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[ ] Udemy - Monte Carlo simulations using Matlab


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0.2 KB

/1. Introduction/

1. Course scope what to expect.mp4

61.0 MB

1. Course scope what to

6.2 KB

1.1 MATLAB From absolute scratch to the top! (a beginners course).html

0.2 KB

/2. Basic concepts/

1. What is Monte Carlo.mp4

58.5 MB

1. What is Monte

11.5 KB

1.1 Monte Carlo algorithms an introduction.pdf

269.4 KB

2. How to set up a monte carlo simulation.mp4

36.0 MB

2. How to set up a monte carlo

8.7 KB

2.1 setting up a monte carlo simulation.pdf

404.6 KB

3. Generating a discrete uniform random distribution.mp4

19.0 MB

3. Generating a discrete uniform random

3.3 KB

4. Our first case study.mp4

32.4 MB

4. Our first case

5.9 KB

5. The confidence intervals.mp4

31.7 MB

5. The confidence

8.9 KB

6. Applying the confidence intervals concept to our first case study.mp4

74.3 MB

6. Applying the confidence intervals concept to our first case

9.9 KB

7. Plotting the confidence intervals behaviour.mp4

59.7 MB

7. Plotting the confidence intervals

6.8 KB

/.../3. The Monty Hall problem/

1. Introduction.mp4

5.5 MB


1.9 KB

1.1 The Monty Hall thought experiment..pdf

311.0 KB

2. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Stay strategy).mp4

25.4 MB

2. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Stay strategy).srt

3.9 KB

3. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Stay strategy) II.mp4

77.0 MB

3. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Stay strategy)

8.5 KB

4. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Switch strategy).mp4

81.7 MB

4. Answering the Monty Hall problem through a Monte Carlo method (Switch strategy).srt

9.4 KB

5. The Monty Hall problem explained.mp4

25.4 MB

5. The Monty Hall problem

4.3 KB

6. Bonus class The monty hall problem when there are 100 doors.mp4

38.5 MB

6. Bonus class The monty hall problem when there are 100

4.1 KB

/.../4. Uniform continuous random distribuitons in 2D. (Determining the value of pi)/

1. Introduction.mp4

41.4 MB


5.0 KB

2. Generating a continuous random distribution from a to b (in 1D).mp4

62.3 MB

2. Generating a continuous random distribution from a to b (in 1D).srt

5.8 KB

3. Generating a continuous random distribution in 2D.mp4

64.8 MB

3. Generating a continuous random distribution in

7.7 KB

4. Prooving our continious uniform random distribution.mp4

87.0 MB

4. Prooving our continious uniform random

10.8 KB

5. Estimating pi using monte carlo (theoretical model).mp4

10.4 MB

5. Estimating pi using monte carlo (theoretical model).srt

3.2 KB

5.1 Estimating the value of pi using monte carlo.pdf

241.3 KB

6. Estimating pi via monte carlo.mp4

59.7 MB

6. Estimating pi via monte

7.3 KB

7. CI for our PI estimation using Monte Carlo.mp4

37.9 MB

7. CI for our PI estimation using Monte

4.4 KB

/.../5. Monte Carlo integration/

1. The theory behind the monte carlo integration.mp4

39.0 MB

1. The theory behind the monte carlo

4.4 KB

1.1 introduction to monte carlo integration.pdf

390.5 KB

2. Selecting a control area.mp4

25.0 MB

2. Selecting a control

4.3 KB

3. Generating samples within the control area and selecting those below the curve.mp4

67.7 MB

3. Generating samples within the control area and selecting those below the

8.7 KB

4. Monte carlo integration for when f(x)0.mp4

54.7 MB

4. Monte carlo integration for when f(x)

6.0 KB

5. The confidence intervals applied to our monte carlo integration process.mp4

75.7 MB

5. The confidence intervals applied to our monte carlo integration

8.2 KB

/.../6. Monte carlo applied to reliability studies/

1. Introducing our case study.mp4

8.5 MB

1. Introducing our case

3.3 KB

1.1 RAM case study.pdf

64.9 KB

2. Introduction (the most basic concepts).mp4

20.7 MB

2. Introduction (the most basic concepts).srt

8.0 KB

2.1 RAM presentation.pdf

81.0 KB

3. How do things fail (the functions that govern the randomness of a variable).mp4

38.3 MB

3. How do things fail (the functions that govern the randomness of a variable).srt

9.8 KB

3.1 How do things fail.pdf

118.5 KB

4. Simulating times to failure of a given system using the exponential distribution.mp4

80.2 MB

4. Simulating times to failure of a given system using the exponential

14.5 KB

4.1 v.mat

1.0 KB

5. Simulating times to repair of a given system using the exponential distribution.mp4

53.0 MB

5. Simulating times to repair of a given system using the exponential

9.1 KB

5.1 v_m.mat

1.0 KB

6. Determining the availabilty of our system.mp4

74.7 MB

6. Determining the availabilty of our

12.0 KB

7. Simulating improving the MTTR Vs Adding a second pump.mp4

82.3 MB

7. Simulating improving the MTTR Vs Adding a second

11.4 KB

/7. Congratulations/

1. Final class.mp4

11.1 MB

1. Final

1.2 KB

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Bonus Resources.txt

0.4 KB


Total files 81

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