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Adams - Prehistoric Mesoamerica.rar

6.2 MB

Adams - Rio Azul ~ An Ancient Maya City.rar

2.9 MB

Adeli (ed) - Historic Bridges - Evaluation, Preservation, and Management.pdf

14.6 MB

Agius - Classic Ships of Islam ~ From Mesopotamia to the Indian Ocean.pdf

6.5 MB

Agnoletti (ed) - The Conservation of Cultural Landscapes.pdf

6.8 MB

Akazawa et al (eds) - Neandertals and Modern Humans in Western Asia.pdf

31.6 MB

Albarella et al (eds) - Pigs and Humans ~ 10,000 years of interaction.pdf

12.9 MB

Aldhouse-Green - An Archaeology of Images ~ Iconology and cosmology in Iron Age and Roman Europe.pdf

19.6 MB

Alizadeh - Choga Mish II ~ The development of a prehistoric regional center in Lowland Susiana, Southwestern Iran.pdf

16.6 MB

Alizadeh - Excavations at the Perhistoric Mound of Chogna Bonut, Khuzestan, IRan.pdf

7.0 MB

Alizadeh - The Origins of State Organizations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran.pdf

8.5 MB

Allan - Catalogue of the Coins of Ancient India.djvu

35.5 MB

Allison - The Archaeology of Household Activities.pdf

1.9 MB

Allison - The Insula of the Menander at Pompei - The finds, a contextual study.pdf

6.7 MB

Allmon&Bottjer (eds) - Evolutionary Paleoecology.pdf

10.3 MB

Ambrose&Katzenberg (eds) - Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis.pdf

6.6 MB

Amitai&Biran (eds) - Mongols, Turks and Others ~ Eurasian nomads and the sedentary world.pdf

4.5 MB

Anderson - The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Southeast.rar

5.0 MB

Anderson - The Savannah River Chiefdoms ~ Political Change in the Late Prehistoric Southeast.rar

4.0 MB

Anderson et al (eds) - Climate Change and CUltural Dynamics ~ A global perspective on Mid-Holocene transitions.pdf

15.1 MB

Andrefsky (ed) - Lithic Technology ~ Measures of production, use and curation.pdf

12.6 MB

Andrefsky - Lithics ~ Macroscopic Approaches to Analysis.pdf

3.8 MB

Archer&Bartoy (eds) - Between Dirt and Discussion ~ Methods, Methodology and Interpretation in Historical Archaeology.pdf

12.9 MB

Armstrong - Creole Transformation from Slavery to Freedom ~ Historical Archaeology of the East End Community, St John, Virgin Islands.pdf

16.5 MB

Armstrong&Brasier - Microfossils.pdf

21.4 MB

Arnold - An Archaeology of the Early Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms.pdf

3.3 MB

Arnott et al (eds) - Trepanation ~ History, discovery, theory.pdf

7.2 MB

Ashurst (ed) - Conservation of Ruins.pdf

35.5 MB

Ashurst&Dimes (eds) - Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone.pdf

96.3 MB

Aston - Interpreting the Landscape.pdf

18.2 MB

Atkinson (ed) - The Earliest Inhabitants ~ The Dynamics of the Jamaican Taino.pdf

1.7 MB

Aufrecht et al (eds) - Urbanism in Antiquity ~ From Mesopotamia to Crete.pdf

15.4 MB

Austin&Alcock (eds) - From the Baltic to the Black Sea (Medieval Archaeology).pdf

86.0 MB

Bailey - Balkan Prehistory ~ Exclusion, incorporation and identity.pdf

5.5 MB

Bailey - Prehistoric Figurines ~ Representation and corporeality in the Neolithic.pdf

4.1 MB

Baker - Bioarchaeology of Native American Adaptation in the Spanish Borderlands.rar

1.4 MB

Baker&Brothwell - Animal diseases in archaeology.pdf

34.2 MB

Banning - The Archaeologist's Laboratory ~ The analysis of archaeological data.pdf

7.8 MB

Bar-Yosef&Zilhao (eds) - Towards a Definition of the Aurignacian.pdf

7.7 MB

Baram&Carroll (eds) - A Historical Archaeology of the Ottoman Empire.pdf

6.4 MB

Barcelo - Computational Intelligence in Archaeology.pdf

4.3 MB

Bard - Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt.pdf

14.9 MB

Barham&Mitchell - The First Africans.pdf

8.3 MB

Barile&Brandon (eds) - Household Chores and Household Choices ~ Theoretizing the Domestic Sphere in Historical Archaeology.pdf

2.8 MB

Barker (ed) - Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology.djvu

15.3 MB

Barker - Techniques of Archaeological Excavation.rar

9.2 MB

Barnard (ed) - Hunter-Gatherers in History, Archaeology and Anthropology.pdf

2.9 MB

Barnes - State Formation in Japan ~ Emergence of a 4th century ruling elite.pdf

5.5 MB

Barnosky (ed) - Biodiversity Response to Climate Change in the Middle Pleistocene ~ The Porcupine Cave fauna from Colorado.pdf

8.5 MB

Barr-Sharrar - The Derveni Krater ~ Masterpiece of Classical Greek Metalwork.pdf

35.2 MB

Barrett (ed) - Contact, Continuity and Collapse ~ The Norse Colonization of the North Atlantic.pdf

3.5 MB

Barry - A History of Settlement in Ireland.pdf

3.8 MB

Barry - The Archaeology of Medieval Ireland.pdf

10.5 MB

Bartlett (ed) - Archaeology and Biblical Interpretation.pdf

2.6 MB

Bassie-Sweet - From the Mouth of the Dark Cave~Commemorative Sculpture of the Maya.rar

6.8 MB

Baudez - Maya Sculpture of Copan.rar

14.0 MB

Beaudry - Findings ~ The material culture of needlework and sewing.pdf

1.1 MB

Bennett - Pasts Beyond Memory ~ Evolution, Museums, Colonialism.pdf

6.4 MB

Bennison&Gascoigne - Cities in the Pre-Modern Islamic World.pdf

72.2 MB

Bense - Archaeology of Colonial Pensacola.rar

2.3 MB

Benson&Cook (eds) - Ritual Sacrifice in Ancient Peru.pdf

6.4 MB

Benton - Vertebrate Paleontology.pdf

127.6 MB

Benton&Harper - Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record.pdf

42.5 MB

Berlin&Overman (eds) - The First Jewish Revolt ~ Archaeology, history and ideology.pdf

6.6 MB

Bernhardsson - Reclaiming a Plundered Past ~ Archaeology and nation building in modern Iraq.pdf

4.5 MB

Bevan - Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean.pdf

7.3 MB

Bietak&Czerny (eds) - The Synchronisation of Civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Second Millenium BC.pdf

27.0 MB

Binford - Die Vorzeit war ganz anders ~ Methoden und Ergebnisse der Neuen Archäologie.pdf

7.7 MB

Bintliff (ed) - A Companion to Archaeology.pdf

6.1 MB

Blades - Aurignacian Lithic Economy ~ Ecological Perspectives from Southwestern France.pdf

3.4 MB

Blench&Spriggs (eds) - Archaeology and Language ~ Language change and cultural transformation.pdf

2.7 MB

Blench&Spriggs (eds) - Archaeology and Language ~ Theoretical and Methodological Orientations.pdf

7.5 MB

Blumer - Catawba Indian Pottery ~ The Survival of a Folk Tradition.pdf

1.8 MB

Boachie-Ansah - An Archaeological Contribution to the History of Wenchi.rar

1.4 MB

Boardman et al (eds) - The Prehistory of the Balkans, the Middle East and the Aegean World, 10th to 8th Century BC (Cambridge Ancient History).pdf

76.0 MB

Boas - Archaeology of the Military Orders.pdf

7.1 MB

Boas - Crusader Archaeology ~ The Material Culture of the Latin East.pdf

15.1 MB

Boatwright et al - The Romans ~ From village to empire.pdf

42.3 MB

Bocquet-Appel (ed) - Recent Advances in Palaeodemography.pdf

2.9 MB

Bocquet-Appel&Bar-Yosef (eds) - The Neolithic Demographic Transition and its Consequences.pdf

12.7 MB

Bodel&Olyan (eds) - Household and Family Religion in Antiquity.pdf

2.3 MB

Bogaard - Neolithic Farming in Central Europe ~ An archaeobotanical study of crop husbandry practices.pdf

2.0 MB

Bogucki&Crabtree - Ancient Europe Vol.1.pdf

18.4 MB

Bogucki&Crabtree - Ancient Europe Vol.2.pdf

21.2 MB

Bonnichsen - Ice Age People of North America.rar

7.6 MB

Bookidis&Stroud - The Sanctuary of Demeter and Core ~ Topography and Architecture.pdf

19.9 MB

Boudreaux - The Archaeology of Town Creek.pdf

1.7 MB

Bourgey&Jones (eds) - The Art and Archaeology of the Moche ~ An ancient Andean society of the Peruvian North Coast.pdf

15.5 MB

Bowens (ed) - Underwater Archaeology.pdf

14.8 MB

Bowes&Kulikowski (eds) - Hispania in Late Antiquity.pdf

7.4 MB

Bradley - Ancient Umbria ~ State, culture and identity in Central Italy from the Iron Age to the Augustan Era.pdf

3.5 MB

Bradley - Paleoclimatology.pdf

45.4 MB

Bradley - Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe.pdf

5.2 MB

Bradley - The Prehistory of Britain and Ireland.pdf

7.9 MB

Bradley - The Significance of Monuments ~ On the shaping of human experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe.pdf

3.6 MB

Brady&Prufer (eds) - In the Maw of the Earth Monster ~ Mesoamerican Ritual Cave Use.pdf

7.9 MB

Braidwood et al (eds) - Prehistoric Archeology along Zagros Flanks.pdf

73.0 MB

Braidwood&Howe - Prehistoric Investigations in Iraqi Kurdistan.pdf

30.5 MB

Brantingham et al (eds) - The Early Upper Paleolithic beyond Western Europe.pdf

7.4 MB

Brather - Zwischen Spätantike und Frühmittelalter ~ Archäologie des 4 bis 7 Jahrhunderts im Westen.pdf

10.8 MB

Bray (ed) - The Archaeology and Politics of Food and Feasting in Early States and Empires.pdf

7.8 MB

Breglia - Monumental Ambivalence ~ The Politics of Heritage.pdf

3.0 MB

Brickley&Ives - The Bioarchaeology of Metabolic Bone Disease.pdf

6.3 MB

Briggs - Global Biogeography.pdf

31.4 MB

Briones&Lanata - Archaeological and Anthropological Perspectives On the Native Peoples of Pampa.rar

906.3 KB

Brisch (ed) - Religion and Power ~ Divine Kingship in the Ancient World and Beyond.pdf

5.4 MB

Brodie&Walker Tubb (eds) - Illicit Antiquities ~ The theft of culture and the extinction of archaeology.pdf

3.1 MB

Brower Stahl - Making History in Banda ~ Anthropological Visions of Africa's Past.pdf

3.2 MB

Brown (ed) - Bottle Creek ~ A Pensacola Culture Site in South Alabama.pdf

3.2 MB

Bruck&Goodman - Making Places in the Prehistoric World ~ Themes in Settlement Archaeology.pdf

1.8 MB

Bruhns&Stothert - Women in Ancient America.rar

3.5 MB

Bryce - Life and Society in the Hittite World.pdf

6.5 MB

Buchli&Lucas - Archaeologies of the Contemporary Past.pdf

3.8 MB

Buck et al - Bayesian Approach to Interpreting Archaeological Data.rar

4.9 MB

Buckler - Aegean Greece in the Fourth Century BC.pdf

7.8 MB

Buikstra&Beck (eds) - Bioarchaeology ~ The contextual analysis of human remains.pdf

6.7 MB

Burke&Smith - The Archaeologist's Field Handbook.pdf

6.9 MB

Burrell - Neokoroi ~ Greek Cities and Roman Emperors.pdf

7.9 MB

Burroughs - Climate Change in Prehistory.pdf

5.2 MB

Cameron&Groves - Bones, Stones and Molecules ~ 'Out of Africa' and Human Origins.pdf

11.4 MB

Camp - The Archaeology of Athens.pdf

3.5 MB

Campana&Piro (eds) - Seeing the Unseen ~ Geophysics and landscape archaeology.pdf

21.1 MB

Caple - Objects ~ Reluctant witnesses to the past.pdf

4.9 MB

Carrasco - City of Sacrifice ~ The Aztec Empire and the Role of Violence in Civilization.rar

672.2 KB

Carrasco Pizana - The Tenochca Empire of Ancient Mexico.rar

2.4 MB

Cartmill - Hunting and Nature through History.pdf

45.8 MB

Carver - The Age of Sutton Hoo ~ The Seventh Century in North-western Europe.rar

4.7 MB

Case&Carr - The Scioto Hopewell and Their Neighbors ~ Bioarchaeological documentation and cultural understanding.pdf

16.2 MB

Casella&Fowler (eds) - The Archaeology of Plural and Changing Identities ~ Beyond identification.pdf

2.5 MB

Cassells - The Archaeology of Colorado.rar

13.1 MB

Castleden - Atlantis Destroyed.pdf

7.6 MB

Castleden - Minoans ~ Life in Bronze Age Crete.pdf

15.7 MB

Castleden - The Making of Stonehenge.pdf

11.5 MB

Castleden - The Stonehendge People ~ An exploration of life in Neolithic Britain 4700-2000 BC.pdf

3.6 MB

Catuneanu - Principles of Sequence Stratigraphy.pdf

22.9 MB

Chacon&Dye (eds) - The Taking and Displaying of Human Body Parts as Trophies by Amerindians.pdf

16.3 MB

Chamberlain - Demography in Archaeology.pdf

5.1 MB

Champion (ed) - Centre and Periphery ~ Comparative Studies in Archaeology.pdf

4.8 MB

Chapin (ed) - Charis ~ Essays in Honour of Sara A. Immerwahr.pdf

21.0 MB

Chapman - Archaeologies of Complexity.pdf

4.5 MB

Charvat - Mesopotamia Before History.pdf

4.9 MB

Chhem&Brothwell (eds) - Paleoradiology ~ Imaging Mummies and Fossils.pdf

10.1 MB

Claassen - Women in Archaeology.rar

1.2 MB

Clark&Brandt (eds) - From Hunters to Farmers.pdf

61.2 MB

Clarke - Perspectives On the Past ~ Theoretical Biases in Mediterranean Hunter-gatherer Research.rar

1.8 MB

Cleary - Rome in the Pyrenees.pdf

3.5 MB

Coathsworth&Pinder - The Art of the Anglo-Saxon Goldsmith ~ Fine metalwork in Anglo-Saxon England.pdf

3.9 MB

Cobb (ed) - Stone Tool Traditions in the Contact Era.pdf

2.2 MB

Cohen - The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin and North Africa.pdf

2.6 MB

Coleman - Excavations at Pylos in Elis.pdf

35.6 MB

Collis - The European Iron Age.pdf

7.1 MB

Connah (ed) - Australian Field Archaeology ~ A guide to techniques.pdf

32.4 MB

Connor - Forgotten Africa ~ An Introduction to Its Archaeology.pdf

15.1 MB

Cool - Eating and Drinking in Roman Britain.pdf

2.5 MB

Cooper - Early Urbanism on the Syrian Euphrates.pdf

7.1 MB

Cooper et al (eds) - Managing Archaeology.pdf

1.9 MB

Corbin - The material Culture of Steamboat Passengers ~ Archaeological evidence from the Missouri River.pdf

6.2 MB

Cosmopoulos - Greek Mysteries ~ The archaeology and ritual of Ancient Greek secret cults.pdf

2.7 MB

Cotter et al - The Buried Past ~ An Archaeological History of Philadelphia.rar

28.7 MB

Cox&Mays - Human Osteology ~ In Archaeology and Forensic Science.rar

3.8 MB

Crabtree (ed) - Medieval Archaeology Encyclopedia.pdf

6.2 MB

Creagh&Bradley (eds) - Physical Techniques in the Study of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage vol 1.pdf

3.2 MB

Creagh&Bradley (eds) - Physical Techniques in the Study of Art, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage vol 2.pdf

6.0 MB

Creagh&Bradley - Radiation in Art and Archeometry.pdf

35.3 MB

Creighton - Coins and Power in late Iron Age Britain.pdf

8.4 MB

Croes - The Hoko River Archaeological Site Complex.rar

17.8 MB

Cronyn - The Elements of Archaeological Conservation.pdf

20.7 MB

Crouch - Geology and Settlement ~ Greco-Roman Patterns.pdf

6.4 MB

Crouch - Water Management in Ancient Greek Cities.pdf

29.6 MB

Crowfoot et al - Medieval Finds from Excavations in London - Textiles and Clothing.pdf

36.3 MB

Curet et al (eds) - Dialogues in Cuban Archaeology.pdf

1.8 MB

Curta - The Making of the Slavs ~ History and Archaeology of the Lower Danube Region 500-700.pdf

10.0 MB

Cutler&Papaconstantinou (eds) - The material and the Ideal ~ Essays in Medieval Art and Archaeology in Honour of J-M Spieser.pdf

7.4 MB

D'Altroy et al - Empire and Domestic Economy.pdf

6.5 MB

Dahmen - The Legend of Alexander the Great on Greek and Roman Coins.pdf

5.5 MB

Dalglish - Rural Society in the Age of Reason ~ An Archaeology of the Emergence of Modern Life in the Southern Scottish Highlands.pdf

4.1 MB

Daniell - Death and Burial in Medieval England 1066-1550.pdf

5.6 MB

Daniels&David - The Archaeology Workbook.rar

2.5 MB

Dark - Theoretical Archaeology.pdf

92.9 MB

Darvill - Prehistoric Britain.pdf

10.9 MB

Daviau et al - Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan ~ vol 1 The Iron Age Town.pdf

10.1 MB

Daviau et al - Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan ~ vol 2 The Iron Age Artefacts.pdf

3.3 MB

David&Driver - The Next Archaeology Workbook.rar

1.7 MB

Davies - The Aztec Empire.rar

822.0 KB

Davies - The Incas.rar

798.0 KB

Davis - The Archaeology of Animals.pdf

122.0 MB

Davis-Kimball et al (eds) - Nomads of the Eurasian Steppes in the Early Iron Age.pdf

36.6 MB

Davison - Conservation and Restoration of Glass (2nd edition).pdf

27.3 MB

De Cardi - Excavations at Bampur, a Third Millenium Settlement in Persian Baluchistan, 1966.pdf

47.4 MB

Deagan&Cruxent - The Archaeology at La Isabella ~ America's First European Town.pdf

16.0 MB

Deal - Pottery Ethnoarchaeology in the Central Maya Highlands.rar

3.0 MB

Deger-Jalkotzy&Lemos (eds) - Ancient Greece 1 From the Mycenaean Palaces to the Age of Homer.pdf

25.9 MB

Deger-Jalkotzy&Zavadil (eds) - LHIII C Chronology and Synchronisms ~ LH III C Middle.pdf

14.0 MB

Dellino-Musgrave - Maritime Archaeology and Social Relations ~ British action in the Southern Hemisphere.pdf

2.5 MB

Delougaz - Pottery from the Diyala Region.pdf

73.9 MB

Dent - Chesapeake Prehistory ~ Old Traditions, New Directions.pdf

21.1 MB

Dey - Qualitative Data Analysis ~ A user-friendly guide for social scientists.pdf

2.5 MB

Di Cosmo - Ancient China and Its Enemies ~ The rise of a nomadic power in East Asian history.pdf

4.5 MB

Diaz-Andreu - A World History of 19th Century Archaeology ~ Nationalism, Colonialism and the Past.pdf

4.7 MB

Diaz-Andreu&Sorensen (eds) - Excavating Women ~ A history of women in European archaeology.pdf

9.7 MB

Dickinson - The Aegean from Bronze Age to Iron Age.pdf

4.0 MB

Dillehay - Monuments, Empires and Resistance.pdf

7.5 MB

Dillmann et al (eds) - Corrosion of Metallic Heritage Artefacts ~ Investigation, conservation and prediction for long-term behaviour.pdf

15.5 MB

Dixon - Childhood, Class and Kin in the Roman World.pdf

2.1 MB

Domenech-Carbo et al - Electrochemical Methods in Archaeometry, Conservation and Restoration.pdf

14.0 MB

Dorge&Howlett (eds) - Painted Wood ~ History and Conservation.pdf

24.6 MB

Dorman&Bryan (eds) - Sacred Space and Sacred Function in Ancient Thebes.pdf

7.9 MB

Douglas&Winterhalder (eds) - Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.pdf

3.9 MB

Dransart - Eart, Water, Fleece and Fabric ~ An ethnography and archaeology of Andean camelid herding.pdf

5.9 MB

Drewett - Field Archaeology ~ An introduction.pdf

10.3 MB

Drews - Early Riders ~ The beginnings of mounted warfare in Asia and Europe.pdf

3.2 MB

Drews - The End Of The Bronze Age.pdf

57.1 MB

Duke - Beyond Subsistence~Plains Archaeology and the Postprocessual Critique.rar

1.6 MB

Duke&Matlock - Points, Pithouses, and Pioneers.rar

1.1 MB

Duncan - The Ceramics of Raquira, Colombia.rar

1.5 MB

Dunsworth - Human Origins.pdf

2.7 MB

Dupras et al - Forensic Recovery of Human Remains ~ Archaeological approaches.pdf

4.9 MB

Dupree - Deh Morasi Ghundai - A Chalcolithic Site in South-Central Afghanistan.pdf

29.0 MB

Durbin - Architectural Tiles ~ Conservation and Restoration.pdf

5.7 MB

Dyson (ed) - COmparative Studies in the Archaeology of Colonialism.pdf

22.4 MB

Dyson - In Pursuit of Ancient Pasts ~ A history of classical archaeology in the 19th and 20th centuries.pdf

1.0 MB

Eastaugh et al - The Pigment Compendium ~ A dictionary of historical pigments.pdf

4.3 MB

Eastman&Rodning (eds) - Archaeological Studies of Gender in the Southeastern United States.pdf

2.6 MB

Edmonds - Ancestral Geographies of the Neolithic.pdf

8.3 MB

Edmonds - Stone Tools and Society ~ Working stone in Neolithic and Bronze Age Britain.pdf

10.5 MB

Edwards - The Nubian Past - The Archaeology of Sudan.pdf

7.0 MB

Edwards et al (eds) - History of the Middle East and the Aegean Region, c 1380-1000 BC (Cambridge Ancient History).pdf

72.2 MB

Edwards et al (eds) - Sensible Objects ~ Colonialism, Museums and Material Culture.pdf

2.2 MB

Effros - Merovingian Mortuary Archaeology and the Making of the Early Middle Ages.pdf

8.4 MB

Ehlers&Gibbard - Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology - Europe.pdf

54.9 MB

Ellenblum - Crusader Castles and Modern Histories.pdf

2.9 MB

Evans - Environmental Archaeology and the Social Order.pdf

15.4 MB

Evans&Daly (eds) - Digital Archaeology ~ Bridging method and theory.pdf

4.7 MB

Fahlander&Oestigaard - Material Culture and Other Things ~ Post-disciplinary Studies in the 21st Century.pdf

59.3 MB

Fahlander&Oestigaard - The Materiality of Death.pdf

40.2 MB

Fairservis - Archaeological Studies in Seistan Basin of Southwestern Afghanistan and Eastern Iran.pdf

52.0 MB

Falkenhausen - Suspended Music ~ Chime-bells in the Culture of Bronze Age China.rar

4.0 MB

Fawcett(ed) - Historic Floors ~ Their Care and Conservation.pdf

8.1 MB

Feilden - Conservation of Historic Buildings (3rd edition).pdf

6.0 MB

Feinman&Price (eds) - Archaeology at the Millenium A Sourcebook.pdf

10.4 MB

Felten et al (eds) - Middle Helleadic Pottery and Synchronisms.pdf

24.3 MB

Feng - Landscape and Power in Early China.pdf

13.7 MB

Fforde et al (eds) - The Dead and Their Possessions.pdf

13.2 MB

Finlayson - Neanderthals and Modern Humans ~ An ecological and evolutuionary perspective.pdf

1.8 MB

Fischetti - Structural Investigation of Historic Buildings.pdf

11.6 MB

Fitzsimmons - Death and the Classic Maya Kings.pdf

5.5 MB

Fomenko - Empirico-Satistical Analysis of Narrative Material and its Application to Historical Dating ~ Development of the statistical tools.djvu

3.3 MB

Forsythe - A Critical History of Early Rome ~ From prehistory to the first Punic war.pdf

2.5 MB

Foster - Archaeology of the Lower Muskogee Creek Indians, 1715-1836.pdf

2.3 MB

Fowden - Qusayr 'Amra ~ Art and the Umayyad elite in Late Antique Syria.pdf

6.0 MB

Fowler - The Archaeology of Personhood ~ An anthropological approach.pdf

2.0 MB

Fowler - The Cultural Evolution of Ancient Nahua Civilizations.rar

1.4 MB

Fox - Archaeology, History, and Custer's Last Battle.rar

2.4 MB

France - Human and Non-Human Bone Identification ~ A color atlas.pdf

74.8 MB

French - The Periglacial Environment.pdf

15.4 MB

Friedrich - Proto-Indo-European Trees ~ The Arboreal System of a Prehistoric People.pdf

18.3 MB

Funari et al (eds) - Historical Archaeology.pdf

9.9 MB

Funari et al - Global Archaeological Theory ~ Contextual Voices and Contemporary Thoughts.pdf

4.0 MB

Galaty&Watkinson (eds) - Archaeology Under Dictatorship.pdf

13.6 MB

Galor et al (eds) - Qumran ~ The site of the Dead Sea Scrolls - Archaeological Interpretations and Debates.pdf

8.3 MB

Gamble - Archaeology ~ The Basics.pdf

2.3 MB

Gamble - Origins and Revolutions ~ Human identity in earliest prehistory.pdf

4.1 MB

Gamble - The Chumash World at European Contact ~ Power, trade and feasting among complex hunter-gatherers.pdf

1.9 MB

Gamble&Porr - The Hominid Individual in Context ~ Archaeological investigations of Lower and Middle Paleolithic landscapes, locales and artefacts.pdf

11.3 MB

Gardner - Parthian Coinage.djvu

2.8 MB

Gathercole&Lowenthal (eds) - The Politics of the Past (One World Archaeology).pdf

12.7 MB

Gathercole&Lowenthal (eds) - The Politics of the Past.pdf

12.7 MB

Gazin-Schwartz&Holtorf (eds) - Archaeology and Folklore.pdf

9.3 MB

Gerrard - Medieval Archaeology ~ Understanding Traditions and Contemporary Approaches.pdf

7.4 MB

Gerritsen - Local Identities ~ Landscape and Community in the Late Prehistoric Meuse-Demer-Scheldt Region.pdf

5.7 MB

Gilchrist - Gender and Archaeology.pdf

55.4 MB

Gillespie et al - The Quaternary Period in the United States.pdf

22.6 MB

Given - The Archaeology of the Colonized.pdf

4.0 MB

Gledhill et al (eds) - State and Society ~ The emergence and development of social hierarchy and political centralization.pdf

3.2 MB

Goette - Athens Attica and the Megarid.pdf

38.8 MB

Goffer - Archaeological Chemistry.pdf

4.3 MB

Golden&Borgstede (eds) - Continuities and Changes in Maya Archaeology ~ Perspectives at the Millenium.pdf

3.3 MB

Goode - Negotiating for the Past ~ Archaeology, nationalism and diplomacy in the Middle East 1919-1941.pdf

5.4 MB

Goodwin - An Archaeology of Manners ~ The polite world of the merchant elite of colonial Massachusetts.pdf

3.5 MB

Gordon Childe - The Bronze Age (1930).pdf

13.7 MB

Gordon Childe - The Most Ancient Near East ~ The oriental prelude to European prehistory (1929).pdf

11.4 MB

Gordon&Malone - The Texture of Industry ~ An archaeological view of the industrialization of North America.pdf

48.6 MB

Gornitz (ed) - Encyclopedia of Paleoclimatology and Ancient Environments.pdf

42.4 MB

Gosden - Anthropology and Archaeology ~ A changing relationship.pdf

2.3 MB

Gosden&Hather (eds) - The Prehistory of Food.pdf

8.9 MB

Grandjouan - Hellenistic Relief Molds from the Athenian Agora.pdf

9.0 MB

Grant et al - The Archaeology Coursebook.pdf

36.5 MB

Grayson - Quantitative Zooarchaeology.pdf

6.1 MB

Greaves - Miletos ~ A history.pdf

3.3 MB

Green - Maritime Archaeology ~ A Technical Handbook.pdf

9.5 MB

Green&Scott - Finding Sand Creek ~ History Archaeology and the 1864 Massacre Site.pdf

2.8 MB

Greene - Archaeology ~ An introduction.pdf

6.0 MB

Grew&Neergaard - Medieval Finds from Excavations in London - Shoes and Patterns.pdf

19.5 MB

Grieder et al - Art and Archaeology of Challuabamba, Ecuador.pdf

5.9 MB

Griffin - 50 Years of Southeastern Archaeology.rar

586.7 KB

Groot - Animals in Ritual and Economy in a Roman Frontier Community.pdf

8.2 MB

Groover - An Archaeological Study of Rural Capitalism and Material Life ~ The Gibbs farmstead in Southern Appalachia 1790-1920.pdf

12.4 MB

Grumet - Historic Contact ~ Indian People and Colonists.rar

7.0 MB

Grummond&Simon (eds) - The Religion of the Etruscans.pdf

11.5 MB

Guernsey - Ritual and Power in Stone ~ The performance of rulership in Mesoamerican Izapan style art.pdf

33.1 MB

Guilaine&Zammit - The Origins of War ~ Violence in Prehistory.pdf

9.8 MB

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Henderson - The Atlantic Iron Age ~ Settlement and identity in the first millenium BC.pdf

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Hirth - Archaeological Research At Xochicalco vol 1.rar

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Holliday - Soils in Archaeological Research.pdf

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Hughes - Human Sacrifice in Ancient Greece.pdf

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Hutton - The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles.pdf

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Janusek - Identity and Power in the Ancient Andes.pdf

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Jin et al (eds) - Genetic, Linguistic and Archaeological Perspectives on Human Diversity in Southeast Asia.pdf

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Johnson - Remote Sensing in Archaeology.pdf

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Johnson - The Development of Southeastern Archaeology.rar

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Jones Hall - Roman Berytus ~ Beirut in Late Antiquity.pdf

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Juma - Unguja Ukuu on Zanzibar ~ An archaeological study of early urbanism.pdf

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Keppie - Understanding Roman inscriptions.pdf

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Killion - Gardens of Prehistory ~ The Archaeology of Settlement Agriculture in Mesoamerica.rar

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Kipfer - Dictionary of Artifacts.pdf

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Klawans - Reading and Dating Roman Imperial Coins.pdf

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Koontz et al - Landscape and Power in Ancient Mesoamerica.pdf

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Kooyman - Understanding Stone Tools and Archaeological Sites.rar

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Kowtko - Nature and the Environment in Pre-Columbian American Life.pdf

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Krause - The Clay Sleeps ~ An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Three African Potters.rar

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Kristiansen&Rowlands - Social Transformations in Archaeology ~ Global and Local Perspectives.pdf

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Kroll - The Athenian Agora ~ Greek Coins.pdf

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Kuijt (ed) - Life in Neolithic Farming Communities.pdf

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Lackey - The Pottery of Acatlan ~ A Changing Mexican Tradition.rar

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Lammers-Keijers - Tracing Traces from Present to Past ~ A functional analysis of pre-Columbian shell and stone artefacts.pdf

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Lange - Precolumbian Jade ~ New Geological and Cultural Interpretations.rar

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Lavell - Handbook for British and Irish Archaeology.rar

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Lewis - The Bioarchaeology of Children.pdf

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Malpass - Provincial Inca~Archaeological and Ethnohistorical Assessment.rar

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Mays - The Archaeology of Human Bones.pdf

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Mazrim - The Sangamo Frontier ~ History and archaeology in the shadow of Lincoln.pdf

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McCarthy - Iron and Steamship Archaeology.pdf

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McGuire - Archaeology as a Political Action.pdf

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Means - Circular Villages of the Monongahela Tradition.pdf

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Menotti - Living on the Lake in Prehistoric Europe.pdf

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Michelle - The Archaeology of Regional Interaction.rar

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Nelson (ed) - The Archaeology of Northeast China ~ Beyond the Great Wall.pdf

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Noble - Neolithic Scotland ~ Timber, stone, earth and fire.pdf

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O'Brien - Changing Perspectives On the Archaeology of the Central Mississippi River Valley.rar

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O'Brien&Lyman - Seriation, Stratigraphy and Index Fossils ~ The backbone of archaeological dating.pdf

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O'Connor - The Archaeology of Animal Bones.pdf

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Oakley - Kinship ~ The Politics of Enchantment.pdf

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Ottaway - Archaeology in British Towns.pdf

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Parkins&Smith - Trade, Traders and the Ancient City.pdf

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Patterson - Landscapes and Cities ~ Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy.pdf

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Patterson - Marx's Ghost ~ Conversations with Archaeologists.pdf

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Patton - Islands in Time ~ Island sociogeography and Mediterranean prehistory.pdf

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Pearson&Richards - Architecture and Order ~ Approaches to Social Space.pdf

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Pearson&Shanks - Theatre - Archaeology.pdf

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Phillipson - African Archaeology (third edition).pdf

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Pollard&Heron - Archaeological Chemistry.pdf

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Reitz et al (eds) - Case Studies in Environmental Archaeology.pdf

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Retallack - Soils of the Past ~ Introduction to paleopedology.pdf

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Rhodes&Osborne (eds) - Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323 BC.pdf

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Rice - Egypt's Making ~ The origins of Ancient Egypt 5000-2000 BC.pdf

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Rice - The Archaeology of the Arabian Gulf.pdf

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Righter - The Tutu Archaeological Village Site ~ A multidisciplinary case study in human adaptation.pdf

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Robb - The Early Mediterranean Village ~ Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy.pdf

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Roberts - Landscapes of Settlement ~ Prehistory to Present.pdf

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Roberts&Buikstra - The Bioarchaeology of Tuberculosis.pdf

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Robertson et al (eds) - Space and Spatial Analysis in Archaeology.pdf

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Robinson - The Athenian Agora ~ Pottery of the Roman Period.pdf

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Rockman&Steele (eds) - Colonization of Unfamiliar Landscapes ~ The archaeology of adaptation.pdf

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Rodgers - The Archaeologist's Manual for Conservation ~ A guide to non-toxic, minimal intervention artifact stabilization.pdf

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Romancuk - Studien zur Geschichte und Archäologie des Byzantinischen Cherson.pdf

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Rosen&Sluiter - City, Countryside, and the Spatial Organization of Value in Classical Antiquity.pdf

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Rostovtzeff - Iranians and Greeks in South Russia (1922).pdf

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Rotroff - The Athenian Agora - Hellenistic Pottery vol 1.pdf

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Rotroff - The Athenian Agora - Hellenistic Pottery vol 2.pdf

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Scarre - Monuments and Landscape in Atlantic Europe ~ Perception and society during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.pdf

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