
Download Bacon, Francis.333works sorted by decade[JPG][Hamgrey]

Bacon Francis 333works sorted by decade JPG Hamgrey


Bacon, Francis.333works sorted by decade[JPG][Hamgrey]


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23.2 MB

Total Files




/30's 40's/30-40/

Bacon Painting 1946 MOMA NY.JPG

187.6 KB

Bacon Portrait, 1932.jpg

39.4 KB

Bacon Self Portrait, 1930.jpg

35.6 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion.jpg

9.6 KB

/30's 40's/


62.9 KB


118.6 KB


67.6 KB

Bacon Crucifixion, 1933, Private.jpg

26.6 KB


61.8 KB

Bacon Figure in a Landscaspe, 1945.jpg

93.1 KB

Bacon Figure Study I, 1945-46.jpg

98.4 KB

Bacon Figure Study II, 1945-46.jpg

69.9 KB

Bacon Head I, 1949, Collection of Richard S, Zeisler, New Yo.jpg

21.8 KB

Bacon Head II, 1949.jpg

44.5 KB

Bacon Head III, 1949.jpg

63.2 KB

Bacon Head IV, 1949.jpg

37.8 KB

Bacon Head-VI 1949 Arts council of Great Britain, London.JPG

299.6 KB

Bacon Man at Curtain, 1949.jpg

33.0 KB

Bacon Portrait, 1949.jpg

69.0 KB

Bacon Study from the Human Body, 1949.jpg

26.1 KB

Bacon Untitled, 1944.jpg

68.3 KB


Bacon Hyllning till van Gogh, 1950-tal, Gbg konstmuseum.jpg

34.0 KB

BACON Innocentius efter Velázquez 1953 DES MOINES ART CENTER.JPG

206.0 KB

Bacon Landscape after Van Gogh, 1952.jpg

97.0 KB

Bacon Pope I, 1951.jpg

156.8 KB

Bacon Pope II, 1951.jpg

75.0 KB

Bacon Portrait X, 1957.jpg

37.0 KB

Bacon Study after Velazquez I, 1950, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, .jpg

98.4 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of Van Gogh I, 1957.jpg

82.4 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of Van Gogh II, 1957.jpg

127.1 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of Van Gogh VI, 1957.jpg

140.9 KB

Bacon Study for Landscape After Van Gogh I, 1956.jpg

11.3 KB

Bacon Van Gogh in a Landscape, 1957.jpg

66.3 KB


Bacon Chimpanzee, 1955.jpg

72.9 KB

BACON Crouching nude 1952 The Detroit Institute of Arts .JPG

233.9 KB

Bacon Crouching Nude on a Rail, 1952.jpg

118.9 KB

Bacon Dog I, 1952.jpg

29.1 KB

Bacon Dog II, 1952, 199 x 138 cm, Moma NY.jpg

83.8 KB

Bacon Dog III, 1952.jpg

64.0 KB

Bacon Elephant Fording a River, 1952.jpg

42.4 KB

Bacon Figure in a Landscaspe, 1956.jpg

47.9 KB

Bacon Figure in Frame, 1950.jpg

64.5 KB

Bacon Figure with Meat, 1954.jpg

55.6 KB

Bacon Fragment of a Crucifixion, 1955.jpg

81.6 KB

Bacon Man carrying a Child, 1956.jpg

26.1 KB

Bacon Man in Blue III, 1954.jpg

23.9 KB

Bacon Man in Blue IV, 1954.jpg

32.1 KB

Bacon Man kneeling in grass, 1952, 198 x 137 cm, Private.jpg

75.5 KB


157.8 KB

Bacon Owls, 1956.jpg

71.8 KB

Bacon Painting, 1950.jpg

56.1 KB

Bacon Portrait of Lucian Freud, 1951.jpg

59.9 KB

Bacon Reclining Figure, 1959.jpg

53.8 KB

Bacon Self Portrait, 1956.jpg

31.5 KB

Bacon Sphinx II, 1952.jpg

63.9 KB

Bacon Sphinx, 1954.jpg

64.3 KB

Bacon Study after Velazquez II, 1950, Tony Shafrazi Gallery,.jpg

106.8 KB

Bacon Study for a Crouching Nude, 1952.jpg

106.7 KB

Bacon Study for a nude, 1951, 198 x 137 cm, Private.jpg

88.1 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of a Man in Blue, 1952.jpg

73.6 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait, 1953.jpg

24.0 KB

Bacon Study for figure II, 1953-55.jpg

59.7 KB

Bacon Study for Landscape After Van Gogh V, 1957.jpg

129.1 KB

Bacon Study for Landscape After Van Gogh, 1957.jpg

93.4 KB

Bacon Study for Nude Figure, 1950.jpg

39.1 KB

Bacon Study for Nude, 1951.jpg

23.5 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait II, 1952.jpg

41.2 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait IV, 1952.jpg

44.6 KB

Bacon Study for the Head of a Screaming Pope, 1952.jpg

135.2 KB

Bacon Study for the Nurse in the film 'Battleship Potemkin',.jpg

10.1 KB

Bacon Study Imaginary Portrait of Pope Pius XII, 1955.jpg

19.0 KB

Bacon Study of a Baboon, 1952.jpg

52.8 KB

Bacon Study of a Nude, 1952-53.jpg

40.0 KB

Bacon Three studies of the Human Head center 1953.jpg

29.1 KB

Bacon Three studies of the Human Head left 1953.jpg

25.9 KB

Bacon Three studies of the Human Head right 1953.jpg

33.9 KB

Bacon Two Figures in a Room, 1959.jpg

35.3 KB

Bacon Two Figures in the Grass, 1950-53.jpg

20.7 KB

Bacon Two Figures in the Grass, 1954.jpg

63.3 KB

Bacon Two Figures, 1953.jpg

62.5 KB

Bacon Walking Figure, 1959-60.jpg

44.9 KB



12.3 KB


0.1 KB

Bacon Crucifixion, center panel, 1965.jpg

64.7 KB

Bacon Crucifixion, left panel, 1965.jpg

63.4 KB

Bacon Crucifixion, right panel, 1965.jpg

68.9 KB

Bacon Four Studies for a Self-Portrait, 1967.jpg

87.9 KB

Bacon Portrait of George Dyer in a Mirror,1968.jpg

60.4 KB

Bacon Portrait of George Dyer Talking, 1966.jpg

126.2 KB

Bacon Study for a Pope III, 1961.jpg

61.7 KB

Bacon Study for a Pope IV, 1961.jpg

59.4 KB

Bacon Study for a Pope VI, 1961.jpg

88.3 KB

Bacon Study for Bullfight No.1, second version, 1969.jpg

116.7 KB

Bacon Study for Bullfight, 1969.jpg

102.6 KB


Bacon 3 Studies for a Portr. incl. Self-Portr. 1969, center .jpg

79.5 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portr. incl. Self-Portr. 1969, left.jpg

62.6 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portr. incl. Self-Portr. 1969, right.jpg

71.2 KB

Bacon Figure Turning, 1962.jpg

61.5 KB

Bacon Head III, 1961.jpg

67.9 KB

Bacon Head IV, 1961.jpg

62.6 KB

Bacon Henrietta Moraes, 1969.jpg

47.0 KB

Bacon Lying Figure with Hypodermic Syringe, 1963.jpg

49.7 KB

Bacon Lying Figure, 1966.jpg

53.3 KB

Bacon Lying Figure, 1969.jpg

121.3 KB

Bacon Man and Child, 1963.jpg

66.6 KB

Bacon Pope and Chimpanzee,1962.jpg

53.1 KB

Bacon Portrait of George Dyer Crouching, 1966.jpg

42.7 KB

Bacon Portrait of George Dyer riding a bicycle, 1966.jpg

139.5 KB

Bacon Portrait of George Dyer Staring into a Mirror, 1967.jpg

28.6 KB

Bacon Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne standing in a street in .jpg

558.8 KB

Bacon Portrait of Lucian Freud on orange couch, 1965.jpg

84.3 KB

Bacon Portrait of Man with Glasses III, 1963.jpg

167.6 KB

Bacon Reclining Woman, 1961.jpg

92.7 KB


97.3 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne 1966.jpg

110.1 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait [looking left], 1962.jpg

39.8 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait [looking right], 1962.jpg

25.8 KB

Bacon Study for a Self-Portrait, 1963.jpg

45.9 KB

Bacon Study for a Self-Portrait, 1964.jpg

40.8 KB

Bacon Study for Head of Geogre Dyer II 1967.jpg

92.4 KB

Bacon Study for Head of George Dyer I1967.jpg

95.4 KB

Bacon Study for Head of Isabel Rawsthorne I 1967.jpg

58.9 KB

Bacon Study for Head of Isabel Rawsthorne II 1967.jpg

67.6 KB

Bacon Study for Head of Isabel Rawsthorne III 1967.jpg

79.9 KB

Bacon Study for Head of Lucian Freud, 1976.jpg

89.7 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne 1964.jpg

41.9 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait of J.H., 1966.jpg

61.4 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait of Lucian Freud, 1966.jpg

129.6 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait on Folding Bed, 1963, Tate gallery.jpg

29.2 KB

Bacon Study for Three Heads, center panel, 1962.jpg

29.7 KB

Bacon Study for Three Heads, left panel, 1962.jpg

129.4 KB

Bacon Study for Three Heads, right panel, 1962.jpg

127.1 KB

Bacon Study from Innocent X, 1962.jpg

123.0 KB

Bacon Study from Innocent X, 1964.jpg

56.3 KB

Bacon Study of a Nude with Figure in a Mirror, 1969.jpg

58.1 KB

Bacon Study of Henrietta Moraes Laughing, 1969.jpg

80.9 KB

Bacon Study of Isabel Rawsthorne 1966.jpg

65.2 KB

Bacon Three Figures in a Room, center 1964.jpg

110.3 KB

Bacon Three Figures in a Room, left 1964.jpg

105.3 KB

Bacon Three Figures in a Room, right 1964.jpg

140.9 KB

Bacon Three studies for a crucifixion, center 1962, Staatsga.jpg

107.1 KB

Bacon Three studies for a crucifixion, left 1962.jpg

101.1 KB

Bacon Three studies for a crucifixion, right 1962, Staatsgal.jpg

75.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud, center 1.jpg

135.1 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud, left 196.jpg

138.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Lucian Freud, right 19.jpg

100.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on light ground cen.jpg

116.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on light ground lef.jpg

117.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on light ground rig.jpg

117.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on pink ground, cen.jpg

146.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on pink ground, lef.jpg

129.2 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of G.Dyer on pink ground, rig.jpg

96.9 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr. of I.Rawsthorne 1968, left.jpg

89.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr.of I.Rawsthorne 1968, centerl.jpg

126.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Portr.of I.Rawsthorne 1968, right.jpg

109.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1967.jpg

22.2 KB

Bacon Three Studies form the Human Body, 1967.jpg

46.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies of George Dyer, 1966.jpg

7.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne center 1966.jpg

62.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne left 1966.jpg

59.2 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne right 1966.jpg

57.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne, 1965.jpg

9.0 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne, on light ground, 1.jpg

9.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Isabel Rawsthorne, on single canvas, .jpg

42.2 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Lucian Freud, 1969 left.jpg

143.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Lucian Freud, 1969 right.jpg

154.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Lucian Freud, 1969, center.jpg

156.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Muriel Belcher, center panel, 1966.jpg

102.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Muriel Belcher, left panel, 1966.jpg

62.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies of Muriel Belcher, right panel, 1966.jpg

107.1 KB

Bacon Triptych Inspired by T.S. Eliot's poem 'Sweeney Agonis.jpg

10.3 KB

Bacon Two figures Lying on a Bed with Attendants 1968 center.jpg

59.9 KB

Bacon Two figures Lying on a Bed with Attendants 1968 left.jpg

58.7 KB

Bacon Woman Emptying a Bowl of Water and paralytic child on .jpg

44.7 KB


Bacon Figures in Movement, 1973.jpg

71.0 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait II, 1973.jpg

72.3 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait III, 1973.jpg

50.0 KB

Bacon Self-portrait, 1973, 198 x 147.5 cm, Private.jpg

59.3 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1979, right.jpg

59.7 KB

Bacon Triptych, August, 1972.jpg

8.8 KB

Bacon Triptych, May - June, 1973, center Private NY.jpg

89.9 KB

Bacon Triptych, May - June, 1973, left Private NY.jpg

100.0 KB

Bacon Triptych, May - June, 1973, right Private NY.jpg

104.0 KB


Bacon Female Nude Standing in a Doorway, 1972.jpg

47.8 KB

Bacon Figure at a Washbasin, 1976.jpg

56.7 KB

Bacon Figure Writing Reflected in a mirror, 1976.jpg

114.7 KB

Bacon Figures in movement, 1973, 198 x 147.5 cm, Private.jpg

76.4 KB

Bacon Figures in Movement, 1976.jpg

48.1 KB

Bacon Landscape, 1978.jpg

54.2 KB

Bacon Man Turning on the Light, 1973-74.jpg

49.7 KB

Bacon Oedipus and the Sphinx after Ingres, 1979.jpg

57.4 KB

Bacon Painting, 1978.jpg

57.5 KB

Bacon Portrait of a Dwarf, 1975.jpg

50.5 KB

Bacon Portrait of Michel Leris, 1976.jpg

96.0 KB

Bacon Portrait of Michel Leris, 1978.jpg

47.7 KB

Bacon Portrait, 1978.jpg

51.5 KB

Bacon Seated Figure, 1974.jpg

56.9 KB

Bacon Seated Figure, 1977.jpg

83.0 KB

Bacon Seated Figure, 1979.jpg

41.5 KB

Bacon Second Version of 'Painting 1946', 1971.jpg

75.5 KB

Bacon Self Portrait with Injured Eye, 1972.jpg

129.7 KB

Bacon Self Portrait, 1975.jpg

31.2 KB

Bacon Self Portrait, 1976.jpg

65.9 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait I, 1972.jpg

55.2 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait I, 1973.jpg

120.5 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait II, 1972.jpg

58.1 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait, 1971.jpg

60.4 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait, 1978.jpg

48.7 KB

BACON Selfportrait 1971 Centre Georges Pompidou, PARIS.JPG

200.2 KB

Bacon Sleeping Figure, 1974.jpg

61.1 KB

Bacon Sphinx - Portrait of Muriel Belcher, 1979.jpg

64.0 KB

Bacon Studies from the Human Body, 1970, Center Panel .jpg

71.5 KB

Bacon Studies from the Human Body, 1970, left panel.jpg

70.5 KB

Bacon Studies from the Human Body, 1970, Right Panel .jpg

86.6 KB

Bacon Studies from the Human Body, 1975.jpg

61.2 KB

Bacon Studies of the Human Body - Triptych II, 1970, Center.jpg

24.8 KB

Bacon Studies of the Human Body - Triptych II, 1970, left.jpg

22.2 KB

Bacon Studies of the Human Body - Triptych II, 1970, Right.jpg

23.1 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait, 1970.jpg

55.5 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait, 1977.jpg

76.4 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait, 1978.jpg

83.5 KB

Bacon Study for George Dyer 1970.jpg

71.7 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1978.jpg

110.2 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, center 1973.jpg

56.3 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, left 1973.jpg

56.5 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, right 1973.jpg

53.5 KB

Bacon Study Isabel Rawsthorne, 1970.jpg

80.6 KB

Bacon Study of George Dyer, 1970.jpg

71.7 KB

Bacon Study of George Dyer, 1971.jpg

100.9 KB

Bacon Study of Red Pope 1962, second version 1971.jpg

102.2 KB

Bacon Three Figures and a Portrait, 1975.jpg

76.9 KB


29.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard II, center.jpg

67.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard II, left 1.jpg

74.0 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard II, right .jpg

93.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, center 19.jpg

60.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, left 1975.jpg

71.0 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, right 197.jpg

65.6 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait, 1977, center.jpg

53.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait, 1977, left.jpg

52.3 KB

Bacon Three Studies for a Portrait, 1977, right.jpg

54.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1972.jpg

8.4 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1976, center.jpg

55.6 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1976, left.jpg

40.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1976, right.jpg

32.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1979, center.jpg

18.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1979, left.jpg

20.1 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1979, right.jpg

18.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, center panel,1974.jpg

61.0 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, left panel,1974.jpg

50.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, right panel,1974.jpg

51.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies of figures on Beds, Center 1972.jpg

52.6 KB

Bacon Three Studies of figures on Beds, Left 1972.jpg

54.7 KB

Bacon Three Studies of figures on Beds, Right 1972.jpg

53.2 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1974-77, center.jpg

56.9 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1974-77, left.jpg

53.4 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1974-77, right.jpg

48.2 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1974.jpg

8.9 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1976.jpg

15.0 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1979, center.jpg

61.7 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1979, left.jpg

62.0 KB

Bacon Two Seated Figures, 1979.jpg

41.9 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Portrait of Richard Chopping, left 1.jpg

99.1 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Portrait of Richard Chopping, right .jpg

105.6 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Self-Portrait, 1970, left panel.jpg

109.4 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Self-Portrait, 1970, right panel.jpg

105.0 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Self-Portrait, left, 1972.jpg

23.2 KB

Bacon Two Studies for a Self-Portrait, right, 1972.jpg

67.6 KB

Bacon Two Studies for Self-Portrait, 1977, left.jpg

58.2 KB

Bacon Two Studies for Self-Portrait, 1977, right.jpg

63.4 KB


Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1984, center.jpg

67.5 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1984, left.jpg

69.6 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1984, right.jpg

70.5 KB

Bacon Blood on the Floor, 1986.jpg

39.4 KB

Bacon Figures In A Street, 1983.jpg

37.8 KB

Bacon Sand Dune, 1981.jpg

46.1 KB

Bacon Second Version of the triptych 1944, 1988.jpg

24.1 KB


Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1980.jpg

18.5 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Mick Jagger, 1982, center.jpg

114.9 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Mick Jagger, 1982, left.jpg

19.3 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Mick Jagger, 1982, right.jpg

91.1 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, 1980, Center .jpg

58.9 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, 1980, left pa.jpg

77.5 KB

Bacon 3 Studies for a Portrait of Peter Beard, 1980, Right P.jpg

64.3 KB

Bacon A Piece of Waste Land, 1982.jpg

51.5 KB

Bacon Carcase of Meat and Bird of Prey, 1980.jpg

44.3 KB

Bacon Diptych, 1982, left.jpg

49.3 KB

Bacon Diptych, 1982, right.jpg

48.6 KB

Bacon Figure in Open Doorway, 1990-91.jpg

43.8 KB

Bacon Jet of Water, 1988.jpg

120.9 KB

Bacon Man at Washbasin, 1989-90.jpg

60.5 KB

Bacon Oedipus and the Sphinx After Ingres, 1983, 198 x 147.5.jpg

57.5 KB

Bacon Painting, 1985.jpg

36.4 KB

Bacon Portrait of Jacques Dupin, 1990.jpg

37.7 KB

Bacon Sand Dune, 1983.jpg

86.9 KB

Bacon Self-Portrait, 1987.jpg

134.5 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1985.jpg

49.6 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait of John Edwards, 1986.jpg

46.5 KB

Bacon Study for a portrait of John Edwards, 1988, I.jpg

36.6 KB

Bacon Study for a portrait of John Edwards, 1988, II.jpg

31.3 KB

Bacon Study for a portrait of John Edwards, 1989, I.jpg

79.7 KB

Bacon Study for a portrait of John Edwards, 1989, II.jpg

80.2 KB

Bacon Study for a Portrait with Bird in Flight, 1980.jpg

59.8 KB

Bacon Study for Human Body, 1991.jpg

60.9 KB

Bacon Study for Portrait, 1981.jpg

84.6 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1980.jpg

75.0 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1981.jpg

42.9 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1982.jpg

90.6 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1985, center.jpg

44.5 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1985, left.jpg

45.0 KB

Bacon Study for Self-Portrait, 1985, right.jpg

45.3 KB

Bacon Study for the Human Body Figures in movement, 1982.jpg

49.4 KB

Bacon Study for the Human Body, 1983.jpg

50.0 KB

Bacon Study from the Human Body, 1981.jpg

20.3 KB

Bacon Study from the Human Body, 1986.jpg

39.2 KB

Bacon Study from the Human Body, 1987.jpg

35.0 KB

Bacon Study of a Man Talking, 1981.jpg

93.2 KB

Bacon Study of the Human Body, 1982.jpg

38.7 KB

Bacon Three Figures, One with Shotgun, 1980.jpg

45.1 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait, 1983.jpg

7.5 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait,1980, Center Panel.jpg

107.8 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait,1980, left panel.jpg

110.0 KB

Bacon Three Studies for Self-Portrait,1980, right panel.jpg

128.6 KB

Bacon Tript. insp. by the Oresteia of Aeschylus, 1981, left .jpg

56.5 KB

Bacon Tript. insp. by the Oresteia of Aeschylus, 1981, Right.jpg

60.8 KB

Bacon Tript. the Oresteia of Aeschylus, 1981, Center.jpg

56.6 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1983, center.jpg

48.8 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1983, left.jpg

49.7 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1983, right.jpg

51.5 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1986-87.jpg

11.9 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1987.jpg

7.1 KB

Bacon Triptych, 1991, Shafrazi gallery NY.jpg

5.3 KB

Bacon Water from a Running Tap, 1982.jpg

81.1 KB


Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB


Total files 334

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