
Download [DesireCourse.Com] Udemy - React JS Web Development - The Essentials Bootcamp

DesireCourse Com Udemy React JS Web Development The Essentials Bootcamp


[DesireCourse.Com] Udemy - React JS Web Development - The Essentials Bootcamp

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3.3 GB

Total Files




/1. Introduction/

1. What You’ll Get From Taking this Course.mp4

14.3 MB

1. What You’ll Get From Taking this Course.vtt

5.7 KB

2. A 7m Overview of Web Development and React.mp4

26.1 MB

2. A 7m Overview of Web Development and React.vtt

9.5 KB

3. [IMPORTANT] Course Repo and Software Installations.html

2.3 KB

/10. [Deprecated] Building MusicMaster - with an API/

1. IMPORTANT Before You Start MusicMaster.html

1.3 KB

10. Building the Artist Profile.mp4

12.3 MB

10. Building the Artist Profile.vtt

5.4 KB

11. Styling New Components with CSS.mp4

23.3 MB

11. Styling New Components with CSS.vtt

10.7 KB

12. Expanding the Fetch Request.mp4

16.2 MB

12. Expanding the Fetch Request.vtt

7.6 KB

13. Building a Gallery.mp4

23.5 MB

13. Building a Gallery.vtt

9.7 KB

14. Playing Audio with JavaScript.mp4

5.8 MB

14. Playing Audio with JavaScript.vtt

2.3 KB

15. Pausing a Track.mp4

7.7 MB

15. Pausing a Track.vtt

3.9 KB

16. Animated Styling.mp4

13.4 MB

16. Animated Styling.vtt

6.5 KB

17. Summary and Challenges.html

2.0 KB

2. Wireframing MusicMaster.mp4

3.8 MB

2. Wireframing MusicMaster.vtt

1.7 KB

3. Setting Up MusicMaster.mp4

3.5 MB

3. Setting Up MusicMaster.vtt

2.0 KB

3.1 Source Code for MusicMaster.html

0.1 KB

4. Creating the App Component.mp4

8.6 MB

4. Creating the App Component.vtt

4.3 KB

5. Styling with Bootstrap.mp4

9.3 MB

5. Styling with Bootstrap.vtt

4.7 KB

6. Searching for Artists.mp4

8.6 MB

6. Searching for Artists.vtt

4.6 KB

7. Coding Break Web Requests.html

1.4 KB

8. Preparing a Web Request.mp4

13.8 MB

8. Preparing a Web Request.vtt

6.3 KB

9. Fetching Data with a Url.mp4

6.3 MB

9. Fetching Data with a Url.vtt

3.8 KB

/11. [Deprecated] Building ReminderPro - with Redux and Cookies/

1. Wireframing ReminderPro.mp4

2.4 MB

1. Wireframing ReminderPro.vtt

1.9 KB

10. Reducing the List Component.mp4

9.1 MB

10. Reducing the List Component.vtt

5.3 KB

11. Timestamping Reminders.mp4

9.4 MB

11. Timestamping Reminders.vtt

4.8 KB

12. Interpreting Moments with MomentJS.mp4

9.4 MB

12. Interpreting Moments with MomentJS.vtt

5.1 KB

13. Coding Break Cookies.html

0.7 KB

14. Baking Browser Cookies.mp4

7.1 MB

14. Baking Browser Cookies.vtt

4.4 KB

15. Clearing All Reminders.mp4

10.2 MB

15. Clearing All Reminders.vtt

4.9 KB

16. Summary and Challenges.html

2.5 KB

2. Introducing Redux.mp4

12.4 MB

2. Introducing Redux.vtt

5.5 KB

2.1 Source Code for ReminderPro.html

0.1 KB

3. Introducing Actions and Action Creators.mp4

10.1 MB

3. Introducing Actions and Action Creators.vtt

6.0 KB

4. Providing a Store and Introducing Reducers.mp4

11.9 MB

4. Providing a Store and Introducing Reducers.vtt

6.6 KB

5. Coding Break the Three Steps to Redux.html

1.5 KB

6. Mapping Dispatch To Props and Binding Action Creators.mp4

14.7 MB

6. Mapping Dispatch To Props and Binding Action Creators.vtt

7.8 KB

7. Mapping State to Props.mp4

6.5 MB

7. Mapping State to Props.vtt

4.2 KB

8. Rendering a List of Reminders.mp4

11.4 MB

8. Rendering a List of Reminders.vtt

7.0 KB

9. Deleting Reminders.mp4

12.0 MB

9. Deleting Reminders.vtt

6.7 KB

/12. [Deprecated] Building GoalCoach - with Redux, Authentication, and a Database/

1. Wireframing GoalCoach.mp4

2.5 MB

1. Wireframing GoalCoach.vtt

1.8 KB

10. Logging the User with Redux.mp4

17.5 MB

10. Logging the User with Redux.vtt

8.2 KB

11. Developing the App Component.mp4

19.5 MB

11. Developing the App Component.vtt

9.7 KB

12. Creating a GoalList Component.mp4

10.7 MB

12. Creating a GoalList Component.vtt

5.1 KB

13. Reducing Goals in the Redux Store.mp4

7.0 MB

13. Reducing Goals in the Redux Store.vtt

4.7 KB

14. Combining our Reducers.mp4

13.1 MB

14. Combining our Reducers.vtt

6.3 KB

15. Mapping the Goals List.mp4

11.5 MB

15. Mapping the Goals List.vtt

5.8 KB

16. Completing a Goal.mp4

14.9 MB

16. Completing a Goal.vtt

7.0 KB

17. Removing a Goal.mp4

8.5 MB

17. Removing a Goal.vtt

4.7 KB

18. Adding Completed Goals to Redux.mp4

14.1 MB

18. Adding Completed Goals to Redux.vtt

7.0 KB

19. Rendering Completed Goals.mp4

13.6 MB

19. Rendering Completed Goals.vtt

7.1 KB

2. Setting Up the Index.mp4

11.0 MB

2. Setting Up the Index.vtt

5.1 KB

2.1 Source Code for GoalCoach.html

0.1 KB

20. Summary and Challenges.html

2.0 KB

3. Fixing React Router.html

0.6 KB

4. Navigating with React-Router.mp4

6.1 MB

4. Navigating with React-Router.vtt

3.0 KB

5. Adding Firebase to the Application.mp4

9.0 MB

5. Adding Firebase to the Application.vtt

4.6 KB

6. Setting Up Sign Up.mp4

19.2 MB

6. Setting Up Sign Up.vtt

8.8 KB

7. Writing Sign In.mp4

10.0 MB

7. Writing Sign In.vtt

5.0 KB

8. Coding Break Authentication.html

1.3 KB

9. Adding Redux to GoalCoach.mp4

6.5 MB

9. Adding Redux to GoalCoach.vtt

3.5 KB

/2. Welcome to React First React Application/

1. Section Overview First React Application.mp4

33.4 MB

1. Section Overview First React Application.vtt

4.1 KB

10. A React Rule Never Directly Modify State.mp4

47.2 MB

10. A React Rule Never Directly Modify State.vtt

8.6 KB

11. Class Properties and Initializers.mp4

29.6 MB

11. Class Properties and Initializers.vtt

4.8 KB

12. Component 2 Projects.mp4

91.0 MB

12. Component 2 Projects.vtt

15.3 KB

13. Props and Project Component.mp4

73.6 MB

13. Props and Project Component.vtt

11.0 KB

14. Challenge Social Profiles Component.mp4

34.7 MB

14. Challenge Social Profiles Component.vtt

5.6 KB

15. Code Social Profiles Component.mp4

63.2 MB

15. Code Social Profiles Component.vtt

8.5 KB

16. Wrap up with Low-Hanging Styling Fruit.mp4

106.9 MB

16. Wrap up with Low-Hanging Styling Fruit.vtt

13.9 KB

17. Section Summary.html

1.8 KB

2. Set up the Portfolio App.mp4

25.0 MB

2. Set up the Portfolio App.vtt

6.1 KB

3. Run the React App and the React Project Structure.mp4

85.1 MB

3. Run the React App and the React Project Structure.vtt

12.9 KB

4. ReactDOM, Elements, and JSX.mp4

27.4 MB

4. ReactDOM, Elements, and JSX.vtt

7.3 KB

5. A React Component.mp4

37.2 MB

5. A React Component.vtt

8.1 KB

6. Classes - Overview.mp4

11.0 MB

6. Classes - Overview.vtt

4.7 KB

7. Classes, Inheritance, and a Closer Component Look.mp4

97.9 MB

7. Classes, Inheritance, and a Closer Component Look.vtt

13.6 KB

8. State.mp4

78.6 MB

8. State.vtt

12.1 KB

9. SetState.mp4

96.4 MB

9. SetState.vtt

12.1 KB

/3. Breaking down React React and Web Development/

1. Section Overview.mp4

39.8 MB

1. Section Overview.vtt

4.5 KB

2. React from Scratch.mp4

48.7 MB

2. React from Scratch.vtt

13.5 KB

3. Compiling, Bundling, and a Closer Look at JSX.mp4

78.2 MB

3. Compiling, Bundling, and a Closer Look at JSX.vtt

13.7 KB

4. Refactor the Portfolio to use Parcel.mp4

63.5 MB

4. Refactor the Portfolio to use Parcel.vtt

11.3 KB

5. The Necessity of Bundlers and Transpilers Review.mp4

17.2 MB

5. The Necessity of Bundlers and Transpilers Review.vtt

6.3 KB

6. The DOM and React’s Virtual DOM.mp4

37.6 MB

6. The DOM and React’s Virtual DOM.vtt

9.1 KB

7. Section Summary.html

2.3 KB

/4. Continued Main React Concepts/

1. Section Preview.mp4

20.2 MB

1. Section Preview.vtt

3.0 KB

10. React Router.mp4

63.8 MB

10. React Router.vtt

10.4 KB

11. Header Component.mp4

61.9 MB

11. Header Component.vtt

9.8 KB

12. Higher Order Components.mp4

70.3 MB

12. Higher Order Components.vtt

10.1 KB

13. Section Summary.html

1.8 KB

2. Lifecycle Methods and componentDidMount.mp4

75.0 MB

2. Lifecycle Methods and componentDidMount.vtt

12.4 KB

3. ComponentWillUnmount.mp4

58.1 MB

3. ComponentWillUnmount.vtt

7.7 KB

4. [Optional] Title Fade.mp4

72.7 MB

4. [Optional] Title Fade.vtt

10.9 KB

5. Stateless Functional Components.mp4

83.0 MB

5. Stateless Functional Components.vtt

10.9 KB

6. [Optional] HTTP Overview.mp4

12.2 MB

6. [Optional] HTTP Overview.vtt

5.7 KB

7. Fetch and a Jokes Component.mp4

87.7 MB

7. Fetch and a Jokes Component.vtt

13.9 KB

8. Challenge and Code Ten More Jokes.mp4

79.5 MB

8. Challenge and Code Ten More Jokes.vtt

10.4 KB

9. Fetch Under the Hood Promises.mp4

89.0 MB

9. Fetch Under the Hood Promises.vtt

15.3 KB

/5. Core React Concepts Review/

1. Core React Review.mp4

23.4 MB

1. Core React Review.vtt

8.6 KB

2. Core React - Glossary of Key Terms.html

3.3 KB

/6. Core React Project MusicMaster 2.0/

1. Section and Project Preview.mp4

44.5 MB

1. Section and Project Preview.vtt

4.4 KB

10. Section Summary.html

1.2 KB

2. Set up Music Master and Your Own React App Template.mp4

69.2 MB

2. Set up Music Master and Your Own React App Template.vtt

10.1 KB

3. Track User Input in the State.mp4

54.7 MB

3. Track User Input in the State.vtt

8.7 KB

4. Challenge and Code Search an Artist’s Top Tracks.mp4

94.4 MB

4. Challenge and Code Search an Artist’s Top Tracks.vtt

12.3 KB

5. Challenge and Code Artist Component.mp4

76.3 MB

5. Challenge and Code Artist Component.vtt

11.4 KB

6. Tracks Component.mp4

124.0 MB

6. Tracks Component.vtt

16.0 KB

7. Search Component and Lifting State Up in Callback Props.mp4

74.4 MB

7. Search Component and Lifting State Up in Callback Props.vtt

10.6 KB

8. Styling Finishing Touches.mp4

102.7 MB

8. Styling Finishing Touches.vtt

13.0 KB

9. Include Music Master in Portfolio.mp4

33.8 MB

9. Include Music Master in Portfolio.vtt

5.4 KB

/7. Conclusion and Course Sequel/

1. Congratulations and Course Sequel.mp4

6.4 MB

1. Congratulations and Course Sequel.vtt

2.5 KB

2. Redux Overview [Redux Bootcamp Preview].mp4

18.8 MB

2. Redux Overview [Redux Bootcamp Preview].vtt

7.9 KB

3. Bonus Content!.html

3.7 KB

/8. Deprecrated Content/

1. Deprecrated Content.html

0.3 KB

/9. [Deprecated] Building CountdownChamp - Your First React Application/

1. Wireframing CountdownChamp.mp4

1.4 MB

1. Wireframing CountdownChamp.vtt

1.0 KB

10. Introducing Props.mp4

4.2 MB

10. Introducing Props.vtt

2.4 KB

11. Coding Break Updating State.html

1.2 KB

12. Calculating Time Until.mp4

14.1 MB

12. Calculating Time Until.vtt

6.6 KB

13. Hooking with LifeCycle Methods.mp4

9.9 MB

13. Hooking with LifeCycle Methods.vtt

4.9 KB

14. Adding Helper Methods with Ternary Expressions.mp4

5.5 MB

14. Adding Helper Methods with Ternary Expressions.vtt

2.2 KB

15. Styling with React Bootstrap.mp4

9.7 MB

15. Styling with React Bootstrap.vtt

4.2 KB

16. Summary and Challenges.html

1.9 KB

2. Building Your First Application.mp4

5.2 MB

2. Building Your First Application.vtt

3.4 KB

2.1 Source Code for CountdownChamp.html

0.1 KB

3. Editing the Application.mp4

4.1 MB

3. Editing the Application.vtt

2.5 KB

4. Creating Your First Component.mp4

7.3 MB

4. Creating Your First Component.vtt

4.8 KB

5. Structuring the Application.mp4

15.7 MB

5. Structuring the Application.vtt

7.9 KB

5.1 Source Code for CountdownChamp.html

0.1 KB

6. Introducing State.mp4

5.2 MB

6. Introducing State.vtt

3.3 KB

7. Updating State.mp4

7.3 MB

7. Updating State.vtt

3.8 KB

8. Changing Data with the Input Field.mp4

9.9 MB

8. Changing Data with the Input Field.vtt

4.5 KB

9. Creating a Clock Component.mp4

9.0 MB

9. Creating a Clock Component.vtt

3.7 KB



0.8 KB


0.1 KB


Total files 238

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