
Download Classic Books (Ancient - Prior to 400 AD)

Classic Books Ancient Prior to 400 AD


Classic Books (Ancient - Prior to 400 AD)


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87.2 MB

Total Files





Aeschylus - Choephori, The.rtf

69.2 KB

Aeschylus - Seven Against Thebes, The.rtf

68.0 KB

Aeschylus - Suppliants, The.rtf

67.0 KB

Aeschylus - Eumenides, The.rtf

66.9 KB

Aeschylus - Prometheus Bound.rtf

65.3 KB

Aeschylus - Persians, The.rtf

57.0 KB


Aristophanes - Birds, The.rtf

102.7 KB

Aristophanes - Frogs, The.rtf

98.7 KB

Aristophanes - Clouds, The.rtf

93.2 KB

Aristophanes - Wasps, The.rtf

90.5 KB

Aristophanes - Knights, The.rtf

84.6 KB

Aristophanes - Lysistrata.rtf

81.0 KB

Aristophanes - Peace.rtf

78.6 KB

Aristophanes - Ecclesiazusae, The.rtf

73.6 KB

Aristophanes - Plutus.rtf

72.8 KB

Aristophanes - Thesmophoriazusae, The.rtf

70.3 KB


Aristotle - Treatise on Poetry.pdf

19.6 MB

Aristotle - Treatise on Rhetoric.pdf

14.4 MB

Aristotle - History of Animals.rtf

738.9 KB

Aristotle - Metaphysics.rtf

635.2 KB

Aristotle - Politics.rtf

507.3 KB

Aristotle - Metaphysics.pdf

495.0 KB

Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.rtf

479.4 KB

Aristotle - Physics.rtf

476.2 KB

Aristotle - Politics.pdf

425.5 KB

Aristotle - Topics.rtf

402.3 KB

Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics.pdf

392.0 KB

Aristotle - Rhetoric.rtf

391.4 KB

Aristotle - On the Generation of Animals.rtf

383.2 KB

Aristotle - On the Parts of Animals.rtf

345.0 KB

Aristotle - Rhetoric.pdf

341.2 KB

Aristotle - Prior Analytics.rtf

268.1 KB

Aristotle - Meteorology.rtf

240.9 KB

Aristotle - On the Heavens.rtf

231.3 KB

Aristotle - Posterior Analytics.rtf

198.6 KB

Aristotle - On the Soul.rtf

184.2 KB

Aristotle - On Generation And Corruption.rtf

159.1 KB

Aristotle - Athenian Constitution, The.rtf

146.8 KB

Aristotle - On Sophistical Refutations.rtf

133.0 KB

Aristotle - The Athenian Constitution.pdf

131.1 KB

Aristotle - Poetics.pdf

97.8 KB

Aristotle - On Youth and Old Age, On Life and Death, On Breathing.pdf

94.3 KB

Aristotle - Categories.rtf

84.1 KB

Aristotle - Poetics.rtf

83.6 KB

Aristotle - On Sense And the Sensible.rtf

78.8 KB

Aristotle - On Interpretation.pdf

69.5 KB

Aristotle - Categories.pdf

68.8 KB

Aristotle - On Interpretation.rtf

58.4 KB


48.9 KB

Aristotle - Onthe Gaitof Animals.rtf

45.4 KB

Aristotle - On the Motion of Animals.rtf

32.6 KB

Aristotle - On Memory And Reminiscence.rtf

28.7 KB

Aristotle - On Sleep And Sleeplessness.rtf

27.9 KB

Aristotle - On Dreams.rtf

24.4 KB


15.2 KB

Aristotle - On Longevity And Shortnessof Life.rtf

15.1 KB

Aristotle - On Prophesying By Dreams.rtf

12.3 KB


Leonard, William Ellery - Beowulf.rtf

206.4 KB

Anonymous - Beowulf.htm

179.3 KB

Anonymous - Beowulf.txt

159.3 KB

Anonymous - Beowulf.pdf

118.9 KB

/Carter, Elizabeth/

Carter, Elizabeth - The Moral Discourses of Epictetus.lit

1.4 MB

/Cicero, Marcus Tullius/

Cicero - Offices, The.rtf

392.2 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Prosecutionof Verres, The.rtf

172.1 KB

Cicero - Select Letters To Several Friends.rtf

136.0 KB

Cicero - Laelius.rtf

119.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Second Oration Against Marcus Antonius, The.rtf

119.3 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Defenceof Titus Annius Milo.rtf

113.4 KB

Cicero - Cato.rtf

109.2 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Oration In Defenceof Publius Sylla.rtf

93.3 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Defenceofthe Proposed Manilian Law.rtf

67.9 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Defenceof Caius Rabirius Postumus.rtf

44.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - First Oration Against Marcus Antonius, The.rtf

44.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Behalfof King Deiotarus.rtf

42.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Last Oration Against Marcus Antonius, The.rtf

38.5 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Defenceof Quintus Ligarius.rtf

35.8 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - First Oration Against Catiline.rtf

35.7 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Third Oration Against Catiline.rtf

35.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Defenceof Aulus Licinius Archias.rtf

32.9 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Fourth Oration Against Catiline.rtf

32.6 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Speech In Behalfof Marcus Claudius Marcellus.rtf

29.9 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Second Oration Against Catiline.rtf

28.3 KB

Cicero, Marcus Tullius - Ninth Oration Against Marcus Antonius, The.rtf

17.6 KB


Confucius - Sayings of, Harvard Classics (No Ads)F.pdf

1.5 MB

Confucius - Confucian Analects.rtf

157.9 KB

Confucius - Sayings of, Harvard Classicst.txt

130.1 KB

Confucius - Doctrine of the Mean, The.rtf

38.8 KB

Confucius - Great Learning, The.rtf

17.8 KB


Demosthenes - Oration On the Crown, The.rtf

219.2 KB

Demosthenes - First Philippic, The.rtf

60.2 KB

Demosthenes - Oration On the State of the Chersonesus, The.rtf

49.1 KB

Demosthenes - Fourth Philippic, The.rtf

48.9 KB

Demosthenes - Third Philippic, The.rtf

47.1 KB

Demosthenes - Oration On the Classes, The.rtf

43.8 KB

Demosthenes - Oration Forthe Libertyofthe Rhodians, The.rtf

41.3 KB

Demosthenes - Oration On the Regulation of the State, The.rtf

37.9 KB

Demosthenes - Second Olynthiac Oration, The.rtf

32.5 KB

Demosthenes - Second Philippic, The.rtf

27.2 KB

Demosthenes - First Olynthiac Oration, The.rtf

25.4 KB

Demosthenes - Oration On Peace, The.rtf

24.6 KB

Demosthenes - Third Olynthiac Oration, The.rtf

22.0 KB

Demosthenes - Oration On the Treaty With Alexander, The.rtf

19.9 KB

Demosthenes - Philip's Letter To the Athenians, the Oration.rtf

18.5 KB

/Egyptian Book of the Dead/

Book of the Dead or The Papyrus of Ani, The (Egypt) - Trans E A Wallis Budge.pdf

1.1 MB

Papyrus of Ani, The ( The Egyptian Bookofthe Dead).rtf

250.0 KB


248.8 KB


Euripides - Helen.rtf

94.9 KB

Euripides - Phoenissae, The.rtf

94.4 KB

Euripides - Ion.rtf

89.7 KB

Euripides - Iphigenia At Aulis.rtf

88.9 KB

Euripides - Iphigenia In Tauris.rtf

85.1 KB

Euripides - Heracles.rtf

76.4 KB

Euripides - Medea.rtf

75.4 KB

Euripides - Hippolytus.rtf

74.4 KB

Euripides - Electra.rtf

73.3 KB

Euripides - Bacchantes, The.rtf

71.1 KB

Euripides - Andromache.rtf

69.0 KB

Euripides - Suppliants, The.rtf

67.7 KB

Euripides - Hecuba.rtf

67.5 KB

Euripides - Trojan Women, The.rtf

67.0 KB

Euripides - Aclestis.rtf

61.6 KB

Euripides - Heracleidae, The.rtf

57.5 KB

Euripides - Rhesus.rtf

52.0 KB

Euripides - Orestes.rtf

40.6 KB

Euripides - Cyclops, The.rtf

40.5 KB


Hippocrates - On the Articulations.rtf

160.0 KB

Hippocrates - Of the Epidemics.pdf

107.5 KB

Hippocrates - On Regimen in Acute Diseases.pdf

105.8 KB

Hippocrates - Of the Epidemics.rtf

101.9 KB

Hippocrates - On Fractures.pdf

97.2 KB

Hippocrates - On Regimen In Acute Diseases.rtf

92.1 KB

Hippocrates - On Fractures.rtf

88.3 KB

Hippocrates - Aphorisms.pdf

82.9 KB

Hippocrates - On Airs, Waters, and Places.pdf

69.8 KB

Hippocrates - Instruments of Reduction.pdf

68.0 KB

Hippocrates - Aphorisms.rtf

61.9 KB

Hippocrates - On Ancient Medicine.pdf

61.7 KB

Hippocrates - The Book of Prognostics.pdf

57.7 KB

Hippocrates - On Injuries of the Head.pdf

54.5 KB

Hippocrates - On Airs, Watersand Places.rtf

53.0 KB

Hippocrates - On the Sacred Disease.pdf

49.7 KB

Hippocrates - On Ulcers.pdf

49.7 KB

Hippocrates - Instruments of Reduction.rtf

48.0 KB

Hippocrates - On Ancient Medicine.txt

41.2 KB

Hippocrates - On Ancient Medicine.rtf

41.2 KB

Hippocrates - Book of Prognostics, The.rtf

37.1 KB

Hippocrates - On Fistulae.pdf

37.0 KB

Hippocrates - On Injuries of the Head.rtf

34.5 KB

Hippocrates - On the Sacred Disease.rtf

33.8 KB

Hippocrates - On Hemorrhoids.pdf

31.8 KB

Hippocrates - The Law.pdf

26.9 KB

Hippocrates - On Ulcers.rtf

26.8 KB

Hippocrates - The Oath.pdf

23.5 KB

Hippocrates - On the Surgery.rtf

21.4 KB


18.1 KB

Hippocrates - On Fistulae.rtf

12.9 KB

Hippocrates - On Hemorrhoids.rtf

7.7 KB

Hippocrates - The Law.rtf

3.0 KB

Hippocrates - The Oath.rtf

2.3 KB


Homer - Iliad, The.rtf

819.6 KB

Homer - Odyssey,The.rtf

619.6 KB


Plato - The Republic.pdf

824.1 KB

Plato - Laws.rtf

776.2 KB

Plato - Republic, The.rtf

694.7 KB

Plato - Laws.pdf

655.8 KB

Plato - Gorgias.rtf

194.6 KB

Plato - Gorgias.pdf

184.8 KB

Plato - Timaeus.rtf

181.7 KB

Plato - Theaetetus.rtf

174.0 KB

Plato - Timaeus.pdf

171.4 KB

Plato - Theaetus.pdf

169.8 KB

Plato - Phaedo.rtf

148.2 KB

Plato - Phaedo.pdf

146.2 KB

Plato - Cratylus.pdf

146.1 KB

Plato - Philebus.pdf

137.3 KB

Plato - Statesman.pdf

136.3 KB

Plato - Cratylus.rtf

133.0 KB

Plato - Sophist.pdf

132.0 KB

Plato - Phaedrus.pdf

131.6 KB

Plato - Statesman.rtf

131.4 KB

Plato - Philebus.rtf

131.4 KB

Plato - Protagoras.pdf

128.4 KB

Plato - Phaedrus.rtf

126.6 KB

Plato - Protagoras.rtf

125.8 KB

Plato - Sophist.rtf

125.8 KB

Plato - Symposium.pdf

125.4 KB

Plato - Symposium.rtf

120.3 KB

Plato - Alcibiades I.rtf

110.8 KB

Plato - Parmenidis.pdf

110.6 KB

Plato - Parmenides.rtf

103.7 KB

Plato - Euthydemus.pdf

96.9 KB

Plato - The Seventh Letter.pdf

88.0 KB

Plato - Euthydemus.rtf

85.2 KB

Plato - Meno.pdf

83.9 KB

Plato - Charmides, or Temperance.pdf

78.9 KB

Plato - Seventh Letter, The.rtf

75.2 KB

Plato - Apology.pdf

74.3 KB

Plato - Euthyphro.pdf

72.1 KB

Plato - Laches, or Courage.pdf

71.8 KB

Plato - Critias.pdf

69.5 KB

Plato - Meno.rtf

69.2 KB

Plato - Lysis, Or Friendship.pdf

67.8 KB

Plato - Crito.pdf

62.2 KB

Plato - Apologyof Socrates, The.rtf

60.0 KB

Plato - Charmides, Or Temperance.rtf

58.0 KB

Plato - Laches Or Courage.rtf

55.4 KB

Plato - Ion.pdf

49.5 KB

Plato - Lysis, Or Friendship.rtf

49.2 KB

Plato - Critias.rtf

38.2 KB

Plato - Euthyphro.rtf

36.5 KB


32.6 KB

Plato - Crito.rtf

28.8 KB

Plato - Ion.rtf

28.1 KB


12.2 KB


8.4 KB


Plutarch - Pompey.rtf

194.8 KB

Plutarch - Alexander.rtf

179.8 KB

Plutarch - Antony.rtf

159.1 KB

Plutarch - Catothe Younger.rtf

140.6 KB

Plutarch - Caesar.rtf

136.5 KB

Plutarch - Marcus Brutus.rtf

110.5 KB

Plutarch - Demetrius.rtf

109.1 KB

Plutarch - Lucullus.rtf

106.0 KB

Plutarch - Caius Marius.rtf

105.1 KB

Plutarch - Dion.rtf

104.8 KB

Plutarch - Aratus.rtf

99.6 KB

Plutarch - Pericles.rtf

98.7 KB

Plutarch - Cicero.rtf

98.5 KB

Plutarch - Alcibiades.rtf

95.4 KB

Plutarch - Sylla.rtf

94.4 KB

Plutarch - Camillus.rtf

92.4 KB

Plutarch - Timolean.rtf

91.9 KB

Plutarch - Coriolanus.rtf

91.9 KB

Plutarch - Agesilaus.rtf

91.6 KB

Plutarch - Pyrrhus.rtf

89.3 KB

Plutarch - Crassus.rtf

82.9 KB

Plutarch - Lycurgus.rtf

82.6 KB

Plutarch - Aemilius Paulus.rtf

82.4 KB

Plutarch - Nicias.rtf

76.9 KB

Plutarch - Phocion.rtf

75.2 KB

Plutarch - Romulus.rtf

73.3 KB

Plutarch - Cleomenes.rtf

72.5 KB

Plutarch - Marcellus.rtf

70.9 KB

Plutarch - Themistocles.rtf

70.2 KB

Plutarch - Pelopidas.rtf

69.9 KB

Plutarch - Theseus.rtf

69.2 KB

Plutarch - Marcus Cato.rtf

67.9 KB

Plutarch - Lysander.rtf

67.7 KB

Plutarch - Aristides.rtf

67.3 KB

Plutarch - Sertorius.rtf

64.7 KB

Plutarch - Artaxerxes.rtf

64.0 KB

Plutarch - Fabius.rtf

63.6 KB

Plutarch - Solon.rtf

62.4 KB

Plutarch - Demosthenes.rtf

61.9 KB

Plutarch - Numa Pompilius.rtf

61.7 KB

Plutarch - Flamininus.rtf

54.1 KB

Plutarch - Galba.rtf

53.2 KB

Plutarch - Cimon.rtf

51.4 KB

Plutarch - Tiberius Gracchus.rtf

47.2 KB

Plutarch - Philopoemen.rtf

45.7 KB

Plutarch - Eumenes.rtf

45.2 KB

Plutarch - Poplicola.rtf

44.0 KB

Plutarch - Agis.rtf

40.5 KB

Plutarch - Caius Gracchus.rtf

40.1 KB

Plutarch - Otho.rtf

35.5 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Numa With Lycurgus, The.rtf

14.1 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Aristides With Marcus Cato, The.rtf

11.9 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Pompey With Agesilaus, The.rtf

11.7 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Crassus With Nicias, The.rtf

10.6 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Lysander With Sylla, The.rtf

10.3 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Alcibiades With Coriolanus, The.rtf

10.0 KB

Plutarch - With Agis And Cleomenes.rtf

9.5 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Romulus With Theseus, The.rtf

9.1 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Demosthenes And Cicero, The.rtf

8.8 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Dion And Brutus, The.rtf

7.9 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Poplicola With Solon, The.rtf

7.8 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Lucullus With Cimon, The.rtf

7.6 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Pelopidas With Marcellus, The.rtf

7.4 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Demetrius And Antony, The.rtf

7.2 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Fabius With Pericles, The.rtf

6.0 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Philopoemen With Flamininus, The.rtf

5.4 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Timoleon With Aemilius Paulus, The.rtf

4.8 KB

Plutarch - Comparison of Sertorius With Eumenes, The.rtf

4.3 KB


Sophocles - Sophocles'OedipusTrilogy.rtf

221.9 KB

Sophocles - OedipusAtColonus.rtf

97.0 KB

Sophocles - OedipustheKing.rtf

85.6 KB

Sophocles - Electra.rtf

79.2 KB

Sophocles - Ajax.rtf

74.6 KB

Sophocles - Philoctetes.rtf

73.0 KB

Sophocles - Antigone.rtf

71.4 KB

Sophocles - Trachiniae,The.rtf

68.8 KB

/Tacitus, P Cornelius/

Tacitus, P Cornelius - Annals, The.rtf

937.8 KB

Tacitus, P Cornelius - Histories.rtf

582.8 KB


Virgil - Aeneid,The.rtf

814.0 KB

Virgil - Georgics,The.rtf

131.2 KB

Virgil - Eclogues,The.rtf

51.4 KB


Plotinus - Six Enneads, The.rtf

1.8 MB

Herodotus - Historyof Herodotus, The.rtf

1.5 MB

Epictetus - The Moral Discourses.lit

1.4 MB

Thucydides - History of the Peloponnesian War.rtf

1.2 MB

Ovid - Metamorphoses.rtf

1.1 MB

Apocrypha, the Deuterocanonical Books of the Bible.rtf

849.7 KB


824.3 KB

Tedlock, Dennis - Popol Vuh;the Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life.rtf

727.5 KB

Muller, F Max - Upanishads, The.rtf

713.0 KB

Njal's Saga.txt

712.1 KB

Epictetus - Discourses, The.rtf

623.2 KB

Pusey, Edward Bouverie - Confessions of Saint Augustine, The.rtf

612.7 KB

Carus, Titus Lucretius - On the Nature of Things.rtf

448.2 KB

Armour, Margaret - Nibelungenlied, The.rtf

425.6 KB

Aurelius, Marcus - Mediations.txt

419.8 KB

Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf

325.3 KB

Galen - On the Natural Faculties.rtf

251.9 KB

Antonius, Marcus Aurelius - Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, The.rtf

251.2 KB

Herodotus - An Accountof Egypt.rtf

204.7 KB

Aeschines - Oration of Aeschines Against Ctesiphon, The.rtf

186.3 KB


121.9 KB

Collingwood, W G - Life and Death of Cormac the Skald, The.txt

107.2 KB

King, L W - Code of Hammurabi.lit

94.4 KB

Xenophon - Agesilaus.rtf

81.7 KB

King, L W - Code of Hammurabi, The.rtf

63.6 KB

Nennius - History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum).pdf

60.4 KB

King, L W - Code of Hammurabi Commentary, The.rtf

51.4 KB

Imitator, Platonic - Alcibiades II.rtf

34.6 KB

Macedon, King Philip of - Philip's Letter To the Athenians.rtf

28.5 KB


16.2 KB


0.3 KB

Torrent downloaded from

0.0 KB


Total files 328

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