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57.0 GB

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2024-07-05 23:44



/Blockchain Expert/8.Projects/

Bank Account Project.mp4

855.4 MB

Bank Account Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

Chainlink VRF and Automation Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

Chainlink VRF and Automation Project.mp4

758.8 MB

Decentralized Voting - Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

Decentralized Voting - Project.mp4

753.0 MB

ERC20 Token Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

ERC20 Token Project.mp4

488.3 MB

ERC721 Token Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

ERC721 Token Project.mp4

388.9 MB

NFT Auction Project GitHub.url

0.1 KB

NFT Auction Project.mp4

626.4 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Arrays/

Apartment Hunting.mp4

229.9 MB

Array Of Products.mp4.mp4

108.4 MB

Calendar Matching.mp4

226.0 MB

First Duplicate Value.mp4.mp4

95.2 MB

Four Number Sum.mp4

195.5 MB

Largest Range.mp4

107.6 MB

Line Through Points.mp4

154.0 MB

Longest Peak.mp4

101.1 MB

Merge Overlapping Intervals.mp4.mp4

89.6 MB

Min Rewards.mp4

139.3 MB

Minimum Area Rectangle.mp4

226.2 MB

Monotonic Array.mp4

96.7 MB

Move Element To End.mp4

64.2 MB

Non-Constructible Change.mp4

60.3 MB

Smallest Difference.mp4

98.5 MB

Sorted Squared Array.mp4.mp4

71.1 MB

Spiral Traverse.mp4

108.0 MB

Subarray Sort.mp4

119.7 MB

Three Number Sum.mp4

116.3 MB

Tournament Winner.mp4

77.2 MB

Two Number Sum.mp4

115.7 MB

Validate Subsequence.mp4

52.4 MB

Waterfall Streams.mp4

168.0 MB

Zigzag Traverse.mp4

104.0 MB

/.../Binary Search Trees/

BST Construction.mp4

222.0 MB

BST Traversal.mp4

83.5 MB

Find Closest Value In BST.mp4

103.6 MB

Find Kth Largest Value In BST.mp4

114.1 MB

Min Height BST.mp4

138.7 MB

Reconstruct BST.mp4

229.8 MB

Right Smaller Than.mp4

194.2 MB

Same BSTs.mp4

201.1 MB

Validate BST.mp4

96.3 MB

Validate Three Nodes.mp4.mp4

195.0 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Binary Trees/

All Kinds Of Node Depths.mp4

240.2 MB

Binary Tree Diameter.mp4.mp4

97.4 MB

Branch Sums.mp4

81.7 MB

Compare Leaf Traversal.mp4.mp4

200.3 MB

Find Nodes Distance K.mp4

246.2 MB

Find Successor.mp4

111.2 MB

Flatten Binary Tree.mp4

136.1 MB

Height Balanced Binary Tree.mp4

96.7 MB

Invert Binary Tree.mp4

117.9 MB

Iterative In-order Traversal.mp4

121.8 MB

Max Path Sum.mp4

115.1 MB

Node Depths.mp4

90.4 MB

Right Sibling Tree.mp4

126.2 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Dynamic Programming/

Disk Stacking.mp4

164.3 MB

Knapsack Problem.mp4

183.1 MB

Levenshtein Distance.mp4

179.5 MB

Longest Common Subsequence.mp4

232.1 MB

Longest Increasing Subsequence.mp4

324.1 MB

Longest String Chain.mp4

167.2 MB

Max Profit With K Transactions.mp4

208.9 MB

Max Subset Sum No Adjacent.mp4

91.4 MB

Max Sum Increasing Subsequence.mp4

134.1 MB

Maximize Expression.mp4.mp4

128.3 MB

Maximum Sum Submatrix.mp4.mp4

187.1 MB

Min Number Of Coins For Change.mp4

92.6 MB

Min Number Of Jumps.mp4

146.0 MB

Number Of Ways To Make Change.mp4

80.4 MB

Number Of Ways To Traverse Graph.mp4

136.4 MB

Numbers In Pi.mp4

142.7 MB

Palindrome Partitioning Min Cuts.mp4

260.7 MB

Square Of Zeroes.mp4

288.8 MB

Water Area.mp4

153.8 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Famous Algorithms/

A- Algorithm.mp4

319.5 MB

Dijkstra's Algorithm.mp4

295.0 MB

Kadane's Algorithm.mp4

96.0 MB


158.1 MB

Topological Sort.mp4

189.9 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Graphs/

Airport Connections.mp4

241.1 MB

Boggle Board.mp4

310.1 MB

Breadth-first Search.mp4

83.8 MB

Cycle In Graph.mp4

184.2 MB

Depth-first Search.mp4

64.6 MB

Detect Arbitrage.mp4.mp4

220.6 MB

Minimum Passes Of Matrix.mp4.mp4

128.5 MB

Rectangle Mania.mp4

288.6 MB

Remove Islands.mp4

208.6 MB

River Sizes.mp4

186.3 MB

Single Cycle Check.mp4

48.3 MB

Two-Edge-Connected Graph.mp4.mp4

191.1 MB

Youngest Common Ancestor.mp4

60.8 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Greedy Algorithms/

Class Photos.mp4

62.4 MB

Minimum Waiting Time.mp4

54.3 MB

Tandem Bicycle.mp4.mp4

99.9 MB

Task Assignment.mp4

96.4 MB

Valid Starting City.mp4

152.5 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Heaps/

Continuous Median.mp4

145.3 MB

Laptop Rentals.mp4.mp4

182.4 MB

Merge Sorted Arrays.mp4

270.7 MB

Min Heap Construction.mp4

247.2 MB

Sort K-Sorted Array.mp4

107.0 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Linked Lists/

Find Loop.mp4

104.0 MB

Linked List Construction.mp4

148.1 MB

Linked List Palindrome.mp4.mp4

127.1 MB

LRU Cache.mp4

235.5 MB

Merge Linked Lists.mp4

138.1 MB

Node Swap.mp4.mp4

102.7 MB

Rearrange Linked List.mp4

162.3 MB

Remove Duplicates From Linked List.mp4

76.7 MB

Remove Nth Node From End.mp4

79.3 MB

Reverse Linked List.mp4

53.5 MB

Shift Linked List.mp4

90.9 MB

Sum Of Linked Lists.mp4

112.0 MB

Zip Linked List.mp4

138.6 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Recursion/

Ambiguous Measurements.mp4.mp4

165.0 MB

Generate Div Tags.mp4

121.2 MB

Interweaving Strings.mp4

136.8 MB

Lowest Common Manager.mp4

80.4 MB

Non-Attacking Queens.mp4.mp4

219.9 MB

Nth Fibonacci.mp4

133.4 MB

Number Of Binary Tree Topologies.mp4

198.3 MB


239.5 MB

Phone Number Mnemonics.mp4

145.5 MB


110.2 MB

Product Sum.mp4

37.8 MB

Solve Sudoku.mp4

160.7 MB

Staircase Traversal.mp4

152.3 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Searching/

Binary Search.mp4

116.8 MB

Find Three Largest Numbers.mp4

62.9 MB

Index Equals Value.mp4.mp4

102.7 MB


148.3 MB

Search For Range.mp4

126.9 MB

Search In Sorted Matrix.mp4

87.7 MB

Shifted Binary Search.mp4

123.3 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Sorting/

Bubble Sort.mp4

62.5 MB

Count Inversions.mp4.mp4

143.3 MB

Heap Sort.mp4

115.2 MB

Insertion Sort.mp4

39.9 MB

Merge Sort.mp4

278.6 MB

Quick Sort.mp4

184.8 MB

Radix Sort.mp4.mp4

158.1 MB

Selection Sort.mp4

50.2 MB

Three Number Sort.mp4

135.2 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Stacks/

Balanced Brackets.mp4

69.2 MB

Largest Rectangle Under Skyline.mp4

174.6 MB

Largest Rectangle Under Skyline.mp4.mp4

174.6 MB

Min Max Stack Construction.mp4

52.5 MB

Next Greater Element.mp4

150.3 MB

Next Greater Element.mp4.mp4

150.3 MB

Shorten Path.mp4

149.1 MB

Sort Stack.mp4

92.4 MB

Sort Stack.mp4.mp4

92.4 MB

Sunset Views.mp4

116.8 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Strings/

Caesar Cipher Encryptor.mp4

91.2 MB

First Non-Repeating Character.mp4

57.5 MB

First Non-Repeating Character.mp4.mp4

57.5 MB

Generate Document.mp4

102.2 MB

Group Anagrams.mp4

122.6 MB

Longest Balanced Substring.mp4

159.4 MB

Longest Balanced Substring.mp4.mp4

159.4 MB

Longest Palindromic Substring.mp4

103.3 MB

Longest Substring Without Duplication.mp4

116.8 MB

Minimum Characters For Words.mp4.mp4

100.7 MB

Palindrome Check.mp4

123.1 MB

Pattern Matcher.mp4

192.1 MB

Reverse Words In String.mp4

180.3 MB

Run-Length Encoding.mp4

92.5 MB

Smallest Substring Containing.mp4

193.7 MB

Underscorify Substring.mp4

257.7 MB

Valid IP Addresses.mp4

115.6 MB

/Algorithm Questions/Tries/

Multi String Search.mp4

295.4 MB

Suffix Trie Construction.mp4

148.1 MB

/Behavioral Interview Prep/


115.6 MB

2.What Are Behavioral Interviews-.mp4

408.0 MB

3.General Tips.mp4

571.0 MB

4.Low Performer.mp4

240.2 MB

5.Team Conflict.mp4

254.6 MB

6.Interest In Company.mp4

130.0 MB

7.Strong Disagreement.mp4

240.2 MB

8.Sudden Onboarding.mp4

223.0 MB

9.Work Distribution.mp4

231.6 MB

10.Past Mistake.mp4

250.6 MB

11.Challenging Project.mp4

258.0 MB

12.Production Outage.mp4

292.0 MB

13.Tough Feedback.mp4

196.0 MB

14.Strengths And Improvements.mp4

151.5 MB

15.Comfort Zone.mp4

184.8 MB

/Blockchain Expert/1.Introduction/

BlockchainExpert Platform Overview.mp4

302.2 MB

/Blockchain Expert/2.Blockchain Fundamentals/

1 - Introduction To Web3 & Blockchains.mp4

90.6 MB

2 - Decentralization.mp4

57.3 MB

3 - Ledgers.mp4

40.8 MB

4 - Wallets.mp4

56.1 MB

5 - Transactions.mp4

59.9 MB

6 - Blocks.mp4

42.4 MB

7 - Security-Concerns.mp4

27.8 MB

8 - Proof Of Work.mp4

96.4 MB

9 - Proof of Stake.mp4

29.3 MB

10 - Nodes and Masternodes.mp4

27.5 MB

11 - Summary.mp4

426.8 MB

/.../3.Ethereum And Smart Contracts/

1 - Intro to Cryptocurrency.mp4

83.2 MB

2 - Ethereum Basics.mp4

51.8 MB

3 - Smart Contracts and DApps.mp4

58.0 MB

4 - ERC-20 Tokens.mp4

51.7 MB

5 - ERC-721.mp4

74.4 MB

6 - Blockchain Comparisons.mp4

24.4 MB

7 - Stable Coins.mp4

41.2 MB

8 - Oracles.mp4

43.4 MB

/Blockchain Expert/4.Solidity Fundamentals/

1 - MetaMask Setup.mp4

93.4 MB

2 - Remix Introduction.mp4

54.5 MB

3 - First Smart Contract.mp4

47.2 MB

4 - Smart Contract Theory.mp4

63.0 MB

5 - Deploying Smart Contracts.mp4

80.0 MB

6 - Variables and Data Types.mp4

47.1 MB

7 - Operators and Type Conversions.mp4

56.0 MB

8 - Conditionals.mp4

27.2 MB

9 - Mappings.mp4

66.0 MB

10 - Blockchain Expert.mp4

64.8 MB

11 - Global Keywords.mp4

53.4 MB

12 - Sending and Receiving Eth.mp4

181.0 MB

13 - Errors and Exceptions.mp4

93.1 MB

14 - Constructors.mp4

35.8 MB

15 - Self Destruct.mp4

63.1 MB

16 - Events.mp4

91.4 MB

17 - Arrays.mp4

113.4 MB

18 - Strings.mp4

60.3 MB

19 - Looping.mp4

55.1 MB

20 - Gas.mp4

89.9 MB

/Blockchain Expert/5.Advanced Solidity/

1 - Math and Arithmetic.mp4

49.1 MB

2 - Time and Time Units.mp4

43.1 MB

3 - Structs.mp4

86.4 MB

4 - Modifiers Good.mp4

75.6 MB

5 - Enums.mp4

27.2 MB

6 - Inheritance.mp4

194.6 MB

7 - Abstract Contracts.mp4

56.0 MB

8 - Interfaces.mp4

84.8 MB

9 - Libraries.mp4

86.6 MB

10 - Storage Locations.mp4

44.4 MB

11 - Optimizing Gas Cost.mp4

97.5 MB

/.../6.Interacting With Smart Contracts/

1 - JS Enivronment Setup.mp4

80.4 MB

2 - JS Crash Course.mp4

151.9 MB

3 - Async Programming in JS.mp4

65.2 MB

4 - Ethers.js Intro.mp4

84.9 MB

5 - Environment Variables.mp4

29.7 MB

6 - Querying The Blockchain.mp4

146.2 MB

7 - Sending Transactions.mp4

52.1 MB

8 - Interacting With Smart Contracts.mp4

121.8 MB

/Blockchain Expert/7.Web3 Tools/

1 - Introduction.mp4

95.9 MB

2 - VSCode - Remix.mp4

123.3 MB

3 - Hard Hat.mp4

195.6 MB

4 - Alchemy.mp4

54.5 MB

5 - Truffle Suite.mp4

29.1 MB



1.5 KB

/Data Structures/

1.Data Structures - Introduction.mp4

18.3 MB

2.What Are Data Structures-.mp4

31.2 MB

3.Complexity Analysis.mp4

20.8 MB


95.0 MB

5.Big O Notation.mp4

122.3 MB


72.1 MB


205.5 MB

8.Linked Lists.mp4

126.5 MB

9.Hash Tables.mp4

79.1 MB

10.Stacks And Queues.mp4

44.0 MB


32.3 MB


67.6 MB


69.6 MB

/.../1.HTML Crash Course/

1.HTML Introduction.mp4

10.9 MB

2.HTML Basics.mp4

29.2 MB

3.Semantic HTML.mp4

29.2 MB

4.Essential Tags.mp4

30.5 MB


42.1 MB


52.1 MB

7.Document Object Model.mp4

19.5 MB


126.0 MB

/.../2.CSS Crash Course/

1.CSS Introduction.mp4

11.1 MB

2.CSS Basics.mp4

26.2 MB


43.9 MB

4.Pseudo Classes And Elements.mp4

43.5 MB

5.Selector Specificity.mp4

15.4 MB

6.CSS Units.mp4

62.9 MB

7.Block vs. Inline.mp4

13.8 MB

8.Box Model.mp4

44.7 MB

9.Box Sizing.mp4

12.4 MB


98.3 MB

11.Stacking Contexts.mp4

22.7 MB


71.2 MB

13.CSS Grid.mp4

59.5 MB

14.Working With Images.mp4

44.7 MB

15.CSS Inheritance.mp4

32.9 MB

16.Responsive Design.mp4

41.0 MB


48.9 MB

18.CSS Variables.mp4

26.1 MB

19.CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors.mp4

31.9 MB

20.CSS Methodologies and Best Practices.mp4

60.0 MB

/.../3.JavaScript Crash Crouse/

1.JavaScript Introduction.mp4

13.0 MB

2.JavaScript Basics.mp4

161.0 MB

3.Variables (var vs. let).mp4

31.0 MB


96.2 MB


127.2 MB

6.Equality & Type Coercion.mp4

33.1 MB

7.Syntactic Sugar.mp4

67.1 MB

8.Connecting JS To HTML.mp4

25.4 MB

9.DOM Manipulation.mp4

133.9 MB

10.Event Driven Programming.mp4

96.2 MB


83.7 MB

12.Working With The Server.mp4

96.5 MB


59.7 MB


39.2 MB


54.2 MB


107.5 MB


25.7 MB


36.8 MB


67.1 MB

20.Event Loop.mp4

108.3 MB

21.Web Workers.mp4

51.4 MB

22.Browser Storage.mp4

98.2 MB

23.Data Structures.mp4

75.9 MB

24.JavaScript Frameworks.mp4

41.7 MB


61.6 MB

26.Debugging Strategies.mp4

45.4 MB

27.Writing Clean Code.mp4

42.0 MB

/.../4.React Crash Course/

1.React Introduction.mp4

9.3 MB

2.React Basics.mp4

120.3 MB


55.1 MB


30.3 MB

5.Event-Driven Programming.mp4

36.8 MB


92.7 MB

7.Component Lifecycle.mp4

64.6 MB


65.0 MB

9.Imperative React.mp4

33.9 MB


65.7 MB

11.Component Lists.mp4

41.0 MB


93.1 MB


35.8 MB

14.Custom Hooks.mp4

30.5 MB

15.Class Components.mp4

90.0 MB

16.Error Handling.mp4

34.5 MB

17.Debugging React.mp4

62.5 MB

18.React Best Practices.mp4

32.7 MB

19.React Under The Hood.mp4

37.2 MB

20.Companion Libraries.mp4

68.5 MB

/.../5.Web Dev Fundamentals/


7.8 MB

2.Client-Server Model.mp4

28.4 MB

3.Web Page Request Lifecycle.mp4

37.1 MB

4.Hypertext Transfer Protocol.mp4

70.5 MB

5.Working With APIs.mp4

44.1 MB

6.Web Security.mp4

88.9 MB

7.How browsers Render Content.mp4

48.3 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/1.HTML/

Blog Post.mp4

75.4 MB

Item Cart.mp4

23.6 MB

Sign Up Form.mp4

39.3 MB

Spaghetti Recipe.mp4

52.1 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/2.CSS/

AlgoExpert Logo.mp4

26.2 MB

AlgoExpert Products.mp4

82.8 MB


34.9 MB

Notifications Menu.mp4

50.7 MB

Pig Emoji.mp4

118.2 MB

Purchase Form.mp4

139.1 MB

Rainbow Circles.mp4

68.9 MB

Robot Emoji.mp4

130.0 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/3.JavaScript/

Array Methods.mp4

34.7 MB

Corresponding Node.mp4

26.3 MB


13.0 MB

Curry - Updated.mp4

21.2 MB


34.4 MB

Deep Equals.mp4

62.3 MB

Event Target.mp4

34.8 MB


26.6 MB


25.8 MB

Promise Methods.mp4

55.6 MB

Promises V2.mp4

140.0 MB


23.1 MB

Testing Framework.mp4

59.2 MB

This Binding.mp4

38.1 MB

Throttle - V2.mp4

36.3 MB

Trending Stocks.mp4

64.9 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/4.DOM Manipulation/

Infinite Scroll.mp4

162.8 MB


124.2 MB


73.0 MB

Tic Tac Toe.mp4

165.4 MB

Tier List.mp4

79.0 MB


97.3 MB

Todo List.mp4

65.5 MB


90.4 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/5.React Components/

Connect Four.mp4

169.2 MB

Crypto Prices.mp4

64.7 MB


95.8 MB

Phone Input.mp4

45.3 MB

Question List.mp4

147.8 MB


105.7 MB

Tip Calculator.mp4

67.5 MB


181.0 MB

/FrontEnd Expert/6.Questions/6.React Hooks/


90.2 MB


29.0 MB


30.3 MB


36.4 MB


37.2 MB


31.4 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/1.Introduction/


25.0 MB


22.0 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/2.Supervised Learning/

2-Naive Bayes.mp4.mp4

84.3 MB


99.4 MB

4-Naive Bayes Optimized.mp4.mp4

117.3 MB


64.1 MB

6-Decision Trees.mp4.mp4

89.0 MB

7- Linear Regression.mp4.mp4

71.9 MB

8-Logistic Regression.mp4.mp4

117.4 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/3.Unsupervised Learning/


63.2 MB

11-Singular Value Decomposition.mp4.mp4

67.1 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/4.Deep Learning/

12-Neural Networks.mp4.mp4

154.5 MB


162.0 MB


113.8 MB


60.8 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/5.Recommender Systems/

16-CollaborativeContent Filtering.mp4.mp4

81.8 MB

/Machine Learning/1.ML/6.Ranking/

17-Learning To Rank.mp4.mp4

90.0 MB

/.../2.ML Coding Questions/1.Math Concepts/

Get Stats.mp4.mp4

58.8 MB

Sparse Matrix Multiplication.mp4.mp4

68.5 MB

/.../2.ML Coding Questions/2.Model Concepts/

K Nearest Neighbors.mp4.mp4

49.9 MB


78.9 MB

Multinomial Naive Bayes.mp4.mp4

78.5 MB


95.4 MB

Regression Tree.mp4.mp4

131.9 MB

/.../2.ML Coding Questions/3.Model Applications/

Classify Trucks.mp4.mp4

38.5 MB

Predict Cancellations.mp4.mp4

36.9 MB

/.../2.ML Coding Questions/4.Data Processing/

User Interaction Counts.mp4.mp4

48.4 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/1.Introduction/


10.0 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/2.Data Support/

LSML-1-Data Ingestion.mp4.mp4

88.6 MB

LSML-2-Data Storage.mp4.mp4

86.5 MB

LSML-3-Data Processing.mp4.mp4

130.6 MB

LSML-4-Processing Orchestration.mp4.mp4

57.7 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/3.Exploration/


22.1 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/4.Experimentation/

LSML-6-Frequentist AB Testing.mp4.mp4

90.4 MB

LSML-7-Bayesian AB Testing.mp4.mp4

35.5 MB

LSML-8-Multi-Armed Bandit.mp4.mp4

61.0 MB

LSML-9-Impact Estimation.mp4.mp4

63.8 MB

/.../5.Large-Scale Training/

LSML-10-Basic Models.mp4.mp4

56.0 MB

LSML-11-Deep Learning Models.mp4.mp4

161.0 MB

LSML-12-Model Validation.mp4.mp4

78.5 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/6.Productionization/


27.7 MB

/.../3.Large-Scale ML/7.Hosting/

LSML-14-Data Hosting.mp4.mp4

22.0 MB

LSML-15-Model Hosting.mp4.mp4

45.8 MB

/.../4.ML Design Questions/

Amazon Alexa.mp4.mp4

155.3 MB

Facebook Photo Tagging.mp4.mp4

104.4 MB

Fake News Detector.mp4.mp4

127.2 MB

Machine Learning Platform.mp4.mp4

146.6 MB

YouTube's Recommendation System.mp4.mp4

170.6 MB

/Machine Learning/Interview Tips/

1.Introduction to Interview Tips.mp4

27.3 MB

2.Interview Tips - Pre-Interview.mp4

82.8 MB

3.Interview Tips - Intro-screen.mp4

804.8 MB

4.Interview Tips - Coding Round.mp4

261.4 MB

5.Interview Tips - Design Round.mp4

249.7 MB

6.Interview Tips - Receiving The Offer.mp4

180.8 MB

7.Career Advice.mp4

267.3 MB

/Systems Expert/Fundamentals/

1.Design Fundamentals - Introduction.mp4

14.1 MB

2.What Are Design Fundamentals-.mp4

32.1 MB

3.Client-Server Model.mp4

44.8 MB

4.Network Protocols.mp4

95.8 MB


66.5 MB

6.Latency And Throughput.mp4

51.8 MB


87.2 MB


88.2 MB


59.5 MB

10.Load Balancers.mp4

91.2 MB


140.5 MB

12.Relational Databases.mp4

149.9 MB

13.Key-Value Stores.mp4

35.8 MB

14.Specialized Storage Paradigms.mp4

148.7 MB

15.Replication And Sharding.mp4

113.7 MB

16.Leader Election.mp4

130.6 MB

17.Peer-To-Peer Networks.mp4

121.3 MB

18.Polling And Streaming.mp4

98.2 MB


51.9 MB

20.Rate Limiting.mp4

64.7 MB

21.Logging And Monitoring.mp4

83.6 MB

22.PublishSubscribe Pattern.mp4

140.8 MB


149.9 MB

24.Security And HTTPS.mp4

137.7 MB

25.API Design.mp4

101.4 MB

/Systems Expert/Interview Questions/

Design A Code-Deployment System.mp4

217.2 MB

Design A Stockbroker.mp4

256.7 MB

Design Airbnb.mp4

131.1 MB

Design AlgoExpert.mp4

187.7 MB

Design Amazon.mp4.mp4

208.0 MB

Design Facebook News Feed.mp4

179.1 MB

Design Google Drive.mp4

177.3 MB

Design Netflix.mp4

139.1 MB

Design Slack.mp4

160.6 MB

Design The Reddit API.mp4

214.0 MB

Design The Twitch API.mp4.mp4

164.5 MB

Design The Uber API.mp4

158.8 MB

Design Tinder.mp4.mp4

206.2 MB

/Systems Expert/Interview Tips/

1.Gathering System Requirements.mp4.mp4

216.7 MB


190.0 MB


417.6 MB


212.7 MB


161.1 MB


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