
Download Code with Mosh Collection x265

Code with Mosh Collection x265


Code with Mosh Collection x265


Total Size

12.1 GB

Total Files


Last Seen

2024-09-12 16:25



/1080p Complete SQL Mastery x265/

001 - What is SQL.mkv

9.8 MB

002 - Installing MySQL on Mac.mkv

39.3 MB

003 - Installing MySQL on Windows.mkv

34.5 MB

004 - Creating the Databases.mkv

41.6 MB

005 - The SELECT Statement.mkv

24.4 MB

006 - The SELECT Clause.mkv

18.2 MB

007 - The WHERE Clause.mkv

11.7 MB

008 - The AND, OR and NOT Operators.mkv

16.7 MB

009 - The IN Operator - Title.mkv

7.0 MB

010 - The BETWEEN Operator - Title.mkv

5.0 MB

011 - The LIKE Operator - Title.mkv

13.7 MB

012 - The REGEXP Operator.mkv

21.5 MB

013 - The IS NULL Operator.mkv

6.4 MB

014 - The ORDER BY Clause.mkv

16.5 MB

015 - The LIMIT Clause.mkv

10.6 MB

016 - Inner Joins.mkv

20.6 MB

017 - Joining Across Databases.mkv

6.3 MB

018 - Self Joins.mkv

13.1 MB

019 - Joining Multiple Tables.mkv

16.3 MB

020 - Compound Join Conditions.mkv

7.5 MB

021 - Implicit Join Syntax.mkv

6.7 MB

022 - Outer Joins.mkv

14.2 MB

023 - Outer Join Between Multiple Tables.mkv

15.7 MB

024 - Self Outer Joins.mkv

5.8 MB

025 - The USING Clause.mkv

11.5 MB

026 - Natural Joins.mkv

2.1 MB

027 - Cross Joins.mkv

6.6 MB

028 - Unions.mkv

19.8 MB

029 - Column Attributes.mkv

8.1 MB

030 - Inserting a Row.mkv

14.0 MB

031 - Inserting Multiple Rows.mkv

6.4 MB

032 - Inserting Hierarchical Rows.mkv

13.0 MB

033 - Creating a Copy of a Table.mkv

24.6 MB

034 - Updating a Single Row.mkv

9.4 MB

035 - Updating Multiple Rows.mkv

7.5 MB

036 - Using Subqueries in Updates.mkv

13.7 MB

037 - Deleting Rows.mkv

2.4 MB

038 - Restoring the Databases.mkv

2.2 MB

039 - Aggregate Functions.mkv

21.2 MB

040 - The GROUP BY Clause - Title.mkv

16.8 MB

041 - The HAVING Clause - Title.mkv

21.9 MB

042 - The ROLLUP Operator - Title.mkv

10.9 MB

043 - Introduction.mkv

2.7 MB

044 - Subqueries.mkv

5.8 MB

045 - The IN Operator.mkv

9.0 MB

046 - Subqueries vs Joins.mkv

11.1 MB

047 - The ALL Keyword.mkv

11.2 MB

048 - The ANY Keyword.mkv

5.7 MB

049 - Correlated Subqueries.mkv

12.1 MB

050 - The EXISTS Operator.mkv

10.3 MB

051 - Subqueries in the SELECT Clause.mkv

9.7 MB

052 - Subqueries in the FROM Clause.mkv

8.6 MB

053 - Numeric Functions.mkv

6.3 MB

054 - String Functions.mkv

12.0 MB

055 - Date Functions in MySQL.mkv

6.7 MB

056 - Formatting Dates and Times.mkv

20.5 MB

057 - Calculating Dates and Times.mkv

4.8 MB

058 - The IFNULL and COALESCE Functions.mkv

6.8 MB

059 - The IF Function.mkv

9.5 MB

060 - The CASE Operator.mkv

10.3 MB

061 - Creating Views.mkv

12.3 MB

062 - Altering or Dropping Views.mkv

7.2 MB

063 - Updatable Views.mkv

13.6 MB

064 - THE WITH OPTION CHECK Clause.mkv

5.5 MB

065 - Other Benefits of Views.mkv

4.8 MB

066 - What are Stored Procedures.mkv

7.0 MB

067 - Creating a Stored Procedure.mkv

11.1 MB

068 - Creating Procedures Using MySQLWorkbench.mkv

3.7 MB

069 - Dropping Stored Procedures.mkv

4.4 MB

070 - Parameters.mkv

12.4 MB

071 - Parameters with Default Value.mkv

17.1 MB

072 - Parameter Validation.mkv

21.2 MB

073 - Output Parameters.mkv

9.5 MB

074 - Variables.mkv

9.3 MB

075 - Functions.mkv

14.9 MB

076 - Other Conventions.mkv

2.3 MB

077 - Triggers.mkv

14.5 MB

078 - Viewing Triggers.mkv

2.3 MB

079 - Dropping Triggers.mkv

1.5 MB

080 - Using Triggers for Auditing.mkv

11.4 MB

081 - Events.mkv

10.9 MB

082 - Viewing, Dropping and Altering Events.mkv

4.2 MB

083 - Transactions.mkv

4.9 MB

084 - Creating Transactions.mkv

10.7 MB

085 - Concurrency and Lockign.mkv

11.1 MB

086 - Concurrency Problems.mkv

11.8 MB

087 - Transaction Isolation Levels.mkv

8.6 MB

088 - READ UNCOMMITTED Isolation Level.mkv

7.7 MB

089 - READ COMMITTED Isolation Level.mkv

6.7 MB

090 - REPEATABLE READ Isolation Level.mkv

8.1 MB

091 - SERIALIZABLE Isolation Level.mkv

5.1 MB

092 - Deadlocks.mkv

17.6 MB

093 - Introduction.mkv

1.2 MB

094 - String Types.mkv

3.5 MB

095 - Integer Types.mkv

4.0 MB

096 - Fixed-point and Floating-point Types.mkv

2.1 MB

097 - Boolean Types.mkv

992.9 KB

098 - Enum and Set Types.mkv

9.3 MB

099 - Date and Time Types.mkv

908.0 KB

100 - Blob Types.mkv

1.7 MB

101 - JSON Type.mkv

20.3 MB

102 - Introduction.mkv

7.7 MB

103 - Data Modelling.mkv

9.8 MB

104 - Conceptual Models.mkv

13.9 MB

105 - Logical Models.mkv

23.5 MB

106 - Physical Models.mkv

14.0 MB

107 - Primary Keys.mkv

7.5 MB

108 - Foreign Keys.mkv

13.8 MB

109 - Foreign Key Constraints.mkv

10.6 MB

110 - Normalization.mkv

2.2 MB

111 - NF- First Normal Form.mkv

5.7 MB

112 - Link Tables.mkv

11.5 MB

113 - NF- Second Normal Form.mkv

15.3 MB

114 - NF- Third Normal Form.mkv

3.2 MB

115 - My Pragmatic Advice.mkv

7.8 MB

116 - Don't Model the Universe.mkv

29.7 MB

117 - Forward Engineering a Model.mkv

7.4 MB

118 - Synchronizing a Model with a Database.mkv

12.1 MB

119 - Reverse Engineering a Database.mkv

8.1 MB

120 - Project- Flight Booking System.mkv

1.3 MB

121 - Solution- Conceptual Model.mkv

20.3 MB

122 - Solution- Logical Model.mkv

23.5 MB

123 - Project - Video Rental Application.mkv

11.6 MB

124 - Solution- Conceptual Model.mkv

22.5 MB

125 - Solution- Logical Model.mkv

26.6 MB

126 - Creating and Dropping Databases.mkv

2.7 MB

127 - Creating Tables.mkv

6.6 MB

128 - Altering Tables.mkv

5.1 MB

129 - Creating Relationships.mkv

10.6 MB

130 - Altering Primary and Foreign Key Constraints.mkv

4.5 MB

131 - Character Sets and Collations.mkv

13.5 MB

132 - Storage Engines.mkv

10.9 MB

/.../01 Getting Started/

001 - What is React.mkv

9.9 MB

002 - Setting Up the Development Environment.mkv

10.3 MB

003 - Your First React App.mkv

16.0 MB

004 - Hello World.mkv

12.7 MB

005 - Custom Configs.mkv

8.7 MB

006 - Full-Stack Architecture.mkv

4.2 MB

007 - Course Structure.mkv

4.3 MB

/.../02 ES6 Refresher/

008 - Modern Javascript Essentials.mkv

3.7 MB

009 - Let vs Var vs Const.mkv

7.7 MB

010 - Objects.mkv

5.7 MB

011 - The this Keyword.mkv

5.9 MB

012 - Binding this.mkv

4.6 MB

013 - Arrow Functions.mkv

9.1 MB

014 - Arrow Functions and this.mkv

8.7 MB

015 - Array map method.mkv

7.3 MB

016 - Object Destructuring.mkv

5.7 MB

017 - Spread Operator.mkv

11.2 MB

018 - Classes.mkv

6.9 MB

019 - Inheritance.mkv

9.5 MB

020 - Modules.mkv

9.8 MB

021 - Named and Default Exports.mkv

10.3 MB

/03 Components/

022 - Components.mkv

2.4 MB

023 - Setting Up the Project.mkv

5.1 MB

024 - Your First React Component.mkv

12.1 MB

025 - Specifying Children.mkv

9.7 MB

026 - Embedding Expressions.mkv

12.4 MB

027 - Setting Attributes.mkv

13.3 MB

028 - Rendering Classes Dynamically.mkv

11.1 MB

029 - Rendering Lists.mkv

10.0 MB

030 - Conditional Rendering.mkv

14.0 MB

031 - Handling Events.mkv

8.6 MB

032 - Binding Event Handlers.mkv

11.7 MB

033 - Updating the State.mkv

5.4 MB

034 - What Happens When State Changes.mkv

4.8 MB

035 - Passing Event Arguments.mkv

8.9 MB

036 - Setting Up the Vidly Project.mkv

21.1 MB

037 - Exercises.mkv

10.1 MB

038 - Building the Movies Component.mkv

24.2 MB

039 - Deleting a Movie.mkv

18.1 MB

040 - Conditional Rendering.mkv

12.9 MB

041 - Summary.mkv

1.0 MB

/.../04 Composing Components/

042 - Composing Components.mkv

1.2 MB

043 - Tree of Components.mkv

10.3 MB

044 - Passing Data to Components.mkv

8.4 MB

045 - Passing Children.mkv

9.3 MB

046 - Debugging React Apps .mkv

11.7 MB

047 - Prop vs State.mkv

5.9 MB

048 - Counter Component.mkv

14.0 MB

049 - Updating the State.mkv

13.3 MB

050 - Single Source of Truth.mkv

10.4 MB

051 - Removing the Local State.mkv

21.5 MB

052 - Multiple Components in Sync.mkv

30.4 MB

053 - Lifting State Up.mkv

18.1 MB

054 - Stateless Functional Components.mkv

6.5 MB

055 - Destructing Arguments.mkv

4.8 MB

056 - Lifecycle Hooks.mkv

2.1 MB

057 - Mounting Phase.mkv

15.8 MB

058 - Updating Phase.mkv

11.8 MB

059 - Unmounting Phase.mkv

3.5 MB

060 - Exercise.mkv

1.6 MB

061 - Solution.mkv

16.3 MB

062 - Exercise.mkv

5.5 MB

063 - Solution.mkv

39.4 MB

064 - Review.mkv

1.1 MB

/.../05 Pagination, Filtering and Sorting/

065 - Pagination, Filtering and Sorting.mkv

2.5 MB

066 - Exercise.mkv

4.8 MB

067 - Pagination Component Interface.mkv

11.9 MB

068 - Displaying Pages.mkv

22.5 MB

069 - Handling Page Changes.mkv

20.6 MB

070 - Pagination Data.mkv

20.9 MB

071 - Type Checking.mkv

19.6 MB

072 - Exercise.mkv

4.8 MB

073 - Filtering Component Interface.mkv

24.1 MB

074 - Displaying Items.mkv

12.3 MB

075 - Default Props.mkv

4.6 MB

076 - Handling Selection.mkv

13.5 MB

077 - Implementing Filtering.mkv

12.0 MB

078 - Adding "All Genres".mkv

9.4 MB

079 - Sorting - Extracting MoviesTable.mkv

26.4 MB

080 - Raising the Sort Event.mkv

13.9 MB

081 - Implementing Sorting.mkv

24.2 MB

082 - Moving the Responsibility.mkv

22.4 MB

083 - Extracting TableHeader.mkv

26.7 MB

084 - Extracting TableBody.mkv

10.3 MB

085 - Rendering Cell Content.mkv

33.4 MB

086 - Unique Keys.mkv

10.0 MB

087 - Adding the Sort Icon.mkv

13.9 MB

088 - Extracting Table.mkv

15.1 MB

089 - Extracting a Method.mkv

20.3 MB

090 - Destructuring Arguments.mkv

2.1 MB

091 - Summary.mkv

1.4 MB

/.../06 Routing and Navigation/

092 - Routing and Navigation.mkv

1.4 MB

093 - Setup.mkv

3.8 MB

094 - Adding Routing.mkv

10.6 MB

095 - Switch.mkv

6.5 MB

096 - Link.mkv

11.0 MB

097 - Route Props.mkv

6.4 MB

098 - Passing Props.mkv

6.9 MB

099 - Route Parameters.mkv

9.7 MB

100 - Optional Route Parameters.mkv

4.6 MB

101 - Query String.mkv

9.6 MB

102 - Redirects.mkv

8.8 MB

103 - Programmatic Navigation.mkv

5.3 MB

104 - Nested Routing.mkv

11.9 MB

105 - Exercise.mkv

3.7 MB

106 - Add Routing.mkv

4.2 MB

107 - Register a Route.mkv

15.0 MB

108 - Add a Navigation Bar.mkv

16.1 MB

109 - Add Links to a Table.mkv

15.2 MB

110 - Review.mkv

945.2 KB

/07 Forms/

111 - Forms.mkv

2.0 MB

112 - Building a Bootstrap Form.mkv

15.6 MB

113 - Handling Form Submission.mkv

6.1 MB

114 - Refs.mkv

12.5 MB

115 - Controlled Elements.mkv

12.8 MB

116 - Handling Multiple Inputs.mkv

11.7 MB

117 - Common Errors.mkv

6.7 MB

118 - Extracting a Reusable Input.mkv

13.7 MB

119 - Validation.mkv

7.4 MB

120 - A Basic Validation Function.mkv

9.4 MB

121 - Displaying Validation Errors.mkv

9.9 MB

122 - Validation on Change.mkv

14.0 MB

123 - Joi.mkv

16.3 MB

124 - Validating a Form Using Joi.mkv

13.0 MB

125 - Validating a Field Using Joi.mkv

17.8 MB

126 - Disabling the Submit Button.mkv

2.3 MB

127 - Code Review.mkv

11.2 MB

128 - Extracting a Reusable Form.mkv

16.6 MB

129 - Extracting Helper Rendering Methods.mkv

22.8 MB

130 - Exercise 1.mkv

2.6 MB

131 - Code Review.mkv

4.2 MB

132 - Exercise 2.mkv

6.1 MB

133 - Code Review.mkv

23.6 MB

134 - Exercise 3.mkv

2.7 MB

135 - Code Review.mkv

15.4 MB

/.../08 Calling Backend Services/

136 - Calling Backend Services.mkv

2.6 MB

137 - JSON Placeholder.mkv

8.5 MB

138 - HTTP Clients.mkv

5.3 MB

139 - Getting Data.mkv

14.5 MB

140 - Creating Data.mkv

13.7 MB

141 - Lifecycle of a Request.mkv

7.0 MB

142 - Updating Data.mkv

11.6 MB

143 - Deleting Data.mkv

4.7 MB

144 - Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates.mkv

10.9 MB

145 - Expected and Unexpected Errors.mkv

16.4 MB

146 - Axios Interceptors.mkv

30.4 MB

147 - Extracting a Reusable HTTP Service.mkv

11.9 MB

148 - Extracting a Config Module.mkv

5.1 MB

149 - Displaying Toast Notifications.mkv

10.4 MB

150 - Logging Errors.mkv

19.5 MB

151 - Extracting a Logging Service.mkv

12.2 MB

152 - Vidly Backend.mkv

2.9 MB

153 - Installing MongoDB on a Mac.mkv

12.1 MB

154 - Installing MongoDB on a Windows.mkv

26.2 MB

155 - Setting Up the Backend.mkv

10.7 MB

156 - Disabling Authentication.mkv

8.4 MB

157 - Exercise.mkv

4.7 MB

158 - Adding HTTP and Logging Services.mkv

8.3 MB

159 - Replacing FakeGenreService.mkv

10.5 MB

160 - Replacing FakeMovieService.mkv

25.4 MB

161 - Extracting a Config File.mkv

5.0 MB

162 - Exercise.mkv

2.1 MB

163 - Populating the Form.mkv

10.8 MB

164 - Refactoring.mkv

8.7 MB

165 - Saving the Movie.mkv

9.4 MB

166 - Refactoring.mkv

9.4 MB

/.../09 Authentication and Authorization/

167 - Authentication and Authorization.mkv

1.3 MB

168 - Registering a New User.mkv

4.6 MB

169 - Submitting the Registration Form.mkv

13.0 MB

170 - Handling Registration Errors.mkv

6.6 MB

171 - Logging in a User.mkv

3.3 MB

172 - Submitting the Login Form.mkv

8.8 MB

173 - Handling Login Errors.mkv

4.8 MB

174 - Storing the JWT.mkv

7.2 MB

175 - Logging in the User upon Registration.mkv

15.7 MB

176 - What is a JSON Web Token Really.mkv

9.8 MB

177 - Getting the Current User.mkv

13.9 MB

178 - Showing the Current User on NavBar.mkv

14.6 MB

179 - Logging Out the User.mkv

8.3 MB

180 - Refactoring.mkv

33.4 MB

181 - Calling Protected API Endpoints.mkv

10.7 MB

182 - Dependencies.mkv

7.2 MB

183 - Authorization.mkv

18.9 MB

184 - Showing or Hiding Elemtents.mkv

9.6 MB

185 - Protecting Routes.mkv

9.1 MB

186 - Extracting ProtectedRoutes Component.mkv

21.9 MB

187 - Redirecting after Login.mkv

21.3 MB

188 - Exercise.mkv

694.8 KB

189 - Hiding the Delete Column.mkv

15.5 MB

/10 Deployment/

190 - Deployment.mkv

930.8 KB

191 - dding Enviorment Variables.mkv

10.9 MB

192 - Building for Production.mkv

5.4 MB

193 - Getting for Heroku.mkv

6.4 MB

194 - MongoDB in the Cloud.mkv

8.1 MB

195 - Adding the Code to the Git Repository.mkv

6.6 MB

196 - Deploying to Heroku.mkv

5.0 MB

197 - Viewing Logs.mkv

8.6 MB

198 - Setting Environment Variables on Heroku.mkv

8.3 MB

199 - Preparing the Front-end for Deployment.mkv

9.7 MB

200 - Deploying the Front-end.mkv

8.3 MB

201 - A Quick Story.mkv

23.2 MB

/1080p Mastering React x265/

4.5 MB

/1 - Getting Started/

1- Welcome.mkv

3.7 MB

2- What is Node.mkv

7.5 MB

3- Node Architecture.mkv

8.9 MB

4- How Node Works.mkv

11.1 MB

5- Installing Node.mkv

6.0 MB

6- Your First Node Program.mkv

4.4 MB

7- Course Structure.mkv

4.6 MB

Getting Started Recap.pdf

29.7 KB

/.../10- Authentication and Authorization/

1- Authentication and

64.3 KB

1- Introduction.mkv

6.3 MB

10- Storing Secrets in Environment Variables.mkv

17.2 MB

11- Setting Response Headers.mkv

12.2 MB

12- Encapsulating Logic in Mongoose Models.mkv

23.1 MB

13- Authorization Middleware.mkv

18.2 MB

14- Protecting Routes.mkv

10.3 MB

16- Logging Out Users.mkv

4.4 MB

17- Role-based Authorization.mkv

17.5 MB

18- Testing the Authorization.mkv

12.5 MB

2- Creating the User Model.mkv

10.4 MB

3- Registering Users.mkv

25.2 MB

4- Using Lodash.mkv

17.9 MB

5- Hashing Passwords.mkv

14.9 MB

6- Authenticating Users.mkv

18.1 MB

7- Testing the Authentication.mkv

7.5 MB

8- JSON Web Tokens.mkv

11.5 MB

9- Generating Authentication Tokens.mkv

13.2 MB

Authentication and Authorization Recap.pdf

67.3 KB

/.../11- Handling and Logging Errors/

1- Handling and Logging

89.1 KB

1- Introduction.mkv

10.9 MB

10- Error Handling Recap.mkv

8.1 MB

11- Extracting Routes.mkv

20.6 MB

12- Extracting the Db Logic.mkv

11.3 MB

13- Extracting the Logging Logic.mkv

7.7 MB

14- Extracting the Config Logic.mkv

6.2 MB

15- Extracting the Validation Logic.mkv

5.4 MB

16- Showing Unhandled Exceptions on the Console.mkv

4.0 MB

17- Handling and Logging Errors Recap.pdf

71.2 KB

2- Handling Rejected Promises.mkv

10.8 MB

3- Express Error Middleware.mkv

15.3 MB

4- Removing Try Catch Blocks.mkv

24.2 MB

5- Express Async Errors.mkv

10.8 MB

6- Logging Errors.mkv

22.5 MB

7- Logging to MongoDB.mkv

11.9 MB

8- Uncaught Exceptions.mkv

9.9 MB

9- Unhandled Promise Rejections.mkv

21.0 MB

/.../12- Unit Testing/

1- What is Automated Testing.mkv

7.4 MB

10- Testing Strings.mkv

7.1 MB

11- Testing Arrays.mkv

16.8 MB

12- Testing Objects.mkv

12.7 MB

12- Unit

127.1 KB

13- Testing Exceptions.mkv

16.6 MB

14- Continuously Running Tests.mkv

3.3 MB

15- Exercise- Testing the FizzBuz.mkv

13.4 MB

16- Creating Simple Mock Functions.mkv

14.2 MB

17- Interaction Testing.mkv

13.6 MB

18- Jest Mock Functions.mkv

17.9 MB

19- What to Unit Test.mkv

6.4 MB

2- Benefits of Automated Testing.mkv

15.0 MB

20- Exercise.mkv

22.0 MB

3- Types of Tests.mkv

14.6 MB

4- Test Pyramid.mkv

6.4 MB

5- Tooling.mkv

4.9 MB

6- Writing Your First

7.0 KB

6- Writing Your First Unit Test.mkv

10.0 MB

7- Testing Numbers.mkv

18.6 MB

8- Grouping Tests.mkv

5.6 MB

9- Refactoring with Confidence.mkv

5.4 MB

Unit Testing Recap .pdf

47.2 KB

/.../13- Integration Testing/

1- Integration

165.0 KB

1- Introduction.mkv

1.8 MB

10- Testing the Invalid Inputs.mkv

19.9 MB

11- Testing the Happy Path.mkv

7.6 MB

12- Writing Clean Tests.mkv

42.1 MB

13- Testing the Auth Middleware.mkv

31.6 MB

14- Unit Testing the Auth Middleware.mkv

18.7 MB

15- Code Coverage.mkv

23.4 MB

16- Exercise.mkv

665.1 KB

16- Testing PUT and DELETE

177.9 KB

17- Integration Testing Recap.pdf

30.6 KB

2- Preparing the App.mkv

5.4 MB

3- Setting Up the Test Db.mkv

6.6 MB

4- Your First Integration Test.mkv

13.4 MB

5- Populating the Test Db.mkv

16.8 MB

6- Testing Routes with Parameters.mkv

9.5 MB

7- Validating ObjectIDs.mkv

13.1 MB

8- Refactoring with Confidence.mkv

9.3 MB

9- Testing the Authorization.mkv

6.8 MB

/.../14- Test-Driven Development/

1- Test-driven

185.9 KB

1- What is Test-driven Development.mkv

4.7 MB

10- Testing the Valid Request.mkv

10.0 MB

11- Testing the ReturnDate.mkv

14.9 MB

12- Testing the RentalFee.mkv

16.5 MB

13- Testing the Movie Stock.mkv

22.6 MB

14- Testing the Response.mkv

14.5 MB

15- Refactoring the Validation Logic.mkv

26.0 MB

16- Mongoose Static Methods.mkv

24.4 MB

17- Refactoring the Domain Logic.mkv

15.3 MB

2- Implementing the Returns.mkv

5.2 MB

3- Test Cases.mkv

4.2 MB

4- Populating the Database.mkv

27.3 MB

5- Testing the Authorization.mkv

24.0 MB

6- Testing the Input.mkv

15.8 MB

7- Refactoring Tests.mkv

20.4 MB

8- Looking Up an Object.mkv

11.6 MB

8- Looking Up an

3.5 KB

9- Testing if Rental Processed.mkv

8.8 MB

/15- Deployment/


95.8 KB

1- Introduction.mkv

7.0 MB

2- Preparing the App for Production.mkv

6.5 MB

3- Getting Started with Heroku.mkv

6.8 MB

4- Preparing the App for Heroku.mkv

3.7 MB

5- Adding the Code to a Git Repository.mkv

5.6 MB

6- Deploying to Heroku.mkv

8.3 MB

7- Viewing Logs.mkv

11.8 MB

8- Setting Environment Variables.mkv

6.0 MB

9- MongoDB in the Cloud.mkv

24.0 MB

/.../2 - Node Module System/

1- Introduction.mkv

622.1 KB

10- Events Module.mkv

12.9 MB

11- Event Arguments.mkv

5.1 MB

12- Extending EventEmitter.mkv

16.4 MB

13- HTTP Module.mkv

17.8 MB

2- Global Object.mkv

7.0 MB

3- Modules.mkv

5.9 MB

4- Creating a Module.mkv

14.6 MB

5- Loading a Module.mkv

9.8 MB

6- Module Wrapper Function.mkv

9.8 MB

7- Path Module.mkv

11.0 MB

8- OS Module.mkv

9.6 MB

9- File System Module.mkv

11.8 MB

Node Core Recap.pdf

44.8 KB

/.../3 - Node Package Manager (NPM)/

1- Introduction.mkv

7.2 MB

10- Installing a Specific Version of a Package.mkv

1.8 MB

11- Updating Local Packages.mkv

8.7 MB

12- DevDependencies.mkv

3.8 MB

13- Uninstalling a Package.mkv

1.1 MB

14- Working with Global Packages.mkv

3.2 MB

15- Publishing a Package.mkv

8.3 MB

16- Updating a Published Package.mkv

3.3 MB

2- Package.json.mkv

4.6 MB

3- Installing a Node Package.mkv

11.6 MB

4- Using a Package.mkv

6.3 MB

5- Package Dependencies.mkv

5.9 MB

6- NPM Packages and Source Control.mkv

7.0 MB

7- Semantic Versioning.mkv

7.1 MB

8- Listing the Installed Packages.mkv

8.1 MB

9- Viewing Registry Info for a Package.mkv

10.4 MB

NPM Recap.pdf

35.9 KB

/.../4 - Building RESTful API's Using Express/


24.4 KB

1- Introduction.mkv

1.6 MB

10- Calling Endpoints Using Postman.mkv

5.3 MB

11- Input Validation.mkv

29.2 MB

12- Handling HTTP PUT Requests.mkv

30.0 MB

13 - Handling HTTP Delete Requests.mkv

18.6 MB

14- Project- Build the Genres API.mkv

1.5 MB

14- Project- Genres

9.5 KB

15- Building RESTful APIs with Express Recap.pdf

67.4 KB

2- RESTful Services.mkv

9.7 MB

3- Introducing Express.mkv

6.3 MB

4- Building Your First Web Server.mkv

12.4 MB

5- Nodemon.mkv

3.0 MB

6- Environment Variables.mkv

5.8 MB

7- Route Parameters.mkv

6.6 MB

8- Handling HTTP GET Requests.mkv

12.6 MB

9- Handling HTTP POST Requests.mkv

10.0 MB

/.../5 - Express- Advanced Topics/

1- Introduction.mkv

580.8 KB

10- Database Integration.mkv

4.4 MB

11- Authentication.mkv

532.9 KB

12- Structuring Express Applications.mkv

43.7 MB

13- Project- Restructure the App.mkv

17.9 MB

13- Project- Restructure the

11.3 KB

14- Express- Advanced Topics Recap.pdf

52.9 KB

2- Middleware.mkv

4.7 MB

3- Creating Custom Middleware.mkv

10.2 MB

4- Built-in Middleware.mkv

8.8 MB

5- Third-party Middleware.mkv

15.4 MB

6- Environments.mkv

10.2 MB

7- Configuration.mkv

24.8 MB

8- Debugging.mkv

13.2 MB

9- Templating Engines.mkv

13.3 MB

/6- Asynchronous JavaScript/

1- Asynchronous

8.1 KB

1- Synchronous vs Asynchronous Code.mkv

9.0 MB

10- Running Promises in Parallel.mkv

14.5 MB

11- Async and Await.mkv

22.5 MB

11- Async and

5.9 KB

12- Exercise.mkv

20.9 MB


2.7 KB

2- Patterns for Dealing with Asynchronous Code.mkv

6.5 MB

3- Callbacks.mkv

14.5 MB

4- Callback Hell.mkv

7.8 MB

5- Named Functions to Rescue.mkv

12.3 MB

6- Promises.mkv

17.0 MB

7- Replacing Callbacks with Promises.mkv

13.5 MB

7- Replacing

4.8 KB

8- Consuming Promises.mkv

18.1 MB

9- Creating Settled Promises.mkv

5.5 MB

/.../7- CRUD Operations Using Mongoose/

1- Introducing MongoDB.mkv

3.5 MB

10- Logical Query Operators.mkv

4.4 MB

11- Regular Expressions.mkv

6.5 MB

12- Counting.mkv

1.7 MB

13- Pagination.mkv

4.2 MB

14- Exercise 1.mkv

21.6 MB


4.2 KB

15- Exercise 2.mkv

9.1 MB


1.7 KB

16- Exercise 3.mkv

6.2 MB


1.7 KB

17- Updating a Document- Query First.mkv

9.0 MB

18- Updating a Document- Update First.mkv

17.3 MB

19- Removing Documents.mkv

7.0 MB

2- Installing MongoDB on Mac.mkv

12.1 MB

20- CRUD Operations with Mongoose and MongoDB Recap.pdf

70.8 KB

3- Installing MongoDB on Windows.mkv

26.2 MB

4- Connecting to MongoDB.mkv

7.4 MB

5- Schemas.mkv

9.0 MB

6- Models.mkv

10.3 MB

7- Saving a Document.mkv

7.4 MB

8- Querying Documents.mkv

9.3 MB

9- Comparison Query Operators.mkv

9.5 MB

/.../8- Mongo - Data Validation/

1- Validation.mkv

20.0 MB

10- Mongoose Validation Recap.pdf

68.7 KB

2- Built-in Validators.mkv

15.9 MB

3- Custom Validators.mkv

11.0 MB

4- Async Validators.mkv

6.8 MB

5- Validation Errors.mkv

17.2 MB

6- SchemaType Options.mkv

23.4 MB

7- Project- Add Persistence to Genres API.mkv

49.7 MB


23.9 KB

8- Project- Build the Customers API.mkv

27.0 MB

8- Project- Build the Customers

28.8 KB

9- Project- Restructure the

33.1 KB

9- Restructuring the Project.mkv

37.9 MB

/.../9- Mongoose- Modeling Relationships between Connected Data/

1- Modelling Relationships.mkv

13.6 MB

10- Validating ObjectIDs .mkv

17.1 MB

10- Validating

21.7 KB

11- A Better Implementation.mkv

10.5 MB

12- Mongoose- Modelling Relationships between Connected Data Recap.pdf

82.0 KB

2- Referencing Documents.mkv

11.2 MB

2- Referencing

1.9 KB

3- Population.mkv

13.3 MB

4- Embedding Documents.mkv

18.8 MB

4- Embedding

1.8 KB

5- Using an Array of Sub-documents.mkv

14.2 MB

6- Project- Build the Movies API.mkv

20.7 MB

6- Project- Build the Movies

37.6 KB

7- Project- Build the Rentals API.mkv

22.4 MB

7- Project- Build the Rentals

42.3 KB

8- Transactions.mkv

25.7 MB

9- ObjectID.mkv

12.2 MB

/1 Getting Started/

01 What is Python.mkv

15.9 MB

02 Installing Python.mkv

7.4 MB

03 Python Interpreter.mkv

3.1 MB

04 Code Editors.mkv

3.4 MB

05 Your First Python Program.mkv

7.5 MB

06 Python Extension.mkv

9.1 MB

07 Linting Python Code.mkv

7.3 MB

08 Formatting Python Code.mkv

10.7 MB

09 Running Python Code.mkv

9.8 MB

10 Python Implementations.mkv

5.7 MB

11 How Python Code is Executed.mkv

5.3 MB

12 Quiz.mkv

9.1 MB

/.../10 Python Package Index/

01 Pypi.mkv

18.7 MB

02 Pip.mkv

22.7 MB

03 Virtual Environments.mkv

6.9 MB

04 Pipenv.mkv

6.4 MB

05 Virtual Environments in VSCode.mkv

14.7 MB

06 Pipfile.mkv

11.0 MB

07 Managing Dependencies.mkv

9.1 MB

08 Publishing Packages.mkv

29.1 MB

09 Docstrings.mkv

17.0 MB

10 Pydoc.mkv

22.6 MB

/.../11 Popular Python Packages/

01 Introduction.mkv

11.6 MB

02 What are APIs.mkv

9.4 MB

03 Yelp API.mkv

16.7 MB

04 Searching for Businesses.mkv

57.3 MB

05 Hiding API Keys.mkv

6.7 MB

06 Sending Text Messages.mkv

21.7 MB

07 Web Scraping.mkv

35.7 MB

08 Browser Automation.mkv

38.5 MB

09 Working with PDFs.mkv

22.4 MB

10 Working with Excel Spreadsheets.mkv

27.5 MB

11 Command Query Separation Principle.mkv

11.2 MB

12 NumPy.mkv

26.8 MB

/.../12 Building Web Applications with Django/

01 Introduction.mkv

15.6 MB

02 Your First Django Project.mkv

7.9 MB

03 Your First App.mkv

6.1 MB

04 Views.mkv

18.2 MB

05 Models.mkv

13.0 MB

06 Migrations.mkv

19.0 MB

07 Changing the Models.mkv

18.9 MB

08 Admin.mkv

8.6 MB

09 Customizing the Admin.mkv

19.0 MB

10 Database Abstraction API.mkv

9.4 MB

11 Templates.mkv

27.1 MB

12 Adding Bootstrap.mkv

17.9 MB

13 Customizing the Layout.mkv

13.1 MB

14 Sharing a Template Across Multiple Apps.mkv

15.5 MB

15 Url Parameters.mkv

11.2 MB

16 Getting a Single Object.mkv

10.0 MB

17 Raising 404 Errors.mkv

12.7 MB

18 Referencing Urls.mkv

7.9 MB

19 Creating APIs.mkv

27.3 MB

20 Adding the Homepage.mkv

12.7 MB

21 Getting Ready to Deploy.mkv

34.9 MB

22 Deployment.mkv

15.7 MB

/.../13 Machine Learning with Python/

01 What is Machine Learning.mkv

35.4 MB

02 Machine Learning in Action.mkv

3.5 MB

03 Libraries and Tools.mkv

12.0 MB

04 Importing a Data Set.mkv

15.9 MB

05 Jupyter Shortcuts.mkv

13.8 MB

06 A Real Machine Learning Problem.mkv

9.9 MB

07 Preparing the Data.mkv

6.2 MB

08 Learning and Predicting.mkv

8.3 MB

09 Calculating the Accuracy.mkv

13.5 MB

10 Persisting Models.mkv

7.7 MB

11 Visualizing a Decision Tree.mkv

79.5 MB

/2 Primitive Types/

01 Variables.mkv

13.0 MB

02 Variable Names.mkv

4.8 MB

03 Strings.mkv

10.5 MB

04 Escape Sequences.mkv

4.5 MB

05 Formatted Strings.mkv

3.9 MB

06 String Methods.mkv

12.5 MB

07 Numbers.mkv

4.4 MB

08 Working with Numbers.mkv

7.9 MB

09 Type Conversion.mkv

8.8 MB

10 Quiz.mkv

7.2 MB

/3 Control Flow/

01 Comparison Operators.mkv

3.1 MB

02 Conditional Statements.mkv

7.7 MB

03 Ternary Operator.mkv

4.9 MB

04 Logical Operators.mkv

8.6 MB

05 Short Evaluation.mkv

3.7 MB

06 Chaining Comparison Operators.mkv

2.5 MB

07 Quiz.mkv

3.0 MB

08 For Loops.mkv

6.6 MB

09 For..Else.mkv

5.8 MB

10 Nested Loops.mkv

5.2 MB

11 Iterables.mkv

6.6 MB

12 While Loops.mkv

8.8 MB

13 Infinite Loops.mkv

3.5 MB

14 Exercise.mkv

5.0 MB

/4 Functions/

01 Defining Functions.mkv

5.5 MB

02 Arguments.mkv

4.8 MB

03 Types of Functions.mkv

8.2 MB

04 Keyword Arguments.mkv

4.0 MB

05 Default Arguments.mkv

2.7 MB

06 xargs.mkv

8.7 MB

07 xxargs.mkv

4.5 MB

08 Scope.mkv

9.7 MB

09 Debugging.mkv

16.0 MB

10 VSCode Coding Tricks Windows.mkv

4.4 MB

11 VSCode Coding Tricks Mac.mkv

3.4 MB

12 Exercise.mkv

2.2 MB

13 Solution.mkv

11.0 MB

/5 Data Structures/

01 Lists.mkv

26.8 MB

02 Accessing Items.mkv

6.9 MB

03 List Unpacking.mkv

11.7 MB

04 Looping over Lists.mkv

6.3 MB

05 Adding or Removing Items.mkv

6.1 MB

06 Finding Items.mkv

3.4 MB

07 Sorting Lists.mkv

10.6 MB

08 Lambda Functions.mkv

3.8 MB

09 Map Function.mkv

7.9 MB

10 Filter Function.mkv

4.5 MB

11 List Comprehensions.mkv

6.4 MB

12 Zip Function.mkv

3.6 MB

13 Stacks.mkv

11.0 MB

14 Queues.mkv

7.3 MB

15 Tuples.mkv

7.4 MB

16 Swapping Variables.mkv

4.1 MB

17 Arrays.mkv

7.1 MB

18 Sets.mkv

10.4 MB

19 Dictionaries.mkv

12.3 MB

20 Dictionary Comprehensions.mkv

6.6 MB

21 Generator Expressions.mkv

8.3 MB

22 Unpacking Operator.mkv

13.0 MB

23 Exercise.mkv

19.3 MB

/6 Exceptions/

01 Exceptions.mkv

12.2 MB

02 Handling Exceptions.mkv

10.4 MB

03 Handling Different Exceptions.mkv

7.3 MB

04 Cleaning Up.mkv

4.7 MB

05 The With Statement.mkv

8.3 MB

06 Raising Exceptions.mkv

17.2 MB

07 Cost of Raising Exceptions.mkv

15.8 MB

/7 Classes/

01 Classes.mkv

7.9 MB

02 Creating Classes.mkv

9.3 MB

03 Constructors.mkv

10.9 MB

04 Class vs Instance Attributes.mkv

13.8 MB

05 Class vs Instance Methods.mkv

9.5 MB

06 Magic Methods.mkv

11.1 MB

07 Comparing Objects.mkv

9.8 MB

08 Performing Arithmetic Operations.mkv

7.7 MB

09 Making Custom Containers.mkv

19.8 MB

10 Private Members.mkv

9.5 MB

11 Properties.mkv

21.8 MB

12 Inheritance.mkv

11.9 MB

13 The Object Class.mkv

6.4 MB

14 Method Overriding.mkv

9.3 MB

15 Multi Inheritance.mkv

4.8 MB

16 Multiple Inheritance.mkv

7.2 MB

17 A Good Example of Inheritance.mkv

13.1 MB

18 Abstract Base Classes.mkv

17.9 MB

19 Polymorphism.mkv

11.2 MB

20 Duck Typing.mkv

6.4 MB

21 Extending Built Types.mkv

6.5 MB

22 Data Classes.mkv

10.6 MB

/8 Modules/

01 Creating Modules.mkv

19.3 MB

02 Compiled Python Files.mkv

4.6 MB

03 Module Search Path.mkv

3.5 MB

04 Packages.mkv

5.0 MB

05 Sub.mkv

2.2 MB

06 Intra References.mkv

4.0 MB

07 The dir Function.mkv

3.9 MB

08 Executing Modules as Scripts.mkv

6.3 MB

/.../9 Python Standard Library/

01 Python Standard Library.mkv

4.0 MB

02 Working With Paths.mkv

11.4 MB

03 Working with Directories.mkv

9.6 MB

04 Working with Files.mkv

12.0 MB

05 Working with Zip Files.mkv

10.4 MB

06 Working with CSV Files.mkv

11.0 MB

07 Working with JSON Files.mkv

9.3 MB

08 Working with a SQLite Database.mkv

24.4 MB

09 Working with Timestamps.mkv

6.0 MB

10 Working with DateTimes.mkv

22.7 MB

11 Working with Time Deltas.mkv

7.4 MB

12 Generating Random Values.mkv

11.5 MB

13 Opening the Browser.mkv

2.3 MB

14 Sending Emails.mkv

23.8 MB

15 Templates.mkv

15.7 MB

16 Command Arguments.mkv

4.5 MB

17 Running External Programs.mkv

21.6 MB

/.../01- Getting Started/

01 - Introduction.mkv

17.9 MB

02 - What is Angular.mkv

4.8 MB

03 - Architecture of Angular Apps.mkv

11.5 MB

04 - Setting Up the Development Environment.mkv

4.2 MB

05 - Your First Angular App.mkv

3.9 MB

06 - Structure of Angular Projects.mkv

12.1 MB

07 - Webpack.mkv

7.7 MB

08 - Angular Version History.mkv

5.0 MB

09 - Course Structure.mkv

10.9 MB

10 - Making a Promise.mkv

7.1 MB

/.../02- TypeScript and Object-oriented Programming Fundamentals/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.1 MB

02- What is TypeScript.mkv

2.7 MB

03- Your First TypeScript Program.mkv

3.7 MB

04- Declaring Variables.mkv

5.9 MB

05- Types.mkv

8.2 MB

06- Type Assertions.mkv

3.9 MB

07- Arrow Functions.mkv

2.8 MB

08- Interfaces.mkv

4.9 MB

09- Classes.mkv

6.2 MB

10- Objects.mkv

5.9 MB

11- Constructors.mkv

4.4 MB

12- Access Modifiers.mkv

4.3 MB

13- Access Modifiers in Constructor Parameters.mkv

2.2 MB

14- Properties.mkv

8.2 MB

15- Modules.mkv

5.2 MB

16- Exercise.txt

1.4 KB

17- Solution.mkv

15.9 MB


1.0 KB

/.../03- Angular Fundamentals/

01- Introduction.mkv

581.8 KB

02- Building Blocks of Angular Apps.mkv

4.3 MB

03- Creating Components.mkv

15.7 MB

04- Creating Components Using Angular CLI.mkv

9.1 MB

05- Templates.mkv

3.2 MB

06- Directives.mkv

4.3 MB

07- Services.mkv

5.9 MB

08- Dependency Injection.mkv

11.2 MB

09- Generating Services Using Angular CLI.mkv

2.7 MB

10- Exercise- Authors.mkv

625.7 KB

11- Solution.mkv

10.7 MB

/.../04- Displaying Data and Handling Events/

01- Introduction.mkv

723.6 KB

02- Property Binding.mkv

4.2 MB

03- Attribute Binding.mkv

5.3 MB

04- Adding Bootstrap.mkv

7.3 MB

05- Class Binding.mkv

2.5 MB

06- Style Binding.mkv

3.9 MB

07- Event Binding.mkv

6.8 MB

08- Event Filtering.mkv

2.6 MB

09- Template Variables.mkv

2.8 MB

10- Two-way Binding.mkv

12.9 MB

11- Pipes.mkv

9.8 MB

12- Custom Pipes.mkv

12.8 MB

13- Exercise- Favorite Component.mkv

3.2 MB

14 -

1.5 KB

14- Solution- Favorite Component.mkv

6.9 MB

15- Exercise- TitleCase.mkv

1.6 MB

16 -

0.5 KB

16- Solution- Title Case.mkv

22.5 MB

/.../05- Building Re-usable Components/

01- Introduction.mkv

775.2 KB

02- Component API.mkv

5.6 MB

03- Input Properties.mkv

7.3 MB

04- Aliasing Input Properties.mkv

6.3 MB

05- Output Properties.mkv

5.7 MB

06- Passing Event Data.mkv

10.6 MB

07- Aliasing Output Properties.mkv

2.7 MB

08- Templates.mkv

4.3 MB

09- Styles.mkv

8.3 MB

10- View Encapsulation.mkv

15.8 MB

11- ngContent.mkv

6.3 MB

12- ngContainer.mkv

3.9 MB

13- Exercise- LikeComponent.mkv

1.9 MB

14- Solution- LikeComponent.mkv

8.1 MB

/06- Directives/

01- Introduction.mkv

708.6 KB

02- ngIf.mkv

8.6 MB

03- Hidden Property.mkv

4.0 MB

04- ngSwitchCase.mkv

10.0 MB

05- ngFor.mkv

6.4 MB

06- ngFor and Change Detection.mkv

5.5 MB

07- ngFor and TrackBy.mkv

9.7 MB

08- The Leading Asterisk.mkv

2.2 MB

09- ngClass.mkv

2.2 MB

10- ngStyle.mkv

3.2 MB

11- Safe Traversal Operator.mkv

3.8 MB

12- Creating Custom Directives.mkv

15.1 MB

13- Exercise- Zippy.mkv

1.4 MB

14- Solution- Zippy.mkv

13.1 MB


1.7 KB

/.../07- Template-driven Forms/

01- Introduction.mkv

674.2 KB

02- Building a Basic Bootstrap Form.mkv

5.8 MB

03- Types of Forms.mkv

4.0 MB

04- ngModel.mkv

9.4 MB

05- Adding Validation.mkv

6.0 MB

06- Specific Validation Errors.mkv

8.0 MB

07- Styling Invalid Input Fields.mkv

2.3 MB

08- Cleaner Templates.mkv

5.6 MB

09- ngForm.mkv

9.1 MB

10- ngModelGroup.mkv

4.6 MB

11- Control Classes and Directives.mkv

1.9 MB

12- Disabling the Submit Button.mkv

2.0 MB

13- Working with Check Boxes.mkv

3.4 MB

14- Working with Drop-down Lists.mkv

10.0 MB

15- Working with Radio Buttons.mkv

4.9 MB

16- Exercise- Create Course Form.mkv

1.7 MB

17- Solution- Course Form.mkv

21.6 MB


2.1 KB

/.../08- Reactive Forms/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.6 MB

02- Building a Bootstrap Form.mkv

1.7 MB


1.5 KB

03- Creating Controls Programatically.mkv

12.6 MB

04- Adding Validation.mkv

12.4 MB

05- Specific Validation Errors.mkv

4.2 MB

06- Implementing Custom Validation.mkv

13.6 MB

07- Async Operations.mkv

8.5 MB

08- Async Validators.mkv

13.3 MB

09- Displaying a Loader Image.mkv

2.5 MB

10- Validating Upon Submitting the Form.mkv

9.5 MB

11- Nested FormGroups.mkv

4.7 MB

12- FormArray.mkv

14.7 MB

13- FormBuilder.mkv

9.0 MB

14- Quick Recap.mkv

1.7 MB

15- Exercise- Change Password Form.mkv

1.9 MB

16- Solution- Change Password Form.mkv

34.0 MB


2.5 KB

/.../09- Consuming HTTP Services/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.3 MB

02- JSONPlaceHolder.mkv

3.1 MB

03- Getting Data.mkv

14.5 MB

04- Creating Data.mkv

13.9 MB

05- Updating Data.mkv

9.1 MB

06- Deleting Data.mkv

4.1 MB

07- OnInit Interface.mkv

5.9 MB

08- Separation of Concerns.mkv

6.5 MB

09- Extracting a Service.mkv

16.7 MB


3.0 KB

10- Handling Errors.mkv

3.9 MB

11- Handling Unexpected Errors.mkv

3.9 MB

12- Handling Expected Errors.mkv

9.4 MB

13- Throwing Application-specific Errors.mkv

18.5 MB

14- Code Review.mkv

8.3 MB

15- Importing Observable Operators and Factory Methods.mkv

7.0 MB

16- Global Error Handling+.mkv

15.5 MB

17- Extracting a Reusable Error Handling Method.mkv

7.8 MB

18- Extracting a Reusable Data Service.mkv

18.1 MB

19- The Map Operator.mkv

10.2 MB


3.0 KB

20- Optimistic vs Pessimistic Updates.mkv

11.8 MB

21- Observables vs Promises.mkv

10.0 MB

22- Exercise.mkv

2.2 MB

23- Solution.mkv

16.1 MB


5.0 KB

/.../10- Routing and Navigation/

01- Introduction.mkv

750.7 KB

02- Routing in a Nutshell.mkv

1.0 MB

03- Configuring Routes.mkv

12.6 MB


501.6 KB

04- RouterOutlet.mkv

4.2 MB

05- RouterLink.mkv

8.7 MB

06- RouterLinkActive.mkv

2.8 MB

07- Accessing Route Parameters.mkv

9.7 MB

08- Why Route Parameters Are Observables.mkv

12.1 MB

09- Routes with Multiple Parameters.mkv

3.1 MB

10- Query Parameters.mkv

8.9 MB

11- Subscribing to Multiple Observables.mkv

9.6 MB

12- The SwitchMap Operator.mkv

14.7 MB

13- Programmatic Navigation.mkv

3.9 MB

14- Exercise-Blog Archives.mkv

2.4 MB

15- Solution.mkv

15.9 MB


60.4 KB

/.../11- Authentication and Authorization/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.1 MB


531.6 KB

02- Application Overview.mkv

3.4 MB


82.8 KB

03- Architecture.mkv

3.3 MB

04- JSON Web Tokens.mkv

10.4 MB

05- The Starter Code.mkv

17.9 MB


124.9 KB

06- Implementing the Login.mkv

10.6 MB

07- Implementing the Logout.mkv

3.0 MB

08- Showing Hiding Elements.mkv

10.8 MB

09- Showing - Hiding Elements Based on the User's Role.mkv

7.5 MB

10- Getting the Current User.mkv

1.1 MB

11- CanActivate Interface.mkv

10.8 MB

12- Redirecting the Users After Logging In.mkv

7.9 MB

13- Protecting Routes Based on the User's Role.mkv

10.9 MB

14- Accessing Protected API Resources.mkv

14.6 MB

15- Quick Recap.mkv

1.9 MB

/12- Deployment/

01- Introduction.mkv

889.8 KB

02- Preparing for Deployment.mkv

6.9 MB


160.9 KB

03- JIT vs AOT Compilation.mkv

6.7 MB

04- Angular Compiler in Action.mkv

6.0 MB

05- Building Applications with Angular CLI.mkv

12.2 MB

06- Environments.mkv

6.8 MB

07- Adding a Custom Environment.mkv

5.0 MB

08- Linting with Angular CLI.mkv

9.6 MB

09- Linting in VSCode.mkv

3.4 MB

10- Other Deployment Options.mkv

4.3 MB

11- Deploying to GitHub Pages.mkv

11.7 MB

12- Deploying to Firebase.mkv

12.3 MB

13- Heroku.mkv

2.7 MB

14- Deploying to Heroku.mkv

15.1 MB

15- Engines.mkv

2.8 MB

16- Exercise.mkv

354.2 KB


160.9 KB

/.../13- Building Real-time Apps with Firebase/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.9 MB

02- What is Firebase .mkv

2.6 MB

03- Your First Firebase Project.mkv

1.2 MB

04- Working with Firebase Databases.mkv

6.3 MB

05- Installing Firebase.mkv

9.8 MB

06- Reading Lists.mkv

13.2 MB

07- A Real-time Database.mkv

1.9 MB

08- Observables and Memory Leaks.mkv

3.6 MB

09- Unsubscribing from Subscriptions.mkv

8.2 MB

10- Async Pipe.mkv

3.8 MB

11- Reading an Object.mkv

5.8 MB

12- As Keyword.mkv

3.1 MB

13- Adding an Object.mkv

13.4 MB

14- Updating an Object.mkv

7.9 MB

15- Deleting an Object.mkv

4.0 MB

16- Additional Resources.mkv

3.2 MB

/.../14- Angular Animations/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.0 MB

02- Examples of Animations.mkv

4.0 MB


196.5 KB

03- Different Ways to Create Animations.mkv

9.4 MB

04- Angular Animations.mkv

4.9 MB

05- Importing Animations Module and Polyfill.mkv

5.6 MB


75.4 KB

06- Implementing a fadeIn Animation.mkv

12.8 MB

07- Implementing a fadeOut Animation.mkv

3.1 MB

08- States.mkv

5.4 MB

09- Transitions.mkv

3.0 MB

10- Creating Re-usable Triggers.mkv

3.6 MB

11- Exercise- Slide Animation.mkv

1.1 MB

12- Solution.mkv

7.5 MB

13- Easings.mkv

8.9 MB

14- Keyframes.mkv

10.0 MB

15- Creating Re-usable Animations.mkv

16.7 MB

16- Parameterizing Re-usable Animations.mkv

14.1 MB

17- Animation Callbacks.mkv

5.4 MB

18- Querying Child Elements.mkv

9.2 MB

19- Animating Child Elements.mkv

5.5 MB

20- Running Parallel Animations.mkv

6.7 MB

21- Staggering Animations.mkv

14.8 MB

22- Working with Custom States.mkv

21.3 MB

23- Multi-step Animations.mkv

5.0 MB

24- Separation of Concerns.mkv

7.4 MB

/.../15- Angular Material/

01- Introduction.mkv

958.0 KB

02- What is Angular Material.mkv

7.6 MB

03- Installing Angular Material.mkv

14.7 MB

04- CheckBoxes.mkv

8.0 MB

05- RadioButtons.mkv

12.2 MB

06- Selects.mkv

8.9 MB

07- Inputs.mkv

12.9 MB

08- Text Areas.mkv

2.9 MB

09- DatePickers.mkv

17.7 MB

10- Icons.mkv

6.7 MB

11- Buttons.mkv

7.2 MB

12- Chips.mkv

8.7 MB

13- Progress Spinner.mkv

13.2 MB

14- Tooltips.mkv

5.6 MB

15- Tabs.mkv

4.3 MB

16- Dialogs.mkv

15.4 MB

17- Passing Data to Dialogs.mkv

21.9 MB

18- Other Components.txt

0.6 KB

19- Creating a Reusable Module.mkv

11.9 MB

20- Themes.mkv

6.1 MB

21- SASS.mkv

13.5 MB

22- Creating a Custom Theme.mkv

20.3 MB

23- Using Angular Material's Typography.mkv

6.4 MB

24- Customizing Typography.mkv

14.8 MB

25- An Important Note.txt

0.9 KB

/16- Redux/

01- Introduction.mkv

931.4 KB

02- What is Redux.mkv

8.6 MB

03- Building Blocks of Redux.mkv

4.1 MB

04- Pure Functions.mkv

4.8 MB

05- Installing Redux.mkv

10.8 MB


53.2 KB

06- Working with Actions.mkv

16.1 MB

07- The Select Pattern.mkv

13.7 MB

08- Avoiding Object Mutations.mkv

9.7 MB

09- Using Immutable Objects.mkv

12.3 MB

10- Avoiding Array Mutations.pdf

221.6 KB

10- Exercise.mkv

2.1 MB


90.4 KB


77.0 KB

11- Redux DevTools.mkv

13.2 MB

12- Calling APIs.mkv

18.3 MB

13- Refactoring Fat Case Statements.mkv

7.7 MB

14- Dealing with Complex Domains.mkv

21.9 MB


293.4 KB

/.../17- Unit Testing/

01- Introduction.mkv

1.5 MB

02- What is Automated Testing.mkv

10.2 MB

03- Types of Tests.mkv

6.4 MB

04- Unit Testing Fundamentals.mkv

13.1 MB


66.2 KB

05- Working with Strings and Arrays.mkv

5.9 MB

06- Setup and Tear Down.mkv

11.3 MB

07- Working with Forms.mkv

8.1 MB

08- Working with Event Emitters.mkv

5.4 MB

09- Working with Spies.mkv

14.3 MB

10- Interaction Testing.mkv

14.0 MB

11- Working with Confirmation Boxes.mkv

7.7 MB

12- Limitations of Unit Tests.mkv

1.6 MB

13- Code Coverage.mkv

5.9 MB

/.../18- Integration Testing/

01- Introduction - Integration Testing.mkv

1.0 MB

02- The Setup Code.mkv

9.8 MB


70.0 KB

03- Generating the Setup Code.mkv

8.4 MB

04- Testing Property and Class Bindings.mkv

17.4 MB

05- Testing Event Bindings.mkv

9.6 MB

06- Providing Dependencies.mkv

6.8 MB

07- Getting the Dependencies.mkv

12.4 MB

08- Providing Stubs.mkv

16.6 MB

09- Testing the Navigation.mkv

9.9 MB

10- Dealing with Route Params.mkv

16.0 MB

11- Testing RouterOutlet Components.mkv

16.7 MB

12- Shallow Component Tests.mkv

10.2 MB

13- Testing Attribute Directives.mkv

10.4 MB

14- Dealing with Asynchronous Operations.mkv

12.1 MB

/.../19- Project_ Set Up/

01- Introduction.mkv

11.3 MB

02- Accessing the Source Code.pages

213.3 KB

02- Accessing the Source Code.pdf

21.3 KB

02- Accessing the Source Code.txt

1.0 KB


123.1 KB

03- Challenge.mkv

28.2 MB

04- Creating a New Project.mkv

12.5 MB

05- Installing Bootstrap.mkv

16.7 MB

06- Extracting a NavBar Component.mkv

8.3 MB

07- Defining the Routes.mkv

20.1 MB

08- Adding a Drop-down Menu.mkv

17.5 MB

09- Cleaning Up the NavBar.mkv

5.9 MB

10- Fixing a Few Minor Issues.mkv

6.3 MB

11- Deployment.mkv

5.0 MB


531.6 KB

/.../20- Project_ Authentication and Authorization_/

01- Introduction.mkv

3.8 MB


531.6 KB

02- Implementing Google Login.mkv

31.1 MB

03- Implementing the Logout.mkv

7.8 MB

04- Displaying the Current User.mkv

5.4 MB

05- Using the Async Pipe.mkv

10.3 MB

06- Extracting a Service.mkv

19.1 MB

07- Protecting Routes.mkv

16.2 MB

08- Redirecting the Users after Login.mkv

18.6 MB

09- Storing Users in Database.mkv

12.9 MB

10- Defining Roles.mkv

11.3 MB

11- Protecting the Admin Routes.mkv

30.3 MB

12- Showing or Hiding the Admin Links.mkv

23.1 MB

13- Fixing a Bug.mkv

4.2 MB


589.8 KB

/.../21- Project_ Product Management/

01- Introduction.mkv

4.2 MB


589.8 KB

02- Building a Bootstrap Form.mkv

18.3 MB

03- Populating Categories Drop-down List.mkv

19.1 MB

04- Saving a Product in Firebase.mkv

24.1 MB

05- Implementing Validation.mkv

14.1 MB

06- Adding Custom Validation.mkv

20.0 MB

07- Adding a Bootstrap Card.mkv

28.1 MB

08- Rendering the List of Products.mkv

9.3 MB

09- Editing a Product.mkv

30.3 MB

10- Updating a Product.mkv

10.9 MB

11- Deleting a Product.mkv

10.4 MB

12- Searching for Products.mkv

23.4 MB

13- Extracting an Interface.mkv

4.3 MB

14- Adding a Data Table Component.mkv

28.7 MB

14- oshop-f3445-export.json

4.7 KB

15- Configuring the Data Table.mkv

9.8 MB

16- Feeding the Data Table.mkv

27.7 MB

17- Filtering with the Data Table.mkv

11.2 MB

18- Fixing a Bug with Redirecting Users.mkv

6.8 MB

19- Cleaning Up the Product Form.mkv

2.7 MB


930.5 KB

/.../22- Project_ Product Catalog/

01- Introduction.mkv

4.5 MB


930.5 KB

02- Displaying All the Products.mkv

24.6 MB

03- Displaying the Categories.mkv

9.8 MB

04- Filtering Products by Category.mkv

24.4 MB

05- Dealing with Multiple Asynchronous Operations.mkv

15.5 MB

06- Refactoring- Extracting ProductFilterComponent.mkv

22.6 MB

07- Refactoring- Extracting ProductCardComponent.mkv

20.5 MB

08- Improving the Product Card.mkv

7.5 MB

09- Making Categories Sticky.mkv

14.4 MB

10- Wrap Up.mkv

1.5 MB


929.8 KB

/.../23- Project_ Shopping Cart/

01- Introduction.mkv

7.0 MB


930.5 KB

02- Creating a Shopping Cart.mkv

24.2 MB

03- Refactoring- Moving the Responsibility to the Service.mkv

17.2 MB

04- Adding a Product to Shopping Cart.mkv

19.4 MB

05- Refactoring the addToCart method.mkv

16.8 MB

06- Displaying the Quantity.mkv

30.5 MB

07- Improving the Card Footer.mkv

11.9 MB

08- Implement the Change Quantity Buttons.mkv

19.2 MB

09- Displaying the Number of Shopping Cart Items in Navbar.mkv

28.4 MB

10- Refactoring Creating a Rich Model.mkv

24.5 MB

11- Building a Simple Shopping Cart Page.mkv

12.7 MB

12- Fixing a Design Issue.mkv

10.4 MB

13- Displaying the Total Price.mkv

14.1 MB

14- Refactoring Extracting ProductQuantityComponent.mkv

20.7 MB

15- Discovering a Design Issue.mkv

13.8 MB

16- Flattening Shopping Cart Items.mkv

24.5 MB

17- Better Object Initialization.mkv

11.2 MB

18- Clearing the Shopping Cart.mkv

12.0 MB

19- Fixing a Bug with Updating Quantity.mkv

3.7 MB

20- Improving the Layout.mkv

5.8 MB

21- Adding a Thumbnail.mkv

8.7 MB

22- More Refactoring.mkv

25.8 MB


1.3 MB

/.../24- Project_ Check Out Module/

01- Introduction.mkv

3.2 MB


929.8 KB

02- Adding the Check Out Button.mkv

6.8 MB

03- Building a Shipping Form.mkv

1.7 MB


1.8 KB

04- Saving the Order in Firebase.mkv

27.9 MB

05- Associating the Order with the Current User.mkv

7.5 MB

06- Refactoring- Extracting a Rich Model.mkv

11.9 MB

07- Redirecting the User.mkv

9.5 MB

08- Clearing the Shopping Cart.mkv

6.8 MB

09- Transactions.mkv

40.4 KB

09- Transactions.txt

0.8 KB

10- Adding an Order Summary Widget.mkv

22.0 MB

11- Refactoring.mkv

33.1 MB

12- Displaying the Orders.mkv

6.3 MB


5.2 KB

13- Fixing a Bug.mkv

2.7 MB


1.3 MB

14- Processing the Payments.pages

343.5 KB

14- Processing the Payments.pdf

23.8 KB

/.../25- Project_ Modularization and Final Improvements/

01- Introduction.mkv

30.5 MB


1.3 MB

02- Modules.mkv

11.0 MB


1.3 MB

03- Essential TypeScript Plugins.mkv

42.5 MB

04- Modules.pdf

120.1 KB

04- Moving Files and Folders.mkv

16.5 MB

05- Creating the Shared Module.mkv

24.2 MB

05- Modules.pdf

120.1 KB

06- Creating the Admin Module.mkv

27.2 MB

06- Modules.pdf

120.1 KB

07- Creating the Shopping Module.mkv

13.6 MB

07- Modules.pdf

120.1 KB

08- Creating the Core Module.mkv

17.1 MB

08- Modules.pdf

120.1 KB

09- Importing and Exporting Modules.mkv

19.7 MB

10- Adding Icons.mkv

11.8 MB

11- Aligning the NavBar Items.mkv

58.5 MB

12- Defining a Theme.mkv

15.7 MB


1.3 MB



5.9 KB

[TGx]Downloaded from .txt

0.6 KB


76.1 KB


Total files 1210

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