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Arjun Appadurai Suvarnacollection


Arjun Appadurai - Suvarnacollection


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(Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology) Arjun Appadurai-The Social Life of Things_ Commodities in Cultural Perspective - Cambridge.pdf

39.8 MB

Arjun Appadurai-Modernity at Large_ Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Public Worlds, V. 1) -University of Minnesota Press (1996).pdf

12.4 MB

(a Public Culture Book) Arjun Appadurai, Achille Mbembe, Philippe Rekacewicz, Andreas Huyssen, Boubacar Touré Mandémory-Globalization -Duke University Press Books (2001).djvu

8.5 MB

(Cambridge South Asian Studies) Arjun Appadurai-Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule_ A South Indian Case -Cambridge University Press (1981).pdf

6.5 MB

Arjun Appadurai-Modernity at Large_ Cultural Dimensions of Globalization (Public Worlds, V. 1) (1996).djvu

4.9 MB

Arjun Appadurai-Fear of Small Numbers_ An Essay on the Geography of Anger (2006).pdf

4.8 MB

(Public Words 1) Arjun Appadurai-Modernity at Large_ Cultural Dimensions of Globalization -Univesity of Minnesota Press (1996).pdf

2.1 MB

Arjun Appadurai-Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule_ A South Indian Case (Cambridge South Asian Studies) (1981).djvu

1.9 MB

Arjun Appadurai, Frank J. Korom, Margaret Ann Mills-Gender, genre, and power in South Asian expressive traditions-University of Pennsylvania Press (1991).epub

1.1 MB


Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Off-White.pdf

9.3 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Burning Questions Arson and Other Public Works in Bombay.pdf

5.8 MB

Arjun Appadurai et al - The Female Lingam Interchangeable Symbols and Paradoxical Associations of Hindu Gods andGoddesses [and Comments and Reply].pdf

5.1 MB

Review by Arjun Appadurai - How Moral Is South Asia's Economy--A Review Article.pdf

2.8 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - The Heart of Whiteness.pdf

1.8 MB

Arjun Appadurai - Grassroots Globalization and Research Imagination.pdf

1.8 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - The Past as a Scarce Resource.pdf

1.7 MB

Review - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

1.3 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Illusion of Permanence Interview with Arjun Appadurai by Perspecta 34.pdf

1.2 MB

Review by E. Paul Durrenberger - Modernity at Large Cultural Dimensions of Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

1.2 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Gratitude as a Social Mode in South India.pdf

1.1 MB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai and Philipe Sicard - Savoir, circulation et biographie collective.pdf

1.0 MB

Review by Fernando Escalante Gonzalbo - Fear of Small Numbers. An Essay on the Geography of Anger by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

647.8 KB

Review by Jennifer Hasae - Modernity at large. Cultural dimensions of globalization] by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

643.3 KB

Review by Lawrence A. Babb - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case. by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

632.9 KB

Review by Keith P. Luria - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

620.7 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Brandeis An Example of US Student Revolution.pdf

604.4 KB

Author(s) Robert Layton, Gilbert Manley, Olivia Harris, Susann Palmer and Arjun Appadurai - Letters.pdf

576.5 KB

Review by Peter Flügel - The Social Life of Things. Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

575.2 KB

Review by James Ferguson - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

564.4 KB

Review by Jean-Yves Grenier - The Social Life of Things. Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

553.9 KB

Review by Hans Voges - Modernity at Large. Cultural Dimensions of Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

517.3 KB

Review by Ida Susser - Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

511.0 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - How to Make a National Cuisine Cookbooks in Contemporary India.pdf

506.8 KB

Review by Arjun Appadurai - The Cult of the Goddess Pattini. by Gananath Obeyesekere.pdf

500.8 KB

Review by J. P. Parry - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective. by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

497.1 KB

Review by Kathryn Hansen - Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions. by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J.Korom and Margaret A. Mills.pdf

489.8 KB

Review by Laura Pearl - Fear of Small Numbers An Essay on the Geography of Anger by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

458.7 KB

Review by Catherine Champion - Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions.)by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J. Korom and Margaret A. Mills.pdf

442.8 KB

Arjun Appadurai - Harassment of Ashis Nandy.pdf

439.9 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Gastro-Politics in Hindu South Asia.pdf

436.6 KB

Review by Imogen Bunting - Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

434.4 KB

Arjun Appadurai - Gastro-Politics in Hindu South Asia.pdf

433.7 KB

Review by Mary Hancock - Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J.Korom and Margaret A. Mills.pdf

432.1 KB

Review by Arjun Appadurai - Is Homo Hierarchicus.pdf

420.7 KB

Review by Pauline Kolenda - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

411.4 KB

Review by Gijsbert Oonk - Modernity at Large Cultural Dimensions of Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

409.7 KB

Review by Neil L. Whitehead - Fear of Small Numbers An Essay on the Geography of Anger by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

406.4 KB

Review by Kathleen Ryan - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

404.7 KB

Review by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

399.9 KB

Review by Maya Unnithan - Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions. by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

383.0 KB

Review by Martin J. Murray - Johannesburg The Elusive Metropolis by Achille Mbembe, Sarah Nuttall, Arjun Appadurai andCarol A. Breckinridge.pdf

379.5 KB

Review by C. J. Fuller - Worship and Conflict Under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

353.2 KB

Review by Thomas Borchert - In the Place of Origins Modernity and Its Mediums in Northern Thailand by Arjun Appadurai et al.pdf

339.0 KB

Review by D. A. de Zoysa - Modernity at Large Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

337.7 KB

Review by Sergio Fielder - Modernity at Large Cultural Dimensions of Globalization by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

333.9 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Putting Hierarchy in Its Place.pdf

321.0 KB

Arjun Appadurai - Democarcy Urban Governmentality and The Horizon of Politics.pdf

315.4 KB

Review by G. A. Oddie - Under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

300.5 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Obituary Thomas Antony Zwicker (1957-1985).pdf

289.2 KB

Review by Albert J. Schmidt - The Social Life of Things Commodities in Cultural Perspective by Arjun Appadurai Victorian Things by Asa Briggs.pdf

214.7 KB

Review by Ward Keeler - Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J.Korom and Margaret A. Mills.pdf

202.3 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Broken Promises.pdf

177.4 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Theory in Anthropology Center and Periphery.pdf

174.3 KB

Review by Arjun Appadurai - Contributions to South Asian Studies 1 by Gopal Krishna.pdf

170.1 KB

Review by Michael Moffatt - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

158.2 KB

Review by James D. McNamara - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

157.4 KB

Author(s) Arjun Appadurai - Introduction Place and Voice in Anthropological Theory.pdf

157.0 KB

Review by Richard K. Wolf - Gender, Genre and Power in South Asian Expressive Traditions by Arjun Appadurai, Frank J.Korom and Margaret A. Mills.pdf

156.7 KB

Review by Ashim Kumar Roy - Worship and Conflict under Colonial Rule A South Indian Case by Arjun Appadurai.pdf

155.7 KB

Review by Arjun Appadurai - Understanding Green Revolutions Agrarian Change and Development Planning in South Asia byTim Bayliss-Smith and Sudhir Wanmali.pdf

119.7 KB

Arjun Appadurai - Dead Certainty Ethnic Violence in the Era of Globalization.pdf

108.4 KB


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