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conferenze e seminari


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Certificazioni Professionali in Sicurezza Informatica 2.pdf

1.2 MB


23.0 KB

Certificazioni Professionali in Sicurezza Informatica 1.pdf

566.5 KB

//2004 RSA/

Performance and Security- How to Have Both.pdf

564.2 KB

Penetration Testing.pdf

119.9 KB

Password Alternatives for Mobile Devices.pdf

855.2 KB

Perimeter What Perimeter.pdf

479.7 KB

Practical Privacy- Effectively Complying with Privacy Regulations in a Business Environment.pdf

362.7 KB

Proactive and Reactive Security- What's the Best Mix.pdf

1.7 MB

Padding Oracle Attacks on the ISO CBC Mode Encryption Standard.pdf

1.0 MB

Periodic Properties of Counter Assisted Stream Ciphers.pdf

553.0 KB


144.6 MB

NIH-Educause PKI Interoperability- Phase 3.pdf

1.3 MB

NGSCB- A Trusted Open Platform.pdf

1.0 MB

Multi-Vendor Security Management.pdf

4.1 MB

Network Identity- Unlocking the Value of Web Services.pdf

1.6 MB

No Parking Anytime - Protecting Your Wireless Access Point from War Driving.pdf

3.2 MB

Now You See It, Now You DonÆt- Computer Forensics, Incident Response, and Compliance.pdf

917.6 KB

Protecting Against a New breed of Web Services Attacks û Balancing Threat vs. Trust.pdf

738.1 KB

On-line Encryption Schemes New Security Notions and Constructions.pdf

790.8 KB

Rapid Risk Response, When Hackers are Mobilizing for Imminent Attack.pdf

1.2 MB

Secure System Development.pdf

841.4 KB

Scalable and Flexible Hardware Design for RSA and Elliptic Curve.pdf

442.1 KB

Sarbanes-Oxley- What it Means to Your Security Program.pdf

1.6 MB

Secure Wireless LAN.pdf

8.8 MB

Secure Your Perimeter in the Perimeterless Web Services World.pdf

289.5 KB

Securing Federal Information Systems and BeyondùNIST's Key Contributions.pdf

1.4 MB

Securing Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Threat.pdf

1.5 MB

SSL-Based Reverse Proxy Access (SSL VPN)- Network Security at the Application Layer.pdf

2.8 MB

SPML - a New Standard for Provisioning.pdf

577.5 KB

Real World Identity & Access Management Strategies.pdf

331.1 KB

Multi-Programmable Smart Cards- Navigating Federal Cryptographic Standards.pdf

1.9 MB

Regulating Information Security- Lessons from HIPAA.pdf

135.2 KB

Related-key Attacks on Triple-DES and DESX Variants.pdf

563.4 KB

SIP Security for Voice, Video and Instant Messaging Networks.pdf

1.4 MB

SAML 2.0- What Is It and How Does It Integrate Liberty ID-FF.pdf

541.4 KB

Protecting Your Messaging Stream with an Email Firewall.pdf

815.8 KB

Making the Most of your Credentials.pdf

574.0 KB

Improving Robustness of PGP Keyrings by Conflict Detection.pdf

399.4 KB

Implementing a Decade's Worth of Technology Update in a Quarter.pdf

767.6 KB

Implementing In-Person Identity Proofing in a Large Federal Agency.pdf

1.0 MB

Incident Response- Bracing for Anything.pdf

438.6 KB

Information Security Risk Metrics- How to Quantitatively Assess Applications.pdf

499.9 KB

Integrating Security into Enterprise Applications using SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language).pdf

476.8 KB

Inside the Mind of a Spammer- The Making of an Email Menace.pdf

965.2 KB

Identity Based Undeniable Signatures.pdf

444.9 KB

IP-Intelligence- A New Line of Defense in Online Security.pdf

444.7 KB

How to Augment Security Defense-in-depth with Network Anomaly Detection.pdf

2.3 MB

Hot Topics in Information Security Law 2004- An Update of the Work of the American Bar Association.pdf

5.7 MB

How to Break Software Security- Practical Security Testing.pdf

421.4 KB

How to Build SAML Enforcement into Your SOAP Handler.pdf

770.1 KB

How to Think Like a Cryptographer.pdf

1.1 MB

How to Build an Enterprise Security Architecture for Mobile Handheld Devices.pdf

536.3 KB

Interoperable Single Sign-On- Project Liberty in the Real World.pdf

1.1 MB

Investors' Appetite for Internet Security Firms- What Makes Their Mouths Water.pdf

508.3 KB

Layer 3 Routing and Enterprise Network Security.pdf

1.0 MB

LDAP Injection - Are your Applications Vulnerable.pdf

378.1 KB

Keys To Securing Web Services.pdf

2.3 MB

Letting the Good Guys In- From SPAM Filters to Trusted Messaging.pdf

1.0 MB

M&A Benchmarks- Valuation, Negotiation and Alternatives.pdf

486.8 KB

Securing the Critical DNS Infrastructure.pdf

1.1 MB

Making Sense of User Authentication- the Authentication Scorecard for 2003.pdf

2.5 MB

Key Management Framework.pdf

5.4 MB

Key Management & Cardholder Authentication in the Card Payments Industry - Trends and Techniques.pdf

862.7 KB

Islands of Defense û Closing the Security Gap.pdf

1.1 MB

Is It Safe Yet.pdf

535.4 KB

Issues of Security with the Oswald-Aigner Exponentiation Algorithm.pdf

579.1 KB

It Wasn't Me! My Wireless Network Did It! Potential Liability When Your Wireless Network is Compromised.pdf

936.7 KB

Keeping Tabs on Network Rogues.pdf

924.2 KB

Java Card Security.pdf

579.0 KB

Moving Network Security From Negative to Positive.pdf

431.4 KB

Security Applications Integration with OpenCryptoki - Open-source PKCS 11 Implementation.pdf

425.2 KB

Tsunami! Web Services Ahead.pdf

1.8 MB

Trusted Timestamping - Truth or Consequences.pdf

269.5 KB

Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Specifications and Credentials- A Developer's Overview.pdf

655.9 KB

Understanding Security Threat Models- A Risk-based Approach.pdf

304.2 KB

Understanding the Gartner Information Security Hype Cycle.pdf

691.3 KB

Using AES and Other Ciphers in Java.pdf

694.8 KB

Universal Re-encryption for Mixnets.pdf

2.2 MB

Trust Governance in a Web Services World.pdf

62.6 KB

Trends in Security Technology Project Spending.pdf

488.6 KB

The Virtue of Secure Software on Homeland Security.pdf

348.9 KB

The Threats of the Future.pdf

493.1 KB

The State of the Art in High Speed Intrusion Prevention.pdf

932.5 KB

Time and Content Authentication to Enhance Identity.pdf

576.5 KB

Top 10 Infosec Challenge.pdf

586.6 KB

Traps for the Unwary- The Other Information Security Laws.pdf

129.6 KB

Total Recall- California Law Leads the Way Again.pdf

1.3 MB

Using a Directory Infrastructure to Create a XKMS, SAML, XACML and UDDI Backbone for Web Services.pdf

841.1 KB

Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Countermeasures in Windows Server 2003.pdf

1.7 MB

X509 Certificate support in the .NET Framework.pdf

302.2 KB

Who's Watching Your Real World Device Network.pdf

727.4 KB

What Hackers Know about Wireless LANS and How to Secure Them.pdf

6.5 MB

XACML= Scalable Access Control.pdf

328.9 KB

Yet Another Sieving Device.pdf

344.4 KB

k-Resilient Identity-Based Encryption in the Standard Model.pdf

405.2 KB

developer basic.pdf

192.2 KB

Web Services û Paving the Way for Broad Adoption.pdf

1.9 MB

Web Services Security- Sorting out Standards Overload for Practical XML Security.pdf

1.0 MB

Weak Fields for ECC.pdf

347.0 KB

WLANs- Ready to Roll Out.pdf

422.3 KB

Web Hacking Live.pdf

995.2 KB

Web Services Attacks û Are You Vulnerable Already.pdf

501.0 KB

Web Services Security, Choreography and Management - Can They Dance Together.pdf

1.7 MB

Web Services Security - Moving up the Stack.pdf

294.9 KB

The Spyware Wars-Next Real Threat After Viruses Have Been Conquered.pdf

2.0 MB

The Security Quagmire- How Can a Business Comply.pdf

644.6 KB

Self-Protecting Digital Content.pdf

3.2 MB

Selected Patch Management Strategies.pdf

542.5 KB

Security in Storage Standards- Recent Developments.pdf

942.4 KB

Self-Randomized Exponentiation Algorithms.pdf

363.7 KB

Server Assisted Signatures Revisited.pdf

437.1 KB

Social Engineering.pdf

315.2 KB

Smart Security Through Network Behavior Analysis- Mazu Profiler and Network Traffic Intelligence.pdf

2.2 MB

Security for Wireless Networking.pdf

399.1 KB

Security at Microsoft.pdf

5.1 MB

Hot Practice or Hot Water. Information Security Ethics Issues in Modern Law Practice.pdf

583.0 KB

Securing your Assets- TODAY!.pdf

1.2 MB

Security Implications of IPv6.pdf

1.3 MB

Security Intelligence- The Cornerstone of Effective Security Management and Control.pdf

3.7 MB

Security and the Resilient Enterprise.pdf

545.7 KB

Security Standards to Meet HIPAA.pdf

337.5 KB

Spam- A Growing Security Risk in the Enterprise.pdf

1.6 MB

Spyware vs. Antispyware.pdf

829.1 KB

The Magic of Computer Hacking.pdf

196.1 KB

The Identity-Based PKI Approach to Secure Communication.pdf

427.2 KB

The IT Security Industry - Geeks Gone Wild.pdf

667.5 KB

The Myth of the Disappearing Perimeter.pdf

750.3 KB

The Next Frontier in Managed Security Services.pdf

5.8 MB

The Reality of Security Information Management (SIM).pdf

404.2 KB

The P2P Piracy Epidemic.pdf

2.5 MB

The Evolving Internet Worm Ecology.pdf

456.4 KB

The Evolution of Libnet.pdf

1.5 MB

Tear Down the Wall- Lessons from the Worm Wars.pdf

2.4 MB

Standards in Application Security and the Benefits of Interoperability.pdf

3.8 MB

Technical Perspective- Managing the Insider Threat.pdf

899.8 KB

Ten Critical Success Factors for PKI Deployment.pdf

512.6 KB

The Effects of Internet Worms on Global Routing Instability.pdf

1.6 MB

The Disappearing Perimeter.pdf

505.5 KB

Securing the Next Layer - Application Security.pdf

1.1 MB

Network Forensics - On the Hacker's Trail.pdf

767.5 KB

Applying Low-tech Methodology to Break High-tech Security.pdf

788.6 KB

Assessing Large Networks Effectively.pdf

2.1 MB

Assessing the Out-sourcers.pdf

483.9 KB

And The Hits Keep Coming. Analysis and Lessons Learned From the Summer 2003 Threats..pdf

1.4 MB

High-speed Modular Multiplication.pdf

6.3 MB

An Analysis of Attacker Counter-Forensic Methodologies.pdf

919.9 KB

An Incremental Path to Web Services Security for Control and Protection.pdf

770.7 KB

Analyzing Topologies of Transitive Trust.pdf

2.2 MB

Attaining ôSecurity Currencyö- Operational, Risk, and Cost Efficiency Approaches to Patch Management.pdf

511.3 KB

Auditing Firewalls and IDS- Plugging the 10 Biggest Holes in Your Network Security.pdf

347.1 KB

Biometrics and IT Security- International Standardization.pdf

488.2 KB

Bit String Commitment Reductions with a Non-Zero Rate.pdf

245.5 KB

Bluetooth Security Overview.pdf

1.3 MB

Best Practices in Identity Management for Regulatory Compliance.pdf

799.7 KB

Bank One Presents- The Realistic Road to Shared Authentication.pdf

287.1 KB

Authentication Standards and Digital Credentials- State Challenges.pdf

1.3 MB

Authentication in Wireless Local Area Networks.pdf

7.8 MB

Automated IS Risk Assessment and Aggregation.pdf

293.2 KB

Alphabet Soupàor How to Sort the XML-Web Services Security Standards Mix.pdf

384.1 KB

Almost Ideal Contrast Visual Cryptography with Reversing.pdf

456.7 KB

A Generic Construction for Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption.pdf

328.1 KB

A Key Recovery System as Secure as Factoring.pdf

427.3 KB

A New Life for Group Signatures.pdf

486.2 KB

A Fast Correlation Attack via Unequal Error Correcting LDPC Codes.pdf

414.4 KB

A Certificate-based Signature Scheme.pdf

7.4 MB

10 No-Nos in Smart Card Deployments.pdf

391.7 KB

802.11x Wireless Networks - Standards, Strategies, & Security.pdf

821.2 KB

A 1 gbit-s Partially Unrolled Architecture of Hash Functions sha-1 and sha-512.pdf

606.5 KB

A PKI Success Story- Implementation Strategies for Securing Financial Applications.pdf

1.0 MB

A Parallelizable Enciphring Scheme.pdf

1.2 MB

Access Control û Access for Whom Control to What.pdf

519.6 KB

Achieving Defense in Depth- A New Approach to Anti-Tamper Software Protection.pdf

542.5 KB

Adaptive Intrusion Protection.pdf

992.5 KB

Access Control Challenge for a Global Financial Institution.pdf

698.3 KB

A View From the Vault- Information Security Requirements in Financial Services.pdf

540.2 KB

A Practical Approach to Whole Risk Assessment.pdf

456.9 KB

A Practical Implementation of ISO17799.pdf

450.6 KB

A Role-based Approach to Federated Identity.pdf

1.7 MB

Buffer Overruns- Cleaning Up the Problem Systemically.pdf

481.5 KB

Anatomy of a Patch- Security Patch Management Exposed.pdf

543.7 KB

Emulating the Human Biosystem to Meet Cyber Security Challenges.pdf

1.3 MB

Ensuring Security Anytime, Anywhere.pdf

311.5 KB

Evaluating architectures for Database Encryption.pdf

531.2 KB

Emerging Standards- How Secure Is ZigBee.pdf

986.4 KB

Electronic Signatures in the US and Europe- Where Are We Now.pdf

1.0 MB

Does SSL Provide Sufficient Protection for Web Services Integration.pdf

485.6 KB

E-Authentication Initiative and the E-Gov Initiatives- An Update.pdf

1.5 MB

Easy, Fast, Secure Remote Access with Regulatory Compliance.pdf

2.9 MB

Fast Verification of Hash Chain.pdf

341.6 KB

Federal Identity Credentialing Achieving Interoperability Across the Federal Enterprise.pdf

548.1 KB

HIPAA Security Implementation.pdf

474.4 KB

Hacking the Intelligent Building.pdf

653.5 KB

Hardware Countermeasures Against DPA---A Statistical Analysis of their Effectiveness.pdf

414.6 KB

Gain Control Over the Internet with a Globally Distributed Applications Infrastructure.pdf

984.7 KB

Forensic Analysis on Databases.pdf

819.3 KB

Federated Identity Management- Changing the Way Businesses Make Money and Build Relationships.pdf

2.7 MB

Federated Identity and Web Services- The Journey Continues.pdf

454.3 KB

Distributed Security for Application Layer Traffic.pdf

804.8 KB

Getting Ahead of the Vulnerability Gap.pdf

4.3 MB

Chief Privacy OfficersÆ Roundtable- New Developments, Best Practices and Managing Trust.pdf

371.3 KB

Compressing Rabin Signatures.pdf

115.3 KB

Confessions of a Process Junkie.pdf

186.2 KB

Case Studies in International Privacy Protection- Working Internationally Without Breaking the Bank.pdf

303.0 KB

Business-friendly Digital Signatures Applied to Electronic Documents.pdf

536.0 KB

Digital Signatures- Enabling Trusted Document Exchange for E-government.pdf

2.3 MB

Building 802.11i enabled equipment for secure wireless enterprise deployment.pdf

1.1 MB

Business Systems Security - Are you Really Protected from Today's Internet Threats.pdf

7.7 MB

Corporate Internet Policies For the Wireless World.pdf

671.5 KB

Business-Practical Security- How a Pragmatic Approach Enables Better Risk Management.pdf

446.2 KB

Designing Secure Service Provisioning Solution.pdf

2.0 MB

Cost-Effective Management of Security and Privacy Compliance.pdf

901.8 KB

Designing and Attacking Virtual Machines.pdf

682.9 KB

Defining a Common Security Framework for Services-Oriented Architectures.pdf

1.7 MB

Design of AES Based on Dual Cipher and Composite Field.pdf

1.4 MB

Dangers Posed By Going Mobile and the Latest Advancements in Securing Wireless Networks.pdf

431.9 KB

Cryptanalysis of a Zero-Knowledge Identification Protocol of Eurocrypt '95.pdf

387.8 KB

Cracker Methodologies and Tools.pdf

3.2 MB

//2004 BlackHat/

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques (httprint_win32).zip

844.6 KB

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques.pdf

579.3 KB

Hardening Windows Servers.pdf

4.1 MB

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques (httprint_paper).zip

597.9 KB

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques (httprint_linux).zip

656.9 KB

Hardening Windows

4.9 MB

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques (httprint_macosx).zip

690.0 KB

HTTP Fingerprinting and Advanced Assessment Techniques (httprint_freebsd).zip

709.9 KB

ISA Server - Best Practices from the Field.ppt

4.6 MB

Forensic Secrets for Windows

4.2 KB

Introduction to Embedded Security.pdf

11.5 MB

Integrating Security Into Agile Development-Testing.pdf

339.8 KB

Information Security in Mergers & Acquisitions.ppt

315.4 KB

Hide 'n' Seek Anatomy of Stealth Malware.pdf

582.8 KB


59.7 KB

Hide 'n' Seek Anatomy of Stealth Malware (whitepaper).pdf

254.3 KB

Capturing Windows Passwords Using the Network Provider API.pdf

132.1 KB

Automated Binary Reverse Engineering.pdf

417.9 KB

Building an Early Warning System.pdf

1.3 MB

Auditing ActiveX Controls.pdf

481.4 KB

Auditing ActiveX Controls (examples).zip

19.3 KB

Addressing Complete Security to Save Money.pdf

600.4 KB

Application Intrusion Detection.pdf

332.3 KB

Capturing Windows Passwords Using the Network Provider API.rtf

17.8 KB

DKOM (Direct Kernel Object Manipulation).pdf

1.4 MB

Dynamic Detection and Prevention of Race Conditions in File Accesses.pdf

82.7 KB

Fingerprinting through Windows RPC.pdf

1.0 MB

Digital Security - Policies & The Law.pdf

39.9 KB

Detecting Ø-days Attacks With Learning Intrusion Detection Systems.pdf

140.5 KB

Data Hiding On A Live (NTFS) System.ppt

312.3 KB


1.1 MB

Forensic Secrets for Windows Servers.pdf

825.2 KB

Introduction to Mobile Device Insecurity.pdf

3.6 MB

Trusted Computing 101.pdf

670.9 KB

When the Tables Turn.pdf

2.1 MB

Trusted Computing 101 (papers).zip

5.0 MB

The Keys to the Kingdom – Understanding Covert Channels.pdf

4.6 MB

The Art of Defiling.pdf

2.5 MB

The Challenges of Automated Web Application Scanning.pdf

3.1 MB

WinCE PDA Insecurity.pdf

653.6 KB

Windows Heap Overflows.ppt

249.3 KB


19.9 KB

Legal Risks of Vulnerability Disclosure.pdf

42.5 KB


13.7 KB

3.6 MB

Windows WaveSEC Deployment.pdf

373.6 KB

Windows XP - Improving Resiliency.pdf

1.0 MB

Terrorism and Immigration.ppt

143.4 KB

Windows Heap Overflows.rtf

17.8 KB

Practical Win32 and UNICODE Exploitation.pdf

4.0 MB

Lessons Learned When The Cisco Guys Went to Windows land.pdf

4.0 MB

Oracle PL-SQL Injection.pdf

1.7 MB

Old win32 Code For A Modern, Super-Stealth Trojan.pdf

360.2 KB

Nobody’s Anonymous – Tracking Spam.pdf

745.5 KB

Old win32 Code For A Modern, Super-Stealth Trojan (demo).zip

176.6 KB

Privacy Rights Management Using DRM.pdf

516.3 KB

Pseudorandom Number Generation, Entropy Harvesting, and Provable Security in Linux (references).pdf

23.5 KB

Security Within A Development Lifecycle.pdf

93.4 KB

Smartphone Security Issues (whitepaper).pdf

517.3 KB

Security Patches Management On A Windows Infrastructure.pdf

7.5 MB

Reverse Engineering ARM Based Devices.pdf

5.3 MB

Pseudorandom Number Generation, Entropy Harvesting, and Provable Security in Linux.pdf

150.2 KB

Reverse Engineering ARM Based Devices (resource).zip

16.2 MB

Smartphone Security Issues.pdf

497.1 KB

//2008-05 Techfor/


484.4 KB


420.6 KB


172.8 KB

//2004-11 ISS Seminar/


10.8 MB

//2005-05-03 Honeypot/


2.3 MB

//2007-02 Blackhat USA/

Zanero - 360° Anomaly Based Unsupervised Intrusion Detection - Whitepaper.pdf

285.9 KB

Zanero - 360° Anomaly Based Unsupervised Intrusion Detection.pdf

620.5 KB

Rutkowska - Defeating Hardware Based RAM Acquisition Tools.pdf

810.3 KB

Kendall_McMillan - Practical Malware Analysis.pdf

3.6 MB

Kendall_McMillan - Practical Malware Analysis - Whitepaper.pdf

1.0 MB

Heasman - Firmware Rootkits - Whitepaper.pdf

2.9 MB

Litchfield - Advanced Oracle Attack Techniques -

2.9 KB

Litchfield - Advanced Oracle Attack Techniques.pdf

1.0 MB

Martin_Barnum_Christey - Being Explicit about Software Weaknesses.pdf

2.9 MB

Martin_Barnum_Christey - Being Explicit about Software Weaknesses - Whitepaper.pdf

571.1 KB

Mandia - Agile Incident Response.pdf

4.2 MB

Ferret - Data Seepage - Broadcast analysis

96.5 KB

Cerrudo - The Oracle Case.pdf

239.8 KB

Barnum - Attack Patterns.pdf

2.9 MB

Barnum - Attack Patterns - Whitepaper.pdf

125.6 KB

Broesch - Secure Processors for Embedded Applications - Whitepaper.pdf

144.2 KB

Broesch - Secure Processors for Embedded Applications.pdf

319.8 KB

Cerrudo - The Oracle Case - Whitepaper.pdf

457.5 KB

Cerrudo - The Oracle Case -

2.1 KB

Maynor_Graham - Data Seepage.pdf

2.9 MB

Nazario - Botnet Tracking - Whitepaper.pdf

277.2 KB

Walters - Integrating Volatile Memory Forensics into the Digital Investigation Process.pdf

2.4 MB

Walters - Integrating Volatile Memory Forensics into the Digital Investigation Process - Whitepaper.pdf

77.2 KB

Walenstein - Exploting Similarity Between Variants to Defeat Malware.pdf

2.1 MB

Whitehouse - GS and ASLR in Windows Vista - Whitepaper.pdf

552.0 KB

Whitehouse - GS and ASLR in Windows Vista.pdf

1.9 MB

Willis_Belani - Web Application Incident Response and Forensics.pdf

4.8 MB

Willis_Belani - Web Application Incident Response and Forensics - Whitepaper.pdf

97.0 KB

Walenstein - Exploting Similarity Between Variants to Defeat Malware - Whitepaper.pdf

254.6 KB

Sutton - Applying Fuzzing to Web Applications and Web Services.pdf

1.9 MB

Ofir - Bypassing NAC.pdf

3.4 MB

Ofir - Bypassing NAC - Whitepaper.pdf

890.4 KB

Nazario - Botnet Tracking.pdf

629.9 KB

Sabanal_Yason - Reversing C++ - Whitepaper.pdf

616.3 KB

Sabanal_Yason - Reversing C++.pdf

8.9 MB

Shulman - The Untold Tale of Database Communication Protocol Vulnerabilities.pdf

11.4 MB

Shulman - The Untold Tale of Database Communication Protocol Vulnerabilities - Whitepaper.pdf

342.4 KB

//2004-10 Allasso Expo/

01 Aladdin-eSafe.ppt

2.2 MB

02 BlueCoat.ppt

6.7 MB

04 BlueSocket.ppt

13.5 MB

09 Juniper.ppt

10.7 MB

10 Check Point Security Vision.ppt

2.7 MB

08 Websense.ppt

3.5 MB

07 Radware.ppt

4.2 MB

05 Nortel.ppt

8.4 MB

06 Nokia.ppt

7.3 MB

03 Stonesoft.ppt

1.8 MB

Faggioli - Plenaria.ppt

85.5 KB

//2007-02 Infosecurity/

Business continuity & availability.pdf

2.2 MB

Classificazione dei rischi dell'outsourcing.pdf

466.3 KB

Come proteggere le vostre informazioni.pdf

2.0 MB

Case study Arthis - Identity Management & Provisioning.pdf

1.0 MB

Tecnologia abilitante per la sicurezza delle informazioni.pdf

146.3 KB

Stardard e certificazioni per la sicurezza informatica.pdf

640.8 KB

Soluzioni tecnologiche IBM per la continuità operativa e casi reali.pdf

2.3 MB

OWASP and OWASP Top 10.pdf

2.6 MB

Storage Virtualization in action.pdf

1.2 MB

Studio Associato Adacta.pdf

180.6 KB

WEB Application Security (2).pdf

904.7 KB

Un nuovo approccio al Cybercrime.pdf

1.9 MB

Un approccio integrato al furto di identità. L'esperienza CREDEM.pdf

1.9 MB

L’identità digitale nell’e-government europeo.pdf

2.0 MB

La sicurezza e gli SLA.pdf

298.6 KB

Il furto di identità digitale.pdf

2.3 MB

Il ciclo di vita dell'outsourcing.pdf

287.3 KB

Disaster Recovery e Virtualizzazione.pdf

1.0 MB

L'aspetto contrattuale dell'outsourcing.pdf

278.7 KB

L'esecuzione dell'audit (1).pdf

347.9 KB

La protezione delle informazioni mission critical.pdf

454.2 KB

La gestione del rischio come opportunità di business.pdf

1.8 MB

L'esecuzione dell'audit (2).pdf

1.1 MB

Compliance Applicata.pdf

1.7 MB

WEB Application Security.pdf

1.2 MB

//2009-02 Blackhat USA/

10.2 KB

Let Your Mach-O Fly (slides).pdf

427.4 KB

Emulation-based Software Protection Providing Encrypted Code Execution and Page Granularity Code Signing.pdf

525.2 KB

Let Your Mach-O Fly.pdf

242.7 KB

Making Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Practical with Smartcards (slides).pdf

1.9 MB

New Techniques for Defeating SSL-TLS.pdf

2.5 MB

Making Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Practical with Smartcards.pdf

290.4 KB

Dissecting Web Attacks.pdf

1.5 MB

Dissecting Web Attacks (slides).pdf

8.6 MB

Blinded by Flash.pdf

6.8 KB

Attacking Intel Trusted Execution

2.9 MB

Defending Against BGP Man-In-The-Middle Attacks.pdf

4.2 MB

Defending Your DNS in a Post-Kaminsky World (slides).pdf

2.8 MB

Defending Your DNS in a Post-Kaminsky World.pdf

1.8 MB

One Cell is Enough to Break Tor's Anonymity.pdf

234.9 KB

Rebuilding the Import Address Table Using Hooked DLL Calls (slides).pdf

3.7 MB

WAF Virtual Patching Challenge.pdf

323.6 KB

The Dangers of Persistent Web Browser Storage.pdf

8.6 MB

Windows Vista Security Internals.pdf

10.5 MB

XSS Anonymous Browser (slides).pdf

853.7 KB

Your Face Is NOT Your Password.pdf

403.8 KB

XSS Anonymous Browser.pdf

165.6 KB

Snort My

9.0 KB

Snort My Memory.pdf

2.5 MB

Reversing and Exploiting Wireless Sensors.pdf

754.9 KB

Rebuilding the Import Address Table Using Hooked DLL Calls.pdf

172.1 KB

SQL Server Anti-Forensics.pdf

158.9 KB

Satellite Hacking for Fun and Profit.pdf

5.6 MB

Snort My Memory (WP).pdf

179.9 KB

Attacking Intel Trusted Execution Technology.pdf

4.4 MB

DNS 2008 and the New (old) Nature of Critical Infrastructure.pdf

857.6 KB

//2005-09-28 Cisco Expo/

evoluzione canale.pdf

2.8 MB


2.9 MB


106.0 KB


2.8 MB


3.7 MB


2.5 MB


2.5 MB


17.8 MB


640.4 KB


3.4 MB


1.3 MB


1.4 MB

cisco_service_control (gestione traffico).pdf

3.4 MB


371.4 KB


365.3 KB


9.9 MB


2.2 MB


2.9 MB


1.1 MB


964.4 KB

Cisco Expo - Documentazione 28 settembre.mht

99.0 KB

//2005-09-27 Cisco Expo/


2.3 MB


3.7 MB


3.0 MB


3.3 MB

Cisco Expo - Documentazione 27 settembre.mht

96.7 KB


2.5 MB

convegno (getronics).pdf

4.0 MB


2.1 MB


7.3 MB


1.9 MB


3.8 MB


5.9 MB


3.1 MB


1.9 MB


657.1 KB


1.2 MB

//2006-01-18 Reti Wi-Fi/

Reti Wi-Fi (b).pdf

936.9 KB

Reti Wi-Fi (a).pdf

6.2 MB

//2004-10 Computerlinks/


12.3 MB


3.9 MB


7.9 MB


2.6 MB


6.9 MB


801.3 KB


9.4 MB


2.7 MB


13.0 MB


1.6 MB


5.4 MB


3.9 MB

//2006 Black Hat USA 2006/

Jeremy Rauch - PDB, the Protocol DeBugger.pdf

1.2 MB

Jesse Burns - Fuzzing Selected Win32 Interprocess Communication Mechanisms.pdf

263.2 KB

Joanna Rutkowska - Subverting Vista Kernel For Fun And Profit.pdf

5.3 MB

Jeremiah Grossman - Hacking Intranet Websites from the Outside 'JavaScript malware just got a lot more dangerous'.pdf

5.7 MB

John Lambert - Security Engineering in Windows Vista.pdf

7.3 MB

Abolade Gbadegesin - The NetIO Stack - Reinventing TCP-IP in Windows Vista.pdf

21.9 MB

Hendrik Scholz - SIP Stack Fingerprinting and Stack Difference Attacks.pdf

2.3 MB

Jeff Waldron - VOIP Security Essentials.pdf

305.6 KB

Jay Schulman - Phishing with Asterisk PBX.pdf

2.5 MB

Jamie Butler - The Exponential Growth of Rootkit Techniques.pdf

241.5 KB

HD Moore - Metasploit Reloaded.pdf

23.3 MB

Franck Veyssett - Wi-Fi Advanced Stealth.pdf

794.8 KB

Dino Dai Zovi - Hardware Virtualization Based Rootkits.pdf

1.2 MB

Doug Mohney - Defending Against Social Engineering with Voice Analytics.pdf

398.3 KB

Emmanuelle Zambon - False Positive Reduction Through Anomaly Detection.pdf

1.9 MB

FX - Analysing Complex Systems (the BlackBerry Case).pdf

19.5 MB

Himanshu Dwivedi - I’m going to shoot the next person who says VLANs.pdf

2.7 MB

Bruce Potter - Bluetooth Defense Kit.pdf

295.7 KB

Claudio Merloni - A Mobile, Covert Bluetooth Attack and Infection Device.pdf

3.1 MB

Chuck Willis - Web Application Incident Response and Forensics.pdf

5.4 MB

Chris Eng - Breaking Crypto Without Keys.pdf

547.4 KB

Charles Edge - Attacking Apple's Xsan.pdf

278.5 KB

Corey Benninger - Finding Gold in the Browser Cache.pdf

3.1 MB

Dan Moniz and David Hulton - Hacks and Cracks with FPGAs.pdf

5.9 MB

Johnny Cache - Device Drivers.pdf

1.9 MB

David Endler - Hacking VoIP Exposed.pdf

3.8 MB

Daniel Bilar - Automated Malware Classification.pdf

1.7 MB

Bruce Potter - The Trusted Computing Revolution.pdf

325.7 KB

Brian Caswell - Thermoptic Camoflauge (Total IDS Evasion).pdf

554.8 KB

Alexander Tereshkin - Rootkits, Attacking Personal Firewalls.pdf

261.5 KB

Alexander Sotirov - Hotpatching and the Rise of Third-Party Patches.pdf

123.6 KB

Alexander Kornbrust - Oracle Rootkits 2.0.pdf

1.3 MB

Andrew Cushman - Microsoft Security Fundamentals.pdf

3.3 MB

Bala Neerumalla - SQL Injections by Truncation.pdf

344.0 KB

Brendan O'Connor - Vulnerabilities in Not-So Embedded Systems.pdf

959.2 KB

Billy Hoffman - Analysis of Web Application Worms and Viruses.pdf

1.8 MB

Billy Hoffman - AJAX (in)security.pdf

5.7 MB

Adrian Marinescu - Windows Vista Heap Management Enhancements.pdf

3.0 MB

Renaud Bidou - IPS Shortcomings.pdf

428.5 KB

Jonathan Squire - Project Cowbird.pdf

5.5 MB

Yuan Fan and Xiao Rong - When WebApp and Database Security Pen-Test-Audit Is a Joy.pdf

2.9 MB

Zvi Gutterman - Vulnerabilities of the Linux Random Number Generator.pdf

4.2 MB

William Kimball - Code Integration-Based Vulnerability Auditing.pdf

620.7 KB

Paul Boehm - Taming Bugs.pdf

7.2 MB

Ofir Arkin - Bypassing Network Access Control.pdf

1.9 MB

Nicolas Fishbach - Carrier VoIP Security.pdf

414.6 KB

Pete Finnigan - How to Unwrap Oracle PL-SQL.pdf

1.0 MB

Peter Silberman - Rootkit Analysis Identification Elimination.pdf

402.2 KB

Scott Stender - Attacking Internationalized Software.pdf

267.2 KB

Philip Trainor - Utilizing Active Honeypots for Hosting Potentially Malicious Events.pdf

480.7 KB

Neal Krawetz - You Are What You Type (Non-Classical Computer Forensics).pdf

4.0 MB

Michael Sutton - Hiding Shellcode In Plain Sight.pdf

2.3 MB

Lukas Grunwald - New Attack RFID-systems and Their Middleware and Backends.pdf

791.8 KB

Kimber Spradlin - Auditing Data Access Without Bringing Your Database To Its Knees.pdf

796.8 KB

Kevin Mandia - The State of Incidence Response.pdf

3.3 MB

Maik Morgenstern - Runtime Packers.pdf

380.7 KB

Marco Morana - Building Security into the Software LifeCycle.pdf

1.4 MB


0.0 KB

Mariusz Burdach - Physical Memory Forensics.pdf

456.2 KB

Shawn Embleton - An Evolutionary Guidance System for Malicious Input Crafting.pdf

1.4 MB

Melanie Rieback - RFID Malware Demystified.pdf

15.6 MB

Tom Ptacek - Do Enterprise Management Applications Dream of Electric Sheep.pdf

2.2 MB

Tom Gallagher - Finding and Preventing Cross-site request Forgery.pdf

471.3 KB

Tod Beardsley - Investigating Evil Websites with Monkeyspaw.pdf

349.8 KB

Stefano Zanero - Host Based Anomaly Detection on System Call Arguments.pdf

1.1 MB

Stefan Frei and Martin May - The Speed of (In)security.pdf

597.0 KB

Shawn Moyer - Defending Black Box Web Applications.pdf

490.7 KB

//2008-02 Blackhat Europe/

Security Failures in Secure Devices.pdf

2.4 MB

Side Channel Analysis on Embedded Systems.pdf

1.6 MB

New Viral Threats of PDF Language.pdf

16.0 KB

Mobile Phone Spying Tools.pdf

971.5 KB

Malware on the Net.pdf

114.7 KB


191.1 KB

URI Use and Abuse.pdf

1.4 MB

The Reverse Engineer's Unexpected Swiss Army Knife.pdf

370.4 KB

LDAP Injection & Blind LDAP Injection.pdf

2.0 MB

Iron Chef Black Hat.pdf

1.7 MB

Biologger - A Biometric Keylogger.pdf

677.1 KB

Client-side Security.pdf

782.2 KB

Attacking Anti-Virus.pdf

266.6 KB

Antiphishing Security Strategy.pdf

677.6 KB

0-Day Patch -Exposing Vendors (In)Security Performance.pdf

142.8 KB


212.9 KB

Developments in Cisco IOS Forensics.pdf

75.3 KB

Investigating Individuals and Organizations Using Open Source Intelligence.pdf

8.2 MB

Intercepting Mobile Phone.pdf

79.0 KB

Hacking Second Life.pdf

638.5 KB

Exposing Vulnerabilities in Media Software.pdf

233.7 KB

The Fundamentals of Physical Security.pdf

877.6 KB

//2004-11-21 Voice over IP/


411.0 KB


1.3 MB


554.2 KB

//2005-10 SMAU Milano 2005/


326.6 KB


1.6 MB


184.3 KB


551.8 KB


5.4 KB


819.9 KB

IBM GSC III GGiudice.pdf

349.9 KB


167.1 KB


224.6 KB


240.9 KB

//2007-06 Infosecurity Roma/

Forme di controllo delle informazioni digitali.pdf

343.6 KB

Information Security Governance ed incidenti informatici.pdf

1.4 MB

DDoS Mitigation.ppt

4.4 MB

Computer forensic in azienda.pdf

364.9 KB

Come gestire le informazioni e la loro sicurezza all'interno del ciclo di vita.pdf

5.6 MB

La computer and network forensics e le investigazioni digitali.pdf

81.7 KB

Privacy e controlli sul lavoro.pdf

339.9 KB

Benefici di Sicurezza in una Infrastruttura Citrix di Application Delivery.ppt

6.0 MB

Lo storage che fa bene al business.pdf

5.4 MB

La sicurezza nella PA.pdf

184.8 KB

Next Generation Security Solutions e Pubblica Amministrazione.pdf

2.3 MB

Security Compliance e Data Protection.pdf

1.3 MB

Soluzioni storage per la prevenzione dei crimini informatici.pdf

5.5 MB

La sicurezza nel Sistema Pubblico di Connettività.pdf

892.5 KB

//2008-06 Infosecurity Roma/

Evoluzione delle tecniche e dei profili degli attaccanti.pdf

820.5 KB

La Sicurezza in banca.pdf

619.6 KB

Data Protection e Retention di Infrastrutture Critiche.pdf

2.3 MB

Cosa si può chiedere e cosa si può pretendere da un fornitore di servizi di sicurezza informatica.pdf

155.3 KB

A strategy for protecting critical data.pdf

4.5 MB

La criminalità informatica in Italia e le attività della Polizia delle Comunicazioni.pdf

470.7 KB

Le ultime novità normative in materia di Data Retention.pdf

504.2 KB

Minori e nuovi media.pdf

332.0 KB

//2005-10 ComputerLinks2005/


1.7 MB


5.3 MB


5.3 MB


6.8 MB


11.9 MB

CL_ISS DiPierro-18-10-05.pdf

3.2 MB

CLU 2005 - Nokia Secure and Mobile

6.7 MB

CLU 2005 - Nokia Soluzioni di mobilità per l'azienda - parte prima.pdf

4.7 MB

CLU 2005 - Nokia Soluzioni di mobilità per l'azienda - parte seconda.pdf

4.5 MB


10.9 MB

Fortinet_CLINKS - Sept 18 2005 Unfolding.ppt

2.9 MB


5.5 MB


5.1 MB

Pres Packeteer-Ita

3.0 MB


821.2 KB


4.4 MB

Packeteer_Soluzioni e Benefici - Rolling Ottobre

1.6 MB

CL University Gazzoni.pdf

1.7 MB


16.6 MB


2.7 MB


4.6 MB


6.7 MB


4.9 MB


365.6 KB


15.1 MB


2.6 MB


915.6 KB


2.6 MB

//2004-02 Infosecurity 2004/


487.7 KB


102.8 KB


39.7 KB


154.6 KB


90.6 KB


282.7 KB


188.4 KB


551.9 KB


508.0 KB


63.9 KB


1.9 MB


137.6 KB


504.1 KB


3.4 MB


204.2 KB


639.8 KB


498.0 KB


286.1 KB


1.2 MB


188.4 KB


174.6 KB


137.4 KB


178.1 KB


237.4 KB


717.6 KB


984.3 KB

giudice-clusis e clusit.pdf

176.9 KB


93.6 KB


247.1 KB


296.8 KB


717.6 KB


286.2 KB


187.2 KB


188.0 KB


220.6 KB


191.1 KB


342.7 KB


213.2 KB


9.8 KB


576.1 KB


212.9 KB

Giuseppe Borgonovo.pdf

3.1 MB


591.9 KB


697.1 KB


262.9 KB


487.7 KB


69.9 KB

//2004-12 Internet e Minori/


75.9 KB


30.8 KB


59.9 KB


56.1 KB


38.0 KB

Convegno 13 Dicembre

242.8 KB

//2005-01-18 Sicurezza WLAN/


6.2 MB


936.9 KB

//2006-07-10 ITIL Point 2006/

1.8 MB

380.9 KB

2.6 MB

1.5 MB

2.2 MB

2.3 MB


586.8 KB

2.3 MB


4.5 MB


1.1 MB


1.5 MB

4.1 MB

759.5 KB

1.7 MB

760.2 KB

608.4 KB

//2005-04-01 Tecnologia RFID/


5.4 MB

//2004-11-04 ICT Forum (Roma)/

Il valore della certificazione ECB-S nei Data Centres (Da Gasso).zip

3.7 MB

La gestione delle identità.zip

665.7 KB

Gli strumenti di prevenzione psicologica degli attacchi ad opera di insider (Bruzzone).zip

28.5 KB

Come scegliere la migliore tecnologia anti-spam (Costantini).zip

3.5 MB

Piattaforma Integrata per la Sicurezza

3.9 MB

Il token con memoria come nuova evoluzione della smartcard (Gissi).zip

2.3 MB

Privacy e standard BS7799 (Gentile).zip

133.9 KB

Privacy, identità e asset aziendali (Rossi).zip

1.9 MB

Soluzione semplice a problemi reali (Turani).zip

1.4 MB

Soluzioni di protezione da Spam e Phishing (Casazza).zip

1.8 MB

Tutela della privacy e diritti dell'

6.7 MB

Tecnologia che consente di trasformare gli obblighi di legge in vantaggi e roi (Degradi).zip

1.4 MB

Proteggiamo davvero ciò che conta (Zoffoli).zip

941.4 KB

Leadership indiscussa nella prevenzione delle minacce (Quarchioni).zip

5.4 MB

La sicurezza nelle infrastrutture di Storage (Gozzoli).zip

1.6 MB

Biometria, Privacy e Sicurezza (Camagni).zip

1.9 MB

Collaborazione internazionale per l'information sharing e la sicurezza delle reti (Franchina).zip

2.3 MB

Le soluzioni del Gruppo Poste Italiane per l'accesso sicuro ai servizi in rete per cittadini e imprese (Palumbo).zip

2.2 MB

Le strategie di prevenzione globali per gli attacchi inside (Battelli).zip

224.3 KB

Spyware e dintorni (Molteni).zip

3.4 MB

//2005-11-08 Sicurezza fisica/

Sicurezza Fisica (MI).pdf

576.8 KB

Sicurezza Fisica (RM).pdf

2.7 MB

//2007-01-30 L'azienda sicura/

Davide Carlesi (BlueCoat) Sicurezza delle applicazioni Web based e Wan acceleration.pdf

5.7 MB

Domenico Dominoni (IronPort) Internet un ambiente sicuro- Ultime dalla rete.pdf

808.0 KB

Bruno Melandri (EMC) I diversi aspetti della sicurezza.pdf

3.4 MB

Andrea Rizzi (CheckPoint) Un nuovo approccio alla sicurezza - l'infrastruttura unificata.pdf

2.8 MB

Gabriele Faggioli - Profili legali ed obblighi di conservazione.pdf

101.8 KB

Primo Bonacina (Magirus) Il ruolo del distributore a valore aggiunto.pdf

5.1 MB

Orlando Arena (Nokia) Mobilità Sicura per l'azienda.pdf

3.1 MB

Giancarlo Palmieri (Infoblox) Come fornire servizi di Network Identity.pdf

3.6 MB

/.../09 Sept 04/

mgardiner profile&competition.pps

1.3 MB

mgardiner netegrity vision.pps

849.4 KB

mgardiner provisioning.pps

888.8 KB

mgardiner federation.pps

464.9 KB

dschreiber Marketing&Partner.pps

297.5 KB

/.../10 Sept 04/


1.6 MB

9_Lo Reto-Ugolini.pps

960.0 KB

8_Lo Reto-Ugolini.pps

166.4 KB


866.8 KB


151.6 KB


945.7 KB


148.0 KB


747.5 KB


12.8 MB


757.2 KB

//2008-02 Conferenza ISS (Dubai)/


156.4 KB

//2008-09 Conferenza ISS (Praga)/

MauroBonfanti Agora.pdf

1.1 MB

PeterVdArend ETSI.pdf

464.3 KB

ReneNitzinger Utimaco.pdf

900.2 KB

RichardJarvis Detica.pdf

170.7 KB

RimKhazhin BTT.pdf

2.2 MB

PatrickPaul Qosmos.pdf

2.0 MB

OttoKern Group2000.pdf

1.2 MB

MichaelThomas DigiTask.pdf

1.6 MB

NicolasDeckmyn Amesys.pdf

966.6 KB

OlegFedorov Oxygen.pdf

2.4 MB

RobertLeitch PROTEI.pdf

1.5 MB

RudolphWinschuh Utimaco.pdf

1.6 KB

VassilisStathopoulos Helenic Authority.pdf

340.1 KB

VincentBarry ThorpeGlen.pdf

280.3 KB

VincenzettiBedeschi HT.pdf

2.2 MB

WillemVanderMeer Group2000.pdf

590.5 KB

ThomasKrockel DigiTask.pdf

1.5 MB


193.9 KB

ShaneOFlynn Openet.pdf

647.0 KB

ShaneOFlynn1 Openet.pdf

302.8 KB

StefanBjornson ETSI.pdf

496.3 KB

MatveyZhokhov Speech Technology Center.pdf

1.6 MB

MattiaMazzola Area.pdf

1.2 MB


199.2 KB

ElanSharon Septier.pdf

1.4 MB

EmilioMartinez Agnitio.pdf

1.5 MB

ErikDeBueger SS8.pdf

1.9 MB

CharlieMcAlister SenSage.pdf

1.8 MB

BernhadSpalt Nokia.pdf

1.6 KB

AndreScholtz VASTech.pdf

664.4 KB

AndreaFabrizi HP.pdf

1.1 MB

BenjaminPenalsla Suntech.pdf

1.6 KB

HermannKunzel Phonetics.pdf

2.1 MB


194.2 KB

KohalmiPeller NETI.pdf

339.3 KB


195.2 KB

MarkLastdrager Pine Digital Security.pdf

779.7 KB

MarkShepherd Detica.pdf

198.3 KB

KoenJaspers The Netherlands Ministerie.pdf

464.7 KB

KjellYving Ericsson.pdf

1.4 MB

JLelievre Thales.pdf

1.5 MB


511.7 KB

KeithDriver Telesoft.pdf

418.5 KB

AlanDubberley AQSACOM.pdf

3.4 MB

//2006-03-21 Mobile Business 2006/

ATS - La TV è mobile.pdf

769.0 KB

Pasquale Palma - Formazione 3 - RFID.pdf

464.2 KB

Pasquale Palma - Formazione 4 - WiMAX, l'era delle Wireless Man.pdf

486.5 KB

Pasquale Palma - Formazione 2 - La sicurezza nelle reti wireless.pdf

1.1 MB

Pasquale Palma - Formazione 1 - Wi-Fi e Wireless Lan.pdf

1.4 MB

Lucent Technologies - Fixed-mobile convergence.pdf

692.2 KB

Oracle - Tagliare i costi e incrementare la produttività con le applicazioni mobili.pdf

1.1 MB

Telecom - Extended Mobile Business.pdf

1.2 MB

USRobotics - Wireless Lan dalle parole ai fatti.pdf

1.1 MB

Vodafone - Mobile data are now.pdf

790.3 KB


353.0 KB

IBM - La collaborazione mobile.pdf

697.7 KB

Gartner - Scenario mobile and wireless.pdf

221.5 KB

EDSLan - Wireless pervasive broadband service network.pdf

1.1 MB

Ericsson - Mobilizing your enterprise.pdf

795.2 KB

Datalogic - Mobile business solution.pdf

650.0 KB

Alcatel - WiMAX - Novità per l'accesso mobile a larga banda.pdf

683.1 KB

Sybase - Il device management.pdf

639.5 KB

//2006-04-12 Info Management 2006/

11 KODAK.pdf

941.5 KB

12 Canon.pdf

5.9 MB

10 Vega Informatica.pdf

848.6 KB

1 Extensity.pdf

869.3 KB

13 Docflow.pdf

2.6 MB

5 Cardinis Solutions.pdf

715.2 KB

14 Esker XP.pdf

9.5 MB

6 Hewlett Packard.pdf

902.5 KB

7 Adobe.pdf

3.8 MB

9 NICA.pdf

1.0 MB

8 fujitsu.pdf

1.9 MB

3 IBM.pdf

4.2 MB

4 borland.pdf

206.9 KB

15 DeltaDator.pdf

1.6 MB

2 openwork.pdf

4.7 MB

17 ASG.pdf

1.4 MB

18 Top Consult.pdf

1.1 MB

16 OPTIMAS.pdf

2.4 MB

//2005-01-25 Tecniche biometriche/

Evaluating Technology Properly.pdf

244.4 KB

Evaluating Facial Recognition Technology.pdf

1.2 MB

Facial Recognition.pdf

192.5 KB

Raffaele Cappelli - Introduzione ai sistemi biometrici.pdf

8.8 MB

Raffaele Cappelli - Misurare le prestazioni dei sistemi biometrici.pdf

2.9 MB

Attestato di frequenza - Tecniche biometriche (CLUSIT).pdf

347.5 KB

Andrea Patrignani - Integrazione di sistemi biometrici.pdf

7.2 MB

An Introduction to Evaluating Biometric Systems.pdf

406.7 KB

//2005-02-18 Sicurezza LAN e VLAN/


532.0 KB

//2006-03-28 Borland IT Governance/

Sala - Borland ITM_G 2006.pdf

783.4 KB

Prof Damiani it gov.pdf

173.3 KB

//2008-04-10 Sessione di studio AIEA/


1.2 MB


2.5 MB


560.0 KB


110.6 KB

linee guida del Garante per posta elettronica e internet.pdf

157.7 KB

sentenza cassazione del 19 Dicembre 2007.pdf

58.4 KB


43.0 KB

linee guida del Garante per posta elettronica e internet (sintesi).pdf

68.2 KB

abstract dlp.doc

159.7 KB


232.0 KB


306.7 KB

//2004-02-25 Allasso One Day Seminar/


4.5 MB


3.3 MB


12.2 MB


2.1 MB


2.2 MB



2.9 MB


166.6 KB


1.1 MB


127.0 KB

//2008-06 Conferenza ISS (Singapore)/

Elenco degli speeches.pdf

251.9 KB

//2004-11-23 Crittografia quantistica/


1.2 MB


834.1 KB

//2005-07-05 Controllo dei lavoratori/

slides scaricate.pdf

265.2 KB

clusit-controllo dei lavoratori-attestato.pdf

148.5 KB

controllo lavoratori.pdf

3.1 MB

//2004-06-22 Principi di crittografia/


715.3 KB

//2007-02 IDC Security Conference 2007/

Pagliuzzi (NetTeam) - Case History Net Team.pdf

4.6 MB

Grillo (Verisign) - Un approccio globale alle frodi online.pdf

5.6 MB

Ferradini (Thuga) - Il caso Thuega.pdf

234.2 KB

Rottigni (Stonesoft) - La sicurezza dei flussi informativi tramite una gestione unificata delle minacce.pdf

889.5 KB

Mastropasqua (IDC) - Le nuove sfide della sicurezza.pdf

905.7 KB

Scarpelli (VPTech) - La Sicurezza dei dati come driver.pdf

418.9 KB

Fantoni (Adobe) - La sicurezza delle informazioni nell'Azienda.pdf

17.1 MB

Zambon (ENI) - Un sistema di SSO con Federation.pdf

1.4 MB

Volpi (ISS) - Le nuove esigenze della sicurezza.pdf

4.4 MB

Taglioretti (McAfee) - ORANGE ha scelto McAfee DLP.pdf

2.5 MB

Savi (Unicredit) - zOS Enterprise Directory Architecture.pdf

681.1 KB

Ocello (Engiweb) - L'esperienza progettuale di Engiweb Security e Novell nel Progetto ENEL.pdf

1.6 MB

Falcone (Trendmicro) - L’evoluzione dell’IN_Sicurezza.pdf

4.2 MB

Ballerini - Compliance Applicata.pdf

998.2 KB

Cicognini (INET) - La sicurezza come fattore abilitante del business.pdf

207.1 KB

DelMiglio (Symantec) - Online Fraud Management.pdf

5.0 MB

Domage (IDC) - 2007 Convergence of Security Answerspdf.pdf

494.8 KB

Beluzzi (Corte di Appello Brescia) - Il Fascicolo Processuale Penale in formato PDF presso il tribunale di Cremona.pdf

3.5 MB

Berti (Emerson Network) - quando la Business Continuity è un profitto per l'organizzazione.pdf

2.9 MB

Cecchini (SOX Coordinator) - La sicurezza end-to-end.pdf

1.8 MB

Campagna (INET) - Dalle reti sicure alle informazioni sicure.pdf

1.2 MB

Biasiol (Siemens) - Biometric Access Control System at Italian Defense Premises.pdf

1.9 MB

Dominoni (Ironport) - Internet un ambiente sicuro.pdf

2.4 MB

Anderson (Cambridge Laboratory) - La sicurezza delle informazioni è problematica.pdf

226.4 KB

Fagnani (IBM) - L'urgenza di affrontare il tema della sicurezza in modo olistico.pdf

5.2 MB



924.6 KB


3.1 MB


5.1 MB


313.4 KB


685.1 KB


260.2 KB


611.3 KB


720.5 KB


541.9 KB

//2005-04-19 Digital Rigths Management/

Digital Right Management.pdf

1.3 MB

//2005-10-06 Applicazione della BS7799/

Marzegalli - La necessità per le aziende di un approccio integrato alla info security.pdf

757.7 KB

Gattoli - Criticità e falsi miti nel processo di definizione di un SGSI BS 7799.pdf

214.0 KB

Conti - Il miglioramento delle performance dei provvedimenti tecnici.pdf

662.7 KB

DaRos - Cosa sta succedendo nel mercato.pdf

268.2 KB

Besia- Vantaggi giuridici collegabili alla applicazione della BS 7799.pdf

153.3 KB



857.1 KB


129.8 KB


293.5 KB


362.4 KB


57.1 KB


123.3 KB


155.2 KB


160.3 KB

//2004-09 Allasso- Symantec e ActiveCard/

Symantec Network Security 7100.pdf

129.3 KB

4.0 MB

13.5 MB


RSA_enVision_Intro v2.ppt

7.2 MB


33.3 MB



3.7 MB

20081015 CLinksUni_Verona.pdf

3.3 MB

/sicurezza reti/

Armando Lombardi - CISCO.pdf

6.0 MB

Luca Piccinini - MARCONI.pdf

407.8 KB


128.8 KB

Roberto Mircoli - CISCO.pdf

4.1 MB

Tiziana Moro - ALCATEL.pdf

1.3 MB

Luca Marzegalli - CEFRIEL.pdf

2.4 MB

Gigi Tagliapietra - CLUSIT.pdf

5.9 MB

//2006-06 Recon 2006 - Reverse Engineering/


166.6 KB


352.9 KB


1.0 MB


387.7 KB


1.6 MB

286.9 KB


531.0 KB


1.3 MB


1.1 MB


9.2 MB


141.7 KB


569.1 KB


342.5 KB


47.7 MB


218.6 KB


1.9 MB

188.6 KB


179.5 KB


587.2 KB

0.9 KB


98.3 KB


2.4 MB


1.5 MB


1.2 MB


2.7 MB

130.6 KB


3.0 MB

//2004-09-27 Beyond the Internet (Juniper)/


3.7 MB


2.6 MB


2.2 MB


3.5 MB


7.7 MB


SwyxWare-Due Case Study.ppt

2.5 MB


4.7 MB


NextGeneration Security.ppt

3.6 MB


7.4 MB


3.1 MB


2.6 MB

/tutela aziendale/


3.7 MB


4.0 MB


2.7 MB


661.5 KB


818.0 KB


153.4 KB



11.0 MB



4.4 MB


Computerlinks Italy University 2008.ppt

8.7 MB


Cl University.ppt

13.7 MB


Aladdin eSafe il content security proattivo.pptx

5.6 MB

Casi di successo nella gestione della Strong Authentication.ppt

2.5 MB



3.5 MB



12.2 MB


5.7 MB


4.2 MB


4.3 MB



12.1 MB



7.9 MB

//2004-10-19 CLUSIT - Il documento elettronico/


202.9 KB


161.2 KB

Attestato di frequenza - Il documento elettronico (CLUSIT).pdf

327.7 KB

Gabriele Faggioli - Il documento elettronico.pdf

3.0 MB

Daniela Rocca - Il documento elettronico.pdf

1.6 MB



3.3 MB


Infoblox follow up_full.ppt

3.1 MB

/Blue Coat/

Blue Coat Web Security (BOB).pdf

26.8 MB

Blue Coat Systems - Better Together RoadShow 2008.pdf

9.9 MB

Next Generation WAN Optimization.pdf

9.3 MB

BlueCoat Overview & Security.pdf

28.9 MB

//2006-01-26 E-Security Lab (IAM e Provisioning)/

IAM - Bruno Degradi, Computer Associates.ppt

35.6 MB

IAM - Emanuela Giannetta, Sun Microsystems.pdf

1.1 MB

Introduzione - Alessandro Giacchino, BCI Italia.pdf

174.6 KB

Stato dell'arte - Alessandro Giacchino, BCI Italia.pdf

489.9 KB

IAM - Michele Gugliemo, NetIQ Country Manager.pdf

1.5 MB

Appliances e Tools - Vito Divincenzo, Sophos.pdf

657.5 KB

Appliances e Tools - Elio Molteni, Computer Associates.pdf

1.1 MB

Appliances e Tools - Giuseppe Borgonovo, Symantec.pdf

2.6 MB

Appliances e Tools - Marco D'Angelo, Microsoft.pdf

5.2 MB

IAM - Alberto Ocello, Engiweb Security.pdf

751.7 KB

IAM - Andrea Rossi, Novell.pdf

1.3 MB

//2006-03-14 Phishing - Aspetti legali e tecnici/

Andrea Ghirardini - Il phishing.pdf

752.5 KB

Giuseppe Bellazzi - Aspetti legali del phishing.pdf

1.7 MB

Gerardo Costabile - Phishing e cyber-riciclaggio.pdf

2.0 MB

attestato di frequenza.pdf

158.7 KB

2.0 MB


Total Security Corporate Presentation_CL University.ppt

4.1 MB

/Trend Micro/


7.2 MB

//2005-07-05 La voce su IP a supporto del business/

442.1 KB

140.6 KB

550.1 KB

730.7 KB

428.2 KB


CL PS Global PPT 0.2.ppt

2.5 MB

//2008-10-09 Security and software development (IBM)/

Aspetti organizzativi per la gestione delle identità e del controllo degli accessi.pdf

306.7 KB

Approccio IBM alla sicurezza fisica e soluzioni innovative.pdf

5.0 MB

Centro di gestione SPC e gestione incidenti di sicurezza.pdf

1.8 MB

Come gestire al meglio la sicurezza delle applicazioni web.pdf

2.9 MB

SPC - Connettività e sicurezza.pdf

1.9 MB

SPC - Interoperabilità, cooperazione e sicurezza.pdf

913.3 KB

Sicurezza nella PA italiana.pdf

1.0 MB

Sistema di gestione per la sicurezza delle informazioni.pdf

1.5 MB

Modelli per rispondere alle esigenze di continuità operativa.pdf

3.0 MB

Lo standard BS25999.pdf

3.0 MB

Come affrontare la conformità per la sicurezza delle informazioni.pdf

732.2 KB

Continuità operativa nella PA - Linee guida.pdf

776.0 KB

Evoluzione delle minacce in rete.pdf

1.4 MB

La sicurezza nell'accesso ai servizi di e-government.pdf

261.7 KB

Certificazione ISO27001 - L'esperienza IBM.pdf

2.2 MB

SPC - Identità federate.pdf

877.8 KB

/Keynote Sessions/

Advance Telecommunications Technology-Aid or Threat to Corruption Investigation.pdf

4.8 MB

2nd Keynote.pdf

2.1 MB

Internet and IP Networking Impact on Lawful Interception, Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Gathering.pdf

2.9 MB

//2004-07 First Conference on Email and Anti-Spam (CEAS)/

European Union vs. Spam - A Legal Response.pdf

113.2 KB

Exploring Support Vector Machines and Random Forests for Spam Detection.pdf

156.6 KB

IP Addresses in Email Clients.pdf

97.9 KB

Inferring Ongoing Activities of Workstation Users by Clustering Email.pdf

46.2 KB

Beyond Identity in Electronic Mail System.pdf

118.2 KB

Extracting social networks and contact information from email and the Web.pdf

248.7 KB

A Multifaceted Approach to Spam Reduction.pdf

130.5 KB

Integration of Email and Task Lists.pdf

90.5 KB

Anatomy of a Phishing Email.pdf

64.1 KB

Filtron - A Learning-Based Anti-Spam Filter.pdf

562.7 KB

Internet Users and Spam - about fighting spam.pdf

31.5 KB

Trends in Spam Products and Methods.pdf

46.0 KB

Resisting SPAM Delivery by TCP Damping.pdf

77.8 KB

The Impact of Feature Selection on Signature-Driven Spam Detection.pdf

176.5 KB

Technological Responses to the Problem of Spam.pdf

44.2 KB

SpamBayes - Effective open-source, Bayesian based, email classification system.pdf

143.5 KB

Shall We Stop All Unsolicited Email Messages.pdf

136.7 KB

Stopping Spam by Extrusion Detection.pdf

112.7 KB

Reputation Network Analysis for Email Filtering.pdf

662.5 KB

Personalised, Collaborative Spam Filtering.pdf

99.4 KB

Word Stemming to Enhance Spam Filtering.pdf

22.0 KB

Learning to Extract Signature and Reply Lines from Email.pdf

86.7 KB

Introducing the Enron Corpus.pdf

113.0 KB

Managing Customer Opt-Outs in a Complex Global Environment.pdf

71.8 KB

Multiple Email Addresses - A Socio-technical Investigation.pdf

100.7 KB

Pattern-discovery-based System for the Automatic Identification of SPAM.pdf

81.7 KB

On Attacking Statistical Spam Filters.pdf

141.4 KB

No-Email-Collection Flag.pdf

123.6 KB

SpamGuru - An Enterprise Anti-Spam Filtering System.pdf

74.9 KB

//2008-07-08 Oracle - Dalla teoria 2.0 alla Business 2.0/

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Report Schede Feedback.xls

53.2 KB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Programma.xls

185.3 KB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Presentazione Arato.pdf

1.3 MB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Elenco Partecipanti.xls

26.1 KB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Presentazione Sigiani.pdf

174.4 KB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Presentazione Spreafico.pdf

3.4 MB

Workshop 2.0 2008 07 08 - Presentazione

17.3 MB

//2005-12-01 Sicurezza Informatica per la piccola impresa/

Sicurezza Informatica per la piccola impresa.pdf

248.4 KB

/.../Nuove presentazioni Packeteer/

Pres Packeteer-Ita Ott-2005.ppt

3.8 MB

/GFI/Italian Presentations/


1.8 MB


1.2 MB


1.7 MB


4.3 MB


1.3 MB


3.5 MB


1.3 MB


1.6 MB

//2005-09-13 Progettare un servizio di posta elettronica sicuro/

slides scaricate.pdf

714.8 KB


151.9 KB

Progettare un servizio di posta elettronica sicuro.pdf

7.5 MB

//2005-10-04 Elementi probatori negli illeciti ed analisi forense/

Bruno Fiammella Computer Forensic.pdf

769.6 KB

Ghirardini Computer Forensic.pdf

173.4 KB

//2004-02-11 CNIPA - Smartcard (Tecnologie ed applicazioni nella PA)/


188.9 KB

/.../Track 1 - ISS for Lawful Interception/

Monitoring and Lawful Interception.pdf

692.2 KB

Passive Monitoring of Packet Telephony and Data Networks.pdf

362.9 KB

Prevent Loss of Revenue by Detecting and Mitigating Gray VoIP.pdf

1.2 MB

Mobil Network Interception Standardization.pdf

204.5 KB

Passive Trunk Monitoring for GSM and PSTN Networks.pdf

3.3 MB

Conceptional Monitoring.pdf

8.9 MB

Challenges of Monitoring Converged Networks.pdf

308.4 KB

VoIP Lawful Intercept.pdf

3.7 MB

Deep Packet Inspection for Layer 7 Intercept.pdf

3.0 MB

How to meet Country-Specific Data Retention Requirements Cost-Effectively.pdf

334.9 KB

Lawful Interception Implementations Challenges.pdf

1.9 MB

Lawful Interception (LI) Bureau Model.pdf

384.8 KB

//2004-06-25 CNIPA - La firma digitale e le carte multiservizi della PA/


761.3 KB

/.../Track 1 - ISS for Lawful Interception/

Using Passive Probes in Packet and Traditional Networks to Deliver High Precision Communications Intercept.pdf

201.6 KB

Lawful Interception in 2015.pdf

285.6 KB

Overview of Lawful Interception Challenges and Issues.pdf

399.1 KB

Technical and political challenges, solutions for active and passive interception.pdf

357.4 KB

/.../Fingerprint Verification Competition 2004/

451.5 KB


91.6 KB

15.6 KB

6.4 MB

5.6 MB


73.3 KB

17.5 KB

6.4 MB

5.4 MB

/.../Face Recognition Vendor Test 2002 Results/


444.9 KB


94.8 KB


4.2 MB


579.5 KB


7.6 MB


1.7 MB

/.../Face Recognition Vendor Test 2000 Results/


11.2 MB


409.6 KB


6.4 MB

/.../Fingerprint Verification Competition 2002/


88.7 KB


78.8 KB


608.0 KB


57.2 KB

4.7 KB

/.../Fingerprint Verification Competition 2000/

4.5 KB


1.3 MB

/.../Track 3 - ISS for Data Retention and LEA Handoff/

Track Telecommunications Traffic.pdf

1.2 MB

Different Methods of Data Retention.pdf

344.4 KB

Data Retention and Archival.pdf

102.0 KB

Data Retention Low Cost Solutions.pdf

445.5 KB

A Scalable and Affordable Approach to Data Retention and Retrieval.pdf

651.8 KB

European Directive on Retained Data and an Update.pdf

1.1 MB

Automatic Data Retention Solution.pdf

2.9 MB

ThorpeGlen Solutions - Data Collectors and Concentrators.pdf

2.4 MB

The Challenges of Collecting Data.pdf

2.3 MB

//2004-06-18 CNIPA - La tecnologia e le applicazioni delle smart card nell’e-government/


995.3 KB

//2005-03-11 CNIPA - Linee Guida per l’emissione e l’utilizzo della Carta Nazionale dei Servizi/


1.2 MB

/.../Track 2 - ISS for Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Gathering/

Legal to Strategic and how to Aggregate with all other Captors.pdf

828.5 KB

Internet Traffic Decoding.pps

2.4 MB

Intelligent Surveillance Service Platform.pdf

1.7 MB

Monitoring of Satellite based Personal Communication Systems.pdf

806.1 KB

The role of Passive Surveillance.pdf

1.5 MB

Intelligence Led Policing.pdf

629.9 KB

Remote Control System.pdf

2.2 MB

Real Time Capabilities for Speech Analysis.pdf

1.4 MB

Automatic Compliance Testing for Service and Subscriber Data Monitoring.pdf

1.6 MB

/.../Track 4 - ISS for Intelligent Video Surveillance and Content Analytics/

Video Analytics.pdf

1.4 MB

Intelligent Video Surveillance & Content Analytics.pdf

1.1 MB

Activity-Based Forensic Analysis of Unstructured Video Data.pdf

1.5 MB

/.../Track 2 - ISS for Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Gathering/

Conducting Corruption Investigations jointly with Telecom Operators and Vendors (2).pdf

43.6 KB

7 Highly effective methods to bypass and evade monitoring and interception systems.pdf

2.0 MB

Conducting Corruption Investigations jointly with Telecom Operators and Vendors (1).pdf

121.4 KB

Do you Need to Retain the Complete haystack to find the needle.pdf

239.6 KB

VoIP lawful Intercept.pdf

587.3 KB

Unified Interception & Location Platform for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies.pdf

444.5 KB

/.../Track 5 - LEA, Intelligence and Defense Analyst Training and Product Demonstration/

Cell Phone Call and Cell Tower Records for Investigators.pdf

438.9 KB


Total files 1127

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