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0.1 KB

Udemy Course Downloader - Download Udemy Paid Courses For Free.html

150.7 KB

/08. Hypothesis testing/

17. Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.html

0.1 KB

14. The p-value and rejecting the null.html

0.1 KB

5. Inferential statistics and hypotheses.html

0.1 KB

11. Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.html

0.1 KB

8. Significance level and type I and II errors.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

1. Introduction to hypothesis testing.vtt

0.6 KB

18. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

15. Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.html

0.7 KB

6. Significance level and type I and II errors.html

0.9 KB

12. The p-value and rejecting the null.html

1.0 KB

3. Inferential statistics and hypotheses.html

1.0 KB

9. Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.html

1.8 KB

16. Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.vtt

10.9 KB

13. The p-value and rejecting the null.vtt

13.4 KB

7. Significance level and type I and II errors.vtt

16.4 KB

4. Inferential statistics and hypotheses.vtt

18.9 KB

10. Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.vtt

22.4 KB

2.1 Significance level and type I and II errors.pdf.pdf

321.5 KB

2.2 Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.pdf.pdf

378.9 KB

2.5 Inferential statistics and hypotheses.pdf.pdf

379.3 KB

2.4 The p-value and rejecting the null.pdf.pdf

389.1 KB

15.1 Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.pdf.pdf

407.6 KB

6.1 Significance level and type I and II errors.pdf.pdf

432.0 KB

12.1 The p-value and rejecting the null.pdf.pdf

1.1 MB

18.2 Workbook.hypothesis testing.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

18.1 Workbook.hypothesis

1.3 MB

2.3 Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

3.1 Inferential statistics and hypotheses.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

9.1 Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.pdf.pdf

2.4 MB

1. Introduction to hypothesis testing.mp4

6.8 MB

7. Significance level and type I and II errors.mp4

38.5 MB

16. Hypothesis testing for the population proportion.mp4

44.7 MB

4. Inferential statistics and hypotheses.mp4

54.7 MB

13. The p-value and rejecting the null.mp4

94.9 MB

10. Test statistics for one- and two-tailed tests.mp4

117.8 MB

/06. Discrete random variables/

5. Discrete probability.html

0.1 KB

8. Transforming random variables.html

0.1 KB

29. Geometric random variables.html

0.1 KB

26. Bernoulli random variables.html

0.1 KB

20. Poisson distributions.html

0.1 KB

23. At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.html

0.1 KB

17. Binomial random variables.html

0.1 KB

14. Permutations and combinations.html

0.1 KB

11. Combinations of random variables.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

6. Transforming random variables.html

0.6 KB

12. Permutations and combinations.html

0.6 KB

30. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

1. Introduction to discrete random variables.vtt

0.7 KB

24. Bernoulli random variables.html

0.7 KB

21. At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.html

0.7 KB

3. Discrete probability.html

0.7 KB

18. Poisson distributions.html

0.7 KB

27. Geometric random variables.html

1.0 KB

9. Combinations of random variables.html

1.0 KB

15. Binomial random variables.html

1.0 KB

7. Transforming random variables.vtt

8.2 KB

13. Permutations and combinations.vtt

11.1 KB

25. Bernoulli random variables.vtt

11.7 KB

4. Discrete probability.vtt

14.7 KB

22. At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.vtt

15.6 KB

10. Combinations of random variables.vtt

16.0 KB

19. Poisson distributions.vtt

19.7 KB

28. Geometric random variables.vtt

21.3 KB

16. Binomial random variables.vtt

25.2 KB

2.2 Binomial random variables.pdf.pdf

371.3 KB

2.6 Geometric random variables.pdf.pdf

374.1 KB

12.1 Permutations and combinations.pdf.pdf

383.1 KB

2.1 Bernoulli random variables.pdf.pdf

383.6 KB

2.7 At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.pdf.pdf

386.1 KB

2.8 Poisson distributions.pdf.pdf

387.0 KB

2.5 Combinations of random variables.pdf.pdf

388.7 KB

21.1 At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.pdf.pdf

397.6 KB

9.1 Combinations of random variables.pdf.pdf

404.6 KB

18.1 Poisson distributions.pdf.pdf

404.8 KB

24.1 Bernoulli random variables.pdf.pdf

406.9 KB

15.1 Binomial random variables.pdf.pdf

408.9 KB

27.1 Geometric random variables.pdf.pdf

411.3 KB

3.1 Discrete probability.pdf.pdf

418.7 KB

2.3 Discrete probability.pdf.pdf

419.1 KB

6.1 Transforming random variables.pdf.pdf

793.4 KB

30.2 Workbook.discrete random variables.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

30.1 Workbook.discrete random

1.3 MB

2.4 Transforming random variables.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

2.9 Permutations and combinations.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

1. Introduction to discrete random variables.mp4

7.6 MB

7. Transforming random variables.mp4

14.7 MB

13. Permutations and combinations.mp4

18.3 MB

25. Bernoulli random variables.mp4

20.8 MB

4. Discrete probability.mp4

24.8 MB

22. At least and at most, and mean, variance, and standard deviation.mp4

26.8 MB

10. Combinations of random variables.mp4

30.0 MB

28. Geometric random variables.mp4

35.3 MB

16. Binomial random variables.mp4

39.8 MB

19. Poisson distributions.mp4

83.1 MB

/05. Probability/

8. The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.html

0.1 KB

14. Bayes' theorem.html

0.1 KB

5. Simple probability.html

0.1 KB

11. Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

1. Introduction to probability.vtt

0.5 KB

15. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

3. Simple probability.html

0.7 KB

9. Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.html

0.7 KB

12. Bayes' theorem.html

0.7 KB

6. The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.html

1.0 KB

4. Simple probability.vtt

19.8 KB

13. Bayes' theorem.vtt

20.1 KB

10. Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.vtt

20.5 KB

7. The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.vtt

22.7 KB

3.1 Simple probability.pdf.pdf

367.6 KB

2.4 Bayes' theorem.pdf.pdf

376.4 KB

9.1 Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.pdf.pdf

392.0 KB

12.1 Bayes' theorem.pdf.pdf

398.0 KB

6.1 The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.pdf.pdf

409.6 KB

15.1 Workbook.probability.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB


1.4 MB

2.3 Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

2.2 Simple probability.pdf.pdf

1.9 MB

2.1 The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.pdf.pdf

2.2 MB

1. Introduction to probability.mp4

9.8 MB

4. Simple probability.mp4

33.4 MB

10. Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.mp4

35.2 MB

13. Bayes' theorem.mp4

35.5 MB

7. The addition rule, and union vs. intersection.mp4

41.0 MB

/07. Sampling/

17. Confidence interval for a population mean.html

0.1 KB

14. Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.html

0.1 KB

11. Sampling distribution of the sample mean.html

0.1 KB

8. Sampling and bias.html

0.1 KB

20. Confidence interval for a population proportion.html

0.1 KB

5. Types of studies.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

21. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

1. Introduction to sampling.vtt

0.7 KB

3. Types of studies.html

0.8 KB

12. Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.html

0.9 KB

18. Confidence interval for a population proportion.html

1.1 KB

6. Sampling and bias.html

1.1 KB

15. Confidence interval for a population mean.html

1.3 KB

9. Sampling distribution of the sample mean.html

1.4 KB

7. Sampling and bias.vtt

17.3 KB

19. Confidence interval for a population proportion.vtt

19.1 KB

4. Types of studies.vtt

19.3 KB

13. Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.vtt

20.1 KB

10. Sampling distribution of the sample mean.vtt

24.7 KB

16. Confidence interval for a population mean.vtt

26.1 KB

2.2 Sampling and bias.pdf.pdf

334.3 KB

2.1 Types of studies.pdf.pdf

355.9 KB

3.1 Types of studies.pdf.pdf

359.8 KB

2.5 Confidence interval for a population proportion.pdf.pdf

373.5 KB

6.1 Sampling and bias.pdf.pdf

376.5 KB

2.6 Sampling distribution of the sample mean.pdf.pdf

382.4 KB

2.4 Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.pdf.pdf

383.7 KB

2.3 Confidence interval for a population mean.pdf.pdf

386.0 KB

12.1 Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.pdf.pdf

416.3 KB

15.1 Confidence interval for a population mean.pdf.pdf

422.1 KB

9.1 Sampling distribution of the sample mean.pdf.pdf

431.6 KB

21.2 Workbook.sampling.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB


1.3 MB

18.1 Confidence interval for a population proportion.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

1. Introduction to sampling.mp4

7.3 MB

4. Types of studies.mp4

31.3 MB

7. Sampling and bias.mp4

31.4 MB

19. Confidence interval for a population proportion.mp4

68.3 MB

10. Sampling distribution of the sample mean.mp4

97.1 MB

16. Confidence interval for a population mean.mp4

97.4 MB

13. Sampling distribution of the sample proportion.mp4

103.6 MB

/02. Visualizing data/

11. Line graphs and ogives.html

0.1 KB

14. Two-way data.html

0.1 KB

17. Venn diagrams.html

0.1 KB

5. One-way data.html

0.1 KB

8. Bar graphs and pie charts.html

0.1 KB

23. Joint distributions.html

0.1 KB

20. Relative frequency tables.html

0.1 KB

26. Frequency tables and dot plots.html

0.1 KB

29. Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.html

0.1 KB

24. Frequency tables and dot plots.html

0.4 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

1. Introduction to visualizing data.vtt

0.6 KB

3. One-way data.html

0.6 KB

30. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

27. Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.html

0.7 KB

21. Joint distributions.html

0.7 KB

18. Relative frequency tables.html

0.7 KB

15. Venn diagrams.html

0.9 KB

9. Line graphs and ogives.html

1.3 KB

12. Two-way data.html

1.3 KB

6. Bar graphs and pie charts.html

1.7 KB

25. Frequency tables and dot plots.vtt

4.7 KB

4. One-way data.vtt

11.4 KB

19. Relative frequency tables.vtt

12.4 KB

22. Joint distributions.vtt

12.7 KB

28. Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.vtt

14.8 KB

13. Two-way data.vtt

15.1 KB

10. Line graphs and ogives.vtt

17.0 KB

16. Venn diagrams.vtt

17.3 KB

7. Bar graphs and pie charts.vtt

22.0 KB

2.5 Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.pdf.pdf

356.7 KB

2.4 Relative frequency tables.pdf.pdf

362.7 KB

24.1 Frequency tables and dot plots.pdf.pdf

366.4 KB

15.1 Venn diagrams.pdf.pdf

373.3 KB

3.1 One-way data.pdf.pdf

377.8 KB

27.1 Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.pdf.pdf

393.4 KB

21.1 Joint distributions.pdf.pdf

396.1 KB

18.1 Relative frequency tables.pdf.pdf

397.6 KB

2.7 Bar graphs and pie charts.pdf.pdf

415.6 KB

9.1 Line graphs and ogives.pdf.pdf

461.7 KB

12.1 Two-way data.pdf.pdf

490.1 KB

6.1 Bar graphs and pie charts.pdf.pdf

507.7 KB

2.9 One-way data.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB

30.1 Workbook.visualizing data.pdf.pdf

1.4 MB

2.3 Two-way data.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

2.6 Line graphs and ogives.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

2.1 Frequency tables and dot plots.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

2.8 Venn diagrams.pdf.pdf

1.7 MB

30.2 Workbook.visualizing

1.8 MB

2.2 Joint distributions.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

1. Introduction to visualizing data.mp4

5.3 MB

25. Frequency tables and dot plots.mp4

6.5 MB

4. One-way data.mp4

17.7 MB

22. Joint distributions.mp4

19.4 MB

19. Relative frequency tables.mp4

21.4 MB

13. Two-way data.mp4

24.6 MB

28. Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots.mp4

24.6 MB

10. Line graphs and ogives.mp4

24.7 MB

16. Venn diagrams.mp4

28.8 MB

7. Bar graphs and pie charts.mp4

41.5 MB

/09. Regression/

5. Scatterplots and regression.html

0.1 KB

8. Correlation coefficient and the residual.html

0.1 KB

14. Chi-square tests.html

0.1 KB

11. Coefficient of determination and root-mean-square error.html

0.1 KB

1. Introduction to regression.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

15. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

9. Coefficient of determination and root-mean-square error.html

1.0 KB

6. Correlation coefficient and the residual.html

1.4 KB

12. Chi-square tests.html

2.4 KB

3. Scatterplots and regression.html

2.4 KB

4. Scatterplots and regression.vtt

18.7 KB

10. Coefficient of determination and root-mean-square error.vtt

19.8 KB

13. Chi-square tests.vtt

26.3 KB

7. Correlation coefficient and the residual.vtt

27.3 KB

2.3 Coefficient of determination and RMSE.pdf.pdf

344.8 KB

2.4 Scatterplots and regression.pdf.pdf

383.7 KB

2.2 Chi-square tests.pdf.pdf

423.5 KB

6.1 Correlation coefficient and the residual.pdf.pdf

474.9 KB

3.1 Scatterplots and regression.pdf.pdf

615.2 KB

9.1 Coefficient of determination and RMSE.pdf.pdf

740.9 KB

12.1 Chi-square tests.pdf.pdf

854.8 KB

15.1 Workbook.regression.pdf.pdf

1.5 MB


1.7 MB

2.1 Correlation coefficient and the residual.pdf.pdf

2.3 MB

4. Scatterplots and regression.mp4

58.3 MB

10. Coefficient of determination and root-mean-square error.mp4

90.0 MB

7. Correlation coefficient and the residual.mp4

109.6 MB

13. Chi-square tests.mp4

134.0 MB

/04. Data distributions/

14. Normal distributions and z-scores.html

0.1 KB

11. Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.html

0.1 KB

5. Mean, variance, and standard deviation.html

0.1 KB

8. Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

1. Introduction to data distributions.vtt

0.6 KB

15. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

3. Mean, variance, and standard deviation.html

0.9 KB

6. Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.html

0.9 KB

9. Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.html

1.0 KB

12. Normal distributions and z-scores.html

1.7 KB

7. Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.vtt

12.3 KB

10. Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.vtt

15.3 KB

4. Mean, variance, and standard deviation.vtt

16.6 KB

13. Normal distributions and z-scores.vtt

22.9 KB

2.1 Mean, variance, and standard deviation.pdf.pdf

393.6 KB

2.2 Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.pdf.pdf

417.7 KB

6.1 Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.pdf.pdf

675.2 KB

9.1 Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.pdf.pdf

886.4 KB

2.3 Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.pdf.pdf

991.7 KB

12.1 Normal distributions and z-scores.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

15.1 distributions.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB


1.4 MB

2.4 Normal distributions and z-scores.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

3.1 Mean, variance, and standard deviation.pdf.pdf

1.6 MB

1. Introduction to data distributions.mp4

7.4 MB

7. Frequency histograms and polygons, and density curves.mp4

20.7 MB

10. Symmetric and skewed distributions and outliers.mp4

28.6 MB

4. Mean, variance, and standard deviation.mp4

29.8 MB

13. Normal distributions and z-scores.mp4

46.2 MB

/03. Analyzing data/

11. Changing the data, and outliers.html

0.1 KB

8. Spread range and IQR.html

0.1 KB

5. Central tendency mean, median and mode.html

0.1 KB

14. Box-and-whisker plots.html

0.1 KB

2. RESOURCE Quiz solutions for this section.html

0.4 KB

1. Introduction to analyzing data.vtt

0.5 KB

6. Spread range and IQR.html

0.6 KB

12. Box-and-whisker plots.html

0.6 KB

15. BONUS! Extra practice problems. ).html

0.7 KB

3. Central tendency mean, median and mode.html

0.7 KB

9. Changing the data, and outliers.html

0.8 KB

13. Box-and-whisker plots.vtt

6.9 KB

7. Spread range and IQR.vtt

13.1 KB

4. Central tendency mean, median and mode.vtt

15.1 KB

10. Changing the data, and outliers.vtt

17.4 KB

2.2 Changing the data, and outliers.pdf.pdf

334.4 KB

2.3 Central tendency mean, median, and mode.pdf.pdf

379.7 KB

6.1 Spread - range and IQR.pdf.pdf

381.3 KB

2.4 Spread range and IQR.pdf.pdf

390.2 KB

12.1 Box-and-whisker plots.pdf.pdf

394.0 KB

9.1 Changing the data, and outliers.pdf.pdf

398.2 KB

3.1 Central tendency - mean, median, and mode.pdf.pdf

400.9 KB

15.1 Workbook.analyzing data.pdf.pdf

1.2 MB

15.2 Workbook.analyzing

1.3 MB

2.1 Box-and-whisker plots.pdf.pdf

2.1 MB

1. Introduction to analyzing data.mp4

4.6 MB

13. Box-and-whisker plots.mp4

11.7 MB

7. Spread range and IQR.mp4

20.0 MB

4. Central tendency mean, median and mode.mp4

24.4 MB

10. Changing the data, and outliers.mp4

29.7 MB

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/10. Final exam and wrap-up/

2. Wrap-up.vtt

0.5 KB

1. Probability & Statistics final exam.html

0.9 KB

1.1 Probability & Statistics.Final Exam.pdf.pdf

804.8 KB

1.2 Probability & Statistics.Final Exam.Solutions.pdf.pdf

1.8 MB

2. Wrap-up.mp4

7.6 MB

/01. Getting started/

2. Download the formula sheet.html

0.7 KB

1. Hi! START HERE Course overview.vtt

1.8 KB

2.1 Probability & Statistics.formulas.pdf.pdf

1.3 MB

1. Hi! START HERE Course overview.mp4

13.2 MB


Total files 410

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