14 - 4 - Lecture 12-4 - Chocolate Will (Probably) Improve Your Mood (15_01).mp4
65.8 MB
14 - 6 - Lecture 12-6 - The Practice _To Visit Parents Frequently_ Shouldn't Be Legalized (13_54).mp4
61.5 MB
12 - 6 - Lecture 11-6 - Attacking a Straw Man (12_53).mp4
54.2 MB
14 - 2 - Lecture 12-2 - A Debate About Smartphones in Class (11_04).mp4
54.2 MB
7 - 1 - Lecture 6-1 - What is Induction_ (14_46).mp4
52.5 MB
9 - 7 - Lecture 8-7 - Bayes Theorem Honors (28_09) .mp4
47.1 MB
10 - 8 - Lecture 9-8 - Semantic and Syntactic Ambiguity (13_30).mp4
45.8 MB
14 - 7 - Lecture 12-7 - Capital Punishment (9_06).mp4
45.7 MB
7 - 6 - Lecture 6-6 - Which Explanation is Best_ (14_45).mp4
44.2 MB
7 - 3 - Lecture 6-3 - When are Generalizations Strong_ (20_48).mp4
43.0 MB
7 - 4 - Lecture 6-4 - Applying Generalizations (17_52).mp4
42.8 MB
12 - 5 - Lecture 11-5 - False Dichotomy (16_38).mp4
41.3 MB
12 - 3 - Lecture 11-3 - Counterexamples (10_47).mp4
40.4 MB
7 - 8 - Lecture 6-8 - Arguments from Analogy (17_47).mp4
40.0 MB
14 - 5 - Lecture 12-5 - Recognizing Fairness Slippery Slopes (6_54).mp4
36.7 MB
11 - 1 - Lecture 10-1 - Fallacies of Relevance and Vacuity (11_04).mp4
36.3 MB
12 - 2 - Lecture 11-2 - Refutation by Parallel Reasoning (11_41).mp4
35.7 MB
4 - 6 - Lecture 3-6 - Fill in Gaps (22_51).mp4
35.3 MB
4 - 3 - Lecture 3-3 - Get Down to Basics (21_34).mp4
34.7 MB
4 - 1 - Lecture 3-1 - Validity (24_19).mp4
34.1 MB
14 - 10 - Lecture 12-10 - The Great Shave (5_10).mp4
32.9 MB
8 - 7 - Lecture 7-7 - Correlation Versus Causation (20_38) .mp4
32.9 MB
12 - 4 - Lecture 11-4 - Reductio Ad Absurdum (7_48).mp4
32.0 MB
10 - 7 - Lecture 9-7 - Ambiguity (8_39).mp4
31.7 MB
2 - 10 - Lecture 1-10 - Conversational Acts (17_45).mp4
31.2 MB
2 - 6 - Lecture 1-6 - What are Arguments Made Of_ Language (14_10).mp4
30.3 MB
5 - 9 - Lecture 4-9 - The Conditional (14_27).mp4
29.2 MB
11 - 3 - Lecture 10-3 - Silencers (10_18).mp4
29.1 MB
3 - 8 - Lecture 2-8 - Close Analysis Part I (20_00).mp4
29.0 MB
8 - 1 - Lecture 7-1 - Causal Reasoning (16_05).mp4
28.7 MB
2 - 5 - Lecture 1-5 - What Else are Arguments Used For_ Explanation (13_40).mp4
28.3 MB
4 - 4 - Lecture 3-4 - Sharpen Edges (17_19).mp4
27.9 MB
6 - 2 - Lecture 5-2 - Categories and Quantifiers (17_43).mp4
27.5 MB
5 - 1 - Lecture 4-1 - Introduction to Deductive Logic (10_27).mp4
26.9 MB
7 - 7 - Lecture 6-7 - A Student Example of Inference to the Best Explanation (8_19).mp4
25.7 MB
14 - 9 - Lecture 12-9 - Why Walter Should Shave His Head (6_08).mp4
25.5 MB
7 - 2 - Lecture 6-2 - Generalizations from Samples (9_11).mp4
24.7 MB
14 - 8 - Lecture 12-8 - If God Does Not Exist, Neither Do Barbers (6_27).mp4
24.0 MB
7 - 5 - Lecture 6-5 - Inference to the Best Explanation (8_14).mp4
23.7 MB
5 - 3 - Lecture 4-3 - __And__ and the Truth-Functional Connectives (10_52).mp4
23.5 MB
5 - 3 - Lecture 4-3 - _And_ and the Truth-Functional Connectives (10_52).mp4
23.5 MB
3 - 4 - Lecture 2-4 - Assuring (14_15).mp4
23.3 MB
3 - 10 - Lecture 2-10 - More Close Analysis (17_11).mp4
23.3 MB
10 - 5 - Lecture 9-5 - Fairness Slippery Slopes (6_42).mp4
23.2 MB
2 - 4 - Lecture 1-4 - Strong Arguments Don_'t Always Persuade Everyone (8_11).mp4
22.9 MB
9 - 4 - Lecture 8-4 - Rules of Probability - Conjunction (12_39) .mp4
22.1 MB
3 - 7 - Lecture 2-7 - Evaluation (17_06).mp4
22.1 MB
9 - 1 - Lecture 8-1 - Why Probability Matters (11_02) .mp4
21.8 MB
2 - 7 - Lecture 1-7 - Meaning (9_02).mp4
21.1 MB
13 - 1 - Sample Lecture.mp4
20.8 MB
5 - 7 - Lecture 4-7 - Negation and Truth Functional Operators (7_23).mp4
20.7 MB
11 - 4 - Lecture 10-4 - Dismissers (6_53).mp4
20.5 MB
4 - 5 - Lecture 3-5 - Organize Parts (14_48).mp4
20.4 MB
3 - 1 - Lecture 2-1 - Argument Markers (12_52).mp4
20.4 MB
10 - 9 - Lecture 9-9 - Fallcies of Equivocation (6_05).mp4
20.3 MB
8 - 6 - Lecture 7-6 - Complex Conditions (11_34).mp4
20.1 MB
9 - 8 - Lecture 8-8 - Expected Financial Value (13_47).mp4
19.9 MB
9 - 2 - Lecture 8-2 - What is Probability_ (9_20) .mp4
18.9 MB
2 - 9 - Lecture 1-9 - Speech Acts (9_06).mp4
18.7 MB
3 - 3 - Lecture 2-3 - A Problem For Arguments (12_54).mp4
18.7 MB
6 - 1 - Lecture 5-1 - Categorical Logic (10_36).mp4
18.6 MB
6 - 9 - Lecture 5-9 - Reasoning from Venn Diagrams or Truth Tables Alone (14_54).mp4
18.5 MB
12 - 1 - Lecture 11-1 - Refutation_ Its Varieties and Pitfalls (5_23).mp4
17.8 MB
10 - 3 - Lecture 9-3 - Vagueness (8_24).mp4
17.6 MB
6 - 7 - Lecture 5-7 - Venn Diagrams and Validity (13_30).mp4
17.5 MB
5 - 5 - Lecture 4-5 - Disjunction (10_38).mp4
17.4 MB
10 - 6 - Lecture 9-6 - Causal Slippery Slopes (6_58).mp4
17.4 MB
3 - 9 - Lecture 2-9 - Close Analysis Part II (13_12).mp4
16.8 MB
5 - 11 - Lecture 4-11 - Biconditionals (7_19).mp4
16.6 MB
14 - 3 - Lecture 12-3 - All Conscious Thoughts Are Finitely Explainable (4_17).mp4
16.5 MB
2 - 2 - Lecture 1-2 - What is an Argument_ (7_42).mp4
16.5 MB
5 - 6 - Lecture 4-6 - Combining Conjunctions and Disjunctions (6_23).mp4
16.1 MB
11 - 8 - Lecture 10-8 - Supporters (4_38).mp4
16.0 MB
11 - 5 - Lecture 10-5 - Deniers (6_19).mp4
15.7 MB
2 - 1 - Lecture 1-1 - Why Arguments Matter (7_54).mp4
15.5 MB
11 - 7 - Lecture 10-7 - Amplifiers (4_39).mp4
15.1 MB
11 - 6 - Lecture 10-6 - Fallacies of Relevance_ Appeals to Authority (6_55).mp4
14.6 MB
9 - 9 - Lecture 8-9 - Expected Overall Value (10_37) .mp4
14.6 MB
8 - 2 - Lecture 7-2 - Negative Sufficient Condition Tests (9_28).mp4
14.1 MB
3 - 6 - Lecture 2-6 - Discounting (10_20).mp4
13.9 MB
10 - 2 - Lecture 9-2 - Argument from the Heap (7_13).mp4
13.8 MB
6 - 5 - Lecture 5-5 - Syllogisms (9_51).mp4
13.6 MB
6 - 4 - Lecture 5-4 - Immediate Categorical Inferences (10_37).mp4
13.5 MB
4 - 10 - Lecture 3-10 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part III (10_03).mp4
13.2 MB
9 - 5 - Lecture 8-5 - Rules of Probability - Disjunction (9_39) .mp4
13.1 MB
11 - 9 - Lecture 10-9 - Affirmers (5_21).mp4
13.0 MB
2 - 8 - Lecture 1-8 - Linguistic Acts (6_58).mp4
12.9 MB
4 - 8 - Lecture 3-8 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part I (9_14).mp4
12.4 MB
8 - 3 - Lecture 7-3 - Positive Sufficient Condition Tests (10_09).mp4
12.1 MB
6 - 3 - Lecture 5-3 - How Quantifiers Modify Categories (9_56).mp4
11.8 MB
4 - 9 - Lecture 3-9 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part II (9_36).mp4
11.5 MB
11 - 13 - Lecture 10-13 - Self-Sealers (8_11).mp4
11.4 MB
10 - 1 - Lecture 9-1 - Introduction to Fallacies (6_52).mp4
11.1 MB
11 - 2 - Lecture 10-2 - Fallacies of Relevance_ Ad Hominem (8_14).mp4
11.0 MB
10 - 4 - Lecture 9-4 - Conceptual Slippery Slopes (6_52).mp4
10.8 MB
3 - 5 - Lecture 2-5 - Guarding (8_01).mp4
10.7 MB
5 - 10 - Lecture 4-10 - Conditionals in ordinary language (3_33).mp4
10.6 MB
14 - 1 - Lecture 12-1 - Constructing Your Own Arguments (2_47).mp4
10.2 MB
9 - 6 - Lecture 8-6 - Rules of Probability - Series (6_08).mp4
10.0 MB
5 - 8 - Lecture 4-8 - Negating Conjuctions and Disjunctions (3_34).mp4
9.6 MB
11 - 11 - Lecture 10-11 - Fallacies of Vacuity (4_13).mp4
9.5 MB
5 - 2 - Lecture 4-2 - Propositions and Propositional Connectives (4_42).mp4
9.5 MB
2 - 3 - Lecture 1-3 - What are Arguments Used For_ Justification (5_32).mp4
9.4 MB
6 - 8 - Lecture 5-8 - Other Ways of Expressing A, E, I, or O Propositions (7_14).mp4
9.1 MB
8 - 5 - Lecture 7-5 - Positive Necessary Condition Tests (6_51).mp4
8.2 MB
5 - 4 - Lecture 4-4 - Using Truth Tables to Show Validity (5_02).mp4
8.2 MB
11 - 12 - Lecture 10-12 - Circularity and Begging the Question (4_50).mp4
7.1 MB
6 - 6 - Lecture 5-6 - Categories, Individuals, and Language (4_57).mp4
7.0 MB
8 - 8 - Lecture 7-8 - Causal Fallacies (5_42).mp4
6.8 MB
4 - 2 - Lecture 3-2 - Soundness (4_29).mp4
6.4 MB
8 - 4 - Lecture 7-4 - Negative Necessary Condition Tests (4_36).mp4
6.4 MB
11 - 10 - Lecture 10-10 - Appeals to Popular Opinion (3_31).mp4
5.1 MB
3 - 2 - Lecture 2-2 - Standard Form (3_29).mp4
4.6 MB
9 - 3 - Lecture 8-3 - Rules of Probability - Negation (2_53) .mp4
4.1 MB
5 - 12 - Lecture 4-12 - Conclusion (1_13).mp4
3.3 MB
4 - 7 - Lecture 3-7 - Conclude (2_00).mp4
3.0 MB
10 - 6 - Lecture 9-6 - Causal Slippery Slopes (6_58).mp4.part
125.0 KB
4 - 6 - Lecture 3-6 - Fill in Gaps (22_51).srt
36.0 KB
9 - 7 - Lecture 8-7 - Bayes Theorem Honors (28_09) .srt
35.6 KB
4 - 1 - Lecture 3-1 - Validity (24_19).srt
34.2 KB
4 - 3 - Lecture 3-3 - Get Down to Basics (21_34).srt
33.6 KB
7 - 3 - Lecture 6-3 - When are Generalizations Strong
30.1 KB
3 - 8 - Lecture 2-8 - Close Analysis Part I (20_00).srt
29.3 KB
8 - 7 - Lecture 7-7 - Correlation Versus Causation (20_38) .srt
29.2 KB
2 - 10 - Lecture 1-10 - Conversational Acts (17_45).srt
28.9 KB
12 - 5 - Lecture 11-5 - False Dichotomy (16_38).srt
26.8 KB
4 - 4 - Lecture 3-4 - Sharpen Edges (17_19).srt
26.0 KB
7 - 8 - Lecture 6-8 - Arguments from Analogy (17_47).srt
25.5 KB
3 - 7 - Lecture 2-7 - Evaluation (17_06).srt
25.1 KB
7 - 4 - Lecture 6-4 - Applying Generalizations (17_52).srt
25.0 KB
6 - 2 - Lecture 5-2 - Categories and Quantifiers (17_43).srt
24.6 KB
3 - 10 - Lecture 2-10 - More Close Analysis (17_11).srt
24.2 KB
14 - 4 - Lecture 12-4 - Chocolate Will (Probably) Improve Your Mood (15_01).srt
22.4 KB
10 - 3 - Lecture 9-3 - Vagueness (8_24).mp4.part
22.3 KB
7 - 1 - Lecture 6-1 - What is Induction
22.0 KB
4 - 5 - Lecture 3-5 - Organize Parts (14_48).srt
21.5 KB
8 - 1 - Lecture 7-1 - Causal Reasoning (16_05).srt
20.9 KB
2 - 6 - Lecture 1-6 - What are Arguments Made Of
20.9 KB
7 - 6 - Lecture 6-6 - Which Explanation is Best
20.8 KB
3 - 4 - Lecture 2-4 - Assuring (14_15).srt
20.6 KB
14 - 6 - Lecture 12-6 - The Practice _To Visit Parents Frequently_ Shouldn't Be Legalized (13_54).srt
20.5 KB
3 - 3 - Lecture 2-3 - A Problem For Arguments (12_54).srt
19.9 KB
2 - 5 - Lecture 1-5 - What Else are Arguments Used For
19.7 KB
12 - 6 - Lecture 11-6 - Attacking a Straw Man (12_53).srt
19.5 KB
10 - 8 - Lecture 9-8 - Semantic and Syntactic Ambiguity (13_30).srt
19.5 KB
6 - 9 - Lecture 5-9 - Reasoning from Venn Diagrams or Truth Tables Alone (14_54).srt
19.5 KB
3 - 9 - Lecture 2-9 - Close Analysis Part II (13_12).srt
19.2 KB
9 - 8 - Lecture 8-8 - Expected Financial Value (13_47).srt
18.9 KB
5 - 9 - Lecture 4-9 - The Conditional (14_27).srt
18.6 KB
3 - 1 - Lecture 2-1 - Argument Markers (12_52).srt
18.1 KB
6 - 7 - Lecture 5-7 - Venn Diagrams and Validity (13_30).srt
18.1 KB
14 - 2 - Lecture 12-2 - A Debate About Smartphones in Class (11_04).srt
16.7 KB
12 - 2 - Lecture 11-2 - Refutation by Parallel Reasoning (11_41).srt
16.4 KB
9 - 4 - Lecture 8-4 - Rules of Probability - Conjunction (12_39) .srt
16.3 KB
9 - 1 - Lecture 8-1 - Why Probability Matters (11_02) .srt
16.3 KB
5 - 3 - Lecture 4-3 - _And_ and the Truth-Functional Connectives (10_52).srt
16.0 KB
5 - 5 - Lecture 4-5 - Disjunction (10_38).srt
15.9 KB
12 - 3 - Lecture 11-3 - Counterexamples (10_47).srt
15.6 KB
3 - 6 - Lecture 2-6 - Discounting (10_20).srt
15.4 KB
11 - 1 - Lecture 10-1 - Fallacies of Relevance and Vacuity (11_04).srt
15.3 KB
6 - 1 - Lecture 5-1 - Categorical Logic (10_36).srt
15.2 KB
9 - 9 - Lecture 8-9 - Expected Overall Value (10_37) .srt
14.8 KB
6 - 4 - Lecture 5-4 - Immediate Categorical Inferences (10_37).srt
14.5 KB
5 - 1 - Lecture 4-1 - Introduction to Deductive Logic (10_27).srt
14.5 KB
8 - 3 - Lecture 7-3 - Positive Sufficient Condition Tests (10_09).srt
14.0 KB
11 - 3 - Lecture 10-3 - Silencers (10_18).srt
13.9 KB
4 - 9 - Lecture 3-9 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part II (9_36).srt
13.7 KB
2 - 9 - Lecture 1-9 - Speech Acts (9_06).srt
13.7 KB
7 - 2 - Lecture 6-2 - Generalizations from Samples (9_11).srt
13.7 KB
6 - 5 - Lecture 5-5 - Syllogisms (9_51).srt
13.6 KB
2 - 7 - Lecture 1-7 - Meaning (9_02).srt
13.6 KB
4 - 10 - Lecture 3-10 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part III (10_03).srt
13.6 KB
8 - 2 - Lecture 7-2 - Negative Sufficient Condition Tests (9_28).srt
13.1 KB
6 - 3 - Lecture 5-3 - How Quantifiers Modify Categories (9_56).srt
13.0 KB
9 - 2 - Lecture 8-2 - What is Probability
13.0 KB
2 - 1 - Lecture 1-1 - Why Arguments Matter (7_54).srt
12.7 KB
4 - 8 - Lecture 3-8 - An Example of Reconstruction - Part I (9_14).srt
12.6 KB
8 - 6 - Lecture 7-6 - Complex Conditions (11_34).srt
12.4 KB
11 - 2 - Lecture 10-2 - Fallacies of Relevance_ Ad Hominem (8_14).srt
12.2 KB
7 - 7 - Lecture 6-7 - A Student Example of Inference to the Best Explanation (8_19).srt
12.1 KB
10 - 7 - Lecture 9-7 - Ambiguity (8_39).srt
11.9 KB
14 - 7 - Lecture 12-7 - Capital Punishment (9_06).srt
11.7 KB
11 - 13 - Lecture 10-13 - Self-Sealers (8_11).srt
11.5 KB
2 - 4 - Lecture 1-4 - Strong Arguments Don't Always Persuade Everyone (8_11).srt
11.4 KB
7 - 5 - Lecture 6-5 - Inference to the Best Explanation (8_14).srt
11.3 KB
10 - 3 - Lecture 9-3 - Vagueness (8_24).srt
11.3 KB
3 - 5 - Lecture 2-5 - Guarding (8_01).srt
11.1 KB
9 - 5 - Lecture 8-5 - Rules of Probability - Disjunction (9_39) .srt
10.5 KB
5 - 7 - Lecture 4-7 - Negation and Truth Functional Operators (7_23).srt
10.4 KB
12 - 4 - Lecture 11-4 - Reductio Ad Absurdum (7_48).srt
10.4 KB
10 - 4 - Lecture 9-4 - Conceptual Slippery Slopes (6_52).srt
10.4 KB
2 - 8 - Lecture 1-8 - Linguistic Acts (6_58).srt
10.2 KB
11 - 6 - Lecture 10-6 - Fallacies of Relevance_ Appeals to Authority (6_55).srt
10.0 KB
5 - 11 - Lecture 4-11 - Biconditionals (7_19).srt
10.0 KB
5 - 6 - Lecture 4-6 - Combining Conjunctions and Disjunctions (6_23).srt
10.0 KB
10 - 1 - Lecture 9-1 - Introduction to Fallacies (6_52).srt
10.0 KB
10 - 6 - Lecture 9-6 - Causal Slippery Slopes (6_58).srt
9.9 KB
10 - 2 - Lecture 9-2 - Argument from the Heap (7_13).srt
9.7 KB
11 - 4 - Lecture 10-4 - Dismissers (6_53).srt
9.6 KB
8 - 5 - Lecture 7-5 - Positive Necessary Condition Tests (6_51).srt
9.5 KB
14 - 5 - Lecture 12-5 - Recognizing Fairness Slippery Slopes (6_54).srt
9.0 KB
6 - 8 - Lecture 5-8 - Other Ways of Expressing A, E, I, or O Propositions (7_14).srt
9.0 KB
14 - 8 - Lecture 12-8 - If God Does Not Exist, Neither Do Barbers (6_27).srt
8.9 KB
10 - 5 - Lecture 9-5 - Fairness Slippery Slopes (6_42).srt
8.8 KB
11 - 5 - Lecture 10-5 - Deniers (6_19).srt
8.7 KB
10 - 9 - Lecture 9-9 - Fallcies of Equivocation (6_05).srt
8.4 KB
9 - 6 - Lecture 8-6 - Rules of Probability - Series (6_08).srt
8.3 KB
2 - 3 - Lecture 1-3 - What are Arguments Used For
8.1 KB
11 - 9 - Lecture 10-9 - Affirmers (5_21).srt
8.1 KB
14 - 9 - Lecture 12-9 - Why Walter Should Shave His Head (6_08).srt
7.9 KB
12 - 1 - Lecture 11-1 - Refutation_ Its Varieties and Pitfalls (5_23).srt
7.8 KB
5 - 4 - Lecture 4-4 - Using Truth Tables to Show Validity (5_02).srt
7.7 KB
14 - 10 - Lecture 12-10 - The Great Shave (5_10).srt
7.5 KB
8 - 8 - Lecture 7-8 - Causal Fallacies (5_42).srt
7.4 KB
11 - 8 - Lecture 10-8 - Supporters (4_38).srt
7.0 KB
11 - 12 - Lecture 10-12 - Circularity and Begging the Question (4_50).srt
7.0 KB
11 - 7 - Lecture 10-7 - Amplifiers (4_39).srt
6.9 KB
5 - 2 - Lecture 4-2 - Propositions and Propositional Connectives (4_42).srt
6.4 KB
4 - 2 - Lecture 3-2 - Soundness (4_29).srt
6.3 KB
11 - 11 - Lecture 10-11 - Fallacies of Vacuity (4_13).srt
6.2 KB
6 - 6 - Lecture 5-6 - Categories, Individuals, and Language (4_57).srt
6.1 KB
14 - 3 - Lecture 12-3 - All Conscious Thoughts Are Finitely Explainable (4_17).srt
6.0 KB
8 - 4 - Lecture 7-4 - Negative Necessary Condition Tests (4_36).srt
5.6 KB
5 - 10 - Lecture 4-10 - Conditionals in ordinary language (3_33).srt
5.5 KB
5 - 8 - Lecture 4-8 - Negating Conjuctions and Disjunctions (3_34).srt
4.9 KB
11 - 10 - Lecture 10-10 - Appeals to Popular Opinion (3_31).srt
4.8 KB
3 - 2 - Lecture 2-2 - Standard Form (3_29).srt
4.7 KB
9 - 3 - Lecture 8-3 - Rules of Probability - Negation (2_53) .srt
3.6 KB
14 - 1 - Lecture 12-1 - Constructing Your Own Arguments (2_47).srt
3.0 KB
4 - 7 - Lecture 3-7 - Conclude (2_00).srt
2.9 KB
1.8 KB
5 - 12 - Lecture 4-12 - Conclusion (1_13).srt
1.6 KB
Total files 232