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[ ] Udemy - C# - ASP.NET Core - MVC - API - Top 500 Interview Questions

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0.2 KB

/.../01 - Introduction of .NET Interview Course/

001 500-DotNet-Interview-Questions-List-2022.xlsm

66.6 KB

001 Introduction.mp4

27.6 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

4.2 KB

001 Top-500-DotNet-Interview-Questions-2022-PDF-Book.pdf

11.6 MB

001 Top-500-DotNet-Interview-Questions-2022.docx

17.3 MB

/02 - OOPS-C#/

001 Introduction.mp4

10.4 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

1.9 KB

002 Q1. What are the main concepts of OOPS What are classes and objects.mp4

17.1 MB

002 Q1. What are the main concepts of OOPS What are classes and objects_en.vtt

3.5 KB

003 Q2. What is Inheritance Why Inheritance is important.mp4

15.1 MB

003 Q2. What is Inheritance Why Inheritance is important_en.vtt

2.7 KB

004 Q3. What are the different types of Inheritance.mp4

19.6 MB

004 Q3. What are the different types of Inheritance_en.vtt

3.0 KB

005 Q4. How to prevent a class from being Inherited.mp4

3.0 MB

005 Q4. How to prevent a class from being Inherited_en.vtt

0.8 KB

006 Q5. What is Abstraction.mp4

10.3 MB

006 Q5. What is Abstraction_en.vtt

2.7 KB

007 Q6. What is Encapsulation.mp4

16.6 MB

007 Q6. What is Encapsulation_en.vtt

4.1 KB

008 Q7. What is Polymorphism and what are its types.mp4

11.0 MB

008 Q7. What is Polymorphism and what are its types_en.vtt

2.4 KB

009 Q8. What is Method Overloading In how many ways a method can be overloaded.mp4

18.9 MB

009 Q8. What is Method Overloading In how many ways a method can be overloaded_en.vtt

3.0 KB

010 Q9. What is the difference between Overloading and Overriding.mp4

15.0 MB

010 Q9. What is the difference between Overloading and Overriding_en.vtt

2.3 KB

011 Q10. What is the difference between Method Overriding and Method Hiding.mp4

10.4 MB

011 Q10. What is the difference between Method Overriding and Method Hiding_en.vtt

1.8 KB

012 Q11. What are the advantages and limitations of OOPS.mp4

14.0 MB

012 Q11. What are the advantages and limitations of OOPS_en.vtt

4.3 KB

013 Q12. What is the difference between an Abstract class and an Interface V.IMP.mp4

13.6 MB

013 Q12. What is the difference between an Abstract class and an Interface V.IMP_en.vtt

2.5 KB

014 Q13. When to use Interface and when Abstract class.mp4

22.8 MB

014 Q13. When to use Interface and when Abstract class_en.vtt

3.9 KB

015 Q14. Why to even create Interfaces.mp4

7.2 MB

015 Q14. Why to even create Interfaces_en.vtt

1.7 KB

016 Q15. Do Interface can have a Constructor.mp4

1.5 MB

016 Q15. Do Interface can have a Constructor_en.vtt

0.5 KB

017 Q16. Can you create an instance of an Abstract class or an Interface.mp4

1.1 MB

017 Q16. Can you create an instance of an Abstract class or an Interface_en.vtt

0.5 KB

018 Q17. What is the difference between “out” and “ref” parameters.mp4

19.7 MB

018 Q17. What is the difference between “out” and “ref” parameters_en.vtt

4.2 KB

019 Q18. What is the purpose of “params” keyword.mp4

5.4 MB

019 Q18. What is the purpose of “params” keyword_en.vtt

1.0 KB

020 Q19. What are Extension Methods in C# When to use them.mp4

27.9 MB

020 Q19. What are Extension Methods in C# When to use them_en.vtt

5.3 KB

021 Q20. What are Access Specifiers What is the default access modifier in a class.mp4

20.4 MB

021 Q20. What are Access Specifiers What is the default access modifier in a class_en.vtt

3.1 KB

022 Q21. What is a Constructor and what are its types.mp4

37.9 MB

022 Q21. What is a Constructor and what are its types_en.vtt

7.3 KB

023 Q22. When to use Private constructor.mp4

3.0 MB

023 Q22. When to use Private constructor_en.vtt

0.9 KB

024 Q23. How to implement Exception Handling in C#.mp4

5.3 MB

024 Q23. How to implement Exception Handling in C#_en.vtt

1.2 KB

025 Q24. Can we execute multiple Catch blocks.mp4

1.8 MB

025 Q24. Can we execute multiple Catch blocks_en.vtt

0.4 KB

026 Q25. What is a Finally block and give an example when to use it.mp4

2.2 MB

026 Q25. What is a Finally block and give an example when to use it_en.vtt

0.6 KB

027 Q26. Can we have only “Try” block without “Catch” block.mp4

3.9 MB

027 Q26. Can we have only “Try” block without “Catch” block_en.vtt

1.0 KB

028 Q27. What is the difference between “throw ex” and “throw”.mp4

7.7 MB

028 Q27. What is the difference between “throw ex” and “throw”_en.vtt

1.7 KB

029 Q28. What are the Loop types in C#.mp4

8.6 MB

029 Q28. What are the Loop types in C#_en.vtt

2.0 KB

030 Q29. What is the difference between “continue” and “break” statement.mp4

5.7 MB

030 Q29. What is the difference between “continue” and “break” statement_en.vtt

1.3 KB

031 Q30. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList (atleast 2).mp4

9.0 MB

031 Q30. What is the difference between Array and ArrayList (atleast 2)_en.vtt

1.3 KB

032 Q31. What is the difference between Arraylist and Hashtable.mp4

3.0 MB

032 Q31. What is the difference between Arraylist and Hashtable_en.vtt

0.6 KB

033 Q32. What are Collections in C# and what are their types.mp4

5.8 MB

033 Q32. What are Collections in C# and what are their types_en.vtt

0.9 KB

034 Q33. What is IEnumerable in C#.mp4

5.5 MB

034 Q33. What is IEnumerable in C#_en.vtt

1.2 KB

035 Q34. What is the difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#.mp4

6.0 MB

035 Q34. What is the difference between IEnumerable and IEnumerator in C#_en.vtt

1.2 KB

036 Q35 Difference between IEnumerable & IQueryable Why to use IQueryable for sql.mp4

11.5 MB

036 Q35 Difference between IEnumerable & IQueryable Why to use IQueryable for sql_en.vtt

2.1 KB

037 Q36. What you mean by Delegate When to use them.mp4

17.7 MB

037 Q36. What you mean by Delegate When to use them_en.vtt

3.1 KB

038 Q37. What are Multicast Delegates.mp4

11.9 MB

038 Q37. What are Multicast Delegates_en.vtt

2.1 KB

039 Q38. What are Anonymous Delegates in C#.mp4

3.8 MB

039 Q38. What are Anonymous Delegates in C#_en.vtt

1.0 KB

040 Q39. What are the differences between Events and Delegates.mp4

7.6 MB

040 Q39. What are the differences between Events and Delegates_en.vtt

2.0 KB

041 Q40. What is “this” keyword in C# When to use it.mp4

8.6 MB

041 Q40. What is “this” keyword in C# When to use it_en.vtt

1.8 KB

042 Q41. What is the purpose of “using” keyword in C#.mp4

13.1 MB

042 Q41. What is the purpose of “using” keyword in C#_en.vtt

2.7 KB

043 Q42. What is the difference between “is” and “as” operators.mp4

7.1 MB

043 Q42. What is the difference between “is” and “as” operators_en.vtt

1.9 KB

044 Q43. What is the difference between “Readonly” and “Constant” variables.mp4

14.0 MB

044 Q43. What is the difference between “Readonly” and “Constant” variables_en.vtt

2.1 KB

045 Q44. What is “Static” class When to use it.mp4

6.9 MB

045 Q44. What is “Static” class When to use it_en.vtt

1.5 KB

046 Q45. What is the difference between “var” and “dynamic” in C#.mp4

9.1 MB

046 Q45. What is the difference between “var” and “dynamic” in C#_en.vtt

2.2 KB

047 Q46. What is Enum keyword used for.mp4

3.5 MB

047 Q46. What is Enum keyword used for_en.vtt

0.8 KB

048 Q47. What is Boxing and Unboxing.mp4

5.0 MB

048 Q47. What is Boxing and Unboxing_en.vtt

1.3 KB

049 Q48. Difference between “String” and “StringBuilder” When to use whhat.mp4

16.9 MB

049 Q48. Difference between “String” and “StringBuilder” When to use whhat_en.vtt

2.8 KB

050 Q49. What are the basic string operations in C#.mp4

5.6 MB

050 Q49. What are the basic string operations in C#_en.vtt

1.4 KB

051 Q50. What are Nullable types.mp4

4.2 MB

051 Q50. What are Nullable types_en.vtt

1.2 KB

052 Q51. Explain Generics in C# When and why to use them.mp4

28.4 MB

052 Q51. Explain Generics in C# When and why to use them_en.vtt

5.0 KB

/.../03 - .Net-Framework/

001 Introduction.mp4

4.3 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.7 KB

002 Q52. What are the important components of .NET framework What are their roles.mp4

26.1 MB

002 Q52. What are the important components of .NET framework What are their roles_en.vtt

3.5 KB

003 Q53. What is an Assembly What are the different types of assembly in .NET.mp4

12.1 MB

003 Q53. What is an Assembly What are the different types of assembly in .NET_en.vtt

2.7 KB

004 Q54. What is GAC.mp4

1.1 MB

004 Q54. What is GAC_en.vtt

0.4 KB

005 Q55. What is Garbage Collection(GC).mp4

7.9 MB

005 Q55. What is Garbage Collection(GC)_en.vtt

1.9 KB

006 Q56. What are Generations in garbage collection.mp4

13.0 MB

006 Q56. What are Generations in garbage collection_en.vtt

2.9 KB

007 Q57. What is the difference between “Dispose” and “Finalize”.mp4

16.0 MB

007 Q57. What is the difference between “Dispose” and “Finalize”_en.vtt

3.0 KB

008 Q58. What is the difference between “Finalize” and “Finally” methods.mp4

5.7 MB

008 Q58. What is the difference between “Finalize” and “Finally” methods_en.vtt

1.6 KB

009 Q59. Can we force Garbage Collector to run.mp4

1.9 MB

009 Q59. Can we force Garbage Collector to run_en.vtt

0.8 KB

010 Q60. What is the difference between Process and Thread.mp4

4.7 MB

010 Q60. What is the difference between Process and Thread_en.vtt

1.0 KB

011 Q61. Explain Multithreading.mp4

7.1 MB

011 Q61. Explain Multithreading_en.vtt

1.5 KB

012 Q62. What is the difference between Threads and Tasks.mp4

19.1 MB

012 Q62. What is the difference between Threads and Tasks_en.vtt

3.4 KB

013 Q63. What is the Async and Await in task.mp4

71.5 MB

013 Q63. What is the Async and Await in task_en.vtt

10.8 KB

014 Q64. What is Reflection.mp4

9.1 MB

014 Q64. What is Reflection_en.vtt

2.0 KB

015 Q65. What is Serialization.mp4

7.7 MB

015 Q65. What is Serialization_en.vtt

1.9 KB

016 Q66. What is meant by Globalization and Localization.mp4

6.9 MB

016 Q66. What is meant by Globalization and Localization_en.vtt

1.9 KB

017 Q67. What are Window Services.mp4

10.1 MB

017 Q67. What are Window Services_en.vtt

1.6 KB

/04 - SQL/

001 Introduction.mp4

4.0 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.8 KB

002 Q68. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS.mp4

6.7 MB

002 Q68. What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS_en.vtt

1.5 KB

003 Q69. What is a Constraint is SQL What are its types.mp4

28.8 MB

003 Q69. What is a Constraint is SQL What are its types_en.vtt

4.3 KB

004 Q70. What is the difference between Primary key and Unique key.mp4

4.3 MB

004 Q70. What is the difference between Primary key and Unique key_en.vtt

0.9 KB

005 Q71. What are Triggers and types of triggers.mp4

27.1 MB

005 Q71. What are Triggers and types of triggers_en.vtt

5.0 KB

006 Q72. What is a View.mp4

17.5 MB

006 Q72. What is a View_en.vtt

3.3 KB

007 Q73. What is Sub query or Nested query or Inner query in SQL.mp4

4.2 MB

007 Q73. What is Sub query or Nested query or Inner query in SQL_en.vtt

1.0 KB

008 Q74. What is the difference between Delete, Truncate and Drop commands.mp4

15.9 MB

008 Q74. What is the difference between Delete, Truncate and Drop commands_en.vtt

4.1 KB

009 Q75. What are Joins in SQL.mp4

2.7 MB

009 Q75. What are Joins in SQL_en.vtt

0.6 KB

010 Q76. What are the types of Joins in SQL Server.mp4

13.5 MB

010 Q76. What are the types of Joins in SQL Server_en.vtt

2.6 KB

011 Q77. What is Self-Join.mp4

10.7 MB

011 Q77. What is Self-Join_en.vtt

2.6 KB

012 Q78. What is the difference between Stored Procedure and Functions (at least 3).mp4

22.1 MB

012 Q78. What is the difference between Stored Procedure and Functions (at least 3)_en.vtt

3.7 KB

013 Q79. What is a Cursor Why to avoid them.mp4

12.2 MB

013 Q79. What is a Cursor Why to avoid them_en.vtt

2.5 KB

014 Q80. What is the difference between scope_identity and @@identity.mp4

8.8 MB

014 Q80. What is the difference between scope_identity and @@identity_en.vtt

2.1 KB

015 Q81. How to optimize a Stored Procedure or SQL Query.mp4

16.6 MB

015 Q81. How to optimize a Stored Procedure or SQL Query_en.vtt

3.9 KB

016 Q82. What are Indexes in SQL Server.mp4

4.5 MB

016 Q82. What are Indexes in SQL Server_en.vtt

0.8 KB

017 Q83. What is Clustered index.mp4

10.3 MB

017 Q83. What is Clustered index_en.vtt

1.8 KB

018 Q84. What is Non-Clustered index.mp4

9.9 MB

018 Q84. What is Non-Clustered index_en.vtt

1.7 KB

019 Q85. What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered index.mp4

12.7 MB

019 Q85. What is the difference between Clustered and Non-Clustered index_en.vtt

1.8 KB

020 Q86. How to create Clustered and Non-Clustered index in a table.mp4

4.7 MB

020 Q86. How to create Clustered and Non-Clustered index in a table_en.vtt

1.3 KB

021 Q87. In which column you will apply the indexing to optimize this query.mp4

3.8 MB

021 Q87. In which column you will apply the indexing to optimize this query_en.vtt

1.2 KB

022 Q88. Write a SQL query to fetch all the Employees who are also Managers.mp4

11.0 MB

022 Q88. Write a SQL query to fetch all the Employees who are also Managers_en.vtt

3.0 KB

023 Q89. How to get the Nth highest salary of an employee.mp4

13.4 MB

023 Q89. How to get the Nth highest salary of an employee_en.vtt

3.6 KB

024 Q90. What are ACID properties.mp4

10.1 MB

024 Q90. What are ACID properties_en.vtt

2.2 KB

025 Q91. What is Auto Increment Identity column in SQL Server.mp4

4.8 MB

025 Q91. What is Auto Increment Identity column in SQL Server_en.vtt

1.3 KB

026 Q92. What is the difference between Having clause and Where clause.mp4

5.7 MB

026 Q92. What is the difference between Having clause and Where clause_en.vtt

1.3 KB

027 Q93. What is CTE in SQL Server.mp4

7.8 MB

027 Q93. What is CTE in SQL Server_en.vtt

1.9 KB

028 Q94. What are Magic Tables in SQL Server.mp4

9.9 MB

028 Q94. What are Magic Tables in SQL Server_en.vtt

2.8 KB

/.../05 - ASP.NET MVC/

001 Introduction.mp4

4.5 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.8 KB

002 Q95. What is MVC (Model View Controller) Explain MVC Life cycle.mp4

6.8 MB

002 Q95. What is MVC (Model View Controller) Explain MVC Life cycle_en.vtt

1.4 KB

003 Q96. What are the advantages of MVC over Web Forms (atleast 3).mp4

25.8 MB

003 Q96. What are the advantages of MVC over Web Forms (atleast 3)_en.vtt

5.9 KB

004 Q97. What are the different return types of a controller Action method.mp4

19.7 MB

004 Q97. What are the different return types of a controller Action method_en.vtt

3.2 KB

005 Q98. What are Filters and their types in MVC.mp4

15.9 MB

005 Q98. What are Filters and their types in MVC_en.vtt

3.3 KB

006 Q99. What is Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC.mp4

8.0 MB

006 Q99. What is Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET MVC_en.vtt

2.0 KB

007 Q100. What are the types of Authentication in ASP.NET MVC.mp4

16.9 MB

007 Q100. What are the types of Authentication in ASP.NET MVC_en.vtt

3.2 KB

008 Q101. What is Output Caching in MVC How to implement it.mp4

7.5 MB

008 Q101. What is Output Caching in MVC How to implement it_en.vtt

2.0 KB

009 Q102. What is the difference between ViewData, ViewBag & TempData.mp4

5.9 MB

009 Q102. What is the difference between ViewData, ViewBag & TempData_en.vtt

1.5 KB

010 Q103. How can we pass the data from controller to view in MVC.mp4

817.0 KB

010 Q103. How can we pass the data from controller to view in MVC_en.vtt

0.3 KB

011 Q104. What is Partial View.mp4

2.4 MB

011 Q104. What is Partial View_en.vtt

0.8 KB

012 Q105. What are Areas in MVC.mp4

2.7 MB

012 Q105. What are Areas in MVC_en.vtt

0.7 KB

013 Q106. How Validation works in MVC.mp4

3.1 MB

013 Q106. How Validation works in MVC_en.vtt

0.9 KB

014 Q107. Explain the concept of MVC Scaffolding.mp4

4.6 MB

014 Q107. Explain the concept of MVC Scaffolding_en.vtt

1.0 KB

015 Q108. What is Bundling and Minification in MVC.mp4

6.7 MB

015 Q108. What is Bundling and Minification in MVC_en.vtt

1.5 KB

016 Q109. How to implement Security in web applications in MVC.mp4

21.2 MB

016 Q109. How to implement Security in web applications in MVC_en.vtt

6.2 KB

/.../06 - ASP.NET Webforms/

001 Introduction.mp4

3.3 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.6 KB

002 Q110. What are the events in Page Life Cycle In which event the controls loaded.mp4

10.9 MB

002 Q110. What are the events in Page Life Cycle In which event the controls loaded_en.vtt

2.3 KB

003 Q111. What is the difference between Server.Transfer() and Response.Redirect().mp4

16.7 MB

003 Q111. What is the difference between Server.Transfer() and Response.Redirect()_en.vtt

3.4 KB

004 Q112. Where the ViewState is stored after the page postback.mp4

1.0 MB

004 Q112. Where the ViewState is stored after the page postback_en.vtt

0.4 KB

005 Q113. What are the different types of Caching.mp4

5.6 MB

005 Q113. What are the different types of Caching_en.vtt

1.7 KB

006 Q114. What are the Session state management options available in ASP.NET.mp4

4.7 MB

006 Q114. What are the Session state management options available in ASP.NET_en.vtt

1.3 KB

007 Q115. What is cookie less session.mp4

3.1 MB

007 Q115. What is cookie less session_en.vtt

0.7 KB

008 Q116. How to force all the validation controls to run in a page in web forms.mp4

923.6 KB

008 Q116. How to force all the validation controls to run in a page in web forms_en.vtt

0.4 KB

/.../07 - ADO.NET/

001 Introduction.mp4

3.0 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.5 KB

002 Q117. What are the main components of ADO.NET.mp4

6.9 MB

002 Q117. What are the main components of ADO.NET_en.vtt

1.3 KB

003 Q118. What is Connected architecture and Disconnected architecture.mp4

6.9 MB

003 Q118. What is Connected architecture and Disconnected architecture_en.vtt

1.1 KB

004 Q119. What are the different Execute Methods of ADO.NET.mp4

5.7 MB

004 Q119. What are the different Execute Methods of ADO.NET_en.vtt

1.1 KB

005 Q120. What are the Authentication techniques used to connect to SQL Server.mp4

3.9 MB

005 Q120. What are the Authentication techniques used to connect to SQL Server_en.vtt

1.2 KB

/.../08 - Entity Framework/

001 Introduction.mp4

4.0 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.7 KB

002 Q121. What is ORM What are the different types of ORM.mp4

4.0 MB

002 Q121. What is ORM What are the different types of ORM_en.vtt

0.9 KB

003 Q122. What is Entity Framework.mp4

4.5 MB

003 Q122. What is Entity Framework_en.vtt

1.0 KB

004 Q123. How will you differentiate ADO.NET from Entity Framework.mp4

12.2 MB

004 Q123. How will you differentiate ADO.NET from Entity Framework_en.vtt

2.5 KB

005 Q124. How Entity Framework works OR How to setup EF.mp4

11.8 MB

005 Q124. How Entity Framework works OR How to setup EF_en.vtt

2.6 KB

006 Q125. What is meant by DBContext and DBSet.mp4

7.4 MB

006 Q125. What is meant by DBContext and DBSet_en.vtt

1.2 KB

007 Q126. What are the different types of Approaches used in Entity Framework.mp4

6.9 MB

007 Q126. What are the different types of Approaches used in Entity Framework_en.vtt

1.4 KB

008 Q127. What is the difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework.mp4

6.1 MB

008 Q127. What is the difference between LINQ to SQL and Entity Framework_en.vtt

1.8 KB

/.../09 - Design Patterns & SOLID Principles/

001 Introduction.mp4

6.8 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

1.3 KB

002 Q128. What are Design Patterns and what problem they solve.mp4

8.1 MB

002 Q128. What are Design Patterns and what problem they solve_en.vtt

1.7 KB

003 Q129. What are the types of Design Patterns.mp4

7.5 MB

003 Q129. What are the types of Design Patterns_en.vtt

1.7 KB

004 Q130. What are Creational Design Patterns.mp4

9.4 MB

004 Q130. What are Creational Design Patterns_en.vtt

2.1 KB

005 Q131. What are Structural Design Patterns.mp4

10.0 MB

005 Q131. What are Structural Design Patterns_en.vtt

2.4 KB

006 Q132. What are Behavioral Design Patterns.mp4

10.5 MB

006 Q132. What are Behavioral Design Patterns_en.vtt

2.1 KB

007 Q133. What is Singleton Design Pattern.mp4

25.1 MB

007 Q133. What is Singleton Design Pattern_en.vtt

4.9 KB

008 Q134. How to make singleton pattern thread safe.mp4

12.9 MB

008 Q134. How to make singleton pattern thread safe_en.vtt

2.7 KB

009 Q135. What is Factory pattern Why to use factory pattern.mp4

15.5 MB

009 Q135. What is Factory pattern Why to use factory pattern_en.vtt

2.8 KB

010 Q136. How to implement Factory method pattern.mp4

24.6 MB

010 Q136. How to implement Factory method pattern_en.vtt

4.0 KB

011 Q137. What are SOLID Principles How they different from Design Patterns.mp4

20.4 MB

011 Q137. What are SOLID Principles How they different from Design Patterns_en.vtt

3.2 KB

012 Q138. What is Single Responsibility Principle.mp4

9.3 MB

012 Q138. What is Single Responsibility Principle_en.vtt

2.2 KB

013 Q139. What is Open-closed Principle.mp4

25.0 MB

013 Q139. What is Open-closed Principle_en.vtt

4.2 KB

014 Q140. What is Liskov Substitution Principle.mp4

28.1 MB

014 Q140. What is Liskov Substitution Principle_en.vtt

5.1 KB

015 Q141. What is Interface Segregation Principle.mp4

12.0 MB

015 Q141. What is Interface Segregation Principle_en.vtt

3.0 KB

016 Q142. What is Dependency Inversion Principle.mp4

12.8 MB

016 Q142. What is Dependency Inversion Principle_en.vtt

2.4 KB

017 Q143. What is DRY principle.mp4

1.6 MB

017 Q143. What is DRY principle_en.vtt

0.7 KB

/.../10 - Web API/

001 Introduction.mp4

5.1 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

0.9 KB

002 Q144. What is Web API What is the purpose of Web API.mp4

4.9 MB

002 Q144. What is Web API What is the purpose of Web API_en.vtt

1.1 KB

003 Q145. What are Web API advantages over WCF and web serivces.mp4

15.2 MB

003 Q145. What are Web API advantages over WCF and web serivces_en.vtt

2.6 KB

004 Q146. What is Rest and Restful.mp4

27.3 MB

004 Q146. What is Rest and Restful_en.vtt

5.2 KB

005 Q147. Is it possible to use WCF as Restful services.mp4

619.4 KB

005 Q147. Is it possible to use WCF as Restful services_en.vtt

0.3 KB

006 Q148. What are HTTP verbs or HTTP methods.mp4

13.7 MB

006 Q148. What are HTTP verbs or HTTP methods_en.vtt

2.3 KB

007 Q149. How to consume Web API from a .NET MVC application.mp4

32.1 MB

007 Q149. How to consume Web API from a .NET MVC application_en.vtt

4.1 KB

008 Q150. What is the difference between Web API and MVC Controller.mp4

3.9 MB

008 Q150. What is the difference between Web API and MVC Controller_en.vtt

1.1 KB

009 Q151. How to test Web API What are the tools.mp4

2.3 MB

009 Q151. How to test Web API What are the tools_en.vtt

0.5 KB

010 Q152. What are main Return Types supported in Web API.mp4

3.6 MB

010 Q152. What are main Return Types supported in Web API_en.vtt

1.0 KB

011 Q153. What is the difference between HTTPResponseMessage and IHttpActionResult.mp4

10.7 MB

011 Q153. What is the difference between HTTPResponseMessage and IHttpActionResult_en.vtt

2.3 KB

012 Q154. What is Content Negotiation in Web API.mp4

9.9 MB

012 Q154. What is Content Negotiation in Web API_en.vtt

2.1 KB

013 Q155. What is MediaTypeFormatter class in Web API.mp4

7.2 MB

013 Q155. What is MediaTypeFormatter class in Web API_en.vtt

1.6 KB

014 Q156. What are Response Codes in Web API.mp4

17.4 MB

014 Q156. What are Response Codes in Web API_en.vtt

3.8 KB

015 Q157. What is Basic Authentication in Web API.mp4

8.4 MB

015 Q157. What is Basic Authentication in Web API_en.vtt

1.9 KB

016 Q158. What is API Key Authentication in Web API.mp4

4.6 MB

016 Q158. What is API Key Authentication in Web API_en.vtt

1.0 KB

017 Q159. What is Token based authentication.mp4

17.2 MB

017 Q159. What is Token based authentication_en.vtt

3.1 KB

018 Q160. What is OAuth.mp4

4.0 MB

018 Q160. What is OAuth_en.vtt

1.2 KB

019 Q161. What is JWT Authentication.mp4

5.6 MB

019 Q161. What is JWT Authentication_en.vtt

1.6 KB

020 Q162. What are the parts of JWT token.mp4

15.1 MB

020 Q162. What are the parts of JWT token_en.vtt

3.0 KB

021 Q163. Where JWT token reside in the request.mp4

4.2 MB

021 Q163. Where JWT token reside in the request_en.vtt

1.0 KB

/.../11 - .NET Core/

001 Introduction.mp4

5.5 MB

001 Introduction_en.vtt

1.1 KB

002 Q164. What is .NET Core.mp4

5.7 MB

002 Q164. What is .NET Core_en.vtt

1.6 KB

003 Q165. What is .NET Standard.mp4

2.7 MB

003 Q165. What is .NET Standard_en.vtt

0.7 KB

004 Q166. What are the advantages of .NET Core over .NET framework.mp4

15.5 MB

004 Q166. What are the advantages of .NET Core over .NET framework_en.vtt

3.0 KB

005 Q167. What is the role of Program.cs file in ASP.NET Core.mp4

24.8 MB

005 Q167. What is the role of Program.cs file in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

4.1 KB

006 Q168. What is the role of Startup.cs file.mp4

10.1 MB

006 Q168. What is the role of Startup.cs file_en.vtt

1.5 KB

007 Q169. What is the role of ConfigureServices method.mp4

15.7 MB

007 Q169. What is the role of ConfigureServices method_en.vtt

3.3 KB

008 Q170. What is the role of Configure method.mp4

9.1 MB

008 Q170. What is the role of Configure method_en.vtt

1.7 KB

009 Q171. What is the difference between ConfigureServices & Configure method.mp4

8.5 MB

009 Q171. What is the difference between ConfigureServices & Configure method_en.vtt

1.0 KB

010 Q172. What is Dependency Injection.mp4

7.2 MB

010 Q172. What is Dependency Injection_en.vtt

1.7 KB

011 Q173. Why to use Dependency Injection OR What problems does Dependency Injectio.mp4

20.9 MB

011 Q173. Why to use Dependency Injection OR What problems does Dependency Injectio_en.vtt

4.1 KB

012 Q174. How can we inject the dependency into the controller.mp4

37.6 MB

012 Q174. How can we inject the dependency into the controller_en.vtt

4.9 KB

013 Q175. What are the types of Dependency Injection.mp4

3.9 MB

013 Q175. What are the types of Dependency Injection_en.vtt

1.1 KB

014 Q176. How to use Dependency Injection in Views in ASP.NET Core.mp4

11.7 MB

014 Q176. How to use Dependency Injection in Views in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

2.0 KB

015 Q177. What is Middleware in ASP.NET Core.mp4

9.1 MB

015 Q177. What is Middleware in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

1.7 KB

016 Q178. How ASP.NET Core Middleware is different from HttpModule.mp4

5.4 MB

016 Q178. How ASP.NET Core Middleware is different from HttpModule_en.vtt

0.9 KB

017 Q179. What is custom middleware How to add custom middleware in ASP.NET Core.mp4

17.9 MB

017 Q179. What is custom middleware How to add custom middleware in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

3.2 KB

018 Q180. What is Request Delegate.mp4

4.5 MB

018 Q180. What is Request Delegate_en.vtt

1.1 KB

019 Q181. What is Run(), Use() and Map() method.mp4

23.9 MB

019 Q181. What is Run(), Use() and Map() method_en.vtt

4.9 KB

020 Q182. What are the types of Service Lifetimes of an object instance in ASP.NET.mp4

5.6 MB

020 Q182. What are the types of Service Lifetimes of an object instance in ASP.NET_en.vtt

1.1 KB

021 Q183. What is AddSingleton, AddSoped and AddTransient method.mp4

38.5 MB

021 Q183. What is AddSingleton, AddSoped and AddTransient method_en.vtt

5.3 KB

022 Q184. What are the types of Hosting in ASP.NET Core What is In process and Out.mp4

15.2 MB

022 Q184. What are the types of Hosting in ASP.NET Core What is In process and Out_en.vtt

2.3 KB

023 Q185. What is Kestrel What is the difference between Kestrel and IIS.mp4

8.8 MB

023 Q185. What is Kestrel What is the difference between Kestrel and IIS_en.vtt

1.6 KB

024 Q186. Explain default project structure in ASP.NET Core application.mp4

7.5 MB

024 Q186. Explain default project structure in ASP.NET Core application_en.vtt

2.0 KB

025 Q187. How ASP.NET Core serve static files.mp4

4.4 MB

025 Q187. How ASP.NET Core serve static files_en.vtt

0.8 KB

026 Q188. What are the main JSON files available in ASP.NET Core.mp4

5.4 MB

026 Q188. What are the main JSON files available in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

1.2 KB

027 Q189. What are the roles of Appsettings.Json and Launchsetting.Json file.mp4

13.3 MB

027 Q189. What are the roles of Appsettings.Json and Launchsetting.Json file_en.vtt

2.2 KB

028 Q190. What is the difference between Appsetting.Json and Launchsetting.Json file.mp4

3.9 MB

028 Q190. What is the difference between Appsetting.Json and Launchsetting.Json file_en.vtt

0.9 KB

029 Q191 What are the various techniques to save configuration settings in .NET Core.mp4

3.9 MB

029 Q191 What are the various techniques to save configuration settings in .NET Core_en.vtt

1.2 KB

030 Q192. What is Routing Explain attribute routing in ASP.NET Core.mp4

10.1 MB

030 Q192. What is Routing Explain attribute routing in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

2.5 KB

031 Q193. Describe the complete Request Processing Pipeline for ASP.NET Core MVC.mp4

3.9 MB

031 Q193. Describe the complete Request Processing Pipeline for ASP.NET Core MVC_en.vtt

0.9 KB

032 Q194. What is caching in ASP.NET Core.mp4

5.9 MB

032 Q194. What is caching in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

1.2 KB

033 Q195. What is In-Memory caching & Distributed Caching When to use what.mp4

14.3 MB

033 Q195. What is In-Memory caching & Distributed Caching When to use what_en.vtt

3.5 KB

034 Q196. What is CORS Why CORS restriction is required Hot to fix CORS error.mp4

29.1 MB

034 Q196. What is CORS Why CORS restriction is required Hot to fix CORS error_en.vtt

5.6 KB

035 Q197. How to handle errors in ASP.NET Core.mp4

5.4 MB

035 Q197. How to handle errors in ASP.NET Core_en.vtt

1.2 KB

036 Q198. What is Metapackage What is the name of Metapackage provided by .NET Core.mp4

5.9 MB

036 Q198. What is Metapackage What is the name of Metapackage provided by .NET Core_en.vtt

1.0 KB

037 Q199. What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET 5.mp4

3.8 MB

037 Q199. What is the difference between .NET Core and .NET 5_en.vtt

1.3 KB

038 Q200. What are Razor pages in .NET Core.mp4

2.6 MB

038 Q200. What are Razor pages in .NET Core_en.vtt

0.7 KB

/.../12 - Mock Interviews/

001 Overview - Mock Interview 1.mp4

4.8 MB

001 Overview - Mock Interview 1_en.vtt

0.8 KB

002 Mock Interview 1.mp4

43.1 MB

002 Mock Interview 1_en.vtt

6.1 KB

003 Overview - Mock Interview 2.mp4

5.1 MB

003 Overview - Mock Interview 2_en.vtt

0.7 KB

004 Mock Interview 2.mp4

38.5 MB

004 Mock Interview 2_en.vtt

5.6 KB

005 Overview - Mock Interview 3.mp4

3.0 MB

005 Overview - Mock Interview 3_en.vtt

0.5 KB

006 Mock Interview 3.mp4

39.2 MB

006 Mock Interview 3_en.vtt

5.8 KB

007 Overview - Mock Interview 4.mp4

3.1 MB

007 Overview - Mock Interview 4_en.vtt

0.4 KB

008 Mock Interview 4.mp4

27.1 MB

008 Mock Interview 4_en.vtt

3.4 KB

009 Overview - Mock Interview 5.mp4

3.4 MB

009 Overview - Mock Interview 5_en.vtt

0.5 KB

010 Mock Interview 5.mp4

26.9 MB

010 Mock Interview 5_en.vtt

3.9 KB

/~Get Your Files Here !/

Bonus Resources.txt

0.4 KB


Total files 447

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