs-Appell Equations” 3.pdf

286.1 KB

Comment on “Relationship Between Kane’s Equation and the Gibbs-Appell Equations” 4.pdf

251.4 KB

Comment on “Relationship Between Kane’s Equations and the Gibbs-Appell Equations” 2.pdf

322.7 KB

Distributed systems approach to the identification of flexible structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Dynamics of earth-orbiting flexible satellites with multibody components.pdf

1.3 MB

Eigensystem synthesis for active flutter suppression on an oblique-wing aircraft.pdf

755.2 KB

Energy management of three-dimensional minimum-time intercept.pdf

804.0 KB

Errata_ Dynamics of a Multibody System with Relative Translation on Curved, Flexible Tracks.pdf

89.2 KB

Evaluation method of polynomial models' prediction performance for random clock error.pdf

554.6 KB

Fault-tolerant clock synchronization validation methodology.pdf

1.3 MB

Fuel-optimal rendezvous near a point in general Keplerian orbit.pdf

975.9 KB

Limited evaluation of the longitudinal flying qualities of a centerstick aircraft with variations in stick feel parameters.pdf

1.0 MB

Re-examination of eigenvector derivatives.pdf

834.4 KB

Sensitivity of closed-loop eigenvalues and robustness.pdf

578.6 KB

Spacecraft attitude determination using a second-order nonlinear filter.pdf

911.5 KB

Subject Index 1987.pdf

417.1 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

156.5 KB

Approach trajectory guidance for maximum concealment.pdf

313.2 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

185.5 KB

Can a mixed guidance strategy improve missile performance_.pdf

895.9 KB

Determination of geopotential coefficients by efficient numerical integration techniques.pdf

598.0 KB


903.1 KB

Effect of rotating earth for analysis of aeroassisted orbital transfer vehicles.pdf

777.4 KB

Fixed-order dynamic compensation for multivariable linear systems.pdf

651.2 KB

Gas laser frequency control for passive cavity ring gyros.pdf

762.9 KB

Generating parity relations for detecting and identifying control system component failures.pdf

831.4 KB

In Memoriam-Charles Stark Draper.pdf

93.6 KB

Interior transition layers in flight-path optimization.pdf

597.5 KB

Journal Policy on Biographies.pdf

104.8 KB

Loop-transfer recovery via Hardy-space optimization.pdf

541.4 KB

Momentum management and attitude control design for a Space Station.pdf

949.5 KB

Optimal landing of a helicopter in autorotation.pdf

831.4 KB

Pseudouptriangular decomposition method for constrained multibody systems using Kane's equations.pdf

873.4 KB

Recursion formulas of Legendre functions for use with nonsingular geopotential models.pdf

880.2 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics-1987.pdf

86.8 KB

Robust adaptive flight-path reconstruction technique for nonsteady longitudinal flight test maneuvers.pdf

1.2 MB

The use of Weibull fault processes in modeling fault tolerant systems.pdf

425.0 KB


Adaptive filtering of biodynamic stick feedthrough in manipulation tasks on board moving platforms.pdf

935.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

123.0 KB

Calculation of Geodetic Coordinates from Earth-Centered, Earth-Fixed Coordinates.pdf

310.1 KB

Comment on “Relationship Between Kane’s Equations and the Gibbs-Appell Equations”.pdf

99.1 KB

Development of low-altitude air defense systems.pdf

1.5 MB

Errata_ Re-Examination of Eigenvector Derivatives.pdf

123.0 KB

Estimation of small perturbations in an inertial sensor.pdf

619.2 KB

Hubble Space Telescope precision pointing control system.pdf

720.3 KB

Identification of pilot dynamics in a system with a choice of feedback structures.pdf

940.9 KB

Kalman filtering for second-order models.pdf

746.2 KB

Maximum terminal velocity turns at nearly constant altitude.pdf

622.3 KB

Navigation and pointing timeline development for an autonomous free-flying Shuttle payload.pdf

1.3 MB

Optimal control of supersonic inlet engine combination.pdf

866.2 KB

Optimal estimation of local orbit from GPS measurements.pdf

424.7 KB

Preliminary performance analysis of an interplanetary navigation system using asteroid based beacons.pdf

944.3 KB

Preview control pilot model for near-earth maneuvering helicopter flight.pdf

809.3 KB

Simple computational technique for determining angle-of-attack convergence of conical re-entry vehicles.pdf

313.1 KB

Simulation of a random differential equation.pdf

635.1 KB

Spillover alleviation for nonlinear active control of vibration.pdf

702.0 KB


Active vibration control synthesis for the control of flexible structures mast flight system.pdf

1.0 MB

Algorithm to generate geodetic coordinates from earth-fixed coordinates.pdf

346.6 KB

Application of parameter estimation to highly unstable aircraft.pdf

904.7 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

281.8 KB

CEP calculations for a rocket with different control systems.pdf

694.8 KB

Computer-aided control systems design technique with applications toaircraft flying qualities.pdf

590.5 KB

Control theoretic approach to inertial navigation systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Design of a multivariable flutter suppression gust load alleviation system.pdf

1.2 MB

Effects of strapdown seeker scale-factor uncertainty on optimal guidance.pdf

1.1 MB

Evaluation of image stability of a precision pointing spacecraft.pdf

601.0 KB

Inflight observability of gyro reference frame misalignment.pdf

485.8 KB

Input selection for a second-order mass property estimator.pdf

779.4 KB

Microprocessor controlled force actuator.pdf

1.4 MB

Minimum model error estimation for poorly modeled dynamic systems.pdf

847.6 KB

Principal coordinate realization of state estimation and its application of order reduction.pdf

449.0 KB

Triangularization of equations of motion for robotic systems.pdf

489.1 KB

Variable-structure control of spacecraft attitude maneuvers.pdf

1.1 MB


Application of frequency-domain handling qualities criteria to the longitudinal landing task.pdf

294.3 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

130.9 KB

Clutter effect on the miss distance of a radar homing missile.pdf

718.7 KB

Cruise-dash-climb analysis of an airbreathing missile.pdf

844.3 KB

Discrete optimal tracking with prescribed disturbances.pdf

268.1 KB

Dynamics and control of a space platform with a tethered subsatellite.pdf

530.5 KB

Gamma guidance schemes for flight in a windshear.pdf

973.2 KB

In Memoriam-Henry J. Kelley.pdf

411.1 KB

Molniya orbits obtained by the two-burn method.pdf

496.4 KB

Optimal evasion with a path-angle constraint and against two pursuers.pdf

537.9 KB

Optimal payload lofting with tethers.pdf

604.9 KB

Optimal proportional navigation.pdf

344.6 KB

Propellant interaction with the payload control system of dual-spin spacecraft.pdf

1.4 MB

Reduced-order compensation - Linear-quadratic reduction versus optimal projection.pdf

991.9 KB

Series representations and rational approximations for Hansen coefficients.pdf

736.8 KB

Singular optimal atmospheric rocket trajectories.pdf

824.8 KB

Some approximations for the dynamics of spacecraft tethers.pdf

1.1 MB

Spin rate variations of spin-stabilized apogee motors in thrust phase.pdf

273.9 KB

Stabilization of computational procedures for constrained dynamical systems.pdf

848.5 KB

Vector Representation of Finite Rotations.pdf

186.2 KB


Advantages of tether release of satellites from elliptic orbits.pdf

808.3 KB

Artificial intelligence design challenge - Background, analysis, andrelative performance of algorithms.pdf

1.2 MB

Artificial Intelligence Design Challenge.pdf

132.9 KB

Birth of a salesman.pdf

840.0 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

114.0 KB

Branch-and-cut approach to a variant of the traveling salesman problem.pdf

689.7 KB

Brute force and artificial intelligence.pdf

647.4 KB

Efficiency-guided method for traveling-salesman-like resource allocation problems.pdf

454.6 KB


114.0 KB

Expert systems approach for generalized traveling salesman problem.pdf

541.6 KB

Finite-time matrix convolution integral sensitivity calculations.pdf

332.2 KB

Heuristic approach to the artificial intelligence design challenge.pdf

787.5 KB

Low-thrust insertion into orbit around Mars.pdf

360.3 KB

Multiple algorithm solution to the artificial intelligence design challenge.pdf

848.1 KB

Pilot vehicle analysis of a twin-lift helicopter configuration in hover.pdf

767.5 KB

Rapid solution of constrained traveling salesman problems.pdf

479.9 KB

Reduced-Order Modeling of Flexible Structures.pdf

559.5 KB

Solution to the traveling salesman problem using heuristic function maximization.pdf

832.8 KB

Tethered subsatellite swinging from atmospheric gradients.pdf

324.5 KB

Theoretical and experimental investigation of space-realizable inertial actuation for passive and active structural control.pdf

1.4 MB

Weighted Hamiltonian augmentation method involving insertions.pdf

435.3 KB


Advanced detection, isolation, and accommodation of sensor failures - Real-time evaluation.pdf

1.4 MB

Author Index 1988.pdf

116.2 KB

Block-Krylov component synthesis method for structural model reduction.pdf

1.2 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

161.6 KB

Chronological Index 1988.pdf

595.7 KB

Dynamic simulation of spin-stabilized spacecraft with sloshing fluid stores.pdf

454.1 KB

Efficient inclination control for geostationary satellites.pdf

668.4 KB

Enhanced assessment of robustness for an aircraft's sliding mode controller.pdf

1.0 MB

Exactly solving the weighted time fuel optimal control of an undamped harmonic oscillator.pdf

860.7 KB

Extensional oscillations of tethered satellite systems.pdf

527.5 KB

Failure detection in dynamic systems with modeling errors.pdf

1.5 MB

Fundamental approach to equivalent systems analysis.pdf

992.9 KB

Gyrostat trajectories and core energy.pdf

722.6 KB

Identification method for lightly damped structures.pdf

682.7 KB

Identity between INS position and velocity error equations in the true frame.pdf

347.1 KB

Loop separation parameter - A new metric for landing flying qualities.pdf

712.2 KB

Maneuver and vibration control of SCOLE.pdf

1.5 MB

Miss distance analysis for command guided missiles.pdf

950.2 KB

New insights into minimum-variance reduced-order filters.pdf

642.1 KB

Pole-zero modeling of flexible space structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Singular perturbation and time scale approaches in discrete control systems.pdf

367.1 KB

Subject Index 1988.pdf

478.2 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

155.8 KB

Assumed density filter with application to homing missile guidance.pdf

1.1 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

123.5 KB

Combining expert system and analytical redundancy concepts for fault-tolerant flight control.pdf

1.2 MB

Cooperative synthesis of control and display augmentation.pdf

1.1 MB

Effects of propellant mass loss on fuel-optimal rendezvous near Keplerian orbit.pdf

1.1 MB

Efficacy of the Gibbs-Appell method for generating equations of motion for complex systems.pdf

460.9 KB


123.5 KB

Evaluation of a command monitoring concept for a V STOL Research Aircraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Galley Proof Intrigues.pdf

207.4 KB

Method for stability analysis of an asymmetric dual-spin spacecraft.pdf

379.1 KB

Minimum impulse orbital evasive maneuvers.pdf

451.9 KB

Multivariable frequency-weighted order reduction.pdf

1.4 MB

Near-minimum time open-loop slewing of flexible vehicles.pdf

849.3 KB

Optimal transfer from collinear libration points with limited rotation speed.pdf

330.0 KB

Optimum burn scheduling for low-thrust orbital transfers.pdf

643.6 KB

Orbital formationkeeping with differential drag.pdf

760.9 KB

Pitch pointing flight control system design in the frequency domain.pdf

404.6 KB

Planar, time-optimal, rest-to-rest slewing maneuvers of flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics--1988.pdf

114.6 KB

Robustness optimization of structural and controller parameters.pdf

1.1 MB

Sensor failure detection using generalized parity relations for flexible structures.pdf

372.4 KB

Short-range nonlinear feedback strategies for aircraft pursuit-evasion.pdf

864.5 KB

Stability boundaries for aircraft with unstable lateral-directional dynamics and control saturation.pdf

1.0 MB

Transmission-zero bounds for large space structures, with applications.pdf

950.5 KB


Active flutter suppression for two-dimensional airfoils.pdf

818.5 KB

Aeroassisted orbital maneuvering using Lyapunov optimal feedback control.pdf

753.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

132.5 KB

Comment on 'Dynamics of a cantilever beam attached to a moving base'.pdf

465.5 KB

Comparison of classical and modern missile autopilot design and analysis techniques.pdf

952.3 KB

Control of flexible structures with spillover using an augmented observer.pdf

945.6 KB

Control-structure interaction in precision pointing servo loops.pdf

1.2 MB

Digital robust control law synthesis using constrained optimization.pdf

997.2 KB

Eigenvector derivatives of repeated eigenvalues using singular value decomposition.pdf

264.8 KB

Estimating projections of the playable set.pdf

674.3 KB

Extrusion of a beam from a rotating base.pdf

643.4 KB

Flight-test maneuver modeling and control.pdf

863.8 KB

Generation of infrared earth radiance for attitude determination.pdf

407.2 KB

High spin effect on the dynamics of a high l d finned projectile from free-flight tests.pdf

1.0 MB

Improved low-altitude constellation design methods.pdf

1.1 MB

Linear-quadratic stationkeeping for the STS orbiter.pdf

965.2 KB

Low-authority control of large space structures by using a tendon control system.pdf

1.3 MB

Markov reliability models for digital flight control systems.pdf

1.7 MB

Mission function control for deployment and retrieval of a subsatellite.pdf

537.9 KB

New generalized structural filtering concept for active vibration control synthesis.pdf

1.2 MB

Oblique wing aircraft flight control system.pdf

935.2 KB

On the method of matched asymptotic expansions.pdf

388.8 KB

Passive means for stabilizing projectiles with partially restrained internal members.pdf

631.4 KB

Pulse motor control for maximizing average velocity.pdf

681.8 KB

Reply by Authors to K. W. London.pdf

359.8 KB

Simple scheme for the integration of stiff differential equations.pdf

452.2 KB

Structured stability robustness improvement by eigenspace techniques- A hybrid methodology.pdf

848.5 KB

Tether static shape for rotating multimass, multitether, spacecraft for 'triangle' Michelson interferometer.pdf

437.1 KB


Algorithm for ranked assignments with applications to multiobject tracking.pdf

1.1 MB

Analysis of limit cycle in control systems for joint-dominated structures.pdf

957.1 KB

Application of precomputed control laws in a reconfigurable aircraftflight control system.pdf

986.3 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

108.8 KB

Comparative results for a special class of robust nonlinear trackingalgorithms.pdf

870.4 KB

Design of a payload pointing control system for tracking moving objects.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamics and control of the tether elevator crawler system.pdf

963.0 KB

Effects of atmospheric density gradient on control of tethered subsatellites.pdf

397.3 KB

Eigenstructure assignment for the control of highly augmented aircraft.pdf

870.6 KB


158.9 KB

Fixed-order compensator design based on frequency-shaped cost functionals.pdf

355.4 KB

Flight control system design for an in-flight simulator.pdf

761.0 KB

Gravitational moment exerted on a small body by an oblate body.pdf

504.7 KB

High-fidelity low-pass finite-impulse-response filters.pdf

1.2 MB

Measures of modal controllability and observability for first- and second-order linear systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Model-based analysis of control display interaction in the hover task.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal terminal maneuver for a cooperative impulsive rendezvous.pdf

454.4 KB

Problem of the dynamics of a cantilevered beam attached to a moving base.pdf

551.9 KB

Quarternion feedback regulator for spacecraft eigenaxis rotations.pdf

806.0 KB

Robust eigenstructure assignment by a projection method - Applications using multiple optimization criteria.pdf

1.2 MB

Robust eigensystem assignment for flexible structures.pdf

953.0 KB

Sensitivity analysis of digital flight control systems using singular-value concepts.pdf

906.2 KB

Sequential design of discrete linear quadratic regulators via optimal root-locus techniques.pdf

588.7 KB

Simulation evaluation of an advanced control concept for a V STOL aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Singular trajectories in airplane cruise-dash optimization.pdf

854.0 KB

Tracking accuracy for Leosat-Geosat laser links.pdf

359.9 KB

Trajectory optimization with risk minimization for military aircraft.pdf

836.5 KB


Active suppression of traveling waves in structures.pdf

1.3 MB

Adaptive identification of a flexible structure by lattice filters.pdf

970.0 KB

Analysis of a Candidate Control Algorithm for a Ride-Quality Augmentation System.pdf

912.1 KB

Analytical solution of optimal trajectory-shaping guidance.pdf

250.6 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

108.5 KB

Component mode synthesis for model order reduction of nonclassicallydamped systems.pdf

927.0 KB

Computational complexities and storage requirements of some Riccati equation solvers.pdf

1.5 MB

Effect of head-up display dynamics on fighter flying qualities.pdf

899.1 KB

Eigenstructure of the State Matrix of Balanced Realizations.pdf

534.3 KB

Eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives of a nondefective matrix.pdf

872.7 KB

Explicit guidance along an optimal space curve.pdf

1.4 MB

Flight evaluation of pursuit displays for precision approach of powered-lift aircraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Flying qualities from early airplanes to the Space Shuttle.pdf

2.6 MB

Hierarchical partitions in cyclic closed systems - A hardware-oriented approach.pdf

1.3 MB

Improved time-domain stability robustness measures for linear regulators.pdf

566.9 KB

Intercomputer communication architecture for a mixed redundancy distributed system.pdf

1.4 MB

Motivating Kane's method for obtaining equations of motion for dynamic systems.pdf

426.1 KB

Optimal evasion against a proportionally guided pursuer.pdf

356.2 KB

Optimal impulsive time-fixed direct-ascent interception.pdf

1.1 MB

Parameter robust linear-quadratic-Gaussian design synthesis with flexible structure control applications.pdf

938.6 KB

Single-mode projection filters for modal parameter identification for flexible structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Three-dimensional energy-state extremals in feedback form.pdf

429.3 KB

Vibration compensation in optical tracking systems.pdf

997.8 KB


Approach to modeling and estimation for uncertain systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

115.3 KB

Bounded-input bounded-output stability of linear multidimensional time-varying systems.pdf

602.8 KB

Calculation of structural dynamic forces and stresses using mode acceleration.pdf

432.4 KB

Combining propulsive and aerodynamic maneuvers to achieve optimal orbital transfer.pdf

726.7 KB

Comment on 'The principal minor test for semidefinite matrices'.pdf

174.0 KB

Design of a modalized observer with eigenvalue sensitivity reduction.pdf

375.2 KB


115.3 KB

Evaluation of a takeoff performance monitoring system display.pdf

1.8 MB

Experimental estimation of modeling errors in dynamic systems.pdf

986.5 KB

Flight investigation of helicopter low-speed response requirements.pdf

972.7 KB

Gain-free square root information filtering using the spectral decomposition.pdf

1.2 MB

Improved guidance law design based on the mixed-strategy concept.pdf

869.2 KB

Issues in the dynamics and control of flexible robot manipulators.pdf

1.5 MB

Latent fault Markov model for a highly reliable triplex computer system.pdf

686.5 KB

Nature of coupling in nonconservative lumped parameter systems.pdf

442.6 KB

New approach to attitude momentum control for the Space Station.pdf

1.1 MB

Nutation damping using a pivotable momentum wheel.pdf

329.9 KB

Optimal control of large space structures using distributed gyricity.pdf

999.8 KB

Parameter estimation for flight vehicles.pdf

2.1 MB

Recursive form of the eigensystem realization algorithm for system identification.pdf

805.1 KB

Reply by Author to J. L. Tietze.pdf

174.0 KB

Representation of control systems for preliminary Space Station design.pdf

640.2 KB

Simple hybrid search technique for finding conic solutions to the intercept problem.pdf

396.9 KB

Square-root state estimation for second-order large space structuresmodels.pdf

1.4 MB

Stability analysis of electro-magnetoplasmadynamics.pdf

502.3 KB

Study of aircraft cruise.pdf

1.5 MB

Suboptimal feedback vibration control of a beam with a proof-mass actuator.pdf

737.1 KB


Acceleration, gamma, and theta guidance for abort landing in a windshear.pdf

931.7 KB

Accuracy of eigenvalue derivatives from reduced-order structural models.pdf

1.1 MB

An investigation of the time required for control of structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Application of actuators to control beam flexure in a large space structure.pdf

762.7 KB

Application of output feedback to variable structure systems.pdf

552.2 KB

Author Index 1989.pdf

144.2 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

174.4 KB

Chronological Index 1989.pdf

854.3 KB

Control decoupling analysis for gyroscopic effects in rolling missiles.pdf

914.4 KB

Control of distributed structures with small nonproportional damping.pdf

424.2 KB

Design of attitude and rate command systems for helicopters using eigenstructure assignment.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamic modeling and adaptive control of a single-link flexible manipulator.pdf

720.5 KB

Dynamics of a rotationally accelerated beam.pdf

510.5 KB

Effect of tether flexibility on the tethered Shuttle subsatellite stability and control.pdf

873.4 KB

Enhancement of data separability in multisensor-multitarget tracking problems.pdf

387.7 KB

Extension to modified polar coordinates and applications with passive measurements.pdf

780.2 KB

Flexible manipulator modeling for control system development.pdf

433.0 KB

Geodetic position estimation for a geosynchronous satellite.pdf

380.6 KB

Influence of geometric nonlinearities in the dynamics of flexible treelike structures.pdf

903.0 KB

Literal singular-value-based flight control system design techniques.pdf

899.9 KB

Minimum-time turns using vectored thrust.pdf

772.9 KB

Mission-function control for slew maneuver of a flexible space structure.pdf

798.5 KB

Motion of particulate material ejected from a rotating space platform.pdf

251.3 KB

Multipoint smoothing algorithm for discrete linear systems.pdf

563.3 KB

Noisy satellite pursuit-evasion guidance.pdf

664.2 KB

Penetration landing guidance trajectories in the presence of windshear.pdf

1.2 MB

Reduced-order models of a large flexible spacecraft.pdf

707.0 KB

Simulation model-building procedure for dynamic systems integration.pdf

1.2 MB

Solving the two-body problem by geometric construction.pdf

591.7 KB

Some special cases of spin-yaw lock-in.pdf

757.3 KB

Space Shuttle guidance for multiple main engine failures during first stage.pdf

811.2 KB

Stability parameter and roll rate from early re-entry radar or optical data.pdf

1.1 MB

Subject Index.pdf

711.4 KB

Theory for aircraft handling qualities based upon a structural pilotmodel.pdf

818.3 KB

Tracking with paired angle measurement sensors.pdf

412.2 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

157.1 KB

Analysis and design of sidestick controller systems for general aviation aircraft.pdf

687.3 KB

Analytical and experimental investigation of output feedback vs linear quadratic regulator.pdf

1.3 MB

Attitude projection method for analyzing large-amplitude airplane maneuvers.pdf

949.8 KB

Bank-to-turn missile autopilot design using loop transfer recovery.pdf

1.1 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

133.0 KB

Class of hierarchical controllers and their blackboard implementations.pdf

1.2 MB

Computational method for determining the no-escape envelope of a short-range missile.pdf

340.2 KB

Estimator eigenvalue placement in positive real control.pdf

990.8 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

204.6 KB

Interactions between rigid-body and flexible-body motions in maneuvering spacecraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Linear-quadratic guidance law for dual control of homing missiles.pdf

905.0 KB

Multitarget classification and estimation using clustering techniques.pdf

832.8 KB

Near-minimum time, closed-loop slewing of flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.0 MB

New form for the optimal rendezvous equations near a Keplerian orbit.pdf

518.1 KB

Numerical approach for solving rigid spacecraft minimum time attitude maneuvers.pdf

806.9 KB

Numerical computation of singular control functions in trajectory optimization problems.pdf

756.1 KB

On the approximate solution of complex combat games.pdf

1.3 MB

On the level 2 ratings of the Cooper-Harper scale.pdf

354.4 KB

On the nature of the interaction between structures and proof-mass actuators.pdf

958.2 KB

Optimal aeroassisted orbital plane change with heating-rate constraint.pdf

549.0 KB

Reduced-order compensator design for a flexible structure.pdf

1.2 MB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics - 1989.pdf

205.6 KB

Robust linear quadratic Gaussian control for flexible structures.pdf

982.5 KB

Role of Maggi's equations in computational methods for constrained multibody systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Simulation investigation of the effects of helicopter hovering dynamics on pilot performance.pdf

957.7 KB

Spacecraft mass property identification with torque-generating control.pdf

548.1 KB

Spacecraft momentum unloading - The cell mapping approach.pdf

1.4 MB

Tether damping in space.pdf

1.1 MB

Time-domain aeroservoelastic modeling using weighted unsteady aerodynamic forces.pdf

1.0 MB

Trends over a Decade.pdf

333.0 KB


Approximate loop transfer recovery method for designing fixed-order compensators.pdf

736.4 KB

Bang-Bang Control of Flexible Spacecraft Slewing Maneuvers_ Guaranteed Terminal Pointing Accuracy.pdf

480.5 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

142.3 KB

Comment on 'Some approximations for the dynamics of spacecraft tethers'.pdf

164.9 KB

Comment on “Efficacy of the Gibbs-Appell Method for Generating Equations of Motion for Complex Systems_.pdf

344.5 KB

Constrained initial guidance algorithm.pdf

599.2 KB

Control of linear dampers for large space structures.pdf

960.5 KB

Decentralized feedback maneuver of flexible spacecraft.pdf

710.5 KB

Dynamics and control of spacecraft with retargeting flexible antennas.pdf

780.5 KB

Dynamics of an arbitrary flexible body in large rotation and translation.pdf

951.7 KB

Errata_ New Form for the Optimal Rendezvous Equations Near a Keplerian Orbit.pdf

142.3 KB

Fourier-based optimal control approach for structural systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Functional analysis methods in the study of the optimal transfer.pdf

364.1 KB

Gain-sensitivity augmentation for near-optimal control of linear parameter-dependent plants.pdf

1.1 MB

Gravity effects on damping of a space structure with pinned joints.pdf

1.1 MB

Hinges-free and hinges-locked modes of a deformable multibody Space Station - A continuum analysis.pdf

1.5 MB

Identification of moderately nonlinear flight mechanics systems withadditive process and measurement noise.pdf

1.3 MB

Investigation of the use of acceleration estimates by endgame guidance laws.pdf

1.2 MB

Libration damping of a tethered satellite by yo-yo control with angle measurement.pdf

666.2 KB

Maggi's equations of motion and the determination of constraint reactions.pdf

824.5 KB

Multibody system order n dynamics formulation based on velocity transform method.pdf

765.5 KB

Optimal strapdown attitude integration algorithms.pdf

884.8 KB

Pilot-vehicle analysis of multiaxis tasks.pdf

1.1 MB

Reply by Author to A. K. Misra.pdf

318.0 KB

Reply by Author to David A. Levinson and Arun K. Banerjee.pdf

352.2 KB

Restructurable control using proportional-integral implicit model following.pdf

834.4 KB

Robust control system design synthesis with observers.pdf

682.8 KB

Sensitivity controller for uncertain systems.pdf

883.6 KB

Sensor and actuator selection for large space structure control.pdf

1.1 MB

Simulator motion-drive algorithms - A designer's perspective.pdf

1.1 MB

Suppression of undesired inputs of linear systems by eigenspace assignment.pdf

956.3 KB

Unfolding of double-zero eigenvalue bifurcations for supersonic flowpast a pitching wedge.pdf

615.4 KB


Aeroservoelastic tailoring for lateral control enhancement.pdf

1.2 MB

Artificial intelligence-based model-adaptive approach to flexible structure control.pdf

1.3 MB

Attitude motion of a nonattitude-controlled cylindrical satellite.pdf

911.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

131.6 KB

Comparison of test signals for aircraft frequency domain identification.pdf

1.2 MB

Control of unknown systems via deconvolution.pdf

839.2 KB

Cooperative synthesis of control and display augmentation in approach and landing.pdf

1.3 MB

Design and evaluation of a cockpit display for hovering flight.pdf

875.0 KB

Efficiency of structure-control systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Errata_ Optimal Strapdown Attitude Integration Algorithms.pdf

131.6 KB

Estimating projections of the controllable set.pdf

563.8 KB

Explicit-implicit staggered procedure for multibody dynamics analysis.pdf

1.1 MB

Gain margins and phase margins for control systems with adjustable parameters.pdf

534.9 KB

Maximum orbit plane change with heat-transfer-rate considerations.pdf

706.7 KB

Misstatements of the test for positive semidefinite matrices.pdf

290.1 KB

Model for human use of motion cues in vehicular control.pdf

655.1 KB

Optimal explicit guidance of multistage launch vehicle along three-dimensional trajectory.pdf

1.2 MB

Orbital dynamics in a stochastic atmosphere.pdf

1.3 MB

Reduced-order modeling and controller design for a high-performance helicopter.pdf

1.1 MB

Redundancy control of a free-flying telerobot.pdf

1.9 MB

Sensor placement in structural control.pdf

1.4 MB

Sparse Jacobian updates in the collocation method for optimal control problems.pdf

886.3 KB

Stability of dynamical systems - An overview.pdf

1.7 MB

Structural tailoring and feedback control synthesis - An interdisciplinary approach.pdf

774.7 KB

Three parallel computation methods for structural vibration analysis.pdf

1.5 MB

Three-axis attitude determination via Kalman filtering of magnetometer data.pdf

1.3 MB


Adaptive guidance for an aero-assisted boost vehicle.pdf

1.1 MB

Analysis of an onboard antenna pointing control system.pdf

296.6 KB

Analytical model of the rotation of an artificial satellite.pdf

686.8 KB

Analytical models for relative motion under constant thrust.pdf

890.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

117.6 KB

Calculation of stability derivatives for slender bodies using boundary element method.pdf

413.6 KB

Compressed polynomial approach for onboard ephemeris representation.pdf

378.9 KB

Control for energy dissipation in structures.pdf

369.8 KB

Distributed finite-element modeling and control approach for large flexible structures.pdf

1.4 MB

Dynamics of tethered payloads with deployment rate control.pdf

482.5 KB

Early development of Transit, the Navy navigation satellite system.pdf

1.5 MB

Effects of biodynamic coupling on the human operator model.pdf

1.2 MB

Experimental study of the effects of nonlinearities on ground resonance.pdf

874.4 KB

Extension of strapdown attitude algorithm for high-frequency base motion.pdf

650.2 KB

Linear-quadratic-regulator pointing control system for a high-altitude balloon payload.pdf

1.1 MB

Low-frequency response of accelerometers for observer design in a gravity environment.pdf

784.4 KB

Near-optimal midcourse guidance for air-to-air missiles.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal coupling ratio selection for flexible appendage actuators.pdf

268.5 KB

Optimal extraction of structural characteristics from response measurements.pdf

881.0 KB

Optimal heading change with minimum energy loss for a hypersonic gliding vehicle.pdf

664.4 KB

Optimal midcourse guidance for medium-range air-to-air missiles.pdf

726.0 KB

Optimal momentum management controller for the Space Station.pdf

888.9 KB

Optimizing multihypothesis diagnosis of control-actuator failures inlinear systems.pdf

849.1 KB

Parameter identification of aeroelastic modes of rotary wings from transient time histories.pdf

733.7 KB

Pole zero cancellations in flexible space structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Positioning and active damping of flexible beams.pdf

989.4 KB

Reduction of missile navigation errors by roll programming.pdf

570.1 KB

Simulation of actively controlled spacecraft with flexible appendages.pdf

1.5 MB

Synthesis of finite-interval H(infinity) controllers by state-space methods.pdf

678.6 KB

Two nonlinear control approaches for retrieval of a thrusting tethered subsatellite.pdf

966.8 KB


Aeroassisted transfer between elliptical orbits using lift control.pdf

739.4 KB

Approach to large space structure control system design using traditional tools.pdf

969.6 KB

Approximate optimal atmospheric guidance law for aeroassisted plane-change maneuvers.pdf

1.2 MB

Artificial neural networks, back propagation, and the Kelley-Bryson gradient procedure.pdf

485.9 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

184.7 KB

Control of an aircraft in downbursts.pdf

587.2 KB

Efficient algorithm for time-optimal control of a two-link manipulator.pdf

918.9 KB

Fixed interval smoothing - Revisited.pdf

1.0 MB

Helicopter trim with flap-lag-torsion and stall by an optimized controller.pdf

1.3 MB

How to perform differentiations on matrices.pdf

220.8 KB

In Appreciation of Arthur E. Bryson Jr..pdf

890.1 KB

Maximum likelihood tuning of a vehicle motion filter.pdf

976.3 KB

Minimum-time pointing control of a two-link manipulator.pdf

842.4 KB

Nonlinear flight control design via sliding methods.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal autorotational descent of a helicopter with control and state inequality constraints.pdf

356.7 KB

Optimal paths through downbursts.pdf

819.9 KB

Orbit determination strategy and accuracy for a Comet Rendezvous mission.pdf

1.4 MB

Passive homing missile guidance law based on new target maneuver models.pdf

1.2 MB

Projection and assembly method for multibody component model reduction.pdf

792.9 KB

Reliable algorithm for modal decomposition.pdf

1.9 MB

Salute to Aurthur E. Bryson Jr..pdf

317.9 KB

Second-order algorithm for optimal model order reduction.pdf

578.5 KB

System identification requirements for high-bandwidth rotorcraft flight control system design.pdf

938.3 KB

Transfer function analysis of a flexible toroidal structure.pdf

555.4 KB


Approximation of analog controllers for sampled-data systems.pdf

396.5 KB

Author Index 1990.pdf

278.5 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

137.5 KB

Chronological Index 1990.pdf

849.1 KB

Effect of thrust speed dependence on long-period dynamics in supersonic flight.pdf

466.7 KB

Efficient eigenvalue assignment for large space structures.pdf

969.3 KB

Eigenstructure assignment with gain suppression using eigenvalue andeigenvector derivatives.pdf

710.6 KB

Equations of motion of a rotating rigid body.pdf

381.1 KB

Finite element modeling of frequency-dependent material damping using augmenting thermodynamic fields.pdf

1.4 MB

Game theory for automated maneuvering during air-to-air combat.pdf

943.0 KB

Generalized gradient algorithm for trajectory optimization.pdf

366.6 KB

Guidance and control for cooperative tether-mediated orbital rendezvous.pdf

955.8 KB

Hybrid scaled structural dynamic models and their use in damping prediction.pdf

1.4 MB

Identification, reduction, and refinement of model parameters by theeigensystem realization algorithm.pdf

1.0 MB

Inertial energy distribution error control for optimal wind-shear penetration.pdf

1.0 MB

Lateral stability of gliding parachutes.pdf

419.4 KB

Linear helicopter trackers using attitude measurements.pdf

1.0 MB

Model following reconfigurable flight control system for the AFTI F-16.pdf

980.1 KB

Multibody interaction effects on Space Station attitude control and momentum management.pdf

890.9 KB

Navigation path planning for autonomous aircraft_ Voronoi diagram approach.pdf

425.8 KB

Observability analysis for target maneuver estimation via bearing-only and bearing-rate-only measurements.pdf

833.5 KB

Optimal reduced-order observer-estimators.pdf

1.2 MB

Orthogonal series generalized likelihood ratio test for failure detection and isolation.pdf

1.6 MB

Periodic-disturbance accommodating control of the Space Station for asymptotic momentum management.pdf

1.1 MB

Preferred gimbal angles for single gimbal control moment gyros.pdf

705.4 KB

Proposal and flight evaluation of a new pitch-mode decoupling system.pdf

1.1 MB

Pulse-modulated control synthesis for a flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Qualitative study of a planar pursuit evasion game in the atmosphere.pdf

860.2 KB

Redundant single gimbal control moment gyroscope singularity analysis.pdf

835.0 KB

Robust control design with real-parameter uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics.pdf

1.2 MB

Spillover stabilization of large space structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Stability condition for flexible structure control with mode residualization.pdf

478.8 KB

State-variable models of structures having rigid-body modes.pdf

440.2 KB

Steering law design for redundant single-gimbal control moment gyroscopes.pdf

863.6 KB

Subject Index 1990.pdf

870.4 KB

System failure isolation in dynamic systems.pdf

1.3 MB

Three-dimensional trajectory optimization for aircraft.pdf

950.0 KB

Two-time-scale longitudinal control of airplanes using singular perturbation.pdf

982.6 KB

Universal formulation for the perturbed two-body problem.pdf

753.1 KB


Adaptable method of managing jets and aerosurfaces for aerospace vehicle control.pdf

1.2 MB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

156.2 KB

Analytical solutions to a guidance problem.pdf

593.3 KB

Approach to control moment gyroscope steering using feedback linearization.pdf

1.6 MB

Approach to robust control systems design.pdf

349.3 KB

Attitude and spin rate control of a spinning satellite using geomagnetic field.pdf

424.8 KB

Beyond singular values and loop shapes.pdf

1.7 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

114.7 KB

Closed-loop assessment of flight simulator fidelity.pdf

1.0 MB

Comment on 'Improved time-domain stability robustness measures for linear regulators'.pdf

243.6 KB

Comparison of the least-squares moving-block technique with Ibrahim's method.pdf

429.5 KB

Computation of the real structured singular value via polytopic polynomials.pdf

1.2 MB

Continuous global N-tuple coverage with (2N + 2) satellites.pdf

886.9 KB

Contribution of zonal harmonics to gravitational moment.pdf

590.7 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

208.2 KB

Gibbs phenomenon in structural control.pdf

1.0 MB

High performance linear-quadratic and H-infinity designs for a 'supermaneuverable' aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Identification of time delays in flight measurements.pdf

936.6 KB

Integrated flight propulsion control system design based on a centralized approach.pdf

1.4 MB

Librational instability of rigid space station due to translation ofinternal mass.pdf

661.1 KB

Magellan in-flight gyro star scanner misalignment calibration.pdf

905.6 KB

Missile autopilot robustness to uncertain aerodynamics - Stability hypersphere radius calculation.pdf

1.1 MB

Model reduction for flexible space structures.pdf

1.4 MB

National aerospace plane longitudinal long-period dynamics.pdf

280.5 KB

New Address for Submitting Papers.pdf

137.3 KB

New technique for aircraft flight control reconfiguration.pdf

930.5 KB

Nonlinear behavior of a passive zero-spring-rate suspension system.pdf

904.0 KB

Optimal aeroassisted intercept trajectories at hyperbolic speeds.pdf

1.2 MB

Partitioned solution procedure for control-structure interaction simulations.pdf

1.3 MB

Passive attitude damping of alternative assembly configurations of Space Station Freedom.pdf

1.1 MB

Reduced-dynamic technique for precise orbit determination of low earth satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Reply by Author to Nasser M. Khraishi.pdf

227.4 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics -1990.pdf

192.1 KB

Satellite relocation by tether deployment.pdf

416.4 KB

Special class of nonlinear damping models in flexible space structures.pdf

841.0 KB

Stability augmentation and control decoupling for the airborne remotely operated device.pdf

1.1 MB

Stability tests of spin-stabilized spacecraft in the presence of thrust.pdf

415.6 KB

Technique for predicting longitudinal pilot-induced oscillations.pdf

854.0 KB

Weak Hamiltonian finite element method for optimal control problems.pdf

1.1 MB


Accommodation of kinematic disturbances during minimum-time maneuvers of flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Adaptive noise models for extended Kalman filter.pdf

439.0 KB

Analytical prediction of height-velocity diagram of a helicopter using optimal control theory.pdf

699.9 KB

Anisotropic stiffness effect on stability of a magnetically suspended momentum wheel.pdf

811.5 KB

Application of singular perturbation methods for three-dimensional minimum-time interception.pdf

924.7 KB

Application of total energy control for high-performance aircraft vertical transitions.pdf

736.7 KB

Approximate solutions for vibrations of deploying appendages.pdf

801.8 KB

Attitude determination using antenna polarization angles.pdf

712.0 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

152.8 KB

Collision detection for spacecraft proximity operations.pdf

817.9 KB

Conditional performance error covariance analyses for commercial Titan launch vehicles.pdf

1.1 MB

Covariance analysis algorithm for interconnected systems.pdf

847.6 KB

Design of optimal second-order state estimators.pdf

421.9 KB

Experimental results using active control of traveling wave power flow.pdf

1.4 MB

Fast orbit propagator for graphical display.pdf

423.3 KB

Feedback tether deployment and retrieval.pdf

278.5 KB

Fractional order state equations for the control of viscoelasticallydamped structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Mission function control of tethered subsatellite deployment retrieval - In-plane and out-of-plane motion.pdf

338.5 KB

Modal identities for multibody elastic spacecraft.pdf

1.4 MB

Model reduction and control of flexible structures using Krylov vectors.pdf

947.8 KB

Near-minimum-time control of distributed parameter systems - Analytical and experimental results.pdf

1.4 MB

New star identification technique for attitude control.pdf

578.0 KB

Nonlinear dynamical model of relative motion for the orbiting debrisproblem.pdf

719.8 KB

Optimal aeroassisted guidance using Loh's term approximations.pdf

975.7 KB

Optimal aircraft performance during microburst encounter.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal projection control of an experimental truss structure.pdf

1.6 MB

Optimal rigid-body motions.pdf

978.5 KB

Optimal thrust control of a missile with a pulse motor.pdf

608.8 KB

Perfect explicit model-following control solution to imperfect model-following control problems.pdf

709.2 KB

Resonances in the despin dynamics of dual-spin spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Robust eigenspace assignment using singular value sensitivities.pdf

1.1 MB

Selection of component modes for flexible multibody simulation.pdf

1.2 MB

Sensor placement for on-orbit modal identification and correlation of large space structures.pdf

1.3 MB

Star pattern identification aboard an inertially stabilized aircraft.pdf

595.2 KB

Three-dimensional vibrations of tethered satellite systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Trajectory optimization on a parallel processor.pdf

1.4 MB

Turbofan engine demonstration of sensor failure detection.pdf

1.6 MB


Adaptive two-time-scale tracking filter for target acceleration estimation.pdf

1.2 MB

Angle-only tracking filter in modified spherical coordinates.pdf

329.9 KB

Application of Encke's method to long arc orbit determination solutions.pdf

581.6 KB

Application of multiple-input single-output analysis procedures to flight test data.pdf

1.1 MB

Attitude acquisition system for communication spacecraft.pdf

636.3 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

89.5 KB

Computational singular perturbation method for dynamic systems.pdf

426.2 KB

Control of uncertain structures using an H(infinity) power flow approach.pdf

1.5 MB

Dynamic evaluation of the NASA-ORNL traction-drive joint.pdf

1.1 MB


100.7 KB

Evolution of airplane stability and control - A designer's viewpoint.pdf

1.6 MB

Experimental modal analysis for dynamic models of spacecraft.pdf

682.6 KB

Fault-tolerant parallel processor.pdf

1.8 MB

Generalized proportional-plus-derivative compensators for a class ofuncertain plants.pdf

599.1 KB

H(infinity) robust control synthesis for a large space structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Hierarchic control architecture for intelligent structures.pdf

1.6 MB

Hypervelocity orbital intercept guidance using certainty control.pdf

864.6 KB

Integration of four-dimensional guidance with total energy control system.pdf

936.0 KB

Jacobi method for unsymmetric eigenproblems.pdf

450.7 KB

Lateral-direction tracking requirements from simulation data.pdf

370.7 KB

Low-authority eigenvalue placement for second-order structural systems.pdf

530.7 KB

Model reduction for flexible structures - Test data approach.pdf

371.0 KB

Modeling error bounds for flexible structures with application to robust control.pdf

418.8 KB

Multistage design of an optimal momentum management controller for the Space Station.pdf

1.0 MB

New method for scanning spacecraft and balloon-borne space-based experiments.pdf

720.1 KB

Optimal guidance for high-order and acceleration constrained missile.pdf

790.5 KB

Orbital motion under continuous radial thrust.pdf

524.5 KB

Order-variable adaptive pole-placement controllers for a flexible system.pdf

654.5 KB

Robust eigenstructure assignment with structured state space uncertainty.pdf

985.8 KB

Robust eigenvalue assignment with maximum tolerance to system uncertainties.pdf

544.8 KB

Singular value robustness tests for missile autopilot uncertainties.pdf

1.4 MB

Singular-value based stability and sensitivity analysis of discrete multiloop systems.pdf

630.7 KB

Stability analysis of digital Kalman filters with floating-point computation.pdf

987.3 KB

Stability regions of a model reference control system.pdf

254.7 KB

Stability robustness margin computation for structured real-parameter perturbations.pdf

976.6 KB

Superimposed perspective visual cues for helicopter hovering above amoving ship deck.pdf

1.1 MB

Trajectory design for robotic manipulators in space applications.pdf

638.1 KB

Unified formulation of dynamics for serial rigid multibody systems.pdf

1.6 MB


Ascent performance of an air-breathing horizontal-takeoff launch vehicle.pdf

783.9 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

119.1 KB

Classical control system design and experiment for the Mini-Mast truss structure.pdf

927.7 KB

Critical mode interaction in the presence of external random excitation.pdf

896.5 KB

Design and evaluation of an air traffic control Final Approach Spacing Tool.pdf

1.2 MB

Digital redesign of an optimal momentum management controller for the Space Station.pdf

1.1 MB

Dynamic decrease of drag by optimal periodic control.pdf

521.9 KB

Dynamic interpolation and application to flight control.pdf

782.7 KB


119.1 KB

Feedback control of tethered satellites using Lyapunov stability theory.pdf

953.5 KB

Gravity gradient stability of satellites with guy-wire constrained appendages.pdf

375.6 KB

Identifiability of helicopter models incorporating higher-order dynamics.pdf

1.2 MB

Identification of a tendon control system for flexible space structures.pdf

943.5 KB

Modal truncation, Ritz vectors, and derivatives of closed-loop damping ratios.pdf

852.8 KB

Modeling of the slewing control of a flexible structure.pdf

991.3 KB

Onboard automatic aid and advisory for pilots of control-impaired aircraft.pdf

1.8 MB

Optimal plane change during constant altitude hypersonic flight.pdf

1.3 MB

Optimal trajectory synthesis for terrain-following flight.pdf

1.0 MB

Reorientation maneuver for spinning spacecraft.pdf

700.6 KB

Results in identification of a flexible structure using lattice filters.pdf

652.3 KB

Rocket trajectory optimization - 1950-1963.pdf

1.1 MB

Stability of an asymmetric dual-spin spacecraft with flexible platform.pdf

1.2 MB

Transient solution of time-variant structural systems using invariant modal properties.pdf

1.1 MB

Use of negative weights in linear quadratic regulator synthesis.pdf

698.4 KB


Active vibration control with model correction on a flexible laboratory grid structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Algebraic approach to the bearings-only estimation equations.pdf

362.9 KB

Analysis of a rotationally accelerated beam with finite tip mass andhub.pdf

488.7 KB

Approach for targeting landers and penetrators using orbital opticalnavigation.pdf

1.4 MB

Assigning controllability and observability Gramians in feedback control.pdf

680.3 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

154.0 KB

Compensating sampling errors in stabilizing helmet-mounted displays using auxiliary acceleration measurements.pdf

430.5 KB

Constrained eigensystem realization algorithm for lightly damped distributed structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Controllability and observability of gyroelastic vehicles.pdf

1.0 MB

Derivation of the relative quaternion differential equation.pdf

403.9 KB

Design criteria for predicting damping in underdamped linear lumped-parameter systems.pdf

904.0 KB

Design of a total energy control autopilot using constrained parameter optimization.pdf

1.2 MB

Design of restructurable flight control systems using feedback linearization.pdf

948.9 KB

Dominance of stiffening effects for rotating flexible beams.pdf

392.4 KB

Error dynamics and perfect model following with application to flight control.pdf

904.5 KB

Estimating retrosensor position from range data.pdf

249.9 KB

Existence and uniqueness proof for the minimum model error optimal estimation algorithm.pdf

504.9 KB

Flying quality analysis and flight evaluation of a highly augmented combat rotorcraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Generalized covariance analysis for partially autonomous deep space missions.pdf

1.3 MB

Generalized technique for inverse simulation applied to aircraft maneuvers.pdf

669.1 KB

Guidance for asteroid rendezvous.pdf

517.6 KB

Hybrid state equations of motion for flexible bodies in terms of quasi-coordinates.pdf

719.4 KB

Integrated structure control law design by multilevel optimization.pdf

945.2 KB

Linear quadratic regulator approach to the stabilization of matched uncertain linear systems.pdf

545.0 KB

Measure of controllability for actuator placement.pdf

902.4 KB

Mission function control for a slew maneuver experiment.pdf

993.1 KB

Modern guidance law for high-order autopilot.pdf

354.9 KB

Numerical and literal aeroelastic-vehicle-model reduction for feedback control synthesis.pdf

1.1 MB

Optical modeling for dynamics and control analysis.pdf

1.3 MB

Optimal finite-thrust spacecraft trajectories using collocation and nonlinear programming.pdf

691.6 KB

Optimal nonlinear compensator.pdf

464.1 KB

Partially filled nutation damper for a freely precessing gyroscope.pdf

1.3 MB

Postflight data-reduction techniques for hovered kinetic energy weapons.pdf

863.8 KB

Precise flight-path control using a predictive algorithm.pdf

766.1 KB

Stability of second-order multidimensional linear time-varying systems.pdf

537.3 KB

Stabilization via dynamic output feedback - A numerical approach.pdf

568.0 KB

Time-to-go prediction for homing missiles based on minimum-time intercepts.pdf

932.1 KB

True anomaly approximation for elliptical orbits.pdf

297.7 KB


Adaptive suppression of biodynamic interference in helmet-mounted displays and head teleoperation.pdf

978.0 KB

Application of aeroservoelastic modeling using minimum-state unsteady aerodynamic approximations.pdf

1.4 MB

Application of stochastic robustness to aircraft control systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Author Index 1991.pdf

278.0 KB

Autonomously aided strapdown attitude reference system.pdf

1.3 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

141.7 KB

Chronological Index 1991.pdf

993.7 KB

Constant covariance in local vertical coordinates for near-circular orbits.pdf

535.8 KB

Control of distributed parameter systems by moving force actuators.pdf

924.4 KB

Design of a viscous ring nutation damper for a freely precessing body.pdf

1.1 MB

Dynamics of a tethered satellite subjected to aerodynamic forces.pdf

791.8 KB

Dynamics of an antenna pointing control system with flexible structures.pdf

724.2 KB

Dynamics of hang-gliders.pdf

825.1 KB

Experimental analysis of a passively tuned actuator on a low-order structure.pdf

816.4 KB

Experimental investigation into passive damping enhancement for space structures.pdf

1.6 MB

Explicit exponential method for the integration of stiff ordinary differential equations.pdf

836.2 KB

Helicopter air resonance modeling and suppression using active control.pdf

1.0 MB

Homotopy approach to optimal, linear quadratic, fixed architecture compensation.pdf

1.4 MB

Krylov model reduction algorithm for undamped structural dynamics systems.pdf

465.7 KB

Nonlinear control of a twin-lift helicopter configuration.pdf

872.2 KB

Optimal control problems with maximum functional.pdf

962.2 KB

Optimal feedback gains for three-dimensional large angle slewing of spacecraft.pdf

413.3 KB

Optimal in-plane orbital evasive maneuvers using continuous thrust propulsion.pdf

527.8 KB

Optimal test procedures for evaluating circular probable error.pdf

435.5 KB

Orbital dynamics of the hanging tether interferometer.pdf

496.6 KB

Parameter insensitive control utilizing eigenspace methods.pdf

1.0 MB

Rapid near-optimal aerospace plane trajectory generation and guidance.pdf

1.4 MB

Retrospective essay on nonlinearities in aircraft flight control.pdf

1.6 MB

Robust H(infinity) control design for the Space Station with structured parameter uncertainty.pdf

991.5 KB

Robust non-minimum-phase compensation for a class of uncertain dynamical systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Roll-performance criteria for high augmented aircraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Statistical linearization for multi-input multi-output nonlinearities.pdf

472.5 KB

Structure control design synthesis of active flutter suppression system by goal programming.pdf

832.7 KB

Subject Index 1991.pdf

1.1 MB

Symbolic computer language for multibody systems.pdf

1.7 MB

Symbolic vector dyadic multibody formalism for tree-topology systems.pdf

1.5 MB

Time-periodic control of a multi-blade helicopter.pdf

953.7 KB


A Regretful Good-bye, an Enthusiastic Welcome.pdf

618.2 KB

Actuator placement in structural control.pdf

1.1 MB

Aeroelastic stability of slender, spinning missiles.pdf

855.8 KB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

150.7 KB

Aircraft flight controls design using output feedback.pdf

935.2 KB

Analysis of a nutation damper for a two-degree-of-freedom gyroscope.pdf

1.0 MB

Analytic study of biased proportional navigation.pdf

517.4 KB

Application of sparse nonlinear programming to trajectory optimization.pdf

1.3 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

104.1 KB

Closed-loop soft-constrained time-optimal control of flexible space structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Control synthesis for flexible space structures excited by persistent disturbances.pdf

947.0 KB

Coupled modal sliding mode control of vibration in flexible structures.pdf

899.2 KB


126.6 KB

Estimating damping in higher order dynamic systems.pdf

389.5 KB

Estimation of gyroscope polhode motion using trapped magnetic flux.pdf

967.8 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

204.5 KB


175.2 KB

Game optimal guidance law synthesis for short range missiles.pdf

834.0 KB

Gamma guidance of trajectories for coplanar, aeroassisted orbital transfer.pdf

930.0 KB

Ground-based implementation and verification of control laws for tethered satellites.pdf

556.0 KB

Image fusion algorithms for tracking maneuvering targets.pdf

1.4 MB

Integrated system identification and state estimation for control offlexible space structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Kane's equations, Lagrange's equations, and virtual work.pdf

558.9 KB

Light impulsive damping of spacecraft exhibiting normal mode behavior.pdf

767.9 KB

Measurement of the passive attitude control performance of a recovered spacecraft.pdf

642.2 KB

Method for optimal actuator and sensor placement for large flexible structures.pdf

951.3 KB

Monte Carlo analysis of satellite beam pointing errors.pdf

565.6 KB

Nonlinear aircraft tracking filter utilizing control variable estimation.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear feedback deployment and retrieval of tethered satellite systems.pdf

801.3 KB

Nonlinear strain-displacement relations and flexible multibody dynamics.pdf

1.1 MB

Observability under recurrent loss of data.pdf

555.1 KB

Optimum vehicle acceleration profile for minimum human injury.pdf

740.8 KB

Order-n formulation of extrusion of a beam with large bending and rotation.pdf

896.5 KB

Parametric robust control by quantitative feedback theory.pdf

936.2 KB

Probabilistic reasoning for intelligent wind shear avoidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Results in orbital evolution of objects in the geosynchronous region.pdf

660.0 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics- 1991.pdf

102.7 KB

Robustness characteristics of optimum structural control design.pdf

834.5 KB

Robustness of positive real controllers for large space structures.pdf

890.2 KB

Self-tuning control of attitude and momentum management for the Space Station.pdf

1.3 MB

Separation dynamics of strap-on boosters.pdf

875.4 KB

Smart end effector for dexterous manipulation in space.pdf

1.1 MB

Solutions of true proportional navigation for maneuvering and nonmaneuvering targets.pdf

568.8 KB

Stabilizing control for second-order models and positive real systems.pdf

464.1 KB

Synthesis of a helicopter full-authority controller.pdf

715.2 KB

Use of a velocity command motor as a reaction mass actuator.pdf

716.2 KB

Use of the work-energy rate principle for designing feedback controllaws.pdf

385.6 KB

Zero-residual-energy, single-axis slew of flexible spacecraft using thrusters - Dynamics approach.pdf

1.4 MB


Abstract model and controller design for an unstable aircraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Active damping by a local force feedback with piezoelectric actuators.pdf

819.0 KB

Adaptive control applied to momentum unloading using the low earth orbital environment.pdf

1.0 MB

Adaptive simulator motion software with supervisory control.pdf

1.2 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

116.9 KB

Control of flexible spacecraft with time-varying configuration.pdf

907.7 KB

Decomposition method for solving weakly coupled algebraic Riccati equation.pdf

357.5 KB

Deployment of a flexible beam from an oscillating base.pdf

402.2 KB

Design, manufacture, and application to space robotics of distributed piezoelectric film sensors.pdf

1.1 MB

Effect of model error on sensor placement for on-orbit modal identification of large space structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Eigenstructure assignment for the extended medium range air-to-air missile.pdf

416.1 KB

Eigensystem assignment with output feedback.pdf

745.2 KB

Fault diagnosis for the Space Shuttle main engine.pdf

672.3 KB

Flight investigation of variations in rotorcraft control and displaydynamics for hover.pdf

1.2 MB

Fuel consumption in optimal control.pdf

727.3 KB

Goddard problem with constrained time of flight.pdf

989.8 KB

High-alpha application of variable-gain output feedback control.pdf

1.0 MB

Improved noise rejection in automatic carrier landing systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Model order effects on the transmission zeros of flexible space structures.pdf

580.3 KB

Near-minimum-time control of a flexible manipulator.pdf

569.0 KB

Optimal control of two-time-scale systems with state-variable inequality constraints.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal output feedback for linear time-periodic systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Orbit determination by solving for gravity parameters with multiple arc data.pdf

1.6 MB

Parameter sensitivity reduction in fixed-order dynamic compensation.pdf

969.8 KB

Performance improvement of a dynamically tuned gyroscope using an input compensator.pdf

820.3 KB

Probabilities of escape, re-entry, and orbit decay due to misdirected injection maneuvers.pdf

703.2 KB

Probing behavior in certain optimal perturbation control laws.pdf

439.4 KB

Projective formulation of Maggi's method for nonholonomic systems analysis.pdf

477.7 KB

Pulse-width equivalent to pulse-amplitude discrete control of linearsystems.pdf

891.9 KB

Reduced-bandwidth compensator design via control and observation normalization.pdf

566.1 KB

Robust momentum management and attitude control system for the SpaceStation.pdf

1.1 MB

Rotor-pendulum model for the Perigee Assist Module nutation anomaly.pdf

945.5 KB

Sensitivity of the transmission zeros of flexible space structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Small gain versus positive real modeling of real parameter uncertainty.pdf

414.2 KB

Smooth blend of time-optimal and linear control.pdf

385.0 KB

Spacecraft in-orbit identification using eigensystem realization methods.pdf

1.1 MB

Time-optimal aircraft pursuit evasion with a weapon envelope constraint.pdf

1.1 MB

Time-optimal slewing of flexible spacecraft.pdf

890.4 KB

Wave-absorbing control for flexible structures with noncollocated sensors and actuators.pdf

1.1 MB


Analyzing the flared landing task with pitch-rate flight control systems.pdf

751.6 KB

Application of linearization analysis to aircraft dynamics.pdf

655.3 KB

Autonomous orbit determination system for earth satellites.pdf

568.7 KB

Autonomous spacecraft navigation and control for comet landing.pdf

1.4 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

96.2 KB

Clutch friction measurement.pdf

530.7 KB

Comment on 'Effect of thrust speed dependence on long-period dynamics in supersonic flight'.pdf

436.0 KB

Control and display combinations for blind vertical landings.pdf

1.4 MB

Control system optimization using genetic algorithms.pdf

786.6 KB

Decentralized adaptive robust control and its applications to an uncertain flexible beam.pdf

938.3 KB

Decomposition approach to solving the All-up trajectory optimizationproblem.pdf

1.4 MB

Design of low-sensitivity modalized observers using left eigenstructure assignment.pdf

543.4 KB

Determining the largest hypersphere of stability using Lagrange multipliers.pdf

374.7 KB

Distributed control and simulation of a Bernoulli-Euler beam.pdf

905.8 KB

Dynamics of a tethered satellite in elliptical, non-equatorial orbits.pdf

726.0 KB

Experiment of a noncollocated controller for wave cancellation.pdf

627.3 KB

Finite element method for optimal guidance of an advanced launch vehicle.pdf

933.2 KB

High-accuracy attitude determination for the X-ray satellite Rosat.pdf

820.2 KB

Integrated control of thermally distorted large space antennas.pdf

1.1 MB

Inverse and optimal control for desired outputs.pdf

519.4 KB

Local control design methodologies for a hierarchic control architecture.pdf

1.5 MB

Maximum likelihood state and parameter estimation via derivatives ofthe V-Lambda filter.pdf

1.0 MB

Modal analysis of controlled multilink systems with flexible links and joints.pdf

846.7 KB

Model error estimation by ideal state processing in linear Kalman filter.pdf

411.0 KB

Nonlinear control law with application to high angle-of-attack flight.pdf

744.6 KB

Nonlinear oscillations of a controlled periodic system.pdf

531.0 KB

Optimal team tactics.pdf

407.8 KB

Optimal transfers between coplanar elliptical orbits.pdf

562.6 KB

Predictor-corrector guidance algorithm for use in high-energy aerobraking system studies.pdf

987.8 KB

Pulse response method for vibration reduction in periodic dynamic systems.pdf

556.9 KB

Reduced-order multirate compensator synthesis.pdf

769.1 KB

Reply by Author to Robert F. Stengel.pdf

328.2 KB

Robust flight control system design with multiple model approach.pdf

578.5 KB

Robust modal identification estimation of the Mini-Mast testbed.pdf

822.1 KB

Robust time-optimal control of uncertain flexible spacecraft.pdf

762.4 KB

Robust wind shear stochastic controller-estimator.pdf

765.4 KB

Self-balanced modal control for spacecraft using thrusters and adaptive bandpass filters.pdf

1.4 MB

Space Station attitude control and momentum management - A nonlinearlook.pdf

1.0 MB

Survey of nongravitational forces and space environmental torques - Applied to the Galileo.pdf

1.2 MB

Unified approach to inertial navigation system error modeling.pdf

642.7 KB


Adaptive attitude control and momentum management for large-angle spacecraft maneuvers.pdf

1.8 MB

Alternative approach to the solution of Lambert's problem.pdf

756.8 KB

Approach guidance in a downburst.pdf

956.5 KB

Bifurcations and Routes to Chaos in Wave-Structure Interaction Systems.pdf

771.6 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

100.6 KB

Comparison between robustified feedforward and feedback for achieving parameter robustness.pdf

821.8 KB

Comparison of six robustness tests evaluating missile autopilot robustness to uncertain aerodynamics.pdf

1.2 MB

Comparison of two dissimilar modal identification techniques.pdf

1.0 MB

Complicated dynamics in spacecraft attitude control systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Discrete approximations to optimal trajectories using direct transcription and nonlinear programming.pdf

1.1 MB

Equivalence of two classes of dual-spin spacecraft spinup problems.pdf

421.4 KB

Errata_ Finite Element Method for Optimal Guidance of an Advanced Launch Vehicle.pdf

107.2 KB

Finite element approach for transient analysis of multibody systems.pdf

864.3 KB

Finite element solution of optimal control problems with state-control inequality constraints.pdf

521.5 KB

Frequency analysis of the hoop-column antenna using a simplified model.pdf

346.9 KB

Hang-glider response to atmospheric inputs.pdf

402.8 KB

High performance, accelerometer-based control of the Mini-MAST structure.pdf

1.2 MB

High-bandwidth positioning control of small payloads mounted on a flexible structure.pdf

860.5 KB

Integrated aeroservoelastic wing synthesis by nonlinear programming approximation concepts.pdf

1.3 MB

Linear quadratic minimax controllers.pdf

856.4 KB

Linear quadratic stochastic control using the singular value decomposition.pdf

370.1 KB

Man-in-the-loop study of filtering in airborne head tracking tasks.pdf

419.1 KB

Minimizing spacecraft attitude disturbances in space manipulator systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear inversion flight control for a supermaneuverable aircraft.pdf

976.9 KB

On-line performance evaluation of multiloop digital control systems.pdf

910.1 KB

Optimal mix of passive and active control in structures.pdf

963.9 KB

Optimization of low-altitude global communication constellations.pdf

900.4 KB

Parameter identification of linear systems based on smoothing.pdf

1.4 MB

Robust control systems design using H-infinity optimization theory.pdf

1.1 MB

Robust eigensystem assignment for state estimators using second-order models.pdf

1.0 MB

Simple proof of the global optimality of the Hohmann transfer.pdf

280.9 KB

Spacecraft dynamical distribution of fluid stresses activated by gravity-jitter-induced slosh waves.pdf

1.1 MB

Stability of a rate gyro.pdf

306.0 KB

Survey of experiments and experimental facilities for control of flexible structures.pdf

2.7 MB

Symptom of payload-induced flight instability.pdf

439.3 KB

Thrust laws for microburst wind shear penetration.pdf

1.1 MB

Thrust speed effects on long-term dynamics of aerospace planes.pdf

550.0 KB

Two variations of certainty control.pdf

539.2 KB

Wideband control of gyro accelerometer multisensors in a strapdown guidance system.pdf

586.7 KB

X-29 H-infinity controller synthesis.pdf

858.0 KB


Active member bridge feedback control for damping augmentation.pdf

943.9 KB

Active vibration absorber for the CSI evolutionary model - Design and experimental results.pdf

595.6 KB

Aerospace plane guidance using time-scale decomposition and feedbacklinearization.pdf

1.2 MB

Analytical investigation of damping enhancement using active and passive structural joints.pdf

861.6 KB

Application of maximum entropy optimal projection design synthesis to a benchmark problem.pdf

1.1 MB

Applications of a game theoretic controller to a benchmark problem.pdf

579.0 KB

Approximate pole placement approach.pdf

563.2 KB

Asymptotic disturbance rejection for momentum bias spacecraft.pdf

354.2 KB

Benchmark problem solution by quantitative feedback theory.pdf

866.9 KB

Benchmark problems for robust control design.pdf

423.6 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

92.2 KB

Combined linear quadratic Gaussian and H-infinity control of a benchmark problem.pdf

658.3 KB

Coupling of tether lateral vibration and subsatellite attitude motion.pdf

353.2 KB

Design methodology for linear optimal control systems.pdf

410.8 KB

Detection and identification of axial flow compressor instabilities.pdf

930.1 KB

Dynamics and control of maneuverable towed flight vehicles.pdf

903.9 KB

Effects of deployment rates and librations on tethered payload raising.pdf

625.7 KB

Equivalence of Kane's, Gibbs-Appell's, and Lagrange's equations.pdf

571.3 KB

Football as a differential game.pdf

357.4 KB

Global steering of single gimballed control moment gyroscopes using a directed search.pdf

1.6 MB

Global transformation of rotation matrices to Euler parameters.pdf

858.4 KB

H-infinity synthesis using a bilinear pole shifting transform.pdf

767.7 KB

Ideal proportional navigation.pdf

542.6 KB

Improved tracking of an agile target.pdf

641.0 KB

Linear quadratic servo control of a reusable rocket engine.pdf

784.5 KB

Loop transfer recovery approach to H(infinity) design for the coupled mass benchmark problem.pdf

719.9 KB

Minimization of vibration in elastic beams with time-variant boundary conditions.pdf

660.1 KB

Minimizing selective availability error on satellite and ground global positioning system measurements.pdf

612.0 KB

Model reduction for systems with integrators.pdf

361.2 KB

Negative state weighting in the linear quadratic regulator for aircraft control.pdf

384.7 KB

New multirate sampled-data control law structure and synthesis algorithm.pdf

1.2 MB

Observer-based robust-H-infinity control laws for uncertain linear systems.pdf

951.8 KB

Optimal discrete-time static output-feedback design - A W-domain approach.pdf

863.8 KB

Optimal spacecraft attitude control using collocation and nonlinear programming.pdf

427.3 KB

Optimal vibration control by the use of piezoceramic sensors and actuators.pdf

933.2 KB

Parameter-robust control design using a minimax method.pdf

1.0 MB

Robust Control Design for a Benchmark Problem.pdf

148.7 KB

Robust control for a noncollocated spring-mass system.pdf

911.4 KB

Robust controller designs for second-order dynamic systems - A virtual passive approach.pdf

790.4 KB

Robust flight control systems - A parameter space design.pdf

919.5 KB

Robust H-infinity control synthesis method and its application to benchmark problems.pdf

882.3 KB

Robustness of solutions to a benchmark control problem.pdf

980.6 KB

Roll metrics for handling qualities - The landing approach.pdf

280.1 KB

Stochastic prediction techniques for wind shear hazard assessment.pdf

781.7 KB

Structure redesign for improved dynamic response.pdf

673.5 KB

Use of approximate gradients in trajectory optimization.pdf

361.8 KB


Analysis of airframe and engine control interactions and integrated flight propulsion control.pdf

1.2 MB

Author Index 1992.pdf

199.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

93.6 KB

Calculation of singular extremal rocket trajectories.pdf

618.2 KB

Chronological Index 1992.pdf

1.2 MB

Constraint violation stabilization using gradient feedback in constrained dynamics simulation.pdf

984.3 KB

Continuous momentum management of earth-oriented spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Design and robustness issues for highly augmented helicopter controls.pdf

915.3 KB

Design of reduced-order observers with precise loop transfer recovery.pdf

723.9 KB

Errata_ Minimizing Selective Availability Error on Satellite and Ground Global Positioning System Measurements.pdf

289.9 KB

Experimental demonstration of a classical approach to flexible structure control.pdf

1.4 MB

Experimental results of active control on a large structure to suppress vibration.pdf

1.1 MB

Explicit generalization of Lagrange's equations for hybrid coordinate dynamical systems.pdf

945.5 KB

Fuel-optimal rendezvous for linearized equations of motion.pdf

797.4 KB

General dynamical equations of motion for elastic body systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Guidance and targeting for the strategic target system.pdf

1.0 MB

Long-term orbit perturbations of the Draim four-satellite constellations.pdf

699.2 KB

Maximizing the determinant of the information matrix with the effective independence method.pdf

238.2 KB

Modified sparse time domain technique for rotor stability testing.pdf

1.2 MB

Momentum exchange - Feedback control of flexible spacecraft maneuvers and vibration.pdf

807.1 KB

New approach to the maneuvering and control of flexible multibody systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimum rendezvous transfer between coplanar heliocentric elliptic orbits using solar sail.pdf

430.5 KB

Orbital Motion Under Continuous Tangential Thrust.pdf

659.6 KB

Planar reorientation maneuvers of space multibody systems using internal controls.pdf

799.0 KB

Point stacking technique for set matching.pdf

468.1 KB

Problem of optimal pursuit.pdf

370.7 KB

Recursive flexible multibody system dynamics using spatial operators.pdf

1.6 MB

Reply by Author to W. L. Poston and R. H. Tolson.pdf

133.7 KB

Robust fault detection of jet engine sensor systems using eigenstructure assignment.pdf

1.0 MB

Sensitivity of Space Station alpha joint robust controller to structural modal parameter variations.pdf

1.1 MB

Significance of Modeling Internal Damping in the Control of Structures.pdf

616.5 KB

Stochastic measures of performance robustness in aircraft control systems.pdf

904.9 KB

Subject Index 1992.pdf

1.1 MB

Testing electrostatically suspended gyroscopes using trapped magnetic flux and superconducting sensors.pdf

1.4 MB

Untruncated satellite perturbations in a nonrotating gravitational field.pdf

1.2 MB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

152.5 KB

Application of feedback linearization method in a digital restructurable flight control system.pdf

863.6 KB

Application of Global Positioning System for Hermes rendezvous navigation.pdf

1.4 MB

Application of quantitative feedback theory to a class of missiles.pdf

731.4 KB

Attitude control with realization of linear error dynamics.pdf

1.2 MB

Complex-frequency method for computing the dynamics of liquid in a spinning container.pdf

860.4 KB

Design of flight control systems to meet rotorcraft handling qualities specifications.pdf

1.1 MB

Design of insensitive multirate aircraft control using optimized eigenstructure assignment.pdf

772.4 KB

Designing reduced-order linear multivariable controllers using experimentally derived plant data.pdf

743.1 KB

Digital simulation of atmospheric turbulence for Dryden and von Karman models.pdf

997.6 KB

Editorial-My First Year in Perspective.pdf

843.2 KB

Elastomer damper for a freely precessing dual-spin seeker.pdf

81.0 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

203.0 KB

Experimental study of robustness in adaptive control for large flexible structures.pdf

979.0 KB

Experiments in multivariable adaptive control of a large flexible structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Fixed-order dynamic compensation for a high-performance fighter aircraft.pdf

765.5 KB

Flight simulator fidelity assessment in a rotorcraft lateral translation maneuver.pdf

1.1 MB

Fuel optimal reorientation of axisymmetric spin-stabilized satellites.pdf

417.6 KB

Fuel-optimal rendezvous in a general central force field.pdf

350.9 KB

Ground tests of magnetometer-based autonomous navigation (MAGNAV) for low-earth-orbiting spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Ground Verification for Satellite High-Accuracy Onboard Antenna Drive Control Systems.pdf

422.7 KB

Innovative approach to the momentum management control for Space Station Freedom.pdf

772.9 KB

Newton algorithm for fitting transfer functions to frequency response measurements.pdf

713.3 KB

Optimal control law synthesis for flutter suppression using active acoustic excitations.pdf

973.0 KB

Path-constrained trajectory optimization using sparse sequential quadratic programming.pdf

1.4 MB

Precision attitude control for tethered satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Real Parameter Margin Computation for Uncertain Structural Dynamic Systems.pdf

895.6 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics -1992.pdf

87.5 KB

Shaping of system responses with minimax optimization in the time domain.pdf

918.4 KB

Station-keeping method for libration point trajectories.pdf

1.3 MB

Three-dimensional modeling and control of a twin-lift helicopter system.pdf

1.2 MB

Time-variant analysis of rotorcraft systems dynamics - An exploitation of vector processors.pdf

1.1 MB

Trajectory design, feedforward, and feedback stabilization of tethered spacecraft retrieval.pdf

1.0 MB

Visual display aid for orbital maneuvering - Design considerations.pdf

895.9 KB

Visual display aid for orbital maneuvering - Experimental evaluation.pdf

824.1 KB

Zero locus of a beam with varying sensor and actuator locations.pdf

531.7 KB


Active vibration control of flexible structures with acceleration feedback.pdf

349.8 KB

Active Vibration Damping of the Space Shuttle Remote Manipulator System.pdf

891.7 KB

Attitude determination in higher dimensions.pdf

348.6 KB

Attitude dynamics and control of a vertical interferometric radar tethered altimeter.pdf

726.0 KB

Automatic spacecraft docking using computer vision-based guidance and control techniques.pdf

978.7 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

75.0 KB

Control of wing-rock motion of slender delta wings.pdf

633.9 KB

Designing nonlinear filters based on Daum's theory.pdf

658.1 KB

Equation for optimal power-limited spacecraft trajectories.pdf

361.0 KB

Exact conversion of earth-centered, earth-fixed coordinates to geodetic coordinates.pdf

351.2 KB

Factorization approach to control system synthesis.pdf

535.1 KB

Flight-path estimation in passive low-altitude flight by visual cues.pdf

1.2 MB

Frequency-weighted system identification and linear quadratic controller design.pdf

1.1 MB

Fuel-optimal propulsive reboost of flexible spacecraft.pdf

803.9 KB

Gain-scheduled missile autopilot design using linear parameter varying transformations.pdf

1.0 MB

GSTAR III attitude for inclined geostationary orbit.pdf

636.4 KB

Guidance law for planar hypersonic descent to a point.pdf

398.3 KB

Identification of observer Kalman filter Markov parameters - Theory and experiments.pdf

1.2 MB

Maneuvering target tracking via smoothing and filtering through measurement concatenation.pdf

1.1 MB

Missile autopilot robustness using the real multiloop stability margin.pdf

1.3 MB

Model reduction of mechanical systems.pdf

383.9 KB

New robust and flexible parameter estimation method.pdf

370.3 KB

Nonlinear smoothing identification algorithm with application to data consistency checks.pdf

1.2 MB

Parametric study of adaptive generalized predictive controllers.pdf

462.8 KB

Pointing control, with tethers as actuators, of a Space Station supported platform.pdf

386.4 KB

Q-Markov covariance equivalent realization and its application to flexible structure identification.pdf

1.3 MB

Real-time optimal control of aircraft turn trajectories.pdf

419.1 KB

Refined H-infinity-optimal approach to rotorcraft flight control.pdf

846.8 KB

Robust flight-path control system design with multiple-delay model approach.pdf

900.6 KB

Sensor-Actuator Placement for Flexible Structures with Actuator Dynamics.pdf

1.0 MB

Some aspects of a realistic three-dimensional pursuit-evasion game.pdf

579.9 KB

Time-optimal attitude control scheme for a spinning missile.pdf

1.1 MB

Time-optimal reorientation maneuvers for a combat aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

U-parameter design for terrain-following flight control.pdf

372.8 KB


Book Announcements.pdf

74.3 KB

Control of nonlinear structural dynamic systems - Chaotic vibrations.pdf

876.8 KB

Design of a robust estimator for target tracking.pdf

465.5 KB

Disturbance model for control structure optimization with full statefeedback.pdf

132.3 KB

Enhancement of endurance performance by periodic optimal camber control.pdf

999.0 KB

First-order models for satellite survivability optimization.pdf

1.0 MB

Gain scheduling simplification by simultaneous control design.pdf

302.3 KB

General adaptive guidance using nonlinear programming constraint-solving methods.pdf

733.4 KB

Generalized guidance law for collision courses.pdf

632.7 KB

Guidance for an aerocapture maneuver.pdf

639.1 KB

Largest hypersphere of stability for polynomials with perturbed coefficients.pdf

435.2 KB

Minimum-effort interception of multiple targets.pdf

384.0 KB

Multiple-input, multiple-output time-series models from short data records.pdf

693.3 KB

New analytical solutions for proportional navigation.pdf

440.8 KB

Optimal discrete-time dynamic output-feedback design - A w-domain approach.pdf

141.1 KB

Optimal impulsive intercept with low-thrust rendezvous return.pdf

874.6 KB

Optimal open multistep discretization formulas for real-time simulation.pdf

720.8 KB

Quasi-closed-form solution to the time-optimal rigid spacecraft reorientation problem.pdf

890.1 KB

Refinements in determining satellite drag coefficients - Method for resolving density discrepancies.pdf

838.2 KB

Robustness evaluation of a flexible aircraft control system.pdf

1.1 MB

Rotational motion and guidance system approximations in optimizable operational launch vehicle simulations.pdf

738.5 KB

Saturating and time-optimal feedback controls.pdf

88.2 KB

Sensitivity-based characterization and optimization of viscoelastically damped honeycomb structures.pdf

772.1 KB

Sensor failure detection and isolation in flexible structures using system realization redundancy.pdf

1.1 MB

Stabilizability of linear quadratic state feedback for uncertain systems.pdf

500.2 KB

Stable orbits about the Martian moons.pdf

812.7 KB

Star trackers, star catalogs, and attitude determination - Probabilistic aspects of system design.pdf

993.8 KB

Synthesis and evaluation of an H2 control law for a hovering helicopter.pdf

948.3 KB

Time-closed optimal transfer by two impulses between coplanar elliptical orbits.pdf

392.8 KB

Time-optimal three-axis reorientation of a rigid spacecraft.pdf

808.4 KB

Two-axis dry tuned-rotor gyroscopes - Design and technology.pdf

1.2 MB

Zero-gravity atmospheric flight by robust nonlinear inverse dynamics.pdf

363.6 KB


Analytical development of an equivalent system mismatch function.pdf

729.9 KB

Autonomous position and velocity determination in interplanetary space.pdf

378.9 KB

Averaging of second-order Hamiltonian oscillators with a slowly varying parameter.pdf

432.7 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

83.2 KB

Constrained control allocation.pdf

1.3 MB

Control structure interactions of Space Station solar dynamic modules.pdf

1.0 MB

Controller design with regional pole constraints_ Hyperbolic and horizontal strip regions.pdf

489.0 KB

Dynamic characteristics of liquid motion in partially filled tanks of a spinning spacecraft.pdf

669.0 KB

Eigenvalue and eigenvector derivatives of nonlinear eigenproblems.pdf

243.2 KB

Extremal vehicle reorientation maneuvers - Symmetries and group properties.pdf

680.5 KB

Goddard problem in presence of a dynamic pressure limit.pdf

663.7 KB

Inverse dynamics approach to trajectory optimization for an aerospace plane.pdf

878.8 KB

Inverse simulation of large-amplitude aircraft maneuvers.pdf

584.9 KB

Linear quadratic Gaussian loop transfer recovery design for a helicopter in low-speed flight.pdf

1.1 MB

Maneuver and vibration control of hybrid coordinate systems using Lyapunov stability theory.pdf

1.0 MB

Neurocontrol design and analysis for a multivariable aircraft control problem.pdf

1.6 MB

Nutational stability and core energy of a quasirigid gyrostat.pdf

882.2 KB

Passive damping for robust feedback control of flexible structures.pdf

744.4 KB

Performance of higher harmonic control algorithms for helicopter vibration reduction.pdf

866.5 KB

Periodic maximum range cruise with singular control.pdf

555.5 KB

Pointing accuracy of a dual-spin satellite due to torsional appendage vibrations.pdf

748.9 KB

Quantitative feedback theory applied to the design of a rotorcraft flight control system.pdf

706.5 KB

Quaternion-based rate attitude tracking system with application to gimbal attitude control.pdf

794.7 KB

Reaction wheel low-speed compensation using a dither signal.pdf

770.8 KB

Robust sampled data eigenstructure assignment using the delta operator.pdf

932.3 KB

Robustness bounds for linear systems under uncertainty - Eigenvaluesinside a wedge.pdf

824.9 KB

Simultaneous Design of Active Vibration Control and Passive Viscous Damping.pdf

888.2 KB

Singular Control in Minimum Time Spacecraft Reorientation.pdf

882.4 KB

Sun-perturbed Earth-to-moon transfers with ballistic capture.pdf

845.8 KB

Validation of engineering methods for predicting hypersonic vehicle control forces and moments.pdf

1.1 MB

Vibration and robust control of symmetric flexible systems.pdf

942.9 KB


Active control technology for large space structures.pdf

4.1 MB

Analytical solutions to constrained hypersonic flight trajectories.pdf

588.7 KB

Application of structured singular value synthesis to a fighter aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Asymptotic stability theorem for autonomous systems.pdf

439.8 KB

Automatic carrier landing system utilizing aircraft sensors.pdf

991.8 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

95.1 KB

Buckling control of a flexible beam using piezoelectric actuators.pdf

582.5 KB

Comment on 'Optimum vehicle acceleration profile for minimum human injury' by C. P. Hatsell.pdf

126.9 KB

Consistent-mode indicator for the eigensystem realization algorithm.pdf

1.1 MB

Control and filtering of wide-band noise driven linear systems.pdf

427.3 KB

Controllability and observability of flexible structures with proof-mass actuators.pdf

444.7 KB

Disturbance rejection in flexible structures via the quantitative feedback theory.pdf

490.9 KB

Errata_ Refinements in Determining Satellite Drag Coefficients_ Method for Resolving Density Discrepancies.pdf

126.9 KB

Estimation of Kalman filter gain from output residuals.pdf

686.0 KB

Exact closed-form solution of generalized proportional navigation.pdf

480.8 KB

Feedback gain sensitivities of closed-loop modal parameters of controlled structures.pdf

842.8 KB

Full envelope multivariable control law synthesis for a high-performance test aircraft.pdf

1.0 MB

Gain adaptive tracking.pdf

1.5 MB

Longitudinal dynamics of a towed sailplane.pdf

970.5 KB

Minimum time pulse response based control of flexible structures.pdf

1.3 MB

Nonrecursive Order N formulation of multibody dynamics.pdf

857.4 KB

Optimal pointing control of robotic manipulators with state inequality constraints.pdf

527.9 KB

Optimal weighting of a priori statistics in quick-look orbit determination.pdf

402.4 KB

Passive dynamic controllers for nonlinear mechanical systems.pdf

959.4 KB

Piezoelectric actuator design for vibration suppression - Placement and sizing.pdf

700.6 KB

Recursive dynamics algorithm for multibody systems with prescribed motion.pdf

1.0 MB

Reduced order proportional integral observer with application.pdf

487.8 KB

Robust control of flexible structures using residual mode filters.pdf

624.6 KB

Robust time-optimal control of uncertain structural dynamic systems.pdf

487.6 KB

Robustness analysis of a multirate flutter suppression system.pdf

626.8 KB

State equations for maneuvering and control of flexible bodies usingquasimomenta.pdf

835.5 KB

Trajectory control for a low-lift re-entry vehicle.pdf

832.5 KB

Two-error covariance analysis algorithms for suboptimal decentralized Kalman filters.pdf

483.9 KB

Use of neural networks in control of high-alpha maneuvers.pdf

778.6 KB


Aircraft failure detection and identification using neural networks.pdf

1.3 MB

Application of a periodic lattice filter for identifying flexible structures.pdf

945.4 KB

Author Index 1993.pdf

164.5 KB

Averaging of Second-Order Hamiltonian Oscillators with a Slowly Varying Parameter.pdf

67.9 KB

Block-diagonal equations for multibody elastodynamics with geometric stiffness and constraints.pdf

1.2 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

73.9 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

954.3 KB

Classical and robust H(infinity) control redesign for the Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

1.0 MB

Comment on “Generalized Technique for Inverse Simulation Applied to Aircraft Maneuvers”.pdf

247.6 KB

Component modes damping assignment methodology for articulated, multiflexible body structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Control of a structure with two closely spaced frequencies.pdf

283.1 KB

Deployment and retrieval optimization of a tethered satellite system.pdf

803.3 KB

Design and piloted simulation of integrated flight propulsion controls for STOVL aircraft.pdf

781.4 KB

Design of guaranteed performance controllers for systems with varying parameters.pdf

431.7 KB

Differential angle tracking for close geostationary satellites.pdf

699.5 KB

Discrete-time model reduction in limited frequency ranges.pdf

714.1 KB

Equimomental system of rigidly connected equal particles.pdf

342.9 KB

Flight control application of new stability robustness bounds for linear uncertain systems.pdf

689.6 KB

Flight-determined multivariable stability analysis and comparison of a control system.pdf

844.6 KB

Fuel-optimal slewing of an experimental hinged-free beam.pdf

1.0 MB

H(infinity) optimized wave-absorbing control - Analytical and experimental results.pdf

1.1 MB

H(infinity) robust control design for linear feedback systems.pdf

982.1 KB

H-infinity norm sensitivity formula with control system design applications.pdf

1.1 MB

H2 optimal halo orbit guidance.pdf

780.8 KB

Identification of aerodynamic coefficients using computational neural networks.pdf

1.1 MB

Input-shaped control of three-dimensional maneuvers of flexible spacecraft.pdf

795.1 KB

Invariant set analysis of the hub-appendage problem.pdf

406.4 KB

Inversion-based nonlinear control of robot arms with flexible links.pdf

1.2 MB

New proof of the Jacobi necessary condition.pdf

539.7 KB

Optimal control system design with prescribed damping and stability characteristics.pdf

379.6 KB

Optimal cooperative power-limited rendezvous between neighboring circular orbits.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal periodic control for spacecraft pointing and attitude determination.pdf

803.4 KB

Optimal recovery from microburst wind shear.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal rocket steering in terms of angular velocity of the primer vector.pdf

578.2 KB

Order reduction of linear-quadratic-Gaussian-designed controllers.pdf

846.0 KB

Reply by Authors to Kuo-Chi Lin.pdf

308.2 KB

Riccati solution for the minimum model error algorithm.pdf

421.7 KB

Six-degree-of-freedom guidance and control analysis of Mars aerocapture.pdf

1.2 MB

Subject Index 1993.pdf

962.0 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

154.4 KB

Approach navigation for delivery of small landers to the surface of Mars.pdf

1.1 MB

Book Announcements.pdf

98.3 KB

Calculus of variations derivation of the minimax linear-quadratic (H-infinity) controller.pdf

909.6 KB

Case of updating the factorized covariance matrix.pdf

216.7 KB

Comment on 'Global transformation of rotation matrices to Euler parameters'.pdf

137.0 KB

Computational results for a feedback control for a rotating viscoelastic beam.pdf

728.1 KB

Control of orbital drift of geostationary tethered satellites.pdf

530.3 KB

Desensitizing structural-control design.pdf

931.9 KB

Design of robust quantitative feedback theory controllers for pitch attitude hold systems.pdf

453.0 KB

Determining the root locations of systems with real parameter perturbations.pdf

367.0 KB

Disturbance attenuation and H(infinity) optimization with linear output feedback control.pdf

882.0 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

100.7 KB

Editorial-My Second Year in Perspective.pdf

997.9 KB

Effect of actuator coupling on active vibration control of flexible structures.pdf

623.5 KB

Effect of pressure stiffness on the dynamics of solid rocket motors.pdf

843.7 KB

Effects of solar radiation pressure on the tethered antenna reflector subsatellite system.pdf

750.8 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

204.3 KB

Evaluation of missile seeker dwell time for three-dimensional aerial engagements.pdf

467.8 KB

Exact nth derivatives of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.pdf

820.5 KB

Fault detection and diagnosis in propulsion systems - A fault parameter estimation approach.pdf

575.6 KB

H-infinity design of F A-18A automatic Carrier Landing System.pdf

472.1 KB

Identification of system, observer, and controller from closed-loop experimental data.pdf

748.0 KB

Integrated flight propulsion control - Subsystem specifications.pdf

939.8 KB

Invertibility and trajectory control for nonlinear maneuvers of aircraft.pdf

883.3 KB

Minimum fuel spacecraft reorientation.pdf

920.0 KB

Missile guidance algorithm against high-g barrel roll maneuvers.pdf

636.1 KB

Mixed strategy guidance - A new high-performance missile guidance law.pdf

1.0 MB

Model reduction methodology for articulated, multiflexible body structures.pdf

888.1 KB

New formulation for flexible beams undergoing large overall plane motion.pdf

824.7 KB

Nonlinear control of flexible, articulated spacecraft - Application to Space Station Mobile Manipulator.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal control of helicopters following power failure.pdf

793.8 KB

Optimal tendon configuration of a tendon control system for a flexible structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Power limited soft landing on an asteroid.pdf

595.5 KB

Reply by Author to Richard A. Spurrier.pdf

137.0 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynarnics-l993.pdf

118.4 KB

Second-order state estimation experiments using acceleration measurements.pdf

975.3 KB

Some conservation laws for orbits involving variable mass and linear damping.pdf

324.8 KB

Spinup dynamics of axial dual-spin spacecraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Statistics for spacecraft pointing and measurement error budgets.pdf

1.0 MB

Targeting of several Mars landers.pdf

990.1 KB

Transmission zeros and high-authority low-authority control of flexible space structures.pdf

747.1 KB


Base reaction control for space-based robots operating in microgravity environment.pdf

970.7 KB

Book Announcements.pdf

172.9 KB

Broadband control of flexible structures using statistical energy analysis concepts.pdf

1.3 MB

Computation of near-minimum-time maneuvers of flexible structures by parameter optimization.pdf

835.7 KB

Constrained control allocation - Three-moment problem.pdf

1.1 MB

Control of lightly damped, flexible modes in the controller crossover region.pdf

1.2 MB

Elastoplastic analysis of cumulative damage study of a lanyard under dynamic conditions.pdf

562.2 KB

Failure detection of dynamical systems with the state chi-square test.pdf

969.9 KB

Gyroscope free strapdown inertial measurement unit by six linear accelerometers.pdf

474.8 KB

Homotopy algorithm for maximum entropy design.pdf

1.3 MB

Identification of nonlinear interactions in structures.pdf

723.4 KB

Modeling Hubble Space Telescope flight data by Q-Markov cover identification.pdf

881.7 KB

Multiobjective trajectory optimization by goal programming with fuzzy decisions.pdf

900.0 KB

New output feedback design in variable structure systems.pdf

446.5 KB

New quaternion attitude estimation method.pdf

436.2 KB

Nonlinear regulation of Space Station - A geometric approach.pdf

895.8 KB

Optimal linear quadratic Gaussian digital control of an orbiting tethered antenna reflector system.pdf

793.6 KB

Optimum flight trajectory guidance based on total energy control of aircraft.pdf

777.9 KB

Range optimal trajectories for an aircraft flying in the vertical plane.pdf

939.5 KB

Reduced-order H(infinity) compensator design for an aircraft control problem.pdf

520.1 KB

Relative stability for control systems with adjustable parameters.pdf

921.0 KB

Rendezvous guidance with proportional navigation.pdf

446.8 KB

Review of parity space approaches to fault diagnosis for aerospace systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Riccati equation approaches for small gain, positivity, and Popov robustness analysis.pdf

866.9 KB

Robust time-optimal control - Frequency domain approach.pdf

723.1 KB

Solar sail parking in restricted three-body systems.pdf

942.9 KB

Solutions to parameter optimal control.pdf

418.7 KB

Some basic considerations on angles describing airplane flight maneuvers.pdf

788.0 KB

Some nonintuitive features in time-efficient attitude maneuvers of combat aircraft.pdf

575.8 KB

Survey of time-optimal attitude maneuvers.pdf

1.7 MB


Analysis and control of bifurcation phenomena in aircraft flight.pdf

922.7 KB

Analytic solution of the Riccati equation for the homing missile linear-quadratic control problem.pdf

282.6 KB

Application of order-n formulation to panel deployment problem of a spacecraft.pdf

415.5 KB

Approximate recovery of H-infinity loop shapes using fixed-order dynamic compensation.pdf

883.9 KB

Bearings-only tracking - A hybrid coordinate system approach.pdf

683.9 KB

Capture region for true proportional navigation guidance with nonzero miss-distance.pdf

203.6 KB

Computational method for minimax optimization in the time domain.pdf

824.5 KB

Estimation of modal parameters of linear structural systems using Hopfield neural networks.pdf

464.2 KB

Evaluation of inertial integrals for multibody dynamics.pdf

425.9 KB

Experimental design of H-infinity weighting functions for flight control systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Feedforward controller design by eigenvalue assignment.pdf

927.0 KB

Fixed memory filter for real-time estimation of noise-corrupted signals.pdf

511.3 KB

Free-decay time-domain modal identification for large space structures.pdf

888.8 KB

Gain scheduled H-infinity controllers for a two link flexible manipulator.pdf

877.4 KB

H2 approach for optimally fining passive vibration absorbers to flexible structures.pdf

355.4 KB

Identification of model parameters and associated uncertainties for robust control design.pdf

1.5 MB

Implementation of a full-envelope controller for a high-performance aircraft.pdf

773.8 KB

Integrated modeling and control for the Large Spacecraft Control Laboratory experiment facility.pdf

1.2 MB

Linear system identification via backward-time observer models.pdf

1.0 MB

Maneuvering and control of flexible space robots.pdf

950.8 KB

Nondimensional forms for singular perturbation analyses of aircraft energy climbs.pdf

929.6 KB

Nonlinear model-following control application to airplane control.pdf

825.2 KB

Nonlinear predictive controllers for continuous systems.pdf

889.4 KB

Optimal cooperative time-fixed impulsive rendezvous.pdf

908.8 KB

Optimal multiple-impulse satellite evasive maneuvers.pdf

879.4 KB

Outboard body effects on flexible branch body dynamics in articulated multibody systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Parameter identification of unknown object handled by free-flying space robot.pdf

956.1 KB

Pointing control and vibration suppression of a slewing flexible frame.pdf

949.9 KB

Propagation of particles due to an explosion in elliptic orbit.pdf

275.5 KB

Separation dynamics of ullage rockets.pdf

1.0 MB

Solar motion-based method of attitude recovery - Application to International Ultraviolet Explorer.pdf

679.4 KB

Trajectory optimization based on differential inclusion (Revised).pdf

759.3 KB

Two real critical constraints for real parameter margin computation.pdf

804.6 KB

Use of the Global Positioning System for evaluating inertial measurement unit errors.pdf

965.9 KB


Aircraft model for the AIAA controls design challenge.pdf

620.7 KB

Applications of Popov controller synthesis to benchmark problems with real parameter uncertainty.pdf

1.3 MB

Comment on 'Guidance for an aerocapture maneuver'.pdf

100.6 KB

Comparison of low-earth-orbit satellite attitude controllers submitted to controllability constraints.pdf

1.1 MB

Component model reduction methodology for articulate multiflexible body structures.pdf

744.9 KB

Decentralized control of large flexible structures by joint decoupling.pdf

1.1 MB

Design of nonlinear control laws for high-angle-of-attack flight.pdf

1.1 MB

Errata_ Simultaneous Design of Active Vibration Control and Passive Viscous Damping.pdf

87.5 KB

Guidance law for hypersonic descent to a point.pdf

665.1 KB

H(2) H9(infinity) controller design for a two-dimensional thin airfoil flutter suppression.pdf

699.2 KB

Intelligent control law tuning for AIAA controls design challenge.pdf

759.4 KB

Large angle slew maneuvers with autonomous sun vector avoidance.pdf

302.1 KB

Linear quadratic controller design for the deep space network antennas.pdf

924.7 KB

Maximum entropy controller synthesis for colocated and noncolocated systems.pdf

517.7 KB

Maximum likelihood identification and realization of stochastic systems.pdf

1.2 MB

Modeling space shuttle main engine using feed-forward neural networks.pdf

1.4 MB

Multiaxis tracking and attitude control of flexible spacecraft with reaction jets.pdf

1.2 MB

Multiobjective controller design using eigenstructure assignment and the method of inequalities.pdf

450.9 KB

Nonsmooth trajectory optimization - An approach using continuous simulated annealing.pdf

947.6 KB

Onboard stationkeeping of geosynchronous satellite using a global positioning system receiver.pdf

946.9 KB

Optimization methods for passive damper placement and tuning.pdf

1.1 MB

Output feedback control under randomly varying distributed delays.pdf

1.3 MB

Principal axis misalignment control for deconing of spinning spacecraft.pdf

903.1 KB

Reduced-order multirate estimation.pdf

1.2 MB

Reorientation of a structure in space using a three-link rigid manipulator.pdf

1.1 MB

Stability behavior of linear time-varying systems.pdf

386.1 KB

Stationkeeping at libration points of natural elongated bodies.pdf

957.9 KB

Stationkeeping of geostationary satellites with simultaneous eccentricity and longitude control.pdf

1.2 MB

Sun-tracking commands and reaction wheel sizing with configuration optimization.pdf

1.4 MB

Synthesis of minimum-time feedback laws for dynamic systems using neural networks.pdf

476.4 KB

System identification from closed-loop data with known output feedback dynamics.pdf

951.4 KB

System identification using frequency scanning and the eigensystem realization algorithm.pdf

632.6 KB

Test bench for rotorcraft hover control.pdf

1.0 MB

Time-optimal turn to a heading - An analytic solution.pdf

375.9 KB

Tracking mobile vehicles using a non-Markovian maneuver model.pdf

477.1 KB

Zero-gyro safemode controller for the Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

1.0 MB


Attitude control of space robot by arm motion.pdf

602.7 KB

Attitude maneuver of service vehicle with spinning spent satellite.pdf

553.3 KB

Case study comparison of linear quadratic regulator and H-infinity control synthesis.pdf

997.0 KB

Comment on 'Active control technology for large space structures'.pdf

225.4 KB

Comparative stability study illustrating advantages of guy-wire constraints for flexible satellites.pdf

428.8 KB

Controls design challenge - A variable structure approach.pdf

870.1 KB

Coprime factorization approach to robust stabilization of control structures interaction evolutionary model.pdf

914.0 KB

Cost of model reference adaptive control - Analysis, experiments, and optimization.pdf

896.8 KB

Efficiency modes analysis of structure-control systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Guidance law for hypersonic gliders based on piecewise constant control.pdf

516.4 KB

Hybrid approach to near-optimal launch vehicle guidance.pdf

868.3 KB

Hybrid approach to solution of optimal control problems.pdf

895.2 KB

Least squares optimal linearization.pdf

851.1 KB

Matrix method for eigenstructure assignment - The multi-input case with application.pdf

895.4 KB

Maximum a posteriori image registration motion estimation.pdf

1.1 MB

Minimum control authority plot - A tool for designing thruster systems.pdf

1.3 MB

Missile and spacecraft coning instabilities.pdf

1.0 MB

Modeling and simulation of rotor bearing friction.pdf

461.7 KB

Modified measurement differentiation method for stochastic control systems.pdf

719.0 KB

New results in optimal missile avoidance analysis.pdf

744.4 KB

New technique for nonlinear control of aircraft.pdf

813.6 KB

Nonlinear approach to aircraft tracking problem.pdf

814.8 KB

Novel three-dimensional differential game and capture criteria for a bank-to-turn missile.pdf

752.9 KB

Optimal cooperative power-limited rendezvous between coplanar circular orbits.pdf

938.8 KB

Optimal placement and gains of sensors and actuators for feedback control.pdf

734.4 KB

Optimal power-limited rendezvous for linearized equations of motion.pdf

549.4 KB

Parameter optimal control of wing-rock.pdf

355.9 KB

Performance and control of proof-mass actuators accounting for stroke saturation.pdf

897.5 KB

Petrov-Galerkin finite elements in time for rigid-body dynamics.pdf

826.2 KB

Re-entry control to a drag-vs-energy profile.pdf

574.9 KB

Relation between modified sparse time domain and eigensystem realization algorithm.pdf

424.7 KB

Rendezvous targeting and navigation for a translunar halo orbit.pdf

797.3 KB

Reply by the Author to Bong Wie.pdf

205.0 KB

Ride quality improvements by means of numerical optimization techniques.pdf

611.1 KB

Robust identification and vibration suppression of a flexible structure.pdf

1.2 MB

Stability of spinning spacecraft containing shallow pool of liquid under thrust.pdf

1.1 MB

Stabilized continuation method for solving optimal control problems.pdf

1.2 MB

Study of Henon's orbit transfer problem using the Lambert algorithm.pdf

925.8 KB

Substructure system identification and synthesis.pdf

1.1 MB

Techniques for developing approximate optimal advanced launch system guidance.pdf

1.1 MB

Vision-based obstacle detection and grouping for helicopter guidance.pdf

1.7 MB

Yaw pointing lateral translation using robust sampled data eigenstructure assignment.pdf

458.2 KB


Adaptive quaternion feedback regulation for eigenaxis rotations.pdf

662.3 KB

Aeroelastic vehicle multivariable control synthesis with analytical robustness evaluation.pdf

988.8 KB

Analysis of nonlinear equations by robust stability theory.pdf

272.2 KB

Analytic time-optimal control synthesis of fourth-order system and maneuvers of flexible structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Analytical aeropropulsive-aeroelastic hypersonic-vehicle model with dynamic analysis.pdf

1.1 MB

Antenna servo design for tracking low-Earth-orbiting satellites.pdf

712.4 KB

Application of piezoelectric devices to vibration suppression.pdf

863.6 KB

Attainable moments for the constrained control allocation problem.pdf

494.1 KB

Author Index 1994.pdf

279.3 KB

Automatic formation flight control.pdf

503.1 KB

Automatic guidance and control for helicopter obstacle avoidance.pdf

1.9 MB

Autonomous spacecraft gyro failure detection based on conservation of angular momentum.pdf

512.2 KB

Chronological Index 1994.pdf

1.3 MB

Comment on “Optimal Impulsive Intercept with Low-Thrust Rendezvous Return”.pdf

54.2 KB

Controllability and observability measures for Craig-Bampton substructure representations.pdf

1.0 MB

Covariance control parameterization for combined optimization of structures and controllers.pdf

429.8 KB

Deployment control of a cable connecting a ship to an underwater vehicle.pdf

840.3 KB

Deployment retrieval control of tethered subsatellite through an optimal path.pdf

807.8 KB

Derivation of system matrices from nonlinear dynamic simulation of jet engines.pdf

709.9 KB

Direct-lift design strategy for longitudinal control of hypersonic aircraft.pdf

925.6 KB

Drag function modeling air traffic simulation.pdf

519.3 KB

Functional agility metrics and optimal trajectory analysis.pdf

866.2 KB

H-infinity helicopter flight control law design with and without rotor state feedback.pdf

975.5 KB

Kalman filters for a missile with radar and or imaging sensor.pdf

708.0 KB

Kinematics and aerodynamics of velocity-vector roll.pdf

719.1 KB

Launch pad abort of the HL-20 lifting body.pdf

670.5 KB

Measures of modal controllability and observability in vibration control of flexible structures.pdf

568.4 KB

Multiaxis pilot ratings for damaged aircraft.pdf

544.5 KB

Multiple optimal solutions for structural control using genetic algorithms with niching.pdf

590.4 KB

Multirate flutter suppression system design for a model wing.pdf

1.0 MB

Multisensor multitarget mixture reduction algorithms for tracking.pdf

1.0 MB

Multivariable stability and robustness of sequentially designed feedback systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Neighboring optimal control based feedback law for the advanced launch system.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal lateral-escape maneuvers for microburst encounters during final approach.pdf

878.5 KB

Optimization for efficient structure-control systems.pdf

624.6 KB

Optimization of very-low-thrust, many-revolution spacecraft trajectories.pdf

1.2 MB

Performance evaluation of two fuzzy-logic-based homing guidance schemes.pdf

393.0 KB

Pointing dynamics of gimbaled payloads on flexible spacecraft.pdf

455.8 KB

Polynomial interpolation between input samples for continuous-time simulation.pdf

454.4 KB

Quantification of parametric uncertainty via an interval model.pdf

862.0 KB

Robust control design and implementation on the Middeck Active Control Experiment.pdf

1.3 MB

Shuttle entry guidance revisited using nonlinear geometric methods.pdf

1.0 MB

Stochastic star identification.pdf

698.5 KB

Subject Index 1994.pdf

1.1 MB

Switched bias proportional navigation for homing guidance against highly maneuvering targets.pdf

855.7 KB

Three-stage approach to optimal low-thrust Earth-moon trajectories.pdf

1.1 MB

Truncation and residualization with weighted balanced coordinates.pdf

1.1 MB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

171.1 KB

Application of Direct Transcription to Commercial Aircraft Trajectory Optimization.pdf

1.1 MB

Case Study on Haptic Devices_ Human-Induced Instability in Powered Hand Controllers.pdf

960.8 KB

Classical H2 Solution for a Robust Control Design Benchmark Problem.pdf

1.3 MB

Determination of Piloting Feedback Structures for an Altitude Tracking Task.pdf

384.6 KB

Direct Adaptive and Neural Control of Wing-Rock Motion of Slender Delta Wings.pdf

639.7 KB

Dynamics and Control of a Tethered Flight Vehicle.pdf

718.7 KB

Dynamics and Control of Slewing Active Beam.pdf

469.3 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

129.6 KB


1.2 MB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

214.1 KB

Fundamental Mechanisms of Aeroelastic Control with Control Surface and Strain Actuation.pdf

1.1 MB

Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimal Control Problems with Linearly Appearing Controls.pdf

783.8 KB

Guaranteed Performance Control of Nonlinear Systems with Application to Flexible Space Structure.pdf

934.8 KB

High-Performance, Robust, Bank-to-Turn Missile Autopilot Design.pdf

979.2 KB

Hybrid Near-Optimal Atmospheric Guidance for Aeroassisted Orbit Transfer.pdf

820.4 KB

Identification and Simulation Evaluation of a Combat Helicopter in Hover.pdf

1.0 MB

Impact of Near-Coincident Faults on Digital Flight Control Systems.pdf

751.2 KB

Integrated Development of the Equations of Motion for Elastic Hypersonic Flight Vehicles.pdf

980.8 KB

Low-Thrust Orbit Transfer Guidance Using an Inverse Dynamics Approach.pdf

487.6 KB

Monte Carlo Analysis of Titan Transfer Orbit Stage Planetary Mission Guidance System.pdf

1.0 MB

New Formulation for General Spatial Motion of Flexible Beams.pdf

656.9 KB

On-Line Learning Nonlinear Direct Neurocontrollers for Restructurable Control Systems.pdf

904.9 KB

Optimal Impulsive Time-Fixed Orbital Rendezvous and Interception with Path Constraints.pdf

822.0 KB

Piezoelectric Transformer.pdf

736.3 KB

Reduced-Order Model Based Control of the Flexible, Articulated-Truss Space Crane.pdf

980.4 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics--1994.pdf

204.9 KB

Robust Dynamic Inversion for Control of Highly Maneuverable Aircraft.pdf

959.4 KB

Rotorcraft Handling Qualities in Turbulence.pdf

979.6 KB

Runge-Kutta Algorithm for the Numerical Integration of Stochastic Differential Equations.pdf

987.2 KB

Star-Field Identification for Autonomous Attitude Determination.pdf

670.7 KB

System Design by Linear Exponential Quadratic Gaussian and Loop Transfer Recovery Methodology.pdf

503.1 KB

Validation of Finite-Dimensional Approximate Solutions for Dynamics of Distributed-Parameter Systems.pdf

1.1 MB


Air data prediction from surface pressure measurements on guided munitions.pdf

944.1 KB

Aircraft controller synthesis by solving a nonconvex optimization problem.pdf

380.2 KB

Alternative variable transformation for simulation of multibody dynamic systems.pdf

404.3 KB

Analytically and numerically derived H-infinity controller designs for Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

1.4 MB

Application of restructurable flight control system to large transport aircraft.pdf

824.5 KB

Attitude control system conceptual design for Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite spacecraft series.pdf

1.1 MB

Attitude stabilization of a rigid spacecraft using two momentum wheel actuators.pdf

1.0 MB

Autonomous rendezvous using artificial potential function guidance.pdf

758.4 KB

Closest bifurcation analysis and robust stability design of flexible satellites.pdf

984.8 KB

Control design for variations in structural natural frequencies.pdf

1.1 MB

Covariance control design for Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

1.1 MB

Design of an effective controller via disturbance accommodating left eigenstructure assignment.pdf

1.1 MB

Dual-mode disturbance-accommodating pointing controller for Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamics and control of limit cycling motions in boosting rockets.pdf

814.4 KB


54.4 KB

Failure detection and isolation structure for global positioning system autonomous integrity monitoring.pdf

869.1 KB

General attitude maneuvers of spacecraft with flexible structures.pdf

825.6 KB

Hubble Space Telescope pointing control system design improvement study results.pdf

1.2 MB

Linear-quadratic-Gaussian-based controller design for Hubble Space Telescope.pdf

773.0 KB

Maximum likelihood estimation of fractional Brownian motion and Markov noise parameters.pdf

487.3 KB

Modeling and control for vibration suppression of a flexible active structure.pdf

928.4 KB

Onboard star identification without a priori attitude information.pdf

779.2 KB

Optimal guidance and nonlinear estimation for interception of decelerating targets.pdf

1.1 MB

Passivity analysis for flexible multilink space manipulators.pdf

1.2 MB

Preservicing mission - On-orbit modifications to Hubble Space Telescope pointing control system.pdf

1.1 MB

Reduced-computation end-game steering laws for predictive guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Reduced-order nonlinear analysis of aircraft dynamics.pdf

476.8 KB

Robust roll modulation guidance for aeroassisted Mars mission.pdf

1.1 MB

Strong Hohmann transfer theorem.pdf

384.6 KB

Study of strapdown navigation attitude algorithms.pdf

430.2 KB

Trajectory optimization using parallel shooting method on parallel computer.pdf

438.3 KB

Uniform modal damping of rings by an extended node control theorem.pdf

422.6 KB


Aggregation effects in air traffic arrival flows.pdf

739.8 KB

Analytical gain scheduling approach to periodic observer design.pdf

746.8 KB

Approximate altitude transitions for high-speed aircraft.pdf

769.3 KB

Approximate solution to Lawden's problem.pdf

280.7 KB

Assumed modes method and articulated flexible multibody dynamics.pdf

1.1 MB

Autonomous imaging of Phobos and Deimos for the PLANET-B Mission.pdf

775.9 KB

Autonomous orbit and magnetic field determination using magnetometer and star sensor data.pdf

1.4 MB

Design with multiple-delay-model and multiple-design-point approach.pdf

897.7 KB

Efficient computation of the eigensystem realization algorithm.pdf

1.1 MB

Eigenstructure assignment using inverse eigenvalue methods.pdf

485.2 KB

Examination of a practical aerobraking guidance algorithm.pdf

1.0 MB

Guidance of a homing missile via nonlinear geometric control methods.pdf

940.0 KB

Hybrid approach for damage detection in flexible structures.pdf

1.0 MB

Instability tests, Lyapunov's direct method, and exact stability boundaries for flexible satellites.pdf

1.0 MB

Integrated flight propulsion control - Subsystem specifications for performance.pdf

790.8 KB

Matched asymptotic expansion solutions for an ablating hypervelocity projectile.pdf

440.4 KB

Measurement of the modal parameters of a space structure in zero gravity.pdf

1.5 MB

Mixed H2 H - infinity control of multimodel plants.pdf

1.0 MB

Near-optimal three-dimensional air-to-air missile guidance against maneuvering target.pdf

1.1 MB

Neighboring optimal trajectories for aeroassisted orbital transfer under uncertainties.pdf

832.8 KB

New filtering method for linear weakly coupled stochastic systems.pdf

469.2 KB

Nonlinear modal control method.pdf

947.7 KB

On-line robust stabilizer.pdf

363.1 KB

Optimal aircraft terrain-following analysis and trajectory generation.pdf

943.2 KB

Optimal midcourse guidance law for fixed-interval propulsive maneuvers.pdf

726.7 KB

Optimal sliding-mode control of a flexible spacecraft under stochastic disturbances.pdf

857.8 KB

Optimization of low-thrust interplanetary trajectories using collocation and nonlinear programming.pdf

895.2 KB

Perturbation analysis for flexible system control.pdf

418.0 KB

Radome slope compensation using multiple-model Kalman filters.pdf

509.3 KB

Regulation of single-link flexible manipulator involving large elastic deflections.pdf

449.2 KB

Robust multirate eigenstructure assignment with flight control application.pdf

843.4 KB

Robust stabilization of the Space Station in the presence of inertia matrix uncertainty.pdf

748.6 KB

Self-scheduled H-infinity control of missile via linear matrix inequalities.pdf

941.9 KB

Sensor fault detection and diagnosis for a T700 turboshaft engine.pdf

436.1 KB

Solution of aircraft inverse problems by local optimization.pdf

681.5 KB

Spectral analysis of tethered satellite system-mission 1 vibrations.pdf

801.4 KB

Structural damage detection using constrained eigenstructure assignment.pdf

1.1 MB

System identification for adaptive and reconfigurable control.pdf

1.0 MB

Three-dimensional air-to-air missile trajectory shaping.pdf

1.1 MB

Trainable neural network for mechanically flexible systems based on nonlinear filtering.pdf

601.1 KB

Trajectory and control optimization for flexible space robots.pdf

1.0 MB

Transfer orbits in restricted problem.pdf

887.5 KB

Variance-based sensor placement for modal identification of structures.pdf

575.7 KB


Aircraft terrain following based on a nonlinear continuous predictive control approach.pdf

863.4 KB

Application of rigid finite element method to dynamic analysis of spatial systems.pdf

831.3 KB

Calculation of second and higher order eigenvector derivatives.pdf

409.9 KB

Close conjunction detection on parallel computer.pdf

944.3 KB

Closed loop momentum transfer maneuvers using multiwheels.pdf

1.0 MB

Comment on “Analytic Solution of the Riccati Equation for the Homing Missile Linear-Quadratic Control Problem”.pdf

65.9 KB

Consistent model reduction of experimental modal parameters for reduced-order control.pdf

1.1 MB

Control of a flexible space robot executing a docking maneuver.pdf

1.1 MB

Controllability and optimization in aeroassisted orbital transfer.pdf

493.8 KB

Decentralized sliding mode control in three-axis inertial platforms.pdf

1.1 MB

Design and examination of H-infinity robust controller for ground effect problem.pdf

999.7 KB

Dynamic modeling of a trailing wire towed by an orbiting aircraft.pdf

872.6 KB

Eigenvector derivatives for mechanical second-order systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Errata_ Automatic Guidance and Control for Helicopter Obstacle Avoidance.pdf

434.1 KB

Estimation and control of tethered satellite systems.pdf

888.0 KB

Evaluation of optimal-guidance algorithm for aeroassisted orbit transfer.pdf

693.3 KB

Experimental application of an explicit optimal linear quadratic Gaussian controller.pdf

521.2 KB

Experimental control of a single-link flexible arm incorporating electrorheological fluids.pdf

554.5 KB

Failure diagnosis system using ARTMAP neural networks.pdf

894.0 KB

Flight test of radar altimeter enhancement for terrain-referenced guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Flutter margin augmentation synthesis using normalized coprime factors approach.pdf

1.0 MB

Geometric stiffening in multibody dynamics formulations.pdf

1.3 MB

Human-in-the-loop evaluation of remote manipulator system active damping augmentation.pdf

1.1 MB

Hybrid equations of motion for flexible multibody systems using quasicoordinates.pdf

1.1 MB

Identification of linear stochastic systems through projection filters.pdf

695.2 KB

Improved Literal Approximation for Lateral-Directional Dynamics of Rigid Aircraft.pdf

476.2 KB

In Memoriam_ Larry W. Taylor Jr..pdf

197.2 KB

Low-Earth-orbit maintenance - Reboost vs thrust-drag cancellation.pdf

349.6 KB

Maximum power absorption with active struts.pdf

343.0 KB

Methodology for integration of digital control loaders in aircraft simulators.pdf

453.7 KB

Minimum-time reorientation of a two-degree-of-freedom gyroscope.pdf

1.3 MB

Near-optimal three-dimensional rotational maneuvers of spacecraft using manipulator arms.pdf

420.3 KB

Neural networks approach to AIAA aircraft control design challenge.pdf

904.6 KB

Nonlinear decoupling control of aircraft motion.pdf

511.0 KB

Optimal atmospheric trajectory for aerogravity assist with heat constraint.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal guidance of aeroassisted transfer vehicles based on matched asymptotic expansions.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal low-thrust three-dimensional Earth-moon trajectories.pdf

968.1 KB

Optimal modal-space controller for structural damping enhancements.pdf

768.3 KB

Pointing geometry for low Earth orbit auroral observations.pdf

478.0 KB

Robust game theoretic synthesis in the presence of uncertain initial states.pdf

1.3 MB

Satellite autonomous navigation based on magnetic field measurements.pdf

990.8 KB

Shaping time response by state feedback in minimum-phase systems.pdf

564.4 KB

Spacecraft orientation based on space object observations by means of quaternion algebra.pdf

957.6 KB

Terminal spacecraft coplanar rendezvous control.pdf

551.2 KB

Two misconceptions in the theory of inertial navigation systems.pdf

623.0 KB

U-parameter robust flight control design.pdf

380.6 KB

Vibration reduction in rotorcraft using active control - A comparison of various approaches.pdf

1.6 MB

Vibrations of the Low Power Atmospheric Compensation Experiment satellite.pdf

932.3 KB


Aircraft antilock brake system with neural networks and fuzzy logic.pdf

693.6 KB

Aircraft flight control in wind shear using sequential dynamic inversion.pdf

1.0 MB

Autonomous ring formation for a planar constellation of satellites.pdf

401.8 KB

Bank-to-turn optimal guidance with linear exponential quadratic Gaussian performance criterion.pdf

793.2 KB

Clarification of the Garber instability for gravity-gradient stabilized spacecraft.pdf

386.0 KB

Closed-form solutions to constrained control allocation problem.pdf

1.2 MB

Comment on “Optimal Cooperative Power-Limited Rendezvous Between Neighboring Circular Orbits”.pdf

119.3 KB

Control stick logic in high-angle-of-attack maneuvering.pdf

870.5 KB

Control variables for finite element solution of missile trajectory optimization.pdf

503.8 KB

Dissipative controllers for nonlinear multibody flexible space systems.pdf

1.3 MB

Distributed control of maneuvering vehicles for on-orbit assembly.pdf

351.8 KB

Earth-to-moon transfer with a limited power engine.pdf

696.8 KB

Elliptical orbit with variable angular momentum.pdf

373.4 KB

Experimental satellite trajectory analysis using decision-based robust design.pdf

1.1 MB

Expert system for processing uncorrelated satellite tracks.pdf

880.0 KB

Feedback linearization autopilot design for the advanced kinetic energy missile boost phase.pdf

567.2 KB

Feedback system design for stable plants with input saturation.pdf

745.1 KB

Finite element method for the solution of state-constrained optimal control problems.pdf

997.7 KB

Flexible vehicle control using quantitative feedback theory.pdf

711.0 KB

Fluid force activated spacecraft dynamics driven by gravity gradient and jitter accelerations.pdf

832.5 KB

Fuel-optimal stationkeeping via differential inclusions.pdf

788.2 KB

Hybrid fuzzy logic flight controller synthesis via pilot modeling.pdf

1.2 MB

Integrating robustness into multiobjective space vehicle design process.pdf

923.2 KB

Linearized kappa guidance.pdf

655.3 KB

Minimal time change detection algorithm for reconfigurable flight control systems.pdf

303.3 KB

Modeling issues related to retrieval of flexible tethered satellite systems.pdf

883.9 KB

Multistage integration model for human egomotion perception.pdf

1.3 MB

Near-minimum-time eigenaxis rotation maneuvers using reaction wheels.pdf

773.4 KB

Nonlinear predictive control of feedback linearizable systems and flight control system design.pdf

733.5 KB

Numerical approach to computing nonlinear H-infinity control laws.pdf

498.6 KB

Nutational stability and passive control of spinning rockets with internal mass motion.pdf

943.7 KB

On-line learning neural-network controllers for autopilot systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal direct ascent with carrier return to base.pdf

321.5 KB

Optimal guidance and nonlinear estimation for interception of accelerating targets.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal pole placement in time-dependent linear systems.pdf

594.9 KB

Optimal power-limited rendezvous with thrust saturation.pdf

857.3 KB

Optimal station-change maneuver for geostationary satellites using constant low thrust.pdf

718.3 KB

Optimum guidance with a single uncertain time lag.pdf

819.5 KB

Orbital strategies around a comet by means of a genetic algorithm.pdf

563.7 KB

Precision position control of piezoelectric actuators using charge feedback.pdf

840.6 KB

Proportional navigation and weaving targets.pdf

860.5 KB

Reconfigurable tracking control with saturation.pdf

942.4 KB

Reply by the Authors to Yurij P. Ulybyshev.pdf

107.0 KB

Spinup dynamics of gyrostats.pdf

970.9 KB

Stability of motion on three-dimensional halo orbits.pdf

719.6 KB

Substructure-based controller design method for flexible structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Time-optimal lateral maneuvers of an aircraft.pdf

927.9 KB

Unified literal approximations for longitudinal dynamics of flexible flight vehicles.pdf

994.3 KB


Adjoint variable solutions via an auxiliary optimization problem.pdf

707.6 KB

Aerocapture with a flexible tether.pdf

942.8 KB

Analytical models of Doppler data signatures.pdf

511.3 KB

Author Index 1995.pdf

251.3 KB

Bayesian state estimation for tracking and guidance using the bootstrap filter.pdf

1.1 MB

Chronological Index 1995.pdf

1.2 MB

Comment on 'Robustness of solutions to a benchmark control problem'.pdf

171.7 KB

Comparative stability analysis and performance of magnetic controllers for bias momentum satellites.pdf

1.2 MB

Determination of weighting matrices of a linear quadratic regulator.pdf

290.6 KB

Errata_ Flight Test of Radar Altimeter Enhancement for Terrain-Referenced Guidance.pdf

95.6 KB

Experiments with model-simplified computed-torque manipulator controllers for free-flying robots.pdf

967.7 KB

Feedback control logic for spacecraft eigenaxis rotations under slew rate and control constraints.pdf

778.0 KB

Fuel time optimal control of the benchmark problem.pdf

761.2 KB

Generalization of the Wittrick-Williams formula for counting modes of flexible structures.pdf

590.4 KB

Identification of a nonlinear aerodynamic model of the F-14 aircraft.pdf

806.0 KB

Influence of pinned joints on damping and dynamic behavior of a truss.pdf

999.2 KB

Magnetic precession and product-of-inertia nutation damping of bias momentum satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Maximum-payload trajectories for a laser-propelled launch vehicle.pdf

983.2 KB

Modeling of translational motion between two flexible bodies connected via three points.pdf

856.4 KB

Motion of a rigid body with an attached spring-mass damper.pdf

708.2 KB

Near-minimum-time maneuvers of large structures - Theory and experiments.pdf

841.2 KB

Neural-network-based scheme for sensor failure detection, identification, and accommodation.pdf

913.8 KB

Nonlinear control law for aerial towed target.pdf

916.5 KB

Observability of gravimeter-aided inertial navigation systems.pdf

350.4 KB

Optimal maneuver of a flexible arm by space-time finite element method.pdf

519.6 KB

Optimal planar interception with terminal constraints.pdf

771.8 KB

Optimal tradeoff between H2 performance and tracking accuracy in servocompensator synthesis.pdf

626.7 KB

Passive airborne navigation and terrain avoidance using gravity gradiometry.pdf

1.3 MB

Pole placement in optimal regulator by continuous pole-shifting.pdf

754.8 KB

Real structured singular value synthesis using the scaled Popov criterion.pdf

1.0 MB

Recurrent artificial neural network simulation of a chaotic system without training.pdf

522.8 KB

Reply by the authors to J. J. Gribble.pdf

414.6 KB

Resonance capture in unbalanced dual-spin spacecraft.pdf

953.0 KB

Resonance control of aircraft instabilities by smooth and continuous feedback.pdf

1.0 MB

Robust closed-loop control design for spacecraft slew maneuver using thrusters.pdf

764.9 KB

Roll pitch determination with scanning horizon sensors - Oblateness and altitude corrections.pdf

1.3 MB

Simple guidance method for single stage to low Earth orbit.pdf

990.5 KB

Smooth sliding-mode control for spacecraft attitude tracking maneuvers.pdf

484.0 KB

Spacecraft attitude determination by Kalman filtering of Global Positioning System signals.pdf

1.0 MB

Subject Index 1995.pdf

1.1 MB

Suboptimal command generation for control moment gyroscopes and feedback control of spacecraft.pdf

663.0 KB

Terminal homing performance of semiactive missiles against multitarget raids.pdf

1.1 MB

Terrain-aided navigation using the Viterbi algorithm.pdf

855.3 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

170.6 KB

Analysis of the dereverberated transfer function in finite dimensions.pdf

1.2 MB

Analytical solution for dynamic analysis of a flexible L-shaped structure.pdf

364.2 KB

Approximate pole placement for acceleration feedback control of flexible structures.pdf

579.1 KB

Atmospheric re-entry control for low lift drag vehicles.pdf

936.0 KB

Control of a flexible beam using back electromotive force of motor.pdf

761.1 KB

Deployment retrieval control of a tethered subsatellite under effect of tether elasticity.pdf

859.8 KB

Design of stabilizing control laws for mechanical systems based on Lyapunov's method.pdf

1.1 MB

Double averaging approach to the study of spinup dynamics of flexible satellites.pdf

696.6 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

116.6 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

213.9 KB

Exact time-optimal control of the wave equation.pdf

648.9 KB

F8 neurocontroller based on dynamic inversion.pdf

658.0 KB


1.2 MB

Feedback design for unstable plants with saturating nonlinearities - Single-input, single-output.pdf

848.6 KB

Finite difference scheme for automatic costate calculation.pdf

1.2 MB

Four-dimensional guidance of atmospheric vehicles.pdf

1.0 MB

Fuel optimal propulsive maneuver of an experimental structure exhibiting spacelike dynamics.pdf

1.5 MB

Full envelope flight control system design using quantitative feedback theory.pdf

924.6 KB

General formulation for N-body tethered satellite system dynamics.pdf

1.1 MB

Global structure modeling using force-state component identification.pdf

1.3 MB

Guidance, navigation, and control from instrumentation to information management.pdf

1.6 MB

Linear quadratic flight control for ejection seats.pdf

1.1 MB

Long flight-time range-optimal aircraft trajectories.pdf

406.0 KB

Minimum-time control characteristics of flexible structures.pdf

809.0 KB

Multiple control effector rate limiting.pdf

1.2 MB

Nearly nonminimal linear-quadratic-Gaussian compensators for reduced-order control design initialization.pdf

426.3 KB

New iterative method to solve optimal control problems with terminal constraints.pdf

336.6 KB

Nonlinear control of dual-spin spacecraft during despin through precession phase lock.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear H-infinity optimal control for agile missiles.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear trajectory tracking guidance with application to a launch vehicle.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear transformation methods for gravity-turn descent.pdf

284.3 KB

Numerical computation of orbit error covariance functions.pdf

315.0 KB

Optimal aircraft terrain-following flight with nonlinear engine dynamics.pdf

410.2 KB

Optimal feedback control of a nonlinear system - Wing rock example.pdf

580.2 KB

Optimal time re-entry of vehicles by asymptotic matching.pdf

825.6 KB

Optimization of generalized potential in mission function control - Analytical and experimental results.pdf

877.1 KB

Performance enhancement for a missile in the presence of saturating actuators.pdf

1.3 MB

Prescribed pole placement with optimal weight selection for single-input controllable systems.pdf

605.5 KB

Pseudoholomorphic behavior of planar space robots.pdf

456.0 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics--1995.pdf

218.8 KB

Robust control design framework for substructure models.pdf

1.3 MB

Robust fault detection filter design.pdf

620.1 KB

Satellite pitch dynamics in the elliptic problem of three bodies.pdf

927.1 KB

Sensitivity analysis algorithm for the state chi-square test.pdf

525.1 KB

Strategic intercept midcourse guidance using modified zero effort miss steering.pdf

771.2 KB


Adaptation of centers of approximation for nonlinear tracking control.pdf

898.0 KB

Advanced helicopter flight control using two-degree-of-freedom H(infinity) optimization.pdf

1.1 MB

Analytical missile guidance laws with a time-varying transformation.pdf

477.2 KB

Approximate initial Lagrange costates for continuous-thrust spacecraft.pdf

753.2 KB

Capture conditions for merging trajectory segments to model realistic aircraft descents.pdf

1.1 MB

Comment on 'Special Section_ Hubble Space Telescope Control'.pdf

123.8 KB

Dense-sparse discretization for optimization and real-time guidance.pdf

347.2 KB

Design and robustness analysis of gain-scheduled control system for parabolic flight.pdf

1.1 MB

Designs of learning controllers based on autoregressive representation of a linear system.pdf

1.0 MB

Dynamic programming approach for burnout-to-apogee guidance of precision munitions.pdf

857.3 KB

Dynamics and stability of a freely precessing spacecraft containing a nutation damper.pdf

969.3 KB

Editorial from the New Editor-in-Chief.pdf

122.0 KB

Effect of actuator nonlinearities on aeroservoelasticity.pdf

990.6 KB

Efficient class of optimized coning compensation algorithms.pdf

765.1 KB

Errata_ Full Envelope Flight Control System Design Using Quantitative Feedback Theory.pdf

123.8 KB

Experimental validation of an integrated controls-structures design methodology.pdf

1.5 MB

Extra-insensitive input shapers for controlling flexible spacecraft.pdf

975.1 KB

Formulation of stability conditions for systems containing driven rotors.pdf

431.0 KB

Frequency domain performance bounds for uncertain positive real systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Improved tunnel display for curved trajectory following - Control considerations.pdf

1.2 MB

Improved tunnel display for curved trajectory following - Experimental evaluation.pdf

1.2 MB

Integrated aircraft-controller design using linear matrix inequalities.pdf

1.0 MB

Integrated controls-structures design methodology - Redesign of an evolutionary test structure.pdf

1.2 MB

Inverse and optimal control for precision aerobatic maneuvers.pdf

531.0 KB

Linear quadratic pursuit-evasion games with terminal velocity constraints.pdf

436.7 KB

Low-thrust flyby guidance and an extended optimal spacing rule.pdf

970.0 KB

Methodology for alerting-system performance evaluation.pdf

1.2 MB

Mixed-strategy guidance in future ship defense.pdf

803.3 KB

Multiobjective optimization of structures with and without control.pdf

821.3 KB

Near-optimal low-thrust lunar trajectories.pdf

500.7 KB

New approach to halo orbit determination and control.pdf

983.0 KB

Nonlinear inverse dynamics control of aircraft using spoilers.pdf

999.6 KB

Nonlinear vibrations in the Tethered Satellite System-Mission 1.pdf

1.4 MB

Orbital planar maneuvers using two and three-four (through infinity) impulses.pdf

1.2 MB

Reduced-order compensation using the Hyland-Bernstein optimal projection equations.pdf

1.6 MB

Should controls be eliminated while solving optimal control problems via direct methods_.pdf

787.2 KB

Stability augmentation design of a large flexible transport using nonlinear parameter optimization.pdf

805.3 KB

Unified development of lateral-directional departure criteria.pdf

657.3 KB


Adaptive orbit determination for interplanetary spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Analytical solution of generalized three-dimensional proportional navigation.pdf

535.8 KB

Analytical solution of three-dimensional realistic true proportional navigation.pdf

1.0 MB

Attitude determination and control of Clementine during lunar mapping.pdf

966.3 KB

Characterization of periodic motions in aircraft lateral dynamics.pdf

697.5 KB

Design of an autoland controller for an F-14 aircraft using H-infinity synthesis.pdf

1.2 MB

Detumbling and reorienting underactuated rigid spacecraft.pdf

490.6 KB

Direct optimization of gain scheduled controllers via genetic algorithms.pdf

1.0 MB

Direct optimization using collocation based on high-order Gauss-Lobatto quadrature rules.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamic modal truncation-relaxation.pdf

721.4 KB

Experimental evaluation of an adaptive controller for a wind-driven pitch manipulator.pdf

998.9 KB

Exponential criterion-based guidance law for acceleration constrained missile and maneuvering target.pdf

501.6 KB

Finite element modeling of one-dimensional viscoelastic structures using anelastic displacement fields.pdf

1.3 MB

Flexible-body dynamics modeling of a vehicle moving on the rails of a structure.pdf

1.1 MB

Frequency domain control of single input single output distributed parameter systems.pdf

458.3 KB

H-infinity control of an Earth observation satellite.pdf

1.2 MB

Inertial space optimal trajectories of aerial three-dimensional pursuit-evasion differential game.pdf

892.7 KB

Line-of-sight guidance for descent to a minor solar system body.pdf

449.8 KB

Method for improving autopilot lag compensation in intercept guidance.pdf

394.8 KB

Minimizing interceptor size using neural networks for terminal guidance law synthesis.pdf

858.0 KB

Mixed H2 H-infinity optimal control for an elastic aircraft.pdf

801.8 KB

Modeling of the planar motion of a flexible structure.pdf

593.5 KB

Near-optimal highly robust guidance for aeroassisted orbital transfer.pdf

974.8 KB

New numerical method improving the integration of time in KS regularization.pdf

400.8 KB

Nonlinear flutter analysis of missiles with pneumatic fin actuators.pdf

885.1 KB

Optimal control of a rigid body with dissimilar actuators.pdf

420.4 KB

Optimal recursive iterative algorithm for discrete nonlinear least-squares estimation.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal sensor placement for modal identification using system-realization methods.pdf

448.2 KB

Parametric robustness evaluation of a H-infinity missile autopilot.pdf

816.1 KB

Parametric uncertainty reduction in robust missile autopilot design.pdf

520.3 KB

Passivity motivated controller design for flexible structures.pdf

560.3 KB

Precise trajectory tracking control of elastic joint manipulator.pdf

481.1 KB

Quantitative performance robustness linear quadratic optimal system design.pdf

573.9 KB

Robust control design strategy with parameter-dominated uncertainty.pdf

1.0 MB

Root-mean-square miss distance of proportional navigation missile against sinusoidal target.pdf

740.2 KB

Sampled-data system with computation time delay - Optimal W-synthesis method.pdf

1.4 MB

Scanning horizon sensor attitude correction for Earth oblateness.pdf

375.0 KB

Self-sensing magnetostrictive actuator for vibration suppression.pdf

495.4 KB

Sliding control using output feedback.pdf

330.0 KB

Spacecraft Euler parameter tracking of large-angle maneuvers via sliding mode control.pdf

266.2 KB

Spinup maneuver and nonlinear active nutation damping.pdf

389.7 KB

Stability analysis on Earth Observing System AM-1 spacecraft Earth acquisition.pdf

963.3 KB

Synchronization of twin-gyro precession under cross-coupled adaptive feedforward control.pdf

854.5 KB

Variational solutions for the heat-rate-limited aeroassisted orbital transfer problem.pdf

821.4 KB

Wave approach for control of orientation and vibration of a flexible structure.pdf

995.2 KB


Active control of flexible structures by use of segmented piezoelectric elements.pdf

1.1 MB

Adaptive attitude control for an artificial satellite with mobile bodies.pdf

716.0 KB

Adaptive control of a zero-stiffness suspension system.pdf

922.0 KB

Adaptive control of feedback linearizable nonlinear systems with application to flight control.pdf

891.9 KB

Adaptive-critic-based neural networks for aircraft optimal control.pdf

683.8 KB

Asymptotic linear quadratic control for lightly damped structures.pdf

574.4 KB

Attitude control for low lift drag re-entry vehicles.pdf

789.3 KB

Comment on 'Matrix method for eigenstructure assignment - The multi-input case with application'.pdf

147.1 KB

Compact finite burn targeting and reconstruction algorithm.pdf

758.4 KB

Control of wing rock motion using adaptive feedback linearization.pdf

899.3 KB

Derivation of zero-gravity structural control models from analysis and ground experimentation.pdf

1.1 MB

Development and flight test of terrain-referenced guidance with ladar forward sensor.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamic boundary evaluation method for approximate optimal lunar trajectories.pdf

484.2 KB

Effect of common process noise on two-sensor track fusion.pdf

779.9 KB

Efficient computation of closed-loop frequency response for large-order flexible systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Flight envelopes for hypersonic aerorendezvous at constant altitude.pdf

654.1 KB

Fuel-efficient pulse command profiles for flexible spacecraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Indirect identification of linear stochastic systems with known feedback dynamics.pdf

792.8 KB

Measurement reconstruction approach for distributed multisensor fusion.pdf

981.8 KB

Motion control of free-floating variable geometry truss. I - Kinematics.pdf

982.3 KB

Motion control of free-floating variable geometry truss. II - Inverse kinematics.pdf

1.6 MB

Motion of a spacecraft with magnetic damper.pdf

465.3 KB

Mu-synthesis using linear quadratic Gaussian controllers.pdf

874.0 KB

Multivariable control of the J-85 turbojet engine for full flight envelope operation.pdf

820.0 KB

Nonlinear autopilot design for bank-to-turn steering of a flight vehicle.pdf

290.2 KB

Nonlinear receding-horizon state estimation by real-time optimization technique.pdf

921.3 KB

Novel approach to reconfigurable control systems design.pdf

730.0 KB

On-orbit thruster calibration.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal sensor placement of large flexible space structures.pdf

504.9 KB

Optimally scaled H-infinity full information control synthesis with real uncertainty.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimized feedforward design scheme unifying regulator and command generator tracker.pdf

685.5 KB

Periodic optimal flight.pdf

1.8 MB

Pole assignment for optimal regulators with a nonnegative definite weighting matrix.pdf

433.4 KB

Reaching conditions for variable structure control with output feedback.pdf

842.1 KB

Real-time optimal state feedback control for tethered subsatellite system.pdf

441.2 KB

Regional pole placement method for discrete-time systems.pdf

419.3 KB

Reply by the authors to Choi et al.pdf

192.6 KB

Stabilization and optimality results for the attitude control problem.pdf

1.1 MB

Synthesis of optimal H-infinity controllers via H2-based loop-shaping design.pdf

1.0 MB

Transfer orbits in the Earth-moon system using a regularized model.pdf

579.9 KB

Universal formulation for the N-body problem.pdf

789.8 KB


Altitude for maximum angular velocity about the Earth during hypersonic cruise.pdf

468.3 KB

Analytical vibration and resonant motion of a stretched spinning nonlinear tether.pdf

820.6 KB

Closed-form optimal guidance law for missiles of time-varying velocity.pdf

716.2 KB

Closed-loop, estimator-based model of human posture following reduced gravity exposure.pdf

1.1 MB

Comment on 'Integrated development of the equations of motion for elastic hypersonic flight vehicles'.pdf

318.4 KB

Comparison and combination of learning controllers - Computational enhancement and experiments.pdf

1.3 MB

Control and flight performance of tethered satellite small expendable deployment system-II.pdf

1.2 MB

Decoupling of the longitudinal modes of advanced aircraft.pdf

404.4 KB

Development and flight testing of quantitative feedback theory pitch rate stability augmentation system.pdf

1.1 MB

Discrete-time, mixed-norm control synthesis applied to aircraft terrain following.pdf

1.0 MB

Effect of damping on the structure of the time-optimal control profile.pdf

423.6 KB

Errata_ Feedback Design for Unstable Plants with Saturating Nonlinearities_ Single-Input, Single-Output.pdf

55.1 KB

Fuel slosh in skewed tanks.pdf

769.4 KB

Gain-scheduled bank-to-turn autopilot design using linear parameter varying transformations.pdf

1.0 MB

Global stabilization of flexible multibody spacecraft using quaternion-based nonlinear control law.pdf

447.2 KB

Ground-based simulation of space manipulators using test bed with suspension system.pdf

933.4 KB

High-performance active control of dynamically complex space structures.pdf

1.8 MB

Instrumentation analysis using parameter estimation of simulated data.pdf

453.1 KB

Momentum transfer in two-rotor gyrostats.pdf

802.5 KB

Moving mass trim control for aerospace vehicles.pdf

793.7 KB

Near-optimal operation of dual-fuel launch vehicles.pdf

485.2 KB

New method for accurate and consistent identification of modal parameters.pdf

1.0 MB

New optimal approach to Global Positioning System Differential Global Positioning System integrity monitoring.pdf

1.3 MB

New pulse-modulation technique for guidance and control of automated spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Optimal output trajectory redesign for invertible systems.pdf

459.8 KB

Optimal power-limited rendezvous with upper and lower bounds on thrust.pdf

1.1 MB

Periodic motion in the tethered satellite system.pdf

346.0 KB

Powered swingby.pdf

897.3 KB

Quantitative feedback theory with a scheduled gain for full envelope longitudinal control.pdf

1.0 MB

Reply by the authors to Nivritti Vithoba Kadam.pdf

216.4 KB

REQUEST - A recursive QUEST algorithm for sequential attitude determination.pdf

633.6 KB

Robust control of passive-jointed robot and experimental validation using sliding mode.pdf

1.0 MB

Robust digital autopilot design for spacecraft equipped with pulse-operated thrusters.pdf

1.2 MB

Robust H-infinity stabilizing controllers for a seeker scan loop system.pdf

1.1 MB

Robust predictor-corrector guidance for aeroassisted orbital transfer.pdf

1.0 MB

Vibration control of a flexible beam using shape memory alloy actuators.pdf

444.7 KB

Vibration control of flexible structures using a combined H-infinity filter approach.pdf

904.2 KB


Antiwindup controllers for systems with input nonlinearities.pdf

473.8 KB

Application of a learning control algorithm to a rotor blade tab.pdf

555.8 KB

Application of multivariable linear control design to marine towed systems.pdf

923.8 KB

Application of real structured singular values to flight control law validation.pdf

1.0 MB

Attitude determination studies for the Earth Observation System AM1 (EOS-AM1) mission.pdf

734.2 KB

Author Index 1996.pdf

240.9 KB

Book Review_ Aerodynamics, Aeronautics, and Flight Mechanics, Second Edition.pdf

150.8 KB

Chronological Index 1996.pdf

1.2 MB

Determination of equilibrium points for an aircraft dynamic model.pdf

476.4 KB

Eigenvector scaling for mode localization in vibrating systems.pdf

973.8 KB

Explicit guidance for aeroassisted orbital plane change.pdf

390.7 KB

Explicit, near-optimal guidance for power-limited transfers between coplanar circular orbits.pdf

1.1 MB

First results of reduced dynamics with DORIS on TOPEX Poseidon and SPOT.pdf

880.0 KB

Global-local observer Markov parameter identification for system realization.pdf

766.3 KB

Hankel singular values of flexible structures in discrete time.pdf

814.3 KB

Homotopy algorithm for fixed order mixed H2 H-infinity design.pdf

1.1 MB

Lyapunov stability analysis of daisy chain control allocation.pdf

684.3 KB

Mercury sun-synchronous polar orbits using solar sail propulsion.pdf

778.7 KB

Method for automatic costate calculation.pdf

1.2 MB

Mixed linear-quadratic eigenstructure strategy for design of stability augmentation systems.pdf

830.9 KB

Modified recursive maximum likelihood adaptive filter for nonlinear aircraft flight-path reconstruction.pdf

1.2 MB

Multivariable high-authority control of plate-like active structures.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal planar evasive aircraft maneuvers against proportional navigation missiles.pdf

771.3 KB

Optimality and guidance for planar multiple-burn orbit transfers.pdf

788.0 KB

Position tracking control of a smart flexible structure featuring a piezofilm actuator.pdf

742.6 KB

Preliminary star catalog development for the Earth Observation System AM1 (EOS-AM1) mission.pdf

827.2 KB

Preliminary study of optimal thrust-limited path-constrained maneuvers.pdf

994.6 KB

Reduction of coolant fuel losses in hypersonic flight by optimal trajectory control.pdf

841.4 KB

Removing bias from discrete time models based on finite interval response data.pdf

664.0 KB

Sensor placement for time-domain modal parameter estimation.pdf

998.5 KB

Sliding mode control using modified Rodrigues parameters.pdf

323.8 KB

Spacecraft attitude estimation using the Global Positioning System - Methodology and results for RADCAL.pdf

1.3 MB

Stability and flying qualities robustness of a dynamic inversion aircraft control law.pdf

1.2 MB

State-space system identification from closed-loop frequency response data.pdf

351.2 KB

Subject Index 1996.pdf

1.0 MB

Variable structure controller design for robust tracking and model following.pdf

269.9 KB


Accuracy of Aerodynamic Model Parameters Estimated from Flight Test Data.pdf

213.8 KB

Active Magnetic Damping Attitude Control for Gravity Gradient Stabilized Spacecraft.pdf

170.9 KB

Adaptive Filters for Real-Time System Identification and Control.pdf

203.5 KB

Attitude Estimation Algorithms for Spinning Satellites Using Global Positioning System Phase Data.pdf

227.9 KB

Bifurcation of Self-Excited Rigid Bodies Subjected to Small Perturbation Torques.pdf

174.5 KB

Book Review.pdf

75.1 KB

Characterization of Ring Laser Gyro Performance Using the Allan Variance Method.pdf

129.0 KB

Comparison of Master Station and User Algorithms for Wide-Area Augmentation System.pdf

351.9 KB

Conjecture About Orthogonal Functions.pdf

156.9 KB

Conversion of Optimal Control Problems into Parameter Optimization Problems.pdf

524.3 KB

Covariance Projection Methods for Filters and Smoothers.pdf

605.1 KB

Disturbance Rejection Approach to Actuator and Sensor Placement.pdf

112.1 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

229.2 KB

Ending the First Year and Beginning the Second as Editor-in-Chief, JGCD.pdf

3.2 MB

Entry Guidance and Trajectory Control for Reusable Launch Vehicle.pdf

248.2 KB

Estimation of Vehicle Dynamic and Static Parameters from Magnetometer Data.pdf

204.9 KB

Flight Control Applications of l Optimization.pdf

282.0 KB

Flight Control System Design by Self-Organizing Fuzzy Logic Controller.pdf

101.9 KB

Flight Control System Design with Rate Saturating Actuators.pdf

230.9 KB

Minimum Drag Control Allocation.pdf

164.5 KB

Minimum Time Maneuver of Flexible Systems Using Pulse Response Based Control.pdf

215.0 KB

Missile Autopilot Design Using a New Linear Time-Varying Control Technique.pdf

641.0 KB

Modal Parameter Identification of Controlled Structures.pdf

135.1 KB

Near-Optimal Low-Thrust Trajectories via Micro-Genetic Algorithms.pdf

127.2 KB

Noetherian Perspective of Eulerian Motion of a Free Rigid Body.pdf

144.9 KB

Nonlinear Flight Control Using Neural Networks.pdf

305.6 KB

On-Line Version of the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm Using Data Correlations.pdf

619.7 KB

Optimal Guidance with Reduced Sensitivity to Time-to-Go Estimation Errors.pdf

551.2 KB

Optimized TRIAD Algorithm for Attitude Determination.pdf

165.2 KB

Orbital Maneuvers via Feedback Linearization and Bang-Bang Control.pdf

587.9 KB

Origins, Evolution, and Future of Satellite Navigation.pdf

4.2 MB

Pilot Prefilter Design via H8 Model-Matching Approach.pdf

149.9 KB

Pilot-Induced Oscillation Analysis and Prediction with Actuator Rate Limiting.pdf

430.2 KB

Range-Rate Control Algorithms and Space Rendezvous Schemes.pdf

138.9 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics - 1996.pdf

266.8 KB

Slewing Multimode Flexible Spacecraft with Zero Derivative Robustness Constraints.pdf

136.8 KB

Time-Domain Finite Element Method for Inverse Problem of Aircraft Maneuvers.pdf

238.0 KB

Uncertainty Modeling and Fixed-Order Controller Design for a Hypersonic Vehicle Model.pdf

255.7 KB

Unification of Several System Realization Algorithms.pdf

873.1 KB

µ Controllers_ Mixed and Fixed.pdf

260.8 KB


Active Damping of Structures with Guy Cables.pdf

284.8 KB

Adaptive Robust Bank-to-Turn Missile Autopilot Design Using Neural Networks.pdf

340.6 KB

Analytical Solutions for Exponentially Correlated Acceleration Tracking Filters.pdf

174.8 KB

Articulated, Flexible Multibody Dynamics Modeling_ Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-8 Case Study.pdf

271.5 KB

Closed-Loop Pole Design for Vibration Suppression.pdf

192.1 KB

Comparison of Inverse Modification Techniques for Some Gyroscopic Systems.pdf

221.1 KB

Control Structure Integrated Design for Flexible Spacecraft Undergoing On-Orbit Maneuvers.pdf

301.9 KB

Design Impact of Piezoelectric Actuator Nonlinearities.pdf

811.6 KB

Evaluation of Flat-Earth Approximation Results for Geopotential Missions.pdf

296.5 KB

Evaluation of Star Identification Techniques.pdf

283.5 KB

Extremal Angle of Attack over a Singular Thrust Arc in Rocket Flight.pdf

133.9 KB

Fuel Time Optimal Control of Spacecraft Maneuvers.pdf

182.5 KB

Gravity Turn Descent with Quadratic Air Drag.pdf

114.8 KB

Integrated Rotor-Flight Control System Optimization with Aeroelastic and Handling Qualities Constraints.pdf

267.6 KB

Limitations of Decentralized Control.pdf

237.1 KB

Minimax Optimal Control Analysis of Lateral Escape Maneuvers for Microburst Encounters.pdf

246.9 KB

Navigation Filter Estimate Fusion for Enhanced Spacecraft Rendezvous.pdf

354.7 KB

Near-Optimal Guidance Law for Ballistic Missile Interception.pdf

380.0 KB

Nonlinear Dynamics of the Tethered Subsatellite System in the Station Keeping Phase.pdf

223.5 KB

Optimal Earth–Moon Trajectories Using Combined Chemical–Electric Propulsion.pdf

221.5 KB

Optimal Earth–Moon Trajectories Using Nuclear Electric Propulsion.pdf

225.3 KB

Parameter Varying Control of a High-Performance Aircraft.pdf

307.7 KB

Pole-Placement Technique for Magnetic Momentum Removal of Earth-Pointing Spacecraft.pdf

385.1 KB

Robust Controller Design with Damping and Stability Specifications.pdf

173.8 KB

Robustness of a Variable Structure Control System for Maneuverable Flight Vehicles.pdf

271.9 KB

Second-Order Correction and Numerical Considerations for the Two-Step Optimal Estimator.pdf

347.9 KB

Slewing Flexible Spacecraft with Deflection-Limiting Input Shaping.pdf

281.9 KB

Stability of a Spinning Axisymmetric Rocket with Dissipative Internal Mass Motion.pdf

256.0 KB

Strategy for the Passive Manauvering of Tether-Connected Systems.pdf

938.1 KB

Trajectory Synthesis for Air Traffic Automation.pdf

186.8 KB


Annihilation of Transverse Velocity Bias During Spinning-Up Maneuvers.pdf

390.7 KB

Comparison of Analytical Modeling of OEDIPUS Tethers with Data from Tether Laboratory.pdf

932.9 KB

Concatenated Approach to Trajectory Optimization.pdf

170.2 KB

Conflict Probability for Free Flight.pdf

1.1 MB

Constrained Steering Law of Pyramid-Type Control Moment Gyros and Ground Tests.pdf

281.4 KB

Estimation of Structural Response Using Remote Sensor Locations.pdf

337.4 KB

Experimental Comparison of Robust H Control Techniques for Uncertain Structural Systems.pdf

191.9 KB

Explicit Method for Parameter Identification.pdf

223.0 KB

Feasible Controller Design for Stochastic Systems.pdf

293.8 KB

Feedback Control Law Design for the Dual-Spin Turn of Spacecraft.pdf

279.6 KB

Finite Horizon Static Output H8 Control with Automatic Beam Guidance Application.pdf

935.3 KB

Higher-Order Cayley Transforms with Applications to Attitude Representations.pdf

238.7 KB

Integral Relations for Disturbance Isolation.pdf

86.3 KB

Life-Extending Control of Reusable Rocket Engines.pdf

115.0 KB

Low-Thrust Orbit Raising with Coupled Plane Change and J Precession.pdf

178.3 KB

Missile Control Using Fuzzy Cerebellar Model Arithmetic Computer Neural Networks.pdf

456.2 KB

n-Dimensional Cross Product and its Application to the Matrix Eigenanalysis.pdf

1.6 MB

Neighboring Extremal Control Design Using Error Compensation.pdf

283.0 KB

New Penalty Functions and Optimal Control Formulation for Spacecraft Attitude Control Problems.pdf

422.3 KB

Nonlinear Control of a Proof-Mass Actuator.pdf

285.1 KB

Optimal Regulation and Passivity Results for Axisymmetric Rigid Bodies Using Two Controls.pdf

252.9 KB

Optimal Steering for North–South Stationkeeping of Geostationary Spacecraft.pdf

352.1 KB

Output Tracking with Nonhyperbolic and Near Nonhyperbolic Internal Dynamics_ Helicopter Hover Control.pdf

365.3 KB

Path Planning for Space Manipulators to Reduce Attitude Disturbances.pdf

302.1 KB

Piezoelectric Stack Actuators and Control System Design_ Strategies and Pitfalls.pdf

948.2 KB

Planar Aeroassisted Attainability Domain.pdf

290.9 KB

Prediction of Pilot-in-the-Loop Oscillations Due to Rate Saturation.pdf

328.8 KB

Predictive Filtering for Attitude Estimation Without Rate Sensors.pdf

237.7 KB

Predictive Filtering for Nonlinear Systems.pdf

224.6 KB

Review of Applied System Identification.pdf

67.9 KB

Robust Flutter Margins of an F A-18 Aircraft from Aeroelastic Flight Data.pdf

899.7 KB

Suboptimal Singular Orbital Transfer.pdf

177.0 KB

System Realization Using Information Matrix.pdf

377.3 KB

Terminal Area Navigation Using a Relative Global Positioning System Correction Vector Scheme.pdf

134.8 KB

Third-Order, Minimal-Parameter Solution of the Orthogonal Matrix Differential Equation.pdf

205.1 KB

V8 Leveraging for Interplanetary Missions_ Multiple-Revolution Orbit Techniques.pdf

288.3 KB


Applications of Canonical Transformations in Optimizing Orbital Transfers.pdf

774.9 KB

Approximate Optimal Planar Guidance of an Aeroassisted Space Vehicle.pdf

352.3 KB

Approximations for Quantitative Feedback Theory Designs.pdf

174.3 KB

Bifurcation Analysis of a Highly Augmented Aircraft Model.pdf

291.5 KB

Close-Approach Trajectories in the Elliptic Restricted Problem.pdf

962.1 KB

Controller Reduction Using Normal Coordinates of Reconstruction Error Matrix and Component Cost Analysis Method.pdf

115.4 KB

Cycle Ambiguity Estimation for Aircraft Precision Landing Using the Global Positioning System.pdf

376.7 KB

Design of Constant Gain Dissipative Controllers for Eigensystem Assignment in Passive Systems.pdf

303.9 KB

Design of Deep Stall Protection for the C-17A.pdf

293.1 KB

Digital Modeling and Digital Redesign of Analog Uncertain Systems Using Genetic Algorithms.pdf

229.5 KB

Dynamics of Flight_ Stability and Control; Third Edition.pdf

71.5 KB

Experimental Verification of Vibration Reduction in Flexible Spacecraft Using Input Shaping.pdf

294.2 KB

Feedback Control of Space Robot Attitude by Cyclic Arm Motion.pdf

227.6 KB

Frequency-Domain Optimal Estimator for Wing Rock Models.pdf

218.2 KB

Geomagnetic Attitude Control of Satellites Using Generalized Multiple Scales.pdf

304.1 KB

Improved Method for Calculating Exact Geodetic Latitude and Altitude.pdf

140.3 KB

Improved Pilot Model for Space Shuttle Rendezvous.pdf

147.8 KB

Maneuvering Flight Control with Actuator Constraints.pdf

238.1 KB

Mass Property Estimation Using Coasting Maneuvers.pdf

262.0 KB

Mechanics of Trajectory Optimization Using Nonsingular Variational Equations in Polar Coordinates.pdf

226.9 KB

Minimum-Time Continuous-Thrust Orbit Transfers Using the Kustaanheimo–Stiefel Transformation.pdf

145.6 KB

Mixed H H8 Method Suitable for Gain Scheduled Aircraft Control.pdf

314.5 KB

Near-Optimal Control of Altitude and Path Angle During Aerospace Plane Ascent.pdf

245.3 KB

Near-Optimal Horizontal Trajectories for Autonomous Air Vehicles.pdf

226.3 KB

New Procedure for Deriving Optimized Strapdown Attitude Algorithms.pdf

209.3 KB

Numerical Approach to Inverse Flight Dynamics.pdf

244.4 KB

Numerically Efficient Robustness Analysis of Trajectory Tracking for Nonlinear Systems.pdf

266.6 KB

Optimal Low-Earth-Orbit–Geostationary-Earth-Orbit Intermediate Acceleration Orbit Transfer.pdf

473.2 KB

Order N Formulation for Flexible Multibody Systems in Tree Topology_ Lagrangian Approach.pdf

529.7 KB

Postlaunch Contingency Trajectories for the Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission.pdf

169.3 KB

Prototype Conflict Alerting System for Free Flight.pdf

219.3 KB

Separation Dynamics of Strap-On Boosters in the Atmosphere.pdf

334.3 KB

Stochastic Analysis of the Interception of Maneuvering Antisurface Missiles.pdf

318.0 KB

Verifying Robust Time-Optimal Commands for Multimode Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

133.8 KB


Actuator and Exciter Placement for Flexible Structures.pdf

239.3 KB

Adaptive Nonlinear Attitude Control and Momentum Management of Spacecraft.pdf

340.1 KB

ALEXIS Spacecraft Attitude Reconstruction with Thermal Flexible Motions Due to Launch Damage.pdf

361.0 KB

Analysis of Adaptive Neural Networks for Helicopter Flight Control.pdf

271.2 KB

Analysis of the Frequency, Damping, and Total Insensitivities of Input Shaping Designs.pdf

778.5 KB

Approximate Decoupling Flight Control Design with Output Feedback.pdf

273.4 KB

Autonomous Optical Guidance and Navigation Strategy Around a Small Body.pdf

265.0 KB

Continuous Proximate Time-Optimal Control of an Aerodynamically Unstable Rocket.pdf

160.7 KB

Describing Function Analysis in the Presence of Uncertainty.pdf

219.3 KB

Development of Structural Uncertainty Models.pdf

311.3 KB

Evaluation of Practical Solutions for Onboard Aircraft Four-Dimensional Guidance.pdf

101.4 KB

Extension of the Friedland Parameter Estimator to Discrete-Time Systems.pdf

125.7 KB

Flight-Test Results of Propulsion-Only Emergency Control System on MD-11 Airplane.pdf

354.6 KB

Fuel-Optimal Periodic Control and Regulation in Constrained Hypersonic Flight.pdf

563.5 KB

Helicopter Attitude Command Attitude Hold Using Individual Channel Analysis and Design.pdf

299.4 KB

Improved Eigenstructure Assignment Controller Design Using a Substructure-Based Coordinate System.pdf

350.2 KB

More on Gain Adaptive Tracking.pdf

361.7 KB

New Algorithm for Attitude Determination Using Global Positioning System Signals.pdf

257.7 KB

New Discrete-Time, Fuzzy-Sliding-Mode Control with Application to Smart Structures.pdf

539.2 KB

New Results for an Asymmetric Rigid Body with Constant Body-Fixed Torques.pdf

349.2 KB

On-Orbit Robust Control Experiment of Flexible Spacecraft ETS-VI.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal Low-Thrust Interception of Earth-Crossing Asteroids.pdf

255.3 KB

Optimal Mass Flexible Tethers for Aerobraking Maneuvers.pdf

315.2 KB

Pointing in Real Euclidean Space.pdf

176.9 KB

Reformulation of Edelbaum's Low-Thrust Transfer Problem Using Optimal Control Theory.pdf

250.6 KB

Relationships Between Positioning Error Measures in Global Positioning System.pdf

141.7 KB

Review of Advances in Aircraft Flight Control.pdf

66.6 KB

Robust Longitudinal Control Design Using Dynamic Inversion and Quantitative Feedback Theory.pdf

344.1 KB

Stability Analysis on Earth Observing System AM-1 Spacecraft Attitude Determination.pdf

129.1 KB

Trajectory Matching Flight-Path Optimization of Aerospace Vehicles.pdf

266.4 KB

Trajectory Optimization Using Nonsingular Orbital Elements and True Longitude.pdf

240.8 KB

Two-Dimensional Active Wing Store Flutter Suppression Using H Theory.pdf

292.1 KB


Adaptive Control of Aeroelastic Instabilities in Transonic Flow and Its Scaling.pdf

429.2 KB

Aerodynamic Parameter Estimation for High-Performance Aircraft Using Extended Kalman Filtering.pdf

246.1 KB

Aircraft Trajectory Optimization in the Horizontal Plane.pdf

681.3 KB

Analytical Relationships for Linear Quadratic Aeroelastic Flight Control Eigenvalues.pdf

469.1 KB

Autopilot Design for Bank-to-Turn Missiles Using Receding Horizon Predictive Control Scheme.pdf

256.7 KB

Compensation for Distributed Hysteresis Operators in Active Structural Systems.pdf

401.2 KB

Continuation Method for Calculation of Transonic Airfoil Flutter Boundaries.pdf

288.6 KB

Differential Game Approach to the Mixed H-H Problem.pdf

241.5 KB

Dynamical Characteristics of a Tethered Stabilized Satellite1271.pdf

645.6 KB

Dynamics of a Dual-Probe Tethered System.pdf

598.8 KB

Editorial_ Nonlinear Dynamical Systems.pdf

38.2 KB

Generalized Holds, Ripple Attenuation, and Tracking Additional Outputs in Learning Control.pdf

257.4 KB

Global Minimum Mass for Aerobraking Tethers.pdf

326.0 KB

Identification of a Multistep-Ahead Observer and Its Application to Predictive Control.pdf

332.7 KB

Identification of Linear Model Parameters and Uncertainties for an Aircraft Turbofan Engine.pdf

662.4 KB

Induced Oscillations of a Finite Plate.pdf

541.9 KB

Low-Order Output Feedback Compensator for Tracking Systems.pdf

375.2 KB

Lyapunov Optimal Saturated Control for Nonlinear Systems.pdf

248.1 KB

Minimum Model Error Approach for Attitude Estimation.pdf

301.9 KB

Modeling Fluid–Structure Interaction.pdf

588.8 KB

Momentum Transfer Dynamics of a Gyrostat with a Discrete Damper.pdf

194.2 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Spacecraft Maneuvers.pdf

301.5 KB

Nonlinear Control of a Prototypical Wing Section with Torsional Nonlinearity.pdf

506.1 KB

Nonlinear Predictive Control of Spacecraft.pdf

281.6 KB

Nonlinear Viscoelastic-Plastic Mechanisms-Based Model of an Electrorheological Damper.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Reorientation Maneuver of Bias Momentum Spacecraft.pdf

237.7 KB

Optimum Mission Performance and Multivariable Flight Guidance for Airbreathing Launch Vehicles.pdf

412.4 KB

Orthogonal Square Root Eigenfactor Parameterization of Mass Matrices.pdf

216.0 KB

Reduced Effort Control Laws for Underactuated Rigid Spacecraft.pdf

286.4 KB

Reversed-Series Solution to the Universal Kepler Equation.pdf

674.6 KB

Sequential Loop Closure in Design of a Robust Rotorcraft Flight Control System.pdf

243.4 KB

Simultaneous Structural Control Optimum Design of Composite Plate with Piezoelectric Actuators.pdf

368.3 KB

Singularities of Nonlinear Attitude Control with Momentum Management.pdf

233.7 KB

Spaceflight Dynamics, Second Edition.pdf

62.4 KB

Unified Theory for Aircraft Handling Qualities and Adverse Aircraft–Pilot Coupling.pdf

306.3 KB

Using Probability Estimates to Identify Environmental Features for a Nonholonomic Control System.pdf

391.9 KB

von Karman Lecture_ Adventures on the Interface of Dynamics and Control.pdf

1.7 MB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

493.2 KB

Beginning the Third Decade of the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.pdf

3.8 MB

Book Review.pdf

76.9 KB

Comment on _Conjecture About Orthogonal Functions_.pdf

102.1 KB

Design of Robust Control Systems for a Hypersonic Aircraft.pdf

226.0 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

366.9 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

52.0 KB

Guidance of a Roll-Only Camera for Ground Observation in Wind.pdf

211.4 KB

Improved Direct Solution of the Global Positioning System Equation.pdf

148.1 KB

Integrated Adaptive Control of Space Manipulators.pdf

245.5 KB

Intercept of Nonmoving Targets at Arbitrary Time-Varying Velocity.pdf

141.8 KB

Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Controllers with Specified Parameter Robustness.pdf

608.5 KB

Linearization of a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Missile for Autopilot Analysis.pdf

153.2 KB

Long-Term Formation Keeping of Satellite Constellation Using Linear-Quadratic Controller.pdf

633.2 KB

Matrix Symmetrization.pdf

113.4 KB

Mixed µ-Synthesis via H8-Based Loop-Shaping Iteration.pdf

131.8 KB

Modal Multimodel Control Design Approach Applied to Aircraft Autopilot Design.pdf

263.1 KB

Multi-Pulse-Width Modulated Control of Linear Systems.pdf

237.4 KB

Neural Network Control of Space Vehicle Intercept and Rendezvous Maneuvers.pdf

195.4 KB

Numerical Optimization Study of Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer.pdf

261.4 KB

Optimal Near-Minimum-Time Control.pdf

128.4 KB

Optimal, Low-Thrust, Earth–Moon Orbit Transfer.pdf

245.2 KB

Optimization Procedure for Preliminary Design of Opposition-Class Mars Missions.pdf

249.6 KB

Rapid Hover-to-Forward-Flight Transitions for a Thrust-Vectored Aircraft.pdf

278.0 KB

Rapid Reorientation Maneuvers of Experimental Spacecraft with a Pendulum Appendage.pdf

348.3 KB

Reply by the Author to S. D. Hendry.pdf

79.2 KB

Reviewers for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics - 1997.pdf

404.2 KB

Robust Fault Detection and Isolation with Unstructured Uncertainty Using Eigenstructure Assignment.pdf

225.0 KB

State Transition Matrices for Terminal Rendezvous Studies_ Brief Survey and New Example.pdf

191.2 KB

Strapdown Inertial Navigation Integration Algorithm Design Part 1_ Attitude Algorithms.pdf

215.7 KB

Theory for Roll-Ratchet Phenomenon in High-Performance Aircraft.pdf

316.2 KB

Time-of-Flight Analyses for the Gravitational Capture Maneuver.pdf

310.5 KB

Time-Variant Receding-Horizon Control of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

128.8 KB

Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles_ An Integrated Approach to Guidance and Control.pdf

319.2 KB

Translational Motion Control of Vertical Takeoff Aircraft Using Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion.pdf

152.9 KB

Use of Energy-State Analysis on a Generic Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle.pdf

223.5 KB

Vision-Based Position and Attitude Determination for Aircraft Night Landing.pdf

328.7 KB


Adaptive Simulated Pilot.pdf

215.2 KB

Analytical Solution of Missile Terminal Guidance.pdf

261.8 KB

Autonomous Navigation of Global Positioning System Satellites Using Cross-Link Measurements.pdf

274.2 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

57.7 KB

Chaos in Wraparound Fin Projectile Motion.pdf

239.8 KB

Classically Rationalized Low-Order, Robust Structural Controllers.pdf

380.8 KB

Constraint Violation Stabilization Using Input–Output Feedback Linearization in Multibody Dynamic Analysis.pdf

258.9 KB

Decentralized Control of Expandingly Constructed Large Space Structures.pdf

253.3 KB

Euler-q Algorithm for Attitude Determination from Vector Observations.pdf

273.6 KB

Geometric Approach to Three-Dimensional Missile Guidance Problem.pdf

251.3 KB

Minimum-Time Maneuvers of Thrust-Vectored Aircraft.pdf

351.2 KB

Missile Autopilot Designs Using H8 Control with Gain Scheduling and Dynamic Inversion.pdf

452.7 KB

Natural Description of Aircraft Motion.pdf

251.9 KB

Nonlinear Input Shaping Control of Flexible Spacecraft Reorientation Maneuver.pdf

418.8 KB

Order-N Formulation and Dynamics of Multibody Tethered Systems.pdf

599.6 KB

Radiotelescope Low-Rate Tracking Using Dither.pdf

140.2 KB

Similarity Criteria for Manipulator Loading and Control Sensitivity Characteristics.pdf

281.7 KB

Simulation of a Controlled Airfoil with Jets.pdf

477.4 KB

Simultaneous Deployment of a Cable from Two Moving Platforms.pdf

248.7 KB

Strapdown Inertial Navigation Integration Algorithm Design Part 2_ Velocity and Position Algorithms.pdf

507.2 KB

Survey of Numerical Methods for Trajectory Optimization.pdf

393.1 KB

Technical Comment.pdf

82.9 KB

Three-Dimensional Hinged-Rod Model for Elastic Aerobraking Tethers.pdf

452.1 KB

Tip Trajectory Tracking for Multilink Flexible Manipulators Using Stable Inversion.pdf

253.5 KB

Variable Structure Adaptive Control of Wing-Rock Motion of Slender Delta Wings.pdf

228.0 KB


Active Vibration Suppression in Flexible Spacecraft Attitude Tracking.pdf

443.8 KB

Agile Missile Dynamics and Control.pdf

655.4 KB

Algorithm for Simulation of Motions of Variable-Mass Systems.pdf

348.4 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

56.6 KB

Closed-Loop Identification of Flexible Structures_ An Experimental Example.pdf

210.9 KB

Constant Radial Thrust Acceleration Redux.pdf

139.7 KB

Control Allocation and Zero Dynamics.pdf

376.1 KB

Dynamics of an Asymmetric Gyrostat.pdf

190.9 KB

Escape from Gyrostat Trap States.pdf

215.4 KB

Fault Accommodation in Control of Flexible Systems.pdf

266.2 KB

Identification of Autogyro Longitudinal Stability and Control Characteristics.pdf

339.3 KB

Interceptor Line-of-Sight Rate Steering_ Necessary Conditions for a Direct Hit.pdf

229.7 KB

Lateral Directional Aircraft Control Using Eigenstructure Assignment.pdf

260.7 KB

Lyapunov Controller for Cooperative Space Manipulators.pdf

373.9 KB

Maneuvering Flight Control.pdf

310.1 KB

New Method for Constraints Violation Suppression.pdf

249.8 KB

Ramjet-Powered Reusable Launch Vehicle Control by Sliding Modes.pdf

360.9 KB

Robust Design of Thermopiezoelectric Actuators.pdf

216.6 KB

Robust, Decoupled, Flight Control Design with Rate-Saturating Actuators.pdf

269.2 KB

Satellite Angular Rate Estimation from Vector Measurements.pdf

268.1 KB

Some Aspects of Helicopter Flight Dynamics in Steady Turns.pdf

370.9 KB

Stability Analysis of a Missile Control System with a Dynamic Inversion Controller.pdf

324.2 KB

Tactical Missile Guidance with Passive Seekers Under High Off-Boresight Launch Conditions.pdf

211.1 KB

Time-Frequency Analysis for Transfer Function Estimation and Application to Flutter Clearance.pdf

994.0 KB

Transfer Function Parameter Changes Due to Structural Damage.pdf

285.8 KB

Two-Degree-of-Freedom H Robust Controller for a Flexible Missile.pdf

189.3 KB

Validation of an Experimentally Derived Uncertainty Model.pdf

374.5 KB


Analytical criterion for chaotic dynamics in flexible satellites with nonlinear controller damping.pdf

1.1 MB

Application of Singular Value Decomposition Method to Digitally Controlled Large Orbiting Platforms.pdf

740.2 KB

Command Limiting in Reconfigurable Flight Control.pdf

1.2 MB

Comparison of four filtering options for a radar tracking problem.pdf

799.9 KB

Decoupling control design with applications to flight.pdf

968.4 KB

Determination of Modal Residues and Residual Flexibility for Time-Domain System Realization.pdf

1.2 MB

Digitally redesigned pulse-width modulation spacecraft control.pdf

692.3 KB

Frequency weighting for the H-infinity and H2 control design of flexible structures.pdf

388.4 KB

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications.pdf

164.0 KB

Interplanetary spacecraft controllers using thrusters.pdf

1.4 MB

Minimal-Parameter Attitude Matrix Estimation from Vector Observations.pdf

1.0 MB

Multibody Effect on Nutational Dynamics of Spin-Stabilized Satellites with Fuel Sloshing.pdf

793.8 KB

Neal - Smith Criteria-Based H-Modeling Technique for Assessing Pilot Rating.pdf

980.3 KB

Neal-Smith criteria-based H-infinity modeling technique for assessing pilot rating.pdf

980.3 KB

Orbit determination and photogrammetry using Mars-94 tracking and images.pdf

1.3 MB

Planar Dynamics of Flexible Manipulators with Slewing Deployable Links.pdf

1.7 MB

Pulse Motor Optimization via Mission Charts for an Exoatmospheric Interceptor.pdf

1.1 MB

Quaternion Parameterization and a Simple Algorithm for Global Attitude Estimation.pdf

405.1 KB

Recursive Deadbeat Controller Design.pdf

1.0 MB

Sliding Mode Controllers for Uncertain Systems with Input Nonlinearities.pdf

517.0 KB

Thermally induced attitude dynamics of a spacecraft with a flexible appendage.pdf

954.8 KB

Touch Points in Optimal Ascent Trajectories with First-Order State Inequality Constraints.pdf

990.3 KB

Using bifurcation methods to aid nonlinear dynamic inversion control law design.pdf

1.1 MB

Virtual flight data recorder - A neural extension of existing capabilities.pdf

456.1 KB


Adaptive Asymptotic Tracking of Spacecraft Attitude Motion with Inertia Matrix Identification.pdf

322.4 KB

Bifurcation Analysis of Eigenstructure Assignment Control in a Simple Nonlinear Aircraft Model.pdf

274.6 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

58.3 KB

Collocation Versus Differential Inclusion in Direct Optimization.pdf

202.4 KB

Control of Flexible Structures Using GPS_ Methods and Experimental Results.pdf

457.5 KB

Controllability Issues in Nonlinear State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control.pdf

292.0 KB

Dynamics, Stability, and Control of Displaced Non-Keplerian Orbits.pdf

273.8 KB

Effective Selection of Piezoceramic Actuators for an Experimental Flexible Wing.pdf

293.9 KB

Effects of Gravitation on Time-Optimal Control of Two-Link Manipulators.pdf

237.5 KB

Entry Trajectory Tracking Law via Feedback Linearization.pdf

283.6 KB

Guidance Algorithm Design_ A Nonlinear Inverse Approach.pdf

157.2 KB

Hysteresis and Vibration Compensation for Piezoactuators.pdf

290.3 KB

Ill-Conditioned Covariance Matrices in the First-Order Two-Step Estimator.pdf

303.6 KB

Linear-Quadratic Worst-Case Control.pdf

234.6 KB

New Tools for Structural Testing_ Piezoelectric Impact Hammers and Acceleration Rate Sensors.pdf

369.3 KB

Optimal Robust Tracking Subject to Disturbances, Noise, Plant Uncertainty, and Performance Constraints.pdf

296.7 KB

Pilot-Induced Oscillations Involving Multiple Nonlinearities.pdf

231.3 KB

Pinch Points of Debris from a Satellite Breakup.pdf

278.8 KB

Predictive Controllers for Feedback Stabilization.pdf

267.1 KB

Recovery Guidance Satisfying Input and State Constraints_ Rate Saturating Actuator Example.pdf

348.1 KB

Robust Model Reduction for a Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

236.6 KB

Stability and Control of a Structurally Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.pdf

479.0 KB

Time-Optimal Spin-Up Maneuvers for Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

164.2 KB

Torque Shaping Using Trigonometric Series Expansion for Slewing of Flexible Structures.pdf

267.0 KB


Algorithms for Attitude Determination Using the Global Positioning System.pdf

268.1 KB

Applied Active Control for a Nonlinear Aeroelastic Structure.pdf

444.0 KB

Assessing Aircraft Susceptibility to Nonlinear Aircraft–Pilot Coupling Pilot-Induced Oscillations.pdf

297.7 KB

Attitude Stability of DeBra–Delp Satellites in Circular Orbit.pdf

240.2 KB

Command Shaping in Tracking Control of a Two-Link Flexible Robot.pdf

183.4 KB

Control of the F-14 Aircraft Lateral-Directional Axis During Powered Approach.pdf

347.1 KB

Coplanar Elliptical Orbit Transfer Using Aerocruise.pdf

144.0 KB

Design and Evaluation of a Three-Dimensional Optimal Ascent Guidance Algorithm.pdf

304.5 KB

Development and Flight Testing of a Parameter Identification Algorithm for Reconfigurable Control.pdf

323.2 KB

Experimental Evaluation of the Torque-Shaping Method for Slew Maneuver of Flexible Space Structures.pdf

327.1 KB

Finite Time Stability Approach to Proportional Navigation Systems Analysis.pdf

292.0 KB

Gain-Weighted Eigenspace Assignment.pdf

159.1 KB

Geometry and Inverse Optimality in Global Attitude Stabilization.pdf

306.8 KB

Guidance Strategy for Solid Propelled Launchers.pdf

178.9 KB

High-g Barrel Roll Maneuvers Against Proportional Navigation from Optimal Control Viewpoint.pdf

222.2 KB

Large-Scale Direct Optimal Control Applied to a Re-Entry Problem.pdf

142.1 KB

Near-Optimal Entry Trajectories for Reusable Launch Vehicles.pdf

346.5 KB

Nonlinear H Robust Guidance Law for Homing Missiles.pdf

403.6 KB

Optimization of _ V Earth-Gravity-Assist Trajectories.pdf

188.0 KB

Output Feedback Variable Structure Adaptive Control of an Aeroelastic System.pdf

339.8 KB

Passive Control of Displaced Solar Sail Orbits.pdf

321.4 KB

Potential Benefits of Terminal Airspace Traffic Automation for Arrivals.pdf

278.0 KB

Proportional Navigation Through Predictive Control.pdf

128.7 KB

Review of Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology.pdf

71.7 KB

Robust Approximate Pole Assignment for Second-Order Systems_ Neural Network Computation.pdf

265.0 KB

Robust Control of Linear Parametrically Varying Systems with Bounded Rates.pdf

234.1 KB

Simple Guidance Scheme for Low-Thrust Orbit Transfers.pdf

105.9 KB

Stabilizing Controller Design for Linear Parameter-Varying Systems Using Parameter Feedback.pdf

212.3 KB

Synthesis of Real-Time Robust Flexible Structure Controllers.pdf

168.6 KB

Terminal Guidance Algorithm for Ramjet-Powered Missiles.pdf

217.4 KB

Time-Optimal Turn to a Heading_ An Improved Analytic Solution.pdf

283.8 KB

Wavelet-Processed Flight Data for Robust Aeroservoelastic Stability Margins.pdf

242.2 KB


Adaptive Radome Compensation Using Dither.pdf

329.4 KB

Annual Business.pdf

1.0 MB

Artificial Lagrange Points for a Partially Reflecting Flat Solar Sail.pdf

542.0 KB

Autonomous Maneuver Tracking for Self-Piloted Vehicles.pdf

343.3 KB

Bayesian Pattern Matching Technique for Target Acquisition.pdf

358.8 KB

Design Methods for Rocket Attitude Control Systems Subject to Actuator Saturation.pdf

496.2 KB

Design of Automatic Landing Systems Using Mixed H H Control.pdf

432.9 KB

Discrete-Time Optimal Guidance.pdf

341.3 KB

Efficient Simulation of Motions Involving Coulomb Friction.pdf

333.5 KB

Evaluation of the Naval Space Surveillance Fence Performance Using Satellite Laser Ranging.pdf

253.2 KB

Expected Residual Vibration of Traditional and Hybrid Input Shaping Designs.pdf

217.8 KB

Flutter Boundary Prediction Using Physical Models and Experimental Data.pdf

306.1 KB

Formalized Approach to Obtaining Optimal Coefficients for Coning Algorithms.pdf

253.1 KB

Full Envelope Missile Autopilot Design Using Gain Scheduled Robust Control.pdf

336.6 KB

Gain-Scheduled Control Using Fuzzy Logic and Its Application to Flight Control.pdf

423.6 KB

H Bounded Fault Detection Filter.pdf

385.5 KB

Increase and Limit of T in Super- and Hypersonic Flight.pdf

473.7 KB

Independent Analysis of the Space Station Node Modal Test Data.pdf

288.9 KB

Modeling and Control of a Flexible Structure Incorporating Inertial Slip-Stick Actuators.pdf

343.3 KB

New Design Method for Pulse-Width Modulation Control Systems via Digital Redesign.pdf

272.9 KB

Optimal Finite Thrust Orbit Transfers with Large Numbers of Burns.pdf

376.1 KB

Optimization and Coordination of Multiagent Systems Using Principled Negotiation.pdf

335.5 KB

Practical View of Redundancy Management Application and Theory.pdf

655.1 KB

Review of Computational Flight Dynamics.pdf

61.0 KB

Simple Correction Algorithm of Scanning Horizon Sensor Measurement for Earth Oblateness.pdf

599.1 KB

Simple Strategy for Powered Swingby.pdf

186.7 KB

Simultaneous Guaranteed-Cost Vector-Optimal Performance Design for Collections of Systems.pdf

290.9 KB

Stability Analysis of Baumgarte Constraint Stabilization Technique in Multibody Dynamic Systems.pdf

153.9 KB

Synchronized Formation Rotation and Attitude Control of Multiple Free-Flying Spacecraft.pdf

399.6 KB

Uncertainty Modeling for Multivariable-Control Robustness Analysis of Elastic High-Speed Vehicles.pdf

314.7 KB

Windshear Recovery Using Fuzzy Logic Guidance and Control.pdf

430.6 KB


Adaptive Control of Electrically Driven Space Robots Based on Virtual Decomposition.pdf

541.0 KB

Application of the Nyquist Stability Criterion on the Nichols Chart.pdf

168.0 KB

Asymmetric Body Spinning Motion with Energy Dissipation and Constant Body-Fixed Torques.pdf

385.5 KB

Autonomous Low-Earth-Orbit Determination from Magnetometer and Sun Sensor Data.pdf

281.5 KB

Autonomous Orbit Determination for Two Spacecraft from Relative Position Measurements.pdf

322.9 KB

Closed-Form Methods for Generating On–Off Commands for Undamped Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

177.5 KB

Comparison of µ- and H-Synthesis Controllers 2 on an Experimental Typical Section.pdf

382.6 KB

Creating Time-Optimal Commands with Practical Constraints.pdf

1.5 MB

Design of Notch Filters for Structural Responses with Multiaxis Coupling.pdf

379.4 KB

Direct Adaptive Control for Gravity-Turn Descent.pdf

145.4 KB

Does the Phugoid Frequency Depend on Speed_.pdf

102.2 KB

Efficient and Optimal Attitude Determination Using Recursive Global Positioning System Signal Operations.pdf

388.8 KB

Efficient, Near-Optimal Control Allocation.pdf

360.5 KB

Electric Propulsion for Remote Sensing from Low Orbits.pdf

428.2 KB

Erratum to Savage, P.G., Strapdown Inertial Navigation Integration Algorithm Design Part 1_ Attitude Algorithms.pdf

81.0 KB

Finite Dimensional Optimal Control of Poiseuille Flow.pdf

352.2 KB

Generalized Plants for H Robust Controller Design.pdf

243.2 KB

Global Positioning System Integer Ambiguity Resolution Without Attitude Knowledge.pdf

217.2 KB

Helicopter Flight Dynamics_ The Theory and Application of Flying Qualities and Simulation Modeling.pdf

106.9 KB

Minimum-Phase Robustness for Second-Order Linear Systems.pdf

227.4 KB

Model Reduction with a Finite Horizon H Criterion.pdf

277.1 KB

Nonlinear Projection Filter Based on Galerkin Approximation.pdf

491.1 KB

On-Orbit Closed-Loop Control Results for the Middeck Active Control Experiment.pdf

508.8 KB

Optimal Control and Filtering for Nonstandard Singularly Perturbed Linear Systems.pdf

207.1 KB

Optimal Strategies for Free-Flight Air Traffic Conflict Resolution.pdf

357.8 KB

Propulsion System Sizing for Orbital Inspection Vehicles.pdf

155.8 KB

Robust Integrated Flight and Propulsion Controller for the Harrier Aircraft.pdf

197.7 KB

Sensitivity of Trajectory Prediction in Air Traffic Management.pdf

334.6 KB

Short-Term Debris Risk to Large Satellite Constellations.pdf

212.7 KB

Sliding Mode Control of Mechanical Systems with Bounded Disturbances via Output Feedback.pdf

193.4 KB

Treatment of Control Constraints in Finite Element Solution of Optimal Control Problems.pdf

132.3 KB


Adaptive Control of Free-Flying Space Robot with Position Attitude Control System.pdf

194.1 KB

Adaptive Model Inversion Flight Control for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft.pdf

377.8 KB

Bayesian Approach to Guidance in the Presence of Glint.pdf

203.7 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

68.4 KB

Controller Design of Periodic Time-Varying Systems via Time-Invariant Methods.pdf

160.3 KB

Dynamic System Characterization via Eigenvalue Orbits.pdf

272.9 KB

Identifying Helicopter Control Gains Using Desired Output Histories.pdf

250.6 KB

Initial Adjoint-Variable Guess Technique and Its Application in Optimal Orbital Transfer.pdf

202.9 KB

Minimum-Time Low-Thrust Rendezvous and Transfer Using Epoch Mean Longitude Formulation.pdf

945.5 KB

Multiple Rigid-Body Reorientation Using Relative Motion with Constrained Final System Configuration.pdf

282.1 KB

New Constraint Stabilization Technique for Dynamic Systems with Nonholonomic Constraints.pdf

280.9 KB

Nonlinear Digital Scheme for Attitude Tracking.pdf

572.2 KB

Robust Adaptive Control of Store Release Event for Wings with External Stores.pdf

293.8 KB

Selective Modal Transducers for Piezolaminated Anisotropic Shells.pdf

751.6 KB

Sequential Attitude and Attitude-Rate Estimation Using Integrated-Rate Parameters.pdf

372.9 KB

Solving Control Allocation Problems Using Semidefinite Programming.pdf

288.1 KB

Spacecraft Vibration Reduction Using Pulse-Width Pulse-Frequency Modulated Input Shaper.pdf

403.1 KB

Two-Body Optimization for Deflecting Earth-Crossing Asteroids.pdf

268.9 KB

Two-Timescale-Integration Method for Inverse Simulation.pdf

259.7 KB

Vibration Confinement in a Generic Launch Vehicle.pdf

327.8 KB


Adaptive Sliding-Mode Guidance of a Homing Missile.pdf

190.3 KB

Aeroservoelastic Interaction Between Aircraft Structural and Control Design Schemes.pdf

292.7 KB

Autonomous Maneuver Tracking for Self-Piloted Vehicles.pdf

81.9 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

114.5 KB

Development of the Probe-and-Drogue Handling Qualities Demonstration Maneuver.pdf

524.2 KB

Dissipator Placement Design for Truss Structures via Balancing Theory.pdf

456.1 KB

Experimental Studies of Intent Information on Cockpit Traffic Displays.pdf

559.4 KB

Experiments on Space Robot Arm Path Planning Using the Sensors Database.pdf

603.1 KB

Feedback Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking.pdf

148.5 KB

Fuel- or Time-Optimal Transfers Between Coplanar, Coaxial Ellipses Using Lambert's Theorem.pdf

364.3 KB

Gain-Scheduled Linear Fractional Control for Active Flutter Suppression.pdf

233.6 KB

Horizontal Control Effector Sizing for Supersonic Transport Aircraft.pdf

548.3 KB

Implementation of Optimal Guidance Laws Using Predicted Missile Velocity Profiles.pdf

388.1 KB

Model Reduction of Large Space Structures Using Approximate Component Cost Analysis.pdf

342.5 KB

Modeling of Variable Length Towed and Tethered Cable Systems.pdf

281.3 KB

Optimal Combined Reaction-Wheel Momentum Management for Earth-Pointing Satellites.pdf

258.6 KB

Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Model-Error Control Synthesis.pdf

234.2 KB

Uncertainty Modeling in Aerospace Flexible Structures.pdf

198.4 KB

Validation of an Integrated Modeling Methodology's Closed-Loop Performance Prediction Capability.pdf

494.4 KB

Weighted-Residual Discretization of Uniform Damping and Uniform Stiffening of Structural Systems.pdf

371.4 KB


Adaptive Two-Step Filter with Applications to Bearings-Only Measurement Problem.pdf

157.7 KB

Avionics Navigation Systems, Second Edition.pdf

65.1 KB

Band-Limited Actuator and Sensor Selection for Disturbance Rejection.pdf

306.5 KB

Classification of Out-of-Plane Swing-By Trajectories.pdf

241.1 KB

Design Technique for a Linear System with an Amplitude-Constrained Actuator.pdf

246.3 KB

Eigenstructure Assignment Algorithm for Mechanical Second-Order Systems.pdf

133.6 KB

Floquet Approximation for a Nearly Axisymmetric Rigid Body with Constant Transverse Torque.pdf

268.8 KB

Improved Performance of Recursive Tracking Filters Using Batch Initialization and Process Noise Adaptation.pdf

602.1 KB

Linear Quadratic Optimality of Infinite Gain Margin Controllers.pdf

130.2 KB

Minimum-Fuel Escape from Two-Body Sun-Earth System.pdf

201.1 KB

Multiple-Spacecraft Orbit-Transfer Problem_ The No-Booster Case.pdf

279.3 KB

Off-Line Comparison of Classical and Robust Flight Simulator Motion Control.pdf

434.1 KB

Optimal Aeroassisted Orbital Interception.pdf

282.4 KB

Optimal Low-Thrust Escape Trajectories Using Gravity Assist.pdf

206.6 KB

Pseudolinear and State-Dependent Riccati Equation Filters for Angular Rate Estimation.pdf

126.1 KB

Robust Fault Diagnosis for a Class of Linear Systems with Uncertainty.pdf

280.3 KB

Robustness Analysis of Neural Networks with an Application to System Identification.pdf

296.4 KB

Simple Approach to East-West Station Keeping of Geosynchronous Spacecraft.pdf

212.8 KB

Stability and Control of an Atmospheric Tether with a Lifting Probe.pdf

263.7 KB

Synthesis of Nonlinear Controller to Recover an Unstable Aircraft from Poststall Regime.pdf

416.1 KB

System Identification and Adaptive Steering of Tractors Utilizing Differential Global Positioning System.pdf

253.3 KB

Time-Optimal Control of Axisymmetric Rigid Spacecraft Using Two Controls.pdf

425.9 KB

Unified Approach for Roll Ratcheting Analysis.pdf

160.0 KB


Action Selection Algorithms for Autonomous Microspacecraft.pdf

126.7 KB

Active H Control of Sound Radiation from Thin Cylindrical Panels.pdf

492.2 KB

Aircraft Handling Qualities and Pilot-Induced Oscillation Tendencies with Actuator Saturation.pdf

543.7 KB

Application of Parameter-Dependent Robust Control Synthesis to Turbofan Engines.pdf

241.5 KB

Attitude Commands Avoiding Bright Objects and Maintaining Communication with Ground Station.pdf

658.1 KB

Catalog Maintenance of Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites_ Principles of the Algorithm.pdf

334.9 KB

Do All Linear Flexible Structures Have Convergent Second-Order Observers_.pdf

178.5 KB

Effects of Planar Thrust Misalignments on Rigid Body Motion.pdf

141.4 KB


53.2 KB

Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers for Parallel Approach.pdf

227.8 KB

Feedback Control for Slew Maneuver Using On–Off Thrusters.pdf

240.2 KB

Generalized Canonical Systems Applications to Optimal Trajectory Analysis.pdf

209.6 KB

Longitudinal Landing Control Law for an Autonomous Reentry Vehicle.pdf

560.9 KB

Low-Authority Controller Design by Means of Convex Optimization.pdf

480.7 KB

Multiple Timescale Flight Control Using Reconfigurable Sliding Modes.pdf

355.1 KB

Multiple-Spacecraft Orbit Transfer Problem_ Weak-Booster and Strong-Booster Cases.pdf

292.5 KB

Optimal Reduced-Order Estimators for Parameter-Dependent Systems.pdf

248.1 KB

Regulation About Time-Varying Trajectories_ Precision Entry Guidance Illustrated.pdf

282.4 KB

Resonated Libration of Tethered Subsatellite by Atmospheric Density Variation.pdf

120.7 KB

Robust Failure Detection for Reentry Vehicle Attitude Control Systems.pdf

247.7 KB

Robust Stability of Mode-to-Mode Fuzzy Controllers.pdf

358.5 KB

Spacecraft Spin Stabilization Using a Transverse Wheel for Any Inertia Ratio.pdf

498.2 KB

Time-Domain Identification of Low-Order Models for Flexible Structures.pdf

224.5 KB

Trajectory Estimation of Reentry Vehicles by Use of On-Line Input Estimator.pdf

360.2 KB

Unified Design for H, H, and Mixed Control of Spacecraft.pdf

559.0 KB

Worst-Case Control for Discrete-Time Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.pdf

138.3 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

80.0 KB

Analysis of Junction Conditions in Optimal Aeroassisted Orbital Plane Change.pdf

157.0 KB

Annual Business.pdf

319.2 KB

Book Review.pdf

87.3 KB

Chaos Analysis on Librational Control of Gravity-Gradient Satellite in Elliptic Orbit.pdf

123.9 KB

Design of Fuzzy Logic Guidance Law Against High-Speed Target.pdf

329.9 KB

Distribution of Points on a Sphere with Application to Star Catalogs.pdf

359.4 KB

Dual Payload Ascent Trajectory Optimization with a Splash-Down Constraint.pdf

369.2 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

48.7 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

48.2 KB

Geometric Descent Algorithms for Attitude Determination Using the Global Positioning System.pdf

233.8 KB

Metric Accuracy Improvements of Space-Based Visible Using Spacecraft Attitude Drift Corrections.pdf

209.8 KB

Midcourse Space Experiment Precision Ephemeris.pdf

256.8 KB

Mission Planning for Space-Based Surveillance with the Space-Based Visible Sensor.pdf

184.1 KB

Mode Localization in Flexible Spacecraft_ A Control Challenge.pdf

303.4 KB

New Class of Intermediate-Thrust Arcs for Trajectories in Newtonian Gravitational Fields.pdf

147.8 KB

New Space-Based Satellite Tracking Capability.pdf

30.1 KB

Nonlinear H Method for Control of Wing Rock Motions.pdf

248.4 KB

Parametric Robust H Control Design Using Iterative Linear Matrix Inequalities Synthesis.pdf

205.5 KB

Postcapture Dynamics of a Spacecraft-Manipulator-Payload System.pdf

263.2 KB

Precision Spacecraft Pointing Using Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes with Disturbance.pdf

418.8 KB

Quadratic-Based Computation of Four-Impulse Optimal Rendezvous near Circular Orbit.pdf

299.0 KB

Reviewers for 1 October 1998–30 September 1999.pdf

56.6 KB

Robust Longitudinal Flight Control Design Using Linear Parameter-Varying Feedback.pdf

253.8 KB

Simulation of Shot Impacts for the M1A1 Tank Gun.pdf

288.9 KB

Singular Arcs During Aerocruise.pdf

194.9 KB

Singularity Avoidance Using Null Motion and Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyros.pdf

268.6 KB

Solving Optimal Control Problems Using hp-Version Finite Elements in Time.pdf

270.6 KB

Space-Based Space Surveillance with the Space-Based Visible.pdf

201.5 KB

Space-Based Visible Data Reduction.pdf

319.0 KB

Space-Based Visible Metric Accuracy.pdf

628.8 KB

Space-Based Visible Space Object Photometry_ Initial Results.pdf

346.6 KB

Space-Based Visible Space Surveillance Performance.pdf

613.7 KB

Two New Classes of Strapdown Navigation Algorithms.pdf

336.1 KB


Attitude-Determination Filtering via Extended Quaternion Estimation.pdf

243.0 KB

Automatic Landing System Design Using Fuzzy Logic.pdf

254.8 KB

Book Review.pdf

60.8 KB

Closed-Form Solution of Line-of-Sight Trajectory for Nonmaneuvering Targets.pdf

107.3 KB

Comment on _New Design Method for Pulse-Width Modulation Control Systems via Digital Redesign_.pdf

103.6 KB

Computational Simulation of Extravehicular Activity Dynamics During a Satellite Capture Attempt.pdf

142.5 KB

Design and Piloted Simulation of a Robust Integrated Flight and Propulsion Controller.pdf

390.9 KB

Design of a Robust Adaptive Longitudinal Flight Control.pdf

294.9 KB

Design of Cascade Compensators Using Generalized Singular Values.pdf

220.4 KB

Exoatmospheric Interceptor Pulse Motor Optimization with Discrete Bias Removal.pdf

151.4 KB

Flight Control Design of an Automatic Landing Flight Experiment Vehicle.pdf

163.9 KB

Fuel Optimization for Constrained Rotation of Spacecraft Formations.pdf

331.2 KB

Highly Parallelizable Low-Order Dynamics Simulation Algorithm for Multi-Rigid-Body Systems.pdf

372.7 KB

Hybrid Control Scheme for Maneuvering Space Multibody Structures.pdf

301.3 KB

Improved Method for Calculating Exact Geodetic Latitude and Altitude Revisited.pdf

66.3 KB

New Flight Simulator Experiments on Pilot-Involved Oscillations due to Rate Saturation.pdf

414.4 KB

New, Guaranteed Positive Time Update for the Two-Step Optimal Estimator.pdf

224.8 KB

Nonlinear Entry Trajectory Control Using Drag-to-Altitude Transformation.pdf

162.6 KB

Nonlinear H 8 Flight Control of General Six-Degree-of-Freedom Motions.pdf

316.2 KB

Nonlinear Six-Degree-of-Freedom Aircraft Trim.pdf

244.2 KB

Optimization-Based Inverse Simulation of a Helicopter Slalom Maneuver.pdf

446.4 KB

Output Tracking for Actuator Deficient Redundant Systems_ Multiple Piezoactuator Example.pdf

193.4 KB

Parameterization of Model Validating Sets for Uncertainty Bound Optimizations.pdf

355.9 KB

Procedure for Applying Second-Order Conditions in Optimal Control Problems.pdf

274.7 KB

Receding Horizon Guidance Laws with No Information on the Time-to-Go.pdf

228.4 KB

Reply by the Authors to Franco Bernelli-Zazzera and Paolo Mantegazza.pdf

72.2 KB

Ride Quality of Civil Aircraft from a Probabilistic Viewpoint.pdf

180.6 KB

Simple Analytic Model of the Long-Term Evolution of Nanosatellite Constellations.pdf

290.8 KB

System and Disturbance Identification for Feedforward and Feedback Control Applications.pdf

785.7 KB

System Identification in the Presence of Completely Unknown Periodic Disturbances.pdf

299.2 KB

Vibration Suppression of Flexible Beams with Bonded Piezotransducers Using Wave-Absorbing Controllers.pdf

329.0 KB


Accommodating a Class of Actuator Failures in Flight Control Systems.pdf

338.4 KB

Accuracy of the Global Positioning System-Derived Acceleration Vector.pdf

228.1 KB

Adaptive Hysteresis Model for Model Reference Control with Actuator Hysteresis.pdf

269.9 KB

Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Multiple Spacecraft Formation Flying.pdf

226.2 KB

Application of a Dichotomic Basis Method to Performance Optimization of Supersonic Aircraft.pdf

159.7 KB

Book Review.pdf

68.1 KB

Closed-Loop System Identification by Residual Whitening.pdf

178.6 KB

Dynamics of a Variable-Mass, Flexible-Body System.pdf

295.1 KB

Evaluation of the Dynamic Environment of an Asteroid_ Applications to 433 Eros.pdf

349.6 KB

Fast-Time Study of Airline-Influenced Arrival Sequencing and Scheduling.pdf

179.2 KB

Federated Kalman Filtering Via Formation of Relation Equations in Augmented State Space.pdf

228.5 KB

Fuzzy-Logic-Based Closed-Loop Optimal Law for Homing Missiles Guidance.pdf

115.2 KB

Gain-Scheduled Lateral Control of the F-14 Aircraft During Powered Approach Landing.pdf

340.1 KB

Loop Shaping Design for Missile Autopilots_ Controller Configurations and Weighting Filter Selection.pdf

358.5 KB

Minimization of Vibration of Spacecraft Appendages During Shape Control Using Smart Structures.pdf

197.2 KB

Neural Networks and Adaptive Nonlinear Control of Agile Antiair Missiles.pdf

238.3 KB

Optimal Size and Location of Piezoelectric Actuator Sensors_ Practical Considerations.pdf

280.2 KB

Optimal Variable-Structure Control Tracking of Spacecraft Maneuvers.pdf

126.4 KB

Optimal Vibration Control of Thin-Walled Anisotropic Cantilevers Exposed to Blast Loadings.pdf

347.7 KB

Parameters Selection for Baumgarte's Constraint Stabilization Method Using the Predictor-Corrector Approach.pdf

183.1 KB

Perspective Predictor Flight-Path Display with Minimum Pilot Compensation.pdf

359.7 KB

Predictive Missile Guidance.pdf

445.8 KB

Probabilistic Approach to Aircraft Performance Enhancement in Atmospheric Turbulence.pdf

196.4 KB

Rapid Energy Dissipation in a Yo-Yo-Type Wire Boom Deployment System.pdf

284.7 KB

Receding Horizon Control Lyapunov Function Approach to Suboptimal Regulation of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

242.2 KB

Reduction of Propagated Satellite Yaw Errors Using Orbital Rate Coupling.pdf

131.7 KB

Robust Variable Structure Controller Design for Fault Tolerant Flight Control.pdf

227.1 KB

Simulator Platform Motion Effects on Pilot-Induced Oscillation Prediction.pdf

325.4 KB

Spacecraft Formation Flying_ Dynamics and Control.pdf

145.2 KB

Strategy for Deployment of Multiple Satellites for Collision-Free Relative Orbital Motion.pdf

124.8 KB

Using Low-Thrust Exhaust-Modulated Propulsion Fuel-Optimal Planar Earth–Mars Trajectories.pdf

270.3 KB


Aircraft Pitch Control via Second-Order Sliding Technique.pdf

276.3 KB

Attitude Feedback Control_ Unconstrained and Nonholonomic Constrained Cases.pdf

256.2 KB

Class of Rotations Induced by Spherical Polygons.pdf

160.5 KB

Comment on _Does the Phugoid Frequency Depend on Speed__.pdf

88.3 KB

Constrained Motions of Systems with Elastic Members.pdf

144.1 KB

Decentralized State Estimation for Flexible Space Structures.pdf

466.3 KB

Design of Lifted Dual-Rate Digital Controllers for X-38 Vehicle.pdf

334.4 KB

Design of Nonsaturating Guidance Systems.pdf

311.1 KB

Design of Reliable Control Systems Possessing Actuator Redundancies.pdf

320.3 KB

Drag-Based Predictive Tracking Guidance for Mars Precision Landing.pdf

441.4 KB

Experiments on Space Robot Arm Path Planning Using the Sensors Database, Part II.pdf

224.4 KB

Finite Element and Runge–Kutta Methods for Boundary-Value and Optimal Control Problems.pdf

128.3 KB

Generalization of Foreshortening Through New Reduced Geometrically Nonlinear Structural Formulation.pdf

256.6 KB

Linear Time-Varying Approach to Satellite Attitude Control Using Only Electromagnetic Actuation.pdf

306.3 KB

Long-Range Performance of Suboptimal Periodic Hypersonic Cruise Trajectories.pdf

135.5 KB

Minimum-Time Constant Acceleration Orbit Transfer with First-Order Oblateness Effect.pdf

257.4 KB

Model Refinement Using Eigensystem Assignment.pdf

248.2 KB

Modeling of Nonlinear Human Operator in the Control Loop_ Preliminary Results.pdf

240.0 KB

Multiple Model-Based Terminal Guidance Law.pdf

173.0 KB

Multiple On–Off Valve Control for a Launch Vehicle Tank Pressurization System.pdf

366.1 KB

Neural-Network-Based Autonomous Star Identification Algorithm.pdf

864.9 KB

Nonlinear Life-Extending Control of a Rocket Engine.pdf

178.2 KB

Output Feedback Variable Structure Control for Uncertain Systems with Input Nonlinearities.pdf

121.6 KB

Reply by the Author to N. Ananthkrishnan.pdf

79.2 KB

Robust Nonlinear Control of a Hypersonic Aircraft.pdf

258.1 KB

Singular Direction Avoidance Steering for Control-Moment Gyros.pdf

274.8 KB

Sliding Mode Control with Optimal Sliding Surfaces for Missile Autopilot Design.pdf

275.6 KB

Solar Sailing_ Technology, Dynamics, and Mission Applications.pdf

60.6 KB

Time-Explicit Representation of Relative Motion Between Elliptical Orbits.pdf

206.1 KB

Trajectory-Tracking Guidance Law for Low-Thrust Earth-Orbit Transfers.pdf

132.2 KB

Visual Aircraft Identification as a Pursuit–Evasion Game.pdf

255.2 KB


Adaptive Autopilot Design for Guided Munitions.pdf

287.2 KB

Attitude Control of a Bias Momentum Geostationary Satellite in an Inclined Orbit.pdf

276.7 KB

Benchmark Active Control Technology_ Part I.pdf

39.1 KB

Benchmark Active Controls Technology Model Aerodynamic Data.pdf

490.4 KB

Book Review.pdf

60.9 KB

Comparing Linear Parameter-Varying Gain-Scheduled Control Techniques for Active Flutter Suppression.pdf

323.6 KB

Computational Test Cases for the Benchmark Active Controls Model.pdf

197.7 KB

Direct Method for Rapid Prototyping of Near-Optimal Aircraft Trajectories.pdf

1.1 MB

Equations for Approximate Solutions Using Variational Calculus.pdf

124.9 KB


39.0 KB

Experiments on Control of Limit-Cycle Oscillations in a Typical Section.pdf

259.6 KB

Extension of l-Optimal Robust Tracking to the Multivariable Case.pdf

455.3 KB

Frequency-Domain Recursive Robust Identification.pdf

168.9 KB

Improved Dispersion of a Fin-Stabilized Projectile Using a Passive Movable Nose.pdf

334.0 KB

Improving Time-Optimal Maneuvers of Two-Link Robotic Manipulators.pdf

119.5 KB

Intelligent Adaptive Control of a Tailless Advanced Fighter Aircraft Under Wing Damage.pdf

449.0 KB

Linear Theory of a Dual-Spin Projectile in Atmospheric Flight.pdf

614.1 KB

Minimum Power Optimum Control of Microsatellite Attitude Dynamics.pdf

336.4 KB

Multi-Input, Multi-Output, Band-Limited Transducer Selection for Disturbance Rejection.pdf

235.3 KB

Passive Nutation Control of Spinning Spacecraft Through the Use of Multiple Booms.pdf

129.8 KB

Passivity-Based Robust Control with Application to Benchmark Active Controls Technology Wing.pdf

391.5 KB

Periodic Solutions for Spinning Asymmetric Rigid Bodies with Constant Principal-Axis Torque.pdf

294.3 KB

Probability of Collision Between Space Objects.pdf

186.2 KB

Real-Time Parameter Estimation in the Frequency Domain.pdf

296.4 KB

Robust H8 Estimation and Fault Detection of Uncertain Dynamic Systems.pdf

320.1 KB

Second Estimator of the Optimal Quaternion.pdf

188.2 KB

Setpoint Generation for Constant-Velocity Motion of Space-Based Scanners.pdf

169.7 KB

Shared Information Between Pilots and Controllers in Tactical Air Traffic Control.pdf

1.4 MB

State-Space Approach to l-Optimal Robust Tracking.pdf

378.9 KB

Structural Identification Using Inverse System Dynamics.pdf

241.4 KB

Three-Dimensional Guidance Law for Landing on a Celestial Object.pdf

148.3 KB

Transonic Flutter Suppression Control Law Design and Wind-Tunnel Test Results.pdf

597.1 KB

Truth Models for Articulating Flexible Multibody Dynamic Systems.pdf

230.0 KB

Worst-Case Distributions for Performance Evaluation of Proportionally Guided Missiles.pdf

205.4 KB


Active Control of Wind-Tunnel Model Aeroelastic Response Using Neural Networks.pdf

440.8 KB

Active Flutter Suppression Using Recurrent Neural Networks.pdf

324.8 KB

Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic Structure.pdf

356.8 KB

Analytic Steady-State Accuracy of a Spacecraft Attitude Estimator.pdf

165.3 KB

Benchmark Active Control Technology Special Section_ Part II.pdf

39.8 KB

Book Review.pdf

75.6 KB

Closed-Form Solution of Seventh-Order Navigation System for Unaided Flyout.pdf

361.1 KB

Collision Dynamics for Space Tethers.pdf

237.8 KB

Comment on _New, Guaranteed Positive Time Update for the Two-Step Optimal Estimator_.pdf

150.5 KB

Comparison of Two Navier–Stokes Methods with Benchmark Active Control Technology Experiments.pdf

299.8 KB

Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using Euler–Lagrange Theory.pdf

237.2 KB

Decentralized Design for Integrated Flight Propulsion Control of Aircraft.pdf

376.9 KB

Fundamental Aeroservoelastic Study Combining Unsteady Computational Fluid Mechanics with Adaptive Control.pdf

517.1 KB

Gain-Scheduled Control_ Relaxing Slow Variation Requirements by Velocity-Based Design.pdf

406.1 KB

Identification and Control of Limit Cycle Oscillations in Aeroelastic Systems.pdf

347.5 KB

Identification and Retuning of Optimum Delayed Feedback Vibration Absorber.pdf

1.0 MB

New Method for Extracting the Quaternion from a Rotation Matrix.pdf

145.1 KB

Novel Method for Identification of Aircraft Trajectories in Three-Dimensional Space.pdf

409.5 KB

Online Estimation of Allan Variance Parameters.pdf

298.2 KB

Payload Mass Fractions for Minimum-Time Trajectories of Flat and Compound Solar Sails.pdf

140.0 KB

Quantitative Cross-Feed and Feedback Design of Helicopter in near Hover Flight.pdf

504.1 KB

Reply by the Author to M. Lisano.pdf

44.9 KB

Reusable Launch Vehicle Control in Multiple-Time-Scale Sliding Modes.pdf

474.8 KB

Robust H Deconvolution and Its Application to Fault Detection.pdf

796.7 KB

Robust H Estimation with Application to Robust Fault Detection.pdf

273.0 KB

Safety Constrained Free-Flyer Path Planning at the International Space Station.pdf

718.9 KB

Tensegrity Flight Simulator.pdf

481.2 KB

Two Projectiles Connected by a Flexible Tether Dropped in the Atmosphere.pdf

213.4 KB


Active Control of Flutter in Compressible Flow and Its Aeroelastic Scaling.pdf

327.8 KB

Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Attitude Motions Realizing Linear Closed Loop Dynamics.pdf

212.5 KB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

80.2 KB

Analysis of Longitudinal Flight Dynamics_ A Bifurcation-Theoretic Approach.pdf

320.0 KB

Annual Business.pdf

324.5 KB

Benchmark Active Control Technology Special Section_ Part III.pdf

39.5 KB

Book Review.pdf

70.2 KB

Clifford Algebraic Perspective on Second-Order Linear Systems.pdf

223.2 KB

Comment on ''Robust Nonlinear Control of a Hypersonic Aircraft''.pdf

69.4 KB

Computational Fluid Dynamics and Doublet-Lattice Calculation of Unsteady Control Surface Aerodynamics.pdf

562.4 KB

Deferred-Correction Optimal Control with Applications to Inverse Problems in Flight Mechanics.pdf

316.9 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

48.0 KB

Energy Approach to Flutter Suppression and Aeroelastic Control.pdf

353.9 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

48.2 KB

Exact Evaluation of Stability Margin of Multiloop Flight Control Systems.pdf

245.6 KB

Family of Constraint-Preserving Integrators for Solving Quaternion Equations.pdf

182.7 KB

Generalized Predictive Control for Active Flutter Suppression.pdf

616.6 KB

H8 Feedback for Attitude Control of Liquid-Filled Spacecraft.pdf

297.9 KB

Improved Angular Observations in Geosynchronous Orbit Determination.pdf

226.2 KB

Integrated Design of Reconfigurable Fault-Tolerant Control Systems.pdf

173.0 KB

Large-Scale Air Combat Tactics Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms.pdf

237.7 KB

Lyapunov Control Law for Slew Maneuver Using Time Finite Element Analysis.pdf

408.2 KB

Making Predictions_ A Reality Check.pdf

68.9 KB

Nonlinear Control Methods for High-Energy Limit-Cycle Oscillations.pdf

392.2 KB

Reply by the Authors to P. K. Menon.pdf

74.9 KB

Resolution of Conflicts Involving Many Aircraft via Semidefinite Programming.pdf

314.4 KB

Reviewers for 1 October 1999–30 September 2000.pdf

55.8 KB

Robust Adaptive Variable Structure Control of Spacecraft Under Control Input Saturation.pdf

305.2 KB

Robust Multivariable Flutter Suppression for Benchmark Active Control Technology Wind-Tunnel Model.pdf

292.9 KB

Satellite Attitude Control and Power Tracking with Energy Momentum Wheels.pdf

416.0 KB

Satellite Clusters with Constant Apparent Distribution.pdf

266.9 KB

Second Look at Approximating Differential Inclusions.pdf

128.4 KB

Synergy Between Global Positioning System Code, Carrier, and Signal-to-Noise Ratio Multipath Errors.pdf

489.5 KB

Three-Axes Missile Autopilot Design_ From Linear to Nonlinear Control Strategies.pdf

295.4 KB


Agility Metric Robustness Using Linear Error Theory.pdf

767.0 KB

Bank-to-Turn Guidance Law Using Lyapunov Function and Nonzero Effort Miss.pdf

208.5 KB

Book Review.pdf

72.7 KB

Classification of Algorithms for Angular Velocity Estimation.pdf

169.2 KB

Closed-Form Solution of Line-of-Sight Trajectory for Maneuvering Target.pdf

89.6 KB

Computation of Flight Mechanics Parameters Using Continuation Techniques.pdf

193.8 KB

Conversion of North American Aerospace Defense Command Elements to Epicycle Elements.pdf

126.9 KB

Coordinated Control of Multisatellite Systems.pdf

299.4 KB

Costate Estimation by a Legendre Pseudospectral Method.pdf

226.4 KB

Equivalency Between Strapdown Inertial Navigation Coning and Sculling Integrals Algorithms.pdf

116.6 KB

Formation Flying Control of Multiple Spacecraft via Graphs, Matrix Inequalities, and Switching.pdf

306.5 KB

Hierarchical Control of a Space-Based Deployable Manipulator Using Fuzzy Logic.pdf

387.5 KB

Magnetic Torquer Attitude Control via Asymptotic Periodic Linear Quadratic Regulation.pdf

256.3 KB

Measurement Rate Reduction in Hybrid Systems.pdf

158.4 KB

Multiresolution Methods for Reduced-Order Models for Dynamical Systems.pdf

395.8 KB

New Computational Framework for Trajectory Optimization of Higher-Order Dynamic Systems.pdf

317.3 KB

New Inertial Azimuth Finder Apparatus.pdf

335.9 KB

Numerical Investigation of Model Reference Adaptive Control for Hypersonic Aircraft.pdf

278.7 KB

Optimal Bounded Low-Thrust Rendezvous with Fixed Terminal-Approach Direction.pdf

601.8 KB

Optimization of Launch Vehicle Ascent Trajectories with Path Constraints and Coast Arcs.pdf

325.0 KB

Output-Rate Weighted Optimal Control of Aeroelastic Systems.pdf

139.2 KB

Required Ranges for Conflict Resolutions in Air Traffic Management.pdf

255.7 KB

Reusable Launch Vehicle Control Using Linear-Adaptive and Subspace-Stabilization Techniques.pdf

326.5 KB

Robust Autopilot for a Quasi-Linear Parameter-Varying Missile Model.pdf

310.2 KB

Robust Synergetic Design of Structural Dynamic Engine Out Controllers in Parameter Space.pdf

829.8 KB

Synchronized Rotation of Multiple Autonomous Spacecraft with Rule-Based Controls_ Experimental Study.pdf

369.7 KB

Tight Formation Flight Control.pdf

288.5 KB

Trajectory Planning of Differentially Flat Systems with Dynamics and Inequalities.pdf

411.1 KB

Two-Timescale Inverse Simulation of a Helicopter Model.pdf

374.5 KB

Worst-Case Analysis of the X-38 Crew Return Vehicle Flight Control System.pdf

296.6 KB


Adaptive Output Feedback Control of an Aeroelastic System with Unstructured Uncertainties.pdf

340.8 KB

Aircraft Nonminimum Phase Control in Dynamic Sliding Manifolds.pdf

371.3 KB

Angular-Rate Estimation Using Delayed Quaternion Measurements.pdf

334.9 KB

Application of Control Structure Design Methods to a Jet Engine.pdf

418.8 KB

Attitude Sensing Using a Global-Positioning-System Antenna on a Turntable.pdf

317.7 KB

Book Review.pdf

67.9 KB

Category II Pilot in-the-Loop Oscillations Analysis from Robust Stability Methods.pdf

271.6 KB

Comment on _Online Estimation of Allan Variance Parameters_.pdf

56.3 KB

Computationally Efficient Control Allocation.pdf

259.5 KB

Control of Linear Second-Order Systems by Fuzzy Logic-Based Algorithm.pdf

304.8 KB

Dynamics-Based Attitude Determination Using the Global Positioning System.pdf

303.0 KB

Epicyclic Motion of Satellites About an Oblate Planet.pdf

459.3 KB

Evaluation of Attitude and Orbit Estimation Using Actual Earth Magnetic Field Data.pdf

320.7 KB

Frequency-Domain Estimation of Parameters from Flight Data Using Neural Networks.pdf

209.2 KB

Improved Deployment Characteristics of a Tether-Connected Munition System.pdf

415.0 KB

Influence of Unstable Manifolds on Orbit Uncertainty.pdf

462.5 KB

Markov Model of Terrain for Evaluation of Ground Proximity Warning System Thresholds.pdf

314.4 KB

Methodology for the Performance Evaluation of a Conflict Probe.pdf

442.7 KB

Mixed Norm Control of a Helicopter.pdf

452.0 KB

Model Correction for Sampled-Data Models of Structures.pdf

153.7 KB

Modeling and Simulation of Flexible Flight Vehicles.pdf

693.3 KB

Near Minimum-Time Trajectories for Solar Sails.pdf

132.3 KB

Neoclassical Guidance for Homing Missiles.pdf

347.6 KB

Nonlinear Attitude State Tracking Control for Spacecraft.pdf

176.8 KB

Nonlinear Spacecraft Dynamics with a Flexible Appendage, Damping, and Moving Internal Submasses.pdf

712.0 KB

Optimal Low-Thrust Earth-Moon Targeting Strategy for N-Body Problem.pdf

139.8 KB

Range, Range Rate, and Acceleration Computation for Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit.pdf

143.9 KB

Reply by the Authors to J. C. Wilcox.pdf

56.3 KB

State-Space Interpolation for a Gain-Scheduled Autopilot.pdf

268.5 KB

Stochastic Parameter Tuning Applied to Space Vehicle Flight Control Design.pdf

406.6 KB

Two Reconfigurable Flight-Control Design Methods_ Robust Servomechanism and Control Allocation.pdf

477.8 KB

Variational Calculus and Approximate Solutions of Algebraic Equations.pdf

110.5 KB

Vibration Reduction for Flexible Spacecraft Following Momentum Dumping With Without Slewing.pdf

372.3 KB


Adaptive Fuzzy Gain Scheduling in Guidance System Design.pdf

475.0 KB

Approximate Solutions for Tethered Satellite Motion.pdf

231.7 KB

Attitude Control of Spacecraft_ Mixed H H Approach.pdf

323.4 KB

Book Review.pdf

71.8 KB

Closed-Loop Control Tests for Vertical Fin Buffeting Alleviation Using Strain Actuation.pdf

185.5 KB

Comparison of Intelligent, Adaptive, and Nonlinear Flight Control Laws.pdf

287.7 KB

Computational Aspects of Transfer Trajectories to Halo Orbits.pdf

257.9 KB

Constant Tangential Low-Thrust Trajectories near an Oblate Planet.pdf

290.0 KB

Design of Missile Guidance Law via Variable Structure Control.pdf

170.3 KB

Digital Redesign of Linear State-Feedback Law via Principle of Equivalent Areas.pdf

121.1 KB

Eigenstructure vs Constrained H Design for Hypersonic Winged Cone.pdf

382.3 KB

Experimental Evaluation of Flexible Manipulator Trajectory Optimization.pdf

424.7 KB

Fixed-Range Optimal Trajectories of Supersonic Aircraft by First-Order Expansions.pdf

293.2 KB

General Method for Calculating Satellite Collision Probability.pdf

178.3 KB

Generalization of D'Alembert's Method for Applications to Dynamics.pdf

91.7 KB

Impulsive Feedback Control to Establish Specific Mean Orbit Elements of Spacecraft Formations.pdf

192.2 KB

Neighboring Optimal Aircraft Guidance in Winds.pdf

412.6 KB

New Modeling and Control Design Techniques for Smart Deformable Aircraft Structures.pdf

509.0 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Flight Control Using Backstepping and Neural Networks Controller.pdf

232.4 KB

Optimal Reorientation of a Multibody Spacecraft Through Joint Motion Using Averaging Theory.pdf

289.2 KB

Optimal Stabilization of Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Systems with Application to Spacecraft Control.pdf

282.5 KB

Robust Minimum Power Jerk Control of Maneuvering Structures.pdf

301.2 KB

Selective Modal Control Theory for Piezolaminated Anisotropic Shells.pdf

696.0 KB

Stability Analysis of Planetary Satellite Orbiters_ Application to the Europa Orbiter.pdf

289.7 KB

Stable Neuro-Flight-Controller Using Fully Tuned Radial Basis Function Neural Networks.pdf

330.2 KB

Tethered Robot Casting Using a Spacecraft-Mounted Manipulator.pdf

266.3 KB

Thrust Limited Coplanar Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer.pdf

217.0 KB

Tuning of Coning Algorithms to Gyro Data Frequency Response Characteristics.pdf

190.3 KB

Variable Structure Controller Design with Application to Missile Tracking.pdf

158.5 KB


Adaptive Neurocontroller for a Nonlinear Combat Aircraft Model.pdf

379.3 KB

Analysis of Piezoelectric Sensor to Detect Flexural Waves.pdf

337.2 KB

Applications of Global Positioning System Velocity-Based Attitude Information.pdf

599.6 KB

Bifurcation Analysis of Attitude Dynamics in Rigid Spacecraft with Switching Control Logics.pdf

369.5 KB

Comparing Model Simulations with Flight Performance of Spacecraft Deployable Appendages.pdf

266.5 KB

Design of an Aeroelastic Delta Wing Model for Active Flutter Control.pdf

255.1 KB

Development of a Reconfigurable Flight Control Law for Tailless Aircraft.pdf

312.8 KB

Flight Testing of Reconfigurable Control Law on the X-36 Tailless Aircraft.pdf

764.9 KB

H Feedback for Attitude Control of Liquid-Filled Spacecraft.pdf

69.2 KB

Iterative Algorithms for Attitude Estimation Using Global Positioning System Phase Measurements.pdf

295.9 KB

Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics (JGCD) Questionnaire.pdf

55.2 KB

Large Space Structure Integrated Structural and Control Optimization, Using Analytical Sensitivity Analysis.pdf

264.3 KB

Limit Cycle Oscillation Prediction Using Artificial Neural Networks.pdf

312.9 KB

Linear-Parameter-Varying Loop-Shaping H Synthesis for a Missile Autopilot.pdf

343.2 KB

Motion of an Elastic Beam Supporting a Moving Rigid Body.pdf

221.9 KB

Near-Optimal Deflection of Earth-Approaching Asteroids.pdf

137.4 KB

Nonlinear Recursive Filter for Boost Trajectories.pdf

273.3 KB

Nonlinear Regulation for Tracking and Drag Compensation of Two-Body Spinning Satellite.pdf

570.0 KB

Optimal Control Bolza and Transformed Mayer Problems with Feedback Linearized State Equations.pdf

182.7 KB

Optimal Control of Target Tracking with State Constraints via Cell Mapping.pdf

259.1 KB

Optimal Control.pdf

64.5 KB

Partial Aircraft State Estimation from Visual Motion Using the Subspace Constraints Approach.pdf

416.4 KB

Practical Dual-Control Guidance Using Adaptive Intermittent Maneuver Strategy.pdf

303.8 KB

Precision of Satellite Laser Ranging Calibration of the Naval Space Surveillance System.pdf

279.6 KB

Rate Feedback Control of Free-Free Uniform Flexible Rod.pdf

204.4 KB

Reducing Minimum Time for Flexible Body Small-Angle Slewing with Vibration Suppression.pdf

164.9 KB

Robust Output Feedback Using Sliding Mode Control.pdf

295.1 KB

Singularity Robust Steering Logic for Redundant Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyros.pdf

306.3 KB

Spin-Axis Stabilization of a Rigid Spacecraft Using Two Reaction Wheels.pdf

177.5 KB

Uniform Damping of Plates Using a Modified Nodal Control Method.pdf

178.7 KB

µ Synthesis for a Large Flexible Space Structure Experimental Testbed.pdf

397.3 KB


Adaptive Shunting for Vibration Control of Frequency-Varying Structures.pdf

164.6 KB

Capture Set Computation of an Optimally Guided Missile.pdf

345.2 KB

Control Laws for Minimum Orbital Change—The Satellite Retrieval Problem.pdf

112.9 KB

Efficient Dynamical Equations for Gyrostats.pdf

333.8 KB

Fast Algorithm for Prediction of Satellite Imaging and Communication Opportunities.pdf

249.5 KB

Flight Mechanics of an Elastic Symmetric Missile.pdf

255.1 KB

Fuel-Optimal, Low-Thrust, Three-Dimensional Earth–Mars Trajectories.pdf

241.5 KB

Influence of a Small End Mass on Tether-Mediated Orbital Injection.pdf

425.3 KB

Input Output Conditioning of Robust Integrated Flight and Propulsion Controller.pdf

398.2 KB

Kalman Filtering for Spacecraft System Alignment Calibration.pdf

464.4 KB

Level Flight Trim and Stability Analysis Using Extended Bifurcation and Continuation Procedure.pdf

157.2 KB

Literal Approximations to Aircraft Dynamic Modes.pdf

212.6 KB

Low Operational Order Analytic Sensitivity Analysis for Tree-Type Multibody Dynamic Systems.pdf

320.8 KB

Multi-Input Multi-Output Reconfigurable Flight Control Design.pdf

397.3 KB

Near-Eigenaxis Rotation Control Law Design for Moving-to-Rest Maneuver.pdf

261.2 KB

New Tools for Computing Tight Bounds on the Real Structured Singular Value.pdf

456.3 KB

Nonlinear Flight Control Using Forebody Tangential Blowing.pdf

383.9 KB

Quaternion-Based Adaptive Attitude Tracking Controller Without Velocity Measurements.pdf

239.1 KB

Singular Perturbations and Time Scales in Guidance and Control of Aerospace Systems_ A Survey.pdf

517.8 KB

Using a Multiple-Model Adaptive Estimator in a Random Evasion Missile Aircraft Encounter.pdf

651.4 KB


Adaptive Control of Double-Gimbal Control-Moment Gyro with Unbalanced Rotor.pdf

378.2 KB

Aeroservoelastic Structural and Control Optimization Using Robust Design Schemes.pdf

236.8 KB

Aggressive Longitudinal Aircraft Trajectory Tracking Using Nonlinear Control.pdf

210.5 KB

Analysis of Rotorcraft Flight Dynamics in Autorotation.pdf

212.5 KB

Annual Business.pdf

320.1 KB

Apache Helicopter Stabilization Using Neural Dynamic Programming.pdf

238.1 KB

Approximate Equations for the Coplanar Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

142.4 KB

Attitude Estimation for a Flexible Spacecraft in an Unstable Spin.pdf

371.3 KB

Book Review.pdf

74.7 KB

Design Technique for Stuck-On Thruster Delta V Minimization for an Asymmetric Spacecraft.pdf

181.5 KB

Direct Trajectory Optimization by a Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method.pdf

187.5 KB

Energy-Based Stabilization of Angular Velocity of Rigid Body in Failure Configuration.pdf

144.0 KB

Experimental Robustness Study of Positive Position Feedback Control for Active Vibration Suppression.pdf

186.8 KB

Explicit Guidance of Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer Using Matched Asymptotic Expansions.pdf

281.9 KB

Near-Geostationary Orbit Model Used in Satellite Catalog Maintenance.pdf

156.5 KB

New Approach to Attitude Determination Using Global Positioning System Carrier Phase Measurements.pdf

215.7 KB

New State Transition Matrix for Relative Motion on an Arbitrary Elliptical Orbit.pdf

204.5 KB

Optimal Fusion of a Given Quaternion with Vector Measurements.pdf

94.6 KB

Optimal, Low-Thrust Earth-Orbit Transfers Using Higher-Order Collocation Methods.pdf

352.9 KB

Rapid Multitarget Acquisition and Pointing Control of Agile Spacecraft.pdf

324.5 KB

Real-Time Adaptation of Mode Transition Controllers.pdf

614.0 KB

Real-Time Motion Planning for Agile Autonomous Vehicles.pdf

542.7 KB

Relative Dynamics and Control of Spacecraft Formations in Eccentric Orbits.pdf

351.4 KB

Rendezvous Equations in a Central-Force Field with Linear Drag.pdf

141.0 KB

Robust Control of Linearized Poiseuille Flow.pdf

274.8 KB

Satellite Orbit Determination Using a Single-Channel Global Positioning System Receiver.pdf

315.6 KB

Some Funny Things Happened on the Way to the Moon.pdf

306.0 KB


Adaptive Critic-Based Neural Networks for Agile Missile Control.pdf

160.5 KB

Analysis of the Two-Degree-of-Freedom Wing Rock in Advanced Aircraft.pdf

304.5 KB

Benchmarking Time-Optimal Control Inputs for Flexible Systems.pdf

233.6 KB

Book Review.pdf

69.3 KB

Calibration of Measurement Delay in Global Positioning System Strapdown Inertial Navigation System.pdf

406.9 KB

Characteristics of Time-Optimal Commands for Flexible Structures with Limited Fuel Usage.pdf

269.1 KB

Control of Chaotic Motion in a Dual-Spin Spacecraft with Nutational Damping.pdf

257.5 KB

Dynamic Inversion-Based Adaptive Reconfigurable Control of the X-33 on Ascent.pdf

458.5 KB

Eccentricity Impact on East–West Stationkeeping for Global Positioning System Class Orbits.pdf

440.1 KB

Erratum for Improved Dispersion of a Fin-Stabilized Projectile Using a Passive Moveable Nose.pdf

63.9 KB

Event Detection and Characterization During Autonomous Interplanetary Navigation.pdf

723.0 KB

Experiments on Command Shaping Control of a Manipulator with Flexible Links.pdf

326.5 KB

Fast Quaternion Attitude Estimation from Two Vector Measurements.pdf

160.8 KB

Generalized Active Control of Vibrations in Helicopters.pdf

571.2 KB

Guidance Law Design by Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control.pdf

480.6 KB

Hybrid Cartesian and Orbit Element Feedback Law for Formation Flying Spacecraft.pdf

278.5 KB

Jump Markovian-Based Control of Wing Deployment for an Uncrewed Air Vehicle.pdf

157.9 KB

Laboratory Test System for Performance Evaluation of Advanced Star Sensors.pdf

249.6 KB

Motion Control of a Nonholonomic System Based on the Lyapunov Control Method.pdf

183.8 KB

Multimode Control of a Rotating, Uniform, Cantilever Beam.pdf

387.8 KB

Nonlinear Tracking Control for Satellite Formations.pdf

413.0 KB

Numerical Study and Analytic Estimation of Forces Acting in Ballistic Gravitational Capture.pdf

306.3 KB

Order Reduction and Closed-Loop Vibration Control in Helicopter Fuselages.pdf

279.8 KB

Output Feedback Control of the Nonlinear Aeroelastic Response of a Slender Wing.pdf

187.7 KB

Real-Time Identification of Flutter Boundaries Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform.pdf

191.0 KB

Reduced-Order Entry Trajectory Planning for Acceleration Guidance.pdf

437.1 KB

Robust Control System Design Using Simulated Annealing.pdf

407.1 KB

Robust Fault Detection for Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems.pdf

333.6 KB

System Architecture Trades Using Bode-Step Control Design.pdf

270.7 KB

Turning Elliptic Orbital Planes via Intermediate Thrust Spherical Arcs.pdf

282.6 KB


Anatomy of the Constant Radial Thrust Problem.pdf

365.7 KB

Book Review.pdf

72.9 KB

Classical Neural Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Systems.pdf

280.7 KB

Comparison of Flight Control System Design Methods Using the CONDUIT Design Tool.pdf

1.4 MB

Desensitized Jerk Limited-Time Optimal Control of Multi-Input Systems.pdf

456.4 KB

Epicyclic Motion of Satellites Under Rotating Potential.pdf

297.5 KB

Fast Implementation of Direct Allocation with Extension to Coplanar Controls.pdf

543.6 KB

Guidance and Relative Navigation for Autonomous Rendezvous in a Circular Orbit.pdf

411.2 KB

H Antiwindup Design for Linear Systems Subject to Input Saturation.pdf

239.3 KB

Identification of the Dominant Ground Handling Characteristics of a Navy Jet Trainer.pdf

304.9 KB

Increasing the Numerical Robustness of Balanced Model Reduction.pdf

130.7 KB

Incremental-Angle and Angular Velocity Estimation Using a Star Sensor.pdf

352.1 KB

Minimizing the Effects of Transverse Torques During Thrusting for Spin-Stabilized Spacecraft.pdf

281.4 KB

Online Parameter Estimation Techniques Comparison Within a Fault Tolerant Flight Control System.pdf

338.8 KB

Optimal Earth-Capture Trajectories Using Electric Propulsion.pdf

149.0 KB

Phugoid Damping Control.pdf

297.8 KB

Predictor Flight-Path Display for Manual Longitudinal Control Improvement.pdf

342.8 KB

Review of the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.pdf

69.8 KB

Robust H Design for Lateral Flight Control of Highly Flexible Aircraft.pdf

376.8 KB

Rocket Nozzle Flow Control Using a Reduced-Order Computational Fluid Dynamics Model.pdf

222.8 KB

Semi-Analytical Formulas for Launcher Performance Evaluation.pdf

222.5 KB

Solar Sail Hybrid Trajectory Optimization for Non-Keplerian Orbit Transfers.pdf

132.9 KB

Spillover Suppression via Eigenstructure Assignment in Large Flexible Structures.pdf

124.8 KB

Structural Damage Detection Using Virtual Passive Controllers.pdf

148.5 KB

Tests of Magnetometer Sun-Sensor Orbit Determination Using Flight Data.pdf

261.4 KB

Time-Varying Linear Pursuit–Evasion Game Models with Bounded Controls.pdf

308.1 KB

Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control of an Actively Controlled Wind-Tunnel Model.pdf

306.8 KB


Aeroservoelastic Model Uncertainty Bound Estimation from Flight Data.pdf

214.6 KB

Chaotic Attitude Tumbling of an Asymmetric Gyrostat in a Gravitational Field.pdf

313.2 KB

Consistent Approximations to Aircraft Longitudinal Modes.pdf

161.0 KB

Control of Hovering Spacecraft Using Altimetry.pdf

372.0 KB

Dynamics of Beams Undergoing Large Rotations Accounting for Arbitrary Axial Deformation.pdf

315.3 KB

Efficient Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation in Ballistic Missile Interception Scenarios.pdf

290.8 KB

Element-Specific Beam Dynamics Formulations_ Coordinate Choices, Boundary Conditions, and Strain Approximations.pdf

357.3 KB

Estimating Departure Queues to Study Runway Efficiency.pdf

233.9 KB

Evaluation of Optimization Methods for Control Allocation.pdf

205.4 KB

Experimental Modal Analysis and Damping Estimation for an Inflated Thin-Film Torus.pdf

468.1 KB

Fast Prediction Algorithms of Satellite Imaging Opportunities with Attitude Controls.pdf

231.7 KB

Hybrid Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control of an Aeroelastic System.pdf

175.2 KB

Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling and Control of Structural Dynamics with Aerothermoelastic Effects.pdf

204.5 KB

Mechanism for Precision Orbit Control with Applications to Formation Keeping.pdf

127.4 KB

Multiple-Model Adaptive Flight Control Scheme for Accommodation of Actuator Failures.pdf

459.4 KB

Nonlinear Prefilter to Prevent Pilot-Induced Oscillations due to Actuator Rate Limiting.pdf

347.5 KB

Nonorthodox Guidance Law Development Approach for Intercepting Maneuvering Targets.pdf

302.8 KB

Optimal Near-Minimum-Time Control Design for Flexible Structures.pdf

310.3 KB

Optimal Simultaneous Pairwise Conflict Resolution Maneuvers in Air Traffic Management.pdf

234.6 KB

Optimization of Vertical Plane Cobralike Pitch Reversal Maneuvers.pdf

465.6 KB

Output Feedback Form and Adaptive Stabilization of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.pdf

218.9 KB

Pitch Autopilot Design Using Model-Following Adaptive Sliding Mode Control.pdf

166.6 KB

Quasi-Newton-Type Continuation Method for Nonlinear Receding Horizon Control.pdf

257.3 KB

Relative Satellite Motion About an Oblate Planet.pdf

298.0 KB

Rigid-Body Trajectory Reconstruction.pdf

135.7 KB

Spacecraft Motion About Slowly Rotating Asteroids.pdf

394.5 KB

Spacecraft Trajectory Planning with Avoidance Constraints Using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming.pdf

370.9 KB

Uncorrelated Observations Processing at Naval Space Command.pdf

269.0 KB

Virtual Vibration Absorbers with Inherent Damping.pdf

246.2 KB


Analysis of Formation Flying Control of a Pair of Nanosatellites.pdf

217.8 KB

Analytical Modeling of Sensor Quantization in Strapdown Inertial Navigation Error Equations.pdf

249.4 KB

Automated Tuning of an Extended Kalman Filter Using the Downhill Simplex Algorithm.pdf

273.4 KB

Composite Optimization Scheme for Time-Optimal Control.pdf

127.5 KB

Flutter, Postflutter, and Control of a Supersonic Wing Section.pdf

359.9 KB

Height Control System for Sea-Skimming Missile Using Predictive Filter.pdf

163.3 KB

In-Space Calibration of a Skewed Gyro Quadruplet.pdf

204.1 KB

Integrated Algorithm for Lunar Transfer Trajectories Using a Pseudostate Technique.pdf

375.4 KB

Method for Calculating Collision Probability Between a Satellite and a Space Tether.pdf

550.8 KB

Method of Unsteady Aerodynamic Forces Approximation for Aeroservoelastic Interactions.pdf

122.4 KB

Minimax Design of Robust Controllers for Flexible Systems.pdf

231.1 KB

Model Predictive Lateral Pulse Jet Control of an Atmospheric Rocket.pdf

282.7 KB

Monitoring of Geostationary Earth Orbit Satellites in Russian Space Surveillance Center.pdf

224.7 KB

Multivariable Adaptive Control Design with Applications to Autonomous Helicopters.pdf

303.3 KB

Nonlinear Receding Horizon Control of an F-16 Aircraft.pdf

344.7 KB

Nonlinear Tracking Control of an Underactuated Spacecraft.pdf

253.8 KB

Optimal Control of Interplanetary Trajectories Using Electrical Propulsion with Discrete Thrust Levels.pdf

623.4 KB

Optimal Coordinated Maneuvers for Three-Dimensional Aircraft Conflict Resolution.pdf

955.0 KB

Robust Control System Design for Rotorcraft.pdf

245.6 KB

Robust Individual Blade Control Algorithm for a Dissimilar Rotor.pdf

430.3 KB

Trajectory Optimization for Air-to-Surface Missiles with Imaging Radars.pdf

316.8 KB

Unifying Treatment to Control of Nonlinear Systems with Two Timescales.pdf

214.3 KB


Adaptive Estimation Methodology for Helicopter Blade Structural Damage Detection.pdf

643.6 KB

Adaptive Output Feedback for High-Bandwidth Flight Control.pdf

302.3 KB

Angular Velocity Determination Directly from Star Tracker Measurements.pdf

167.7 KB

Author Index.pdf

41.1 KB

Blending Methodology of Linear Parameter Varying Control Synthesis of F-16 Aircraft System.pdf

274.3 KB

Book Review.pdf

102.1 KB

Books Reviewed During 2002.pdf

31.5 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

120.9 KB

Clohessy–Wiltshire Equations Modified to Include Quadratic Drag.pdf

178.9 KB

Dynamics Control of a Radio Telescope Receiver Supported by a Tethered Aerostat.pdf

444.9 KB

Error Analysis of a Low–Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Mission.pdf

222.7 KB

Functional Analysis Approach to Minimum Energy Maneuver Problem for Flexible Space Structures.pdf

255.9 KB

Hierarchical Approach to Adaptive Control for Improved Flight Safety.pdf

280.4 KB

High-Fidelity Linearized J Model for Satellite Formation Flight.pdf

230.7 KB

Influence of Wind Speed on Airship Dynamics.pdf

222.4 KB

Inverse Dynamics of Aircraft via Reduced-Order Shooting Methods.pdf

231.9 KB

Lidar-Based Hazard Avoidance for Safe Landing on Mars.pdf

663.5 KB

Local Regularization of the Restricted Elliptic Three-Body Problem in Rotating Coordinates.pdf

255.4 KB

Modeling and Computing Worst-Case Uncertainty Combinations for Flight Control Systems Analysis.pdf

613.8 KB

Observability Analysis of Six-Degree-of-Freedom Configuration Determination Using Vector Observations.pdf

220.8 KB

Recurrent Neural Network Adaptive Control of Wing-Rock Motion.pdf

127.6 KB

Spacecraft Adaptive Attitude and Power Tracking with Variable Speed Control Moment Gyroscopes.pdf

352.4 KB

Spherical µ with Application to Flight Control Analysis.pdf

303.8 KB

Strictly Positive Real H Controller Synthesis via Iterative Algorithms for Convex Optimization.pdf

336.5 KB

Subject Index.pdf

103.5 KB

Target Association Using Detection Methods.pdf

256.2 KB

Two-Bar Model for the Dynamics and Stability of Electrodynamic Tethers.pdf

418.7 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

79.8 KB

Annual Business.pdf

338.3 KB

Comparison of Agility Metrics to Beck Agility Metrics Using Linear Error Theory.pdf

275.4 KB

Detecting Global Positioning Satellite Orbit Errors Using Short-Baseline Carrier-Phase Measurements.pdf

294.2 KB

Determining If Two Solid Ellipsoids Intersect.pdf

245.8 KB

Dynamic Modeling of Ring Nutation Dampers.pdf

198.6 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

44.7 KB

Employing Soft Computing Techniques to Study Stability and Control in Aircraft Design.pdf

176.7 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

52.3 KB

F-14 Aircraft Lateral–Directional Adaptive Control Using Subspace Stabilization.pdf

168.4 KB

Fault Tolerant Flight Control.pdf

293.6 KB

Flight Motion of a Continuously Elastic Finned Missile.pdf

270.5 KB

Flutter Supression Using Linear Optimal and Fuzzy Logic Techniques.pdf

200.1 KB

Formation Flight Optimization Using Extremum Seeking Feedback.pdf

401.5 KB

Gravity-Turn Descent from Low Circular Orbit Conditions.pdf

137.8 KB

Helicopter Control Systems_ A History.pdf

328.7 KB

Long-Term Third-Body Effects via Double Averaging.pdf

170.0 KB

Neural Network Approach for Nonlinear Aeroelastic Analysis.pdf

251.0 KB

New Form of Kane's Equations of Motion for Constrained Systems.pdf

264.5 KB

Nonlinear Disturbance Observer-Enhanced Dynamic Inversion Control of Missiles.pdf

218.6 KB

Onboard Generation of Three-Dimensional Constrained Entry Trajectories.pdf

379.8 KB

Optimal Impulsive Control of Relative Satellite Motion.pdf

212.0 KB

Optimal Trajectory Analysis for Deployment Retrieval of Tethered Subsatellite Using Metric.pdf

120.1 KB

Optimal Two-Impulse Rendezvous Using Multiple-Revolution Lambert Solutions.pdf

477.8 KB

Pilot-Performed In-Trail Spacing and Merging_ An Experimental Study.pdf

238.4 KB

Reviewers for October 2001-September 2002.pdf

53.0 KB

Riccati Dichotomic Basis Method for Solving Hypersensitive Optimal Control Problems.pdf

164.5 KB

Second-Order Relative Motion Equations.pdf

225.2 KB

Stability and Convergence of a Hybrid Adaptive Feedforward Observer.pdf

210.6 KB

Stabilizing Motion Relative to an Unstable Orbit_ Applications to Spacecraft Formation Flight.pdf

475.9 KB

Third-Body Perturbation in Orbits Around Natural Satellites.pdf

373.7 KB


Attitude Error Representations for Kalman Filtering.pdf

171.7 KB

Attitude Regulation About a Fixed Rotation Axis.pdf

184.5 KB

Closed-Loop Endoatmospheric Ascent Guidance.pdf

342.2 KB

Comments on _Literal Approximations to Aircraft Dynamics Modes_ and _Consistent Approximations to Aircraft Longitudinal Modes_.pdf

128.7 KB

Composite Estimate of Spacecraft Sensor Alignment Calibrations.pdf

145.7 KB

Coupling Numerators and Input–Output Pairing in Square Control Systems.pdf

122.5 KB

Dual-Spacecraft Formation Flying in Deep Space_ Optimal Collision-Free Reconfigurations.pdf

189.9 KB

Escaping Trajectories in the Hill Three-Body Problem and Applications.pdf

347.0 KB

Formation Flying_ Accommodating Nonlinearity and Eccentricity Perturbations.pdf

381.7 KB

Frozen Orbits About the Moon.pdf

281.9 KB

Inverse Solar Sail Trajectory Problem.pdf

128.0 KB

Low-Order Equivalent System Identification for the Tu-144LL Supersonic Transport Aircraft.pdf

352.0 KB

New Interceptor Guidance Law Integrating Time-Varying and Estimation-Delay Models.pdf

251.8 KB

Observer Kalman Filter Identification for Online System Identification of Aircraft.pdf

248.6 KB

One Hundred Years of Aircraft Electronics.pdf

1.6 MB

Output Feedback Control of Mechanical Systems with Application to Spacecraft and Robots.pdf

328.2 KB

Prediction Tools for Active Damping and Motion Planning of Flexible Manipulators.pdf

805.2 KB

Reply by the Authors to G. Mengali.pdf

70.8 KB

Role of Eigenvectors in Aircraft Dynamics Optimization.pdf

201.0 KB

Slew Maneuver of a Flexible Space Structure with Constraint on Bending Moment.pdf

272.2 KB

Space Vehicle Maneuver Method to Lower Collision Risk to an Acceptable Level.pdf

481.4 KB

Spacecraft Attitude Rate Estimation from Geomagnetic Field Measurements.pdf

260.0 KB

Structured Multivariable Phase Margin Analysis with Applications to a Missile Autopilot.pdf

166.4 KB

Three-Axis Attitude Determination Using Global Positioning System Signal Strength Measurements.pdf

274.3 KB

Timescale Analysis for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems.pdf

386.5 KB

Uncertainty Estimation from Volterra Kernels for Robust Flutter Analysis.pdf

300.9 KB


Adaptive Neural Control of Deep-Space Formation Flying.pdf

294.1 KB

Algebraic Riccati-Equation-Based Differentiation Trackers.pdf

173.2 KB

Algorithm for Autonomous Longitude and Eccentricity Control for Geostationary Spacecraft.pdf

248.0 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

64.7 KB

Computing Danger Zones for Provably Safe Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches.pdf

354.7 KB

Contributions of Multibody Dynamics to Space Flight_ A Brief Review.pdf

371.7 KB

Integrated Hardware Investigations of Precision Spacecraft Rendezvous Using the Global Positioning System.pdf

407.1 KB

Longitudinal Flying Qualities Prediction for Nonlinear Aircraft.pdf

368.0 KB

Modeling Maneuver Dynamics in Air Traffic Conflict Resolution.pdf

308.0 KB

Modular Adaptive Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.pdf

278.5 KB

Multi-Input Multi-Output Sliding Mode Control for a Tailless Fighter Aircraft.pdf

421.7 KB

Optimal Trajectory Planning for Hot-Air Balloons in Linear Wind Fields.pdf

265.9 KB

Periodic Solutions in Electrodynamic Tethers on Inclined Orbits.pdf

513.4 KB

Quaternion Controller Design Using Switched Linear Parameter-Varying Framework.pdf

123.5 KB

Rapid Verification Method for the Trajectory Optimization of Reentry Vehicles.pdf

155.5 KB

Sliding Mode Control Applied to Reconfigurable Flight Control Design.pdf

419.5 KB


Automated Method to Compute Orbital Reentry Trajectories with Heating Constraints.pdf

271.2 KB

Azimuthal Repositioning of Payloads in Heliocentric Orbit Using Solar Sails.pdf

141.9 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

90.0 KB

Effect of Tire Pressure on Aircraft Ground Handling.pdf

440.4 KB

Heating and Modeling Effects in Tethered Aerocapture Missions.pdf

464.2 KB

Helicopter Flight-Control Reconfiguration for Main Rotor Actuator Failures.pdf

416.5 KB

Historical Review of Air-Bearing Spacecraft Simulators.pdf

821.5 KB

Instability of Fixed, Low-Thrust Drag Compensation.pdf

120.8 KB

Invariant Manifold Tracking for First-Order Nonlinear Hill's Equations.pdf

258.9 KB

Linearized Dynamic Equations for Spacecraft Subject to J Perturbations.pdf

107.7 KB

Lunar Gravitational Capture Conditions.pdf

292.8 KB

Nonlinear Statistical Approach for Aeroelastic Response Prediction.pdf

217.0 KB

Optimal Strategy for Geostationary Orbit Acquisition Using Ion Propulsion.pdf

665.6 KB

Reconfigurable Flight Control System Design Using Direct Adaptive Method.pdf

235.4 KB

Solution of the Elliptic Rendezvous Problem with the Time as Independent Variable.pdf

167.2 KB

Spacecraft Vibration Reduction Following Thruster Firing for Orbit Adjustment.pdf

149.4 KB

Stabilization of Helicopter Blades with Severed Pitch Links Using Trailing-Edge Flaps.pdf

365.7 KB

Stabilization of Optimum Trajectory Costate Differential Equations.pdf

145.2 KB

Structured Model Reference Adaptive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

262.9 KB

Technique for Escape from Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit Using a Solar Sail.pdf

205.3 KB

Uncertainty Models and Robust Complex-Rational Controller Design for Flexible Structures.pdf

216.9 KB

Unscented Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation.pdf

221.9 KB

Using Fractional Gaussian Noise Models in Orbit Determination.pdf

357.0 KB


Analysis of Frozen Conditions and Optimal Frozen Orbit Insertion.pdf

307.3 KB

Book Reviews.pdf

63.9 KB

Evaluation of Longitudinal Desired Dynamics for Dynamic-Inversion Controlled Generic Reentry Vehicles.pdf

494.8 KB

General Class of Tensegrity Structures_ Topology and Prestress Equilibrium Analysis.pdf

297.6 KB

Global Positioning System-Based Attitude Determination and the Orthogonal Procrustes Problem.pdf

113.8 KB

Historical Perspective on Analysis and Control of Aeroelastic Responses.pdf

745.6 KB

Improving Conventional Longitudinal Missile Autopilot Using Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller Neural Networks.pdf

242.0 KB

Mission Functionality for Deflecting Earth-Crossing Asteroids Comets.pdf

445.1 KB

New Class of Optimal Plane Change Maneuvers.pdf

412.5 KB

New Proportional Navigation Law for Ground-to-Air Systems.pdf

146.9 KB

Orbital Maneuvering with Electrodynamic Tethers.pdf

378.6 KB

Orbits in a Generalized Two-Body Problem.pdf

236.3 KB

Planning Algorithm for Multiple Satellite Clusters.pdf

345.3 KB

Precise Ephemeris Reconstruction Using the Clohessy–Wiltshire Frame and Multiple Sequential Compressions.pdf

177.6 KB

Probability of Midair Collision During Ultra Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches.pdf

313.2 KB

Reconfigurable Nonlinear Autopilot.pdf

259.3 KB

Satellite Collision Probability for Nonlinear Relative Motion.pdf

272.5 KB

Spacecraft Architecture for Disturbance-Free Payload.pdf

519.0 KB

Statistical Analysis of Control Maneuvers in Unstable Orbital Environments.pdf

370.0 KB

Trigonometric Models for Large-Angle Aerodynamic Force Coefficients.pdf

132.3 KB

Two-Timescale Analysis of Phugoid Mode.pdf

129.0 KB

Update Scheme for Drag Reference Profiles in an Entry Guidance.pdf

208.4 KB


Aspects of Control for a Parafoil and Payload System.pdf

329.9 KB

Attitude Control of a Reentry Vehicle with Internal Dynamics.pdf

284.1 KB

Constrained Circularization in Elliptic Orbit Using Low Thrust with Shadowing Effect.pdf

216.4 KB

Control-Theoretic Analysis of Low-Thrust Orbital Transfer Using Orbital Elements.pdf

139.6 KB

Design Sensitivity Analysis for Helicopter Flight Dynamic and Aeromechanic Stability.pdf

289.9 KB

Discovery and Invention_ The Newtonian Revolution in Systems Technology.pdf

126.2 KB

Equilibria of Multibody Chain in Orbit Plane.pdf

202.8 KB

Handling Qualities Criteria for Roll Control of Highly Augmented Aircraft.pdf

287.7 KB

Improved Clearance of a Flight Control Law Using µ-Analysis Techniques.pdf

635.2 KB

Limited Authority Adaptive Flight Control for Reusable Launch Vehicles.pdf

278.9 KB

Longitudinal Flight-Path Control Using Online Function Approximation.pdf

394.1 KB

Minimum-Time Orbital Phasing Maneuvers.pdf

322.3 KB

Nondimensional Analysis of Reaction-Wheel Control for Aerobraking.pdf

563.3 KB

Normalized Analysis of Interceptor Missiles Using the Four-State Optimal Guidance System.pdf

345.0 KB

Observability of a Geosynchronous Spacecraft Attitude Determination System.pdf

226.4 KB

Rotation Vector in Attitude Estimation.pdf

167.9 KB

State Transition Matrix of Relative Motion for the Perturbed Noncircular Reference Orbit.pdf

410.0 KB

State-Dependent Riccati Equation for Control of Aeroelastic Flutter.pdf

155.8 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

115.6 KB

Annual Business.pdf

1.3 MB

Control of a Nonlinear Wing Section Using Leading- and Trailing-Edge Surfaces.pdf

830.5 KB

Decentralized Scheme for Spacecraft Formation Flying via the Virtual Structure Approach.pdf

704.1 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

85.0 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

87.5 KB

Evolution, Revolution, and Challenges of Handling Qualities.pdf

4.0 MB

Flight -Test Evaluation of Stability Augmentation Steering System for Aircraft Ground Handling.pdf

1.5 MB

Frenet-Based Algorithm for Trajectory Prediction.pdf

1.9 MB

Gain-Phase Margin Analysis of Pilot-Induced Oscillations for Limit-Cycle Prediction.pdf

1.9 MB

Integrated Guidance and Control of Moving-Mass Actuated Kinetic Warheads.pdf

1.7 MB

Interspacecraft Optical Communication and Navigation Using Modulating Retroreflectors.pdf

2.6 MB

Linear System Input-Order Reduction by Hankel Norm Maximization.pdf

212.2 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Control for Slewing Flexible Active Structures.pdf

275.7 KB

Nonlinear Modelling of Spacecraft Relative Motion in the Configuration Space.pdf

625.3 KB

Nonlinear Recursive Minimum Model Error Estimation.pdf

326.7 KB

Optimization of Interplanetary Solar Sailcraft Trajectories Using Evolutionary Neurocontrol.pdf

622.6 KB

Partial Eigenstructure Assignment Approach for Robust Flight Control.pdf

241.3 KB

Reviewers for 1 October 2002-30 September 2003.pdf

72.7 KB

Robust Vibration Suppression in Flexible Systems Using Infinite Impulse Response Digital Filters.pdf

2.4 MB

Rule-Based Cooperative Control of Optically Linked Model Spacecraft_ Experimental Study.pdf

7.2 MB

Synthesis of Optimal Control and Flight Testing of an Autonomous Circular Parachute.pdf

3.3 MB

Toward a Stellar Gyroscope for Spacecraft Attitude Determination.pdf

4.2 MB


Adaptive Control Design for Nonaffine Models Arising in Flight Control.pdf

290.6 KB

Application of Pseudospectral Methods for Receding Horizon Control.pdf

235.7 KB

Approximate Analytical Criterion for Aircraft Wing Rock Onset.pdf

266.4 KB

Boost-Phase Identification of Theater Ballistic Missiles Using Radar Measurements.pdf

515.9 KB

Development of Linear-Parameter-Varying Models for Aircraft.pdf

4.1 MB

Dynamics and Stability of an Autorotating Rotor Wing Unmanned Aircraft.pdf

2.5 MB

Erratum To Savage, P.G., _Strapdown Inertial Navigation Algorithm Design Part 2_ Velocity and Position Algorithms_, JGCD, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1998, pp. 208-221.pdf

135.2 KB

First-Order Analytical Solution for Spacecraft Motion About (433) Eros.pdf

208.8 KB

Flight Control Century_ Triumphs of the Systems Approach.pdf

2.4 MB

Global Magnetometer-Based Spacecraft Attitude and Rate Estimation.pdf

3.5 MB

History of Analytical Orbit Modeling in the U. S. Space Surveillance System.pdf

242.7 KB

Interferometric Observatories in Earth Orbit.pdf

344.2 KB

Jacobi Pseudospectral Method for Solving Optimal Control Problems.pdf

276.6 KB

Learning-Based Sensor Validation Scheme Within Flight Control Laws.pdf

338.8 KB

Miss Distance Error Analysis of Exoatmospheric Interceptors.pdf

409.4 KB

New, Fast Numerical Method for Solving Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems.pdf

184.4 KB

Nonlinear Control of Librational Motion of Tethered Satellites in Elliptic Orbits.pdf

799.6 KB

Precise Cassini Navigation During Solar Conjunctions Through Multifrequency Plasma Calibrations.pdf

1.7 MB

Sensor and Actuator Fault Reconstruction.pdf

504.7 KB

Singularity Analysis and Visualization for Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyro Systems.pdf

2.9 MB

Square Root Sigma Point Filtering for Real-Time, Nonlinear Estimation.pdf

295.3 KB

Using Fractional Gaussian Noise Models in Orbit Determination.pdf

831.5 KB


Adaptive Neural Network Inverse Controller for General Aviation Safety.pdf

483.1 KB

Aircraft Autopilot Analysis and Envelope Protection for Operation Under Icing Conditions.pdf

1.6 MB

Augmenting Adaptive Approach to Control of Flexible Systems.pdf

743.3 KB

Covariance Control for Sensor Management in Cluttered Tracking Environments.pdf

290.3 KB

Dual Controller Approach to Three-Dimensional Autonomous Formation Control.pdf

1.1 MB

Extended Kalman Filtering for Satellite Orbital Attitude Estimation Based on Gibbs Vector.pdf

158.0 KB

Mars and Mercury Missions Using Solar Sails and Solar Electric Propulsion.pdf

332.4 KB

mu Synthesis for a Small Commercial Aircraft_ Design and Simulator Validation.pdf

3.9 MB

Nanosatellite Attitude Stabilization Using Passive Aerodynamics and Active Magnetic Torquing.pdf

1.5 MB

Nonlinear Missile Autopilot Design with Theta-D Technique.pdf

927.7 KB

Optimal Interplanetary Trajectories Using Constant Radial Thrust and Gravitational Assists.pdf

153.4 KB

Optimal State Estimation With Failed Sensor Discrimination and Identification.pdf

1.5 MB

Optimal-REQUEST Algorithm for Attitude Determination.pdf

309.1 KB

Pseudospectral Knotting Methods for Solving Nonsmooth Optimal Control Problems.pdf

325.9 KB

Resonant Motion of a Spin-Stabilized Thrusting Spacecraft.pdf

567.5 KB

Scaling Effects and Dynamic Characteristics of Miniature Rotorcraft.pdf

654.3 KB

Second-Order Equations for Rendezvous in a Circular Orbit.pdf

170.5 KB

Sequential Computation of Total Least-Squares Parameter Estimates.pdf

165.7 KB

Simple Structure for a High Performance Three-Dimensional Tracking Filter.pdf

254.2 KB

Singularity Analysis of Variable Speed Control Moment Gyros.pdf

2.0 MB

Spacecraft Angular Rate Estimation from Magnetometer Data Only Using an Analytic Predictor.pdf

3.6 MB

State-Space Approach to Computing Spacecraft Pointing Jitter.pdf

619.7 KB

Systematic Method for Constructing Earth-Mars Cyclers Using Free-Return Trajectories.pdf

612.2 KB

Vehicle Motion Planning with Time-Varying Constraints.pdf

351.1 KB


Adaptive Output Feedback Control Methodology_ Theory and Practical Implementation Aspects.pdf

272.8 KB

Analytical Theory of Three-Degree-of-Freedom Aircraft Wing Rock.pdf

339.4 KB

Attitude Dynamics Control of a Dual-Body Spacecraft with Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyros.pdf

942.7 KB

Bank-to-Turn Missile Autopilot Design Via Observer-Based Command Governor Approach.pdf

335.3 KB

Computation of Controllability Regions for Unstable Aircraft Dynamics.pdf

1.4 MB

Dynamic Optimization Strategies for Three-Dimensional Conflict Resolution of Multiple Aircraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Enhanced Air-to-Air Missile Tracking Using Target Orientation Observations.pdf

2.0 MB

Flight Dynamics of the Boomerang, Part 1_ Fundamental Analysis.pdf

4.0 MB

Flight Dynamics of the Boomerang, Part Two_ Effects of Initial Condition and Geometrical Configuration.pdf

1.8 MB

Formation Control of Satellites Subject to Drag Variations and J2 Perturbations.pdf

799.9 KB

Gain-Scheduling Stability Issues Using Differential Inclusion and Fuzzy Systems.pdf

189.6 KB

Guidance of Unmanned Air Vehicles Based on Fuzzy Sets and Fixed Waypoints.pdf

2.0 MB

Limit Cycles and Domain of Stability in Unsteady Aeroelastic System.pdf

323.9 KB

Minimum-Energy Output Transitions for Linear Discrete-Time Systems_ Flexible Structure Applications.pdf

874.5 KB

Missile Autopilot Design Using Discrete-Time Variable Structure Controller with Sliding Sector.pdf

559.6 KB

Modeling Pilot's Sequential Maneuvering Decisions by a Multistage Influence Diagram.pdf

527.6 KB

Multibody Dynamics of Parachute and Balloon Flight Systems for Planetary Exploration.pdf

1.7 MB

Optimization of Variable-Specific-Impulse Interplanetary Trajectories.pdf

1.5 MB

Review of Formulas for Dynamic Analysis.pdf

121.1 KB

Review of Newton's Tyranny_ The Suppressed Scientific Discoveries of Stephen Gray and John Flamsteed.pdf

106.4 KB

Robust Tracking Control Design for Spacecraft Under Control Input Saturation.pdf

1.8 MB

Simulated Annealing for Missile Optimization_ Developing Method and Formulation Techniques.pdf

873.8 KB

Solar Sail Attitude Control and Dynamics, Part 1.pdf

1.2 MB

Solar Sail Attitude Control and Dynamics, Part Two.pdf

1.9 MB

Solving Relative Two-Point Boundary Value Problems_ Spacecraft Formulation Flight Transfers Application.pdf

869.8 KB

Tuning of Observer-Based Controllers.pdf

1.6 MB

Unified Algebraic Approach to Approximation of Lateral-Directional Modes and Departure Criteria.pdf

225.1 KB


Adaptive Linear Parameter Varying Control Synthesis for Actuator Failure.pdf

337.5 KB

Adaptive Sliding Mode Control Design for a Hypersonic Flight Vehicle.pdf

376.4 KB

Aeroelasticity of Time-Delayed Feedback Control of Two-Dimensional Supersonic Lifting Surfaces.pdf

519.3 KB

Anytime Control Algorithm_ Model Reduction Approach.pdf

345.7 KB

Control of a Rotating Variable-Length Tethered System.pdf

1.0 MB

Helicopter Vibration Reduction and Damping Enhancement Using Individual Blade Control.pdf

354.4 KB

Human-Inspired Control Logic for Automated Maneuvering of Miniature Helicopter.pdf

1.2 MB

Integrated Power and Attitude Control with Spacecraft Flywheels and Control Moment Gyroscopes.pdf

1.7 MB

Investigating The Role of Rate Limiting in Pilot-Induced Oscillations.pdf

2.6 MB

Libration Control of Flexible Tethers Using Electromagnetic Forces and Movable Attachment.pdf

1.2 MB

Linear Theory of a Rotating Internal Part Projectile Configuration in Atmospheric Flight.pdf

533.7 KB

Method for Determination of Nonlinear Attainable Moment Sets.pdf

801.4 KB

Methods for Compensating for Control Allocator and Actuator Interactions.pdf

3.1 MB

Modern Explicit Guidance Law for High-Order Dynamics.pdf

245.8 KB

Neural-Network-Based Design of Optimal Controllers for Nonlinear Systems.pdf

307.0 KB

New Approach for Modeling, Analysis, and Control of Air Traffic Flow.pdf

497.7 KB

Online Adaptive Critic Flight Control.pdf

2.1 MB

Periodic H2 Synthesis for Spacecraft Attitude Control with Magnetorquers.pdf

1.3 MB

Relative Orbit Geometry Through Classical Orbit Element Differences.pdf

650.9 KB

Singular Perturbation Analysis of Optimal Glide.pdf

212.2 KB

Time Simulations of the Response of Maneuvering Flexible Aircraft.pdf

1.6 MB


Author Index.pdf

45.4 KB

Books Reviewed During 2004.pdf

55.5 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

95.0 KB

Circular Navigation Missile Guidance with Incomplete Information and Uncertain Autopilot Model.pdf

299.4 KB

Design of Reduced-Order Robust Controllers for Smart Structural Systems.pdf

610.4 KB

Differentiator-Free Nonlinear Proportional-Integral Controllers for Rigid-Body Attitude Stabilization.pdf

306.0 KB

Dynamic Control Allocation Using Constrained Quadratic Programming.pdf

283.7 KB

Dynamic Lateral Entry Guidance Logic.pdf

503.4 KB

Earth Escape by Ideal Sail and Solar-Photon Thrustor Spacecraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Efficient Minimax Control Design for Prescribed Parameter Uncertainty.pdf

696.9 KB

Generation of Launch Vehicle Abort Trajectories Using a Hybrid Optimization Method.pdf

499.1 KB

Genetic Algorithm Preprocessing for Numerical Solution of Differential Games Problems.pdf

257.8 KB

Integrated Adaptive Guidance and Control for Re-Entry Vehicles with Flight Test Results.pdf

1.8 MB

Introduction_ Reusable Launch Vehicle Guidance and Control.pdf

56.4 KB

Lambert Guidance Routine Designed to Match Position and Velocity of Ballistic Target.pdf

1.5 MB

Low Thrust Minimum-Fuel Orbital Transfer_ A Homotopic Approach.pdf

3.0 MB

Lyapunov-Based Nonlinear Missile Guidance.pdf

298.1 KB

New Nonlinear Control Technique for Ascent Phase of Reusable Launch Vehicles.pdf

1.8 MB

Nonlinear Control Allocation Using Piecewise Linear Functions.pdf

901.8 KB

Nonminimal Generalized Kane's Impulse-Momentum Relations.pdf

238.4 KB

Optimal Dual-Rate Digital Redesign with Application to Missile Control.pdf

474.2 KB

Retargeting Dynamics of a Linear Tethered Interferometer.pdf

310.5 KB

Subject Index.pdf

80.8 KB

Test Results for Entry Guidance Methods for Space Vehicles.pdf

1.5 MB

Trajectory Planning for Autonomous Aerospace Vehicles amid Known Obstacles and Conflicts.pdf

551.9 KB

Trajectory Shaping in Linear-Quadratic Pursuit-Evasion Games.pdf

302.1 KB

Transit-Orbit Search for Planar Restricted Three-Body Problems with Perturbations.pdf

1.0 MB

Unpowered Approach and Landing Guidance Using Trajectory Planning.pdf

300.6 KB


Adaptive Control of a Flexible Robot Using Fuzzy Logic.pdf

1.0 MB

Annual Business and News.pdf

944.5 KB

Comment on _Determining if Two Solid Ellipsoids Intersect_.pdf

146.9 KB

Control of Deep-Space Formation-Flying Spacecraft; Relative Sensing and Switched Information.pdf

338.8 KB

Control of Unsteady Aeroelastic System via State-Dependent Riccati Equation Method.pdf

365.4 KB

Coordination Variables, Coordination Functions, and Cooperative Timing Missions.pdf

882.5 KB

Differentials, Variations, and Taylor Series.pdf

157.4 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

68.4 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

87.5 KB

Flight Control Design of an Unmanned Space Vehicle Using Gain Scheduling.pdf

1.3 MB

Flow Control in a Driven Cavity Incorporating Excitation Phase Differential.pdf

3.3 MB

Fly-Around Motion Control Based on Exact Linearization with Adaptive Law.pdf

186.5 KB

Geometry-Based Parametric Modeling For Single-Pursuer Multiple Evader Problems.pdf

963.9 KB

Integrated Design of the Motion Cueing System for a Wright Flyer Simulator.pdf

1.5 MB

Model Updating Using the Closed-Loop Natural Frequency.pdf

1.1 MB

Modified Genetic Algorithm for Constrained Trajectory Optimization.pdf

291.8 KB

Neural-Network Augmentation of Existing Linear Controllers.pdf

383.8 KB

New Approach To Guidance Law Design.pdf

181.4 KB

Optimal Three-Dimensional Interplanetary Rendezvous Using Non-Ideal Solar Sail.pdf

349.5 KB

Output Feedback-Based Discrete-Time Sliding-Mode Controller Design for Model Aircraft.pdf

243.4 KB

Penalty-Function Guidance for Multiple-Satellite Cluster Formation.pdf

237.9 KB

Practical Design and Flight Test of a Yo-Yo Wire Boom Deployment System.pdf

1.3 MB

Precision Positioning of a Parallel Manipulator for Spacecraft Thrust Vector Control.pdf

463.1 KB

Precision Tracking Control Against Dynamic Targets for High-Energy Laser Systems.pdf

645.6 KB

Real-Time Attitude-Independent Three-Axis Magnetometer Calibration.pdf

242.7 KB

Reduced Hamiltonian Dynamics for a Rigid Body Coupled to a Moving Point Mass.pdf

333.2 KB

Review of Optimal Control Theory for Applications.pdf

124.5 KB

Reviewers for October 2003-September 2004.pdf

72.5 KB

Robust Flight Controller Design That Takes Into Account Handling Quality.pdf

321.0 KB

Spin-Yaw Lockin of an Elastic Finned Projectile.pdf

306.6 KB

Time-Delay Effects on Linear Nonlinear Feedback Control of Simple Aeroelastic Systems.pdf

3.2 MB


Adjoint Method for Missile Performance Analysis on State-Space Models.pdf

688.6 KB

Control of Hovering Spacecraft Near Small Bodies_ Application to Asteroid 25143 Itokawa.pdf

392.7 KB

Convergence of Newton's Method via Lyapunov Analysis.pdf

296.0 KB

Dynamic Behavior of an Orbiter around Europa.pdf

1.4 MB

Dynamics of a Particle Moving Along an Orbital Tower.pdf

283.9 KB

Earth Escape Using a Slowly Rotating, Doubly Reflective Solar Sail.pdf

1.3 MB

Editorial_ Battin Birthday Issue.pdf

79.6 KB

Effects of Orbital Parameter Uncertainties.pdf

397.4 KB

Erratum for S. Brunke and M. Campbell, _Square Root Sigma Point Filtering for Aerodynamic Model Estimation_.pdf

130.5 KB

Evaluation and Comparison of Relative Motion Theories.pdf

1.5 MB

Formation Establishment and Reconfiguration Using Impulsive Control.pdf

272.5 KB

Global Search for Idealized Free-Return Earth-Mars Cyclers.pdf

820.7 KB

Libration Control of Electrodynamic Tethers in Inclined Orbit.pdf

721.3 KB

Low-Thrust Guidance Scheme for Earth-Capture Trajectories.pdf

320.5 KB

Low-Thrust Variable-Specific-Impulse Transfers and Guidance to Unstable Periodic Orbits.pdf

895.5 KB

Lunar Base for Mars Missions.pdf

152.6 KB

Nonimpact Lunar Transfer Trajectories Using the Pseudostate Technique.pdf

359.8 KB

Optimal Orbit Transfer with Electrodynamic Tether.pdf

365.2 KB

Optimization of Biimpulsive Trajectories in the Earth-Moon Restricted Three-Body System.pdf

499.0 KB

Optimization of Roundtrip, Time-Constrained, Finite Burn Trajectories via an Indirect Method.pdf

388.6 KB

Real-Time Navigation of Formation-Flying Spacecraft Using Global-Positioning-System Measurements.pdf

1.2 MB

Realistic Earth Escape Strategies for Solar Sailing.pdf

1.7 MB

Simple Strategy for Geostationary Stationkeeping Maneuvers Using Solar Sail.pdf

318.4 KB

Spacecraft Planetary Capture Using Gravity-Assist Maneuvers.pdf

205.7 KB

Steady-State Matched Model Reduction for Flexible Structures with Accelerometer Measurements.pdf

223.7 KB

Time and Phase-Space Stability Analysis of the Jupiter-Sun System.pdf

413.7 KB

Use of Analytical Gradients to Calculate Optimal Gravity-Assist Trajectories.pdf

309.6 KB

Vibration Suppression of Flexible Spacecraft During Attitude Maneuvers.pdf

265.6 KB


Adaptive Trajectory Control for Autonomous Helicopters.pdf

3.6 MB

Attitude and Orbit Control of a Very Large Geostationary Solar Power Satellite.pdf

1.5 MB

Attitude Control System of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.pdf

8.5 MB

Control Law for Active Structural Damping Using a Control Moment Gyro.pdf

677.9 KB

Cybernetic Analysis of Perspective Flight-Path Display Dimensions.pdf

2.2 MB

Efficient Optimal Constrained Control Allocation via Multiparametric Programming.pdf

1.3 MB

Equilibrium-to-Equilibrium Maneuvers of Rigid Electrodynamic Tethers.pdf

547.0 KB

Fast In-Flight Detection of Flutter Onset_ A Statistical Approach.pdf

746.1 KB

H-infinity Inverse Optimal Attitude-Tracking Control of Rigid Spacecraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Interior-Point Algorithms for Control Allocation.pdf

1.6 MB

Jet-Damping and Misalignment Effects During Solid-Rocket- Motor Burn.pdf

1.9 MB

Linear Paramater-Varying Detection Filter Design for a Boeing 747-100 200 Aircraft.pdf

921.7 KB

Linear Parameter-Varying Antiwindup Compensation for Enhanced Flight Control Performance.pdf

340.2 KB

Longitudinal Long-Term Modes in Super- and Hypersonic Flight.pdf

273.1 KB

Nonlinear Control Allocation Using Piecewise Linear Functions_ A Linear Programming Approach.pdf

345.0 KB

Optimal Continuous Thrust Orbit Transfer Using Evolutionary Algorithms.pdf

186.5 KB

Path Planning and Open-Loop Shape Control of Modular Tensegrity Structures.pdf

2.7 MB

Planar Three-Body Problem in Rendezvous Coordinates.pdf

256.6 KB

Review of Marine Control Systems_ Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Ships, Rigs and Underwater Vehicles.pdf

140.2 KB

Robust Neurocontrollers for Systems with Model Uncertainties_ A Helicopter Application.pdf

410.5 KB

Stability Criteria of Slosh Motion with Periodicity in a Spinning Spacecraft.pdf

389.7 KB

State-Space Formula for the Two-Input Two-Output Coupling Numerator.pdf

143.7 KB

Suppression of Control Reversal Using Leading- and Trailing-Edge Control Surfaces.pdf

1.2 MB

Variable Structure Control of Unsteady Aeroelastic System with Partial State Information.pdf

274.6 KB


Analytical Gradients for Gravity Assist Trajectories Using Constant Specific Impulse Engines.pdf

323.2 KB

Calibration and Attitude Determination with Redundant Inertial Measurement Units.pdf

642.4 KB

Classical and Simple Adaptive Control for Nonminimum Phase Autopilot Design.pdf

757.6 KB

Continuous Traditional and High-Order Sliding Modes for Satellite Formation Control.pdf

1.8 MB

Cross-Track Motion of Satellite Formations in the Presence of J2 Disturbances.pdf

170.1 KB

Derivation of Formation-Flight Guidance Laws for Unmanned Air Vehicles.pdf

2.3 MB

Design of Spacecraft Formation Orbits Relative to a Stabilized Trajectory.pdf

421.2 KB

Dynamic Stability of Electrodynamic Tethers in Inclined Elliptical Orbits.pdf

899.5 KB

Estimation of a Spacecraft’s Attitude Dynamics Parameters by Using Flight Data.pdf

340.8 KB

Estimation of Postlaunch Angular Motion for Kinetic Energy Projectiles.pdf

3.1 MB

Fast Graph-Search Algorithms for General-Aviation Flight Trajectory Generation.pdf

3.8 MB

Flight Testing of a Reconfigurable Control System on an Unmanned Aircraft.pdf

2.3 MB

Free-Flying Robot Tested on Parabolic Flights_ Kinematic Control.pdf

3.6 MB

Fuel-Optimal Transfers Between Coplanar Circular Orbits Using Variable-Specific-Impulse Engines.pdf

215.0 KB

History of Low-Order Equivalent Systems for Aircraft Flying Qualities.pdf

217.7 KB

Hybrid Optimal Control Framework for Mission Planning.pdf

749.0 KB

Improved Integer Ambiguity Resolution Technique for Fixed Arrays.pdf

1.3 MB

Line-of-Sight Guidance Laws for Formation Flight.pdf

1.8 MB

Magnetometer-based Attitude and Rate Estimation for Spacecraft with Wire Booms.pdf

415.2 KB

Model Predictive Control of A Parafoil and Payload System.pdf

563.0 KB

Nonlinear Control for Reconfiguration of Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle Formation.pdf

1.4 MB

Optimal Guidance Laws with Terminal Impact Angle Constraint.pdf

1.6 MB

Optimizing Finite-Burn, Round-Trip Trajectories with Isp Constraints and Mass Discontinuities.pdf

1.1 MB

Proposed Method for Modeling the Gravitational Interaction Between Finite Bodies.pdf

947.0 KB

Relative Motion between Elliptic Orbits_ Generalized Boundedness Conditions and Optimal Formationkeeping.pdf

279.5 KB

Reliability-Based Control Design for Uncertain Systems.pdf

2.7 MB

Robust Analysis for Missile Lateral Acceleration Control Using Finite Inclusion Theorem..pdf

1.2 MB

Robustness Analysis of Nonlinear Flight Controllers.pdf

2.0 MB

Second-Order Necessary Conditions and Sufficient Conditions Applied to Continuous-Thrust Trajectories.pdf

449.2 KB

Terminal Guidance Law Based on Proportional Navigation.pdf

198.9 KB

Velocity-Free Attitude Controllers Subject to Actuator Magnitude and Rate Saturations.pdf

485.7 KB


Actuator Failure Detection Through Interaction Matrix Formulation.pdf

1.6 MB

Analytical Control Laws for Planet-Centered Solar Sailing.pdf

3.1 MB

Backward-Smoothing Extended Kalman Filter.pdf

1.7 MB

Book Review_ Analytical Mechanics of Space Systems.pdf

1.4 MB

Boundary Feedback Control Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Models.pdf

3.6 MB

Controller Design Using Standard Operator Model.pdf

274.9 KB

Cooperation Strategy of Unmanned Air Vehicles for Multitarget Interception.pdf

296.7 KB

Differential Geometric Guidance Based on the Involute of the Target's Trajectory.pdf

874.4 KB

Equal-Chord Attitude Determination Method for Spinning Spacecraft.pdf

753.8 KB

Euler Parameters as Nonsingular Orbital Elements in Near-Equatorial Orbits.pdf

233.4 KB

Fast Access Method for Onboard Star Catalog.pdf

226.4 KB

Fault-Tolerant Robust Automatic Landing Control Design.pdf

1.3 MB

Global Magnetic Attitude Control of Inertially Pointing Spacecraft.pdf

199.5 KB

Globally Stabilizing Saturated Attitude Control in the Presence of Bounded Unknown Disturbances.pdf

285.5 KB

Hierarchic Estimation for Control of Segmented-Mirror Telescopes.pdf

404.4 KB

Higher-Harmonic-Control Algorithm for Helicopter Vibration Reduction Revisited.pdf

926.3 KB

H¡ Collocated Control of Structural Systems_ An Analytical Bound Approach.pdf

255.8 KB

Langrangian Delay Predictive Model for Sector-Based Air Traffic Flow.pdf

1.9 MB

Linear Stability Analysis of Electrodynamic Tethers.pdf

347.1 KB

Modernized Control Laws for UH-60 BLACK HAWK Optimization and Flight-Test Results.pdf

2.6 MB

Modified Projectile Linear Theory for Rapid Trajectory Prediction.pdf

626.0 KB

Modified Pseudoinverse Redistribution Methods for Redundant Controls Allocation.pdf

316.7 KB

Multiple Impedance Control for Space Free-Flying Robots.pdf

575.5 KB

Near-Optimal Low-Thrust Earth-Mars Trajectories via a Genetic Algorithm.pdf

285.3 KB

Nonlinear Aeroelastic Aeroservoelastic Modeling by Block-Oriented Identification.pdf

524.4 KB

Nonlinear Moving Horizon State Estimation with Continuation Generalized Minimum Residual Method.pdf

314.1 KB

Optimal Low-Thrust Intercept Rendezvous Trajectories to Earth-Crossing Objects.pdf

394.1 KB

Robust Integrated Flight Control Design Under Failures, Damage, and State-Dependent Disturbances.pdf

1.9 MB

Singularity Escape Avoidance Steering Logic for Control Moment Gyro Systems.pdf

4.3 MB

Stability and Stabilization of Relative Equilibria of Dumbbell Bodies in Central Gravity.pdf

315.9 KB

Vision-Based Sensor and Navigation System for Autonomous Air Refueling.pdf

1.9 MB


Analytic Orbital Averaging Technique for Computing Tangential-Thrust Trajectories.pdf

481.4 KB

Analytical Relationships Between Conflict Counts and Air-Traffic Density.pdf

433.0 KB

Analytical Solutions for Thrusting, Spinning Spacecraft Subject to Constant Forces.pdf

1.6 MB

Asymptotic Local Approach in Fault Detection Based on Predictive Filters.pdf

668.5 KB

Author Index.pdf

48.5 KB

Backstepping-Based Flight Control with Adaptive Function Approximation.pdf

3.1 MB

Bank-to-Turn Missile Guidance With Radar Imaging Constraints.pdf

1.8 MB

Books Reviewed During 2005.pdf

98.4 KB

Calculating Collision Probability for Arbitrary Space Vehicle Shapes via Numerical Quadrature.pdf

278.6 KB

Chronological Index.pdf

142.1 KB

Close-Formation Flight Control with Motion Synchronization.pdf

423.8 KB

Control of Flexible Aircraft Executing Time-Dependent Maneuvers.pdf

437.9 KB

Control Strategies for Formation Flight In the Vicinity of the Libration Points.pdf

3.2 MB

Controller Design Using Adaptive Random Search for Close-Coupled Formation Flight.pdf

155.3 KB

Effect of Electromagnetic Forces on the Orbital Dynamics of Tethered Satellites.pdf

393.8 KB

Fault-Tolerant Particle Filtering by Using Interacting Multiple Model-Based Rao-Blackwellization.pdf

395.6 KB

Fuel-Optimal, Power-Limited Rendezvous with Variable Thruster Efficiency.pdf

1.4 MB

Fuzzy Gain Scheduling for Flutter Suppression in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.pdf

422.6 KB

Integrating Fly-by-Wire Controls with Perspective Flight-Path Displays.pdf

743.6 KB

Longitudinal Hinfinity Stability Augmentation System for a Thrust Vectored Unmanned Aircraft.pdf

841.3 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Neural Controller for Unstable Aircraft.pdf

442.0 KB

Optimal Solar Sail Trajectories for Missions to the Outer Solar System.pdf

417.7 KB

Optimization of Spacecraft Thruster Management Function.pdf

1.7 MB

Peer-to-Peer Refueling for Circular Satellite Constellations.pdf

1.7 MB

Predeparture Uncertainty and Prediction Performance in Collaborative Routing Coordination Tools.pdf

956.7 KB

Robust Antiwindup for Manual Flight Control of an Unstable Aircraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Robust Fault Detection and Isolation Using Robust l1 Estimation.pdf

1.4 MB

Rudder Control Strategies and Force Feel System Designs in Transport Aircraft.pdf

1.7 MB

Satellite Orbit Transfer and Formation Reconfiguration via an Attitude Control Analogy.pdf

1.4 MB

Solar Sail Orbits at Artificial Sun-Earth Libration Points.pdf

194.9 KB

Stabilization of Satellite Motion Relative to a Coulomb Spacecraft Formation.pdf

1.4 MB

Star Pattern Identification Using Discrete Attitude Variation Technique.pdf

486.0 KB

Subject Index.pdf

134.6 KB


Adaptive Decoupled Fuzzy Sliding-Mode Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.pdf

596.8 KB

Aeroelastic Response of Flapped-Wing Systems Using Robust Estimation Control Methodology.pdf

353.7 KB

Annual Business and News.pdf

949.2 KB

Closed-Loop Aeromechanical Stability of Hingeless Rotor Helicopters with Higher Harmonic Control.pdf

1.9 MB

Computation of Worst-Case Pilot Inputs for Nonlinear Flight Control System Analysis.pdf

232.3 KB

Computer-Aided Eulerian Air Traffic Flow Modeling and Predictive Control.pdf

3.6 MB

Control and Maneuverability of a Square Cross-Section Missile.pdf

647.1 KB

Decentralized Control of Satellite Clusters Under Limited Communication.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamic Modeling and Neural-Network Adaptive Control of a Deployable Manipulator System.pdf

299.1 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.pdf

61.1 KB

Endgame Guidance and Relative Navigation of Strategic Interceptors with Delays.pdf

635.8 KB

Energy Rate Feedback for Libration Control of Electrodynamic Tethers.pdf

265.7 KB

Energy Suboptimal Collision-Free Path Reconfiguration for Spacecraft Formation Flying.pdf

537.6 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

87.3 KB

Fast Star-Pattern Recognition Using Planar Triangles.pdf

548.5 KB

Feedback Control of Plants Driven by Nonlinear Actuators via Input-State Linearization.pdf

486.9 KB

Formation Design in Eccentric Orbits Using Linearized Equations of Relative Motion.pdf

2.3 MB

General Formula for Extracting the Euler Angles.pdf

149.3 KB

Manuscript Review Process.pdf

121.2 KB

Nonlinear Recursive Estimation of Boost Trajectories, Including Batch Initialization and Burnout Estimation.pdf

835.8 KB

Optimal Fighter Pursuit-Evasion Maneuvers Found Via Two-Sided Optimization.pdf

1.5 MB

Optimal Missions with Mini-Magnetospheric Plasma Propulsion.pdf

249.1 KB

Optimal Planner for Spacecraft Formations in Elliptical Orbits.pdf

1.8 MB

Optimal Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites.pdf

499.2 KB

Phase Space Structure Around Oblate Planetary Satellites.pdf

1.0 MB

Reviewers for October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005.pdf

50.4 KB

Robust Navigation Using the Global Positioning System in the Presence of Spoofing.pdf

1.9 MB

Robust Reorientation and Power Controller Using Flywheels and Control Moment Gyroscopes.pdf

256.6 KB

Spacecraft Formation Dynamics and Design.pdf

1.8 MB

Spacecraft Navigation Using X-Ray Pulsars.pdf

1.9 MB

Statistical Distribution of Keplerian Velocities.pdf

192.8 KB

Tractable Conflict Risk Accumulation in Quadratic Space for Autonomous Vehicles.pdf

421.5 KB

Trajectory Estimation for Satellite Clusters.pdf

1.6 MB


A Unified Architecture For Strapdown Integration Algorithms.pdf

586.9 KB

Adaptive Model Inversion Control of a Helicopter with Structural Load Limiting.pdf

1.5 MB

Adaptive Terminal Guidance for Hypervelocity Impact in Specified Direction.pdf

624.1 KB

Application of the Cayley Form to General Spacecraft Motion.pdf

283.9 KB

Circular-Navigation-Guidance Law for Precision Missile Target Engagements.pdf

343.5 KB

Combined Feedback Linearization and Constrained Model Predictive Control for Entry Flight.pdf

348.5 KB

Concerning Lyapunov-Based Guidance.pdf

168.9 KB

Design and Flight Testing of an H00 Controller for a Robotic Helicopter.pdf

2.0 MB

Design of a Gain-Scheduled Flight Control System Using Bifurcation Analysis.pdf

784.0 KB

Design of Autoland Controller Functions with Multiobjective Optimization.pdf

1.3 MB

Direct Adaptive Neural Flight Controller for F-8 Fighter Aircraft.pdf

433.9 KB

Erratum for _Flight Dynamics of the Boomerang, Part I_ Fundamental Analysis_.pdf

102.0 KB

Evaluating Accessibility of near-Earth Asteroids Via Earth Gravity Assists.pdf

480.4 KB

Evolutionary Search for Deep-Space Science Mission Orbits.pdf

1.4 MB

Full-Envelope Robust Control of a Shrouded-Fan Unmanned Vehicle.pdf

936.3 KB

Generalized Vector Explicit Guidance.pdf

1.8 MB

Intent Inference with Path Prediction.pdf

6.0 MB

Linear Programming and Language Processing for Human-Unmanned Aerial-Vehicle Team Missions.pdf

2.8 MB

Nonlinear Adaptive Control of an Aeroelastic Two-Dimensional Lifting Surface.pdf

611.9 KB

Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Identification with Application to Experimental Data.pdf

378.5 KB

Nonlinear Trajectory Generation for Autonomous Vehicles via Parametrized Maneuver Classes.pdf

4.5 MB

Novel Adaptive Generalized Likelihood Ratio Detector with Application to Maneuvering Target Tracking.pdf

374.9 KB

Numerical Continuation of Torque--Free Motions of Gyrostats.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Control of an Aircraft-Towed Flexible Cable System.pdf

828.1 KB

Optimal Path Planning for Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles to Defeat Radar Tracking.pdf

869.6 KB

Optimization of a Broad Class of Ephemeris Model Earth-Mars Cyclers.pdf

1.4 MB

Precise Lunar Gravity Assist Transfers to Geostationary Orbits.pdf

133.4 KB

Robust Capture and Transfer Trajectories for Planetary Satellite Orbiters.pdf

4.8 MB

Robust Rendezvous Navigation in Elliptical Orbit.pdf

343.9 KB

Sliding-Mode Control for Integrated Missile Autopilot Guidance.pdf

347.3 KB

Solving Optimal Continuous Thrust Rendezvous Problems with Generating Functions.pdf

469.7 KB

System Identification of a Nonlinear Mode for the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission.pdf

3.5 MB

Tensor Product Model-Based Control of Two-Dimensional Aeroelastic System.pdf

2.3 MB


Adaptive Control for a Nonlinear Wing Section with Multiple Flaps.pdf

211.7 KB

Adaptive Formation Control for Rovers Traveling over Unknown Terrains.pdf

567.3 KB

Adaptive Guidance and Control for Autonomous Hypersonic Vehicles.pdf

999.2 KB

Algorithms for Geolocation of an Ad Hoc Network of Unmanned Systems.pdf

1.1 MB

Asymptotic Analysis of Quasi-Equilibrium Glide in Lifting Entry Flight.pdf

1.3 MB

Closed-Form Solutions for Near-Circular Arcs with Quadratic Drag.pdf

2.6 MB

Closed-Form Specified-Fuel Commands for On-Off Thrusters.pdf

787.8 KB

Comparison of Control and Display Augmentation for Perspective Flight-Path Displays.pdf

1.9 MB

Dynamic Shape Control of a Morphing Airfoil Using Spatially Distributed Transducers.pdf

1.2 MB

Dynamics and Control of Displaced Periodic Orbits Using Solar-Sail Propulsion.pdf

5.8 MB

Earth-Pointing Recovery.pdf

208.0 KB

Fault-Tolerant Structured Adaptive Model Inversion Control.pdf

1.2 MB

Feasible Flight Paths for Cooperative Generation of a Phantom Radar Track.pdf

1.3 MB

Free-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle as a Microgravity Facility.pdf

1.4 MB

Health Monitoring of a Satellite System.pdf

3.5 MB

Improved Indirect Method for Air-Vehicle Trajectory Optimization.pdf

519.2 KB

Integral Evaluations Enabling Performance Tradeoffs for Two-Confidence-Region-Based Failure Detection.pdf

240.2 KB

Missile Controlled by Lift and Divert Thrusters Using Nonlinear Dynamic Sliding Manifolds.pdf

5.4 MB

Null-Space Square-Root Information Filtering and Smoothing for Singular Problems.pdf

1.6 MB

Optimal Design of Octo-Strut Vibration Isolation Platform.pdf

29.0 KB

Optimal Relocation of Satellites Flying in Near-Circular-Orbit Formations.pdf

285.4 KB

Output Feedback Control of Two-Dimensional Aeroelastic System.pdf

372.6 KB

Parking a Spacecraft near an Asteroid Pair.pdf

2.9 MB

Precision Free-Inertial Navigation with Gravity Compensation by an Onboard Gradiometer.pdf

2.7 MB

Predictive Optimal Control of a Hyperbolic Distributed Model for a Wind Tunnel.pdf

496.4 KB

Proximity Operations of Formation-Flying Spacecraft Using an Eccentricity Inclination Vector Separation.pdf

702.2 KB

Restructurable Guidance and Control for Aircraft with Failures Considering Gust Effects.pdf

3.0 MB

Satellite Collision Probability Enhancements.pdf

632.6 KB

Software-Enabled Receding Horizon Control for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Guidance.pdf

2.3 MB

Solar Sail Equilibria in the Elliptical Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

600.7 KB

Stochastic Stability Analysis of Predictive Filters.pdf

222.3 KB


Adaptive Output Feedback Control for Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Under Measurement Uncertainty.pdf

718.9 KB

Aeroelastic System Identification Using the Minimum Model Error Method.pdf

455.7 KB

Aggregate Flow Model for Air-Traffic Management.pdf

3.0 MB

Airship Hover Stabilization Using a Backstepping Control Approach.pdf

1.6 MB

Attitude Estimation from Vector Observations Using a Genetic-Algorithm-Embedded Quaternion Particle Filter.pdf

673.8 KB

Computationally Inexpensive Guidance Algorithm for Fuel-Efficient Terminal Descent.pdf

581.1 KB

Decision-Directed Adaptive Estimation and Guidance for an Interception Endgame.pdf

323.8 KB

Dynamic Testing of an Inflatable, Self-Supporting, Unpressurized Thin-Film Torus.pdf

4.2 MB

Flight Control Law Design for a Flexible Aircraft_ Limits of Performance.pdf

412.6 KB

Improvement to the Analytical Predictor-Corrector Guidance Algorithm Applied to Mars Aerocapture.pdf

199.4 KB

In-Plane Payload Capture with an Elastic Tether.pdf

850.3 KB

Indirect Optimization of Low-Thrust Capture Trajectories.pdf

179.5 KB

Investigation of Periodic-Disturbance Identification and Rejection in Spacecraft.pdf

4.0 MB

Linear Dynamics and Stability Analysis of a Two-Craft Coulomb Tether Formation.pdf

1.6 MB

Manifolds and Metrics in the Relative Spacecraft Motion Problem.pdf

476.5 KB

Modeling, Control, and Flight Testing of a Small-Ducted Fan Aircraft.pdf

844.1 KB

Multistepping Approach to Finite-Interval Missile Integrated Control.pdf

326.3 KB

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for H-Infinity Static Output-Feedback Control.pdf

238.3 KB

New Global Navigation Satellite System Ambiguity Resolution Method Compared to Existing Approaches.pdf

2.4 MB

Optimal Finite-Time Feedback Controllers for Nonlinear Systems with Terminal Constraints.pdf

401.1 KB

Path-Oriented Control Display Augmentation for Perspective Flight-Path Displays.pdf

1.7 MB

Real-Time Dynamic Optimization of Controllable Linear Systems.pdf

296.4 KB

Spin Axis Attitude Determination Accuracy Model in Presence of Biases.pdf

1.9 MB

Stability Analysis of a Dynamically Tuned Gyroscope.pdf

221.0 KB

Switching Control for Guaranteeing the Safety of a Tethered Satellite.pdf

844.8 KB

Trajectories to and from the Lagrange Points and the Primary Body Surfaces.pdf

620.8 KB

Trajectory Tracking Controller for Vision-Based Probe and Drogue Autonomous Aerial Refueling.pdf

2.9 MB

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Dynamic-Target Pursuit by Using Probabilistic Threat Exposure Map.pdf

1.2 MB

Visual Positioning System for an Underwater Space Simulation Environment.pdf

2.7 MB


Absolute and Relative Orbit Analysis for Resonant Satellite Motion..pdf

775.9 KB

Batch Algorithm for Global-Positioning-System Attitude Determination and Integer Ambiguity Resolution.pdf

571.5 KB

Certification and Design Issues for Rudder Control Systems in Transport Aircraft.pdf

3.5 MB

Collision Avoidance for Satellites in Formation Flight.pdf

403.4 KB

Decentralized Coordinated Attitude Control Within a Formation of Spacecraft.pdf

271.0 KB

Design of Science Orbits About Planetary Satellites_ Application to Europa.pdf

1.7 MB

Effect of Piezoelectric Hysteresis on Helicopter Vibration Control Using Trailing-Edge Flaps.pdf

596.2 KB

Fault-Detection Design for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

1.2 MB

Game Optimal Support Time of a Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile.pdf

361.5 KB

International Space Station Leak Localization Using Attitude Response Data.pdf

2.1 MB

Investigation of the Flare Maneuver Using Optical Tau.pdf

2.5 MB

Lambert's Problem for Exponential Sinusoids.pdf

178.2 KB

Laser Pointing and Tracking Using a Completely Electromagnetically Suspended Precision Actuator.pdf

937.0 KB

Minimagnetospheric Plasma Propulsion for Outer Planet Missions.pdf

471.6 KB

Modeling Air Combat by a Moving Horizon Influence Diagram Game.pdf

465.6 KB

Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Technique for Unmanned Air Vehicles.pdf

1.7 MB

Optimization and Implementation of Periodic Cruise for a Hypersonic Vehicle.pdf

1.6 MB

Orbit Design for Ground Surveillance Using Genetic Algorithms.pdf

2.4 MB

Parametric Model and Optimal Control of Solar Sails with Optical Degradation.pdf

1.1 MB

Peak-Seeking Control for Drag Reduction in Formation Flight.pdf

2.2 MB

Periodic Orbits with Low-Thrust Propulsion in the Restricted Three-body Problem.pdf

751.6 KB

Periodic Relative Motion Near a Keplerian Elliptic Orbit with Nonlinear Differential Gravity.pdf

813.9 KB

Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Approximate Receding-Horizon Model-Error Control Synthesis.pdf

1.0 MB

Spacecraft Formation Flight About Libration Points Using Impulsive Maneuvering.pdf

2.0 MB

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Following for Target Observation in Wind.pdf

1.1 MB


Aeroservoelastic Stability of Supersonic Slender-Body Flight Vehicles.pdf

840.7 KB

Affine Parameter-Dependent Preview Control for Rotorcraft Terrain Following Flight.pdf

4.9 MB

Ant Colony Algorithms for Two Impluse Interplanetary Trajectory Optimization.pdf

2.1 MB

Asymptotic Stability of Second-Order Linear Time-Varying Systems.pdf

122.6 KB

Attitude Determination Using a Single Star Sensor and a Star Density Table.pdf

3.8 MB

Author Index.pdf

4.3 MB

Chronological Index.pdf

79.3 KB

Collision Probability for Larger Bodies Having Nonlinear Relative Motion.pdf

358.6 KB

Comment on _Optimal Planner for Spacecraft Formations in Elliptical Orbits_.pdf

54.6 KB

Comment on “A Unified Mathematical Framework for Strapdown Algorithm Design”.pdf

93.7 KB

Comment on “Evaluating Accessibility of Near-Earth Asteroids Via Earth Gravity Assists”.pdf

39.6 KB

Deadbeat Predictive Control on a Space Truss Structure.pdf

598.8 KB

Direct Trajectory Optimization and Costate Estimation via an Orthogonal Collocation Method.pdf

253.8 KB

Equilibrium Configurations of a Four-Body Tethered System.pdf

477.2 KB

Equilibrium Control of Electrodynamic Tethered Satellite Systems in Inclined Orbits.pdf

485.3 KB

Estimation of the Region of Attraction for State-Dependent Riccati Equation Controllers.pdf

3.9 MB

Flight Test of Model-Matching Controller for In-Flight Simulator MuPAL-alpha.pdf

2.7 MB

Genesis of Three-Axis Spacecraft Guidance, Control, and On-Orbit Stabilization.pdf

45.1 MB

Guidance Law for an Air-Breathing Launch Vehicle Using Predictive Control Concept.pdf

206.9 KB

Indirect Optimization of Spiral Trajectories.pdf

578.7 KB

Linear Covariance Techniques for Orbital Rendezvous Analysis and Autonomous Onboard Mission Planning.pdf

1.7 MB

Linear Feedback Control Using Quasi Velocities.pdf

301.4 KB

Models for Rhumb-Line Attitude Maneuvers and Error Propagation Effects.pdf

1.7 MB

Nonlinear Mapping of Gaussian Statistics_ Theory and Applications to Spacecraft Trajectory Design.pdf

453.3 KB

On the Lyapunov Stability of Stationary Points Around a Central Body.pdf

1.7 MB

Optimal Balanced-Energy Formation Flying Maneuvers.pdf

675.7 KB

Optimal Control Laws for Momentum-Wheel Desaturation Using Magnetorquers.pdf

476.2 KB

Parametric Optimization Analysis for Minimum-Fuel Low-Thrust Coplanar Orbit Transfer.pdf

789.7 KB

Performance Optimization for a Towed Cable System with Attached Wind Sock.pdf

1.0 MB

Probabilistic Robust Linear Parameter-Varying Control of an F-16 Aircraft.pdf

1.3 MB

Quasilinear Parameter-Varying Autopilot Design Using Polynomial Eigenstructure Assignment with Actuator Constraints.pdf

1.2 MB

Reply by the Author to Y. Wu et al..pdf

33.8 KB

Reply by the Authors to P. Sengupta.pdf

33.2 KB

Simple Practical Classical-H2 Optimal Robust Controller.pdf

83.7 KB

Simplified Technique for Modeling Piloted Rotorcraft Operations Near Ships.pdf

2.9 MB

Sliding Mode Disturbance Observer-Based Control for a Reusable Launch Vehicle.pdf

983.7 KB

Solving Linear and Quadratic Quaternion Equations.pdf

107.4 KB

Spacecraft Line-of-Sight Control Using a Single Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyro.pdf

1.2 MB

Subject Index.pdf

71.8 KB

Tailored Dynamic Gain-Scheduled Control.pdf

3.0 MB


Adaptive Deflection-Limiting Control for Slewing Flexible Space Structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Aircraft Autolander Safety Analysis Through Optimal Control-Based Reach Set Computation.pdf

1.7 MB

Aircraft Landing Scheduling Optimization for Single Runway Noncontrolled Airports_ Static Case.pdf

202.1 KB

Annual Business and News - Beginning the 30th Year.pdf

3.7 MB

Automated Route Generation for Avoiding Deterministic Weather in Transition Airspace.pdf

8.9 MB

Computation of a Science Orbit About Europa.pdf

2.1 MB

Corrigendum_ New Form of Kane's Equations of Motion for Constrained Systems.pdf

80.9 KB

Cyclic Spacecraft Formations_ Relative Motion Control Using Line-of-Sight Measurements Only.pdf

1.4 MB

Derivation and Simulation Testing of a Sigma-Points Smoother.pdf

406.6 KB

Design and Evaluation of a Haptic Flight Director.pdf

3.1 MB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.pdf

526.1 KB

Effect of Equinoctial Precession on Geosynchronous Earth Satellites.pdf

765.2 KB

Fuel Optimal Maneuvers for Multispacecraft Interferometric Imaging Systems.pdf

785.5 KB

Global Directional Control of a Slender Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.pdf

165.9 KB

Global Robust Control of an Aeroelastic System Using Output Feedback.pdf

348.2 KB

Hubble Space Telescope Angular Velocity Estimation During the Robotic Servicing Mission.pdf

330.0 KB

Hybrid Approach to Optimize a Rendezvous Phasing Strategy.pdf

697.9 KB

Innovative Navigation Schemes for State and Parameter Estimation During Mars Entry.pdf

7.3 MB

Integrated Estimation Guidance Design Approach for Improved Homing Against Randomly Maneuvering Targets.pdf

448.9 KB

J2 Effect in Cylindrical Coordinates..pdf

143.3 KB

Kalman Filtering for Relative Spacecraft Attitude and Position Estimation.pdf

2.5 MB

Kepler's Problem in Rotating Reference Frames Part I_ Prime Integrals, Vectorial Regularization.pdf

474.8 KB

Kepler's Problem in Rotating Reference Frames Part II_ Relative Orbital Motion.pdf

428.6 KB

Manuscript Review Process.pdf

512.6 KB

Minimum Angular-Impulse Control for a Large Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

852.2 KB

Model-Predictive Dynamic Control Allocation Scheme for Reentry Vehicles.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Cooperative Reconnaissance Using Multiple Vehicles.pdf

844.1 KB

Reviewers for October 2005-30 October 2006.pdf

26.6 KB

Rigid Body Rate Inference from Attitude Variation.pdf

698.6 KB

Semi-Analytical Method for Calculating the Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem Monodromy Matrix.pdf

116.9 KB

Sensitivity-Analysis Method for Inverse Simulation Application.pdf

376.1 KB

State-Dependent Riccati Equation Control For Small Autonomous Helicopters.pdf

2.0 MB

Survey of Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Methods.pdf

989.4 KB

Terminal Guidance for an Unpowered Reusable Launch Vehicle with Bank Constraints.pdf

294.0 KB

Two-Body Problem With High Tangential Speeds and Quadratic Drag.pdf

188.4 KB

Variable Structure Observer for Control Bias on Unmanned Air Vehicles.pdf

2.1 MB


Aircraft Load Alleviation During Maneuvers Using Optimal Control Surface Combinations.pdf

586.6 KB

Angles-Only Orbit Updates for Low-Earth-Orbit Satellites.pdf

1.4 MB

Autonomous and Distributed Motion Planning for Satellite Swarm.pdf

868.9 KB

Boundedness of Spacecraft Hovering Under Dead-Band Control in Time-Invariant Systems.pdf

647.8 KB

Cable Control of an Aerostat Platform_ Experimental Results and Model Validation.pdf

3.2 MB

Classification of the Distant Stability Regions at Europa.pdf

2.4 MB

Continuous Thrust Orbit Transfer Optimization Using Large-Scale Linear Programming.pdf

2.6 MB

Control of an Aeroelastic System with Actuator Saturation.pdf

854.3 KB

Designing Ephemeris Capture Trajectories at Europa Using Unstable Periodic Orbits.pdf

2.5 MB

Differential Semimajor Axis Estimation Performance Using Carrier-Phase Differential Global Positioning System Measurements.pdf

818.5 KB

Electromagnetic Formation Flight Dynamics Including Reaction Wheel Gyroscopic Stiffening Effects.pdf

7.1 MB

Enhanced Self-Spacing Algorithm for Three-Degree Decelerating Approaches.pdf

1.6 MB

Feasible Trajectory Generation for Atmospheric Entry Guidance.pdf

1.4 MB

Formation Keeping and Attitude Alignment for Multiple Spacecraft Through Local Interactions.pdf

504.3 KB

Further Results on the Controllability of a Two-Wheeled Satellite.pdf

1.3 MB

Gauss's Variational Equation-Based Dynamics and Control for Formation Flying Spacecraft.pdf

514.1 KB

Global Positioning System Integer Ambiguity Resolution Using Factorized Least-Squares Techniques.pdf

456.1 KB

Modeling and Near-Space Stationkeeping Control of a Large High-Altitude Airship.pdf

1.5 MB

Near-Optimal Very Low-Thrust Earth-Orbit Transfers and Guidance Schemes.pdf

3.0 MB

New Algorithms for Aircraft Intent Inference and Trajectory Prediction.pdf

639.6 KB

Nonlinear Black-Box Modeling of Aeroelastic Systems Using Structure Detection Approach_ Application to F A-18 Aircraft Data.pdf

439.3 KB

Nonlinear Flight Control Design Using Constrained Adaptive Backstepping.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear Model Reduction and Decentralized Control of Tethered Formation Flight.pdf

6.9 MB

Optimal Multi-Objective Linearized Impulsive Rendezvous.pdf

923.3 KB

Optimal Path Planning with a Kinematic Airplane Model.pdf

481.1 KB

Optimization of Interplanetary Trajectories for Impulsive and Continuous Asteroid Deflection.pdf

530.7 KB

Primer Vector Theory Applied to Global Low-Thrust Trade Studies.pdf

7.1 MB

Probabilistic Human Pilot Approach_ Application to Microburst Escape Maneuver.pdf

479.4 KB

Refined Solar Sail Force Model with Mission Application.pdf

921.6 KB

Relative Motion Between Satellites on Neighbouring Keplerian Orbits.pdf

513.4 KB

Review of Statistical Orbit Determination.pdf

44.0 KB

Scalable Sensing, Estimation, and Control Architecture for Large Spacecraft Formations.pdf

973.6 KB

Semi-Active Linear Stroke Magnetorheological Fluid-Elastic Helicopter Lag Damper.pdf

4.8 MB

Space Vehicle Conflict-Avoidance Analysis.pdf

541.5 KB

Stable Adaptation in the Presence of Actuator Constraints with Flight Control Applications.pdf

1.1 MB

Trajectory Design with Hybrid Low-Thrust Propulsion System.pdf

1.0 MB


A Flight Simulation Algorithm for a Parafoil Suspending an Air Vehicle.pdf

2.9 MB

Active Control and Closed-Loop Identification of Flutter Instability in Typical Section Airfoil.pdf

350.3 KB

Active Flutter Suppression by Feedback Compensation of Transport Logs.pdf

139.5 KB

Adaptive Nonlinear Neural Controller for Aircraft Under Actuator Failures.pdf

810.1 KB

Adaptive Variable Structure and Commanding Shaped Vibration Control of Flexible Spacecraft.pdf

1.2 MB

Autonomous Interplanetary Orbit Determination Using Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking.pdf

564.3 KB

Control-Oriented Modeling of an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicle.pdf

1.4 MB

Dynamics of Circularly Towed Aerial Cable Systems, Part 2_ Transitional Flight and Deployment Control.pdf

1.6 MB

Dynamics of Circularly Towed Aerial Cable Systems, Part I_ Optimal Configurations and Their Stability.pdf

3.0 MB

Feedback-Based Steering Law for Control Moment Gyros.pdf

529.3 KB

Flight Dynamics and Control Authority of Flap-Controlled Open Boxes.pdf

888.4 KB

Huber-Based Divided Difference Filtering.pdf

247.9 KB

Multiple-Target Tracking and Identity Management with Application to Aircraft Tracking.pdf

1.2 MB

Near Earth Object Orbit Modification Using Gravitational Coupling.pdf

306.6 KB

Nullcline Analysis as an Analytical Tethered Satellite Mission Design Tool.pdf

3.3 MB

Optimal Formation Reconfiguration of Multiple Spacecraft with Docking and Undocking Capability.pdf

654.5 KB

Optimal Steering Law for the GeoSail Mission.pdf

395.4 KB

Periodic Orbits Above the Ecliptic in the Solar-Sail Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

905.6 KB

Prediction of Icing Effects on the Dynamic Response of Light Airplanes.pdf

1.5 MB

Recursive Algorithm with Efficient Variables for Flexible Multibody Dynamics with Multiloop Constraints.pdf

1.6 MB

Relative Spacecraft Motion in a Central Force Field.pdf

193.0 KB

Repeat-Groundtrack Orbit Acquisition and Maintenance for Earth-Observation Satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Retrofit Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Design Under Control Effector Damage.pdf

707.0 KB

Review of Multibody Dynamics and Visualization.pdf

41.4 KB

Review of Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems.pdf

50.3 KB

Solar-Sail Navigation_ Estimation of Force, Moments, and Optical Parameters.pdf

749.6 KB

Solutions to the Variational Equations for Relative Motion of Satellites.pdf

781.8 KB

Stability and Control of a High-Altitude, Long-Endurance UAV.pdf

358.0 KB

Unpowered Approach and Landing Guidance with Normal Acceleration Limitations.pdf

131.6 KB

Vision-Based State Estimation for Autonomous Micro Air Vehicles.pdf

2.3 MB


Acceleration-Compensated Zero-Effort-Miss Guidance Law.pdf

1.7 MB

Active Control Schemes to Satisfy Separation Distance Constraints.pdf

557.6 KB

Adaptive Disturbance Rejection Controller for Visual Tracking of a Maneuvering Target.pdf

1.3 MB

Adaptive Output Feedback Control of a Flexible Base Manipulator.pdf

1.6 MB

Approximate Formulas for Time in Nearly Circular Orbits with Drag.pdf

582.7 KB

Approximate Minimum Energy Control Laws for Low-Thrust Formation Reconfiguration.pdf

399.6 KB

Attention Authors_ Important New Publication Ethical Policies.pdf

20.7 KB

Averaging Quaternions.pdf

121.3 KB

Comment on _Precision Free-Inertial Navigation with Gravity Compensation by an Onboard Gradiometer_.pdf

78.9 KB

Comparing Antenna Conical Span Algorithms for Spacecraft Position Estimation.pdf

143.9 KB

Course and Heading Changes in Significant Wind.pdf

365.3 KB

Design and Control of Libration Point Spacecraft Formations.pdf

616.6 KB

Flight Control System Architecture Optimization for Fly-By-Wire Airliners.pdf

398.7 KB

Flight Path Optimization at Constant Altitude.pdf

460.8 KB

Fuel-Optimal Spacecraft Rendezvous with Hybrid On-Off Continuous and Impulsive Thrust.pdf

763.6 KB

Guidance Strategy for Hyperbolic Rendezvous.pdf

524.5 KB

High-Precision, Symplectic Numerical, Relative Orbit Propagation.pdf

395.3 KB

Improved Endurance of Optimal Periodic Flight.pdf

1.9 MB

Integrated Sliding Mode Autopilot-Guidance for Dual-Control Missiles.pdf

533.0 KB

Launch Vehicle Autopilot Robustness to Multilinear Uncertainties_ Analysis in Kharitonov Framework.pdf

813.8 KB

Linear Parameter-Varying Antiwindup Compensation for Active Microgravity Vibration Isolation.pdf

638.1 KB

Long-Lifetime Lunar Repeat Ground Track Orbits.pdf

7.9 MB

Low-Thrust, High-Accuracy Trajectory Optimization.pdf

1.1 MB

Loxodromic Descent_ A New Regularized Rotation Estimation.pdf

147.6 KB

Model Updating with Closed-Loop Strain Mode Shapes.pdf

144.7 KB

Multi-Input Multi-Output Adaptive Output Feedback Control Design for Aeroelastic Vibration Suppression.pdf

548.4 KB

Nonlinear Synergetic Optimal Controllers.pdf

927.8 KB

Optimal Multi-Objective Nonlinear Impulsive Rendezvous.pdf

1.8 MB

Optimization of Multiple-Impulse, Multiple-Revolution, Rendezvous- Phasing Maneuvers.pdf

591.7 KB

Orbital Rendezvous and Flyaround Based on Null Controllability with Vanishing Energy.pdf

2.2 MB

Orbital Rendezvous_ When is Autonomy Required_.pdf

719.7 KB

Pseudospectral Feedback Control for Three-Axis Magnetic Attitude Stabilization in Elliptic Orbits.pdf

776.1 KB

Publication Ethical Standards_ Guidelines and Procedures.pdf

30.6 KB

Real-Time Nonlinear Embedded Control for an Autonomous Quadrotor Helicopter.pdf

1.8 MB

Relative Motion and the Geometry of Formations in Keplerian Elliptic Orbits with Arbitrary Eccentricity.pdf

639.8 KB

Relative Motion Control for Autonomous Rendezvous Based on Classical Orbital Element Differences.pdf

771.4 KB

Reply by the Author to T.H. Kerr.pdf

41.1 KB

Robust Attitude Tracking Control of Spacecraft in the Presence of Disturbances.pdf

144.1 KB

Satellite Constellations for Continuous and Early Warning Observation_ A Correlation-Based Approach.pdf

6.3 MB

Solar Sail Formation Flying Around Displaced Solar Orbits.pdf

355.5 KB

Stabilization of Angular Velocity of Asymmetrical Rigid Body Using Two Constant Torques.pdf

544.7 KB

Three-Dimensional Aircraft Terrain-Following via Real-Time Optimal Control.pdf

420.0 KB

Total Energy Control System for Helicopter Flight Propulsion Integrated Controller Design.pdf

970.5 KB

Trim-Reference Functions for Indirect Method of Trajectory Optimization.pdf

276.5 KB

Use of Least Means Squares Filter in Control of Optical Beam Jitter.pdf

1.1 MB


Active Suppression of Flutter in a Typical Airfoil Section Fitted with a Smart Flap.pdf

224.9 KB

Adaptive, Integrated Guidance and Control Design for Line-of-Sight-Based Formation Flight.pdf

2.9 MB

Analysis and Design For No-Spin Tethered Satellite Retrieval.pdf

1.3 MB

Artificial Equilibrium Points in the Low-Thrust Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

1.2 MB

Attitude-Motion Estimation of Tumbling Objects Using Radio Frequency Identification.pdf

327.3 KB

Control and Simulation of Relative Motion for Aerial Refueling in Racetrack Maneuvers.pdf

1.0 MB

Convex Programming Approach to Powered Descent Guidance for Mars Landing.pdf

841.2 KB

Determining Strictly Positive Realness from System Modal Characteristics.pdf

120.3 KB

Digital Autoland Control Laws Using Quantitative Feedback Theory and Direct Digital Design.pdf

2.4 MB

Discrete-Time, Closed-Loop Aeromechanical Stability Analysis of Helicopters with Higher Harmonic Control.pdf

1.3 MB

Estimation of Relative Satellite Position Using Transformed Differential Carrier-Phase GPS Measurements.pdf

495.8 KB

Fault Detection in Open-Loop Controlled Structures.pdf

2.5 MB

Head Pursuit Guidance.pdf

937.2 KB

High-Alpha Flight Maneuverability Enhancement of a Fighter Aircraft Using Thrust-Vectoring Control.pdf

9.4 MB

High-Altitude Satellite Relative Navigation Using Carrier-Phase Differential Global Positioning System Techniques.pdf

652.3 KB

High-Order Quasi-Linearization Technique for Identification of Linear-Fractional-Transformation-Modeled Aeroservoelastic Systems.pdf

656.4 KB

Improved Edelbaum's Approach to Optimize Low Earth Geostationary Orbits Low-Thrust Transfers.pdf

280.4 KB

Interior-Point Approach to Trajectory Optimization.pdf

906.0 KB

Long-Term Attitude Drift of Spinning Spacecraft Under Solar Radiation Torques.pdf

1.8 MB

Models for the Comet Dynamical Environment.pdf

2.0 MB

Motion Planning Under Uncertainty_ Application to an Unmanned Helicopter.pdf

21.5 MB

Near-Optimal Missile Avoidance Trajectories via Receding Horizon Control.pdf

616.4 KB

Neural Optimal Magnetohydrodynamic Control of Hypersonic Flows.pdf

345.9 KB

Nonexplosive Approach to Fragment Subkilometer Asteroids with a Tether Centrifuge.pdf

1.4 MB

Optimal Control of Sensor Threshold for Autonomous Wide- Area-Search Munitions.pdf

844.9 KB

Optimal Formation Design for Imaging and Fuel Usage.pdf

372.4 KB

Optimal Rotation Angle About a Nonnominal Euler Axis.pdf

563.5 KB

Parameter-Free Second Order Numerical Scheme for Constrained Multibody Dynamical Systems.pdf

2.9 MB

Predictive Guidance for Pursuit-Evasion Engagements Involving Multiple Decoys.pdf

604.7 KB

Predictor-Corrector Reentry Guidance Algorithm with Path Constraints for Atmospheric Entry Vehicles.pdf

1.4 MB

Reachability and Optimal Phasing for Reconfiguration in Near-Circular Orbit Formations.pdf

204.9 KB

Relative Angles-Only Navigation and Pose Estimation For Autonomous Orbital Rendezvous.pdf

4.0 MB

Robust Decentralized Fault Detection in Leader-to-Follower Formations of Uncertain, Linearly Parameterized Systems.pdf

837.1 KB

Satellite Formation Design and Optimal Stationkeeping Considering Nonlinearity and Eccentricity.pdf

475.2 KB

Separation Analysis Methodology for Designing Area Navigation Arrival Procedures.pdf

1.1 MB

State Estimation for Autonomous Flight in Cluttered Environments.pdf

873.2 KB

Survey of Theory and Steering Laws of Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyros.pdf

1.1 MB

Three-Dimensional Ascent Trajectory Optimization for Stratospheric Airship Platforms in the Jet Stream.pdf

3.8 MB

Tour Planning for an Unmanned Air Vehicle Under Wind Conditions.pdf

910.0 KB

Transfer to Distant Retrograde Orbits Using Manifold Theory.pdf

676.4 KB


Adaptive Control Design Methodology for Nonlinear-in-Control Systems in Aircraft Applications.pdf

836.5 KB

Analytical Charge Analysis for Two- and Three-Craft Coulomb Formations.pdf

408.1 KB

Author Index.pdf

39.1 KB

Axial Velocity Solution for Spinning-Up Rigid Bodies Subject to Constant Forces.pdf

654.0 KB

Boom and Receptacle Autonomous Air Refueling Using Visual Snake Optical Sensor.pdf

8.0 MB

Chronological Index.pdf

89.8 KB

Closed-Form Specified-Fuel Commands for Two Flexible Modes.pdf

1.3 MB

Design of Static H8 Linear Parameter Varying Controllers for Unmanned Aircraft.pdf

3.3 MB

Effect of Wind Correlation on Aircraft Conflict Probability.pdf

545.6 KB

Elastic Oscillations of the Space Elevator Ribbon.pdf

413.4 KB

Essentially Globally Asymptotically Stable Nutation Control Using a Single Reaction Wheel.pdf

1.3 MB

Homing Missile Guidance and Estimation Under Agile Target Acceleration.pdf

608.0 KB

Linear-Matrix-Inequality-Based Robust Fault Detection and Isolation Using the Eigenstructure Assignment Method.pdf

157.1 KB

Linearized Dynamics of Formation Flying Spacecraft on a J2-Perturbed Elliptical Orbit.pdf

654.0 KB

Low-Thrust Interplanetary Transfers, Including Escape and Capture Trajectories.pdf

584.6 KB

Modeling and Simulation of Airship Dynamics.pdf

681.1 KB

Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of GPS Carrier Phase for Spacecraft Relative Navigation.pdf

644.7 KB

Near-Optimal Feedback Rendezvous in Elliptic Orbits Accounting for Nonlinear Differential Gravity.pdf

731.9 KB

New Synchronous Orbits Using the Geomagnetic Lorentz Force.pdf

6.4 MB

Nonlinear Semi-Analytic Methods for Trajectory Estimation.pdf

780.9 KB

Optimal Linear Attitude Estimator.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal Trajectory Reconfiguration and Retargeting for Reusable Launch Vehicles.pdf

4.1 MB

Performance and Lyapunov Stability of a Nonlinear Path Following Guidance Method.pdf

1.7 MB

Periodic Solutions in the Planar (n+1) Ring Problem with Oblateness.pdf

2.8 MB

Relative Semimajor Axis Uncertainty in High Earth Orbits.pdf

254.1 KB

Review of Flight Dynamics.pdf

61.4 KB

Robust Spacecraft Angular Rate Estimation from Vector Observations Using Interlaced Particle Filtering.pdf

1.2 MB

Separation Property for the Rigid-Body Attitude Tracking Control Problem.pdf

332.7 KB

Simulation and Flight Test of Autonomous Aircraft Estimation, Planning, and Control Algorithms.pdf

2.2 MB

Space Vehicle Conflict Probability for Ellipsoidal Conflict Volumes.pdf

191.8 KB

Stabilizing the Explicit Euler Integration of Stiff and Undamped Linear Systems.pdf

415.6 KB

Subject Index.pdf

91.4 KB


Adaptive Variable Structure Control of Aircraft with an Unknown High-Frequency Gain Matrix.pdf

720.8 KB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

562.3 KB

Annual Business and News_ Beginning the 31st Year.pdf

3.4 MB

Asymptotically Optimal Attitude Filtering with Guaranteed Convergence.pdf

344.0 KB

Attitude Dynamics of Rigid Bodies in the Vicinity of the Lagrangian Points.pdf

2.0 MB

Development of an Active Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Strategy.pdf

9.3 MB

Distributed Multitarget Tracking and Identity Management.pdf

12.8 MB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical Accuracy and Experimental Uncertainty.pdf

563.5 KB

Efficient Nonlinear Actuator Fault Detection and Isolation System for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

1.2 MB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

492.6 KB

Fuel-Equivalent Relative Orbit Element Space.pdf

256.0 KB

Gyroless Attitude Control of Multibody Satellites Using an Unscented Kalman Filter.pdf

795.6 KB

Identifying a Pilot-Induced Oscillation Signature_ New Techniques Applied to Old Problems.pdf

3.2 MB

Integrated Sliding Mode Guidance and Control for Missile with On-Off Actuators.pdf

3.1 MB

Market-Based Air Traffic Flow Control with Competing Airlines.pdf

2.9 MB

Minimum-Fuel Deployment for Spacecraft Formations via Optimal Control.pdf

3.5 MB

Nonlinear Attitude Control Laws for the Bell 412 Helicopter.pdf

2.6 MB

Novel L1 Adaptive Control Methodology for Aerial Refueling with Guaranteed Transient Performance.pdf

1.3 MB

On-Orbit Assembly Using Superquadric Potential Fields.pdf

6.0 MB

Optimal Crosswind Towing and Power Generation with Tethered Kites.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimal Dynamic Scheduling of Aircraft Arrivals at Congested Airports.pdf

960.8 KB

Restricted Full Three-Body Problem_ Application to Binary System 1999 KW4.pdf

3.0 MB

Reviewers for 1 October 2006-30 October 2007.pdf

26.6 KB

Simplified Equations for Computing Science Orbits Around Planetary Satellites.pdf

576.8 KB

Special Inclinations Allowing Minimal Drift Orbits for Formation Flying Satellites.pdf

1.2 MB

Study on Relative Orbit Geometry of Spacecraft Formations in Elliptical Reference Orbits.pdf

2.8 MB

Visual Tracking of a Maneuvering Target.pdf

1.5 MB


Averaged Relative Motion and Applications to Formation Flight Near Perturbed Orbits.pdf

923.0 KB

Comparison of Global and Local Collocation Methods for Optimal Control.pdf

729.0 KB

Coordinated Standoff Tracking of Moving Targets Using Lyapunov Guidance Vector Fields.pdf

3.8 MB

Dynamics of a Flexible Space Tether Equipped with a Crawler Mass.pdf

1.1 MB

Erratum on _Influence of Wind Speed on Airship Dynamics_.pdf

72.7 KB

Erratum on Associate Editor Biographies.pdf

543.7 KB

Evaluation of Aircraft Performance and Maneuverability by Computation of Attainable Equilibrium Sets.pdf

7.4 MB

Flight-Test Results of Autonomous Airplane Transitions Between Steady-Level and Hovering Flight.pdf

7.6 MB

General Method for Optimal Guidance of Spacecraft Formations.pdf

540.5 KB

Model Reduction of Input-Output Dynamical Systems by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition.pdf

315.4 KB

Multiplexed Predictive Control of a Large Commercial Turbofan Engine.pdf

455.5 KB

Optimal Feedback Control_ Foundations, Examples, and Experimental Results for a New Approach.pdf

4.8 MB

Reentry Time Prediction Using Atmospheric Density Corrections.pdf

1.9 MB

Review of Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students.pdf

45.1 KB

Stability Analysis of Switched Dynamical Systems with State-Space Dilation and Contraction.pdf

223.8 KB

Stability of Equilibria for a Satellite Subject to Gravitational and Constant Torques.pdf

353.5 KB

Stationary Configurations of a Tetrahedral Tethered Satellite Formation.pdf

405.9 KB

Structural Dynamics of Spin-Stabilized Solar Sails with Applications to UltraSail.pdf

2.0 MB

Trajectory Control for Very Flexible Aircraft.pdf

3.4 MB

Transition Flight Control of Two Vertical Short Takeoff and Landing Aircraft.pdf

7.6 MB

Transmission Zeros in Structural Control with Collocated Multi-Input Multi-Output Pairs.pdf

417.3 KB

Unit Quaternion from Rotation Matrix.pdf

83.6 KB


Analysis of Displaced Solar Sail Orbits with Passive Control.pdf

328.5 KB

Attitude Acquisition of a Satellite with a Partially Filled Liquid Tank.pdf

316.3 KB

Attitude Estimation for Sounding Rockets Using Microelectromechanical System Gyros.pdf

1.1 MB

Automated Generation of Realistic Near-Optimal Aircraft Trajectories.pdf

4.2 MB

Can Lead-Lag Guidance Compensator Guarantee Zero-Miss-Distance_.pdf

336.3 KB

Decomposition-Based Simultaneous Stabilization with Optimal Control.pdf

1.7 MB

Deflection-Limiting Commands for Systems with Velocity Limits.pdf

1.3 MB

Dynamical Characterization and Stabilization of Large Gravity-Tractor Designs.pdf

7.8 MB

Experimental and Theoretical Development of Multiple Fluid Mode Magnetorheological Isolators.pdf

25.5 MB

Fault Diagnosis of Microscope Satellite Thrusters Using H-infinity H_ Filters.pdf

3.3 MB

Flight Dynamics and Hybrid Adaptive Control of Damaged Aircraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Indirect Optimization of Two-Dimensional Finite Burning Interplanetary Transfers Including Spiral Dynamics.pdf

791.0 KB

Interplanetary Periodic Trajectories in Two-Planet Systems.pdf

1.8 MB

Invariant Manifolds and Orbit Control in the Solar Sail Three-Body Problem.pdf

1.5 MB

Measuring and Modeling the Dynamics of Stiffened Thin-Film Polyimide Panels.pdf

6.1 MB

Multicommodity Eulerian-Lagrangian Large-Capacity Cell Transmission Model for En Route Traffic.pdf

4.4 MB

Multiple Method 2-D Trajectory Optimization Satisfying Waypoints and No-Fly Zone Constraints.pdf

417.3 KB

Nonlinear Control and Estimation of a Tethered Kite in Changing Wind Conditions.pdf

377.7 KB

Optimal Attitude Matrix from Two Vector Measurements.pdf

113.1 KB

Optimal Lunar Launch Trajectories to Sun-Earth L1 Vicinity.pdf

3.7 MB

Optimal Reconfiguration of Spacecraft Formations Using the Gauss Pseudospectral Method.pdf

1.8 MB

Orbits and Relative Motion in the Gravitational Field of an Oblate Body.pdf

574.3 KB

Parametric Study of Spherical Rovers Crossing a Valley.pdf

5.0 MB

Prediction of Icing Effects on the Coupled Dynamic Response of Light Airplanes.pdf

1.9 MB

Predictive Control of a Munition Using Low-Speed Linear Theory.pdf

2.5 MB

Propellant-Free Control of Tethered Formation Flight, Part 1_ Linear Control and Experimentation.pdf

10.4 MB

Rate-Dependent Elastoslide Model for Magnetorheological Damper.pdf

3.9 MB

Slewing of Flexible Spacecraft with Minimal Relative Flexible Acceleration.pdf

700.8 KB

Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Using Coulomb Forces with Separation Distance and Rate Feedback.pdf

640.6 KB

Spacecraft Maneuver and Stabilization for Emergency Atmospheric Entry with One Control Torque.pdf

2.0 MB

Spectral Algorithm for Pseudospectral Methods in Optimal Control.pdf

1.1 MB

Survey of Orbit Element Sets.pdf

131.0 KB

Two-Body Problem with Drag and High Tangential Speeds.pdf

470.9 KB

Use of Variable Incidence Angle for Glide Slope Control of Autonomous Parafoils.pdf

9.6 MB

Vision-Based Target Geolocation Using Micro Air Vehicles.pdf

3.2 MB


Adaptive Gravitational Force Representation for Fast Trajectory Propagation Near Small Bodies.pdf

2.4 MB

Analysis of Wing Rock Due to Rolling Moment Hysteresis.pdf

4.9 MB

Carrier-Phase Differential Global Positioning System Navigation Filter for High-Altitude Spacecraft.pdf

1.4 MB

Comparison of Inverse Optimal and Tuning Functions Designs for Adaptive Missile Control.pdf

956.5 KB

Decentralized Cooperative-Control Design for Multivehicle Formations.pdf

777.8 KB

Direct Verification of Parametric Solution for Vibration Reduction Control Problems.pdf

991.6 KB

Dynamic Control Allocation for Tracking Time-Varying Control Demand.pdf

3.5 MB

Euclidean Calculation of Feature Points of a Rotating Satellite_ A Daisy-Chaining Approach.pdf

3.0 MB

Explicit Model Predictive Control for Large-Scale Systems via Model Reduction.pdf

521.5 KB

Fault-Tolerant Subspace Predictive Control Applied to a Boeing 747 Model.pdf

798.9 KB

Fuel-Efficient Formation Flight-Control Design Based on Energy Maneuverability.pdf

1.2 MB

Fuel-Efficient Interferometric Imaging Maneuvers in Near-Earth Orbit.pdf

3.2 MB

High-Performance Spacecraft Adaptive Attitude-Tracking Control Through Attracting-Manifold Design.pdf

451.0 KB

Imaging Sensors Pointing and Tracking Controller Insensitive to Inertial Sensors Misalignments.pdf

5.4 MB

Improved mu-Analysis Results by Using Low-Order Uncertainty Modeling Techniques.pdf

286.4 KB

Infinite-Horizon Control for Retrieving a Tethered Subsatellite via an Elastic Tether.pdf

1.8 MB

Low-Thrust Nonlinear Guidance by Tracking Mean Orbital Elements.pdf

1.1 MB

Modeling Human Multichannel Perception and Control Using Linear Time-Invariant Models.pdf

1.0 MB

Neural Guidance Control for Aircraft Based on Differential Flatness.pdf

650.6 KB

Nonlinear Geometric Estimation for Satellite Attitude.pdf

560.9 KB

Optimal Impact Strategies for Asteroid Deflection.pdf

2.5 MB

Optimal Impulsive Relative Orbit Transfer Along a Circular Orbit.pdf

936.3 KB

Optimal Interception of Evasive Missile Warheads_ Numerical Solution of the Differential Game.pdf

3.8 MB

Optimal Trajectory Regulation for Radar Imaging Guidance.pdf

1.3 MB

Optimization of Perching Maneuvers Through Vehicle Morphing.pdf

3.1 MB

Predictor-Corrector Entry Guidance for Low-Lifting Vehicles.pdf

2.8 MB

Pseudospectral Methods for Infinite-Horizon Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems.pdf

693.8 KB

Relative Navigation of Air Vehicles.pdf

729.9 KB

Robust Linear Output Feedback Control of an Airbreathing Hypersonic Vehicle.pdf

1.2 MB

Sensitivity of Cooperative Target Geolocalization to Orbit Coordination.pdf

1.1 MB

Simple Real-Time Stabilization of Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft with Bounded Signals.pdf

1.6 MB

Sliding-Mode Control Applied of a Nonlinear Model of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.pdf

1.0 MB

Stability in Ornithopter Longitudinal Flight Dynamics.pdf

1.0 MB

Structured Adaptive Model Inversion Controller for Mars Atmospheric Flight.pdf

7.6 MB

Structured H-Infinity Command and Control-Loop Design for Unmanned Helicopters.pdf

3.1 MB

Swarming Flocking and Collision Avoidance for Mass Airdrop of Autonomous Guided Parafoils.pdf

7.3 MB

Vision-Based Tracking and Motion Estimation for Moving Targets Using Unmanned Air Vehicles.pdf

4.3 MB


Adaptive Control of Advanced Fighter Aircraft in Nonlinear Flight Regimes.pdf

1.5 MB

Analysis of Capture Trajectories into Periodic Orbits About Libration Points.pdf

6.8 MB

Analytical Solution of Optimal Feedback Control for Radially Accelerated Orbits.pdf

399.6 KB

Asymptotic Theory and Limiting Cases for Spinning Spacecraft Subject to Constant Forces.pdf

216.8 KB

Automated Process for Optimal Structural Notch-Filter Design.pdf

393.9 KB

Classification of Two-Dimensional Fixed-Sun-Angle Solar Sail Trajectories.pdf

1.6 MB

Constructive Methods for Initialization and Handling Mixed State-Input Constraints in Optimal Control.pdf

626.5 KB

Control Authority of a Projectile Equipped with a Controllable Internal Translating Mass.pdf

4.0 MB

Convergence of the Costates Does Not Imply Convergence of the Control.pdf

376.7 KB

Dynamics and Control of Gravity Tractor Spacecraft for Asteroid Deflection.pdf

1.1 MB

Entry Guidance Using Analytical Atmospheric Skip Trajectories.pdf

140.4 KB

Examining Groundtrack Geometry Transitions by Evaluating the Number of Longitude-Rate Zeros.pdf

2.9 MB

Fault Tolerant Sliding Mode Control Design with Piloted Simulator Evaluation.pdf

7.4 MB

Fundamental Frequencies of Satellite Relative Motion and Control of Formations.pdf

1.4 MB

Guidance Algorithm for Range Maximization and Time-of-Flight Control of a Guided Projectile.pdf

2.1 MB

Indirect Robust Adaptive Fault -Tolerant Control for Attitude Tracking of Spacecraft.pdf

1.5 MB

Initial Lagrange Multipliers for the Shooting Method.pdf

90.0 KB

Lagrangian View of the Work-Rate Theorem.pdf

172.4 KB

Linear Quadratic Guidance Laws for Imposing a Terminal Intercept Angle.pdf

1.3 MB

Lyapunov Vector Fields for Autonomous Unmanned Aircraft Flight Control.pdf

755.2 KB

Minimizing Mission Risk in Fuel-Constrained Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Path Planning.pdf

441.2 KB

New Editor-in-Chief Sought for the AIAA Journal.pdf

22.7 KB

New Results on Linear Time Invariant and Parameter Varying Static Output Feedback.pdf

498.0 KB

New State Update Equation for the Unscented Kalman Filter.pdf

375.8 KB

Nonlinear Control of Motion Synchronization for Satellite Proximity Operations.pdf

1.1 MB

Nonlinear Dynamic Equations of Satellite Relative Motion Around an Oblate Earth.pdf

327.0 KB

Optimal Fuel-Balanced Impulsive Formationkeeping for Perturbed Spacecraft Orbits.pdf

3.0 MB

Propellant-Free Control of Tethered Formation Flight, Part 2_ Nonlinear Underactuated Control.pdf

2.9 MB

Reentry Flight Clearance Using Interval Analysis.pdf

1.5 MB

Rigid and Control Modes Aerodynamic Unsteady Forces Aeroservoelastic Modeling.pdf

4.5 MB

Safe Trajectories for Autonomous Rendezvous of Spacecraft.pdf

3.6 MB

Selection of Rotorcraft Models for Application to Optimal Control Problems.pdf

1.3 MB

Simplified Projectile Swerve Solution for General Control Inputs.pdf

1.6 MB

Six-Degree-of-Freedom Trajectory Optimization Using a Two-Timescale Collocation Architecture.pdf

4.3 MB

Skip Entry Trajectory Planning and Guidance.pdf

2.7 MB

Trajectory Optimization Using Multiresolution Techniques.pdf

870.6 KB

Trajectory-Shaping Guidance for Interception of Ballistic Missiles During the Boost Phase.pdf

2.3 MB

Two-Sun-Cones Attitude-Determination Method.pdf

1.5 MB

Two-Timescale Discretization Scheme for Collocation.pdf

1.5 MB

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Cooperative Tracking of Moving Ground Target in Urban Environments.pdf

8.1 MB


2008 Author Index.pdf

37.1 KB

2008 Chronological Index.pdf

84.1 KB

2008 Subject Index.pdf

84.3 KB

A Simple Lambert Algorithm.pdf

860.3 KB

Apollo 13 Trajectory Reconstruction via State Transition Matrices.pdf

375.4 KB

Artificial Three-Body Equilibria for Hybrid Low-Thrust Propulsion.pdf

1.4 MB

Asymptotic Behavior of the Estimation Error Covariance of Quaternion Estimators.pdf

618.5 KB

Constrained Control Strategies to Improve Safety and Comfort on Aircraft.pdf

1.1 MB

Constrained Slews for Single-Axis Pointing.pdf

706.5 KB

Control-Oriented Flutter Limit-Cycle-Oscillation Prediction Framework.pdf

3.0 MB

Determination of Spherical Test Mass Kinematics with Modular Gravitational Reference Sensor.pdf

429.3 KB

Discrete-Time Synergetic Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems.pdf

500.4 KB

Effects of Peripheral Visual and Physical Motion Cues in Roll-Axis Tracking Tasks.pdf

1.3 MB

Entry Guidance Performance for Mars Precision Landing.pdf

605.3 KB

Erratum on _Flight Dynamics and Hybrid Adaptive Control of Damaged Aircraft_.pdf

58.5 KB

Flight Testing a Real-Time Direct Collocation Path Planner.pdf

7.5 MB

Framework for Low-Observable Trajectory Generation in Presence of Multiple Radars.pdf

2.4 MB

Haptic Feedback in Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Teleoperation with Time Delay.pdf

2.4 MB

Impact Angle Constrained Interception of Stationary Targets.pdf

535.6 KB

Input-to-State Stable Attitude Control.pdf

148.5 KB

Kalman Filter for Spinning Spacecraft Attitude Estimation.pdf

620.4 KB

Large Time Scale Optimal Control of an Electrodynamic Tether Satellite.pdf

5.2 MB

Mars Aerobraking Spacecraft State Estimation by Processing Inertial Measurement Unit Data.pdf

4.1 MB

Modeling and Control of an Aeroelastic Morphing Vehicle.pdf

5.8 MB

Multi-Objective Optimization of Perturbed Impulsive Rendezvous Trajectories Using Physical Programming.pdf

176.7 KB

New Approach to Analyzing Airborne Delay.pdf

8.9 MB

Novel Nonlinear Hammerstein Model Identification_ Application to Nonlinear Aeroelastic Aeroaervoelastic System.pdf

705.7 KB

On-Orbit Identification of Inertia Properties of Spacecraft Using a Robotic Arm.pdf

5.5 MB

Optimal and Feedback Path Planning for Cooperative Attack.pdf

445.8 KB

Proportional Navigation with Adaptive Terminal Guidance for Aircraft Rendezvous.pdf

444.7 KB

Rapid Optimal Multiburn Ascent Planning and Guidance.pdf

358.8 KB

Rendezvous Maneuvers of Multiple Spacecraft Using Differential Drag Under J2 Perturbation.pdf

5.3 MB

Scissored-Pair Control-Moment Gyros_ A Mechanical Constraint Saves Power.pdf

521.2 KB

Simultaneous Realization of Handling and Gust Responses_ In-Flight Simulator Controller Design.pdf

4.0 MB

Uncertainty Propagation for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems Using Gaussian Mixture Models.pdf

5.1 MB


Adaptive Particle Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude Estimation from Vector Observations.pdf

754.9 KB

AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

769.9 KB

Annual Business and News_ Beginning the 32nd Year.pdf

4.4 MB

Autonomous Inertial Relative Navigation with Sight-Line-Stabilized Sensors for Spacecraft Rendezvous.pdf

1.9 MB

Control of Science Orbits About Planetary Satellites.pdf

1.0 MB

Control of Solar Sail Periodic Orbits in the Elliptic Three-Body Problem.pdf

532.3 KB

Coordinated Standoff Tracking of Moving Targets_ Control Laws and Information Architectures.pdf

1.1 MB

Correlation of Optical Observations of Objects in Earth Orbit.pdf

4.8 MB

Cycler Trajectories in Planetary Moon Systems.pdf

8.1 MB

Deployment Control of Spinning Space Webs.pdf

4.6 MB

Describing Airspace Complexity_ Airspace Response to Disturbances.pdf

1.1 MB

Distributed Formation Flight Control Using Constraint Forces.pdf

486.2 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.pdf

702.7 KB

Envelope Protection for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

4.4 MB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

717.1 KB

Event Triggers in Linear Covariance Analysis with Applications to Orbital Rendezvous.pdf

1.3 MB

Experiments with Small Unmanned Helicopter Nose-Up Landings.pdf

3.1 MB

Fast Particle Filtering for Attitude and Angular-Rate Estimation from Vector Observations.pdf

2.0 MB

Flutter-Prediction Tool for Flight-Test-Based Aeroelastic Parameter-Varying Models.pdf

2.2 MB

Inertial Measurements from Flight Data of a Flapping-Wing Ornithopter.pdf

2.8 MB

Integrated Higher-Order Sliding Mode Guidance and Autopilot for Dual Control Missiles.pdf

15.0 MB

Lateral-Directional Aircraft Dynamics Under Static Moment Nonlinearity.pdf

516.6 KB

Modal Transformation Method for Deformable Membrane Mirrors.pdf

6.1 MB

Multicriteria Comparison Among Several Mitigation Strategies for Dangerous Near-Earth Objects.pdf

4.0 MB

Neighboring Optimum Feedback Control Law for Earth-Orbiting Formation-Flying Spacecraft.pdf

827.6 KB

Nonlinear Adaptive Trajectory Control Applied to an F-16 Model.pdf

1.7 MB

Nonlinear Optimal Control Analysis Using State-Dependent Matrix Exponential and Its Integrals.pdf

312.0 KB

Numerical Study of Optimal Trajectories with Singular Arcs for an Ariane 5 Launcher.pdf

351.4 KB

Quantized Control Allocation of Reaction Control Jets and Aerodynamic Control Surfaces.pdf

1.2 MB

Reviewers for October 2007 - September 2008.pdf

26.2 KB

Robust Aeroelastic Control of Lifting Surfaces with Uncertainty via Multi-Objective Synthesis.pdf

2.9 MB

Robust Control Design for Linear Systems Using an Ecological Sign-Stability Approach.pdf

520.0 KB

Rotations as Double Reflections and Geometrical Derivation of Euler-Rodrigues Parameters.pdf

282.5 KB

Sensor Fusion Applied to Autonomous Aerial Refueling.pdf

1.3 MB

Shape-Based Approach to Low-Thrust Rendezvous Trajectory Design.pdf

280.1 KB

Spacecraft Momentum Dumping Using Fewer than Three External Control Torques.pdf

384.9 KB

State-Dependent Riccati-Equation-Based Guidance Law for Impact-Angle-Constrained Trajectories.pdf

580.9 KB

Tactical Conflict Alerting Aid for Air Traffic Controllers.pdf

466.3 KB

Time-Optimal Low-Thrust Formation Maneuvering Using a Hybrid Linear Nonlinear Controller.pdf

238.3 KB

Trajectory Shaping of Projectile Through Cross-Entropy-Minimization-Based Search.pdf

1.3 MB


Application of Synchronization to Formation Flying Spacecraft_ Lagrangian Approach.pdf

7.4 MB

Bifurcation and Stability Analysis of Aircraft Turning on the Ground.pdf

2.3 MB

Circulating Eccentric Orbits Around Planetary Moons.pdf

16.6 MB

Collision-Geometry-Based Pulsed Guidance Law for Exoatmospheric Interception.pdf

204.8 KB

Derivation of the Dynamics Equations of Receiver Aircraft in Aerial Refueling.pdf

832.5 KB

Designing Trajectories in a Planet-Moon Environment Using the Controlled Keplerian Map.pdf

9.1 MB

Evolutionary Neurocontrol_ A Novel Method for Low-Thrust Gravity-Assist Trajectory Optimization.pdf

3.8 MB

Extension of the Cucker-Smale Control Law to Space Flight Formations.pdf

531.0 KB

Fast Model Predictive Control of the Nadir Singularity in Electro-Optic Systems.pdf

384.2 KB

Filter QUEST or REQUEST.pdf

104.7 KB

Flight Trajectory Optimization to Minimize Ground Noise in Helicopter Landing Approach.pdf

6.6 MB

Flying_ With Strings Attached.pdf

534.4 KB

Gust Energy Extraction for Mini and Micro Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

719.9 KB

Important Announcement_ New Editor-in-Chief Sought for the Journal of Propulsion and Power.pdf

24.6 KB

Indirect Optimization of Three-Dimensional Finite-Burning Interplanetary Transfers Including Spiral Dynamics.pdf

1.1 MB

Interior Parameters, Exterior Parameters, and a Cayley-Like Transform.pdf

211.0 KB

Lorentz-Augmented Jovian Orbit Insertion.pdf

2.4 MB

Minimality of Variable-Thrust Subarcs in Optimal Chemical Rocket Trajectories.pdf

83.0 KB

Modeling of Generic Slung Load System.pdf

10.1 MB

Motion and Parameter Estimation of Space Objects Using Laser-Vision Data.pdf

2.3 MB

Nonlinear Robust Adaptive Control of Flexible Air-Breathing Hypersonic Vehicles.pdf

952.8 KB

Novel Expressions of Equations of Relative Motion and Control in Keplerian Orbits.pdf

478.8 KB

Numerical Solution of the Three-Dimensional Orbital Pursuit-Evasion Game.pdf

9.9 MB

Numerical State-Dependent Riccati Equation Approach for Missile Integrated Guidance Control.pdf

303.9 KB

Optimal Design of Satellite Formation Relative Motion Orbits Using Least-Squares Methods.pdf

923.2 KB

Path-Planning with Avoidance Using Nonlinear Branch-and-Bound Optimization.pdf

780.7 KB

Quaternion Analysis Tools for Engineering and Scientific Applications.pdf

224.3 KB

Recursive Bias Estimation and Orbit Determination.pdf

5.6 MB

Reduced-Order Kalman Filtering with Relative Measurements.pdf

552.5 KB

Rotational Motion Control by Feedback with Minimum L1-Norm.pdf

563.7 KB

Semiglobal Trajectory Tracking Control Law for a Nonlinear Nonminimum Phase Three-Degree-of-Freedom Flight Vehicle.pdf

477.5 KB

Sequential Multiresolution Trajectory Optimization Schemes for Problems with Moving Targets.pdf

388.0 KB

Short-Term National Airspace System Delay Prediction Using Weather Impacted Traffic Index.pdf

2.4 MB

Solar Pressure Effects for a Constellation in a Highly Elliptical Orbit.pdf

678.5 KB

Solar Sail Near-Optimal Circular Transfers with Plane Change.pdf

712.4 KB

Spin-Yaw Lock-In of a Rotationally Symmetric Missile.pdf

1.0 MB

Survey of Technology Developments in Flywheel Attitude Control and Energy Storage Systems.pdf

11.2 MB

Three-Dimensional Trajectory Optimization Satisfying Waypoint and No-Fly Zone Constraints.pdf

1.1 MB

Use of Pitch and Heave Motion Cues in a Pitch Control Task.pdf

1.6 MB

Vibration Isolation of Precision Payloads_ A Six-Axis Electromagnetic Relaxation Isolator.pdf

2.2 MB


Aeroassisted Orbital Transfer Trajectory Optimization Considering Thermal Protection System Mass.pdf

1.5 MB

Analytical Assessment of Flight Simulator Fidelity Using Pilot Models.pdf

4.7 MB

Analytical Lunar Descent Guidance Algorithm.pdf

16.6 MB

Analytical Model to Find Frozen Orbits for a Lunar Orbiter.pdf

4.2 MB

Automatic Mass Balancing of Air-Bearing-Based Three-Axis Rotational Spacecraft Simulator.pdf

9.2 MB

Autonomous Observability of Networked Multisatellite Systems.pdf

1.0 MB

Computational Nonlinear Stochastic Control.pdf

1.2 MB

Designing Natural Formations of Low-Earth-Orbiting Satellites.pdf

3.3 MB

Effect of Kinematic Rotation-Translation Coupling on Relative Spacecraft Translational Dynamics.pdf

591.1 KB

Escape from Elliptic Orbit Using Constant Radial Thrust.pdf

579.8 KB

Flight-Test Experiment Design for Characterizing Stability and Control of Hypersonic Vehicles.pdf

2.0 MB

Force-Stiffness Feedback in Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Teleoperation with Time Delay.pdf

2.1 MB

Fuel-Optimal Maneuvers for Constrained Relative Satellite Orbits.pdf

2.3 MB

High-Capacity Tube Network Design Using the Hough Transform.pdf

1.6 MB

L1 Adaptive Output-Feedback Controller for Non-Strictly-Positive-Real Reference Systems_ Missile Longitudinal Autopilot Design.pdf

483.5 KB

Low-Thrust Control of a Lunar Mapping Orbit.pdf

419.9 KB

Missile Autopilot Design_ Gain-Scheduling and the Gap Metric.pdf

4.0 MB

Modelling of Actuator Dynamics for Spacecraft Attitude Control.pdf

390.9 KB

Nonlinear H_infinity Control Designs with Axisymmetric Spacecraft Control.pdf

501.6 KB

Nonlinear Reconfiguring Flight Control Based on Online Physical Model Identification.pdf

12.4 MB

Optimal Aircraft Routing in General Wind Fields.pdf

5.5 MB

Optimal Timing of Control-Law Updates for Unstable Systems with Continuous Control.pdf

1.1 MB

Piecewise Global Volterra Nonlinear Modeling and Characterization for Aircraft Dynamics.pdf

2.4 MB

Properties of a Real-Time Guidance Method for Preventing a Collision.pdf

569.1 KB

Pseudospectral Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles.pdf

3.2 MB

Reduction of Low-Thrust Continuous Controls for Trajectory Dynamics.pdf

3.4 MB

Regularization of Minimum Parameter Attitude Estimation.pdf

128.3 KB

Semi-Analytical Solution for the Optimal Low-Thrust Deflection of Near-Earth Objects.pdf

3.8 MB

Sequential Traffic Flow Optimization with Tactical Flight Control Heuristics.pdf

4.7 MB

Simple Method to Determine Globally Optimal Orbital Transfers.pdf

2.2 MB

Solar Sail Dynamics and Coning Control in Circular Orbits.pdf

845.6 KB

Stabilization of Collective Motion in a Time-Invariant Flowfield.pdf

4.2 MB

Structure-Preserving Stabilization for Hamiltonian System and its Applications in Solar Sail.pdf

1.9 MB

Terminal-Area Aircraft Tracking Using Hybrid Estimation.pdf

2.0 MB

Three-Dimensional Validation of an Integrated Estimation Guidance Algorithm Against Randomly Maneuvering Targets.pdf

647.4 KB


Active Flutter Suppression for a Three-Surface Transport Aircraft by Recurrent Neural Networks.pdf

3.7 MB

Approach and Landing Flight Evaluation of Smart-Cue and Smart-Gain Concepts.pdf

6.4 MB

Computation and Applications of an Orbital Dynamics Symplectic State Transition Matrix.pdf

4.3 MB

Deterministic Relative Attitude Determination of Three-Vehicle Formations.pdf

1.1 MB

Extracting Energy from Downdraft to Enhance Endurance of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

584.2 KB

Feedback Dual Controller Design and Its Application to Monocular Vision-Based Docking.pdf

5.4 MB

Hermite-Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto Direct Transcription in Trajectory Optimization.pdf

243.9 KB

Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Collocation Method for Trajectory Optimization.pdf

5.8 MB

Immersion- and Invariance-Based Adaptive Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System.pdf

905.1 KB

Inertia-Free Spacecraft Attitude Tracking with Disturbance Rejection and Almost Global Stabilization.pdf

1.8 MB

Libration Control of Electrodynamic Tethers Using Predictive Control with Time-Delayed Feedback.pdf

2.2 MB

Modeling Human Multimodal Perception and Control Using Genetic Maximum Likelihood Estimation.pdf

1.0 MB

Navigation Algorithms and Observability Analysis for Formation Flying Missions.pdf

2.6 MB

Nearly Circular Equatorial Orbits About an Oblate Body with Atmosphere.pdf

502.5 KB

New Results for Time-Optimal Three-Axis Reorientation of a Rigid Spacecraft.pdf

488.6 KB

Nonlinear Optimization of Low-Thrust Trajectory for Satellite Formation_ Legendre Pseudospectral Approach.pdf

1.2 MB

Nonlinear Robust Stochastic Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

549.8 KB

Optimal Ascent Trajectories for Stratospheric Airships Using Wind Energy.pdf

2.0 MB

Optimal Orbital Rendezvous Maneuvering for Angles-Only Navigation.pdf

764.1 KB

Periodic Orbits of Nonlinear Relative Dynamics and Satellite Formation.pdf

1.1 MB

Point Targeting of Multisatellites via a Virtual Structure Formation Flight Scheme.pdf

8.1 MB

Prediction Procedures Used in Satellite Catalog Maintenance.pdf

442.2 KB

Proportional Navigation Miss Distance in the Presence of Bounded Inputs.pdf

1.5 MB

Quasi-Periodic Relative Trajectory Generation for Formation Flying Satellites.pdf

1.1 MB

Quaternion-Based Inverse Dynamics Model for Expressing Aerobatic Aircraft Trajectories.pdf

189.7 KB

Redundant Reaction Wheel Torque Distribution Yielding Instantaneous L2 Power-Optimal Spacecraft Attitude Control.pdf

608.3 KB

Simulating Active Vibration Attenuation in Underactuated Spatial Structures.pdf

2.6 MB

Solar-Powered Aircraft_ Energy-Optimal Path Planning and Perpetual Endurance.pdf

1.9 MB

Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization Based on Discrete Sets of Pseudoimpulses.pdf

2.3 MB

Static Formations Using Momentum Exchange Between Satellites.pdf

963.0 KB

Stochastic and Dynamic Routing Problems for Multiple Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

1.6 MB

Stochastic Observability Test for Discrete-Time Kalman Filters.pdf

1.8 MB

Verification of Optimality and Costate Estimation Using Hilbert Space Projection.pdf

1.1 MB


Asymptotic Analysis of Displaced Lunar Orbits.pdf

399.7 KB

Attitude Determination from Light Curves.pdf

724.5 KB

Comment on “Three-Dimensional Ascent Trajectory Optimization for Stratospheric Airship Platforms in the Jet Stream”.pdf

71.9 KB

Compressibility Effects on Maximum Range Cruise at Constant Altitude.pdf

332.3 KB

Computational Bifurcation Analysis of Multiparameter Dynamical Systems.pdf

779.0 KB

Control and Robustness Analysis for a High-Infinity Maneuverable Thrust-Vectoring Aircraft.pdf

2.7 MB

Design of Distributed Engine Control Systems for Stability Under Communication Packet Dropouts.pdf

793.6 KB

Design of Robust Drag-Free Controllers with Given Structure.pdf

819.5 KB

Engineless Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Propulsion by Dynamic Soaring.pdf

1.0 MB

Fault Detection and Isolation for Deep Space Satellites.pdf

570.3 KB

Gravity-Assist Maneuvers Augmented by the Lorentz Force.pdf

1.5 MB

Investigation into Crossover Regression in Compensatory Manual Tracking Tasks.pdf

3.1 MB

Maneuvering Spacecraft Formations Using a Dynamically Adapted Finite Element Methodology.pdf

433.1 KB

Measured and Simulated Motion of a Hopping Rotochute.pdf

5.6 MB

Model for Linearized Satellite Relative Motion About a J2-Perturbed Mean Circular Orbit.pdf

365.4 KB

Multibody Model of an Ornithopter.pdf

654.3 KB

Multimodal Pilot Control Behavior in Combined Target-Following Disturbance-Rejection Tasks.pdf

1.7 MB

New Measure Representing Degree of Controllability for Disturbance Rejection.pdf

289.5 KB

Norm-Constrained Kalman Filtering.pdf

815.3 KB

Optimal Control of a Librating Electrodynamic Tether Performing a Multirevolution Orbit Change.pdf

3.8 MB

Optimal Deployment Control of Spinning Space Webs and Membranes.pdf

1.2 MB

Optimal Satellite Transfers Using Relative Motion Dynamics.pdf

770.2 KB

Optimization of Low-Thrust Reconfiguration Maneuvers for Spacecraft Flying in Formation.pdf

958.8 KB

Path Planning Algorithms for Skid-to-Turn Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

607.6 KB

Propellantless Stationkeeping at Enceladus via the Electromagnetic Lorentz Force.pdf

2.1 MB

Quaternion Observer-Based Model-Independent Attitude Tracking Control of Spacecraft.pdf

346.5 KB

Reply by the Authors to N. Slegers et al..pdf

199.0 KB

Robust Control Moment Gyroscope Steering Logic with Gimbal Angle Constraints.pdf

2.2 MB

Robustness Analysis for Terminal Phases of Reentry Flight.pdf

1.3 MB

Roll-Pitch-Yaw Integrated Robust Autopilot Design for a High Angle-of-Attack Missile.pdf

1.1 MB

Smart-Cue and Smart-Gain Concepts to Alleviate Loss of Control.pdf

811.8 KB

Solution of Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems Using Lagrange Implicit Function Theorem.pdf

329.9 KB

Spin-Axis Attitude Determination from Earth Chord-Angle Variations for Geostationary Satellites.pdf

6.7 MB

Stability of Sun-Synchronous Orbits in the Vicinity of a Comet.pdf

2.2 MB

Time-Optimal Detumbling Control of Spacecraft.pdf

554.9 KB


2009 Author Index.pdf

40.2 KB

2009 Chronological Index.pdf

86.9 KB

2009 Subject Index.pdf

83.6 KB

Active Optics of Large Segmented Mirrors_ Dynamics and Control.pdf

4.0 MB

Analysis of Transition Stability for Morphing Aircraft.pdf

1.4 MB

Comparison of the Radar and Seeker Modes of Pursuer Guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Decentralized Receding Horizon Control for Cooperative Multiple Vehicles Subject to Communication Delay.pdf

233.1 KB

Design of Solar Sail Trajectories with Applications to Lunar South Pole Coverage.pdf

2.7 MB

Dynamics of Towed Payload System Using Multiple Fixed-Wing Aircraft.pdf

7.3 MB

Efficient Initial Costates Estimation for Optimal Spiral Orbit Transfer Trajectories Design.pdf

845.9 KB

Energetics of Control Moment Gyroscopes as Joint Actuators.pdf

3.5 MB

Erratum on _Prediction Procedures Used In Satellite Catalog Maintenance_.pdf

29.0 KB

Guidance Laws with Finite Time Convergence.pdf

1.1 MB

In-Flight Trajectory Planning and Guidance for Autonomous Parafoils.pdf

4.0 MB

Investigation of Reaction Control System Design on Spacecraft Handling Qualities for Docking.pdf

7.3 MB

Minimum-Time Path Planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Steady Uniform Winds.pdf

1.3 MB

Model Development and Code Verification for Simulation of Electrodynamic Tether System.pdf

342.2 KB

Multiple-Model Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of a Planetary Lander.pdf

4.5 MB

Nonlinear Hierarchical Flight Controller for Unmanned Rotorcraft_ Design, Stability, and Experiments.pdf

753.3 KB

Piloted Simulator Evaluation Results of New Fault-Tolerant Flight Control Algorithm.pdf

34.3 MB

Practical Steering Law for Small Satellite Energy Storage and Attitude Control.pdf

3.3 MB

Role of Invariant Manifolds in Low-Thrust Trajectory Design.pdf

7.3 MB

Simplified Singularity Avoidance Using Variable-Speed Control Moment Gyroscope Null Motion.pdf

654.8 KB

Spaceborne Autonomous Relative Control System for Dual Satellite Formations.pdf

1.9 MB

State Transition Matrix Approximation Using a Generalized Averaging Method.pdf

2.8 MB

Structure Preserving Approximations of Conservative Forces for Application to Small-Body Dynamics.pdf

7.5 MB

Time-Delayed Feedback Control in Astrodynamics.pdf

2.6 MB

Two-Point Boundary Value Problem Solutions to Spacecraft Formation Flying.pdf

2.2 MB

Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance of Wheeled Robots Using Fast Estimation.pdf

532.6 KB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

817.6 KB

Analytical Study of the Primer Vector and Orbit Transfer Switching Function.pdf

771.5 KB

Annual Business and News_ Beginning the 33rd Year.pdf

5.0 MB

Autonomous Navigation in Three-Dimensional Urban Environments Using Wide-Field Integration of Optic Flow.pdf

2.9 MB

Backstepping Control Design with Actuator Torque Bound for Spacecraft Attitude Maneuver.pdf

306.7 KB

Cayley Family of Attitude Coordinates.pdf

181.3 KB

Consequences of Asteroid Fragmentation During Impact Hazard Mitigation.pdf

1.3 MB

Desensitizing the Minimum-Fuel Powered Descent For Mars Pinpoint Landing.pdf

1.2 MB

Designing Displaced Lunar Orbits Using Low-Thrust Propulsion.pdf

242.4 KB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.pdf

791.6 KB

Effects of Canopy-Payload Relative Motion on Control of Autonomous Parafoils.pdf

7.5 MB

Effects of Heave Washout Settings in Aircraft Pitch Disturbance Rejection.pdf

2.2 MB

Erratum for _Survey of Technology Developments in Flywheel Attitude Control and Energy Storage Systems_.pdf

26.8 KB

Estimating Small-Body Gravity Field from Shape Model and Navigation Data.pdf

5.4 MB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

991.6 KB

Flight Control for Flexible, High-Aspect-Ratio Flying Wings.pdf

1.2 MB

Homing Guidance Law for Cooperative Attack of Multiple Missiles.pdf

512.0 KB

Hypersphere Stereographic Orientation Parameters.pdf

1.0 MB

Impact Angle Constrained Guidance Against Nonstationary Nonmaneuvering Targets.pdf

393.8 KB

Integration of Hydraulic Lag-Damper Models with Helicopter Rotor Simulations.pdf

1.5 MB

Minimum-Fuel Cruise at Constant Altitude with Fixed Arrival Time.pdf

669.5 KB

Minimum-Time Reorientation of a Rigid Body.pdf

2.8 MB

Modeling and Simulation of Hose-Paradrogue Aerial Refueling Systems.pdf

1.5 MB

Moon-Tracking Modes for Star Trackers.pdf

957.5 KB

Multiple-Revolution Solutions of the Transverse-Eccentricity-Based Lambert Problem.pdf

315.9 KB

Optimal Control of Electrodynamic Tether Orbit Transfers Using Timescale Separation.pdf

1.1 MB

Optimization of Human Perception Modeling Using Interval Analysis.pdf

2.4 MB

Polynomial Chaos-Based Analysis of Probabilistic Uncertainty in Hypersonic Flight Dynamics.pdf

3.2 MB

Reentry Terminal Guidance Through Sliding Mode Control.pdf

836.5 KB

Reviewers for October 2008 - September 2009.pdf

26.8 KB

Time-Varying Eigensystem Realization Algorithm.pdf

4.9 MB

Unmanned Aircraft Guidance for Penetration of Pretornadic Storms.pdf

2.7 MB

Vehicle Dynamics_ Theory and Applications.pdf

39.9 KB

Verifiable Adaptive Flight Control_ Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle and Aerial Refueling.pdf

1.9 MB


Adaptive Control Based on Retrospective Cost Optimization.pdf

3.3 MB

Airspace Encounter Models for Estimating Collision Risk.pdf

4.3 MB

Algorithm for Conformance Monitoring in Air Traffic Control.pdf

1.2 MB

Analytic Theory for High-Inclination Orbits in the Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

1.5 MB

Comparisons of the Cubed-Sphere Gravity Model with the Spherical Harmonics.pdf

4.7 MB

Costate Computation by a Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method.pdf

318.7 KB

Effect of J2 Perturbations on Relative Spacecraft Position in Near-Circular Orbits.pdf

410.5 KB

Electrostatic Spacecraft Collision Avoidance Using Piecewise-Constant Charges.pdf

945.2 KB

Endgame Problem Part 1_ V-Infinity-Leveraging Technique and the Leveraging Graph.pdf

6.8 MB

Endgame Problem Part 2_ Multibody Technique and the Tisserand-Poincare Graph.pdf

5.7 MB

Evolutionary Algorithm for Artificial-Immune-System-Based Failure-Detector Generation and Optimization.pdf

13.5 MB

Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control with Flight-Test Results.pdf

2.6 MB

Geometric Approach to Spacecraft Attitude Control Using Magnetic and Mechanical Actuation.pdf

304.2 KB

Highly Constrained Optimal Launch Ascent Guidance.pdf

12.5 MB

Improved Multi-Aircraft Ground Trajectory Prediction for Air Traffic Control.pdf

4.4 MB

Increasing the Numerical Robustness of Balanced Model Reduction.pdf

31.1 KB

Indirect Optimization for Finite-Thrust Time-Optimal Orbital Maneuver.pdf

824.8 KB

Indirect Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization Using Modified Equinoctial Elements.pdf

180.4 KB

Kalman Filter Modification in Adaptive Control.pdf

1.5 MB

Linear-Parameter-Varying Control of an Improved Three-Degree-of-Freedom Aeroelastic Model.pdf

607.7 KB

Low-Thrust Transfers in the Earth-Moon System, Including Applications to Libration Point Orbits.pdf

5.6 MB

Neural Partial Differential Method for Extracting Aerodynamic Derivatives from Flight Data.pdf

1.1 MB

Neurobiologically Inspired Control of Engineered Flapping Flight.pdf

4.7 MB

Nonlinear Path Following Method.pdf

783.3 KB

Path Following for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using L1 Adaptive Augmentation of Commercial Autopilots.pdf

1.5 MB

Path Planning and State Estimation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Hostile Environments.pdf

2.0 MB

Periodic Orbits of Nonlinear Relative Dynamics Along an Eccentric Orbit.pdf

987.0 KB

Satellite Formation and Reconfiguration with Restricted Control Interval.pdf

939.2 KB

Sign-Stability Concept of Ecology for Control Design with Aerospace Applications.pdf

1.1 MB

Smooth Flight Trajectory Planning in the Presence of No-Fly Zones and Obstacles.pdf

3.1 MB

Stability Analysis of Switched Linear Systems with Locally Overlapped Switching Law.pdf

1.7 MB

Starlight Atmospheric Refraction Model for a Continuous Range of Height.pdf

235.2 KB

Synthetic-Waypoint Guidance Algorithm for Following a Desired Flight Trajectory.pdf

353.8 KB

Vision-Based Geolocation Tracking System for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

2.6 MB


Adaptive Feedforward Control for Gust Load Alleviation.pdf

1.5 MB

Adaptive Vision-Based Guidance Law with Guaranteed Performance Bounds.pdf

1.2 MB

Analysis of Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Orbits in the Earth-Moon System.pdf

5.4 MB

Analytical Model for Momentum Transfer of Spacecraft Containing Liquid.pdf

728.3 KB

Attitude Guidance for Spinning Vehicles with Independent Pitch and Yaw Control.pdf

4.0 MB

Controllability and Reachability for Micro-Aerial-Vehicle Trajectory Planning in Winds.pdf

243.6 KB

Disaggregation Method for an Aggregate Traffic Flow Management Model.pdf

4.2 MB

Electric Sail Mission Analysis for Outer Solar System Exploration.pdf

5.1 MB

Energy-Optimal Solution to the Lambert Problem.pdf

117.4 KB

Enhanced Collocation Method for Dynamical Systems Subject to Finite Set Control.pdf

413.5 KB

Evaluation of a Sliding Mode Fault-Tolerant Controller for the El Al Incident.pdf

5.9 MB

Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Satellite Formations Using Adaptive Variable Structure Techniques.pdf

1.2 MB

Hybrid Optimal Control Approach to Commercial Aircraft Trajectory Planning.pdf

299.2 KB

Interplanetary Transfers Between Halo Orbits_ Connectivity Between Escape and Capture Trajectories.pdf

3.5 MB

Libration Control of Electrodynamic Tethers Using the Extended Time-Delayed Autosynchronization Method.pdf

1.6 MB

Light-Levitated Geostationary Cylindrical Orbits Are Feasible.pdf

622.9 KB

Lunar Synchronous Orbits in the Earth-Moon Circular-Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

1.5 MB

New Lambert Algorithm Using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation.pdf

344.4 KB

Noncertainty-Equivalent Adaptive Missile Control via Immersion and Invariance.pdf

488.7 KB

Observer Kalman-Filter Time-Varying System Identification.pdf

2.4 MB

Onboard Autonomous Targeting for the Trans-Earth Phase of Orion.pdf

1.1 MB

Online Aerodynamic Model Structure Selection and Parameter Estimation for Fault Tolerant Control.pdf

3.7 MB

Optimal Control of Gravity-Tractor Spacecraft for Asteroid Deflection.pdf

3.7 MB

Orbit Tuning of Planetary Orbiters for Accuracy Gain in Gravity Field Mapping.pdf

6.3 MB

Passive Orbit Control for Space-Based Geo-eEngineering.pdf

474.3 KB

Rapid Generation of Accurate Entry Landing Footprints.pdf

2.5 MB

Reachable and Controllable Sets for Planetary Entry and Landing.pdf

2.3 MB

Reachable Domain for Spacecraft with a Single Impulse.pdf

4.0 MB

Simplified Model of a Flux-Pinned Spacecraft Formation.pdf

1.9 MB

Simulations of Quasi-Satellite Orbits Around Phobos.pdf

1.6 MB

Solar Sail Three-Body Transfer Trajectory Design.pdf

3.2 MB

Spin-Axis Attitude Determination Using In-Flight Data.pdf

6.3 MB

State-Space Approximations of the Orr-Sommerfeld System with Boundary Inputs and Outputs.pdf

501.0 KB

Target Maneuver Adaptive Guidance Law for a Bounded Acceleration Missile.pdf

1.2 MB

Wingbeat Shape Modulation for Flapping-Wing Micro-Air-Vehicle Control During Hover.pdf

2.8 MB


Acceleration-Feedback-Enhanced Robust Control of an Unmanned Helicopter.pdf

2.0 MB

Aircraft Failure Detection and Identification Using an Immunological Hierarchical Multiself Strategy.pdf

2.1 MB

Announcement_ New Book Review Editor Sought for the Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics.pdf

23.3 KB

Coning Algorithm Design by Explicit Frequency Shaping.pdf

2.0 MB

Constrained Predictor-Corrector Entry Guidance.pdf

735.4 KB

Design of a Roll-Stabilized Mortar Projectile with Reciprocating Canards.pdf

1.7 MB

Design of Forcing Functions for the Identification of Human Control Behavior.pdf

3.3 MB

Determination of Circular and Spherical Position-Error Bounds in System Performance Analysis.pdf

1.3 MB

Discrete Pseudocontrol Sets for Optimal Control Problems.pdf

2.9 MB

Dynamics of Variable-Length Tethered Formations near libration points.pdf

11.4 MB

Erratum on Course and Heading Changes in Significant Wind.pdf

56.5 KB

Explicit Dipole Trajectory Solution for Electromagnetically Controlled Spacecraft Clusters.pdf

3.0 MB

Five Special Types of Orbits Around Mars.pdf

989.9 KB

Graph-Based Algorithm for Dynamic Airspace Configuration.pdf

6.1 MB

Hybrid Steering Logic for Single-Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes.pdf

4.9 MB

Initial Trajectory Model for a Multi-Maneuver Moon-to-Earth Abort Sequence.pdf

846.2 KB

Investigation into Pilot Perception and Control During Decrab Maneuvers in Simulated Flight.pdf

2.9 MB

Keeping a Spacecraft on a Vertical Circular Collinear Lagrange Point Orbit.pdf

2.5 MB

Lorentz Accelerations in the Earth Flyby Anomaly.pdf

1.6 MB

Lyapunov-Based Exponential Tracking Control of a Hypersonic Aircraft with Aerothermoelastic Effects.pdf

1.5 MB

Lyapunov-Based Thrusters’ Selection for Spacecraft Control_ Analysis and Experimentation.pdf

5.7 MB

Minimum-Landing-Error Powered-Descent Guidance for Mars Landing Using Convex Optimization.pdf

1.4 MB

Optimal Intercept Missile Guidance Strategies with Autopilot Lag.pdf

613.0 KB

Optimization of Circularly Towed Cable System in Crosswind.pdf

1.6 MB

Particle Filtering for Attitude Estimation Using a Minimal Local-Error Representation.pdf

241.0 KB

Predictor-Based Model Reference Adaptive Control.pdf

442.9 KB

Quaternionic Exact Solution to the Relative Orbital Motion Problem.pdf

423.4 KB

Reduced-Order Filter Design for Discrete-Time Systems Corrupted with Multiplicative Noise.pdf

499.5 KB

Relative Control of a Virtual Telescope Using Global Positioning System and Optical Metrology.pdf

2.1 MB


A 'current' statistical model and adaptive algorithm for estimating maneuvering targets.pdf

792.2 KB

A ballistic similitude design criterion for artillery projectiles.pdf

423.4 KB

A general formulation for librational dynamics of spacecraft with deploying appendages.pdf

950.9 KB

A multiloop system stability margin study using matrix singular values.pdf

800.1 KB

A variable structure approach to robust control of VTOL aircraft.pdf

786.5 KB

An analytic orbit prediction program generator.pdf

893.3 KB

An Elementary Proof Of the Optimality of Hohmann Transfers.pdf

289.6 KB

An on-orbit experiment for dynamics and control of large structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Comment on “A Comparison of Control Techniques for Large Fleible Systems”.pdf

372.8 KB

Comment on “A Comparison of Control Techniques for Large Flexible Systems”.pdf

508.7 KB

Computation of optimal feedback strategies for interception in a horizontal plane.pdf

443.2 KB

Dual-mode, reaction-jet, thrust-vector controls for small missiles.pdf

736.6 KB

Dynamics and control of large space structures.pdf

2.5 MB

Dynamics of an aircraft in wind shear of arbitrary direction.pdf

536.2 KB

Effects of Time Delays on Systems Subject to Manual Control.pdf

113.3 KB

Experimental demonstration of the control of flexible structures.pdf

1.2 MB

Experiments in control of flexible structures with noncolocated sensors and actuators.pdf

1.1 MB

Friction estimation technique for Galileo scan platform control.pdf

963.9 KB

Large Space Structure Control_ Early Experiments.pdf

175.6 KB

Minimal root sensitivity in linear systems.pdf

605.0 KB

Reply by Authors to M.A. Floyd, R.E. Lindberg, and M.G. Lyons.pdf

670.2 KB

Shiryayev sequential probability ratio test for redundancy management.pdf

1.1 MB

Structural control for a circular plate.pdf

1.4 MB


2010 Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics Subject Index.pdf

72.8 KB

2010 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Author Index.pdf

34.0 KB

2010 Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics Chronological Index.pdf

82.9 KB

Attitude Propagation for a Slewing Angular Rate Vector.pdf

433.7 KB

Boost-Phase Filtering Options_ Is Simpler Better_.pdf

762.7 KB

Bounds on the RMS Miss of Radar-Guided Missiles.pdf

312.8 KB

Closed-Loop Charged Relative Motion Experiments Simulating Constrained Orbital Motion.pdf

3.4 MB

Command Generation for Flexible Systems by Input Shaping and Command Smoothing.pdf

2.1 MB

Constrained Multiple-Revolution Lambert's Problem.pdf

1.2 MB

Control Model for Robotic Samara_ Dynamics About a Coordinated Helical Turn.pdf

1.6 MB

Control of Electromagnetic Satellite Formations in Near-Earth Orbits.pdf

870.8 KB

Cooperative Multiple-Model Adaptive Guidance for an Aircraft Defending Missile.pdf

696.3 KB

Dynamical Systems Analysis of Planetary Flybys and Approach_ Planar Europa Orbiter.pdf

4.1 MB

Extension of the Sun-Synchronous Orbit.pdf

812.5 KB

Frequency-Independent Modal Damping for Flexural Structures via a Viscous “Geometric” Damping Model.pdf

238.9 KB

Management-Action-Embedded Sector-Demand Prediction Models.pdf

745.5 KB

Method to Design Ballistic Capture in the Elliptic Restricted Three-Body Problem.pdf

1.7 MB

Mixed Low-Thrust Invariant-Manifold Transfers to Distant Prograde Orbits Around Mars.pdf

5.0 MB

Navigation Aiding Based on Coupled Online Mosaicking and Camera Scanning.pdf

6.6 MB

Nonlinear Analysis of Lateral Loading During Taxiway Turns.pdf

2.3 MB

Nonlinear Estimation of Hypersonic State Trajectories in Bayesian Framework with Polynomial Chaos.pdf

3.3 MB

Optimal Guidance of Low-Thrust Trajectories.pdf

2.0 MB

Output Regulation with Actuator Saturation for the Benchmark Active Control Technology Model.pdf

1.9 MB

Particle Filter for Ballistic Target Tracking with Glint Noise.pdf

156.7 KB

Practical Method for Optimization of Low-Thrust Transfers.pdf

2.1 MB

Robust Adaptive Design for Aerial Vehicles with State-Limiting Constraints.pdf

649.0 KB

Robust Flight Control Using Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion and Angular Acceleration Prediction.pdf

640.7 KB

Robust Missile Feedback Control Strategies.pdf

374.5 KB

Sequential Optimal Attitude Recursion Filter.pdf

2.9 MB

Specialized Coordinate Representation for Dynamic Modeling and Orbit Estimation of Geosynchronous Orbits.pdf

1.4 MB

Transfers to Sticky Distant Retrograde Orbits.pdf

8.7 MB

Unmanned Arial Vehicle Coordination on Closed Convex Paths in Wind.pdf

5.1 MB


AIAA Manuscript Review Process.pdf

860.9 KB

Analytic Development of a Reference Trajectory for Skip Entry.pdf

3.6 MB

Analytical Expressions that Characterize Propellantless Capture with Electrostatically Charged Spacecraft.pdf

2.1 MB

Annual Business and News_ Beginning the 34th Year.pdf

6.5 MB

Automated Generation of Symmetric Lunar Free-Return Trajectories.pdf

2.1 MB

Canonical Solution of Two-Point Boundary-Value Problems.pdf

164.2 KB

Continuous-Time Kalman Filtering with Implicit Discrete Measurement Times.pdf

1.2 MB

Coulomb Control of Nonequilibrium Fixed Shape Triangular Three-Vehicle Cluster.pdf

1.7 MB

Density Functions for Mesh Refinement in Numerical Optimal Control.pdf

286.0 KB

Dynamics and Control of a Biomimetic Vehicle Using Biased Wingbeat Forcing Functions.pdf

1.3 MB

Editorial Policy Statement on Numerical and Experimental Accuracy.pdf

810.3 KB

Equitable Aircraft Noise-Abatement Departure Procedures.pdf

8.5 MB

Erratum_ Gust Energy Extraction for Mini and Micro Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles.pdf

44.4 KB

Ethical Standards for Publication of Aeronautics and Astronautics Research.pdf

45.4 KB

Heuristic Pose Estimation of a Passive Target Using a Global Model.pdf

4.8 MB

Identification of Multimodal Pilot Models Using Ramp Target and Multisine Disturbance Signals.pdf

1.4 MB

Improved Shaping Approach to the Preliminary Design of Low-Thrust Trajectories.pdf

7.3 MB

Length Scaling in Spacecraft Dynamics.pdf

3.5 MB

Merging of Air Traffic Flows.pdf

3.5 MB

Multivehicle Coordination in an Estimated Time-Varying Flowfield.pdf

12.8 MB

Negative-g Trajectory Generation Using Quaternion-Based Inverse Dynamics.pdf

235.7 KB

Passivity-Based Control of Rigid Electrodynamic Tether.pdf

1.6 MB

Piloted Simulation Study Comparing Classical, H-infinity, and Linear Parameter-Varying Control Methods.pdf

1.2 MB

Precision Attitude Stabilization_ Incorporating Rise and Fall Times in Gas-Based Thrusters.pdf

1.1 MB

Reactive Collision Avoidance of Using Nonlinear Geometric and Differential Geometric Guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Reference Management for Fault-Tolerant Model Predictive Control.pdf

1.9 MB

Reviewers for October 2009 - September 2010.pdf

28.3 KB

Robust Roll Autopilot Design for Tactical Missiles.pdf

1.2 MB

Stability Limits of Spinning Missiles with Attitude Autopilot.pdf

504.9 KB

Susceptibility of F A-18 Flight Controllers to the Falling-Leaf Mode_ Linear Analysis.pdf

2.5 MB

Susceptibility of F A-18 Flight Controllers to the Falling-Leaf Mode_ Nonlinear Analysis.pdf

818.7 KB

Trajectory Generation for Aircraft Avoidance Maneuvers Using Online Optimization.pdf

2.4 MB

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Optimal Cooperative Obstacle Avoidance in a Stochastic Dynamic Environment.pdf

2.8 MB

Using Edelbaum’s Method to Compute Low-Thrust Transfers with Earth-Shadow Eclipses.pdf

491.6 KB


Adaptive Nonlinear Huber-Based Navigation for Rendezvous in Elliptical Orbit.pdf

5.5 MB

Analysis of Insect-Inspired Wingstroke Kinematic Perturbations for Longitudinal Control.pdf

2.0 MB

Attitude Stabilization with Unknown Bounded Delay in Feedback Control Implementation.pdf

458.2 KB

Constrained Relative Attitude Determination for Two-Vehicle Formations.pdf

982.6 KB

Costate Approximation and Comparisons Between Improved and Classical Indirect Trajectory Optimization.pdf

452.6 KB

Decentralized Geolocation and Bias Estimation for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles with Articulating Cameras.pdf

1.3 MB

Dispersion Analysis in Hypersonic Flight During Planetary Entry Using Stochastic Liouville Equation.pdf

5.3 MB

Engagement Tactics for Two Missiles Against an Optimally Maneuvering Aircraft.pdf

571.8 KB

Evolution of Periodic Orbits in the Sun-Mars System.pdf

10.9 MB

Experimental Verification of Periodic Libration of Tethered Satellite System in Elliptic Orbit.pdf

4.9 MB

Family of Local Solutions in a Missile-Aircraft Differential Game.pdf

384.4 KB

Fuel Optimization for Continuous-Thrust Orbital Rendezvous with Collision Avoidance Constraint.pdf

1.5 MB

Gain Scheduled Control_ Switched Polytopic System Approach.pdf

532.9 KB

Hypersonic State Estimation Using the Frobenius-Perron Operator.pdf

8.2 MB

Improved Computation of Balancing Transformations for Aeroservoelastic Models via Time Scale Conversion.pdf

1.5 MB

Intercept-Angle Guidance.pdf

1.2 MB

Kill Vehicle Guidance and Control Sizing For Boost-Phase Intercept.pdf

908.8 KB

Line-of-Sight Interceptor Guidance for Defending an Aircraft.pdf

632.9 KB

Load Balancing in Control Allocation.pdf

284.8 KB

Lyapunov Differential Equation Approach to Elliptical Orbital Rendezvous with Constrained Controls.pdf

986.9 KB

Model-Free Control Design for Multi-Input Multi-Output Aeroelastic System Subject to External Disturbance.pdf

896.8 KB

Nonlinear Charge Control for a Collinear Fixed-Shape Three-Craft Equilibrium.pdf

2.0 MB

Optimal Cooperative Pursuit and Evasion Strategies Against a Homing Missile.pdf

1.0 MB

Optimal Rotation Sequences in Presence of Constraints on Admissible Rotation Axes.pdf

1.1 MB

Parameter Estimation of Aircraft Dynamics via Unscented Smoother with Expectation-Maximization Algorithm.pdf

2.3 MB

Practical Stochastic Optimal Guidance Law for Bounded Acceleration Missiles.pdf

475.5 KB

Safe Zone for Closely Spaced Parallel Approaches.pdf

438.6 KB

Sparse Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Filter with Application to Spacecraft Attitude Estimation.pdf

1.3 MB

Spectral Decomposition of Orbital Tori.pdf

3.4 MB

Tactical Conflict Detection in Terminal Airspace.pdf

2.0 MB

Theory and Flight-Test Validation of a Concurrent-Learning Adaptive Controller.pdf

2.3 MB


Analysis of Flexible Aircraft Dynamics Using Bifurcation Methods.pdf

6.8 MB

Approach Guidance with Double-Line-of-Sight Measuring Navigation Constraint for Autonomous Rendezvous.pdf

2.4 MB

Autonomous Exploration of a Wind Field with a Gliding Aircraft.pdf

3.3 MB

Cooperative Differential Games Strategies for Active Aircraft Protection from a Homing Missile.pdf

824.9 KB

Dynamic Systems Approach to the Lander Descent Problem.pdf

467.8 KB

Explicit Frequency-Shaped Coning Algorithms For Pseudoconing Environments.pdf

443.5 KB

Fault-Tolerant Attitude Control for Spacecraft Under Loss of Actuator Effectiveness.pdf

284.2 KB

Feedback Control of the National Airspace System.pdf

1.8 MB

Generation of Optimal Trajectories for Earth Hybrid Pole Sitters.pdf

1.7 MB

Ion Beam Shepherd for Contactless Space Debris Removal.pdf

278.6 KB

Kinetic State Tracking for a Class of Singularly Perturbed Systems.pdf

4.6 MB

Libration Synchronization Control of Clustered Electrodynamic Tether System Using Kuramoto Model.pdf

2.3 MB

Longitudinal Flight Dynamics of Bioinspired Ornithopter Considering Fluid-Structure Interaction.pdf

5.5 MB

Optimal Nonlinear Feedback Control Design Using a Waypoint Method.pdf

522.0 KB

Orbit Determination with Improved Covariance Fidelity, Including Sensor Measurement Biases.pdf

3.5 MB

Orbital Targeting Using Reduced Eccentric Anomaly Low-Thrust Coefficients.pdf

5.4 MB

Rock-Around Orbits.pdf

6.3 MB

Roll Orientation Estimator for Smart Projectiles Using Thermopile Sensors.pdf

5.9 MB

Self-Organizing Radial Basis Function Networks for Adaptive Flight Control.pdf

1.6 MB

Solar Sail Capabilities to Reach Elliptic Rectilinear Orbits.pdf

660.8 KB

Solution Based on Dynamical Approach for Multiple-Revolution Lambert Problem.pdf

288.6 KB

Suboptimal Midcourse Guidance of Interceptors for High-Speed Targets with Alignment Angle Constraint.pdf

1.7 MB

Survey of Highly Non-Keplerian Orbits with Low-Thrust Propulsion.pdf

10.6 MB

Targeting Ballistic Lunar Capture Trajectories Using Periodic Orbits.pdf

1.9 MB

Time-Efficient Angular Steering Laws for Rigid Satellite.pdf

6.0 MB

Time-of-Arrival Taxi Conformance Monitoring for Surface Operations.pdf

2.4 MB


Accounting for State Uncertainty in Collision Avoidance.pdf

490.2 KB

Approximate Analytical Solutions to Optimal Reconfiguration Problems in Perturbed Satellite Relative Motion.pdf

1.1 MB

Artificial-Immune-System–Based Aircraft Failure Evaluation over Extended Flight Envelope.pdf

10.1 MB

Automating the Process of Terminal Area Node-Link Model Generation.pdf

4.8 MB

Bounds on the Root-Mean-Square Miss of Radar-Guided Missiles Against Sinusoidal Target Maneuvers.pdf

379.2 KB

Conflict Resolution in Converging Air Traffic Using Trajectory Patterns.pdf

1.8 MB

Control Evaluations of Semiactive Fluid-Elastomeric Helicopter Lag Damper.pdf

13.1 MB

Decentralized Robust Adaptive Control for Attitude Synchronization Under Directed Communication Topology.pdf

2.0 MB

Derivative-Free Model Reference Adaptive Control.pdf

2.7 MB

Energy-Based Long-Range Path Planning for Soaring-Capable Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

12.4 MB

Feedback Control with Nominal Inputs for Agile Satellites Using Control Moment Gyros.pdf

1.5 MB

Flight Control Experiment of Multipurpose-Aviation-Laboratory-alpha In-Flight Simulator.pdf

9.0 MB

Gain Scheduling with Guardian Maps for Longitudinal Flight Control.pdf

5.3 MB

Globally Stabilizing Proportional-Integral-Derivative Control Laws for Rigid-Body Attitude Tracking.pdf

315.5 KB

High-Accuracy Trajectory Optimization for a Trans-Earth Lunar Mission.pdf

922.5 KB

Improved Dynamic Generation of Operationally Acceptable Reroutes Using Network Optimization.pdf

15.0 MB

Investigation of Practical Flight Envelope Protection Systems for Small Aircraft.pdf

1.9 MB

Ion Beam Shepherd for Asteroid Deflection.pdf

185.1 KB

Kinematic Analysis and Control Design for a Nonplanar Multirotor Vehicle.pdf

6.6 MB

Minimum-Cost Cruise at Constant Altitude of Commercial Aircraft Including Wind Effects.pdf

480.3 KB

Optimal Formation Design for Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission Using Differential Orbital Elements.pdf

2.5 MB

Optimal Rendezvous Trajectories of a Controlled Spacecraft and a Tumbling Object.pdf

4.9 MB

Perturbation Theory for Hamilton's Principal Function.pdf

1.0 MB

Quantitative Performance for Spacecraft Rendezvous Trajectory Safety.pdf

598.1 KB

Review of _L1 Adaptive Control Theory_ Guaranteed Robustness with Fast Adaptation_.pdf

47.2 KB

Stability Properties and Cross-Coupling Performance of the Control Allocation Scheme CAPIO.pdf

1.1 MB

Thrusters Pairing Guidelines for Trajectory Corrections of Projectiles.pdf

1.9 MB

Time-Optimal Reorientation of a Spacecraft Using an Inverse Dynamics Optimization Method.pdf

2.6 MB

Trajectory Prediction for Light Aircraft.pdf

785.7 KB

Traveling Salesman Problem for a Class of Carrier-Vehicle Systems.pdf

457.9 KB

Vibration Control Using Input Shaping and Adaptive Positive Position Feedback.pdf

1.8 MB

Wind Field Estimation for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.pdf

3.6 MB


Total files 5675

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