
Download Ball, Philip - Beautiful Experiments & other works (32 books)

Ball Philip Beautiful Experiments other works 32 books


Ball, Philip - Beautiful Experiments & other works (32 books)

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_PHILIP BALL - Beautiful Experiments & other works (32 books).txt

5.1 KB


0.5 KB

Ball, Philip - 30-Second Quantum Theory [ed. Clegg] (Icon, 2014).epub

11.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Beautiful Experiments_ An Illustrated History of Experimental Science (Chicago, 2023).pdf

101.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Beyond Weird_ Why Everything You Thought You Knew about Quantum Physics Is Different (Chicago, 2018).pdf

1.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Beyond Weird_ Why Everything You Thought You Knew about Quantum Physics Is Different (Vintage, 2018).epub

19.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Branches_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).epub

6.6 MB

Ball, Philip - Branches_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).pdf

6.2 MB

Ball, Philip - Bright Earth_ The Invention of Colour (Vintage UK, 2012).epub

3.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Critical Mass_ How One Thing Leads to Another (FSG, 2012).epub

3.6 MB

Ball, Philip - Curiosity_ How Science Became Interested in Everything (Chicago, 2013).epub

12.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Curiosity_ How Science Became Interested in Everything (Chicago, 2013).pdf

3.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Designing the Molecular World_ Chemistry at the Frontier (Princeton, 1994).pdf

65.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Elegant Solutions_ Ten Beautiful Experiments in Chemistry (RSC, 2005).pdf

10.6 MB

Ball, Philip - Flow_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).epub

7.3 MB

Ball, Philip - Flow_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).pdf

4.0 MB

Ball, Philip - How Life Works_ A User's Guide to the New Biology (Chicago, 2023).epub

6.1 MB

Ball, Philip - How Life Works_ A User's Guide to the New Biology (Chicago, 2023).pdf

10.3 MB

Ball, Philip - How to Grow a Human_ Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are (Chicago, 2019).epub

6.0 MB

Ball, Philip - How to Grow a Human_ Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are (Chicago, 2019).pdf

2.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Invisible_ The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen (Chicago, 2015).epub

23.3 MB

Ball, Philip - Invisible_ The Dangerous Allure of the Unseen (Chicago, 2015).pdf

13.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Life's Matrix_ A Biography of Water (FSG, 1999).pdf

24.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Made to Measure_ New Materials for the 21st Century (Princeton, 2021).pdf

38.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Molecules_ A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2003).epub

1.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Patterns in Nature_ Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does (Chicago, 2016).epub

155.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Patterns in Nature_ Why the Natural World Looks the Way It Does (Chicago, 2016).pdf

108.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Serving the Reich_ The Struggle for the Soul of Physics Under Hitler (Chicago, 2014).epub

4.2 MB

Ball, Philip - Serving the Reich_ The Struggle for the Soul of Physics Under Hitler (Chicago, 2014).pdf

1.2 MB

Ball, Philip - Shapes_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).epub

7.2 MB

Ball, Philip - Shapes_ Nature's Patterns_ A Tapestry in Three Parts (Oxford, 2009).pdf

10.0 MB

Ball, Philip - The Beauty of Chemistry_ Art, Wonder, and Science (MIT, 2021).epub

55.7 MB

Ball, Philip - The Beauty of Chemistry_ Art, Wonder, and Science (MIT, 2021).pdf

45.0 MB

Ball, Philip - The Book of Minds_ How to Understand Ourselves and Other Beings (Chicago, 2022).epub

7.4 MB

Ball, Philip - The Book of Minds_ How to Understand Ourselves and Other Beings (Chicago, 2022).pdf

7.3 MB

Ball, Philip - The Devil's Doctor_ Paracelsus and the World of Renaissance Magic and Science (FSG, 2011).epub

3.3 MB

Ball, Philip - The Elements_ A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2004).epub

3.1 MB

Ball, Philip - The Elements_ A Visual History of Their Discovery (Chicago, 2021).pdf

50.3 MB

Ball, Philip - The Modern Myths_ Adventures in the Machinery of the Popular Imagination (Chicago, 2021).epub

5.0 MB

Ball, Philip - The Modern Myths_ Adventures in the Machinery of the Popular Imagination (Chicago, 2021).pdf

6.5 MB

Ball, Philip - The Music Instinct_ How Music Works and Why We Can't Do Without It (Oxford, 2010).epub

22.4 MB

Ball, Philip - The Music Instinct_ How Music Works and Why We Can't Do Without It (Oxford, 2010).pdf

5.6 MB

Ball, Philip - The Self-Made Tapestry_ Pattern Formation in Nature (Oxford, 1999).epub

10.6 MB

Ball, Philip - The Sun and Moon Corrupted (Portobello, 2008).pdf

6.1 MB

Ball, Philip - The Water Kingdom_ A Secret History of China (Chicago, 2017).epub

39.2 MB

Ball, Philip - The Water Kingdom_ A Secret History of China (Chicago, 2017).pdf

13.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Universe of Stone_ A Biography of Chartres Cathedral (HarperCollins, 2008).epub

6.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Universe of Stone_ A Biography of Chartres Cathedral (HarperCollins, 2008).pdf

6.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Unnatural_ The Heretical Idea of Making People (Bodley Head, 2011).pdf

19.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Why Society is a Complex Matter (Springer, 2012).epub

2.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Why Society is a Complex Matter (Springer, 2012).pdf

5.0 MB


Ball, Philip - 'Memory of water’ biologist dies after heart surgery (2004).pdf

163.9 KB

Ball, Philip - 10 Unsolved Mysteries (2011).pdf

459.5 KB

Ball, Philip - 2011 and All That (2012).pdf

408.5 KB

Ball, Philip - A jump that would prove Newton wrong (2007).pdf

158.3 KB

Ball, Philip - A vanishing interface (1991).pdf

331.5 KB

Ball, Philip - A Viking Sage (2015).pdf

336.7 KB

Ball, Philip - A World Without Cause and Effect (2013).pdf

249.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Adapting to climate change (1999).pdf

170.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Alchemical Culture and Poetry in Early Modern England (2006).pdf

339.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Alchemy in the colours of the Renaissance (2002).pdf

52.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Algorithmic rapture (2012).pdf

254.6 KB

Ball, Philip - An Ordinary Genius (2018).pdf

244.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Antigravity craft slips past patent officers (2005).pdf

600.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Arsenic-free water still a pipedream (2005).pdf

268.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Art and science – work in progress (2017).pdf

411.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Art and science (2018).pdf

258.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Audible Cheesecake [review] (TLS, 25 November 2022).pdf

956.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Back to the Future (2004).pdf

663.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Beijing bubbles (2007).pdf

359.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Beyond the Bond (2011).pdf

774.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Beyond words_ science and visual theatre (2002).pdf

170.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Bright Earth (2001).pdf

118.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Bright new start for Europe (2016).pdf

86.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Bringing Order to Chaos (2019).pdf

995.3 KB

Ball, Philip - By chance, or by design (2004).pdf

539.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Celebrate the Unknowns (2013).pdf

771.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Cell physics (2012).pdf

79.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Champing at the bits (2006).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Changing your world view (2005).pdf

410.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Chaos imagined_ literature, art and science (2017).pdf

253.4 KB

Ball, Philip - ChatGPT Is a Mirror of Our Times (Nautilus 48, Jan.-Feb. 2023).pdf

423.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Cheat detection (2005).pdf

118.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Chemical contexts (1996).pdf

589.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Chemical exchange captures Nobel (2005).pdf

2.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Chemistry in soft focus (2002).pdf

65.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Chemistry meets computing (2000).pdf

363.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Color in Nature (2002).pdf

65.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Color Theory in Science and Art (2004).pdf

248.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Colour in Art and Science (2003).pdf

57.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Colour, Art and Science (2002).pdf

67.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Colourful work on quarks scoops triple crown (2004).pdf

142.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Cool atoms make physics prize matter (2001).pdf

107.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Count John Dee (2016).pdf

239.2 KB

Ball, Philip - CRISPR_ Implications for materials science (2016).pdf

5.0 MB

Ball, Philip - Culture Crash (2006).pdf

795.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Demographics (2017).epub

699.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Designing Life (2023).pdf

1.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Designs for life (2007).pdf

344.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Diamonds are for Softies (2009).pdf

911.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Diffract, Then Destroy (2016).pdf

3.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Dirty physics (2006).pdf

161.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Elusive Particle in Overlooked Article [review] (TLS, 15 July 2022).pdf

1.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Escape Tunnel (2012).pdf

645.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Facing the Music (2008).pdf

619.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Feel the force (2007).pdf

822.1 KB

Ball, Philip - First commercial ion-based quantum computer built (2019).pdf

525.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Flashes in femtoseconds (1999).pdf

169.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Flying on Empty (2019).pdf

858.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Forgotten Prophet of the Internet (2014).pdf

1.0 MB

Ball, Philip - Freaky Bonding (2021).pdf

1.5 MB

Ball, Philip - From academic discovery to industrial applications (2015).pdf

1.0 MB

Ball, Philip - From Symbol to Substance_ the Technologies of Light (2013).pdf

1.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Getting oneself together (1996).pdf

295.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Hits, Misses and Close Calls (2013).pdf

737.1 KB

Ball, Philip - How Big Can Schrödinger’s Kittens Get (Nautilus, Sept.-Oct. 2015).pdf

646.7 KB

Ball, Philip - How coffee leaves its mark (1997).pdf

110.9 KB

Ball, Philip - How Life (and Death) Spring from Disorder (2018).pdf

278.4 KB

Ball, Philip - How on Earth Did We Get Here (2006).pdf

680.6 KB

Ball, Philip - How to keep dry in water (2003).pdf

85.8 KB

Ball, Philip - In Retrospect_ the physics of sand dunes (2009).pdf

666.7 KB

Ball, Philip - In the know (2004).pdf

614.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Index aims for fair ranking of scientists (2005).pdf

171.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Is photosynthesis quantum-ish (2018).pdf

816.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Is physics the hardest of them all (2013).pdf

510.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Is Science Really the Only Game in Town (2018).pdf

189.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Jagged edge (2004).pdf

101.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Jian-Wei Pan_ building the quantum internet (2018).pdf

479.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Keeping Time (1999).pdf

170.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Let there be light (2001).pdf

477.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Let's catch some rays (2002).pdf

682.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Life’s lessons in design (2001).pdf

485.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Limits to Growth (1998).pdf

113.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Liquid-state particle physics (2015).pdf

85.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Living in Worlds That Never Were (2016).pdf

379.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Make It Snappy (2016).pdf

2.3 MB

Ball, Philip - Making Life (2010).pdf

94.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Mapping the Micro-universe [review] (TLS, 3 June 2022).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Measure for Measure (2019).pdf

591.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Measuring Scientific Merit (2007).pdf

287.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Meet the spin doctors (2000).pdf

341.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Midwife to Science [review] (TLS, 3 March 2023).pdf

1.0 MB

Ball, Philip - Mind as mirror (2013).pdf

695.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Mirror-Image Life (Nautilus Issue 52, September-October 2023).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Molecular movers and shakers (2000).pdf

172.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Morals and madness (2012).pdf

223.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Multiverse of Stone (2015).pdf

419.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Nanobubbles are not a Superficial Matter (2012).pdf

2.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Nanoethics and the purpose of new technologies (2003).pdf

72.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Nanotechnology in fact and fiction (2003).pdf

70.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Natural strategies for the molecular engineer (2002).pdf

620.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Nature versus Naturoid (2009).pdf

70.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Nature's Color Tricks (2012).pdf

2.2 MB

Ball, Philip - New Pursuit of Schrödinger's Cat (2011).pdf

1.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Newton's rainbow (2011).pdf

577.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Nobel prizes honour atom-trappers (1997).pdf

91.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Off and on reflection (1998).pdf

242.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Organisms as Agents of Evolution (2023).pdf

3.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Painting by numbers (2003).pdf

86.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Paper trail reveals references go unread by citing authors (2002).pdf

43.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Pasta physics (2010).pdf

142.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Pattern Formation in Nature (2012).pdf

966.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Patterns in art and nature (2003).pdf

63.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Perkin, the mauve maker (2006).pdf

306.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Physicists fail to find saving grace for falsified research (2003).pdf

80.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Physicists rewarded for ‘fractional electrons' (1998).pdf

159.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Physics at the Planck time (1999).pdf

169.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Picture This (2002).pdf

931.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Pistachio trees 'talk' to their neighbours (2018).pdf

135.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Playing dirty (2004).pdf

289.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Playing God (2011).pdf

1.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Portrait of a Molecule (2003).pdf

251.6 KB

Ball, Philip - Prestige is factored into journal ratings (2006).pdf

348.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum all the way (2008).pdf

835.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum Biology_ An Introduction (2015).pdf

1.7 MB

Ball, Philip - Quantum engineering of matter from the laboratory to the market (2016).pdf

191.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum Flatlands (2022).pdf

924.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum materials_ Where many paths meet (2017).pdf

1.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Quantum objects on show (2009).pdf

1.0 MB

Ball, Philip - Quantum power packs (2018).pdf

700.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum Theory Rebuilt from Simple Physical Principles (2018).pdf

287.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum weirdness and surrealism (2008).pdf

525.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Quantum writ large (2008).pdf

121.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Questioning quantum speed (2014).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Quinine steps back in time (2008).pdf

259.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Radiant realms (2016).pdf

598.2 KB

Ball, Philip - Reality in the Making (2020).pdf

1.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Reality? It's What You Make It (2017).pdf

439.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Regrow Yourself (2018).pdf

261.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Rethinking Biology [review] (2020).pdf

82.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Roll up for the revolution (2001).pdf

635.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Scandal of crystal design... (1996).pdf

917.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Scepticism greets pitch to detect dark energy in the lab (2004).pdf

165.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Schoenberg, Serialism and Cognition (2011).pdf

420.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Schrödinger’s cat among biology’s pigeons (2018).pdf

791.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Science at the atomic scale (1992).pdf

932.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Science in motion (2000).pdf

202.7 KB

Ball, Philip - Science lobby urges UK to divert funds from military fields (2005).pdf

144.5 KB

Ball, Philip - Science must move with the times (2019).pdf

473.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Seeking the Solution (2005).pdf

1.3 MB

Ball, Philip - Servant or Master [review] (TLS, 17 December 2021).pdf

528.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Shark Skin and Other Solutions (1999).pdf

173.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Should We Colonise Other Planets (Saturday Guardian, 19 August 2023).pdf

191.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Signs of Life (2023).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Social science goes virtual (2007).pdf

525.8 KB

Ball, Philip - Somewhere over the rainbow (2001).pdf

346.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Spreading it about (1989).pdf

283.9 KB

Ball, Philip - Star Power (2023).pdf

1.9 MB

Ball, Philip - Starting from Scratch (2004).pdf

701.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Statistics_ The physics of society (2002).pdf

104.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Sublime Intervention (2012).pdf

166.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Synthetic biology for nanotechnology (2004).pdf

1.3 MB

Ball, Philip - Synthetic Biology for Nanotechnology (2005).pdf

1.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Synthetic biology_ Engineering nature to make materials (2018).pdf

1.2 MB

Ball, Philip - Tabletop astrophysics (2001).pdf

849.0 KB

Ball, Philip - The aided eye (2015).pdf

250.7 KB

Ball, Philip - The Best of All Possible Worlds (2018).pdf

2.4 MB

Ball, Philip - The Big Thinker [Nick Lane] (Nautilus 46, Sept.-Oct. 2022).pdf

1.6 MB

Ball, Philip - The Borders of Order (2014).pdf

1.5 MB

Ball, Philip - The crucible of change (2015).pdf

509.6 KB

Ball, Philip - The Dawn of Quantum Biology (2011).pdf

852.7 KB

Ball, Philip - The Fifth Force of Physics Is Hanging by a Thread (Nautilus, March-April 2017).pdf

382.4 KB

Ball, Philip - The great portrait mystery (2005).pdf

205.4 KB

Ball, Philip - The huge scientific effort to study Notre-Dame’s ashes (2020).pdf

543.0 KB

Ball, Philip - The Magic of Fire in Space (2020).pdf

1.8 MB

Ball, Philip - The Making of Cézanne’s Palette (2001).pdf

88.2 KB

Ball, Philip - The Making of Niels Bohr (2013).pdf

231.3 KB

Ball, Philip - The perfect nanotube (1996).pdf

702.8 KB

Ball, Philip - The Physical Modelling of Human Social Systems (2004).pdf

667.0 KB

Ball, Philip - The physical modelling of society (2002).pdf

620.6 KB

Ball, Philip - The positron probe (2001).pdf

99.0 KB

Ball, Philip - The rough with the smooth (1990).pdf

279.9 KB

Ball, Philip - The Saga of the Sunstones (2015).pdf

1.3 MB

Ball, Philip - The science of oil drilling goes deep (2010).pdf

343.5 KB

Ball, Philip - The shapes of things to come (1994).pdf

325.5 KB

Ball, Philip - The Turing touch test (2015).pdf

89.9 KB

Ball, Philip - The zenith of Islamic science (2006).pdf

270.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Theatre of science (2006).pdf

155.3 KB

Ball, Philip - To the heart of glass (2003).pdf

236.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Turing Patterns (2012).pdf

1.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Two slits and one hell of a quantum conundrum (2018).pdf

249.0 KB

Ball, Philip - Universal view nets award for cosmic sleuths (2002).pdf

158.4 KB

Ball, Philip - Up and Atom [review] (TLS, 2 July 2021).pdf

3.0 MB

Ball, Philip - Water as an Active Constituent in Cell Biology (2006).pdf

972.1 KB

Ball, Philip - Water as an Active Constituent in Cell Biology (2008).pdf

1.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Water is an active matrix of life for cell and molecular biology (2017).pdf

1.8 MB

Ball, Philip - Water, water, everywhere (2004).pdf

211.4 KB

Ball, Philip - What's so pure about science (2004).pdf

114.9 KB

Ball, Philip - What’s in the flask (2005).pdf

276.4 KB

Ball, Philip - When Does a Simulation Become Real (2023).pdf

1.2 MB

Ball, Philip - When priorities collide (2000).pdf

229.9 KB

Ball, Philip - When Size Does Matter (1991).pdf

294.1 KB

Ball, Philip - When the Lights Go Out (2017).pdf

442.3 KB

Ball, Philip - Where There's a Will [review] (TLS, 13 October 2023).pdf

2.5 MB

Ball, Philip - Why Aren't Big Things Quantum (2021).pdf

1.1 MB

Ball, Philip - Why Water Is Weird (2011).pdf

1.4 MB

Ball, Philip - Why We Need to Rethink Time (2018).pdf

220.8 KB


Total files 257

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