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[ ] Udemy - C# - .NET - 50 Essential Interview Questions (Mid Level)

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0.2 KB

/1. Introduction/

1. Welcome! (Basic information and how to get help).mp4

30.4 MB

1. Welcome! (Basic information and how to get help).srt

4.3 KB

1.1 Anki flashcards deck - NET - 50 Interview Questions (Mid).apkg

39.4 KB

1.2 CSharp Net 50 Interview Questions Mid.pdf

12.5 MB

1.3 Flashcards - how to use them.pdf

65.1 KB

1.4 Junior Csharp DotNet 15 Essential Junior Level Topics.pdf

2.7 MB

1.5 PrintableFlashcards.pdf

315.2 KB

2. C#, .NET and Visual Studio versions.html

0.6 KB

3. Installing Visual Studio.mp4

33.8 MB

3. Installing Visual

4.8 KB

4. Accessing the code - link to the repository.html

0.3 KB

5. Accessing the code.mp4

20.9 MB

5. Accessing the

2.3 KB

/.../10. What are generations/

1. What are generations.mp4

30.3 MB

1. What are

7.9 KB

1.1 9_GarbageCollectorGenerations.pdf

74.1 KB

2. Quiz What are generations.html

0.2 KB

/.../11. What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize methods/

1. What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize methods.mp4

67.0 MB

1. What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize

13.9 KB

1.1 10_DisposeVsFinalize.pdf

215.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between Dispose and Finalize methods.html

0.2 KB

/.../12. What are default implementations in interfaces/

1. What are default implementations in interfaces.mp4

56.3 MB

1. What are default implementations in

11.2 KB

1.1 11_DefaultInterfaceImplementation.pdf

183.8 KB

2. Quiz What are default implementations in interfaces.html

0.2 KB

/.../13. What is deconstruction/

1. What is deconstruction.mp4

53.3 MB

1. What is

6.5 KB

1.1 12_Deconstruction.pdf

255.0 KB

2. Quiz What is deconstruction.html

0.2 KB

/.../14. Why is “catch(Exception)” almost always a bad idea (and when it is not)/

1. Why is “catch(Exception)” almost always a bad idea (and when it is not).mp4

46.8 MB

1. Why is “catch(Exception)” almost always a bad idea (and when it is not).srt

9.1 KB

1.1 13_CatchException.pdf

305.9 KB

2. Quiz Why is “catch(Exception)” almost always a bad idea (and when it is not).html

0.2 KB

/.../15. What is the difference between “throw” and “throw ex”/

1. What is the difference between “throw” and “throw ex”.mp4

48.3 MB

1. What is the difference between “throw” and “throw ex”.srt

8.5 KB

1.1 14_ThrowVsThrowEx.pdf

326.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between “throw” and “throw ex”.html

0.2 KB

/.../16. What is the difference between typeof and GetType/

1. What is the difference between typeof and GetType.mp4

32.5 MB

1. What is the difference between typeof and

5.1 KB

1.1 15_TypeofVsGetType.pdf

97.8 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between typeof and GetType.html

0.2 KB

/.../17. What is reflection/

1. What is reflection.mp4

57.2 MB

1. What is

9.5 KB

1.1 16_Reflection.pdf

170.2 KB

2. Quiz What is reflection.html

0.2 KB

/.../18. What are attributes/

1. What are attributes.mp4

65.2 MB

1. What are

9.2 KB

1.1 17_Attributes.pdf

349.7 KB

2. Quiz What are attributes.html

0.2 KB

/.../19. What is serialization/

1. What is serialization.mp4

66.0 MB

1. What is

8.1 KB

1.1 18_Serialization.pdf

149.1 KB

2. Quiz What is serialization.html

0.2 KB

/.../2. What is the difference between Tuples and ValueTuples/

1. What is the difference between Tuples and ValueTuples.mp4

51.1 MB

1. What is the difference between Tuples and

7.6 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between Tuples and ValueTuples.html

0.2 KB

/.../20. What is pattern matching/

1. What is pattern matching.mp4

57.1 MB

1. What is pattern

7.4 KB

1.1 19_PatternMatching.pdf

218.5 KB

2. Quiz What is pattern matching.html

0.2 KB

/.../21. How does the binary number system work/

1. How does the binary number system work.mp4

49.9 MB

1. How does the binary number system

15.0 KB

1.1 20_BinaryNumberSystem.pdf

247.5 KB

2. Quiz How does the binary number system work.html

0.2 KB

/.../22. What is the purpose of the “checked” keyword/

1. What is the purpose of the “checked” keyword.mp4

84.6 MB

1. What is the purpose of the “checked”

14.1 KB

1.1 21_CheckedKeyword.pdf

191.2 KB

2. Quiz What is the purpose of the “checked” keyword.html

0.2 KB

/.../23. What is the difference between double and decimal/

1. What is the difference between double and decimal.mp4

61.7 MB

1. What is the difference between double and

14.5 KB

1.1 22_DoubleVsDecimal.pdf

150.4 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between double and decimal.html

0.2 KB

/.../24. What is an Array/

1. What is an Array.mp4

40.0 MB

1. What is an

9.0 KB

1.1 23_Array.pdf

146.3 KB

2. Quiz What is an Array.html

0.2 KB

/.../25. What is a List/

1. What is a List.mp4

79.4 MB

1. What is a

13.6 KB

1.1 24_List.pdf

210.6 KB

2. Quiz What is a List.html

0.2 KB

/.../26. What is an ArrayList/

1. What is an ArrayList.mp4

48.5 MB

1. What is an

10.1 KB

1.1 25_ArrayList.pdf

128.8 KB

2. Quiz What is an ArrayList.html

0.2 KB

/.../27. What is the purpose of the GetHashCode method/

1. What is the purpose of the GetHashCode method.mp4

93.4 MB

1. What is the purpose of the GetHashCode

17.6 KB

1.1 26_GetHashCode.pdf

223.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the purpose of the GetHashCode method.html

0.2 KB

/.../28. What is a Dictionary/

1. What is a Dictionary.mp4

76.1 MB

1. What is a

11.8 KB

1.1 27_Dictionary.pdf

207.3 KB

2. Quiz What is a Dictionary.html

0.2 KB

/.../29. What are indexers/

1. What are indexers.mp4

40.1 MB

1. What are

5.2 KB

1.1 28_Indexers.pdf

129.4 KB

2. Quiz 28. What are indexers.html

0.2 KB

/.../3. What is the difference between is and as keywords/

1. What is the difference between is and as keywords.mp4

27.9 MB

1. What is the difference between is and as

4.1 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between is and as keywords.html

0.2 KB

/.../30. What is caching/

1. What is caching.mp4

85.0 MB

1. What is

14.3 KB

1.1 29_Caching.pdf

261.1 KB

2. Quiz What is caching.html

0.2 KB

/.../31. What are immutable types and what’s their purpose/

1. What are immutable types and what’s their purpose.mp4

78.4 MB

1. What are immutable types and what’s their

14.7 KB

1.1 30_ImmutableTypes.pdf

181.6 KB

2. Quiz What are immutable types and what’s their purpose.html

0.2 KB

/.../32. What are records and record structs/

1. What are records and record structs.mp4

62.5 MB

1. What are records and record

10.2 KB

1.1 31_Records.pdf

191.3 KB

2. Quiz What are records and record structs.html

0.2 KB

/.../33. Why does string behave like a value type even though it is a reference type/

1. Why does string behave like a value type even though it is a reference type.mp4

56.8 MB

1. Why does string behave like a value type even though it is a reference

10.1 KB

1.1 32_String.pdf

148.3 KB

2. Why does string behave like a value type even though it is a reference type.html

0.2 KB

/.../34. What is the difference between string and StringBuilder/

1. What is the difference between string and StringBuilder.mp4

43.3 MB

1. What is the difference between string and

8.5 KB

1.1 33_StringVsStringBuilder.pdf

176.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between string and StringBuilder.html

0.2 KB

/.../35. What is operator overloading/

1. What is operator overloading.mp4

57.0 MB

1. What is operator

10.0 KB

1.1 34_OperatorsOveloading.pdf

148.2 KB

2. Quiz What is operator overloading.html

0.2 KB

/.../36. What are anonymous types/

1. What are anonymous types.mp4

69.7 MB

1. What are anonymous

9.8 KB

1.1 35_AnonymousTypes.pdf

185.7 KB

2. Quiz What are anonymous types.html

0.2 KB

/.../37. What is cohesion/

1. What is cohesion.mp4

72.6 MB

1. What is

11.3 KB

1.1 36_Cohesion.pdf

275.1 KB

2. Quiz What is cohesion.html

0.2 KB

/.../38. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌coupling‌/

1. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌coupling‌.mp4

59.0 MB

1. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌coupling‌.srt

9.9 KB

1.1 37_Coupling.pdf

206.3 KB

2. Quiz What‌ ‌is‌ ‌coupling‌.html

0.2 KB

/.../39. What is the Strategy design pattern/

1. What is the Strategy design pattern.mp4

68.7 MB

1. What is the Strategy design

6.9 KB

1.1 38_StrategyDesignPattern.pdf

211.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the Strategy design pattern.html

0.2 KB

/.../4. What is the use of the “using” keyword/

1. What is the use of the “using” keyword.mp4

53.7 MB

1. What is the use of the “using”

8.1 KB

2. Quiz What is the use of the “using” keyword.html

0.2 KB

/.../40. What is the Dependency Injection design pattern/

1. What is the Dependency Injection design pattern.mp4

85.9 MB

1. What is the Dependency Injection design

13.9 KB

1.1 39_DependencyInjectionDesignPattern.pdf

211.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the Dependency Injection design pattern.html

0.2 KB

/.../41. What is the Template Method design pattern/

1. What is the Template Method design pattern.mp4

64.5 MB

1. What is the Template Method design

7.6 KB

1.1 40_TemplateMethodDesignPattern.pdf

285.5 KB

2. Quiz What is the Template Method design pattern.html

0.2 KB

/.../42. What is the Decorator design pattern/

1. What is the Decorator design pattern.mp4

83.7 MB

1. What is the Decorator design

8.8 KB

1.1 41_DecoratorDesignPattern.pdf

346.8 KB

2. Quiz What is the Decorator design pattern.html

0.2 KB

/.../43. What is the Observer design pattern/

1. What is the Observer design pattern.mp4

89.4 MB

1. What is the Observer design

10.1 KB

1.1 42_ObserverDesignPattern.pdf

278.0 KB

2. Quiz What is the Observer design pattern.html

0.2 KB

/.../44. What are events/

1. What are events.mp4

92.0 MB

1. What are

13.8 KB

1.1 43_Events.pdf

267.7 KB

2. Quiz What are events.html

0.2 KB

/.../45. What is Inversion of Control/

1. What is Inversion of Control.mp4

49.5 MB

1. What is Inversion of

8.6 KB

1.1 44_InversionOfControl.pdf

207.0 KB

2. Quiz What is Inversion of Control.html

0.2 KB

/.../46. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌“composition‌ ‌over‌ ‌ inheritance”‌ ‌principle‌/

1. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌“composition‌ ‌over‌ ‌ inheritance”‌ ‌principle‌.mp4

93.5 MB

1. What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌“composition‌ ‌over‌ ‌ inheritance”‌ ‌principle‌.srt

14.7 KB

1.1 45_CompositionOverInheritance.pdf

351.3 KB

2. Quiz What‌ ‌is‌ ‌the‌ ‌“composition‌ ‌over‌ ‌ inheritance”‌ ‌principle‌.html

0.2 KB

/.../47. What are mocks/

1. What are mocks.mp4

87.6 MB

1. What are

13.1 KB

1.1 46_Mocks.pdf

311.3 KB

2. Quiz What are mocks.html

0.2 KB

/.../48. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌NuGet‌ ‌packages‌/

1. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌NuGet‌ ‌packages‌.mp4

60.7 MB

1. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌NuGet‌ ‌packages‌.srt

7.7 KB

1.1 47_NuGet.pdf

162.7 KB

2. Quiz What‌ ‌are‌ ‌NuGet‌ ‌packages‌.html

0.2 KB

/.../49. What is the difference between Debug and Release builds/

1. What is the difference between Debug and Release builds.mp4

57.2 MB

1. What is the difference between Debug and Release

7.6 KB

1.1 48_DebugVsRelease.pdf

116.3 KB

2. Quiz What is the difference between Debug and Release builds.html

0.2 KB

/.../5. What is the purpose of the “dynamic” keyword/

1. What is the purpose of the “dynamic” keyword.mp4

73.9 MB

1. What is the purpose of the “dynamic”

15.6 KB

2. Quiz What is the purpose of the “dynamic” keyword.html

0.2 KB

/.../50. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌preprocessor‌ ‌directives‌/

1. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌preprocessor‌ ‌directives‌.mp4

45.7 MB

1. What‌ ‌are‌ ‌preprocessor‌ ‌directives‌.srt

7.2 KB

1.1 49_PreprocessorDirectives.pdf

151.6 KB

2. Quiz What‌ ‌are‌ ‌preprocessor‌ ‌directives‌.html

0.2 KB

/.../51. What are nullable reference types/

1. What are nullable reference types.mp4

105.1 MB

1. What are nullable reference

18.2 KB

1.1 50_NullableReferenceTypes.pdf

379.5 KB

2. Quiz What are nullable reference types.html

0.2 KB

/52. Bonus!/

1. Bonus!.html

1.3 KB

/.../6. What are expression-bodied members/

1. What are expression-bodied members.mp4

48.3 MB

1. What are expression-bodied

9.1 KB

2. Quiz What are expression-bodied members.html

0.2 KB

/.../7. What are Funcs and lambda expressions/

1. What are Funcs and lambda expressions.mp4

68.6 MB

1. What are Funcs and lambda

12.1 KB

2. Quiz What are Funcs and lambda expressions.html

0.2 KB

/.../8. What are delegates/

1. What are delegates.mp4

64.4 MB

1. What are

10.3 KB

2. Quiz What are delegates.html

0.2 KB

/.../9. How does the Garbage Collector decide which objects can be removed from memory/

1. How does the Garbage Collector decide which objects can be removed from memory.mp4

43.7 MB

1. How does the Garbage Collector decide which objects can be removed from

9.9 KB

2. Quiz How does the Garbage Collector decide which objects can be removed.html

0.2 KB

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Bonus Resources.txt

0.4 KB


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