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Hilborn R C -Chaos And Nonlinear Dynamics-Oxford University Press (1985).pdf

34.0 MB

Robin S. Chapman, Julien Clinton Sprott-Images of a Complex World_ The Art And Poetry of Chaos (2005).pdf

27.6 MB

Eugene Butkov-Mathematical Physics-Addison-Wesley (1968).pdf

15.7 MB

Seymour Lipschutz-Schaum's Outline of General Topology-McGraw-Hill (1968).pdf

13.6 MB

Palle E.T. Jorgensen-Analysis and Probability Wavelets, Signals, Fractals-Springer (2006).pdf

13.5 MB

(World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science. Series A,) Tian Ma_ Shouhong Wang-Bifurcation Theory and Applications -World Scientific Pub Co ( (2005).pdf

13.2 MB

Robert L. Devaney-A First Course In Chaotic Dynamical Systems_ Theory And Experiment (Studies in Nonlinearity)-Westview Press (1992).pdf

12.8 MB

Seymour Lipschutz-Schaum's outline of theory and problems of general topology-McGraw-Hill (1965).pdf

12.4 MB

(Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability 31) Luc Devroye, László Györfi, Gábor Lugosi (auth.)-A Probabilistic Theory of Pattern Recognition-Springer-Verlag New York (1996).pdf

11.3 MB

(Schaum's) Seymour Lipschutz-Probability-McGraw Hill (1965).pdf

10.7 MB

Vladimir I. Arnold (auth.)-Catastrophe Theory-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1992).pdf

9.6 MB

Tel - Chaotic Dynamics - An Introduction Based on Classical Mechanics (2006).pdf

9.5 MB

Ethan D. Bloch-A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry -Birkhäuser Boston (1997).pdf

9.3 MB

Swift, Randall J._ Wirkus, Stephen A-A Course in Ordinary Differential Equations-CRC Press (2014).pdf

9.2 MB

Sprott J.C.-Elegant chaos. Algebraically simple chaotic flows-WS (2010).pdf

8.5 MB

N.W. Mclachlan-Ordinary Non-Linear Differential Equations-Oxford University Press (1950).pdf

8.5 MB

Hilborn R.C.-Chaos and nonlinear dynamics (2000).djvu

7.8 MB

(World Student) Eugene Butkov-Mathematical physics-Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc (1973).djvu

7.1 MB

A. King, J. Billingham, S. Otto-Differential Equations. Linear, Nonlinear, Ordinary, Partial-Cambridge (2003).pdf

7.1 MB

Heinz Georg Schuster, Wolfram Just-Deterministic Chaos-John Wiley & Sons (2005).pdf

6.8 MB

(Schaum's) Lipschutz M.-Schaum's outline of differential geometry-MGH (1969).djvu

6.7 MB

Charles J. Stone-A Course in Probability and Statistics-Duxbury Press (1995).djvu

6.4 MB

(Chapman & Hall_CRC Applied Mathematics & Nonlinear Science) Prem K. Kythe-Green's Functions and Linear Differential Equations_ Theory, Applications, and Computation-Chapman and Hall_CRC (2011).pdf

5.4 MB

Sheldon M Ross, Erol A Peköz-A Second Course in (2007).pdf

5.3 MB

Robert Gilmore-Catastrophe theory for scientists and engineers-Dover (1993).djvu

5.2 MB

(Stochastic Modelling and Applied Probability) Luc Devroye, Laszlo Györfi, Gabor Lugosi-A probabilistic theory of pattern recognition-Springer (1996).djvu

5.1 MB

Julien Clinton Sprott-Strange attractors_ creating patterns in chaos-M & T Books (1993).pdf

5.1 MB

Czes Kosniowski-A First Course in Algebraic Topology-Cambridge University Press (1980).pdf

4.7 MB

Ethan D. Bloch-A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry (1996).djvu

4.1 MB

(North-Holland Mathematics Studies 164) Elemér E. Rosinger (Eds.)-Non-Linear Partial Differential Equati0Ns-North-Holland (1990).djvu

3.7 MB

(IFSR International Series on Systems Science and Engineering) Ben Goertzel-Chaotic Logic_ Language, Thought, and Reality from the Perspective of Complex Systems Science-Springer (1994).pdf

3.2 MB

(Applied Mathematical Sciences 184) Shangjiang Guo, Jianhong Wu (auth.)-Bifurcation Theory of Functional Differential Equations-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf

3.1 MB


3.1 MB

Seymour Lipschutz-Schaum's Outline of General Topology -McGraw-Hill (1968).djvu

2.9 MB

Alfredo Medio, Giampaolo Gallo-Chaotic Dynamics-Cambridge University Press (1995).djvu

2.4 MB

(Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1242) Aad Dijksma, Heinz Langer, Henk de Snoo (auth.), Davor Butković, Svetozar Kurepa, Hrvoje Kraljević (eds.)-Functional Analysis II-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (.djvu

2.4 MB

(Graduate texts in mathematics) Palle E. T. Jorgensen, B. Treadway-Analysis and probability_ wavelets, signals, fractals-Springer (2006).djvu

2.2 MB

(Schaum) Seymour Lipschutz-Schaum's Outline of Probability-Mcgraw-Hill (1968).djvu

1.8 MB


1.7 MB

(Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1057) L. Salvadori-Bifurcation theory and applications-Springer (1984).djvu

1.6 MB

(Interdisciplinary Mathematics Series No. 12) Robert Hermann-Geometry of Non-Linear Differential Equations, Backlund Transformations, and Solitons. Part A-Math Science Pr (1976).djvu

1.4 MB

(Lecture Notes in Mathematics) D. Butkovic, H. Kraljevic, S. Kurepa-Functional Analysis-Springer (1982).djvu

1.4 MB


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