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Advanced learning theory, methods, applications (NATO, 2003)(T)(432s).djvu

3.2 MB

Agafonov V.N. (red.) Logicheskoe programmirovanie.. sbornik statej (Mir, 1988)(ru)(367s).djvu

2.6 MB

Agafonov V.N. (red.) Logicheskoe programmirovanie.. sbornik statej (Mir, 1988)(ru)(T)(367s).djvu

3.7 MB

Aliseda-Llera A., et al. Computing natural language (1998)(ISBN 1575861003)(T)(168s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.1 MB

Alpaydin E. Introduction to machine learning (MIT Press, 2004)(ISBN 0262012111)(T)(432s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.7 MB

Baader F., et al. The description logic handbook.. Theory, implementation and applications (CUP,2003)(ISBN 0521781760)(573s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.3 MB

Benerdzhi R. (_Banerji_) Teoriya resheniya zadach (Mir, 1972)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(224s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.5 MB

Bertot Y., et al. (eds.) Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development (Springer, 2004)(ISBN 3540208542)(600dpi)(T)(O)(497s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.3 MB

Bhanu B., Lin Y., Krawiec K. Evolutionary synthesis of pattern recognition systems (Springer, 2005)(T)(313s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.8 MB

Birkgoff G. Matematika i psihologiya (Sovetskoe radio, 1977)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(96s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.7 MB

Bishop C. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (ISBN 0387310738)(Springer, 2006)(749s)_CsAi_.pdf

4.7 MB

Bochkar#ov O. Yu. Teoriya kolektivnoyi povedinki (Multiagent systems). Konspekt lekcij (L#viv, 2004)(ua)(55s)_CsAi_.pdf

1.4 MB

Bolc L. (ed.) Natural language communication with computers (LNCS0063, Springer, 1978)(ISBN 038708911X)(T)(288s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.6 MB

Bramer M., Devedzic V. (eds.) Artificial intelligence applications and innovations (Kluwer, 2004)(ISBN 1402081510)(K)(T)(C)(499s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.1 MB

Bratko I. Programmirovanie na yazyke PROLOG dlya iskustvennogo intellekta(Mir, 1990)(html)(ru).rar

558.0 KB

Bratko I. Programmirovanie na yazyke PROLOG dlya iskustvennogo intellekta(Mir, 1990)(ru)(T)(559s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.2 MB

Bratko I. Prolog programming for artificial intelligence (3ed., AW, 2001)(ISBN 0201403757)(KA)(T)(704s)_CsAi_.djvu

5.6 MB

Cesa-Bianchi N., Lugosi G. Prediction, learning, and games (CUP, 2006)(ISBN 0521841089)(407s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.4 MB

Crockett L. The Turing Test and the Frame Problem.. AI#s Mistaken Understanding of Intelligence (1994)(216s).pdf.gz

529.8 KB

Dautehnahn, Bond, Canamero, Edmonds (eds.) Socially intelligent agents.. creating relationsihps (Kluwer, 2002)(298s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.1 MB

Duda R., Hart P. Raspoznavanie obrazov i analiz scen (Mir, 1976)(ru)(K)(T)(507s).djvu

7.3 MB

Emel#yanov V.V., Kurejchik V.V., Kurejchik V.M. Teoriya i praktika e#volyucionnogo modelirovaniya (FML, 2003)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(432s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.6 MB

Freidman M., Kandel A. Introduction To Pattern Recognition.. Statistical, Structural, Neural and Fuzzy Logic Approaches (WSP, 1999)(T)(345s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.0 MB

Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. The elements of statistical learning (2001)(T)(C)(524s).djvu

4.1 MB

Friedman J., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. The elements of statistical learning.. Data mining, inference, and prediction (2ed., Springer, 2008)(ISBN 0387848576)(809s)_CsAi_.pdf

11.5 MB

Fu K.S. Strukturnye metody v raspoznavanii obrazov (Mir, 1977)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(320s)_CsAi_.djvu

5.9 MB

Furman Ya.A. (red.) Kompleksnoznachnye i giperkompleksnye sistemy v zadachax obrabotki mnogomernyx signalov (FML, 2004)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(456s)_CsAi_.djvu

6.6 MB

Furuhashi T. (ed.) Advances in Fuzzy Logic Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. Proc. Workshop Nagoya, 1994 (LNCS1011, Springer, 1995)(ISBN 3540606076)(T)(155s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.6 MB

Futi K., Sudzuki N. Yazyki programmirovaniya i sxemotexnika SBIS (Mir, 1988)(ru)(KA)(T)(224s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.0 MB

German O.V., Ofitserov D.V. Problem solving (no title,no TOC)(Elsevier, 1995)(ISBN 0444822267)(T)(419s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.4 MB

Giannopoulou E. (ed.) Data mining in medical and biological research (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9789537619305)(600dpi)(T)(O)(330s)_CsAi_.djvu

4.5 MB

Grimm M., Kroscel K. (eds.) Robust speech recognition and understanding (I-Tech, 2007)(ISBN 9783902613080)(468s)_CsAi_.pdf

5.8 MB

Grimshaw D. CPS 720 Artificial Intelligence topics with agents (MIT lecture notes, 2001)(1016s).pdf.gz

6.1 MB

Grishman R. Computational linguistics.. an introduction (CUP, 1986)(ISBN 0521310385)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(195s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.0 MB

Herbrich R. Learning kernel classifiers. Theory and algorithms(MIT,2002)(382s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.7 MB

Herbrich R. Learning Kernel Classifiers.. Theory and Algorithms (MIT,2002)(ISBN 026208306X)(371s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.8 MB

Hofstadter D. Fluid concepts and creative analogies (Basic Books, 1995)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(511s)_CsAi_.djvu

5.4 MB

Hogger K. Vvedenie v logicheskoe programmirovanie (Mir, 1988)(ru)(T)(350s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.6 MB

Holmes J., Holmes W. Speech synthesis and recognition (2ed., Taylor & Francis, 2001)(ISBN 0748408576)(317s)_CsAi_.pdf

3.1 MB

Jackson P., Moulinier I. (eds.) Natural language processing for online applications.. text retrieval, extraction and categorization (2002)(237s).pdf

1.3 MB

Jang J.-S.R., Sun C.-T., Mizutani E. Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing.. a computational approach to learning and machine intelligence (PH, 1997)(400dpi)(640s).djvu

5.7 MB

Jang J.-S.R., Sun C.-T., Mizutani E. Neuro-fuzzy and soft computing.. a computational approach to learning and machine intelligence (PH, 1997)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0132610663)(640s).djvu

7.3 MB

Kecman V. Learning and Soft Computing.. Support Vector Machines, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Models (MIT Press,2001)(ISBN 0262112558)(400dpi)(T)(568s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.4 MB

Kitamura T. (ed.) What should be computed to understand and model brain function (WS, 2001)(ISBN 9810245181)(T)(323s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.7 MB

Konar A. Artificial intelligence and soft computing (CRC, 2000)(T)(ISBN 0849313856)(787s).djvu

4.4 MB

Konar A. Computational intelligence. Principles techniques and applications (Springer, 2005)(600dpi)(T)(C)(713s)_CsAi_.djvu

4.3 MB

Koval#ski R. Logika v reshenii problem(Nauka, 1990)(600dpi)(KA)(ru)(T)(280s)_CsAi_.djvu

4.2 MB

Kozlov V.N. E#lementy matematicheskoj teorii zritel#nogo vospriyatiya (MGU, 2001)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(122s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.4 MB

Larichev O.I., Mechitov A.I., Moshkovich E.M., Furems E.M. Vyyavlenie e#kspertnyx znanij (Nauka, 1989)(600dpi)(K)(T)(128s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.1 MB

Lederberg J., Hunter L. Artificial Intelligence and Molecular Biology (MIT Press,1993)(ISBN 0262581159)(468s).pdf

1.6 MB

Levinson S.E. Mathematical Models for Speech Technology (Wiley,2005)(ISBN 0470844078)(284s)_CsAi_.pdf

1.7 MB

Luger G., Stubblefield W. Artificial Intelligence.. Structures And Strategies For Complex Problem Solving(3ed., AW, 1998)(T)(851s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.9 MB

MacKay D.J.C. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms (CUP, 2003)(600dpi)(T)(640s).djvu

10.9 MB

MacKay D.J.C. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms (CUP, 2003)(640s).pdf

11.5 MB

MacKay. Information, inference, learning algorithms (draft book)(711s).ps.bz2

3.5 MB

MacKay. Information, inference, learning algorithms (draft book)(TeX source).tex.bz2

634.6 KB

Mahadevan S. Representation discovery using harmonic analysis (Morgan, 2008)(ISBN 1598296590)(160s)_CsAi_.pdf

5.4 MB

Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. (eds.) Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems (IOS Press, 2003)(400dpi)(409s).djvu

8.6 MB

Melo-Pinto P., Teodorescu H.-N., Fukuda T. (eds.) Systematic organisation of information in fuzzy systems (IOS Press, 2003)(400dpi)(T)(409s).djvu

9.7 MB

Metakides G., Neroud A. Principy logiki i logicheskogo programmirovanija(Faktorial, 1998)(ru)(T)(288s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.7 MB

Michie D., Spiegelhalter D.J., Taylor C.C. (eds.) Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical Classification (1994)(200dpi)(T)(298s).djvu

2.0 MB

Mihajlov A.I. (red.) Semiotika i informatika (vyp.8) (VINITI, 1977)(KA)(ru)(600dpi)(T)(217s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.0 MB

Mihelic F., Zibert J. (eds.) Speech recognition. Technologies and applications (I-Tech, 2008)(ISBN 9789537619299)(600dpi)(T)(O)(574s)_CsAi_.djvu

7.3 MB

Mohammadian, Sarker, Yao. Computational intelligence in control (2003)(T)(C)(ISBN 1591400376)(348s).djvu

3.8 MB

Neal R. Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods (Toronto, 1993) (T)(144s).djvu

1.2 MB

Nejlor K. (_C.Naylor_) Kak postroit# svoyu e#kspertnuyu sistemu (1991)(ru)(T)(286s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.5 MB

Nemenman I.M. Information theory and learning.. a physical approach (Princeton PhD thesis, 2000)(physics_0009032)(140s).djvu

453.8 KB

Nemenman I.M. Information theory and learning.. a physical approach (Princeton PhD thesis, 2000)(physics_0009032)(T)(140s).djvu

743.4 KB

Nil#son N. (_Nilsson_) Principy iskusstvennogo intellekta (RiS, 1985)(ru)(T)(374s)_CsAi_.djvu

6.5 MB

Nilsson N. Problem solving methods in artificial intelligence (MGH, 1971)(T)(268s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.5 MB

Nilsson N.J. Introduction to machine learning (lecture notes, 1996)(T)(208s).djvu

1.2 MB

Nilsson N.J. Introduction to machine learning (web draft, 1996)(208s)_CsAi_.pdf

1.4 MB

Pal S.K., Pal A. (ed.) Pattern recognition.. From Classical to Modern Approaches (WSP, 2001)(ISBN 9810246846)(T)(635s)_CsAi_.djvu

6.1 MB

Popov E#.V. (red.) Iskusstvennyj intellekt.. V 3 kn. Kn. 1. Sistemy obshcheniya i e#kspertnye sistemy.. Spravochnik (Radio i svyaz#, 1990)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(400dpi)(464s)(ISBN 5256003658)_CsAi_.djvu

7.3 MB

Popov E#.V. Obshchenie s E#VM na estestvennom jazyke (Nauka, 1982)(ru)(T)(360s)_CsAi_.djvu

6.0 MB

Pospelov D.A. (red.) Iskusstvennyj intellekt. V 3-x kn. Kn. 2. Modeli i metody.. Spravochnik(Radio i svyaz#, 1990)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(304s)(ISBN 5256003682)_CsAi_.djvu

5.5 MB

Pospelov D.A. Modelirovanie rassuzhdenij. Opyt analiza myslitel#nyh aktov (Radio i svyaz#, 1989)(ru)(net str.54,55,164,165)(T)(180s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.0 MB

Pribram K. JAzyki mozga (Progress, 1975)(ru)(T)(464s)(K)_CsAi_.djvu

9.5 MB

Rasmussen C., Williams C. Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning(MIT, 2006)(ISBN 026218253X)(266s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.8 MB

Rassel S., Norvig P. (_S.J.Russell,P.Norvig_) Iskusstvennyj intellekt.. sovremennyj podxod (2e izd., Vil#yams, 2006)(ISBN 5845908876)(ru)(K)(T)(O)(600dpi)(1409s)_CsAi_.djvu

18.2 MB

Rastrigin L.A. Adaptacija slozhnyh sistem (Riga, 1981)(ru)(T)(C)(394s).djvu

5.3 MB

Raynor W.J. The international dictionary of artificial intelligence (Glenlake, 1999)(ISBN 0814404448)(295s)_CsAi_.pdf

787.7 KB

Romanenko. Refal-4, rasshirenie Refala-2 (1987)(ru)(30s).djvu

286.6 KB

Romanenko. Refal-4, rasshirenie Refala-2 (1987)(ru)(T)(30s).djvu

334.6 KB

Ruan D., H#hondt P., et al. (eds.) Applied artificial intelligence. Proc. 7th FLINS conf. (WS, 2006)(ISBN 9812566902)(T)(O)(1019s)_CsAi_.djvu

9.2 MB

Russell S.J., Norvig P. (eds.) Artificial intelligence.. A modern approach (2ed., PH, 2003)(K)(T)(1109s).djvu

13.6 MB

Russell, Norvig. Artificial intelligence - a modern approach (PH, 1995)(T)(ISBN 0131038052)(947s).djvu

11.9 MB

Rutkowski L. Computational Intelligence.. methods and techniques (Springer, 2008)(ISBN 3540762876)(600dpi)(T)(519s)_CsAi_.djvu

4.0 MB

Sarker R.A., H.A.Abbass, C.S.Newton. Heuristic and Optimization for Knowledge Discovery (Idea Group,2002)(ISBN 1930708262)(301s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.3 MB

Scheutz M. (ed.) Computationalism (MIT, 2002)(223s).pdf

704.1 KB

Scheutz M. (ed.) Computationalism.. New Directions (MIT,2002)(ISBN 0262194783)(217s).pdf

618.0 KB

Shafer G. Probabilistic expert systems (SIAM, 1996)(ISBN 0898713730)(T)(O)(91s)_CsAi_.djvu

852.3 KB

Smola A.J., Schoelkopf B. Tutorial on support vector regression (2003)(24s).pdf

373.3 KB

Smolin D.V. Vvedenie v iskusstvennyj intellekt.. konspekt lekcij (FML, 2004)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(208s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.7 MB

Spitzer M. Lernen (Spektrum, 2002)(KA)(de)(600dpi)(T)(528s)_CsAi_.djvu

13.2 MB

Stobo Dzh. Jazyk programmirovanija Prolog (RiS, 1993)(ru)(T)(366s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.1 MB

T#yuring A. (_Turing A.M._) Mozhet li mashina myslit# (GIFML, 1960)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(112s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.6 MB

Tanimoto S.L. Elements of artificial intelligence.. an introduction using LISP (1987)(T)(553s).djvu

7.2 MB

Teiz A., Gribomon P., i dr. Logicheskij podhod k iskustvennomu intellektu (Mir, 1990)(ru)(KA)(T)(430s)_CsAi_.djvu

3.2 MB


2.9 KB

Turchin V.F. Metaalgoritmicheskij jazyk (Kibernetika, 1968)(ru)(C)(10s).djvu

233.3 KB

Turchin V.F. Metaalgoritmicheskij jazyk (Kibernetika, 1968)(ru)(T)(C)(10s).djvu

284.7 KB

Vagin V.N., i dr. Dostovernyj i pravdopodobnyj vyvod v intellektual#nyx sistemax (FML, 2004)(ru)(K)(600dpi)(T)(704s)_CsAi_.djvu

5.8 MB

Vapnik V. Statistical Learning Theory (Wiley 1998)(400dpi)(T)(740s).djvu

5.8 MB

Vapnik V. Statistical Learning Theory (Wiley 1998)(400dpi)(T)(ISBN 0471030031)(740s).djvu

5.6 MB

Vapnik V.N. The nature of statistical learning theory (2ed., Springer, 2000)(K)(150dpi)(T)(332s).djvu

2.1 MB

Vapnik V.N. The nature of statistical learning theory (2ed., Springer, 2000)(K)(150dpi)(T)(ISBN 0387987800)(332s).djvu

2.2 MB

Weiss G. (ed.) Multiagent systems.. a modern approach to distributed artificial intelligence (MIT, 1999)(585s).pdf.gz

2.8 MB

Weitzenfeld A., M.A.Arbib, A.Alexander. The Neural Simulation Language.. A System for Brain Modeling (Bradford Book,2002)(ISBN 0262731495)(460s)_CsAi_.pdf

4.2 MB

Winograd T., Flores F. Understanding computers and cognition (AW, 1987)(ISBN 0201112973)(T)(221s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.9 MB

Xrennikov A.Yu. Modelirovanie processov myshleniya v r-adicheskix sistemax koordinat (FML, 2004)(ru)(T)(K)(600dpi)(296s)_CsAi_.djvu

2.9 MB

Zaknich A. Principles of adaptive filters and self-learning systems (Springer 2005)(397s)_CsAi_.pdf

2.4 MB

Zakrevskij A.D. Logika raspoznavaniya (Minsk, 1988)(ru)(T)(119s)_CsAi_.djvu

1.1 MB

Zaxarov V.N., Xoroshevskij V.F. (red.) Iskusstvennyj intellekt.. V 3 kn. Kn. 3. Programmnye i apparatnye sredstva.. Spravochnik (Radio i svyaz#, 1990)(ru)(T)(K)(O)(600dpi)(368s)_CsAi_.djvu

6.2 MB


Abel#son X., Sassman D. (_Abelson,Sussman_) Struktura i interpretaciya komp#yuternyx programm (Dobrosvet, 2006)(ru)(608s)_CsAl_.pdf

4.0 MB

Abelson A., Sussman G.J. Structure and interpretation of computer programs (2ed., MIT, 1996)(ISBN 0262011530)(634s)_CsAl_.pdf

1.8 MB

Agarwal, et al. (ed.) Proc. 18th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete algorithms (SIAM 2007)(ISBN 9780898716245)(600dpi)(T)(O)(1334s)_CsAl_.djvu

23.0 MB

Aho A., Hopkroft Dzh., Ul#man Dzh. Postroenie i analiz vychislitel#nyh algoritmov (Mir, 1979)(net s.5)(ru)(T)(536s).djvu

5.8 MB

Aho A., Hopkroft Dzh., Ul#man Dzh. Postroenie i analiz vychislitel#nyh algoritmov (Mir, 1979)(ru)(T)(536s)_CsAl_.djvu

5.8 MB

Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 1. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Sintaksicheskij analiz (Mir, 1978)(ru)(230dpi)(L)(T)(308s).djvu

6.4 MB

Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 1. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Sintaksicheskij analiz (Mir, 1978)(ru)(230dpi)(L)(T)(309s)_CsAl_.djvu

6.5 MB

Aho A., Ul#man Dzh. Tom 2. Teorija sintaksicheskogo analiza, perevoda i kompilyacii. Kompilyacija (Mir, 1978)(ru)(L)(T)(243s).djvu

4.8 MB

Aho A.V., Hopkroft Dzh.E#., Ul#man Dzh.D. Struktury dannyh i algoritmy (2000)(ru)(382s).djvu

3.0 MB

Aho A.V., Hopkroft Dzh.E#., Ul#man Dzh.D. Struktury dannyh i algoritmy (2000)(ru)(T)(382s).djvu

4.3 MB

Aho A.V., Lam M.S., Sethi R., Ullman J.D. Compilers.. Principles, techniques, and tools (2ed., AW, 2007)(ISBN 0321486811)(KA)(400dpi)(T)(1038s)_CsAl_.djvu

6.0 MB

Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Vol.1.. Parsing (PH, 1972)(ISBN 0139145567)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(562s)_CsAl_.djvu

7.3 MB

Aho A.V., Ullman J.D. The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. Vol.2.. Compiling (PH, 1973)(ISBN 0139145648)(KA)(150dpi)(T)(484s)_CsAl_.djvu

4.5 MB

Al-Jaber Ah. Combinatorial properties of heapsort (Dissertation, 1985)(T)(75s)_CsAl_.djvu

480.0 KB

Alagic S., Arbib M.A. The design of well-structured and correct programs (Springer, 1978)(ISBN 0387902996)(600dpi)(T)(301s)_CsAl_.djvu

2.5 MB

Alexander M., Gardner W. Process algebra for parallel and distributed processing (CRC, 2009)(ISBN 142006486X)(440s)_CsAl_.pdf

3.7 MB

Anan#evskij M.S., i dr. Sankt-Peterburgskie olimpiady po kibernetike (SPb, Nauka, 2005)(ru)(400dpi)(T)(333s)(K)_CsAl_.djvu

3.3 MB

Andreeva E.V., i dr. (red.) Moskovskie olimpiady po informatike (MCNMO, 2006)(ISBN 5940572332)(ru)(600dpi)(K)(T)(O)(256s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.5 MB

Arge L., et al. (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and 1st workshop on Combinatorics (SIAM, 2004)(ISBN 0898715644)(T)(O)(242s)_CsAl_.djvu

4.7 MB

Arndt J. Algorithms for programmers.. ideas and source code (web draft, 19.01.2008)(938s)_CsAl_.pdf

2.9 MB

Arsak Zh. Programmirovanie igr i golovolomok (Nauka, 1990)(ru)(K)(T)(222s).djvu

2.6 MB

Asano T. (ed.) Proceedings ISAAC 2006, Kolkata, India (LNCS4288, Springer, 2007)(ISBN 3540496947)(782s)_CsAl_.pdf

7.8 MB

Astfalk G. (ed.) Applications on advanced architecture computers (SIAM, 1996)(ISBN 0898713684)(T)(O)(378s)_CsAl_.djvu

3.1 MB

Atallah M.J. (ed.) Algorithms and theory of computation handbook (CRC, 1999)(T)(ISBN 0849326494)(1265s).djvu

11.6 MB

Attiya H., Welch J. Distributed Computing.. Fundamentals, Simulations, and Advanced Topics (Wiley, 2004)(ISBN 0471453242)(T)(416s).djvu

4.2 MB

Baknell D.M. (_Bucknall_) Fundamental#nye algoritmy i struktury dannyx v Delphi (DiaSoft, 2003)(ru)(T)(K)(300dpi)(557s)(ISBN 5937720873)_CsAl_.djvu

14.2 MB

Barron D. Rekursivnye metody v programmirovanii (Mir, 1974)(600dpi)(KA)(ru)(T)(80s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.5 MB

Bauer F.L., De Remer F.L., et al. Compiler Construction (LNCS0021, Springer, 1974)(ISBN 3540069585)(T)(O)(636s)_CsAl_.djvu

4.1 MB

Bednorz W. Advances in greedy algorithms (In-Teh, 2008)(ISBN 9537619273)(600dpi)(T)(O)(596s)_CsAl_.djvu

8.4 MB

Bentley J. More programming pearls (Addison-Wesley, 1988)(T)(204s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.6 MB

Bentley J. Programming pearls (Addison-Wesley, 1986)(T)(195s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.8 MB

Bentley J. Writing efficient programs (PH Inc, 2000)(T)(183s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.4 MB

Benvenuto N., Cherubini G. Algorithms for Communications Systems and Their Applications (Wiley,2002)(ISBN 0470843896)(T)(1305s)_CsAl_.djvu

8.6 MB

Berdzh V. (_Burge W.H._) Metody rekursivnogo programmirovaniya (Mashinostroenie, 1983)(ru)(T)(K)(248s)_CsAl_.djvu

2.5 MB

Berlekamp E., Wolfe D. Mathematical Go.. Chilling gets the last point (1994)(ISBN 1568810326)(KA)(T)(247s)_CsAl_.djvu

2.1 MB

Berry M.W., Browne M. Understanding search engines (SIAM, 2005)(ISBN 0898715814)(T)(O)(136s)_CsAl_.djvu

847.2 KB

Bhattacharya A., Konar A., Mandal A. Parallel and distributed logic programming (Springer, 2006)(301s)_CsAl_.pdf

1.8 MB

Bjorner D. Software Engineering 3 (Springer 2006)(600dpi)(T)(774s)_CsAl_.djvu

6.4 MB

Boissonnat J.D., Yvinet M. Algorithmic Geometry (CUP, 1998)(L)(T)(272s).djvu

3.3 MB

Booch G., et al. Object-oriented analysis and design with applications(3ed, AW, 2007)(717s)_CsAl_.pdf

8.2 MB

Brandes U., Erlebach T. (eds.) Network analysis. Methodological foundations (LNCS3418, Springer, 2005)(482s)_CsAl_.pdf

4.1 MB

Brudno A.L., Kaplan L.I. Moskovskie olimpiady po programmirovaniyu (Nauka, 1990)(ru)(ISBN 5020143944)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(208s)_CsAl_.djvu

3.0 MB

Bunt H., Carroll J., Satta G. (eds.) New Developments in Parsing Technology (Springer, 2004)(ISBN 140202293X)(400dpi)(T)(407s)_CsAl_.djvu

3.3 MB

Catthoor F., et al. Data access and storage management for embedded programmable processors (Kluwer, 2002)(T)(314s)_CsAl_.djvu

5.0 MB

Chu. Speech Coding Algorithms.. Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders (Wiley,2003)(ISBN 0471373125)(578s).pdf

3.6 MB

Clarke E.M., Grumberg O., Peled D.A. Model checking (no some pages)(MIT, 2000)(ISBN 0262032708)(K)(T)(326s)_CsAl_.djvu

2.0 MB

Coffman E.G., Lueker G. Probabilistic analysis of packing partitioning algorithms (Wiley, 1991)(T)(202s)_CsAl_.djvu

1.7 MB

Cohen A.M., et al. (eds.) International Congress on Mathematical Software (WS, 2002)(ISBN 9812380485)(T)(O)(529s)_CsAl_.djvu

4.1 MB

Comon H., et al. Tree automata techniques and applications (web draft, 2005)(222s)_CsAl_.pdf

1.4 MB

Cooper R.B. Introduction to Queueing Theory (NH, 1981)(T)(C)(361s).djvu

4.9 MB

Cormen T.H., Lee C., Lin E. Instructor#s manual for Introduction to algorithms, 2ed. (MIT, 2002)(429s)_CsAl_.pdf

1.5 MB

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