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/01 - Beginner/01 - Introductory/

Programming - Principles And Practice Using C++ (2008)(1st)(Bjarne Stroustrup).pdf

157.7 MB

C++ Primer (2013)(5th)(Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E. Moo).pdf

52.8 MB

Thinking in C++ - Volume 1 (2000)(2nd)(Bruce Eckel).pdf

3.0 MB

Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming By Example (2000)(2nd)(Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo).pdf

2.7 MB

Thinking in C++ - Volume 2 (1999)(2nd)(Bruce Eckel).pdf

2.4 MB

/05 - Classics & Older/

Design And Evolution of C++, The (1994)(1st)(Bjarne Stroustrup).pdf

40.6 MB

Inside The C++ Object Model (1996)(1st)(Stanley B. Lippman).pdf

20.7 MB

Large-Scale C++ Software Design (1996)(1st)(John Lakos).djvu

19.4 MB

Advanced C++ Programming Styles And Idioms (1992)(1st)(James Coplien).djvu

3.5 MB

Ruminations On C++ - A Decade Of Programming Insight And Experience (1997)(1st)(Andrew Koening, Barbara Moo).djvu

2.6 MB

/06 - Additional Reading/

Autotools - A Practitioners Guide (2010)(1st)(John Calcote).pdf

19.6 MB

C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4 (2008)(2nd)(Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield).pdf

16.0 MB

Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (2013)(4th)(Adam Drozdek).pdf

12.6 MB

The Definitive Guide To GCC (2006)(2nd)(William von Hagen).pdf

11.9 MB

Algorithms In C++, Part 5 - Graph Algorithms (2002)(3rd)(Robert Sedgewick).epub

11.4 MB

The Art Of Debugging With GDB And DDD And Eclipse (2008)(1st)(Norman Matloff, Peter Jay Salzman).pdf

9.5 MB

C & C++ Code Capsules - A Guide For Practitioners (1997)(1st)(Chuck Allison).pdf

7.2 MB

API design for C++ (2011)(1st)(Martin Reddy).pdf

6.7 MB

Advanced Qt Programming - Creating Great Software With C++ And Qt 4 (2011)(1st)(Mark Summerfield).pdf

6.4 MB

Secure Coding in C and C++ (2005)(1st)(Robert C. Seacord).chm

6.3 MB

Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 - Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting, Searching (1998)(3rd)(Robert Sedgewick.chm

6.1 MB

C++ Network Programming, Volume 1 - Mastering Complexity With ACE And Patterns (2001)(1st)(Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston).pdf

5.9 MB

C++ Gotchas (2002)(1st)(Stephen C. Dewhurst).pdf

5.1 MB

Advanced CORBA Programming With C++ (1999)(1st)(Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski).pdf

5.0 MB

C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 - Systematic Reuse With ACE And Frameworks (2002)(1st)(Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston).pdf

3.2 MB

Applied C++ - Practical Techniques For Building Better Software (2003)(1st)(Philip Romanik, Amy Muntz).chm

2.2 MB

Boost Graph Library, The - User Guide And Reference Manual (2001)(1st)(Jeremy G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, Andrew Lumsdaine).pdf

1.8 MB

Efficient C++ - Performance Programming Techniques (1999)(1st)(Dov Bulka, David Mayhew).pdf

1.8 MB

Essential C++ (2002)(1st)(Stanley B. Lippman).pdf

1.5 MB

Beyond the C++ Standard Library - An Introduction To Boost (2005)(1st)(Björn Karlsson).pdf

1.2 MB

C++ FAQs (1998)(2nd)(Marshall P. Cline, Greg Lomow, Mike Girou).chm

917.5 KB

C++ Standard Library Extensions, The - A Tutorial And Reference (2006)(1st)(Pete Becker).chm

729.8 KB

C++ Common Knowledge - Essential Intermediate Programming (2005)(1st)(Stephen C. Dewhurst).chm

460.4 KB

/.../Reference (ISO-IEC)/

ISO-IEC 14882-2011 (C++ Standard, 2011).pdf

15.0 MB

ISO-IEC 14882-2013 (C++ Standard, 2013 Latest Working Draft).pdf

5.2 MB

ISO-IEC 14882-2003 (C++ Standard, 2003).pdf

2.5 MB

ISO-IEC 14882-1998 (C++ Standard, 1998).pdf

2.2 MB

/04 - Reference/Reference (GNU)/

GNU C++ API Reference.pdf

12.5 MB

GNU C++ Library Manual.pdf

4.3 MB

GNU Gnulib.pdf

3.8 MB

Using The GNU Compiler Collection.pdf

3.5 MB

GNU Autoconf.pdf

1.9 MB

GNU Automake.pdf

887.4 KB

GNU Libtool.pdf

586.1 KB

/02 - Intermediate/

More Effective C++ - 35 New Ways To Improve Your Programs And Designs (1996)(1st)(Scott Meyers).pdf

9.1 MB

C++ Templates - The Complete Guide (2002)(1st)(David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M. Josuttis).pdf

2.9 MB

Exceptional C++ Style - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems And Solutions (2004)(1st)(Herb Sutter).pdf

1.8 MB

C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, And Best Practices (2004)(1st)(Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu).pdf

1.3 MB

More Exceptional C++ - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions (2001)(1st)(Herb Sutter).pdf

1.2 MB

Exceptional C++ - 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions (1999)(1st)(Herb Sutter).pdf

645.4 KB

/04 - Reference/Reference (General C++)/

C++ Standard Library, The - A Tutorial And Reference (2012)(2nd)(Nicolai M. Josuttis).pdf

7.4 MB

Overview of the New C++ (C++11) by Scott Meyers .pdf

5.0 MB

C++ Programming Language, The (2013)(4th)(Bjarne Stroustrup).pdf

4.4 MB

A Tour of C++ (2013)(1st)(Bjarne Stroustrup).pdf

1.2 MB

/03 - Advanced/

C++ Concurrency In Action - Practical Multithreading (2012)(1st)(Anthony Williams).pdf

6.5 MB

Modern C++ Design - Generic Programming And Design Patters Applied (2001)(2nd)(Andrei Alexandrescu).pdf

2.2 MB

C++ Template Metaprogramming - Concepts, Tools, And Techniques From Boost And Beyond (2004)(1st)(David Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy).pdf

762.4 KB

/.../02 - Best Practices/

Effective STL - 50 Specific Ways To Improve Your Use Of The Standard Template Library (2001)(1st)(Scott Meyers).pdf

1.9 MB

Effective C++ - 55 Specific Ways To Improve Your Programs And Designs (2005)(3rd)(Scott Meyers).pdf

1.8 MB



6.9 KB


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