
Download Aspect, Alain - Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022 (3 books)

Aspect Alain Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 books


Aspect, Alain - Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022 (3 books)

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_Alain Aspect (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022).txt

1.9 KB

_CV (updated March 2012).pdf

175.8 KB

_Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022 - Press Release.pdf

218.7 KB


0.5 KB

/Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers [ed.]/

Aspect, Alain [ed.] - Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers (Kluwer, 2002).jpg

69.1 KB

Aspect, Alain [ed.] - Bose-Einstein Condensates and Atom Lasers (Kluwer, 2002).pdf

7.5 MB

/Introduction to Quantum Optics [with Grynberg & Fabre]/

Aspect, Alain - Introduction to Quantum Optics (Cambridge, 2010).jpg

89.9 KB

Aspect, Alain - Introduction to Quantum Optics (Cambridge, 2010).pdf

4.7 MB

/Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling [with Bardou et al.]/

Aspect, Alain - Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling (Cambridge, 2002).jpg

197.8 KB

Aspect, Alain - Lévy Statistics and Laser Cooling (Cambridge, 2002).pdf

1.8 MB

/Miscellaneous Papers/

A Bose-Einstein Condensate of Metastable Atoms (2001).pdf

213.5 KB

A focussing funnel for metastable helium (1999).pdf

631.0 KB

A New Light on Single Photon Interferences (1986).pdf

425.4 KB

A quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms (2010).pdf

434.1 KB

A reflection grating for atoms at normal incidence (1997).pdf

382.8 KB

About resonant scattering and other hypothetical effects... (1985).pdf

216.0 KB

Absolute measurement of an atomic cascade rate using a two photon... (1980).pdf

448.7 KB

All-optical cooling of 39K to Bose-Einstein condensation (2014).pdf

348.9 KB

All-optical runaway evaporation to Bose-Einstein condensation (2009).pdf

157.2 KB

An atom interferometer for measuring loss of coherence... (2004).pdf

219.6 KB

An Atomic Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiment (2015).pdf

1.1 MB

An oscillator circuit to produce a radio-frequency discharge... (2012).pdf

826.9 KB

Anderson Localization of Bogolyubov Quasiparticles in Interacting... (2007).pdf

410.5 KB

Anderson Localization of Expanding Bose-Einstein Condensates... (2007).pdf

249.3 KB

Anderson localization of matter waves in tailored disordered potentials (2012).pdf

1.2 MB

Anderson localization of matter-waves in optical speckle (2009).pdf

191.6 KB

Anderson localization of ultracold atoms (2009).pdf

1.7 MB

Anisotropic 2D Diffusive Expansion of Ultracold Atoms... (2010).pdf

695.7 KB

Atom chips in the real world (2005).pdf

442.0 KB

Atom Laser Divergence (2001).pdf

279.6 KB

Atom optics_ from basic science to applications (1997).pdf

366.4 KB

Atomic diffraction by a thin phase grating (1994).pdf

1.1 MB

Atomic Hong–Ou–Mandel experiment (2015).pdf

530.7 KB

Atomic Interference in Grazing Incidence Diffraction... (1998).pdf

132.1 KB

Atomic Transport in an Optical Lattice (1996).pdf

121.1 KB

Beam Quality of a Nonideal Atom Laser (2006).pdf

315.9 KB

Bell's Theorem_ The Naive View of an Experimentalist (2002).pdf

1.1 MB

Bell’s Inequality Test_ More Ideal Than Ever (1999).pdf

222.4 KB

Channeling Atoms in a Laser Standing Wave (1987).pdf

671.8 KB

Closing the Door on Einstein and Bohr’s Quantum Debate (2015).pdf

286.5 KB

Coherence length of an elongated condensate (2005).pdf

269.1 KB

Coherence properties of a two-dimensional trapped Bose gas... (2011).pdf

369.6 KB

Coherent Back Scattering and Anderson Localization... (2013).pdf

161.4 KB

Coherent Backscattering of Ultracold Atoms (2012).pdf

688.8 KB

Coherent matter wave inertial sensors for precision measurements in space (2012).pdf

435.2 KB

Colour centres in Diamond as Practical Single-Photon Sources (2006).pdf

126.1 KB

Comparison of the Hanbury Brown–Twiss effect for bosons and fermions (2007).pdf

269.4 KB

Cooling Atoms with Stimulated Emission (1986).pdf

916.8 KB

Critical Temperature of a Trapped, Weakly Interacting Bose Gas (2004).pdf

117.1 KB

De l’article d’Einstein Podolsky et Rosen à l’information quantique (2005).pdf

1.2 MB

Delayed-Choice Test of Quantum Complementarity with Interfering Single Photons (2008).pdf

307.0 KB

Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate... (2008).pdf

204.0 KB

Diffuse atomic reflection at a rough mirror (1997).pdf

373.5 KB

Direct observation of Anderson localization of matter waves... (2008).pdf

477.8 KB

Disorder-induced trapping versus Anderson localization in Bose–Einstein... (2008).pdf

1.4 MB

Effect of a bias field on disordered waveguides (2017).pdf

426.3 KB

Effect of disorder close to the superfluid transition in a two-dimensional... (2012).pdf

383.3 KB

Electomagnet trap for cold atoms (1998).pdf

84.6 KB

Electric field selectivity and multiplexing of volume holograms... (2000).pdf

122.1 KB

Expansion of a quantum wave packet in a one-dimensional disordered... (2018).pdf

1.4 MB

Experimental and MCHF isotope shifts of strongly perturbed levels... (1991).pdf

1.7 MB

Experimental and theoretical isotope shifts of strontium levels (1984).pdf

615.0 KB

Experimental Evidence for a Photon Anticorrelation Effect... (1986).pdf

566.2 KB

Experimental Realization of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Gedankenexperiment (1982).pdf

314.7 KB

Experimental Realization of Wheeler's Delayed-Choice Gedanken Experiment (2007).pdf

263.6 KB

Experimental study of coupling Bose–Einstein condensates into weakly... (2001).pdf

203.2 KB

Experimental study of the thermodynamics of an interacting trapped... (2004).pdf

411.8 KB

Experimental study of the transport of coherent interacting matter-waves... (2006).pdf

780.9 KB

Experimental Test of Bell's Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers (1982).pdf

292.9 KB

Experimental Tests of Realistic Local Theories via Bell's Theorem (1981).pdf

325.2 KB

Fast production of Bose-Einstein condensates of metastable helium (2015).pdf

292.8 KB

Feedback Control of Trapped Coherent Atomic Ensembles (2013).pdf

539.8 KB

Foreword to "Quantum Chance" (2014).pdf

135.6 KB

From Einstein, Bohr, Schrödinger to Bohr and Feynman (2013).pdf

322.1 KB

From Huygens' waves to Einstein's photons (2017).pdf

1.4 MB

Generation and detection of squeezed states of light by nondegenerate... (1985).pdf

776.9 KB

Generation of squeezed states of light with a fiber-optic ring interferometer (1986).pdf

1.9 MB

Getting the Elastic Scattering Length by Observing Inelastic Collisions... (2004).pdf

421.7 KB

Gray-molasses cooling of 39 K to a high phase-space density (2013).pdf

368.4 KB

Guided Quasicontinuous Atom Laser (2006).pdf

301.5 KB

Hanbury Brown and Twiss Bunching of Phonons and of the Quantum... (2020).pdf

701.6 KB

Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations in atoms scattered from colliding... (2008).pdf

193.5 KB

Impressionist views of quantum enginees (1991).pdf

2.4 MB

Influence of gold coating and interplate voltage on the performance... (2013).pdf

1.1 MB

Interrupted evaporative cooling of 87 Rb atoms trapped... (1999).pdf

122.1 KB

Ionization Rates in a Bose-Einstein Condensate of Metastable Helium (2002).pdf

129.8 KB

John Bell and the Second Quantum Revolution (2003).pdf

6.0 MB

Joint measurements of spin, operational locality, and uncertainty (2005).pdf

101.2 KB

Laser Cooling below the One-Photon Recoil Energy by Velocity-Selective... (1989).pdf

1.7 MB

Laser Light_ Another Path to Ultra-low Temperatures (1991).pdf

40.2 KB

Laser Manipulation of Neutral Atoms (1995).pdf

1.1 MB

Light-shift tomography in an optical-dipole trap for neutral atoms (2008).pdf

293.7 KB

Linear Momentum Conservation in Coherent Population Trapping (1990).pdf

743.5 KB

Localization of a matter wave packet in a disordered potential (2011).pdf

241.1 KB

Magnetic trapping of metastable helium atoms (2000).pdf

94.0 KB

Magnetically assisted Sisyphus effect (1993).pdf

1.3 MB

Magneto-Optical Trapping of Metastable Helium (1992).pdf

468.3 KB

Manipulation of neutral atoms. Experiments (1992).pdf

2.8 MB

Measurement of Spectral Functions of Ultracold Atoms in Disordered Potentials (2018).pdf

1.0 MB

Measurement of the van der Waals Force in an Atomic Mirror (1996).pdf

170.4 KB

Mechanical Hanle effect (1991).pdf

950.8 KB

Mode-Coupling Control in Resonant Devices (2006).pdf

209.1 KB

Momentum distribution and correlation function of quasicondensates (2003).pdf

63.8 KB

Momentum Spectroscopy of 1D Phase Fluctuations in Bose-Einstein Condensates (2003).pdf

204.0 KB

Momentum-Resolved Observation of Thermal and Quantum Depletion... (2016).pdf

467.0 KB

Momentum-Space Atom Correlations in a Mott Insulator (2019).pdf

1.4 MB

Multifrequency evaporative cooling to Bose-Einstein condensation... (2000).pdf

90.3 KB

New Physics with Evanescent Wave Atomic Mirrors (1998).pdf

123.2 KB

Nondestructive detection of atoms bouncing on an evanescent wave (1995).pdf

307.6 KB

Nonlinear scattering of atomic bright solitons in disorder (2017).pdf

711.0 KB

Observation of Atom Pairs in Spontaneous Four-Wave Mixing... (2007).pdf

1.1 MB

Observation of intensity correlations in the fluorescence from laser cooled atoms (1995).pdf

532.5 KB

Observation of Photon Antibunching in Phase-Matched Multiatom... (1986).pdf

898.6 KB

Observations of Density Fluctuations in an Elongated Bose Gas (2006).pdf

260.3 KB

On the quantum nature of the Casimir-Polder interaction (2000).pdf

102.4 KB

One-dimensional Anderson localization in certain correlated random potentials (2009).pdf

322.6 KB

Optical detection of cold atoms without spontaneous emission (1999).pdf

198.6 KB

Optical reversibility theorems for polarization (1993).pdf

864.4 KB

Partially ferromagnetic electromagnet for trapping and cooling... (2005).pdf

815.5 KB

Phase Locking a Clock Oscillator to a Coherent Atomic Ensemble (2015).pdf

513.2 KB

Phase Locking an Atom Interferometer (2016).pdf

630.5 KB

Phase-Sensitive Measurements of Order Parameters for Ultracold Atoms... (2011).pdf

218.7 KB

Polarized atomic fluorescence following molecular photodissociation (1984).pdf

82.4 KB

Population and phase coherence during the growth of an elongated... (2007).pdf

401.3 KB

Preparation of a pure intense beam of metastable helium by laser cooling (1990).pdf

801.8 KB

Producing and Detecting Correlated Atoms (2006).pdf

4.6 MB

Production of strongly bound 39K bright solitons (2016).pdf

394.3 KB

Proposed experiment to test separable hidden-variable theories (1975).pdf

182.6 KB

Proposed experiment to test the nonseparability of quantum mechanics (1976).pdf

327.0 KB

Quantum atom optics with bosons and fermions (2008).pdf

436.7 KB

Quantum beats in continuously excited atomic cascades (1984).pdf

357.6 KB

Quantum Interference Effect for Two Atoms Radiating a Single Photon (1985).pdf

667.0 KB

Quantum Reflection (1996).pdf

481.2 KB

Quasi-continuous horizontally guided atom laser (2011).pdf

736.4 KB

Quasicontinuous Atom Laser in the Presence of Gravity (2001).pdf

255.4 KB

Reality and the Quantum Theory (1985).pdf

4.1 MB

Realizing a stable magnetic double-well potential on an atom chip (2005).pdf

227.7 KB

Recent Advances in Subrecoil Laser Cooling (1994).pdf

1.2 MB

Reflection of atoms from a dielectric wave guide (1994).pdf

1.1 MB

Regimes of classical transport of cold gases in a two-dimensional... (2011).pdf

2.3 MB

Resolved diffraction patterns from a reflection grating for atoms (2003).pdf

113.5 KB

Resonant enhancement of evanescent waves with a thin dielectric... (1994).pdf

543.5 KB

Role of wire imperfections in micromagnetic traps for atoms (2004).pdf

167.5 KB

Selective state spectroscopy and multifractality in disordered Bose-Einstein... (2018).pdf

1.8 MB

Single-photon wavefront-splitting interference (2005).pdf

502.2 KB

Smoothing a current-carrying atomic mirror (1999).pdf

194.0 KB

Specular Reflection of Matter Waves from a Rough Mirror (2002).pdf

146.0 KB

Specular versus diffuse reflection of atoms from an evanescent-wave mirror (1996).pdf

254.8 KB

Spontaneous light scattering from propagating density fluctuations... (1998).pdf

193.2 KB

Study of laser deceleration of an atomic beam by monitoring the fluorescence... (1989).pdf

368.8 KB

Sub-Poissonian Number Differences in Four-Wave Mixing of Matter Waves (2010).pdf

559.4 KB

Subrecoil laser cooling and Lévy flights (1994).pdf

265.0 KB

Suppression and Revival of Weak Localization through Control of... (2015).pdf

1.5 MB

Suppression of Transport of an Interacting Elongated Bose-Einstein... (2005).pdf

279.7 KB

Tapered-amplified antireflection-coated laser diodes for potassium... (2006).pdf

952.8 KB

Testing Bell’s Inequalities (1991).pdf

1.1 MB

The birth of wave mechanics (1923–1926) [2017].pdf

288.7 KB

The evolution of interacting quantum systems (2010).pdf

753.6 KB

The First Single-Photon Sources (2013).pdf

1.3 MB

The Hanbury Brown Twiss Effect for Atoms (2005).pdf

478.6 KB

Theoretical tools for atom-laser-beam propagation (2008).pdf

228.2 KB

Theory of atomic diffraction from evanescent waves (1999).pdf

240.8 KB

Thermalization of magnetically trapped metastable helium (2001).pdf

60.5 KB

Three-dimensional laser cooling at the Doppler limit (2014).pdf

305.2 KB

Three-dimensional localization of ultracold atoms... (2012).pdf

1.4 MB

Time Correlations between the Two Sidebands of the Resonance... (1980).pdf

272.2 KB

To Be or Not to Be Local (2007).pdf

163.9 KB

Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection and manipulation (2009).pdf

320.3 KB

Towards a monolithic optical cavity for atom detection... (2009).pdf

320.3 KB

Tunable source of correlated atom beams (2013).pdf

461.9 KB

Two body loss rate in a magneto-optical trap of metastable He (2000).pdf

201.3 KB

Two-Dimensional Subrecoil Laser Cooling (1994).pdf

393.8 KB

Two-Particle Four-Mode Interferometer for Atoms (2017).pdf

587.8 KB

Ultracold Bose Gases in 1D Disorder (2007).pdf

367.2 KB

Understanding the production of dual Bose-Einstein condensation... (2001).pdf

111.7 KB

Using atomic interference to probe atom-surface interactions (2000).pdf

208.6 KB

Wave-particle duality for single photons (1987).pdf

3.0 MB


Total files 177

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