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Computer Science Books


Computer Science Books


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Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science Vol.2 [Formal Models and Semantics] [J. van Leeuwen].pdf

471.0 MB

Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science Vol.1 [Algorithms and Complexity] [J. van Leeuwen].pdf

311.1 MB

/Algorithms - Data Structures/

Algorithmics Theory and Practice [Brassard, Bratley].pdf

4.2 MB

Algorithms 4th Ed [Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne] (2011).pdf

25.1 MB

Algorithms and Data Structures [Mehlhorn, Sanders].pdf

2.1 MB

Algorithms and Programming 2nd Ed - Problems and Solutions [Shen] (2010).pdf

1.5 MB

Algorithms [Dasgupta, Papadimitriou, Vazirani].pdf

2.0 MB

An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms 2nd Ed [Sedgewick, Flajolet] (2013).pdf

6.0 MB

An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms [Soltys] (2012).pdf

1.8 MB

Approximation Algorithms [Vazirani].pdf

1.7 MB

Computer Algorithms [Horowitz, Rajasekaran] (1997).pdf

18.5 MB

Design and Analysis of Algorithm [Anany].pdf

2.5 MB

Design and Analysis of Algorithm Solution Manual [Anany].pdf

2.6 MB

Foundations of Computer Science C Edition [Aho, Ullman] (1994).pdf

5.5 MB

Handbook of Exact String Matching Algorithms [Charras, Lecroq] (2004).pdf

729.7 KB

Introduction to Algorithms [Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein].pdf

5.1 MB

Scheduling - Theory, Algorithms, and Systems [Pinedo] (2012).pdf

5.6 MB

Scheduling Algorithms 5th Ed [Brucker] (2007).pdf

13.1 MB

Some Results for Elementary Operations [Tsakalidis].pdf

195.2 KB

The Algorithm Design Manual 2nd Ed [Skiena] (2008).pdf

7.0 MB

The Design of Αpproximation Αlgorithms [Williamson, Shmoys].pdf

2.4 MB

Ειδικά Θέματα σε Δομές Δεδομένων.pdf

471.0 KB

Algorithm Design [Kleinberg, Tardos].pdf

5.2 MB

/Artificial Intelligence/

Applied Combinatorics on Words [Lothaire].pdf

4.8 MB

Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach [Russell, Norvig].pdf

38.2 MB

Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming [Norvig].pdf

18.3 MB

/Automata Theory/

Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation [Hopcroft, Motwani, Ullman].pdf

22.1 MB


Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems [Holland].pdf

32.9 MB

Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences [Dan Gusfield].pdf

15.2 MB

An Introduction to Bioinformatics Algorithms [Jones, Pevzner].pdf

6.2 MB

Biological Sequence Analysis [Durbin, Eddy, Krogh, Mitchison].pdf

3.8 MB

Biomedical Informatics [Shortliffe, Cimino].pdf

23.6 MB

Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology [Aluru].pdf

19.6 MB

Pattern Discovery in Bioinformatics [L. Parida].pdf

2.7 MB


Basic Real Analysis [W. Knapp].pdf

10.8 MB

Calculus 3rd Ed [Spivak].pdf

50.7 MB

Complex Variables and Applications 2nd Ed [Ablowitz, Fokas].pdf

7.7 MB

Differential Equations [Paul Dawkins].pdf

3.6 MB

Street Fighting Mathematics [S. Mahajan].pdf

767.4 KB

Thomas’ Calculus 14th Ed.pdf

28.0 MB

Σημειώσεις Αναλυτικής Γεωμετρίας [Κεχαγιάς].pdf

907.1 KB

/.../Calculus I [Paul Dawkins]/

Assignment Problems.pdf

1.1 MB

Calculus I.pdf

4.8 MB

Practice Problems.pdf

691.5 KB

Solutions to Practice Problems.pdf

5.0 MB

/.../Calculus II [Paul Dawkins]/

Assignment Problems.pdf

455.1 KB

Calculus II.pdf

2.8 MB

Practice Problems.pdf

414.3 KB

Solutions to Practice Problems.pdf

2.8 MB

/.../Calculus III [Paul Dawkins]/

Assignment Problems.pdf

577.0 KB

Calculus III.pdf

2.9 MB

Practice Problems.pdf

396.1 KB

Solutions to Practice Problems.pdf

3.4 MB

/Category Theory/

Abstract and Concrete Categories The Joy of Cats [Adamek, Herrlich, Strecker].pdf

4.4 MB

Category Theory for Computing Science [Barr, Wells].pdf

2.1 MB

Category Theory [Awodey].pdf

1.7 MB

/Communications Systems/

Algorithms for Communications Systems and Their Applications [Benvenuto, Cherubini].pdf

23.6 MB

Communication Systems Engineering [Proakis, Salehi].pdf

4.6 MB

Fiber-Optic Communication Systems [Govind P. Agrawal].pdf

4.7 MB


Compilers (Principles, Techniques, and Tools) [Aho, Lam, Sethi].pdf

5.1 MB

Engineering a Compiler [Cooper, Torczon].pdf

7.9 MB

/Computational Complexity/

Υπολογιστική Πολυπλοκότητα [Δ. Καββαδίας].pdf

1.0 MB

/Computational Geometry/

Computational Geometry (Algorithms and Applications) [de Berg, van Kreveld, Overmars, Schwarzkopf].pdf

18.7 MB

/Computer Architecture/

Computer Architecture (A Quantitative Approach) [Patterson, Hennessy].pdf

5.8 MB

Computer Organization and Design [Patterson, Hennessy].pdf

40.0 MB

Computer Organization [C. Hamacher].pdf

17.4 MB

Computer Systems (A Programmer’s Perspective ) [Bryant, O'Hallaron].pdf

5.1 MB

Structured Computer Organization [A. S. Tanenbaum, T. Austin].pdf

5.4 MB

/Computer Graphics/

Computer Graphics Principles and Practice [Hughes, van Dam, McGuire, Sklar, Foley, Feiner, Akeley].pdf

19.2 MB

Fundamentals of Computer Graphics [Shirley].pdf

40.2 MB

/Computer Networks/

Computer Networking [Kurose, Ross].pdf

8.7 MB

Computer Networks and Internets [Comer].pdf

4.8 MB

Computer Networks [Tanenbaum, Wetherall].pdf

8.5 MB

Data and Computer Communications [Stallings].pdf

31.6 MB

InterNetworking with TCP-IP vol.1 [Comer].pdf

10.3 MB

Networking Foundations [Ciccarelli, Faulkner].pdf

9.1 MB

/Computer Vision/

Computer Vision (A Modern Approach) [Forsyth, Ponce].pdf

52.7 MB

Computer Vision (Algorithms and Applications) [Szeliski].pdf

23.2 MB


Applied Cryptography [Schneier].pdf

3.1 MB

Cryptography (An Introduction) [Smart].pdf

3.7 MB

Introduction to Modern Cryptography [Katz, Lindell].pdf

5.9 MB

Mathematical Cryptology [K. Ruohonen].pdf

1.2 MB


Database Management Systems [Ramakrishnan, Gehrke].pdf

20.1 MB

Database System Concepts [Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan].pdf

4.7 MB

Database Systems - The Complete Book [Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom].pdf

29.4 MB

Fundamentals of Database Systems [Elmasri, Navathe].pdf

40.8 MB

/Discrete (and CS) Mathematics/

A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra [Shoup].pdf

3.6 MB

Advanced Algebra [Knapp].pdf

10.8 MB

Algorithmic Mathematics [Soicher, Vivaldi].pdf

455.8 KB

Basic Algebra [Knapp].pdf

9.9 MB

Concrete Mathematics [Graham, Knuth, Patashnik].pdf

11.8 MB

Digraphs - Theory, Algorithms and Applications [Bang-Jensen, Gutin].pdf

3.7 MB

Discrete Math for Computer Science Students [Bogart, Drysdale, Stein].pdf

2.4 MB

Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 7th Ed [Rosen].pdf

38.0 MB

Graph Theory [Reinhard].pdf

2.3 MB

Mathematics for Computer Science [A. Meyer].pdf

5.0 MB

Mathematics for Computer Science [E. Lehman, T. Leighton].pdf

1.7 MB

Teach Yourself Logic.pdf

513.2 KB

Αλγοριθμική Θεωρία Γραφημάτων [Σ. Νικολόπουλος, Λ. Γεωργιάδης, Λ. Παληός].pdf

11.2 MB

Διακριτά Μαθηματικά [Κολουντζάκης, Παπαχριστόδουλος].pdf

4.3 MB

Διακριτά Μαθηματικά και Εφαρμογές τους [Rosen].pdf

224.3 MB

Εισαγωγή στα Γραφήματα [Κοσμαδάκης].pdf

863.2 KB

Μαθηματικά Πληροφορικής [Η. Κουτσουπιάς].pdf

1.0 MB

Στοιχεία Διακριτών Μαθηματικών [C. L. Liu].pdf

73.5 MB

/Distributed Systems/

Distributed Systems - Concepts and Design [Koulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, Blair].pdf

10.2 MB

Distributed Sytsems Principles and Paradigms [Tanenbaum, van Steen].pdf

32.7 MB

Solutions Distributed Sytsems Principles and Paradigms [Tanenbaum, van Steen].pdf

208.2 KB


Circuits (Μάργαρης) (Κεφ. 1-9).pdf

14.8 MB

Electronics Principles 7th Ed [Malvino, Bates].pdf

53.4 MB

Microelectronic Circuits 7th Ed [Sedra-Smith].pdf

72.4 MB

Microelectronic Circuits Analysis and Design 2nd Ed [M. H. Rashid].pdf

13.1 MB

Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering [Rizzoni].pdf

9.5 MB

The Art of Electronics 3rd Ed [P. Horowitz, W. Hill].pdf

144.8 MB

Σημειώσεις Ψηφιακών Ηλεκτρονικών [Λιούπης, Στεφανιδάκης].pdf

5.7 MB

/Game Theory/

Algorithmic Game Theory.pdf

5.4 MB

/Heuristic Methods/

How to Solve It Modern Heuristics [Michalewicz, Fogel].pdf

7.6 MB

/Information Retrieval/

Google's PageRank and Beyond [Langville, Meyer].djvu

2.9 MB

Introduction to Information Retrieval [Manning, Raghavan, Schutze].pdf

5.0 MB

Modern Information Retrieval [Baeza-Yates, Ribeiro-Neto].pdf

1.2 MB

/Information Theory/

Elements of Information Theory 2nd Ed [Cover, Thomas].pdf

10.6 MB

Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms [MacKay].pdf

11.7 MB

/Intro to Computational Neuroscience/

Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology [D. Johnston, S. Miao-Sin Wu].pdf

15.2 MB

Principles of Neural Science 4th Ed [E. R. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. M. Jessell].pdf

69.4 MB

/Linear Algebra/

Introduction to Linear Algebra Solutions - 3rd Ed [G. Strang].pdf

511.6 KB

Linear Algebra and its Applications [G. Strang].djvu

4.4 MB

Linear Algebra Done Right 2nd Ed [S. Axler].pdf

1.2 MB

/Logic application in CS/

Logic in Computer Science – Modeling and Reasoning about Systems 2nd Ed [M. Huth, M. Ryan].pdf

2.3 MB

Mathematical Logic for Computer Science 3rd Ed [M. Ben-Ari].pdf

6.3 MB

Εφαρμογές της Λογικής στην Πληροφορική [Π. Στεφανέας, Γ. Κολέτσος].pdf

1.8 MB

Μαθηματική Λογική [Γ. Κολέτσος].pdf

2.4 MB

/Logic Design/

Digital Design 5th Ed [M. Mano, M. Ciletti].pdf

3.1 MB

Digital Design Principles and Practices [John F. Wakerly].pdf

7.0 MB

Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design [Nelson, Nagle, Carroll, Irwin].pdf

15.7 MB

/Machine Learning/

A Course in Machine Learning [Hal Daumé III].pdf

8.3 MB

Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning [Barber].pdf

13.4 MB

Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 3rd Ed [Witten, Frank, Hall].pdf

7.3 MB

Deep Learning [Goodfellow, Bengio, Courville].pdf

17.0 MB

Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning.pdf

4.1 MB

Information Science and Statistics [Jordan, Kleinberg, Scholkopf].pdf

9.8 MB

Introduction to Machine Learning 2nd Ed [Alpaydim].pdf

3.7 MB

Machine Learning [Mitchell].pdf

38.8 MB

Mining of Massive Datasets [Leskovec, Rajamaran, Ullman].pdf

3.1 MB

Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction [R. Rojas].pdf

4.6 MB

Neural Networks and Learning Machines 3rd Ed [Haykin].pdf

14.4 MB

Pattern Classification 2nd [Duda, Stork, Hart].pdf

11.8 MB

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [Bishop].pdf

18.1 MB

Reinforcement Learning - An Introduction 2nd Ed [Sutton, Barto].pdf

4.2 MB

Supervised Sequence Labelling with Recurrent Neural Networks [A. Graves].pdf

8.1 MB

The Elements of Statistical Learning 2nd [Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman].pdf

13.3 MB


A Guide to MATLAB for Beginners and Experienced Users [Hunt, Lipsman, Rosenberg].pdf

6.5 MB

Engineering Programming in MATLAB - A Primer [M. A. Austin].pdf

1.3 MB

MATLAB R2015b.pdf

2.5 MB

Numerical Computing with MATLAB Revised Reprint [C. B. Moler].pdf

4.9 MB

Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave 4th Ed [Quarteroni, Saleri, Gervasio].pdf

8.0 MB

/Natural Language Processing/

Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing [Manning, Schutze].pdf

11.8 MB

Speech and Language Processing [Jurafsky, Martin].pdf

4.6 MB

/Number Theory/

A Computational Introduction to Number Theory [Shoup].pdf

3.6 MB

/Numerical Analysis/

Numerical Mathematics [Quarteroni, Sacco, Saleri].pdf

3.8 MB

Numerical Recipes in C The Art of Scientific Computing [Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, Flannery].pdf

10.6 MB

Εισαγωγή στην Αριθμητική Ανάλυση 4η Εκδ [Γ. Δ. Ακρίβης, Β. Α. Δουγαλής].pdf

37.1 MB

/Operating Systems/

Modern Operating Systems 4th Ed [Tanenbaum, Bos].pdf

6.6 MB

Operating Systems Concepts 9th Ed [Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne].pdf

7.0 MB

/Operation Research/

Convex Optimization [Boyd, Vandenberghe].pdf

6.0 MB

Linear Programming and Network Flows 4th Ed [Bazaraa, Jarvis, Sherali].pdf

9.2 MB

/Optical Communication Networks/

Emerging Optical Network Technologies [Sivalingam, Subramaniam].pdf

19.4 MB

Optical WDM Networks [Mukherjee, Biswanath].pdf

14.0 MB

/Parallel Processing/

Programming Massively Parallel Processors - A hands-on Approach [Kirk, Hwu].epub

6.7 MB

/Pattern Recognition/

Pattern Recognition [Theodoridis, Koutroumbas].djvu

7.2 MB


Classical Mechanics [David Morin].pdf

5.2 MB

Modern Physics 3rd Ed [Serway, Moses, Moyer].pdf

10.1 MB

Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics 8th Ed [Serway, Jewett].pdf

72.3 MB

Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 10th Ed [R. G. Budynas, J. K. Nisbett].pdf

25.0 MB

Σύγχρονη Φυσική [Serway, Moses, Moyer].pdf

43.4 MB


Introduction to Probability [Bertsekas, Tsitsiklis].pdf

2.1 MB

Introduction to Probability [Grinstead, Snell].pdf

3.2 MB

Σημειώσεις Εισαγωγή στις Πιθανότητες και τη Στατιστική [Δαμιανού, Παπαδάτος, Χαραλαμπίδης].pdf

2.9 MB

/.../Concepts and Design/

Concepts, Techniques and Models of Computer Programming [van Roy, Haridi].pdf

3.6 MB

Essentials of Programming Languages 3rd Ed [Friedman, Wand].pdf

3.8 MB

Programming Language Pragmatics 3rd Ed [Scott].pdf

6.3 MB

Programming Languages - Application and Interpretation Vol.1 [Krishnamurthi].pdf

1.2 MB

Programming Languages - Application and Interpretation Vol.2 [Krishnamurthi].pdf

862.7 KB


Introduction to Functional Programming [Bird, Wadler].pdf

5.0 MB

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! [Lipovaca].pdf

3.1 MB

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 2nd Ed [Abelson, Sussman, Sussman].pdf

2.8 MB

The Little Schemer [Friedman, Felleisen].pdf

2.4 MB


C How to Program 7th Ed [P. Deitel, H. Deitel].pdf

7.7 MB

The C Programming Language [Kernighan, Ritchie].pdf

23.9 MB


PROLOG Programming for Artificial Intelligence [Bratko].pdf

33.3 MB

The Art of Prolog - Advanced Programming Techniques 2nd Ed [Sterling, Shapiro].pdf

18.6 MB


C Sharp How to Program [Deitel].pdf

41.4 MB

Teach Yourself Java 6 in 21 Days [Cadenhead, Lemay].pdf

5.7 MB

Εισαγωγή στην R Μέσα σε Μία Ώρα [Μ. Μπουντουρίδης].pdf

153.1 KB

Εισαγωγή στους Υπολογιστές [Σγάρμπας, Αβούρης, Σταθοπούλου] (3.01).pdf

2.5 MB

/.../Ανοικτά Μαθήματα Python/


197.8 KB


2.4 KB


82.3 KB


46.0 KB


0.0 KB


0.0 KB


202.5 KB


10.1 KB


260.1 KB


64.3 KB


413.2 KB


198.1 KB


365.3 KB


128.9 KB


406.0 KB


100.0 KB


252.2 KB


25.6 KB


76.4 KB


39.9 KB


2.5 KB

Τα Βασικά για την Python [Μ. Μπουντουρίδης].pdf

215.4 KB

/.../Στατιστική με Python/


1.8 KB


0.4 KB


1.3 MB


1.1 MB


5.2 MB


5.0 MB


436.7 KB


194.5 KB


1.1 KB


0.5 KB


999.5 KB


873.4 KB


218.7 KB


8.4 KB


Practical Foundations for Programming Languages 2nd Ed [Harper].pdf

1.8 MB

/Scientific Computing/

Matrix Computations 4th Ed [Golub, van Loan].pdf

13.8 MB

/Security Engineering/

Security Engineering [Anderson].pdf

17.2 MB

/Semantic Web/

A Semantic Web Primer 3rd Ed [Antoniou, Groth, van Harm].pdf

4.7 MB

/Signals and Systems/

Discrete time Signals and Systems [S. Mahajan, D. Freeman] MIT.pdf

971.6 KB

Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing [Gray, Davisson].pdf

2.4 MB

Signals and Systems [Oppenheim, Willsky, Nawab].pdf

14.3 MB

The Fourier Transform and its Applications [B. Osgood].pdf

31.5 MB

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing.pdf

16.2 MB

Εισαγωγή στη Θεωρία Σημάτων και Συστημάτων 2η Εκδ [Θεοδωρίδης, Μπερμπερίδης, Κοφίδης].pdf

39.5 MB

/Software Engineering/

Code Complete - A Practical Handbook of Software Construction 2nd Ed [McConnell].pdf

9.2 MB

Cracking the Coding Interview 4th Ed [Laakmann].pdf

3.3 MB

Crystal Clear - A Human Powered Methodology for Small Teams [Cockburn].pdf

5.0 MB

Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software [Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides].pdf

4.3 MB

How to Design Programs - An Introduction to Computing and Programming [Felleisen, Findler, Flatt, Krishnamurthi].pdf

6.7 MB

Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code [Fowler, Beck, Brant, Opdyke, don Roberts].pdf

2.1 MB

Software Engineering 8 [Sommerville].pdf

12.8 MB

The Art of Computer Programming 2nd Ed [Knuth].pdf

44.1 MB

The Mythical Man Month - Essays on Software Engineering [F. P. Brooks Jr.].pdf

11.5 MB

The Pragmatic Programmer - From Journeyman to Master [Hunt, Thomas].pdf

2.4 MB

Why Programs Fail - A Guide to Systematic Debugging [Zeller].pdf

4.9 MB


Think Stats - Exploratory Data Analysis in Python v2.0.30.pdf

1.9 MB

/Theory of Computation/

Computational Complexity - A Conceptual Perspective [Goldreich].pdf

5.0 MB

Computational Complexity - A Modern Approach [Arora, Barak].pdf

4.6 MB

Elements of the Theory of Computation 2nd Ed [H. Lewis].pdf

15.8 MB

Introduction to Computer Theory [Cohen].pdf

26.0 MB

Introduction to the Theory of Computation 3rd Ed [Sipser].pdf

10.7 MB

Introduction to Theory of Computation [Maheswari, Smid].pdf

1.3 MB

Sets, Logic, Computation - An Open Logic Text [R. Zach].pdf

2.5 MB

Σημειώσεις Υπολογιστική Πολυπλοκότητα 2η Εκδ [Δ. Καββαδίας].pdf

1.0 MB


CMOS VLSI Design - A Circuits and Systems Perspective 4th Ed [Weste, Harris].pdf

14.5 MB

Digital Integrated Circuits - A Design Perspective 2nd Ed [Rabaey].pdf

11.2 MB


Fundamentals of Web Development [Connolly, Hoar].pdf

108.8 MB

PHP 6 and MySQL 5 for Dynamic Web Sites [Ullman].pdf

14.1 MB

PHP and MySQL Web Development [Welling, Thomson].pdf

7.4 MB

/Wireless Communications/

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication [Tse, Viswanath].pdf

5.0 MB

Wireless Communications [Rappaport].pdf

9.9 MB


Μαθήματα Θεωρίας Πιθανοτήτων.pdf

5.2 MB

Μαθήματα Στατιστικής.pdf

20.8 MB

Μαθηματική Ανάλυση 2η Εκδ Τεύχος 1.pdf

25.3 MB

Μαθηματική Ανάλυση 2η Εκδ Τεύχος 2.pdf

24.2 MB


65.7 MB

Συνήθεις Διαφορικές Εξισώσεις.pdf

75.5 MB

Συναρτήσεις Πολλών Μεταβλητών 2η Εκδ.pdf

5.5 MB


Total files 273

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