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Criticism of Capitalism and Globalization Collection 16 DMCA


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Aschoff - The New Prophets of Capital (2015).epub

281.1 KB

Atzeni (Ed.) - Workers and Labour in a Globalised Capitalism; Contemporary Themes and Theoretical Issues (2014).pdf

1.8 MB

Bevir & Trentmann (Eds.) - Critiques of Capital in Modern Britain and America; Transatlantic Exchanges 1800 to the Present Day (2002).pdf

774.5 KB

Blythman - Swallow This; Serving Up the Food Industry's Darkest Secrets (2015).epub

702.9 KB

Boutang - Cognitive Capitalism (2011).pdf

24.7 MB

Carroll - The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class; Corporate Power in the 21st Century (2010).pdf

5.7 MB

Di Muzio - The 1% and the Rest of Us; a Political Economy of Dominant Ownership (2015).pdf

1.7 MB

Dzarasov - The Conundrum of Russian Capitalism (2014).pdf

4.9 MB

Finkel (Ed.) - The Human and Environmental Impact of Fracking; How Fracturing Shale for Gas Affects Us and Our World (2015).pdf

2.8 MB

Foster - Why We Bite the Invisible Hand; the Psychology of Anti-Capitalism (2014).epub

496.6 KB

Goldman - Imperial Nature; the World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization (2005).pdf

3.1 MB

Gould-Wartofsky - The Occupiers; the Making of the 99 Percent Movement (2015).pdf

7.7 MB

Haiven - Crises of Imagination, Crises of Power; Capitalism, Creativity and the Commons (2014).epub

379.9 KB

Hay - The Failure of Anglo-Liberal Capitalism (2013).pdf

1.5 MB

Hilferding - Finance Capital; a Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development (1981).pdf

20.0 MB

Hodgson et al (Eds.) - Capitalism in Evolution; Global Contentions - East and West (2001).pdf

1.3 MB

Kay - Culture and Prosperity; the Truth About Markets-Why Some Nations Are Rich but Most Remain Poor (2004).pdf

7.7 MB

Kowalik - From Solidarity to Sellout; the Restoration of Capitalism in Poland (2011).pdf

1.5 MB

Li - Land's End; Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier (2014).pdf

1.3 MB

Malik - Broadbandits; Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist (2003).pdf

1.3 MB

McCully - Ida M. Tarbell; the Woman Who Challenged Big Business - and Won (2014).epub

81.3 MB

Melamed - Represent and Destroy; Rationalizing Violence in the New Racial Capitalism (2011).epub

3.7 MB

Mendoza - Austerity; the Demolition of the Welfare State and the Rise of the Zombie Economy (2015).epub

266.8 KB

Naroff & Scherer - Big Picture Economics; How to Navigate the New Global Economy (2014).pdf

3.0 MB

Porter - The Rise of Big Business, 1860-1920, 3e (2006).pdf

878.2 KB

Rich - Foreclosing the Future; The World Bank and the Politics of Environmental Destruction (2013).pdf

3.3 MB

Ritzer - Globalization; the Essentials (2011).pdf

1.9 MB

Sasson - Expulsions; Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy (2014).epub

1.8 MB

Sayer - Why We Can't Afford the Rich (2015).epub

950.3 KB

Schmidt - Industrial Violence and the Legal Origins of Child Labor (2010).pdf

2.4 MB

Stander - Why War; Capitalism and the Nation-State (2014).pdf

1.8 MB

Yergin & Stanislaw - The Commanding Heights; the Battle Between Government and the Marketplace That Is Making the Modern World (1998).epub

2.5 MB

Yun-Shik et al (Eds.) - Korea Confronts Globalization (2009).pdf

1.5 MB

Zuckerman - The Frackers; the Outrageous Inside Story of the New Billionaire Wildcatters (2013).epub

5.3 MB


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