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A Dying Colonialism.pdf

6.7 MB

A history of West Africa, 1000-1800.pdf

52.9 MB

African Socialism Revisited.pdf

571.8 KB

Black Athena Revisited.pdf

31.9 MB

Black Athena Writes Back- Martin Bernal Responds to His Critics.pdf

4.8 MB

Black Athena- The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization - The Fabrication of Ancient Greece, 1785-1985.pdf

33.3 MB

Black Athena_Vol. 2_The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization_The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence.pdf

62.9 MB

Black Athena_Vol. 3_The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization- The Linguistic Evidence, .pdf

3.8 MB

Black Skin, White Masks.pdf

843.6 KB

Black, Brown, & Beige_Surrealist Writings from Africa and the Diaspora.pdf

6.8 MB

Consciencism_Philosophy and the Ideology for Decolonization.pdf

6.2 MB

Discourse on Colonialism.pdf

2.3 MB

Fanon's Dialectic of Experience.pdf

16.5 MB

Frantz Fanon_Critical Perspectives.pdf

1.5 MB

From Revolution to Rights in South Africa- Social Movements, NGOs and Popular Politics After Apartheid.pdf

1.8 MB

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.pdf

817.4 KB

Neocolonialism_The Last Stage of Imperialism.pdf

380.4 KB

Return to the Source_Cabral.pdf

17.1 MB

The African Liberation Reader Volume 1- The Anatomy of Colonialism.pdf

6.2 MB

The African Liberation Reader Volume 2_The National Liberation Movements.pdf

4.4 MB

The African Liberation Reader Volume 3_The Strategy of Liberation.pdf

5.6 MB

The Wretched of the Earth.pdf

1.0 MB

The Wretched of the Earth_1.pdf

13.2 MB

The wretched of the earth_2.pdf

16.9 MB

Toward the African Revolution.pdf

4.1 MB

Unity and struggle- speeches and writingss.pdf

19.7 MB


A Nation within a Nation_Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Black Power Politics.pdf

30.0 MB

A Short History of

4.0 MB

African Identities- Race, Nation and Culture in Ethnography, Pan-Africanism and Black Literatures.pdf

833.7 KB

AfroAsian Encounters- Culture, History, Politics.pdf

1.7 MB

American Uprising_The Untold Story of America's Largest Slave Revolt.pdf

950.6 KB

Angela Davis_An Autobiography.pdf

26.8 MB

Anticommunism and the African American Freedom Movement_"Another Side of the Story".pdf

1.7 MB


2.3 MB

Becoming African in America- Race and Nation in the Early Black Atlantic.pdf

3.3 MB

Behind the Mask of Chivalry- The Making of the Second Ku Klux Klan.pdf

16.9 MB

Beyond Boundaries_C.L.R. James_Theory and Practice.pdf

918.3 KB

Black Identity and Black Protest in the Antebellum North.pdf

3.0 MB

Black Is a Country- Race and the Unfinished Struggle for Democracy.pdf

105.2 MB

Black Liberation- A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa.pdf

30.1 MB

Black Marxism_The Making of the Black Radical Tradition.pdf

25.4 MB

Black Moses_The Story of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association.pdf

66.4 MB

Black Nationalism in American Politics and Thought.pdf

1.0 MB

Black Power Movement_Rethinking the Civil Rights-Black Power Era.pdf

2.3 MB

Black Rage in New Orleans_Police Brutality and African American Activism from World War II to Hurricane Katrina.pdf

1.8 MB

Blacks and reds- race and class in conflict, 1919-1990.epub

669.0 KB

Blood In My Eye.pdf

17.1 MB

Bound for Canaan_The Epic Story of the Underground Railroad, America's First Civil Rights Movement.pdf

3.7 MB

C. L. R. James on the "Negro Question".epub

436.4 KB

Can't Stop Won't Stop - A History of the Hip Hop

2.1 MB

Days of hope- race and democracy in the New Deal Era.epub

1.7 MB

Detroit_I Do Mind Dying_A Study in Urban Revolution.pdf

17.4 MB

Die Nigger Die!.pdf

5.5 MB

Dreaming Blackness- Black Nationalism and African American Public Opinion.pdf

812.6 KB

Dreams from My Father- A Story of Race and Inheritance.pdf

1.2 MB

Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement_A Radical Democratic Vision.pdf

3.2 MB

Fighting for Us_Maulana Karenga, the US Organization, and Black Cultural Nationalism.pdf

807.4 KB

Freedom Dreams_The Black Radical Imagination.pdf

1.5 MB

Freedom North_Black Freedom Struggles Outside the South, 1940-1980.pdf

1.4 MB

Freedom Summer_The Savage Season That Made Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy.pdf

652.4 KB

From Cotton Belt to Sunbelt.pdf

24.1 MB

Groundwork_Local Black Freedom Movements in America.pdf

1.6 MB

Hammer and Hoe_Alabama Communists During the Great Depression.pdf

21.4 MB

Huey P. Newton- The Radical Theorist.pdf

636.1 KB

In the Break_The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition.pdf

1.2 MB

Jailhouse Lawyers.pdf

862.8 KB

Making Malcolm- The Myth and Meaning of Malcolm X.pdf

9.2 MB

Malcolm X Speaks_Selected Speeches and Statements.pdf

5.3 MB


6.9 MB

Mastered by the Clock- Time, Slavery, and Freedom in the American South.pdf

659.9 KB

Negroes With Guns.pdf

2.0 MB

Newark- A History of Race, Rights, and Riots in America.pdf

1.7 MB

No There There_Race, Class, and Political Community in Oakland.pdf

2.6 MB

North of Slavery_The Negro in the Free States, 1790-1860.pdf

15.8 MB

On the Ground- The Black Panther Party in Communities Across America.pdf

3.1 MB

Radical Protest and Social Structure_The Southern Farmers' Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880-1890.pdf

10.3 MB

Red, Black, and Green- Black Nationalism in the United States.pdf

8.4 MB

Revolutionaries to Race Leaders_Black Power and the Making of African American Politics.pdf

2.3 MB

Rough Crossings- The Slaves, the British, and the American Revolution.pdf

2.0 MB

Search and Destroy_African-American Males in the Criminal Justice System.pdf

6.0 MB

Seize the time- the story of the Black Panther Party and Huey P. Newton.pdf

1.5 MB

Sisters in the Struggle_African-American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement.pdf

861.0 KB

Slave Culture_Nationalist Theory and the Foundations of Black America.pdf

26.5 MB

Slavery and Politics in the Early American Republic.pdf

1.1 MB

Slavery in White and Black_Class and Race in the Southern Slaveholders' New World Order.pdf

1.8 MB

Society and Culture in the Slave South.pdf

741.1 KB

Soledad Brother.pdf

1.3 MB

The Assassination of Fred Hampton- How the FBI and the Chicago Police Murdered a Black Panther.pdf

7.8 MB

The Audacity of Hope_Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.pdf

2.7 MB

The Autobiography of Malcolm X_As Told to Alex Haley.pdf

1.7 MB

The Black Atlantic_Modernity and Double-Consciousness.pdf

33.9 MB

The Black Panther Party_Service to the People Programs.pdf

3.2 MB

The Blues- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.0 MB

The Color of Fascism- Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism in the United States.pdf

3.1 MB

The Color of Fascism_Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism in the United States.pdf

2.0 MB

The Color of Welfare- How Racism Undermined the War on Poverty.pdf

5.4 MB

The Cry Was Unity - Communists and African-Americans, 1917-36.pdf

842.4 KB

The Deacons for Defense_Armed Resistance and the Civil Rights Movement.pdf

2.5 MB

The Death of Reconstruction_Race, Labor, and Politics in the Post-Civil War North, 1865-1901.pdf

1.0 MB

The Huey P. Newton Reader.pdf

13.6 MB

The Mind of the Master Class_History and Faith in the Southern Slaveholders' Worldview.pdf

4.8 MB

The Rise of the Ku Klux Klan_Right-Wing Movements and National Politics.pdf

2.8 MB

The Souls of Black Folk.pdf

2.2 MB

The Specter of Sex- Gendered Foundations of Racial Formation in the United States.pdf

633.5 KB

The Transformation of American Abolitionism- Fighting Slavery in the Early Republic.pdf

1.3 MB

The Vinyl Ain't Final_Hip-hop and the Globalisation of Black Popular Culture.pdf

2.7 MB

The Wages of Whiteness_Race and the Making of the American Working Class.pdf

10.1 MB

The Warmth of Other Suns_The Epic Story of America's Great Migration.pdf

3.2 MB

The dialectics of Black revolution- The struggle to defeat the counterinsurgency in the U.S.pdf

2.4 MB

To Make Our World Anew- Volume I- A History of African Americans to 1880.pdf

1.4 MB

War Against the Panthers.pdf

484.8 KB

We Real Cool- Black Men and Masculinity.pdf

1.2 MB

We Will Return In The Whirlwind- Black Radical Organizations 1960-1975.pdf

14.0 MB

Where Do We Go from Here- Chaos or Community? .pdf

1.1 MB


Anarchism and Marxism.pdf

118.3 KB

Anarchism_From Theory to Practice.pdf

396.1 KB

Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies_Post-Anarchism Today.pdf

12.5 MB

Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution.pdf

74.4 MB


8.2 MB

Bakunin on Anarchy.pdf

7.4 MB

Black Bloc, White Riot- Antiglobalization and the Genealogy of Dissent.pdf

3.9 MB

Black Flame.pdf

16.1 MB


3.3 MB

Change the World without Taking Power. The Meaning of Revolution Today. (2005 Epilogue).pdf

6.5 MB

Change the World without Taking Power_The Meaning of Revolution Today.pdf

530.9 KB

Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937.pdf

138.7 KB

Constituent Imagination- Militant Investigations, Collective Theorization.pdf

4.1 MB

Contemporary Anarchist Studies- An Introductory Anthology of Anarchy in the Academy.pdf

2.2 MB

Decolonizing Anarchism- An Antiauthoritarian History of India's Liberation Struggle.pdf

118.6 KB

Direct Action- An Ethnography.pdf

11.1 MB

Exquisite Rebel- Essays of Voltairine De Cleyre- Feminist, Anarchist, Genius.pdf

820.5 KB

Facing the Enemy- A History of Anarchist Organisation from Proudhon to May 1968.pdf

20.6 MB

Fields, Factories, and Workshops.pdf

1.1 MB

From Bakunin to Lacan- Anti-authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power From Bakunin to Lacan- Anti-authoritarianism and the Dislocation of Power.pdf

1.1 MB

General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century.pdf

10.1 MB

Gramsci is Dead- Anarchist Currents in the Newest Social Movements.pdf

1.7 MB

Kropotkin- 'The Conquest of Bread' and Other Writings.pdf

4.1 MB

Power and Politics in Poststructuralist Thought_New Theories of the Political.pdf

118.2 KB

Proudhon- What is Property?.pdf

11.2 MB

Russian Anarchists.pdf

118.3 KB

The Art of Not Being Governed- An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia.pdf

118.5 KB

The Friends of Durruti Group- 1937-1939.pdf

9.6 MB

The Most Radical Gesture_The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age.pdf

756.4 KB

The Political Philosophy of Poststructural Anarchism.pdf

856.9 KB

The Politics of Postanarchism.pdf

1.6 MB

The State- Its Historic Role.pdf

244.4 KB

Under Three Flags- Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination.pdf

55.0 MB

What Is Property?.pdf

10.9 MB

/Animal Rights/

Against Liberation- Putting Animals in Perspective.pdf

1.7 MB

In Defense of Animals_The Second Wave.pdf

2.1 MB


A General Theory of Magic.pdf

983.3 KB

A Handbook Of Economic Anthropology.pdf

2.6 MB

Arguing With Anthropology- An Introduction to Critical Theories of the Gift.pdf

8.1 MB

Culture and practical reason.pdf

6.8 MB

Debt- The First 5,000 Years.pdf

5.6 MB

Domination and Resistance.pdf

3.2 MB

Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology.pdf

212.1 KB

General Theory of Magic.pdf

983.3 KB

Islands of History.pdf

14.0 MB

Mental & the Material_Thought Economy & Society.pdf

8.1 MB

New Directions in Economic Anthropology.pdf

3.4 MB

Perspectives in Marxist Anthropology.pdf

12.2 MB

Purity and Danger- An Analysis of Concepts of Pollution and Taboo.pdf

1.0 MB

State Formation_Anthropological Perspectives.pdf

1.7 MB

State and Society_The Emergence and Development of Social Hierarchy and Political Centralization.pdf

3.2 MB

Structural Anthropology.pdf

38.5 MB

The Anthropology of the State_A Reader.pdf

3.0 MB

The Devil and Commodity Fetishism in South America, 30th Anniversary Ed..pdf

16.9 MB

The Gift- The Form and Reason for Exchange in Archaic Societies.pdf

1.3 MB

The Horse, the Wheel, and Language- How Bronze-Age Riders from the Eurasian Steppes Shaped the Modern World.djvu

10.0 MB

The Magic of the State.pdf

21.5 MB

The Western Illusion of Human Nature.pdf

7.6 MB

Toward An Anthropological Theory of Value- The False Coin of Our Own Dreams.pdf

1.2 MB


Architecture and Utopia_Design and Capitalist Development.pdf

40.2 MB

Future Forms and Design for Sustainable Cities Architecture Design.pdf

14.5 MB

Rethinking Architecture.pdf

2.6 MB

Towards a New Architecture.pdf

28.5 MB


A History of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.pdf

16.2 MB

An Abortive Chinese Enlightenment_The Cultural Revolution and Class Theory.pdf

20.3 MB

Anarchism in the Chinese Revolution.chm

409.5 KB

Bureaucracy, Economy, and Leadership in China- The Institutional Origins of the Great Leap Forward.pdf

8.3 MB

China Since Mao_Bettelheim.pdf

10.9 MB

China and Historical Capitalism- Genealogies of Sinological Knowledge.pdf

1.2 MB

China and Socialism_Market Reforms and Class Struggle.pdf

8.2 MB

China and the Transformation of Global Capitalism.pdf

6.5 MB

China's Economy and the Maoist Strategy.pdf

15.3 MB

China's Industrial Revolution_Politics,Planning, and Management, 1949 to the Present.pdf

20.0 MB

China's Republic.pdf

4.1 MB

Cultural Revolution and Industrial Revolution in China.pdf

363.5 KB

For Mao_Essays In Historical Materialism.pdf

10.5 MB

Fractured Rebellion- The Beijing Red Guard Movement.pdf

1.7 MB

Industrial Society in Communist China- A Firsthand Study of Chinese Economic Development and Management, with Significant Comparisons with Industry in India, the U.S.S.R., Japan, and the United States.pdf

45.4 MB

Manufacturing History.pdf

8.3 MB

Mao Tse-tung in Opposition.pdf

35.4 MB

Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution, Vol. 1 (Routledge Library of Modern China.pdf

27.8 MB

Mao Zedong on Dialectical Materialism_Writings on Philosophy, 1937.pdf

16.0 MB

Mao Zedong- A Political and Intellectual Portrait.pdf

75.1 MB

Mao's China and After.pdf

31.8 MB

Mao's China and the Cold War.pdf

2.8 MB

Mao's Crusade_Politics and Policy Implementation in China's Great Leap Forward.pdf

1.4 MB

Mao's War Against Nature- Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China.pdf

3.1 MB

Mao_The Unknown Story.pdf

124.0 MB

Maoist Economics & the Revolutionary Road to Communism_The Shanghai Textbook.pdf

84.4 MB

Marxism, Maoism, and Utopianism- Eight Essays.pdf

14.5 MB

Ninth Heaven to Ninth Hell_The History of a Noble Chinese Experiment.pdf

92.0 MB

Party, Army, and Masses in China- A Marxist interpretation of the cultural revolution and its aftermath.pdf

19.6 MB

Peasants and Revolution in Rural China- Rural Political Change in the North China Plain and the Yangzi Delta, 1850-1949.pdf

2.9 MB

Revolution and History- Origins of Marxist Historiography in China, 1919-1937.pdf

3.5 MB

Revolutionizing the Family_Politics, Love, and Divorce in Urban and Rural China, 1949-1968.pdf

2.4 MB

Rise of the Red Engineers.pdf

21.1 MB

The Battle for China's Past_Mao and the Cultural Revolution.pdf

1.3 MB

The Cultural Revolution- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.6 MB

The Culture of Power- The Lin Biao Incident in the Cultural Revolution.epub

811.9 KB

The End of the Maoist Era- Chinese Politics During the Twilight of the Cultural Revolution, 1972-1976.pdf

4.1 MB

The Genius of China- 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery, and Invention.pdf

20.6 MB

The Great Reversal.pdf

900.9 KB

The Nationalist Era in China_1927-1949.pdf

17.2 MB

The Rise of the Chinese People's Communes.pdf

20.5 MB

The Unknown Cultural Revolution_Educational Reforms and Their Impact on China's Rural Development, 1966-1976 .pdf

48.8 MB

Turning Point In China_An Essay on the Cultural Revolution.pdf

7.8 MB

Uncertain Partners_Stalin, Mao, and the Korean War.pdf

39.7 MB

Was Mao Really a Monster?.pdf

15.6 MB

What is Maoism.doc

160.8 KB

What is Maoism.pdf

270.1 KB

Wind in the Tower_Mao Tsetung and the Chinese Revolution, 1949-1975.pdf

31.6 MB

Women of the Long March.pdf

17.3 MB

Women, the Family, and Peasant Revolution in China.pdf

16.5 MB

Zhou Enlai_The Last Perfect Revolutionary.pdf

1.6 MB



167.1 KB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 - From the Jinggangshan to the Establishment of the Jiangxi Soviets July 1927-December 1930 (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.3).pdf

67.7 MB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 - National Revolution and Social Revolution December 1920-June 1927 (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.2).pdf

44.9 MB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 - The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Soviet Republic 1931-1934 (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.4).pdf

83.5 MB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949 - Toward the Second United Front January 1935-July 1937 (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.5).pdf

58.3 MB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949- New Democracy (1939-1941) (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.7).pdf

67.9 MB

Mao's Road to Power_Revolutionary Writings 1912-1949_The Pre-Marxist Period, 1912-1920 (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.1).pdf

45.8 MB

Mao's Road to Power_The New Stage (August 1937-1938) (Mao's Road to Power- Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949 Vol.6).pdf

69.1 MB


1.5 MB


2.0 MB


1.5 MB


1.9 MB


2.0 MB

The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao- From the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward.pdf

34.0 MB


Adam Smith in Beijing- Lineages of the Twenty-First Century.pdf

4.6 MB

Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics- Entrepreneurship and the State (2008).pdf

1.9 MB

China and Globalization- The Social, Economic and Political Transformation of Chinese Society (2006).pdf

6.0 MB

China and Socialism- Market Reforms and Class Struggle (2005).pdf

8.2 MB

China and the Transformation of Global Capitalism (2009).pdf

47.5 MB

Chinese Capitalism (2006).pdf

1.5 MB

Chinese Capitalism in a Global Era- Towards a Hybrid Capitalism (2004).pdf

2.6 MB

Chinese Capitalisms- Historical Emergence and Political Implications (2010).pdf

868.7 KB

Chinese Economic Development (2009).pdf

9.8 MB

Chinese Society- Change, Conflict and Resistance, Third Edition (2000).pdf

1.2 MB

Contagious Capitalism- Globalization and the Politics of Labor in China (2005).pdf

42.2 MB

Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit- The Emergence of Capitalism in China (1999).pdf

1.5 MB

Globalization and State Transformation in China (2004).pdf

2.0 MB

Red Capitalism- The Fragile Financial Foundation of China's Extraordinary Rise.epub

2.8 MB

Red Capitalists in China- The Party, Private Entrepreneurs, and Prospects for Political Change (2003).pdf

1.4 MB

Red Lights- The Lives of Sex Workers in Postsocialist China.pdf

1.2 MB

Remaking the Chinese State- Strategies, Society and Security (2001).pdf

1.8 MB

Sources of Chinese Economic Growth, 1978-1996.pdf

32.9 MB

The Chinese Economy- Transitions and Growth (2007).pdf

3.3 MB

The Future of Chinese Capitalism (2007).pdf

12.0 MB

The Transformation of Chinese Socialism (2006).pdf

34.9 MB

Working-Class Network Society- Communication Technology and the Information Have-Less in Urban China.pdf

2.9 MB

/Asia/China/Victor Serge/Individual files/

1. Bolshevism and Asia (February 1927).pdf

153.3 KB

2. First Letter_The Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution (April 1927).pdf

185.5 KB

3. Second Letter_The Communist Task (June:July 1927).pdf

177.9 KB

4. Third Letter_The Strength of the Agrarian Revolution: The Red Spears (August 1927).pdf

191.3 KB

5. Fourth Letter_The Outcome of an Experience of Class Collaboration (August 1927).pdf

173.2 KB

6. Fifth Letter (September:October 1927).pdf

175.3 KB

7. Canton, December 1927.pdf

156.7 KB

Introduction from Revolutionary History.pdf

72.1 KB

The Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution (1927:28).pdf

53.2 KB

/Asia/China/Victor Serge/

The Class Struggle in the Chinese Revolution_1927-28.pdf

1.3 MB


Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern

733.3 KB

Peasants, Rebels, and Outcastes- The Underside of Modern Japan, Second Edition.pdf

20.0 MB

Race War!- White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire.pdf

1.5 MB

The Art of Not Being Governed- An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia.pdf

6.0 MB


A Left Approach to Development.pdf

225.2 KB

Decolonizing Anarchism- An Antiauthoritarian History of India's Liberation Struggle.pdf

8.0 MB

Elementary Aspects of Peasant Insurgency in Colonial India.pdf

28.8 MB

India's Partition- The Story of Imperialism in Retreat.pdf

1.8 MB

Postcolonial_Developments_Agriculture in the Making of Modern India.pdf

52.6 MB

Red Sun.pdf

19.5 MB

The Naxal Challenge_Causes Linkages and Policy Options.pdf

45.4 MB

The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India- Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay, 1900-1940.pdf

15.1 MB

The Scandal of Empire_India and the Creation of Imperial Britain.pdf

1.8 MB


Indonesian Communism Under Sukarno- Ideology and Politics, 1959-1965.pdf

34.8 MB

Pretext for Mass Murder- The September 30th Movement and Suharto's Coup d'Etat in Indonesia.pdf

1.3 MB

The Rise of Indonesian Communism.pdf

48.2 MB


North Korea_The Struggle Against American Power.pdf

1.5 MB

The Korean War_A History.pdf

3.3 MB

The Survival of North Korea- Essays on Strategy, Economics and International Relations.pdf

1.4 MB


Dispatches from the People's War in Nepal.pdf

2.7 MB

Gender Trouble Makers- Education and Empowerment in Nepal.pdf

2.3 MB


A Tibetan Revolutionary_The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phuntso Wangye.pdf

2.6 MB

The Snow Lion and the Dragon- China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama.pdf

2.6 MB


Perfect Spy- The Incredible Double Life of Pham Xuan An, Time Magazine Reporter and Vietnamese Communist Agent.pdf

5.2 MB

/Asian American/

AfroAsian Encounters- Culture, History, Politics.pdf

118.4 KB

Asian American Youth_Culture, Identity and Ethnicity.pdf

3.0 MB

Asian American psychology- current perspectives.pdf

10.2 MB

Asian Americans_A Demographic Portrait.pdf

374.6 KB

Asian-American_Historical Crossings of a Racial Frontier.epub

1.3 MB

Displacements And Diasporas_Asians In The Americas.pdf

3.3 MB

Displacements and Diasporas- Asians in the Americas.pdf

3.3 MB

Race, Rights, And the Asian American Experience, 2nd edition.pdf

660.2 KB

The Coolie Speaks- Chinese Indentured Laborers and African Slaves in Cuba.pdf

1.6 MB

The Snake Dance of Asian American Activism- Community, Vision, and Power.pdf

1.3 MB


A Culture of Conspiracy- Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America.pdf

1.5 MB

A Marxist Philosophy of Language.pdf

1.8 MB

Aesthetic Theory.pdf

7.5 MB

Aesthetics and Its Discontents.pdf

4.0 MB

Aesthetics and Politics.pdf

7.4 MB

After Colonialism.pdf

117.9 KB

All That Is Solid Melts Into Air_The Experience of Modernity.pdf

16.4 MB

American Scream_Allen Ginsberg's 'Howl' and the Making of the Beat Generation.pdf

1.3 MB

An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art.pdf

1.4 MB

An Introductory Guide to Post-structuralism and Post-modernism.pdf

18.7 MB

Archaeologies of the Future_The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions.pdf

7.2 MB

Architecture and Modernity_A Critique.pdf

6.9 MB

Behind the Blip.pdf

5.0 MB

Capital, Class and Technology in Contemporary American Culture_Projecting Post-Fordism.pdf

1.6 MB

Class Struggle in Hollywood, 1930-1950 - Moguls, Mobsters, Stars, Reds, and Trade Unionists.pdf

1.6 MB

Collective Action- A Bad Subjects Anthology.pdf

2.6 MB

Collectivism after Modernism- The Art of Social Imagination after 1945.pdf

9.4 MB

Colonialism in Question_Theory, Knowledge, History.pdf

3.2 MB

Conspiracy Panics- Political Rationality and Popular Culture.pdf

811.6 KB

Conspiracy Theories__Secrecy and Power in American Culture.pdf

1.7 MB

Contemporary Art- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.5 MB

Critical Theory- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.8 MB

Critique of Violence_Benjamin.pdf

820.3 KB

Culture and Imperialism.pdf

8.7 MB

Dada and Surrealism- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

4.5 MB

Debunked!- Conspiracy Theories, Urban Legends, and Evil Plots of the 21st Century.pdf

1.1 MB

Deconstruction_Theory and Practice.pdf

1.4 MB

Enemies Within_The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America.pdf

1.3 MB

Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting. Afro-Asian Connections and the Myth of Cultural Purity.pdf

2.1 MB

EverydayLife in the Modern World.pdf

5.3 MB

Fredric Jameson- A Critical Reader.pdf

1.7 MB

Freedom Is, Freedom Ain't_Jazz and the Making of the Sixties.pdf

1.4 MB

From Class Struggle to the Politics of Pleasure- The Effects of Gramscianism on Cultural Studies.pdf

2.0 MB

Futurism- An Anthology.pdf

5.6 MB

Guy Debord and the Situationist International- Texts and Documents.pdf

8.0 MB

Highbrow Lowbrow_The Emergence of Cultural Hierarchy in America.pdf

15.0 MB

How the Beatles Destroyed Rock n Roll- An Alternative History of American Popular Music.pdf

1.2 MB

Hybridity- Limits, Transformations, Prospects.pdf

3.5 MB

Ideology_An Introduction.pdf

6.3 MB

Illuminations - Essays and Reflections.pdf

16.1 MB

In Theory_Classes, Nations, Literatures.pdf

18.9 MB

Intellectual and Manual Labour_A Critique of Epistemology.pdf

38.9 MB

Introduction to Modernity.djvu

10.9 MB

Keep On Pushing- Black Power Music from Blues to Hip-hop.pdf

1.7 MB

Keywords_A Vocabulary of Culture and Society.pdf

1.2 MB

Leaving The 20th Century- The Incomplete Work Of The Situationist International.pdf

11.7 MB

Literary Theory- A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).pdf

1.0 MB

Literary Theory_An Introduction.pdf

1.2 MB

Manifestoes of Surrealism.pdf

13.4 MB

Mapping Ideology.pdf

5.1 MB

Marxism and Literature, Part I.pdf

11.7 MB

Marxism and Literature, Part II.pdf

139.9 KB

Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Part One).pdf

76.3 MB

Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture (Part Two).pdf

76.3 MB

Marxism and the Philosophy of Language.pdf

12.6 MB

Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies.pdf

1.1 MB

Marxist Literary Theory_A Reader.pdf

69.3 MB

Modern Art- A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).pdf

3.8 MB


2.4 MB

Nationalism, Colonialism, and Literature.pdf

5.3 MB

Noir Urbanisms- Dystopic Images of the Modern City.pdf

2.8 MB

Noise- The Political Economy of Music.pdf

8.5 MB

Notes From Underground- Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture.pdf

6.9 MB

On Creativity.pdf

6.3 MB

On Deconstruction_Theory and Criticism after Structuralism.pdf

15.4 MB

On Ugliness.pdf

103.4 MB

On beauty.pdf

47.1 MB

Peer to Peer and the Music Industry- The Criminalization of Sharing.pdf

1.5 MB

Philosophizing the Everyday- Revolutionary Praxis and the Fate of Cultural Theory .pdf

1.3 MB

Please kill me- the uncensored oral history of punk.pdf

24.1 MB

Post-Colonial Studies- The Key Concepts.pdf

1.4 MB

Postcolonial Theory_Contexts, Practices, Politics.pdf

857.1 KB

Postcolonialism_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

18.9 MB

Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.pdf

22.2 MB


464.8 KB

Psychoanalysis of Fire.pdf

6.7 MB


521.0 KB

Representations of the Intellectual.pdf

5.1 MB

Representing Capital- A Reading of Volume One.pdf

3.1 MB


17.8 MB

Rip It Up- The Black Experience in Rock N Roll.pdf

1.2 MB

Scraps of the Untainted Sky_Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia.pdf

37.7 MB

Songs of Experience_Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme.pdf

2.5 MB

Soul and Form.pdf

3.9 MB

Spoken Soul- The Story of Black English.pdf

1.5 MB

Television_Technology and Cultural Form.pdf

1.6 MB

The Art of Protest_Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle.pdf

3.4 MB

The Beach Beneath the Street- The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International.pdf

803.0 KB

The Beat Generation.pdf

497.0 KB

The Beat Generation_A Beginner's Guide.pdf

6.5 MB

The Bible and the Third World- Precolonial, Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters.pdf

2.2 MB

The Blues- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.0 MB

The Cambridge Companion to Walter Benjamin (Cambridge Companions to Literature).pdf

1.1 MB

The Condition of Postmodernity- An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change.pdf

8.1 MB

The Cultural Turn_Selected Writings on the Postmodern, 1983-1998.pdf

2.2 MB

The Fate of Art- Aesthetic Alienation from Kant to Derrida and Adorno.pdf

17.5 MB

The Future of the Image.pdf

4.5 MB

The Global Genome_Biotechnology, Politics and Culture.pdf

118.0 KB

The Invention of Tradition.pdf

17.8 MB

The Location of Culture.pdf

6.0 MB

The Modernist Papers.pdf

21.9 MB

The Most Radical Gesture- The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age.pdf

756.4 KB

The Origins of Postmodernity.pdf

85.5 MB

The Poetics of Space.pdf

4.6 MB

The Political Art of Bob Dylan.pdf

770.7 KB

The Political Unconscious.pdf

1.2 MB

The Postcolonial Aura_Third World Criticism In The Age Of Global Capitalism.pdf

37.0 MB

The Postmodern Condition.pdf

21.5 MB

The Postmodern.pdf

1.4 MB

The Power of Myth.pdf

793.3 KB

The Principle of Hope, Volume 1.pdf

8.8 MB

The Principle of Hope, Volume 2.pdf

2.0 MB

The Situationist City.pdf

228.1 MB

The Stars Down to Earth and Other Essays on the Irrational in Culture.pdf

659.7 KB

The Street Was Mine- White Masculinity in Hardboiled Fiction and Film Noir.pdf

1.0 MB

The Utopian Function of Art and Literature.pdf

1.3 MB

Walter Benjamin And the Arcades Project.pdf

3.1 MB

Wars of Position_The Cultural Politics of Left and Right.pdf

2.3 MB

Ways of Seeing.pdf

28.5 MB

Women of the Beat Generation.djvu

6.8 MB


A Practical Guide to Designing with Data.pdf

4.9 MB

Beautiful Evidence.pdf

27.3 MB

Creative Direct Action Visuals.pdf

2.2 MB

Design Elements_A Graphic Style Manual.pdf

54.2 MB

Envisioning Information.pdf

38.3 MB

Graphic Design Solutions.pdf

44.1 MB

Information Design.pdf

2.8 MB

Making and_Breaking the_Grid_A Graphic Design Layout Workshop.pdf

40.4 MB

The Art of Protest- Culture and Activism from the Civil Rights Movement to the Streets of Seattle.pdf

3.4 MB

The Elements of Typographic Style, Third Edition.pdf

33.6 MB

The Fundamentals of Graphic Design.pdf

21.5 MB

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Second Edition.pdf

13.4 MB

Thinking with Type- A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students.pdf

48.6 MB

Visual Explanations- Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative.pdf

20.2 MB

White Space is Not Your Enemy- A Beginner's Guide to Communicating Visually through Graphic, Web and Multimedia Design.pdf

25.9 MB


7.2 MB


Adobe Illustrator CS5 Classroom in a Book.pdf

39.2 MB

Adobe InDesign CS5 Classroom in a Book.pdf

18.8 MB

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book.pdf

26.4 MB


Agriculture and the State System_The Rise and Decline of National Agricultures, 1870 to the Present.pdf

1.5 MB

As the World Burns_50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial.pdf

22.2 MB

Deep Green Resistance- Strategy to Save the Planet.pdf

10.7 MB

Eco-Socialism_From Deep Ecology to Social Justice.pdf

1.2 MB

Ecology without Nature_Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics.pdf

4.7 MB

Endgame, Volume 1_The Problem of Civilization.pdf

779.0 KB

Endgame, Volume 2_Resistance.pdf

3.9 MB

Global Warming_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

3.1 MB

Green Imperialism- Colonial Expansion, Tropical Island Edens and the Origins of Environmentalism, 1600-1860.pdf

28.2 MB

Justice, Nature and the Geography of Difference.pdf

30.3 MB

Marx and Nature_A Red and Green Perspective.pdf

914.7 KB

Marx's Ecology_Materialism and Nature.pdf

26.5 MB

Silent Spring.pdf

1.1 MB

The Ecological Thought.pdf

8.0 MB

The Enemy of Nature_The End of Capitalism or the End of the World.pdf

2.3 MB

Tropic of Chaos- Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence.epub

669.3 KB

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows- An Introduction to Carnism.pdf

7.0 MB


'Peripheral' Labour - Studies in the History of Partial Proletarianization.pdf

5.9 MB

A Brief History of Neoliberalism.pdf

3.4 MB

A Companion to Marx’s Capital.pdf

3.3 MB

A History of Capitalism, 1500-2000.pdf

23.2 MB

A History of Marxian Economics, Volume I- 1883-1929.pdf

2.0 MB

A History of Marxian Economics, Volume II- 1929-1990.pdf

23.4 MB

Adam's Fallacy_A Guide to Economic Theology.pdf

714.2 KB

American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance.pdf

981.5 KB

Beyond Capital_Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class.pdf

800.9 KB

Beyond The Regulation Approach- Putting Capitalist Economies In Their Placee.pdf

2.1 MB

Capital Resurgent- Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution.pdf

10.7 MB

Capitalism & Slavery.pdf

27.4 MB

Capitalism and Its Economics_A Critical History.pdf

1.6 MB


11.2 MB

Capitalism_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.0 MB

Capitalism_Its Origins and Evolution as a System of Governance.pdf

12.3 MB

Capitalist Development and Crisis Theory- Accumulation, Regulation and Spatial Restructuring.pdf

59.3 MB

Class Counts Student Edition.pdf

2.1 MB

Class Structure and Income Determination.pdf

29.5 MB

Class Struggle on the Homefront- Work, Conflict, and Exploitation in the Household.pdf

177.6 KB

Consumption in the Age of Affluence- The World of Food.pdf

3.1 MB

Crisis in the Global Economy_Financial Markets, Social Struggles and New Political Scenarios.pdf

2.7 MB

Cyber-Marx_Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Technology Capitalism.pdf

2.2 MB

Debate on Classes.djvu

5.2 MB

Economic Calculation and Forms of Property.pdf

753.8 KB

Economics for Everyone- A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism.pdf

2.1 MB

Economics- Marxian versus Neoclassical.pdf

15.9 MB

Ending the Crisis of Capitalism or Ending Capitalism?.pdf

13.6 MB

Essays on Marx’s Theory of Value, 3rd Edition.pdf

8.2 MB

Exploring Marx's Capital- Philosophical, Economic and Political Dimensions.pdf

118.2 KB

Following Marx_Method, Critique and Crisis.pdf

118.1 KB

From Political Economy to Economics- Method, the Social and the Historical in the Evolution of Economic Theory.pdf

2.5 MB

Geographies of the New Economy.pdf

1.5 MB

Globalisation_A Systematic Marxian Account.pdf

1.0 MB

Globalization and Its Discontents.pdf

12.0 MB

Globalization of Capital and the Nation-State- Imperialism, Class Struggle, and the State in the Age of Global Capitalism.pdf

10.9 MB

Grundrisse- Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy.pdf

51.8 MB

Imperialism and Global Political Economy.pdf

1.9 MB

Imperialism and Unequal Development.pdf

15.5 MB

Imperialism- From the Colonial Age to the Present.pdf

17.1 MB

Imperiled Economy I.pdf

9.7 MB

In and Out of Crisis_The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives.pdf

4.3 MB

Interrogating Inequality.pdf

17.8 MB

Key Debates in New Political Economy.pdf

1.1 MB

Knowing Capitalism.pdf

1.5 MB

Labor and Monopoly Capital_The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century.pdf

20.2 MB

Late Capitalism.pdf

37.0 MB

Manufacturing Discontent- The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society.pdf

1.4 MB

Market Socialism- The Debate Among Socialists.pdf

2.3 MB

Marx Beyond Marx.pdf

17.0 MB

Marx's Capital, 4th edition_Fine_Saad-Filho.pdf

727.3 KB

Marx's Crises Theory- Scarcity, Labor, and Finance.pdf

14.9 MB

Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic.pdf

118.3 KB

Marxism and Ecological Economics_Toward a Red and Green Political Economy.pdf

1.0 MB

Measuring the Wealth of Nations- The Political Economy of National Accounts.pdf

23.8 MB

Micro-Politics of Capital (2003).pdf

1.2 MB

Mirages and Miracles- Crisis in Global Fordism.pdf

16.7 MB

Naked Economics- Undressing the Dismal

559.7 KB

New Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies and the Enlargement of the Eurozone.pdf

1.5 MB

Phases of Capitalist Development- Booms, Crises and Globalizations.pdf

1.4 MB

Piero Sraffa's Political Economy- A Centenary Estimate (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics).pdf

1.9 MB

Political Economy and the Rise of Capitalism- A Reinterpretation.chm

811.5 KB

Post-Fordism_A Reader.pdf

23.5 MB

Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities - Prelude to a Critique of Economic Theory).pdf

5.6 MB

Rationality and Irrationality in Economics.pdf

13.7 MB

ReOrient_Global Economy in the Asian Age.pdf

42.5 MB

Reading Capital Politically.pdf

1.3 MB

Reading Capital.pdf

1.2 MB

Reconstructing Political Economy- The Great Divide in Economic Thought.pdf

1.3 MB

Spaces of Capital_Towards a Critical Geography.pdf

47.6 MB

Spaces of Hope.pdf

33.1 MB

Spaces of Neoliberalization_Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development.pdf

18.7 MB

Studies in the Development of Capitalism.pdf

23.1 MB

The ABCs of Political Economy_A Modern Approach.pdf

2.9 MB

The ABCs of the Economic Crisis- What Working People Need to Know.pdf

13.5 MB

The Age of Capital, 1848-75.pdf

19.9 MB

The Age of Imperialism.pdf

70.5 MB

The Beginning of History- Value Struggles and Global Capital.pdf

8.2 MB

The Brenner Debate- Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-industrial Europe.pdf

7.0 MB

The Circulation of Capital_Essays on Volume II of Marx's Capital.pdf

3.7 MB

The Confiscation of American Prosperity- From Right-Wing Extremism and Economic Ideology to the Next Great Depression.pdf

1.2 MB

The Culmination of Capital- Essays on Volume III of Marx's 'Capital'.pdf

1.6 MB

The Economics Anti-Textbook_A Critical Thinker's Guide to Microeconomics.pdf

2.3 MB

The Economics of Feasible Socialism Revisited.pdf

1.6 MB

The Economics of Imperialism.pdf

13.0 MB

The End of Economics.pdf

1.5 MB

The Enigma of Capital.djvu

3.2 MB

The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.pdf

808.2 KB

The Great Financial Crisis- Causes and Consequences.pdf

9.4 MB

The Invention of Capitalism_Classical Political Economy and the Secret History of Primitive Accumulation.pdf

3.3 MB

The Law of Worldwide Value_Amin.pdf

10.6 MB

The Limits to Capital.pdf

10.0 MB

The Natural Instability of Markets - Expectations, Increasing Returns, and the Collapse of Capitalism.pdf

4.5 MB

The New Dialectic and Marx's Capital .pdf

2.5 MB

The New Imperialism.pdf

918.6 KB

The New Value Controversy and the Foundations of Economics.pdf

12.8 MB

The Origin of Capitalism_A Longer View.pdf

6.2 MB

The Passions and the Interests- Political Arguments for Capitalism Before its Triumph.pdf

842.1 KB

The Political Economy of Growth.pdf

19.7 MB

The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.pdf

971.5 KB

The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008.pdf

3.0 MB

The Rise of Free Trade Imperialism- Classical Political Economy the Empire of Free Trade and Imperialism 1750-1850.pdf

7.0 MB

The World Bank- A Critical Primer.pdf

2.5 MB

The World of Consumption.pdf

1.4 MB

Theories of Value and Distribution since Adam Smith- Ideology and Economic Theory.pdf

9.2 MB

Theory as History- Essays on modes of production and exploitation.pdf

2.3 MB

Time, Labor, and Social Domination_A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory Time, Labor, and Social Domination- A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory.pdf

9.2 MB

Transition to Socialist Economy.pdf

1.8 MB

Transnational Classes and International Relations.pdf

1.7 MB

Understanding Capital- Marx's Economic Theory.pdf

9.3 MB

Unequal Development_An Essay on the Social Formations of Peripheral Capitalism.pdf

25.2 MB

Unequal Exchange- A Study of the Imperialism of Trade.pdf

9.9 MB

Varieties of Capitalism, Varieties of Approaches.pdf

1.3 MB

Virtual States- The Internet and the Boundaries of the Nation State.pdf

924.5 KB

Wall Street- How It Works and for Whom.pdf

1.1 MB

Westernizing the Third World- The Eurocentricity of Economic Development Theories .pdf

39.5 MB

Workers in a Lean World_Unions in the International Economy.pdf

262.4 MB

World-Systems Analysis_Theory and Methodology.pdf

23.2 MB


Brief Bibliography.pdf

46.0 KB


45.9 KB


138.2 KB

/.../Part 1 - Values and Institutions/

1. What Is An Economy?.pdf

102.6 KB

2. Economic Values.pdf

144.0 KB

3. Judging Economies.pdf

317.4 KB

/.../Part 2 - Participatory Economic Vision/

10. Evaluating Parecon.pdf

126.4 KB

4. Ownership.pdf

52.1 KB

5. Councils.pdf

112.0 KB

6. Job Complexes.pdf

100.4 KB

7. Remuneration.pdf

76.0 KB

8. Allocation.pdf

229.1 KB

9. Summary & Defense.pdf

100.8 KB

/.../Part 3 - Daily Life In A Participatory Economy/

11. Working.pdf

264.7 KB

12. Consuming.pdf

111.4 KB

13. Allocating.pdf

91.3 KB

14. Efficiency.pdf

91.5 KB

15. Productivity.pdf

74.7 KB

16. Creativity:Quality.pdf

60.7 KB

17. Meritocracy:Innovation.pdf

67.8 KB

18. Privacy:Frenzy.pdf

93.3 KB

19. Individuals:Society.pdf

64.0 KB

20. Participatory?.pdf

106.0 KB

21. Flexibility.pdf

125.3 KB

22. Elevating Need.pdf

125.2 KB

23. Compatibility.pdf

125.3 KB

24. Human Nature.pdf

65.9 KB

25. Asset Or Debit?.pdf

72.3 KB

26. Excitement:Attainability.pdf

56.2 KB


A Revolution of the Mind_Radical Enlightenment and the Intellectual Origins of Modern Democracy.pdf

889.8 KB

Customs in Common.pdf

31.7 MB

Discovering The Scottish Revolution 1692-1746.pdf

1.7 MB

Enemies of the Enlightenment_The French Counter-Enlightenment and the Making of Modernity.pdf

18.3 MB

Enlightenment Contested_Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man 1670-1752.pdf

8.4 MB

Feudal Society_Vol. 1_The Growth and Ties of Dependence.pdf

8.5 MB

Feudal Society_Vol. 2_Social Classes and Political Organisation.pdf

2.6 MB

Madness_A Brief History.pdf

9.8 MB

New Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies and the Enlargement of the Eurozone.pdf

177.7 KB

Radical Enlightenment_Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750.pdf

7.7 MB

Revolt and Crisis in Greece- Between a Present Yet to Pass and a Future Still to Come.pdf

19.9 MB

Societal Breakdown and the Rise of the Early Modern State in Europe- Memory of the Future.pdf

936.9 KB

The Century of Revolution, 1603-1714.pdf

2.1 MB

The Darker Side of the Renaissance- Literacy, Territoriality, and Colonization.pdf

19.1 MB

The Enlightenment in National Context.pdf

6.6 MB

The National Question in Europe in Historical Context.pdf

11.0 MB

The Origins of Scottish Nationhood.pdf

2.3 MB

The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe (Second Edition).pdf

33.8 MB

The Travails of the Eurozone- Economic Policies, Economic Developments.pdf

2.1 MB

Women and Fascism.pdf

1.2 MB


Pedagogy of the Oppressed.pdf

5.9 MB

The Strike That Changed New York_Blacks, Whites, and the Ocean Hill_Brownsville Crisis.pdf

118.3 KB


A People's History of England.pdf

31.3 MB

Internal Colonialism- Celtic Fringe in British National Development, 1536-1966.pdf

13.8 MB

Race War!- White Supremacy and the Japanese Attack on the British Empire.pdf

177.6 KB

The Making of the English Working Class.pdf

39.1 MB

The Web of Empire- English Cosmopolitans in an Age of Expansion, 1560-16600.pdf

4.7 MB


Barricades_The War of the Streets in Revolutionary Paris, 1830-1848.pdf

3.8 MB

Leon Trotsky on the Paris Commune.pdf

8.3 MB

May '68 and Its Afterlives.pdf

1.1 MB

Paris, Capital of Modernity.pdf

4.3 MB

Surmounting the Barricades- Women in the Paris Commune.pdf

2.8 MB

The Explosion_French Marxism and the French Revolution.djvu

15.6 MB

The Explosion_French Marxism and the French Revolution.pdf

30.3 MB

The French Revolution- A Very Short Introduction.pdf

2.2 MB

The French Revolution- Recent Debates and New Controversies.pdf

1.2 MB

The French Revolution.pdf

1.3 MB

The Paris Commune 1871.pdf

90.6 MB

The Paris Commune- A Revolutionary Democracy.pdf

75.8 MB


Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution.pdf

1.2 MB

IBM and the Holocaust_The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation.pdf

3.8 MB

Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class.pdf

7.5 MB

Other Germans- Black Germans and the Politics of Race, Gender, and Memory in the Third Reich.pdf

1.9 MB

Stormtroopers and Crisis in the Nazi Movement- Activism, Ideology and Dissolution.pdf

1.2 MB

The German Revolution 1917-1923 (Historical Materialism Book Series).pdf

4.7 MB

The Routledge Companion to Nazi Germany (Routledge Companions to History).pdf

2.1 MB

The Wages of Destruction- The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy.pdf

8.1 MB


Handbook For Volunteers Of The Irish Republican Army_Notes On Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

465.4 KB

The Provisional Irish Republican Army and the Morality of Terrorism.pdf

2.1 MB


Books for Burning_Between Civil War and Democracy in 1970s Italy.pdf

15.7 MB

Caesar's Gallic Wars 58-50 BC.pdf

4.8 MB

Proletarian Order_Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils and the Origins of Communism in Italy, 1911-21.pdf

27.3 MB

Storming Heaven_Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism.pdf

2.5 MB

The Roman Empire_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

3.2 MB


Anarchism, the Republic and Civil War in Spain_1931-1939.pdf

1.0 MB

Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution.pdf

118.6 KB

Class, Culture and Conflict in Barcelona, 1898-1937.pdf

3.5 MB

Cooperation at Work- The Mondragon Experience.pdf

6.7 MB

Durruti in the Spanish revolution.pdf

13.8 MB

Homage to Catalonia.pdf

809.2 KB

Making Mondragón- the growth and dynamics of the worker cooperative complex.pdf

6.5 MB

Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939.pdf

1.1 MB

The Friends of Durruti Group- 1937-1939.pdf

118.6 KB

The Spanish Civil War, The Soviet Union, and Communism.pdf

1.7 MB

The Spanish Civil War_A Very Short Introduction .pdf

3.7 MB

The Spanish Republic and the Civil War.pdf

3.2 MB

The myth of Mondragón- cooperatives, politics, and working-class life in a Basque town.pdf

18.7 MB

To Remember Spain_The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936.pdf

569.2 KB

Values at Work- Employee Participation Meets Market Pressure at Mondragon.pdf

12.2 MB


A Defense of Abortion.pdf

1.6 MB

Backlash- The Undeclared War Against American Women.pdf

9.9 MB

Black Feminist Thought_Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment.pdf

1.3 MB

Caliban and the Witch_Women, The Body, and Primitive Accumulation.pdf

26.3 MB

Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism.pdf

5.9 MB

Class Matters- Working Class Women's Perspectives On Social Class.pdf

1.3 MB

Class Struggle on the Homefront- Work, Conflict, and Exploitation in the Household.pdf

1.2 MB

Deleuze and Queer Theory.pdf

177.4 KB

Demanding Sex- Critical Reflections on the Regulation of Prostitution.pdf

1.8 MB

Differences that Matter- Feminist Theory and Postmodernism.pdf

883.3 KB

Discovering Reality- Feminist Perspectives on Epistemology, Metaphysics, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science.pdf

2.3 MB

Feminism Is for Everybody- Passionate Politics.pdf

3.8 MB

Feminism and Its Discontents- A Century of Struggle with Psychoanalysis.pdf

1.4 MB

Feminism- A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).pdf

2.8 MB

Gender Trouble_Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.pdf

799.1 KB

Intersections Between Feminist and Queer Theory- Sexualities, Cultures and Identities.pdf

594.0 KB

Left Out- The Politics of Exclusion- Essays 1964-2002.pdf

22.4 MB

Liberalism and Prostitution.pdf

1.0 MB

On the Game_Women and Sex Work.pdf

1.8 MB

Powers of Desire_The Politics of Sexuality.pdf

25.1 MB

Queer Theory and Social Change.pdf

943.5 KB

Safer Sex in the City - The Experience and Management of Street Prostitution.pdf

2.4 MB

Sex Work Matters.pdf

1.4 MB

Sex for Sale- Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry.pdf

2.2 MB

Sex for Sale_Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry.pdf

2.2 MB

Sex, Work and Sex Work_Eroticizing Organization.pdf

2.1 MB

Sexing the Body_Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.pdf

24.2 MB

Sexuality- A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).pdf

3.1 MB

The Beauty Myth- How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women.pdf

2.2 MB

The Creation of Patriarchy.pdf

49.8 MB

The Dialectic of Sex_The Case for Feminist Revolution.pdf

12.2 MB

The History of Sexuality, Volume 1_An Introduction.pdf

1.3 MB

The History of Sexuality, Volume 2_The Use of Pleasure.pdf

2.1 MB

The History of Sexuality, Volume 3_The Care of the Self.pdf

1.9 MB

The Politics of Prostitution- Women's Movements, Democratic States and the Globalisation of Sex Commerce.pdf

1.6 MB

The Reification of Desire_Toward a Queer Marxism.pdf

1.8 MB

The Specter of Sex- Gendered Foundations of Racial Formation in the United States.pdf

1.2 MB

The Traffic in Women- Notes on the “Political Economy” of Sex.pdf

5.3 MB

Third Wave Feminism- A Critical Exploration.pdf

1.8 MB

Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics.pdf

2.1 MB

Woman's Evolution- From matriarchal clan to patriarchal family.pdf

21.0 MB

Women and Fascism.pdf

117.8 KB

Women, the Family, and Peasant Revolution in China.pdf

16.5 MB


Feminist Film Theory- A Reader.pdf

2.1 MB

Film Theory and Criticism- Introductory Readings.pdf

14.8 MB

Left of Hollywood- Cinema, Modernism, and the Emergence of U.S. Radical Film Culture.pdf

9.8 MB

The Films of Jean-Luc Godard_Seeing the Invisible.pdf

25.8 MB

Understanding Film- Marxist Perspectives.pdf

1.1 MB


Consumption in the Age of Affluence- The World of Food.pdf

118.1 KB

In Defense of Food_An Eater's Manifesto.pdf

3.1 MB

The Omnivore's Dilemma_A Natural History of Four Meals.pdf

6.3 MB

The Vegetarian Myth- Food, Justice, and Sustainability.pdf

1.4 MB


Avengers of the New World_The Story of the Haitian Revolution.pdf

1.4 MB

Hegel, Haiti, and Universal History.pdf

49.2 MB

The Black Jacobins.pdf

20.3 MB


Food Rules- An Eater's Manual.pdf

805.7 KB

In Defense of Food- An Eater's Manifesto.pdf

3.1 MB

Living Vegetarian For Dummies, Second Edition.pdf

3.7 MB

The Omnivore's Dilemma- A Natural History of Four Meals.pdf

6.3 MB


A People's History of the World.pdf

2.1 MB

After Colonialism.pdf

1.8 MB

Afterthoughts on Material Civilization and Capitalism.pdf

3.3 MB


27.6 MB

Before European Hegemony_The World System A.D. 1250-1350.pdf

27.5 MB

Colonialism in Question_Theory, Knowledge, History.pdf

118.1 KB

Imagined Communities_Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism.pdf

23.9 MB

Late Victorian Holocausts- El Nino Famines and the Making of the Third World.pdf

25.5 MB

Lineages of the Absolutist State.pdf

36.7 MB

Nations and Nationalism since 1780.pdf

21.6 MB

Nations and Nationalism.pdf

2.2 MB

Ours to Master and to Own- Workers' Control from the Commune to the Present.pdf

6.5 MB

Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism.pdf

17.3 MB

People's History of the World.pdf

2.1 MB

Racing the Enemy- Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan.pdf

1.8 MB


203.6 MB

The Age of Capital_1848-75.pdf

20.0 MB

The Age of Empire- 1875-1914.pdf

7.0 MB

The Age of Extremes.pdf

31.6 MB

The Age of Revolution- 1789-1848.pdf

4.2 MB

The Crusades_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

4.6 MB

The Essential Wallerstein.pdf

24.0 MB

The French Historical Revolution_ Annales School, 1929-1989.pdf

3.1 MB

The Great Divergence- China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy.pdf

2.0 MB

The Great Transformation.pdf

21.6 MB

The Imagination of the New Left_a Global Analysis of 1968.pdf

25.1 MB

The Long Twentieth Century.pdf

293.1 MB

The Many-Headed Hydra.pdf

7.3 MB

The Modern World-System III_The Second Era of Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730s-1840s.pdf

24.4 MB

The Modern World-System II_Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750.pdf

25.2 MB

The Modern World-System I_Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World-Economy in the Sixteenth Century.pdf

28.8 MB

The Nature of the Book_Print and Knowledge in the Making.pdf

41.6 MB

The Origins of Capitalism and the 'Rise of the West.pdf

1.0 MB

The Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered- A.J.P. Taylor and the Historians, Second Edition.pdf

1.3 MB

The Printing Press as an Agent of Change.pdf

23.4 MB

The World System- Five Hundred Years or Five Thousand?.pdf

22.9 MB

To the Finland Station- A Study in the Writing and Acting of History.pdf

14.4 MB

Transition and development- problems of Third World socialism.pdf

6.9 MB

Working-class formation- Nineteenth-century patterns in Western Europe and the United States.pdf

70.8 MB

World Accumulation 1492-1789.pdf

2.9 MB

World System History_The Social Science of Long-Term Change.pdf

4.9 MB

World-Systems Analysis_An Introduction.pdf

5.3 MB

/Latin America/Chile/

The United States and Chile- imperialism and the overthrow of the Allende government.pdf

6.5 MB

/Latin America/Colombia/

Revolutionary Social Change in Colombia_The Origin and Direction of the FARC-EP.pdf

2.2 MB

/Latin America/Cuba/

Che Guevara_ A Revolutionary Life.pdf

1.8 MB

Che Guevara_The Economics of Revolution.pdf

1.3 MB

Comandante Che_Guerrilla Soldier, Commander, and Strategist, 1956-1967.pdf

5.6 MB

Inside the Cuban Revolution_Fidel Castro and the Urban Underground.pdf

1.4 MB

My Life_Castro.pdf

12.6 MB

The Coolie Speaks- Chinese Indentured Laborers and African Slaves in Cuba.pdf

1.6 MB

The Cuban Intervention in Angola, 1965-1991- From Che Guevara to Cuito Cuanavale .pdf

7.0 MB

The Origins of the Cuban Revolution Reconsidered.pdf

1.5 MB

The Week the World Stood Still- Inside the Secret Cuban Missile Crisis.pdf

2.4 MB

/Latin America/

El Libertador_Writings of Simon Bolivar.pdf

983.6 KB

Horizontalism- Voices of Popular Power in Argentina.pdf

17.9 MB

Latin America and the Comintern, 1919-1943.pdf

5.5 MB

Lumpenbourgeoisie- lumpendevelopment- dependence, class, and politics in Latin America.pdf

62.4 MB

Open Veins of Latin America.pdf

3.0 MB

Rebuilding the Left_Harnecker.pdf

1.4 MB

Revolution in the Revolution? Armed Struggle and Political Struggle in Latin America.pdf

7.5 MB

Revolution!_South America and the Rise of the New Left.pdf

1.1 MB

The Deepest South_Slavery.pdf

177.4 KB

The Idea of Latin America.pdf

1.3 MB

The New Latin American Left_Utopia Reborn.pdf

1.1 MB

/Latin America/El Salvador/

Strategy and Tactics of the Salvadoran FMLN Guerrillas_Last Battle of the Cold War, Blueprint for Future Conflicts.pdf

15.0 MB

The socialist option in Central America- two reassessments.pdf

10.5 MB

/Latin America/Mexico/

A Poetics of Resistance_The Revolutionary Public Relations of the Zapatista Insurgency.pdf

11.3 MB

The Making of the Mexican Border- The State, Capitalism, and Society in Nuevo Leon, 1848-1910.pdf

1.6 MB

Zapatistas_The Chiapas Revolt and What It Means for Radical Politics.pdf

865.8 KB

/Latin America/Nicaragua/

Sandinista_ Carlos Fonseca and the Nicaraguan Revolution.pdf

14.6 MB

Washington, Somoza and the Sandinistas- State and Regime in US Policy toward Nicaragua 1969-1981.pdf

11.3 MB

/Latin America/Peru/

Before the Shining Path_Politics in Rural Ayacucho, 1895-1980.pdf

3.0 MB

/Latin America/Puerto Rico/

Notes on the Puerto Rican Revolution- An Essay on American Dominance and Caribbean Resistance.pdf

10.2 MB

/Latin America/Uruguay/


633.3 KB


633.2 KB


Learning Good Consent.pdf

6.9 MB

Robert's Rules of Order_Simplified and Applied.pdf

6.0 MB


Anna Karenina.pdf

2.9 MB

Another Country.pdf

972.0 KB

As I Lay Dying_The Corrected Text.pdf

466.7 KB

Atlas Shrugged.pdf

3.0 MB

Beautiful Losers.pdf

497.3 KB


1.1 MB


872.1 KB

Borges- Collected Fictions.pdf

1.2 MB

Collected Stories of William Faulkner.pdf

2.7 MB


1.2 MB


704.0 KB


2.4 MB

Distrust That Particular

958.0 KB

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.pdf

1.2 MB

Go Tell It on the Mountain.pdf

584.4 KB

Gravity's Rainbow.pdf

4.0 MB

Homicide- A Year on the Killing Streets.epub

695.6 KB

Mallarme_Collected Poems and Other Verse.pdf

1.1 MB

Mason & Dixon_A Novel.azw

1.7 MB

Mason & Dixon_A Novel.pdf

1.2 MB

Midnight's Children.pdf

2.6 MB

Paradise Lost.pdf

841.8 KB

Rimbaud Complete.pdf

7.3 MB


604.2 KB


455.8 KB


540.1 KB

Song of Solomon.pdf

522.6 KB

Step Across This Line_Collected Nonfiction 1992-2002.pdf

617.5 KB


239.9 KB

The Annotated Flatland- A Romance of Many Dimensions.pdf

1.6 MB

The Brothers Karamazov.pdf

1.9 MB

The Cantos of Ezra Pound.pdf

25.4 MB

The Catcher in the Rye.pdf

5.0 MB

The Fountainhead.pdf

2.2 MB

The Great Gatsby.pdf

13.6 MB

The Master and Margarita.pdf

1.8 MB

The Satanic Verses.pdf

4.7 MB

The Trial.pdf

368.9 KB

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.pdf

3.1 MB

Underworld_A Novel.pdf

1.3 MB


1.2 MB


776.3 KB

War and Peace.pdf

7.2 MB

White Noise.pdf

1.1 MB


100 Years of Permanent Revolution- Results and Prospects.pdf

914.4 KB

Alienation_Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society.pdf

14.3 MB

Anarchism and Marxism.pdf

118.3 KB

Approaches to Class Analysis.pdf

1.7 MB

Bernstein and the Marxism of the Second Inter....pdf

388.2 KB

Between Equal Rights_A Marxist Theory Of International Law.pdf

1.4 MB

C.L.R. James_A Critical Introduction.pdf

3.2 MB

Class Struggle_Kautsky.pdf

2.6 MB

Class Struggles.pdf

935.3 KB

Classes in Contemporary Capitalism.pdf

13.3 MB

Conditions of the Working Class in England.pdf

608.9 KB

Considerations on Western Marxism.pdf

8.0 MB

Critical Companion to Contemporary Marxism.pdf

8.7 MB

Critical Realism and Marxism.pdf

197.7 MB

Critical Theories Of The State- Marxist, Neomarxist, Postmarxist.pdf

8.9 MB


97.9 KB

Dance of the Dialectic_Steps in Marx's Method.pdf

12.7 MB

Democracy against Capitalism_Renewing Historical Materialism.pdf

118.1 KB

Dialectics for the New Century.pdf

1.0 MB

Engels_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.8 MB

Ethics and Politics in Contemporary Theory- Between Critical Theory and Post-Marxism.pdf

651.1 KB

Existential Marxism in Postwar France- From Sartre to Althusser.pdf

882.6 KB

Exploring Marx's Capital- Philosophical, Economic and Political Dimensions.pdf

1.4 MB

Following Marx_Method, Critique and Crisis.pdf

1.2 MB

For Mao_Essays in Historical Materialism.pdf

10.5 MB

From Marxism to Post-Marxism.pdf

5.5 MB

Gramsci and Marxist Theory.pdf

15.0 MB

Gramsci's Political Thought_Hegemony, Consciousness and the Revolutionary Process.pdf

9.9 MB

Historical Materialism and Social Evolution.pdf

675.0 KB

Imperialism_The Highest Stage Of Capitalism.pdf

1.2 MB

In the Tracks of Historical Materialism.pdf

67.9 MB

Karl Marx and the Classics- An Essay on Value, Crises and the Capitalist Mode of Production.pdf

1.1 MB

Karl Marx's Grundrisse- Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy.pdf

3.0 MB

Karl Marx's Theory of History_A Defence.pdf

13.3 MB

Karl Marx's Theory of Revolution, Vol. 1- The State and Bureaucracy.pdf

20.1 MB

Late Marx and the Russian Road- Marx and the Peripheries of Capitalism.pdf

18.3 MB

Lenin_A Study on the Unity of his Thought.pdf

931.3 KB

Mao Zedong on Dialectical Materialism- Writings on Philosophy, 1937.pdf

16.0 MB

Market Socialism- The Debate Among Socialists.pdf

177.5 KB

Marx and the Politics of Abstraction.pdf

1.9 MB

Marx at the Margins_On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies.pdf

1.7 MB

Marx for the 21st Century.pdf

1.0 MB

Marx on Religion.pdf

964.5 KB

Marx's 'Eighteenth Brumaire'_(Post)modern Interpretations.pdf

1.4 MB

Marx's Attempt to Leave Philosophy.pdf

1.4 MB

Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic.pdf

3.8 MB

Marx's Method_Ideology, Science, and Critique in Capital.pdf

6.9 MB

Marx's Social Ontology_Individuality and Community in Marx's Theory of Social Reality.pdf

5.7 MB

Marx's Theory of Alienation.pdf

63.2 MB

Marx, the Young Hegelians, and the Origins of Radical Social Theory- Dethroning the Self.pdf

10.6 MB

Marxism and Ecological EconomicsToward a Red and Green Political Economy.pdf

1.0 MB

Marxism and Epistemology.pdf

6.2 MB

Marxism and Human Nature.pdf

1.2 MB

Marxism and Realism_A Materialistic Application of Realism in the Social Sciences.pdf

1.2 MB

Marxism and Scientific Socialism_Engels to Althusser.pdf

916.1 KB

Marxism and Social Science.pdf

19.4 MB

Marxism and Totality_The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas.pdf

20.7 MB

Marxism and the Philosophy of Language.pdf

12.6 MB

Marxism and the Philosophy of Science.pdf

38.4 MB

Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies.pdf

1.1 MB

Marxist Theories of Imperialism_A Critical Survey.pdf

1.7 MB

Marx’s Eighteenth Brumaire_(Post)modern Interpretations.pdf

1.4 MB

Marx’s Scientific Dialectics_A Methodological Treatise for a New Century.pdf

8.0 MB

Masses, Classes, Ideas- Studies on Politics and Philosophy Before and After Marx.pdf

17.4 MB

Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.pdf

1.9 MB

Notes on Dialectics_Hegel, Marx, Lenin.pdf

5.7 MB

On Practice and Contradiction.pdf

11.5 MB

On Trotskyism.pdf

4.1 MB

On the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.pdf

1.4 MB

Rethinking Marxism.pdf

31.5 MB

Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution.pdf

4.6 MB

Science, Marxism and the Big Bang- a Critical Review of 'reason in Revolt'.chm

329.4 KB

State Capitalism & World Revolution.pdf

3.2 MB

The 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'_From Marx to Lenin.pdf

10.5 MB

The Aesthetic Dimension- Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics.pdf

13.1 MB

The Agrarian Question in Marx and his Successors vol 1.pdf

32.6 MB

The Algebra of Revolution_The Dialectic and the Classical Marxist Tradition.pdf

1.7 MB

The Essential Rosa Luxemburg- Reform or Revolution and the Mass Strike.pdf

5.0 MB

The Marxist Theory of the State.pdf

5.8 MB

The Modern Prince.pdf

10.0 MB

The Permanent Revolution & Results and Prospects.pdf

12.2 MB

The Place of Marxism in History (Revolutionary Studies Series).pdf

6.6 MB

The Poulantzas Reader_Marxism, Law and the State.pdf

20.4 MB

The Quest for Evolutionary Socialism- Eduard Bernstein and Social Democracy.pdf

6.5 MB

The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao_From the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward.pdf

34.0 MB

The Sociology of Marx.pdf

5.1 MB

The Violence of Abstraction_The Analytic Foundations of Historical Materialism.pdf

7.2 MB

Theory as History.pdf

2.3 MB

Towards An Unknown Marx- A Commentary on the Manuscripts of 1861-63.pdf

1.3 MB

What Is To Be Done?.pdf

447.5 KB


Class Struggles in France, 1848-1850.pdf

606.9 KB

Critique of the Gotha Programme.pdf

209.6 KB

Dispatches for the New York Tribune_Selected Journalism of Karl Marx.pdf

18.4 MB

Marx and Engels on the Means of Communication- A Selection of Texts.pdf

15.9 MB

Marx at the Margins- On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societiess.pdf

1.7 MB

Marx on Religion.pdf

964.5 KB

The Civil War in France.pdf

339.9 KB

The Communist Manifesto.pdf

616.3 KB

The Dialectics of Nature.pdf

558.5 KB

The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon.pdf

446.2 KB

The German Ideology.pdf

46.0 MB

The Peasant War in Germany.pdf

567.9 KB

Wage-Labor and Capital.pdf

240.9 KB


Manufacturing Consent_The Political Economy of the Mass Media.pdf

4.4 MB

The Politics of Force_Media and the Construction of Police Brutality.pdf

1.1 MB

/Middle East/

All the Shah's Men- An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror.pdf

1.9 MB

Hizbu'llah- Politics and Religion.pdf

2.1 MB

Sowing Crisis- The Cold War and American Dominance in the Middle East.pdf

3.3 MB

The Origins of Arab Nationalism.pdf

6.3 MB

/Middle East/Israel:Palestine/

Armed struggle and the search for state- the Palestinian national movement, 1949-1993.pdf

25.6 MB

Beyond Chutzpah_On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History.pdf

2.5 MB

Israel- A Colonial-Settler State?.pdf

11.6 MB

My People Shall Live.pdf

535.6 KB

Overcoming Zionism_Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel Palestine.pdf

1.5 MB

Palestinian Identity in Jordan and Israel- The Necessary Others in the Making of a Nation.pdf

1.6 MB

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.pdf

26.0 MB

The Fateful Triangle, Updated Edition_The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians.pdf

3.5 MB

The Holocaust Industry_Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.pdf

656.2 KB

The Invention of the Jewish People.pdf

1.8 MB

The Myths of Zionism.pdf

835.8 KB

The Palestinians_From Peasants to Revolutionaries.pdf

3.2 MB

The Samson Option_Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy.pdf

32.4 MB

This Time We Went Too Far.pdf

655.8 KB


'Non-Lethal' Weapons.pdf

1.2 MB

Area 51- An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base.pdf

10.0 MB

Armed Struggle in Africa- With the Guerrillas in "Portuguese" Guinea.pdf

78.0 MB

Armed struggle and the search for state- the Palestinian national movement, 1949-1993.pdf

25.6 MB

Bringing the War Home- The Weather Underground, the Red Army Faction, and Revolutionary Violence in the Sixties and Seventies.pdf

2.4 MB

Britain's Long War- British Strategy in the Northern Ireland Conflict 1969-98.pdf

814.7 KB


1.0 MB

Clausewitz_A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions).pdf

580.1 KB

Corporations and Counterinsurgency.pdf

1.4 MB

Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror- Military Culture and Irregular War.pdf

870.3 KB

Counterinsurgency in Modern Warfare.pdf

3.7 MB


3.2 MB

Death by Moderation- The U.S. Military's Quest for Useable Weapons.pdf

1.5 MB

Fighting for Fallujah- A New Dawn for Iraq.pdf

3.3 MB

Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

425.6 KB

Handbook For Volunteers Of The Irish Republican Army- Notes On Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

465.4 KB

Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare.pdf

1.4 MB

Killing for Ireland- The IRA and Armed Struggle_.pdf

1.1 MB

Low-Intensity Operations.pdf

26.1 MB

Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age.pdf

52.4 MB

Masters of War- Classical Strategic Thought.pdf

3.1 MB

Minimanual of the Urban Guerrilla.pdf

279.6 KB

Modern Insurgencies and Counter-Insurgencies- Guerrillas and their Opponents since 1750 (Warfare and History).pdf

2.3 MB

Non-lethal Weapons as Legitimizing Forces- Technology, Politics and the Management of Conflict.pdf

4.3 MB

On Clausewitz- A Study of Military and Political Ideas.pdf

896.0 KB

On Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

1.0 MB

On Other War- Lessons from Five Decades of RAND Counterinsurgency Research.pdf

859.8 KB

Patterns of Conflict_John Boyd.pdf

795.8 KB

Resisting Rebellion_The History And Politics Of Counterinsurgency.pdf

1.1 MB

Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000- Lessons from the Urban Combat.pdf

1.3 MB

Science, Strategy and War- The Strategic Theory of John Boyd.pdf

1.5 MB

Special Operations and the Nature of Strategy- From World War II to the War on Terrorism.pdf

2.2 MB

Strategy and History- Essays on Theory and Practice.pdf

2.5 MB

The New American Way of War- Military Culture and the Political Utility of Force.pdf

2.1 MB

The Phoenix Program and Contemporary Counterinsurgency.pdf

339.6 KB

The Red Army Faction, a Documentary History- Volume 1- Projectiles for the People.pdf

11.6 MB

The Science of War- Weapons (Scientific American Special Online Issue No. 1)s.pdf

1.6 MB

The Tet Effect- Intelligence and the Public Perception of War.pdf

1.5 MB

The U.S. Army Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual- U.S. Army Field Manual No. 3-24.pdf

3.7 MB

The Virtual Battlefield_Perspectives on Cyber Warfare.pdf

52.5 KB


5.8 MB

US Special Forces and Couterinsurgency in Vietnam- Military Innovation and Institutional Failure, 1961-63.pdf

1.6 MB

Urban Guerrilla Warfare.pdf

1.2 MB

War in the Age of Technology- Myriad Faces of Modern Armed Conflict.pdf

975.0 KB

/Native American/

1491- New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus.pdf

7.2 MB

500 Years of Indigenous Resistance.pdf

3.6 MB

Acts of Rebellion_The Ward Churchill Reader.pdf

4.9 MB

Ojibwa Warrior_Dennis Banks And The Rise Of The American Indian Movement.pdf

18.5 MB

The Third Space of Sovereignty- The Postcolonial Politics of U.S.-Indigenous Relations.pdf

2.3 MB

White People, Indians, and Highlanders- Tribal People and Colonial Encounters in Scotland and America.pdf

3.7 MB

/New York City/

Beer and Revolution_The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914.pdf

7.2 MB

Black and White Manhattan- The History of Racial Formation in Colonial New York City.pdf

1.5 MB

Chants Democratic_New York City and the Rise of the American Working Class, 1788-1850.pdf

26.3 MB

City of Disorder- How the Quality of Life Campaign Transformed New York Politics.pdf

723.6 KB

Class, Power, & Austerity- The New York City Fiscal Crisis.pdf

12.4 MB

From Welfare State to Real Estate - Regime Change in New York City, 1974 to the Present.pdf

14.5 MB

Grand Illusion- The Untold Story of Rudy Giuliani and 9:11.pdf

1.4 MB

How East New York Became a Ghetto.pdf

1.2 MB

Living the Revolution_Italian Women's Resistance and Radicalism in New York City, 1880-1945 .pdf

6.9 MB

Mexican New York_Transnational Lives of New Immigrants.pdf

2.3 MB

New Immigrants in New York.pdf

1.3 MB

New York City Politics- Governing Gotham.pdf

1.4 MB

Reconstructing Chinatown- Ethnic Enclave, Global Change.pdf

16.2 MB

Taxi!_A Social History of the New York City Cabdriver.pdf

1.9 MB

The Long Default- New York City and the Urban Fiscal Crisis.pdf

3.7 MB

The New York City Draft Riots_Their Significance for American Society and Politics in the Age of the Civil War.pdf

26.4 MB

The Origin of Organized Crime in America- The New York City Mafia, 1891-1931.pdf

6.5 MB

The Strike That Changed New York_Blacks, Whites, and the Ocean Hill_Brownsville Crisis.pdf

1.3 MB


A Brief History of Peru.pdf

5.0 MB

Before the Shining Path_Politics in Rural Ayacucho, 1895-1980.pdf

3.0 MB


U.S. Imperialism and Revolution in the Philippines.pdf

964.4 KB


A Companion to Bioethics.pdf

1.8 MB

A Defence of History and Class Consciousness_Tailism and the Dialectic.pdf

10.1 MB

A Secular Age.pdf

5.2 MB

A Singular Modernity_Essay on the Ontology of the Present.pdf

9.3 MB

A Theory of Justice_Revised Edition.pdf

1.6 MB

A Thousand Plateaus- Capitalism and Schizophrenia.pdf

3.4 MB

Adorno's Positive Dialectic.pdf

3.4 MB

Adventures of the Dialectic.pdf

16.8 MB

Afrocentrism_Stephen Howe.pdf

28.4 MB

After Finitude_An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency.pdf

1.1 MB

An Essay on Liberation.pdf

4.3 MB

Anarchism and Marxism.pdf

1.0 MB

Anti-Oedipus_Capitalism and Schizophrenia.pdf

2.0 MB

Aspects of History and Class Consciousness.pdf

14.0 MB

Autonomia. Post-Political Politics.pdf

12.0 MB

Basic Writings of Nietzsche.pdf

1.2 MB

Being and Time.pdf

13.0 MB

Bernstein- The Preconditions of Socialism_.pdf

5.8 MB

Betraying Spinoza - The Renegade Jew Who Gave Us Modernity.epub

2.7 MB

Beyond Boundaries_C.L.R. James_Theory and Practice.pdf

918.3 KB

Beyond Good and Evil- Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future.pdf

2.8 MB

Biopolitics_An Advanced Introduction.pdf

531.5 KB

Black Flame.pdf

633.2 KB

Bodies, Masses, Power_Spinoza and His Contemporaries.pdf

6.4 MB

Caliban's Reason_Introducing Afro-Caribbean Philosophy.pdf

1.0 MB

Cogito and the Unconscious.pdf

7.5 MB

Communization and Its Discontents.pdf

829.8 KB

Contemporary Materialism_A Reader.pdf

2.7 MB

Continental Philosophy of Social Science.pdf

1.8 MB

Cosmopolis_The Hidden Agenda of Modernity.pdf

18.4 MB

Crises of the Republic.pdf

12.5 MB

Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy.pdf

2.9 MB

Critical Realism and Marxism.pdf

37.5 MB

Critical Realism- Essential Readings.pdf

5.4 MB

Critique of Judgment.pdf

16.9 MB

Critique of Practical Reason.pdf

12.4 MB

Critique of Pure Reason.pdf

10.2 MB

Debating Empire.pdf

8.1 MB

Deleuze and Guattari’s Philosophy of History.pdf

1.7 MB

Deleuze and Queer Theory.pdf

1.3 MB

Deleuze, Marx and Politics.pdf

840.3 KB

Democracy against Capitalism_Renewing Historical Materialism.pdf

5.6 MB

Democracy in What State?.pdf

3.0 MB

Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen- The Defense of Reason in Descartes's ''Meditations''.pdf

957.3 KB

Dialectic of Enlightenment.pdf

39.0 MB

Dialectic- The Pulse of Freedom.pdf

5.6 MB

Dialectical Materialism.pdf

6.7 MB

Dialectical Social Theory and Its Critics_From Hegel to Analytical Marxism and Postmodernism.pdf

8.4 MB

Dialectics for the New Century.pdf

1.0 MB

Differences that Matter- Feminist Theory and Postmodernism.pdf

118.1 KB

Discourses on Livy.pdf

1.0 MB

Dissensus_On Politics and Aesthetics.pdf

20.3 MB

Eclipse Of Reason.pdf

7.5 MB

Edward Said and the Post-Colonial.pdf

14.0 MB

Emerging Intersections- Race, Class, and Gender in Theory, Policy, and Practice.pdf

1.4 MB

Empire and Imperialism_A Critical Reading of Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri.pdf

4.4 MB

Empire's New Clothes- Reading Hardt and Negri.pdf

2.4 MB

Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies.pdf

2.8 MB

Epistemology_A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.pdf

1.8 MB

Ernst Bloch, Utopia and Ideology Critique.pdf

168.5 KB

Eros and Civilization_A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud.pdf

626.7 KB

Ethics and Politics in Contemporary Theory- Between Critical Theory and Post-Marxism.pdf

118.2 KB

Ethics_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.7 MB

Existentia Africana_Understanding Africana Existential Thought.pdf

1.0 MB

Existential Marxism in postwar France- From Sartre to Althusser.pdf

882.6 KB

Explaining Society- An Introduction to Critical Realism in the Social Sciences.pdf

1.2 MB

Expressionism in Philosophy_Spinoza.pdf

14.4 MB

Facing Reality - The New Society- Where to Look for It & How to Bring It Closer.pdf

7.0 MB

Fear_The History of a Political Idea.pdf

4.1 MB

Fields, Factories, And Workshops; Or, Industry Combined With Agriculture And Brain Work With Manual Work .pdf

1.1 MB

Following Marx_ Method, Critique and Crisis (Historical Materialism Book Series).pdf

1.2 MB

Freedom and Neurobiology- Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power.pdf

403.7 KB

Georg Lukacs - From Romanticism to Bolshevism.pdf

6.5 MB

Georg Lukács Reconsidered- Critical Essays in Politics, Philosophy and Aesthetics.pdf

818.4 KB

Ghostly Demarcations_A Symposium on Jacques Derrida's Specters of Marx.pdf

16.5 MB

Giorgio Agamben- A Critical Introduction.pdf

5.6 MB

Heidegger_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

1.5 MB

Historical Ontology.pdf

16.5 MB

History and Class Consciousness- Studies in Marxist Dialectics.pdf

22.1 MB

History and Class Consciousness.pdf

1.0 MB

History of Structuralism_The Sign Sets, 1967-Present.pdf

5.7 MB

How to Stop Living and Start Worrying- Conversations with Carl Cederstrm.pdf

2.4 MB

Ideology and Utopia- An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge.pdf

25.2 MB

Illuminations - Essays and Reflections.pdf

177.5 KB

Imaginary Communities_Utopia, the Nation, and the Spatial Histories of Modernity.pdf

2.5 MB

In Contradiction_A Study of the Transconsistent.pdf

1.5 MB

In Other Worlds_Essays in Cultural Politics.pdf

81.2 MB

In Praise of the Common_A Conversation on Philosophy and Politics.pdf

3.2 MB

In a Materialist Way_Selected Essays.pdf

4.8 MB

Infinitely Demanding- Ethics of Commitment, Politics of Resistance.pdf

6.1 MB

Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation.pdf

23.1 MB

Introduction to Metaphysics.pdf

8.2 MB

Jameson, Althusser, Marx_An Introduction to the Political Unconscious.pdf

1.2 MB


14.9 MB

Kant_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

12.0 MB

Karl Marx and Contemporary Philosophy.pdf

1.1 MB

Labor of Dionysus.pdf

4.8 MB

Labors of Imagination_Aesthetics and Political Economy from Kant to Althusser.pdf

1.2 MB


417.7 KB

Lefebvre, Love and Struggle- Spatial Dialectics.pdf

1.6 MB

Legitimation Crisis.pdf

953.5 KB

Liberalism and Prostitution.pdf

177.4 KB

Liberating Theory.pdf

1.2 MB

Logic and Existence.pdf

9.5 MB

Machiavelli (Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought.pdf

14.5 MB

Machiavelli_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

6.4 MB

Making History_Agency, Structure, and Change in Social Theory.pdf

1.6 MB

Making the Social World_The Structure of Human Civilization.pdf

8.3 MB

Mapping- A Critical Introduction to Cartography and GIS.pdf

2.9 MB

Marx through Post-Structuralism_Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze.pdf

2.0 MB

Marx's Grundrisse and Hegel's Logic.pdf

118.3 KB

Merleau Ponty.pdf

1.3 MB

Minima Moralia_Reflections on a Damaged Life.pdf

60.5 MB

Negations_Essays in Critical Theory.pdf

651.2 KB

Negative Dialectics.pdf

2.4 MB

Neuroscience and Philosophy_Brain, Mind, and Language.pdf

1.8 MB

Nights of Labor_Jacques Ranciere.pdf

32.4 MB

No Gods No Masters- An Anthology of Anarchism.pdf

22.7 MB

Of Grammatology.pdf

7.4 MB

On Christianity_Early Theological Writings.pdf

5.8 MB

On Materialism.pdf

10.2 MB

On Violence.djvu

969.2 KB

On Violence.pdf

48.4 MB

On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo.pdf

15.3 MB

On the Normal and the Pathological.pdf

40.3 MB

On the Theory of Ideology (The Politics of Althusser)_Ranciere.pdf

4.9 MB

One-Dimensional Man_Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society.pdf

11.5 MB

Ontology of Social Being_1 - Hegel's False and His Genuine Ontology.pdf

2.6 MB

Ontology of Social Being_2 - Marx's Basic Ontological Principles.pdf

4.2 MB

Ontology of Social Being_3 - Labour.pdf

3.4 MB

Open Society and Its Enemies (Volumes I and II).pdf

3.4 MB


5.3 MB

Panopticon Writings.pdf

12.5 MB

Parecon- Life After Capitalism.pdf

1.2 MB

Pedagogy of the Oppressed.pdf

5.9 MB

Performing Marx- Contemporary Negotiations of a Living Tradition.pdf

734.2 KB

Perversion and the Social Relation.pdf

5.0 MB

Phenomenology and Dialectical Materialism.pdf

20.7 MB

Phenomenology of Perception.pdf

1.6 MB

Philosopher and his Poor.pdf

3.6 MB

Philosophy of Logic- 2nd Edition.pdf

5.8 MB

Philosophy of Mathematics.pdf

43.5 MB

Philosophy of Science

519.5 KB

Picture Imperfect_Utopian Thought for an Anti-Utopian Age.pdf

858.6 KB

Political Liberalism- Expanded

962.9 KB

Political Liberalism.pdf

31.1 MB

Political Romanticism.pdf

1.4 MB

Political Theology II- The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology.pdf

5.8 MB

Political Theology_Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty.pdf

2.9 MB

Post-Marxist Theory_An Introduction.pdf

389.9 KB

Postcolonialism_A Very Short Introduction.pdf

18.9 MB

Potentialities- Collected Essays in Philosophy.pdf

5.7 MB

Power and Politics in Poststructuralist Thought_New Theories of the Political.pdf

726.0 KB


717.4 KB

Radical Enlightenment_ Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750.pdf

7.7 MB


752.1 KB

Reality and Reason_Dialectic and the Theory of Knowledge.pdf

3.8 MB

Realizing Hope- Life Beyond Capitalism.pdf

1.2 MB

Reason and Revolution_Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory.pdf

16.9 MB

Reclaiming the Enlightenment_Toward a Politics of Radical Engagement.pdf

1.1 MB

Reproduction of Daily Life.pdf

699.7 KB

Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution.pdf

4.6 MB

Searle and Foucault on Truth.pdf

1.9 MB

Signifiers and Acts_Freedom in Lacan's Theory of the Subject_Pluth.pdf

681.9 KB

Simone de Beauvoir (Routledge Critical Thinkers).pdf

1.6 MB

Socialism or Barbarism_From the "American Century" to the Crossroads.pdf

37.3 MB

Socialism, Feminism and Philosophy.pdf

2.4 MB

Sorel- Reflections on Violence.pdf

1.3 MB

Spectacular Capitalism- Guy Debord and the Practice of Radical Philosophy.pdf

1.3 MB

Specters of Marx_The State of the Debt, The Work of Mourning & the New International .pdf

14.2 MB

Spinoza and Politics.pdf

12.8 MB

Spinoza's 'Ethics'_An Introduction.pdf

2.5 MB

Spinoza- Theological-Political Treatise.pdf

2.0 MB

Spinoza_Practical Philosophy

11.5 MB

State, Movement, People- The Triadic Structure of the Political Unity, 1933 - The Question of Legality, 1950.pdf

5.9 MB

State, Space, World_Selected Essays .pdf

4.9 MB


9.4 MB

Studies in Critical Philosophy.djvu

1.4 MB

Subversive Spinoza_(Un)Contemporary Variations.pdf

7.4 MB

Talking About a Revolution- Interviews with Michael Albert, Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, bell hooks, Peter Kwong, Winona LaDuke, Manning Marable, Urvashi Vaid, and Howard Zinn.pdf

610.2 KB

Talking with Sartre_Conversations and Debates.pdf

7.6 MB

Technology, War and Fascism- Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse.pdf

14.5 MB

The Abyss of Freedom Ages of the World.pdf

7.0 MB

The Actuality of Communism.pdf

3.4 MB

The Aesthetic Dimension_Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics.pdf

13.1 MB

The Arcades Project_Benjamin.pdf

83.8 MB

The Authoritarian Personality.pdf

58.0 MB

The Book of Dead Philosophers.pdf

5.9 MB

The Chomsky-Foucault Debate_On Human Nature.pdf

587.2 KB

The Dialectical Imagination.pdf

19.7 MB

The Dialectics of Seeing- Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project.pdf

103.0 MB

The Dialogues of Plato, Volume 4- Plato's Parmenides, Revised Edition (The Dialogues of Plato).pdf

19.3 MB

The Ego and His Own.pdf

2.4 MB

The Emergence of Dialectical Theory_ Philosophy and Political Inquiry.pdf

11.5 MB

The Essential Kierkegaard.pdf

3.0 MB

The Ethics of Ambiguity.pdf

460.0 KB

The Flesh of Words.pdf

22.8 MB

The Frankfurt School Revisited_And Other Essays on Politics and Society.pdf

8.5 MB

The Frankfurt School- Its History, Theories and Political Significance.pdf

3.4 MB

The Frankfurt School- Its History, Theories, and Political Significance.epub

1.8 MB

The Heidegger Case- On Philosophy and Politics.pdf

6.8 MB

The Human Condition.pdf

1.8 MB

The Idea of Communism.pdf

13.3 MB

The Imaginary_A Phenomenological Psychology of the Imagination.pdf

888.7 KB

The Lacanian Left- Psychoanalysis, Theory, Politics.pdf

2.4 MB

The Law of Non-Contradiction_New Philosophical Essays.pdf

5.9 MB

The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes- Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol.pdf

5.9 MB

The Logic of Hegel's Logic_An Introduction.pdf

5.2 MB

The Marxian Critique of Justice.pdf

4.2 MB

The Moral Theory of Poststructuralism.pdf

6.9 MB

The Mystery of Consciousness.pdf

12.4 MB

The New Spinoza (Theory Out Of Bounds).pdf

8.8 MB

The New Spirit of Capitalism.djvu

19.8 MB

The New Spirit of Capitalism.pdf

21.6 MB

The Odd One In_On Comedy.pdf

2.5 MB

The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic.pdf

5.2 MB

The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity_Twelve Lectures.pdf

22.0 MB

The Philosophy of Marx.pdf

56.9 MB

The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir_Ambiguity, Conversion, Resistance.pdf

1.7 MB

The Politics Of Aesthetics_The Distribution of the Sensible.pdf

5.2 MB

The Politics of Friendship .pdf

21.2 MB

The Possibility Of Naturalism.pdf

9.9 MB

The Postcolonial Aura- Third World Criticism In The Age Of Global Capitalism.pdf

37.0 MB

The Poverty of Theory- Or an Orrery of Errors.pdf

12.9 MB

The Pre-occupation of Postcolonial Studies.pdf

3.9 MB

The Prince.pdf

4.6 MB

The Reactionary Mind_Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Sarah Palin.pdf

1.2 MB

The Real World of Ideology.pdf

7.5 MB

The Really Hard Problem- Meaning in a Material World.pdf

2.9 MB

The Resources of Critique.pdf

26.5 MB

The Revolution of Everyday Life.pdf

1.5 MB

The Rise of Analytic Philosophy.pdf

4.9 MB

The Savage Anomaly_The Power of Spinoza's Metaphysics and Politics.pdf

27.5 MB

The Shortest Shadow Nietzsche's Philsophy of the Two.pdf

656.9 KB

The Social Construction of What?.pdf

2.1 MB

The Society of the Spectacle.pdf

1.2 MB

The Soul at Work_From Alienation to Autonomy.pdf

5.7 MB

The Speculative Turn- Continental Materialism and Realism.pdf

2.7 MB

The Struggle for Nature- A Critique of Environmental Philosophy.pdf

662.0 KB

The Theory of Communicative Action Volume 1_Reason and the Rationalization of Society.pdf

4.8 MB

The Theory of Communicative Action Volume 2_Lifeworld and System_A Critique of Functionalist Reason.pdf

7.0 MB

The Wind from the East_French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of the 1960s.pdf

2.1 MB

Theory and Practice.pdf

14.7 MB

Theory of the Partisan.pdf

308.5 KB

Towards Non-Being_The Logic and Metaphysics of Intentionality.pdf

2.8 MB

Transcritique_On Kant and Marx.pdf

1.6 MB

Trouble with Strangers_A Study of Ethics.pdf

1.8 MB

Urbanization, Everyday Life and the Survival of Capitalism- Lefebvre, Gramsci and the Problematic of Hegemony.pdf

3.3 MB

Valences of the Dialectic.pdf

2.6 MB

Very Little ... Almost Nothing- Death, Philosophy and Literature.pdf

1.5 MB

What Should We Do with Our Brain?.pdf

3.0 MB

What is Analytic Philosophy?.pdf

2.0 MB

Where We Stand - Class Matters.pdf

983.0 KB

Who Comes After the Subject?.pdf

14.2 MB

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2.5 MB


Agamben - State of Exception.pdf

4.1 MB

Homo Sacer.pdf

917.7 KB

Means Without End- Notes on Politics.pdf

3.6 MB

The Signature of All Things- On Method.pdf

13.3 MB


Debate on Althusser's Lenin and Philosophy.pdf

138.1 KB

Essays in Self-Criticism.pdf

681.7 KB

For Marx.pdf

1.1 MB

Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays.pdf

610.6 KB

Machiavelli and Us.pdf

20.7 MB

On the Cultural Revolution.pdf

322.2 KB

Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of the Scientists & Other Essays.pdf

1.9 MB

Philosophy of the Encounter- Later Writings, 1978-87.pdf

7.1 MB

Politics and History.pdf

1.1 MB

The Humanist Controversy and Other Texts.pdf

26.3 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Althusser/about Althusser/


172.8 KB

Althusser and the Renewal of Marxist Social Theory.pdf

1.9 MB

Althusser_A Critical Reader_.pdf

31.4 MB

Althusser_The Detour of Theory.pdf

1.6 MB

Althusser’s Late Thinking About Materialism.pdf

456.0 KB

Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser’s Aleatory Materialism (Historical Materialism Book Series).pdf

2.2 MB

The Althusserian Legacy.pdf

155.5 MB

The Poverty of Theory, or an Orrery of Errors.pdf

12.9 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Althusser/about Althusser/essays/

Althusser_The Only Materialist Tradition, Pt. 1-Spinoza.pdf

614.6 KB

On the Theory of Ideology_Politics of Althusser.pdf

4.9 MB


Alain Badiou_Live Theory.pdf

4.0 MB

Badiou_A Subject To Truth.pdf

3.0 MB

Being and Event.pdf

27.7 MB


16.0 MB

Ethics_An Essay on the Understanding of Evil.pdf

11.0 MB

Handbook of Inaesthetics.pdf

3.7 MB

Infinite Thought_Truth And The Return To Philosophy.pdf

6.7 MB

Logics of Worlds.pdf

2.1 MB

Manifesto for Philosophy.pdf

19.1 MB


15.3 MB

Number and Numbers.pdf

5.0 MB

Pocket Pantheon_Figures of Postwar Philosophy.pdf

3.4 MB


17.4 MB

Saint Paul_The Foundation of Universalism.pdf

49.8 MB

Spinoza Now.pdf

1.7 MB

The Century.pdf

9.0 MB

The Communist Hypothesis.pdf

2.6 MB

The Concept of _Model.pdf

1.7 MB

The Meaning of Sarkozy.pdf

4.0 MB

The Rational Kernel of the 'The Philosophy of Hegel' .pdf

2.4 MB

Theoretical Writings.pdf

22.3 MB

Theory of Contradiction.PDF

213.0 KB

Theory of the Subject.pdf

7.6 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Badiou/about Badiou/

After Finitude- An Essay on the Necessity of Contingencyy.pdf

1.4 MB

Alain Badiou (Key Concepts).pdf

3.3 MB

Alain Badiou- Live Theory.pdf

4.0 MB

Badiou, Balibar, Ranciere- Re-thinking Emancipationn.pdf

9.8 MB

Badiou, Zizek, and Political Transformations_The Cadence of Change.pdf

8.8 MB

Badiou- A Subject To Truth.pdf

3.0 MB

Badiou_A Philosophy of_the_New.pdf

5.9 MB

Difficult Atheism- Post-Theological Thinking in Alain Badiou, Jean-Luc Nancy and Quentin Meillassoux.pdf

1.0 MB

Infinite Thought- Truth And The Return To Philosophy_.pdf

6.7 MB

The Mathematics of Novelty- Badiou's Minimalist Metaphysics.pdf

3.6 MB

The Praxis of Alain Badiou.pdf

2.6 MB

Think Again_Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy.pdf

3.1 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Cornelius Castoriadis/

A Society Adrift- Interviews and Debates, 1974-1997.pdf

1.4 MB

Castoriadis_Psyche, Society, Autonomy.pdf

2.4 MB

Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy- Essays in Political Philosophy.pdf

1.1 MB

The Imaginary Institution of Society.pdf

2.3 MB


Abnormal_Lectures at the Collège de France, 1974-1975.pdf

14.1 MB

Archaeology of Knowledge.pdf

872.4 KB

Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 1_Ethics_Subjectivity and Truth.pdf

6.4 MB

Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 2_Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology.pdf

49.5 MB

Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 3_Power.pdf

23.9 MB

Foucault_Politics, Philosophy, Culture- Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984.pdf

5.6 MB

History of Madness.pdf

2.7 MB

History of Sexuality_Vol. 1 - An Introduction.pdf

1.3 MB

History of Sexuality_Vol. 2 -The Use of Pleasure.pdf

2.1 MB

History of Sexuality_Vol. 3 -The Care of the Self.pdf

1.9 MB

Lectures at the College de France, 1978-79_The Birth of Biopolitics.pdf

1.0 MB

Remarks on Marx- Conversations with Duccio Trombardori (Foreign Agents Series).pdf

6.4 MB

Security, Territory, Population_Lectures at the College De France, 1977-78.pdf

3.8 MB

Society Must Be Defended_Lectures at the College de France, 1975-76.pdf

8.8 MB

The Birth of Biopolitics_Lectures at the College de France, 1978-79.pdf

1.0 MB

The Birth of the Clinic.pdf

672.4 KB

The Courage of the Truth_The Government of Self and Others II (Michel Foucault Lectures).pdf

2.8 MB

The Foucault Effect_Studies in Governmentality.pdf

15.5 MB

The Foucault Reader.pdf

9.1 MB

The Government of Self and Others_Lectures at the College de France, 1982-1983.pdf

2.9 MB

The Hermeneutics of the Subject_Lectures at the College de France, 1981-82.pdf

29.0 MB

The Order of Things.pdf

1.3 MB

The Politics of Truth.pdf

5.8 MB

This Is Not a Pipe.pdf

26.6 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Foucault/about Foucault/

Foucault and Political Reason- Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism, and Rationalities of Government.pdf

15.8 MB

Foucault and Queer Theory.pdf

1.1 MB

Foucault and the Iranian Revolution_Gender and the Seductions of Islamism.pdf

1.0 MB

Michel Foucault_Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.pdf

16.9 MB

Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume One.pdf

52.6 KB

Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two.pdf

52.6 KB

Searle and Foucault on Truth.pdf

52.4 KB

The Philosophy of Foucault.pdf

59.1 MB


'The Modern Prince'.pdf

10.0 MB

Pre-Prison Writings.pdf

7.8 MB


22.4 MB

Selections from Political Writings, 1911-1920.pdf

21.9 MB

Selections from Political Writings, 1921-1926.pdf

25.6 MB

The Antonio Gramsci Reader_Selected Writings 1916-1935.pdf

22.7 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Gramsci/about Gramsci/


6.5 MB

Gramsci and Trotsky in the Shadow of Stalinism- The Political Theory and Practice of Opposition.pdf

1.5 MB

Gramsci and the History of Dialectical Thought.pdf

9.0 MB

Gramsci's Political Thought_Hegemony, Consciousness and the Revolutionary Process.pdf

9.8 MB


2.6 MB

Proletarian Order- Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils and the Origins of Communism in Italy, 1911-21.pdf

27.3 MB

Rethinking Gramsci.pdf

1.8 MB

The Gramscian Moment_Philosophy Hegemony and Marxism.pdf

2.9 MB


Aesthetics- Lectures on Fine Art Volume II.pdf

38.5 MB

Aesthetics- Lectures on Fine Art. Vol. I.pdf

29.3 MB

Essays in Hegelian Dialectic.pdf

383.8 KB

Phenomenology of spirit.pdf

5.6 MB

Philosophy of Right.pdf

35.1 MB

The Science of Logic.pdf

4.4 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Hegel/about Hegel/

Cambridge Companion to Hegel (excerpts).zip

75.1 MB

Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right'.pdf

663.9 KB

G.W.F.Hegel_An Introduction to the Science of Wisdom.pdf

25.4 MB

Genesis and Structure of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit".pdf

13.7 MB

Hegel and His Critics_Philosophy in the Aftermath of Hegel.pdf

1.6 MB

Hegel and the Analytic Tradition.pdf

1.3 MB

Hegel's Dialectic_The Explanation of Possibility.pdf

22.7 MB

Hegel's Phenomenology- the sociality of reason.pdf

4.8 MB

Hegel- Political Writings_.pdf

1.2 MB


3.9 MB

Hegel_The Restlessness of the Negative.pdf

17.4 MB

Hegel_Three Studies.pdf

2.5 MB

In the Spirit of Hegel.pdf

36.8 MB

Introduction to the Reading of Hegel- Lectures on the Phenomenology of Spirit.pdf

15.3 MB

Notes on Dialectics- Hegel, Marx, Lenin.pdf

5.7 MB

Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing- Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction.pdf

9.9 MB

Reading Hegel's Phenomenology.pdf

1.7 MB

Studies on Marx & Hegel.pdf

5.7 MB

The Future of Hegel_Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic.pdf

2.1 MB

The Hegel Variations- On the Phenomenology of the Spirit.pdf

2.3 MB


Ecrits_The First Complete Edition in English.pdf

450.8 MB

Jacque Lacan_Seminar XI - Four Fundamental Concepts.pdf

5.9 MB

Jacques Lacan_Seminar 1_Freud's Papers on Technique.pdf

19.8 MB

Lacan and the Political.pdf

922.8 KB

/Philosophy:Theory/Lacan/about Lacan/

Introductory Dictionary of Lacanian Psychoanalysis.pdf

2.1 MB

Jacques Lacan and the Other Side if Psychoanalysis_sic 6.pdf

8.9 MB

Jacques Lacan- Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory_Vol. 1_Psychoanalytic Theory and Practice.pdf

7.5 MB

Jacques Lacan- Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory_Vol. 2_Philosophy.pdf

9.0 MB

Jacques Lacan- Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory_Vol. 3_Society, Politics, Ideology.pdf

12.6 MB

Jacques Lacan- Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory_Vol. 4_Culture.pdf

8.2 MB

Lacan_The Silent Partners.pdf

18.7 MB


Deconstruction and Pragmatism.pdf

1.0 MB

Emancipation (s).pdf

7.3 MB

Making of Political Identities.pdf

10.2 MB

On Populist Reason.pdf

10.4 MB

Politics and ideology in Marxist theory- Capitalism, fascism, populism.pdf

8.2 MB

Populism and the Mirror of Democracy.pdf

8.9 MB


Books for Burning_Negri.pdf

18.2 MB


7.6 MB


7.9 MB

Negri on Negri In Conversation with Anne Dufourmentelle.pdf

1.5 MB

New Lines of Alliance_New Spaces of Liberty.pdf

775.2 KB


Being and Nothingness- A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology.pdf

35.4 MB

Between Existentialism and Marxism.pdf

11.3 MB

Colonialism and Neocolonialism_Sartre.pdf

1.6 MB

Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume One.pdf

50.0 MB

Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume Two.pdf

43.2 MB

Notebooks for an Ethics.pdf

6.0 MB

The Words- The Autobiography of Jean-Paul Sartre.pdf

5.7 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Sartre/about Sartre/

History and the Dialectic of Violence- Analysis of Sartre's "Critique De La Raison Dialectique".pdf

21.9 MB

Sartre Today- A Centenary Celebration.pdf

20.9 MB

Sartre and Marxism.pdf

81.9 MB

Sartre and the Problem of Morality.djvu

7.2 MB

Sartre's Ethics of Engagement- Authenticity And Civic Virtue.pdf

10.5 MB

Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume One.pdf

27.3 MB

Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason, Volume Two.pdf

7.4 MB

Sartre_The Origins of a Style.pdf

43.7 MB

Tete-a-Tete- The Tumultuous Lives and Loves of Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre (P.S.).pdf

3.0 MB

Unfinished Projects- Decolonization and the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre.pdf

4.7 MB


For They Know Not What They Do.pdf

16.8 MB

In Defense of Lost Causes.pdf

19.3 MB


8.2 MB

Less Than Nothing.pdf

4.2 MB

Living in the End Times.pdf

14.3 MB

Looking Awry - An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture.pdf

539.4 KB

Tarrying with the Negative_Kant, Hegel, and the Critique of Ideology.pdf

1.8 MB

The Fragile Absolute.pdf

7.4 MB

The Indivisible Remainder- On Schelling and Related Matters.pdf

11.7 MB

The Monstrosity of Christ.pdf

1.2 MB

The Parallax View.pdf

5.6 MB

The Plague of Fantasies.pdf

12.8 MB

The Puppet and the Dwarf.pdf

1.4 MB

The Sublime Object Ideology.pdf

7.3 MB

The Ticklish Subject. The Absent Centre of Political Ontology.pdf

19.2 MB

The Universal Exception.pdf

7.2 MB

The Year of Dreaming Dangerously.pdf

1.8 MB

Welcome to the Desert of the Real.pdf

4.9 MB

/Philosophy:Theory/Zizek/about Zizek/

On Zizek's Dialectics- Surplus, Subtraction, Sublimation.pdf

898.8 KB

Traversing the Fantasy- Critical Responses to Slavoj Zizekk.pdf

20.6 MB

Zizek's Ontology_A Transcendental Materialist Theory of Subjectivity.pdf

8.2 MB

Zizek's Politics.pdf

3.5 MB

Zizek_Beyond Foucault.pdf

1.2 MB

Žižek and Politics_A Critical Introduction.pdf

1.4 MB

/.../~ Cambridge Companion Series/

Reality and Reason_Dialectic and the Theory of Knowledge.pdf

3.8 MB

The Cambridge Companion Bob Dylan.pdf

971.0 KB

The Cambridge Companion To Adam Smith.pdf

1.8 MB

The Cambridge Companion To Arabic Philosophy.pdf

2.0 MB

The Cambridge Companion To Critical Theory.pdf

1.8 MB

The Cambridge Companion To German Idealism.pdf

1.6 MB

The Cambridge Companion To Habermas.pdf

14.2 MB

The Cambridge Companion To Heidegger.pdf

21.7 MB

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Torrent downloaded from

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/.../The Cambridge Companion To Duns Scotus/

0 Introduction.pdf

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1 Scotus on Metaphysics.pdf

228.1 KB

10 Scotus's Theory of Natural Law.pdf

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11 From Metaethics to Action Theory.pdf

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12 Rethinking Moral Dispositions.pdf

123.7 KB

13 Bibliography.pdf

114.7 KB

14 Citations of Works Attrubuted to Dun Scotus.pdf

54.4 KB

2 Space and Time.pdf

145.3 KB

3 Universals and Individation.pdf

137.0 KB

4 Modal Theory.pdf

150.8 KB

5 Philosophy of Language.pdf

148.0 KB

6 Natural Theology.pdf

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7 Natural and Supernatural Knowledge of God.pdf

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8 Philosophy of Mind.pdf

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9 Cognition.pdf

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The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky.pdf

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Death in the Haymarket.pdf

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Democracy in America.pdf

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Dividing Lines- The Politics of Immigration Control in America.pdf

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LA '92_The Context of a Proletarian Uprising.pdf

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