
Download Ali suleyman topuz videolar - Bilgeadam

Ali suleyman topuz videolar Bilgeadam


Ali suleyman topuz videolar - Bilgeadam


Total Size

12.7 GB

Total Files






363.1 MB


254.0 MB


167.2 MB

119.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - UpdateProgress.avi

146.8 MB

167.Entity Framework - Code First.avi

122.4 MB

5. Web Programming - MasterPage Layout Sample.avi

118.0 MB


93.3 MB

202 - Markafoni - Project - Products Directory and Add Products.avi

93.1 MB

129.AspNet - Video From YouTube.avi

89.2 MB

130.AspNet - Twitter API and AjaxToolkit.avi

87.3 MB

6. Web Programming - MasterPage Layout Sample.avi

85.5 MB

172 - Markafoni - Project - Entity Layer.avi

82.8 MB

207 - Markafoni - Project - User Panel and Login Control.avi

82.7 MB

108.AspNet - DataControls - PagedDataSource.avi

79.1 MB

60.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Session Introduction.avi

74.2 MB

26.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

73.7 MB

233 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - MyOrders.avi

71.8 MB

212 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

65.3 MB

112.AspNet - Controls - FileUpload.avi

61.3 MB

60.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Products with GUI.avi

60.6 MB

55.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater with HiddenField.avi

60.4 MB

59.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Products.avi

59.1 MB

120.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - LinqTOSql With Ajax.avi

58.9 MB

53.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Xml Genel Ornek.avi

58.9 MB

70.AspNet - AdRotator Component.avi

58.4 MB

80.AspNet - Localization and Globalization 2.avi

58.3 MB

137.AspNet - Dynamic Data LinqToSQL.avi

57.9 MB

165.Entity Framework - Model First and Sample.avi

55.9 MB

117.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - UpdatePanel.avi

54.9 MB

168.AspNet - BlogEngine System.avi

54.6 MB

18.AspNet - Introduction.avi

54.4 MB

151.Membership - Configuration.avi

53.3 MB

104.AspNet - DataControls - DataList - Introduction.avi

53.1 MB

234 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - MyOrders.avi

51.2 MB

191 - Markafoni - Project - UserControl and NotificationArea.avi

50.7 MB

190 - Markafoni - Project - WebInterface.avi

48.9 MB

115.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - Timer and UpdatePanel.avi

48.9 MB

228 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart.avi

48.6 MB

236 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - MyOrders.avi

48.4 MB

15. JQuery - Image Hover.avi

47.8 MB

124.AspNet - Performans - HttpContext and Cache.avi

46.7 MB

214 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

46.7 MB

203 - Markafoni - Project - Shippers and Listing Shippers.avi

46.4 MB

118.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - UpdatePanel and Timer.avi

46.0 MB

72.AspNet - Server Side State Management Application - Introduction.avi

45.7 MB

1. Web Programming - Literal Component and CSS.avi

45.7 MB

221 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Add Product to Cart.avi

45.2 MB

7. JQuery - Introduction.avi

44.2 MB

87.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Wizard.avi

44.2 MB

193 - Markafoni - Project - Save Brand Design.avi

44.0 MB

121.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - User Control With Ajax.avi

42.9 MB

148.AspNet - Membership Introduction.avi

42.8 MB

176 - Markafoni - Project - Repository and Abstract Class.avi

42.5 MB

200 - Markafoni - Project - Products Directory and Add Products.avi

42.3 MB

135.AspNet - Cache Dependency.avi

41.2 MB

175 - Markafoni - Project - Repository Model.avi

40.2 MB

95.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL Classess.avi

39.2 MB

51.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - StateManagement - Introduction.avi

39.0 MB

9. JQuery - Accordiona CSS.avi

38.4 MB

100.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

38.4 MB

218 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails.avi

38.3 MB

147.AspNet - User and Roles with Session - LoginControl.avi

38.1 MB

79.AspNet - Localization and Globalization.avi

38.1 MB

208 - Markafoni - Project - User Panel and Login Control.avi

37.8 MB

13. JQuery - Accordiona JQuery with Literal.avi

37.2 MB

17. JQuery - Image Hover Opacity.avi

37.2 MB

82.AspNet - Theme.avi

37.1 MB

209 - Markafoni - Project - User Panel and Pages.avi

36.7 MB

19.AspNet - IsPostBack.avi

36.4 MB

218 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Cart - CartItem Model.avi

36.4 MB

150.AspNet - Membership Introduction - LocalSqlServer and MembershipProvider.avi

36.3 MB

192 - Markafoni - Project - Save Brand Design.avi

36.1 MB

222 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - View Cart Items in MasterPage.avi

35.6 MB

169 - Markafoni - Database.avi

35.5 MB

220 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Cart Methods.avi

34.9 MB

77.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Global Application Class.avi

34.9 MB

133.AspNet - Interface and Cache in Library.avi

34.3 MB

166.Entity Framework - Model First and Sample.avi

34.3 MB

84.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Introduction.avi

34.2 MB

227 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Add User To Role.avi

34.1 MB

61.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Defining Session Variables.avi

34.0 MB

78.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Total Guest.avi

33.8 MB

127.AspNet - Performans - OutputCache - Param and Control.avi

33.2 MB

206 - Markafoni - Project - Shippers and Listing Shippers.avi

33.0 MB

22.AspNet - ListBox and DataSource 1.avi

32.7 MB

90.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - Introduction.avi

32.7 MB

219 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Cart.avi

32.6 MB

163.Membership - ContentTemplateContainer and CreateUserWizard.avi

32.4 MB

132.AspNet - Interface and Cache in Library.avi

32.1 MB

235 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - MyOrders.avi

32.0 MB

146.AspNet - User and Roles with Session - LoginControl.avi

30.9 MB

49.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater - ItemCommand QueryString.avi

30.8 MB

39.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web.avi

30.8 MB

153.Membership - Creating Access Rules.avi

30.7 MB

149.AspNet - Membership Introduction - Register SQL.avi

30.1 MB

8. JQuery - Html Elements and CSS.avi

29.4 MB

52.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - StateManagement - ViewState - QueryString.avi

29.2 MB

85.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Classes.avi

28.9 MB

229 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart.avi

28.9 MB

122.AspNet - Patlayan Event Delegate.avi

28.8 MB

216 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

28.0 MB

20.AspNet - DropDownList and Choose Data Source.avi

27.8 MB

154.Membership - Register User and Adding User to Role.avi

27.7 MB

177 - Markafoni - Project - Repository and PradaRepository.avi

27.5 MB

140.AspNet - User and Roles with Session.avi

27.2 MB

114.AspNet - Controls - FileUpload - ListData.avi

26.9 MB

30.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

26.7 MB

93.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL Classess.avi

26.1 MB

47.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater - ItemCommand.avi

26.0 MB

65.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Sepet Uygulamasi 3.avi

25.9 MB

69.AspNet - AdRotator Component.avi

25.6 MB

231 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - IOrderHelper in OrderDataService.avi

25.5 MB

131.AspNet - Interface and Cache in Library.avi

25.4 MB

134.AspNet - Interface and Cache in Library.avi

25.2 MB

128.AspNet - Performans - DataCaching.avi

25.1 MB

197 - Markafoni - Project - Products Directory and Add Products.avi

24.8 MB

71.AspNet - CustomErrors.avi

24.6 MB

127.AspNet - Performans - OutputCache and Properties.avi

24.4 MB

4. Web Programming - MasterPage Introduction.avi

24.3 MB

232 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - IOrderHelper in OrderDataService.avi

24.3 MB

223 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - View Cart Items in Page.avi

24.2 MB

99.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

24.0 MB

54.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - MultiView Sample.avi

24.0 MB

158.Membership - LoginView Control and Templates.avi

24.0 MB

205 - Markafoni - Project - Shippers and Listing Shippers.avi

23.8 MB

109.AspNet - DataControls - PagedDataSource - Paging and Controls.avi

23.5 MB

139.AspNet - User and Roles with Session.avi

23.5 MB

143.AspNet - User and Roles with Session - Creating User.avi

23.4 MB

76.AspNet - Server Side State Management Application - Application Sample 4.avi

23.3 MB

105.AspNet - DataControls - DataList - CommandName and ItemCommand.avi

23.1 MB

101.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

22.9 MB

110.AspNet - Navigation Controls - Web.Sitemap and SiteMapPath.avi

22.8 MB

183 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and IDataMethods Interface.avi

22.6 MB

41.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web.avi

22.6 MB

194 - Markafoni - Project - Save Brand - Code.avi

22.6 MB

25.AspNet - ListBox and DataSource 4.avi

22.5 MB

48.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater - ItemCommand.avi

22.3 MB

27.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

22.3 MB

237 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - MyOrders.avi

22.0 MB

89.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Wizard - Properties.avi

22.0 MB

195 - Markafoni - Project - Save Brand - Code.avi

21.9 MB

145.AspNet - User and Roles with Session - LoginControl.avi

21.8 MB

201 - Markafoni - Project - Products Directory and Add Products.avi

21.6 MB

111.AspNet - Navigation Controls - Menu and TreeView Control.avi

21.6 MB

29.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

20.9 MB

63.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Sepet Uygulamasi 1.avi

20.6 MB

215 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

20.5 MB

224 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Expression Web - SuperPreview.avi

20.3 MB

50.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Update Category.avi

19.9 MB

46.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater.avi

19.6 MB

171 - Markafoni - Database Diagram.avi

19.6 MB

213 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

19.6 MB

217 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

19.5 MB

56.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Continue.avi

19.3 MB

125.AspNet - Performans - Cache and QueryString.avi

19.3 MB

164.Membership - LoadControl and UserControl.avi

19.3 MB

182 - Markafoni - Project - Globalization Layer - MultiLanguage Resx Files.avi

19.0 MB

67.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Sepet Uygulamasi 5.avi

18.9 MB

103.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

18.6 MB

23.AspNet - RadioButtonList and DataSource 2.avi

18.4 MB

43.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Validations.avi

18.3 MB

156.Membership - ProviderUserKey and QueryString.avi

18.2 MB

144.AspNet - User and Roles with Session - LoginControl.avi

18.1 MB

185 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and PradaService.avi

17.6 MB

51.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - GetCategoryById and Design.avi

17.5 MB

155.Membership - Login Page and Controls.avi

17.4 MB

107.AspNet - DataControls - DataList - EditItemTemplate.avi

17.3 MB

136.AspNet - Cache Dependency - Sample.avi

17.1 MB

106.AspNet - DataControls - DataList - EditItemTemplate.avi

16.8 MB

161.Membership - Roles and Manipulating.avi

16.8 MB

81.AspNet - Localization and Globalization - Dynamic Language.avi

16.3 MB

178 - Markafoni - Project - Repository and PradaRepository - Nullable Type Problem.avi

16.0 MB

180 - Markafoni - Project - Data Transfer Object.avi

15.6 MB

157.Membership - LoginView Control and Templates.avi

15.6 MB

230 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order in MyCart - Repository.avi

15.5 MB

97.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

15.5 MB

3. Web Programming - Literal Component and CSS.avi

15.4 MB

24.AspNet - RadioButtonList and DataSource 3.avi

15.2 MB

226 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Membership Authorization.avi

15.1 MB

66.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Sepet Uygulamasi 4.avi

15.0 MB

68.AspNet - AdRotator Component.avi

15.0 MB

116.AspNet - Ajax Extensions - UpdatePanel.avi

14.8 MB

138.AspNet - User and Roles with Session.avi

14.8 MB

189 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and PradaService.avi

14.8 MB

102.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

14.4 MB

40.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web.avi

14.3 MB

21.AspNet - DropDownList and EnableAutoPostBack.avi

14.3 MB

159.Membership - LoginView Control and Templates.avi

14.2 MB

86.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Design.avi

14.0 MB

225 - Markafoni - Project - ProductDetails - Order the Products.avi

13.7 MB

92.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL Classess.avi

13.7 MB

94.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL Classess.avi

13.4 MB

74.AspNet - Server Side State Management Application - Application Sample 2.avi

12.9 MB

37.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

12.8 MB

33.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

12.7 MB

188 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and PradaService.avi

12.7 MB

2. Web Programming - Literal Component and CSS.avi

12.6 MB

198 - Markafoni - Project - Products Directory and Add Products.avi

12.5 MB

196 - Markafoni - Project - Save Brand - Code.avi

12.3 MB

181 - Markafoni - Project - Common Layer and Generic Result Class.avi

12.1 MB

10. JQuery - Accordiona JQuery Hide Function.avi

11.5 MB

141.AspNet - User and Roles with Session.avi

11.4 MB

44.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Validation Group.avi

11.3 MB

88.AspNet - DataControls - GridView - Wizard - CommandArgument .avi

11.2 MB

14. JQuery - Accordiona JQuery with Literal.avi

11.2 MB

187 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and PradaService.avi

11.1 MB

36.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

11.1 MB

162.Membership - Config Files and DefaultUrl.avi

11.0 MB

184 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and IDataMethods Interface - Implementation.avi

11.0 MB

75.AspNet - Server Side State Management Application - Application Sample 3.avi

11.0 MB

142.AspNet - User and Roles with Session.avi

10.9 MB

152.Membership - Solution.avi

10.8 MB

45.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Repeater.avi

10.8 MB

186 - Markafoni - Project - Service Layer and PradaService.avi

10.7 MB

58.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Continue.avi

10.3 MB

98.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

9.9 MB

31.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

9.5 MB

210 - Markafoni - Project - User Panel and Membership Provider.avi

9.5 MB

91.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - Introduction.avi

8.7 MB

204 - Markafoni - Project - Shippers and Listing Shippers.avi

8.6 MB

126.AspNet - Performans - Cache and GlobalAsax File.avi

8.6 MB

179 - Markafoni - Project - Repository and PradaRepository - Object Initializer.avi

8.4 MB

73.AspNet - - Server Side State Management Application - Application Sample 1.avi

8.3 MB

113.AspNet - Controls - FileUpload.avi

8.3 MB

11. JQuery - Accordiona JQuery Toggle.avi

8.3 MB

83.AspNet - Theme - SkinID.avi

8.2 MB

28.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

8.0 MB

62.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Defining Session Variables.avi

7.8 MB

64.AspNet - Server Side State Management - Sepet Uygulamasi 2.avi

7.7 MB

123.AspNet - Patlayan Event Delegate - Patlamamisi.avi

7.7 MB

38.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

7.6 MB

12. JQuery - Accordiona JQuery Fade and Slide Functions.avi

7.4 MB

32.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

7.4 MB

34.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

6.8 MB

35.AspNet - Layered Sample Introduction.avi

6.4 MB

173 - Markafoni - Project - Entity Layer 2.avi

6.3 MB

174 - Markafoni - Project - Class Diagram.avi

6.2 MB

42.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web.avi

5.9 MB

58.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Suppliers.avi

5.9 MB

170 - Markafoni - Database and Membership Tables.avi

5.6 MB

96.AspNet - Language Integrated Query - LinqToSQL - Sample.avi

5.5 MB

16. JQuery - Image Hover Opacity.avi

5.2 MB

160.Membership - LoginView Control and Templates.avi

5.0 MB

211 - Markafoni - Project - Brands and Products.avi

4.4 MB

57.AspNet - Layered Sample with Web - Continue.avi

847.7 KB


737.3 KB


730.1 KB


76. Framework - Canan Ozkayalar - JSon.avi

281.3 MB

67. Framework - XML Web Services - Security.avi

37.7 MB

73. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Creating a Xml Web Service Layer.avi

32.3 MB

75. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Client.avi

29.3 MB

71. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Hdd Serial With WMI.avi

24.3 MB

69. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - SoapHeader - Client.avi

22.9 MB

70. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Currency Converter.avi

19.0 MB

72. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Creating a Database.avi

14.2 MB

68. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - SoapHeader.avi

13.0 MB

74. Framework - XML Web Services - Security - Creating a Xml Web Service Layer.avi

1.1 MB


261.6 KB


254.8 KB


229.4 KB


84.9 KB


67.2 KB


52.7 KB


31. Framework - Murat Turuncoglu - SQLCacheDependency.avi

194.0 MB

30. Framework - Asu Celebi - XML Http Request.avi

143.8 MB

28. Framework - SystemIO - File and Directory Classess.avi

34.2 MB

25. Framework - SystemIO - Directories and Files.avi

29.9 MB

19. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - Queue.avi

28.2 MB

20. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - Queue and Known Methods.avi

25.7 MB

22. Framework - SystemIO - DriveInfo.avi

22.1 MB

27. Framework - SystemIO - Directories and Files.avi

21.9 MB

26. Framework - SystemIO - Directories and Files.avi

19.0 MB

24. Framework - SystemIO - Directories and Files.avi

14.4 MB

21. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - Stack and Know Methods.avi

12.8 MB

29. Framework - SystemIO - File and Directory Classess.avi

8.8 MB

23. Framework - SystemIO - Directory Class and Types.avi

7.6 MB


147.5 KB


18.8 KB


18.5 KB

/.../Module 1 - Sql Server Intro/

2. Setup.avi

148.2 MB

1. Intro.avi

106.3 MB

4. Tablo Design.avi

88.1 MB

3. Management Studio.avi

50.1 MB


6.OOP - Constructor Destructor Virtual Baby.avi

139.8 MB

7.OOP - Inheritance And Polymorphsym.avi

59.3 MB

2.OOP - Property And Encapsulation.avi

38.8 MB

10.OOP - Static.avi

25.9 MB

1.OOP - Access Modifiers.avi

24.9 MB

5.OOP - Enum.avi

24.3 MB

4.OOP - Property And Encapsulation 2.avi

11.1 MB

8.OOP - Sealed.avi

9.5 MB

11.OOP - ToString Override.avi

7.9 MB

3.OOP - Instance.avi

6.7 MB

9.OOP - Partial.avi

3.4 MB


91.2 KB


91.2 KB


43.8 KB


40.9 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 2 - Normalizasyon/


109.8 MB

NormalizasyonNedir 2.avi

60.1 MB

NormalizasyonNedir 5.avi

51.6 MB

NormalizasyonNedir 3.avi

36.0 MB

NormalizasyonNedir 4.avi

34.8 MB

db_TeknosaDiagram 2.png

160.9 KB


41.6 KB


10.9 KB


51. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Virus - ProcessKiller.avi

96.7 MB

49. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Virus.avi

58.5 MB

58. Framework - Windows Service - Linq To Sql Ornek.avi

55.7 MB

53. Framework - LinqToSQL - Select all collection and Where Clause.avi

24.8 MB

48. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Virus.avi

23.6 MB

57. Framework - LinqToSQL - Update Record.avi

13.0 MB

50. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Virus.avi

11.8 MB

55. Framework - LinqToSQL - Deleting Record.avi

10.3 MB

54. Framework - LinqToSQL - Adding Record.avi

10.0 MB

52. Framework - LinqToSQL.avi

9.5 MB

56. Framework - LinqToSQL - Detail Record.avi

8.0 MB


142.1 KB


135.1 KB


33.0 KB


31.9 KB


14. Object Oriented Programming - Video App.avi

89.9 MB

13. Object Oriented Programming - Reflection Sample.avi

82.7 MB

17. Object Oriented Programming - Setup Project Wizard.avi

64.9 MB

15. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - Dictionary.avi

59.1 MB

8. Object Oriented Programming - Known Interfaces - IEquatable.avi

29.7 MB

9. Object Oriented Programming - Known Interfaces - IComparable.avi

21.4 MB

18. Object Oriented Programming - Setup Project Wizard.avi

20.6 MB

11. Object Oriented Programming - Known Interfaces - Assembly.avi

19.0 MB

16. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - SortedList.avi

14.7 MB

10. Object Oriented Programming - Known Interfaces - IEnumerable.avi

12.5 MB

12. Object Oriented Programming - Collections - General Sample.avi

10.8 MB


54.4 KB


37.3 KB


36.4 KB


33.4 KB


3.4 KB

/.../Module 11 - Security/

2. Rol Kavrami ve Yonetim.avi

75.3 MB

1. Kullanıcı Olusturmak.avi

43.8 MB

SQL Server Security.pdf

1.8 MB


35. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

73.8 MB

47. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Attach to Process and Uninstall.avi

34.4 MB

33. Framework - Thread - Introduction - Thread Methods.avi

32.3 MB

34. Framework - Thread - Introduction - ParamethrizedThread Methods.avi

31.0 MB

32. Framework - Thread - Introduction.avi

30.1 MB

37. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

27.1 MB

40. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

23.6 MB

41. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

23.2 MB

44. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service with SystemTimer Control.avi

21.0 MB

43. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service with SystemTimer Control.avi

20.4 MB

45. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Deployement with Installer.avi

18.0 MB

36. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

14.0 MB

46. Framework - Windows Services - Creating a Windows Service - Deployement with CommandPrompt.avi

13.0 MB

39. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

12.2 MB

38. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

7.4 MB

42. Framework - Thread - Sample - MyNews.avi

1.6 MB


91.6 KB


39.0 KB


30.9 KB

/.../Module 3 - Database Kavramlari/

Normalizasyon Tekrar - Iddia Database.avi

68.2 MB

Database System Databases.avi

46.5 MB

Database Full Backup.avi

42.4 MB

Database Schemas.avi

27.9 MB

Database Tables - CheckConstraints and Default Value.avi

25.5 MB

Database Configuration Manager.avi

21.9 MB

Normalizasyon Odev.avi

15.0 MB


242.0 KB


61.9 KB


24.1 KB


1. Object Oriented Programming - Remember the OOP with Abstract Factory Pattern.avi

67.1 MB

6. Object Oriented Programming - Custom Collections.avi

33.8 MB

3. Object Oriented Programming - CustomException.avi

22.0 MB

4. Object Oriented Programming - Generic Type.avi

14.5 MB

7. Object Oriented Programming - SubVersion.avi

13.6 MB

5. Object Oriented Programming - Generic Type.avi

5.3 MB

2. Object Oriented Programming - Remember the OOP with Abstract Factory Pattern.avi

4.0 MB


37.6 KB


34.0 KB


15.8 KB

Design Patterns.txt

1.5 KB


64. Framework - XML Web Services - Creating a Web Service.avi

48.8 MB

60. Framework - XML Web Services - Select Data with LinqToXML.avi

42.8 MB

61. Framework - XML Web Services - Select Data with LinqToXML.avi

38.6 MB

59. Framework - XML Web Services - Introduction - Web Reference.avi

35.3 MB

65. Framework - XML Web Services - Using a Web Service.avi

29.9 MB

66. Framework - XML Web Services - Using a Web Service.avi

9.7 MB

63. Framework - XML Web Services - BreakPoint and TextVisualizer.avi

9.3 MB

62. Framework - XML Web Services - Exceptions.avi

7.5 MB


372.9 KB


57.5 KB


0.2 KB


1. OOP - Class Library Nedir.avi

43.4 MB

7. OOP - Generic List 2.avi

32.5 MB

8. OOP - Generic List 3.avi

28.4 MB

6. OOP - Array List.avi

26.3 MB

3. OOP - Generic Type.avi

22.8 MB

5. OOP - Array List 2.avi

8.5 MB

2. OOP - Encapsulation.avi

6.6 MB

9. OOP - Generic List 4.avi

3.1 MB

4. OOP - Generic Type 2.avi

2.5 MB


46.9 KB


44.3 KB


44.0 KB


36.5 KB


35.7 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 7 - TSQL 3/

4. Scripts.avi

41.3 MB

1. Cascade - SetDefault - SetNull.avi

41.0 MB

8. TSql Programlama -While Loop.avi

34.5 MB

3. Try - Catch.avi

22.9 MB

5. TSql Programlama - Declaring Variables.avi

17.8 MB

7. TSql Programlama - If Clause.avi

14.9 MB

6. TSql Programlama - If Clause 2.avi

2.0 MB

2. Views.avi

1.2 MB


1.8 KB

/.../Module 14 - Ekstra/

Sql Server Agent.avi

38.5 MB

Bakup Database.avi

751.3 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 4 - TSQL/

DML - Insert Delete.avi

34.7 MB

DML _ Select Queries.avi

18.3 MB

DML - Insert Update Delete.avi

17.7 MB

DML _ Select Queries 3.avi

11.8 MB

DML _ Select Queries 4.avi

11.5 MB

DML - Update.avi

7.8 MB

DML _ Select Queries 2.avi

5.3 MB

DML _ Select Queries Cirom.avi

2.6 MB


2.2 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 9 -Transaction/

1. Transaction.avi

30.3 MB

1. Transaction 2.avi

26.2 MB


0.3 KB


0.2 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 5 - TSQL 2/

DDL - View 2.avi

29.9 MB

DML - Select Queries Bulk into - Temptable.avi

21.7 MB

DML - Select Queries Join 2.avi

13.4 MB

DML - Select Queries Group By.avi

12.7 MB

DDL - View.avi

9.3 MB

DML - Select Queries Join.avi

7.9 MB

Basit Sorgulamalarla TSQL Giriş.pdf

385.1 KB

Basit Sogulamalarla TSQL Joinlere Kadar.pdf

384.6 KB

Group By.sql

2.7 KB

Group By Join v.s.txt

2.7 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 8 - DDL/

1. DDL - Functions.avi

24.6 MB

4. DDL - Stored Procedures .avi

21.4 MB

3. DDL - Stored Procedures .avi

19.7 MB

2. DDL - Functions.avi

2.1 MB


2.0 KB


0.4 KB

/.../Module 10 - Trigger/

3. Triggers.avi

21.2 MB

4. Triggers 2.avi

19.7 MB

5. Triggers 3.avi

19.5 MB

6. Triggers 4.avi

8.8 MB

7. Triggers 5.avi

4.2 MB

Sql Server Triggers.pdf

1.7 MB

8. Triggers 6.avi

1.5 MB


1.5 KB

/.../Module 12 - Performans/

DataPage ve Extent.avi

21.2 MB

Sql Server Clustered ve NoneClustered Indeks.pdf

435.1 KB

SQL SERVER INDEX Kullanım Alanları.pdf

354.8 KB

SQL Server Indekslerde Fill Factor Kullanımı.pdf

343.9 KB

SQL SERVER DataPage and Extent.pdf

343.0 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Dosyalar/

SQL Server GirisPdf.pdf

8.3 MB

SQL Server Management Studio.pdf

5.7 MB

SQL Server Giris.pdf

3.1 MB

SQL Server GirisDoc.pdf

341.8 KB

/.../Module 13 - Functions/

SQL Server Aggregate Functions.pdf

2.7 MB



196.6 KB


160.6 KB



24.6 KB


1.0 KB



13.8 KB


7.2 KB


5.6 KB


0.7 KB



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1.1 KB


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1.4 KB

/ast-videolar/Sql Server/Videolar/Module 6 - View/


0.5 KB


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